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Balding Zero edition

>DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO - Sword vs Fists trailer
>Kakarot teased to get a 3rd Season Pass!
>Dragon Ball Superdivers Announced! https://youtu.be/qnepnexB-p0
>Season 6 of Dragon Ball: The Breakers announced for June 26th!
>Xenoverse 2's Future Saga chapter 1 teaser

>Useful links:

XV2 news:
>Future Saga Chapter 1 released
>New characters: Super Saiyan God Vegeta (Ultra Supervillain), Super Saiyan Rosé Black (Ultra Supervillain), third unrevealed character
Android 18 (Tracksuit)
Broly (Restrained)

SDBH news:
>Owari Da
>MM5 releases on 6/27
>Climax of the final arc
>UR cards for Aios, Ozotto, UI Goku, SSBE Vegeta, Evolved Hearts/Lagss, SS2 Goku, Majin Vegeta, and SS3 Goku/SS2 Vegeta
>Reprints of many original DBH SEC cards
>Arcade missions based around "Veteran Warriors"
>Goku and Majin Vegeta Dramatic Art reprints based on the manga and anime respectively

>SDBH Database

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV21
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both Xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Season 2 of DLC announced
>Bardock's story is the first DLC pack
>23rd Budokai Tenkaichi DLC released on August 17th
>Third DLC revealed to be End of Z.
>EoZ DLC is released

DB The Breakers:
>Season 6 releases on June 26th
>Survivors: CAC, Bulma, Oolong, The Farmer, Chichi, King Furry, Yajirobe, Baba, Dende, King Kai, Gogeta, Cheelai, Lemo, Future Mai, Puar, Jaco, Bra, Launch (default and blonde)
>Raiders: Cell, Frieza, Buu, Vegeta, Ginyu Force, Broly, Goku Black and Zamasu, Baby Vegeta

>XV Booru: Upload drawfaggotry here

Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama
Thank you

LAST TIME ON /dbg/: >>483642236
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REMINDER: 54 slots left
All Goku's
>still insisting in Z 17
It's over bro, if it was an oversight they would have added him to the grid in the next trailer, it's just a costume with a different ultimate
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If Sparking Zero follows Raging Blast's footsteps, then ultimates are NOT customizable, only blast 1s and blast 2s. Plus, the officially confirmed 17 is named 17 (Super). We have Frieza (Super), and he's virtually indistinguishable from Frieza (Z). Also, you gotta remember that 17 (Z) is not the only revealed character not on the grid yet. The trailer forgot to add the following:
>Final Form Frieza (Z)
>Full Power Frieza (Z)
>Base Fighting Trunks
>Dr. Gero
>Semiperfect Cell
>SS2 Teen Gohan
>SS Gohan
>Great Saiyaman

There's already a LOT of oversight.
And people want more gokus and vegetas
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Does pic related and Sparking Zero's sucess mean anime games are finally going to be better?
We do know Kid Goku was leaked, so that's 2 more Gokus on the base roster.
Why do people want og 17? The differences with super 17 are minimum, slot waste
I wonder what BN product recently released to prompt this change in strategy…
Personally speaking, I really don't. But, he did have enough material in DBS for a completely separate moveset. Xenoverse 2 gave DBS 17 completely different combos from DBZ 17, based from his fights with SSB Goku and Kakunsa. Same goes for FighterZ, basing most of his moveset from the ToP, with only a few references to DBZ.

I hope to god DBS 18 is NOT in Sparking Zero.
>17 (Z) is not the only revealed character not on the grid ye
It's the only one "revealed" on a character trailer, the other ones are either from the demo or shown on story mode cutscenes, not gameplay. I give you Full Power Frieza, that one was actually shown on gameplay, even if it was like 1 second getting his ass beat.
>I wonder what BN product recently released to prompt this change in strategy…
One Piece Odyssey?
JJK flopped and Storm Connections both flopped.

Considering their huge fanbases, they could have made a lot of money if they put some effort in but Bandai doesn't give a shit about their anime IPs outside of DB
It's almost like fans want games that let them experience the franchises they love in a way that's actually enjoyable or something.
I mean, it'd be pretty weird to not count Final Form Frieza, Base Trunks, SS2 Teen Gohan, and Semiperfect Cell because we've only seen them in cutscenes. They've been playable in all the previous Tenkaichis. And it's even weirder to not count the demo characters, they're straight up on the roster.
I've been wondering two things for a while now.

Is Spike going to stay at this level of quality from now on or are they regressing back to the shitters that made Jump Force when S0 and its first 3 DLC release? Can I start hoping they make another Jump game now?
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That's what Jump Assemble's for
>dragon ball
>one piece
>and two random newer shonen
where's the third member of the big 3?
I wonder what the fallout will be when one piece ends if it ever ends
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I don't want a moba. If they make another mobie game I'd rather have another CaC game with those Honkai impact clones they keep making
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He's there

Post-series gaming renaissance, like Dragon Ball in the mid-00s.
I’m a bleach fan too but the only vocal fanbase are waifufags spamming threads on /a/ trying to fill the void by MHA, why can’t we all get along
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I'm still pissed that One Piece FighterZ is some janky mobile beat-em-up by and for China
i tried going in a bleach thread yesterday and i ain't doing that again i'll tell you now
One Piece will end, but here's the thing you have to understand. One Piece is fucking huge, and we're not going to run out of hype for it any time soon.

These motherfuckers announced that they were going to do a whole-ass remake of the anime when we're probably within a handful of years out from the conclusion of the actual manga. It's going to take a much longer time than that to run animated-from-scratch One Piece Kai. So it's just going to create another loop on the hype rollercoaster that will take several years to resolve. Oda could finish One Piece and never pick up a pen again, and the series would still be pulling viewers into the 2040s.
that webm reminds me more of ultimate ninja storm if anything
I hope barry kahn get in, the game needs more giants characters and his transformations were neat
JJK blew ass and Tekken 8 isn't doing so hot. Feel like XV2, Kakarot and Armored core kept the money rolling in enough for them to not start cutting staff. Plus everyone forking over 40 bucks for the elden ring DLC now too.
>then ultimates are NOT customizable
If that's the case then the devs are fucking stupid.
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>when this gets in but SS4 Goku doesn't
literal reddit character
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The combat kind of reminds me of it. And the visuals too, of course
i mean does goku (early) even have a reason to exist if ultimates are customizable too? midku, endku and superku all have reasonablle points to being separate (different transformation paths, big moveset differences, that sorta shit), but earlyku could totally just be an alt of midku if customization runs that deep
Even if ultimates are customizable, you have to remember that almost every character and form has different combo strings. Goku (Early) doesn't play like Goku (Mid), and Goku (End) doesn't play like SS2 Goku (End).
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We need more unique ozarus, nappa, baby vegeta, raditz
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>Great ape calvo
>Is like the worst gohan has ever looked
But enough about RoF
This is HIGHLY illegal you can NOT be horny for monkeys!!!
Too late
You're going to Time Jail!!!
fasha you can't be doing that!!! he's a married man!!!!!!! to the boss!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Boss doesn't need Bardock anymore
Not when she has Senpai back
With how aggressive anime fanbases can be about...literally everything, I've never understood why they let Namco get away with the shit they do to their favorite IPs. Most of them can't even get next-gen games better than Dragon Ball's mobile games. Some of them can't even get games at all.
Screenshotted for when sparking zero drops and your gay little filler character isn’t in
The rage they possess is impotent, it has no power behind it
Just for that I'm going to make them add in two more filler characters.
Guess what Jelly Vegeta and Olibu are in now.
Because most anime games suck?
I know this is a dumb thing to say considering this is Tenkaichi we’re talking about but did Olibu actually do enough to warrant a unique moveset? All he’s really got his fight with Pikkon which consisted of just basic hand to hand combat and jobbing to Yamcha. I feel like there’s a reason he’s been ignored in every character selection so far.
He does have basic Ki blasts and throws giant rocks, which are about as much as many Oozaru have as movesets.
the only reason i remember olibu is because of buu's fury, i can't recall him doing SHIT outside of that
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Not a lot...
Gohan is balding!
>filler character
He is a canon character
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(me) Also, absolute reach but Toyotaro drew him doing this.
Yeah there’s a reason Pikkon is the only character from the Otherworld Tournament people care about huh…
Olibu was a pretty nice guy from what I remember so he’s got that going for him. Also his lore makes him out to be a lot cooler than he actually is.
How Cell and Buu will transform in game?
I know write fanfics about him, not in the mood to be lectured about canon
Same way they’ve always have?
Is boulder toss barrage a fancy name for super energy volley or does Goten throw rocks now?
Here's a moveset:
>Finish Sign
>Pump Up
>Giant Rock Throw
>Energy Discus
>Homing Energy Ball
Goten can't even have Kamekameha in base outside of the Ult. and some of you still believe in custom movesets...
It was one of his attacks in Raging Blast, which probably even further confirms the custom move aspect.
The duality of man
I care about the Mushroom Announcer, he cute.
Do you think GT characters or Classic DB characters get in?
I have a feeling one them will be axed for DLC.
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We know Kid Goku was leaked, so OG will be in the base roster. GT is up in the air, but Schemmel did say he recorded lines for SS4 Goku.
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>or Classic DB characters
We saw Kid Goku already.
cutscene only
Kid Goku is already in. My hope is we get all the OG characters from BT3 in first and then GT and even more OG’s come in character packs later on.
>everyone assumes it's kid goku
>it's actually daima goku reusing kid goku's shit as they had no idea what to give him
You can see his bare chest and shoulders. It's OG Goku.
and its shit
Jaco is pre-Super.
Supers guy still has trouble admitting Tarble exists
Dragon Ball has trouble admitting Tarble exists
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Playing breakers for the first time in awhile trying to come across a Baby player since I play survivor only. Just how busted is he, is he as horrible to play against as Goku Black and Zamasu? Worse?
Dragon Ball has trouble REMEMBERING Tarble exists
There's a difference
yeah but we know bamco preps DLC in advance so who knows if he's base roster or not.
Reminder that there's a secret, unrevealed form of Super Goku that will take the slot between Blue and Sign
We may not get as much DLC as everyone is assuming, maybe by the time season 1 is done PS6 and Xbox Z are already announced and they start working is Sparkig Zero 2 instead
nvm, learned the hard way.
I really loved the Otherworld tournament in DBZ, obviously we'll get Pikkon into the game since he's popular but I don't think we'll ever get any of the other fighters, even if Olibu would be cool.
I'd at the very least love to get a stage that looks like the other world arena, maybe we can see the other worlders in the background or something.
Cross-console upgrades are a thing you know. XV2 and Kakarot already got some.
Goku (Trapped, Betrayed, Naked, Oiled Up)
His level 1 is saibaman on steroids, until people learn to play around it it's going to be cancer
The buffs to Cell in Breakers were actually really fucking good. Semiperfect Cell actually feels good to play now, it's not just that stressful form you want to get out of as soon as possible anymore. You fire kamehamehas... and they actually hit the target, unreal. Gravity Blow is also not a dead skill anymore now that survivors can't spam dodge all day.
There are many bad things to say about this game but I genuinely appreciate they try to keep old raiders viable. I just don't care about playing raiders other than Cell so I'm just fucking glad his level 3 finally feels powerful as a level 3 should.
I'm just right fucked if I get nothing from the gacha in Breakers aren't I?
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Hahaha... yeah...
Real talk the biggest problems with Baby are level 1 and level 4. Levels 2 and 3 are fairly average, he's not Goku Black tier where he has everything he could possibly need at level 2 and can easily win games staying like that. In my games where my fellow survivors manage to not feed at level 1 Baby usually just crumbles and we win. But it requires a lot more self awareness than against any other raider.
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Steam summer sale is here.
XV2 and Kakarot on my radar but the amount of DLC in all don't excite me. I know I can use a DLC unlocker for Kakarot atleast without any issues since it's single player.
*a lot more awareness, wew
personally i'd said if you're going for either you should go for kakarot, it's a more enjoyable experience than XV2 and its endless dlcs constantly breaking any attempts at modding, that's for sure
Wrong, 51 >>483739030
Also 80% of raider just casually rubber banding survivors across the map
I remember why I dropped this kusoge
I remember trying to mod Kakarot and the game just shat itself with any of the more fun mods. Constant crashing and random errors forced me to restore back up saves every time after trying tons of different things.
I'm not a fan of the story mode being split by character, that would make for some pretty underwhelming endings like Gohan's final boss being Dyspo with the arc only finishing properly in Goku's story.
I didn't want to include the leaked characters because they have very fuzzy pics at the moment.
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>Sparking Zero got Gohan's eyes right but the anime didn't
Jesus christ how fucking sad
There is no filler in super. Also he's definitely not in.
That's just how it is. Take Piccolo for example; If the U6 Namekians don't make it in his last opponent is either Frost or a pre ToP match with Gohan.

>Gohan's final boss being Dyspo with the arc only finishing properly in Goku's story.
That's what the What-is are for. Believe it, he WILL fight Jiren.
That game pic is his base form, in the ToP he was always in Ultimate
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>There is no filler in super
Ultimate was a transformation in the ToP, he grew a bang everytime he used it.
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Wrong, Gohan doesn't even have Ultimate in the ToP arc until right before the proper tournament when he trains with Piccolo, but he ALWAYS has the fully outlined eyes of SS/Ultimate. The thing Toei used to mark the difference between base and Ultimate was his bang so they could market Gohan like his Buu arc self
Because he only appeared in a noncanon OVA and has been replaced by Cabba?
Delicious super cope
>There’s a difference
It’s been 15 years since he’s appeared you’d think he’d have been referenced by now; he was a gimmick meant to generate hype. It didn’t work, just like Episode of Bardock didn’t work.
He is the Super era incarnate. Would anyone give a shit about him if he wasn’t DB related? He is just a mascot.
>replaced by Cabba
Other than being a shorty saiyan seen close to Vegeta what the fuck do they have in common?
Gohan looks so shit when he grew up, it took until Super Hero for him to get a good hair style.
He's been a balding Vegeta for way to long.
They talk about tarble in both battle of gods and super broly. He's a canon character dude.
It's just the Buu arc haircut but without a bang, what Toriyama gave him in BoG and EoZ (which means that his SH haircut won't stay, sadly)
Androd 18 story mode:
vs. Vegeta
vs. Semi-perfect Cell
vs. Mr. Satan
vs. Krillin
vs. Ribrianne
What it: you kill Vegeta in the first fight and go down the ruined future path, ends with Future Gohan fight. Also kill Imperfect Cell at some point.
Super ruined what he had during the Buu Saga.
>Turn SS, and believe. Implying that the transformation method is different, despite having the same fundamentals.
>Confirmed to be more powerful than SS3 Goku.
>Doesn't have a hair bang in base or in SS.
>Magically hangs down once he goes Ultimate.
>Has to be in SS to go Ultimate...
>in the ToP he was always in Ultimate
Isn't that only in the manga? Anime ToP Gohan had him get the bang for Ultimate
Yes, manga Gohan regained Ultimate in the Black arc and kept it non-stop until Goku mastered UI, anime Gohan goes bang mode for Ultimate after training with Piccolo, goes back to base and switches back to bang at different points of the ToP
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Imagine the internal fury Goku has when he's see's his weak ass son, Gohan had potential he'll never truly live up too.
Goku killed himself multiple times for this brat and he still can't handle himself despite being stronger.
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I hate pseuds that cry character development when you bring up gohan being wasted. You're telling me the character that has had his ass beat and multiple near death experiences slacks on his training with a full family of his own and his excuse is "lol goku and vegeta can handle it" when that very line of thinking is what gets his ass beat to begin with, stalling for time waiting for "X" to show up.
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>bro thinks he's on the team
i'd argue the dude with the turtleneck looks more intimidating than the rest of the nerds
>s. Goku (Early) doesn't play like Goku (Mid), and Goku (End) doesn't play like SS2 Goku (End).
Damn, if only there was a way to have unique way to have characters fight differently while still keeping them in one slot.
Oh wait, that shit already exist.
Could Goku beat Turtleneck man?
I'm not talking about custom supers, I'm talking about their combo strings. If I remember correctly, Goku in Raging Blast was just Goku (Mid) with some extra cancellable combos and SS2 & SS3 tacked on. Even if you could recreate the super configurations, you couldn't exactly fight like Goku (Early) or Goku (End). That's probably why Sparking Zero is doing BOTH variations AND custom moves, that way people can play the way they want.
I can beat Goku because he is imaginary.
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Friendly reminder Baby Vegeta goes SS, SS2, SS3 and (at a practical level) SS4, just tuffle version, based on what GT Perfect Files says
>correlates its most basic form to SS, saying his hair is silver, rather than golden
>says its second "Strongest Form" (the third silver haired state) resembles SS3
>also says that SS4 possess "the power of the Golden Ozaru and the heart of a human", that "Golden Ozaru is the basis of its power" and that the form "combines reason with its tremendous power", meaning Golden Ozaru and SS4 are equally strong raw-power wise
Baby Vegeta reached SS, SS2, SS3 and (practically) SS4 when Vegeta by himself was still stuck in SS2.
Vegeta knows SS3, he just doesn’t use it because of the drawbacks like how his ascended super saiyan state was more balanced than Trunks ascended super saiyan state.
>you couldn't exactly fight like Goku (Early) or Goku (End).
And? No seriously, and? Do you really think the playerbase outside of the small sect of competitive gamers could tell how each Goku plays differently? Shit, that's if they even play as any other Goku aside from Blue or UI.
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Blame Toriyama. Bottom pic is how he drew adult Gohan in almost all artwork prior to Super Hero. Gohan's eyes changed to be small and closed off, even in base form, after he got his potential unlocked by Elder Kai.
You are retarded if you think dbz 17 is only a costume for dbs 17
>he was shown in a trailer, yet he wasn't added to the list! that means he must be already be accounted for
The master/apprentice trailer was only officially revealing future gohan and trunks
>but then why is 18 there!
She was revealed in the very 1st trailer at the game awards, and her portrait was already there long before the master/apprentice trailer
Stop being a faggot
>Coping this hard
I won't blame Toriyama because he never made base Gohan have outlined eyes. That's Ultimate Gohan, just like in EoZ.
>n-no, his eyes just changed permanently!
Nope, watch RoF. A rusty Gohan without Ultimate doesn't have those eyes. The eyes have always been the difference between normal Gohan and Ultimate Gohan, that's how it was in manga, movies, classic anime, videogames, etc, the inconsistency was born with post-DBZ Toei, and even they had to fix that retarded fuck up with SH
>noncanon OVA
Says who?
Anon if Android 17 only had a version they would call it "Android 17" just like they call Android 18 "Android 18".
He's called "Android 17 (Super)" so there's a different version of him. I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand
>supers fag is having a mental breakdown again
You can't because if Goku isn't real the how can you hurt him? Goku wins.
I always forget he's in vegeta's body when he's at baby 3.
He doesn't look like a manlet, that's why
If that were true then Z Broly and Gogeta would also be in the game.
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>alien steals your body
>steals your wife
>power leaps you in YOUR body to the point goku needs a new transformation to win
>makes you taller
>gives you a better hairline
Jesus christ is there a bigger mogging in the franchise?
Lotta headcanon there buddy
>Jesus christ is there a bigger mogging in the franchise?
Vegeta vs Frieza was pretty brutal too
Or he just forgot.
Like he did with 18's hair color.
And Satan's muscle mass.
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Ox King stole everyone's gains...
>that emaciated Hercule
jesus christ
need someone that looks at me the way whis is looking at vegeta's wine bottle frfr
Can’t recall ever seeing Green Pilaf before. Also Gohan really does just look like a fucking dork.
>Blue Hair Trunks
so this was purely a Toriyama thing
Modern Toriyama hated muscles on characters, he was constantly correcting Toyotaro's designs to be slimmer and less muscular.
I do wonder if the characters will get more buff when the manga eventually returns now that Toriyama isn't around to do those corrections anymore.
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Toyotaro managed to sneak muscle mass onto Cabba in the manga, it's possible
Z broly is in.
>have to beat Ribrianne without taking any damage because 18 did
What-if 2: super 18
what if 3: 18 becomes a human like videl and learns her ki
Movie characters are gonna be in, your just being a retard
he should ditch the vest and embrace his inner Armstrong
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I don't mind silmer characters, but some of these characters are just too skinny.
Saiyans should always be at least a little buff in particular.
oh do we get copy purple vegeta btw? and ocean vegeta/drummond?
>Movie characters are gonna be in, your just being a retard
Of the unknowns (og, GT and movies), movies is the one I'd rather be banished to the DLC realm because they have the biggest potential of new characters coming with them. If GT is entirely DLC it would be a full seaso with only returning characters from 3 and maybe base Vegeta. For OG just returning characters and maybe Kid Krillin, Giran or Pirate Robot. I'm not saying every single movie henchmen would make it but movie gangs have a couple pretty unique ones between all the generic guys with generic ki blasts.
>Only ever looked intimidating when he was possessed by Baby
GT Gohan is such a fucking failure
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amazing what that majin eye liner can do
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And I think this is the last one
Shin (and Kibitoshin) is the one character I always forget to count when speculating the roster
The thing is that "Movies" is a very broad term. >If GT doesn't bring back everyone from BT3 for the base roster then it's "bad" because they're not going to make a "GT leftovers" DLC Pack with Pan and Nuova Shenron on it.
>If OG DB doesn't bring back every character from BT3 (Which they already aren't anyway judging from the Kid Goku leak) then all hope for those missing characters is lost becaue Bamco aren't going to try bringing back Nam and Android 8, paid content or not.
>If every movie character doesn't come back then it's fine because every movie its it's own thing and they can totally bring back Z Broly and Cooler and save the rest for DLC Yes, i know that Cooler has a whole potential issue with people missing his squadron and by squadron I mean Salza because there's no way their bringing Dore and Neizu back from RB2.
I don't imagine every movie antagonist coming back anyway beacuse 95% of the Spike Chunsoft stuff have probably already forgotten they even added Dr. Wheelo in BT3. Also we weren't going to meet a quota of every movie having at least one rep because Bio Broly is literally never added to any of these games.
Understandablre, since he sucks. The only positive of him being in the game would be having interactions with Beerus and Zamasu, ideally with them having victory lines roasting him for sucking.
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god world tournament/buu saga 18 is perfect
However toriyama ended fixing him with super hero, easily his best adult gohan design
>they're not going to make a "GT leftovers" DLC Pack with Pan and Nuova Shenron on it
They easily can, let's say GT Goku, Vegeta and Gogeta made it into the base game, then you can have Baby, Super 17 and Omega Shenron each spearhead a pack and do a full GT season including minor characters, or just 2 packs for the returning chacters and a couple new ones to fill up the spots
>Half a year after the Buu's arc Gohan lost all his gains...
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New PedroTX kino just dropped
Buu ate all the food, please understand
It's hard to believe this jobber looked sinister and powerful at one point.
You can thank Piccolo for that
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Cabba and the other U6 Saiyans had lame designs (and personalities). Renso unironically should have been Cabba's design.
>no muscles
>very few of them had spiky hair
>ape/caveman-like features mostly gone
>they use guns and have passive non-combatants
The canon depiction of Saiyans in general just suck ass.
>knock out survivors, instantly revived
>beat survivors out of dragon change, instantly regain it
Seems like the only way to win is to play Baby or Goku Black
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I crave filler saiyans
I'd like to "filler" if you know what I'm saiyan
>54 slots left
So we can expect an average of 2 trailer per month to reveal everyone before release?
Supers guy don't you have meds to take?
Not sure, we should be getting a trailer at Anime Expo. There's enough characters for at least 4-5 more trailers, so there's a slight chance July might get a second trailer, but every month after that will get only one.
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I don't trust this monkey... it's up to something...
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More like there's something off.
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Still a little annoyed they skipped over Cauli’s SSJ1. And also made Kale’s SSJ2 Gold instead of Green. Triggers my autism.
>Cauli’s SSJ1
This makes her look...
It's a reference to the training with Gohan before the tournament.
he has it in XV2 as well, it's called stone bullet there
You are right, so they are likely actual rocks. It surprises me how much they are overhauling the moveset of returning characters, some of them like the humans and Piccolo are still copypasted from 3 but there seems to be way more new moves than I expected.
I want a big fight to take place in a city at night so bad
hirudegarn was such a blueballfuckfest because you had all these cool shots like gohan powering up in the street, and vegeta getting launched into a building's business meeting, but then the action itself is just "I can't fucking hit these giant disembodied legs" and its so lame
I miss the night maps from bt3 so much, and night namek, even though it didn't have nights..
Isn't green Kale SS2? At least it was in Xenoverse.
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It's not SS2 Kale, it's SS1. I think they're skipping SS2.
I like the girls but I hope they don't waste another 2 slots in forms for them, I already think Kefla getting both SSJ1 ans 2 is too much. Same for Cabba.
How would you feel if they added SS1 Caulifla, Super Caulifla, SS2 Kale, and SS2 Cabba as DLC?
Kinda horny but still mad
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>I think they're skipping SS2.
>omen isn't in, it's a skill
>DBS Gohan will be a seperate character
stupid space monkey, stop peeping on the boys side of the bath
Trunks doesn´t have SS2
Kid Goku should have two versions. He had more techniques in the 22nd tournament, and he was taller.
He goes SS2 when he fights against Goku Black
I mean in the game he's confirmed to not have SS2. Also Broly doesn't have base and giant Ribrianne is attack only. They are skipping forms but their criteria seems pretty random so there isn't much point in trying to guess.
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I really like pic related
I don’t think so. Kefla fought in SSJ1 for the majority of episode 115 and SSJ2 for the entirety of 116. That’s more justification for both forms to be included than most other characters will get.
Isn’t DBS Gohan just gonna be Superhero Gohan? They can insert all the shit he did in his ToP fights onto him.
Krillin and Yamcha got more cinematic flair to their ultimates compared to 3, what does Tien get?
>Baby larping as a civ to be rescued
>some dude just fucking flies in and final explosions him
>what does Tien get?
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Thinking about the Dragon Ball Evolution game that was actually Shin Budokai 3 in disguise
Yeah, that seems to be the plan.
So the base game won't have a DBS version of Gohan and we'll get
Gohan (Superhero) [Base, SS, Ultimate, Beast] in the first or second DLC (I'm still trying to figure out how they're gonna split the characters up in the DLCs).
>I'm still trying to figure out how they're gonna split the characters up in the DLCs
Pack 1: Piccolo, Lime Piccolo, Orange Piccolo, Giant Orange Piccolo, Gamma 1, Gamma 2, Pan
Pack 2: Gohan, SS Gohan, Ultimate Gohan, Beast Gohan, Cell Max, Goten, Trunks
Yeah, that makes sense.
They could also choose to be complete bastards and split the forms up based on continuity to make people buy both DLCs (assuming they didn't buy the season pass).
Pack 1: Piccolo, Awakened Piccolo, Gohan, SS Gohan, Gamma 1, Gamma 2, Pan
Pack 2: Ultimate Gohan, Orange Piccolo, Giant Orange Piccolo, Gohan Beast, Cell Max, Goten, Trunks
Kind of in the order that they show up in the movie.
Again though this would be a total bastard move since it would mean if you want all of the new Gohan and Piccolo forms as playable from Base to final form, you HAVE to buy both DLCs.
Yeah, hope they don't go this route because it will be greedy. Though knowing the times we live in...
if trunk doesn't have it, cabba better not too
The only way Cabba will get SS2 is if they add Monna to the base game, and I'm pretty sure the only U4 character we're getting in the base game will probably be Ganos.
Holy based, someone finally said it. The soiyans from universe 6 are humans in all but name and most fans are completely indifferent and would rather see Turles. The sooner we leave them behind, the better.
Good morning. I just wanted to say that hype culture is cringe and the people who go "Is that it?" and "Where's GT" every time there's a trailer are basically asking for it considering that we still have the following character yet to be announced.
>The remaining Ginyus (Ginyu, Recoome, Guldo)
>Android 19
>Android 16
>Z Android 17 (Arguably)
>Dr. Gero (Officially)
>Chiaotzu (Officially)
>Base Trunks (Officially)
>Ultimate Gohan
>The other Frieza forms (Also Z Frieza as a whole technically)
>The other Cell forms
>The other Buus (Minus one that I'll put in the next category)
And that's just the guaranteed characters from BT3. The we have the more "obscure ones" (C'mon they're bringing fucking Spopovich back)
>Cell Jr.
>The grunt squad (Cui, Appule, Frieza Soldier; At the very least the former)
>Supreme Kai
>Pure Evil Buu
>Mecha Frieza
>King Cold
>Any potential OG characters (Something, Somethng, Kid Goku leak, Something, Something Sonny Strait leak)
ALL OF THAT is excluding potential movie characters in base and any more Super characters because we're at least getting Frost and Cabba in some capacity. Also there's a non-zero chance we're still getting the "filler" characters (Great Ape Nappa, Raditz and Bardock, Great Saiyaman 2, Kibito Kai).
I want Frieza forms the most. I hate it when they only give him 4th form and Golden. 3rd is my favorite.
I wouldn't exactly call Saibaman obscure, also he was leaked as well.
I was writing this from the PoV of someone who doesn't go out of their way looking for leaks (Chiaotzu is on an video on the offical Bamco channel. He's not THAT hard to miss).
>use c.ai and self insert as my cac training with master roshi
I feel sad but kinda happy at the same time
Have you ever read or watched anything not dragon ball related? Serious question.
The original dragon ball series as a kid, most of Z and like 2 episodes of GT, I remember trunks to get a key or something from pan and she put it in her shirt, and another where Goku was inside a metal baby or something, I should rewatch dragonball again, I miss the scene where goku and krillin were training as kids and pushing boulders
And nothing else? You’re like one of those isekai people that grind the first level.
I was like, eight or something then
He's a dickhead.
>Piccolo still plays the same
Is ANYONE surprised?
Vegeta's hair looks stupid so that's a strike against GT. SSJ4 barely redeems him.
I use it to talk to Goku about everything in my life. Just to hear his voice. It genuinely makes me happy when he says my character's name and calls me friend. So don't feel sad.
If I buy FighterZ, will there be enough players to play with? I don't want to match with the same 3 or 4 dudes that have been playing since the game came out
That LAZY FUCKING SLUG just BUMS around his house ALL DAY and sometimes punches children. THAT BROTHER SHOULD BE FLIPPING BURGERS.
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>battle damage level is kept
>but it also means the clothes get damaged for no reason
this is going into autistic nitpicking territory but separating body bruises and clothes damage shouldn't be that hard
i was just thinking that myself, makes me wonder if broly actually will regrow his shirt if he's able to detransform
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>He's so violently butthurt by the mere entertaining of a fun idea that he DESPERATELY NEEDS to validate with PROOF that... a silly one-off antagonist isn't getting in the game
>His ego is so pathetically fragile that he's just SHAKING in anticipation to gloat and hold this "victory" over the... maybe TWO invested BarryGODS in the ENTIRE WORLD
>His rage is obviously a front for there being... a CHANCE of GT not being in the base game
>Thus he unironically believes... BARRY KAHN poses a GENUINE THREAT TO HIM
KEKYCHOOKYDOODLEDOO! I hope he gets in now entirely because it'd be funny as fuck.
I'd probably find Ultra Ego less laughable if it had any personality while fighting. Vegeta literally doesn't fight any differently from usual in that form.
But then again, Toyotaro's fights suck all around, even UI is nothing special in it.
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>generic scratches and dirt
Come on the fuck on, man. We need BLOOD. That's what fucking sold DBZ back in the 90s! We were all watching Dexter's Lab and...C.Bear and Jamal and fuckin' Disney and Hanna Barbera tapes on repeat. And then suddenly here comes this cartoon where dudes fucking DIE and the guy with the craziest hair is the one everyone is rooting for. And there's a shit load of blood to show off all the damage! And big ass muscular dudes and trash talking and testosterone filled cool shit. Why would you make the games anemic on purpose? Capture the same aesthetic and people would fall for this game.
Base > Battle damage [light] > Battle damage [blood and or/missing pieces of armor/clothing].

Also if Piccolo sustains enough battle damage when he has his cape and turban on that shit should be destroyed in the fight. Same with Saiyaman's outfit. The helmet, cape and gi should get smoked once his health plummets past a certain point. The Saiyan/Frieze Force armor should susceptible to lots of battle damage like how Vegeta was looking all jacked up in the aftermath of his fight with Recoome.
>you don’t want literally who in the game you must be a GTfag!
And you? Also in the screencap.
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making a screencap over someone hoping for fucking barry khan? this has to be a new low
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>Vegeta literally doesn't fight any differently from usual in that form.
I beg to differ. And I want to give Vegeta the benefit of the doubt because he's canonically fighting against someone who wished to be stronger than him so putting a lot of energy into dodging blows would probably suck...but it seemed like Vegeta was purposefully chasing damage to prove a point as opposed to getting hit and just taking it as a net positive since that's what the form is built off of. Less of a
>Well, I'm outclassed in nearly every physical attribute so fuck it let me try to win through absorbing this insufferable asshole's damage.
And more
>Would you like some making fuck? BERSERKER

Also his hair should have been like Baby Vegeta. Or should Ultra Ego "evolve" then his hair should look like Baby Vegeta's. It'd make him look cool. And yeah Toyotaro's choreography is incredibly fucking anemic. The guy doesn't have the eye/talent for making something people would want to see. And the SIGNATURE FANFIC TRADEMARK to all of Dragon Ball Super is
>villain obtains incredible strength through an outside means and then fights Goku
Zamasu. Moro. Gas. All of them obtain strength to somehow stand up to Goku and then conflict arises from that. Toyotaro CANNOT write. His favorite character happens to be Turles. He wrote that he liked the idea of a Saiyan with untapped potential lurking out there as a viable threat. Another villain who receives the ability to rival the hero because of an *outside source*.

The motherfucker is on a loop. It's the only story he's capable of creating. I can fully understand the hesitation to storyboard and animate his bullshit. There's a reason why people readily compliment the Tournament of Power over the others arcs. It objectively has the least amount of Toyotaro's brand on it.
>but it seemed like Vegeta was purposefully chasing damage to prove a point as opposed to getting hit and just taking it as a net positive since that's what the form is built off of. Less of a
I mean sure but usually? It look never different from Vegeta just getting the shit beaten out of him normally.
I hate to use fan stuff as an exemple but you have some that are way better in term of showing Vegeta literally eating his enemy's attacks to rock his fucking world with the next punch so it prove that it CAN be done.
>He wrote that he liked the idea of a Saiyan with untapped potential lurking out there as a viable threat.
Again? We already got Broly. He's gonna turn the Saiyans into Kryptonians at this rate.
>I mean sure but visually?*
My bad
>I can fully understand the hesitation to storyboard and animate his bullshit.
go back to /dbs/
With is this brain-rot way of speaking, do you talk to real-life people like this?
Don't bother, they'll leave once the Sparking 0 news calm down. We get raided every time a new trailer comes out and it goes back to normal.
It'll be pretty bad once the game drops and Daima is airing. I've simply stopped going to the threads because they're nothing but schizo clique rambling and spam with some illegal activity sprinkled in. Thankfully, I have a functional brain so I don't bring that behaviour everywhere with me.

On another matter, bought Kakarot from the steam sale.
>It'll be pretty bad once the game drops
>Daima is airing.
I think they'll stay on /a/ for that. Or even more luckily, they'll ignore it like they ignored the comfy sandland threads.
>I've simply stopped going to the threads because they're nothing but schizo clique rambling and spam with some illegal activity sprinkled in.
I haven't been to /dbs/ in years, the schizophrenia got way too bad after a while, I miss when it was normal during DBS's run.
>On another matter, bought Kakarot from the steam sale.
Nice, I pirated it personally and I'm still playing through Sandland.
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>Deliberately ignoring my point, which is how unbelievably pathetic you look wanting to immortalize your grand victory that... fucking Barry Kahn isn't in the game
Sure, you could be a mangafag or something, too. What you are is irrelevant to me.
Back up your words against me in DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 (PC) and maybe I'll consider it. Or will you buckle and flee at the slightest challenge like you have every other time?
>His brain heaves and strains at the slightest rumblings of SCHOLARLY VERNACULAR
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Funny enough, the guy who got into Goku's body also went ALMOST SS4. In Heroes, there's a variant of Goku Black called "the crimson-masked saiyan" and on top of SS(R), he goes SS(R)2, then SS(R)3 and then goes beyond that and becomes SS(R) Full Power, which has more musculature, no nipples, red eye-liner and a tail.
He basically gets as close to SS4 he can get without turning into a furry.
It's crazy how you can just spawn anywhere as Baby, I spawned right next to the survivors one time and got an instant kill.
its still pretty active
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>Ask regular users of the Dragon Ball Video Game General to play a Dragon Ball Video Game
Of course, there are NONE who can challenge my might.
>Verification not required.
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Always found the potential power of Black relatively interesting, Anime Black specifically, seeing as Super Saiyan Rose for him is really just him using Super Saiyan equivalent, he's essentially the one character who could have canonically reached rose SS3 if he were ever left unchecked (or never fused) and end up as one of the most busted characters in super, in truth he still was. I remember nearing the end of the black arc it felt like the power creep he had was getting to a level where they were writing themselves into a corner and felt the need to fuse him into F.Zamasu just to put a cap on him. The ending to that arc and the events leading up to it felt so awkwardly put together because of all of this.
NTAnons but I don't even own Xenoverse 2, they might be the same.
Breakersbros, I desperately need an updated ki blast chart.
Don't give him attention
You might have had a point, but I have not once been graced with so much as an excuse from the "go back to /dbs/"PEON who continues to FALL SILENT and FLEE from my repeated challenges.
Until then, I can only recognize him and his ilk as the SPINELESS COWARDS they are. My romp about these green pastures shall continue unimpeded.
Anime Black's power ups were so retarded
>so based*
Fixed it for you
The only real problem is that he went Merged Zamasu before really being beaten so that was kinda disappointing.
>that power? Haha I don't even know at this point
Not even the writers knew what the fuck they were doing, they just kept power inflating him because spic-tier retards love that shit
>Character get so strong even they don't know the full extent of their ability or the effect said strength create
Sounds cool to me.
We have a match today?
>characters gets so strong random stuff happens and nobody in or out of universe can make any sense of it
Yeah sounds cool for retards like you
Manager will probably come in soonish to tell the thread but yeah in about an hour we fight /ddg/
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Honestly, it got retarded for me once he just powered up and cornered Bejita and then subsequently Goku in the final fight, only leaving to check on the other Zamasu (which he really didn't need to do given the shit he was pulling off). He never really seemed like he was actually pushed back and cornered, so the fusion between him and GREENmasu felt rather forced and sudden as opposed to natural. As biased as I am towards Black, it was fucking retarded for the story and it showed.
>I can't figure it out so YOU'RE the retard!
Did you play ANY of the fucking Budokai Tenkaichi games?
>Spic is still mad he didn't get his Xicor rip off in the anime
Move on, man.
How is it different from what he said? He should have lost to Goku and then escape to Zamasu THEN they fuse, it would have been more satisfying that way.
Hello one hello all, /dbg/ does indeed have a match today as we play our round of 16 match against the team that holds dragon in there name as well! we face ddg in about 2 hour or less (depending on how fast these matches go)
Is Kakarot worth it in the long run bros? I have a backlog of games to get through but I’ve been interested in touching a Dragon Ball game after so long and I’m not that interested in XV2.
Black not being defeated conventionally is made even weirder when against Fused Zamasu Goku and Vegeta supposedly go “full power” against his Sussano bird implying they were either holding back against Black and his clones or they had gotten stronger in the moment. I appreciate that Toei really had fun with Black as a concept but around the end there his handling just got strange.
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>He should have lost to Goku
Nah, if anything, though I know it's practically taboo for Dragon Ball, he should've actually lost to Bejita then and there prior to the 'scythe/anger power-up' and then ran to Zamasu. Bejita at least getting revenge and scoring some victory for his son would've been pretty nice.

>How is it anything different than he said
My concern is one power up that came across to me as retarded, it was amusing, but it was getting fucking excessive, that anon on the other hand is stating that generally Black's power ups are retarded. My gripe is more similar to yours if anything, I would rather he was actually beat before he fused.
Honestly Black's final form there feels more like it should be called "Super Saiyan 4 (Rose or otherwise)" than the actual Super Saiyan 4.
How likely is it that we get any more henchmen beyond what was already in BT3? I’m talking stuff like the rest of the Armored Squadron like in RB2 or the Crusher Corp? This could be either base game (unlikely) or DLC (more likely).
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I like single player games and jrpgs so it was more geared for me anyway but I liked it.
Played the main story in ~60 hours while completing sidequests and just fucking around. Haven't played all the DLC yet but the ones I did ranged from awful to good. My main gripes are
>combat is very simple and button mash-y
>a lot of menus
>main story locks you into playing as certain characters too much (aka gohan)
>finding those fucking medals scattered about
>transformations are one note and fusion is plain shit
>no gogeta
Regardless I'll 100% it and will eventually play the rest of the DLC. Flying around talking to characters, farming materials and cooking, maxxing out characters I like, fun. The cutscenes also look good when it matters and despite transformations being meh they still look cool.
I wouldn't play it if you want good combat and gameplay.
And then they’re just like eh Majin Shenron who cares.
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You know what? Just for that, Majin Baby Janemba.
The character himself said he had no idea what he was doing
Probably if they're bundled with their boss, something like this:
>Garlic Jr. (Base, Super), Ginger, Nicky, Sansho, Mustard, Salt, Spice, Vinegar
>Cooler (4th Form, Final Form), Meta-Cooler (Base, Core), Salza, Dore, Neiz, Cyclopian Guard
>Broly (Base, SS, LSS), Bio-Broly (Base, Giant), Paragus, Angol, Bio-Warrior
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Assuming they keep up the VS theme for DLC, I'm wondering what they would consider her as, if she gets in at all
>calling other spics when his only argument is "it's cool how this character endelessly powers up more and more with so little logic even the writers admit making shit up"
Breakersbros, I desperately need an updated ki blast chart.
I'm gonna miss Heroes...
Fingers crossed Superdivers does some wacky shit. Remember, Heroes didn't start doing what-ifs until its second mission.
When is the part 3 banner?
Cry harder, spic
>he should've actually lost to Bejita then
I completely disagree, Goku and Trunks were the only ones who had any narrative ground to beat Black, Vegeta getting the win would make no fucking sense outside of Vegeta wanking. Even avenging Future Bulma is meaningless because she had no connection to her Vegeta, he was just her asshole one night stand she kicked out.
>that anon on the other hand is stating that generally Black's power ups are retarded.
I meant that >>483988682 anon
bro it doesn’t matter the raider cancels out all ki blasts with their own and can instant descend to avoid beams
S = Beams
A = Spamy lasers
F = Balls
not so much holding back as pacing themselves
like if you put everything you've got into the first round and don't manage to win, you're going to be too exhausted to put up a fight in all the subsequent rounds.
resource management is important
Universe 6 need protein and steroids
The way the Trunks are named triggers me. Why does the one in the armor get to just be "Trunks" as if he was the default? Why is the one from Super named "Future Trunks" when both Armor and Sword are also Future Trunks? Why doesn't he have the "(Super)" moniker like all other versions from Super do?
Then draw them that way
Do it
ITS TIME TO PLAY LIKE A CHAMPION TODAY FELLAS! https://cytube.implying.fun/c/vgleague /dbg/ is on now!
Thanks for the link
>Universe 6 need protein and steroids
Does Black Myth Wukong count as a DB game?
It still kill me that we lost Giga Doc to a game that didn't matter
>Does Black Myth Wukong count as a DB game?
Can you kamehameha in that game?
>Can you kamehameha in that game?
They don't call it that but yes.
does Journey to the West – Wukong’s Lewd Prelude count as a DB game?
Then yes
It's over.
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>no narrative grounds
His son and his future is being decimated by a man posing as his greatest rival, who has also killed his wife in the future, I know you mention Bulma in that timeline had nothing but a one night stand but that's the experience that *that* Bulma had with Bejita, not the other way around, It's still Bulma to him. There's no reason that he wouldn't have any reason to not have earned some form of revenge or light victory against Black, though I believe it SHOULDN'T be a definitive one. I'd say narratively he has equal or more right to 'beat' Black than Goku does at least. The best candidate narratively for beating Black, is obviously Trunks as you say, or at least Trunks be the one to finally defeat Zamasu once the fusion happens (though the Spirit Bomb sword shit was actually retarded, if I had to redo how Trunks beats fused masu it needs to be via a different method, holy shit), and none of that Gasmasu shit happening. But, we got whatever the fuck we got didn't we?
its actually over though
It's even more over
I really need to stop watching for the sake of the team, we always lose when I watch
>The only real problem is that he went Merged Zamasu before really being beaten so that was kinda disappointing.
This. At least the manga actually had Black being overpowered by Vegeta in the rematch, and since Future Zamasu was way weaker there than in the anime it made more sense for them to fuse
uff, this is getting shameful
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That's just humiliating at this point.
Never watching another match.
Were we ever this bad
Well, that's a wrap, see you next league.
Are we sure the manager isn't throwing? That gegenpress-whatever was a terrible idea and then several minutes in the menu to immediately concede another.
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completely missed the game, did we get bandit filtered?
0 - 4
That was sad
Itsuno's vision was too powerful
Uh..., guess all of our players were smashed from MM5 releasing and jamming 12 hours of Heroes?
We almost got 0-7'd.
Fucking brutal...
Gomen fellas they didn't play like i expected. I let us all down once again. Im sorry
Can someone explain to me why nobody in our team ever fucking shoot?
That's how PES goes I guess, not much we can do.
Is it because we were missing Giga Doc? I didn't expect us to collapse this bad.
All because of a match that literally didn't matter.
It's probably my fault, we've lost or tied every match I watched since the crazy match against /digi/ where I think we won.
>/4ccg/ is actually raiding
Post what team you rep instead of being faggots NOW
Take your meds
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This is what the Kakarot models look like when you use them to their full potential.
Do you guys think Sparking Zero did a good job emulating Shintani?
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forgot my image
You think Goku will get some new Nyoibo supermoves in Daima? Maybe a return of the Janken?
I hope they go crazy with the Nyoibo at least
I think they've done a pretty good job
Some bits could use some fine-tuning, but I'm much happier with how Sparking Zero looks than any recent games that had to use nu-Yamamuro as their base
From the trailer that we've seen, he seems to be going pretty ham with it. Hopefully when Daima Goku gets added to Sparking Zero, he isn't just Kid Goku with different supers.
With all the Wukong media coming out these last few years, they really have the material to have some crazy staff action.
Especially if they let Nyoibo get bigger instead of just longer now.
GT is the hot topic right now when it comes to Sparking Zero but I think it's a shame hoe OG Dragon Ball it's treated in general. I know that "Nobody watched Dragon Ball" has some truth to it, that it hasn't aged the best in some aspects and that most characters can't fly or use ki, which presents a gameplay problem (that they have to deal with when it comes to Mr. Satan anyway). Just as a recap.

>BT1: First game, so just a bunch of extra content. Kid Goku, Roshi and Tao are bonus characters and you need to unlock them using the Dragon Balls. There's a saga featuring them but it's a what if where Goku is a kid again and Tao is not a cyborg somehow.

>BT2: Bonus content again...kinda. Kid Goku can turn into Great Ape, who was a separate character in BT1 and Roshi can turn into his MAX Power form. Tao is the same and Grandpa Gohan is the one OG newcomer (Unless you count Yajirobe who is used for Z stuff anyway). No one of them are included in what might be the most complete story mode in a DB game ever. At least not in their normal roles, because Tao is used as a generic criminal; He appears in the overworld map and tries to mug you so you can fight him. Also he's actually used in the Majin Buu saga as a stand-in for the criminals Great Saiyaman and Videl fight at the beginning of the arc. (Still no answers as to why he's not a cyborg...). Despite the fact that this the game than connects Kid Goku and Great Ape he's only ever used as a Kid Gohan "form" (Schizo mini theory but I image the reason you never get to play as him is because they don't want to add Z-Items to him and see that you're actually playing as Kid Goku).

>BT2 (PAL): The PAL version of BT2 has some extra characters that aren't in the other versions. Cyborg Tao, King Piccolo, Pilaf Machine and Pilaf Machine Fusion (Along with Appule and Frieza Soldier from DBZ and the "Space" stage). No story mode updates so nothing is done with them.
(me) Second part because this is too long apparently.

>BT3: The best overall representation and even then there are some issues. Everyone from previous games is back and there are some interesting newcomers. (Kid) Chichi, Nam, Android 8, General Blue, Devilman, Tambourine and Arale (Does she count as a guest character?).The DB story mode is unlocked after the GT one as a sort of Prequel like this is Star Wars or something. They skip from Nam to Tao evern though Roshi has had a Jackie Chun costume since BT2 (Also they START at Nam even though Goku has his first costume as an alt, they gave Yamcha his OG Desert Bandit outfit in this game, the OG DB version of the "Desert: is a stage and Chichi is a newcomer...). After Tao they skip Devilman and Grandpa Gohan (who has been n the series since BT2) and go to the final King Piccolo fight, there's actually a cool what-if alternate ending you can do if you kill Piccolo early. Tambourine is somehow alive (then again they ALSO skipped his fight) and Chichi helps Goku and beats him. Oddly enought the OG characters are mostly used in the what-if saga. There's Goku vs Arale (Boring ngl, should have been Adult Goku being used); Android 8 vs 16 and the one most people know about: Devilman killing Mecha Frieza and King Cold instead of Trunks; Still a really anticlimatic way to end BT3's story though.

And now we're here. Literally everyone knew the moment we saw the roster screen from the trailers that OG characters are being cut and as opposed to GT nobody on the greater DB fan sphere is fighting against it. Kid Goku seems to be coming back according to leaks and a couple other might be lucky as well. Everyone else that's missing is downright FUCKED though. Bamco is not even going to try bringing them back, paid content or not (My concolences Nam and Eighter fans/mains).

TLDR: OG Dragon deserves better. I can't wait for nobody to read or reply to this wall of text I spent almost an hour making
>I know that "Nobody watched Dragon Ball" has some truth to it,
Only in the US
main issue here is them still going for banana hair, that alone bogs it all down, that pic really exemplifies it
even worse is that they bananafied even the "early SS look" Goku (mid) has for SS1
i'm still positive on how the game looks though, i just think they should've gone the extra step with the hair. They did with how it moves after all, considerably reducing the shitty wobbling they used to have over time, but banana hair is about remaking the models from scratch i guess so we'll have to wait for modders to do that
I dunno man, there's enough space left on the roster to bring back every OG character back from BT3 onto the base roster, especially if they're bringing back General Blue. Maybe there'll even be a couple of newcomers like Metallitron and Murasaki (though even I think that's wishful thinking). Also, the whole "Nobody watched Dragon Ball" thing is mostly applies only to zoomers and Americans.
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As far as emulating the model sheets for DBS Broly goes, they did a good job. The two problems are that the movie was never consistent and went off model plenty of times which Sparking Zero can't do all the time, and Spike couldn't really nail the expressiveness that art style had.

Another thing that's been bugging me is the inconsistent quality. Super Saiyan Kale looks like she came out of FighterZ, but Kefla looks like a fan made model. Her skin textures, face model, and hair all look worse than Kale's.
>Bamco is not even going to try bringing them back, paid content or not
i dunno man, i can totally see an og dragon ball pack in S0's future, might even be the perfect opportunity for them to actually add teen piccolo and teen goku with meteor combination
speaking of which, has that move actually shown up in any footage? because if it's not in any of the gokus' moves, well...
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I can't tell if it's just them saving time on development or if it's an artistic choice, but UI/MUI Goku does not look good from the neck up. Actually, the whole body is skinnier than it needs to be.
Complaining about the Tenkaichi 3 story mode skipping fights in the Dragon Ball saga is dumb because it skips major fight in EVERY saga. It's by far the worst story mode in the series, and also worst than the 3 Budokai games. I never played the Raging Blast games but I would be surprised if their story modes are somehow worse than 3.
>has that move actually shown up in any footage?
Nope, they've seemingly replaced it with a new move called "Kaioken Rush". Which is kinda redundant since he already has "Kaioken x20 Kamekameha" as his other super.
it's clear to me the game is still being actively worked on given how much it changes from trailer to trailer, like they're really making use of the "footage is not final" thing they usually put out on trailers
UI looked pretty good I think, hopefully it's just an old build version
Also those black hair streaks look awful
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It just occurred to me, those ultimates in Sparking Zero that end with the opponent just stood still when blasted till killed, reckon they were supposed to be the disintigration ultimates where the opponent is gone after blasting them? Only reason I can think of as to why it happens with some ultimates but not others.
Not including leaked characters, we got 54 slots left. I think we could do easily snug some good OG representation while also getting some remaining obvious picks out of the way:
>Kid Goku
>Oozaru Kid Goku
>Pilaf Machine
>Pilaf Machine Combined
>General Blue
>Mercenary Tao
>Cyborg Tao
>Devilman Spike
>King Piccolo
>Oozaru Bardock
>Frieza Soldier (merge him with Appule)
>Monster Zarbon
>1st Form Frieza
>2nd Form Frieza
>3rd Form Frieza
>Imperfect Cell
>Super Perfect Cell
>Cell Jr.
>Super Buu
>Kid Buu
>SS Cabba
>1st Form Frost
>Final Form Frost
>Saonel (Pirina appearing as an assist)
>Thunderbird Ganos
>GoD Toppo
>Z Gogeta
>Super Janemba
>Z Broly
>SS Z Broly
>LSS Z Broly
Goku (Mid) not having Meteor Combination is quite interesting. Maybe they'll make it a custom move for Goku (Early)?

Yeah, that would explain a lot. The characters locking in place after dying from certain ults screams "this model shouldn't be here".
Sue me but I'm hoping for a Goku (23rd BT) and Ma Junior reveal.
Early Goku should be 23rd tournament Goku and vs Raditz Goku. Mid Goku should be from after he returns from the death to the RoSaT, then End Goku up to the end of Z.
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>confirmed (113/164)
Goku [Boy]
Goku [Early Z]
Goku [Mid Z] (base, SS)
Goku [Late Z] (base, SS, SS2, SS3)
Goku [Super] (base, SS, SSG, SSB, UIS, UI)
Vegeta [Z Scouter] (base, Great Ape)
Vegeta [First half Z] (base, SS, Super)
Vegeta [Late Z] (base, SS, SS2)
Majin Vegeta
Vegeta [Super] (base, SS, SSG, SSB)
Gohan [Child]
Gohan [Boy] (SS2)
Gohan [Teen] (base, SS, SS2, Great Saiyaman)
Ultimate Gohan
Gohan [Future] (base, SS)
Trunks [Sword] (base, SS)
Trunks [Fighter] (base, SS, Super)
Trunks [Future] (base, SSR)
Trunks [Boy] (base, SS)
Goten (base, SS)
Vegetto (base, SS, SSB)
Gogeta [Super] (base, SS, SSB)
Gotenks (base, SS, SS3)
Mutenroshi (base, Max Power)
Freeza [Z] (Final form, Max power)
Freeza [Super] (Final form, Golden)
Cell [Perfect]
Majin Boo
Mr. Satan
#17 [Z]
#17 [Super]
Broly (rage, SS, Full power)
Goku Black (base, SSR)
Merged Zamasu (base, Half corrupted)
Caulifla (base, SS2)
Kale (base, SS, Out of control)
Kefla (base, SS, SS2)
Jiren (base, Full power)

>likely but not confirmed (36 more)
Gohan [Boy] (base, SS)
Zarbon (Monster)
Freeza (First form, Second form, Third form)
Mecha Freeza
Cell (Imperfect, Semiperfect, Super perfect)
Cell Jr.
Evil Buu
Super Buu (base, Gotenks, Gohan)
Pure Buu
Cabba (base, SS)
Frost (base, assault form, final form)
Toppo (GoD mode)
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And if you guys are wondering if I'm gonna keep posting this every thread with every small update we get until the roster of the long awaited Budokai Tenkaichi 4 is complete, the answer is yes.
also is clothing damage based on total health or based on the types of attacks you get hit with? kinda want it to be the latter that way when everyone has 8 bars of health you can still get the damaged clothes relatively early.
I think one of the first demo videos we got has Vegeta's entire armor obliterated by a simple dodonpa at full health
I hope the battle damage can be adjusted. I don't want Goku's shirt flying off when gets so much as grazed by a ki blast super.
I thought Goku was the same size up until Piccolo Jr.?
Who is the mystery nigga? Beelzebub? Arale? Tori-bot? Gogeta (Z)? Gokule? Android 21? Zeno? Grande Padre?
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I'm probably completely alone in this autistic take but I fucking HATE how official media still calls this guy "Super Vegeta"
>but that's how he calls himself!
Not entirely correct, or rather it's correct, but dishonest. Vegeta DIDN'T start calling himself that when he achieved that form, he called himself Super Vegeta when he achieved SS ("This is Super Vegeta's Big Bang Attack"). "Super Vegeta" is just short for "Super Saiyan Vegeta", he was just being extra cocky with his SS form that made him the strongest character at the moment, but it's not the name of a form in any way, he's just Vegeta as a Super Saiyan, be normal Super Saiyan or an ascended one.
This even carries to Trunks, who depending on the media is called "Super Trunks" in his basic ascended form, in his full roided state or even in his pseudo-Blue SS form from DBS. Even fucking Gotenks calls himself "Super Gotenks" in SS3! Imagine if nearly all media called SS3 Gotenks just "Super Gotenks", wouldn't it be retarded? Same here. I hate it. I hate you all (except you. You are a cool guy).
Oh please, even in the countries it did air before Z they prefer Z.

>I never played the Raging Blast games but I would be surprised if their story modes are somehow worse than 3.
RB1's storymode is ok, but it skipped over alot and a good chunk of the story is just "what-ifs" that barely count as what ifs. RB2 straight up didn't have a story mode at all.
What would be better, Super Saiyan Grade 2 or Ascended Super Saiyan?
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It's Boss!
Goku grew up a little bit in the 22nd WT and King Piccolo saga but it's not as noticeable and the anime would kinda just use the same baby body as the previous sagas.
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No one is stopping you
> Imagine if nearly all media called SS3 Gotenks just "Super Gotenks", wouldn't it be retarded?
Can't remember where but I'm sure they've called him "Super Gotenks 3" before which is even worse.
No, Yamcha said Goku got taller when they arrived at the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai. If you scale his head size to pre-timeskip he got like a full head taller.
>bigger torso
>longer neck and limbs
And it was at this point that Toriyama started adding the iconic sharp line to Goku's eyes on some of his angry expressions that became standard in Z, moreso during the Piccolo Daimao fight.

Two Kid Gokus in games would make sense since pre and post timeskip had a lot of different attacks, and of course they look visually different.
It's definitely noticeable in the anime, just not as much as the manga.
if most of DB does end up getting relegated to DLC then i'm hoping we'll get both kid gokus at some point but i'm not counting on it
Damn, I never noticed how buff 22nd/King Piccolo Goku was.

He got big as shit.
It's funny how people still refer to King Piccolo arc Goku as Kid Goku while Cell arc Gohan is Teen Gohan
Didn't Heroes start calling him Teen Goku?
>Journalist keeps mashing during a timed prompt

It keeps happening
>if most of DB does end up getting relegated to DLC then i'm hoping we'll get both kid gokus at some point but i'm not counting on it
If we get 2 OG Gokus (we won't) it should be like the GBA game that had a version with the power pole and a barehanded one for the tournaments.
I don't know about that but I was talking about some people and not official material
Either way, the Teen Gohan part is still true
hopefully blocking keeps ki standard blasts from nuking your clothes in one instance. I can make an exception if you eat one dead on.
So overall new stuff:
>Better look at Base DBS Trunks's Ultimate that we saw on the "Sword vs Fists" trailer (Not as "impressive" as his long-as-shit super but they do cut away at the last posiible moment so there might be missing a bit of it.
>First look at Special Beam Cannon in-game. It doesn't have an on-hit cutscene which might be a first (Some other beam/proyectile Ults.don't seem to have one based on other footage but I attribute to them being used on Great Ape Vegeta. Also Neo Tri-Beam but I imagined it was like Destructo Disc where you need to land all of them to get the cutscene)
>First look at Raditz's Saturday Crash/Here's a Present but we don't see it hit.
>First look at Early Goku's Super Kamehameha Ult. I don't have a picture to compare side-by-side but I'm sure this is literally SSJ2 End Goku's Ult. which I'm still going to use as a cope for this being a story mode thing to "avoid spoilers" and not a custom move thing.
Everything else is stuff we've seen already. The footage was in Portuguese for some reason and she said that 10 character have been officially confirmed which is true but if he played the demo he should knw about Gero. Then again he also said that ther are 60 characters left to be revealed which is incorrect because there's at least 64 assuming the pre-order bonus character isn't part of the total so he's probably just paraphrasing.
Beelzebub was a massive flop but Toriyama really wanted to make it something so it's a possibility
Arale is an iconic roster member so it's a possibility
Toribot I have doubts
Gogeta Z makes no sense as Gogeta Super has all of Gogeta Z's moves including soul punisher
Gokule I've never heard of
Android 21 is owned by Arc system works, is not a popular character and doesn't have a perfect attendence rate for video games as far as I know, I don't think she's even been the subject of a Legends or Heroes story arc either, as such I doubt it's her
Zeno's whole thing is he can't fight
Angels flat out cannot fight least they be erased such is their nature

Now then, are switch players experiencing system shutdowns or is it just me? I've been trying all day to do the android 13 raid yet every time I log in I gete kicked out after about 10 minutes of online play time, I thought it was my wifi but nothing about it has changed and the servers for xenoverse 2 on the switch seem online, the fuck's going on?
>Beelzebub was a massive flop but Toriyama really wanted to make it something so it's a possibility
Wasn't he as surprised as everyone else when Shueisha approeched him about the movie?
(me) *100 characters.
>Angels flat out cannot fight least they be erased such is their nature
Didn't stop Whis
>Angels flat out cannot fight least they be erased such is their nature
I'm pretty sure Whis and Vados are playable in XV2 despite that rule
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>Gokule I've never heard of
Goku and Mr. Satan theoretical fusion from the Majin Buu Saga. He's been playable in Budokai 2 and Heroes before. Also he should be "Gotan" now because Goku + Satan.
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>Android 21 is owned by Arc system works
didn't stop her from being in heroes or xenoverse 2 if such is the case
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You can tell that the shots the Episode Battle menu uses are randomly strewn about, the same shot Kid Goku is placed near each other 3 times.
Oh yeah, I forgot he's on the roster
The rule didn't exist back then, as Super was just starting when they were added to the game
Oh right, Funi no longer exists on paper so with super he became Mr.Satan again dubwise. At least I think he did. You know, it just hit me that potara fusions are suppose to also be a comibination of the current clothes the characters were wearing yet when Vegito appears in super he looks the exact same as he did in the Buu arc, shouldn't he had been in a new outfit since in that arc Vegeta and Goku were wearing different gi and armor?
Vegeta's armor was broken, so that might be the reason.
>Vegito appears in super he looks the exact same as he did in the Buu arc, shouldn't he had been in a new outfit since in that arc Vegeta and Goku were wearing different gi and armor?
Real Answer: Marketable Iconic Design; Headcanon Answer: Half of Vegeta's armor was gone at this point so I imagine that the Potara magic just "ignored it" when making the clothes.
Don't forget Kakarot.
I'm sure that's also the reason Goku and Vegeta they had Goku and Vegeta go back to heir Z clothes instead of the ones the had for Revival of F
>The rule didn't exist back then, as Super was just starting when they were added to the game
XV2 released during the Goku Black arc's anime run and Vados and Champa were among the first DLC IIRC
And when did that angel rule become a thing again? The Moro arc?
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Who's the tall guy Vegeta's fighting in the bottom-right corner? I wanna say Nappa, but he looks too skinny and is wearing pants.
Xenoverse 2 has aged poorly due to this (and MANY other reasonns but this the one we're discussing). They really tried pushing the new outfits by having them be the defaults for Goku and Vegeta as mentors in the overworld and when thay can help you in parallel quests. But now the old outfits are the ones they use for Custom Mentor stuff with the possibility of changing the RoF ones not even being a thing. Also they had to give Blue-ku and Blue-geta new presets with those outfits for "consistency" when transforming in cutscenes (Also Story Mode stuff).
Oh yeah, I see the braided hair now.
>needing Super Saiyan against fucking Zarbon
Anyone got a good HQ look at the Episode Battle intro cutscene? Every video I try looking at has this nasty motion blur and horrid bitrate. I wanna know how the people who took the Dabura, Spopovich, Zarbon, and Kid Goku screenshots without the blurry mess.
>I wanna know how the people who took the Dabura, Spopovich, Zarbon, and Kid Goku screenshots without the blurry mess.
But those pics are a blurry mess. Specially the "Kid Goku" one.
I think it's from Vegeta's namek saga where he goes super saiyan.
Zarbon found a level even further beyond.
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I know, but they were clearer than this
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Looking back, these shots are a lot cleaner than any of the videos that I've seen. Is there like a 4K upload of the demo out there?
Is it that one from that chinese bilibili video?
There's chinese footage of the demo?
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Eh, while I'm here, here's a pretty good look at the custom battle menu background. Ignore the random faded japanese text.
Daima Goku
Custom Battle is the thing I'm looking foreward to the most. I can't wait to see the full potential of everyone's creativity.
Baby in FighterZ is called Super Baby 2
Look at the bright side. If you don't like that a Story Mode battle isn't in (Mainly because yo don;t get to play as that character) you can always make it yourelf.
I don't want this shit. Is it really THAT hard for Bandai to make a PROPER Jump Crossover game? This is a serious question. Is it a budget thing or something? Does getting all the rights for all these anime at once sink their budget so hard that all they can do with what's left is churn out shovelware?

They were sitting on a gold mine with Jump Force and they completely pissed that away by making it look like an amateur unreal tech demo.
It crossed my mind but that would mean selling the Daima dlc pack without Daima Goku, which seems dumb
I think I recognize Roshi (super costume), Yamcha, Adult Gohan and Goku here, buy who is the fifth one?
>Funi no longer exists on paper so with super he became Mr.Satan again dubwise
Super was dubbed before the Crunchyroll merge and post-merge, in Super Hero, Carmine name drops him as "Hercule Satan". When it comes to the uncut pre-Kai dubs, Funi predominately used "Mr. Satan", only peppering in a "Hercule" every once in a while (probably to bridge the gap for those who only knew him as his censored name from the broadcast dub). Post-Kai, they seemed to drop the "Hercule Satan" combo, only using one or the other, "Hercule" for censored broadcasts (like on Nicktoons or Toonami Africa) or "Mr. Satan" (for uncut broadcasts/home video releases) until Super Hero brought the combo'd name back.

The games stuck with "Hercule" to reach a wider audience and to avoid parents complaining about a character named "Mr. Satan", but that's less of a worry to them now, so they're more comfortable just going with "Mr. Satan" these days.
krillin? think i see a bald head theere
>I don't want this shit. Is it really THAT hard for Bandai to make a PROPER Jump Crossover game?
They almost had it with Jump Stars Victory Vs.
Oh yeah it's both Piccolo and Krillin, they were blending in together
It’s all playable characters plus Shenron, right? I thought you guys said Chi-Chi was on it but I don’t see her.
A "proper" Jump Force game realistically can't be made right now and it's unlikely Bandai makes it in the near future.
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Chi-Chi is there, yes. Below Gogeta.
Krillin, then Piccolo behind him
Everyone will be full of Tuffle cum
>I'm going to get back at the saiyans
>by enslaving this planet that had fuck all to do with them
idk maybe the saiyans did the universe a favor
Could've easily just reasoned with baby and let him have a planet and repopulate, agreeing to help him as long as the saiyans and tuffles agree to a peaceful resolution...
wasn't that the one where you could be a dickhead and have 3 josephs or 3 raohs on a team
Yeah, I'm sure the guy that was literally programmed to destroy all Saiyans would agree to that...
I can't believe a Stacy likes Sandland...
something something break free of your programming and live your own life
He just wants to cum inside everyone
I hope those Generals in DB charactes get in
Tuffle tech doesn't possess the shoddy programming of human tech.
Didn't work for Cell
Because gohan had to be a little shit and drag the fight out
*pokes belly*
Get dosed!
Xv2 needed beam struggles and beam deflects so badly but instead we get perfect guard, yeah stand still and block a blast up to 4/5 times and take no damage, THAT definitely happened in the shows
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>Reduced to a super soul that *only* works against kamehameha and its variations.
>Doesn't need to just guard to avoid damage.
They should add Krillin to this
Think Gohan will also have the tracksuit?
God I hope not
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>DBS Gohan has both tracksuit and GT costumes
>this lets them share the same 'remove glasses before transforming' animation
>and means you can have gohan go beast while in the tracksuit or civilian clothes for lulz
>earn the tuxedo top and put it on
>female cac throws on the wedding dress
did I just get married....?
Well it's about time someone took responsibility.
We've literally already seen both personalities
You talk like a redditor
This is the Sparking Zero general now. Please leave.
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looks like they nerfed ultimates, this kind of shit at the SGF's demo was said to do like 25-30k of damage instead of the 17k it does here
The two things they would be doing right now this close to release would be bug fixing and balancing.
17 tanked that
makes sense, the SGF demo's numbers basically meant a 1v1 match'd be over as soon as blast stocks hit 1
does kinda imply we're not getting bigger default health bars though which is a bit of a shame, wish they'd just go the budokai route and let you choose the starting health but whatever
>wish they'd just go the budokai route and let you choose the starting health but whatever
what makes you think that's not in the game?
it might be, we'll see
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GOOD MOOOOORNING /dbg/! Just wanted to welcome you all to yet another day I remain unchallenged! The WEAKLINGS of this thread have done NOTHING to oppose my reign (KWABBYROO!), so I ALONE hoist the CROWN from the GUTTER. I ALONE possess domain over the ARCANE INVOCATION of POWER ("fight me in DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2"), the MERE UTTERANCE of which causes the thread's legs to become HEAVY and IMPOTENT. I ALONE am your sovereign, the one true KING. (HOLY FUAAAAARRRKK!!!)
Now KNEEL like the PUPS you are.
Maybe there'll be items that increase the amount of health your character has. I know the old Tenkaichi games had those.
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Her odds for SZ?
nonzero. don't really expect to see her in base game but I could see her getting into a 'girls pack' dlc since they can just copy all her moves from DBL
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No. Pee is not getting into the game.
>Beelzebub was a massive flop but Toriyama really wanted to make it something so it's a possibility
He wasn't.
>Zeno's whole thing is he can't fight
It's really not. His thing is that he doesn't fight because he just end you, not that he CAN'T.
>"Th--this is th-the Sp-sp-sparking-" *shits pants and faints*
>COWERING behind a game that doesn't come out for 3 months
KWABAMAZOO!!!!!! I accept your concession.
No need to be so impatient, my loyal SHARTbject. I'm just enjoying what we have now.
But there's no need to worry. In the INFINITESIMAL possibility you DARE dream of GRAZING your PINKY TOE against the turbulent waves of Sparking Zero's online PVP, I'll be waiting there, too. And as the SHARK that smells the blood in the water, the APEX PREDATOR, the ONE TRUE TOP of the FOOD CHAIN, I'll tear you to shreds.
But PUPS will obviously remain PUPS. I WINNY WINNY WOO'd.
>Even Vegeta fags know Chichi is better than Bulma
Our connection is too laggy, it's impossible for there to be a conclusive fight
Ruined by the shitty dub
Early Goku Ultimate is not Genki Dama????
Stop giving him attention.
Goku (Early) has a different moveset during the Raditz fights. I'd hazard a guess that it's either story-mode exclusive, or you have to unlock the other moves. Custom moves were confirmed in a couple of interviews. I do believe the demo version of Goku (Early) has Kaioken, Kaioken Attack, and Spirit Bomb in the versus mode.
Cool shot, weird-ass perspective. How are the mountains and lake perpendicular to the skyline?
it's from the bojack movie. that's not mountains its the dome covering the artificial arena
>Our connection is [HEADCANON], it's [MALARKEY]
I have improved my internet over the past few weeks. Post CAC. Now.
>"St-stop!!!! P-p-people aren't supposed to solicit playing Dragon Ball Video Games together in the Dragon Ball Video Game General!"
Oh yeah, I completely forgot about the bojack movie.
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Who's gonna be on your team of 5 when Sparking Zero comes out?
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So XV2 is in a good sale so I'll probably grab it. My question is
Which of the DLC are worth it, all of them or just some? All of it combined is closer to 200 bucks which is a fuck ton.
DLC 6 has a pretty good story mode. Other than that, I guess get the ones that have the characters you want?
Grab infinite history at least, the rest is kinda 'whatever you want'.
the fuu and ultra instinct goku one, which is extra pack I think
i don't remember what's in it but i guess your best starting point would be to get the special edition which is routinely at 20-25 bucks and then take a look at what isn't in it and go from there
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This is a mess holy shit
the ones listed as a set or pass include all the individual ones of the same name
Out of the confirmed ones:
>Future Gohan
>Goku Black
>Fat Buu

Will replace someone with these if they're added:
>Mercenary/Cyborg Tao
>Super #13
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Alright then, time to commit some hate crimes against the majin race
Keep in mind that the steam page includes both the passes/pack sets and the individual packs, so the $200 value is more than it actually is
But yeah, if you're starting from scratch, only some, really
If you're in it for PVE content:
basically what this anon >>484099162 said, Extra DLC Pack 2 is a must-have
Ultra Pack 1 doesn't have any scenarios, but it lets you unlock Burst Charge and Ultimate Charge which are very handy for PVE content
FUTURE SAGA Chapter 1 has 3 fun little stories to play, but it's not on sale
I'd play the base game and if you're having fun go on from there. Most of the DLC content is made with you having finished the base game in mind anyway
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Target identified. Prepare to get THRASHED.
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someone's about to get their ass whupped on
Has DB team training updated or it's still dead?
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rgh... the power of racism only won me one round
>hasn't unlocked autonomous ultra racism
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What happens if level 1 Baby wins? Is it boring like Cell and defaults to the level 2 win animation?
>Is it boring like Cell and defaults to the level 2 win animation?
I highly doubt it wouldn't be
unlike with Cell, Baby can't even down everyone without evolving, so most of the team would have to disconnect anyway
>you are too much of a spic to enjoy a character just randomly getting stronger after being surpassed all the time for no narrative purpose other than making the main characters keep fighting him for weeks
Tell us more about your taco addiction
>No u
Spic cope
I would prefer the correct name (grade 2) to become mainstream but I think a few games used "ascended"
You keep doubling down on the fact you just like power levels that grow endlessly in detriment of the story and attack people who prefer otherwise. You will never not be a spic, no matter how hard you project.
>No u again
You keep being mad that you outed yourself as a spic. It's been a whole day and you're still mad.
What's the better launch option for Sandland? The default one or force directX 11? Steam always ask me and I never know which is best
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>he keeps projecting without even trying to explain what's so good about his fanfic and what's so bad or spic about wanting something remotely logic
I'm giving you one last chance to make this shit up before I stop feeding you, troll.
instructions unclear, tuffles are now full of cum.
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YUP YUPAROO! That's how the Dabura cookie CRUMBLES when you stand up to the KING. May it be known that my ROYAL DECREE is NO BLUSTER.
But hold your head HIGH, for the BURNING CHADcism in your elegant dance made for a mighty foe indeed. And it means you have proven you stand on an echelon FAR ABOVE the LICHEN that happen to FESTER the WALLS of this thread.
I welcome ALL pretenders to my throne. MIGHT will make RIGHT. FIST will make EXIST. PUNCH will make LUNCH. These are the CRUCIAL TRUTHS I choose to abide. All else is NULL, and those who refuse are NADIR.
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>Goku Early has his battle vs Vegeta and Nappa clothes but also his battle vs Raditz clothes (no blue parts)
>Goku Super has the Broly outfit and as preorder bonus the same but with nyoibo
>adult Gohan has his Buu arc training attire and the Turtle gi he also wears in Super
>Piccolo has cape and no cape (we have only see him fighting without cape but he has one in the story mode so it's probably a costume too)
>Tenshinhan has his Z clothes and his RoF clothes
>Roshi has his Z clothes and his Super clothes
How the FUCK are these the only confirmed alt outfits? One of the coolest things about the Tenkaichi games were the variety of outfits. I wanna see what if clothes+forms combination for god sake, give me SSG Vegeta in his RoF outfit, give me UI Goku with his intact BoG clothes, give me Ultimate Gohan with the blue outfit from when he trained with Goten, give me short haired Ultra Trunks, give me SSB Gogeta with orange vest, give me something already
I know that is basically a rhetorical question but what the fuck is even the point of some of the Sparking Zero clickbait thumbnails? I get editing a goku pic so he looks like SS4 or Rose (Before he was revealed) but why even bother editing pics of UI Sign so he looks like MUI. UI Sign is already more popular with the fanbase anyway.
They're focusing on character reveals, also you forgot Videl.
you look like a soft ice
Just saying you are based as all hell and I kind of wish I wasn't burnt out on XV2 (beast + new skills do sound interesting but I'm stuck on some final things for MUA3 before scratching a minecraft itch). So here's some succor of the hype variety from my domain.
>SDBH: Final Shine Kamehameha brought to you by Saiky Wa No Fusion (Jazz remix) and Mommy Aeos??? What the fuck are you on Kiriku?
You forgot Cell Games Tien.
Isn't Videl only confirmed outfit the short haired one? Did they show the pigtails one too?
Still not enough anyway, I would unironically prefer an "outfit samples" trailer over a new character reveal trailer next
mommy aeos you say? i like this guy already
They showed both in her reveal, and I believe one person in a previous thread even saw her DBS outfit on the custom menu.
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I've been seeing a lot of Japanese artists using the Drake meme on Twitter recently.

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