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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch to July 29)

Previous: >>483869287
So how are the three throne contestants? Or w/e the title is they're competing over, which one do you guys like best?
>everyone who hates it is a Wowbuck falseflagger
>everyone who loves it is an OG true fan
Huh, strange coincidence.
don't call him that
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This one is even spookier OP
Too bad theres no reason to kill it atm!...
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I LOOOOOVE HROTHGALS please show me your hrothgals.
based ive basically on been on strike for 6 years
only /wowg/ fags use that term
probably talking about the bike that gives you riding map speed without a riding map
the SDS Fenrir has max movespeed unlocked without aether currents
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Ok, so I play with DelvUI which means all of my normal UI is turned off, and I will need it on for now. Is there a way for me to back up all of my current options so I can just turn my UI back to default until Dalamud is back up? A .ini or .cfg or something I can back up and then restore when the time comes.
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Which do I play through DT?
or MNK?
Expansion feels a bit half baked sisters
>Ok, so I play with DelvUI
Shut up nigga before I bend you over and fuck your tight furry hrothhole with my futa femhroth BARB
Dont do anything
I back up my profile but if you just wait you will have all your previous settings, theyre saved locally somewhere
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Honest opinions bros.
After a slow start will it turn around enough to be even a mid tier expansion?
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which one bros
>can't run game from quick launcher because it immediately stops responding on launching the game client
>can't launch it from steam launcher because it does the same
>have to launch from steam launcher but only after logging in and then ending all Steam processes
What the fuck is going on, man? I also had to restore twice.
>he paid for this
>a bit
>VAs are shit
>textures are still ARR style
>MSQ is dog shit
>new jobs play like ass
its slop
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why did she do it bros...
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I'll think about it
we don't use the S word here
Ok you guys weren't kidding. This lion bitches voice actor is absolute dogshit
I just got told by my FC leader to stop being cringe and just be me. Cringe is who I am you stupid faggot, you don't know me. Stupid ol man thinks he's above it all, bitch, you're playing FFXIV.
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>zoraal ja's p2 arena
holy SHIT this is the coolest looking shit they've ever done
shame the fight is a bit meh
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do we know what patch the field operation zone will be in? bozja 2 will save this game
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she looks like she fucks hyur men
hey guys, TACOS! xD
Why are we still having ps3 textures?
They told us DT would fix this
>I just got told by my FC leader to stop being cringe

What the fuck did you do?
that's a weird name
>bozja 2
lets hope it's eureka 2 instead
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so Tural just never got affected by the final days?
Why didn't I get an answer...
thinking about fat froth tits hidden under a big robe
i rerolled (again)
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Hate that the new graphics update made 0 brightness inside of homes so damn bright. I'm never going to get my comfy dark home now...
Cant decide if I wanna stick with male bun or go back to middie...
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What killed the hype?
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You lost.
I am
a face3 suncat
that will fanta into a catboy
bros why cant i edit the slider on nvidia upscaling
My meena is now like this.
pyraysteshon foua rimitashon prease undastend
everyone is playing the game retard
Good lord.
I can't wait to see fiddies nude again!
You deserve it. Stop playing DPS.
bro that hair is not it lol
Literally nothing outside of India and Fartmald got affected by the Final Days. The only reference to EW in general that will survive forever are the reddit rabbits.
2happy4despair pls understand
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This small tweak made my game look immensely better wtf
dogshit expac, hopefully we can forget it entireliy
Is that the level 100 AF armor?
turn off tscmaa and/or raise 3d scaler to 100% first
man why the fuck is the city so yuge when there's not much in it
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>No queues on launch day when SHB and even EW had them for hours and people were fearful to even log out
>Twitch streamers rushed to the end and already crying nothing to do.
I love these retards.
You don't like how it highlights the total lack of normal ears?
There it is.
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i am now playing Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
[spoilers]im still at the mostly start of endwalker though[/spoilers]
Nice fucking model
*Honk honk*
that's all femhroths bro
I haven't been able to play because I don't know what to rename character. I was forced to change it by a GM.
for some reason they only want you to use Balanced mode if you apply "Always On" or your fps target is below 30 or 60 in the other options
if your fps is higher than the 30 and 60 options you get DLAA over native res.
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what the fuck did this nigga just say?
damn nigga it's like they said they were doing shit to make that not be a problem this time
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Just like the old days.
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do you know this cat?
Every time I hear Daisuke Ono's voice come out of Zoraal Ja I cum just a little

I have never seen anyone in this general use this term before, where ya from tourist?
they upgraded the servers after the disaster that was EW launch and you still find a way to doompost. why aren't you playing WoW right now? is shitposting more fun than that game?
wuk's va is ok and I like the jazzy music in tural. evens I play vpr in msq odds I play nin.
/wowg/ fags have been calling each other that for years because they all hate the game they pay for
RAWR! :3
ok kekd
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unironically wowg
t. used to go there during bfa
Just came from your mom's.
jk i'm not actually going to
where do you go to enable the xivcombo stuff?
Anyone else have this?
why 99/100?
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Spotted a sprout fem hroth
it's already enabled bro
it was always enabled
you can just disable it now
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What causes this hair crunching up?
Didn't they test this shit AT ALL?
>depression eyes
Threads have been awful... please post fat bun butts...
there is no xivcombo stuff, they just allow you to split abilities that turn into other abilities because some people prefer that for whatever reason
that sprout is about to break you in half
how tf do I hide people around quest npcs?
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anon why wont you give me a (you)
you do know who i am right
it's enabled by default
>Escort quests
Why is this STILL a thing?
good. now step on me.
does anyone have the erm... what the scallop? image with wuk?
sex with this idiot lala
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Can hrothgal change the fang length after creation?
dt is rushed

japs are not happy over on original forums
So what's the fast way to level to 90 currently? it's still the enclave or does something better exist now?
>Exit out of a cutscene
>Get earraped by the sudden sound of minions being summonsed
Make it stop
How much shorter is the MSQ compared to EW?
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>turn off tscmaa
How does one interfere with the other?
Blacklist them. Then remove them later or don't.
100 makes everything blurry
it's so fucking sharp aaaaaaa
I'm so used to the game being blurry now
Remember when they advertised that garbage as a cool new feature in EW and it made the 6.x patches miserable
Tuliyollal is really detailed. You can go inside of the houses and there's many different styles. One even has a huge flowing water bath.
I checked a few houses, and the interior seems a bit different on them all.
That's been really exciting for me. I've been going around exploring, and there's so many spots, so much detail. That was part of my excitement before, hoping for more buildings you can go into and more detail in that way, not just higher res textures, and it's really delivering for me.
dont look at me im uninstalling Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail now in embarrassment....
wait with dlss? is that why? the scaling is fucked?
other games with dlss have that shit too at a specific amount it turns from blurry to crisp

fuck sake did they text anything in this expansion
you cannot use more than one method at the same time. that's how they programmed it man
Why does this foreign culture have no, well, culture? Might as well take place in Eorzea, so far.
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explain this to me in retard terms please
You can't even touch that bar with DLSS enabled.
They have tacos
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>sometimes, I pull on it so hard...
>(select) MODS ARE BACK UP

>if below 30
Give me a quick rundown on VAIPA in PVP please
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Wow japanese fans are vocal about the new expac and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way erenville's character is going and the whole final solution 9. I guess they were holding out hope for a zenos route. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the expac changed. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.
>Why does this foreign culture have no, well, culture?

Uh bro?
Holy shit anon. Thanks for this tip. It does look much less blurry.
Funny thing is reports on the forums say that 99/100 is what is making textures lower quality than normal due to the awkward resolution scaler you're forcing on it
maybe your native res is weird
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i found it nevermind
oh right, weird, fsr in 100/100 looks fine to me
OP AF atm
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Don't you know that culture is only language, food, architecture, and holidays, anon? That nothing else changes at all between national and cultural groups?
I asked his wife if they liked Malera.
i mean i am borderles windowed
>making textures lower quality
if this fixed blocky DT textures ima suck your dick
yeah and then nobody really liked it, cant wait to do more escort quests....
you spend like the first 20 quests learning about their religion, history, food, ethnic groups, architecture, festivals, rites, politics, etc
how do you define culture
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DLSS problems? Simply force it to be better.
*coughs blood*
link to petition?
Yeah, I tried and it didn't work. Even with useless old FXAA it won't let me activate FSR.
What the flying fuck is the point of implementing this, then? The fucking benchmark was running FSR just fine.
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no. it popped like 2 minutes after i made that post AND i got ultimaKINO AND i'm gonna hit level 90 so i'm not stopping anytime soon
They fucked up the DLSS on this version. I used to get 30-40% more FPS over FSR with dynamic scaling on the benchmark but now it performs worse than FSR at 100 (ie. off)
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It's implemented in a backwards-ass way compared to every other game that uses DLSS
basically, the DLSS profile "Balanced", which will render the game at a lower resolution then upscale, will only work if your framerate reaches below 30 or 60 fps. If you choose Always On then the resolution is always lower and scaled up.
If your PC is very good then put it at 30 and enjoy the DLSS AA
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I need this with wuk and her tacos.
Bonus points if ja ja's shadow
But you don't? You learn that these things exist, but you don't actually learn anything about them in detail (except politics, kind of).
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>go from upscaled modded to post 7.0 vanilla
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is this your “bench” anon?
yeah but how do you even play it
i bet its an old version , fsr runs miles better and is not blurry at all on my machine
dlss is blurry af at a certain distance
I forget, because this shit confuses me.
If I bought it on steam, and I don't want to use steam anymore, and I rebuy it off steam would I be able to put the code in to play off steam?
To the retards shitposting in this thread right now, why aren't you playing Dawntrail? If you don't like playing FFXIV why are you here?
Wuk Lamat is really growing on me
She's a pretty cute character
Shame about her ENG dub
I play with JPN, but still, sorta taints her image
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>the DLSS profile "Balanced",
hold up theyre using balanced as a profile?
no wonder it looks like shit.....
press 1 and hit glowy butons i guess dunno
its a mistery with all the colors and blade parts going on
>unlock some super duper sekrit place, possibly one that isn't wholly in your reality
>niggerbunny Erenville is already inside
it's like having Curious Gorge just chilling in Elpis, what is this shit
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Whatcha thinkin bout, Anon?
>got textdumped at for 12 hours
>going to bed
im not satisfied
those dick sucking lips...
foot stuff I guess
It's DLSS 2.0, ofc. But I dont know if it's an older version or they tweaked the algorhytmn for motion, which is admitedly quite good.
But the blur and the low performance just render it useless.
>Viper has to fully commit to the AoE CD combo unlike Reaper that can use his stacks on either ST or AoE
>If target dies the combo breaks
What the fuck is this trash job
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you ever wonder why we’re here?
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check me out!
Am I fucking up if I decide to spend this first week or so not doing the MSQ and instead just take my time leveling jobs to 100 via roulettes and challenge logs?
One of life's greatest mysteries
>What the fuck is this trash job
Made for XIVSLOTH 1 button combo
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you mean like in tural?
Uhh I just finished Tuliyollal and I saw quite a bit of culture. I actually had the thought that this is a lot more distinct than the other "foreign" regions were. I'm glad there's no filthy Elezen and Roe, for one.
what top is that?
you're not missing out on much
I'm waiting on a queue. It takes two seconds to alt tab and shitpost here.
holy shit...the latin american themed region has alpcacas...and tacos...AND mezcal????? this worldbuilding is so fascinating bros i can't wait to see what creative new ideas i'll discover next!
love the hair
Honestly twinfang and twinblood might as well be one button
>the sahagin
diadochos scouting
Everything I predicted was true
Apologize to me now
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I need to get the warg gear for my femhroth WAR
for now, this will have to do
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>It's DLSS 2.0, ofc
They actually upgraded it to 3.5.10 in the release build, so I don't know why they said 2.0 in the patch notes.

maybe you could end up being my endwalker after all.....
That top is so fucking cute. She's so fucking cute.
Oh... ok
how the fuck do I remove this stupid bloom
> 100 via roulettes and challenge logs?
Why not do bozjan too? Feels you're taking the long route not combining all of it
corn!!!! ftw
>i can't wait to see what creative new ideas i'll discover next!
the comically villainous guy is, indeed, comically villainous, and not merely pretending
subverting expectations got subverted!
Why do they always keep using this outdated version?
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no i mean here on 4chan
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>more players than any other MMO in history (on Steam)
>comfy beach episode where you can be comfy and eepy with your frens
>excellent and witty writing from Wuk Lamat, who is already a trans icon
>story is pretty simple and lets you go back to playing Elden Ring after all the cutscenes
>new and improved feet, toes and boob jiggle
>day-ons Bibo support including femhroth
>still far better than TWW and Cata classic
Jesus, I had high expectations for Dawntrail but Square Enix just blew them away. Is DT the best MMO expansion of all time?
striking has midriff too
It's just output resolution scaling, it has nothing to do with textures. It looks "better" at 99 because it applies a sharpness filter to the output that isn't applied when it's at 100.
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Yo-Yo-Yosh*sputters as he loses oxygen* YOSHIPEE-san, I am a VERY busy man, you must understand *eats* I am as of late working quite diligently on my newest book, The *fart* The WINDS of Winter, *sweats loudly* I have only so much time to devote to your little electronic amusement.*hacks up chicken bone* But what I find TRULY egregious, based on the material you have provided me, and *belches* based on your PREVIOUS work, is the complete lack of believable World-Building. In particulaaaaaaaarrrrrr*heart stops for 20 seconds* the complete LACK of any description of Lord Grool Jar-Jar, who is a KING I suppose *snort* having ANY kind of discernible tax policy! His capital, Tool Yodel I believe you so quaintly named it *chuckles* seems to be quite grandiose, aye? But how does he PAY for it all? Flying choco-birds ah yes, great big alpacas patrolling around, who pays for THOSE? *urine stain slowly spreads on shorts* You've got to THINK about these things, man, or else I won't get any work done at all! *falls into diabetic coma*
Just not interested in the new jobs and would rather max out the eight Supports while they’re in demand.
why are her eyes so retarded
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>Golden alpaca
Pls be mount. Pls be mount. Pls be mount.
Anon are you ok
Do you need help
They'll never look this cute again...
>Dear Customer
>This notice is to inform you that we have suspended the FINAL FANTASY XIV service account registered to this e-mail for the following harassment violations on 06-28-2024. Every account action we issue is based on conclusive evidence of a violation and is reviewed for accuracy.
>The suspension will last a minimum of one month, during which time you will be unable to access FINAL FANTASY XIV.
rude, she probably sucks mean dick
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She looks a bit chunkier now.
Also, do I want brownies or lava cakes from Domino's?
Reminder to follow the corns quests for the minion
I'm sowwy...
Get fucked loser lmao
LOL BRO RIP what happened lmao?
So it has framegen enabled for RTX 40xx cards? Weird.
There's definitely something off with it.
There's literally only two attractive characters in this picture.
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>Tool Yodel
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Some epic haxor tried ques your password?
Stop saying the nigger word
That's what spiccies deserve for their troonphobia.
couldn't have happened to a better person
I wasn’t sure if Bozja exp was worth it past 90. I know dailies can get me to 100 in like 3-4 days.
post 7.0 vanilla modding is going to be kino
i was the one who reported you, enjoy DT.
>more players than any other MMO in history (on Steam)
Sister... the New World launch numbers...
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anon can you hear the music!
These niggas are in the terlet!!
Hahahah get fucked bigot
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Is everyone just glossing over the point of Wuk Lamat's strength being her kind hearth and drive to understand people? We have examples of Brain and Brawn but none of the other contestants even bother to know their potential subjects. Why is everyone so hung up on her being a kind goofball as it somehow means she wont be able to bring the different people together?
I assume you *could* enable it, but the option is hidden away. It's also using Preset C for some fucking reason which might have something to do with the less-than-ideal image quality. You can fix it with some regedits and Nvidia Profile Inspector at least though some people have had more success than others with getting those changes to stick. Sometimes switching back and forth between FSR and DLSS after logging in will force it to switch to your desired Preset after you change it in NPI.
Good job. You get to enjoy opening week of Dawntrail with me in suspension hell. What'd did you do?
You have to do some really annoying shit to get banned like that. Even after I got caught saying "nigger" I only got a 1-week ban.
>Is everyone just glossing over
it was telegraphed before the expansion was out
I've tried that. They don't really go well together.
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You're trying very hard to argue against people who have no intention of engaging in good faith with anything and just want to shitpost.
A kind heart[h] and a drive to understand people are fitting traits for a teacher or a nanny, not a fucking empress
>she's completely unqualified to be a leader but she has le power of friendship
no one's glossing over it, it's just retarded
I said MMO. So my point stands. If you like New World so much, you can always go back.
Koana's like a weeaboo for Sharlayan. It's funny.
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what is his master plan
Because she's voiced by a tranny, anon, unironic Indians don't give a shit about anything else. She could be the best character in the entire game (she's not, but still) and they'd still hate her, just because they have to think about muh degeneracy from their rape dens and mud huts
women can't understand this
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i did literally nothing
You're full of it. I got 20 days on my first offense for calling someone that and a retard.
Minion if you follow his questline
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welcome to the game retard
>Calling someone bigot
>On 4chan
What a wacky wild ride this life is
Yes, everyone understands that Wuk Lamat is "le kindhearted", it's just that people were expecting a tiny bit more nuance than a Dora the Explorer moral lesson. If that was all it took then there are probably about a thousand other potential candidates available.
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Big daddy literally fucking spells it out that he's using the trials to groom them into learning the ways instead of it being an actual test of strength in like a level 92 cutscene.
It's fucking absurd how much better malezen look
Too bad it’ll never respond to any request for clarification. Why won’t it post the rest of the email which shows us exactly what it did wrong? Because the rest of us don’t have this problem.
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not to be that guy but you are in /xivg/
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We hate fascists and transphobes here. Back to /pol/
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>HD tan lines
I really do dislike it on ground mounts too. Why is my okami wolf drifting like a motorcycle?
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I can not take it any more every time he is on screen I start sweating and salivliating he isso fucking FUCK FUCKKKKKK SEXOOOOOOOO
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All these cute femroe in beachwear or tribal attire...
yea well he gets stomped by angry roid rage guy so who cares what he says
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>What a wacky wild ride this life is
Especially if you're mentally and developmentally stuck at your old high school lunch table.
Hey man, I don't know what to tell you. It was a 1-week ban on EU, if that matters.
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consider yourself happy, they butchered sunnies HARD, especially face3
sorry i'm an idiot, some reason I read level 90
Yeah challenge logs and daily should get you there pretty fast
same, his voice in Jp is sexo
she said this to me and not the alpaca
elk you're a funny little fella thank you for amusing the thread
I've been skipping cutscenes. These niggas yapping too much.
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grown men.
You're so right. I'm not usually a monsterfucker, but I absolutely, positively would.
>being her kind hearth and drive to understand people
Biggest anime cope ever. Being kind doesnt make anyone special. It's something that you add alongside other positive traits (that she has none) as a cherry on the cake.
NTA I'm from /pol/ and I've been here longer than you

death to all trannies
yeah agreed elk is so funny especially when he talks about back in the day and how old he is omg hahaaa soooo funny im slapping my knees
I'm sick of having to understand my enemies and befriend them like it's Steven fucking Universe. This story would've been half as frustrating if we just cleaved Cuckool Ja Ja Binks skulls and ditched them in a pit somewhere.
those ones are the most blurry, you can really hard ones if that's your jam
im going moonie asap anyways
Sorry bros, Yoshi-P heard they should make the game more like Dragonflight.
what dynamis world we rolling on sisters
I fucking love Undertale bros
whats wrong with face 3 sunny
Just preordered. How long does it take for the email code to be sent?
same but unironically
Who are you? I want to gift you a reward for being this mentally ill.
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>The new heirs to the throne consist of an autistic catboy, a twin headed lizard that's evil, another lizard that's evil who's actually being puppeted by someone else, and a braindead hroth womachild
Maybe the new world should become a democracy instead of this is who is going to lead their people now
>living memory
>amazing background vistas
>total mess of building styles, with random jeet walkways, european castles and glistening void cum on the floors
it's like everything good in this expansion has an equivalent helping of shit
>Emet narrating a cutscene
Almost bingo lads.
The difference between EN and JP is back to ARR tier, holy shit.
that's what tataru is planning on anon
The only kind of "bigotry" you care about is the fake internet kind towards the trans people you put up on a pedestal that you can lazily defend with single word responses, Oh and I'm black btw so before you open your mouth again you can kindly take my nuts and place them in there for you to suck on.
I actually hate how malezen look now, it might be over for me
Actually we like fascists and hate transphobes.
ok, yeah, I can't deal with this thread always being so negative. good bye.
What did he mean by this?
I thought living memory was totally schizo and tarded but it's the nuEureka so all the elemental mish-mash next to each other sort-of makes sense
it still doesn't look good imo
It's an allegory for how the real life New World was a retarded shithole too until the spaniards came along. It's a subtle nod to how colonialism was almost always an improvement.
>I'm black btw
>has zero impulse control and responds to the most basic bait
Yeah, we can tell
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enjoy your expansion anon I hope you all had a funtime poop socking to 90
Its instant on steam
they're less androgynous and they bothers me
The lack of hats is driving me insane...
PCT is so fun bros
>I hope you all had a funtime poop socking to 90
I like the brownies more
i am a moonie

with feats
Bye, and don't forget to check out Reddit, it's super le wholesome chungus there.
I am once again asking for you to post hrothgals.
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I can't play FFXIV for a while so I'm just going to ask you guys. How is Wuk Lamat? Is she better or worse than Lyse in stormblood?
Any Crystal CWLS bros? Feels kind of lonely playing the game alone...
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The graphics update does make my femra look a lot better now in many light conditions, she does not look like a ghoul anymore with pale skin and most uldah/rising stones lighting.

Thing is she doesn't truly look like my old character anymore, but rather a knockoff of it instead. Facial features and expressions are so very crucial to making your character *your* character and they dropped the ball hard on them.
Just pray they'll make minor adjusments eventually because it does not really feel like a loud minority that's hvaing qualms with it this time.
Holy shit. Why do you type like a retard?
I love my potato
can I switch teams and help the MCH catboy win the Dawnthrone instead of this retard?
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dude I know you
you're Tulioli Tom
kek, you met the same GM i did. i got a 20 day for kicking an afk healer in a dungeon
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I think this guy makes for decent competition. His smart head doesn't seem all that wise tho just 10IQ points higher
It should become a colonial possesion of their betters.
She's Lyse levels of dumb tomboy but she actually does things instead of watching the WoL do things and then taking credit for it
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I skipped one and it was when Wuk Lamat started doing some so silly xD shit.
are the endgame tomestone merchants still from the house of splendors or is it a new faction to avoid doing a heckin colonialism?
She's just as bad as Lyse in terms of personality and dialogue but at least she actually does some things herself instead of being carried 100% of the way.
She's less Lyse more Yda
Theres like 25 people active in the cwls right now.
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i skipped one cause i missed half of it and i was just gonna abandon quest and get back to it
but there's no fucking abandon button for the branching quests i guess
take a look outside, even H'ana had to fanta to tweak hers
elk going moonie? that's a change
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it's okay
i'm still getting adjusted but i think this face looked better pre-update
Tenochiticlan had working plumbing before the entire western world.
You retards shit in the streets while we built wonders.
Like four or five anons have posted a screenshot of that exact moment. She really is cute. :)
Which female race won the character update?
Now thats the good shit
Endwalker was peak, this is the beginning of the end.
3 of my friends quit the game today.
Femroes won pretty hard
That's actually a pretty good description. I'm gonna use it for now.
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i was originally a moonie...
2 face 3 femras
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Where can I find gimp clothes at?
need to prone-bone her/him(idc) with my meena
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My femra went from looking cute and doll-like to a late 20s egirl who has to use excessive goth-type makeup to compensate for her fading youth.......
forgot to mention this is specifically regarding the DT MSQ
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you do know this cat right?
is there a resource for dawntrail rotations?? my guiild is making we swap roles and I don't have this new class down at all.
adhd no brain tomboy also very weak, like why even carry the axe weak
Why do you hate fun?
Which continent survived a deadly plague though?
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>i was originally a moonie...
>tfw cant fanta into a moonie because my last name is a lore name
I regret so much being a nerdy retard and should have just used some random shit for my last name instead
she looks like my future wife
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Because I am an empty husk of a person.
We need to fatten up Alisae with some tacos look at her thighs they don't even fill the boots she's wearing.
do i get the arr fanta if i buy a skip?
>all those people complaining about their female characters
>I think they look much better now and I don't even play a female char
Just so you know, I keep checking out all of you cuties now that you aren't plastered in retarded make-up anymore and stopped using mods. Turns out you have no idea what men find attractive.
Bros the MSQ is so fucking boring that I had to take a nap midday which I never do.
i hate forced upscaling i hate forced upscaling i hate forced upscaling i hate forced upscaling
i hate forced upscaling i hate forced upscaling
i hate forced upscaling i hate forced upscaling
yea thats my 2.0 char
Get away from my wife, pierce
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you do know what this general is about right?
Everybody here is a grown man yes?
just got home, i heard the expansions a disaster so far
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Trust Wuk has OG HW DRK's Reprisal
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Is Anamnesis updated yet?

I need to tweak shit in game to see if I can salvage my character or if I'm going to become a catgirl (or bunboy)
So why isn't vipers pvp defensive skill part of his PVE kit?
twins are just a meme at this point perpetually 16 pandering to pedos
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That was cool
Time to find and slay Meteion
Good. MMO leveling needs to take weeks again instead of one 15 hour marathon session
anamnesis was never even updated for 6.55
it's dead permanently and doesn't even open on current patch
Has anyone tried the DLSS Swapper yet? Does it fix the blurry fucking shit on my screen?
same bwo
bro fxaa, tscmaa and DLSS with a low target don't upscale
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I am 5 hours into Dawntrail and have not experienced a shred of actual gameplay
No one could possibly feel despair when you're there, Grug.
i'm bored of the msq so i'm making a character to learn controller with
It's not nearly as bad as Lyse from SB.
She is as stupid, but the story and writing and her role in it aren't remotely close to as bad.
Yeah though also a bigger role.

Like some other anons have said, I wish we could be supporting Koana instead.

I love her too.

The white highlights is the worst part about this image, and that isn't changed.
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man why does Alisaie get a decent looking chest in official art but ingame she uses the same body model as her brother.
I used NPI to force DLAA.
Good shit, Grug. I remember back when you killed Ifrit.
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4 and a half here sis
idk what any of those acronyms mean
The gameplay comes in 7.3.
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oh man that fight is cool
the music is even better
Sorry to hear that.
im 3 zones in and aside from dungeons ive killed like 20 mobs if not less total in 8 hours, holy shit its a vn like arr
i'm skipping
>Um, ackshually... use the correct term! *pushes up glasses

KYS pedo. They're underage. I don't care about the laws in backwards states or third-world countries. They're underage.
I just saw a white furred hrothgal in the 2B shorts and now my shorts are all sticky
i'm hopping
Where's the option to turn my 123 combo into 111?
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can you tell me how much a dollar costs anon?
>help with the gay dawn throne contest
>plap pelupelu cunny until she's addicted to your cock
choose wisely, white man
i'm throbbing
almost like i expected, shit is going to be fucking boring until solution 9 steals the spotlight and nobody gives a fuck about the gay ass New World
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love this corny nigga like you wouldn't believe
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dawn throne easily
Good thing you can disable upscaling.
Pretty sure DLSS effectively upscales all the time.
Literally in every country except for 10 (ten) US states 16 is the age of consent. Turns out you're the backwards hick.
need any help?~
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>it's dead permanently and doesn't even open on current patch
uhh... so what I'm I supposed to be using if/when it's ready? Why is Anamnesis dead?
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don't forget to have a snack while you sit in queue
Follow in the footsteps of Cortez and do both
Does anyone know how the Viper rotation/opener should be?
removing my boots in the presence of a femhroth and triggering her flehmen response
>first thancred and urianger cutscene in expansion
>not voiced
Fuck you Yoshi-P.
schizo tranny devs abandoned it
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right here
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how often does this actually happen to men like do you just toss off your cum underwear into the laundry like nothing happened
People use ktisis or whatever nowadays.
>Stormblood 2.0
I should've knew they couldn't top what they did last expansion pack
Glamourer, ktisis, brio, etc from the launcher
Bro, 16 is the age of consent in basically all of Europe and most US states. You're the exception here, not others.
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>Yak T'el theme
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>>Stormblood 2.0
maybe this game can be good again
they arent real
I wouldn't be surprised if there's a GM who always punishes any report. Really simplifies the job.
It's SB2 in all the bad ways
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>when its been more than 3 minutes since I told someone I prefer the JP voices
arent you supposed to be on strike or something?
It's not in the game. They lied. It only exists for, like, 5 skills in the game, shit like turning geirskogul into nastrond.
>yet ANOTHER tranny melty ruins an application I use
Okay so what am I supposed to use instead of Anamnesis?

Does this let my try on gear and try out character changes the same way Anamnesis does?

Do any have the same functionality of being able to scroll through every item in the game to try them on my character? Do any of them have the same functionality of being able to see any potential fanta changes in game before I make the change?
you know people were making the same complaints in the earlier zones during last expansion too right? it could be salvaged later you never know
That was quite a while ago now
I like this game
>there are people that liked stormblood
Nothing is wrong with that, I just didn't care for how slow it felt plot wise

Even the action pack parts were slow
>>>Stormblood 2.0
>maybe this game can be good again

Brother I'm doing the azim steppe questline rn and that shit is the most boring shit that game offered me and I survived fucking post ARR
it's absurdly back and filler-y it's insane
>It's not in the game.
it is
it does exactly what they said it would do
the idea that they were ever putting XIVcombo in the game is pure headcanon on your part
I mean, yeah. But that doesn't change the fact that the start of both is shit, does it?
>Do any have the same functionality of being able to scroll through every item in the game to try them on my character?
Do any of them have the same functionality of being able to see any potential fanta changes in game before I make the change?
these are the two main functions of glamourer (no matter how much the dev might bitch and moan about it)
i need my modded hair i feel so naked without it....
I am about to start DT msq
What I am in for?
Are we really not getting the exploratory zone for another year
>do you just toss off your cum underwear into the laundry like nothing happened
He's talking about the content. Stormblood had banging dungeons/raids/etc.
Play the game and find out, retard.
msq pace is so bad i got to my first 'kill x' quest in the msq and legit just froze there for like 5s after playing viper for 5 hours
i mean its cute i like the msq so far but it really is poorly paced imo
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No combat content until like 4-5 hours in.
This >>483887104
Really doesn't change the fact if the start of the expansion is bad where you're spending most of your time when it releases.
literally never jizzed by accident only when jerking off and im 30 years old so idk never for me
I'm not saying, I'm just saying, Alisaie is at that perfect height for standing cu-....
mostly cutscenes
it's not called yawntrail for no reason anon
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>Can't /cpose on viper when in single weapon mode
>sheathe weapon emote sheathes dual wield mode
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People dont like Stormblood for the plot. It's all about the gameplay (most of which doesnt exist anymore).
Dare i reset le thread cred?
no sir i want the insta queues
i am jealous of your keyboard. is this german or dutch?
So if I'm looking for a replacement for Anamnesis and its ability to preview gear and potential fanta changes on my own character, Glamourer would be my best bet?

I don't care about posing or whatever else people used Anamanesis for. I only used it to plan/preview fantas and/or outfits.
>poop tier story with the best content ever
cool i guess
where's nu-zenos though, is it the blue lizard
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Stormblood was the absolute apex this game has achieved and if DT can come anywhere close to actually being Stormblood instead of a clapbait VN for people who sub twice a year (see: ShB and especially EW) this will reinvigorate all hope.

But I can understand if you don't get it. If you weren't there you probably wouldn't.
sure but anon said
>I knew they couldn't top what they did last expansion
this can only be referring to the msq in the latter half because the former half of ew is undeniably trash
i am not saying you are wrong it should definitely be less of a slog in the first half in both, im just saying that you dont actually know if it's over yet
bro that hairstyle is so bad i wish people would stop using it lmao PLEASE STOP just use the seifer hair if you want something like that
Worse in every way and more annoying because we already experienced Lyse so the second time around is boring as fuck.
Did they make Alisaie sexier in this or did I just forget how good that slender body looks in heelboots?
I forgot to make a dawntrail glam
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I'm enjoying my comfy story.
>Worse in every way
she hasn't tried to take credit for anything i did yet so she's fine in my book
Fuck you there's zero reason for 123 combos to exist.
I think he's referring to the content. The Stormblood cycle of game content was probably the best the game has had. The MSQ is pretty shitty though, you are correct.
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Don't be so dramatic.
>I only used it to plan/preview fantas and/or outfits.
then yeah that's pretty much what glamourer is for
whenever i'm considering a fanta, i first create the design i want in glamourer and set it to apply to my character automatically, and then i just let it run for a while to see how i like playing with it
my maliddie is now an old man
The devs disagree as they always have, but you can spend another expac whining about it while modding the fuck out of your game because you're worse at video games than middle-aged Japanese women
The downside is you don't see thumbnails for gear like with anam, you just type the name of the item and preview it

it does have some other nice functionalities too like when you preview a piece of gear normally in the fitting room, instead there is an additional option from glamourer to "try on" when you right click a piece of gear instead which puts it straight on your character
This is dogshit
I heard you guys have some fixes for some of the lighting and other graphical stuff?
Awww the little retard baby can’t hit 1-2-3 he’s got wittle fingers! Look at him guys!
looking good sis
Stormblood is better than ShB and EW. Maybe you should replay them if you don't believe it.
Launch has been really smooth for me. How is it on Balmung & other busier worlds?
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I mean it's been alright so far. Granted, I have not made much progress so far
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hello and happy femroe Friday my fellow femroe fanatics
I love femroes so much it's unreal

this day my friends we meet again
my femroe love bursts from within
this love, sincerest
for roes, our dearest
a serenade for them begins.

gorgeous roes with such sharp features
their striking beauty serves as teachers
that what may, outward, seem unrefined
yet with the keenest eye, is wholly divine.

with tomboy cuts and flowing curls,
piercing eyes with cheeks of roses,
luscious lips and slender noses,
their flawless faces, like perfect pearls,
a beauty without equal to bless our world.

muscles, many, lean and mean
adorn their frames, proudly seen,
fiercesome warriors, loyal protectors,
their gentle love shall grant you shelter.

from their dry, arid mountain homes
or port to port as they sail and roam,
a femroe's love knows no bounds,
the highest peaks, the deepest sounds
all matter not, for her love is found.

hold them close and hold them tight!
let them know you cherish the sight
of her, your fairest femroe
the one who always brings your life delight.

give her love and give her praise!
complement her roe-ish ways!
and if her face, this day of days
blushes and turns a brighter hue
from affirmations, spoken true
your hearts, together, that began as two
are wove as one, as she loves (You), too.

please enjoy the rest of your Friday and have a good weekend
in the words of another anon, "remember to be kind, even online"
I hope everyone is enjoying Dawntrail so far
thank you
You are retarded then. It’s the same character and this time with gigglesquee glomp humor and tumblr tier *makes nervous face* shit. The character is so wildly out of depth it makes no sense. Lyse wasn’t trying to be an empress of a continent at least.
ugly ass cat
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the trading msq arc is a preview of cosmic exploration isnt it
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FFX was 20 years ago and Kimahri looks twice as good as this.
i wasn't interested in the classes or changes, and i'm here to see if i was wrong and if they are good or not.
Why does your game look like that, is your PC high?
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Dw bwo I stay strapped
in fairness, i expect we'll see a lot more condensed basic rotations when they start to rework existing jobs like they said they would. i haven't tried viper yet but that's pretty much what picto already does: instead of 12 separate buttons, you just have single target, aoe, buffed single target, buffed aoe, and the rotation swaps in
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i think she's cute
Why do you write like this? Are you a moron or something?
>gee willickers
>me hitting 1-2-3 surerly will show those 1-1-1's!
>these plebians cant approach this skill ceiling
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this oji-san is funny
Have you tried not shitposting?
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Man I wasn't going to waste time leveling viper but do msq instead and here I am leveling viper instead
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debating on taking the male elezen pill.
But at the same time I dont want to look like every other one or like Urianger.
are there follow up PCT quests, and if so where are they? I went hard on Z3 and totally forgot to go back and do any job quests.
froths just like femroes are all tops with 120cm dicks right
>queue dungeon
>hi first time here!!!
Well of fucking course it is, it's the first day of the expansion and you are level 91?
I didn't think about that but that makes a ton of sense and now I'm feeling violently ill.

They bamboozled us once with how shitty Island Sanctuary was... now they're gonna do it wiht cosmic exploration.
>dogshit politics plotline
>promise of more content than before
we stormblood 2
keep licking Yoshit piss boots
There's a corn on the cob man in Final Fantasy XIV???
tulio from el dorado ass elf
ESL please go
Has anyone checked the ITS OVER malera cutscene?
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>this face doesnt look like a 14 year old's anymore
malezen really did get buffed
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You can no longer cast thunder outside of the fire/ice states
This fucks up everything I do with Black Mage.
do you like miera?
That's not how viper works. Like, at all. 2 123 combos are condensed into a single button but you gotta press a bunch of oGCDs as they light up like dancer.
fastest way to level 90-100?
shut up retard cat
Gilgamesh, Aether here
Pretty smooth as well.
I did have a 3k+ queue during the first hour but I took a break for a nap and a meal and when I came back i only had a 100 people queue.
DPS queues are absolutely fucked and I've seen several PFs asking for money for healing in roulettes. I'm lucky I have a friend starting EW and leveling SGE.
Otherwise it had been smooth so far. They really knew what to do after EW's fiasco.
what happened to the developer
>apollyon has mist dragon's 8-way cleave bombs
>except now they move mid-cast
Koana's coat is legitimately embarassing, its like something straight out of early ps3
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im goin to vegas!!
Now you look like a 14 year old who broke many nights playing Fortnite.
dishonestly? Bozja probably.
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Nice bro, for me, I don't need to worry about taking big breaks for food when I can just crack open one of these bad boys and go to town.
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hey anon.
When your doing the msq
Click your compass.
Do your aether currents.
oooohhh he makes me so corny...
Have you tried having standards? Who am I kidding you’d let anyone plap your Modbeast femra
maybe. like i said, i haven't tried viper yet but condensing combos is what picto already does
>2 123 combos are condensed into a single button
yeah like that.
>WoL smiles at the end of dungeons again instead of being grim like in ShB/EW
we're back
we're so fucking back
I started doing this but I found out that viper is shit by the time I hit 81 and dropped it.
My Viera's boobs seem bigger now
yeah, dishonest is fine with me. thanks anon.
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How long is dawntrail reading and not skipping anything??
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How's the expansion treating you, anon?
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hi there Im retarded, people have asked this before but what would be the fatest way to level viper to 90?
yeah how about you prove it?
post them
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Neat, thanks.

>The downside is you don't see thumbnails for gear like with anam, you just type the name of the item and preview it
Well that's really shitty, because I liked scrolling up and down the list when searching for random pieces that might look good.
>instead there is an additional option from glamourer to "try on" when you right click a piece of gear instead which puts it straight on your character
That sounds kinda cool though.

Thanks guys, I'll check it out whenever they start updating Dalamud
>>yet ANOTHER tranny melty ruins an application I use
>Okay so what am I supposed to use instead of Anamnesis?
You could learn to code yourself and not rely on trannies to do all your thinking for you anon.
Fates while qing dungeons.
Gets you bicolor gemstones for gil as well.
>mamool ja were LITERALLY pretending to be retarded this entire time
for what fucking purpose
same.. and I dont like this
I thought my skin texture mod bugged
nah, I'll complain later too, even though the currents were right next to the quest objectives.
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god femlalas mog me so hard now they're so cute without even trying I hate them I hate femlalas so much
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>he's skipping cutscenes already
Bozja. It's always bozja. 8.0 will come out and it will still be bozja because the new exploratory zone will be level-locked like Eureka.
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Viper is actually fun and easy.
would it get me a Chel catgirl tho?
thank you sirs, I only have unlocked early into the second area, would it be better to stay in the first one since its fully unlocked?
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viperbros how does the job feel?
what outside composer would you like to do a song(s) for XIV
for me it's ryota kozuka
Cute couple.
First zone
Z3 fates spawn like crazy.
Second zone fates are too far out.
Taking a break to shit
>afternoon arrives
>queues are now long
fuck, time to figure out anti-AFK tech
Yeah but you will forever stay locked in the first zone if you dont get your ass to zadnor and finish it.
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When does MSQ pick up, my god it's slow as fuck so far, a whole ass questline on trading goods back and forth. Feels like the Post launch patch questline so far
If I fantasia from male moonie to female can I still have a feminine penis ...
don't worry, it gets worse
aaa those are goated
we have similar pouches of tuna in bongland but they suck dick
very good for the lil brotein reload inbetween meals
lmk if we feetposting, I need to scratch the dead skin off my big toes first
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>log into balmung 70people in queue
>log into my aether alt
>700people in queue
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couldn't they have made at least a third male hroth model
these clones are creeping me out
do i get any bonuses if i roll on dynamis?
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Who transferred to EU
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im so glad they fixed the queue nightmare that was EW release
Probably only after the second trial.
Before 7.0:
"A slower paced, more down to earth MSQ would be nice after everything the WoL has been through"
After 7.0:
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That's it?
Looks like a shithole
double weaving is ass
that's it
god i can't wait for modbeast val to return
Wuk Lamat is carrying pretty hard, if I didn't care about her I'd have even less of a reason to be invested in these mundane tasks we're doing.
ps4's would probably overheat
It's also really easy to target someone and save their appearance and then you can copy just their gear over, or just their character appearance, or the whole thing. I collect glam sets by saving char data and hunting down the items later
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god bless
The meme is now genuinely "PS4 limitations please understand"
its CPU would explode
The problem is that it is slow and uninsteresting. There was 20 ways they could had handled a sucession war properly and they fumbled it.
is it actually a "selfish" dps like blm and sam?
surely it doesnt dethrone sam as the top melee dps job
You can be more down to earth and still have lots of action
How do we fix the roulette issue for DPS? I am tired of waiting 50 minutes to do trial roulette on Picto
What are your bright ideas then?
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get the standalone exe
SAM, MNK, and DRG are all losing to BRD right now.
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Where is my cat?
i have no idea about numbers but it has no utility whatsoever
what did val do that was as bad as claire and elk
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Dawn servants choices are
>Comically evil racist
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i see the healer strike is going well
This job has less buttons than Machinist.
Zadnor is cancer
i need someone to unmask the pelupelu asap
can't keep wuk lemat out of my mind, she's so dreamy. so glad the thread agrees.
why cant i use classic spectacles for facewear this is dumb
Feels pretty good.
I think you meant >Retard(Cute)
>God, 111 combos are so boring! We need this changed now, #HEALERSTRIKE
>How do I install xivcombo/slothcombo to turn MNK into a 111 combo?
It's almost like there's more than one person posting in the thread and there isn't a hivemind
the game is dead
people are paying for leveling roulettes
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what the fuck does this say
based. bloatfags already have a dozen other jobs to play.
and no personal mit either
Not that anon but I would've liked if the Scion rivalry lasted more than half of a dungeon when Thancred double downed some rocks to make our path slightly longer. Feels like they immediately lost interest and now everyone is gathering together to fellate Wuk Lamat's hrothcock
is this a mouth2 val
Im thingken about going 2 too
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How do you take screenshots? Is Gshade dead? Whats the alternative?
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Fabrics look GOOD after the graphical update!
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we won
what the fuck did you use to translate that? lmao
yea, im thinking moonies won
They beg for attention
I'm enjoying it.
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Me and my girlfriend Lyse. Ready to fight against the evil empire and free the people of Ala Mhigo.
Not enough poggers ascian epic warrior of darkness ff1 callback kinos for you? Do you need some orchestral music? Maybe a leitmotif or two?
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Everyone just uses reshade now since gshade went fully tranny mode
people are locked to their homeworld and balmung is one filled with a shitton of tourists usually, so if there are no tourists it's pretty normal
Do it for her
yeah i swapped to mouth 2 in 6.1 i think, it just looks better in posing imo
This MSQ lives and dies on how much you like her as a character
Nah, some of the faces got fucked
We went from soft looking to having scrunched up facial features with this one
The nose feels even bigger but also less Roe-ish
And somehow the resting bitchface got even more deadpan in the process

I fucking hate it
read the OP retard
>20 minutes of NPC prop hunt
fucking buklshit
Now that the dust has settled, it's by and far the best expansion yet. 94 on Metacritic easily
>rip off valois-burgundian conflicts of the 15th century
>rip off war of spanish sucession with foreign interventions
>rip off hunter x hunter sucession war arc
>rip off egyptian mamluk sucession wars (closest to tural, given the rulers were mostly foreign)
>rip off one of the islamic fitnas
>rip off anabasis
>rip off oedipus rex
>rip off the mahabharata
>rip off the crisis of the roman republic
>rip off the polish deluge
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>ERP with Elke
>report him after
Enjoy DT in a month troon.
He looks like he's about to drink Dash Juice before slicing with his Dual Blades
i am a moonie
wearing both a ribbon and glasses
(and also on vacation)
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I am skipping cutscenes as hard as I can!
How do I get this outfit? Is it like 3 weeks of beast tribe quests kind of shit?
Did everyone screenshot her?
>cocksucking lips
what did they mean by this...
Guys I'm at the Venat instance in Endwalker how long until Dawntrail?
I drank the fanta, i'm returning to roe.
isn't it just the crafter set
GShade died a while ago because the lead dev went full retard(he turned it into malware that would turn your computer off) and scuttled it.
is reshade working with DT?
>face 2
I could not care less
You do Bozja and do all 3 zones at once to do it fastest. You use lodestones to port back and jump around quick.
You can get a level in under 12 minutes that way sometimes, but you are limited by how retarded other people are or aren't in the instance.
Aaaaaa I'm going Demon Mode (Forma de Valor Style)
like 7 or 8
Tanks will still be chads for another expansion.
I think it looks fine.
What really got fucked over was glubface for femra it's genuinely different
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what do these look like under the hood? Just middies scaled down to 0.8x? Or large child models?
>able to create a closer look to my old raen by using a xaela
The fuck..?
>it's only for crafters
mother fucker
can someone give me a refresher on this? Why did he do it? Was there any actual consequences?
>How do you take screenshots?
I press Print Screen
what were they thinking?
this is worse in every single way
>Why did he do it?
an autistic underaged tranny from /g/ mogged the shit out of him
kek same /cpose even
So Stormblood if you cut out everyone but Lyse.
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Mark me down as being 4 expansions behind now.
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>mfw im a 10 Minutes main that rolled the Bland Food option upon character creation but i get powercrept by dumb waitressfags choosing the most meta characters at all times of the day
its not fair bros
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ADOF is bjorked a little and some presets look weird you have to uncheck stuff, I found I had to uncheck MXAO myself
can u translate or just tell me what it says
works on my machine

unironically this >>483890439
Sorry Tofu

No, we at least had antagonists in Stormblood, and a serious drive to keep going.
I skipped all the cutscenes until this expac

Can someone give me a quick rundown of whats going on?
you know, i think i'd appreciate some more new cutscene background music
replace the old stuff
i'm just getting a bit tired of fracture and machinations
especially machinations
>already seen seven different level 100 characters
okay, you can unsub and come back in 8 months now
Come to Odin, Light we had no queue for past 8 hours
I have no fucking idea and running around in different lighting doesn't really make it look much better
This isn't even my Roe, but it's honestly brutal seeing other people identify the exact same fucking problems I have with the face I use
honestly, bardbros need a win
sam on top come savage surely...
The quests where you build a magical float out of reeds in the hope that it will magically fix everything and it actually works has to be a low point in the series for me
We go to Mexico because a tranny cat wants to become hokage.
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bwo ain't it like a 40-something queue? just chillax slizzler
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any healers or tanks need to do roulettes haha...
it's ironic because crystal was filled to the fucking brim with aether transplants and balmung has been cozy as fuck without you scum
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>Why did he do it?
That's what happens when a motherfucker starts HRT.
i dont think anyone can summarize 500+ hours of msq quickly
>be me
>queue into dungeon as DPS
>pops after 10 seconds
Us DPSGods just can't stop winning.
basically BRD is kicking ass and SAM and MNK are in the cuck shed

also PIC > BLM
xivlauncher is good to use now, right?
Though when launching the game, none of the usual settings appear for me. Its as if I used the default launcher.
Anything I'm missing here?
dw i'm sure we'll get nerfed into oblivion and be a troll pick in no time.
... and then the WoL won
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>paks is back
soft time makes weak men
billions must die
>recurring plot element of 2.0 is how faith actually works and prayer is a real form of magic
>10 years later
>there is a quest where faith actually works and prayer is a real form of magic
>and it actually works
well it turned out to be a magical ceremony that the common folk simply forgot about if you payed attention
Monk bros why does punching and kicking feel so good?
Thought you guys didn’t need healers
blmchuds stay seething
pictosisters stay cute and funny as top dps
hope they revert the awful meikyo change and buff some sam potencies
true balmung has been actually super comfy all day its great
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"I won"
this really is the silliest little story written by zoomers
its just they disable the plugins part of the launcher for new patches
i used the main launcher to accept the eula and then use the modlauncher now
Which aesthetician hairstyles work with hrothgals? I'm not going to convert on a whim, and the fucking facelocking killed me. Does anyone know?
Oh, so I just can't use them yet?
God it.
Damn. Mostly just wanted an audio plug-in and that was it.
Shut the FUCK up wuk lame
That's not what happened here though?

And Wuk just happened to make a very lucky guess?
He introduced an unpopular "feature." I forget what it was — maybe a popup window asking for donations? Or something about making it tougher to uninstall. When people tried to work around it, he introduced malicious code that would shut down the end user's computer for doing so. Of course, he failed to realize that this is not only against GitHub's terms of service, but illegal, so his project was shut down. Basically another instance of someone with an inflated ego, not half as smart as they think they are, ruining their own project and reputation.
>just noticed I never exchanged anabaseios weapon parts for weapons
damn they really got wuk lamat in a mohawk thats crazy
0 of them
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swap to JP and she's a genki tomboyish gal
They said that you should launch the game manually once, accept the new EULA, and then start using xivlauncher just in case.
Something to do with a new clause that says that you get banned if you dont accept it (which is illegal).
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i missed it so much
the worst offense is the long face
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suncats... suncats...
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I'm gonna try to create the concept art elezen samurai, he looks good in the bathrobe glamour.
which post is paks
the scooby gang stacks a south american election to plant a candidate that supports their policies
>And Wuk just happened to make a very lucky guess?
No, Krile did, and then the priest dude went like "Yeah people have been in mourning so we haven't been able to do our fertility festival, could you lend us a hand because we haven't had the free manpower with the disaster recovery shit going on"
Stop skipping cutscenes
Huffing the scent of Alisaie's musky, sweaty girl shorts.
>24-hour peak
It's over dawnfail flopped
Yeah I was using default launcher until just a few minutes ago myself. I'm pretty sure I accepted it since I was playing, but who knows. I blazed right into it as soon as servers went up.
I just wanted XIVLauncher for an audio plugin. But i guess I have to wait for plugins to be reenabled.
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Looks like I still have pics from it. tl;dr some kid made a script that would copy all the shaders from gshade or something. In return the Gshade dev rolled an update that would restart your fucking PC if it found you were running an outdated version or were scanning the files. Obviously a fucking shader program forcefully restarting your computer didn't fly well with the community and the whole program died overnight and was even banned from github for a while.
Jesus fuck I knew it was going to be bad, but not this bad. What the fuck were they working on for these 2 years if not this shit? This is honestly inexcusable. Fuck. I guess I'll stick with my cat girl for now.
it was alphinaud wearing her clothes
>cutscene skippers already starting their head canon bullshit
Please read the fucking text boxes on your screen stop zoning out and looking at the thread or YouTube or discord.
>He introduced an unpopular "feature." I forget what it was
He kept forcing people to update for shitty pointless typos every other day. Some rando added a workaround to stop the auto-updating.
malezen are cool in concept, but look stupid in-game im afraid
i've tried the same thing as you
some reshade creater who made a bunch of the shaders also edited their custom shaders to fail if you used them in normal reshade instead of gshade, they have a huge watermark covering the screen to this day
You remember that this is the early access, right?
After she's done with her light sparring.
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Feels bad
>Lost to Destiny
Who's getting executed?
read the OP
Someone complimented my hrothgal and I ran away
I said thanks, but I don't know if I should complemented them back.
Their character was cute, but I overthought doing so, thinking that it'd come across as a half-baked complement
Teleporting away was easier
For MMOs, early access is basically launch day.
Also >Steam numbers
Most don't use steam for this game, surprisingly.
Cute cat.
that translates to what, 1.8 mil all together?
I am
a femra once again thinking about removing every in game friend and leaving every server
>several accounts full of characters that have 90/100 jobs instead of 90/90
i feel zero remorse about multiclienting these characters in the same frontlines matches and basically being afk until i get all their 90s to 100
hi wife
>brd is top dps
hw bros...we're back....
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Wow, the post-patch Endwalker MSQ is dogshit.
>That's not what happened here though?
That is literally, exactly, verbatim 1:1 to what happened
This is what furries like. Just look at wow. Its ugly by design.
msq hasnt been good since 5.3 in case you havent noticed
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>the scions are just the us govt interfering with thirdworlders by fighting on all sides so no matter what they come out on top
based japan
I wonder how many people will quit at level 91/92 because those quests are unbearable
wait, you can world visit again?
can you DC travel too?
First time I actually felt like skipping cutscenes
Zero's cuteness could only carry it so far
fem hroth wants to be queen
the real prize turns out to be the friends we made along the way
fem hroth and male cat are now rulers
then the cyberslop nation attacked
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Its ok, maybe in the future when they add styles I'll try again.

Sorry bud they're taken.
How did Thancred and Urianger catch up to us in without a boat again?
maybe this class will be worth playing again
So true
I love balmung without traveler scum.
It gets worse.
you mean 3.3
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did you pick chinese instead of japanese?
I don't remember making this post...
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Lol, lmao even
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Their sprint animation always made me laugh, like its not as bad as the Au Ra male one but still silly.
where do i exchange my tomes?
Didn't they leave before us in the post EW patches?
What do you like about viper compared to your other jobs
I think she's fucking adorable. But the only having 5 hairstyles is just wow.
Ugly ass character who pooped in a sock and skipped all cutscenes to get to the endgame trial.
urianger's gaping asshole works as a wormhole across the world
bullshit aside probably sharlayan technobabble because they're working with g'reen tia
What in the Xenoblade
No I mean when we took the boat before the second dungeon, their green catboi said it was too dangerous to take a boat and then they get there before us
can someone post their viper hotbar, mine was born retarded
>he’s gonna bitch about there being “no content” until savage now
It's not nice to tug at my emotions like that
>pick up quest
>read a bunch of shit text boxes

>completely fucking forget everything I read as soon as the boxes close
>get to the next NPC
>in an "oh yeah" fashion, remember only what the next NPC talks about
I can't tell if I just stayed up too long or if this shit really is that boring
Oh I haven't got that far yet.
I got sleepy and had to take a nap for a few hours. Couldn't focus on MSQ after trying out Viper/Picto.
don't compare this shitstain to xenoblade
I can't because half of it is on gaming mouse buttons
there's a new EULA? the xivlauncher has been completely smooth over the dlc launch
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based and true they really dont make this game like they used to everything was better back then if im being honest except maybe like playing paladin or white mage :/
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Based royalist.
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child models
I don't care about the pedo dream twins.
Do we get quality Krile or Estinian moments?
83 or 87?
Honestly I haven't been reading at all for couple of hours now, yet it still feels like I haven't actully missed a single thing and I know what's going on from just general flow of things.
Why does Zero keep tipping her fedora?
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Is this true?
Yeah. The EULA thing comes from the xivlauncher discord, btw.
As far as I know there is, but I don't recall accepting it myself. I was probably moving fast because honestly I was going to play either way.
May want to consider logging out to use the default launcher to accept it to be safe. At least on primal/my server queues are like 50 people as of 15 minutes ago, so I got back in pretty easily when i tried to use XIVLauncher again.
holy christ I am struggling to get through this msq so far.
I'm sorry about your attention span and your reading difficulties, anon.
dont care
or congrats
I think Mate Us used to be called the Balmung waiting room
It is genuinely absurd that a new race is effectively out of date with the rest of the game. Like what the fuck Square.
no cap
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me i'm skipping every cutscene and mining with my hcim on my 2nd monitor yep im a power gamer
I started the game on the original launcher and there was no EULA change notice...
I just finished the first zone, its quite weak, but I'm reserving judgement. We'll see how it wraps up, but yeah not great so far. If this msq turns out to be a flop, I think thats proof enough SE can't write a new original story.
whats your mining lvl bro
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Its just what I've been seeing. Honestly I don't really recall. It was 5am EST when I launched it.
However picrel is from the XIV Launcher discord. You're probably okay.
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Is paying the tank and healer 100k per one dungeon one worth it than just spamming bozja?
only 72 i made this guy a month ago
my first hc died because my game froze for like 12 ticks during tornadoes against blue hunllef while i was doing reg gauntlet to warm up for cg :/
i heckin' love farming bojza faterinos!
I played Mateus during Stormblood because it was one of the servers with fast leveling because nobody was there. I take a break until shadowbringers and suddenly Mateus is Balmung-Lite it was so weird
This but unironically
oof, that shits why i'll never make a hc i'm also dogshit but if i somehow didn't kill myself knowing the servers would get me isn't encouraging
>play MMORPG
>its only prominent feature is its story
>skip it
Once world hopping became a thing, people started flocking there since Balmung was always full back in the day. It was basically the back up RP server. So they could easily hop between the two being on the same DC. Thats why. It literally IS Balmung lite.
for the old tomes to poetics mor dhona
Oh, I know, they introduced that when I was on break. I haven’t played since shadowbringers though I hear there’s DC travel now, kinda. Mateus was mostly chill except for the normal hunt train drama. I was never into high-end raiding and if I got anyone particularly shit in dungeons I’d take the penalty and bounce
the game he's afking has better quests anyway.
Yeah everyone goes to Aether for raid groups now. Its actually really shit because it really kills DF and PF for other servers. Everyone runs to Aether to put up PFs and DFs while they hang out over there for statics and other groups.
They really NEED to disallow the creation of PFs on Data Centers that are not your own. They can still allow the joining of them when on other DCs though. This ensures you can still search for raid groups on other DCs but have to populate your own DC/Worlds PF.
That or make the PFs region-wide including all DCs in that region which would be more ideal.
Aw, that’s a shame. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle at this point. Crystal was never as shit as people claimed. Maybe a lower population, but besides that all the normal raid problems. I thought you could, like, make parties with friends not that everyone would go there or else. I don’t play, as my PS4 and wrists don’t broke but that makes me sad.
worst expansion since shitblood
The only good part of stormblood was the five minutes I got horny for zenos before shit ryu after being bored by him the whole expansion
Don't get me wrong. Healers and tanks are still instant DF pops, and DPS typically doesn't take too long. But if you get on and compare PFs on Aether for stuff like raids/high-end/trials/etc to places like Crystal or Primal, it dwarfs them.
Just a week or two ago I went to Aether. 99+ in High end duty.
Primal had like 12. Keep in mind this was during the lull period between expansions, so Primal and Crystal will definitely pick up. They aren't desolate servers/DCs or anything.
Its not the end of the world to go to aether, but I wish they'd either merge the PFs for regional DCs or just disallow creation of PFs on other DCs outside your home DC.
Maybe soon they will. Its more of an annoyance than a big hindrance. With the population boom of the expansion, most probably won't even notice it again for a while either.
debuff gcd > damage buff gcd > dreadwinder combo (do it in the order that applies haste first)> reawaken combo > uncoiled fury > uncoiled fury > finish basic combo > dreadwinder combo
Truly. Especially since we had this dilemma with two races prior, one of which is the male equivalent to this. What the fuck. You could literally just copy paste the code or spend a few weeks refactoring. They had years for this shit.
Damn. You got absolutely buttblasted over something so innocuous.
The reason it doesn't work is the lack of good looking medium-long hairstyles for malezen. Note how they're always depicted like that in all artwork that makes them look cool, yet those hairstyles aren't in the actual game.
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MCH bros what's the qrd
Does anyone notice the fog/cloudy weather effect has the flicker glitching issue?
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