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Content Edition

>The Final Shape

TWAB (06/27/24): https://bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid_06_27_2024
Patch https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_2_update_8_0_0_5

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Clan: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Clan/Profile/4995217

Deprecated >>483679642:
Truth pedo you are up. Your reason to exist is here and ready. Don't screw it up.
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>me with my Truth
He did it. Another day holding off suicide.
Do I clap?
Okay let's be honest here. What killed the hype?
I dont have anywhere else to drop this. Youtube CCs ricks name as "Rick Cactus" and this AI image is really funny to me.
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forgot pic
siva love
siva sex
siva wife
Wtf dont post pictures of me
It is pretty sad that no matter what time a new thread is made, morning, noon and night, you are there. Probably isn't healthy either.
>do bad in crucible
>put on Hunter threadling spam build
>do good in crucible
This is like easy mode
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so why are most of the end final shape activities so heavily focused on co-op? I'm a friendless micless tard and I really do not want to deal with other people and shitty callouts
because you're playing a console fps?
people talk to each other that's how it is
what the hell is wrong with pc players?
>shitty callouts
boy can't read a clock lol
>Don't have much to add in the sea of conversation, but happy to amplify the following: Trans Rights are Human Rights. Saying that being Trans is "mental illness" is false and completely inappropriate. Seeking adult relations with minors is abhorrent. Much love. Be safe.

>t. A_dmg04
>Russian calling anyone else a pedo
ironic, I'd make fun of you more but you'll be dead soon so it would be in bad taste
It's definitely a weird change in direction given that they originally wanted the game to have no direct communication outside of emotes. Maybe co-op leads to people making friends and sticking around because of them.
>Seeking adult relations with minors is abhorrent
kinda homophobic dmg
>his label made me mad fuck I need to call him something back
>I know I will call him Russian because.......I dunno
Truth Pedo this is getting pathetic now. Go outside.
pctards are accustomed to cheating or exploiting videogames so being presented with a game in which you must rely on others instead of pulling out cheat engine is a giant shock to them
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>Trans Rights are Human Rights. Saying that being Trans is "mental illness" is false and completely inappropriate.
>Seeking adult relations with minors is abhorrent.
take your own advice, oh wait you can't because you might get bombed
it's incredible to me that rightoids are so mindbroken that milquetoast office drone political takes are considered bait to them
It's ok to take a break from this general for one day truth pedo. Maybe fill out some job applications and move out of your parents home.
incredible levels of projection, vlad but I'm afraid it won't save you from your imminent and painful demise
Is Micah fucking drunk or something? This bitch slurs every other word and everything that comes out her mouth is almost always nonsense.
>no u
What's your plan truth pedo when your parents die one day and they aren't taking care of you anymore?
what do you expect?
you can only eat so many Ls before going crazy. I feel bad for em
>Seeking adult relations with minors is abhorrent.
how the fuck did russia pop up in this conversation?
to bait replies. same as anything else.
Truth pedo is mad at the labels so he invented a nonsense one hoping it sticks like how when liberals invented chud and it blew up in their faces
>Saying that being Trans is "mental illness" is false and completely inappropriate.
it's false because it just is ok?
and it's inappropriate because they don't like to confront those thoughts ok?
shut up and accept the normal because they have decided what that is without your logic
time to turn my brain off and pretend that all these posts are about the game.
Play behemoth titan
game is finished we won remember?
i am just shitposting to drive away people so this thread dies faster
made me laugh, thanks anon.
>”hey guadian, i-i needh youtoo fin’ som’ ghosts *burp* yeah?”
>hear audible clatter as they fall over with their booze
I'm one of those weirdos that likes Behemoth, but it's just so bad and none of its exotics have Frost Armor interaction.
I do, I was there since behemoth's beginning
maybe if there was a way to grab diamond lances from range
You realize they are going to die one day right truth pedo?
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>he's had a breakdown and is now calling himself "they"
can't believe he's become the witness irl...
What's your plan when they die and you have to get a job to support yourself?
Pretty sure he's replying to this, kek
problem with that one is that half of your lances still spawn off in the distance
Do you expect a titan exotic to function as intended?
Russia is the new liberal bogeyman as the Ukraine steals billions and billions of dollars from the US taxpayer
>more unhinged schizobabble
try again in English next time
y'know that's fair
Your parents are going to die one day and they won't be able to take care of you truth pedo. You kinda need to plan for that.
When did you transition?
>you can't defend yourself only I can
>please send the Ukraine another unregulated 20 billion dollars US tax payer
both my parents passed away years ago, I already live alone
But I appreciate this deep insight into your own personal insecurities. Really explains why you are the way you are
>The massive shill in these threads is a deranged lefties who unironically thinks everyone who disagrees with his mental illness is a Russian spy
Fucking. Lol
>doesn't even try to deny it and just doubles down
well there it is case in point
this is why using you as the boogeyman is so effective, because you are actually the boogeyman and you don't even attempt to mask it
>I already live alone
>pedo whose life goal is to spam a general for 10 years is old and family-less
kek I don't believe you but it's funny that this would be your lie
its fucking insane to witness this meltdown unfold
you should feed one of his intros see what you get
you keep projecting, it's not a good look
don't you ever get tired of being laughed at every time you start a fight in these threads? or does your intense autism keep your ego shielded
>please send us another 50 billion US tax payer ignore your poor or veterans we are the good guys and NO we will not keep track where this money goes how dare you even suggest that

Who knew that a guy that maintains a pathetic gimmick for 10 years in this general is an unhinged loser. Really really shocked.
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/dg/ - Deranged General
>no u
This is all the truth pedo can do when confronted with the truth
>no I don't live with my parents I live alone as an old loser whose life goal is to ritual post all times of the day in a dying general
kek either one is pathetic truth pedo
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Alright /dg/ autists what's the roll I want on this?
anon, stop projecting your own failures onto other people you do this every thread, get laughed at and then you just keep doing it. Get help, seriously
>please send the Ukraine another 100 billion you pay piggy American tax payer who cares that your country is crumbling and if you are against this you are Russian
This is what maintaining a pathetic 10 year gimmick does to a "man"
rewind bait because envious is fucky with veist if Cross is to be believed.
it's not vodka it's abject fear because they know by the time this is over the CIA will come to his house and torture him to death in ways that make hollywood gore fests look like Disney World
is truth pedo really a pedo?
>no u again
>all he can do is no u
No u is basically "you were right and I have no retort to that" truth pedo.
>Get help, seriously
Remember the guy that for 10 years will consistently be the top post no matter the time or the day repeating the same gimmick post is saying this.
i’m gonna stick with my rewind one
no, some newfags can't handle thread culture or ritual posts so they're stirring shit but they'll be gone in a few weeks so who cares
Yes he used to spam furry porn non stop until mods cracked down and some of it involved younger characters in the game. Furry and pedo is essentially the same thing these days. He is so angry at being called out he's starting to samefag his own posts.
video games?
>dedicating 10 years of your pathetic life to make the same pathetic attention whoring post at all times of the day isn't a mental disorder if I call it "thread culture"
ngl completely unhinged behavior from Truth poster, never expected this from him, Piss anon on the other hand...
>>no u again
>>all he can do is no u
>No u is basically
yes, you just described what you're doing
glad we got that out of the way. And again you even argue the same way
it always goes like this
>(you) make utterly retarded statement and get laughed at
>(you) then go on a tirade slinging any accusation you think might stick
>others call (you) out
>(you) start screaming "no u" every post ad nauseum
you are so sad, I'm not going to humor you anymore since it's clear all you want is attention. Good bye
no lmao it's just some guy who posts that every thread and when the new expansion dropped this retard showed up and started spamming every thread calling people pedos or trannies or whatever. New content always brings out at least one crazy
>no u again
I accept your concession truth pedo. I await the day this general dies and you shortly end your life afterwards when you lose your only source of attention you disgusting pedo.
t. Truth anon
its really obvious on this one buddy
this exact fucking thing happened in wfg
I'm actually pretty sure it's the same shitposter
Yes lol you can even go check the archives if you dare a year ago when he used to get mad when discussions were happening that he didn't like and he would spam furry porn. This pathetic pedo lives in this thread and thus thinks he can control what gets posted here.
>t. Truth anon
holy shit dude, you're actually having meltdown
hopefully he commits suicide sooner. You can only hope. There is always one autist in a general that goes out of him way to try to control it and ruin it. Like a pathetic jannie only he has no actual power.
probably, guess he needed new material when everyone ignored the ember spam
He is also samefagging like crazy. The pedo doesnt even try to change his posting style when responding to himself
eh wcyd
>anything happens
>warframer comes to spam
tale as old as time
People like the truth pedo are always on the edge so I hope you are right. "I don't live with my parents I am an adult loser who lives alone" kek
>it's warframe
>actually it's russia
>actually it's
have you people considered that maybe a certain event happened last night that would encourage bad actors to spread propaganda across various boards?
I know matching shapes is hard for destiny players but let's try and put two and two together
every time he gets challenged all of a sudden out of no where people that post like him start making mundane replies like "yea you are right" replying to him. Its so transparent and obvious.

Dude capitalIze your first word if you are going to do this. There is some free advice
I guess it's true what they say every right wing accusation is a projection
>the republicans sent Russians to the 4chan destiny general as a response to the debate performance of Biden
Truth pedo is also a schizo apparently.
10 years pathetically mainting a 4chan gimmick does that to a man
Don't bring politics into my thread or I will delete it
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>this singular post caused some /pol/tard to completely lose it and shit up the thread
incredible work my friend
Russians will just be dispatched to that thread then according to the truth pedo
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I don't know who you think you're trying to fool.
This guy seems pretty cool
t. joseph
I wish I had money to do that
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Russian here, i'm in awe of my powers but honestly i just like to shoot heads
it's a losing strategy to fight against inevitability
I understand the 4d chess here of baiting people to go off topic then reporting them but its pointless when you can simply press airplane mode and you are back.
It's always worth fighting.
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>Truth anon got banned
Now thats fucking hilarious
>russian schizo is now literally hallucinating things that didn't happen
lmao actually mind broken
now hold on a minute i just caught a stray, i'm just a witness to this meltdown
>truth pedo got banned
posting that gay people exist isn't bait you fucking retard if you don't want to get banned maybe don't be a retarded jackass
I mean honestly? how fucking hard is it to not be a piece of shit
>how fucking hard is it to not be a piece of shit
it's very hard for certain people
He will ban evade. This is his only meaning in life now.
but its le 4chins culture XD
>these are the people calling you subhuman or accusing you of living in your mom's basement
really the jokes write themselves
4chan culture is being and adult man in your late 20's or 30's who lives alone and maintaining a pathetic 10 year old gimmick where you are the first poster in a thread even if the thread is posted at 4 in the morning.
you need an anger management class
not everybody is your thread nemesis
if you cannot conduct yourself rationally in a public space you should leave. Lashing out is only going to cause problems for you and only you.
What should I be doing to get Red Border weapons from the Pale Heart? Just repeating the lost ghost missions over and over?
Overthrows, weekly focus, random drops, micah quests
focus your engrams
This is all meaningless coming from an adult loser maintaining a thread gimmick for 10 years that requires him to post even in the middle of the night when people are sleeping.
all his bluster and frustration and the russian couldn't even prove truth poster was a pedo before getting banned
still waiting on those archives
let it go truth pedo... let it go
>please supply me with degenerate porn from the archives
If you want that go look it up yourself pedo
>still no proof
see previous reply
You're asking for something that doesn't exist 4chan culture is making up random bullshit and then saying "it's in the archives" because it's unverifiable
the only person who ever posted furry porn was some guy who was utterly obsessed with some furry named caliboom
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Did you really just reply to yourself twice
and the samefagging begins again
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>he isn't a furry in 2024
at this point you're just a contrarian, it's not 2007 anymore grandpa
he did that a whole lot of times and more
this is all fascinating but I'm still waiting on this supposed proof
not even a date to zero in on
He makes it so obvioua but keeps doing it over and over. Easily the most pathetic person in this general and that says alot
I literally said as recent as a year ago, start there.
>no u
brother you fr? you're just gonna get banned again
What's a fun hunter build that isn't Still Hunt/Nighthawk or Liar's Handshake melee spam
This response was complete gibberish. You are becoming unhinged now.
>master farm
>dont push the yellow bars hp until we kill the champs
>retard autism-focuses down the boss
>starts getting mad that “were not killing the 4 overloads” and how “4 overloads at the same time
is bullshit”
>say dont kill the boss till we clear the champs
>autism-focuses down the boss again
>gold rewards
>”this is such bullshit after all that we dont get platinum”
>call him a retard
>he reports me
im going to wait to GM farm with /dg/
>im going to wait to GM farm with /dg/
did they fix warlock rewards yet
you mean May, June and July 2023?
there's nothing here and in fact nobody is talking about furries or pedos at all
actually as I get look more it seems this is a more recent development
you're a lying faggot, kill yourself fucking literal retard
>check the archives bro
all this proves is you're a stupid fucking gorilla nigger who lies through his teeth
thanks for wasting my time you cunt
Is fatebringer still worth farming for?
>I searched 3 months of archives in 5 minutes
kek this is getting really pathetic truth pedo. Just stop looking at degenerate porn and go outside
>he fell for it
All he knows to do is lie.
holy shit you're just fucking crazy idk why I expected anything else. A thread takes 20 seconds to skim through for deleted pics or ctrl+fing "pedo"
how long do you think it takes to go through an archived thread?
oh stop samefagging and slit your throat you fucking loser you lied I caught you now give it up. It also been 10 minutes not 5 so I don't know why you lied and said 5
You said you were going post to post seeing what they were talking about which takes more than 20 seconds. I know you are fiending for degenerate porn and frustrated you didn't find it yet but it's there. You have to actually look more than 5 minutes.
Uhhhhh... Destiny 2?
This is what wasting 10 years of your life maintaining a pathetic gimmick does to a mfer
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>story over
>episodes are just seasons but with more timegates
>seasons are now more expensive
>friends have been leaving one by one ever since shadowkeep
>only one left
>bungie is moving activities more and more to the "don't you have friends?" model
>titan has gone from frontline tank to le melee guy
>melee as a playstyle sucks
>hunters are a better melee class now
>prismatic titan sucks

sorry boys I'm out
if they ever announce a D3 I might come back but this is the last you'll ever see of me
you're pathetic and really bad at lying


here's the truth, you're a newfag, an invader to the thread and you're desperately trying to lie and shift the thread to what you want it to be well some of us actually do bother to fact check you delusional fucking monkey
Why would the pedo furry porn you spammed this board with be under that tag truth pedo?
>1200 hours since shadowkeep
and stay gone, fucking tourist
stop, you've already played out your hand
>you have to be a loser who has been in this general for 10 years maintaining a pathetic gimmick otherwise you are a newfag
Don't worry bro, the $20 dungeon in September will totally be worth it.
>I spent 5 minutes going through 3 months worth of posts case closed
This is pathetic even for you truth pedo
>the majority of uses was just this month
hahahaha they're so transparent but so desperate to pretend they've always been here
It's actually over, the expansion project lead just left
nothing of value was lost
>everyone I don't like is truth poster
does your rotten nigger monkey brain leak out of your ears when you type such stupid bullshit? You've been dismantled and now we all know you're lying. Continuing further just makes you look worse
>he's samefagging again
honestly could their replacement be worse?
Not everyone but you clearly are. Every reaponse to me shows everyone how an unhinged pedo you are so keep showing that truth pedo
well yeah he just got exposed as an actual newfag who only showed up a few months ago
he'll probably get banned again in a little bit
Here is the actual link since that anon is an autist
Its all the truth pedo does when called out.
>get exposed as a liar
>y-you're unhinged
it’s very interesting a lot of recent Bungie leads came from Riot games, and are leaving
i wonder what skills they had that translated over to Destiny, i guess maybe maintaining a live-service game would be the biggest, like Valorent and League.

and also the new Marathon lead is the former Valorent lead, pretty interesting crossover of studios
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>here's the truth, you're a newfag, an invader to the thread
let it go Truth pedo, you lost this debate
no HERE is the actual link
>I spent 5 minutes combing over 3 months of generals and am totally not lying
Keep showing everyone how unhinged you are truth pedo keep the replies coming
I knew truth pedo was a forced meme but it's pretty funny to see how blatantly artificial it is like this and he's still doubling down
/pol/tards are a whole other level of schizo
here you go:
I can't believe it's 2024 and people are making conspiracy theories about all the truthposters being just one person and getting triggered about it
How does this refute what he said about the truth pedo?
I'm the truthposter
i'm the russian newfag
along with playing Destiny, i also like to watch anime and read manga
It is one poster. I tested this months ago by posting the same exact image, no modification, same name and the truth pedo would still post it afterwards. It's one pathetic loser. Always has been.
Bungie lost
no i dont stop lying you fucking peeeeeeeeeeedo
i like to read manhwa because its based and pure sex
truthposter is a bot retards
it's impressive honestly they're almost as tenacous as the average xiv spammer
you have to go back
I read the Ragnarok one back when I played that bad MMO. Still a better MMO than Destiny, even though Destiny is actually a platformer.
>1097 results found
>not the most pathetic person on this site
proves the term itself is something he made up at random cuz he showed up the thread one day and got angry at ritual posting meaning anything out of his mouth is a lie
if it were organic and genuine we'd have seen it more, he also said this event happened in 2023 in the summer, yet the term didn't appear until january 2024
so again, a faggot who's just lying
yeah and there's a person who posts a fish every single goddamn dota 2 thread but I don't cry about it because I'm not retarded
The term has nothing to do with what he is claiming happened in the past. You are just deflecting back to him now with nonsense because you can't refute him.
I wouldn't be shocked if it was the same loser
>there are days where there would be new threads every 3 hours for days straight and he would be in every one
>literally was one of the truthposters
>still believes there's only one truthposter, who he thinks is a pedophile or something idk?
scratching my head here bros
>they think it's a person and not a bot
There is one. I literally proved it when i posted the image and he just posted another one. You can stop with this cope pedo. He was even whining about getting mad at his ritual posting earlier in this thread.
dawntrail bros....
We literally had truth pedo sperg out about russians, cia and other shit at the beginning of the thread. this truth anon is just a bot meme not going to work after the meltdown you had
>The term has nothing to do with what he is claiming happened in the past
it actually does because again if he was the thread menace people claimed this accusation would come up more
if he's not a pedo then he's not a pedo there would be multiple sources to corroberate this claim, there would be multiple posters using the phrase
there are not
because it appears "he" (you) is a shitbag liar and the funniest part is? I actually haven't stopped looking at the archives, I'm still going through threads just in case I really am wrong but I'm growing exceedingly confident that I'm not
Destiny the Game?
>the cope now is "he is a bot"
Spam this for the next 2 hours and it still won't be true
what is this phenomenon where people irrationally obsess over specific anonymous posters?
Obviously both russian schizo and truth pedo need to become tripfags
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The phrase "truth pedo" has nothing to do with his accusation which was at least a year ago someone was posting certain images. You are ignoring that and deflecting. That's pretty suspicious.
>there is an old pedo who in 12 hours will still be here awake because he needs to get in some meme post
>he chose this over working and starting a family
>The phrase "truth pedo" has nothing to do with his accusation
I just explained to you how it is relevant through deductive reasoning.
>You are ignoring and deflecting. That's pretty suspicious.
oof and just like that you confirm that you are him and you're very angry and defensive
you could put a stop to this anytime by simply posting proof of your claims but you don't
because you have none, I don't have that problem because I'm telling the truth
lmfao game is so dead that people are political shitposting
i couldnt care less you faggots
>autists shit up yet another thread
careful, he'll start replying
>no u
and then samefag 50 times while calling every other poster a samefag
just like with the fucking cookies
I saw your explanation and it's still irrelevant. A guy accuses someone else of something. Rather than confirm his accusation you just attack the accuser like you are doing now.
>oof and just like that you confirm that you are him
Oh never mind you are a schizophrenic. Makes sense now.
>you are russian!
>actually i am a bot!
>actually i couldnt care less
this sounds like Saint-14
>old loser who devotes his entire life to making sure one of the first posts of a thread is his post at all times of the day is an unhinged autist
Shocking really
well yeah there's a reason we call them "russian bots"
Doc pedo situation got you all fucked up huh?
The quality of this general is a form of environmental storytelling for the mental state of /wfg/ posters.
>provide no proof of claims
>someone else reveals your term is forced
>you then accuse them of doing exactly what you're doing
be less transparent, you'll fool more people
Every general always has 1 or 2 losers who try to assume control of what can be said here. The truth poster is one of them.
lmao be honest how mad are you right now
>its in the archives look starting a year ago
>5 minutes later
>i found nothing time to get mad and deflect
friday evening and i'm watching a bunch of retards accuse each other of some weird bullshit in a thread about destiny 2
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Nice try, faggot.
destiny general? You mean like the streamer?
I just want to point out every time I simply mention the truth pedo by name the thread gets derailed for 2 hours but yea I am the mad one here
ok prove me wrong, post proof!
you can say I'm deflecting, you can say whatever you want but at the end of the day I showed the thread what you are and...you have no retort
go ahead do it I'm waiting
>truth pedo
nigga you already got exposed, you're the loser crying about harmless ritual posts and now you're just makin up lies
i got a nice sword from master challenge but enough about that, back to whatever this is
I told you where to look and you responded by pretending to look for 5 minutes then thinking since "truth pedo" showed up in the archives that somehow refuted me.
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Is Rhulk still the best boss in the game? That fight is perfect.
What got exposed?
well at least now you're no longer pretending to not be him
no you can't say "I told you where to look" that's not how this works
post a link or shut the fuck up
Rhulk is K I N O
Witness is wester attempt at anime
>everyone replying to me is the same person
You asked for proof, I told you where to look and you pretended to look and got caught lying.
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>somehow…Fikrul returned
Nothing got exposed though truth pedo other than you being an old loser living at home alone
>jumps off map
wow what a challenging boss fight
ah now this is deflection well, I accept your concession
sorry that you got exposed as a faggot fucking liar but hey maybe next thread you'll restrain yourself longer before publicly embarassing yourself
This might be the most pathetic attempt at forcing a meme I've ever seen.
>where is the proof
>look here
>lies about looking
>where is the proof
>you asked me already remember when you pretended to look?
>uh......I....uh....I accept your concession
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lmao have a cookie
i wish natalie roush would show her pussy
>where's the proof!
>provides no proof
>gets exposed as a samefagging newfag retard
>u-uhhh you just didn't look hard enough
>ok post a link like I did
>no, btw your'e wrong and I'm right
again, post proof
truth be told truth anon
i never cared about you
but now i will always call you
The Truth Pedo
burden of proof is on whoever makes the claim you made the claim so back it up
That wasnt a no u though. Weeks later you still hold anger when i accused you of doing a no u and spam it non stop. Thats insane.
I don't even know which anon is which anymore
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>term basically didn't exist until may
I gave you a place to look and you accepted it and even pretended to go look and now you are backpedaling when you fucked up.

Yup and I told him where to look and he accepted it and lied about looking. He fucked up and is now panicking.
no anon that's the tranny cookie he's going to go off again!
>I have no proof
just say that next time instead of ruining a whole ass thread, dumbass
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what the fuck is going on in thread?
>hes samefagging again
What's crazy is that all involved in this think they're "winning"
not my fault you fucked up.
Ay yoo truth pedo why are you so made about that anyway huh? why are so hell bent on "proof"
Did you settle your case with twitch or smth?
retarded newfag got triggered by the truthposter (again)
went on a tirade
got exposed as some weirdo who only recently started posting in the thread
and now we're here
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autism, no destiny discussion, specially as the game's dying and now there's a 3 week break
>captcha is RMAO
damn, so close
Old loser who spends 10 years of his life forcing a meme every thread is having a melt down
jokes on them I'm the only winner here
wow there are wifi general posters in here?
Every time you say "truth pedo" it triggers two people to go on a two hour meltdown. Don't believe me? Say it tomorrow at random and watch what happens
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you got smashed take your L like a big boy, chudcel trump is gonna lose again btw
>t. truth pedo

>take your L
Stop talking like a zoomer truth pedo you are an old man who lives alone. No family or anything. Dead parents. All you have is your meme to live for. Just end your life already.
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>Scintillation rolls are not scintillating
No fucking cunt wants attrition orbs or hatchlings on a heavy linear for fuck sake Bungie…
Mentally ill freak (confirmed tranny, leftie, is the one calling everyone a chud) keeps replying multiple times to the same posts
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whats the ignition code roll at xur? dim isn't working right now
the more time I spend on 4chan the more I realize that being right leaning is effectively the same as having accute schizophrenia
>here is the proof
>thanks I will look
>doesn't look
>I win
Any red mini game players? What's good right now?
Does failsafe want to have sex with us or something? I'm getting mixed signals from her
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we know
Yea bro spamming the same ritual post all times of the day for 10 years is totally normal and healthy
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I don’t wanna farm shayura yet again… it sucks as usual
>he's still mad that he got called out for his lies
At least wait 30 seconds to make your samefag look realistic
Being a leftist nowadays is synonymous with actual mental illness
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I checked DIM and you were right, fortunately i was in the tower.
here you go anon
>got caught lying about looking at the archives
>n...n...n..no u are the liar
I bought this cool looking pistol from xur.
haha I always knew
>it's lefties who are mentally ill ackshually
was a cope
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Feel free to ask questions.
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i sleep
Imma check back in in an hour where these guys will no doubt be still going
>has to samefag non stop to pretend he has support of any kind
>responds to himself just as the cooldown ends, doesn't even try to wait a couple seconds
>doesn't even change his style of posting when responding
This is what a angry pedo who gave up on life looks like
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Are the TWAB nerfs for khvostov next reset? This data is sickening
Obvious Bungie plant
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>chudcel trump is gonna lose again btw
turns out truth pedo is local tranny from last thread surprice surprice
Yup he has this meltdown every time when caught.
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i really hope red death doesn't get fucked with too much
i like using it in pve a lot
>Over half of the fucking playerbase is hunters
Nothing to see here
Yes. Nerfs to Khvostov, Red Death, Speaker's Sight, and the prismatic warlock Getaway Artist build with some fixes for Facet of Hope.
>shits on anime
There it is ladies and gentleman he literally just admitted he isn't from here. Check mate
one-eyed mask is so back bros
Look at him, he is samefagging entire thread again! LMAO

Don't forget to samefag this 2 times and don't capitalize the first word both times
Don't forget to samefag this also truth pedo
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Every titan exotic has gotten gutted in PvP or because of PvP, so people are falling back to 3-4 years ago.
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>Getaway Artist build
what are they nerfing?
The absolute state of titan subclasses wow
i thought non-adepts were supposed to be dropping fairly often on wins now. won 4 in a row and nothing but rep and strange coins
Storm Grenade's getting 40% more energy than it's supposed to.
i always thought the regen was too quick
but its not like you can't get 10/8 kills with devour to get the nade back
holy fuck why are there so many champions at the final boss in glassway
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Any links to a good Prismatic warlock build?
The champs and wyverns are the real boss fight
it's like 6 wyverns and 8 of both champs right?
Never mind the champions the wyverns alone are run enders and the only real threat in the strike even if you bring blinding grenades, fuckers will just straight one shot you if they get close enough and they come from different angles.
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bets on where truth pedo lives?
me and my friend just used rocket pistols on them when they spawned and they actually do a good bit of damage to wyverns
Who knows but at least we have some info to narrow it down now.

I am not shocked that a loser that lives alone with no family, dead parents, spends 10 years of his life here maintaining a sad gimmick is an unhinged far leftist. Liberalism always attracts mentally damaged people.
I told you that you were a bad liar because as I said >>483898625

I've been going through the threads more meticulously as our conversation went

there was never any furry porn spam, you lied
but I did find a post of you, or someone like you complaining about the truth poster and getting publicly laughed at again

which just shows me even more that you are a samefagging retard who has to spend hours of his life pretending to run the thread
and...then you accuse everyone else of doing the same thing it's pretty fucking sad all around.
Welp, congratulations, you really have wasted my time now
imagine getting invested in obviously fake thread drama
couldn't be me
Keep your discord drama out of this thread thanks. If you're a furry or a tranny kill yourself as per usual
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unironically considering picking up mida for the extra movement speed
>me with my dead parents
>coping this hard after being btfo twice
lmao the only one caught in a web of lies is you, retard
I officially accept your concession blah blah
*golden guns you in the face*
Seriously. Always seemed to burn through ammo killing those guys but its not like I needed any for the boss
something like that yeah. I think in a wave there were like 4 champs that would spawn in along with 4 wyverns. Its ridiculous but stasis warlock with osmiomancy handles them pretty good for the most part.
it's 2 at a time, kill the 2 champs before attacking the miniboss so it doesn't spawn the 2 extra ones
I'll never understand people who join a thread and then start seething at the regulars there
it's super unhinged
>"where is the proof"
>"here is the proof"
>"ok thanks"
>5 minutes later
>"I looked through 3 months of posts and found nothing"
>"oh shit I fucked up should have waited longer before lying like that"
>"Uhhhhh where is the proof"
>"I gave it you remember? You said you looked at it"
>"I'll just lie and say I was looking even more while arguing I hope this works"
This is pathetic dude just stop now.
There is regulars then there is pathetic attention whore maintaining a pathetic gimmick for 10 years. There is a difference.
>still refuses to post a link
I gave you the info where to get it, you accepted then lied about looking at it. This is where you fucked up.
you raged through an entire thread and posted zero proof, you didn't even say where to find it you said
>a little over a year ago hehe
and didn't narrow it down at all
fugg I did not know that. thanks
don't make up rumors about thread regulars if you aren't prepared to put up on the spot dumb faggot
Why would he?
if he narrowed it down at all it'd be very easy to confirm he's lying it's why he deflects every attempt to get more information
>you raged through an entire thread
I called out the truth pedo which caused you and one or two others to have a melt down. If I do this again tomorrow you will do the same.

Nothing was made up truth pedo. Learn to lie better.
>truth pedo samefagging begins again
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your autism is showing, guardian ;)
Until I dedicate 10 years of my life maintaining a pathetic gimmick in this general you can't use that tag on me. Sorry
anyone wanna just make a new thread and the retard spammers can keep this one?
do you guys think if there’s any black anons in /dg/
how hard is it to just post a fucking link you dense cunt if you don't do this in the next 10 seconds then we'll all know you're full of shit
k. now post proof
I told you where to look, you accepted what I said and lied about looking at it. If you don't admit you lied about looking then everyone will know you are fill of shit and concede.
I did and you lied about looking at it
Destiny 2
>still no link
bros I'm starting to think he's lying
>I did
no you didn't
>incoming khvostov,red death nerfs etc
>no hunter nerfs
thread is FUBAR, soldier. come on home
I did
this shit happens in every general
some schizo retard makes shit up about some thread regular he has a beef with and then says
and just cross their fingers and hope people believe their bullshit
this is why you never take claims at face value
>point out that a guy is a loser for maintaining a 10 year long gimmick
>he melts down for 2 hours ruining a thread
Just fucking make a new thread already
>truth pedo is samefagging again and again making it obvious
>please post proof
this kills the shitposter
>proof gets posted
>lies about looking at the proof
this kills the truth pedo
still waiting
I get it. We’re a little dry now while we wait for Act II, but the end of Act 1 was super captivating and I’m super excited to see how it continues. Personally I hated 7 weeks of story that ended in a cliffhanger that would get resolved right before the new season released. Additionally, once the season ends, it’s 3 weeks before a new episode, instead of 6 or 7. Final Shape was a 10/10 imo, Episode 1 is very interesting to me as well, and the loot has been fun. Let’s all chill a bit before condemning this as a failure. I for one, love it.
>t. truth pedo
no idea why you are waiting when it was posted. Don't forget to samefag this reply by the way
if you're gonna samefag this hard at least link to the post your supposed "proof" is in
btw saying check the archives with no date is not proof
Remeber this thread is being ruined by one guy who dedicated 10 years of his life to maintain a pathetic gimmick and is melting down the moment anyone calls him out on it
still waiting you keep fucking yapping but I'm not seeing anything!
>btw saying check the archives with no date is not proof
It was proof and you literally accepted it then lied about looking.
Did your parents die due to suicide seeing how pathetic you ended up?
>it was proof
>you accepted
not him try again
>lied about
prove it
Dig up stupid!
>NTA lie despite typing exactly like him
Yup we reached another level of pathetic
you want us to hate truth poster so bad and it's just not gonna happen lmao
And another new level of pathetic only seconds later
truth pedo*
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>me with my truth
>dodges the request
I thought so
it's truth pedo and yes we hate him
wtf why did you post ME with MY truth?
shiiieeeeet the russian bot network has been activated
How can I dodge something I gave you and you accepted it then lies about looking at it?
why is truth hater such a giant schizo?
there were zero problems till he showed up
Russian Republicans have deployed more truth pedos because Biden lost the debate something something
>there were zero problems till he showed up
/pol/ was a mistake
What is stopping you from not replying to him so this thread can get back on track?
2/10 bait apply yourself next time
>Final Shape was a 10/10
Definitely not. I'd say it's about a 7/10
No bait detected. You are mistaken. If you are going to pretend to be someone else at least change your typing style
>debate happens
>/pol/niggers crawl out of the woodwork to shit up every board
so fucking sick of this shit and God knows they're gonna have an even bigger meltie when they lose again this year
>The power of schizophrenia revived /dg/
We're so back.
And it's replying to itself again
>truth pedo is an old man who lives alone with dead parents forcing a 10 year old pathetic posting gimmick
>of course he is a unhinged far left liberal
>thinks Republicans are sending Russians to this thread because Biden lost the debate
liberalism is a mental disorder
is there a difference between timed payload and explosive payload?
its in the name
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Seek help
timed payload has slightly higher explosion damage but slightly lower base damage
they work out about the same there
EP feels better to use though since it happens on impact
this ship sailed when you used "hohols" unironically
What mental illness is this? Genuine question
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Truth pedo... im sorry but that was me and that was a joke
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Well, glad to see /dg/ is having a real one.
last thread he said Republicans sent Russians here due to the debate or see
kek this is the person spending 10 years of their lives forcing a gimmick because mommy and daddy killed themselves
It replied 3 times to this post LMAO
What does that have to do with a pathetic old man maintaining a pathetic gimmick for 10 years?
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Jesus fucking Christ this general is unusable right now.
I'm telling you /vg/ having poster ids would fix this kind of shit
frfr bro is cooking with this one!
W chef
wouldn't matter. Truth pedo would turn on airplane mode and get a new id every post
warlock boobies....
oh shit bros truth pedo is about to start gore posting!
Do people realize there is an anti Putin general on /pol/ as we speak?
is truth even a good exotic?
You never answered my question. Are you parents dead because they committed suicide after seeing their son become a failure?
does anyone know if bungie patched the world drop bonus perk bug? got a parabellum from an expert ls that didn't have an extra perk but haven't seen anything about it anywhere
i like it because it always has three in the mag, and the early proximity detonation handles large clusters of enemies well.
it being void as well, i like to pair it with void super to get the volatile proced.

but it still lacks in overall single-enemy damage.
no? I'm 54 my man
they died of old age
That's not you. You are the angry autist who lied about looking at the proof
no that's the furry porn poster
>skipped into the light
>had 0/12 brave weapons
>started farming onslop
>now have 6/12 god rolls or close to god rolls
>farming the remaining is now very difficult, odds are way stacked against me
>uh oh
lesson learned. never leave, we're here forever
just wait until they make better versions of the BRAVE guns and farm those
Nope you had a meltdown after getting caught lying.
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>He wasn't there
I had a meltdown?
Yeah, it happens sometimes! Thanks for rolling with it.
is this what the whole argument was reduced to? lmao
Thanks for being honest
may as well have fun instead of giving in to the /pol/troons retardation
Anytime! It's good to have open communication.
>truth pedo samefagging is back
Why is it always liberals that engage in this?
Who is truth pedo?
The old loser whose parents are dead and lives alone that dedicated 10 years of his life to maintain a pathetic gimmick for a dying general. Imagine choosing to do this over starting a family.
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2 stubborn, insecure morons who apparently really need the win for their weak ego. Who's gonna get it?
[Colorblind] [Hard of Hearing] [Visual Impairment] Communication Language: French
It sounds like you're expressing some strong feelings about someone's life choices. It's important to remember that people find fulfillment in different ways. While starting a family is a common path, dedicating oneself to a cause or passion can also bring meaning and purpose. Each person's journey is unique, and what might seem unconventional to some could be deeply fulfilling for others.
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Rhulk is the one that fights you with his arms behind his back because he only needs 10% of his power to deal with the likes of (You), though
how come theres no gun called "the first word"
Don't compare me to a loser who spent 10 years of his life maintaining a pathetic gimmick.

Sure there is truth to that but it's objectively unhealthy for a person to maintain a 10 year posting gimmick on this site.
ayo mein ruskie bots, is SE dg run still in plans?
Like I said K I N O
It's understandable to have concerns about how someone spends their time online. Engaging in any activity excessively can potentially impact well-being if it interferes with other aspects of life. Encouraging a balance and healthy perspective is important, but it's also valuable to respect individual choices and interests as long as they aren't harming themselves or others.
its an anagram of ginger.
i just bought a RT 44 twisted lime recharger with Red Bull infused from sonic and I sincerely regret it.
There is excessive and there is 10 years straight all times of the day. Like this thread might die in the middle of the night and he will still be posting here. It's like an addiction and people with addiction need to get help. You can't turn a blind eye to that
It's concerning when any behavior becomes all-consuming and potentially addictive. Encouraging someone to seek help if they're neglecting other aspects of their life due to an online activity is important. Balancing hobbies and responsibilities is key to overall well-being, and support from friends or professionals can make a difference in finding that balance.
Yup agreed that's why everyone in this general should try to help truth pedo with his addiction to posting and looking and posting degenerate porn. He needs our help.
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>be grinding for omsio verity/ star eater apotheosis
>finally get a drop
>start testing it out
>only good against bosses because if you build up the nade power it kills adds too quickly
>The evangelist therapist from /adv/ is here
didn’t think that even he would show up.
you use the grenade on yellows/whatever not on mooks you could kill with a sneeze
coldsnaps still have infinite charges no matter what though
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There's First Curse. Pic related, it's how I felt when I used that after how long it took me to complete the quest of getting 10 headshot kills in one life in crucible.
damn i had that gun but i don't remember doing that and i have a .40 kd in current trials
Yeah first curse was pretty shitty feeling ngl
Still better than boolean Gemini
I waited over an hour for a warsat public event on mars(sleeper quest)back then.its been nearly 10 years and we still get garbage quest with bugs that smell like curry.
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doesn't seem like it
Bad Juju (the most forgotten exotic) buffs soon
Destiny 2 raid boss where you are able to damage it the whole time but you have to deal with mechanics and it enrages after 10 minutes
Didn't take a lot of skill, once I learned to stay glued to teammates and steal their kills with a high impact handcannon instead of trying to win honorabru duels. Just frustrating to get hit with a stray OHKO magnetic grenade when you're at 7 over and over, and you're not contributing as much since you don't want to attack first or your teammate gets the kill.
>post nerf pocket infinity
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literally me (the warlock)
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will the exotic class item ornaments be sold for bright dust?
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Um.............just buy silver chuddy
is this a good thing or bad thing (Project Lead for Expansions)
>one less female diversity hire
>warlock rep issue still not fixed
I think what Bungie is trying to say here is the Warlock was developed for the casual or beginner to get introduced to Destiny before building up their confidence and hand eye coordination and graduating up to a Hunter
>led an expansion that somehow managed to save Destiny
bad, but hopefully Tyson Green can keep the ball rolling
Bad since it means we don't even know which direction future content will take on top of not knowing what comes after the episodes. You'll only get doomer and retarded replies here though because woman
a mega corporation
the color of money
Mike Tyson HOLY SHIT
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Lol you’re a grown man.

It’s a video game.

Stop throwing your money at your screen and then crying over it like it’s not your fault.

They release their best DLC in a decade and all you have is misery?

Grow up or move on seeing the game will be just fine without you.

Youre hunting cheap upvotes from the lowest common denominator on a forum filled with people who troll the game.

Well done.

Here’s some player and critic reviews though

Destiny 2: The Final Shape on Steam. This content requires the base game Destiny 2 on Steam in order to play. All Reviews: Very Positive (4,710) - 81% of the 4,710 user reviews for this game are positive.

Game Spot 4.5 With a character-driven story and a focus on enhancing its gameplay on nearly every level, The Final Shape feels like what Destiny 2 has been trying to be all along.
FS has an excellent 4.5 out of 5 user rating on game spot.

PC Gamer 92% rating When Destiny 2 is firing on all cylinders, there's really nothing else like it.

IGN 9/10 for the first time in a long while, I can wholeheartedly recommend pushing through that darkness, because there’s now a bright and beaming light at the end of the tunnel.

1. Destiny 2 The Final Shape – 94

Destiny 2: The Final Shape – 92
Number one suggestion as a must play.

PC games 10/10 a breath taking conclusion.

Forbes It's a 10/10. The most emphatic 10/10 I can give. An unparalleled achievement.

The Xbox Hub 92 Destiny 2: The Final Shape is the best expansion that has been added to Destiny 2.

Game Radar 95 An incredibly well - executed expansion.

The Gamer 4.5 Destiny 2: The Final Shape Review - The Ending We Deserve

Gaming Trend 95/100 Destiny 2 is back, baby. The Final Shape’s exhilarating and heart wrenching main story quest, beautiful and twisted new destination, terrifying new enemy faction, and plethora of insanely powerful gear solidify this as the new peak of the Destiny experience.
Good. You can see from her twitter profile she is a typical try hard "I am totally a girl gamer guys". In the vidocs her inclusion was usually empty nonsense. Only hopers and pro DEI losers will miss her.
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one of the strangest encounters i’ve had back in 2014 is when i was 14 and was picking up my parents from the airport around 1am in the morning with my sis, and as my parents were coming towards us, Mike Tyson with someone else just walked right past us, and if my dad hadn’t pointed it out to me i would’ve never realized
how can bungo make titan great again?
bare minimum give more aspects to prismatic so people stop crying
Context https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/264117510?sort=0&page=0
Destiny’s legendary lore can cover everything from existential horrors to whimsical adventures, naturally romance would also be in there but the way the nu writers brought it to the forefront of the active storytelling has been just terrible
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to be fair though this is okay since it's like eight dudes doing it instead of just three
putting heavy suppressive fire down range is always neat to watch.
It can’t be understated how much damage sunsetting has done along with the seasonal model. Destiny 2 is a game that unfortunately never got its feet off the ground. If Bungie spent their time making a genuinely good game instead of running on a wild goose chase working on other projects and attempting retard player retention mechanics I reckon the concurrent steam count would be about a million.
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>expansion lead for lightfall and the final slop

nothing of value was lost.
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>Star Baker (Gilded)
the dream team
>16/17 motes of light
>somehow the last one wasn't the meatball
So it didn't drop a mote that I saw at all, and it was the 2nd to last boss I killed. Did I somehow kill it before and I picked that one up? It now shows I have killed every overthrow boss. WTF do I do now?
They can't revive you because there are 0 revives left.
>WTF do I do now?
buy silver
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off to work.... in the rain and wind
meatball was patched to send the mote directly to your inventory so he wouldn't yeet it out of the map. Kill him again. Afaik the counter is buggy so you might need to kill everyone again just in case.
I had to kill my meatball around 4 times for it to count.
does that guy's title say "Star Baker_[gild]"
why is there an underscore
ignore this I had paused the video at the exact frame where it tricked me
I was bamboozled.
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>use matoidoxia warlock chest thing
>melee regen goes from 2minutes to 200minutes
why do they do this
are you serious...
Is it worth getting the version with the annual pass?
what exactly do i buy from Xur?
i know the armor he sells sometimes has good stats, but apart from it, what else? weapons are always dogshit
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Arminius-D was my favorite gun in Destiny 1. What's the closest that I can get in D2 reasonably easy?
Buy his artificer armor if he has any and it has good stats. Get his coin buff if you spent a ton of coins. That's it.
i have no idea what rpm that gun is
Gambit for Herod-C or Lodbrock-C from Banshee
It's 900 RPM.
High rate of fire with low impact? The rapid-fire archetype. Krait from banshee, Chroma Rush from Xur and sometimes dares of eternity I guess, Veiled Threat from this season.

Just the hakke look? >>483933121
Mostly for the high RoF, but the aesthetics and sound were awesome on it as well.
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what are the ideal exotic combos for hunter?
galanor star eater could be good but only if they nerf golden gun and even after that its kind of redundant when normal star eaters do the exact same thing, just not on hit
I managed to go to the Lighthouse again. I got a very good roll of the smg and also got one of the exotic shitter ships to drop. I’m so fucking happy I could cry. I’m absolutely done with this mode, though. Two weekends in a row is too much for me
>12 lfg GM runs today
>7 successful run
>all 7 some celestial nightcuck huntard deletes the boss when champs are alive
>all 7 were gold
>no adept weapon
>last run of the day is another huntard blocking my rocket point blank and then grapple meleeing a wyvern when were down 1 fireteam member
>he didnt get near the wyvern
>asks me how i died in the lobby
>blames the warlock who had x3 his score
Is the linear worth it or do I get a normal drop and spend my 99 engrams focusing the normal version?
nice job anon, i'm banging my head against my desk trying to do raid 4th encounter challenge
total hunter death
Thanks, anon. You’ve got this shit. I believe in you! Please keep us updated
its probably the best linear but thats like being the best boxer in a under 12s division, no one cares and they probably aren't getting buffed any time soon consider they keep getting hit
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>its probably the best linear but thats like being the best boxer in a under 12s division, no one cares and they probably aren't getting buffed any time soon consider they keep getting hit
this is the best analogy ive seen in a very long time
7 hunter exotics
year 1 movement exotic
class item
an unlimited self heal helmet
a wall hacks helmet that increases your damage
an exotic that makes radar irrelevant plus spoils any aim assist of enemy players plus free threadling tick damage and distraction
an instant weapon damage buff helmet that makes dodges twice as long and removes you from radar
a multi dodge exotic which makes all dodge related abilities reloading, free mellee charge, radiant etc apply twice it now provides free reaper mod

6 warlock exotics
unlimited healing and orb loop
instant weapon ready and ads speed
movement exotic that reloads all guns when you sprint
class item with all the best perks
a free auto aim turret that buffs you while providing 360 degrees of tracked covering fire plus synergy with prismatic
double grenades which instantly freeze anyone even in a super with an increased radius and grenade regen

3 titan exotics
class item with the other classes perks
a helmet from forsaken that gives you a slight overshield after killing a player who damaged you plus a minor wallhack mark basically a lesser version of knucklehead
a movement exotic from year 1

seems like a balanced "sandbox" they really need to nerf one eye mask again
you can reroll the boss back to meatball if you fast travel to the blooming node btw
>Entire season is about old gay men and old lesbians.
When can we dispose of every Bungie writer. When can we escape the bad ending?
>Located in Washington
Everyone at Bungie is one of those quirk chungus redditors who thinks everyone accepts troons and gay shit being shoved into your face
The closest thing I've found is probably Necrochasm or any rapidfire auto and the perk Onslaught in terms of fire rate.

Origin Story just got remade and is focusable on Zavala for one engram with Onslaught.
Veiled Threat the echos auto rifle feels really nice and is easy to obtain as a rapid fire.
Rufus Fury from the root of nightmares raid also feels like a bullet hose.
Chroma Rush also has that feeling but its harder to acquire.

In terms of aesthetics sadly bungie only made all the cool looking hakke guns in slower firing high impact variants they still feel really nice to use like the Herod-C or even their pulse rifles like Belisarius-D or the exotic Revision Zero.

I hope they add an "agressive" style of auto with the higher rpm archetype in the future but bungie seems to have a hate boner for auto rifles because Titans use them.

Definitely check out Khovstov if you don't already have it because that feels great.
Yes I love this thing
I got one with tremors too which feels very strong
how did you get double perks?
One eyed doesn't mark through walls at all anymore. It just outlines the player you need to kill for the buff. The outline is only visible when you could normally see the enemy.

Meanwhile thorn with the pris fragment that triggers severed allows hunters to proc stylish executioner for free off primary kills.
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Good. No more jumpscares during these ViDocs.
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whats a good legendary void pulse?
You get them from Enigma Protocol and I think expert Breach Executable can drop them too but I'm not 100percent on that one
>is the linear worth it
no not really
I've never had to lfg because my friends are down to play whenever thankfully
do the lfg niggies just not communicate at all? You could start with actually filtering out mute retards in the lobby I guess.
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>he can't solo a GM
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maybe i should try doing that
Premonition with rampage can be good, but good luck getting one with that exact perk when Pit of Heresy isn’t the featured dungeon. Elsie’s Rifle is also pretty good. You do have a shiny version of it, right?
post weapons that you are happy you grinded for.
pic rel is a frickin' machine
these 3 little shits are great, not perfect rolls but still pretty god damn beautiful
still have no desire to boot up the game
I’m also proud of my shiny Blast Furnace. Mine has Kinetic Tremors/Headseeker in the third column and Firefly/Rampage in the fourth. I learned that Chromatic Fire creates two “fuck you and your teammates” explosions when paired with Firefly and it’s gotten so many double kills and taken me to the lighthouse twice. I know that’s an extremely schizo build, but it works
>playing dawntrail and the entire time wishing i was playing destiny instead
i may have been to harsh towards tfs
anything is better than this boring slog of a new expansion
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what do you even do in ff14? except erp, i already know its rampant in that game
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it has been useful in many a day one raid
you spend the week playing the content when it drops then you spend months waiting for the next series of quests
if you do savage and ultimate raiding there's more to do, but you better off playing with a dedicated group once every tuesday then logging off for the week
Read a bad visual novel.
i've only ever read katawa shoujo
bungie cooked!!
>64k player count
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Now that Americans are in bed I saw a guardian called Paul Skolas complete with an orange helmet and it got a laugh out of me
someone post the bane skolas image
I'm glad I combed the Reddit right after TFS launched, some of the most cringe shit I've ever seen
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i can never leave
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>no skill
you can check out any time you like
but you can never leave.
Use fire against it
>root of nightmares is a fun casual raid for speedrunning
>salvations edge is a fun challenging raid for tryhard competions
we got the best of both worlds under her and didn't even notice
When is the retard who did these dogshit seasons also leaving?
It probably confirms Frontiers isn't an expansion, which will make for some very funny coping.
what the fuck did i miss
haven't you heard? episodes are great because it's even more time gated. reddit said so!
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But this is the best they've ever been. Bungie said so.
anyone want to do a dungeon?
they really delayed TFS so that Episode: Echoes lines up with Pride Month
I think salvations edge soundtrack was pretty good, I wish dps for witness was a little bit better but it's whatever
What massacred the hype?
Swap 1st encounter's track and Verity and we have the true Last Wish vault experience
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Can anyone ID these leg armors?
dual destiny
salvation's edge
coop missions
drip feed content
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You got it, right?
season of the lost
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(i wasn't there)
you Lost™ your chance
season of the lost legs
don't worry, they'll be back in like a year for 20 bucks
This gay seasonal dialogue is getting worse and worse
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where is Lady Efrideet?
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>there's a very real chance we get a neomuna dungeon
What is the point of playing when this is the last expansion and the game is basically over?
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Season of the lost....
Lmao, sucks to suck. Bozo.
rip lance Reddick, gone too sudden and unexpectedly.
I'll play destiny until i stop having fun or the game literally EoSes.
>we finally go into the city
they have a lot of things they could do right with a Neomuna Dungeon
I wish I could be playing Destiny 2 right now
>I-oh, Nimbus' calling
why the hell are your opponents able to WALK THROUGH YOU after a punch? even Minecraft got this shit right
this has to be the only game with pvp that has this problem
Do you guys just hate color and that's why you don't like Neomuna?
No, I just hate color people
This problem has been a staple for Bungie since the Halo days. Although it's only gotten worse, especially for a game with a faster pace and wonky abilities.
This mf is into transparent people LMAO
what are the cheapest guns to use in pvp?
Irl pvp? Sorry, I'm not completing some glowie's wet dream.
I hate how they created the cloud ark just so they didn't have to fill the city with physical NPCs
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I don't recall being able to phase through someone after hitting them with my AR
I really hate this episode story of gaynt-14 and Gaysiris adventures in robot land.
All my hopium is going into DEAD THING kino with darkness aids Mithrax and my adorable wife Eido returning finally
>anything not endgame raids is not challenging and builds don't matter
>endgame raids require you to have 1 of 4 weapons for dps so builds don't matter

This game is so fucking dumb. There's no reason to do anything or grind for anything because none of it matters. If you already have the mandatory dps weapons then you have beaten Destiny.
I'm currently sitting down.
Would you please sit down?
>complains about things not being challenging
>wants everything to be good at dps
any idea what the adept weapon will be for next week's grandmaster?
They showed concept art for armor coming later in the year, and one set had the House Light emblem on it, so Mithrax being involved is basically guaranteed. I unfortunately expect the bulk of the episode to be Fikrul's daddy issues now that his dad's a dead thing.
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look at zavala's weapon order from left to right
Look I know you're a Destiny player, but please -- stop being retarded. Get some reading comprehension or better yet, some taste.
What's your current level, dg? Mine is 2005, it matches my birth year! :D
it's called playing the waiting game for bungie to buff LFRs only for them to powercreep this one with a better perk/origin trait
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do u guys like my katanas.
the top is supposed to be Vergil’s Yamato replica, and the bottom is supposed to be Kuchiki Rukia’s Zanpakuto

>neomuna dungeon
vex network
>paleheart dungeon
taken slop
>europa dungeon
vex network
>Europa Dungeon
>Clovis’s super secret Exo lab
im more happy that i got it my first ever run of gm glass way
idk how people say its easy, i wish i could have played warlock but stupid rep bug exists
It's easy with crowd control spamming
Unironically yes. I love the sterile lab aesthetic of the Bray ruins.
you tried
It used to be difficult, but now its in the "run whatever you want as long as you have something for the boss room champions" tier. Even casual runs take like 18 minutes.
I still see people get fucked by wire rifles during the plate segment.
Why are so many people asking for song of flame + outbreak in lfg?
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Ended up getting sick and I feel too shitty to fish through fireteam finder for VoG/Atheon runs to get Vex. Hopefully I end up feeling a little better later today or tomorrow
I'm done with this game Bros. I just can't stand it anymore.
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then sit down
Because they're retards who parrot Youtubers.
You're probably dying
Show me your sub 18 min lfg run.
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What's in the case now?
they have zero gm clears
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close enough
Maybe Glowhoo?
Ice Breaker or Pocket Infinity
I'm the only one who avoids console niggers in LFG?
xbox ones seem to be the most obnoxious players for some reason which is weird because I assumed it would be the opposite
this doesn't show what was claimed
What endgame content do other MMOs have? It feels like there’s a massive void between campaigns and raids
My claim was "about 18 minutes". You wanted less. Let me see your sub-18 run.
The dungeon HAS to be gotd next week right? I’m ready to be a fucking Ghoul
This is a children's shooter you don't need twitch mouse aim for it. I have no issues playing with people on the console
when are they going to pocket infinity back into the game. i loved spamming that motherfucker in crucible
originally a console game
girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice
supposedly it's grasp
i will literally eviscerate all niggers if it’s not gotd
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I don't want to play until they do something about Titan
Prismatic fucking sucks and even bonk titan and banner of war nerfed
What's left anyway? Abeyant leap suspend spam? Is that really it?
Datto - "Dual Destiny is the best exotic mission Bungie has ever done"

It's your typical infinite adds with some symbol callouts and then shooting a fucking clock. What the hell is the matter with that faggot?
For the most part, more difficulties for raids. There's usually an easier story mode version of the raid and then at least one hard mode. WoW had 3 or 4 difficulties when I played it last, FF14 has 2 plus ultimates. Mythic raids and ultimates usually take at least a week for people to clear.
He is exaggerating the significance of le twist PVP ending to the point where he refused to spoil it in the video.
>watching newlights leave strikes whenever they encounter champions
I hate that patrol enemies have more health than raid ones
>Do you guys just hate color
I live in a major blue city with a high crime rate what do you think?

>You vill eat ze bugs and consecration slam them
luv me wish-ender
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>reading a post ranting about battlegrounds in the strike playlist
>the only posts I'm seeing defending battlegrounds from multiple people is that "there's a lot of enemies where I can do pathfinder/bounties/catalysts on"
You got to be fucking kidding me
WOTM and twilight garrison
>tfw me and a arc titan shoulder charge past each other he phases through me twice while supered and I shotgun melee him to death
Its gotten so much worse in the past year.
Khostov rn. Can't go wrong with AoS.
>got cobalt clash
Why did I think this was a good shader 3 years ago?
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Is there any decent prismatic warlock build other than arc soul/bleak watcher? It's fucking boring.
It was easy when we had suspend titan. God I miss it.
Prismatic was just supposed to be a campaign gimmick like Deepsight was. The only reason it's an actual subclass is that preorders were nonexistent and they needed more selling points.
Abeyant leap suspend got gutted twice. Once with suspend nerfs, twice with energy refund. You only get like 7% class ability refunded on suspend kills
Let me guess, that new FF14 expansion?
Heard they got their own Nimbus-tier character as well.
>Anything related to Rise of Iron
>Age of Triumph
Somehow worse though
It would only take a moment.
>He could put a shot straight through the Ghost's shell. Then improvise a garotte with a handful of prairie grass and strangle the man while looking him dead in the eye.
>Or crush the Ghost with his hands, to stand tall and powerful over the sleeping figure, and relive his own death from his killer's perspective.
>Better yet, he could capture the Ghost, set the man free, and hunt him in furious pursuit-
>Cayde flinches and looks up to see his murderer's Ghost hovering in place, watching him, illuminated by the flickering coals of a dying fire. A motionless, protective stance.
>Cayde narrows his eyes. His hand slowly moves to his gun.
>Ghost and Exo stare through one another. The man beneath the Ghost stirs but does not wake.

shame this wasn't a cutscene during the camping mission, Glint has balls(?) of steel under the uwu outside.
Failsafe is going to get a sexy exo body at the end of this season right?
Negative, captain
She isn't part of the gay club, so she'll be ignored again starting in act 2.
According to Saint, Osiris is just going to put install for real in the middle of the Helm. I think that means the area is getting nuked. If Bungie liked money they would make it so the vex are raiding the exodus for the SIVA it was supposed to be carrying.
Why would Maya care about SIVA when she improved it tenfold on Neptune?
Sorry buddy you’re the punching subclass better make a punching build
Oh shit we made a good punching subclass on strand and solar Titan better nerf it to shit and give hunters all the good melee perks on their exotic class item oh well
How is that even possible?
She's Nimbus combined with Naruto.
She's not in Neptune anymore
Imagine Lightfall but it's focused on Nimbus defeating Calus and you're just there cheering him on
Are we going to get FFXIV doomersissies here now too?
for whatever reason a decent amount of FFXIV players that also play Destiny 2
even outside this website
if they're doomposting their expansion then that just means we're so fucking back hopechads won soon
doomer general
It's over
pretty sure halo general holds that title still
/hg/ is hostage general
those retards schlop up whatever schlock 343 shits out
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You brought enough to share with everyone, right anon?
You insolent
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>subtitles: off
>dialogue volume: 0
Checking in for SE dg run, odds of it happening seemed negative last two times I checked.
Wtf is that webm?
I'd help out and join if it was like 4/6, but it seems like no one wants to do it so I'll just do other things instead
some niche shooter with anime girls who are actually 2D as a mechanic, I think they can flatten out to glide over terrain too if I recall right.
nah everyone is scared of the raid
If I wanna grind out two Shaxx resets during IB, is it better if I do my comp placement matches beforehand? I don't care about comp rank and all PvP is a chore to me, but I vaguely recall a notion that comp rank boosts normal Crucible rank gains?
>be me, Titan main
>cum the hardest to girlcock threads on /gif/
What's the highest power I can achieve without dlc? I platinum the game ages ago, and everything is way different.
yes, it is a coincidence that you're a faggot.
2000 before artifact like everyone else
straightest titan main
>most legendary titan is a humongous faggot
no you're playing the class as intended
Is Saint the bottom?
content vault
this thread deserves to be in the content vault
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Is it finally time to let go of my Kindled?
it's time to fucking delete that palindrome what the fuck is that god awful roll doing in your vault
Stats > perks
Do you like it? I just found myself going back to Strand synthos.
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He's whatever strain of degenerate the head writer is, as he turned saint into his self insert.
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next weekend i have work off so i can probably host
back status?
>destiny clearly won't just be abandoned until it can't make money anymore
>but they "wrapped up" the dark vs light story
Playing hive guardians with a completely separate campaign eventually. At the current rate of dlc releases, probably 2026.
the designs are probably my favourite aside from ron so i'd be okay with that
been the complete opposite for me, anytime I see a name with an “_” I already know he’s going to be a massive fucking retard
Any must have weapons worth grinding for currently?
Any Wolfpack or perfect 5th caster ergosum
The seasonal vex guns are pretty nice but not must have
linear fusion rifle status?
No one's even making Titan build videos anymore..
Outside of Euphony, we're currently in the cope phase of "LFRs good" because of the GM rewards this week until people remember the nerf they put on them is still there and (most) applications that needs precision total damage with high reserves will be dominated by Whisper
They have 3.
theres only so many things that go with knockout+consecration
don't worry LFR bros particle deconstruction is coming back PERMANENTLY next episode
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am i coping if i say linears would be good for the witness? with whisper to do good damage you have to scope in while linears you can freeball
H-Hey! My Sleeper Sim does GOOD DAMAGE!!! >:(
Not really, it works fine if you can land your shots and is more ammo efficient than the second most popular pick for the boss which is Microcosm.
Given how many weeks have passed already you should be proficient at dodging Witness without having to hipfire though, right anon?
Why did my entire Excision group get kicked?
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i-i haven't done the raid yet
The engine can't handle the mission, which has caused plenty of issues. I'd be surprised if getting booted to orbit isn't one of them.
That activity likes throwing error codes either as soon as you launch it or mid-activity. Also if you're dead and there's no revive tokens, the AFK kick timer is still active.
don't feel too bad, I still haven't done the co-op missions for the traveler beam gun.
>The seasonal vex guns are pretty nice but not must have
I wanted to like the seasonal auto so much, but it has a super weird goblin combo of perks.
Same, captain quads. The perk pool is AIDS.
Bold Endings meanwhile has decent perks but reloads so fucking slowly that I felt the need to throw on a loader mod. Why do so many stasis primaries and heavies have to be ass?
its also covers like a 3rd of your screen with a very tall scope
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stasis is all about slowing anon
>Bungie copy-pasted the nightfall hero difficulty versions of each strike into the vanguard ops playlist where now:
>The tormentor spawns in Lake of Shadows
>Devil's Lair only has the redux music and not the original
>There's champions for every strike/battleground
They really were THAT lazy with making -5 the base standard for power enabled activities? That's amusing
-5 became the default for the normal playlist in Lightfall, they just managed to fucked up other things in TFS when they cut down on the number of difficulties.
jesus you have no personality of your own, do you?
oh great as if we didn't need more bootlickers defending episode slop now we have his fanbase to make things worse
Reminder that this "man" said Lightfall was good because he claimed he was entertained.
Why is he like this? Why can't he just say bad thing is bad
His business depends on making people think bad thing is good
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>Wanted to leave Destiny entirely, move to a different continent, and live off variety streaming
>No one gave a shit about his non-Destiny content because he's as entertaining as a dead fish
>Has to support himself and his wife because she doesn't work
>sell them as better than seasons
>they're the same dogshit as before
hhhhhmmmm i wonder why people are upset
i like eyasluna with crap on it and voltshot
shame its a 180
Bungie needs to stop trying to make 180s happen. It never fucking will.
are the servers shitting themselves or something? getting hit with weasel and centipede even though my internet is fine
>12 craftable HCs
>5 are 180s
>3 of those are void
they'd be good for lucky pants if we didn't have the warden's law frame
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why doesn't microcosm have anti barrier?
The Vulpecula Explosive Payload + Shoot to Loot w/ Still Hunt psiop is working on me
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Because the other kinetic exotic with a perk that says it does MASSIVE damage to shields already has it.
would be a lot better if it wasn't competing fairly directly with the DSC HC
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did they nerf fan knifes? they feel like they suck now?
i feel like the tracking has been nerfed
I'm not sure, but the last three times I've visited the tower, no one's gear is showing up. Everyone looks like floating heads on some hologram body.
Projectiles in general have been finicky ever since TFS released, but as far as I know Bungie hasn't commented on it. At least they aren't like throwing hammer and actively tracking away from targets you're aiming at.
Do I need people in the fire-team before I start a dungeon? No one hopped into my game.
no, you can solo a dungeon if you want to but expect to be there for an hour or two
Dungeons don't have matchmaking.
they're a lot easier with people
if you post your join code here people (me) will join you for them
>25 pathfinders needed for pale heart seal
not a chance i'm doing that, lads
Saw the ritual one today and I'm blocked by gambit nodes. Not doing that lmao
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I appreciate it, but I've been playing for about six hours and I'm calling it a night.
>people are STILL rectumravaged by Gambit.
How? It's short as fuck and no one takes it seriously.

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