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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
Briarsisters we fucking lose
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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*snip snip*
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me on my way to tell a vayne player how he's actually a faggot and how all adcs are sissies (i am a yuumi otp and i type it while in my w)
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Battle bear Illaoi gets so sweaty and musky after a mission.
vayne players are faggot sissies
why did you use vayne of all the champs to make this post man
zamn yuumi players look like THAT?!
i reported him like 20 times today yet still nothing, jannies suck so much cock its unreal
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They leave me no choice.
Alright lets play Soraka, we will do good even if we lose, yes?
zeus gets more pussy daily than you do in a year doe (1 vs 0)?
who is he talking to
anon if it didn't work the first 3 YEARS it's not going to work today lmao
we here at lolg hate, rape and kill niggas. cope and sneed
>Primordian Bel'veth is just a paid visual update
>who did they make battle bear illaoi for
me, i love illaoi and i think it looks really cute and although i mostly play tanks, she is my go-to bruiser
unfortunately using me as their target market was a really stupid economic decision because i dont buy skins anymore. if i did tho i would buy this one
my life is like a videogame
Why didn't they make a champ that has the same personality as Ezreal but he uses a sword?
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They could not break me.
Trying hard to beat the stage.
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me and yuumi
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Lets fuckin do this aiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!!
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I hope my lolg crush is here today
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Too much negativity between supports and ADCs, post webms where you actually had a positive experience.
he plans to stream later
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Saving the homies
context? is this someone animating their waifu doing this to them and then publicly posted it? if so, based af
why no Crossbow Summer signature Soul Reaver Draven?
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I like to play it with hook supports, and Gladiator with enchanters.
Soul Reaver is still a better skin, it's just a habit.
was probably announcing a report
I bet he tried to blame Yuumi for that.
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chog arena do you roll for the good silvers gold or prismatic enchants?
No, he actually started flaming me about how bad I am and how hard he raped me in lane immediately after.
nah, it was a message to yuumi
>dont sit on me you useless fuck
haha no way
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Post cute.
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im postin this again since i forgot the thread was at an end.. i learned moire cool yasuo things
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Talk about LoL.
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Depends on the round but imo its rarely worth rerolling silver augments.
Usually want to save them for your prismatic item or if its 1st augment prismatic.
what are you even talking about nigga?
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Is there a more obnoxious league youtuber than him? The only thing this guy does is complain complain complain complain... If you want monsters, go play Dota 2
i deserve challenjour
He likes Aurora though.
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Bring down the sun.
i love it when my support decides to first time janna because i picked draven then proceeds to do literally nothing the entire laning phase and only using e on me after the enemy botlane dump all their spells on me lol i love it so much hahaha
L9 wannabe
women can't be manly
also more of a toplaner nowadays
not an ADC
manly. dopa down
yordle + mid cheese
not manly
not an ADC
not an ADC. not manly either
How normalfag is your champ pool?
My champ pool is one champ
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They towerdove so we got 4 kills over that.
Were winning but the lead is creeping down, think my team got too excited and lost track.
>queue up for 1 chill game of league after coming home from a 16 hours of picking cotton
>get into last lobby i can bear
>"yo guys im high as fuck rn and i have a 9 inch dildo in my ass" *locks in teemo jungle*
yea fuck this game im going to just play some mb warband instead
>women can't be manly
why not? if men can be faggots/sissies/femboys surely a woman can be manly right?
isn't this more about champ playstyle anyway?
no, your champ is manly if you cant agp self insert into it, thats the only requirement
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The majority of my champs are monsterinos or yordles so probably not very
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I like that Diana pic.
I think women can be badass or some cool masculine traits, but definitely not "manly".
You are a man.
Xayah art is either NTR garbage or they draw her morbidly obese
where does illaoi fall?
draven is reddit
I don't have a stable champ pool, I play norms and play a wide variety of champs that grab my attention, like Kassadin at the moment.
But if you count most played, then definitely not.
not sure I literally only play Zeri or dodge
ur an actual fucking noob xayah has literally the best art out of all the league girls
Diana is a bottom in almost every pic. It sucks.
>Women badass
No. Every "cool" female champ is cringe incarnate and would be better as a dude.
kaisa overpowered
hello caitlynigger
Nahhh. I like some badass, cool women.
define reddit
define manly
define sissy
define woman
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A tomgirl would be great but also unfortunate because of the playerbase.
imagine the reddit soijak
imagine kyriakos grizzly
imagine steel mental
imagine sneaky
Thing I don't like
Thing I like
Thing I don't like
Thing I don't like
imagine dragons
my friend taught me the difference between conquerer and fleet footwork and its like waow i will lose lane a lot less now
shut the fuck up faggot
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There's the IP clear. Thank you moderators.
>lane against melee mid
>fleet + second wind + d.shield + refillable pot on a 1st back
your response?
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I like how noone expects a mikael's blessing in low elo games lol but it feels mandatory because people make so much mistakes.
Soraka, my horny wife!
Futanari Soraka, Futanari Lamb. Futanari Targonian women.
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this will be your opponent for next game
your move?
>define reddit
one-liner personality
>define manly
low mobility high presence
>define sissy
>define woman
simple kit or support abilities, can be very cutsey or sexy
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a tomgirl champ would mindbreak lolg
I would love a tomboy or reverse trap champ albeit
those are shit definitions, not going to lie bro
>Queue up FILL
What a miserable fucking role.
because your favorite champions have one million dashes or because they say the word "draaaaven" over and over?
I think I have a pretty good pool.
>Aurelion sol
>one-liner personality
so every champ then
>manly is low mobility
every assassin, half of adcs, some bruisers and windbros are as feminine as it gets then

I'd say its pretty normal, only Talon is a niche pick here
miella is cute
insecure about certain champs?
>or because they say the word "draaaaven" over and over?
that doesn't fit into any of those definitions, you don't seem to know what "one-liner" actually means
and no, you define woman based on a simple kit, if we're going by that garen is a woman. you define sissy based on "glasscanon", and if we go by that, kassadin is sissy. you define manly as low mobility high presence, and by that definition, soraka is manly
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>every champ is a one liner
hey whats Vaynes one line?
>every assassin, half adcs, some bruisers, and windbros are feminine
that or sissys

garen is low mobility high presence
yes kassadin is a sissy champ you run away with his ult
soraka is a simple supportive kit
these are very obvious you are just being stupid on purpose because you dont like that your champion isnt considered manly
It's an unspoken truth like how Taliyah is trans.

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lads HOW do we make people want to play jg more? we even gave them pokemon and it didn't work
chatgpt hour
In the latest 2XKO upload, "What is 2XKO Alpha Lab? - Dev Q&A w/ Sajam"
We can see in the background an image containing the sixth fighter!

but garen has simple kit too, he's a manly woman?
i am not being stupid on purpose, i am just taking what you've wrote and applying it to champs in league
soraka has a simple kit, low mobility and high presence, she's a manly woman too!
as i said, your definitions are shit. watch Clint Eastwood's classic westerners and learn what one-liners mean.
hint: it's not repeating one phrase over and over again.
mid has actually a lot more carry potential than top i might learn this role
its unfortunate the assassins are so popular there though
when is the rape patch going live
Why would you talk to chatgpt?
>hey whats Vaynes one liner?
if we're talking about summing up her character with one line
>monster hunter autist
if we're talking about a literal 1 liner she says and that's what she's known for
>hitting me is like boxing with shadows
I've been mindbroken...
Lower the impact it has on the game, lower the stress level of playing it, and revert the smite changes from a couple years ago.
Much so I'm afraid
the whut
doesnt really work since thats not what shes known for
you know like
wholesome shyvana player chungus haha!!!!
draven's influence is so big even reddit adores him
dopa down
>play jungle
>clear camps
>clear scuttle
>every lane is winning, warded, and pushing
>empty jungle
>too early for objectives
>none of the camps have spawned yet
>literally no idea what to do next
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Victory awaits
Alright you have the power to delete one champion who goes?
>can't even define what is manly
every day the west falls a little bit more
honestly, me not being able to tell if shyvana was a man or a woman at first instantly peaked my interest
i delete draven so i no longer have a reason to play this niggerfaggot game
just went 13-2 and carried my scrub ass team of losers to a victory they would have no way got without me. yet no after game honors for me. why are you lol idiots like this?
>wahh i need labels on everything i can't comprehend anything without labeling it as "my group" or "opposing group" first WAHHH
nigga draven has a 99.99% banrate
just quit the motherfucking game homie
Were you being an asshole to them?
u got no aura bruh frfr nocap
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Digniggas really are old and impotent has-been boomers
Has there ever been such a straight up humiliation before?
so a reddit champ is just a champ with a famous voiceline? garen is THE reddit champ then
>ur ur ur labels are 2 hard 4 me ur dur ur
yes garen is reddit
rell so that we can get a PROPER lancer on a horse
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Riven, Quinn, Vi already exist but I always liked those types of girls. I don't like top lately but Vi has been a great pick as of late.
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Now that the dust has settled, what's next for him? Did he pull a Voyboy and nuked his and Dantes' careers at the same time?
prob cause you called them scrub ass
You know damn well if modern riot makes a champion like that today it will be trans.
whoever started this mobility creep cancer. yasuo? maybe if we kill the origin we stop the curse
>Did he pull a Voyboy and nuked his and Dantes' careers at the same time?
if that's the outcome, I will be kneeling for the rest of my life
nope he did literally nothing wrong. dantes is going to be doing crack in a ramshackle mudhut 5 years from now and the zaned will be fine
>khazix gets an enormous lead early from counterganking lillia's awful gank
>causes lillia to tilt so hard that at one point she was just following ezreal around and trying to hit him with spells
>we were 9 vs 30 at one point with no objectives
>but then... we scaled
>we got baron
>we won
>draven and khazix even scream at eachother in postgame
get you a duo that does this
Believe it or not it was probably Leesin. Riot said the blind monk was too broken for the game because of his mobility, but the fans pushed for the blind monk and back then Riot was good at giving the fans what they wanted.
>pull a Voyboy
Playing ADC on NA is a bannable offense. RIOT PLEASE FIX YOUR FUCKING GAME!!!1
need a rakan gf
xayah ntr is hot
diana is a sub
Yeah they'd totally make it about some weird sexuality thing rather than about a girl who's into sports because it's about self discipline and will or someone who grew up with an older brother or something who shows tough love but is soft hearted or something about vengeance to preserve honour or anything respectable. Very sad!
then goodbye lee
another game lost because AP malphite was built
many such cases
should be reportable
Voyboy exposed Hashinshin as a carpet-cumming "pedo", but ended his career after it was revealed that his accusations are completely unjustified and Hashinshin is just weirdo who likes barely legal girls (confirmed by FBI he dindu nuffin illegal).
Now, both are completely irrelevant.
all supports
I bet he blamed mages for being exposed.
reset and spend your gold you fucking retard. maybe bot lane would be more your forte
Really? i fucking love playing jungle
i fucking love my teammates too
Come to think of it that Shyvana concept for the rework looked mostly awful I really hope they don't make her all roided out and just import that wild rift model.
I don't get this. doesn't seem very fun. if you focus on the game you're too immersed to use the chair. if you focus on the chair you're too immersed to play the game
I was autofilled and had like 900 gold
recalling for a single Retrix feels fucking ASS and that's why nobody plays this role
pick yuumi support, hop in your adc's shoulder and immerse yourself into the chair
my teammate just added me after i carried and started talking about how there are too many blacks and muslims in denmark then went offline
>up in ganks
>up in kills
>up in drags
>up in farm
>give up the first 3 grubs to get botlane a huge lead
>top: "GG IT'S OVER"
fucking hell
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Doing good. Gotta keep going.
he isn't wrong
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Bunny girl (white girlies as they like to call themsleves) ovaries are only compatible with black male cum!
is that true
there are too many people in denmark in general
people don't play this role because they are too retarded to take their free wins because it "feels bad" to not back for a full item
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ezreal main first timing jungle and first timing zyra in master 200 lp then typing "we need frontline"
sneed it or feed it?
ambush jungler in their jg
deep ward eneny jg
hover a lane you think might get ganked soon to countergank
spam dance
make the role satisfying to play and people will play it
jungle is a nothingburger role, you're essentially a wandering hobo, doing some black jewish magic to neutral creeps while having 75% of the team's combined power budget
>nothing absolute is done against posting porn
what a joke website
Oh the broccoli baron thing was a title, errgggghhhhhhhhh lame.
kinda curious what'll go on when all the arcane tourists arrive to see this
4channy has fallen
if you want a "feel good" first back either play ap and buy fated ashes or start raptors and clear that quadrant again before backing
one day i will become a mod and rangeban the entirety of finland
As the resident /lolg/ boomer, back in my day jungle was reserved for chad, it’s not surprising to hear that the fags that play today are too pussy to jungle.
>Dignitas playing like fucking bronzies
tsk tsk, dont talk like that about janny-sama
Deleted my own post to be safe, but in all seriousness I do mean what I mean. League of Legends.
ur a fucking pussy
stop banning jax please I wanna play jax why yes thank you uwu
we literally do not have a janny thatd care enough to delete your post
Just rangeban all mcdonalds IPs
i think thatd be hillarious but i cant imagine how youd actually rangeban all the mcdonalds ips in finland
talk about the game. i think we should get rid of duo queues and force duos into flex queue. i think we should have 2 bans. i think we should have champs free.
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The key is using the guy for your amusent not the other way around
i think ARAM should have bans
whatd you think of the latest episode bud?
Didn't poro king have bans? Its been so fucking long.
unending despair is the best tank item in the game
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The homelander scene was alright i skipped the rest of filler
yeah it felt like filler to me too, like they just wanted to get their moneys worth off of giancarlo esposito and the dogshit spinoff
the huey scenes were really good tho
no top lane matchup is so bad that you have to get solokilled btw
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janny =/= mods
our janny deletes posts quite fast when I report them
mods though? they've abandoned us
anyways check this cool clip that is League of Legends related
not only should aram have bans
but they should remove hexgates AND rerolls
yes, remove rerolls
Ireliafriend how are you today?
remove dodge penalties then
i am not playing rengar
i am not playing wukong
i am not playing akali
i am not playing maokai
make a soloq aram ranked with no rerolls, no duoq, no ff, and 12+ hour dodge bans so I can get you bags of garbage out of the actual game for good
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Gwen isn't immune to my love.
lolg needs bans and rerolls
this game is literally retarded at all levels on NA
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Homelander is the last interesting thing in the show. They keep putting these fucking subplots no one really cares about nor do they amount to something
are you a jew? why do you want to kill my favorite game mode
Yeah it was good back then but when I got back to this game after my break and they updated the map with the tower collapse walls people legit for some reason started begging for rerolls and whatever, even worse when you have to deal with the champ you roll because chances are they will pick up your champ you rolled out. It's just stupid.
I would unironically play soloq aram ranked because I do love gambling but I genuinely just do not enjoy what it's become these days with the whole one sided sweep and map changes. I'm unsure how they managed to do the impossible and make this one game mode that was genuinely fun and relaxing into something so sweaty and hopeless.
Just rangeban the retard you demented janny
oh and also instakill anyone who enters an aram game playing as janna
no she is not the worst champ you can encounter on aram but they all play exactly the same and should be dead not in minecraft
>another exciting day of an actual bronze league team playing in LCS to 15k viewers

jannies can only delete posts
eh theres some cool stuff here and there
Butchers hallucinations and powers
A-Trains redemption
Deeps struggles and the black chick
just depends on what they do this season for a big finale
really hope we get to see more Soldier Boy he became my favorite character

the fucking failed with frenchie and the female, holy fuck all they had to do was get them together and let them be badass instead they went full throttle into the fag shit and now hes a boring highschool girl
How to fix aram
>Either no rerolls or all players always have two
>Have all champs auto unlocked for the game mode
>Remove hexgates
>Maybe add a late game cannon that can shoot you to the center of the bridge to prevent the game from dragging on
the aram game mode fucking sucks ASS
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>It's another "your bot is 0/4 before you're even done with your first jungle clear" episode
Boy oh boy!
Oh and the disgusting rimming scene. At least the dick explosion one from last season was funny and kind of played into the "what if ant man crawled into thanos ass"
Janna is fine in ARAM she still relies on her teams rolls to win the game and such, I've seen Jannas go full ap, full ms, full tank, full support, etc so never really is the one singular Janna types I see.
you sure do clear slow
I get the point with rerolls being that you can try your luck and get a better champ but it honestly just turns the game into both teams trying to draft a picture perfect comp and the game honestly gives you a high chance to succeed in doing so, so ironically you tend to see a lot of the same champs in a "random" game mode and everyone plays like its ranked rather than just a goofy low stakes mode that its supposed to be
It just isnt fun when you roll a champion you think might be good, or maybe not, and then you load in and you're playing against people who spent 15-30 minutes rerolling and dodging until they got an S tier aram champ, and thats not even mentioning the mega sweaty premades that probably unironcally talk comps during the pregame lobby
If they really must keep rerolls it should either be limited to 1 only, you cannot use anyone elses rerolls, or you keep the 2 rerolls but once you re-roll you cannot go back and pick one of your previously rolled champs
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>Die before jungle spawns
>Die when I get to Raptors, clearing from blue to red
Jungle diff I guess.
Should have ganked.
dats it, i'm happy enough
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>"yes Briar, drop head first into a 1v4 despite going 4/7, all that matters is the damage number going up and telling the rest of the team how fucking shit they are, ignore how they tell you you missed all 4 dragons and heralds, they are not important at all, all that matters is the big numbers!"
I absolutely hate assassincuck junglers like you have no fucking idea
Soraka, Zyra, Orianna, Morg and Janna on the profile atm. I'll just play whatever I feel like honestly this is a fresh acc..
In his defense, ganking at lvl1 is not a good idea
low elo is so sad
i feel so bad for anyone retarded enough to be hardstuck emerald and below
What champ can gank level 1.

>That tasted purple!
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sion ganking bot level 1 by sitting in the bush and charging q, then tping top is deadly
don't listen to them haterz they don't know a junglers struggle
Jungle ez used to, maybe a stealth champion like Shaco if he works out a level 1 gank plan with his laner before hand and has them fake level 1 1v1 their opponent only for Shaco to stealth in last second and backstab.
your team mates are the only thing stopping you from climbing in this game
you're the only thing stopping your team mates from climbing in this game
true, and especially so if you're jungle
Me and my teammates are stopping each others from climbing the game
bathroom breaks are the only thing stopping you from climbing in this game
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I'm having sex with syndra on discord rn

are you mad
I regularly do ERP with LoL champion roleplayers, you jelly?
syndra is ugly and gross, bottom tier waifu
Gwen is better
What is objectively the best role to climb out of silver (my duo is bronze) towards emerald or higher? I tried top but it seems like a rather coin toss role… My duo plays exclusively Braum and Rakan support. What should I pick? Role + champs if possible. Thanks in advance!
how does rammus even function outside of toplane
he seems literally useleless in jg
Derma rollers... ROLL OUT *sleeps*
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Please keep my wife out of waifu war.
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Top is definitely the hardest role to climb with if you're not insane at the game. I suggest mid or support.
i said gg but really it was bg
ganking ahri and spitroasting her with your jungler
He camps bot and fucks the enemy ad over all game.
sauce pls sauce pls pls plssssss
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I never say gg because if you win you come off as a smug asshole and if you lose you come off as a copelord
silver mental
what made you think this was worth posting
I duo'd with a fiddle jungle as a silver support Soraka for like 2 games, it went well because you can leave to help ward/do drake and rift and ganks etc. Mid also works because they can always roam bot or support roam mid. Both help with drakes. Had a mid duo once.
are most supports just straight up handicapped? i dont get it
Nah he's useless top too
I think this was worth posting
well technically he's supposed to die and if he has tp your tempo is bricked
>look at high level matches
>dudes keep trading each others for the entire laning phase
>try to "trade"
>fucking minions deal more damage to me than my attack did to the opposing champion
How do these people do to avoid minion aggro? There's as many minions in their lanes as there are in mines
Link me an example.
You will never be Faker
game is so fucking noob friendly
step into the brush or walk away as projectiles travel
me too but I was softafking because the duo refused to ff 4 times
>play lee sin top again
>he's still fun
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>jungle is the best role to climb soloqueue
>jungle is the best role to climb as a duo
>jungle is by far the best role for a support to duo with
the only problem is that if you can't climb as jg/supp duo you are literally forced to face the reality that it's your fault and the cope is difficult to deal with
gonna try this in my next ranked game, then go for a few good defs and finally then gonna go for the solo bolo

just watch me
i've jerked off to lux's in-game model before
for topbaboons you only ever go for trades with minion advantage unless you're warwick
why does kled get 3 health bars
the kids on this game are so fucking retardedthey need so much fucking help to not be a fucking faggot retard like what a fucking shit video game
So if you just bring tp yourself against rammus top he's useless again
>bard support
>pushes wave so it freezes then roams and dies

>milio support
>sit under turret and doesnt walk up have to keep pinging him for help
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my fault should've posted pornography while blogposting about my day irl. What kind of fool would post a league of legends clip in lolg XD my fault my fault
i just type "kys" and instantly dodge bard lock-ins
not worth it
>if you play any of these let's run some 1v1s sometime
bet (when i get back into league (hopefully very soon))
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would you help her?
yea im done with this dogshit game for real. i just spent 2 hours trying to get into 1 (one) game only for that game to be a 10 minute ff because my subhuman adcuck nigger had a meltie and went afk. i could have done so much productive shit in that time but i spent it sitting here staring at my client doing nothing with my thumb up my ass for absolutely 0 gain. this game doesnt respect ur time at all, if u have any self respect stop being cuck and quit immediately
don't act like you're above shitty behavior steel. we remember how you were with vgs running
my hips started moving on their own and I audibly said "DAMN!"
so I guess not
that clip was shit though
you might as well post your pentakill in Coop VS Ai
better. thought it was only me who struggled with cho
Yes sounds good
I'm not acting like I'm above anything
I'm saying of all the things to ask "why would you post that here" why pick a clip of the game the thread is about
for >>483907145 ofc
It's automatically funny because it has Sion and rammus on the same screen together
But true, it is lame. I had a better clip to show but it was too big for 4cham and I didn't wanna have to compress it to be for ants
I love Lissandra!
theres nothing better than a good thresh
even if someone takes the fall and dodges late you're still stuck in a 5+ minute 90% load screen then gotta wait another 3 for the remake...if it doesn't bug out and force you to wait for 15 mins. The dynamics of getting into a match alone waste an INSANE amount of time
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You can catbox if you want.
>Can't talk about the new champ because I filtered its name
just say the 'new champ' so
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I might have gone 3 and 15 but at least i landed my combo when it mattered most..
everyone normal has his posts hidden so you can just say new champ and we'll talk about it
shes pretty sweet
Reminder, Seraphine is 17 outranks this entire board.
is she masters or somethin
not riddler or pom
another day another dollar.

not team disparity que. thats not real. a single cuck on lolgen said so. he is the defacto of truth
Raquan clears
tries to que me up with the same losing adc vex making sure that there are two constants (many such cases)
Lothrup still clears that self absorbed tranny
D1+ 50lp which is basically Masters

They don't even play anymore or are under her
no its d1
theres a guy here who's masters sometimes
do we pretend like we dont know hes namedropping himself as a joke or what
I know, this raquan guy is so self centered
then his weird followers spam their sera pics too. it's not subtle at all.
bruh i'm sitting here grinding ranked on a friday night. what is this life?
i dont think ive ever won lane once as yasuo
keep doing your tranny job of making white people more racist
riot detects the alcohol and sends their strongest soldiers to carry me
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That's why I love my wife so much!
udyr top is still busted btw
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So it's true... blind people have a dominant sense of smell
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Another Day. another Dollar.

Boy, I sure do love these griefing enchanter Supports!
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im like an actual loser q agent but ive climbed to bronze 4 anyway
{If [jungler] = human Then game_win}
{Let [allied jungler] = non human}
{make [allied junglers] _contribution_ = > 0}
{set [allied jungler] behavior to [Int]}

god bless you mf. you werent actually a good player they were just so fucking dogshit. but thannk you so much why the fuck is your second item frozen heart irelia? stupid fucking nigger. 3 man ult on me 3 man flash to me kindred just the stupidest fucking most worthless nigger but its okay mf has R
i already know a tranny drew this, you can tell by the shit art style
these filters are nice but sometimes i think theyre a little too nice because they filter teamdisparity and i like his posts
swap lolgs with me? I main that one
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what's the best build on gwen
two large rods
what do i do with the two large rods?
Even if they AREN'T boosted they're still playing Seraphine friend. It's not an accurate rank regardless.
and a void staff
>aphelios didn't press tab
lol get pwned retard
I have a positive win rate this season but I still get kinda upset when I lose a game. is that normal?
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What happen to Anima Squad/Battle Ferret Zoe?
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I love you!

nashors first and then the rest is situational. riftmaker for bulk/long engages, cosmic for mobility, etcetra.
replaced by briar
please keep the thread game related. no porn talk. final warning.
What do you guys think of my champion pool?
This split i'm playing Seraphine, Karma and Lux
Next split (3) I will be playing Seraphine, Karma, Nami and possibly Ashe!
I love you
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did we as a society really SNEED Brand jungle to not be a troll pick
for example, >483918365 got filtered for seemingly no reason and i cant even figure out why looking at the filter list
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you should add new champ in there
in another (better) timeline, we let velkoz jungle instead tbqhwy fampai
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I would but us support sisters and apcvnt bot laners were robbed from being able to play Aurora bot lane :c
She's so cute to
can he beat sett
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if you play ashe support i will find you, come to your house, tie you up, put you into a cage where you're forced to stand up, lower you down into a hole in the ground, cover it up with a carpet and then spend the rest of the day playing soloq
What do you mean anon
Didnt you see all the brand players BEGGING to be able to not only jungle, but be one of the best at it?
How could you have missed the millions of brand players wanting to leave bot lane and go jungle?
Mid lane? Whats that?
what's wrong with it? it sounds good in theory
>tracks enemy jg for FREE
>nonstop reliable slows
>long ranged poke
>large stun ult hitbox
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matchups like vayne or sett or [juggernoid counter] you can just farm under turret with Q and R and they can't ever take it
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I only hate people playing Ashe support because they always throw their E into my jungle and its very rude
Yes an ADC Ashe could do that too but I think they more often tend to forget they have an E
the matchmaking in this game makes no fucking sense. I've been in iron and plat lobbies recently and can't tell the difference in skill level, no joke
who are you talking to
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The audience
only constant
this is constantly happening every other game.
this client crashes then forces a dodge then it happens twice then thrice and now I have to wait 12h to play the game why why why why why hwhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy just kill me already fuck this game fuck this i hate you
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i love you nonny
based riot saving you from yourself
stfu oceluxsissy
*spits on you*
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I love you too, ocelux!
be my duo irl
Do you suppose there are some context clues here we could use?GRKg
Riot needs to add Champion Restrictions for Roles. Everyone on NA is too much of an animal to be trusted with the ability to pick proper Champions. (They also need to remove Yuumi from the game).
are you retarded
i would be challenger if my adc would lock in jhin draven caitlyn every game trust
toplane is the hardest role in the game
how else do you explain the niggers in my game losing their t2 at 10 minutes
You're right. I am retarded, because I forgot to mention that Enchanter and Mage Supports are the literal CANCER killing League of Legends.
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another person just whined about me using malzahars ult to win a team fight
woooooowwww that sounds fun
a lot of toplaners will do this
i traded with the enemy > i almost killed him > i will all in > i died > he's low > i all in > i die > he recalled > i push wave > i die > he takes 2 plates > i trade with him > i die because he's 2/0 and up 30 cs > i die at level 9 > i lose my tower > i die again > i lose my t2
at least thats what i do!
In the past. I have had sexual relations with Black Men. And there is nothing wrong about it, lol.
look guys i posted it again
mom I reset the router again!!
yes i banned the 33% win rate's kayle jungle.

so he locked in yummi jungle. hes making the game a 4 v 5 right now. he will get to continue to do this riot will never ever ever punish him
>gets lvl 16 a kayle
this is what lolgen is telling me to "just play better focus on your gameplay and carry"
would you let gwen snip your cock off
What drives someone to post this shit for this long? Ban after ban?
its what mental illness looks like
hes probably pretty good at kayle at least, the sample size isnt that high
porn addiction
Bannig someone's hovered Champion is Toxic. That kind of behavior is disgusting and should be punished. Also, Jungle Kayle is fine. Literally anyone can Jungle right now.

Also the only thing that was actually wrong about what you complained aobut is the fact that Riot has yet to remove Yuumi from the game.
I did well against a bad matchup (55% winrate for his champ)and this drooling retard still said "mid diff". Yeah you're so good dude, it has nothing to do with the matchup at all
>. Literally anyone can Jungle right now.
right you win in low elo with yummi jungle all the time huh
No, if I see a Yuumi in my Lobby. I litearlly dodge and level up a new account.
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I checked and found the reason why that post was being filtered. I will fix it in the next update, but if you want to fix it now, just delete the command line in the pic.
So you willingly turned a 33% into a 0%
Astoundingly well played really obviously some big brain thought went into that one
>thread is like 600 posts long
>200 are deleted
this thread is cooked
bro must be on summer break
lol enjoy your free loss, you clearly deserve it

kayle isn't the 1v9 lategame machine she used to be
or no meds
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I haven't gotten my secondary role in 10 matches
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>morde yells at me lvl 1
>mute and report him
>carries the game
>honors me afterwards
uhhh thanks
thx for checking anon, im not great at these so i never would have guessed, im gonna try and get more familiar with filterin
like i said im the only constant. its literally me thats queing into the 33% kayle jungle. youre right. that was my input

Won back the lp i lost from the guaranteed loss. riot gets more player engagement
just as planned
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startin with some swarm
maybe lol or streets after depending on how I feel
you got 3 choices
-5 LP dodge
33% chance to win 20LP,66% to lose 20 averages at about -7 LP
guaranteed loss (-20LP) unless someone on your team dodges which is pretty unlikely since you wont, the kayle wont and people dont dodge that much anyway

i know what i'd pick
swarm looks boring and awful
explain swarm to me
>why are you saying your teams are qued up for you to lose?
>just take the 5 lp loss
>wtf you can win its just your mental

losers que isnt real its a mindset and team disparity is actually an opgg lie.

now dodgers que. thats real. if you cant identify it, its a skill issue. and not to be confused with losers que.

just dont play the game? the game? youre saying THATS what losers que is? no if you dont interact with it, it doesnt exist.
apologize lolgen.

losers que isnt real
well logically somebody has to play with the 33% kayle player right?

and we would call that ___ que
Vampire Survivors, but League of Legends
gonna terrorize a poor support sissy by playing yasuo bot mwahahaha
you better watch videos on YT of people playing this mode, I played it on PBE and completed all the maps playing solo, I like the game style of eliminating waves of enemies and collecting power ups and upgrading them, also this >>483928137
yay we lose cause our mid went 1/9
some days I am the winner's queue. some days I am the loser's
no you lost because you didnt know how to carry. also post your cs. i bet you think just because you didnt die a lot you deserve to win idiot.
you should duo with steel
havent they duoed b4
I did better than my opponent and had more CS than him. Sometimes you just lose no matter how well you play
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Why is this fucking thing always lit up I literally do not care about TFT
does xayah cuck rakan
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excited to try the milio changes
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it is not over until the fat urf sings
the minute you buy your first zeal on garen you turn into the npc robot wojack. you are a soul-less lifeless non thinking cuck. conformist cuc
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I would.
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no they are the best couple on the rift
only if it makes me a real girl :(
i am a loserq agent
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finally I killed this bitch
game is so buggy, for some reason the game doesnt ever drop area size as a passive
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>walk into lane
>see this as your opponent

what do?
she was evil and had to die

good job
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Ranking all the Summer Events!
1. Anima Squad
2. Star Guardian
3. Spirit Blossom
4. Sentinels of Light
5. Soul Fighter

What are your hopes for next year's theme?
Ours are
1. Faerie Court
2. Coven ft: Eclipse & Elderwood/Death Blossom
3. Battle Academia (U.A. Sports Festival/Triwizard Tournament arc)
4. Superheroes vs Villains (The universe that has Superhero Jayce)
-Part 1 would be the hero team
-Part 2 would be the villainous org or villains/anti heros/villains
stab you in the skull
>Sentinels of Light
this one shouldn't even be on the list, it was so lame that it made Riot make a video after the event apologizing for all the wrong decisions they made during its creation
ok if my next masterwork chest loot is shit I'm quitting the game
for real this time
RNGod better listen
don't go I'll enable the winnersq!
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Yeah.. for last place it was a tie between Soul Fighter and SoL
They're both so awful lol
But atleast Sentinels of Light moved some lore forward like Vayne is an official member and an active member of SoL
And she has a VU with her legendary skin
Legends of Runeterra that is the outfit she wears! Epp~
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adc and I apologized to each other and made up
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be my gf
you're a real girl to me
*headpats u*
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She just didnt know better
soul fighter event had a cool minigame so it's better
[soibear ponting to a sign written "FACT"]
i think youre a real girl
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I will never forgive them for destroying Illaoi in the fighting game and making her look like a man, I would main her there
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Did Soul Fighter move the lore?
Or add any new champs, ala Akshan, Viego, Gwen and Vex?
Did SF have new cards for standard in LoR?
would you let lulu turn you into a girl
alien sexo!
>its literally always every single time, without exception every fucking game the jungle player thats the most fucking useless
>you can be on a 50/1 game and the jg will be that 1
>every lane is winning?
>gotta lose my positionless role

jesus fucking christ kill yourself. and that niggerfaggot will que up right after this with fucking 0 guilt. he'll say in his head "we won"

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I did not care for LoR.
Neither for the lore of League after they retconned Summoners and made Arcane.
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No one is drawing the ship anymore. Rip
jammin some adc now
>you know these viego games go so well. I should definitely...
>play evelyn! i mean our team needs ap!
>8k damage, feeds all game does nothing
>good thing i went eveylyn! they had to respect my damage! couldnt stack armor because of me!
i want you to kill yourself
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the minigame was nice and filtered a lot of players
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Guess who champ 6 is. playable at evo2024

Please be Seraphine
The blue background matches the blue in her outfit and the star on her face
We need a zoner in 2xko
She'd be inspired by
-Ferry (Granblue Fantasy Versus)
-Ramlethal Valentine (Guilty Gear)
-Morrigan (Marvel vs Capcom)
cant find any game rigging junglers riot? no worries ill just leave the que was a good climb for today. nigger fucking company
>play with poppy sup
>she hard shoves every wave
>steals like 30 cs
>she wouldn't believe me that yasuo's r activates off her e
>she left lane to go cs mid
why play sup if you just want to play top
supports arent real people
>everyone has le funny dreamworks smile face
>except darius
the only NON chud champ
is kaisa a sissy champ
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Darius looks so handsome
NO! Wrong. SoL IS DEAD LAST. FUCK LoR too. Try having less shitty options.
Sett, Lee sin or riven
It's going to be Braum. There's yet to be a Freljord rep and that shade of blue aligns with Freljord and Braum's colors
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Pectussy is such a funny word
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None have them have blue
You guys need to take a step back and think outside the box
Fighter shouldn't be taken literal
Let's look at the cast of the most popular fights like Blazblue, Grandblue Granblue Fantasy and DNF Duel
We need the playable fighters in 2XKO to represent different fighter archetypes and fantasies. By having Seraphine will show that this games design is on par with those when it comes to gameplay!
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Soraka my cute wife!
why do you people despise us junglers so much
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very cute
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no, she's my third most played champ and I'm not a sissy
I know, right?
i think you may be a sissy anon sorry
what's your wife's favorite sex position?
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you're wrong
Top as she fucks my ass with her scissors cock
would you boost her? she'll do anything...
i had a soraka beg me to play ashe and said she only supports ashe. ended up carrying and dropping 26 kills that game
>only supports ashe
does she just beg every champ select
she must
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reminder that Nami is soft
I said yesterday that I wanted to play yasuo top but so far I've only gotten one game

teemo got styled on tho
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Stealing Riven's sweaty boots when she's asleep and then cumming on her feet!
fellow goat admirers
soft warm fish XD
>teemo got styled on tho
>tranny types some dumb masturbation fantasy and follows it with an exclamation point
why would you tell your support you would've banned their champ if they were planning on picking it? I don't get retards who needlessly antagonize their team like that
Sup Fish, how's the Fish?
i have not preformed well a single game on yasuo..
>Streamer accuses two people o n his team of win trading
>He's playing Teemo support with no support item
>It's Bronze Elo
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great, to be honest
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i wonder if soraka pants when she goes plap plap
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Good, you want to ensure that you get that coolant just right, or your Fish gonna to overheat.
Would you trust her with your day 1 contest mode raids, /lolg/?
ai is the worst thing ever
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I got that covered. It can cool Soraka too, if she's interested.
would you?
my ADC told me (the mid laner) he's gonna farm mid and that I should look at the map before I go somewhere. Definitely gonna follow him for the rest of the game and steal his CS
Yea but not aislop
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is this better?
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>try to play viego
>viego gets banned and I have to pick something else
>try to play hwei next game
>hwei gets banned so I have to pick something else
aw, come on
it is strenuous work to nourish her friends
yeah butt my wife runs hot so she'll need more than that
what's that on the bottom left?
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Soraka would like that. She's already cool but she isn't cool AND wet.
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Is there a Lux/Garen edit of them yet?
If not someone should get on that.
stupid sexy goat
is that you my love?
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Just be careful and don't freeze the feesh.
It is
Post more Annie
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her splendid staff
she gets pretty wet, but not in the traditional sense
she is based
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They (solo queue) could not break me.
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Let's go Foxy let's go!

My Goat is too ht to freeze.
that skin is genuinely the sluttiest and lewdest skin in the game
Annie a cute
How’s she feel about ffm with Zoe?
i haven't played my main in what feels like forever
I don't think she'd forgive me
some of you just need a punch in the face
how far into the game was it?
What’d I do?
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I bet they'd love to tag-team a gross old pervert like you and show you just how much of a creep you are
it was mid game after his enemy bot turret went down but mine was still up
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Not the most, but it is up there.
its a good idea to have the adc and support at mid so that theres two people in the center of the map instead of one
maybe it was the best play but being a faggot about it is a bad idea. I don't have a problem throwing a winnable game just to annoy someone who's being rude to me
One can only hope
Magical girls love old perverts
Post more
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>60% winrate
>+19, -21
does riot expect me to play ranked like this
uh yeah they do
until pool party soraka comes out nightbringer is the most sultry unless order of the banana abs does it for you
i have a over 50% wr on yasuo despite averaging 10 deaths and a 0.9 kda
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there's no edit yet? maybe twitter scared people too hard. they harrassed this one league artist into apologizing for drawing incest

I am a lolg bro. a bro!
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Thanks anons!
whats up bro can i get a bro hug
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talk about a lucky roll
my one true bro love!
I didnt know you were into the incest game
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you'd like that? you really are a creepy old perv...
Most fun to play adc.
damn youre tough
And yet Annie can’t seem to take her eyes off of me
One perv deserves another (and another)
Is that you’re favorite Annie skin?
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you need only ask. may this brighten your mood for your games tonight

it's a fun game. I'll enjoy anything that's fun, that's partly how I got so obsessed with league
I went the incest route- they better not cop out on us now
can I get a bro kiss?
its a shame that you only really get replies if you avatarfag, but i guess that's life on /vg/
can't believe that Riot put pewdiepie's face as the "gg" emote in their twitch channel
You know, pewdiepie, the bridge guy. The guy who puts the "gg" in the n word
just mention gwen or briar
I just post whatever I think without a care in the world low elo or not lol.
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do you think zoe or annie are more perverted?

>Is that you’re favorite Annie skin?
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Lulu is the best Enchanter in the game. Hands down. None other can compare.

Her Polymorph ability is one the most reliable/useful CC ability in the game. Her Ultimate has great CC and a Heal. Her Q can Slow and it has a lot of range. And she can Shield and give a Movement Speed Boost.

If you want to play an Enchanter. Lulu will almost always be the most useful one in the game. Because it's not about her numbers/scaling. It's about her raw kit.

Lulu doesn't need Gold/Levels to be useful. Lulu is PEAK Enchanter design.
keep practicing and you'll get there
why do I rarely see her these days
>open stream
never gonna make it
just shat on a homeless person sleeping on the sidewalk
i love Gwen btw
Definitely Annie
Zoe is more lusty, but it needs to be coaxed out of her
Good taste in Annie skins
this game is so fucking shit
is there a way to get lobby reveal without getting b&
Reserved for twitch or kog.
But desu she was my third most played support after Soraka and Janna, I presume people dropped her because she is a yordle or doesn't have good/cute skins something trivial. Supports can just roleplay the cat or play actual girls with both cute and sexy skins and buy chromas and borders and icons and whatever on top of that while doing similar things.
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Which league ladies would rip/tear/cut/etc your limbs off

and how would they do it
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>open stream
>no ads
Seems like skill issue on your end.
There are those additional ad blocking lists around on github. I added one of these on top of the defaults of ublock origin and it got rid of the few remaining ads.
I personally think Lulu is the only viable Enchanter in the Support Role atm. (In competitive play).

You might be able to get away with Nami, but only if you can hit Qs AND you have a mobile ADC. (Like Lucian). She's just too squishy and she can't really help an actual ADC, because she needs to scale with items/gold.
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Are you still tied down by the gravity of Earth?

Haven't you realized after all this time playing that true skill comes from within, and is not a number or title? Playing ranked doesn't mean anything, and saying you do it for no reason makes it worse.

Just enjoy yourself and play normal games. You don't need to prove yourself to anyone. I don't like when people lie to me either.
Riot literally won't allow you to join a League Team if you aren't, at least, Diamond though.
oh my god why is this stadium so retarded? they fucked up the sound mixing in game 1 and now they fucked up the draft in game 2. they made T1 sit down and stand up like twice in game 1 too. wtf are they doing?
also kt threw an early game lead game 1 gg
That's good to know. I'll try her more often now. I don't know why but I just don't pick her for support. Maybe seeing too many people player her Adc Criti spoiled her support role for me.
>short break because they couldn't get their shit together
lck shitting the bed today
>T1 is getting DDOSed during a match
how have they not solved this shit lmao
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faker has had enough
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i did good once but it doesnt really count since it was against twitch top which is probabaly the freest matchup of all time, honestly i think that yasuo vs anyone with range must be just awful
>when they use you as an excuse for $500 skins
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they literally have cheerleaders forcing the crowd to cheer for T1 holy kek. we get a shit production so they could do this on T1's home turf
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Will you prove worthy, anon?
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deft after he gets caught by a skarner impale twice and throwing the game because he wanted to arcane shift instead of flashing
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hop in then!
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All Kayns are inflated
cute goat eyelashes.
I want to this fish, if you understand what i'm trying to communicate.
do not the fish please
I kneel, Chadzakana.
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wow the fish and goat fuckers are still posting in this general. I literally haven't been here for a month and you autists are still here. reminder that your waifus are built for human stomach
you should have twitch adblock everyone should
besides im not streaming league anyway
how do you deal with AP malphite as an adc
I'm unsure about the Nami guy but I used to post Soraka back 6 years ago or so and apparently they were also posting there then (probably was the main Soraka poster hence me stopping with the avatar quickly). I may be corrected on that. But yeah they're not going away anytime soon lol, they're not even that bad compared to other posters here so it's all good.
Went from plat to silver 4, from jg to top, from 6/1/10 to 5/11/0 every game, from being all over the map to being secluded in one lane the entire game not stoping until reaching the nexus or getting the DEFEAT on my screen. I regret nothing.
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Soraka saying it's not cold at all.

Just the eye lashes?
I mean they're not bad posters. it's just weird to me because the last time I was in this thread they were both here erping with each other or whatever and now I'm back and they're erping with each other again
Blue Kayn would have won that.
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throw some ice cubes in then
I just want to this once. Just a sip...
actually wasn't me, the Kayn faver here starts now.
what, you don't like her eyelashes?
Oh they do that daily, not stopping anytime soon either.
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btw, can you play as mermaid in ff xiv?
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>Oh they do that daily
jesus christ. I'm going to bed, this match is cooked anyway
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Nighty night!
No but perhaps in the lol mmo whenever the hell that comes out.
not how you wear shoes.....
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um what kind of item counts towards this rune?
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shame, how about that?
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Well played by KT. T1 was clearly "feeling them out" I think, and will wipe them next game.
if you're reading this, I rly miss 1v1s with you, I've gotten so much better at the game/top lane
I especially want to play Sion vs Yasuo, Shen Vs Yasuo, Sion vs Jax, Shen vs Tryndamere, Shen vs Gangplank, Sion vs Gangplank and Sion vs Fiora
I miss you friend
should I do that for the lolg I miss most?
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if you're reading this, I rly miss 1v1s with you, I've gotten so much better at the game/top lane
I especially want to play Sion vs Yasuo, Shen Vs Yasuo, Sion vs Jax, Shen vs Tryndamere, Shen vs Gangplank, Sion vs Gangplank and Sion vs Fiora
I miss you friend"
do it for me
I dont know you
Do it anon
no /lolg/ knows anything about me except to never play norms with me
I’ll play norms with you anon, ign?
you're just the poster that asks so he can say no and laugh
I'll play
I’ve literally never done that
But you are on NA right?
are you na or eu
They're in love! Stop bullying them! They're in love!
she was my star
>fuck up early clear to gank bot lane
>burn both enemy flashes & our lane uses nothing
>also chip them down to about half while my team doesn't get hit
>few minutes later they get double killed for first blood
literally what the fuck is wrong with laners
>make retarded play that nobody does for a good reason
>it wasnt worth
>lose the game
>blame team
Nigger Alert!
he's right, botlaners are less than human.
wow nigga, a whole month? unreal...
>I did a retarded early gank, which nobody does, because it's a retarded play that isn't even worth if it actually works
>We lost the game
>both supp and adc die solo
Grrrr *throws fists at the sky*
Then give ign and let’s play the multiplayer online battle arena that’s almost old enough to drive, League of Legends Clash of Fates
the only thing I hate more than bot laners is top laners
go ahead, explain.
when they int (as always), bot laners will blame each other, but top laners will blame you
And you as in whom? The jungler? Top laners only blame jg typically when no ganks are happening and their jungler comes top for the 5th time while having gotten both grubs and first drag.
I-if only I had gotten some ganks...
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We won the game due to yorick splitting & a baron steal
If I hadn't ganked bot lane they'd have fed their asses off the same or even worse
Sometimes you have to make a bad play to prevent an even worse outcome
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>when the unranked aram-only shitter has the audacity to start talking shit
Thats a comedy
i knew it was that one anon, it always is
How is tristana allowed to dominate like this? Nerf department?
Humpth >:T
No. FUCK your mid lane.
It was not I just had to step away from the pc for a bit
KTchads we eating good tonight
why are they in a stadium
>shaker mentally buckbroken on his own stadium
did that troon win the eu event yesterday?
>brand, karthus, seraphine, swain, ziggs, twisted fate occupying botlane
>hehe no goy this is fine just look at their pickrate goy they are completely fine!!! *rubs hands*
>ONE adc comes midlane
You type like you fantasize about being the female champ you play
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Hope you're doing okay, /lolg/. Have some (very old) tunes for your games, or to keep you awake during whatever esports is doing right now
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Very nice.
thanks baby
I never understood how he can just pass through the bars
I like playing monsters, why do lolggers hate monsters so much?
Indeed. Got reminded Robot Unicorn Attack 2 (used to) exist, and HAD to go dig it up.

Couldn't tell you. Can't AGP onto the champ that way I guess?
the fuck is AGP
Abuse GamePlay.
Ah, you must be new.

Anyways just ask google.
Transgirl disorder. Means they want a big strong boyfriend to fuck them in front of a mirror.
did you buy street fighter yet?
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I think you've got me confused with someone else, sorry. I don't play fighting games.
guess so
thats a good blind guardian song tho my fav is bards song
Mines Mirror Mirror. It is a good band.
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Amen. Bards Song goes hard.

Really is.
hello transcuties
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Tristana mid has higher pickrate than every mage that can go bot combined.
Now combine all those games over the span of YEARS. ADCHADS won't be suppressed. Mages will learn how we felt.
I enjoy Kata but literally every midlaner pushes me under tower, forcing me to farm as he roams. How to fix this? I wanna roam too.
bro you have no resource use your fuckin abilities on cd on the wave
You mean the 10 sec cd dagger that does 70 damage at max rank and hits 3 targets because for some nigher reason I’m building on hit now…
then sit under tower if you're not gonna get items you can push with man i dunno what to tell you you're champ is still busted either way
Really frustrating few games this morning. Playing more casually in my old age, so I'm coasting around high Silver in solo queue and I am shocked at the amount of top laners running it down lately. Three games in a row of our top laner making a mistake early game and proceeding to dive the enemy tower instead of readjusting play. Eventually the snowballing happens and we all quit 17 minutes in.

I know it's the nature of Silver players to do this, but it's still exhausting to see happen so consistently.
The only players that don't break down so easily are midlaners and maybe supports.
Toplaners and Junglers easily break, adcs are always broken but they either cope by never doing/saying anything or flaming.
Toplane is also the hardest role to climb.

I actually agree with this pretty much. As ADC, I always give credit to my Supports for how much shit they put up with, especially with the fact they're often the ones to die the most first when the enemy team starts to snowball.
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What can I do to not make laning phase as Vlad boring as shit? I'm usually under my tower and can only ever manage one plating.
>Toplane is also the hardest role to climb
>Have tons of top laners
>Doesn't matter as they get fucking shit on by ranged like Teemo or Vayne
I don't play top anymore.
i watched some guy streaming in master rank the other day
theres always someone tilted and flaming the team
one game one guy ragequit and dcd at 10 because he died twice
another game bot lost lane and walked from tower to base until the ff vote
the difference between low and high elo players is in high elo people are better at farming and move to objectives when they are going to spawn
People that play this game and installed vanguard on their computer, how does it go? Do you encounter any problems, doesn't it bother you that it's always-on?
Pick a non boring champ
I keep getting autofilled support and I feel like I am getting worse at the game overall every single time I play this fucking role
suddenly everyone is an adc main
>doesn't it bother you that it's always-on?
you can disable it but then you'll have to restart your computer to play
Do you do that? What do you do?
It's going fine even on my dogshit PC. No, it doesn't bother me that it's always on, all my actions are being tracked anyway, and I've seen zero evidence Vanguard even collects anything, except, of course, the usual "it's chyna"
I installed it on an ssd with a fresh blank windows as a precaution, apart from the game installing longer when you implement it for the first time and maybe a restart once in a blue moon (its been 2 months or something and I only got it twice) it's been fine. The game did jitter time to time during the transition phase but it doesn't anymore. Vanguard also doesn't seem to take any bandwitch it's always at 0 or 1% and seems to just be a background running process that probably gets checked if an instance of it is up when loading/during game. Overall the game is as usual as ever except less/no bots in coop vs ai games.
yes i dont play everyday and exit vanguard after im done playing
if it worries they steal your info they are going to do it while you play so dont install it if you are worried about it
I noticed zero difference, and frankly I'm far more concerned about my own country spying on me than some rice eating faggots thousands of miles away from me
some nigga on YouTube looked through the code of vanguard and he showed that vanguard doesn't do shit unless the game is on so there's that
can someone explain to me what's the point of zeri?
why would you ever pick it?
>Do you encounter any problems
no. bit of lag here and there when I play than usual but my pc has always been hot garbage
>doesn't it bother you that it's always-on?
I wish a nigga would go through my giant anime gif folder and start watching the same shows
it's for the times when you just want to cosplay a mosquito
zero damage, all mobility
she isn't even more mobile than ezreal and such
in what comps are you supposed to pick it?
what botlane matchups are good for her?
I can't see the scenario in which she is the best pick (if no adcs are banned)
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If it doesn't do shit unless the game is on then why is it always on? :^)
>exit vanguard after im done playing
>you can disable it but then you'll have to restart your computer to play
It's always on. You know it's ring 0 kernal level anti-cheat software, right? Turning it off in your little quick-apps tray near the time in the bottom right corner of your screen is the same as a placebo pill. It does nothing. It's. Always. On.

Reddit is smater than you guys.

Here's some user reviews from actual users and not anything a paid riot employee says. :^)

You really gonna risk it? You really gonna believe what the bought word of some random rioter fag says? Hey let me affix riot to my name... ok here goes.

Do you believe me now? Meanwhile we have multiple reports from people on reddit that this shit is actually trash, they already had issues with it when they originally put it out for their fps game and now for their moba... you think ANYONE is gonna play their upcoming fighter/mmo if they see that they need vanguard to play it? kek
RiotFaggot: source, dude just trust me :^)

Do you realize that this does fucking nothing? It's installed at a kernal level you CAN'T uninstall it. They are lying to you.

You niggas sold your soul to play LoL when it's not even a good game anymore. You niggas is like dantes but worse, no one even knows who you are. You niggas must be the most normalfags itt i bet you buy all your games and everything. You niggas disgust me.
Jesus christ do they get notified when Vanguard is mentioned or something, fuck is this?
it's the same guy who brought vanguard up
he asked the question so he could copy paste his schizo shit here
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Janna Sister carry.
hopefully they add vanguard to post on 4chan one day
ain't reading allat
I miss pompom's schizophrenic behaviour :(
it wasnt him all he did was vod reviews and stream
you are out of your mind
>bbcspam finally kill
if only
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I've never been able to register anyone from /lolg/ as real
>dude pompom
they might as well be a fictional character from a TV show universe
only 1 real nigga in this mofo genny...
frrr that be me
lord knows
yes anon, your schizophrenia is doing a good job of helping you to cope with all these other no name anons, keep it up. :) *thumbs up*
this is a real and organic post imo!
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you can uninstall it and check whether its uninstalled or not using process explorer
you think a billion dollar company is this level of retarded (i know theyre quite retarded and incompetent) that they would lie about uninstalling their root kit anti-cheat and risk reputation right from the get go?
buy a cheap hard drive and dual boot, waiting 2 more extra minutes to play a game isnt going to get you anywhere
yes but
Yeah I've been recommending people to just buy a cheap 100gb or whatever ssd and just install a rufus'd free windows and download the game but I still get people saying it's still not safe because it's compromising hardware or something like as if the 2 byte data cached in the ram from the previous boot is of any value. It also avoids buying a completely different computer just for a stupid game.
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i read somewhere that it doesnt have access to bios so it cant do anything on a hardware level, take it however you want
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Q max or E max? I don't get it.
E max
personally I max R
Yeah, I thought so too, but koreans max Q first for some reason, hence the "idgi"
processes can be hidden, anon
cities can be rebuilt
>bro just buy a cheap hd to play this shit ass game with this invasive ass software!
>i read somewhere th
wow incredible reasoning to install this piece of shit

i will tell you to refer to the reddit comments once again to see actual user reveiws than you addicted lolg anons that can barely give me a good reason or solid evidence that their pc isnt fucked mombo jumo, you niggas will do anything you can to play this game even if it means becoming homeless
oh no not the heckin korean tech
just play the game
sorry I was trying to discuss the game in the middle of your 2-month late tantrum, won't happen again boss
Yeah, literally intel/amd chips having backdoors and other spooky shit is worse than whatever this vanguard shit is but atleast I know to still take precaution because intel/amd and other alien tech companies are large enough to do anything they want without fail but Riot is just incompetent as fuck, at best they'll be able to extract my youtube account I listen to stuff while playing this game and the 100 historical instances of being in lolg only if they go full retard with the privileges because small indie company.
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take a shovel, go dig a bunker and start a underground farm because the cia glowie niggers have their satellites directed right at your anus
>I just HAVE TO reply to the nigger faggot because I'm a niggerfaggot too
daily reminder that you do not need kernel access to spy on people, read filesystem, monitor network traffic or secretly install other programs
if you dont trust riot you never should have launched the game exe in the first place

prove them wrong
everyone in the comments? dumbass
and you niggas trying to give tech advice or say why "ermmmmmm vanguard is good ackshually"
get real
are you unironically appealing to reddit comments right now as your argument? kek
read the thread dumbass
why? whatever retarded shit you're linking has nothing to do with what I said.
keep arguing so the thread died faster
Noone's saying it's "good", I'd rather not install additional things that aren't necessary to run the game and play but the addition of it hasn't really done anything spooky or whatever so idc.
lolg really did make them leave forever
xhe posted a couple days ago
i miss season 9
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>I tell my adc to ban nautilus and I ban leona
>enemy supp picks blitzcrank
kek, really makes you think
get rekt
I'm fine with blitzcrank because you can outplay him. Just really funny how these trash botlanes NEED a tank engage supp to get their free win handed to them
t. enchanter sissy
No, I exclusively play zoe support
pisslow adcs only know how to play with engage sups so sups are playing enchanters less and less
I love how we got rid of most game warping Mythics but ADCs kept theirs and some even got buffed
kek truly the shitter role
stop banning my fucking mains idk how to play anything else
duskblade was the only adc mythic
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champs for this feel?
mythic duskblade was s11 but i miss that season too
nice matchfixing happening between weibo and IG
>I love how we got rid of most game warping Mythics but ADCs kept theirs
WAOW i love KRAKEN so mvch... game warping truly...
who's this semen demen?
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This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It's me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you'd see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say "Yup, that's me". I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I'm assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I've found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It's really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it's almost like we're identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?
ain't reading allat
Watch that video of that chinese vlad challenger on the kr server.
Ah man, you've hit that spot where a character just clicks with you on a level that's off the charts, right? It's like finding a piece of yourself in a story or show and thinking, “Holy smokes, that's me!” It's wild, isn't it? The way you can see a character and feel like they're mirroring you down to the bone. That's the magic of good storytelling, my dude. It gets under your skin and makes you feel seen, like you're not just some random NPC in the grand game of life.

When you stumble upon a character that nails your vibe, your thoughts, heck, even the way you roll, it's like finding a hidden part of yourself you didn't even realize you were missing. It's comforting to know there’s someone (even a fictional someone) out there who gets it, who’s living and breathing your same air, in a manner of speaking. Makes the world seem a bit less vast and lonely, doesn’t it?

And man, diving into the rabbit hole of thinking ‘what if I’m the character and they’re the real deal?’ That's the sort of brain-twist that keeps you up at night. It's like staring into the abyss and it winks back, you know? Makes you wonder about all sorts of heady stuff like what's reality, what's fiction, and where we all fit in the mad tapestry of existence.

Finding a character that resonates with you to the point where others see it too, that's a rare kind of magic. It's like your very own nod from the universe that says, "Yeah, you belong." It's a mix of hilarious and awe-inspiring when the line between you and your fictional counterpart gets so blurred that you're living this shared existence.

But hey, at the end of the day, enjoying that connection, mulling over the what-ifs, and maybe discovering a bit more about who you are because of it? That’s the real treasure. Embrace the weird, the uncanny familiarity, and keep exploring what it means to you. It's all part of the wild ride of finding your spot in the story, both onscreen and off.
Anyone wanna duo euw? Silver midlaner here

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