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Previous: >>483873480

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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>Not even going to Firmament with us
Fake pairing
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You didn't forget about me, right Anon?
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I got Danjin to s6... Is she any good?what's the point of her when you have Havoc Rover?
>literally the first main update of the game and the new limited already powercrept every dps
She's stuck doing wagie work while we're having a vacation date slaying loong
What are the best teams right now?
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out-hagged by cowli
Supports Hrover
So Taoqi is shit for Jinhsi now?
She can buff your havoc rover's havoc damage. Also her s6 buffs atk for the entire team
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Havoc Rover + Danjin, Dreamless on both of them
I'm using you right now sis... Your my subDPS for Chixia as I explore the new area.
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when is one supposed to use this thing? Are we supposed to save them and only use them in very specific scenarios?
always was
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You will always occupy the second slot on my team
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reminder there is a 50% ECHO DROP RATE BOOST food in the game now

does that mean the droprate becomes 30% or 70%?
I would never forget elf vera
>rolled Jinhsi
>but skipped Yinlin
What do?
>le fractsidus is behind everything!

this is getting infantile.
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I can now explore the new region.
Don't worry, you're in my Jinhsi team.
just woke up did wuwa win or lose
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b-but muh calcs...
Use them on whatever you need when you reach level 90 so ul 60
begone, YING
Use yuanwu
Just save it untill you're max level if you want to be optimal, you could use some to speed up if you're tired of waiting, but always keep at least 50 or so in case of emergency
50% of 30% is +15%
Yinlin went in the bin the moment 1.1 dropped
I just want to play more with Changli now. Also give me back the fucking Illusive Realm you fuckers.
wuwa won bigly, it's actually a bit embarrassing for the "competition" right now.
proof it won bigly bwo?
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Ofcourse not!
She was the original NTRbait before Changli became a thing and took away her thrown.
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0 (zero) tiktok hours
wuwa lost bigly
I use them when it's Sunday and notice I haven't done the weekly bosses yet.
It's coming back the second half of this update with new characters
Minori Chigusa drew something for this game?
>>I wish the troons had never come to this thread. I wish Mihomo had never happened.
>>So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide.
>>there are other forces at work, wuwabros, than the will of discord trannies.
>>the pajeets and SEApags were meant to find this superior game, in which case you were also meant to save it from their meltys, and that is an encouraging thought.
master cuckmaker is my favorite npc
[serious] How is the writing in 1.1 compared to 1.0? Keep in mind that 1.0 was unironically a 1/10 on the writing scale.
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Just imagine Yinlin and Changli raping you at the same time, ahaha...
definitely an improvement but it's still slop, some anons in here will suck it off but they're coping hard.
He sounds like definition of cope...
It's strange when Changli was leaked I felt absolutely nothing for the character

but ingame she looks so amazing, It's the heels that do it for me they got a real specialist in their studio
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Nice, can't wait to play Changli in it.
It's like the same damage but infinitely easier to play
shut up zoomer
Don't know, I skipped it all.
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>So uhhh, black sheeps, amirite?
it went from 6/10 to like a 7.5/10.
Better than act 1-4 but that bar wasn't very high lol.
I do hope they delay Camellya until next year, Changli looks fun
Because her splash art makes her look like a vtuber reject, while her model is amazing.
I'd give it a 4/10 but I compare it to real literature.
It'd be really funny if they had a competition to see who gave the better blowjob, paizuri and cowgirl. Haha.
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Say it /wuwa/

It's great but you sound like a faggot so I'll just tell you it's unreadable and you should go back to your general.
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t. white sheep

Fractsidus did nothing wrong
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>BiS sub-dps for Jinhsi
If anything the skippers are seething even harder
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Imagine a horde of overclocked exiles raping them and (you) are forced to helplessly watch.
>The genshit nurse loli character showcase views is less than half of jinhsi's (712k vs 1.9m) despite 2 days headstart
Could've been great if the story was like 3-5 hours longer and actually spent time on the area stuck in turbulent time and the stop time vs try resuming it dilemma. As it is, it was still pretty good. Biggest problem was characters reiterating stuff too often. I'd give it a 6/10.
aw hell naw
Crit DMG is superior. you fucking lied to me
I read the first 3 acts of 1.0 and since then have skipped everything afterwards. I just don't believe that you can make something worth reading if that is how you start your game.
you will NEVER win bigly you cheap copycat freaks
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That's fake. The month isn't even over yet.
game still runs like shit
i dont like the gameplay of the new characters

guess i will get the free rolls and stop playing till the yandere is on banner
The Fractsidus seem to have some plan in the work to make everyone able to become a resonater.
That's a lot of soldiers.. maybe these guys aren't so bad? They simply believe the end justify the means.
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Wouldn't Sanhua or Taoqi work better since she uses her basic attack and skill more?
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copypasted reddit comment aside, it was barely better than the previous act. The cutscenes are amazing but the writing itself is just not good. I laughed when they first showed you CSC notes, then had Changli do a recap of it and then another recap of the same information by Jinhsi in the same cutscene.

I normally hate skipfaggots but they are justified in this game.
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We're the upgrade
>graph clearly going down already
>i-it's not over y-yet!
major cope
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>seanig makes thread trying to bait wuwa shitting https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1dqhw1i/what_is_this_reference_for/
>commenters said HI3 instead
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sudden spam of mihomos parroting their same tired inane shit again in our general. What time is it in India right now?
What? Bro we already did. Pay a little bit more attention next time.
Like 3 AM you insecure whiny swineskinned faggot.
no because all her basics count as skill damage
>why are people from genshin impact talking in the general about genshin impact 2?
Not even ankobros are this braindead kek
What stats does Sanhua want?
Already got him today. After i got 4 Jinhsi in 1 10-pull so cannot complain!
>about genshin impact 2?
impossible, the women in this game are actually hot and were not experiencing constant analwormer marathons
they seem to be really emotional today.
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Updated meta powerlevel for genshit refugees
Greenman - diluc'd
Anko - klee'd
Chixia - amber'd
Monk - jean'd
Calchud - keqing'd
Furryboy - dehya'd
Verina - venti level, will surely get powercreeped
Yinlin - Fischl tier of good, will be relevant for years
Jinshi - Raiden tier dps, if you skip delete your account
You don't need much ER with her, because she generates so much already. So you can just do full on crit damage with glaceo bonus 3s on moonlit set.
thanks sis
Indian call centers work hour lol
>avatarfag is a redditard too
color me surprised
Raiden is trash these days though...?
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The fighting choreography looks kind of weird but that smirk at the end makes me diamonds.
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So what's the point of using Yinlin over cowtits?
Which wuwa is your hotwife?
Rover asking what is Overclocking when we already had 3-4 quest talking about it was pretty fucking stupid
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>Spends all his time shitting on wuwa
>Indog asking for an Elden Ring sale
Every time
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What the fuck should i do with my chalchudo now? he's lv 80 but already replaced by Jinhsi, she also stole Yinlin from him so he's underperfoming if i want to use him for other floors i rather use rover instead. I have Jianxin for my floor 3 clears without anyone to babysit her
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they're always insecure but somehow after zzz stream dropped, even more so. They probably saw the writings on the wall with that one.
Don't you remember? we have amneeeeesia
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Changli and Yinlin~
Wait for dendro element sis
Unironically looking like it was outperformed even by Sigewinne Japan, China and United States on its first day which didn't even do all that great for a Genshin banner aside from Japan. Though Sigewinne had the Furina rerun buff too. 1.1 also has 2 nearly month long banners as well cause I guess they want to get back on their original schedule now. Jinhsi banner goes till July 22nd and they had 2 whole dead days where there just was no banner this month because of their weird schedule fuckery. This games planners do some weird shit even for Chinese gacha game devs
All release gacha stories are bad anon
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No fucking idea, skipped every single dialog.
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Yinlin of course, sexcreep impossible.
Yinlin is good and Taoqi is not good. That's all there is to it. Taoqi directly supports Jinhsi much better buffing her main source of damage, Jinhsi missing like half the fucking buffs from Yinlin due to not being electro, but Yinlin is just a better character.
probably simply her own performance outweighs the buff taoqi brings while also being smoother and faster to play
can't think of anything else
I'm also in the same situation, might as well prepare a third team with him
The eyes of a woman that loves humiliating you
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>Though Sigewinne had the Furina rerun buff too
More like the furina rerun had the sigewinne buff
Mihoyo invented fake pairing
Is the performance of this game massively ass in the new area for anyone else? It was completely fine for me before and not it's near unplayable.
coping retard. you just tolerate shit "because its gacha"
>Burger hours
>Upsurge of Changli NTR posting
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does he get paid by da wei or does he do it for free?
lets not try and pull this shit, they NTR posting surged at 4 am burger hours last night
Genshinbros... your response?
just play dead games so you don't have to worry about tiktok hours, it's that easy
Much better than 1.0 for me
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Do you ESLs even know what a hotwife is? He's asking which wuwa you'd like to see getting fucked by other men...
Why cant we get the Talented modders from the Skyrim community or something. What is this trash?
restart pc sometimes something happens to the game and even restarting the game doesn't help it

I have it sometimes but when I fully restart pc it's perfect again
Not to this extent, no. At least not for the ones that don't EoS within two years.
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When do we get alternative Jinshi skins
h-how do you know that baizhi?
>revenue charts
>my gacha is better than your gacha
seapag hours are so shit
Check your settings. They reset it when they had to download the patch. I had to set my game to 45fps because my gpu gets nuclear all of a sudden if I go to 60.
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Where the fuck is this chest???
Yeah it's started stuttering heavily on my 4080S aftrer the update. It was fine before.
>seapag hour
it's 5am here retard
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50k dmg for an archon toon is so mid i will never listen to /wuwa/ again
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It do be like this
new parts of map will do it on first load
Isn't this Type 97?
Wuwa is for cuckchads. All girls are for (You) and they all will get fucked by someone else.
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why would we know niche terms from the cuckold community

He probably can only play it on a subpar 2nd hand laptop kek
mine did 82k in ToA, 196% crit dmg with 1600 atk, talent lvl 5
See a frog. Filter a frog.
I notice that the first 1-2 minutes after login are awful. Updating the GPU driver made it somewhat better
Is this real?
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I warned you bro, she's garbage.
But no one listened!
24/7 on plebbit, no money for real games, no wonder he's glazing mihomo
im at 64 pity, when does soft pity kick in
so if you have s2 Jinhsi you can just roll up to any content and use your full stacks to immediately blast the boss for 250k dmg? or is that not how it works
Thanks for the heads-up Baizhi!
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Cute Ma Xiaofang
That make some sense actually. Only the saddest losers spend their time shilling a gacha at that hour
63 actually youre fuucked LEMWOEW
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pioneer status?
75, anyone that says otherwise is just a luckshitter
>too much of a cheapfuck to buy the game
>too dumb to know how to torrent the game
Gentards say that they won but they wont leave, really makes you why they keep spamming on our little dead game general
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>indog got doxd
>Blackedposting starts
Im noticing
>has a type 97 here
so what the fuck gun is she holding here >>483892284
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Looks like we got some new options for dailies. Unless i never saw these before
This new patch made it Noticeably better for me. Now i can even play on my potato on the road laptop.
I-I don't have a good type 97 to give her....
jue can't hit you
you can't hit jue
no parry option when he summons the giant thunder sword for a sekiro moment

what a shit boss.
Your average normie mouthbreather unironically thinks pirating is illegal
Chixiachads keeps dabbing on meleekeks
>you can't hit jue
I just use encore and keep hitting on his head
they tell you are the start to use grappling hook to get onto him
Hmmm... Nah, I think a hotwife is a wife who is hot.
5 star gunner fucking when. I'm not building up a 4* main dps
>I-I don't have a good type 97 to give her....
Huh? Don't tell me you can give the dolls different weapons than what they are....
>actually considering rolling harvest of ages because it's pretty
oh no

>second half
too late
I want to have fun with Jinhsi
She's better than most of the 5* DPS though...
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Going to impregnate Jinshi
What is it and how do I get it?
yea thats new and i like that we're also getting pts from doing world quests
I thought it was a hot-swappable wife, like a server drive
To be fair they probably realized in retrospect that not even once did they explicitly explain what it is (though if you're not retarded you would figure it out from context)
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>people jerking off to a zombie scalie
Yeah doing dailies now shouldn't be as awful.
help pls
I don't care because I'm gay.
I want Yuanwu and Calcharo to spitroast me with their electrorods. All ladies can get raped by overlord class tacet discords, for all I care.
Jinhsi wants coordinated attacks to build stacks
cow doesn't do any coordinated attacks
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good choice~
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ugly mod
Bros where is that Chair people were talking about for Jinhsi pull luck? Also where would be Sanhuas spot? I cant sit in the chair where we first met
yeah there's also "do an exploration quest" which gives you +100 outright
Jinhsi is literally made for bed breaking mating press.
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and you can't stop me
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you can since they had to copy genshart
I do not believe you are gay, because no one, gay or otherwise, would be attracted to Yuanwu.
Is it true that ascension materials are slightly better drop rate at 50. I'm 1 day away and can farm them after tomorrow if true
they need to buff heavy attacks. They are so shit
alright Jinhsi is old news, what are the best Changli teams?
Yes its like that every world
level. I would farm credits if you're close. You will need them i hear
Well, lorewise they aren't restricted to their assigned weapons, they're just way better with them
>10 rolls for new character
>but 5 of them are the blue shit you can't even use on her
That's ass.
>finger on the trigger
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I beat the entire patch and didn't skip the dialogue once.

I feel bad for you skip shitters!
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this one's definitively Sanhua and Cowqi my beloved, I'm sure.
>/wuwa/ - girl's flopline 2: electric boogaloo general
All drops are slightly better at 50.
Changli, SubDPS Chixia , Verina. I will not elaborate.
They could add a guard stance with a stamina system and make us use heavy attack to break it
we gonna get more 10 golds, 10 blues and 10 weapon rolls
>Changli's clothing changes based on forte stacks
Holy shit
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>didn't even reach top 5
>already going down
So this is the power of the most hyped character...
sweet and sour pork
lvl 4 on the bell lady
I thought we were getting 10 pulls of each ontop of the 5 of each balls
>So this is the power of the most hyped character...
but enough about pagfly
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theres no way those dont have milk in them
Prove it by giving a short summary of what happened in your own words in 5 sentences or less
>log in
>get spooked by lion faggot
Any help for the stuttering post patch?
A lot of characters have minor stuff changes
Veritas back flowers light up when charging each stage.
Yangyangs hair turns white when she's ready for her mode
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But Changli's rate up is 3 weeks away.
Is that a mod? Or an actual skin...??
Firefly was on top 1 for days, dollar store Ayaka couldn't even break top 5 LMAO
But firefly had like two days of tiktok hours...
No big loss. Game won't hold up long anyway. Prepare for Azur Promilia.
>do dailies before maintenance
>it didn't count in the BP
How do we get everyone in this general to ignore shit baitpost like the constant mobile sales? Do we need some sort of warning image to keep people aware. I want this general to be better
It is the opposite for me.
I forgot about her once I built encore and handed her stringmaster, but Jinshi made me dust her off again
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>"I love you rover!"
how do you respond without sounding weird?
How strong Jinhsi dupes?
Do I build pity, or save for boob lady?
To be fair we were bragging about jinhsi's sale potential like mad before the patch dropped. We deserve to get humbled.
On the bright side you have 7 (seven) weeks to complete it
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Huh? What was that?
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The only people who post sales numbers nonstop are subhuman garbage shitposters. We don't need a sales update every 10 posts.
>build pity
retarded namefag
Building pity is retarded in these games (stingy Genshin impact clones) unless you are a whale. And if that is the case, stop asking questions, stop thinking, and fund this game for me, fucko.
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>100% of quests are go from A to B
>put this flower on top of a platform "puzzle"
>auto parkour
>kill 3 turtles to unlock a 2primo chest
>gameplay is just spam left clicks hard
I. LOVE. YOU. ROVER!!!!!!!!!!!
Update gpu drive and let the game run for a while. It won't disappear, but it'll help. If you want to tinker with the .ini file, reduce render distance
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actual skin, first part of this webm is the ult animation
Even if thats true we still dont need to reply. Makes the quality of threads go down
three hours of forcefeeding
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Second gacha bwo?
that's a lotta money to spend on a .png kek
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Shut the FUCK up stupid bitch.
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When the fuck are we getting something like this wussies??
her en and jp voice is really fucking good, great casting
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>already forgotten
Well given that the Jinhsi banner was a complete flop, probably pretty soon.
They should make more parkour puzzle like the one on top of the lab
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I think I've found a new bug. It completely stunlocked the enemy, but also stunlocked my screen and my ears.
Posted here because it needs sound
>I keep dying
Bro your upgrades?
Your havoc rover?
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do i bother with jinhsi dupes? her r1 seems good, r2 seems shit, r3 seems like giga breakpoint that makes her busted but idk if i wanna spend that much. I have 550 special coral and 40k astrites so definitely could whale a bit, or just save for changli and camellya afterwards
there's a girl in my team at my work called Xinyi, unfortunately she's not a GILF like this
She's more relevant than ever now.
Is it just my stats 60/224 or Bocchi just fucking busted? Even at 60 she's just melting everything (when i'm not getting 1shot by Mt. Firmament niggas)
mine is hitting for 200-300k, 70k on a non crit, how did you manage to achieve that?
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Stinky Rover finally taking a bath
me on the left
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I have R5 Discord, do I build Cowqi for Jinhsi? I should use both her and fedora man if another team is using Verina right?
Holy shit bro you're gayming hardcore
>already summer
Definitely not this year
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Which standard banner weapon is best?
Whaling when u cant afford it is stupid.
Trust your inner judgements when they are telling you no.
begone, YING
(I already have Jinhsi)
the blue one
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she's ridiculously op relative to the content in the game, actual easy mode.
Turn off FSR
Use process lasso to set the anticheat to low prio/idle
Use lossless scaling
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When are we going to be newsworthy in some random ass country wussies???
You can always just wait and buy r1 in the shop later if you want it.
Stop shilling this incel bait...please...
This is a shitty gacha game, so all you would be doing is getting bigger screenshots on world mobs that die in one shot to a f2p character, let alone a limited DPS.
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shes literally retarded
Thea fucking ice wolves will one-shot my under leveled taochi.
Gun or sword
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Keep shilling this proper and only way to make gacha games
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what killed the hype
It's not shilling when no one can play the game even if they wanted to lol
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Hotwife = A wife, that is hot?
Who tf watches streamers in 2024 lol
Changli my hotwife!
The crit ones are the best, but the attack ones at 1 copy are still about the same as buying the same BP weapon for half a year.
for changli it works both ways kek
>check out Changli S1 because I almost have enough of the corals to grab a dupe
>10% damage increase and interrupt resist
eh, feels like you get screwed quite easily in this game if you face tank stuff that would knock you down
He said he be playing ZZZ
I wonder if they're mad their country is being shilled as incel bait
10 Jew echos so far all HP and DEF, wtf bro how do i reset my rng
No, she's a hot hotwife
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I wouldn't trust a suomi with my life honestly.
Changli my zuriwife!
but enough about genshin!
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If Camellya is not immediately after Changli I might have to fold and go with the sexlady for now
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>Use 20 free rolls on Jin banner to get Sanhua
>Got 0
This is ok i guess
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Ugly incelbait character. Come home and pull for a real woman.
My hotwife Changli wil not put me in the chastity caggie tonight~
i knew this guy and his wife were gonna split ever since he pulled in Genshin for qiqi and said loli like fifteen times in front of her, she was so weirded out
Reminder that Chixia is core for the new area. If you're playing anything else, you're effectively bricking yourself by having to either climb to hit the new collectables or needing to swap back and forth.
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Milk truck just arrive
Bro your alto? Alto comes with enhanced move speed.
They should unironically make her a 4*

How many gacha have visibly old female characters?
they un-doggirled her so i really dont give a shit
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I was not expecting this from you Baizhi!
How do you even know what that means?
I'll use my infinitely more useful Mortefi
Just look at his expression, you just know he's trying his hardest not to take a peek.
unironically why are they ruining the game? dailies give 3 or 4 cost echos now and you can get to a point only golden ones will drop

Doesn't this ruin the game?
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How the hell there's still no remove hat mods for sanhua and yangyang?
Does anyone have the image for Changli upgrade mats?
Is it just me or do the character models sort of shiver/vibrate a bit during some of the close ups in the new dialogue? Looks fucking weird.
casuals have never and will never do echo routes so it benefits 90% of players
>as Changli approaches Chixia tries to change careers to bellshooter while trying to gaslight people into thinking that's an actual job
It's cold man
>Monk - jean'd
So she will be forgotten about and then eventually blown back into relevance by being one of the best team members for one of the most broken (and flat-chested) characters in the game?
Yeah it's like they have a vibrating buttplug up theirs, I noticed too.
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He is going to lose
He should grab them firmly
Dailies already did that bro
Changli will be the perfect subdps for my Chixia :)
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How are the sales for Jinhsi?
Sorry but for me, its Havoc Rover and his wife Jinhsi. no 3rd wheel necessary
at release, dumbo
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I'm a new player. Is Jinshi the designated yuribait character? If so, I will pull for her
Fuck off
kys cuck
Peaked at #6 in JP and #5 in CN. Zero tiktok hours. It's over.
What do you mean? Changli is just Chixia's subDPS.
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(you) wake up and you're 2 inches deep in Camellya but Geshu Lin is 2 inches deep in you. which way do you move first?
not sure if i should open my wallet to buy this game another week until eos, I ended up liking her more than I thought I would

if you pick femrover
You might as well uninstall if that is what you are looking for lmao
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bwos why is Abby following us through the overworld?
I don't move at all because my dick is 2 inches long
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Alright I think I'm done building her echoes. Could get 1 better 3 cost with better CD/CR but that'll come as I farm for other units I'm sure.
looking for food to shove in her fat face
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Cute but this is what you're getting instead
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>4k+ likes
I have never witnessed so many ppl mindbroken by a single game, LMAO. Is genshit sunk cost that high?
Moving all the way back on daddy’s dick
Don't feel bad, my cowqi has been raped to sleep by the dickwolves like 7 times within half an hour
Your swap cancels bro?
Your coordinate attacks bro?
is gfl2 adopting the snowbreak strategy now?
Should I be using ATK% three cost echoes or the specific element% three cost echoes?
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Tits so big they can touch you 50cm away
They did something to camerawork when using sanhua charged attack and it looks so fucking cool man
My name is anonymous and I like Wuthering Waves.
Yes they are in too deep. Imagine what 4 years of no competition or QOL updates does to a buck broken nig
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Maybe. The character has spats in her trailer but got actual panties in game on release.
also Verina although hers does so little damage it barely exists
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Well... they do keep using female rover for most of the marketing.
Element is almost always going to be a little better but an attack with good substats beats an element% with poor substats
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3 fem banners in a row is male genocide
They only did that because the game's a flop
So what?
Bros... why is female rover so much prettier than all the other characters in this game?
Considering how much she's been shilled it's still a flop.
1-5: Roll for S1 Jinhsi
6-9: Save
0: Uninstall
What, you're not POOR are you???!!!
A whole year of limited male only banners is considered what then?
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These shitty tourists and hoyoshills coming here to shit up the thread during update season all deserve death. The most painful kind.
>why is female rover so much prettier than all the other characters in this game?
She's not prettier than Changli
why that site redirect me to 404?
Stop seething. Bitch.
She is. Changli has stupid hair that isn't even attached to her head which makes her inferior.
How are you rolls going fag?
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Must say she is really pretty, the face shape, the blush, the eye color, the hair gradient.
Characters models are pretty nice, i don't think i dislike one.
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I look like this
probably because whales were buying a shit ton and kept breaking their top up system, so they made this so they dont have to top up 5 times on one purchase. that's my guess
whats the appeal
I bet you enjoyed her walking around you sizing you up like a piece of meat you manwhore.
Why are hoyo character models always so bad? It's weird
Jinhsi's face looked odd from some angles I think
Censored slop
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Brotherly love from Chyna
Looks unfinished.
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They really need their precious little faggots back.
I most certainly didn't expect the granny to betray Jinshi and stab her with the hair pin, Genshin could never be this metal, I mean what's the game rating and they made a scene with all the blood and guts spilling out, peak kino
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>Censored slop
But enough about Wuthering Waves.
begone, YING
I can't stop hearing Jean. Also why is she blushes all the time?
Her body temperature is just high
I'm not a showerlet so no, I've spent maybe an hour since launch echo farming
She's in heat 24/7
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this is so beautiful
I love this game
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taoqi literally walks like a fan porn animation though
Her character animations also look really awesome. It feels like we're having, not just rapid powercreep, but stylecreep over the standard 5*s and definitely over the 4*s. Compare Yinlin, Jinhsi, and Changli to any of the 4*s and it's not even close to how much effort went into them.
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Not good
meanwhile I'm hearing exactly what I want to hear
Should I roll for the Jinhsi or should I save up my resources for Changli? Also have they announced or were there any datamines about new A ranks or new gunslingers coming?
>the fat smug fuck is voiced by Nanachi of all people
the devs know
God I want to have sex with her eyes
hmmm what the FUCK
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Actually too sexy
You can try Changli for one fight in the new main story. I think she seems really fun based on that.
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Is there any way to scroll through dialogue options without using the mouse wheel bc mine is broken and im stuck at the lift thing...
if you hit databank 21 don't forget you can pop all those rng echo boxes you were hoarding from the previous bp. Now there won't be any purples.
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Now do the same for Jinhsi and Changli
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Make a Changli version of this
wuwa for this feel????
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nice thread wuwakeks
i bought the 500 one with a jpn vpn and it only cost about 350, is honestly enough for then lifecycle of this game desu i have like 50k astrite now and 70 pity already built, ill roll through the next few banners
I also did this.
holy tertiary, they literally made her sound like Tamamo from fate
not to sound like a crazy man but just buy a mouse. unless you get a overpriced one they are pretty cheap and can be delivered in 2 days, or you can go to the store in your area.
Please take some of my luck anon. May you win the coinflip and get a dozen Sanhua dupes
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Is the crit gun good for my guaranteed 5* Weapon? I already have Yinlin's catalyst, Jihnsi's broadswoard and I picked the 5* sword for my selector... Thanks
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why is this chef lady so fucking hot?
Damn my feels, should I catch up on this? I last watched the movie with the degen science man.
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Based hours?
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I did, forgive me.
In my defense, i did the same to her.

Yeah, i wonder if it's because Jinhsi and Changli are the most important characters we will get for this part of the game, difficult to raise up from the magistrate and a general. 1.2 will give the answer to what is going to happen.
What's a good stopping point for Jinhsi?
I'm not even a tertiary nigga. I've never touched fateslop in my life.
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Damn she's really pretty, why is she blushing all the time? its kind of hot
begone, YING
I will now play your game
Thank god I switched him to Anko Manko before the last tenpull in second newbie banner
shes drunk as fuck 24/7
? you know anyone can use that pic right
The boat ride was unironically kino. >>483898881
Her body temperature is just always high
it has a lot of staying power
it has built in unique exit buff, regen and main stat crit, it should be a perfect cope weapon weather you want to use it as a main dps or support.
she's ovulating and in heat when near you
breeding machine
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How many digits long is Changli's bodycount?
She is a phoenix, her body temperate is burning hot 24/7.
>from fate
Sorry bro I only read FSN.
She is related to Chixia, they got the sexy genes
>picked Calcharo from the selector
>bought bp and got a weapon for him
>rolled Jinhsi

Yeah although doesn't look like we're getting a 5* gun user anytime soon so maybe wait
High body temperature because of her fire powers
Please respond
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Jue fight is soooooo easy with my Jinzhou Speedster!
1 (me)
Why does she smile like that?
then you're worse than a tertiary if you hear Chiwa Saito and think it's Jean over Senjougahara
i thought this was chixia's mom for a while
kill yourself
You stop pulling when your astrite and pulls both total 0
At least 5 kids
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My wives!
its 11pm here and i was hoping for an immediate solution
dont have one, but i managed it somehow with the onscreen keyboard. Crisis averted
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The water droplets have reflections
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June 29th.. Danjin forgotten..
actually the first character I thought of was Homu
i haven't tried but you could try remapping keyboard and look for mousewheel commands to be routed to something else.
How long till you unlock the next area?
I did the first mission but the furry rat monologue put me off last night
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Oyakodon with Ma Xiaofang and her mommy~~~!
Just saw a deer drown itself
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Maybe ten minutes? You will go to visit Jinhsi next who you discover is not present and then meet the fire hag to go to the new area
the monolog was about 10 minutes
travel is another 10 minutes unless you don't have the teleporter unlocked on the mainland.
Will they also adopt snowbreak's strategy of abandoning the bullshit 50/50 as well?
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Why the hell is nobody talking about this? Holy shit...
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Mhm, many such cases.
Bwo your spoiler tags...
Everyone is already finished farming echoes bro…
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It’s hard being under the spotlight right now but we’ll get through it, trust
Magistrate (Looooong)
>western "artists" when drawing the latest fotmslop waifu be like:
Jue has the shape of a Loong
He rests in the huaLoong chamber
in mt firmament that has the Loong's rest, the Loong's Crest, and the Loong's ridge
wuwa is a Loong gane
those ingredients look far more annoying to farm than echos themselves
Terminal stage of loongfication
Again, kill yourself
why does the seapag keep spamming his tiny pecker in this thread?
ma xiaofang*
thank you thank you i can work with that
Trying to keep his old and busted waifu relevant
Does that also apply to boss echoes?
the new system there isn't that great either.
lowering the 5* rate to 0.1% is too low to feasibly get it early.
They mathematically picked the best outcome that still incentivizes players to spend. It's slightly better for complete free 2 play but now having the weapon at .1% chance too wipes out the benefit...unless you don't go for the weapon of course.
>"people" really called this echo system bad and worse than genshin while having full decked out teams with echos with all double crit sub stats after a few weeks while in genshin you can go months without a single usable goblet
Bro you can't cum that much you need to give your willy a break it'll feel better after some time I promise.
>Changli gets a blindfold at max forte gauge
what did they mean by this
he cant afford koikatsu lmao
What the absolute fuck? And people shill this game on 4chan, fucking insane
She's either a virgin, or has a 3 digit body count based on whether you apply irl logic to her character or not.
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Lore accurate Changli
Has anyone managed to kill tower whining aix without limited weapons?
She has Seele energy
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im waiting for someone to tell me if its a flat out additive or multiplicative bonus. Just saying it is so isn't enough, I want someone to test it.
go back, honcuck
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Never forget...
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Who is this asshole and why does he keep catcalling our mc?
no i will not go back
Who the fuck asked for Abby man. Nobody wanted a talking glutton walmart Vyrn. Blackpill me already bros, does he start to talk for us unprompted when other characters are talking to Rover? That rodent is gonna be our mouthpiece going forward isn't it?
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Is the camera setting not working? It keeps zoom back in from max distance
Average day for Changli
Real tawk. Why don't jannies do anything about the hoyocucks rawdogging this thread all day?
im not going to shill the game as good either
but on the players benefit you can also farm shards for free to get max dupes after about a year, so if you only care about your waifu maxing out you can save up 100 rolls, then 80? for the weapon on the new system or on a rate up later, and be satisfied without spending much at all.
prior it was the same old 50/50 for both i think.
I spent about 50 bucks for my wife there and now just log in to eventually max dupe her and her sister wife
Abby knotting (you) femrover?
How does that sound?
They bump the thread for free and everyone just ignores them or laughs at them its kind of a win win
yes with my chixia
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i give up
this shit is fucking impossible without limited weapons
Why did I get TLoU flashbacks when we named the furry little shit Abby?
What the fuck is this graphical glitch? Every time she blinks, her eyes get really fucking blurry
Abby is short for Abaddon
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Anyone else think Aix is still better than Jué on Spectro Rover?
I figure 12% spectro + 12% liberation damage is better than 16% resonance skill damage when you consider Spectrover's damage profile.
I don't think there's any reason behind that.
well, it doesn't really matter, its equal to like 1.5 rolls of value
Why are there no weeklies?
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Finally got a good echo for my wife…
I have yinlin's limited weapon and it's still impossible
The more hoyoshills there are the better wuwa is doing
He hasn't done that yet and I don't think he will ever. They made joked about how they'd prefer him not to be awake all the time and said don't worry I'm gonna be asleep most of the time
Seems he'll only be coming out once in a while

It zooms in for bursts and doesn't zoom back out now
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Oh hey this happened to me too
Jinshi drained me. Getting tempted to just swipe for the weapon so I can save the rest.
Have some standards sis
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go on... without me...
Seriously, what game was that?
You only complain when they spam their cum tributes not when they fill the thread with offtopic.
DLSS fuckery. It's not well done I'm this game. I turned it off.
How is this even possible? Shouldn't the second one always be the featured character?
Talk to the Encore poster
you get another 10/10/10 rolls next week?
you could just wait a bit.
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I would give you one if I could...
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>Who the fuck asked for Abby man
Did you say something wussy boi?
regular banner
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Almost like he didn't roll this in the character banner
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how is my Danjin? she's my most invested unit by far
tits too big
its a troll post
if you set your guaranteed starter banner to lingyang and get lucky and two procs then both will be him.
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>the abyss equivalent is literally impossible unless you whale hard because you have 5 minutes and the enemies 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 hp
what the fuck were they thinking?
When should one start farming for ascension material for level 80? Or is it better to farm skill/weapon mats and wait for union lvl 50 to farm the ascension bosses?
That's a man
its a really nice weapon
its feasible to keep both and level both to have a lot of broadsword options.
fusing them together seems like such a waste for what you get.
Did they change the graphic settings? Why is this game raping my 4090 all of a sudden?
get the 5* sword and she good
You HAVE to build him now
>roll Jinhsi's signature and it will be fantastic for her but very niche and probably not good on anyone not focusing on skill damage
>or settle for the standard 5* broadblade which will be good for Jiyan and Calcharo as well
It obviously is going to be one of those annoying mascot characters that kills any serious moments it is involved in, but from what I have seen so far I doubt it will be anything like paimeme.
Abby acts like a separate character and doesn't just talk in our characters place or repeat what other characters say ten times. Her/him only coming out every once in a while, not taking up all the screen time and not being present all the time also helps
Triple elf
>but very niche
crit weapons are never niche since they're just straight stat sticks. did you not learn from genshit?
because of the releases id say don't pre farm at this point, there isn't any 2x rate ups in the way right now.
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How are (You) Rovers enjoying Jinshi's cutscene gameplay?
>get sig weapon for mc canon wife
>get broadsword for 2 faggots
there is no choice here unless you're a homo
because you're expected to be like 90 to fight the level 90 enemies?
Nice anon, gratz
skill issue
cleared it without limited weapon
I-It's already on her..
>get the crit statstick
>or settle for some standard trash that will be subpar on every limited 5 star
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>that feel when you haven't seen a single discord broadsword from rolling yet
I'd like it to stop fucking up my camera
>it's the "just wait for level 90 you'll magically get 1000% more damage!" meme again
We already have the numbers
From level 70 to 90 you gain
~15% base ATK from your weapon and resonators going from 70 to 90
~36% better skill multis from your skills going from level 6 to 10
~10% more damage from level scaling
This all totals to 73% more damage. Unless you're already killing the level 100 middle floor monkey in 3.5 minutes you're not going to 3 star it with the level 90 damage boost. Not to mention the even harder boss after it that's preceded by a bunch of mobs raising the DPS requirement sky high
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I still have to farm Echo's for her but soon I will enjoy her cutscene gameplay. Level and Weapon is at 80, Talents at Lv 6
Fuck Jinhsi, at least my Rover got a new 4-cost echo. I'm sad they changed its passive effect to an active one though.
the passive is half the weapon though
73% more damage is a lot, what the fuck? I can already clear it at level 70, just with only 1 star which isn't giving me any rolls but still. 73% should easily get you there.
notepad data you keep copy/pasting doesn't take into account new characters with different skills that are op. It is a snapshot in time from 1.0 data.
I feel your pain. My weapon luck is shit on my rerolled account compared to my first. I have like 3 swords (2 dupes) 2 gauntlets and 2 dupe catalyst
hags killed the game for me
Hangouts when? I want to go on a date with Jianxin.
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>Skip Jiyan
>Get Yinlin
>Get her weapon
>Comfy waiting for Changli but still building pity, since at worst I lose the 50/50 to guarantee Changli
>Me and my friend start the story
>Let's check where my pity is, 45/80
>Oh look, I have one roll worth of gems, what if I roll on it for fun despite saying I save everything from now to Changli
>Get Jinhsi first roll at 46
>Didn't even started 1.1 so i will still have all the rolls from that and some unexplored area from the main map

Honestly, I am eating so very good in this game so early on with Yinlin, R2 Encore and now Jinhsi and a nearly guaranteed Changli as well. I will go full comfy gaming and skip until Camellya is coming. I deserve it.
they changed it
Have you been in a coma for the past 2 weeks?
you're both dogshit at the game btw
there are copies of her two beta weapon forms everywhere and you saved the old one
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post your level 100 crownless clear on day one
>just spend 480 rolls for OP 1.6 characters
is not the same as
>just wait for level 90
lets see your level 70 middle tower floor 2 clear
Do you think Jianxin has done the whole earthly detachment thing? Does that mean she'd have no problem with me playing with her breast for hours while she meditates?
unreal engine, prease understand
you can still see it bwo
The sweatiest anon ITT
I'm not sure if Taoists do that stuff
I have 3 but I still use the def broadsword for Cowqi, is it really that good?
i don't believe its his because its got a copied 4chan image code.
Fuck it's over there no way of saving in this game, gonna have to use "that"
It wasn't btw
What releases? Never has been a 2x for ascension materials
its working fine on my 4090 at max settings bwo
Don't bother, it's only marginally better than the standard 5* sword
well the standard sword is actually good so
>0 tiktok hours
I need this for Rover...
its good when you want to get the outro faster for jinhsi
you also don't have to build cowgirl then, shes a buff stick withdiscord
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fucking hell these new snow dogs are fucking annoying
what is this dark souls?
I don't think DLSS is working anymore
But it did worse than firefly and this general told me firefly was a massive flop
But the drip... I was gonna skip it but now...
What the actual fuck is a tiktok hour
no thanks, i like to shower
Uh oh, genkeks getting uppity again
>not a loli
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you sure its not something else? I have DLSS on
ummmmmmmmm genkeks?!?! wtf happened
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Skipchads how are we holding?
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imagine getting filtered by snowdogs
Nah, wuwa sold 5x more than Firefly. It just isn't tracked, since everyone bought the $500 pack that you can only purchase from their website.
Are there actual dogshit characters in the game? A lot of people shit on the lion guy but I got it from the newbie banner (still won't level him because I don't find him itneresting enough).
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>20k of those is bald faggot shitting on the new story
lmao wukek
Honestly this is my problem as well, I can't justify rolling for her weapon because I have 3 built swords already, but I really just want to invest in her because I like her.
asmon's streaming
Taoqi's pretty bad
but at least she has fat tits and ass
It says Baizhi has coordinated attacks, how do they work?
Can't blame them. Game is good for everything but story.
why do these people even play anime games if they hate them
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really now?
It didn't peak at 5 on CN. It peaked at 9. The post you looked at excluded Tiktok and other apps. It's a different metric than the one everyone else uses.
My fps is fine btw, it's just that the card is drawing 400w+ for the same settings I had pre 1.1. DLSS on or off doesn't change power consumption at all so I think it's broken.
The what?
No meme answers please.
How do you handle playing this without gooning?
i'm getting filtered by those fucking tigers that keep flying everywhere holy shit fucking stay put already
Not too sure myself, just kinda got that impression from her English battle dialogue.
So how good is Jinshi?
Her ult, it consumes one of her forte stacks and deals damage and heals you
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qrd? what's bad about the story? I haven't played the new patch yet.
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Are you gonna explain what a tiktok hour is? Sounds irrelevant as fuck.
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todays recommended filter words to add to the filter:

Sasuga arsemongoloid
>shoes on
get those little grippers out
So what are the hinted characters going forward? Scar, the girl with the eyepatch, the girl with the vines, the dude that came before the green dragon spear guy. Is there anybody else?
Its just so rushed that they can't build up to anything. A proper story has a build up. They are just throwing the climax at you too soon.
sooo snowbreak tier pandering incoming?
everytime he plays this game he constantly shits on it. Did tectone pay him to play this game or something? They are just laughing at it.
so it's just a leotard, right?
Changli swimsuit confirmed?!!
Xiangli Yao, Zhezhi, Donut
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Just googled what a "tiktok hour" is and that concept doesn't exist, good one 4chan schizos.
i don't remember snowbroke topping anything
Considering the "mainstream" r/gachagaming thing to do is shit on the game, he is probably just going along with it.
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bros how do you get this chest... the marker says it will be on the same level as the beacon (underground) but I looked everywhere...
Abby isn't so bad. Voice isn't annoying like Paimon and so far, much of the screentime was its introduction. I haven't finished the story yet, but he'll mostly be asleep and chimes in once in a while, right?
Post internal revenue report, kuro games shareholders.
That’s because it’s on steam. It outsells genshin these days, but those charts only show mobile.
because i lost the 50/50 i can confidently say that the game is shit and i am mad that i wasted my money and time for this garbage game
fuck this im out id rather play kusoges instead
He did actually say he liked the game when he finished the 1.0 story, he just does this for engagement farming.
He only appears at the end for a little bit because you ask Jue about him and Jue basically says fuck if I know. That is it besides the start.
The reason I think he is a "better paimon" is because he talks to you not for you.
people are fooling themselves if they didn't internally groan when abby showed up.
Fortunately people that played past it realized that was it and it was nothing like diaper piamongirl following you around and commenting on every substage of every quest.
focusing on characters only is superficial
>It outsells genshin these days
Need some actual proof of that, simply saying "it's on steam" doesn't cut it
They seriously put up a $1k bundle that offers no advantages over the $100 one?
it’s on steam retard
they hope to catch some people misclicking
now this is some huge cope thinking you can outsell that jew company.
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I respect them for doing that, at least they're being openly honest with their customers.
Still 1.1 and a month in causing all these melties btw
show me sales number you retard
>Dear Rovers

Just do the opposite of what mihoyotrash is doing. How hard is to comprehend it? Stop using their dogshit, soulless systems and try to adjust what you have now.

Its that easy.
This is a 1 for 1 copy of genshin nigga how do you expect them to do something original
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Post you're roles
It's for whales and their convenience, bro. If they have 500$-1000$ to burn, I think it 's good if they can do their whaling in one purchase than 5-10 separate ones plus it's less load on Kuro's payment system.
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i wouldd hope that everyone would set up their credit card to question purchases above 100 bucks, ie send you a message to ask if this is ok before doing so. Most credit cards have this ability.
Steam doesn't show sales numbers retard
uooooohhhh ToT
Middle level of the cave, there's a crack in the roof in a corner
if I luckshitted the standard banner and used my chest on gun wtf do I use the rest of these blue balls? I lowrolled rerolled beginner choice 2x so thats out of the picture.
Yinlin has like fucking 8 roles it’s funny to look at
then how do you know it outsells genshin you retard
it's not how you photosynthesize
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Jinhsi was a mistake. She just facerolls tower even when underleveled. Expect nerfs.
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What are good teams for tower with these people?
More standard weapons
2nd sword for example
>Grow for me!
but he's playing it and not genshit
I'm not the guy you were talking to ask him lmfao
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look at this side character
seriously how do they do it
her hag voice is disgusting even jp has a shit voice
... I guess it was blending as I was moving the camera too fast. thanks anon
she looks like she would jerk you off while knitting you a scarf for the mountain cold
the gauntlet or rectifier.
the rectifier is the best in slot for verina due to the main stat being attack % which affects her healing. It also comes with token energy regen, both really good stats for her.

the gauntlet is a matter of taste. if you got spooked by lingyang its his best in slot which you can use down the road, but it can also be used to give a bigger shield via monk and if you choose to build her as a dps instead which is feasible at high investment. It can also be popped on the old man if you are also trying to use him for maximum dps setups.

both are quality of life improvements for niche setups but i would lean towards verina giving her the rectifier, unless you are using gauntlet users or plan to later.
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>Unironic granny fuckers are in this thread right now
Literally adding Yinlin and the other dude to the standard banner is 100% better than what we have now.
Guys, thats not a suomi?
I'd blast so many hot ropes into her it'd resurrect her womb.
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Is the supply chest percentage bugged? I still have quite a few on the map I haven't gotten.
>no summer event
it's rover
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she's like 50 dude
Hrover/ Danjin or Sanhua / monktits

Jinshi/ Yinlin / Verina or Baizhi

Jiyan / Aalto (rip no morterfi) / Verona or baizhi
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>why does she faceroll tower when the tower has favorable temporary buffs for the current limited?
This >>483904781
You can get the gun, looks good for future use since it has crit rate. Or just any 5* for a weapon type you dont have already
Haha imagine having sex with changli... Imagine how warm she would be haha...
I am butthurt about these videos of Jinsi killing shit so fast. It makes this game seem less based on skill.
When the fuck can I roll for Changli?
is this a new gamemode?
>gacha game
>skill based
lol lmao
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Out of 10!
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take whats yours
What's the age difference between this woman and Changli?
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It's just a confused suomi
Even Genshin is skill based if you run the right teams, what is considered 'meta' is going to largely remove that from the equation.
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It's just part of the character display, lets people know what characters do.
I honestly never realised that Verina had coordinated attacks until today
low T post
if she's popular enough she'll be playable, right? i wanna see her with hair down too.
She facerolls electro tower too..
Wtf why is there a piccaninny rail on that beautiful wooden furniture gun?
>Failed to get Yinlin so reroll and get her in the first 10 roll
>Account has dog shit luck on the beginner and weapon banner, have to go full pity for Jinshi
>Go back to the old account and roll just for shits and giggles
>Jinshi first 10 roll, weapon in literally 2 rolls

account seeds are fucking real. I'm still sticking with the new one because it has Yinlin though.
ma xiaofang isn't getting any of gramma's cookies
The older the berry, the sweeter the juice.
>jinhsi with illusive realm buffs
i will be cum
That's just powercreep, they'll release harder and harder content. The new map is already stat inflated over the old overworld, things take 3 times as long to kill.
In a year from now you'll get laughed at if you're still using Jinhsi as a damage dealer and she might have a minor irelevant niche as a support for the new releases, at best. This type of character that just nukes things hard and nothing else is the easiest and first to get powercrept, future characters are going to have dozens of bullshit mechanics that buff eachother to stupid levels.
ur example display two different accounts with variable luck, no? that sounds contrary to account seeds.
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How much does it take to max a 5* compared to Genshin and HSR
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Any idea when Illusive Realm is coming back? The shut door depresses me
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So I can rape it like this
both of those games had account locks too so probably about the same amount of time when those games first came out.
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Fuck you, Jinhsi. Give Yinlin back to me. I'm not coping with Sanhua again.
I got Yinlin in 73 pulls. Does this mean I am 7 pulls into getting the S rank from Jhinsi?
If i level up a green/blue echo to lvl 10 to progress through the milestone thing can i feed them into purples / golds later on and get back some of the exp?
Even though we got a skip button, I found myself not skipping anything and read it all. 1.1 story is a solid 8/10. Everything from freeing Jue is a 9/10. I'd give it a perfect score but we didn't meet up with Jinhsi after everything was done which I felt was a bit strange. There should've been a scene where we talk to her or others while they watch her recover, something like that.
no, it resets when you get a 5*
>copying COD UI
jesus fuck these chinks cant think for themselves
better than pedophiles
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I meant constellations

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