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You should use a WoW classic related image for this thread
what game do people complain about having more content? Is it only wow classic players who would complain about 2x lockouts?
Will there be 2x honor
Because people feel compelled to be optimal, so they MUST raid every lockout and they MUST bring world buffs to every raid. Rather than just putting in more effort, they want the bar lowered to what's convenient for them.
the new hall monitor is getting really uppity around here huh
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how we doin' today /alexg/
They should remove all lockouts so that SoD can finally die. This warped monstrosity needs to go, for at the very least have the name classic removed from it.
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it is classic thoughever
>viewer count keeps dropping
grim. he is forever doomed to level a hunter and just start new drama.
You're sitting there in your dimly lit room staring at his view count number. Great life you've got going there.

sod is close to being good, the hardest part is class balance/design. The problem is that the devs have no 155 IQ class developers, and the higher ups refuse to let them borrow retails class devs
Is it tho? /Stvan/ all new abilities weird glyphs weird race combos weird world content. It's like a person who took 12 vaccines, at what point are they still human?
There's nothing classic about redesigning classes

hi toby. how are you this friday evening?
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i guess jannies don't care about spambots flooding generals nowadays huh
world of warcraft classic
I don't know who toby is, but I'm doing fine. How's your job hunt going?
toby ur a nigger and u do it for free

job hunt? I made $12k this month managing my stock portfolio
>>483894412 #
you're talking with 30+ year old trannys who live in multiple discords and have no other interaction or friends. They spam 'ironic' streamer nonsence, try to force memes and avatar post here to be 'part' of something and get some interaction in their lives

did he turn the view bots off???
tranny having a meltdown because someone is calling you out for being a pathetic retard. The only bots here are the ones that post the exact same posts multiple times per thread, every single day (you).
Highlight of your week, I'm sure.
Damn that really struck multiple nerves huh
Did something fall on your keyboard or something? What does this even mean?
you're actually a schitzoid because he's not even me, I genuinely just think you're a loser incel as well
and two more double >> posts
welll i'll just keep pointing them out, he's probably having a tantrum and writing walls of text
>the miracle of life
ellesensual style. dunno about you sisters, but this sort of gives me a plain ol' "alex gregory."
Well we can always post at /wpsg/ or something if the worst happens.
Incomprehensible post
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no, you will post in /alexg/
is the fastest growing stream of 2024 by Alexensual done for?
lmao. This whole 'ironic litterally who streamer posting 24/7' from your anime/frog pfp discord group is just lame
He will now make another post about samefag coping
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leave the frogs out of it, asshole
>twitch frog
oof, almost read a letter from it, good thing I was fast enough to skip it!
You people are insane
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You're locked in here with us, not the other way around.
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>You should use a WoW classic related image for this thread
is this better?
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you have actual mental problems (likely stemming from lack of human interaction). I'm actually pretty relaxed, just lay on my phone while my gf takes a bath. Takes me like 10 seconds to type a 'wall of text'. Going to bed soon
>t. neet with a roth IRA.
fucking kek
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>A**l goons posting dxing shit in wowcg
Here goes the A8lx jannies farming fake posts.
Wait he's 5 fucking 3?
Speak English
holy lord imagine how tight that clam is. hopefully she is a little over 5'3, but still would even if she is shorter than alex
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Come up with your own orignal content, you leeching nerd. That is my meme, fully trademarked by stanvans.
i invented that meme, though
Are you Charls
Incomprehensible post
just so you know, i am not an alex janny, or the polish guy or kazamuk. this is is 100% organic. i am just a guy that used to play wow that now wants to fuck alx's sister(s) and possibly mom as well.
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A toast! To Joseph Daniel Biden and the Democratic party! Joe 2024!

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hear, hear!
three cheers for /ourguy/ bigjb!
whens his transition arc?
why does that glass looks so oversized? is it because of his short 5'3 height?
mods ban this guy
the same reason objects appear larger the closer they get to you, anon
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New kino alert!
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another wasted hidden post between >>483900048 and >>483900268 once again
anyways, world of warcraft
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>viewcount so low he rage quit
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another W for stvun
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>still taller than alex
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Guys... there is plenty of WoW news




not giving clicks to that trash site
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inbetween these, just another wasted one
the technology is not there yet. only aborigines can a female kangaroo
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never cheat, never lie
vanilla fresh until i die
Alex has never seen Excalibur, I guarantee it. Probably doesn't even know what it is.
>t. bigger person
triple chins lost lmao. saggy man titties lost
well he lies about being a vanilla vet, im sure he would lie about knowing arthurian legends too
we know you're one of his few sycophants spamming this general because he told you to do so and like a good drone, you're doing it
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>tries to stream anything that isnt retarded drama
>no viewers
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Toby in full damage control right now.
>ends early after a bad stream
>immediately floods the general with posts about him

I don't want to raid tonight bros. I bet we won't even get 4 H bosses down
you thought I was joking when I called him the BBCsensual
>Guys... there is plenty of WoW news
..... seriously?
how is this related to /alexg/?
we are collecting all the doxxing posts about alexensual and reporting it to the 4chan janitors. you will not get away with this. enjoy your bans.
unironically based comment, anon
send an email to doxxing@4chan.org
Warwick Davis had great success with reporting bad behaviour on 4chan.
im a vanilla vet, i have the receipts
gonna give starfall a try tomorrow if its doa im gonna roll a fresh female human mage on firemaw era.
come play the superior mmo, the critically acclaimed final weeks of dragonflight fourteen!
retail is an arpg
ff14 is a lobby game
im not going to get into the weeds with you, even if you want to call wow an arpg, it still fits all the criteria of an mmo
ive never played the other one i just stole their faggy line
nintendo hire this man
>retail class devs
So make every class have all the exact same tools? And balance through homogenization?
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footage of our manlet after he couldnt get more than 100 viewers today because no wow drama.
can you list some examples?
Retail isn't an mmo, era isn't an mmo, sod isn't an mmo

This, however *sips*
>1 md5
All classes have
>strong aoe
>gap closers
>hard cc that works on everyone
>strong aoe
you just wouldnt be invited to half the content in the game if your class couldnt cleave targets.
>>gap closers
plenty of classes still suffer from limited mobility. dk, priest, shaman and even some druid specs come to mind.
>>hard cc that works on everyone
again, the content is designed around these things, especially in higher difficulties
>>gap closers
objectively wrong

classes have unique playstyles, weaknesses, and strengths. Despite this, they all have the potential to excel in the hands of a good player. Literally 155 IQ design. Oh I forgot, if warriors aren't the only DPS its disney bloat

>retail logs: 4.2m
>era logs: 16k

which is higher, 4.2m or 16k?
shaman got gust back i believe
next patch fixes dk but they already had 2x reverse gap closer which is one of the best interupts in the game
priest is still shit out of luck tho, honorable mention to the feathers and the movespeed buff on shield
the real secret is classic players can't cut it in retail so they have to come up with excuses. put vanilla wow speedrunners in a +23 mythic and see what happens

>As mentioned in previous communications, the team has been discussing the topic of Twice-Weekly lockouts coming in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery and we’ve decided not to move forward with this lockout interval for Molten Core. Molten Core will utilize the standard 7-day lockout period, based on your feedback.

post your CE
its kinda funny how you never see retail players making excuses for why they dont play classic
death grip doesnt work as a reverse gap closer all the time depending on the target but i guess that just sort of reinforces how classes still differ from each other huh
mythic raiding is for fags and if you're that faggot that upstaged me the last time with the s3 m+ title you can fuck right off
theres like three instances in which it doesnt work at least for pvp
lock/war spell reflect
another dk with deaths advance
and roots
god i hate that shit like you wouldnt believe
pve is a completely different animal where random mobs arent stunnable/ccable at all, its infuriating actually
i dont have any argument for the last bit, im with you, standard ceegee retail bad circlejerk
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oh no guys. we are seething... youre a faggot mitch
>1 filterd post
>made up numbers
>a gazillion billion
How many of those raid logs are lfr lol? If 4 million people were raiding in retail wouldn't there be some traction for the game on YouTube or twitch? There's nothing. Noone plays, noone raids mythic, noone cares.
>literal who on who discord
no idea
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i've filtered so many posts in this general. heh. im kind of a big deal.

so what if those logs are LFR??? Literally what does that have to do with anything? LFR is literally harder than any content in vanilla, sod, as well as cata normals.

>if 4 million people were raiding in retail wouldn't there be some traction for the game on YouTube or twitch?

theyre not mentally ill junkies like you and play the game casually a couple times a week. Their life doesnt revolve around it, they dont need to keep it in their thought process 20 hours a day. And it doesnt have views on twitch for the same reason other single games dont, it's not good entertainment. Is EU4, one of the best GS games of all time bad because it has 50 viewers on twitch?????
so who is this four chan?
probably a systems admin
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I never understand complaining about shitposts because what standard are you really trying to raise this thread to?
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no idea who that guy is, but ah grats?
my point exactly with that vocaroo. this general is and always has been dogshit.
>noooo dont ruin this general by talking about this guy who is directly related to wow
im sure the guy crying about it has autism
it not working on rooted targets is cool and soulful but i get how thats still annoying from a gameplay perspective
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rent free
alex was the only thing keeping this general alive. That's pathetic. You virgins actually need me.
you cooked your golden goose tattling on alodar. you got no more content now lil man.
warrior ptr changes look bussin ngl. not a fan of the push to fury since i like arms but i guess they dont want arms woyers getting prio on 2 handers when retcucks exist and want to be taken seriously (they shouldnt)
need more goblin posts
paladin ptr changes look bussin ngl. big fan of the prot and ret push since i like them and i guess they don't want to give arms woyers prio on all the gear when we exist and will be taken seriously (we should)
i dont invite rets because theres a 99% chance they are brown
same, except for warriors
>doesnt understand how class colors work
wow this thread really fell off
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When Stayvan refrains from posting, threads tend to fade away. There have been many such instances, unfortunate! However, fear not, for I am in the laboratory, and you can enjoy my company while I browse TikTok for a few minutes.
>namedropping people like we're just supposed to know who they are
how long does sod 25-50 take?

if the answer is more than 10 hours im not playing it.
cant you boost?

why are they happy?
game so good they want to play it less
jfc am i just retarded? i cannot understand these people. why do they want to play the game less, is it to gatekeep or something?
i wish blizz would have the balls to remove lockouts entirely. its a SEASONAL fucking gamemode ffs. this shit will be over soon and everything either deleted or shipped off to some dead sod-era server. let people run raids 24/7 if they want until they burn out and just see what happens
>blizzard wants to release BWL 3-4 weaks after MC
>players are pissed they get 8 MC lockouts before BWL comes out and demand they only get 4

I uhh... what?

fresh junkies are literally mentally ill. How can you take vanilla/sod "competitively" when there is a whole m+ ladder and solo q ladder on retail with 20x more people, and with more skill expression?

its like a 8 year old bragging how big and tough he is to a bunch of 5 year olds. I really don't understand how they can take themselves or the "parse culture" so serious without laughing at how ridiculous they look speed running mario-esque video game content and bragging about it
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oh the bot is still online huh
World of Warcraft Classic
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"Alexander" the great
"Gregory" Hines
"Plain" of America

World of Warcraft Classic
you don't understand, these are 'casual' classic players that can't full clear MC/Ony/Kazzak/Azuregos in a single night so they'd be needing 4-5 raid nights to full clear twice a week. "literally a part time job" even though raiding is supposed to be 'fun' and no one is forcing you to raid twice a week
>and no one is forcing you to raid twice a week
you unironically don't understand, if they miss out one lockout, they will FALL BEHIND!
>official forums cheering
>r*ddit thread is everyone saying "blizzard saving classic players from themselves"
wtf happened to the classic community

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warsong honor grind or level alt
>warsong is 7 rogues 3 warriors on alliance
yeah alt time
they are conditioned to rewards rather than gameplay
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We won, what happened to the horde
>friendgroup came to despise sod and what they did with it, lost hope for the future, spits on blizzard in every conversation
>"hey guys did you see the PTR stuff? ur abilities do 3x more damage and cost 50% less resource and hit 10 targets at once and sucks your dick and makes nukes fall on china"
mmos have destroyed a generation of men
Lfr isn't harder than any of those things, it's easier aside from specific bosses like nzoth. I believe the mechanic that wiped everyone was figuring our which groups go into which portal?

If it were a popular game it would have traction. It doesn't at all
logs? yeah, i got some logs for ya
*cuts down tree*
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Honest question, do you think we are done making adjustments? I find the "whole phase" thing a bit confusing. It's been 9 days. More than half of players aren't 25 yet. i think we are just getting started
are there any guilds for cata....
on faerlina, horde
the game feels so fucking dead to me
I played 5 bgs straight, all 5 were literally 90% bots
cant get a single group thats not a GDKP, havent even touched the raids because even as a blood dk, you cant find a single group
what the fuck
I left sod with p3 because it was starting to feel like shit with the bots and the goldflation, are they actively trying to kill all versions of classic out of pride?
I’m a newfag who never played classic at launch
Do you guys think there is any chance for “fresh” servers? I’m enjoying deviant delight
yea one day, no one knows when, could be years from now
spend that 16/mo on a nice single player RPG for yourself every now and then

never. and in any case "classic" is a neutered and sterilized version of vanilla, pservers have done leagues better and for free
I have like 8 months in tokens, it just feels like a huge waste to have played up to now because theres no way to do the actual fucking content
>never. and in any case "classic" is a neutered and sterilized version of vanilla

>welfare rank 14 gear
>running on the Legion engine
Drip Drip Drip, I'm already drippin' gurrll
Wear the Kangaroo suit, and gimme a lil' twirl

Ban, Ban Ban, get the fuck out of my chat
You should be grateful for me even go live, you little brat

Asmon, Asmon, Asmon, please watch my new vids
I need the attention, from all your viewer kids
>it just feels like a huge waste
Welcome to the sunk cost fallacy experience. I'm glad you could learn about it here instead of at a casino. 99.9% of the time the correct answer is to cut your losses. Most people don't and live miserably. Going forward, keep asking yourself if you're having fun and being respected in the moment rather than investing in some distant imagined reward that could vaporize.

Hmm let's see, removed spellpower scaling from interesting weapon effects, memoryholed and replaced problematic NPCs, names, and dialogue, everything >>483938451 said, soulless new lighting engine and inappropriate graphics, famous walljumps and mapbreaks removed but retarded WSG exploit jumps left in, eagle eye and farsight deleting your minimap, incubi, hideous retail chromium UI creep, body type A and B, the mirage raceway burqa incident, forced post-1.7 gimp epic mounts and no way to get the originals, post-1.7 AV, layers, funny animation bugs scoured, skeletons culled after the next death, all raids are post-nerf, ummmmmmmm *checks notes*
oh yeah
>no human gms, fully automated and exploitable report system, bots run the world, if your issue isn't covered by the self-checkout on their website you're fucked
>cacapissm peaked after 3 weeks
week after saw an ever-so-slight decrease
Oh no no no no no no
so is paladin good in soddy or no?
The chat is on FIRE ladies and gentleman
Classic is not vanilla and was nothing like vanilla
kinda funny how private servers were much closer to vanilla in regards to the community

the classic playerbase might as well be from another planet
Try this out

By far the best version for replicating how wow used to be when it was good
I wanna fuck him hard in the bussy
People died constantly in vanilla. Half of the vanilla experience was crazy wipes
lmao no thanks
Ya but its 20 years later and avoiding death makes the classic era difficulty feel very appropriate.
Why not?
>a single mistake can cost you 100+ hours

I can understand doing this as some sort of dumb challenge, but fuck actually playing hardcore at 60 with all that gay petri shit.
is SoDomy worth playing now that level 60 is coming out next month? i only played the first phase
>trapping, sleeping, using cc in dungeons, everyone plays very seriously and takes their time, higher level dungeon groups almost always join disc together
It's really fun.
>the game is bad because a single mistake can cost you dozens or hundreds of hours
>petris are gay shit because they can be used to preserve your life if you're level 50+
Which is it?
wow was meant to be played where you die a lot sneedcore is just fucking stupid, it would be less stupid if they added roguelite rewards like more xp or some shit but dying and gaining nothing is dumb
Well, it's the gameplay I enjoy when it comes to group content, it gives you a different level of appreciation for the old quests and zones as well, the dangerous spots are all very memorable, and the social aspect is really great

Just don't die
The way in which petri flasks are used is in my opinion an exploit and completely defeats the point. Either go all in on the "hardcore" thing or don't.

Not to mention that a single server DC could cost you your character, oh fun.
Endgame progression would be close to impossible without petri flasks. It's quite difficult even with them, to get 40 max level players through all the raids. Some incredibly tiny % of hc players have ever killed kel thuzad, plenty of deaths in raids or dungeons are 1 hit kills that you can't petri away from.
It's an issue for sure. The fun is in playing the game though. I don't want to die to a DC but it very rarely occurs and most people level multiple characters so you can always just play. I have like 20 days played on hc and never had any dcs in combat so its less of an issue than its claimed to be in my experience.
only if you're a warrior (best class in the game)
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browns are we back or
we never left, king
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I want to raid the exodar and loot all the goat women
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Man, all I wish was a HD model toggle & getting the HD armour models into Classic.
I would sub back instantly.
i really didn't think digital """art""" could get more pathetic and worthless, but then the proompting age began.
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I was thinking of coming back to play a mage in phase 4 but I see casters are still complete trash. Why can't Blizzard fix this shit?
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>want to farm honor
>every single AV has alliance turtling at SHGY

20 years and you've learned nothing
prime babymaker hips. she belongs to human paladin bvlls (to teach her about the light n stuff, of course)
looks fine, but shaman and paladin need to be far lower
I've played a lot of wow, but what race is this? Is it a retail thing?
what's a good caster class that gets me an easy raid spot in phase 4 sod?
I was thinking shadow priest but not sure if it even does decent dps in raids
>good in sodomy
every class does decent dps. spriest can't scale like mage or shaman can and you're not the first pick for externals like power infusion. you will only get a raid spot out of pity thanks to vampiric touch for its mana return.
Let me guess, you play a warrior?
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Hey, remember when everybody was like "well yeah, I made 10k gold after watching Frostadamus' aoe gold farming strat on Youtube" and then it turned out that everybody bought gold the entire time and thenwe got wow token in classic? Hahaha, crazy times.
I might try hunter. looks like it's doing well >>483953405
also good for solo content and farming
what do you mean? i made all my gold farming basilisks for their grey drops.
thank you frostadmus again.-
>wtf happened to the classic community
they thought they did, but they didnt
I kinda wanna start playing Classic Era, but I don't wanna level alone. Is there a /vg/ guild on EU? I remember ~10 years ago it wasn't bad playing with people from here. Not sure how it is today.
>people were so toxic in arena that you cant whisper anyone anymore while playing arena
lol what did i miss what happened to merit this change
Everyone on era / SoD buys gold or they participate in GDKPs which is essentially just a money laundering operation
>a 8 year old bragging how big and tough he is to a bunch of 5 year olds.
yeah, big fish little pond syndrome. known to be a common terminal illness among the classic "community"
of course i play the best class in the game, how could you tell?
Thanks, what would be the best way to get the “vanilla” experience? I won’t lie that I’m having fun on deviant delight.
I’d be willing to try private servers but they all seem to be either classic plus or dead
Everlook is launching a pure vanilla server in less than a month, no?
it launches today actually
>chinkified 1x blizzlike
>isn't going to be doa
warriors just need to move on accept that nobody wants to play an iteration of wow where they're the only viable class
Maybe it's just one of those days but era seems especially dead today
I might give it a try, especially if it’s free
Thanks anon
>SoD ptr changes
Here is some meme changes and generally useless buffs
>sod class changes to warbvll

Yup! P4 DoA.
>warriors still the best class by far in a vanilla funserver supposed to balance things
retail fixed this btw
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What I’d really want though is a progressive server from vanilla to wotlk but filled with entirely new players such as myself
We would all be retards trying to figure everything out and it would be fun
that was 2019 classic
Yes and I missed it
Do it again but death penalty for anyone who has played before joining the server
Everlook has already admitted most of its pop will be Chinese. You’d have to be a severely addicted junkie to play there.
don't they already have an exclusively chink server?
>i missed it
c'est la vie
they do but most of everlooks playerbase are Chinese and the estimate is around 70% of this server will be chinks. the English pop on the discord is not even 500.
not even chinese want to play with the chinese
crazy how non whites want nothing to do with each other. curious!
From what I understand the chinks are even more obsessed with gdkps and will do anything to get ahead, I wouldn't want to play with them either.
I am gonna play TWW if warrior is top tank.
for raids nobody cares about that shit. youre just there to tank swap and pick up trash. i doubt prot war will be top in keys. even with the nerfs to dh, its will still be incredibly tanky with a lot of cc due to the recent rework
why do we hate the chinese again?
for me? it's busty blood elves
massive hype for sod phase 4
wow this thread really fell off
Are incursions still the meta?
I'm lvl 33 btw
dead game, dead general
just wait for al*x to go live
we are all getting ready for starfall
tf is starfall
everlook freshie
illegal server? think of the streamers. they can't stream there
and that's a good thing
Not willing to play with Chinese
dont worry they have plenty to grift with sod
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>all the new updates on p4
>new dungeon datamines
>MC extra boss speculation
>instanced world boss potential changes
>dungeon changes
All these things we could be taking about and you faggots are still posting about a literal who streamer. I fucking hate /vg/ it's a shithole through & through
We've been shitting on SoD since it was announced. Why are you expecting that to change just because they made mc a 20 man with 1 more boss?
are you trying to fit in or something?
yeah im sure this one wont die after a week
>get to play AV and do the lvl 60 dungeons and raids
I mean I'm not even gonna dissect the rest of your post because almost every frog poster is a hopeless retard
Too late. Gnomeregan made me hate WoW. Something I have never felt before.
What, why? Gnomer 10 was pretty fun I thought.
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We are so back
I couldn't tank on my warrior. Shamans, raiding for useless obsolete gear. 1 raid content for months and months. I hate WoW so much that I only come here now to check what's going on with the game. I honestly feel depressed that you guys are still keeping this pile of dogshit alive.
Sod isn't really alive. Try classic hardcore it's fun
did a /who on every outdoor zone as alliance as defias pillager and came out to about 850 players online right now
Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Sounds about right.
850 players in the middle of the day/morning for half the country on one faction on one server in a year old meme mode is........... pretty good, actually
I play on skull rock horde and its pretty lively though definitely took a hit after cata release. I started playing after sod release and it was active but quieter and then a lot of people came back. I was able to do lbrs 3 times in like 1.5 days. Raids are always happening. It's a pretty good amount of people even on the less played faction
>I play
no you don't lmfao
>not this again
I'm 4 bars from 60 again:D
screenshot of those 4 bars?
Not replying further until you provide
But you always reply to me demanding pr00f that I play a game anyone can play in the general dedicated to that game.
what i think you're saying is...
you dont actually have any proof ;)
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so what are we rolling on starfall??
I could post a screenshot but I'm not going to. Why do you need proof anyway? It's honestly not that difficult to level in hardcore.
>Shamans, raiding for useless obsolete gear
what are you talking about there was plenty of gear. If you hate wow so much why do you feel depressed about other people enjoying it?
aren't you that guy that's been larping about playing in HC for like months but refuses to post a single screenshot? everyone can see how boring you are at this point
I dont see anyone else being asked to post screenshots when they mention anything about the version they're playing. I've been playing hc quite a bit since around January
Maybe they'd stop if you could post one(1)
night elf female mailbox dancer
Yeah I think so. Give me some info about it. Do we have a guild? Any cool vtubers or passing trans people playing?
we're not
>what are you talking about there was plenty of gear
>reading comprehension
>still plays wow

Let me guess, you're a Trump voter?
Well its just you and I don't have any reason to want to

Now that I'm going to have a 2nd 60 I'm really looking forward to progging endgame. I've never done the classic raids or even ubrs or scholo yet.
so you're not playing it, got it
>deflects with, of all things, politics after being told he is sad and worthless
what's next, I got a small dick?
Thank you for proving my point.

I accept your defeat.
Right now I'm getting some coffee so true

I'll be plating my fresh 60 all weekend though, need to do BRD a lot of times
so you're not playing it, got it
Just how many Chinese are on the server?
>Let me guess, you're a Trump voter?
I think most people are, after that debate.
blizzard is back on chy-na so very few
Post a screenshot of your current main in whatever version you play (not sod);
Still voting Biden desu.
EVERY class scales better than Rogue!!!
>mutt hours
>mutt politics

mutt thread
mutt website
To even play a rogue takes an enormous amount of skill
>howling blasts don't hit Magmaws head
>pets can't attack sinestra

Quality fucking coding
lol my linked guild chat was going nuts about drumpf b00den and, as usual, seeing a political discussion was totally mind melting some people hahahaha
The future of the United States is more important to your eastern yuropoor country than this children's video game.

Touch grass.
lol I say this all the time still about any class or character I'm playing in any game
>now on occasion my skill did drop back down to noob level
listen, fat
Looks glorious and I'm here for it
The hype died. Took too long.

Sod is dead.
How dead is Cata?
>unironically linking redditmogold here
DoA. Everyone here was old enough to play Cata back in the day. It was the time when WoW had the most subs.
SoD is dead due to lack of content, phase 4 fixes that.
only 300k players
whilst sod is popping off with a massive 40k playerbase
No different than any other retard streamer
At least he's a somebody, unlike that fag you guys obsess over all the time.
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>hover over the link
>it's that disgusting grifter
>hide post
simple as
The wow idiot knows only one word "content." Here we see the wow idiot in zher natural environment. Let's get in for a closer look
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all it took me was one press of a button that can't take more than 10 seconds
Your turn
>no argument
>Hyper inflation
>Classes are still fucked
>Warrior is getting straight buffs
Well, it was pretty obviously ironic, but I do like the 'gold
What classes for a solo 5-man party multiboxing adventure lads
Okay I'll post the xp bar when I get home
Sod sucks because every decision they made was bad and they're a bunch of stupid obese Jewish female trannies who are incapable of having a single good idea collectively
The inflation isn't bad, most materials on the AH are dirt cheap and class balance is getting better with the PTR
>it's bad cause da joos
Your brain on /pol/.
multiboxing isn't allowed
It is allowed as long as you're not cloning inputs between games
>i'm not at home, oopsie
yeah, you won't post shit, case closed
Wow devs then
>everquest junkie who writes unhinged rants about the game leading to blizz hiring him on the spot
>legendary creative genius in Metzen
>other assorted geniuses, 98% white 2% Asian (all male)
Wow devs now
>obese reddit mod
>actual women (much worse)
>diverse pocs
No idea why the game is bad now... must be the players fault and microtransactions
How many boosters you up to?
enhance is realy fun to play. I remember frost dk being fun but what else is there?
>they're teasing jaedenaar as a dungeon
Even besides all that, they clearly don't even like what vanilla was, which is why all their changes are to bring it up to what they think is the standard (retail)
It's in ashenvale, not felwood
post her ass
nobody but a few junkies and spics like what vanilla was, thats why era is so dead
In 20 years of development retail has made some implementations that weren't awful, alongside 90% that were awful, killing the game and making it horrible. People are divided about what 10% of retail they want but they want a few things for sure

Classic hardcore which is straight vanilla is the best version of the game available, by far, however, so you're also just wrong

Something you can't understand is aesthetic and vibes, which in classic are perfect and in retail are so awful no Aryan soul can stand to breathe the air
>Okay I'll post the xp bar when I get home
Now you're lying about not being home just so you can expect that I'll forget about you not posting anything lmfao
Still waiting
Yeah no one liked it, that's why vanilla WoW was the fastest growing MMO of all time
>I post this all day everyday in the vanilla general btw xD
Sod Chads... we're in good hands!
I'm eating pho buddy, eta maybe 35 minutes

Why don't you just try hc man, it's a lot like
Also to this day provided the best experience to players, of any game to ever exist, and it's not even close. Vanilla wow at release is the greatest game of all time by a factor of 10
vanilIa was never that good. thats why they kept making expansions
See you in 35 minutes with the screenshot of those bars and your character timestamped just like how I showed you mine
Let me get ahead of you, posting just the xp bar that means shit because that doesn't say anything about which game you're playing, it could even be retail
>>Hyper inflation
As >>483995547 said, it's not that bad
>>Classes are still fucked
how can you say this without the patch being out? active changes are occurring right now
>>Warrior is getting straight buffs
warrior is and will always be classic king
chronoboon CD is being reduced to 5 minutes, how much easier can it get to get WBs? It's not like you need them anyways they are just fun for parsing and blowing content up
I will be having fun in a week and a half, enjoy chink private server #4037 for fresh und fash I guess
Kinda funny, looking through the oldfag archives you’ll see countless people complaining about “wowfags” and “babies first mmo”
>some retards on the internet complained about wow not being as good as everquest 20 years ago
So you're playing everquest right now or...? Because it's so great right? And everquest had 9 million players right?
>4chan being contrarian
Nothing new
>Turbo junkie mmo slobs who derive all their personal self worth from esoteric achievements in games noone plays are... le bad
Typical mush brain shit from the retoilet idiot
There was a lot of resentment towards WoW at the time because it pretty much killed people's MMOs they were heavily invested in at the time. The only games that were safe from it were maybe Runescape and Maplestory.
Did you even read the post you replied to?
Mostly from seething Jews angry their judentum multikult simulator got stomped in one fell Aryan goose-step
>Power word shield
>Ouro shield
>New power word shield
>2000 actual damage done to his hp bar before I die
I don't know why I even fucking bother accepting duels to casters.
Why the fuck was it designed for warriors need to have a healer to not instant lose every pvp duel to a caster.
because they are easily the best class when you do have one
pvp wasn't exactly balanced around duels
Read it and responded to it crushingly with facts and logic
I get that and I'm sure everquest has its merits. I'm just making fun of this retard in here day after day insisting noone likes or ever liked classic wow

ENTER the Aryan Knights of Vanilla. Their jackboots THUNDEROUSLY smashing the skulls of the Jüden who warp and torture the pvre banilla soul of Classic WoW. Their leader? High Lord Kungen KKKikesbane and his right hand Vvhite Man, ᛋtayᛋafe. The halls of /wowcg/ delve into IMMEDIATE disarray as the retoilet rodents SCATTER in fear. But make no mistake, the Banillische SA Männer hunt them down diligently and hoist the nooses around their necks HIGH. The RETOILET influence is purged in a matter of minutes as Vvhite Aryan Men see the devastation and cheer for the victors. BANILLA is here to stay. FASHY UND FRESHY begins as a NEW ERA of Classic REALMS are launched.
I just got out of bed ,warmed up some pizza rolls and I'm ready to post in wowcg all day
>pvp wasn't exactly balanced around duels
stupid considering every pvp encounter is some asshole ganking you in the open world because he saw you are a warrior and a free kill.
>>everquest junkie who writes unhinged rants about the game leading to blizz hiring him on the spot
kap's rants are mild compared to the shit i type in the suggestion box
>>legendary creative genius in Metzen
Metzen is over rated, i dont think hes bad at what he does but he gets far to much online wank, Metzen is responsible for sc2 story if youll recall
It wasn't but classic randomly has good 1v1 balance anyway. Look at the makgora tournament, basically every class was represented and could do well, though warlock predictably won it was just 1 warlock, not 10 fighting at the end, and snutz is probably the best player

>In 20 years of development retail has made some implementations that weren't awful. alongside 90% that were awful

a multi billion dollar game company isn't going to let their most popular and most played game net a loss for 20 years. Objectively, the company is doing well and thus we can conclude that the players enjoy the majority of retail. Additionally, retail's 4.2m logs > classics highest logs of all time, 600kish. There is just no comparison. Retail IS the main game.

I understand your IQ may be double digit and thus you are not able to view this argument from a 3rd person point of view, but maybe YOU are the minority of 100k people that like classic, and the vast majority of people don't? Instead of assuming YOUR opinion is the "right" opinion, acknowledge that retail is OBJECTIVELY better and more popular than ANY classic expansion.

>Classic hardcore which is straight vanilla is the best version of the game available

citation needed. When we look at the numbers, there are about 5000 hardcore classic players. Hardcore players are literally less than 0.001% of the total wow population. The data actually says hardcore is the LEAST popular/played game version.

Something you can't understand is aesthetic and vibes

completely subjective and based on no data or facts. Are you perchance brown? I can understand this post coming from a 91 IQ individual, but a three digit IQ poster would never post this.


Times change, and vanilla is not enjoyed by a signficiant population anymore. The new generation of games does not like slow, boring, grindy, skill-less video games. Thats okay. There are turn based games, grand strategy games, racing games, and MMORPGs. Vanilla is just a genre of game. It is nowhere even close to being on objectively good game in the grand scheme of things.

If you were to take a completely new player and get them to try vanilla, 8/10 they wouldn't play it.
>Times change, and vanilla is not enjoyed by a signficiant population anymore.
I agree, that's why we don't need fresh, we need classic+.
Doesn't matter how many trve rants you write, blizzard doesn't exist anymore.
He is both a massive retard and a creative genius. I think he's responsible for a lot of how wow turned out and it was the best game ever so props where they're due imo. That said, his usually shitty writing isn't going to save retail lol
15 minutes
100% I'm not going to defend era. I don't even play it, classic+ designed by geniuses is what we need, but blizzard can't do this because they're incompetent and wouldn't want to even if they could because what they want is to sabotage era projects and get people to realize they think they did but they didn't back to retail, which noone does

That's blizz approach to classic iterations. Make them bad so people play retail
>That's blizz approach to classic iterations. Make them bad so people play retail
based tinfoiler
killing warrios and ret palas is one of the greatest joys in wow. If you weren't such faggots then I wouldn't do it as often
its not as fun when they have 100 faps in their inventory at all times
It certainly feels like intentional sabotage when you look at SoD.

MMORPGs will never be that popular again without basically NOT being MMORPGs anymore.

If you want to be considered an objectively good game you need fun, engaging, fast-paced, and balanced content. Retail's mythic accomplishes that very well. Unfortunately, pvp games are more popular than pve games, and so unless time is invested into the pvp, it will NEVER become a "mainstream" game again.

Back during vanilla, TBC, and wrath, pvp WAS engaging enough for the playerbase to take seriously, not because it was good, but because there was NO OTHER COMPETITION.

The advent and popularity of MOBAs completely changed that. Why level a character, gear, learn my rotation, raid, grind, just to have some pvp fun? MOBAs let you do all of that in 5 minutes.

I know wow pvp is considered a meme, but I would argue pvp WAS the main game until after wrath. 9 battlegroups of players, dozens of full servers, a ladder where you could ACTUALLY notice a difference every 50 point jump in MMR. That's all gone because the pvp playerbase simply quit for other games.
Honestly I agree with a lot of this and like I said I don't defend era and only play hc classic which I personally think is very good
>new players wouldn't keep playing era
They do, however tend to enjoy hc when they give it a shot. I agree that this "levelling is the journey" is a relic of the past, though it does still exist in hc and is very enjoyable to many players new and old.
>few players
I'd estimate hc has about 12k players. Wow maybe has 700k overall. Despite making up only 2% of the wow playerbase we derive 99% of the enjoyment from worlo. Noone loves their version like hc players love hc

They could design a truly great classic + that would be better than classic hardcore but they never will. They're just too stupid.
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>DD killed Starfall
you get what you deserve
This is completely true. The mass response of
Pvp was fundamental to the game and mmo pvp could be an amazing thing
They could have just made tourney realms, which people asked for since the first tournament

classic+ simply isn't viable for blizzard because there is no money in MMORPGs. They are basically trying to turn wow into a diablo/MOBA hybrid with things like m+ and solo Q. They are trying so hard to GET AWAY from the core principles of MMORPGS. Why? Because there is no money in them. They basically sell skins to make money, like MOBAs do. They try to get players immersed in the game by making characters extremely powerful, AOEing dungeons down fast like diablo. It's not resentment, it's just economics.

And that's why classic will never be more than a pet project. The goal of classic is to get players to play retail.
There's no money in their products because their games are bad. I do wonder if you're not right about mmos never being viable again though. The world is very different and spending all your time in a virtual world doesn't really jive with the sigma grindset
But DD is dead tho

I guarantee if they knew what they they knew know, they would. "Season pass" for $50 dollars every 6 months or something like that. The original reason they never did that was the same reason they never added classic years ago; it broke the "MMORPG" immersion. I think now the company realizes that they HAVE to transition to a non-MMORPG game, so I wouldn't be surprised if we do see tournament servers or something like that in the future
The reason is character progression, an MMO lives and dies by that.
This being said they could, with competent devs, make huge returns on classic woe investments. We might never truly see an mmo dominate gaming but we also might, if it were global enough. They could easily turn good devs into money but they won't because
>the goal of classic is to get players to play retail
100% true
I was playing it yesterday and I saw plenty of guys in the human starting zone
But maybe I’ll try starfall if it doesn’t have the same old power tripping mods
Without pvp you are only progressing to kill more dragons. There is no point to progress your character except to kill the next dragon

Progress should be meaningful everywhere in the world and an mmo can be more than scripted raid encounters you proooooogressssss (omg I'm progreeeeeessiiiing) through and then never want to do again and scream and cry about content
You know its wrong
Even with PvP, people don't stick around to do PvP for the sake of PvP, even that needs some form of progression as well.
I mean it's pretty pointless to do now, because like that previous post stated it's completely dead now. Back when it was huge though, all the PVPers were asking for it.
Unless maybe they intended to separate PVP completely

say that to the people with 5000+ games in bronze ELO in league of legends
This is the one area I am a player blamer. All of those people who derive no enjoyment from anything in the game except getting their reeeeeewaaaaaaards should uninstall and then kill themselves
And those people are still chasing progression, else they would be playing unranked games.
Good point. Something people don't acknowledge enough is that league (I have no idea what it's called now) is one of the most genuinely fun games ever made. I believe that was created in the wc3 engine and should be blizzard territory and something of that development should have been added to wow. Perhaps blizzard should have made the move of spending 1 dev salaries worth of ice frog to improve their game making ability
>3 digits
>poppin off
M+ would collapse overnight
>everyone chasing progression
No they aren't. A lot of wow retards are when they pvp (which they hate because they suck at even worse than shitty players like me) and lose every single interaction every single time. People are playing league for fun. Getting more skilled at a game is also the exact opposite mode of progression wow reeeeeeward chasers are after.
Look at how locked down SC2 was. Those days are long gone.

When I started playing league I only stopped playing normal games because they became too easy and it took away from the pvp. You don't really gain anything in that game for progressing other than MMR, or harder opponents. It's just for fun, unless you set a personal goal for yourself or something
I've heard about m+ for years and this point and it's something that I'd really love to try because it sounds fun. I love 5 mans in wow. I love using strategy and stuff in dungeons.

That said it's really old at this point, maybe people are sick of it on retail, I wouldn't know, it always sounded really cool to me.
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you now remember stayirrelevant's failed (((trad))) channel
>people trying to argue that league of legends is fun
Classic+ needs to begin with blizz handing over their content creation tools like they did with wc3 and how Bethesda does with elder scrolls (also mysteriously dead) and embracing community made custom game style content
It's just that when it was strictly for times and cosmetics, no one cared. They made it a gear treadmill so that people would play it.
Dota then, if you like

I had a lot of fun playing league. It became the most popular game since wow for a reason.

I have no idea if it's fun today I played it like 10 years ago

Starcraft 2 is still fun today but I understand completely why rts can't attract players. Its just too difficult to play the game with any amount of competency.
I haven't played in over a decade but I had fun for a while. Penta with Katarina was probably the most fun
Hello? it's been more than 40 minutes
all you do is click your mouse and use a handful of abilities
of course it's fun for retards
Well I'm not opposed to people playing for rewards at all. But people who only play for rewards and will never play without them make me sick.

I'll grind pvp for the reward I want, then I'll stop playing it as much. But eventually I will always want to play that mode and will continue to do so because it's a game I enjoy. I can see this being less true for pve though.

challenger on league is harder than R1 in wow lol. How can you even unironically post that when you can get automatic 2k rating on cata classic RIGHT NOW simply by playing certain comps
>no new sets this season on retail
>played 2000 rounds of shuffle across six characters even after getting my duelist rewards in 150
I'm sure you're whatever the highest ladder rank is then right? You're obviously a chess grandmaster too because all you have to do in that game is move 1 piece at a time with your mouse. That's so fucking easy compared to mythic raiding
You said you wouldn't accept just an xp bar screenshot and that's all I'm willing to provide
>make general statement
Genuinely low IQ
>weaseling out
you don't play the game then
You're a fucking idiot. I love wow arena and I've heard great things about shuffle and it sounds amazing to me. If I could just log into an arena client, make a character, do a training mode to learn the game a little bit and start queuing for shuffles I'd be there in a second

But I can't do that I'd have to play all the way to cap in some shitty incomprehensible schizo (for returning players the experience is demented) vanity items collection game and navigate my way through how to gear my stupid character
its really fun to blast the first two or three weeks after the patch drops, and after that youre starting to deal with the players who dont know shit about the dungeon and it loses alot of the early season fun, static groups where you can push higher and higher keys keep you playing after that tho
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As an entirely new player to classic whose never played wow
Do I start with DD or starfall?
I would like to see lfr style, quite difficult content, that forces voice coms, can only be done sometimes, and provides huge rewards for success, which is not usually achieved
>new to wow
>DD or starfall?
holy fucking grim
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You start with this and never look back

You will have more fun trying shit out, dying on multiple classes (or not, if you prepare a bit), and learning and progressing through the levelling experience and professions and gearing etc here than you will anywhere else
>he woke up
it's over
Probably Starfall since it's actually new and there will be people around your level and not fully geared max level trolls roaming to gank you
al*x snipe fucking WHEN?
you're in very little risk of getting ganked by a 60 on era, since most of them barely ever venture outside of their capital city

I swear some of these people login just to idle on their mounts
Oops I said lfr but I meant lfd

I'd like to see something that tries to force coordination among random players in small groups and rewards them for succeeding. I don't think lfr can ever be good it's just too many people at once to be manageable

How about this
>portal opens somewhere in the world (but only intractable for max level players - restriction could be dropped if enough players of lower level csn conceivably be expected to find these portals at one time( first person to click it closes the portal
>open on 4 other layers, first 4 people to click are now your party
>all hunters? Doesn't matter
>progress a difficult encounter for reeeewards
you want proof that blizzard really doesn't give a fuck about classic? Why don't they do slight tuning passes to buff underrepresented specs/classes in pvp/pve like they do on retail? Do you think a 20% prot warrior buff in pve would break the game? Because right now, dks are literally 22 times more popular than prot warriors

22 times.

They literally are not willing to sim/do the math to tune like that. The "its classic no changes!!!!" contract went out the window with TBC attunements. Not to mention they literally buffed specs last expansion.

Do you really want to know the best way to make classic alive? Break the meta and force the theorycrafters to go into hyper-drive. That's probably why sod P1 saw higher logs than 90% of classics existence. It wasn't a SOLVED GAME anymore. People LIKE to theorycraft. They LIKE to try different builds.
I think some sort of randomness in raiding would be good for this. Something that changes how players interact with the raid every single time so it can never be solved and rewards quick theory crafting
>The "its classic no changes!!!!" contract went out the window with TBC attunements

What did they do, make them account wide?

Personally I'm against any changes since modern Blizzard can't be trusted to do anything right, just look at the moronic changes in era.
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Metzen is a dogshit writer he just writes "nerdy shit" it happens that now nerd shit is retarded melodrama without cool musclebound retards.
Also massive mudshark, but that aside.
Account wide progress is a good thing imo

1 billion dumbass achievements being the account progress is stupid and makes the game look and feel incredibly tacky
>it says underrepresented instead of underpowered
Yeah this guy is rocking blue hair. That's going to be a filter.
>aggrend will never be a meme
So many people working shit jobs for shit pay and this guy is in charge of worlo?
We're the changes in era really that bad?
make him a 'jak
Era tripled their sub count and they added paid level boosts and official gold buying to the game and then said people never liked era when it tanked after that
That's not era, that's classic TBC and wrath
At least 5 people will show up to character assassinate madseason when he's mentioned for being completely right about everything and one of the greatest wow content creators ever (way better than barney and however many classic trannies you care to name)

Barney is also good
nora owes me sex
What time did Starfall start? I'm i super late?
i mean this in the nicest way. just dont play
>shows how fun classic can be
Impressive, very nice, now let's see the retail equivalent with 2 million views that everyone loves
>added the chronoboon because raid-loggers bitched and moaned
>turned the pvp ranking system into a complete joke where you can spam AV for r14 gear

yeah both deadmines and wailing caverns have been cleared. Rogues running around with 2x cruel barb and almost every hunter is pumping with venomstrike. I think you missed this fresh, better luck next time
saying sod is good is like saying aggrend is starving
>in server que for 30 minutes during fresh launch
>It's completely over, better luck next time
What's the server balance on Starfall? What faction are we picking Bros?
>sometimes we eat, sometimes we don't
>bragging about a queue in a 2k max pop server
Chronoboon is good, there's no downsides to it, and I would say the pvp ranking system is an upgrade because vanilla's pvp system is just dogshit and most people agree how bad it is.
>alex not streaming on a saturday
>private server fresh launch

I would literally bet $2500 that that little rat faggot is playing starfall RIGHT NOW. After talking all that shit about it being "doa". $500 a month in twitch bucks is all it takes for a 32 year old man to sell his dignity in current year. Wow

and you know when he streams next time he'll be like: whoa bros i cant play 40 hours a week, i was fuckin girls all weekend !!!
Thanks for the update Alex
The downside is rather than just getting rid of wbuffs in raids they made it even more mandatory

World buffs should only exist in hc
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>Chronoboon is good

No it isn't, WBs should have been adjusted to prevent the absolutely insane levels of stacking and stat-inflation, but we all know that the majority of the playerbase would never clear AQ40 let alone Naxx without those training wheels.

>the pvp ranking system is an upgrade

This is by far the worst change they could have done, ignoring the fact that you can literally run a bot for 9 weeks straight that does nothing but stand in the AV tunnel and get R14, it completely destroyed any semblance of a ranking hierarchy, removed the need for premades, it did essentially the same to the pvp scene as gdkps have done to the raiding scene.
I agree with that, but it's better than having world buffs with no chronoboon.
Getting R14 requires you to play non-stop for weeks and weeks and if you skip any weeks you lose your progress, it's too degenerate of a grind to exist.
Aren't you the deranged retail anon who hates everything about classic? You're making a lot of sense on every subject right now
Ranking being entirely about time expended is something that belongs to the past
Classic has a few problems
>it's too degenerate of a grind to exist

Yet people were willing to grind it out, it's something that should be reserved for a handful of players, rather than everyone and their mother being a grand marshal. While I'm not a fan of the old system it was miles ahead of what we have now.

You must have me mistaken with someone else, I don't play retail.
Oh I guess I do, sorry. You seem to be right about everything. Blizz should just hire you
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im a retail chad
So keep PvP rewards reserved for the few people that have no job or other obligations in their life and fuck everyone else all for the sake of a feeling of exclusivity? That's fucking retarded.
That's not what they said

Having only some people accessing by far the best pvp gear is bad for pvp though. It should be the other way around unironically, with the best pve gear or some of it, only accessible to highish ranking pvpers
Be honest Alex could never get something like this together
Making it accessible by literally anyone with a heartbeat devalues the entire grind, removes a massive social aspect that used to be there before (the pvp scene) and it just ruins the order of things even when it comes to raiding. You're essentially giving out AQ40 level loot to people that have done nothing.
The problem is that the alternative is much worse. I don't think this system is good, but it works fine enough for era where AQ40 level gear isn't that big of a deal.
they just need to change the amount of honor you get in av and ab/wsg. so ab/wsg actually become playable again.
av grinding is like the most soul-crushing thing in wow.
Perhaps something other than a straight brainless currency grind

Maybe like... some kind of arena where you have a team and you can get rewards through having a higher mmr than a certain percentile of players
Era already had a problem where people were skipping raid content because it simply wasn't worth doing, if the pvp system never got changed to the welfare model we have today I'd be willing to bet you'd have more people running AQ20/ZG/MC rather than a substantial amount of the playerbase just rotting away in one single battleground.

AV honor gain should have been nerfed into the ground, it would actually solve a lot of the problems I've listed above as it would incentivize premades / players getting gear through pve.
Are they actually adding any new assets to SoD or are they just going to keep turning dungeons into shitty raids
Cata arena is fucked due to 0 inflation. Only like 50 people can get the 2.2k armor and weapons
he uses wolverine for an avatar and a katana/game controller as his banner. im surprised he can tie his own shoes.
Okay well that should be easy to change...
have you seen the sod team?
wait what he isnt wearing a hat indoors today?
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alex ruined that look
AV is fun though. You'll rarely make significant plays solo in other BGs
How did he do it? How did he become the face of Classic wow yet again?
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He's hibernating now, if he was going to go live today he would have already. It's over, long run, but it is over.
he's the main character of classic
Wtf yes you will lol
Maybe as a rogue
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me and me 4 friends are playing on tauri practicing challenge mode runs to start selling them on classic as soon as mop drops next year
discord trannies with anime avatars aren't your friends though
we hate tranime, though
Nah, ab and wsg pug vs pug provide tons of opportunities for really good solo or small group plays all the time
yes brudda we know you guys hate yourself, that's why 41% isn't just a meme
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Plan on coming back for level 60 and playing a new class. Between mage and rogue which is generally better in PvP? I plan on being in full Molten Core gear if that changes anything. Thanks.
Oh, yeah. I assumed since they wanted to force it it'd be premades
Back when I played actual vanilla I saw people in epic gear and guess what, I just thought it was cool. I didnt care that I didn't have it myaelf. Stop being a retard
Both are great for PVP. Honestly it's pretty even to me. I'd probably go mage as it's a little more fun in battlegrounds and mages can make gold pretty easily stvn.
It's simply because you didn't know any better, if you understood the system and how unreasonable it was, it wouldn't seem so cool.
do both but rogue if youre only willing to do one
sometimes i really just crave going back in time to classic TBC during grurls lair or ulduar and just redoing that. Is it nostalgia or what?
this was peak axel kino
If PvE matters then mages are probably more desirable in dungeons and raids since they are ranged. Historically in SoD casters have sucked but phase 4 had a PTR and according to the phase 4 preview video class balance was a major focus? Maybe casters will be properly tuned and not severally behind melee for once like shown here >>483953405
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>hat indoors
why are americans like this?
I understood that those people were no lfie nerds just fine. I knew I wouldnt/couldn't put in that time even if I wanted to, and that was absolutley fine. It's a video game you're supposed to play for fun, not to achieve 'bis'.
When you’re successful you don’t care about mundane poorfag things like balding.
rent free
Aren't fire mages useless in MC? And isn't fire generally a mages highest dps spec? I don't know shit about classic or how elemental damage works.
Historically they have removed mob spell resistances in SOD. If everything in MC was fire resistant lock tanks would just straight up not work.
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>When you’re successful you don’t care about mundane poorfag things like balding.
It's bad design whether you're alright with it or not.
>wagie comparing himself to the financial elite
>it doesn't count
I wouldn’t call what he’s done with Twitter successful.
I don't agree. I think it's cool someone can play a game more than a job and have something to show for it. I instantly knew someone is an absolute shut in loser if they had r14 but at the same time, they got respect. If you think you have to bis or need to parse 99 or you're some kind of bad player then that's in you
didn't ask
>If you think you have to bis or need to parse 99 or you're some kind of bad player then that's in you
I don't think that, what I think is that grinds should respect people's time and you shouldn't lose progress if you take a break.
you now remember jimmy
Did they say what raids are going to be available at the start of P4?
None at the start, but after one week world bosses then MC a week after that.
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Ding 60 :D
they wouldn't even need to keep making other versions of wow. just release weekly fresh and it would sell billions of dollars
I have a 25 warrior, an 18 priest (both on horde), and a level 10 paladin on Season of Discovery. Haven't played any since p1. anyways, which should I level for p4? I like tanking. I really want paladin tank to be good but if it's not I'm also excited to try ret.
Are there any new exp improvements in preparation for phase 4?
Priest has been the beat class in the game so far in sod
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do we agree with reddit?
100% it's a complete no brainer
Two options here:
1. You're ironically (lol) watching, saving pictures of and posting about a tranny in a game thread exclusively frequented by 35 year olds
2. You actually watch, save pictures and post about a tranny in a gaming thread exclusively frequented by 35 year olds
Not a good look
No. and anyone that wants that shit can carry their asses back.
repeat after me
you trannies had your way with tbc, now you can fuck off and go play something else
world buffs are gay as fuck. I did like it when there was no chrono and you could get wpvp'd and lose them but now they're just some stupid waste of time. They weren't even a thing in vanilla either
Just got off the phone with Aggrend

They're combining every world buff into a single world buff, it will be active 24/7 and unable to be turned off. Its called Parsers Paradise, similar to Joyous Journeys

content will be buffed accordingly
I think you're muddled up, parsing is inherently tranny behavior and world buffs are a classic thing not a vanilla one
>zone wide debuff in raids that counter world buffs
paladin each phase so far has been a complete mess. some runes arent going to fix broken talent trees
just go warrior. it does it all and will somehow be even stronger in p4 despite the devs not wanting to
me being javel cant be option 3 because you're javel?
kino staysafe stream right now
>anon doesnt want no wbuffs because he might have to actually do mechanics
I miss him
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World buffs are cringe and always will be. TBC SoD can't come soon enough.
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yeah i'm done with the alliance
people that dont like to increase their characters power in an mmo are literal npcs
go play any other game if you dont want to get buffies
stop being a lazy cunt
dance, slob
10th letter
the video is up

didnt you have to grind even more bullshit in tbc?
Even if thats true I don't mind grinding. Not sure what that has to do with world buff culture though.
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>"its HUGE!"
>still less content than vanilla had day 1
why do people think the expansion with the old school everquest style attunements as the structure for the entire end-game is also somehow the start of retail? even though they never used attunements again after TBC? How do you rationalize TBC having attunements but no other expansion having them?
just stop fucking replying to me if it bothers you that much. I really don't want to talk to you either. Either admit my favorite game is great and the game i hate is the start of retail or leave me alone
just fuck off seriously. responding with the most annoying shit every time I post something. So fucking irritating dude
that pasta makes 0 sense because eq attunements are nothing like the ones in tbc
you still read it, though
never claimed i didnt. youre looking for the skip poster 2 doors down
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maybe, maybe

*holds the wall*
wrong thread, pedo troon
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instead of sodomy how about you come play EQ2 with me, it's POVPIVNG OVFF
>there are unironic xiv players itt
>"on strings"/"puppet
>"insta reply insta seethe"
>"skipped post"
>"easy/ez skip"
>"thats a skip" just another one of his weird ticks
>has a semantic field of around 100 words
>cant string a coherent sentence together unless it involves a lolcow/streamer/random namefag, or the same canned gibberish he spams
>posts about "Alex" that get 10 (You)s on reply cooldown
>"pumps" "pvmp" "we are in here [twitch link]"
>AI slop night elves (OPs and random jpgs) all slide posts
>feverishly (You's) any game discussion to tell you [expansion is bad] (will pivot in any direction to FUD, just wants people to not play anything)
>permanent thread uptime
>[x lost/won] (useless slidepost to keep this dead shit off page 10)
>will immediately defend himself when called out and is incapable of ignoring you
>will try to gaslight/obfuscate (what how he recoils! I've been found out!)
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It's still the most popular MMO in the market, though
i couldnt figure out the ui
wrong general
>will try to gaslight/obfuscate (what how he recoils! I've been found out!)
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is that why even cata classic has more players?
hi al*x!
pres f10 next time
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hello popped up just to check out nucata
logged in and all the guilds are kill
is there any /vg/ guild going right now? i was in rip in peace or no fun allowed or whatever it was called on grobb
>he's back
man just marry the guy already since you see him in every post
>he didnt understand the reference
ah, newfags
>having pride in browsing the 4chans for ages
dance recital
the reference has nothing to do with browsing 4chan for any measure of time but youd know that if you werent such a newfag lol
Over 10 million players are currently playing Dawntrail, though. Does cata even have 100k .. ?
i'm a 2016 4chan veteran
>commiting dv
>posting the murder weapon on reddit afterwards
>not locked up for the night at least
gotta be a woman poster
theres a shitload of them in both threads and they disgust me
hes the puppet mastah!
>This made zoomers coom and donate millions

Literal upside down world
i dont follow this bitch but shes hot and i dont like mexicans
idc if its all makeup and fake titties either
mutt moment
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>/wowcg/ posters are homosexual
Checks out I guess. Who else would be interested in cata?
whiter than you, abdul
yes, cata has at least 300k as seen on ironforge. im guessing you have some sort of proof of this 10 million?
Literal only good thing about her was Gura
it's over
post chin
why does he keep the thread alive though. All in all very strange behaviour
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what's next for ourguy now that he's gotten the only interesting thing about his stream banned
>replying to your own posts
you're dancing
is that you, J?
Dps should barely be a role in raids honestly. Just cap damage you can do to bosses at something very low and force a bunch of mechanics and ccing and moving stuff around or whatever

Dps andies are a fucking disease I've seen videos by like 10 people constantly bitching about mechanics on certain bosses because
>i wasn't able to press my buttons and that isn't fun
>arcane blast applies slow

so is arcane viable in pvp now?
stir up shit with someone else
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go play tranny fantasy
this game isnt for you
we're all trannys here
sex with hags
even if that were true
we would be trannies with good taste
and thats the major difference "sis"
>we wiped again because parse brains feel they're better players if they just stick to their 2 button rotation at 100% uptime rather than kick something or do a mechanic
bitch has two sets of ears, great anime girl butt tho
i can ignore it ig
mages should be kicking not melees, it costs resources for us
the healers also need to something to do and ignoring mechanics helps them justify their position on the roster
i dont see anything wrong with it
Ya I think making raid bosses killable at a specific dps blizz can design in advance and employing mechanics that require more utilization of non dps kit would be desirable for raiding
Is there any point to playing starfall if I live in the Midwest, or will my connection just be too bad
starfall is doa.

not true. Alex is playing it.
doubt it, he was banned from the server and the discord
>barely 2k players during EU peak times
grim. not even chy-na can save starfall now
that game is even worse when it comes to parse faggotry lmao

we're all playing on felmyst 4, right?
I'm on starfall, where are you guys?
If my connection on star fall is too bad I’ll just play dd I don’t care

>no pvp tuning

thats a skip from me
i'm right here, invite me
i swear this gummy guy is just a psyop to make people hate tbc
that's not gummy, though
Couldn't find the client link on their Chinese forum
What kind of retard would play on another gummy server?
riiiiiight it just so happens to have the same name as his last 3 servers but it isnt him
*gives you the wink and the gun*
why do people go on about warrior being god tier its fucking AIDS to play even in sod, these runes are total fucking garbage. still die constantly, have to grind lower level mobs, autoattack class until level 40. just awful
I've been using shatter instead, but feeling like i wanna switch to that.
arcane feels pretty good in general though yeah, 1v1 in particular
i mean they said gummy would just be coding and be in the background . but this whole no addon policy and playing the game the intended way just screams stupid gummy ideas.
>New management led by Fanadin.
Gummy is just the code monkey
why do shitskins seethe at gummy and TBC?
You can’t be that stupid.
shitskins are the only ones playing that trash
tbc is classic plus and the best expac, but gummy is irredeemable
because non-whites NEED to play human ret paladin but it's not op so they go back to warmane
>shitters mad because addons aren't allowed
kek. retoilet tourists are so easy to spot
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>still die constantly

we're here
i mean...
if grizzly are the only white wow players in NA then that's pretty grim
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oh lord
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Is this the best time to start leveling or will there be a bigger exp boost when phase 4 starts?
whats even the point? just go watch porn
Can't be assed to gather world buffs that frequently. It's not fun.
>the same content twice as often is "more content"
Just means you get through it faster and makes people whose lives can't revolve around wow raiding fall behind

There's no benefit to two lockouts really
name? gonna goon to her
No life losers think everyone wants to spend every night raiding 20 year old content
>alex's sister is taller than him
where were you when you learned this information?
two lockouts is ass. It makes you feel "behind" and like you're obligated to raid both lockouts, even if "you don't have to if you don't want to".
it never works like that, ever.

I'm pretty sure it will get reverted anyhow and back to one/week.
you could have started a discussion but instead decided to post your butthurted'ness, be the change you want. 1so anon, what do you think about all those things?
>all the new updates on p4
i have no faith in the devs
>new dungeon datamines
>MC extra boss speculation
both hopefully pulled out of the recycle bin and not an original idea from the Classic team
>instanced world boss potential changes
say what now?
>dungeon changes
again, no faith this will be worthwhile
Sod makes such bad decisions lol

Not only is 2 lockouts a week bad, but the number of raids available at launch should be ZERO to let people cap at a comfortable pace and do some of the dungeons

Really good prebis items from upgraded dungeons and no raids available for 2 weeks would be the correct decision
I'm so tired of fucking indonesians and venezuelans on NA era servers. There's someone new crying about some fucking vennie or indo stealing a ZG pot after a mount drops. Every fucking day, and these people still don't understand that 50K gold is like dangling $200 in front of these hungry fucks.
>ZG pot
What's that?
latams are the worst part of playing classic on NA compared to pservers
no idea why barely any of them played before but its excruciating now
I say delete the boon and make harder difficulties purge world buffs. Guess i'm a redditor now
what happens to sod characters once sod is over?
They all disappear as soon as you're in a raid group and reappear as soon as you leave. This isn't some unsolvable game design challenge. There is no upside for anyone in collecting wbuffs
You get to transfer to era with all your runes and sod gear and run the cryboomers off the server
ZG GDKP, mount drops, someone drops 50-100k gold on it, the vennie/indo swipes all the gold then logs off, never to be seen again.
>Barely any of them played before
You're not considering the OG servers like Ragnaros right? I am permanently racist against Brazilians because of that server. Blizzard are faggot cucks for not just cutting into Activisions profits to give the subhumans a datacenter.
>Blizzard are faggot cucks for not just cutting into Activisions profits to give the subhumans a datacenter.
They wouldn't play with each other anyway. They unironically hate playing with their own kind because even they know how fucking bad they are.
I think I get that, thanks. I'm mostly here to learn about WoW Classic. Was thinking of subbing.
>Was thinking of subbing.
they go in the SoD disposal bin (hazardous)
I meant pservers
it was all EU/CN and some NA
I legitimately want to kill myself for not having a PC or the time to play in 2019
shit isn't going to happen ever again either, maybe in 10 years
Yeah hence the killing myself bro. I’m playing on deviant delight right now it’s pretty fun but still everyone in my guild knows every fucking thing about the game and is like “go here do these three quests then drop the chain and go to the other side of the world and do a few there then swing back yeah don’t do that one it’s a slow one skip that one yeah buy these spells but skip that spell” JUST LET ME EXPLORE THE WORLD OF WARCRAFT WITH EYES WIDE OPEN YOU CUNT
rxp has done so much to fuck up how people play and experience the game it's wild that the creators claim to be "vanilla purists"
remember sod?
Yeah I played from vanilla to cata and quit. Came back recently and played dragon flight retail it was dog shit. The thing is I always played horde so I do legitimately have a chance here to play with fresh eyes as I have never done any of the alliance zones quests etc. I’m trying to just do my own thing and ignore what the retards are doing. It would be kino to have some lads to play along who also don’t know how everything works.
Do it and play hardcore
i feel you but every single time ive tried to play with /vg/ it turns weird and gay really fast. There are discord trannies who sit here just waiting to jump on and play with new players just to try to catfish them and act like weird faggots.
never play mmorpgs with /vg/.
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Blizz didn't have to give us SoD or to keep investing in their old, beloved game, but they did, and I'm grateful for it.
People don't really use rxp much on hardcore if that type of thing is something you want to avoid

I do personally want to level a character using rxp sometime just to see how levelling is legitimately sploeedrun and learn all the tricks they use
I’m sorry hardcore trannie hardcore doesn’t appeal to me at all. I like just roaming around sometimes getting killed by stuff sometimes falling to my death climbing somewhere to see a vista. Hardcore is not my style at all.
why are you doing quests with your guild?
i had as much of a pure experience as i could in 2019 and i started late, i only got into a guild when i was done exploring and wanted to raid
You don't have to be so rude. I'm trying to help you out
im doing the same thing on deviant delight horde rn, if you see Snazzy in game, say hi, also chillin and trying to take my time leveling to smell the roses
Yeah I would assume so. Years ago I joined the /dg/ guild in destiny and the guild master their was a tranny and shit was pretty gay. They also never could get a proper raid team together absolute larpers.
Yeah man right on. I’m not playing to hit max level for like 6 months idgaf. Taking things real slow. I have probably already 50-60 hours and I’m level 18 I think.
Because as a low level warrior a lot of quests are hard as fuck to solo when you get raped on all sides in a cave or something and by the time you corpse run the entire way behind you has respawned. A lot of classes are not solo friendly at low levels. Sometimes you need to group up.
Fuck, over in Destiny General? I was in the Xbone group and it was such a circlejerk. Had a troon send a video of himself caged and using a vibrator on himself randomly about a week into the group after I joined the Skype group. This was with zero warning or anything. Goddamn weird people.
i just started last night, just got outta deathknell. did you join any of the guilds yet? i want to join one eventually but wanna know if any of them are predominantly faggots, i keep getting invites to random smaller ones
Yeah they are all fags playing female exo characters exclusively.
It was such a weird group. There were probably 20 of us in it but I think only myself and another guy played male characters. Lots of flirting and random VC stuff.
you were being punished for playing destiny 2 to begin with, have some self-respect anon
You never played classic horde before? How are you liking the starting areas?

Undead from deathknell all through silverpine in classic is probably my favorite horde story line in the game. I do every single quest no skipping. It’s all good.

I actually joined what I later found out is some big streamers guild I had no idea I don’t watch streamer fags. I should’ve have known though because it’s clearly the biggest guild on the server alliance side. It’s been okay though the advantage of being in a big one is there is always someone from the guild in my area I can whisper to help with group quests.
not totally related but i made the mistake once of asking for help with a paladin quest awhile back on /wowcg/ and added this random person on discord.
He helped me with the quest which was great. And then he wouldn't stop messaging me, telling me he was really a girl and thought i sounded nice and sent me a photo of dude legs in thighhigh socks out of the blue.
This was the original game.
Why are there so many trannies on 4chan. I also browse 2ch and 5ch pretty often because I read moonrunes and there is no trannies there.
no idea but i suspect its less to do with amount of trannies and more to do with there being a lot of lonely mmorpg players and the discord trannies take advantage of that
I had that happen a few times with randoms and Skype back in City of Heroes. One dude brought up a video call, screaming and crying with a knife to his throat. Sent me a video file saying he'd kill himself unless I watched him jacking it in lingerie. This was... 2010? 2011? This shit's depressing.
I think you are probably right. Especially something like classic. It is inherently a game for lonely people who are trapped in nostalgia and want to go back to simpler times. WoW really was the original social network back then. Even random old ladies were playing the game just for the chat function really.

Bunch of lonely guys now who want to talk to someone and meet a friend like they did back in 2004. And trannies try to lure them in like a pedo.
I've leveled to around 20-25 on the horde side countless times so i know the starting undead zones quite well, my knowledge on content drops significantly when i reach around level 25 tho. Hoping i can stick with it this time around
Hey guys I'm kind of bored anybody want to get on Skype with me?
puddi go away
>random old ladies using the game as a chat room
They do this in hardcore now, it's quite funny. The average age in the levelling guild is like 50
I've only had this happen once personally, but im wondering if this is a trend with trannies, I met one on minecraft back in 2012, he seemed very normal and we talked on skype for a month or two playing a faction server, one day his personality completely flipped and he sent me a pic of cuts all down his arm, covered in blood, and he was rambling about how he wants to love someone and how the world sucks. every day after that, the act was dropped and he was acting like a full on tranny. They lure you in by acting normal and chill and when you get comfortable, they reveal their true selves. its fucking bizarre
Nobody stacked WBs back in vanilla except the turbo nerds raiding Naxx retard
In the preach video on the world first he said flasking an entire raid was unheard of at the time and noone got world buffs, and he was talking about naxx specifically
Yeah it seems the same on this fresh server. Before I joined my current guild I was briefly in a small one a guy invited me to. After chatting more with him I found out he was 65 and had to take breaks each 30 mins to stretch move around or his back seizes up and at one point he had to brb because his wife’s needed her medications kek
Extremely nice that people have something fun to do honestly

If i were old, retired, limited mobility etc I'd love playing wow
Yeah it really does seem like they are wired with female brains.

Then they will blame you for getting the fuck away from that. “Nooo I finally opened up to you after months of friendship and you do this?!?” Yeah bro I didn’t sign up for that shit
>have to be at work 9 hours a day + 40 minutes there and back
>don't get to play wow 9 hours a day as well which would be fair
Society is deeply flawed
fr dude i was like 14, i didn't want nothin to do with that shit i was just trying to raid some noobs on craft baka. Now that i think about it, its even fucking weirder. I was ~14 and he was probably 19-21 and he was sending me pics of his sliced up arms talking about wanting love lmfao wtf
Yeah I don’t know how old you are bro but I think alot of zoomers think boomers aren’t into games but I remember tons of people around 30-40 years old back in the early to mid 90’s who were big PC gamers so doing the math those people would be like 70 now.. and probably still like PC gaming. Even before WoW lots of 30-40 year old guild masters in EverQuest have probably died of old age at this point.
i have distinct memories of my first guild in vanilla wow in the first 1-2 months of the game openly talking about hating niggers in gchat. take me back.
I'm 33 in a couple months, the youngest generation of the true cryboomers
Yeah if old vent or teamspeak chats were public now millions of be arrested for hate crimes. Your average vent was basically a 24/7 pol thread
What went so wrong?
I would guess 90% of this general is aged 30-45 that seems to be the sweet spot for interest in wow classic.
>this 20 year old game is really hard and not solo friendly
skill issue, i did everything alone while being clueless and just teamed up with random people nearby for group quests. I remember I joined a leveling guild on my alt and everyone was so annoying i just ended up doing everything alone and reading the drama in chat for fun. my main guild was great though but i think i got lucky
Idk man. One of my best bros from back in vanilla who camped out for BC collector’s edition all night and used to scream NIGGER in vent all day long is a massive leftist now and barely wants to talk to me. Also he unironically likes trannyflighr retail and says classic is dumb we have to “let go of the past and grow as a person” grow into being a fag more like it
Not a ton of randoms on DD yet. the fresh movement is still getting started. But fair point. I’ve had a few times recently where there wasn’t a single person in the whole zone doing my group quest maybe 4 people in the whole zone but I got a guildie to fly over and help me. Good community.
My libtard dad told me he'd beat me up if I kept yelling nigger when I got stormbolt surrounds off in wc3 matches lol
sorry that was just my experience, the group quests might be too hard to solo but there was often someone nearby anyways, I guess on dd it's different and a guild might make sense
im not very experienced myself just played for a few months but from what i've seen the leveling guilds were like condoms you use and throw away, not a real guild
>If no one in your raid has a world buff, and extra gear piece drops per boss.
There. I solved world buffs. They're for noobs now.
>never talk in guild or in game
>i'm super shy
>some guy tells me to becareful about an elite near me
>i whisper back "ty"
>you are on ignore
Killing idiots as ret is the same feeling. Nothing better than some retard mage blinking onto of you so he can get clapped for 4k dmg in an instant.
You'd have to be a pretty bad mage to blink onto the melee you're trying to kite that has a 5 second ranged stun you need to blink out of
Maybe in AV, out in the real world you're getting kited by any semi-decent mage
I think its a bug
I'm better than all of you at pvp.
nah id win
Post your rating, inb4 you're some vanilla pvper lol
Alex is literally the perfect bottom, i need him bros...
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Say something nice to Aggrend!
I cannot solo the soul forge as a level 85 priest
tranny flight isnt as good as shadowbabs but its not bad
way better than catashart at the very least
i long for a niller fresh tho desu
whats worse a qboomer dad or a libtard dad, idk
they're both retarded lmfao
fuck off
True, prebis gearing is one of the best phases
lmao I did the same shit. retail is so weird, it's a completely different game.
Why were /wowg/ flooding the thread with their fanfics this time?
the fanfics dont exist
its a strawman
I've played in multiple 4chan groups and never encountered this gay fanfic stuff, sorry
link what you're talking about shitzo
trannyflight has niggers in it
cata does not
I know whom I'm voting for
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nefarian is a nigger
end of
i win
retail wins
classicbabs pissing, shitting, and seething
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What are generally the best pvp classes in sod?
ret paladin (human, female)
Ele shaman, boomkin, spriest
Wait, is this SoD or Cata?
I'm a gacha missile now see you suckers
Like a landmine or grenade?
Mind explaining what makes of them good? Please
high dmg from range
basically win against most classes before they touch you
So wouldn't mages be good? Especially with bullshit like Deep Freeze?
sure they are good they just do less dmg than the big 3
deep freeze isnt that game breaking since everyone can trinket stuns now
Thats good to know, thanks. Another thing if you don't mind, of all the melee classes which would you consider the best? Please say rogue
idk but i guess rogue? atleast you can stealth up on people
maybe also feral
really not sure you dont see alot of melee players except an army of deus vult ret paladin that get their shit kicked in 100% of the time but still never quit
>deep freeze isnt that game breaking
If your trinket is down deep freeze will absolutely fuck you.
A near/full bis rogue in full MC gear will be a terror.
SOD warlock or warrior?
Mostly for tanking in PUGs
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you can rub his belly for good luck
>rub his belly
>get a fungal infection in your hand
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Your game sucks
>tier 3 ret
just imagine it bros. literally IMAGINE it. shits going to be glorious
>still does about 30% of chadrior's damage
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>titanic leggings are 4k
>lionheart another 4k
>krol blade 800g
>he didn't mine his own Arcane Crystals
That's on you desu.
Every 35+ level zone is camped to hell and back with bots, you're lucky if you manage to find one thorium node sweeping the whole map
You don't have 30k gold yet?
whats that like 10 dollar?
$40 is around 10k gold on EU realms, no idea what it's like on NA
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>play the lootwhore paypiggie class
>Suprised he has to swipe in order to get an ounce of loot
>hit 60 on era
>farm a full welfare r14 gear
Based I love era
14 weeks of afking alterrac valley
Afking in AV tunnel isn't farming
I hit r14 right before SoD, and even with the new system I felt like a fist-sized hole formed in my brain. The burnout is extremely painful.
You can hit r14 in 6 weeks

I am not afking
should have just botted like all the great PVPMERS of our time




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