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>6v6 to be addressed soon

>Pink Mercy available now

>Season 11 blogpost

>Season 11 trailer

>Latest patch notes

>Competitive rework

>Comics, short stories and music

>Season 11 (Current) - Ultrawatch Theme, Ashe Mythic, Colosseo Rework, Runasapi Map, Community Crafted mode (Balance patch by streamers), Start of season event (Earn exp and Aztec Sombra)
>June 20 to July 9 - Hero Mastery event for new Kiriko + S76 courses
>June 25 to June 30 - Calling All heroes twitch drops (Mercy icon + Nihon Hanzo)
>June 25 - July 8 - Pink Mercy returns for charity event, plus Rose Gold variant
>July 9 - Summer Games Event, Transformers Crossover
>July 15 - Quick Play Hacked: Pickable Passives
>July 23 - Mythic Reinhardt Weapon Skin, likely Mid-Season patch date
>Aug 21-25 - Gamescom, Blizzard will be present
>Aug 27 - Likely Season 12 start date and Space Ranger launch
>Future - Clash Mode (Unknown 2024), new tank (Season 14), Map reworks [Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado] (after season 12)

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>483788312
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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the genji brought you a healthpack
I can't stop playing Lucio
>anyone that i dont like is the tranny earlier that mogged the hell out of me
Already acting up in the new thread
Genuinely sad.
See you guys in a week this whore’s gonna stick around for awhile
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Mei's ass is my favourite character.
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the kiriko dance
that wasnt me

im not trans but okay
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Sorry scrub, I killed the Wardens in Sleepers Tomb, 1999. You don't have the AA's to even apply for my guild, let alone the immaculate skill. World first Sleeper kill, server first Avatar of War.
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>don't tweak majority tanks health or sustain in any meaningful going into OW2
>have armorless tanks who have close to the same amount of effective health as bastion with armor in the same role as tanks with way more effective health and armor
>also decrease the ULT reward for healing the tank
>increase the consistency of damage output for supports so they're shooting more than healing and in turn adding to damage directed at the enemy
>increase the DPS damage output while not addressing anti nade, discord, or damage boost
>also add passive that reduces what little healing tank was getting even more
>Also also pretend that several low effort abilities in the game don't turn off entire characters or cancel whole ass ults
It took them this long to realize that tank isn't actually tanky outside of like 3 characters unless the support role that they've pushed so hard to do anything but healing hard focuses on healing them, and that role wide changes like the headshot reduction and knockback reduction don't do anything to fix this while making the same few tanks even stronger?
Thank God I'm slowly weening myself off this game. The idea that some tanks shouldn't be good is retarded. it's that low effort shouldn't have great reward like orisa and hog, but oh that's not shitter friendly we can't have that so we're probably gonna see high skill tanks get gutted because they're "not fun to fight" while braindead tanks get buffed despite the fact that no one enjoys playing that kind of tank as shown with mauga
I've started reading the melty arguments after taking an edible and holy shit they are fucking hilarious
just the layers upon layers upon layers of context required to even understand what they're arguing about
it's fucking hilarious
overwatch has left us isolated and we have returned as warped and malfunctioning as golem
duuuuude le ebin drugs
What's your opinion of how angry /owg/ got over being worse than a tranny?
sorry they cave your skull in for being what you are over in russia, but at least you only get the gulag and then the first train ride to the ukrainian front lines if you try weed. it's really not bad.
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Why do people keep randomly bringing up russia
Tank isn't tanky but they've powercrept healing so much that if they do make them feel like tanks it'll make everyone hate them more. Unless they nerf healing there's no point to making tank when backlash will have them reverting it 1 patch later like they do with the DPS passive
don't (You) me nigga
a russian tranny raided our thread with his discord because he's bored and got gm a decade ago.
honestly I didn't see much of it but it's kinda funny
this place deserves it for being so obsessed
/owg/ has some of the worst brainrot I have ever seen
i'm a neutral party
the people that talked bad about me are brainrotted
i say /owg/ in casual conversation
no, he got top 500. stop coping lmfao
>Waaah youre the tranny even though youre misgendering him
Venture might unironically be the best designed hero but people aren't ready to admit that because he's a tranny, and for some reason that's more important than the gameplay
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If 5v5 is obviously the better choice then why do the devs feel the need to address 6v6 2 years after heh
just go back like two threads before you existed and realize how weird it looks for "random anons" to be taking your side. this thread has no posters. you're not even hidden. like at all.
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these are the people who will tell you 5v5 is better
they probably have a new pr script written up
prepare to stop hearing classic phrases such as "rose-tinted glasses" and "double shield" quite as often in favor of new quips
defending me, then saying its me, isnt going to fool anyone. i dont care enough to samefag in a dead 4chan general, when i was a poster decades ago. im only here defending myself, because of posters like you.
because tankoids are a loud minority that keep screeching about it everywhere you look.
ironic considering the low skill floor of almost all tanks.
the nostalgia card is always my favorite because 6v6 was barely 2 fucking years ago but people like FATS will tell you "no dude it's just nostalgia uhhhhhhhhh you didn't actually enjoy playing 6v6 for over 6 years dude!"
All Keller is going to do is waffle for about 15 minutes bullshitting his way through as if he isn't an ex-moba designer. He knows nothing about 6v6, if you asked him what "beyblade" or "moth meta" was he'd probably sit there and scratch his head thinking it was some old event skin for OW. Lmfao.
They won't bring back 6v6 unless "ESKAYYYYYYY" says to bring it back and he won't say that until Blizzard stops paying him money
unironically the worst post within the last 2 threads
yea, "sharing his POV" about 6v6 does not sound promising, we already know their POV, because they've been tripling down on desperate survivability changes for tank
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do what you will with this info
would love to see /owg/s takes on how any of this is somehow wrong
Spilo seems pretty based desu. Although, I'm curious as to what he means by serious changes for heroes like mercy, sombra, ana, etc. because does he mean they need buffs or nerfs?
most of /owg/ is half qp memers and then half LARPers with a few master ranks here and there.
they shouldnt have mentioned 6v6 if they are going to continue the media blackout afterwards. The cat is out of the bag now, hopefully we get some 6v6 beta soon.
Thanks for proving my point
the best designed heroes are the following in each role
Tank: Winston
DPS: Ashe
Support: Lucio
all theee heroes provide prime examples of what their roles are, how to excel at them, they aren't bullshit, have great utilities and identities, and most of all, outside of QoL changes are rarely nerfed or buffed because they're perfectly fine
>less than a quarter of the roster has kits that are conceptually fine
>this is the guy the devs are listening to
i'd REALLY want to see just what kind of hero spilo would create if given the resources. because i bet my fucking ass that he'd create the most boring, baseline shooter guy out there. You had other blizzard propierties reconceptualizating how the genre were played (i'm not being ironic) on other IPs with shit like Cho'gall and then you have overwatch going in this fucking direction
>lower skill floor
means nothing when you lower the skill ceiling to a centimeter. OW2s entire problem is that it punishes characters for the players being good because i guess it makes bad players feel down when they have to actually learn a character, just look at all the doom tech they removed and how they nerfed venture despite her being fine outside of her verticality. hell remember when ana took a tiny amount of effort to play? when she wasnt deadly from afar and up close because hitting unscoped shots and sleep was actually hard to do on flankers when you had to choose between nading yourself and the team.
no one left playing tank is complaining, ironically only tank teammates are complaining that the tank isnt making space oh wait i mean using cover oh wait i mean... whatever new thing the community is supposed to do other than tanking in a normal way.
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this is what I've been saying for so long, fucking weird ass passives for weird specific situations, it's so messy and unnecessary
ow1 was messy, but it still functioned perfectly fine, it certainly didn't warrant all these bizarre blanket rules
I agree with him, although Torb being broken on concept is interesting.
Well on second thought yeah, the turret is weird design
he means complete kit reworks with only the base idea left to work with. which is hilarious considering the guy put the sniper as a concept as "broken by concept" as if they somehow didn't work on any other competitive or casual shooter out there
if they're doing a developer take that means two things
>They're going to down the line introduce maybe a 6v6 arcade mode or something but purposely not balance for it so they can go "YOU SEE!? YOU SEE?! 5v5 IS BETTER!!!"
>They're going to just say "No, we won't bring it back" which would be the dumbest thing in the universe
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>as if they somehow didn't work on any other competitive or casual shooter out there
they don't
they keep throwing bandaids onto problems they keep introducing
OW2 is going to fall apart at one point because they don't want to reevaluate the foundational problem
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here is my take without fully going over his tierlist. i'm guessing widow might be the hottest take here.
theres literally nothing wrong with this. it makes the game more complex which is what this game fucking needs. theres nothing confusing about JQ knife, but suzu not working on hard knockdowns is more dumbass balance from the same people who made sleep work less against tank but didnt do the same with hack hinder mei slowdown or junk trap
that'll probably be the new one
I've seen this before since I grew up on runescape, same dialogue and everything

99% of it will probably be unrelated dribble, then a quick mention where he essentially says "we have no plans to revert to 6v6"
not addressing anything other than placing a firmer "no" down

eskayyyyyyyyy probably laid the biggest proverbial egg in terms of 5v5 pr ever with that chud tweet

personally I think this displays some level of weakness
if you're truly happy with the progress on some major issues then you don't say anything
saying something means that you have to concede something, you know you're on the hot seat
He's talking in the context for 5v5 at least. Characters like widowmaker, although piss poor in conceptual design, were not problematic because you could stack 2 dive tanks on her or a competent doom and just rape her in the backline all game until she swapped. Or bastion being easier to deal with when he wasn't mobile, had ammo, and there were more tanks to soak up his damage.

He's not wrong though, 5v5 COULD actually be somewhat fun if the devs had been competent and actually transitioned the game properly from 6v6, but they gave bastion a sloppy rework, removed crees nade, made doom a tank, and said fuck all to any other necessary changes like roadhog's 1 shot or zarya's double bubble
the best DPS design is tracer
to me, the actual "best" hero designs are based entirely on fun level
honestly, I think you're two-thirds of the way there
the original ow pub meta was winston-winston-tracer-tracer-lucio-lucio for a reason
overwatch in its purest, unstained moment
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i agree, Tracer is pretty perfect in design
I remember even back in 2017/2018 being amazed at how it seemed the whole cast was getting balance changes but Tracer only got QoL stuff because she was perfect
i mean he's not wrong. hanzo and widow functioned entirely off of one shots and that's a nono in the less shields less dive flexibility 5v5. torb is just a spammer now with a meme turret. bastion just exists to kill tanks and is garbage at the base design. hog can't function without a 1 shot. moira just shouldn't exist. lifeweaver is an atrocity. illari's pylon is her only big deal. again, 5v5 requires you to bend over backwards and fix so much shit lol. in 6v6 shit like widow hog hook hanzo and bastion would never be problems but here we are
it's almost like 5v5 was a mistake that puts a rope around any non traditional hero design which is sort of a big fucking problem for a game that has most of its characters be incompatible with it and has to keep adding new ones every 3 months

but hey let's just ignore that and say the devs will never ever change their mind so why bother haha 6v6 wasn't that good anyways lets just redo everything from scratch 3 years after the fact to fit 5v5 :)
i miss builder heros so much bros. why the FUCK did they have to neuter the shit out of symmetra and torb's concept? shit was comfy as fuck but now you GOTTA brool you GOTTA get out there and fight just throw your shit and GO FUCK YOUUU
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These are my hero playtimes on competitive so far one week in into this season.

What personality/stereotype do I fit, if any?
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symm's was kinda cancer but that's just mostly on the face that her primary fire has always been a shit tier design.

torb on the other hand with level 3 turret and scrap packs was based as fuck, felt 19000x better than tf2 engineer
>playing comp during the pink mercy infestation
you're a retard

Since I don't play Mercy there's a 50% higher chance of not having a Mercy on my team, and I've been climbing so far because of that.

how do I have fun playing this
I will allow them to bring back 6v6 just because I am 100% sure that it would be a massive flop because you can never please tankoids and they would start crying again within 2 weeks and the queues would die again and then they would have to gut the role entirely and swap to a 0-3-2 and the game could finally enter its golden age.
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i liked being a little shithead with symmetra's m1 but i wouldn't have minded if they got rid of it as long as they kept the idea of being able to make a "web of turrets" into a small room for any fool to walk into and get vaporized

same thing with the teleport ult and even the shield generator. those are so much more interesting than just another fucking shield
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reaper down to bottom for the sole reason of still being a "tank buster" in a game with one tank.
Dooms block slowing his mobility to a crawl when the entire point of having low health is mobility gets him moved down a tier
mei losing her lethality to the point she cant even 1v1 certain supports while making her slow almost unnoticeable but not giving her more defense options through her wall or replacing cryo could get her moved down
move ramattra up because the only problem with him is literally that sleep exists and makes block worthless
no idea how echo isnt at the bottom when she breaks the game by giving you a second tank or support with increased ult gain +a second health bar
dont know how ana isnt bottom when she enables almost every horrible meta through increasing healing and denying healing
dont know how kiriko isnt bottom when enables almost every horrible meta through straight up removing counters and increasing damage output teamwide on top of her damage and mobility
cannot fathom why sombra isnt first in bottom tier period

other than that this list is on point
i have literally never complained about tank besides having such a limited hero pool in ow1
now? shit's fine. we actually have a lot more characters to play with instead of the same 3 ones and other 3 throw tier ones
disgusting FAGGOTS aren't welcome here
>dont know how ana isnt bottom when she enables almost every horrible meta through increasing healing and denying healing
>dont know how kiriko isnt bottom when enables almost every horrible meta through straight up removing counters and increasing damage output teamwide on top of her damage and mobility
you see the """"""community""""""" (read:support players) like those characters so you can't badmouth them too bad
spicbra is easily fixable, just remove (perma) invisibility and go from there.
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im convinced no one from the beginning of OW2 even plays anymore. no other explanation for why people think tank players are just complaining to complain. theres a reason tank actually had players from pre launch to mid season lifeweaver when they started overtuning support. game was always more fun when it was a giant brawl pit instead of what it turned into
>would be a massive flop
that's because team 4 is a bunch of incompetent bronzies who think counterswapping is peak game design, despite them initially saying that they didn't want counterswapping to be present in OW 2.
>gut the role entirely and swap to 0-3-2
>enter its golden age
kek, uhhhh i hate to break it to you bro but there's a game that already tried that, TF2, and that game had to ban almost every single unique non-stock weapon/item in highlander and 6's just to be able to make the game work. imagine trying to balance around TF2 but with 3x the number of characters and 10x worse balancing team behind them.
my mom got first place in a tri-state billiards tournament in the 1980's. i'm probably better than everyone here.
we're you not there when they introduced the dps passive in s9 and allowed dps players to have some say in the outcome of the game and every other post in here/reddit/bnet was "I can't play tank and stand still in the middle of the point without immediately dying this is literally tank genocide" and it took them two weeks to nerf the dps passive and since then, slowly but surely, dps players have been leaving the game because they saw the writing on the wall.
>it makes the game more complex
it just makes the game less intuitive, there's nothing complex about niche rules
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>my wifes going on another date? yesssss i get to have more marriage husband expression
>my suzu doesn't work in this oddly specific situation? yesssss i get to have more skill expression
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they "nerfed suzu" (read: buffed shatter) to sell reinsharts midseason mythic and are buffing his shield for the same reason.
Best heros to play stoned?
no but i was there the entire lifespan of OW2 where DPS gave up on the role and swapped to support who was just DPS but better, and instead of giving them any real nerfs they just gave DPS a pity passive in season 9 to make everyone pretend support wasnt still better. you mean to tell me that bandaid fix did nothing and people went back to the better role? shocking. if you think tanks are the reason why DPS passive makes no sense, and not that they had conditioned support players to view healing as optional by now, then you dont understand simple flaw of making healers heal less and then forcing a mechanic that requires them to heal more than theyve become accustomed to
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The defense category for classes should come back.
>no other explanation for why people think tank players are just complaining to complain
it's literally just like a group of 10 chronically online discord mods shitposting, don't take it to heart. there are some valid complaints of 6v6, but it was a superior format at the end of the day. and 5v5 has just been proven to be an unstable clusterfuck of a game philosophy and design choice
s9 was only more fun because you could actually kill shit. however, it's significantly worse in every other aspect besides dps impact. Tanks don't have a DPS passive , so diving a support in a 1v1/2v1 is still a pain in the ass and they can easily outsustain you, only now they all have 50 more HP. So tanking still feels like shit how it used to, only now you just get raped even harder than ever before and it's so easy to punish you for making a minor mistake while having the least impact. On top of that, the entire meta has devolved into "shoot the tank" because the dps passive is so absurdly powerful, and thus you have characters like hanzo who used to be a sniper now just devolving into a tank buster, same thing with pharah, junk, cassidy. No tank likes getting forcefully cucked by counterswaps, exploding in 2 seconds when out in the open not taking cover, and then having to rely on his dps to countercuck their tank in order for you to have an impact.

Had we just removed immortalities and antinade/sleep/discord, and lightly toned down some healing numbers here and there and removed passives, we wouldve been able to afford having lower health tanks and wouldnt have had to increase hitboxes and all this other whack shit. We could've had a 600 HP roadhog with an 8 second CD inhaler and not an 800 HP resource healing 450 HP inhaler that lasts 3x the duration than his OG inhaler raid boss like s10 hog was.
remember when they increased junker queens hitbox by 12% to make her more "tank sized"?

remember when they made every projectile bigger and easier to hit but didnt revert her hitbox change?
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jq was literally harder to hit than 76 while her commanding shout was active, i don't think you realize just how bullshit it was that she had 450 HP with 1/3 the hitbox width of bastion who had 300.
i dont doubt 6v6 is the better option but i dont get people who pretend like the only thing stopping 5v5 from being 10x less cancerous isnt several targeted reworks and nerfs that would still need to happen if we ever went back to 6v6.
at the end of the day this game need that 2 extra years badly instead of getting pushed out so early
Winston while listening to juice wrld and future. Racially motivated. Doomfist and mcree while listening to 454, lil b, p1u20 and luci4, Cartier god, Bladee banger Soulja boy turn my swag on motivated high as fuck.
when will pubbers realize the power that literally just ignoring flankers holds?
no dude, you don't need to walk in the exact opposite direction from your team to try and 2v1 the sombra and tracer as lucio, you can just join the rest of us and we'll protect you
fucking troglodytes
i just dont see how reverting to 6v6 would change anything, it would merely be a 2 week bandaid fix and it would seem like a last ditch attempt that if failed would be the final nail in the coffin because reverting back to 5v5 after that would be embarassing and impossible without the internet completely shitting on you. they'd be putting all their faith into tanks keeping the queues alive and i am very skeptical that with this small of a playerbase and with tank players being eternally unhappy that they could keep the queues alive if they made tanks half as strong.
the games already feel better at my rank
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What advice were you given I want to get better too mcree is one of cool characters
stand still when you shoot
You're welcome. -Ex top 500 and former pro.
so you're pro rape ?
>stand still while shooting
>have the positioning of a torb turret
these are the two pieces of advice that our dear anons here claimed helped them improve. i'm unironically starting to think r/overwatch is more skilled and gives better advice.
anon told me to try that out instead of dive at my rank
I have a rape kink
lmao the absolute state of yznsacucks, no one accepts his claim to first champ 1
>would change anything
It would 100%. Tanks wouldn't have to be punching bags and wouldn't have to counterswap every time they respawn. DPS would be able to have more target flexibility. Supports wouldn't change they still do absolutely fucking nothing and i don't care they shouldn't ever have a take in this game unless it's a lucio main. You'd need to balance mostly aoes and shields, d.va matrix, probably just delete orisa and sigma for safe measure, you'd definitely need to giga nerf ram prob remove his shield or tone it down a lot.

Yeah it'd take like months of reworks and planning ahead of time but it would probably be successful if they balanced shit properly with role queue still in place.

And even if it wasn't perfect or anywhere near 2016-2017 OW2, it'd 100% be better than the slop we have now
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What the actual FUCK Blizzard.

Guess who they gave the shitty silver DPS to?

None other than me.

Fucking piece of shit matchmaker.
Where's venture
sorry that was me
you're probably like gold 3 as is most of the lobby and the plat 2 is on your team as well, so who cares. not like theres a difference berween silver 1 and gold anyway.
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>be black
>get stolen from
Oh and my personal advice from doing a fuckload of dmg is that low level mcrees are mouthbreathers who dont release left click, let up on the fucker
it's okay, he was compensated in defensive utility
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Powerblock is possibly the worst defense in the game. God I would give my left nut to trade that piece of shit for uppercut.
i have no doubts that if the balancing was good that 6v6 is a superior format to most people (not me personally, i like that as a dps only player i make up more of my team in a 5v5 so i (feel like i) have way more impact) however with the amount of time it would take to properly balance 6v6 from this point and take a huge risk again with the queues this late in the game, i just feel the same balancing could be achieved from this exact point without touching the format and risking microsoft completely shutting the game down if the experiment fails.
>enemy has mercy
>we don't
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>we have mercy
>i'm a good dps
>she pockets me
>win easily
simple as
Russia #1
Mercy isn't even top 3 pocket supports
pass the blunt nigga
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glad i could help, have fun stomping newbies
go play Fortnite
shut up russian tranny
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best-o friend-o now.I've been getting really fun duels too
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i love pink mercy skin and no im not trans and yes im top 500 lol
Pigfuck attention whore
Your fault for not believing that I was top 500 and then forcing me to screenshot my rank, and then trying to dox me after. Don't act like I'm the bad one.
it's all one guy calling you a subhuman with you too isnt it you fucking schizoid
So you literally are a mercy main that got boosted? LMAO
there are better places to seek attention than a general with 4 posters
go away
good job you dumb fucking idiot, prepare for the discord raid. i'm out.
okay tranny kys
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there have been more dedicated schizos on the planet you'd never match up
>look me up kid i used to be a niche micro internet celebrity you made me buy an account name alice from 8 years ago you forced my hand to namedrop some OW academy team that never made it
That's good, since i'm not a schizo.
I mean if you've been browsing the board for about a year, sure.
This game is literally so easy if you don't have mercy on your team
Kys russian tranny
This game is literally so easy if you have mercy on your team and you're a good dps
I was JUST gonna say that. I had the blue beam on me for the last four games and holy shit
that trans guy who identifies as trans and puts trans all over his social media, he's kinda based and he's trans and a faggot, but i am not him, and we should leave him alone he is good at the game, and i am not him, because i'm going to queue quickplay and i am platinum at best, that is not me, he's too good to be me, and by he i mean she.
barking to the wrong tree, I'm not the russian gun schizo, just some mongoloid from SA in mid diamond

yee cree's fun. there's something on your most powerful weapon being your gun instead of your abilities, and them working to make it even stronger.

going to sleep now. gl on the climb
did you really have to repost this
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good night best-o friend-o
>russian gun schizo
You mean the top 500 player?
Yeah me and him were talking earlier today and he gave me advice on how to get out of my rank
as an all role bvll, every role in this game is awful right now, not just tank
why do you call him the russian gun schizo? did i miss something in the last thread
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she, not him.
EU t500 is NA silver.
Good thing /our girl/ is Russian and Top 500 then.
Don't care about your schizo nonsense. Didn't ask either.
Didn't ask.
I did not not everyone is the same guy you humongous ape and honestly i think this helped me get better at tracer too
Did they add doomfist to fortnite or something?
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she isnt having kiri, lw or bap is infinitely better and more heals, must be in silver on console
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they already did
purikura kiriko
Venture doesn't stun you or 1shot you and is an actual character. Doomfist is just a complete failure of design who had to be moved to tank because that's where every bad design goes.
YO top 500 guy whats your battlepass level
47 atm on an alt
every single part of ventures design has a form of CC, including her weapon, plus the drill has a mini snare effect and she has a instakill combo that kills squishies in less than a second. she is basically a low skill floor low skill ceiling doom. if doom isnt an actual character, neither is venture.
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Venture doesn't have a stun
>play tank
>dps are stoned or throwing
>play dps
>supports exclusively heal the tank to pad their stats
>play support
>forced to play support
do i even enjoy this game
ok but what if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
You could add that russian tranny top 500 to carry you.
>instakill combo
>doesn't actually instakill
>isn't instant
>does less DPS than most DPS just holding left click
I get you're really, really bad at the game but you need to learn to deal with noobstomp characters like reaper and venture before you talk like you understand the game at all.
not everyone is the same guy
Don't care and honestly I didn't ask, either.
character being a noobstomper/bad does not make their kits not cancer. hog v1 was bad and niche but his kit has always been cancer.
You are a freak of nature and should be shot out of a canon 6gorrilion miles per hour into a brick wall.
Go splat.
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If something is only cancer to console players it literally doesn't matter because console players don't matter.
It's cute when retarded ESLs learn a new phrase and then start using it over and over like it's a magic spell.
Please refer to: >>483926340
dont reply to me again tranny
I truly believe in the concept of actual demons being online. They play this game.
You sound hysterical
Not everyone is the person you dislike.
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Are you seriously implying someone is a demon because they're better than you at the game?
No I mean their level of malice in their rude behavior, it's insufferable. Unreal.
Pretty sure the posters here started it by spreading their dox and refusing to admit they were top 500 after they posted it.
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>loser queue is not-
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yea instead of putting together the guy on a losing streak with the plat three 30% guy he will instead get the plat three 50% guy, woop dee doo
It's actually the opposite. The game gives you a handicap if you're being a failure.
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If you think about it, supportoids are the ones to blame for the incoming unkillable tank meta. They just whined and cried about not being able to defend themselves when an enemy dps got to the backline rather than just position themselves better or communicate with the team, and they were given utterly broken survival abilities, damage on par with DPS, and the best ults in the game. They dictated the matches entirely for 6 seasons and did anything but heal the tank, and when DPS finally got something to put them on par with them with their healing reduction, they cried again because they had to actually hard focus healing on tanks to keep them alive, the purpose of their role, and got DPS nerfed. All so they could go back to playing as a DPS with more survival abilities. If supportoids had accepted that they're just side characters who do not deserve to ever have carry potential due to the identity of their role, then we wouldn't be in this situation. I look forward to 5 second fortify CD Orisa and 900 HP Roadhog next season.
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literally impossible pls remove
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>dps only
Personally I enjoyed 6v6 more as a dps. Just because supports were killable without 50 fuck you buttons and because tanks didn't have 14 trillion HP. It's partially the reason why DPS had the longest queue times all throughout OW 1 and that's changed to support because of how busted supports are. Fastforward to now, I think dps is much much more fun to play than tank is but i still think it sucks more ass, honestly it feels like I'm just holding m1 on their tank 90% of the game and then 10% of the time I'm off dueling a flanker or somebody on an off angle and it gets kinda stale. But to each their own, I play both tank and dps too so i will have strong opinions on this matter
>huge risk
absolutely but so is doing...this. staying with 5v5 is just not feasible. I mean sure they can tweak shit all the time and keep powercreeping shit but it's never going to fix the core issues. Either tank is too strong and they never die or dps/supports are too strong which make for unkillable metas or too killable metas.

If team 4 were to just go back to 6v6, look at some of the previous OW 1 stats and tweak a bunch of shit by taking a few months of playtesting and rebalancing, I think it'd be a much better PR move than just being cowardice faggots refusing to acknowledge the problem and stick with a shittier format that has made a majority of the community upset. But you are right, it's probably too much work for these lazy fucks to do anyway
They added a gauntlet weapon that does an uppercut like Doom. It also has a ground slam but it’s not quite the same.
Win likelihood is calculated through trends though. Oftentimes when I had a major outlier on my team (like a really shitty tank/dps/support player), It'd be coming off a winstreak. They almost always were a rank or two below their peak of the season meaning that they were in the middle of deranking. The rank system calculates these likelihoods based off of win/loss trends and so it's probably putting some faggot with a really bad loss trend with you the moment you get a good win trend, and there's statisictally gonna be at least one player on a loss streak and thus you'll get more of those players. You feel it more in 5v5 not just because of the matchmaker but because 1 retard who fails to do his job can make the whole team crumble apart, because a 4v5 in OW 2 is almost impossible to win.
>DPS is 1-12 again
Based take, few people ITT and in general understand that supports fundamentally have destroyed this game slowly but surely.

You have to understand though, people like Kaplan, Keller, Dawson are all redditor bronzies. I mean look, do you think these late 30's early 40's milquetoast faggots even understand basic Overwatch fundamentals and mechanics? They don't play this game at all. I guarantee you if you asked Aaron Keller or Alec Dawson to execute a 1 shot hog hook combo or a doomfist rocket punch to knuckle gun combo they wouldn't be able to pull it off.

None of them understand videogames, let alone FPS games, they all played donkey kong and pacman growing up they don't know shit about FPS and how to balance it, and when you understand that it makes more sense
>5 second fortify Orisa and 900 HP Roadhog next season
Nah it'll be even worse than that. When they buff reinhardt shield to 1600-1800 HP, powercreep mauga because of his low winrate, and probably microbuff JQ into the meta mix it's gonna be even worse than Orisa. At least you can interact and sometimes focus fire old orisa off her cooldowns for s9. But now, now you'll just get double shields 2.0 where you fire at a rein shield for 20 minutes and picking any other tank will be a throw pick because they won't be able to hold a frontline like reinhardt.
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If they want to ban people for leaving matches they should make their match making less dogshit
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I legit only want to throw games when I'm on tank and have a hopelessly incompetent team.

When I'm DPS or support though... I'll have bad matches but I'll still be trying my best.
Same. And Tank is my best role.
that's because tanks, despite being the mvp, rely more heavily on their team than any other role
doesnt seem like the mvp role if it heavily relies on the team performing well
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yeah it would seem like they're mutually exclusive but they're not
Haven't played yet, is Cass nade stronger or weaker now? More cancer or less?
stronger but less cancer
It's far less cancer, much easier to avoid unless you're in his face as old flash used to be
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>other support locks mercy before "schizomercy" can
this game is already a wash, we go next
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Took top 10 in a chess tournament 15 years ago, looking for a little respect around here. Gary Kasparov? GM Hikaru? Magnus Carlsen? I was on a team with them. Nobodies.
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Angela Ogundimu
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holy fuck why do so many mercys have the most god awful timing for damage boosting? like, i would unironically prefer you just healbot at this point
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What do you do against Pharah?
report them
Your dps play with stereo sound and shoot her or they don’t.
>watch erinfps for OW drops
>constant sexual innuendo
>stream title intentionally i love ana! so it looks like anal
>listening to rap as a skinny blonde girl
finally a good stream
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swagged on
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the zen pushing Q 4v1?
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I missed you so much
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new coaching video kiriko mains, this time he's put in clips of him full healing people and telling people to make sure everyone is healed before using the 4 step plan.
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>you can't two tap anymore, just three tap, and headshot the flying mercy
i'm ready to climb out of silver
when I finally get the unlimited data add-on to my internet data package
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>shit talking people higher rank than you
>still wont post your rank
seethe tranny
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Won a watermelon eating contest at a park once. I was salaried, on a team.
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Genji is broken by concept, he can only be OP or meh like now.
Even tho it’s more dead, this time of day /owg/ is more pleasant.
you sound like a faggot
Never mind :(
Pay him no heed, he's just extremely jealous that I won a Smash Bros Melee tournament, I was on a team.
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>he's just extremely jealous that I won a Smash Bros Melee tournament
Never been to a Smash Bros tourney but ive been to other fighting games one and know how intense it can get so congrats.
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>Pay him no heed, he's just extremely jealous that I won a Smash Bros Melee tournament, I was on a team.
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nerd widow is so mean
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>leave game after getting shitters 3rd time in a row
guess ill just play a different game
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Do you play Illari always?
I like her when defending but otherwise I find it difficult to fully utilize her.
For me it's all about playing the heroes I enjoy regardless of role.
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Are weeklies supposed to be like this? I've been playing rather casually and I'm already past level 50 on the bp in just 9 days
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Are you playing in a group or something, I barely reached 37.
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>level 65 without premium
No. I am on console
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you're an absolute virgin
let me sniff your coochie
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yeah bro let me just shoot the mercy as she flies around with 500% movespeed and 100 feet into the air every 1.5 seconds
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Her hurtbox is literally bigger when she's in the air
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haha whoooooooooosh haha
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Yoruichi Sombra
Good day fellas.
Yesterdays or last night's meltdown of the anons was an utter disgrace to our purity and honor.
Black coffee and support games, enjoy your weekend sirs.
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For me it’s this latina and her fat ass
I played a few games with her yesterday. Now I remember why I like her and she even got a few buffs in the latest patch which is excellent.
Also her ass and her voice actress' ass are exquisite.
Her ass is not that big in game.
Good day fellas.
That Russian tranny got so owned he's larping in third person. It's not me though, because I'm about to queue support and I am not a mercy main. Enjoy weekend, will defend myself again soon.
Sadly. And the cape is covering the sweetness mostly anyway.
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You're still here? Jesus Christ mate.
I used to play Mercy way too much which is why I stopped, got like 389 hours on her and that is about 379 hours too much but it was the tutorial to the game for me if nothing else.
Greetings thread, it's me, and I'm drinking beverage. Greetings person I think I recognize.

I will now imply you're still here? That's way too much. Here's a blog about how my games are going today. Good night thread.
You reduced my blog posts to a single robotic statement. I now see my incredible value which I provide to the thread daily. Zilch!
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Hi handsome!
How was sleep? Ready to carry me through the last fight?
it's script play time, what did this singular lad put together in the text file today.
Can't wait to see. Although I don't read the spoilers so am not doing much reading.
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>Hi handsome!
Hey love how was your sleep?
>Ready to carry me through the last fight?
Yea, we're fucking him up today and later Overwatch? Seems like they will talk about 6v6 and 5v5 now. You think they change or add a 6v6 mode? I think they will add a test mode soonish.
play mercy
>how was your sleep?
>Yea, we're fucking him up today
You pwned him solo so you should be able to help me
>and later Overwatch?
Of course
>Seems like they will talk about 6v6 and 5v5 now.
What makes you say that? Did the blogpost mention 6v6?
>niggas unironically think that 6v6 has a non-zero chance of coming back
lmfao @ the cope
You ever use the most male-coded 40 year old gamer terms when you're roleplaying your own Mercy e-gf?
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Wow, can't wait for them to be unable to balance the game but in the 6v6 format, again
Personally I would accept an arcade mode that was 6v6 but will be monitoring this shit show about to happen
>People miss double barrier

I too am a man who enjoys pointing my mouse at a wall and left clicking
people fearing double shield is in like level 0 of the 6v6 vs 5v5 discussion, it's not even worth addressing at this point
You're correct. It's not worth discussing because the very idea of going back to double barrier should be an immediate end to the argument. 5 is better. End of discussion
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good at least one, my sleep was fucking terrible, random back pain, don't get old
>You pwned him solo so you should be able to help me
yea still the hardest boss by From Software
>Of course
Good, need to get my skills back. Like for one-two days we didn't play at all, or me at least.
>What makes you say that? Did the blogpost mention 6v6?
twitter link and people here talking about it
The question is can 6v6 help with the counter swapping meta that tank players hate.
I don't think it can, like it's a game design issue because you can swap heroes mid game.
If you couldn't swap, and they streamlined/homogenized some tanks by giving them shield and high ground option, it would be better but just my take maybe 6v6 can fix it.
damn if only there were tanks that could... punch through barriers or something.......... or maybe have like an axe that would swing through the shield.............. or maybe if they had reworked one of the shield abusers to not have a shield anymore........................................ or maybe if they did additional balance changes to the game in general................................................................... or maybe if they nerfed the supports responsible for the upkeep of double shield..............................................................................................
Learn to read. There's no case to make. The argument is over
I didn't suggest any case, I was just pointing out mechanics in the game.......................................
Nobody asked. Go play training mode if you care
tank mains attempt to say they want to be OP without saying they want to be OP challenge
If tanks are overpowered, why is nobody playing tank.
probably the want to be part ESL-kun.
no one has ever liked, or at least preferred, playing tank in any game that had tanks
Not quite true. I played like 100 hours of Rein in OW1 and it was good fun. Now I don't give a fuck anymore
>had a DPS going 5-9
>put blue beam on them
>they end the game 35-12
Mercy wins games!
>why is nobody playing tank
>actually i did play tank that one time
cool but what if you didnt have breakfast this morning?
>don't get old
Ok, I'll keep that in mind :^)
>Good, need to get my skills back. Like for one-two days we didn't play at all, or me at least.
You'll be fine, I barely played either
>The question is can 6v6 help with the counter swapping meta that tank players hate.
Wasn't 6v6's biggest problem the sustain supports offered? I only played OW1 on and off and never really put that much time into it
I just think aoe healing should be rethinked, heals like Lucio's are obviously fine but then you have Bap, Moira, Brig all that do aoe healing way too good
There needs to be some tradeoff for being able to heal everyone around you with ease
One time? Isn't 100 hours enough for multiple times?
simply convert all tank to dps, remove tank egos, watch them crumple underneath FPS aim gods.
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interesting...you DID have breakfast this morning, thats very interesting. but for the sake of this argument, lets pretend you didnt. how does that make you feel, not having breakfast this morning?
I didn't have breakfast. I drank a cup of coffee and a lot of water. I feel great and probably gonna eat soon.
She looks like she fucks loyal vassals of His Majesty King Charles V and all of his legitimate successors to the Spanish Crown.
Going behind that and having a feast
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>10 min dps queues
its so over, supportcuck must be 20 mins then
>last season have a 60% DPS WR easy
>this season every time I'm about to crack 50%+ I get an absolute retard on my team that sabotages the game
Yeah, you
Yeah you're right I'm retarded for not expecting to get 0-5 and 17-15 many games in a row, I should just play something else, thank you!
No problem.
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Make all tank skill shots build shields like doomfist, that way your skill makes you tankier.
Ok but let's delete Mauga first, yeah?
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You could always pick tank for instant queues...
>deflect two fire strikes
>genji gains a 2k hp shield
>absorb fire strikes
>rein has no shield and dies instantly
Mauga is literally the same way
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I can always quit the game
i thought you quit already
or was that the other lena lover
The only way to quit OW2 according to /owg/ anons
>be enlightened by drugs
>literally die
the one season i quit i regret the most because i missed out on mythic tracer
counter play isn't bad, and you deserve punishment if you're dumping into absorbs.
Just get some mythic prisms and get her now while you're playing.
you right, better in bursty chunks, like his charge slam
i want mythic ashe tho and last season mythic mercy was p cool
i have the sserafim tracer skin
I got that for Brigitte and Sombra and unfortunately Kiriko despite hers being mid and having other better skins
i only use sombra and tracer i like infinite ace dva skin bc im in mech 99% of the time and i dont like the ssefarim mech skin
I mostly use the Porche skin because VROOM sound effects on boosters
Reinhardt is the Mercy of the Tank role.
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theyre first mistake was trying to make a character obviously inspired by fighting games in a game where 99% of the player base is so mentally weak that theres a 50% chance of a leaver after the first teamfight
In what way? Being easy or having a simple kit?
ive said this should be a thing for the longest but then you get characters who probably cant make use of it nearly as much like a winston trying to land on more than one person to get overhealth or dva who would be on par with sigma if you let her gain overhealth for blocking with matrix vs getting it from booping into the enemy.
if theyre buffing winston then for gods sake PLEASE make his bubble stronger or let his alt fire chain already
Having way too much mobility and not needing to aim
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And now introducing your DPS! Standing at 5 foot 4 inches, from London England! Have no fear cause the cavalry is here! LENA "THE TRACER" OXTON!
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holding off on coming back until i see how much of a nothing burger the new 6th round of "tank changes" are gonna be
in every way
Who asked?
Man. Maybe I am the retard of the player class then since I like rein. and dva. and winston. mobility is key
holding off on coming back until they make tanks invincible
your mom in between asking me about my fat fucking cock and telling me about her worthless child.
anymore questions?
next patch is your time to shine tank anon
Thinking about Lena
My mom is dead.
Is she your wife?
I hope this is a build up to a joke. nta but sorry for your loss.
thats not a question
You don't have a cock
>Is she your wife?
you will kill nothing and you will be happy
now shoot the tank goyim
if youre shooting the tank your probably killing something
i made a headcanon where Lifeweaver isn't gay he's just beautiful as fuck and likes to fuck women from all over the world because he can
makes it much more fun being a LW main
I knew it. You are lucky to have her.
I fucked your wife.
(((big tank))) wants you to think this but real american patriots know this is debunked by facts and logic
This is some weird cope
It’s ok to main a faggot It isn’t really but whatever
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>"Welcome to Oasis"
for me it's Havana
Just own it dude. I main lw as well and don't give a fuck about him being a flaming flamboyant faggot. He is fun to play
This but Antarctic Peninsula
actually one of the worst maps in the game but people just aren't ready for that discussion yet i guess
what do you guys think keller's 6v6 bit will be?
I'm expecting him to barely mention it and just say it's not gonna happen without actually talking about anything
he could just explain how much work it would take and how it's better to focus on the main game modes instead

I expect lies, but streamers have already been using that line for over a year now
they need something fresh
hes obviously saying its not going to happen and to stop screeching about it. some mention of queue times, lack of players, rose tinted glasses and double shields.
sign me up
the fact that he's even mentioning it shows that they're aware 5v5 is a fucking mess
its a lose-lose either way if theycmention it or not but no, hes mentioning it because people are constantly screeching about it. the fact that he said he'll be addressing it an hour after they released a blogpost detailing their future plans for tanks and upcoming buffs should tell you that they have no plans for it and just want people to shut the fuck up and stop crying and accept the game for what it is and not for what it was.
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>Hey guys, we've been hearing about the want for 6v6; so we'll be making an arcade mode for 6v6 to give it a test run
If they are willing to include it, it has to be arcade mode at most. There's no way they would admit their mistake and backpedal totally.
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the pr team can't be dumb enough to write "rose-tinted glasses" into the script for him, right?
there isn't a phrase more synonymous with the nda campaign

I don't think you're wrong, but I also don't think that the blizzard dev ego has softened enough to admit it

I feel like they're either going to go all the way or not at all
otherwise there will just be a bunch of noise about how they didn't fairly represent 6v6 with balance or intentionally hid it to make it less popular
>hey guys we heard you like long queue times so we're doubling them
>the number of roles is the problem, not everything else
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>6v6 will never come to Overwatch 2. That is a fact. So we are proud to announce, Overwatch Classic! Coming out later this year, it will retain everything before Ana's release in July 2016! Please enjoy it!
Beautiful owg wives, shame they aren't mine
the reason they're addressing 6v6 is simple. They relied on their streamers to tell the sheep 5v5 is better but for the past year more and more of them have been vocally saying how shit it actually is. So now they have to step in with a new cope that the streamers can latch onto for the next few years )
(Probably engine related if i had to guess)
lmao that would be fucking hilarious but I don't expect it either
they didn't keep ow1 online specifically because they knew that people would migrate back eventually
so unless they think that the split-service model, like OSRS and RS3, will work then there's no way
if there's one thing they've confirmed, it's that they're fucking terrified of splitting up the playerbase and urging them away from the role-queue core mode
Thinking about that time I won British Bulldog in gym class 20 years ago. I was salaried, free lunch money, on a team. I'm probably better than current GM players.

Also I have no idea what ranks are in the T500 so I laughed at "GM" the other day even though that's higher than every tank T500, and nobody called it out.
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>ashe potg
>look inside
>bob potg
>over 9000 dps fth
>zen and tracer dying to widow's bodyshots
>suicide dva
>simple geometry
>level 3 turrets
>armor packs
wait what's gonna happen if we go back to 6v6 and you get 2 doomfist mains on your team
fuck yeah i miss that SOUL
yes but then they could blame each other for the tank diff
Talon SEX
I think keller talking about it directly is their only option left
their nda group is getting smaller and smaller
multiple streamers have been open about being a part of the nda group in the past and getting dropped without cause over the last year
I've seen clips from super and avrl posted here, but have heard other streamers talk about it live
blizzard's dependence on free labor, sorry I mean content creator support, to push their agenda is failing
they're having to cut players for stepping outside of the script constantly now
they ran another streamer patch and used custa and TQQ?????????
custa is one of the most blatant paid shills, and he's been on blizzard's payroll for years
who the fuck is TQQ?
that reveals how few people they trust now, they're down to so few that are willing to do their dirty work for free that they're having to use fill-ins
the original campaign is fucked, it was too obvious and it's hurting them more than helping them at this point
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Will they bring back the noose and rename the cowboy too?
they will but every time you pick McCree a trigger warning screen will come up
same thing as what happens when you get two mercy mains or two phara mains or two lucio mains or two tracer mains
one has to try and make it work on a different character or they throw a bitch fit and soft throw
imagine the PLAPS
>who the fuck is TQQ?
The most popular OW streamer in the world.
nah tracer onetricks are practically nonexistent, they all have a big pool of heroes they can play
you think she does facials and then freezes them so she can do humiliation rituals?
No that's weird
They should double down and do 2-3-2
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...ly hot.
yeah i agree
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>tfw no sombra wife
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Rein and Sigma are just as cancerous as other tanks but the only reason people don't hate them is because they are white men.
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>tfw no sombra sex
winston is black and cancerous and nobody hates him, explain that
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I was never able to find the source for this
Just pick bastion bro
People do hate hard Sigma metas and Rein metas though. Part of why they're not as hated on average is because they don't usually stay hard meta for long. But the times in OW1 where they were for a year+ it was hated.
Me either. Praying to get a sombra gf
We all deserve a Sombra gf. Everyone. Even /owg/.
i'm good
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Imagine yandere sombra
>she stalks your internet history and holds a knife to your dick telling you to stop watching porn or else
Yandere Tracer
Yandere Hammond
She’s too retarded to be dangerous as a yandere
Anon Yandere
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who the fuck is this yandere fella
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>not mercy
She could make it work so well. Her whole skill set is asking to be used as an obsessive stalker cartel rapist
One...two...I give up.
Literally me but unironically
nice tits
Hey, wanna play some games later today? :)
I love mercy so much.
I hate mercy so much
Need mercy sex, NOW
The duality of anon
>play Rein
>try to shield allies
>bastion keeps walking out in front of my shield
Not your fault. A shame some people don't have the capacity to think logically
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She's ready. Are you?
You do more damage than them, the shield isn't supposed to be a walk down mid ability.
I want her to take me even if I’m not
I miss Old Orisa
They split her into two different characters, neither being Orisa lmao
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4 matches
3 with leavers
1 with server unexpectedly closing and cancelling the match

does blizzard even care?
still upset im top 500 and you arent? i mentioned i was on a team, since you wouldn't accept that my account wasn't bought. and now you are acting like you could do the same but you haven't lmfao
Even if you're not what? Big enough to fit inside that XS sized condom?
Even if I’m not ready silly non consensual mercy reverse rape
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Even if the proportions are a bit exaggerated I need that fucking fat titted cow in my life.
you probably were covering his crosshair with your fat arse
>a bit

This is your brain on porn
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a bit?
off-model garbage
Imagine….no escape
ah, to be that mat...
i thought this was futa because mercy fucks me harder than the enemy team when im tank
Imagine dropping an anvil on her head while she was doing this
i am the worst deadeye user in the entire world
and i am a cass main
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how do you fuck up a quick reload?
how nigga you just press a button and it does the thing
You got top 500 in OW 1. Wheres your t500 now?
It was a fucking joke. Only a blind person wouldn't be able to see those are not of human size
>you got top 500 when people actually played the game
Just use it late in a fight. You should be actively tracking enemy CDs anyway.
>when people actually played the game
100 million players + f2p + steam release means more people actually play the game now. Lol
Unfortunately /owg/ has people who would say that seriously
you're braindead if you think ow2 (5v5) is more active than before. genuinely.
discord faggots are pretending to fight eachother to start a flamewar btw
But they've had the highest player counts? Millions of active logins every single season? I thought 5v5 was better?
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>more people actually play the game now. Lol
i think my positioning is also the worst in the entire world
people always get to cover at the last possible second
or i miss tracking one CD and that's the one that gets me
or i get cucked by suzu frame-perfectly
my personal favourite is when everyone else has gotten ult twice and i haven't used mine once
ow2 had more average daily players in the first month after release than ow1 ever had
a sequel had more daily players in the first month? that means ow2 is still more played to this day then.
this. it's f2p. it has more players. therefore OW 2 is more competitive than OW 1 ever will be. lol
this so much. overwatch 2 had more players in the first month, so that means it still does. also its f2p so that means more players, but i wont post source.
>people watching the game on one streaming platform are playing the game
this post is bad and you should feel bad

i play the game instead of watching someone play the game
guess that means i don't play the game huh
You're right. I should've been more straight about it. I do like looking at beautiful things but I am not one to jerk off to pictures on the internet for hours on end. But I try not to judge, I am not better than anyone else here.
>my game is surely not dead while the viewercount in games that have the same playercount remain the same, unlike mine
this post is bad and you should feel bad for being retarded
I just think 6v6 is more fun and structured. Don't really care if it's free2play now.
>reintard refuses to play dive with us against widow on dorado
Isn't Fifa one of the highest selling console games globally?
You don't have to dive a Widow, just shoot her while hiding behind Reinhardt's barrier.
6v6 is better, and OW S1-S10 had more daily players on average than OW2 ever had, despite it being free to play, and advertised to hell as a new game. The only people who are saying otherwise didn't play Overwatch in its prime.
reintards gonna reintard
sales != playercount
>6v6 is better
>and OW S1-S10 had more daily players on average than OW2 ever had, despite it being free to play, and advertised to hell as a new game
Do me a favor and post your rank please lol
Tanks were always the problem
>muh rank
I accept your concession.
retards fell for it
I accept you're a gold redditor, and your opinion is as equal as dog shit. I win.
Not having an actual tankline is an even bigger one.
The game would be better without tanks.
Nah fewer tanks is always better.
Having a grey screen is less fun than seeing a barrier.
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Forgot to ask someone?
>If I just say no and don't provide any context that means I win!
How hard is it to learn sfm or blender I want to make overwatch animations
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>blizzard finally kneels and decides to address 6v6
>sudden uptick in 5v5 shills
It's like drawing it's not hard it's just time consuming and looking like shit and looking ok will come down to study of things like how light works.
yeah, that's how it works when you post dumb shit that contradicts the facts:
>and OW S1-S10 had more daily players on average than OW2 ever had
>average daily player numbers for the first month were more than double the levels that Blizzard was seeing in the early days of Overwatch 1
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too many bad faith posters in /owg/ lately
I don't think it matters anymore. Everyone that didn't like 5v5 or ow2 in general moved on long ago.
more like uptick in discord faggots starting flamewars with the general
>>and OW S1-S10 had more daily players on average than OW2 ever had
>on average
>>average daily player numbers for the first month were more than double
>for the first month
do you not know what an average is?
Blizzard has never publicly reported actual daily, concurrent, or average player counts. They can, and will, say whatever they want about the current product as that's what impacts the share holders now. They would NEVER admit that OW2's numbers are worse than OW1. It would be a direct contradiction and conflict with their goal and job as PR staff.

Corporations are not required to tell the truth and more than likely lie far more often than they are honest.
>it’s like drawing
I’m fucked. So it’s going to be something I day dream about being good at but struggle to pick up because practicing is painful and not rewarding enough for me
You definitely don't.
Take your meds, schizo.
And there it is, their true identity revealed.
Fuck off
You wasted your time, he has a public dox on doxbin with 10k views. Good going.
You know there was that guy who claimed to be a former pro/coach tank player. The one that said they were pre-OWL and would get into shit flinging arguments about metas and hero balance in OW1. They ALWAYS insisted that they couldn't reveal any information about their accounts because they would "get in trouble" for it.

Now I see why lmao
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last time my queue times were this long, jeff was still around
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Now this is mental illness.
>posts public information of an attention whore thats already been posted 1000 times
and the only thing that justified 5v5's existence is no more
I don't understand why you'd bother, these people have no shame and only want attention.
The only way to beat someone like that is ignoring them.
it would've been worse with two tanks
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It's a shame. Even though my main hero is smiling, it's more about the pain.
>i know what will make tank queues faster
>needing to find even more tanks
It's just fluff drama to drum up views.
Tank queues aren't a problem though anon, you can queue tank and get a game instantly :)
Maybe they should just remove the tank role if nobody wants to play it.
this but unironically
TF2 is dead, anon. Your game isn't coming back.
>two people
anon...those are faggots not humans. we don't treat them the same
>shitting on someone for winning a $500 tournament while you have no earnings
>$24 is split between 7 people, and first place doesn't take all
Anon, it's quite sad you have spent your precious time in this earth compiling this shit up. I feel bad for you mate.
i unironically love our schizo
Most Top 500s can't win a Tournament so that is pretty impressive of Siztra.
Imagine if Kiriko was waisian
which one
Yeah, I am pretty sure there are multiple to choose from.
I dont
the russian tranny
kill yourself
I know at least three reasons to dislike him:
1. he's a tranny
2. he's russian
3. but he lives outside of russia
for me? it's the fact that the t500 troon jumped into an argument he wasn't even a part of because >>483844008 aka the post that started it all was directed at me, not him
Every post I don't like is 1 person
yeah, me
Have you guys played 6v6 before?
Two tanks made the pace of the game abysmal
>copies my own post from the previous thread
kill yourself tranny faggot
>Have you guys played 6v6 before?
>Two tanks made the pace of the game abysmal
that's why I quit, lol
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no you kill yourself
Anon.. but you said you loved me like I love Illari?
mauga watching me completely whiff lamp on him
If you can get a group of 4 surely you can get a group of 5 together and spare me the def loss
>dox reveals hes been posting on 4chan for at least 10+ years
>reveals hes actually top 500
>reveals hes played in tournaments with earnings
okay so why do we hate him?
he's a russian tranny and he's better at the game than we are, mostly latter
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a hero could save us....
Some support just aren’t worth using. How can they fix something like Brigette
that doesnt make sense because the original post was an anti-tank post and the russian tranny is a tank player
he's an avatarfagger who shitposts and likely cheated with his other CS tranny friends.

even if he was better than me, which i doubt it because most troons who play valve games are cheaters and especially ruskieniggers too, it still wouldn't change the fact that he's an insufferable discord tranny that should be publicly executed
a fucking leaf too?
the only one here shitposting is you, and if you actually think you're better than me at any fps game, then play against me in a 1v1 or post your rank. have you ever won any earnings in a tournament? salaried? top 500 in ow? faceit level 10? global elite? rank 50 in halo? anything?
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only fun brawl variant in ow2 is JQ holy shit get me out
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>the only one here shitposting is you, and if you actually think you're better than me at any fps game, then play against me in a 1v1 or post your rank. have you ever won any earnings in a tournament? salaried? top 500 in ow? faceit level 10? global elite? rank 50 in halo? anything?
>I am the one and only Adam
huh lol
>bitches for rein buffs
>stops playing comp as soon as rein is good
I don't think there's anything more pathetic than being the metro of tank players.
why are you just letting some discord faggots ruin /owg/
>I don't think there's anything more pathetic than being the metro of tank players.
There is: caring about what streamers do.
How'd you get your gun confiscated and why do you call yourself Adam?
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Hammond Ogundimu.
What do you want me to do about it?
Thought it was so funny I took a screenshot and now get to use it here
oh, yeah, throw the kirikotranny into the mix as well
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>again with this shit
Fuck that post WOMEN
can someone explain to me how adam can be a tranny
Why does everyone start chimping out once trannies get involved?
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I wanna lick her asshole and she's not even my wife! Neither is this latina hottie!
i don't care that you made $24 from being a benchwarmer on a fucking e sports meme team.

please use the guns you purchased to shoot yourself in the head, you'll thank me later. because when you hit 40 as a tranny you'll look like my scrotum after 3 hours in a mudhut sauna.
like i said, adam (siztra) is NOT a tranny
so this is why every sombra is up my ass when i'm playing widow...
>shitting on someone for winning a $500 tournament while you have no earnings
>$24 is split between 7 people, and first place doesn't take all
I knew the schizos would end up killing /owg/
They think they're super smart but in reality they're getting circles run around them by career shitposters
unironically kill yourself
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That is one of the reasons.
this made me laugh for some reason
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That’s hot
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Not until you dumbfucks realise any kind of post about these discord faggots is a win for them. Doxxing, tranny accusations, they don't care about anything, all you can do is starve them of oxygen.
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>spends hours researching a public dox
>i sure owned that ban evading shitposting tripfag that even moot has mentioned
sure got him
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you do realize that there are multiple discord faggots pretending to be other anons and schizos just to stir shit? but feel free to ignore every post in the general then.
Find me one tripfag that has ever been mentioned by moot, besides for Siztra.

Find me one poster here that is Top 500, besides for Siztra.
who is that
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Clearly the answer is to post about Overwatch.
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Lena’s cute ass
what the hell is that image bruh lmao u gay as hell nigga
if anyone wants to play overwatch 2 with me please add me on steam!

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How did you get steam level 500?
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>But you bought your Alice account with only 20 hours and Top 500
>Thats why you were top 500 in season 2 and 3 on your other account as well
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my wife
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I might just start reporting all of these schizo/offtopic/doxxing posts since I am a NEET and I tried to enjoy /owg/ with nice wife posters and eternal gold anons.
nice slipstream skin siztra
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oh, yeah, these schizo and offtopic posts are sure will be removed
I wasn't talking about kiriko or mercyhomos my man.
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My cute and playfull wife, Angela!
sir can you be a little less gay please
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Are you the one anon who wants nasty, disgusting, homosexually charged things with Sigma?
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If I was a disgusting homosexual mentally ill person. I would probably say Sigma is handsome or whatever you faggots do.
He is fun to play and probably one of the only heroes in this game I give a single shit about considering lore and background etc
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thats nice.
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>illari has a 55% win rate
They're gonna fucking nerf her again.
I hope they just make the M1 size smaller, it does feel too easy to hit.
is siztra our guy
depends on who (you) are
@siztra who is your overwaifu
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I need a big booty Illari wife with a good win rate guys
fuck i want to have hot passionate sex with the two women in the picture
which two of the three women in that picture?
the women
yes, the women, there are three of them so which woman you don't want to have hot passionate sex with?
? i only see 2 (two) women.
every one of the three people there is a woman
I see 2 women 2
you are a bigot
then you should get your eyes checked, or the head
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I hope they return pylon to 100hp because using virus on it was the best and now I have to do a couple pot shots first because virus on its own doesn't kill anymore
There's only two women in that pic and an enby
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>an enby
a woman
I need some autistic ventussy
They should leave that precisely because of this
What the FUCK is "enby"
Non binary. Look it up if you care. Shitpost if you don't
like tranny-lite
Thanks for the real answer. Sad that I have asked this on this general before, but why would I remember something that doesn't affect me.
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>me under that car after hearing other anon got Illari's phone number and her asshole
Surely Aaron Keller wont just regurgitate blizzdrones points about 6v6 queue times ( despite mine being similair to OW1 content droughts) and Rose Tinted Glasses TM. Addressing the elephant in the room and not doing anything about it is worse than the current 6v6 media blackout.
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How do you respond in this situation?
I mean it's a yes or no question so.... yes or no
Echo saying that is pretty funny considering you both probably didn’t interact that much
Used to be a D.va main but I'm tired of playing tank
Been trying all the DPS and Tracer feels the most like D.va to me
As Ghost? Just ignore it. You already won.
You raped them. Also they are so mad they wrote that.
Probably not screencapping it and posting it on 4chan
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>regurgitate blizzdrones points about 6v6
to be fair, those points were written by blizzard's pr team and given to streamers to use since 5v5 was first announced
so the points keller makes will quite literally be the shill points, since his team came up with them
>no mcree , no sombra, no brig
I would say get me the fuck off this team and get me out of this lobby

I would like to see this. But I am not using twitter so. Woe is me.
But it's funny
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if my team is shit i simply won't play, I will do the sit down emote outside of spawn and wait for the game to end
I will not waste my time in an unwinnable QP or Comp game. Simple as.
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Have you ever added/played with an anon from /owg/? How did it go?
I just swap to Doomfist and feed
They can't report me because maybe I'm just shit at playing Doomfist
we got married
based, its always funny when the shitter that caused you to lose says "report anon for afking" then the the rest of the team just shits on them anyways.
Someone picks ball I instantly stop caring
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I haven't but apparently a guy played with a few people and they just spammed stuff about sex at him
So I wouldn't bother
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So is this obsession with other /owg/ posters a mental illness thing or just a general attempt to simulate social interaction?
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"If there's a God, he's going to have to beg for my forgiveness" - Gabriel "Reaper" Reyes
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post Amari girls
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Baby making sex with Ana
i report everyone for gameplay sabotage, even if there’s a chance they’re new or bad
Maybe brown sugar is really my kind of sugar..
Some anon said I needed to add that to my black coffee and I am beginning to agree.
just make sure its african brown sugar and not south american
>not both
and yes, mexico is south american.
Do you think Blizzard is actually taking people's concerns seriously? Or with Pharah's actress keep her job anyway?
Brown is brown.
If it melts in my cup, it fits on my c
her VA might be literally mossad, but im glad blizzard isnt giving into that crowd. It would be a nonstop tantrum to make every new hero an obese tranny (even moreso than it is now)
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