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Last: >>483873846

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>Lycaon Character Demo

>Billy Character Demo

>Nicole Character Demo

>Anby Character Demo

>Nekomata Character Demo

>Grace Character Demo

>Koleda Character Demo

>Rina Character Demo

>Solder 11 Character Demo

>ZZZ stickers
This is the one
we are back
Where's the Edition this time?
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Demon cunny
Whoops, misspelt the name there.
Soukaku reminds me of these cunnies
Shame that's she's only a 4 star.
why aren't any of my favorite ecelebs reacting? tectone was the only one
FGO is the only gacha that has top tier loli designs. Chink gachas can't even come close.
Vandalized thread. Move to the real one:
Bro, it's a single letter misspell. We'll recycle yours later.
Go back.
You remind me of Hertaschizo.
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Lucy and Piper getting loosened up with my pipe
wanna spank her butt with my metal pipe
(a literal metal pipe)
So what is SF collab about? anything concrete yet?
I hope this game have ass shots
This is my first time playing one of these games on release
How does rerolling work? Do I need to make multiple accounts? How would I link it to my mihoyo account if I need multiple?
wuwa lost
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5/17 of the officially acknowledges characters are cunny, 6 if you count soukaku. How do we feel about this?
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We used to get ass shots at the ending of any battle, but they censored it and replaced the end with a big ass text WIPEOUT
Salt your email so you need only one email for preregistering new hoyo account.
twitter is going to have a melty
Love the Idol group but the ratio is fucked. Part of ZZZ's appeal to my is the eclectic cast and branching out from the "4 base model" staleness of Genshin/HSR. I also like buying GK figures and don't want a bunch of little girl figures, I want big tittie hags and badass action set pieces.
Watching the SF collab video right now, the parry effect and time window looks really fucking similar with ZZZ.
It would be pretty good if they kept that ratio
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what do we think of this
It's actually pretty insane how quickly gays managed to drive out most normal people from broader social media by how openly gay they act about everything.
I agree about wanting character variety but I don’t like hags and I will be overjoyed if the cunny ratio stays within 1:3-1:4
What's the chance are that we can't used our combat characters in overworld is because ZZZ want to sell cosmetic for our MC?
You can dress up your character in SF6.
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I’ll sell my soul to dawei if it sticks
I like seeing the characters in the world doing their own thing it will make the city more alive
Is Dev talk, not a gacha Collab.
Imagine the seethe from nintendrone if Genshin actually already big back then and they actually invite BOTW devs into this same collab for Genshin launch day.
isnt waterkuma like only draws loli, I only remember his stuff from gfl and azur lane.
Not really he is the one who did nicole
I want to know what they mean by hard. What did they put into end game that would make people quit earlier?
He does some non-loli but he’s pretty into cunny. These are by far the hottest I’ve seen out of hoyo so I’m really hoping they follow through
ZZZ is like persona, has the same gimmick, literally telling you to pick wise.
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huh i checked his twitter and saw that he likes drawing cars and vehicles. I always appreciate artists that does that, same with toriyama with this detailed cars/guns.
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Why are there female furries? I'm sick and tired of the fucking furries. Go fuck animals somewhere else. Fuck zoophiles. Fuck homos. Fuck furries.
waterkuma is a genius
I miss him like you wouldn't believe anon
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Yeah I told a user that hoyo is pandering to lolicons by hiring waterkuma and they did the good old

>Fiction effects reality

oh boy I can't wait to see them having mental breakdowns online over this
I advertised our game in /wuwa/ and they thanked me
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hers one of his cars anon.
I hope the alt outfits apply to most characters and not just a handful for whatever reason.
we need a zoom and enhancement
BASED jannies.
we won wuwabros
In the storytime on /a/ earlier this year I was reminded how well he could draw cars robots and mechanical things in general
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Waterkuma draws mostly lolis but he does do hags too on occasion
we are back
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>and enhancement
holy fugg
kek hoyotroons seething
Time stamped for you
I mean makes sense he wouldn't only draw lolis since he is working with hoyo he will have to design a wide variety of characters
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threadly fuckfox
>literal handlebars
she is a skunk...
Jesus christ I was trying to comprehend wtf that pink tripod robot was and thought it was the focus of the image. My dumbass, it was just a sign from a side view.
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>What did they put into end game that would make people quit earlier?
Must be abyss clone, gate keeping your money source in story mode is a bad for revenue
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I mean you know that there are furries in this game from the get go, and yet you chose to play so stop whining
So go play a different game? Why are you participating in a thread about a game that contains things you do not like?
Reminder: No homos allowed. No furries allowed. No trannies allowed. No hoyotroons allowed.
Most of the time? yes.
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Damn Ellen's here too on the left
Wuwa refugees are welcome.
>only 1/5 of the post are filtered
Kinda good actually.
underage enjoyers won
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I was saying it affectionately but it seems like I triggered the poster.
Yep A ranks, now will I get those 2 off banner or will I have to wait for a rate up? wish me luck bros I want to get them day 1
aww ellen has friends outside of her group? She seems like a regular high school girl lhere.
>no hoyo players in a hoyo game
See >>483941354
Kys hoyotroon.
I love photo backgrounds
Abyss is worthless and a net negative for game currency if you have to roll for characters to complete it. Roll for who you like and play the game for free. Force them to make real end game content like 40 man raids.
Considering her attitude at her group she probably hates her job.
just reroll bwo you can skip the entire story now
>stop playing hoyo games in a hoyo general reee
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Sorry my lack of sleep made me misunderstand you have this shark girl
who is S then
i wonder what style is the girl here? with the bubble socks, is it just goth?
Eh, its hoyo game.
I roll for whatever I like because most of the rewards content are event and quest related, not guild raid or pvp leaderboard.
Do you think anyone will just not play this game because you don't like it? Just how retard are you?
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The duality of man
I want to use my hsr account for zzz too but if needed I will reroll
see >>483941354
You are not welcome here hoyotroon.
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>MFW a retard in this thread responding to hidden filtered post.
is this guy ever sleep, I always see him spamming
surely a standard banner character
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Mia in ZZZ when?
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And maybe this guy too
>Linked the same post twice
You just proved how retarded you are. lmao. WWcuck, your game will be a ghosttown, population:You in a weeks time.
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mindbroken by hoyo
love to see it
Honktrannies not welcome here.
You know this is a hoyo game right? Are you retarded
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sup /zzz/
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CHAD homo furry tranny hater and BASED
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You can't make me leave.
Honkeks see >>483941354
>/hrtg/troons are the ones shitting up this general
who would have thought??
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>check the zzz hashtag for some fan art
>some people overreacting about the gacha characters being in the overworld
I thought persona 5 was popular among normalfags??
That's why we have to gatekeep the general from hoyotroons.
Zzz will eos before w*w*
Human Ibaraki
what will you discuss then if you can't even talkabout zzz? just nonstop wuwa shill posts?
zzzbabs, wuwachads are laughting at us
Maybe Yami Kawaii
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This game has a concerning amount of underage characters
what does laughting mean, is it some indian word?
So, how is this game different to PGR, HI3, AG, SnowBreak? Is it just the hoyo label and money?
Correct. We should leave while we have the chance and migrate to THAT game
Yeah, not quite enough yet, I'm a little worried
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Says the girl from a series where only 4 or so characters are 18 or over.
Is this end for hoyo since they is doing pandering for furries? Hype is zero for zenless zone zero.
Probably Indonesian
twitter can't cancel us if twitter isn't in china
why are wuwapags so threatened by zzz? it's not even a similar game
There doing omnipander shit thats why genshin flopping and losing
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This game has a concerning lack of underage characters
They failed to beat genshin and now are looking for another target
Once all the tourists leave, the general will die and move to /vmg/ and the game will EoS in a year or two.
Yep just like that other hoyo game
Why is this furshit game not have open world? I think zzz will flop hardest
Wouldn't be funny if zzz was a success in spite of all the content creators dooming while wuwa wasn't able to take off despite all the shilling online
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Who are (You) hoping to get from the beginner banner?
It won’t be. The overlap between Waifupng collectors and action game enthusiasts are very small.
Yes just like hsr eos after a year
>not even 20k viewers in livestream
Not looking good zenslop bros
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I'd like to get koleda or nekomata so I can guarantee the other from the selector
Almost like western ecelebs only have a certain amount of reach. All the gigawhales are in China and Japan anyway.
Hsr is a good 4-in-a-row game.
Time will tell who's right
Cuter than paimon
We won wuwaCHADs
How would you rate the JP cast of Zenless?
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where did we see this before...
Define zero because it's definitely not zero unless your standard for hype is literally only the biggest titles ever. I keep saying this but it's clear that ZZZ is going for a more niche audience to get away from competition from those games. It will have more focused pandering and less safe designs rather than try to create something that appeals to literally everyone so that they can talk about it openly on social media if they want to appear "normal". Like FGO/NIKKE/BA etc.
Victorian house keepers to fill out the faction. Kinda sweet they're all standard besides Ellen Joe. Soldier 11 seems so fucking generic, but maybe it'll change when I see her in game.

Do we get Anby for free? Thought she was S rank but I guess not. She feels like Soldier 11 with 5% more personality from what I've seen.
ghost maid, furry or nekomata
Don’t need time. Just need to look at the past. Action game waifu collectors like Dragalia Lost and Nier Reincarnation have failed.
>/hrtg/ trooms already invading
already popular on china while on CBT2 western doompost the game china still believe they will deliver
Don't pretend that hsr wasn't doomposted just as much before it released. Everyone was saying the game would flop because it only have 2 skills and saying it was a bad 4 niggas in a row
Lycaon and Rina, planning to also roll for Ellen on her limited.
It won't flop
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I just find it funny how overshilled WuWa was, when everybody knows it would be a guaranteed flop. Like most of the YT channels I follow have uploaded like 10-20 WuWa vids, both pre-release and post-release. On all these channels the vids did terribly.

People simply have zero incentive to pick up a Genshin clone when they have already played and/or gotten tired of Genshin.

On the other hand, ZZZ is fresh for most people. A lot of players never touched HI3 or PGR so they have no other gacha to compare this to and will be more inclined to stick with it.
Hoyolauncher or EGS for best experience on PC and least amount of data going to China?
wuwa has exploration and better gameplay, why would anyone play this furry game?
The precedent is not looking favourable for you, but if that’s what you steadfastly believe, I won’t change your mind.
lmao dumb burger
Hoyoplay, one less account to create if you don't have an Epic Games one.
we are doomed
>only have 2 skills and saying it was a bad 4 niggas in a row

i mean it is
hsr is carried by genshin's clout, no one would care about it otherwise
It's the same shit anon just go with the one you prefer I don't want EGS so I installed the houolaucher
>Is it just the hoyo label and money?
kind of
hi3 is just really old and nobody is gonna start playing it
pretty much the same for pgr, and the game is dying
not sure what ag is
snowbreak is nice for coomers but is lacking in gameplay, I played ir for a few days myself

ZZZ is made by hoyo (everyone knows they're reliable), so the quality + shiny new game will make people play it
Dragalia Lost had really safe and cutesy designs, I remember seeing it and not being interested. I never even knew Nier had a gacha, that's a marketing failure on their part.
>Open World = OpenworldSlop Meme bad game DOA
>No Open World = Hallways simulator DOA
>Turn Based = Niche/Boring/Simple DOA
>Action Based = Button Mashing DOA
>Too many Hags/Fags/Lollis/Furries/Character types I don't like = DOA
It's almost like any game will be over zealously doomposted from initial preview to the time it dies
Agreed, you should fuck off from this general and never comeback then
zzz's for this feel?
People said the same thing about HSR being a JRPG. In reality all of these genres appeal to straight men so they're just taking these popular genres that appeal to men and slapping tits and lolis into them.

The genre isn't going to be what causes the game to be a success or not, it's going to simply be how good of a game it is and how appealing the characters come off beyond their surface level appearance.
Character designing from this game is not appealing to me. Wuthering waves clearly has better character cast and that is the only thing that matters the most in gacha.
Sorry anon best I can do is armpit catboy
Yes but people keep trying to rewrite history and pretend there wasn't any doomposting about the game
Billy has a gun but thats the only sharing characteristic
Does the weapon banner follow hsr or genshin
>no heckin free stuff!


what the fuck do they think a gacha game is fucking charity?
>not enough free stuff

what's with these people in every game
He is right Hoyo will regret for not gatekeeping homos, furries, trannies and pedos
Zzz confirmed flop
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Still just looks like furries talking to a penis.
>not wanting more free stuff
Imagine being this mentally fucked up by mihoyo
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They want to be have all standard characters Ellen and zhu without having to use their gems or whatever they are called in zzz
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Absolutely agree with this CHAD
This is why it was important to gatekeep this game from the hoyotroons since they are nothing but cumslurpers who jack off to homos, furries and trannies in their game
The characters and story is so intensely boring in WuWa. Decent combat can only get you so far and if I want to play a game for just the combat I'll go play Devil May Cry or Bayonetta and at that point none of these gacha games come out looking great, but that isn't really the point of them.
When the barrier of entry is nothing you get a lot of crying poorfags, mostly NEETS, underage and third worlders.
Of course more free shit is always good for the user, but stamping your feet and crying for months on end when you can pretty easily gauge freebies is pointless and childish. People have been shitting and screaming over Genshin's stinginess for half a decade and literally nothing has changed. If the game is locking too much content away from you, or you cant effeciently manage your in-game currency, stop crying and move the fuck on to something more "affordable".
80% of gacha players play because of the rolls (gambling)
so they're always the ones moving on to other gachas and keep complaining about pulls, some of them are addicted to rerolling and making multiple accounts too

keep in mind these people are often poor and are just f2p, so they always want more
>i only play games for gibs

holy zoomer
man homos is really pissed off with this game based waterkuma
Alexandrina, hope they put bunny suits in this gacha like in BA/AL
who's this furry mascot? I thought discount Dante Deadpool is one of the main mascots of the game
Homos, furries and trannies should be removed from Zzz and it will instantly become good
They can't even afford 5 bucks for a pass that's often times is more than enough
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They are not happy...
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the strongest kot
>80% of online spergs
Fixed desu
Online talk does not affect anything desu, the only people affected are also online spergs (generally a poor class of people)
Holy fucking based the lolis will filter all the normalfags
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>cool but kind
You could just extend this to f2p in general. The people who spend are the ones investing into the vision of the developers though. The gacha that succeed and sustain themselves are the ones that are giving the whales playing them what they want to keep it going. The F2P model is just there to draw in more players who act like a marketing vehicle for the game.

However, the more niche a title's appeal is the less marketing you need because the people who like said niche will be always actively looking for games that appeal to them. It's why being the first high budget 3D gacha game that makes an appealing furry character suddenly has every furry jumping on it.
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unironically filtered
wuwa "exploration" literally makes you hate exploring because you have to run through the same routes to farm your echoes. It's a terrible take on open-world.
Realistically speaking, Is Loli well received in china?
>NOOOO you cant have cute girls
>WOOF daddy furry doggie wooof woof :3 yiff
I hate women so much its unreal.
>free stuff bad
Mihomodrones already sucking da wei cum
Of course it is gigger that is cryinhg about this. They are the worst of all hoyotroons
Hopefully we both get the kot here as well Izana-GOD
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cat boy because they're both pubsex
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>I hate the game because it doesn't give me more free gambling coins
Yes. There's no screeching about it, not even the radfems seem to care
Based, keep whining harder
Probably not by the general public but their nerd and gaming spaces don't freak out over it like ours, same for nips. Freaking out and crying over drawings and fiction is almost entirely a Western thing.
what did tectone reply to him?
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>i-it's gigger
many such case
I hope every single gigger homo ropes himself after seething about lolis
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he doesn't know.....
made for BBC (big brother cock)
We do not take kindly to hoyotroons here
Tectone said he was going to fuck his mouth and lost the argument due to resorting to an insult
while Wise watches.
Why do normalfags hate children so much?
>tfw no Belle gf
why live
That's because radfems basically don't exist. CCP literally goes around banning their online spaces.
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I bet this user is a fujo shotacon
>Tribalism over a consumer product
Shut the fuck up
shouldn't the primary focus of a player be, you know, the actual game
not muh free stuff
Go back to simping for wormsthesly, giggro
Good. Normalfags need to know their place.
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come at me bwo
literally me except might get the pistol lady as limited instead
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It's time
>favorite ZZZ character
>are you picking male or female mc
>A hidden filtered post just reply to me
Aw, cute.
This game is different and not like your homo tranny slop
See >>483941354 and >>483942051
There's plenty. Sure they cracked down on that 6T4B or whatever it was called, but there's still plenty of manhaters screeching on xiaohongshu and other sites. But most of those types are focused on scamming actual men right now
No anon you don't understand I have no self control but I ALSO have no disposable income so I keep spending my free pulls impulsively instead of saving for the characters I want! You are obviously a chinese bootlicker sucking Hoyo's cock if you're content playing these games that I am foaming at the mouth for more content from.
>The western audience we’re getting are the racists BApedos that treats gatekeeping as a sport and attacks the LGBT unprovoked
I'm not even really a cute&funny type of guy myself but this is funny as fuck.
>female mc because I'm a trans lesbian
Lycaon of course.
Hoyotranny has to use filter like a sissy
Makes sense you play a game for femcels and not a real man games like wuwa
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Seems based to me, nobody wants your kind around
idk about favorite, but I'm playing Belle. I picked Caelus in HSR and regretted it ever since.
Male MC like the GOD Caelus
See >>483941354 and >>483942051
Kys hoyotroon
That's delusional. In fact they're adding two more males, with more furries coming in the future. You might as well quit right now if you can't stand furries and homos.
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>Another hidden reply
didn't read lol
i keep having to block these retards when i'm looking for art on twitter
literal subhumans
hoyo BROKE you
That gatekeeping makes their community peaceful and drama free from the inside. Like a hornets nest that's calm and collected but swarms when a potential intruder is detected.

More communities should be like that.
Koleda > Rina > Grace > Soldier > Neko
If I pull the homo ill drop the game. Unironically.
Your kind isn't welcome here, hoyotranny gigger
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do not filter others
be the person who gets filtered
uh oh insecure wuwunigger spotted
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I've been telling users every so often that zzz is pandering to cunnychads

Their seethe grows larger everyday like a tumor

soon they will shit themselves and merge into a hivemind of seething blob of flesh and inflict their virus upon the twatters....

*frank sinatra voice* in other words
Melty soon much like Fire Emblem Heroes but it will do nothing.......it's.....futile
If you're getting BA fandom to swarm you then you're bitching and whining about something the game has in it by design. That usually is coming from women, homos or trannies.
wuwa shit all over gayshin
gayshin is for homos and furries and trannies
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>/hrtg/trannies already crying about gatekeeping
I hate how rabid this place is about literally anything that doesn't fit [your personal preference]
Damn maybe there is hope for a good Hoyoverse game community afterall.
Kek there's a reason why their general is the toilet of /vg/
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aw there goes another one
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nigger i don't care how heckin based and epic you think you are for arguing with 12 year old trannies on twitter about BA, stop shoving your garbage on my feed
See >>483941354 # and >>483942051 (You) #
Kys furshit
Then leave and find your hugbox elsewhere
Then you're just asking for your fandoms to get infiltrated by the same people who make mihoyo fandoms complete cesspools of toxicity who spend more time bitching about other people who play the game than the actual game.
such as?
You are not welcome here. Find a sapespace on leddit
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Lycaon official merch when?
>who spend more time bitching about other people who play the game than the actual game.

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Gatekeeping a video game, or any virtual media for that matter, doesn't work. You can't stop someone from downloading and playing. It just makes you look like a schizo that lashes out at everything. That person may stop interacting with you, but they're not gonna stop playing the game
Not ironic, because you're the killer hornet pulling up to a bee's nest and wondering why the bees look so pissed off and they'll never let you see the inside of the hive where it's calm and happy. Because you're an intruder that they've detected.
See >>483941354 and >>483942051
Kys furfag
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Lycaon anal buttplug would sell like crazy
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I wonder what will be the biggest shitposting wars
>furry vs normal people
>mc wars
>yuri vs self insert
>loli vs hags
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Reminded of that dude who thought life was a fvn and got pissy on his vacation because his friends wouldn't fuck him. Lycaon will always make me remember that moment in time.
I don't care if they play the game or not, as long as they don't interact with me, that's enough
It will be the general name
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>official hoyo merch
They are extremely slow at rolling out licensed merch. You'll have better lucky with GK figures (unlicensed but not aliexpress garbage). Even then HSR seems to be getting all the GK figure releases these days. ZZZ has like five up already but we'll see how popular it remains for studios.
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The character that saved zzz
how so?
I hope ZZZ won't be slow when it comes to merch. Just Bangboo plushies alone would make them bank.
It work
You are already seething, homotranny furlover
I'd take him with either the gay cat ears or the gar armpits, but both is too much. I guess it makes sense they're leaning into their target audience with this one though.
Why would I leave just because you are uncomfortable? It's not my problem faggot
This mindset is the reason why /gig/ and /hsrg/ turned into one of the biggest cesspools in this site only second to /trash/
Such a shame too since early /gig/ was fantastic
I hope he's a 5* but I'll still get him if he isn't
Reminder that Genshin is seen as a pedo game by normalfags, they don't know what they are getting into, KEK
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Pic related twin blades become a bow and that's pretty cool, lighter is cooler though
giggers hrtggers not welcome here
wuwa are welcome and our brothers
Who cares what normalfags think, I'll never tell anyone that I play any gacha games, they're all inherently degenerate
I can see his fanbase saying "All Cops Are Bastards except my husbando uWu"
normalfags are pedos when they are not showboating on twitter
But how would you stop anybody from playing the game or posting here? You simply can't
you don't understand how normoids function
if "the community" is not accepting them they fuck off
since "the community" aspect is one of the reasons why they bother with these shitgames in the first place
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I mean Genshin had tons of potential with Aranara/Slimes/Melusines in that department but only released fucking plushies and a couple blind boxes. But I agree, I'd take some Bangboo statues.
this shit doesn't work in Genshin or HSR, their playerbase is nearly 50/50 between men and women, how are you supposed to gatekeep that ?
Genshit is a game for homos, furries and trannies that why it is popular.Wuwa is the straight man game
thats a fucking boy
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Tell me how to gatekeep certain people on a website like 4chan. It's near impossible, which is why you get autists like the filterfag in /gig/, trying to block out all the bad posts. Your best option is establishing a new general somewhere else, like in /vmg/ or /bant/, and hoping that the annoying people don't follow you there.
Sons of Calydon figma line...
As if wuwaniggers spent the entire day shitting the general you can fuck off back to your general
>MC wars
>yuri vs self-insert
These are the same thing. Male self-inserters make female players really angry for some reason.
>loli vs hags
This is never serious shitposting unless it's a falseflag in gacha that also include omnipandering so I imagine most of that comes from a certain crowd that likes male characters
>furry vs normal people
Doesn't happen in Arknights so I don't think this will matter happen unless it's another falseflag or someone just starts spamming literal gay furry porn
you wish faggot
All anime is seen as Pedo by normalfags. Genshin just gets all of the heat because its popular despite having a fraction of the lollis with zero canon sexualization.

Even if HSR had lollis in bikinis even it wouldn't get a fraction of the heat Genshin gets because normies aren't nearly as aware of it.
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>Wuwa is the straight man game
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You can't gatekeep this game from furries and homos, we've been here since https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5WS9Ohb-fI
we are starting to surpass wuwa thread speed its over for them
We are less than a third of this game fanbase to think this general can gatekeep anything is delusional
The irony is a lot of straight men talk about how cool notSephiroth is compared to twinks in Genshin.
Fuck off gigger
Go simp for wormsthesly in your faggy general
That's because wuwa foolishly released double female waifubait banners but they are even more bland than Firefly in terms of personality.
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5 more days! Anyone got access to Lofter? My phone number is banned from making a Line account right now.
Genshit men are faggots, just like you
Calcharo is a straight admirable chad who appeals to male gaze
You don't gatekeep 4chan, the best gatekeep for 4chan is to simply not be the biggest game or general because that always attracts the schizos who will bait with anything for (You)s.
Lol didn't your game just got a new patch? is it so bad that you rather spend time shitposting here than play wuwa? that's grim
you have AIDS
>30 rolls during launch
Anybody gonna bother rerolling?
you spend a lot of time thinking about gacha men don't you
That's why shit like furries and lolis are amazing gatekeeping devices and developers should use them more often. If you're going to omnipander then don't do it half-asses so that there is zero doubt about the intentions of the developers.

The most annoying people who shit up fandoms are attention seekers who want to put themselves on a moral pedestal over other people. They are forced to either shut up or leave.
Which is hard with zzz for the mere fact that's a hoyo game that alone will bring the normalfags and schizos, if you wanted to gatekeep mihoyo games should've done with genshin
We are brother general with zenless. Hoyotroons from /gig/ and /hrtg/ not welcome.
I never reroll in anything desu so no.
I'll reroll all the regions on my account and use the best result
the 30 isn't for limited so its useless
true, though even slow generals can be ruined just by a few persistent shitposters
When youtube used to show age demographics on videos... whew...
Only if I get the furry guy from the beginner banner
No since I'll be using my hsr account

zzz truly is a omnipandering game
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Nah. I have money to spend if I don't get him
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or maybe because they think the only lolis in the game are potatoes not realizing that there are more than just 2 lolis in hsr

yes I mean the silverwolf body is a loli they are just in denial
>The most annoying people who shit up fandoms are attention seekers who want to put themselves on a moral pedestal over other people.
Nah I'd say there are more annoying people than that now. Like desperate shills from other games.
How much money will it cost me to get fat shark tail
Fuck off with the larp people on /wuwa/ make fun of zzz all the time
based metachad
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I will try to reroll for the wolf guy, yes. 1/6 is a pretty low chance, though. Hoping to also pick his C1 with the 300 pity.
It's even worse for small generals because all it takes is one dedicated enough schizo to destroy the whole thing
We had good generals before you trannies from /gig/ and /hrtg/ showed up
You are not welcome here
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Genshin is too safe. It tries to pander to everyone but it's in such a safe way that people can use arguments of plausible deniability. It has resulted in the community slowly degrading into a cesspit of toxicity and in-fighting that I think has genuinely hurt the growth and sales of the game at least in the West and killed online spaces and driven away most of the artists.

It wasn't nearly as bad in 2020-2022, not sure what happened after that to make it so toxic.
>no open world
It's a day 1 flop, Wuthering won simple as
>that expression
Lycaon would never object to making his master happy
lol no I've been in this general the entire month and you're fucking lying
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The same was said about /hsrg/ and /wuwa/ being "allies" as some weird thing to get gacha generals to fling shit at other I guess? It's pretty bizarre behavior, I don't really get it.
all gachas that aren't zzz are the enemy, quite simple.
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Instead of saying "this character is for yumes" "this character is for fujos" "this character is for hagfags" Genshin tries to do everything at once "this character is for yumes but also has a strong fujo ship but also close to a female character" so the fans eventually fight each other and nobody is satisfied.
Yeah it's a couple of shitposters trying to start shit it's weird
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ZZZs for this feel?
Same thing, because their reason for shilling another game is because they either don't like some aspect of the game they're playing or they think said game is better for whatever reason.
no we love cookie run here
So do you prefer the omnipandering here then?
none yet
>furry character
flop incoming
should have gatekept the hoyotroons and delivered a waterkuma masterpiece
Can't tell if ironic or not. Still hilarious.
>Most of them A-Rank so can't be avoided
This is gonna be great.
>hoyo money goes into new quality hoyo games
>kuro money goes into more dogshit
>Should gatekeep hoyotroons
From a hoyogames? Are you retarded
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Can't get a WeChat account for some reason. I tried reverifying my account and asked for a phone call with the code. It didn't do anything right after... I just want to see art. I don't know why Chinese websites have to be foreigner unfriendly. It's just an art site as well...
>kuro out of nowhere
/gig/gers and /hrtg/gers aren't very smart people
I haven't spoiled myself with the story, but I hope ZZZ won't fall into the same trap. Characters should be clear in terms of their purpose. People may not like it because it's a gacha game (traditionally aimed at haremfags) but if they're gonna omnipander, they might as well do it correctly instead of half-assing every character like Genshin did.
nigga the game is just old, what schizo shit is this
the vast majority of people that play genshin don't interact with the community in any way
This general just like every other homoverse tranny game general will be the toilet of /vg/, add in Wuthering Pooners aswell because it's just Gayshit Trannypact with a new coat of paint
stop being so obvious then wuwupag
Why are you here?
gatekeeping works wonders though. It worked with many subcultures. Always nip the troublemakers in the bud before it takes root

yeah, letting retards ERP in the thread should be totally encouraged eeks dee
Yeah I haven't spoiled myself too and I agree if you're going to omnipander go all the way. at least with zzz you know what you are getting in terms of characters from the start so if you do choose to play there isn't much room for complaining
Where are the ALLCHADS at?
I love cunny, I love furries, I love men, and I love hags. The rest of you are weak and will not survive winter
>Always nip the troublemakers in the bud before it takes root
got any concrete ways of doing that, or are you just gonna seethe and whine about outsiders?
Nta but I legit think you can't do this on an anonymous image board
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I like cool characters regardless of gender and body type
I do have some preferences and priorities when rolling though
so glad wuwa doesn't have this homotranny problem. hoyotroons were gatekept
As long as I find the character cool I roll I don't really care about anything else
Yeah but instead they have incelpag problem.
the best way is to use filters and never interact with such types of retards. Ignore them while they samefag to the void. Most of the time, these people only live for the replies and are never genuine.

it worked on /hig/ though.
Hoyofag celebrating his aids
What a sight to behold
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why do you keep coming to these homo generals then? feeling bi-curious?
Lol went there right now and one of the first pics is blade from hsr nice gatekeeping
why /zz/ but not /zzz/?
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I'm gonna pick Belle, she's so cute!
/hig/troons not allowed in this general
Op fucked and made a typo>>483912871
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kill all giggers and hrtggers
It's in the running for the official general name. We had that one two times now.
/zzz/ could never
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filters are fine for personal comfort, but you'd have to hope that other posters don't interact with the shitposters either. and if you try to get the whole general to use filters you'll just get bullied like filterfag
Male MC so I can hear her call me onii chan
Significantly better fate than becoming a hyper fixated schizo. Life is good! I have no problem with any of these characters, everyone is sexo
I look like this
>animations artist is hh artist
huh? based?
I want to see twitter seethe about the lolis. Post them if they start to catch on.
wtf is going on in /gig/
What is an HH artist?
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>maybe even worse tha HI3rd
do these people really? God I hope so. Fuck these faggots I hope these no-fun troglodytes stay away from the game.

Waterkuma is unironically based.
hag hentai
Damn, all this normie crying make me want to play the game even more.
did waterkuma do all the design?
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Can this retard not use a booru?
HI3rd is the smallest.
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>5 days
i cant wait bros
What are you guys doing while waiting?
As far as we know yes. I'm sure there's other artists with input but he's the lead designer.
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Took a few days off wageslaving to play zzz on release.
>look at these literally who comment with 0 like and comment
is this /vt/
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Finishing Penacony exploration and side quests
these niggers are mentally ill and obsessed with twitter for some reason
What does Zajef think of ZZZ?
working on my thesis
Blacked loli porn is disgusting since is always related to cuckoldry, "ugly bastard" theme or bestiality. I wouldn't call Waterkuma based, but I have to admit he did a good work in the art design
convincing /wuwa/ to play zzz
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that ugly bastard? Me
he got mindbroken by the mere mention of the word loli. no way he can handle ZZZ
You're unironically a pag if you want free Gibs.
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So you are the reason wuwa shitposters keep coming here to shit the thread. please stop
Is mindbroken a euphemism for extremely erect?
this 100 free rolls thing is really fucking stupid. Shouldn't they get blasted for deceptive marketing or something?
Is pre register for everyone or just for people who pre register?
Nah it's all explained in the fine print
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I am only one of many
Finally a good fucking post.
When are we going to get a Hoyo Fortnite clone? I want a half decent anime shooter/BR.
I don't know, a lot of countries acknowledge these kinds of tactics are deceitful and make them illegal when it comes to certain price tagging and contracts. This of course is not illegal because it's not neither but it is still straight up lying because they don't actually show the fine print together with all instance they say 100 FREE PULLS!!!
>I want a half decent anime shooter/BR.
Your Snowbreak?
Chance of twintail spear girl being dps
So... why are we getting a gay furry character anyway?
Their other games don't have that.
Because the devs want to try something new. Dumb question. If mihoyo kept doing the same shit over and over again then this game would be a chibi sidescroller.
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This gojo webm always make me chuckle
Maid or police?
Kek, gonna show this to the hapabitch next time I meet him
The maids are the dogs cocksluts
The police are the lynx' cocksluts
pick your poison
Very low.
There's already a female attacker in her faction.
Damn so this is the power of one of the few games that are bigger than Genshin. Not bad…
Zhu yuan, the banner after Ellen
lucy before she turned to a biker gang member
This. Why even force yourself to choose faction when you can just pluck out your favourites and put them together.
The game's easy enough, so I don't think the faction bonus will be that bad.
How hard is the reroll now that skip button is confirmed?
I would've, but my genshin and star rail account are tied together
and so will be zzz's
Nah it's actually pretty relevant, just like the enemy type weaknesses.
Unless you wanna sit there hitting enemies for ~15+ minutes I guess. In the beta I had to sit there for that long on one of the higher difficulty hollow zero bosses because I only had ice dmg characters and the boss was resistant to that, cancer as shit
Dont care about shark. The cop girl looks good though, is she good? Should I off load on her or wait for the foxian beauty?
>Lucy is A rank
>pink glasses is A rank
>mouse cop is A rank
>Caesar and Lucia canned
Who the fuck is there to roll for anymore?
Zhu Yuan is the only Ether attribute character besides Nicole currently in the game, and is also a DPS, but it's 1.0, so.... I wouldn't count on her being too useful in the long run.
Ether anomaly also is the 2nd worst imo, just above eletcric, since all it does is increase ether dmg for a bit.
That's a good thing, just save up and E6/C6 the one that comes out in the future
I'm going to collect all robot girls in this game and nothing else
Caesar didn't get canned what the fuck are you talking about
pros: rare element (for now) speedy, excellent sfx and stylish pistol play
cons: no good team comp (for now), weaker hits and shots can be missed against more nimble enemies but fine against big targets aka bosses
So I know nothing about how characters work in this game, can I make any character work so long as I git gud with them or is there some meta shit and I should look out for specific characters?
You will probably have to switch characters around for good match-ups/stage mechanics for hard stuff (most stuff is not hard stuff.) 90% of the time you can just use whoever you want.
What does she do to not have a good team comp?
>2nd worst
huh? I thought all enemies in the content that matters are ethereal? Everyone was saying ether is broken as an element, only behind ice
did the pagspammer fall asleep or something
looks like he's NA timezone from his posting timeframe
every character will be invalidated by powercreep in 6 months except for the supports
her faction mates aren't released yet so no faction bonus as well as there are no good supports for Ether team on launch except Nicole
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How are we feeling about attack types existing in addition to elements and specialties (specialties are like HSR paths)?
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Why is her tummy so angry?
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Based enjoyer.
Koleda but I also hope I get Grace or Soldier 11 sort of early since otherwise I have no team for her except the one with Anton.
>its all physical
we'll never have magic types attacks in this game
>I love men
faggot kys
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ape is me
returne to monke
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severe lack of semen
Good. Actually , dunno if you'd consider Rina to be "magic type", but she's ranged and has strike as attack type.
Based BiGOD
we love cocks and gay sex here
rippling furrdaddy washboard
We need shota furs
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/wuwa/ doesnt want you to fuck a furry but we won't let them get their way
There are still zero small male characters in hoyo games so I doubt they'll cross the Rubicon for shotafur.
furries and lolis has filtered some CCs away from this game
that one little kid in genshin
We need a 3rd great filter.
Are you still pulling for a BBC coded loli like Piper?
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So we're just gonna pretend Aether doesn't exists now?
>bbc code posting psychopaths are actually right this time
these aren't potato-sized like klee, etc.
I mean Klee scale.
He's 16 at the youngest, not really shota based on everything I have seen in the past 20 years. Just a twink.
Good thing I'm black
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listening to the bomb rush cyberfunk ost
the Idol faction + character songs will do it
Belle's skirt is too short
>vtubers, furries, lolis
Who is this game for even
sex cat the hood rat whore
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>checked newest ZZZ tweet about Piper
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>2 furs
>both male
All males should be furs
The females can be whatever. You weren’t rolling on males anyway
Nah we need diversity
I had to endure open chested men in hsr now its my turn to coom
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One day, the kemo females will rise. I believe.
I at least want red Kamina
the nozzle for my penis
we need a full furr leopard babe
There's more views on your post here than them in total
There's virtually no demand for them. Almost all fur art is gay furshit, it's specific to gay men.
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she cute
post in heaven furrGOD
>doesn't say this after dozens of shirtless lycaon posts
>does say it after a single(1) female
bros i wanna predownload i wanna look at that icon and open that login screen and bask within the zone
soon my brother
3 days to go
please stop posting 3dpd
The white man marches forward towards lolis
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Well we found out. WuWa channels are already rebranding to ZZZ channels.
it's just youtube grifters hoping to strike gold with the algorithms
All the stores have a purpose so far and the new area has a beauty salon.
the boar nigga
Chances of this game surpassing WuWa in revenue in July after all the doomposting and shilling for wuwa?
added to the filter list, this image ran its course
Including furries, homos and trannies already ruined this game.
This one is a flop.
how do i unsubscribe from your blog
>in july
100%, due to the launch bonus
The probability is about 1 kakaurine
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>chance of hoyo game surpassing any other game from anywhere
she's gonna get nerd neck doing that eventually
It will be at the top thanks to Firefly.
Gayshit and Fag Rail are already set to fail, and so is Zenslop Fag Homo
Wuwa rises above hoyotrash
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Ellen, i like girls with fat tails
MC, so that belle would call me Onii-chan
Did you know that there is a new feature available to janitors that allows them to spam the cooldown timer on "Get Captcha" for any poster they disagree with? The rogue janitor has been doing this for quite some time now if you call out the resident shitposter and thread spammer, which means they are both either the same person or the shitposter is friends with the rogue janitor.
>can make figures like this
>can't do the same for games
what gives?
>we only had 20k people on yt!

Keep in mind wuwa had 400 people watching on twitch and 35k on yt.

We had 15k on twitch and 45k on twitter live of all places.

So I think it wasn't that bad as WuWa was shilled by so many CC and ZZZ was doomposted
censorverse didnt make the figure
>black guy and man in dress
Dunno if you know this, but making games and making figures are 2 very different things
And that figure is not official
this is official mihoyo merch by the way.
by being on the filter list lole
had to use an American stream
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>pre-cucked mihoyo
those golden days yesteryear
the future was so bright
>can't even discuss your own game in your own general, everyone else is rent free
Can't wait for the 4th and 5th game from nu-hoyo, those threads will be talking about 10 games and none of them will be the thread name.
Mihoyos animal crossing will filter many because it has no combat.
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Star Rail had even less than both on yt and the game is doing great.
>shitposter is friends with the rogue janitor
this is more likely because I have definitely heard about an incident like this in either /gig/ or /hsrg/, don't remember which one
but it seems this is the same shitposter
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Female MC for full yuri experience.
Is there a countdown for the release of this game?
Is new match 7 a good cope replacement for RM on Firefly team?
She's cute. That's about it.
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Kill yourself transbianfreak
4 days too long
Love yourself, Yuri Queen.
She'll be taking ratio's spot because I've heard she's far less upkeep.
Wow, only 4 days? No wonder the thread is so active.
can confirm now this is true because as soon as I posted this >>483957440, I got a cooldown timer I have never had before
sadly, it has to be like this because hoyo games always attract the rabid anti-hoyo schizos
lol I wouldn't be so sure about this. I remember browsing /acg/ and it was much, much worse due to all the scatposting and goreposting despite being a comfy game
>shitposter friends with trannjanny
so, the generals here are already doomed
vmg is the place to have comfy threads
>these are the type of ppl that post on hoyolab

What does the average 4chuds here in /zzz/ look like?
If only I had a girlfriend.....
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But why?
Based sexfox appreciator
Cherish yourself
Why are there so few characters?
ZZZ character don't look as detailed as HSR or even WuWa.

They look more cartoony, but in a good way.
I will do so anyway cause there's really no good cope alternative for RM
I'm holding everything for E6 kazuha/ruan mei and I will clear with 4*s. DPS characters are bricks.
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They literally just put this figure out in China last year and it came out in Japan last month. Femirins succubus skin from houkai gakuen.
does he really think falseflagging as an hsrg poster will work?
It's his signature shitposting pic. He's not even trying.
she would dump you for cheld
i just cant wait for the game to release so the usual posters from gig and hsrg recognize him right away and bully him out of the general
Are you ready for the uncensored mods?
Ask pooh bear Xi
I want to see Belle more, so I should pick her right?
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Why does pooh bear Xi allow this then?
>seething this hard over a (St)elle pic.

Grim, wait until (B)elle gets hers because she's going to be just as autistic!
Would you say the character is more Penacony or closer to Luofu? Which designs blows the other out of the water
Don't use mods day 1. The early banwaves will get you
these are really good
hopefully someone finds a way to put back pre nerf nicole, that is the only one i care about
Because that game is so dead and low profile that they take the risk of getting caught later if it means they might recover their dying game.
I'm just hoping event will not be full of casual minigames like GI/HSR
mica is lying to china...smaller company does the same mihoyo is way too big to hide
LOL. I can tell you right now that this game is literred with minigames. 3 of 4 events in cbt3 were just that. The 4th was a "give items to npc for gacha currency".
how important are the bangbros in this game???
They fall off immensely mid and late game. Their dmg is kinda valuable early game
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Depends how horny you are
bangbros are for shitposting and lording them over others
>(everyone knows they're reliable)
well they fucked up part 2's launch. glad that shitty dyke game died lmao
Bangbros sounds like porn website
>every reply on twitter is troons and wormen seething about lolis
Millennial nerds failing to gatekeep will be remembered as one of history's biggest tactical failures by future historians
All of their launches have been minigames because they want people to focus on the main story since this is probably the biggest content patch that will ever exist in the game.
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If this girl was added to Blue Archive she'd have thousands of fanarts by now, desu wa.
>Game comes out on July 4th
>A holiday

Why can't gacha games come out on a normal day for once?
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Who is the YANKING of ZZZ?
There was no way to gatekeep the flood that came after covid and people got trapped indoors. Just be thankful they're all broke retards who can't even outspend Japan on these games while getting dominated by China.

Gacha would flop out of its ass if the West tried to make one, which is why they don't.
Nobody gives a shit about 4th of July
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Gatekeep from what? It's rated T for Teen. This isn't a FE game that's going to imply rape every other conversation.
Gacha is a monetization system, not a genre.
Plenty of western games have shit like lootboxes, etc., which are gacha.
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If New Erudu was real what would you do
Clearly talking about this kind of gacha game based around character appeal
You know exactly what I mean. A game with an M rating could have someone getting chainsawed and half or bear fucking and they cheer but they freak out over lolis or even just sexy conventional women(i.e. Eve from Stellar Blade). They hate pretty much anything that would be made to appeal only to straight men.
/gig/ger brainrot
Smart yuribro
not chinese cultural export
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a real fire FPS would replace her by the time shes good
Immediately impregnate all furry girls with superior human DNA
In what world?
is he /ourguy/ ?
Soldier 11
Whichever one has the most incest lines
Bangbros is where you watch Bangboos bang boobs.
that is the resident wuwashiller, zbro
it's over....we lost
Asians are built different. They present cute girls and artists sexualize them. A tale as old as time.
Go back to Ɍeddit.
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Depends on context. BA fandom is actually pretty character aware and the girls that get the most art (usually) are the ones that actually resonates personality wise with people rather than necessarily who is the most attractive. Exception is like the bunnies but a good chunk of their art came from outside the fandom.

A lot of really hot girls get relatively little art because their character dynamics aren't very established and are hard to meme or get a feel for how they'd behave, like Hinata.
Posting twitter screencaps should be bannable offense.
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found the "black + red" schizo... and it is a wuwa shill lol
People also say that about nekomata because she was better in CBT2 and the fact that you can't make use of the backstab mechanic 100% of the time
no this time for real

where is the hype?
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there is no hype
>hype for an unreleased game
are you retarded?
Is that a fucking vtumor sukuna catgirl
Huh??? I don't think you know how this business works
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Why is it that we don't like wuwa specifically? And not some other gacha?
>getting rid of ZR
absolutely unforgivable
Why are wuwa shills here?

Go shill you game somewhere else when you are about to get surpassed by an unreleased game
It's the latest released gacha with considerable hype around it. And hsr and gi are also not liked, because they compete with zzz in revenue ranking
Because they copied Genshin and that makes us mad
Why would anyone want to go a site full of trannies and communists?
Based Allchad!
Why fight when we can accept that our superior game caters to everyone? The weak shall be purged
No one wants Western cockroaches playing this game.
kill yourself /hig/tranny
So why are you playing this?
I've never played that shit dyke game in my life, take your meds.
>Why is it that we don't like wuwa specifically?
Because it's garbage, and is only popular because retarded sheep bought into advertisement.
Just like communism.
Because I'm a weeb, that should be the only reason you're playing this gacha game.
Being a weeb does not make you not a "western cockroach", so again, why are you playing?
Make sure to write this in the IRC. https://www.4chan.org/feedback
I already did so myself. That's how the Aetherpagjanny got absolutely obliterated when he was spamming in /gig/ for a week straight.
I don't know but he's a pretty cool guy.
I stopped watching HSR youtubers because they're all massive faggots more interested in making up fake drama and with nothing interesting to say but this guy is cool. He plays well, he's got interesting takes, he's doesn't scream, he's not obnoxious.
Why don't you stop being a retarded woman and quit playing semantics when you know exactly what I mean by cockroach. Someone whose interest is based solely on grifting and social acceptance, hence why they would give a fuck about playing something only if it's "hype" or "popular".

Now kill yourself.
Whatever you say, Mr. Western Cockroach.
Likewise, retarded bitch.
Because we don't want the smelly turd worlders that play it. It's that simple.
Are you unironically a Chink?
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Lycaon is a pretty cool guy and the hate for him is forced
based qq poster
No way she's a chink, it's clearly some woman offended that I called Westerners who would want to play the game cockroaches and tried to do an uno reverso because like many women they can't identify with anything past surface level identity.

Hence why men don't care when women call us all pigs but women get madly offended if you make a generalization like "women can't drive" or "women are overly emotional". They take offense on the behalf of all women because they have genetic downs syndrome.
Sigewinne quest
Mirror Dungeons
Penacony chests and quests
She could be both. A chink living in Canada, Toronto, to be precise.
Insane how deep of a hole you're digging yourself based on literally nothing. Why are you so mad?
What hole did I dig, pray tell?
Minty is Canadian as well. https://archived.moe/bant/thread/20454245/#q20454791
because the resident shitposter and his trannyjanny buddy are both wuwashills who are intentionally shitting up the generals for hoyo games
Making up assumptions about me based on nothing and your weird superiority complex.
Minty is also a Singaporean of Chink descent. Could line up nicely with what this anon said. >>483961808
this should be posted in every thread because the resident shitposter gets super mad when people learn more about him and unironically goes crying to his trannyjanny buddy to get this taken down lmao
I already reported that trannyjanny to the IRC. I hope that paggot slits his own throat.
Do you think I'm stupid and have never interacted with women before? You're the only one who assumed anything without reason by assuming I'm a Westerner.

Which is funny because you roasties will usually call us all SEApags and Indians or something but that's not the most convenient strawman for this "argument" now is it.
we need ACK up in these bitch of a threads
doesn't count she is in tectone's sphere of influence
yes, he is a rogue janny who is abusing his position to let his shitposter friend shit up the generals while silencing people who call the shitposter out
now he even spams the cooldown timer
I'm going to make tons of throwaway emails.
I will spam mihoyo zzz every day, at least 5 messages, to remove the furshit.
I will have it in chinese to it doesn't get filtered by the english morons.
I made a weibo account just to stir up shit in CN community.
It's over for you furfaggot. Your time is running out.
Worse case they don't remove the furshit but they never release another furshit character
It's over for you
>now he even spams the cooldown timer
QRD on that? What do they do with that?
the game literally has arcade minigames
Based. We need less furries desu
you should also request they add black cocks and trannies since they are your fetish
basically, anytime you press the "get captcha" button, the cooldown timer is reset to 60 if you call the shitposter out
whenever you're on a new ip it does that. check your ips next time when it happens or you can continue believing that crackpot theory lol
>Epic Gays store
Please tell me there is another way to play on computing devices.
The thing is that all that will do is make them also flood MHY with just as much vitriol to get lolis removed. Then all the fanservice as well. That kind of behavior just leads to mutual destruction.
You’re the hero we need but don’t deserve Anon.
yes, their own launcher
your cope isn't gonna work
ips don't reset that often

IGN 10 min gameplay of 1.0 for those that are interested
pag is afraid people are catching up to his shitposting and his rogue trannyjanny buttbuddy
confirming what the other anon said
puffy shark nipples
bro I already watched this yesterday...
any other channel with different gameplay?
You'll never catch onto us bitch
I don't think they will care if the furry remains the most popular character
>soldier 11
I like both games but I'm tired of consol- I mean gacha wars.
Who are the free characters? Don't plan on spending on the pass or anything.
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The cunning hares accept for Nekomata and Corrin
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Here you go bro.
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Anby, Billy, Nicole, Ben, Soukaku, Corin, and potentially Lucy considering she's in pic related.
for 1.0? no this is the only one
Anton wasn't free in cbt 3, did they say anything about him recently or what? And dunno about piper
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Corin a cute
Ben is free too? where do we get him from
it's over
I have to wait for release I guess, hopefully more info and stuff from preload to keep the hype going
The ones slashed off are the ones that's aren't free.
Ben was free in CBT3
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From the event in pic related, the W-Engines left and right of him are for Billy and Anby respectively
Looking like a Billy, Corlin, and Nicole team for me desu
oh I see
then only lucy's on the air because of the freebies screenshot

my guess is that she's free from the main 1.0 event (similar to genshin/star rail giving 1 free 4* every 2 patches)
I really don't get the Soldier 11 one when Anby does it just fine and she's supposed to be the S one. Just one of the many reasons Anby looks better.
You say this but /wuwa/ is not in a better position either
They get shitposted 24/7
Visiting offline event at akihabara
I hate that I never have the time to go to these offline events... they're also never close to me either. I just wanna go to them for the merch honestly
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when's preload?
2 days before release
>The leg spread
>hand covering face
Yup, she is NTR-coded
Lynx boy POV
I have to say it
I love tight clothing and don't get the obsession with skin
Which "shitposter" is this? The gojo one?
god DAMN
They are giving the pink slut for free huh
What's up with Belobog Industries? Is this epic reference, or does this game take place in the same universe as HSR?
I play Genshin Impact and love Emille btw, not sure if that matters
they said in an interview it was a coincidence
it's obviously not, but it's still unrelated anyway
nice false flag
ganyu and noelle are great thoughever
>or does this game take place in the same universe as HSR?
No, they have nothing to do with each other. It was just a coincidence according to Zhenyu Li, ZZZs producer. Belobog is just the name of a slavic deity
mere coincidence according to the dev
Smart choice. I never got into GI because I didn't roll a Mona
>name of a slavic deity
For me, it's Perun Incorporated
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>no Raiden Mei
>no Seele
How will ZZZ make any money?
Honkshart expies are trash. We don't want them.
You forgot Bronya
No reason to play.......
>no Furryna
>no Fofo with a robot tail
Losing the motivation to play...
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>no fofo
Sugoi ne
That actually makes me want to spend money
Fuck the combined Hoyoverse, give me an actually original work
I hope we get some raiden expy, even if it's not too obvious
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Why did Mihoyo suddenly decide to make a coom gacha?
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It's literally the same effect. I like skin too though. Variety is the spice of life.
I'm sold.
gyatt dayum
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I can appreciate skin as well, it's the
>they're literally wearing burqas!
crowd that I don't understand
Very nice. Thanks.
Nobody says that with girls like Shenhe/Ganyu though. It only happens with designs that obscure curves and stuff.
With actually original characters
Seele in HSR is probably the most out of place character that only exists to make the 3 honkers fans happy.
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When they say that they mean pieces of clothing covering the good stuff, but hoyofags are retarded and don't realize this happens in all of their games.
nah I've seen those kinds of responses to Zhu Yuan in particular asking that she look like a stripper dressed up as a cop instead
HI3 used to be a coom gacha until Genshin brought in the transbians and women into the game. Then it died when they started pandering to those people.
>ass cape
this is shit
Kafka isn't a good example because it acts kind of like a skirt in the way you'd look up it to see the panties of some character. When you run it lifts up to see her ass or when you use her technique to start a battle. In a way it makes her design more lewd than if you just saw her back the entire time. A lot of MHY's designs do that.
it used to be coom until some kid reported them to the CCP and they got hit by the censorship hammer
by no means does part 2 or late part 1 designs pander to anyone else than men though
I'm seeing plenty of good stuff here already.
It would be boring if every girl was wearing skintight clothes.
They're also working with a limited amount of base character models so these little things hanging around are what make them look more unique.
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Why does every gacha thread turn into /hsrg/ until it actually releases?
>KAKA URINE talking for 5 hours about necking himself and le sad story is considered le kino!!!!11!1!

Yeah sorry but Luofu blows the shit out of Penisloppa. People are bored of Penissloppa so they are looking for new different games to try as we wait for Xianzhoukino.

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit story.

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside.
They just need to keep adding cute girls and the money will flow.
They need to do that because:
1. The crowd that Hoyo attracted with genshin are realizing that this game won't be full of homos and they don't wanna play it, just look at twitter.
2. Gachas with sexy girls + Hoyo's quality is an untouched market.
The irony of this post, this general is off to a rocky start.
Fofo is a Sucrose expy
the reddit tourist is asleep post the sans thread
Tags: Netorare, Bbc, corruption and Furry/bestiality
/gig/ /hsrg/ and /zzz/ are practically already one big general with the amount of crossposting and threadhopping
Do it
I hate c**mers so fucking much. They don't even actually care about the game, only about getting their dick wet.
I don't think rerolling is an option, they don't seem like they'll be featured in the launch version no?
Fuck off
edit fofo's face onto the green hair maid? Would be a fun OP I'll snipe it later
for me, it's old bastard police chief
HSR Seele was pretty inoffensive, she just kinda exists
HSR Mei got wanked to high heaven, they did not go 5 minutes without telling you how cool and strong and mysterious she is
You forgot the last one.
And no it's not the higtrannies
They are anon. it was said in the Livestream
>They don't even actually care about the game, only about getting their dick wet
I need the game to make my dick wet.
I'm sorry you don't have any libido though, must be boring as fuck.
Wrong, otherwise any old coomerslop would be able to get big and succeed. It turns out we want a good game AND coom in one package. Nothing wrong with wanting to see eye candy while you play your games.
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>hertaschizo is sleeping

Quick! Bake fofo bread!
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WuwaGAWDs run this shit
We might hate each other but you are not part of our retarded hoyo family
I didn't mind her until they started dropping a shitload of backstory and CG dialogues that added nothing to the overarching plot and made 0 sense to anyone not playing HI3rd.
Why the fuck did they drop character sidequests only to put them back into the main story when it ads nothing substantial?
They probably realized the story would be fucking short without a whole episode of aventurine backstory, or acheron babbling about things that are irrelevant to HSR.
here is the title if you need help
/三Z/ - Zenless Zone Zero General
Straightest "wuwaGAWD" btw

My guy, the second day of your big 1.1 update and you are already HSR level. You are no "GAWDS"
I really miss old generals when we stayed together until we made a new thread when the thread was almost to 10. I don't know, I just feel nostalgic over that kind of thing.
>you can still get spooked on weapon banners
>most attacker weapons look like they're terrible
>bp attacker weapon has crit
looks like I'll end up buying a bunch of battle passes again
There never was a point in waiting for page 10.
can we stop replying to obvious bait?
why not zzzg or whatever?
Am I supposed to type chinese symbols to find the general?
Everyone knows this game by ZZZ
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here you go bwo
For me it's stuff like this https://files.catbox.moe/gr56ca.png
Where are the fanarts? I need to see some ZZZ girls doing this
wait, you own a dynamic IP adress? what other IP providers in canada do that
It's a shitposter trying this shit
/zenzo/ bros..?
I will now play your game
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Keep seething that your shitty phone can't run an actual game brownoid tranny hoyodrones lol
I assume you're looking forward to horse girls
zzzzz = sleepy
Well this general's OP doesn't even have ZZZ in the title.
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO what the fuck is this shit??
I gain one year of life anytime a retard falls for this bait.
Holy based
We need a male horse character
it's time
It was a typo
The new cow (?) girl, she has sex with bulls.
no it wasn't
>mfw she gets bred by bulls regularly so she can be milked
Fuck off
You kind of use up the thread, like squeezing the last bit of toothpaste.
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come on bro don't pretend there aren't characters in the game that makes you want to immediately uninstall
This nigga got Clash of Clans, Chink Naruto and fucking Arknights ?
I agree. I want a few more oddball characters. I know people bitch about furies, but I wouldn’t mind a few just to mix it up. Or even more robots. I like the idol group has an android in it.
That said, I do like the number of girls in this game and I have nothing against cunny enjoyers getting their fill. It’s great for keeping out tourist for sure.
I don’t want this game to be really successful. I’d be fine if it’s moderately successful. I think the problem Genshin had was it was so successful that the developers could be lazy fucks and even cut back on rewards. It’s only now they are trying to reverse course that the gaming isn’t printing money like it use to. I’d say if it did alright then that’s fine.
Private eye/Detective agency faction would be kind of kino.
Miyabi due to fix girl bias
Not sure on MC. I like the guy and ir might be nice to self insert with the social shit but Belle is cute.
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Palworld patch dropped so might see how the new region is and maybe beat the fire boss finally. Otherwise, need to practice Japanese more. Then of course, gotta shitpost in the Mihoyo generals. What would a Mihoyo game general be without low effort bait Smash Bros general is still worse

But really excited to finally play it next week

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