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Visual Novel General #6500

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>483803405
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smoking is cool
im talking about the game in general. the song is catchy regardless.
I learned this kanji from playing lolige
I pick this one just because the 65 meme is relevant
Karenschizo BTFO
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1〇 years old
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Really want to read Kin'iro one day. But not the incomplete/butchered version with the removed smartphone chat element NekoNyan released.
Read the JOP version then.
die pedophiles
I'm thinking
Thank you NekoNyan!
renai recette makes me want to try all kinds of japanese sweets like daifuku, konpeito, castella, and wagahashi
Will do since I'm an MTL chad.
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live gentlemen
aka japanese sweets
Breedable Mashiro. Uooooh
How I wish Namaniku gave him 65, but Sorimachi is still better than a random.
I still want to try dango since I watched Dog Days when I was a teen. I will probably look for a recipe and learn how to make them.
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I wanna cum on Mashiro's (cosplay) schoolbag after fucked her from behind.
Did anyone even play Onigyu?
men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
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holy fuck I have eyes
Yeah, I JOPed it years ago, why?
no I don't play moege
I heard that dango by itself is almost flavorless, so you should try dipping them in sauces like mitarashi sauce or caramel
have you, /vn/?
JC or JK heroines taller than MC doko
>swimsuit stocking combo
jesus christ how horrifying
With my sister
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With my childhood crush who moved away and never heard from again. Loveless since.
I live alone I am forced to play house.
I want short (shota) mcs impregnating taller women
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>playing house
do teenage girls really
thigh high leggings is fine, the full lower body pantyhose with swimsuit looks disgusting
No EOP release = the VN doesn't exist
simple as
you look disgusting
only with guys they want to fuck
your MTL reps?
Sorry. I'm a straight male.
haha gottem
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>eops think they'll read zako reboot this year
December 15th
So like a Flan? Noticed.
VNs with good non-katana swordplay/duels?
Pick one.
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any giantess or mini-guy lolige
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imagine smelling all those crotches
I don't want a super midget MC or huge giant heroine, just a bit taller since that's cute.
bathing with white women
yes, with a girl in kindergarten. but i remember being embarrassed and trying to run away.
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I wish Americans were real
>voiced shota protagonist
>unvoiced in hscenes
what's the fucking point
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that was really disappointing, i didn't know it going in so extra so
bokubatsu was not a good game
imagine being a jopcock
hi, this is jopcock. Who am I speaking with?
enjoy your ghettospeak moege
I love Karen
Looks like kino is back in the menu
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Hi, this is Tad from the Based Department. Look, I know this is sudden, but...
Hello there jopcock! Thank you for contacting the /vn/ hotline. How may I help you?
Could not care less.
Get me John Shiravune on the line. And tell him it's urgent. Use my name if you have to.
Not a thing for MTL :^)
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are there any NTRges (or doujins) where the cucker is kinda hesitant about cucking the cuckee?
trash medium
practically tomorrow
Only trash for plotshit.
It's the medium they use to advertise for the other ones, what do you expect
Can't wait for an anon blog post summer pocket anime in this thread.
Sure thing jopcock. I'll tell him you would like to speak to him immediately. This will only take a couple of minutes. Is there anything else you would like me to tell him before I transfer you over to him?
Moege will always be better than harem SOL romcoms.
I just saw someone call The Witcher 3 their childhood game...
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it's so over...
I literally see no difference between those two things
Americans aren't real. America is a fictional nation made up by Europeans.
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if america isn't real then where do hamburgers come from? checkmate atheists

Summer Pockets is getting an anime. We should hack into Summer Pockets alternate dimension to find Part 2 of the visual novel in anticipation for the anime.
not better than single heroine kino doe
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le dosukoi face
If you put a voiced VN on auto, then you're basically watching anime thoughever
most isn't voiced doe
Sure they are intrinsically similar. But moege have more freedom for the reader to choose which heroine they want to end up with. The MCs are a lot more proactive than harem MCs and the character takes their relationship to the next level by engaging in activities that couples often do like sex, dates, kissing, and openly flirting.
usually anime skip the mc monologue
We need more voiced protagonists in moege.
Vn with Californian and New yorker heroines...
We will blogpost the episodes weekly. Seeing the common route and Shiroha route animated is going to be great, cant wait!
they had the winning combo of shota + giant booba yet they still floundered
I mean we knew she was special
>Japanese VNs 32174 results
>Japanese VNs with adult protagonists 1749 results
This is why we will never be taken seriously.
define "adult"
I want to go back to the past so that's a good thing.
VNbros... are we really just a bunch of autistic manchildren who can't let go of our past???
Yeah I am. And?
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Brocon imoutos are the best!
I just like sexy children?
Where the FUCK do you think we are
I've buhi'd for too long I think I might want to read a plotge or something.
I won't read a plotge unless it has all virgin heroines that have sex with protagonist only
So you're never reading a plotge, got it
Sex scenes in moege or nukige are nowhere near as hot as sex scenes in nakige.
I refuse to read a nakige if I know it's going to be one beforehand.
so what kind of antidepressants do you use?
>autistic manchildren who can't let go of our past
I don't recall being a Japanese teenager in the past
>he doesn't remember his past life as a japanese schoolgirl
The actual reason is that younger women are sexier and it's less work to have the protagonist be the same age.
It's both.
Recently I've been seriously considering becoming a hobo/hermit (that means yes)
pyuuu pyuuu
Is the VN even any good?
no lol
lol no
that's why no matter how bad it may be i'm still excited for THE SHELL part 3
the amount of likable adult protagonists is out there is dire
it's okay
okay it is
Go back to being dead Yoda
pinnacle of the medium
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wheelchairs are pretty convenient for sex
I roll like this.
Picked up
do not the wheelchair
ok but where is she this looks like a hallway
you can't exactly make a swift escape with her abilities if you sense you're about to get caught
what's the plan here
it's their seiyuu club's clubroom
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is rin the best in lil bussers
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Some routes are good, others are not. True route is good so overall the quality is higher than Little Busters and Rewrite
Making Lovers has the best pure gyarus, doesn't it folks? The BEST pure gyarus. Everyone says so. When was the last time anyone disliked Karen? I reread Karen's route all the time. All the time. Not like the impure ones. Those are very bad gyarus, very bad.
I don't know who that is
oh shit I'm sorry that was supposed to be a spoiler
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Anyone can help me?
I remember a redman shitpost a bunch of months ago going something like
>adapting to thread culture...
>replicating samefags...
Or something like that.
I just wanted to reread it and memorize the syntax because it was a very in character shitpost, and I think it would help me understand archer better.
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No, but her rival is
anons anons anons, you know how the Starbucks mascot has no shirt but covers her boobs with her long hair? are there any translated heroines (who aren't from Eiyuu Senki I don't actually remember if there is one, but it seems familiar) who go around like that? it's too specific to have a tag.
just made some ntr
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ge where this happens (to me)?
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bro(comic relief) character on the right
Aoi Tori is a 7.5/10. It was fun to read, and I'm glad I purchased it on Steam™. :)
Judging the thread quality
hypothesizing the thread culture
duplicating the last thread's posts
imitating the known posters
sympathizing with the experience of its decline
reproducing the accumulated editions
excelling at every single shitpost---
I pull five new IPs out of [my ass] nowhere.
Oops, meant 5.5
Great stuff, thanks based anon.
I would highly recommend refunding it and purchasing it again on the JAST store to support them.
out of 5
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Have you ever been jumpscared by a moege?
I could narrow it more, but it's your job from here. Note that I filtered out monster girls, which may or may not be what you were looking for.
Waiter! Waiter! More peak fiction, please!
le retard turn
Tadakatsu Ayane Honda cannot be defeated.
I like how the naked tag specifically says to not use it for characters that simply have naked sprites and are clothed normally, yet everyone uses it that way
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Your order sir!
she simply wins
I bought the PS4 tsukihime remake collectors edition during a binge. I don't have a PS4.
Decades of wanting to see hard work beat natural talent, and after all this time, I finally found it.
Hey, it could be worse, you could have
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Can she be bribed with sweets?
So true
I wish there were more casually topless/naked heroines
That's a different loli.
holy sex
I like breasts
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All lolis are the same. You might be handsome, have a great job, be rich, or have an amazing personality, but if you got no sweets inside your van, she won't even look at you.
If you like lolis, this is the VN for you.
It's on my list, but it'll probably take me a year to get through it judging by your speed.

That purple is also sex
I've only been reading it for 3 months and I'm on chapter 31 (or maybe 32?) of about 40.
Technically probably less because at the start of each month I drop it for about a week or two to read the hot new releases before coming back.
That said, it IS long as fuck, the Fate + Muramasa combined is no joke. it doesn't always hit, but when it does, it really does.
OK, that's one more heroine's common route scenes done. One heroine with five scenes left, and then every scene that can possibly appear in the common route is done.
who r u
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>but it sounds lewd
dough too wet
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Do you guys ever look at loc people opinions and wonder where did it went so wrong people like this are translating and editing our vns? I just saw feminist talking about QA work and freaking out cause of toxic masculinity in h-scene and it just feels surreal. I feel outraged desu. Is this how people starting to learn japanese?
Maybe QA your goddamn post for errors first?
Too outraged cant really do somethiung like this right now I feel the need to share my thoughts on the subject right away otherwise I might do something bad for myself
Vns with polycules?
>Is this how people starting to learn japanese?
This is how I learned Japanese.
this but with only one male
I learn japanese because I want to read chuunige
VNs where the heroines keep getting raped by random monsters but always crawl back to your side after escaping?
Well it's definitely a niche job, so I guess it could make you curious how someone got into it. Most people don't like their job, so that part isn't really interesting. If there's money to be made, then people will do things that they don't like.
Anon's Life
really more of an rpgmaker thing
Every alicesoft
>people like this are translating and editing our vns?Anon, the JOPs in /vn/ do nothing but engage in homosexual ERP all day long.
Learning Japanese just does something to your brain.
>always crawl back to your side
not when he's done with them
Vns where the heroines keep raping the shota mc?
Why do you spend like four hours a night, every single night, asking
>vns where
>vns with
>any vns
for basically every topic you can think of?
Or is this just a bot?
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VN for this feel?
We do it in the morning too.
All characters are 18 or older
I want to have sex with the salami but I don't speak rune
>Hieda Nene as my wife
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I'm starting to think there's a new range ban behind this lack of activity at these hours.
just read a vn bro
it's not hard
>when I wake up in the morning and see myself in the mirror
I, the white noise poster, have been engrossed in a real game for the past week
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
>mc walks in on heroine masturbating to the thought of another heroine being turned into a futa and raping her
That's a new one
Is the Subahibi Uncensored on archive legit?
Is archive ever not legit?
There's some real good expressions in this round of h-scenes.
Masato is best
Sometimes it's not very legit
Koharu might be my favorite onigyu.
>picking an individual favorite instead of loving them all equally
failure as a brother
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Why do they have their socks on?
it's hotter that way, faggot
Because they are not in the water
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
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So interestingly, they're finally confirming that this is an alternate fictional branch of history and the antagonists are trying to destroy it to ensure the real timeline survives, and their method of doing so is replicating key historical events. I think?She's being pretty vague.
Kind of funny how it's basically an inverted Chusingura. And a bit like the lostbelts, although it predates them by a decade.
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Okay, yeah, i should've played the original Koihime first. This probably would've been peak if I had.
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Oh my god it was all just the fucking cat and the box again.
Also I was completely wrong, their plan was the exact opposite of that.
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But they are going to swim don't they?
Muramasa, but the monsters are bandits instead.
is that the guy from Monty Python Meaning of Life?
Is the Restoration patch done yet? Having the FD already translated but not the R-18 game feels like a monkey paw
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not yet
>stomps your dick
>pisses on you
pink moment
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ge where pink wins?
ge besides Rance where you and your bisexual female bro fuck girls together?
Alicesoft game with the "sex with protagonist only" tag
how the fuck else are they supposed to communicate grandpa? want them to start using IRC?
Communicating's fine but its full of off-topic shitposting because the autist was desperate for attention
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no fun allowed
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talent good
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Hard work is better tho
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Hard talent
NTR tits
cunny good
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Too old
Yeah. If they wanted to have that fun they should have talked there or on a cord. That wasn't the place
I should have at least finished sorting the files, but its annoying to procrastinate when im "almost" done.
>Yukio route time
weird how little she appeared throughout. Dunno if I even posted a single screen of her yet.
>Misaki's fighting for her life
>Asuka's just vibing
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pinks always win
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>wakes up not hungry
>imouto thinks its a cold
>nah its pic rel
what a king. Every MC should sexually harass his little sister whenever the chance
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pink hours NOW
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Post it, now
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Hopefully this one addresses the
>not involving yourself with anyone
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And? Studies've literally proved that we are much happier as kids. It is in your nature to enjoy VN
Don't let society dictates your feeling
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Is there any moege with dead girlfriend as a background for the MC?
Heroines who are shitty people, embrace the fact that they're shitty, and go out of their way to rile others up for the giggles?
Should I hit the pay button?
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There really isn't much if you think about it.
i fucking love little girls
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I dont need denpa before TNSR.
Sakura no Mori Dreamers
If I remember there were a study which said autistic people are more content with their lives then normies also lot of normies say that autistic people often seem happy
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well you'd be fighting in the HGW if it was, but thankfully it is not
we need more token jc heroines in a cast of jks
For the first sure but the second is overpriced used goods
But I see you guys post about Nukitashi all the time so I thought it would be good?
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This is like the 10th time they've said "fate" in the last 15 minutes. spare me
Let it go AIsir. Everyone already forgot about your fate spam
80% of the sex with others is avoidable rape
It is good, don't listen to the buta
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why did no one read onigokko fandisk?
The first one has really good parts but the second is very mid. Also people just like to meme about it they don't like it so much
I tried to read the original and gave up after 2 hours because of the constant sex jokes.
I read it, I just didn't blogpost it. I enjoyed the oyakodon.
>Also people just like to meme about it they don't like it so much
Butas really believe this
if you enjoy tinder whores as heroines and tranny shit in your ge then it is good
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Fucked this one up, AIsir
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Wait, it was fucked up to begin with, what is going on here?
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surprised how easily she admitted/MC found out she's into Yukio Expected this to take longer
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really curious on what note this'll end. Rare to see such a completely outlier/ending route
What are you talking about?
Mashiro's mom...
where's the moege where all heroines are moms?
Real Life
But Real Life has no heroines for protagonist?
Takes some effort to get into MC's headspace sometimes. Imagining the scenario of knowing that someone you know intends to kill himself, its a lose-lose situation whether you see the corpse or not, its both horrible to see it and even if you dont, you'll blame yourself since you knew but did not or could not stop it
Works on my machine
Does she look autistic to anyone else?
there is this niche game I want to ddl but the only working links are from terabox... bros... im scared... will the chinks come get me???
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>slept with him so he won't tell anyone she's suicidal
all bug eyed heroines have autism
Imouto's menstrual blood
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Dunno if im missing something. This is similar to how he treated Touko, right? Just that he's in Touko's position now of being objectified. Feels like im missing something
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I guess the game spells it out.not much later. It's not that she'd be bothered if people knew, she just doesn't want to get locked up cause she can't kill herself then I can kinda see the "emptiness" the writer was going for now
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Alright I'll read Muramasa
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in japan this counts as comically overweight
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kiss your cousin's
>I do like it now after reading it a couple times
Might be the first time I read something that actually feels like it'd be worthwhile to reread. Isn't a couple times a bit much though? Just for one route.. one you disliked, no less
loli's delicious piss.
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You know, at first it sounds like a retarded thing to brag about
think about it
you'd fall for a girl if she cooked you hamburgers, totally. Well (You)'d fall for her if she did anything at all whatsoever, but hamburgers would totally nail it. Love at first burger.
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>december without angels
but if there was one before decemeber... It would be cool if the game had the balls for that
I was on the tl project, so between reading it in Japanese and in English, I may be in the upper percentile of number of times reading through this game in one way or another.

But yeah, enjoy the rest of the game. It's been pretty fun seeing these scenes again, even the ones I would have fixed if I could do it all again.
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>on the project
I kinda figured that'd be the case.
>if I could do it all again
But you can. v2 or v3 isn't rare.
What would you want to fix anyway? Its alright aside from micro-issues and nitpicking. Though I can't speak for unvoiced lines and NVL sections, but I've a hard time believing they could be handled better.
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Mono no aware is so fucking kino everytime
It's not a moege, but Ringetsu and Shin Ringetsu.
By again, I mean starting from completely from scratch. The changes would be mostly small stylistic tweaks here and there. These are things that are pretty hard to catch in editing because when you read them they're "good enough" and getting it right the first time is really the only way to capture the last 1-2%.

As for v2 or v3, it's mostly an issue of motivation. What the game really needed was a fresh pair of eyes to edit the script, but the project was plagued with the usual issue of people ghosting early on and dealing with the interpersonal aspects of project management is not really something I have the interest or energy to carry out.

If the translation was not in an state we could be proud of, we wouldn't have released it all. It would have been nice to really nail everything down but it is what it is and we all just needed to move on.
My wife can´t get more cute bros. What is your wife status ?
Your wife is... white???
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Pervert. So shameless.
Surprised it took me until this scene to get it, or maybe im just realizing it anew. That Touko doesn't look for anyone else because she's too afraid of failing or refusal. Hopeless. So she keeps coming back to him and clings to this one thing she did well/got praised for - how many times was it actually the MC who initiated things and how many times was it Touko who guided it. Even before the bad ending where the MC becomes the "doll" in their relationship, its already been a thing in a way. The entire thing truly was her fault and she drags the MC into her own mess, turning him into a victim

>By again, I mean starting from completely from scratch
That seems pointless. Feels like you'd barely change anything and just dump hours endlessly.
>fresh eyes
isn't it the other way around? This doesn't seem like the kinda game someone viewing for the first time would be able to correct. I.e you need to have already read it to know what the author had in mind and to adjust nuance. It feels like it wouldn't result in anything positive.

Granted, it could be that the only reason it feels that way is because the TL team failed, but I doubt thats the case.
Yes, pure and white.
But not gonna lie, I would like to see tan on her bro. Choose whichever color you prefer, be it white, black, brown, even red or blue.
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It's like the prison guard experiment stuff, where merely enabling people to be monsters, turns them into monsters even if they would never have otherwise. Though I still prefer to think of Dumko as the dumb, tragic and pathetic victim, even if it her own invention
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Yes. You should get the translation fix for nukitashi 1 though, it's full of american culture war brainrot
>That seems pointless. Feels like you'd barely change anything and just dump hours endlessly.

Yeah, it was just a hypothetical "If I could do it all again knowing what I do now" kind of thought. I wouldn't dream of actually doing that.

I say fresh eyes in the sense that it really did need an editor that could actually comb through the script and flag the typos and the awkward lines here and there. After doing all the writing and manually fixing all the textboxes, it was just really easy to glaze over things when I basically had to do the final editing pass as well.

As mentioned, I do not think the translation has failed in any way. I think the feeling is pretty natural for anyone that's spent so much time on one thing. They're much more aware of the imperfections, even if they are barely noticeable to everyone else.
i want a wheelchair gf with a fat ass too
It is full of it even without memetranslation
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kek pretty fitting development for the final route
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Virgin Road is the next ge I want to be english released
i love shiravunee
It's high quality used goods tho
I get better quality for free from dating apps
Who wrote this shit
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I love traps the most!
Not even the best nitro+ trap.
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I love NTR the most!
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The people don't want idealism
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if I printed the script I could cut steel beams with it
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I love traps the most !
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I love NTR the most!
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Why do you even play games if you want them to be like irl? You can just go out or open social media.
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Not even the best 07th trap.
>all incorrect
You can tell that some /v/ shitposter made this lmao.
Now that's a real trap.
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>tfw can never read muv luv for the first time ever again

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t. /vn/ shitposter
Rena is not a trap, K1 is.
Is the character artist for this VN the same as White Album 2?
Humiliation ritual.
>nanami ero voice
>ao my beloved
>shiki my alarm clock
Good times ahead.
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>let's just make a PV without animation to shill our anime
>The original phrase "ミイラ取りがミイラ" (miira tori ga miira) literally
translates to "the mummy hunter has become a mummy." The phrase is used
to describe a situation when the person sent to search for someone also gets
lost, resulting in another person needing to search for them.
That's a really unfortunate translation. The hunter feels so wrong here, kinda over-reliant on the note
>official TL is dogshit fanfiction
to no one's surprise.
any playthroughs on YT yet to compare?
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oof. unfortunate copy paste. oh well.
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>forgot a comma
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i remember seeing this phrase in a doujin and having no clue what it was supposed to mean
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>Rokuhara is in Rance
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>add some some angry german guy in the mastering
>for absolutely no reason

Thanks, I hate it.
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chubbyge doko?
Which is the official translation
Criminal Border
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I heard it before and didnt get it either, on that topic there was also pic rel. Finally I get why its always "emails"
i'm not american. can i have the european version of these?
sorry for your loss
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>dropped a plate and his boss hit him so hard he's bleeding
kek japanese work conditions
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I'm feeling lonely right now. Recommend a VN for me
Holy shit, this looks so real.
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Fuck you
LocaLove 1-3
I had this and it was fucking impossible. One of the hardest games I've played.
Tachuu Gurasso za Visuaru Noberu
We hate traps here.
>>>/jp/ faggot
This just gets me lonelier instead
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American board sir
Nothing is going to take the pain away.
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That's not even chubby.
boobie trap
Have you tried living happily?
I just went out and bought a pack of fruit gummies and vinegar chips. I'm 32 years old
>Charact finds a depressed and abused child
>Decides to point them with a fake gun and say they are going to shoot him until they admit they want to keep living

the fuck this a moege you sicko
kek I'm not the only one who buy these
so disappointing
I thought they'd pointed the gun and said they'd shoot unless other things were done
Fuck off, jopnigger.
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If you had balls, you'd blog the spanish TL.
Komine Sachi
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There is nothing wrong with that. I would relive my childhood and teenage years if I could. It feels so good to be able to do anything, goof around, and not have any responsibilities whatsoever.
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Man, it really doesn't suit her.
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>bad end
>cucked by your own sister
a complicated feeling
Hey friend. You read chinese? That's weird
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I only care about KJU.
None. They don't even read books; one is retarded, the other just can't anymore.
I think Trump would read trapge and then spent 2 hours convincing everyone that it's actually less gay than normal VNs
literally me
no one has that extension installed here, we don't understand dlsite codes
there's an hour until midnight toe
>/hgg2d/ niggers
why am I not surprised
It's over...
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How would you explain to your misbehaving imouto that she should stop invading your bed butt naked and crushing you with her ripe bazoombas?
There's less zoomers there so /vn/ is the objectively worse general
Doubt it. short shitty low effort games are more accessible to children than 50 hour books
by calling her an ugly whore that no straight man would be interested in
then I would bring home a loli and keep her in my bed instead
How many layers of magpie did this go through?
>blobs spam
>fumika xd spam
Our gimpsirs are best than them
GIMP saved /vn/
Children nowadays are unable to state they like animeshit without disclaimers about how they abhor le fanservice and how they're not weird for liking it
So nothing's changed in 30 years
What's with these images with weird TV signal or glitching lines
So just like 10 years ago.
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*shows her my big penis*
>nice average guy not too impressive at anything marries the beautiful girl
Vinnies for this feel?
I don't want to self insert as a talented gigachad, but I also don't want to self insert as an imbecile
There's an AI janny on some IP ranges that doesn't let you post images that it considers NSFW. The lines are there to trick it.
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Holy SHIT my fucking DICK
It's not like I haven't seen this before, but the fact that it's happening in a serious story? Diamonds
She is like 11 yo, bro.
>She is like 11 yo bro
Picked up
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secret hag heroine
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Illya is savage.
More like they cry and want to cancel it in public, but when they think they are in private, they are gushing over it.
Behead yourself phaedo
If I was Yuzusoft I would make a hag eroge to see how it pans out, they have the artists to make that become a reality.
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God I wish I were kousei
>he does it for free
no.... right? couldn't be
It is a bad method tho. He should point it at his forehead to make sure.
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that's so anticlimatic
contemplating playing this just because reiji's voice actor is the one for the villain
vn with loli that shits herself
Do it, it's kino.
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imagine having natsume gf
It's kino, Milgram is one of my favorite antagonists already.
she's boring
but enough about every other yuzu heroine
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What a shit route.
>waah my dog died
>waah im going to be suicidal and never have friends again
boo fucking hoo
what a retarded route
it's funny because touko voices the female protagonist
>justice theme starts playing
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You just don't understand dog owners
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woah it's my life in a route
it always amuses me where in plenty of video games you murder other people by the dozens and nobody even blinks an eye
but then you have to kill one dog and everyone goes like
You're right I don't get it
Shiravune saved this garbage industry
To think there are people shitting on them
Why are vns so fucking expensive?
Dogs are pure, like 2D girls. Unlike h*man trash
they're not you're just spoiled by steam sales
They're like $30
because they cost money to make
What do you mean? They are free
because we live in this "prison" called [society]
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we are hentais and we live in this prison
Look, i really want to support the visual novel industry, but there is no way i'm paying over 10 bucks on a virtual picture book.
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time to love my sister's
discount Gijo Mitsumi
Ichijou actually wins some of her fights, unlike Mitsumin.
i'm neet so I just bought 5 bux in johren coins
>Gijo Mitsumi
discount Miyako which is moege Ichijou
Mitsumin has more going for her than being a justicetard.
>Class of '09 is on Johren
that's fucking funny to me
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>Same VA as Ichjijou
Best voice, best girls.
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Say her name.
>not the same voice
>not even the best girl
I'd pay in the hundreds if it's a VN I really liked. I just won't pay for things that I don't know I'll enjoy before reading.
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>Oh Anon,too bad that you born to a poor family
>Maybe if you lick my shoes I will be generous and give you 10 bucks
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This was a waste of time outside of Touko, even the Emiri part was turned meaningless by the MC not actually caring What a disaster. Even Maho's route was better. It feels like the writer gave up at some point during this one, the jump was pointless and the finale rendered the route empty and meaningless. Feels like the entire point of it being better to close/not have a heart fizzled out, it just said nothing.
ffs what a pointless waste of time. I should have known better than to trust the guy who said Touko route should have been done last, there was no way this route could have been good.
Asuna < Shinobu < Touko < Maho < Yukio
Touko < Asuna < Emiri = Shinobu < Yukio = Maho
Still likely a 10/10 overall, Touko carried even the shit routes, the writing was good for the vast majority and so was the OST

I don't understand mentally ill people treating animals as human, what with the recent craze of "this dog is my kid" shit. I don't want to understand people that should be locked up. Feels like sane dog owners are rarer than the schizos nowadays.
I've been hyped about VNs that turn out to be shit many times already so I refuse to buy them blind.
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You can't be this retarded
I cringed
kill yourself diaper
If someone called me diaper I think I would just shit my diap-- I mean I would get upset and never come back
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i don't play moege but if she isn't an actual heroine the entire genre must be more kusoge than i thought
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Is this true?
Are you retarded?
i only like older sisters
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>Miyako and Shinroku VA
I don't remember if she even has a name let alone a route
Imouto taller than MC doko?
>older sisters
no such thing
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You're messing with the wrong schizo.
Now face my wrath.
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ah im retarded and got the < reversed. Owari da.
My personal god...
Why is she covered in soap?
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Who could win if he and mister Narahara were to team up?
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Do you have enough swords in stock bruh
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>tfw I'll never be swarthy
I look like this
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I know that you were talking about Kinomasa with that kind of wording, you shitposters always do that. Everyone here recognizes your samefagging.
Best girl I assume
I was talking about KnS3 actually.
I can't believe these dumb edits killed Rewriteposting...
Amakano 2 is as close to a perfect romance game as I’ve found – the heroines are wonderful, the artwork is gorgeous, the setting is cozy, the character interactions are enjoyable and most importantly the pacing of the romance is nice and slow, with some lovely confession scenes. I really feel that this game (and the Amakano series in general) does a great job of showing the closeness between the heroine and protagonist.
So, can we finally admit that old translated ge's like sharin no kuni, ever 17 and clannad are true kamiges that been there all along?
there was no rewriteposting after it lost the fate wars, we know it is kusoge
you should be glad for the schizo edits reviving the nostalgia
No. Late 2000s games are better.
fuck you, you're wonderful and gorgeous
>another editschizo meltdown
Time to read a VN.
>read every good mysteryge
I'm gonna go read Apothecary Diaries instead
>translated name
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Yeah, it's a translated visual novel general
>reading an anime
So why does no one call them "Seacat" and "Moon Princess"?
I call them Seacat, Moon Princess and Brother, Give me a Big Squeeze will ya
What about Muff Love?
the correct name is "turkeyhandle"
i am not answering questions
It should've died
>i am not answering questions
>The game just began
>2 hours of painfully slow backstory exposition

Every fucking VN
ADHD zoomer sis....
>the game just began
>2 hours explanation why Tokyo being a diverse and multicultural city is a good thing

every EVN
Not true. The 2 hours of painfully slow backstory exposition are sometimes near the end of every route as well.
post a catbox like a normal human being you fucking nigger
name 1 (uno)
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Any news? Other than keyshit anime.
what are those squigglie lines I see some people posting
I want to impregante cats
American repellents
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this is a good joke
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I hate meme faces
>he got filtered by Yukio's route
I guess I should have seen that coming, since it was the most moege-like.
I will say that it would have been best if it had not been a dog and instead an actual brother, so that autistic readers wouldn't miss the forest for the trees. But I guess he wanted to hook Yukio to the Poi situation. Being afraid to love and be loved for the fear of eventual loss, the ephemerality of the human experience. The point of her hesitating was to underline that despite all of her words and actions she doesn't want to die and wants to experience life.
Skip To Heart 2.
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do you mean funny faces, because we love those here
you sick fucks
what makes this face "funny"?
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Where's this from?
please stop posting funny faces or i'll get fired for laughing too much
It didn't matter if it was a dog or a human Everything around it fell anyway - from the moment MC decided to die with her, it was over, because even if she lives or doesn't want to, the MC has already given up on life. Not in the halfbaked way that she did.
To fix it they would have to go back to the Emiri situation and rewrite from there, Yukio realizing that it's impossible to live without a heart, that connections like Emiri's or like Touko towards MC will still form and she will still hurt herself and others. Death/jumping should have been used in a scenario where she realizing the unability to live without emotions, decides to kill herself - if she cannot close her heart while alive she will do so by dying. For the true ending the MC should have guilt tripped her by making her realize it will leave him in the same state as the death of her dog left her, making her choose life instead, enidng in the same vague unsure sort of way as the other routes have I really have no clue what happened around the 70-80% point to make it turn into this shit.
And no, Asuna route was the moege, this had absolutely nothing to do with moe.
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onii-chans exist for the sole purpose of pleasuring imoutos
>Heroina di Caballero istaa
No wonder I couldn't find her
>MC was abused since birth
>His mom tried to kill him
>His mother died
>More abuse
>The backstory is finally over

thanks fucking god now the 20 hours of cute anime girls doing cute things can finally begin
Which VN? Sounds kino
great, I'm homeless now
Cue kot
>For the true ending the MC should have guilt tripped her by making her realize it will leave him in the same state as the death of her dog left her, making her choose life instead, enidng in the same vague unsure sort of way as the other routes have
You have a good point here. It would have been much better.
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>Do you dare insult my loyal ants?
>I better see you on your knees or I as the queen will punish you
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I feel attacked
God I wish I had imoutos to molest
Yeah... me too...
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oppai on head retarded
the teninai writer is a yuritard that spends most of his effort focusing on the yuritard moments of his writing than anything involving the mc. why you would even consider this trash heap a 10/10 is beyond me
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I love this kind of face
An imouto that you can get handsy with anytime you want is definitely the best QoL feature ever.
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>call a route a waste of time
>10/10 overall
>a 10/10
old good new bad simple as
you don't understand. it subverted the medium and his expectations
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Buy VNs.
Do it for her.
You kind of have a point here. This is probably why Asuna's route is the strongest, because there is zero chance for him to get distracted by the yuri.
dont like pissers
TenInai was mid.
This is gross. Females are disgusting by nature
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I bought a couple of CRPGs
it really feels like the writers changed for this route or at least near the end of it, was weird.

Because it had nothing to do with yuri. I dunno about his other games

>great soundtrack
>realistic and very good writing
>easy to get taken in by the story
>Touko being a 12/10 and one of the best written VN heroines in one of the most explored relationships this medium has to offer
>proper theme and extensive exploration going beyond maggot baits
One route going to shit at some point isn't enough to doom the entire thing. Easily one of the best novels I've ever read
>Was about to buy the new trapge game
>It's been so long since I bough a game from steam that I had to put all my card information again
I'm staying as far away from this vn as possible based on this alone.
>make VN
>there's no imouto route
what are you doing
single heroine future
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>Because it had nothing to do with yuri
the dude was jerking his micro penis to this shit bro. you even said you get cucked in one of the endings by yuri love
then that shinobi touko shit is practically more of that at least on shinobi's side
>Make the imouto one of the heroines
>She starts bitching and invading every other router

fuck that
That cat: " is this bitch serious? "
why is rance not recommended here?
All-ages future
It is. Rance X is still the best VN ever made.
>yuri threesome with mc
okay I picked up
so this is why it is the worst route
Yuri is good when it's in a male MC game
Only if the MC NTRs them and makes them cry and whine and kill themselves.
There is a separate general specifically for that

That CG had weirdly alot of effort put into it kek But that part of the plot wasnt really taking much time nor did it have any focus - absolutely nothing would change if it was hetero instead.
That one was ok since it focused on a parent'ish relationship, rather than yuricrap. If you want to see it that way you can but kinda gotta go out of your way to complain about it.

I hate yuri with a passion and yeah I can see how the writer's a yurifag, but teninai was rather free of it unless you wanna dig - but if so you'd have to agree dies irae is fujoshit aswell and to a much bigger degree too. At that point you might find this shit in every VN because they all pander more or less
>word words words

holy shit they don't shut up
Also don't forget the used goods prostitute Asuna route
His To Heart 2 writing is somewhat yuri focused, aside from Ruuko's route.
Sango/Ruri - Ruri has strong incestuous feelings for Sango. Even by the end, when Ruri loves MC too, it is implied that Ruri's feelings for Sango is unbeatable. Then they introduce a robotic maid that has obsessive levels of love for Ruri, but fucks the MC because the others love him. It is said that the girls will fuck each other irregardless of the MC.
Sasara - She has an intense dependency on Ma-ryan that includes some feeling of love. Ma-ryan obviously feels something back for her but comes across as mostly heterosexual (but they retcon this in later material, with them having full on yuri sex in Dungeon Travelers)
He likes yuri, which is fine.
I've been reading VNs for 4 years now, I have never read anything good enough to be a 10/10. I can rate one visual novel 9/10 it's subahibi it's the best I've read so far. All the others are 8 or below enjoyable but not all that special.
And then this fucking clown rates something TWELVE out of ten. Never trust in anything /vn/ says but especially when you hear something is ten or above.
>which is fine.
You don't want to read, yet you frequent the visual novel general. Curious.
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i like yuri sometimes but it isn't interesting enough to make it my entire personality like some fags, it's just a sometimes thing
same and based
I only like lesbian heroines that get dick corrected.
I don't recommend she is the whiny 'modern woman' type used goods not the cool ones
Any FFMge, but the girls are into each other as much as/more than they are into you?
>you'd have to agree dies irae is fujoshit aswell and to a much bigger degree too
no one would say you're wrong on that bro. this is why people laugh at plotfags and chuunitards.
but most yuri stuff in moege is "wahhhh, why are you groping my boobs hitomi-chan~" "fufufu, they've grown so much, futaba~" or some other shit that is just meant to make your dick hard. this teninai shit doesn't make my dick hard.

Girls should kiss in every FFM threesome
Any ge where the heroines start out by teaching you how to be a JOP, but by the end you teach them that it's not worth it? And you have anal at the end too
the stench of insecurity
>Game has a bad ending if you pick the wrong choice
>It consists of the heroines raping you over and over again
>In the all ages version it doesn't even let you choose

it feels like a waste when they just lay next to each other waiting their turn for the dick
>this is why people laugh at plotfags and chuunitards.
We don't.
Trip taken out back.

might skip on toheart afterall

but she's Kimika tier..
Sometimes they don't even talk and it just feels awkward.
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>translated lolige released a few months ago
>no one blogposted it
usually i only see that word used when defending ntr/sex-with-others
I still haven't played it, thoughever. Too busy with Elden Ring and FF14
No one blogposts nukige.
>i jizzed again, the cumswapping scene was so good
Yuri is based and you're GAY if you don't like it.
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>Not a single good release in months
I guess it's time to download TF2 once again
Traps are based and you're GAY if you don't like them.
Post torrent and I'll blogpost it
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atori is on sale. please buy her game
educate your dog
I don't buy predictable nakige
Need tardwife.
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I will
>forgot the name
detekt0r..I didn't think you're such a shitposter
only if you can get them preggo else your are GAY
I bought Mega Man X Legacy Collection
Instead you got a megane whining retard invading every route
any VNs where you control the spice?
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>read a vn
>hey that was kind of nice maybe a 7/10
>a few weeks go by and you see other people read and discuss it
>realize you actually kind of hated it
any VNs where you control the spics?
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Is he going to proclaim the score?
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Yep, I'm thinking kamige.
Other people shitting on a VN just makes me like it more.
any VNs for spics?
nigga i could could buy a mcdonalds with that shit
in this economy? enjoy your cheeseburger with fries
They liked it though. When I read something I tend to forgive a lot of the flaws I see and try to enjoy what is meant to be conveyed. Once enough time passes I start to think about it more objectively. I think people should refrain from rating a VN until they sat on their thoughts for a period of time. Get over that afterglow.
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Which one?
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>nips don't normally hug their sisters
what a horrible place
Was it Grisaia that some character made an analogy about Mexican immigrants?
it's too hot to jerk off...
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all of them are too old
yeah, it was kino
should i play elden ring for the first time or another vn with less gameplay?
Either Yuuji or Makina
>I think people should refrain from rating a VN until they sat on their thoughts for a period of time.
No, this is just dumb because your opinions will always change with time.
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maybe one of these and a coke
fuckin hate spics na no yo sa
You should make some /vn/ MADs
>leaves on the burg
are you wearing slippers while driving, what the fuck
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A'ight, imma rate every VN a 10/10 or 1/10
o-o-ohhh!!! t-the middle one.... kirei.... middle one desu!
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The left one
at that point you might as well order steak instead
middle one is used goods
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nico smellu, nico smellu
who's that angel in the middle?
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I love my sister's!
>only kusoge gets fan translations nowadays
cartel won
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one that redirects you to play Sugar Style or Harem Kingdom
TenInai is a masterpiece take it back
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If you ask them nicely, they'd consider translating your favourite moeshit
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that's illegal
why do they all look like they're in their late twenties but desperately trying to look young
Picked up.
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Moege with a JC taller than MC.
VNs with late 20s/early 30s heroines desperately coping about being young?
No, only fags like mexican soap operas.
Cartel already translate it
why do you post this every time someone posts piromizu art
It's obvious that Shiravune has intentions to take over the world. Everything will get picked up, just a matter of time.
He's right, though?
That's the spirit. The faster you realize larping as "professional vn critic" is nothing but pseud self-masturbation phase, the happier you'll be.
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She is pretty darn cute
the posts pattern smells like aquacuck, he hates amakano because he is a paedo
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giving birth through the big butt...
literally me
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Do Japanese women actually take that line as a compliment?
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ge like this???
>someone edited my cum on my wife Karen
Thank you, edit god!
but I did
child bearing hips is a pretty old fashioned compliment, but i don't think "big ass" is perceived as a bad thing nowadays
What if I'm neither American or African?
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this is some fuckin degen shit
Literally me.
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this is how you win awards, soon moeges will have scat eating scenes
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For me, it's tenshis with fat dumpys
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Anime is wrong. It's all so wrong... Please have children!!
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>non-canon bad-end scene
nigger thought he was playing fallout
>she stole the first kiss and then his virginity from his imouto
how is this non canon?
fuck off korean cultist
>no self-preservation instinct
All politicians deserve it.
The CG you posted is what I'm talking about.
If I saw it in the VN it's canon
This is very erotic. Is she the best girl or routelet?
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she's the only loli so yes best girl
I want to kiss an angel...
worst girl, okay route
greek kiss btw
i want to get NTRd in a common route!
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Scientist thread doko
this but unironically
>no pubes
Literally unplayable.
what a retarded CG
it's like actor kisses
I sometimes lower score after time passes, if I think I overrated it back then, but im careful with it since I might simply not remember why it was rated that high
JS heroine (age 18) doko
Maybe because it was an awkward spontaneous kiss?
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no? yuzusoft kisses are bad because the artists are shit
Yuzu sperg is my favorite thread personality
>third person kisses
trash cuckshit
just self-insert
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same energy
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>195 teninai soundfiles
I might've gotten carried away. But at least I have like 30 of Emiri lobbing various insults
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Which imouto do I hug?
>because the artists never kissed anyone
>195 teninai soundfiles
thanks for exposing how shit the translation is
>adult women
>never kissed anyone
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>yuzubuta be like
>those fat balding old men must be cute girls because they draw my moe slop
>proofs? I don't need them
Is she a Bogdanoff?
we don't sign our posts here
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adult women only kiss dogs, horses, dolpins and cats
Plotbros...are you ok?
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Yep! I love my NTR
>cuckschizo meltdown
Its mostly the insults that got ruined, sadly.
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That's a real kiss, retards.
Any plotge with good romance?
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This is cinema.
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there's ef - a fairy tale of the two. it's more plotge-adjacent though
prime moege heroine
>good romance
Pick one
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wtf what happened to her?
She took the call
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She took the call
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wmn6 become one with your gf (your Nissan)
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Bros I just want a happy story
I'm already getting trashed enough irl
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That's what being a whore for forty-plus years does to you.
Are these your last words on the grill?
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Imagine reading vinnies
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What else should I do
Worst girl
Worst route
I hated her so much it's unreal
What's the plan anon, you're gonna make art for EVNs someday?
Tsubaki was ten times worse what are you talking about
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Disgusting whore. She might as well become a prostitute
>moege romance
>no adversities
>heroine falls in love with the grossest smelliest generic buta behind the monitor because he is yasashii and have no personality nor eyes
>plotge romance
>heroine falls in love with the MC because both them face adversities together which could be illness, trauma, conspiracies, world's end, etc.
Honestly the biggest mistake I made in my teen years was being a pure faggot. I should've been a dirty norm like this, cause all the girls were probably like that girl too
I don't have the moe gene
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i can fix her
butacord is not going to like this one...
God I love harem
There aren't many harem vinnies out there without stupidly awful art style and garbage ass fetishes
She isn't annoying at least but yeah
those plotge adversities end up not mattering when plotge writers fail to write good cute moments between them
>plotge romance
>heroine falls in love with the MC because both them face adversities together which could be illness, trauma, conspiracies, world's end, then gets gangraped while MC is forced to watch
>no adversities
>heroine falls in love with the grossest smelliest generic buta behind the monitor because he is yasashii and have no personality nor eyes
But that's why I read moege
I don't need anything else
but plotge always have some cute SoL moment, unless you read all-ages shit
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Whats the next charage to look forward to?
Most of it is failed shitty attempts at it.
forced meme
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Have you played this Pulltop kamige?
The one at my local Japanese restaurant.
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Anon, you can't say that. Think of all the butas currently in here.
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You need to read more VNs.
Correct but more than likely too correct for the audience this post is aimed at
Buhi more moepiggy, you'll never understand the appeal of plotkino
I only read yuzuge.
cute piglet
i wonder how he tastes
Name 3 plotge that have good attempts at that then.
like pig
>>plotge romance
>>heroine falls in love with the MC because both them face adversities together which could be illness, trauma, conspiracies, world's end, etc.
Funny because the moege heroine in this situation would be healthy and live for years while the plotge heroine just dies kek
>those plotge adversities end up not mattering when plotge writers fail to write good cute moments between them
Then stop talking about things you don't know.
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Tsunderes are the best too.
>no r18 scenes
Plot fans can not think of a scenario where a woman loves him unless it involves a doomsday scenario...
Moebuta cannot think of a scenario where a woman loves him unless he's the only man in the world
sounds more like a plotge there bro...
true love only emerges when your life is at risk, so that's why most men die with a boner, they body wants to have off-spring
>while the plotge heroine just dies kek
While covered in semen from other men
just baldr'd my sky
going to 900 baby let's go
It’s not just the stakes that increase the romance but also how seriously the characters are treated. When you take a character seriously even mundane H elements feel really hot.
Keybros, we got a TL
>le steaks!
Opinion disregarded.
Why can't I self insert as a fat old guy that just wants to find love?
yeah, even sol not moege like white album 2 and kazoku project feels more realist and well thought than corporate moege
>drama trash
>used goods trash
who cares? if you want realism that badly go find a prostitute wife
your mom were not available at the time
At least TRY to learn English.
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I can but it's just a boring shit.
I think the people that want romance that is not moege would be happier watching kdramas
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no, because i read vns in japanese
there is no need to learn shitglish
>female written moege
>always better than male written moege
Really makes you think...
>howaito arubamu tsu
Tired of this meme, and I don't even hate wa2
>mc is handsome, intelligent, charming and rich
>gets ntr'd by one (1) low value male, that means no group of ojisans
>no insanely convoluted filler plot
Vinnies for this?
any plotge
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wtf i'm reading
>drama trash
>used goods trash
Ironically but moege are not so different from TV shows for housewives and single women in their 50s.
Maybe the shitty ones with forced drama.
No. A lot of those type of shows have no drama.
>He doesn't know
https://github.com/kevlu123/VN-Patching-Tools/tree/master/Love Kami Restoration Patch
so they don't exist, got it

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