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Uh oh - Edition

Previous thread: >>483748397

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

Waiter! More top tier premiums!.

Thread theme:
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
at least you didn't do it in the spring
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Alright /wtg/,
Give it a BR
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Nuke with ~6.5-7k tickets remaining, only 6 minutes into the match, game immediately goes from normal ~50 ticket bleed to suddenly dropping 100-200+ tickets per tick as soon as I'm in the air and lose as I get over the battlefield.
Happens so fucking often.
Unbelievably kikeish and completely unnecessary game mechanics.
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>~6.5-7k tickets remaining
is that supposed to be impressive? that's like half the tickets left
>died before dropping nuke
LMAO deserved
>is that supposed to be impressive
If you were good enough to get nukes, you'd know you only need 5k tickets to make it with normal loss rate. That was the point.
>>died before dropping nuke
You're an illiterate retard.
Why are people in here so cynical and tribal?
Is it because of the nature of the game? Is it because of real life politics? I feel like nobody is even capable of being happy in these threads anymore.
Have you had fun in recent WT matches? I did with my Chi Ha LG.
my wife
1950s OTOMATIC (but better) when?
There's nothing fun or happy about snoreblunder.
because this website fucking sucks and this game attracts bitter, angry people
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don't care about that slop
where Peacemaker?
Yeah it's the game mostly, if you look at youtube comments, the forum or reddit it's the same shit just with less slurs. Also doesn't help that there are multiple youtubers that narrative craft about certain things while pretending they are being cheeky/not serious (looking at you bald guy that has an avatar with hair)
Because its 4chan and its more fun to antagonize anons than have a productive discussion.
>Have fun
Yeah, was finishing up the anti-air battle pass challenge in the Italian Wirbelwind. Always fun killing CASoids.
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You think I have time to research this before I can't skip the alano? People are playing coastal for the BP right now.
i got like 10 premiums and british TT researched.

How much could i get for it, don't play this shit game, they'll forever keep British tanks weak out of spite for the Anglo-Saxon continually outplaying the geostrategically.
Depends on how much you can stomach. I’ve done 7.0 bluewater grinds in 2-3 days before but that’s generally with some spade bonuses prepped, talisman/premium ships, good booster games and even then it was a little miserable without the generally worse coastal rp gain
i'll give you $50
My friend just bought me probably $600 worth of tanks and if I were to turn around and sell the account it's probably worth pennies. I also have shit tons of air and naval shit too.
Bongs are perfectly playable until 11.3
Shouldn't have cheaped out on the chally 2
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I'm already this far, I can clearly stomach plenty.
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Fuck off cunt.
I just like coming here to be antagonistic. The forums are too sterile, stupid, and sensitive to do actually be belligerent for long over there.

And yes I have been having fun, somehow. Bought the premium 190 a couple weeks ago while I was waiting for IL-2: Bodenplatte to go on sale. Been having fun getting 4-5 kills per game but holy shit US and German teams at that BR spread seem to be polar opposite what they used to be a decade ago.
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>task is kill 3 in light/medium tank
>15 assists in Concept 3
Well best of luck to you, that’s a lot to do in four days
I might play 20 games a week and the game is great. I don't care about daily chores, playing shitty events like a second job or creating autism meta lineups for GRB. I feel in the mood to play a vehicle or grind towards a vehicle I want to play, and I do that until I get bored.
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wat nao?
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It was a mostly bluewater game, I was 2nd in damage by a few hundred points while using only 2 coastal boats the entire time. The RP you get in naval is hilariously bad, maybe I can't finish this in time.
Yeah I don’t know what the thought process is with high tier coastal. At least with cruisers and battleships there’s a light at the end of the grind where you stomp. Coastal all you have to look forward to is getting shit on by lower br destroyers with more capable weapons most of the time. No idea why they add so many comparatively, must be the per mode cost is just that much cheaper since I rarely see these new toys get used
get the title
so how is FOX 3 combat turning out
only shitters disagree, the game has been the most balanced it has been at top tier in ages
I'm happy with the shitty one I use now
I'm just going to get the coupons and be done. maybe use them to do the next battle pass for free instead of paying.
it's as fun as you make it, retards that refuse to do anything but BVR larp will cry that it's boring
Other than extremely close range off-boresight missile shots, what is super-maneuverability good for?
Coastals are more fun. Unironically, that is it. I actually enjoy a good coastal match of at least 50% players. Bluewater is boring as fuck.
airshows and propaganda, lots of propaganda behind the Su-27, people unironically call it "aerodynamically perfect" even though that's literally undefinable
Showing off to third worlders.
I’ve been playing it more since they fucked up blue water but I can’t really say I care for it. A lot of the brs are nonsensical, compression is somehow worse, and losing a fight because wave motion won’t let you shoot feels worse than getting magazined
What shit is br compressed? I play the worst nation for coastal and I only have a few coastal boats where I go "Wow, what was I supposed to do?"

Even though my highest tier coastal shit gets 1 to 2 40mm bofors, when the low tier shit of other nations gets 4+ of them.
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Okay I give up. The queue times kills it, I spend nearly as much time in queue as I do per battle. It ain't happening.
M8 about half the coastal brs get thrown into fights with destroyers and frigates. You have a better chance killing a 6.0 cruiser in a 5.0 destroyer than you do winning a gunfight in a 3.0 coastal vs a 4.0 destroyer, and that’s my opinion from having been on both sides of those fights. Torpedos are mostly an attention tax while a 5”/38 is good to great on every ship that has them
Yes that's true.


Coastal vs Coastal? I have no complaints. I wish there was a coastal mode separate from bluewater, because coastals in smalls maps is unironically fun to play.
That situation would certainly be a lot better, hard matchmaker separation in non mixed lineups would do a ton for both modes. Hopefully they do that and plane br adjustment instead of more features and changes nobody wants.
>separate ships from boats
>reserve DDs can go down to 1.0 where they belong
>br compression solved overnight
That'd be a positive change, anon. You know they can't do that.
I hate sales
because it make me want to spend money
like I dont even play swedish tree but now I want to buy both the swed tank and the plane packs
how do you guys deal with your urge?
>how do you guys deal with your urge?
>remember you're fueling a dev that actively makes their game worse with every update
>remember you're fueling a dev that makes worse and worse maps with every update
why would I ever want to fund subhuman animals?
I prefer the B-47 but the B-36 is quite nice
Not that anon, but that's not an argument. If you are playing the game, you are supporting them. Paypiggies need people to shoot. Paypiggies need fast queue times. You may think you're getting an epic own on Gaijin by not giving them money, but in fact they are still laughing all the way to the bank.
It's never worth it. It's NEVER worth it. I have over $1,000 worth of vehicles on my account. It is NEVER worth buying them.

Just say that to yourself every time. It's not worth it. Because it's NOT worth it.

When is it worth it? If you want to start a tree and you want ONE premium tank grinder, buy ONE premium vehicle if they have one you like. Besides that, NEVER worth it.
but they add crew slot sorting
do people even play Air SB?
I queued for it once when I didn't know what I was doing, crashed on takeoff, never queued again.

My guess is: no.
80% are chinks, bots, and chink bots
so not really
I thought they got rid of points on take off
Time alive still gives RP/SP

>I want to buy both the swed tank and the plane packs
Pretend you did, then pretend you grinded out the whole swede tree. What then? Would you actually stick around and play the lineups? Be honest with yourself.
The politic tards are just uhappy people.
Those of us who have been here since 2012 know that Gaijin is a company that will piss on you and tell you it rained. There is a reason to be cynical. A decade and change of the company being dickheads. The biggest surprise to me is that reddit and chinks chimped out hard enough to make these kikes back off once.
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>mfw custom hangar so no banan
Why did they add bananas of all things? Do they know?
There's no fucking way they don't know.
It's just reference to a meme game
They never have shit I want to buy on sale.
I guess I sort of want the Type 16, but I already got the TT Type 16s spaded.
Thats a general problem for WT. They don't have many fun/useful premiums and I already got most of them.
I hate to be the one breaking this to you but gayjew doesn't get money from server slots being taken up by someone who doesn't spend money.
nta but you are legitimately low IQ
I have yet to receive anything but cope from you.
>b-but i'm not--
That's not working either. Do you genuinely believe they get money from you just playing the game?
Do you think they would get as much money from whales if there was nobody to shoot at but a handful of other whales?
If you aren't paying you are a product
Don't fall for the type 16. Japanese darts do suspiciously low damage. I have it and the Type 74 prem, and the type 74 is way better Type 16 just gets get gen 3 therms.
that's why I revenge suicide bomb and crash/J out to deny kills all the time
I frustrate the paypiggies enough to cancel out at least 4 hapless retards, and therefore I am a net drain
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Thank god I am the top of the scoreboard 95% of the time because paypigs are utter dogshit at the game.
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this is what happens when you hurt the feelings of the Chinese people (((
How do you unlock the banana crate? Do you just keep clicking the bananas in the hangar?
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>calculated how much GE i've gotten in this shitty game over the last 8 years
>571,557 golden shitbirds
mentally stable btw
I just click 147 for good luck and play (Rank 3+), seems to be a random (or maybe daily) chimp event, got one yesterday morning too, one to go.
no one cares fuck off avatarfag
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Grippy Aggressor when?
hey man don't be mean to steve1982mre posters
How does one acquire Banan?
one must find banana in hangar and click 100 times
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sign up for the adventure of a lifetime in the future expansion of the russian border to find out!
GOD the BTR-80 fucking SUCKS.
How are you meant to get kills with that thing? It's in super heavy territory.
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gotta go fast
>no webm
nice custom match screenshot
It can't even go fast.
It's got worse mobility than an EBR offroad.
Why does the sukoi 27 have 12m2 RCS?
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fast enough
And how many were strings of numbers?
Because it's the size of a WW2 bomber
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coastal needs to be moved into grb
cuckstal needs to be removed from the game with no compensation
Also seeing a lot of insects with names in latin recently.
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Alright, im tired of being shit. What videos do you guys recommend for air combat tips/tutorials
Forumniggers don't know, or don't care, that chinks use strings of numbers. Also they generally don't count names with latin characters either even though chinks use them too.
Always a riot going into the official thread about the banwave and seeing people try to say its not the chinks causing the problems.
Like confronting japs with peer lists of raws and getting called a white pirate pig for having a torrent client installed.
go fast, shoot hard
don't get shot
DEFYN's tutorials are generally good but really you'll just get an instinctual feel for air combat over time once you actually start trying
The biggest hurdle is simplifying the gamestate in your mind
I just dont know what to hit, when to hit it. Flaps, ignition, etc.
Nothing worse than getting teamkilled by a seething faggot that thinks you took his kill
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who up Gyatting they rizzler?
I feel like there's no point in playing Germany enymore
How the fuck is the J35XS Draken br 10 with 12 flares?
And that's a good thing, maybe Germany shouldn't start two world wars.
German ground has nothing exclusive anymore except for some irrelevant meme machines, everything else even the Tiger or King Tiger has been given to other nations which have even better versions of German tanks.
German air is a fucking meme and the best German prop fighters are already in Italy or Sweden.
Next time win the war and make unexportable shit
Should've made worse vehicles so nobody would want to capture or buy them.
>Italy gets a better Tiger 1 with added armor
>Sweden gets a better Tiger 2 since Germutts don't play it
>Sweden and Italy both get superior Leopard 2s
>Italy gets a better Tornado than Germany
>Italy gets a better PUMA than Germany
Love to see it
Cant beat wiesel
How do I banan?
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F-14A is already in the game
>Sweden gets a better Gepard
>France gets Dutch vehicles
>best BF109 is Jewish
>best 109
Lol come on that thing is only marginally less shit in game than it was irl
>Best Panthers are French and Russian since Germans cant pen their own stuff
Nobody tell th kraut that his beloved Panther As will go to Italy and Sweden too
slav panther used to have better mantlet armor than german version)))))))))))
Minorniggers were a mistake
Who... cares? Isn't the appeal of playing a 109 or a Panther that you're... y'know, playing Germany? Whats the interest in playing one outside of the German tree?
>Whats the interest in playing one outside of the German tree?
Not playing with German players
Not playing with krauts
After war Germany sucks.
Alright, you got me there.
>want to play germshit
>germutts are the bottom of the barrel
>don't want to play with such baboons as teammates
>play shitaly or somalia instead which have their own interesting stuff
>win games
Finnish Su25 when?
Finland never had any su25s
ok so?
Have one in museum
You have the cockpit of one in a museum.
Well that's still far less of a stretch than the Fag-16AbsoluteJoke
Because it was a total UFO with 6 AIM-9Js and IRST
Now that it's been substantially nerfed, it makes no sense at 10.7
Just out of curiosity, what BR did you get to before figuring this out?
Ya know.......this game is nice and all that but it's just not as fun as plapping a tight slavic pussy
so im sorry guys
this is goodbye im afraid
see you in six months
In due time you'll learn to balance both, for me it's crushing tight dutch pussy
Anybody got the original webm from which this yt video was created?
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>hesh to the lower hull of a 2S1 does literally nothing
I see the guy from seven years ago asking "anime?" and I feel bad because at one point I knew the answer to that question, but have since forgotten.
it's amagi brilliant park or sth like that, go do your good deed and wake the niggy up with the answer he waited for
>every other nations has at least one premium plane per rank
>except france
why haven't they added amy rank 5 or 6 premiums yet? arent they missing out on potential sales?
How could there be nothing inside a buoyant hull, ridiculous.
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>no banana 3D decor
>pretending to defend r*ssoniggery
how original
How do I get the bananas? I got one but now nothing.
put decal on X tank
get kill with X tank
I got the banan kill decal, single banan, and banan bunch without using the decal
Thanks bros.
Can you get them without playing mudshit? Played a few Air games yesterday and got jackshit.
I don't know, all I've been doing today is spading kikecarts
probably not, ground is the monkey's mode of choice
>SARH missiles can lock targets at 65km away but can be easily wiggled by chaff or by the fuel limitation of the missiles itself
>FOX-3 missiles can guarantee hit but it is only a thing within 15km
So it is still not like I can lock targets at 30-ish km away, fire those missiles, forget them and run back to base, is it?
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Between the T72AV, The Leopard 2A4 PzBtl 123 and the M1 KVT, which should I get for the purpose of grinding through a tech tree?
leo is the best one performance wise, probably will also have the best least shit teams
start at the bottom.
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have a splendid saturday /wtg/
Yak38 flares when?
Yak38 R60M when?
Yak41 R77 when?
how come F16 can only take one AGM-65G on wing pylon while being able to take 3 AGM-65D
is AGM-65G heavier?
>is AGM-65G heavier?
~230 vs ~300 kg, you could easily check that ingame instead of asking here. The AGM-65G is too heavy for the TER.
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forgot pic
so why can't F16 carry 2 AGM-65G per pylon then?
AGM-65D can be carried on pylon with 3 slots
just take that and use 2 of them for AGM-65G
Because the TER can only carry individual payload up to a certain weight. You would need a new payload adapter. and no one ever built one.
what's TER
Triple Ejector Rack
Tranny Exterminator Redux
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skip the leo
germany is a worse sweden and will always be a worse sweden if sweden keeps getting this favourable treatment
It's now also a worse Italy. Leopard 2A7, KF41, Otomatic, Freccia, Dardo plus Gripen, AV-8B and A-129D kicks the shit out of german top tier. You have the same tank, better light tank options, a workable SPAA and better fighter, attacker and helicopter CAS.
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I'm at 6.7 in the Americans and 8.0 with the Germans so its more a tool to help me advance into where I want to be faster.

I was considering the Type 16 because I like weebshit and using the extra GE to get the Chi Nu II.

The ultimate wildcard idea is getting the Kfir Canard though
honestly quite incredible how inconsistent the 23mm is, it either deletes shit instantly...
...or barely tickles the nigger
>pilot sniped a plane without bulletproof glass in a head-on
You could've done that with a 7.7 mm MG burst, that speaks just about nothing about the guns you're using.
F2P worth it yet?
If you enjoy full lineups with good CAS options go for the US. The absolute top tier teams for that have been garbage for a while, but the pendulum will swing back eventually.
i guess i could've used a better clip for that, but it is quite inconsistent. I've had them tear off wings in one hit while at other times i pump like 40 rounds into a plane only for it to suffer critical fuselage damage))))))
>got banan decal
>7 GAB games with banan on
>no banan trophies
guess no memes for me
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post actual war thunder content
I've only played f2p for 11 years, gimme another 9 and I'll get back to you
id forgotten the caps had smoke
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So the banana thing is gaijin covertly testing how long it takes to get 30k mission score with new multipliers etc?
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Yet here you are still. Why.
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very generous))))
more lend-lease copy pastas when
lend-lease garbage should be the only way you can get differen't countries/factions on your team
mixed battles are so shit
Leo 2A4 is the best tank out of all three but the German tree sucks air wise if you care about that.
The type16 is dogshit and absolutely useless in 11.0 which is the next JP lineup. 9.3 is also just 10.0/10.3 and that M735 APFSDS is just horrible post pen damage wise. It's a fun vehicle but gaijin keeps nerfing Japan directly/inderectly.
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your bets?
benelux ground and south east asian air branch are obvious
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your getting dutch boats and you will play them
Indian helicopter tree
to prevent germany suffering
>stop playing because new update is shit and premium is out
>japs will most likely get a subtree
big if true, not sure if I should invest in premium time... maybe it's just a nothingburger benelux ground shit
wtf is this real
Literally who? Does this guy have any sort of authority?
how new?
dataminer and friend of the troon who leaks stuff
>germutt top tier is a fagtom
kek what a sad tree
Swiss, binnish, and US F-18 next update
trust ze plan
>I shoot
>you shoot
>server fuckery decides that I never shot anything
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im having fun with most of the minor nations desu, don't care about meta slaving ,I say as im power grinding through sweden.
I will say weekend games are obnoxious ass cancer though
War thunder Content creators and the fanbase on the forums should be largely ignored to an extent.
>see 9040Bill
>..... based....
>sling AS-30L at a friendly challenger instead
I'm not liking the spitfire fr mk xive experience
is it supposed to feel this awful
is that the first griffon? too lazy to boot up WT, but if it is yeah thats standard. They don't gain the engine power to offset the decrease of maneuverability until the later griffons
It's nice they made AHEAD work properly in terms of the time fuze I suppose, but the damage output is still a fucking joke, especially compared to 40 mm HE-VT which by all accounts should deal less damage than AHEAD.
its this one, the one with clipped wings
it feels like it doesn't do anything well
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oh I was thinking of the brit tree ones
yeah thats probably even more bleh than the first brit one because clipped wings means even worse maneuverability outside of rolling
Bofors 3 piece ammunition is brutal.
I wish it was configurable to be able to pen light targets and just physically liquefy crews in single shots but that'd require 5 minutes of work from the poor devs.
Isn't it just regular HEVT that fuses in proximity to air targets?
Can be configured to detonate after penetration
does russia have such ammo? no? sorry too hard to code((((
>Pelted by hundreds of tungsten pellets going at mach speed
>Barely tickles it
I wish they properly modelled heli's with modules like tanks and gave the pilots proper damage modelling. Ive had apfsds rods go through the cockpit dealing 0 damage because of memes. Scratch that, everytime I shoot is a diceroll in this game no matter where or with what.
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Why are they like this?
So do the 530Fs ignore chaff sometimes or not? There are videos of them doing it, apparently they have some sort of doppler filter that lets them work in head-ons/tail chases, particularly at higher altitudes.
shouldn't have but according the game files they do
nice shot
>activate 300% SL boost
>play air rb
>teammate during the climbing phase
hit enter a bit too early
why are US planes the best but top tier US ground is so gimped? So many vehicles have been nerfed or underperform vastly, LAV-AD, HSTVL, ADATS, Bradley TOWs, Abrams armor, etc. Idk why you would grind that tree unless you just want to get in a plane and bomb people.
No (You)s
Try harder
I'm not baiting, I was looking up how the US performs at top tier and that's what I found out.
It's weird that they die easily to proxy fuzed HE shells or SAMs. It's mostly darts and AHEAD that just does nothing to them.
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Even if top tier US ground had all of its buffs and correct values etc, it would still underperform due to the vast amounts of shitters the tree itself attracts
It's a Mk.14 same as the first brit griffon engined one, so yea it's pretty bad. Bongs also have a premium in this configuration with clipped wings
It's slightly faster than the full wing bong one, and a better roll rate that can help evade. But it's worse at turning.
Climb rate is good so some boom and zoom might work. Performance falls off at higher altitudes though
cv9035dk has a really nice desert camo
Depends on altitude and closure rate.
What did gaijin mean by this?
I might just grind the rest of the meteor with the AD-4, I got a free talisman at some point.
any opinions/tips for the Meteor MK 8 and Hunter F.6?
does russia have the latest modernization for T-64s, or are those ukranian? It'd be awesome to get one in game
I've only played the bong Hunter F.6 which is massively overtiered (9.7 and in arcade it's an even more insane 10.0). Not a fun experience.
The Dutch one is the F.6 at the same BR as the bongs have their F.1 (9.0), so you get to enjoy massively better performance than them at the same BR. So if you can't make it work at that BR, you don't have much to complain about.
I remember them drinking a lot of fuel but the Dutch one has droptanks that gaijin have decided Britain is unworthy of.

Meteors IIRC felt a bit slow but turn well for a jet. Experience varies based on how good or shit Hispanos are in any given update.
Again, the Belgian one has drop tanks that gaijin hasn't put on the bong ones even though they're in literally every model already.
russians haven't upgraded their T-64s since the soviet union fell, because all the factories producing T-64s are in ukraine
is p-47 worth leveling?
Okay, that's actually pretty cool.
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Why is a CCIP bomber at 8.3?
Terrible airframe.
Why is a CCRP bomber at 4.3?
Huh? Which one?
swigpiggeristan safers ok!??!!??!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
Get fucked
Which plane?
That's not a good plane
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They'll uptier it later, the BR update was for jets at 8.7 and above. That's why the Saab was left untouched
why wouldn't you use the music video for this joke YOU DUMB FUCKING GAYNER
I don't like the music video
is it cause its RACIST
it's because its in 480p
also didn't one of the band members go full schizo?
Joe Hawley misgendered someone and doubled down and also got accused of providing drugs to a minor or something. First is verifiably true, second is hearsay only, but who really cares.
Joe was always a schizo if you paid any sort of attention, I always considered is inevitable that he'd get in some drama. But thats how artists are, theres usually a correlation of schizoness to creativity.
I see
Why is Tigercat's BR so high?
Because retards keep taking head ons with it
legacy BR
it used to swing with the hornet and the ki-83 but got its supercharger gears nerfed so it hemorrhages performance at alt compared to those two, but no one plays so itll never get adjusted
man I used to listen to a lot of tally hall while playing warhammer are of reckoning
The Sims 2 hooked me to Tally Hall
didn't help they had a fucking song in the game
oh damn, I remember that song but never realized it was tally hall
If you haven't pretty much all the members solo bands have some musical merit
ミラクルミュージカル and Joe Hawley Joe Hawley for Joe Hawley, Not a trampoline for rob cantor (he made shia lebouf the musical lol), and sketches 3d for andrew horiwitzs
The other 2 pretty much disappeared AFAIK
why not m/01 for the lvkv9040c?
Zubin(the pajeet aka Blue Tie) is a legitimately great doctor (and sometimes collabs with Rob, like in the Shia Labeouf song)
France had them, they were removed because they sucked and no one was buying them.
>play against late Leopard 2s after the introduction of spall liners, they feel completely busted, barely any post pen damage after clean hits
>finally grind out italian Leopard 2A7 after this patch
>extremely underwhelming comapred to the M1A2 and Leclerc I played before
>almost always get oneshot despite a good crew
>extremely high angle side hits blow me up more reliably than a soviet powderkeg, never had that happen with any other tank
>just tried peaking a hill and got oneshot by DM53 through the fucking turret cheeck which should be the strongest point of the tank
What is this? Did they change something after this patch? I'm feeling fucking retarded, this thing has no survivability at all. I still do decent, just like in the Leclerc/M1A2, but I expected a better tank, not a heap of shit. At this point I'd much rather have the 5 second reload.
congrats you found out leo2s aren't as great as subhumans claim it is
>? Did they change something after this patch?
They nerfed the Leo's spall liner months ago
>1 meter of composite? sorry pidor that's too weak
>magik brik known to detonate to small arms fire? da pidor that's 300mm of kinetik protektion
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Fair enough, but the armor itself is still underwhelming, how the fuck do they pen my cheek? Protection analysis says this shouldn't be possible.
I assume the mine protection does nothing except add weight?

I still prefer it over the T-80BVM, but just barely.
have you not seen video of cv90? composite is nothing but canvas and styrofoam blyat
west has lied!
I haven't. Did they show a closeup of the CVs armor somewhere? That'd be interesting.
>I assume the mine protection does nothing except add weight?
Great. I was secretly hoping that one added the spall liners and I'd just been playing a gimped vehicle so far.
you can lob HE shells under tanks, no idea if armor stops em
that's thermal insulation though
i know because i had one installed to my house
Just accept that heavy ERA is fucking good at destabilizing long rods (when it's not an edge strike(not modelled in game of course((((())
I'm amazed they still have CV90s left
Leo 2 is exceedingly mid. It's always been a tank that you can 1 shot due to the explosive breach or kill half the crew by firing into the optics. Spall liner made them better than the Abrams for the short period when they had the same reload but they're far from overwhelmingly OP like a lot of people claim. And unlike the 122s the 2A7s have a much slower top speed so the mobility advantage is gone. 122 is still pretty handheld but the germutt versions are gimped.
swedes are dumping all their CV9040s to ukraine and getting CV9030 to replace them
I thought the only difference to the 122s was the better UFP armor, why is the 2A7 less mobile too? That fucking blows.
cv90s have been relegated to night missions mostly because the barracuda camo net is world class and because russia kept sending t90ms to intercept them during the day
Because it didn't use it
How do you know?
some ukie operators were interviewed, not that they're the best source of anything but i partially believe them
fake and gay
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>believing hohols period
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>reading through these shitter replies
What the FUCK is this shit
You can't make the best armored turret, with 3rd gen thermals and the best round in the game work? I'm sorry fucking what?

>Leo 2 is exceedingly mid
Post your stats
For the love of GOID post your stats
I refuse to believe I share a board with subhuman retards like you
t80bvm is miles better
for me, reliable news comes from shoigu and fighterbomber
Did they just give the ZLT11 a SAP shell as if that's going to make it better?
A t80bvm can pen any leopard 2a7 everywhere and at any range
If you're gonna spergout, call everyone else shitters and demand they post stats you have to post yours first
Otherwise opinion invalid
>best armored turret
>webm shows getting oneshot by DM53 through the cheek
Lay out to me how I can make it work better.
it doesn't tho
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What input do you bros use. Should i invest in a flight stick
Only if you plan on playing sim
Unless you play sim there’s literally no reason to use anything other than KBM
In what way?
every way
How 2 ww2 svens?
Such as?
Hide and snipe
every one of them
Name 3 of them
name 15
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My VT-1 just missed a drone 10km away because he did a 1 second turn :)
So fun and playable :)
skill issue
>spaa cuck crying
Already been confirmed for France tho. Germany will probably get Poland or Arab subtree
more like why don't more aircraft have CCIP/CCRP at that BR?
>design new medium tank with a bunch of new features
>after testing it turns out an upgraded M48 would be just as good
it was a literal "there was an attempt" project
that doesnt mean the T95 project was shit, it was incredibly useful for developing M60(including Starship), M728 and Sheridan
sorry, 9035
Det är över
Försvarsmakten är vidriga landsförrädare
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there's also a red skin for it on the gaijin market.
I use 3x 500 lb bombs for cas
left one drops first, so pulling out of a fast dive will send you off to the right and you're going to crash
try and do shallow, low speed divesto maintain control
fighter-wise, its just kind of meh. its 4.0. that 57mm will tear something up if you hit it, but I usually use it just for CAS anyway.
At no point did I say it was shit. I just think its one of those funny projects where millions of dollars are dumped into it before someone realizes that it would be cheaper, easier, and just as good to upgrade the already in-use equipment
Germany has the F.58 Hunter despite having no relation to it technologically
Armén vill bara ha billigt sopor
France will get an Algerian subtree
Of course it will, Mohammed
thanks for agreeing.
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The subtree will not have vehicles, but breedable brown girls instead. And they will be delivered to your house upon research completion.
Faggot copy of the German language
i've been using the kiowa armed with ATAS and i've been having a blast. (im a chink main, i do not associate with Amerishitters)
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does anyone wanna play together this fine evening
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the thing about the T95 series was that it was way too ambitious
like bruh the fused silica composite armor was near sci-fi for the 50s yet fuckers pulled it off with in the T95E3 prototypes
everything in the project was cool as hell, but in the end is easier to upgrade what you already have than developing a new tank, specially when most of the design choices were made with easy training for Patton crews in mind (this was a big reason for just upgrading Pattons with T95 stuff too)
Kill yourself kraut
vehicles for this feel
fuck off, you just got a nafri subtree
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French player saving a match with a clutch nuke
AV-8B my beloved
Why didn't anyone shoot you down at fucking 5km alt?
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cloud cover, enough teammates in aircraft to draw attention and wasting two SPAAs two minutes earlier before rearming on a helipad
hows the stock grind? was looking to get the mutt one
Not great. I had AIM-9Ms before the patch dropped, so I only had to play it a little bit to get the AIM-120s. I just brought two 9Ms and bombs, by the time you get into the match the battle is decided. With a bit of luck you can frag someone that's busy with your teammates, if not your best option is just bombing a base and/or getting some ground targets. I saw a surprising number of downtiers though.
I regret not spading my F-16C before the patch hit, no way in hell am I touching that now to grind 100k RP for AIM-120s.
>Italy has a leopard 2A7, heli with Spikes/Hellfires, A fighter with good ground attack ordinance and A2A, and attacker with good ground attack ordinance and A2A, and light tanks to get cheap scouting
damn things have really changed since they got their tumour (or are the the tumour now?)
Quite bland, you'd expect more (or maybe less) from a slut like her.
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>want to go spike hunting
>enemy team spawns four F-4s
>at top tier
What's the fucking point? The sale is really kicking in.
My childhood best friend has spend almost $5,000 on war thunder in thee past six months. Told her she's retarded, she doesn't stop.
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unlikely in War Thunder
>childhood friend
marriage when?
Still waiting for France to get anything comparable. (Despite being literally the strongest army in Europe)
>$5,000 on war thunder in thee past six months
fucking how
Skipping entire tech trees. Buying every single premium for a new nation, playing then once, changing nation. Maxing, experting, acing crews. Etc.

This game is not cheap.
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>childhood friend
lol nice b8 m8
>marriage when
She has a girlfriend, they've been dating a few years which is the longest I can remember since we were teens so it's pretty serious. So never. We used to joke about it though.
Just because you have no friends doesn't mean things like this cannot exist.
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>some rednigger is playing like a little whore
>unleash the wrath of the GBU on him
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>She has a girlfriend
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*shoots you down*
Mate I'm in my 30s we've been friends since our mid teens she's always been a faggot.
Most woman shit i've ever heard
>Italy has a heli with spikes
I do not understand how adding spikes, an inferior missile, increases the BR of the same heli they get at 10.3 or whatever BR to 11.3(?) I forget heli BRs I stopped using them.
>not an inferior missile
Because it's tandom?
So do hellfires.

>Not inferior
180m/s. Takes LITERALLY 45 seconds to reach your target after firing from max range.
land spikes≠heli spikes
The only problem with Spikes is the horrible Post pen damage which never kills anything and makes you waste all missiles on a single enemy

Other than that it's the best heli missile in the game by far
when you have the ability to hover above the ground and throw spikes it becomes alot more viable depending on the map, but even if its not the ideal map you can bring a mix of spikes and hellfires for targets of opportunity
I have owned the T129 for a very long time, it was the first vehicle to have heli spikes as far as I'm aware and it was removed from the store because of how bad it was since those are your only option.

Unless they magically fixed heli spikes THIS PATCH where I haven't used them, heli spikes are FUCKING TRASH and hellfires are basically free kills. Almost every hellfire is a guaranteed kill for me, maybe 1/10 kills most of the tank but doesn't finish it.

>I have 200 games in the freccia
>Also have 50+ in the KF41
Spikes are the worst missile in the game tow2B's/A's are superior. Fire and forget is a meme if the missile can't track ANYTHING and takes 20 seconds to travel.
Too bad hellfires are unusable outside of horribly undertiered 10.3 helis because any SAM will destroy you
>Any sam will destroy you
Literal what? You can't missile lock helis unless they're very, very close. I think they also have to face away from you? It's almost impossible to lock the, I'm a massive anti-heli advocate I get into SPAA the second a heli kills me, I have never been able to lock one with a missile. You have to use IRST and since every heli faggot hovers at 4-5km max hellfire distance you can't hit shit.
>desert map
>first round hit from 1300m
>Tiger explodes violently
peak Warthunder
>needing to lock a heli
Bro just place your crosshair over the dumb hovering idiot and laugh as a he tries to drop behind a tree before your mach 3+ missile gets to him, helis aren't jets you can just guid them by hand.
That travel time of 4~ seconds makes any tiny adjustment the heli player makes an easy avoid of your shots. Unless he's just AFK waiting for a missile to hit he's not going to die at that range.
its fucking self guiding retard
iirc the T95 also had a problem with parts compatibility with the M48, also leading to the M60 being developed instead.
Have you.... used a heli spike? I assure you, they are laser guided. I don't know if there's some hotkey you have to bind to swap them to self guiding, but it isn't a default button I've never seen it. They're laser guided when you use them if you aren't manually guiding them they just fly in a line.
are you... fucking retarded?
No problem for my VT-1
Any good SAM player can't lose to any heli outside of F&F faggotry because you just outright deny him a launch every single time

Also russia has a 14.5km F&F missile on their kamovs so I hope you people are ready for even more russian cancer in war thunder
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What the fuck are you talking about
Wow, holy shit, a tank that's sitting still while the heli that fired the missile is sitting still, crazy he killed him.
naval gunners should be as accurate as current air gunners

air gunners should be as accurate as current naval gunners

you cannot and will not refute this tailsitting retards
Six foot...
Seven foot...
Eight foot...
They are TV guided fire and forget missiles you absolute retard.
>TV guided
>Fire and forget
So.... you mean they're like an aim pod missile from a jet except takes even longer to land? You realize that if the T129 (I don't know about other helis with spikes) loses its aim pod vision the spike just flies wild right? I have fired hundreds if not thousands of these. You can somewhat dodge things while your missile is flying but if you do a barrel roll you're losing aim pod vision and your spike isn't going to hit.

Again. If there's some button I have to hotkey to swap it to auto aim let me know and I'll get back to you, but I've never once seen a T129 do well they might get 1 kill before they die. Meanwhile every Tiger or KA-50 gets 3+ kills before they die.
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You're just baiting at this point.
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Weet ik niet.
Nobody has said yes to "have you used them?".
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Yes I'm the Closed Alpha Test for the Algerian tree.
no one cares shut the fuck up avatarfag
buff japanese tanks
You mean they haven't upgraded them because the T-64 is an obsolete platform to the T-80. Why would they bother upgrading them?
One of the best CAS aircraft in the game.
Be kinda nice if they added a premium queue for people who bought and don’t have lineups. Let the retards joust off in wonderland so half the game doesn’t get fucked every time there’s a sale
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This is how I grind btw. No premiums. No lineup.
But you at least ground there so should have some idea of how to play the game. Matchmaker is already retard roulette on a good day without them fucking the odds to make a buck
They'll never do it because it would hurt their $.
I'm close to getting a second vehicle for this "lineup".
I’d almost think a ticket to the dipshit slapfight would be a selling point honestly. Gives the perception they might do better since they’re on paper less likely to get stomped, though of course they’d end up fucking the dog somehow still
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I should be doing the same lmao
I started doing that on the russian ground tree a little bit but some of their tanks are just wretched
I got up to 7.3, the IS-3
boring tank.
the t-44-100 was definitely more fun
I should go back to that on the US tree and finish up my Abraps
Does it work for you with Air as well?
What about Battle Pass or events?
T-80 (early model) when?
T-72 Ural when?
Great so long as you have AIM-120 or phoenix at their respective BRs.
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>talking to someone who has always bitched about CAS in the past
>They're OP he said. SPAAGs aren't good enough to stop planes from collecting their free kills he said.
>Now he has apparently started flying CAS
>"those surface to air missiles are completely OP. How am I supposed to deal with them???"
Stingers aren't even that good.
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>killed wartg nigger 4 times
>Stingers aren't even that good.

They may be overhauled in the future at some point, restoring significant capability.

Maneuverability to 20~22G

Add Photocontrast mode(lock on range extension mechanic) to FIM-92B and later variants.
>extended lock on range
Enjoy your 10.3 spaa nerf and a blackhole of SPAA capability.
Not too bad, the jew chaparral is pretty fun at 10.3
who is the anime on your dish?
I'm saying if those buffs happen all Stinger AA is going like a full 1.0 br higher. The only exception would be the LAV-AD and it still might get incremental bumps until 10.7 which maybe isn't a problem anyways
the strela was 9.3 and nearly undodgable, and it was still 9.3 for a while after getting an imaging seeker
so shut the fuck up
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Should have won the war.
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9.3 Strela before the buff was unfucking usable with terrible lockon and awful missiles that were pathetically easy to dodge or counter. People elected to use the ZSU-23 instead. When it got buffed it was still at 9.3 because they didn't realize it swung wildly from "actual trashheap" to "holy fucking bias" and now it's at 10.3
If you're banking on them making already decent Stingers overpowered for like 2 weeks before a BR change you're irredeemably retarded.
it could lock planes fine it was just near unusable against helis
so shut up
In air you can only spawn once assuming you play air realistic. And there is no lineup.
For battlepass I dont care. I just reroll if the task is shit (twice at most), else I just take the loss. I'm not paying for the bp so the rewards dont really matter to me.
For events, I grinded out the Obj 282 with a single Leopard 2A4 in the swedish tt while unlocking other vehicles. You just have to have a few games where you live till the end/do well.
That's the content creator decal of xSolitude.
No it couldn't you vantablack negro. All-aspect couldn't lock onto anything outside of point blank where the missile wouldn't work for shit and missed. It basically only worked in rear-aspect and
>getting Omae wa'd before you could even lock on
Holy kek they photoshopped vladimir putin to look like a monkey, the resemblance is uncanny, what a hilarious pic wish i had saved it
They might be buffed in the future but I think it's just fucking pottery that he was bitching about them the very instant that they were shooting at him.
can you post a copy of it?
I've never seen it.
should I google it?
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They posted it on /int/ but thread got pruned, maybe someone here has it, im still laughing it really is the perfect synthesis
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where's the archive?
we have to find it and then post it on nu/pol/
Absolute retard alert, I had like a 5:1 KD in the Strela before they added the optical tracking, it was complete easy mode. It would easily lock any jet at near max range, and helis weren't great but it wasn't any worse than the Ozelot or Mistral. You're bad and your opinion is discarded.
Why post misinformation?
who the fuck are you? joe biden?
Says the dipshit trying to pretend the Strela was ever anything lest than the best SPAA at it's BR, and every BR it's ever been at.
It literally wasn't. Ozelot was far better.

it was downright OP before it moved up in BR you stupid ape, even before optical tracking.
Wrong, you never played them.
No it wasn't.

I played both.
You clearly did not, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to pretend the fucking Ozelot of all things is better. The Strela is OP and has been since the day it was released, you're just bad if you think otherwise.
I said it WAS better because it WAS. Stop trying this historical revisionism nonsense, Strela was fucking terrible before the buff. You could literally run out of missiles before you hit anything.
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monke :DDDDDD
Yes, it WAS better than the Ozelot, just like it still is, you're retarded.
>You could literally run out of missiles before you hit anything.
YOU could, I averaged 5 kills with 8 missiles.
It was not better than Ozelot before buff. Stop lying on the internet.
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Is the Freccia a good vehicle in its current state?
>Why are people in here so cynical and tribal?
Site culture. It could always get worse.
>Have you had fun in recent WT matches?
I recently played low tier France, Char 2C is quite fun; very stupid, but very fun.
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Whatever you say shitter
the only time in the history of 4ch when this thread hasn't been like that is when unironic r*dditroons and actualy jewtubers come to post here, so nice job giving yourself away by complaining how this place isn't the exact same faggotry as every other wt community
remind me again what the point of adding a wishlist option is
>Is slightly upgraded 9.0 VBC PT2 with meme missiles good at 10.3
It's ok.
They should have every suicide bombing result in this
I've had a lot of fun with the Dardo, but the 30mm copy isn't as fun. How does it compare?
>rear aspect
>no effort to dodge as the missile slowly arcs in
thank you for proving my point
>gets proven wrong
>immediate misinfo copeout
uhh good job retard
>something so rare and unique happens he records it (Strela getting a kill)
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calling out your own cope and making fun of it as a poor attempt to save face isn't the gotcha you think it is lil bro
Anton wont fuck you.
What's up with how the strela has amazing angular acceleration at launch where it looks like the missile swings it's ass around but the stingers need to come up to speed before being able to turn at all?
>immediately brings up homoerotic fantasies of the game's dev unprompted
weird but ok
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fucking russian bias how is this fucking fair stupid game
sorry I meant igla lmao
>meme flies right overhead
>just like the pre-buff strela (that missed)
>literally popping flares
this is too meta for me
skill issue + bad rng
>get downtiered
>put against vehicles i can't pen
>get uptiered
>put against vehicles i can effortlessly delete
What vehicle am I talking about? Wrong answers only.
anything between 7.0 and 8.3 without ATGMS.
Sturer Emil
East German T-72S Shilden when?
17.3 minutes
They have a their post launch "kick" maneuvering port modeled that was only present on preproduction round modeled.

Sparrows should do a similar thing, with their "English Bias" maneuver.
it might've not been a bait originally, but it most definitely is now
Proofs they had more than the M-1?
>mechanical features for thee but not for me
classic subhuman nigger
After filter cleanings for Russian WW2 tanks.
found something in the forums and was passed for considerations in Aug 2022:

- After some digging I have found evidence suggesting that the T-72S was offered to all nations of the Warsaw Pact in 1987. This would support the aforementioned post that East Germany did in fact place an order for the T-72S at the very end of the 1980s. The Source goes as follows: Marine Corps Intelligence Activity. Soviet/Russian Armour and Artillery Design Practices: 1945-1995. (pg I-99,I-100). September 1996
"they mightve been interesting in ordering a new tank"

So they dont deserve it. Got it
>Abrams with cope cages and ERA slapped on
i can't help but have a hearty kek
The tree's still missing essential NVA slop such as the T-34-85 1944, 1946/CZ and 1960/M1.
Why ask for something that never materialized?
The upgrades are German iirc (at least I read it somewhere either here or on the forums)
>thought about considering maybe placing an order eventually
This works for Sweden but not other trees.
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Missing a massive penis
if stand still in open field the drone might not see you :^)
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Mistral 30g overload when?
What's search MTI?
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Normally she wears none, but for official tank matches she borrows a pair from Oshida.
Pulse doppler for third worlders

MTI = Moving Target Indication

basically its a early form of ground clutter filtering from radars that, as the name implies, just filters out moving targets against the not-moving terrain/background.

its basically PD but only works against targets below the horizon (masking against the ground); its weaker than normal SRC at high altitudes against a empty sky.
Gotta hand it to them, this game has some of the best clouds.
Still, Cloud's such a perfect sissy.
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why does sweden have atgms at 3.7?
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Those clouds haven't been in the game for almost 4 years and were utter dogshit, worse than the ones they replaced.
Think she uses them to brew the maghrebi?
su27sm should get r77pd
Nah, it should be converted into the SM3 and have its FM fucking fixed already.
And the F-14B should get the AIM-152, and GBU 31/B & -38/B.
F-15J (M) should get AAM-4Bs
Imagine needing a 2006 missile to fight against a missile 30 years older
How do you even live with yourself shilling such a joke of a nation
Russia didn't exist for 70 years so it gotta have some handholding to compete against trillions budgets, its only fair
The R-77PD is a 1999 design that's only a few years older than the SPAMRAAM.
Why do you guys always lie about dates and stuff, are you the same guy that keep saying Abrams sep2 is form the 90s?
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Grippy E when?
a-5c or j-7d?
it's a free 2 kill machine with great flight performance
you even can bomb a bit once everyone's fucking dead and the last retard in a harrier is camping the airfield or whatever
j-7d is just a 21MF with magic 1 at 11.0
Gripen should get Meteor
A-5C then talisman the J-7E, the J-7D is a 10.3 plane at 11.0.
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nice meme, faggot
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>fire at that one unarmored twin 23mm chinkoid SPAA with F8F1B
>crit, dont kill his gunner and he just instantly shoots my wing off
>happens yet another time
ka50 y/n?
zu23 has pretty potent rounds
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It's because the game is literally designed to be frustrating to play to "encourage" players to pay out for premium account/vehicles, but it's pretty much literally the only simcade military vehicle game on the market and it's basically cocaine to people with a certain type of autism so they can't stop playing even though they're fully aware that the game is designed to exploit them and half the time it isn't even remotely fun to play. Anyone who puts themselves through literal years of that isn't exactly going to have a positive outlook in discussions about the game.
The chink one is 25mm and takes 3-4s longer to reload than the russian ones with 23mm in spite of having a smaller magazine
For reasons )))))))
well yeah SPAAs are good at destroying planes, it's more that these niggers magically avoid having their exposed gunners killed every single time I fire at them somehow
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>reach BR10.0
>ground battles suddenly become extremely unfun with every tank being incredibly mobile with lolpen guns that can instantly acquire targets from the other side of the map
Guess I've found my limit.
All this time I thought the Centauro 120 was autoloaded and I'm just now finding out it's actually manual
How the fuck does a 5'4" malnourished sicilian load a 120 in that tight-ass space as fast as an Abrams?
>All this time I thought the Centauro 120 was autoloaded
this gotta be some kind of mandela's effect; I thought it has an autoloader as well
100% a balancing thing, it'd be completely dead if it at least didn't have a quick reload
The amraam top tier air meta is the the worst gameplay in all of warthunder. Just climbing then pressing a button for a 50/50 chance to shit on someone trying to grind out to where you are. And that's the reward for grinding out to top tier.
Amraam meta is the best thing that ever happened to war thunder
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have a nice sunday /wtg/
is it even possible to have the big 3, usa germany and russia on the same team in GRB or is it hardcoded not to happen? sometimes in the queue you see more players for sweden or UK than any of the big 3 but I have literally never seen a game with all of the big 3 on the same team.
Amraam meta is the worst thing that ever happened to war thunder
Amraam meta is the best thing that ever happened to war thunder
If you can't see it clearly it means you're beyond retardation
Maybe the real reward was the journey
someone explain me how iglas outperform stingers when it is the other way around irl?
Wait for ECM to be implemented to reduce the engagement range, as a replacement for mutlipathing.
Just what the game needs, even MORE rigid separation between haves and have-nots due to sloppy piecemeal implementation, yippee!
>explain how iglas outperform stingers
Because Stingers are currently implemented as if they work the same way as the earlier FIM-43 Redeye / Strela-2 do.

and are missing a few key "features" that allow for them to maintain higher maneuverability; which include;

>Dithering Control Surfaces
Closed Loop autopilot
>Active Roll rate control
The Rosette Scan seeker arrangement
>IR & UV dual band detector element

and a few others that are less relevant, like "short grain" propellant and light weight construction also help, but aren't modellable due to the fact that the thrust and burn time are adjusted since drag is simplified.
>>Dithering Control Surfaces
can you explain this one in layman's terms
>between haves and have-nots due to sloppy piecemeal implementation

Airborne Noise Jammers have been a thing since 1943, and its not like they are going to go too in depth with however they model them anyway.

realistically, what br could it be?
as far as I know it's not some hyper-advanced light tank just a generic "modern" Bulldog/Chaffee, 10.3?
same as xm8
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>Mk.3 OF-40
oh baby
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this one seems interesting
Basically an additional signal is injected that causes a rapid (250hz), very small movements of the control surface back and forth.

on top of the autopilot's commanded deflection in order to avoid inertial coupling in any specific direction, due to a net zero effect for any given rotation that over time cancels itself out.

This is important since the missile is also aerodynamically unstable (the same way the F-16 is), and so has improved maneuverability but risks overcorrecting.
>BAE Systems Nimrod MRA.4
Yes please, I desperately want something of the sort to larp as a civilian airliner.
>Basically an additional signal is injected that causes a rapid (250hz), very small movements of the control surface back and forth.
gaijin's implementation of such fine bullshit would cause the missile to tremble and lose its speed at a far greater rate
be careful what you ask for
piggerbro where are you i miss your greentexts
>functionally unarmed jap trainer finally passed to devs
Imagine if that thing ends up replacing the R2Y2s lmao
They way su27s outmaneuver literally every plane in the game is complete bullshit
Vehicle for this feel?
For the German tree, obviously
Havent played the game for while. Last i played was when t72b3/80bvm/russian CAS stomped hard. Whats the current situation on 10.0 and up realistic battles ground? Air i assume is still just dick measuring contest who has stupidest missiles.
still the same busllshit but now russoinkers deny their handholding
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Russpigs got a CAS with 40km AGMs meanwhile NATO SAMs are stuck with 13km range at most
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>this is your teammate
>pantsyr 20km max range
>agm65d 23km max range
Congrats, you found the resident mutt that's seething about Russia day in, day out.
Wow... so only DOUBLE the effective range of NATO SAMs... Poccnyr suffers...
>pantsyr 20km max range
>agm65d 23km max range
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refute this
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>brag for years how SPAAs are a "cope for turd world shitholes without an actual air force"
>get worse SPAAs than the country that heavily invested in them
>also get the best fighters in the game that also come with excellent TGPs and metric shitloads of great missiles that outrange the other country's aforementioned SPAAs
>cry and piss and shidd when that other country gets 4 missiles with slightly more range on a dogshit subsonic attacker
10.0 is the start of premium hell and it's filled with cheaters too. Don't feel too bad about it.
Why is literally every argument on the left side “it was purposely shit so doesn’t count”
Wait Mikasa blew up and sank in harbor on its own too? I thought that only happened to Kawachi and Mutsu. What the fuck were they doing that this happened to three of their battleships?
what's the 1 loss for the F-16?
just one of those things that happened more often than youd think
>3 Russian
>5 Jap
>10 fr*Nch
>11 *nglo
>15(!) mutt
>russia has the best medium tanks in the game
>russia has the best light tanks in the game
>russia has the best jets in the game
>russia has the best spaa in the game
>russia has the best cas in the game
>not handheld btw
>>russia has the best jets in the game
hasn't been even remotely true since Sons of Atilla and keeps getting less true yet by the update
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Vehicle for this feel??????
Losing that many battleships is a lot worse than the ammo ships and 18th-19th sailing ships padding out the numbers on that list
anything kike, god I fucking hate 3DPDgroids so much
su27sm is the best jet fighter in the game
get better material swigpig
>calling me a swiggernigger
that hurt my feelings
>20km more range
the russbeast squeals as it strikes you
I shall remind you gentlemen that T80s have nearly 3 times their real life acceleration
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The Sea Harrier is the most succesful jet in history, in combat.
Mutts always brag about their 103-0 on their F15, but at the end of the day those kills were ALL against helicopters, a single Il-76 and all the mig-29 were unarmed and trying to flee into iranian arispace or against shitcans that were already 40 years old at the time.
At the same time, the Sea Harrier has a K/D of 23-0 and those kills were actually scored on fighter aircrafts of about the same capabilities
>actually good post from an avatarnigger
color me surprised
youtube gave him the opinion, anon
it's almost word for word excerpt from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9pZ40lbocw
shut the fuck up sneed, we know you 2 are butt buddies now
>fighter aircrafts of about the same capabilities
that were barely flight capable and were stripped of their countermeasures :^)
>acting like beating up on a south american shithole is different than a middle eastern on
>imagine posting anime

What are you ? 12?
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>explodes in port
>blame HATO frogmen
>turns out your main naval base is a literal minefield
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>imagine posting anime
anime site
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the soviet usion was the largest maritime superpower
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>do you see torpedo boats?
If they were worth what you say they are your navy wouldn’t have been raped by A-4s with dumb bombs
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>hit side of Tiger II
>see splash dent on it's side between the crew and engine compartment
>0 dmg done, no crits, removed 2 skirt pieces despite not hitting them
I have a mouth and i scream!
i knew russians were subhumans but this is a new low
Doesn't astralinux use KDE?
what is the last BR I can play without having flares?
are any of the clan still alive?
I just want to grind some squad vehicle
>Astra Linux
Is there an english version of that?
Its not listed on Distrowatch
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>tfw HESH will never ever be implemented properly
dumb question, why cant i drop my fuel tanks?
do they have to be empty first?
It'll be driving around later
Is the type 96ap any good? I'm considering getting it purely for fun with the 96a/qn506/zbd4/z-9w.
I've already ground out the top tier tanks minus vt4 but suck major wang at top tier
talisman / tech tree sale when?
FV4005 is on the track now
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Why would you use your little peashooter with HE?
it's a hesh round )))
it's just a flesh wound
this is pretty realistic imho. as this proves >>484099104 it would have been a critical but not fatal injury to the crewman, like in game
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>haven't played in years
>sudden urge to fly plens
>every nation has an f16 and mig29

the fuck?
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i'm late
>want to play some Ariete (plane)
>5 matches in
>5 matches against all aspect slinging premium chinks
holy shit i'm going to kill myself
playing t72s made me realize that most of the map layouts of this game were made to accomodate soviet tanks
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Most of my nukes are with Magach because I don't really play other nations beyond WW2
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im building the laziest update list, anyone got more ideas
>has to be a new vehicle
>can be added to at least 3 trees
bonus points for absolutely useless additions
frogs could get a dutch m107
not quite one vehicle, but several trees could get a marksman conversion of one of their tree's tanks
- M60 Marksman (US)
- Leo 1 Marksman (Germany)
- T-54/55 Marksman (USSR)
- G6 Marksman (UK)
- Type 59 Marksman (China)
- OF-40 Marksman (Italy, proposalshit)
- Centurion Marksman (Israel, i guess)
how do i grind with the F-14A
the matchmaker has been kinda rough with so many 12.3 - 12.7 matches and the F-14B's on my own team get the phoenix kills before me every single time
Tank game
>France (Belgian)
>Italy (Spain)
fuck off anton
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what is it with this game irritating its most committed players? it take 5 minute to find a match at 5.7 because noone plays any more
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The mutts fear the paisano.
Bongs operated Priest, M107 and M110 so why give them an M108 they didn't use?
If they need a 105mm SPH, Abbot would be better
incredibly rigorous loading training
that's how
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but that would require a whole new model, please think of the overworked devs :(
M108 gives Britannia the Austrian vehicles they long for to represent their Commonwealth Alliance
Everything at 10.0 and 10.3 are specifically there to ruin 9.0+
Find a country with an 8.7 lineup to like and play that. 8.7 exists to ruin 7.7 as an end-tier.
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I'm sure to win because my speed is superior.
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What a beauty
redpill me on Japanese tree
SOVL WW2 designs, butchered, nerfed, pain for no real gain, past their prime Cold War / modern designs.
You're better off waiting for the Korean subtree.
I still don't understand how the fuck do the Formosan separatists end up in the same tree as China proper, but South Korean stuff in the Japanese tree is "too much for the gookoid chimps to handle".
violently mediocre, a genuine interest in the vehicles (outside of WT) is a must
>but that would require a whole new model
Just a turret. The Falcon already in game has the hull from an Abbot
sgook really hate Japanese for being a better capitalist asian races
to the rest of the world they are basically just japan lite
>fuji T-1 passed for consideration
>Literally a worse SAAB 105/SK60 in every way
Literally why?
design department would spend many days on one turret, for one vehicle, that ends in one tree?
when designing one whole vehicle for five separate trees is also option?
next you will ask for Sabre!?
You need to be a weeb to actually enjoy the tree
Do NOT buy the Type 16 FPS
pain and misery because you're slow and never get to choose your engagements
pain and misery because japs suck at making tanks
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>you're slow and never get to choose your engagements
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>don't play on ulq bro just let third worlders see though solid objects bro
>superprop BR
My nigga is playing Pixel Thunder 3D
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Ki-84 with schrage musik 20mm when
the 5.3 has the exact same performance as the 6.3 version
You out-turn everything and can catch any plane other than american 6.0+
I am still waiting for any subtree to be add to japan, be it Thai or Korean
so I can finally play Japan's ground tree
their air tree is mostly fine imo
can I join LowIQ?
what happened to the 3 day cycle? Is it because I have 0 activity?
why no finnish crosses?
Carried by it's tank destroyers for the WW2 segment of the ground tree. No comment on the air tree.
youre in, hf
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>joining nigIQ after recent events
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forgot pic
just listing vehicles that could be (shoehorned) into as many trees as possible, giving bongs an Australian M108 does not mean Abbot is off the table
same way that giving them a Priest wouldnt deny them Sexton or Bishop, or frogs not getting an AMX-13 howitzer because of the Belgian M108
sorry I'm new what event?
swastika is a swastika
irregardless the "history" it had before ww2
Whens the next grinding event? I thought they said these will be back to back from now on?
vehicle grind is on hold for a month
just like during the april fools event
>use BTR-80 by itself
>2 kills average, 4 at most, none most of the matches
>use BTR-80 in 9.7 lineup
>5 kills most matches
fucking christ
>Q: With this format, does this mean that there’ll always be events throughout the year?
>A: Yes. However it depends on the month and when events finish or start, but generally there will be 2-3 days of no events until the next event starts. The longest current gap planned is almost 1 month in the summer until the next one starts.

>Setting eyes on the future, after the ground vehicle event finishes, there’ll be about a month break until the next one begins, as mentioned would happen in the FAQ here 671. Then a naval vehicle will be joining us.
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Navy bros we are so back
Disregarding the pre-Cold War history between the two, there has been surprisingly little shared military development history to justify a subtree with vehicles that Japan hasn't interacted with at all.
More cynically, I think it's just because Gaijin thinks there's more money to be made with creating a Korean tree in the far future as opposed to making a subtree or a few premiums, but hasn't allocated resources to creating models and assets for Korean vehicles yet.
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We got called out by Defyn for being retards because two members decided to suck at arb and behave like gamers while being recorded.
Imo it doesnt really matter because they cant represent us. And nobody is gonna remember us anyway.
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>its a fucking patrol boat
for italy
I dont know that is and I only play arcade
Jew plane is very good, Italian one isn't as good as you don't have any versatility but it's your best option to grind out their tree.
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cant wait to find out what drivel they've got lined up for us
I still hate the entire coastal trees for existing
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This is fucking miserable.
It doesn't matter either desu. Lowiq was the only place that didnt kick me for being inactive and had people willing to play with me.
Defyn is imo the best air realistic guide/content creator. I learned how to fly by watching his videos.
>monkey discovers that cheap shit is indead cheap and shit
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LowIQ? More Like LowRP!
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proper loadouts for A-5C?
I notice there's no bants for jewish players. Wonder why.
Magic 1 x 2.
I still have no idea what drugs the devs used to put GIGANTICK TRUCKS WITH NO ARMOR, no missiles, moderate mobility and sub 90 pen in the 7.0-8.0 range, when there are fucking AA trucks that are smaller but with comparable total performance 1-2 brs below.
What fucking role are you expected to perform that a light tank on the same br can't do better purely due to being smaller and armed with fucking 200-300 pen guns?
occupied palestine isn't in the game doofus
anything for ground?
German coastal is pain, especially with the new battle trophy of the week.
Your options are either a ww2 glass peashooter, an overglorified yacht that can only shoot at stuff behind it, or lumbering torpedo bait with no autocannons because the SKR-7 needs to justify its existence.
OF-40 (MTCA) a good grinder or nah? Looks like a stripped down Leopard A1A1 without the stock camo to blend in.
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Wait until you play Japan coastal pal.
None of these things affect the ratio between maximum overload in the maneuvering plane and maximum average overload, which is the key point behind gaijins reasoning. In fact gaijins uses a higher ratio for that than any of these missiles can likely achieve in real life. With that in mind the only thing that would help to get the Stinger's maneuverability buffed is a source that unambigously states that 20G is the average overload, not the maximum overload in the maneuvering plane.
whats wrong with Type 16?
it's just not worth the money
Gaijin added the FPS with a shit round so it has a lineup, they nerfed the shit round even more and now it doesn't even have a lineup (unless you paypig the 74G)))))
one thing I noticed from looking through the pack sales
if the vehicle in question if a good vehicle then it would get rated between 3.8-4.0 rating
if under that then its usually shit and not worth it
if its above 4.1 then its usually Chinese
The MTCA is probably the best premium in the italian tech tree.
Its like a Leo 1 but with a super powerful engine.
Its not faster but it can power through terrain and turning a lot better than the OF40 mk2.

However you shouldn't skip the lower tiers of italy because they're fun. Italy stops at 10.3 anyway.
>lowiq as my random squadmate
>first to die
Yeah that checks out.
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When is France getting their CTA40 platforms?
There are 5 to choose from:

- VAB 6X6 CTA40
- VBCI 1 T40M
- AMX-10RCR T40M
- VBCI 2 Philoctetes
- EBRC Jaguar
i quite liked it, tier IV was painful but the Vs are pretty cool (if a bit overtiered for no real reason)
anything is shit compared to that hyperkrok menace, just like how all destroyers are shit when compared to anything with 5/38s
when is russia getting the mistral aircraft carriers it paid for??
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tank game
So does the summer sale have a in-game part or will it only be a sale on the gayjin store?
Why are you racist?
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Possibly one of the most skillful trees in the game with fun prop planes that fit ARB very well, ignore the retards saying otherwise
Modern Air is a mixed bag though , and Modern Ground is either god tier when you play your cards right, or absolute shit due to the armor
>gets APHE from the get go
LMAO bitch please the British ground tree is the biggest fucking filter and the people that play it are the most skilled ground players
you can go the almost entire prop br range doing strictly nothing but throw your mouse around and win 9/10 fights
>11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome
what are some good non Japanese turn fighter? I just want to go on arcade and just click at moving circles
>come back to the game
>get into 11.3 air RB
>whole team of premium fucking dies with no kills
Its over, isn't it ?
not even that, just hold S
any spitfire
Yak-3, not to be mistaken with Yak-9.
There are ads on 4chan however, they support the site
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what am i in for once i have obtained the required funds for purchase?
shilling some mutt's yt echo chamber channel is not the same as 4chan ads
and you know it
Proud for you, being an ally this month
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>not a good turnfighter
Nice "spawn protection" Gaijin.
AMX-13-105 when?
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Not with that win rate percentage
yes...? and?
how much you wanna bet that when i open this video you'll move as soon as you spawn, get fucking killed like the dumbass you are and everything will go as predicted
>nothing skillful about being forced into a defensive position because of a dogshit engine
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don't you love when 2/3 of the map is meant to be inaccessible?
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you are very rarely outclimbed in jap planes you fucking ultimate shitter.
soon they'll be single lane, highway wide drive-to-enemy-spawn type deals
He's asking for some real primo brain-off turn fighters for AAB. Yak-9's great, but Yak-3 is excellent.
wtf have they done to the MiG-23ML's radar and when will it be undone
they made them realistic
It still just verks for me, now you just don't need to bother switching between modes
so why cant i override the automatic radar mode changes?
why do rustards cope over their AA when their top of the line S-400 got overwhelmed on camera by 1 (one) ATACMS?
It’s proven that Russian AA is utterly worthless
>it was real in xer mind
zeros are some of the slowest props in the game you dumb cunt
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you can’t cope your way out of this one misha
they can accelerate really well and dive after most anything while keeping retarded maneuverability at all speeds. being able to keep up the climb with everyone else means it's a LOT harder to get out smarted by someone.
Zeros are some of the easiest planes to play, they never die from fires, they tank a stupid amount of damage and they literally outmaneuver everything bar biplanes.
i cant get it to lock anyone if im hugging the deck and trying to joust, which is annoying.
it seems to only wanna lock in MTI mode if youre looking at the ground and are under 1800m
the former was always true, but being stuck in normal radar mode when youre hugging the deck is super annoying imo
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misha please provide some more cope misha please I want to see you try to cope your way out of this one
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>thousands of successful intercepts the propaganda bubble doesn't let xim hear about
>ONE missile gets through in a saturation attack
>only evidence is blurry drone footage and hohol ministry of lies
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why did you stop respond misha? :(
maybe you should check before you cope next time?
japtard and ruspiggy cope hours are the best, keep it up
>thousands of successful bombing missions the propaganda bubble doesn't let xim hear about
>ONE gets shot down through sheer luck
>only evidence is damage controlling serbs
see, I can do it too
>only evidence is blurry drone footage and hohol ministry of lies
unluckily for you misha, retarded subhuman Russian animals provided images of the wreckage confirming it was an S-400, so your cope was outdated the second you posted it
>>thousands of successful bombing missions the propaganda bubble doesn't let xim hear about
Literally everyone and their mother knows how you bombed former Yugoslavia to death though.
misha why aren’t you adjusting your cope for the images of the S-400 wreckage i preemptively posted because I knew you’d cope by claiming >muh blurry drone footage means it didn’t happen!!!
that S-400 got fucked by a single 1980s vintage missile kek
see >>484121938
it fired 6 interceptors, all missed and the system got fucked, russhit is just trash
>it was revealed to me in a dream
it’s on video, cope all you want sister
>I don't NEED proof to know they only fired one missile and not 7
huffing mad copium misha
>no argument or proof
Being fair, the Drache's a perfect meme boat, especially if your opponents can't aim for shit or are unlucky with their torpedos.
I once took mine out on the north sea, tanked like five different torpedoes, two bombs, and like 80% of the shots fired by the enemy side throughout the match. Sunk like 10 of theirs in return, including a noob's SKR-7.
I guess they just decided to not intercept the last missile even with other interceptors still loaded
Rank1-2 absolutely but rank 3 onwards you get some good shit. I bring the 3.3 torp boat even in 7.0 because it's the only torp boat that actually has good torpedoes. Then you get some completely usable if not good HE machine guns (with crazy overheating), I love fucking with SKR-7s with the triple turret one
>two type74 with type93 dart
>type93 SPAA
>type99 is absolutely viable with its 15kg explosive shell
>type89(lol, lmao, I know, still works)
no lineup?
has their been any update on attackers moving to the forward base?
god forbid someone tries to make a living to help her country
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i have rank 4 researched in the us and soviet tree, rank 3 in german tree
which oif these trees will be the most futureproof?
i see that us is kind of lacking in vehicles, but it has the best air
im asking because i want to buy a premium thats on sale to grind one of these to top tier

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