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Previous: >>483688915

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• New Splatfest announcement - Palace vs Theme Park vs Beach: https://x.com/SplatoonNA/status/1804197080304333071
• Version 8.0.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v800
• Sizzle Season is on until 8/31

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
this is the slowest catalog grind for me yet, but the end is near
I'm on my third catalog already.
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now that you've had about a month with lemuria hub, it's time to rank all of the games maps.
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Here is the current Tentative Roster. We are sitting at 19 signups, meaning there is ONE SPOT LEFT. If you want to nab it, then by all means fill out the above form. Once we have 20 people signed up, all further signups will be placed on The Bench, where they will be given priority to sub in for players that drop out.
>what's the format?
A Bo5 for each gamemode, where participants will be put on a team based on gamemode preference. With 5 gamemodes to play, that means 20 /ink/ers can cleanly fit on a roster.
>when is it happening
July 6th 1:00pm EDT.
>will this be streamed
Of course.
>is there a discord server?
So it came to pass. Send a friend request to inkeranon if you would like to join it. This is for tournament participants, and will be put on ice once this is all done.
>do i have to join it?
Of course not. We have a perfectly fine thread right here. This is just for people who want a direct line to strategize. There is also a gentleman's agreement with /v/ to not have voice comms.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns; I trust you know how to (You) me.
Anyone one wanna solm for 2 kings?
I'm guessing I missed some event or some such in the last week? I see the same banner and these masks around and I don't have them. Guessing they're in the news section but I've just been playing anarchy when I can since I basically can't play most of the time now.
The banner and gear came out today, and they're for the splatfest next month.
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>Next month
It’s in 2 weeks
I could slam for one
>faggotry awareness month is over
Knock knock
Fucking rando keeps jump attacking in front of me blocking my shots!
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tristring takes so much skill
it's so hard to play a backliner that can kill you in one hit despite missing every projectile simply because said projectiles are also explosives
it's so hard to farm killer wail while constantly running further and further away while chucking out fucking toxic mist constantly because nothing on your kit for retards requires you to aim
so hard to play
so glad they buffed this piece of shit so timmy's retarded nephew can play the game, especially on maps built by someone with the intelligence of a fucking starfish because copy pasting the half-stage you built and having no flank routes is definitely good map design
god If I could beat the shit out of the fucking cunt map designer I fucking would
also I've never known what to think about blasters
range blaster specifically has been a meta staple since the first game
I don't really understand how someone took something like a grenade launcher and placed it in a game where you can essentially have infinite ammo for it
this game specifically though it just feels like bullshit, probably again due to the poor map design
like damn if it doesn't take so much skill to play a weapon where you're rewarded for missing constantly
not to mention the final update gave it fucking kraken, and the best bomb in the game, basically negating the primary weakness of "if you get in a blaster's face they'll probably die" not that they're not going to fire their garbage ass weapon from the grave and kill you anyways 90% of the time
tringer takes a lot of skill to play when literally any other backliner is in play
blasters are balanced by their complete and utter inability to paint for themselves, every time there's a meta where paint doesn't matter they rise up, though usually the more ranged ones, small blasters are more niche
who salmn
I am, join
The lack of painting doesn't matter if you're consistently killing while having such a huge advantage over the other player (don't need line of sight, don't need to land direct hits but are rewarded much more for doing so)
also by other backliners do you mean snipers? because no other backliner besides other bows outranges the stupid fucking thing and no other backliner can abuse the ability to completely ignore cover. They should've added certain sections of the map that have roofs over them if they were going to make everything a bunch of lame-ass little perches that these weapons can just sit on all fucking game.
oh woops reopen when ready
Wave 3
One of the strangest things about this general is how not-horny we are. No one ever posts cunny. The best we ever get is naked yeb mod.
Your newfag is showing.
in a high paint, defensively-minded meta blasters can't get consistent kills because they get locked out. turns out when you don't have a lot of options for positioning, a gun that is designed to punish bad positioning becomes stronger, who would've thought.
snipers bully tri-stringer around because tri-stringer is slow and inconsistent.
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GG's Solomon!
GG's m00nrunes

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my wife
Link me the last time someone posted woomy nipples. Links dont count
Well if links don't count, how can I link it?
Outside links
Dont count
Do woomys have nipples?
Why's it gotta be Link?
Can't you Zelda?
no why would they?
golbina forma de sexo
GGs m and japanese letters
fun stuff
GG's Boy and, Moonrunes!
GGs SR got a new badge from that last shift, thanks.
Reposting in a new bread. Which one is better? I made an alt that didn't have the silly Harley accent.

...I can't remember where I got the "omg Poil!" thing from, but I feel like it was here. Was it some meme/image I've forgotten about?
There is a lot that I don't like about both, like the hips being a little too far back, but generally the right one is better even if the head is slightly more squished and oval shaped than the left one. My biggest nitpick that wouldn't take a whole redraw to fix would be the separation between the eyes, they are just slightly too far apart from each other.
Very slight differences too, had to do a double take to figure them out.
Also, really nice shapes and colour on the torso, I like the gradient on the hair too.
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I love Aori.
Cute wife.
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I just made a 30 minute video on salmon run :v

im not in it
I hate the fact that I can enjoy this video.
I would really appreciate if you could do me a favour and blow your brains out at your earliest convenience. Thank you and you're welcome.
>commit warcrimes
and i wish you didn't because you're uneducated, this is like saying terrorists are innocents and killing them is wrong. salmonids threaten inkling and octoling way of life, their homes out from beneath the waves used to be cephalopod infrastructure but have been invaded and taken over by forces inklings and octolings were unable to fight back against until grizzco was formed

if you're going to make stupid jokes or assume an uneducated point to be true why should i waste 30 minutes of my life, nay, even a single second watching your video when you can't even grasp the concept of "war crime" and don't understand the lore of the in game universe?
there's no threat of salmonid invasion, they are contained. but squidkind needs energy. salmon run is a mix of whaling and american oil grabs, power eggs are baisically oil (not baisically, they are oil).
I remember that New Year's rotation...
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green woomy........
I wish I could wear this in the game
I want a huge fucking trench coat they flutters in the wind when I shoot
I’d go for coat capes
never ever, they couldn't even give us shiver's slightly-flowy outfit and had to shrink it into a tiny neck covering
Woah Tofu, calm down
goblin love
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fat tiddy beebs make the rockin' world go round
>Very slight differences too, had to do a double take to figure them out.
Anon... The only thing I changed is the words. Lol ya dork.
>like the hips being a little too far back
>Also, really nice shapes and colour on the torso, I like the gradient on the hair too.
Ah thanks. You're the second person that's mentioned the face. I'm bad at faces, so makes sense I'd fuck it up. Ah well, back to my studies lol.
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I'm jealous
And they say Stamper never needed a nerf
Stamper is a high skill weapon
If you nerf it too much for high level play, casual players won't be able to use it anymore
If it were true they'd buff aerospray for real this time
Not sure if the Splatoon 2 nerfs didn't clue you in, but the devs fucking hate Aerogay.
It's amazing how turf babies have more sense of teamwork than my X shitters
Post cephs
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Turf War Chads once again carrying the "Maybe people will ignore my micro penis if my rank number is big" X virgins
What if e-liter had an extra fast charge for leaving their laser on the enemy for a quarter of a second in order to shoot
pretty nice, but lacks random extremely loud edits
My birthday is in a month, hypothetically would anyone want to know a day before to wish me a happy birthday and stuff like that? I play Splatoon 3 and shitpost in /ink/ but that's really it desu.
Sure, what's your ceph
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stop teeheeing
keep teheeing, I want to see /fa/
>With the newest outfit too
Very nice stuff
Are those bare feet?
snow delta straps
That explains the white spaces
kill yourself
>trying to listen to music but the text tone keeps going off
woomy feet can bring world peace
end your worthless life
learn what teeheeing means before using it you fucking tard
>They still haven't added more animations for photo mode
Fucking cunts
For a pay-only feature they really forgot about it two seasons into the game's lifespan
If Splatoon did more collab gear the teeheeing would be amazing
Ninjala has eva. I wish Splatoon did.
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Best Afro Weyyo
I didn't watch the whole thing, just the first 3 minutes. Seems like a fine video.
seems like a video I'd find on youtube.
what /ink/ers are in the footage?
capthca: stjGAY
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The octo's long legs creep me out.
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no octos allowed
I prefer octolings.
I have a random issue of Dengeki Daioh (monthly comic magazine, although it's more of a phone book. ...Do kids these days know what phone books are? ...Nvm)
I browsed through it and had to come up with my own story for most of the comics because I don't read moonrunes.
Also, for something like 5 and half bucks you get 800 pages of comics.
In the U.S. (don't know about Europe), you get 28 pages for 4 bucks plus tax.

My story for this is that squid-tan got walloped trying to learn the new stringer, and Shiver explains in panel that before you can swim you must learn to walk. (Seen in Panel 4)
And then she goes on to say that she has a petting fetish and then dons a collar and a jumper saying that she needs to have Frye 'pop her super chumps' and that squid-tan will figure things out on their own.
Her hair turns yellow because she's charging her 'special'.
it actually reads from left to right
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https://youtu.be/bcTqkA1hNi4?t=1725 But could also be a rando with the same name
I had a dream where I played open with /ink/ and the other team was full of hackers who disabled our weapons, then we did a group hug and cried.
You need pants.
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Hit me with a big man, brother.

Hope you have a good birthday! Mine's also roughly a month away, 21st July.
mine was earlier this month and the vast majority of people completely forgot
>a single retard blogposts about his birthday and teehees from it
>floodgate of attention-seeking opens
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i'll eat big man, how about that
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indians hate palestenians so this checks out
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how evil...
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Anyone else unable to post images from their phone?
What are you, some sort of normalfag?
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I am phoneposting
From which app?
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Slom for 1 king at rotation?
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Teehee test
I'm down
wort wort wort
Heck yeah
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Make sure to tell your friends of your birthday a day before it, or just obviously, make friends and they will eventually remember your birthday as long you tell them.

huh???? but i just ate big man big white chocolate like, last year... look, he's all munched up and down, see?
Cute Big Man! Please post more of him!

Go, Big Man!
9/10 Big Man, cute flippin' keystrokes!
kill yourself >>483979896
test from blue clover.
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My distant cousin...
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Finally /ink/ can win a tournament now that we have cheaters playing xD
what /ink/er one tricks would make a good team?
four exploshers
You still cannot create perfect clones of people in this day and age anon
Good thing freakazoid sucks at cexplo
A plague upon thee
>make friends and they will eventually remember your birthday
That's not true at all.
>clearly worthless teammates
>but one of them has tristrike so the other team can never KO
>even then, we can't get the tower out of our base because they're shit
5 minutes of my life wasted.
>21st July
Whoa cool, we have the same birthday. What are the chances?
Sorry you have no friends
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I don't need friends, they disappoint me.
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Some people remembered, but not even my own family typically does.
So mostly not, no. Including you.
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Why isn't he playing in the tournament
tired of carrying.
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Is the matchmaking so bad because the game's dead in the west, or is it just dysfunctional by design?
I love this image
kill yourself
Ggs SR.
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ggs 1fishkingslomom
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GGs bros, thanks for the capsules and boss
oh god oh fuck
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GGs fishers
High tide? Here? How?
No wonder there haven't been any Triumvirate sightings after BBR, they're probably saving them for all-wildcard rots
Just don't get too many grizz blaster lmao
Anyone wann open?
room's up
Become nugget.
open room 2/4 starting
PB2 soon
Nice of the game to invite us for trash randos eh luigi?
kill yourself
X tier: Charger, Stringer, Roller
S tier: Blaster, Brella, Dualies
A tier: Splatana
B tier: Dynamo Bucket
still got room?
roller will be good for cheesing joe in a corner
>s tier blaster
sorry i lied, i forgot it's saturday
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I keep forgetting there's PB coming around the hour.

The chances of being teehee'd? High, hopefully.
Pretty cool anyway! I hope we get ourselves cool art on that day to come, like my and your ceph being held up by respectively Coco and Big Man. That'd be cool.

It depends. Normally for me, I just update my status with having birthday and boom, that's that, or just tell others ahead I got birthday to come. Keep doing that and eventually one of your friends will remember you, provided of course you're a good friend.
>game's devolving to double tristrike instead of double zooka in solo queue
They should just flatout make it impossible to run more than one special per team. Nothing good has ever come out of stacking the same shit.
But I want to play open
It's never bad.
PB 0/10
room opening soon then
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i hate lemuria oh god
Lemuria sucks
I like Lemuria
PB2 4/10
High demand! Join quick!
I don't see the PB but I guess it's full
it'd be nice to be able to join one of these days
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absolutely not
in fact it can start them
kill yourself
>They should just flatout make it impossible to run more than one special per team.
Whenever I hear people bitch about the Splatoon team being incompetent or lazy I think about posts like these and feel relief. Enjoy your 240 second matchmaking timeouts lmao
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fucking kek
Did you get banned K?
I wish we could choose the colors of clothes.
this stage is dogshit
If it means each game is better in its quality it’s absolutely worth it
>X tier
The only thing "X" about that weapon is number shots it fires.
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I hate Humpback so much it's unreal.
knock knock
Thanks for telling us you're retarded
Ggs pb 2!
Welcome welcome!
PB2 5/10! Sending invites
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Hit me with a woom, brother.
Thanks for telling us you're retarded. As if we didn't already know.
GGs open room
ggs oppopo
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kill yourself>>483995794
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GG's open
I got hardcarried.
PB2 still ongoing
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It's fun to see your cool ass st/ink/ers playing one another and analyzing how they play.
Am I that predictable?
link full, coward
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only gay couples allowed itt
kill yourself
Tomboy gf and femboy bf is kinda gay ngl
I AM the predictable one!
I'm the worst st/ink/er!
No that's me.
>zone falls out of control
>lose anyway
cool netcode nogami
Hbd kold!
You aren't wearing the nugget shirt
8 minute stalemate time, bros!
I've been swindled, I thought this was RM...
You done yet?
GGs everyone. Thanks for playing.
ggs pb
GGs, thanks for hosting!
ggs pb!
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ggggggs pb!
GGs pb!
Thanks for hosting >>484003597
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fuck off shitters
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die pb scum
GGs PB2. go with goblina
kill yourself
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kill yourself
Thanks a lot for another amazing week. I leave with a smile on my face & a lighter, warmer heart.
See you all next week!
if a yeb's gf is an inkling, he is single to me
fuck woomy gon' do?
>animated marina by jtveemo
Stop having fun
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bgs not enough friendship bracelet woomies and veemos
Why do some of you play like you're in B rank when you've got fucking X badges.
the only x rank badges that matter are top 1000 and higher, anything below it might as well be c-
>Mine's also roughly a month away, 21st July.
Mine was yesterday :>
cause I'm still in B
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>SPU increases blast radius/painting
Fixed your special give me one good reason why this wouldn’t be goor
Limón & Lemón
Not him, not anyone in this thread.
but happy birthday.

Actually, Happy Birthday to all anons in this thread. Collectively, I wish you all a happy birthday, possibly early, possibly belated.
Happy Birthday /ink/.
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It's Ninjala's birthday too
hello from /gum/
nigga if you want to make it better that ain't it
b-bomb's spu effect is possibly the single most underrated one out there
it gets MUCH faster, which fixes its main problem of its potential to goku opportunities, makes it functionally tankier (health remains the same but time to shred that health reduces) and if you stack enough it effectively turns into unpunishable and project-able splashdown
it's fucking busted and nobody's talking about it
if i was changing that effect, i'd just nuke that stupid shit, nerf its throw range to that of a regular bomb and make it so spu now increases throw range back up
>but it's not a good special
no special should be good
special is an option, just another tool to diversify your toolkit
Ggs pb2, see you next week
>it's fucking busted and nobody's talking about it
because none of the weapons that could potentially matter, a reduced pool from an already small one, have leeway to put SPU on
then talks about "fixing" it by giving it an spu effect that makes it better at cheese are just as moot
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>he uses booyah to paint
Who’s next?
Booyah is not for painting, it's for displacement
Holy shit you're an actual retard
It snipes, it cleaves, it one shots Stingrays. It does everything. You SUCK ASS!!!!
Yes but what if it could?
Luckily Booyah's paint output can be painted over as it spreads out, so while it helps with flipping a zone it doesn't outright cheese it like Tri-Strikes.
If you want it to be buffed to cheese-tier, fuck you.
am i fresh

pls be honest

i grinded really hard for this outfit
it's easier to paint over ongoing strikes than booyah bomb
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>Any male ceph to begin with
Unfresh from the start, not even bothering giving it a (You)
You look like someone that beats their wife so yeah its pretty fresh
Not really? Strikes paint near instantly. You can paint over a Booyah Bomb in progress, not a Strike. On some smaller zones, if they arc the Strikes high in the sky they can make all three land at the same time, and I pretty much never see people able to stop it.
show abilities
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I return a Godborn. What have you silly squid kids been up to while I was out?
Change your hat to QR friendo
>not comeback
>especially with the complete lack of ISM
I shiggy diggy
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Because I'm not a nugget nugget but a bird nugget.
>play TW for an hour
I'm fine
>play one or two ranked matches
I'm drained.
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Y'all thirsty?
I'm always afraid of not looking fresh enough...
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Still not available...
kill yourself
Rubbing my face on Lemonchan's tummy.
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What's your favorite cheese and favorite pants?
Aged Cheddar and jeans
I meant splatoon pants
baggy pants
I'm not a chesse expert so idk.
I don't understand what this has to do with splatoon.
Good vid and good jokes. I think the only critique I have is that the volume isn't consistent and will dip sometimes.
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SR room at rotation.
Smoked Provolone
Black Leggings
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so apparently this is happening
We know >>483984376
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GGs again. Sorry for messing up your booyah bomb photo, A.
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kill yourself
How do I get into the favorite group?
Just b urself.
>2 comm errors in a row that counted as a loss
crab sluts…
1. be kind
2. lurk a little
3. play the game with the people here often
ideally in that order
When's that grizzco rotation?
Next weekend
Ask Brostar for his cheats.
Join the server
Don't worry, there's always next time.
a guide, from me
play the game consistently
play with others in here
post your ceph
don't be an ass
itll take time but eventually you'll make it
is your ceph tanned for the summer weather haha
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i mean technically...
Judging by past screenshots, he actually got less tan but that's because I picked the wrong skin tone going from 2 to 3.
Nice pits.
kill yourself
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I joined the pool but I dont want to play with drama fags so I never join any rooms
Play turf. Play Open. Play SR. Play TT. If you host, they will come.
just avoid nono and you'll be fine
Just avoid Fantasy, Panic, Squinty, BooyahBoy, Goji, SneakySnake and Kancora.
GreatTusks I need to draw your Weyyo next. May I please have an in game picture of him.
/ink/ drama or your real world drama?
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>no cape
>no mask
>no Side Order Amiibo at the direct
Thanks nintendo
They are too busy in development for Splatoon 4 on the Super Switch Ucube 64
Still mad at the lack of side order amiibo, I wanted more veemo amiibos
I'd take nono sobbing over people leaving his frienflist like your possessive ex over Donald Trump shit, that's for sure
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Yeah, no problem! I usually like to go through clothing change for variety, so I'm no picky, but if you gotta have a defacto "canon" outfit for me to chose, this one is the best.
>a 30 years old man acting like a teenage girl
GGs Com & M.
Very cute weyy
GG's, G and G!
>one's a barafag
>the other's into midgets
duality of fros
I received a friend request from that goob rando lol
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GGs frens.
>5 straight wins
>this power
My MMR ain't so good right now...
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>rank reset says A+ when it said S last week
When the game calls you rusty and mid... is it time for me to retire
what did K do? she only hosts sr as far as I know
>he doesn't know about Senda
I dont know what the other people on that list did wrong either. stop being a dramawhore youre not a walled woman
The joke was they did nothing wrong and it's to keep you away from their rooms
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good night /ink/
That's a toddler, uglier than one
die in your sleep
Feet skin too?
Would anyone be interested?
yeah, i'd be down to kiss goblina
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Thank you.
>Homing shot in Side Order
Ewww get that shit away
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I like soda and grape juice very much. *sip´* :)
Very cute! I love how you went beyond to pin up two signature tusks of a walrus and a mammoth. Thanks! I will be sure to treasure it myself.
Any room in the open anarchy lobbies I see?
>play the game with the people here often
>play with others in here
>mfw nobody is online by the time I get to play
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>Nerfed charge time
>Nerfed inking: what would take 3 shots to paint now takes 5
>Nerfed ink efficiency: 2 charges max without ISM
There, it’s fixed and now better fits original intended purpose: a sniper with multiple shots
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Months of gambling for this
Thanks anon, now off to lose it all lmao
They should redo this one now that playable octolings aren't some special new paywalled thing anymore. Wonder if the results would change.
Maybe in Spl4t. The mythical 3rd playable race for Splathreen DLC never came.
Anyone hosting something st the hour?
>literally never get to play with anyone else ever
>even when I'm around for PBs they fill up
>someone took a picture of my yebby and nothing happened with that either
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Guri is FAT and i would not have sex with him.
I'm too much of a bitch to join anybody cause I think being not-good at the game will just make everyone else's experience worse
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inkers man
I hope we'll get to play together some day anon
You need to get porn of your ceph and only then will you be considered
who should i commission?
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/v/ has said they are no longer interested in playing in the tournament on account of some of the /ink/ players being hackers, using aimbots and wallacks.
God I wish I was making this up.
I don't think they have much proof, and with me refusing to DQ the players they wish out, /v/ is stepping away.
I understand a lot of people clear their schedules for things like this, so I will brainstorm some ideas of an /ink/ vs /ink/ event, assuming people are interested in that.
I'll give an update tomorrow.
he does not care about woomis, silly
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wow, okay.
since it'd be very impromptu, what about a random weapons tourney?
When people fall for shitposting
You lying motherfucker lol.
Not a bad idea.
I. Fucking. Wish.
>>>484061095 (You)
>When people fall for shitposting
Random weapons would be good but only if you assign each player 2 weapons for the whole tournament. It's a lot of micromanaging though.
why not just drop them
Yeah, there's the issue of not everyone having every weapon.
Maybe have a random weapon pool for both teams each game, one weapon from each class to choose from for both teams?
I'll brainstorm it a bit.
not going to drop them to at least keep it going? unfortunate but it is what it is.
It's supposed to be a fun casual event, excluding people because of finger pointing sets a very bad precedent.
There was some back and forth, but I'm really against dropping people based on replays from a random twitter post that doesn't show much.
At this point they've said nobody is interested in participating anymore /v/-side, so I'll just try and make an enjoyable /ink/ event.
unfortunate but it has to be done.
>replays from a random twitter post
The fact that it's a random twitter post doesn't really matter does it? Did /ink/ watch the replays and come to their own decision on whether it was foul play or did you make that decision for them?
what replay is this
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>the fact that it's a random twitter post doesn't really matter does it?
Correct, sorry. The origin doesn't matter, I just find it to be really insubstantial.
Both parties watched them, you can watch them too. I just don't see much, especially given the small sample size.
Replay jank makes shots hit that seem to miss, but I really don't see undeniable proof of aimbot and wallhacks.
I say to report them to nintendo and let them decide. If their accounts are gone then we have an answer
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>Brostar single-handedly got an entire tournament cancelled
>tfw will never be good enough to be accused of cheating
that's clearly ballin playing on his account
the hacks must flow....
Can't believe how fucking retarded most of /ink/ is to really buy that brostar could keep up with any of the top players. That isn't ballin on his acc either. Ballin doesn't have the movement of a handheld timmy.
>dies to missiles when he could've rolled
kek, are there more of these?
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It's definitely just Ballin boosting him.
Unless Brostar suddenly picked up the Dynamo Roller.
The real reason they've opted out from future events is because each and every time they get thrashed and made fun of. Only Ballin' cheats, you could say Brostar does too by association as they're in a relationship and live together so both have access to hacked switches and their decision? To never participate again instead of demanding that the two of them be exiled from participating in future events. They're using Ballin' and Brostar as an excuse so they don't have to be put to shame over and over again by /ink/s vastly superior players

It's supposed to be for fun, but /v/ being /v/ they can't help but kick and scream to get their own way and will play retard just to save face which only makes them look worse
Brostar knows how to roll?
I watch the whole replay assuming B was the wiper. Now I gotta watch thing this again.
fun fact:
this is an anagram for
>LA is BIG Anal.
who salm in 10 mins
if that was the case they wouldn't have even agreed to this at all in the first place, cheaters are anti fun
Opting out from future events isn't about avoiding defeat; it's about choosing to disengage from a toxic environment where cheating is tolerated. Blaming our decision on Ballin' and Brostar's antics only highlights the issue at hand. The spirit of competition should be fair and fun, but when cheating is overlooked, it undermines the integrity of the game. We would rather not waste our time in a rigged contest. If you think superior players need to cheat to win, perhaps it's time to reassess who really needs to save face here
me i guess
Please, a king for me.
Ok Ben Dover just say you're a massive pussy with a fragile ego
the problem is from what i'm seeing of the Brostar VOD it doesn't look like he's cheating. Looks like he mopped the floor with a bad team and even then only barely won in the end. Also:

>trusting a 19 year old he/they tranny on twiter
>they're cheating because i say so! don't overlook it!
Okay buddy. Okay.
/v/ mentality is they're cheating so i quit
/ink/ mentality is they're cheating but im still gonna win
Hacking be damned, if I'm in the forced wins queue I WILL win.
/ink/ mentality is they're cheating because nogami sent them after me flar queue is real
It's either that or ballin played on his account to get top 10. Either way he's a sus player and should've been kicked out of the tournament. And now he ruined it for the rest of us.
*refreshes X cutely for the salmo room*
I'm not even with /v/ and I wouldn't go up against us for not just dropping/banning them. No one's really questioning the fact that a dude that, on average, feeds in stacked games with pro players, maining splatanas, managed to climb to top 200 in the span of like two weeks at the end of last season by swapping to dualies?
Your opinion is based on toxicity as you associate one cheater with many who are innocent, it's like biting into a rotten apple and believing that every apple in the world tastes as bad as that one you bit into does. You're close minded to those that want to play just as fair and honest as you want while playing the victim when your very own players could be cheating too as /v/ is full of hacked switch players more so compared to our small handful of players
>bad team
nigga thats like all top of the board x players all around 2500+ power.
a lil late sorry
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This is why you retards should have reported him when he posted that picture of his locker modded. It's embarassing how you people let him get away with it. only because "muh OCtism"
implying that reporting does anything in nintendy games.
B*llin wouldn't hmu with whatever version of Flexlion so I don't like him.
I don't play X rank so I wouldn't know.

i'm a shitter and even I can get a good ratio with a ranged blaster winning on the other hand....
>as they're in a relationship and live together
The replay codes are right there. You didn't even do the bare minimum before weighing in. No wonder B* got away with this for so long.
I think you're just a schizo. No aimbot detected.
flar queue IS real
This was written by /ink/
This is your brain on cope.
And I think you're just a turflet who's never played in X.
can b* cross the pond and stop november's election?
Doesn't it show the crowns above the playe names? Or that doesn't happen in replays?
Did b* and b! refuse to drop out or is this a TO decision
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TO decision to not exclude just them, /v/'s response to drop out
where's the bulge?
The bulge is on the chest :^)
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where are these MAINS at?
didn't make the list? It means I have no feelings one way or another.
Try to make a bigger impression next time. <3
Post your match results, Rank, and X power
I'm Flingza :)
kill yourself
after sitting on this for a bit, I take back what I said. It's unfortunate you dropped the ball on this honestly
GG slim
nice silver to finish
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GG's Salmonators!
Is there a reason why you aren't posting the scores from these replays?
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>dropped the ball
But ballin didn't drop out
You always know how to lighten the mood, Carlos.
This to be desu with you. Even in an ink general only tournament if b and b are in it invalidates the whole tournament theyre going to get drawn so much its unreal those drawings should be of me and my hard working blue collar salmin running crew this is nun negotiable i saw nerts to you my good man i can only hope that one day i can get drawn without whoring out my toon or begging for draws
Because I don't have them on hand? Because the only way to tell if there's hacks is by watching the replays, not by looking at scores?
draw me teehee
So you're admitting you did no actual investigation. Dropping 36 k/a in an x game is not very common, but it's even less common for B* if you've ever played with/against him.
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There is no proof that balls and ballstar aren't cheating so I'd rather not deal with it lmao with how much everyone says they are there must be something behind it
Yea, they cheat, simple as
You can watch the game, we all could see the score.
Have you NEVER had a 30+ kill game? I have. Shit's rare, but it happens.
The score does not matter. How about actually watching the gameplay and seeing the lack of aimbot?
as long as they're loyal to each other...
they cheat because....they just do, okay?
this is a pretty dumb argument since its the same one that religious people use to say their god is real. "you cant prove god doesnt exist! so many people believe! how could they be wrong?!?!?
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Post proof they aren't cheating.... You can't! Strange.
Innocent until proven guilty
How to say you've never played with/against brostar without actually saying you never played with/against brostar.
They're probably having rough gay sex right now, man
Blaming /v/ is retarded- no one wants to play with alleged cheaters in a friendly event. The fact that they've gotten their ass beaten over and over and still come back for more shows that clearly they do not care about losing or the jeering that comes with it.

Anyone with eyes can see that there's something wrong with Ballin and Brostar's X Rank statistics and gameplay. Brostar getting in top 50 with a weapon he wasn't even playing a week ago (that his boyfriend conveniently mains) is outright proof they are not playing legit.

What irks me here is that Ballin and Brostar actually offered to drop out. So for whatever reason, the host chose to burn all bridges with /v/ and torpedo the entire fucking event instead.
>anyone with eyes can see that there's something wrong with Ballin and Brostar's X Rank statistics and gameplay
That's why there's so much proof being posted, eh?
/v/'s head is up their ass, simple as
All that aside, if it's true they offered to drop out, then this is a problem with /ink/'s organizer, since there would had been no problems then. What's the point of canceling the entire event now?
>torpedo the entire fucking event
did he tho? what's the event discord saying? how do we know it's not just some anonymous gaslighting both sides?
>The fact that they've gotten their ass beaten over and over and still come back for more shows that clearly they do not care about losing or the jeering that comes with it.
This is a good point. /v/ is happy to lose fair and square. There's evidence that ballin can mod from previous threads. Do he and B* live together or visit each other? Not hard to put the pieces together.
Just because they were fine losing fair and square before doesn't mean they can't become an echo chamber that convinces themselves that a couple of replays showing nothing are hard evidence of aimbot and wallhacks.
At this point I doubt /v/ wants anything to do with us
ggs salmn and m thanks for joinin up
fun stufff
ballin can mod, but only offline because he doesn't want his console banned.
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Unwilling to compromise
Something is being held back because if what you are saying is true and they would've dropped, there'd be no point in canceling the event. If I was told I needed to drop out or the whole thing would be off, I would have happily dropped but maybe it's because I'm bad
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Marie's been acting kinda funny lately
/v/ here you're all a bunch of faggots and cheaters lmao
>pussying out
lol just lol
I'm good at the game and I never ever gotten 30+ kills (without assist) in Battle X. In open and series sure, but not battle X unless I'm using a point sensor weapon and it counts as an assist. Especially not in a 2500+ power room. This is definitely a red flag since he never managed to pull it off in the previous season.
>proof that they aren't
anon dabbing on the entire history of criminal justice with this simple statement
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does anyone have the gulikit kk3 max? is it better than a nintendo procontroller? i hate how the stick grinds into dust that goes into the stick internals worst design ever... but this expensive chink controller has a metal stick condom so it doesn't happen and also magic magnetic stick controls
It seems more like integrity. There's no hard proof that theyre cheating. The organizer doesnt want to give an inch to something that has no hard proof. Asking b is giving an inch would be opening a gate to remove others players based on rumors. /v/ wants to drop out and thats fine.

if the Bs get banned for cheating then /v/ can say i told you so. More bragging rights to them. If arent banned then whatever. we move on.
the chinese system is "guilty until proven innocent, and then still guilty to not set precedent". 99% conviction rate.
1v1 me rn
Hey N wanna slom together?
LMAO no I don't play with faggots and cheaters
>I don't play with faggots
You're from /v/
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>I don't think they have much proof, and with me refusing to DQ the players they wish out
You niggers think we're stupid?
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And this affects the tourney... how? His X-power doesn't buff his damage in a PB, retard.
ballin doesn't stream or record games... strange...! once a cheater always a cheater
this doesnt look good /ink/ sisters...
no faggots there
>alright mayyyyyyyybe they play dirty in X, but that doesn't affect the tourney, there's NO way they'd cheat or do anything dirty
Who do you think you are fooling?
the TO is friends with ballin and brostar
sounds like someones afraid of getting FLAR'd
I checked this season and last. Ballin is only at the top of SZ last season takoroka. Whats this pic from?

Kudos to you if this is an epic troll btw.
>just believe me bro, they're totally aimbotting!!
N as in...?
dude I don't give a flying FUCK if they are aimbotting, I don't want to be on the same team as a bunch of dirty wintraders. Glad I didn't sign up for this one
>all replays are shared
>months of particular anons trying to gaslight everyone into thinking that b+b are cheaters puts them under increased scrutiny by default, even before this callout and cancellation
they'd have to be stupid to pull anything off. they are not that stupid.
cheaters killed the tourney
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Ummm ackually...if you disable the music SFX to zero and can hear everyone even though you aren't suppose to it's not cheating because it's just a cosmetic hack! Same for wall hacks and changing ink color it's just cosmetic to see where everyone is! I'm a gay black faggot and basically treated as disabled so Nintendo allows me because if they don't it would be considered racist!
wintrading is not dirty, it's just a consequence of splat3's ranking system being borked beyond repair. if the system is stupid, gaming it is morally just. in fact, more people should be doing it so that nintendo notices and fixes it.
I suggest banning these 2 from any /ink/ room for a while
do not play with them
baIIin is playing sendouq tournaments now. we can have him under real scrutiny
What does this accomplish?
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If you're willing to risk your account to have someone else grind you up in X Rank, you'd be willing to hop on comms for an unfair advantage in a friendly tournament.
they ruined our tourney
wallhacks can't be done with cosmetic.
ink colour is defined by the host, and in pb the host is whoever set the pb up, even if he's spectating (and if a hacker sets it up, everyone gets white vs red, not just him).
disabling music is the only potentially advantageous client-side hack and the improvement is marginal because splat's sound design, music included, is really good, you won't have music's precussion drown out weapon sounds for example.
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they know
yeah, except there is no match where they two would play together, not even as subs if someone drops out.
How do I wintrade? Asking for a friend
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>wintrading is not dirty, it's just a consequence of splat3's ranking system being borked beyond repair. if the system is stupid, gaming it is morally just. in fact, more people should be doing it so that nintendo notices and fixes it.
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Not a good look sisters!
kill yourself
It was the organizer
Hehe... Me! My bad at the time. I just caught up to the thread recently. I still can if you want too. If not ah well.
>be friend with at least 7 other people
>organize yourself to all play at the same in X battle so that lobbies are mostly made of people from your group
>have a designated person win all those games
only works if you're all high enough in X already to reliably match together in the smaller player pool
the person saying it's due to 3 is retarded btw, it was already a known problem in 2
this yeb has a bbig penis
finally at least there's something
it's just people who think he's boosting, this doesn't change how they would perform for the tournament
>be friend with at least 7 other people
>you're all high enough in X already to reliably match together in the smaller player pool
I'm not sure which one is the biggest impossibility for me ;_; Thanks for a real answer though, that's pretty shit it's actually possible.
is 4chan so bereft of willing participants that we would need to include someone who does that even if they weren't hacking
he's a cheater and nobody can convince me otherwise
Sure, just want to get my bonuses and a king maybe. I just saw your freelancing earlier but I guess you were done by the time I posted.
Room's open
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SR 2/4 if anyone wants to pop in
Will join soon.
stop flooding. we get it, you have successfully crashed the party. you have my permission to fuck off now, you don't deserve any more (you)s.
Ok, we'll regroup after rotation
I'll join at rotation as well
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Is this you? All discordfags get the rope.
Open again!
Man I am BAD with inkjet...
I am not crazy! I know he was hacking! I knew it was sus. After moving in with ballin! As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. He – he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the ink discord to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This splatanery? He's done worse. That X power! Are you telling me that a man just happens to get top 10 like that? No! He orchestrated it! BROSTAR! He splafecated through a sunroof! He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands off the cheat menu! But not our Brostar! Couldn't be precious Brostar! Cheating them blind! And he gets to be a Competitor!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop him! You-
GGs SR room
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GGs SR comrades.
their beauty marks being how you open their face plates is clever
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Holy moly excellent fishing, GGs K, N, M!
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GGs and yeah nice haul we got there!
Good. Ballin' needs to fuck off
t. knower, long time /ink/ member
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Also I will sleep well tonight knowing one of my childhood's cartoon characters is now an ultimate fish murdering and teammate reviving machine (no kidding, seriously impressive numbers)
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I think this is the first fanart I've ever seen of Candi
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The final Splatfest that decides the next game's theme will be
Yebby bulges vs octo bussies vs salmon tushies
holy moly...
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>Seeing where your main weapon is placed on the list
>Captain 3 and Agent 8 initiate the plan
Both brostar and ballin being accused of cheating by twitter splatoon sweats and the TO still being dismissive is embarrassing. Tons of proof has been posted now. Congrats now /ink/ is known for defending cheaters. You've got turflets in here giving their two cents and outing themselves to not even know what top x gameplay looks like.
Acting like its hard to prove, I don't think it's hard to ask B* to play e dualies in an open game and play just like those replays. You could also ask B* to show his recent game scores. Too bad he won't because you faggots don't press him on anything and have been blind to his bullshit this long.
Going this far over a mindless video game that none of us benefit from.
But yeah /v/ are a bunch of bitches lmao
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Yeah everyone is being super duper silly, video games dont matter and neither do video game competitions. The matchmaking is bad so cheating is actually not a big deal desu
you want to think that over again lol?
Fucking retards not knowing backliners are to be assaulted on sight not patiently waiting for them to kill your mates one by one
I swear I was the only one flanking
kys TO apologist
Umm.... where's Mini Splatling?
This looks like a priority list of who to take out first
/v/ are cowards and faggots but i do think the TO could’ve handled this a bit better
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deep cut if they were epic
and yet I can still tell there's no hacking going on
There's more evidence to believe they are cheating over not and neither of them have posted anything defending themselves or proving otherwise. We know ballin plays on a modded switch and was previously banned for it. Several individuals on shitter have suspicions on both players. Yet you're not questioning it?
more like epic garbage
>neither of them have posted anything defending themselves or proving otherwise
Still waiting for that proof of them cheating during the tourney's with /v/. You get that proof and I'll personally contact them for you.
TO trying to salvage his ruined reputation

You are unwanted now
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Also if you do not provide any proof in your response I'll accept your concession bitch boy. Go ahead, I got all day. I'll wait. Make the webm pussy. Show me them cheating. C'mon, lets see the video.
Don't care about your rambling faggot or moved goalpost. Show me them cheating.
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Woomy time.
C'mon buddy, I ain't got all day. Where's your proof of them cheating. You sound so CERTAIN they are cheating. Lets see the proof.
Tie a noose and hang yourself from a tree to see proof, coordinated drama stirrer.
>no proof
Ah so /v/ is just running like a dog with their tail between their legs. Alright. Thanks for clearing that up.
Woomy is as flat as a flounder
It's us who are stirring the drama and not the ones accusing others of cheating and cancelling an entire event.
Cheats can be turned on and off at will. I'm sorry you're retarded and don't understand that. Whether they cheated during the /v/ tourney is irrelevant when a known terrible player is climbing x rank with no effort. The replays are posted right there brostar is making consistent kills in spread mode with the player movement of a toddler what more proof is needed.
Are you unable to make webms? Because I'm not reading your post until I see the proof. C'mon buddy. I'm waiting.
What part of they are already posted don't you understand? The replay codes are there. I won't discuss this further with you. Sorry you have the actual retard kind of autism instead of at least pattern recognition autism. The fact that you are defending them this hard is telling, do they carry you in exchange for all this brown nosing? /v/ was right to back out, and I'm questioning why I even considered myself an /ink/er.
What part of post a webm do you not understand? I'm asking YOU to show me proof. You're clearly capable of making a post so what's stopping you from posting a webm of them cheating. Could it be...you don't have proof? Gasp! Nah, that couldn't be it. So go on, get me that proof.
>the sky is blue
>look up
holy retard
It's okay, shitter already self admitted to never playing x because they likely got filtered out immediately, that or gets regularly carried by the bgays. Turf timmies weighing in on high level play is funny as fuck.
>still no proof
And yet you have the gall to call others a retard. You literally just have to post a simple webm showing them cheating and I would kneel to your superiority yet you can't because such proof doesn't exist.
Man I just want a simple webm. I know I can watch the replays but I'm just asking bro to show me the proof himself. Is it really hard to make a webm? I'm pretty sure its retard proof.
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you asked for a simple webm, i'll give you a simple webm. here's your proof.
/v/'s best player in action
>this dumb bitch can't read
>>484097248 >Still waiting for that proof of them cheating during the tourney's with /v/
>cheating during the tourney's with /v/
This whole thing is over /v/ shitting themselves over some presumed cheating during a tourney with /ink/. Show me them cheating during one.
nope, this boy was a pure bred /ink/er through and through
I miss walleye.
look at those former player names & former stage.
Oh and since you're clearly a moron allow me to dumb it down a little more. The tourney must take place in splatoon 3. You understand dumb dumb? One of the tournaments previously hosted here that was /ink/ vs /v/. I hope that's simple enough for your pea brain to follow.
Sadistic is DEENS tho?
this threads gonna be unusable for a while isn’t it
i think the real cheaters are anyone who uses squeezer
remember to report every squeezer user
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Afraid so. Pack up your ceph and move to the shelter while this passes over.
>Just wanted to be a showoff with my glooger husbando in the tourney
>It's cancelled
>Burst into treats
thats what happens when you invite /v/ermin in
always has been
Is the color helicopter trophy going to still be available in HLM Triumvirate?
Yes, the requirement is just beating Triumvirate at HLM, it is not linked to big run at all.
nah, the "ballin is cheating" rhetoric, however true or untrue it is, was running on /ink/ for months
very obvious samefaggotry, he didn't get any legit (you)s, but what he was doing is setting up for this particular day
and what a strike, i applaud the guy
but also want to punch him in the face
babt, if that's you, start adding "it's in the archives, search it" or something
What is Bad Woomy's go to attire?
Bad Woomy or Bad Woomy?
Bad clothing.
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Bad Woomy. I only have this to go off from but I am pretty sure this is just a spur of the moment attire.
you're fighting a strawman now
do you really believe only one person would suspect someone who has demonstrated use of modding tools of cheating?
black inky rider
punk nights
mullet hair
yes, after he accidentally got a switch banned and had to buy into it again
you'd think that if he wasn't careful before, he would be now
he said as much too
This but I die to said backliners because they shoot me dead while I try to get close.
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gonna steal her slippers thanks
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fuck off
floating goblin, or Big Man lifting her up on string.
Big Man picking her up like a cat
>would rather prop up some cheating shit than have a friendly tournament
for fucks sake, I enjoyed watching along with you guys
be more obvious
Obvious about what. Something fun gets organised and cheaters ruin it.
/ink/ wants to do this because we win each time.
/v/ wants to do it and have been playing better with each tournament
Just cut those two out and let it happen as it should.
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/r/ing an in-game pic of South's veemo
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Last season B*'s two active X Rank modes were the same ones that Ballin' favored in the other division. Also, this season occurred during the same time when both of them were IRL together and one had access to using the other's Switch. How curious!
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Do you really think /v/, who had a roster ready before /ink/ this time, after playing better than they ever had third time around really wanted to call things off?
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don't open
get out
you forgot to censor the penis haircut
Giving penis woomy the penis
Proof is stacked against them, yet thread seems to think that several accusations, replays, and screenshots are worth nothing.
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this is a more up-to-date picture
I can't believe he's teeheeing from beyond the grave
You can kill the ceph, but not the idea.
>several accusations
Literally worthless
I've seen enough janky replays of assholes with Top 10 X badges to know that replays aren't reliable for finding proof of cheating, every single one looks like they're aimbotting and they always survive shit nobody should.
Screenshots of random twitterfags? I have no skin in this game because tourneys are gay and Ballin and Brostar are massive fags but the TO and everyone from /v/ refusing to play are giga bitches, grow the fuck up.
what happened to him?
in what position?
He got tired of the coordinated shitposting that came to a head after someone posted low-effort shitpost art and called him ungrateful when it was shat on.
he finally left after everyone got sick of his shitty doodles and told him to improve or leave
So you're saying you genuinely believe Bstar is top 200 material?
No but solo queue boosting from his buttbuddy has nothing to do with a PB
Replays are janky, yes, but that doesn't explain his bot movement and lack of gamesense.
Why does he always throw himself head-on into fights without accounting for enemy player locations?
Why does he always take fights 1v2 or 1v3?
Why does he barely roll with dualies?
Why can't he substrafe or utilize other movement techs?
Why does he fall off the map?
Why does he die so much when every competent player knows that dying as minimally as possible is crucial for objectives?

This is Top 10 player material to you?
>bot movement
>why does he throw himself into head-on fights without account for enemy positions
He's using dualies with comeback, quick respawn, and stealth jump. Have you never played this game before?
>why does he always take 1v2s and 1v3s
See above.
>why does he barely roll with dualies?
Maybe he likes to save them.
>why can't he substrafe or utilize other movement tech
Because he's got dodge rolls saved,
>why does he fall off the map
Because he's human.
>why does he die so much
See the quick respawn comment.
>this is top 10 player material for you
No. And watching the replay, it's also not aimbot material.
why do you guys keep defending a literal pedo hacker you guys had it coming for months yet you keep acting like he's innocent
then why are we letting cheaters represent us to the point where it gets the whole thing cancelled? It's not like we're lacking alternate players
now he's also a pedo, great. what's next? tax fraud? murdered a family of five (single mother and 4 kids from different men)? literal hitler's secret identity?
Are you a Turfshitter or something? Have you never watched an ACTUAL 3000+ XP vDualies player like Jared before?

You really believe Dualies players only rely on dodge rolls for movement and not other techs? You don't think high-level players mixup their opponents?

Just because he's running Comeback, QR, and Stealth doesn't mean his role is to throw himself into disadvantaged fights. This is the typical sweat build for any slayer now, he isn't playing a high-risk-high-reward weapon like Tetras.

I never said he was aimbotting, I just believe whatever method he's using is illegitimate. Pay attention better and play the game, maybe consult a Dualies main.
he called soldiers losers and suckers
goblin being held like a baby cat...
>TO still trying to salvage his reputation
he posted it again guys
I propose /ink/ vs /ink/ hide and seek tournament
seconded, but only if hide is ballin and seek is us finding his home irl and sending him a lit firecracker through the window
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Take a good long look at the face of the yeb that broke you /v/.

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