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Total Bot Death Edition

Sign Anon is ignored by Valve: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/481432419/#q481439148
New Community MvM tour: https://oo.potato.tf
Bot hosters are getting banned: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/483580741/#483617424

>Official Sites
Blog: https://teamfortress.com
Wiki: https://wiki.tf

>Frag With /tf2g/
When: Friday & Saturday Afternoon. Check for posts in the thread or be the one to announce.
tf2g's Official Server: (EU)
Ready Up: https://tf2gfragready.b4k.co/
>Other 4chan Servers
Weeabootique: (NA)
Team Funtress: fun.tf2.host (NA)
Castaway: Castaway.tf (NA)
Konata: konata.tf (EU)

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Svy4uc7t
Mods: https://pastebin.com/8Q6bzADk
Preview Loadouts & Skins: https://loadout.tf | https://weapons.tf | https://p337.info/tfview
HUDs: https://gamebanana.com/mods/cats/1644 | https://teamfortress.tv/33738
Scripting: https://pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | https://pastebin.com/R7V4cN8S
Trading: https://backpack.tf | https://trade.tf | https://stntrading.eu/ | https://tf2trade.tf/
Stats: https://pastebin.com/0yaDyWb4
Sprays: https://rafradek.github.io/Mishcatt/
Creators Leaks: https://archive.is/GeYbE
tf2g's Guide to Heavy: https://pastebin.com/Y7ZWgt96

News & Events: https://teamfortress.tv
Lobbies & Mixes: https://tf2center.com | https://pastebin.com/vNTDF4eL
Leagues: https://pastebin.com/UJ9sDAdq

>Previous Thread
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>play a better game faggot like deadlock :^)
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medic booba
all class boob when
It honestly astounds me that I've been seeing deadlock threads on /v/. Deadlock looks like Overwatch clone trash, and also from a Valve that brought us shit like Artifact and the current state of TF2 and CS2. I wouldn't play Deadlock if Valve literally paid me too.
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Alrighty then!
textmode is legacy from the ye olden days of gaming like doom and quake
games will act as both a server and a client
besides nothing really stops you from playing every game with textmode. all you do is just not render a window (it's more difficult than im letting on but the principle is the same)
I'm not really a fan of botkillers because the extension cord is ugly. I ended up finding a festivized one with robots destroyed on it for $3. I know parts only tracks melee kills but the goof is worth a couple bucks to me.
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Taking advantage of Temporary Bot Death to 100% the Contracker
Spy fucking my dispenser!
cope and sneed
really sounds like they need to disable clients running in text mode from connecting to servers
I accept your concession.

They should, they already did for CS:GO many years ago. I don't know why they haven't for TF2.
it's already disabled but it was supposedly hacked back in
again nothing really stops you from just "not rendering" something
that makes sense

after all the "s" in ""valve" stands for security
no I'm saying that for all games. nothing other than your own skill and patience stops you from running eg valorant textmode only
you'd need at least kernel level anticheat to make sure but even that's not enough, attackers could technically break it
they do shit like this but not finish and release half life 3 the fucking thing people have waited nearly two decades for but no here you go a third person slop shooter
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artist name?
Valve _oftware _i_ter_... we lo_t
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>slow as fuck movement
>incomprehensible shit all over the screen
>giant bloated health pools
>lane based maps
>third person fortnite mode
DOA moba slop
Is /Tf2/ Teto Truthers or Miku Maniacs?
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Forgot pic. . . . . .
god i wish i were miku
good pic good pic
Gnnnnnhhhh fuck Teto is so hot.
it might stop script kiddies but that's not a permanent solution technically speaking. you can hack the client files and just completely chop out the whole rendering part of the game and it'd have the same effect. or run the window 1x1 so it uses barely any resources
of course, these botters wouldn't be able to do it, but if some other programmer takes up the cathook torch it would be worked around
i like len
Uh-oh zestybros...
I'll take miku
You VILL engage in interpersonal drama!
Teto = Red = Red team = Winning team
Miku = Blue = Blu team = Losing team
So how's the bot/bot hoster situation? Is it noticeable in-game?
t. was away for 2 days when it happened
I haven't seen any bots since the banwave but a few people on reddit have. Seems like the bots are killing and kicking each other now, whatever whitelist they used is out of date and might take a long time to rebuild with their discord server being shut down.
how many hours until you're not a newfag in tf2?
>pedsty straight up lying for attention
a thousand
1K until you go from newfag to beginner
We need to start a fix Valve Anti-Cheat movement - FixVAC #fixvac #savetf2 #fixtf2 #fixcsgo
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>Gifted my friend my lugermorph and black rose years ago
>Got back into tf2 recently
>Found out you can't get either now
>Looked in his inventory out of curiosity
>They're gone
>He only could have deleted or crafted them into scrap
>all of my go to servers are dead
TF2 players confirmed normalfags!
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New Dane kino
>maining heavy
dane is appropriating tf2g culture
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>havent played in years after growing up on tf2
>hear about the bot banwave
>reinstall and boot it up
>still got all my skins and strange weapons
>open the server browser
>connect to ctf_2fort
>select sniper
its good to be back boys
Zesty being a zester
He is the Drake of the tf2tubers
>select sniper
>select sniper
erm... you aren't supposed to play sniper anymore... witter said so
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listen here fat....
tf2 is a symbol of roachification
of what now
The process of turning into Roach from MW2.
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that's kinda hot
Go away Kafka
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summer sale is on now what should i get bros
what playing scout does to a mfer
>read replies
>terminally online nutf2 players can’t handle when someone is being blunt/not brown nosing their fartbox
me otr
tf2g on left, middle left and middle right
>tf2g on left
thank you :)
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I don't wanna be a roach
Until he shows his findings he's just gonna be full of shit
Imagine turning in a research paper where you draw a bunch of conclusions and discredit other people's backed up findings without showing how you got them and just saying "I'll show them at a later date :)"
TF2 is lowkey Kafkaesque when you think about it. Especially the state it's in right now.
About 75% of players have yet to get the Ghastly Gibus Grab achievement, so don’t feel too bad.
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Now that Valve is addressing the bots how do we get them to #BringBackQuickplay
Peaceful interview (beheading) with Jill when
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need opinions again, which legs look best
welcome back brother
dead game
dead general
tldr of new uncle dane video

>he decides to play heavy for a month again, as with pyro
>he learns that the way valve designed the class is the most flexible and effective strategy

who would have guessed that the heavy having a shotgun helps mitigate a major weakness he has

pic unrelated
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sorry but the banana stays in my loadout
Dane once again realizing his wrong doings in trying to change the game into something that it isn't and that the devs had it all figured out from the get-go
valid, but i find it so funny with how he acts like this is a revolutionary discovery
give heavy a dedicated shotgun slot
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It's mostly a boring video, he's right about the shotgun being a viable weapon for Heavy but he doesn't say anything else.
her moose sheknuckle is exposed
Heavy fucking sucks, he's easily the 2nd worst class in the game.

*kisses tummy*
i was expecting more but like
it's heavy, there's not much to him.
I watched ufr on that shredded nerd video and wow lucid is really retarded and obsessed with making "good" video essays instead of just saying your opinion and cares about le heccin editing.
its amazing how we're witnessing dane constantly prove his beliefs wrong video after video. I want him to come out and just say competitive is shit
Demo's shields should have been primary weapons on the heavy.
I agree, the fourth
kek! Well memed my good sir
not watching but idk how you can say that
the shotgun is actually useless for any situation besides if you desperately need to run in and kill someone behind cover, healing provides a lot more utility
usually in a situation like that i stay where i am with the minigun and still get the kill because people are retarded and peek again
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Conspiracy theory:
The Dragon's Fury was designed early on as a generic weapon for whoever won Meat vs. Match. Mechanically the weapon works on both classes, Pyro just needed fire tied to it, but if instead of a fireball it was a giant bullet and used a minigun model instead of a flamethrower one it would've very likely been what Heavy would've gotten if he had won
i said flexible and effective

i should have added for a more mobile playstyle, but even then, the shotgun is pretty damn good on heavy
What are you a pyro down player? Pyro is actually versatile and adds a lot of value to a team unlike heavy who literally gets raped by every class in the game.
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sorry anons one more, i'm very indecisive
pyro is a jack-of-all-trades in a game where a king-of-all-trades (soldier) exists, he is pointless
do you really not trust your judgement enough to where you have to decide like a 1 pixel difference here
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It's a one pixel difference bro just pick one
The left is marginally better
Jeez everyone should know heavy's shotgun is useful. Its like when people bitched about bonk because it 'had no downside' so they begged valve to nerf it when the downside was giving up scout's extremely useful pistol. This is the problem with newfags being in charge of balancing.
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He needs pic related. NOW.
the gunboats is the exact fucking same deal, why did NO ONE complain about it when it came out, or at all today?
Gunboats suck. Having a shotgun to always fall back on is way better than saving fucking 2 damage from rocking jumping.
That would line up with how Gunboats was prepared for both Soldier and Demo ahead of time
The Dragon's Fury is pretty clearly a Flare Gun (primary weapon), it's kind of a stretch to say it could be suitable as a Heavy primary. Heavy could maybe have a minigun that gets faster fire rate on-hit but that wouldn't be the same thing as the Dragon's Fury.
Give heavy bonus movement speed on shotgun deploy AND make sandvich a new part of his loadoat that doesn't consume his secondary and he would be perfect.
Why are you posting lust provoking images? Do you want to get manhandled?
>A whole ass month before the #fixtf2 doofeses go to Valve (allegedly)
>Valve is already fixing the bot issue and (hopefully) will continue to do so
Will they cancel the trip? Imagine being slower than Valve at organizing something lol
the shotgun does not pair well with the minigun because nothing is meant to pair with the minigun, its a very demanding weapon, to use it you give up your not only your movement, but also your ability to switch weapons until you wait for an eternity to unrev. this limits the shotguns usecase to before you rev up.
but honestly, now that the spinup is faster, shotguns are useless, especially since nooone wants to play medic
>Do you want to get manhandled?
It's not lust-provoking, it's just a picture of a girl suspended (in disbelief).
He's an avatarfagging coomer that thinks he needs to attach a random gacha porn image to every post
He's been doing this for years despite getting banned repeatedly
So where did Richter even get the claim from that Valve has been working on a solution for the bots for 2 years? Sounds like Valve cocksucking to me
>heavy is...le good???
0.5 scout on payload
1. spy
1.5 engineer on offense
2. pyro
3. heavy
heavy is better than pyro. pyro exists only to reflect rockets and uber. thats all he does. he has no good damage or mobility, hes worse soldier
this, i frag with my gf suspended like that so she can watch
Gabe said two years ago at a school presentation in New Zealand that they were working on the botting and cheating problem but it was such a vague answer and didn't have anything to do with TF2 anyway. He said something like 'oh yeah we have something we're working on behind the scenes'.
I'm glad Dane mentioned not being a retard and limiting yourself to exclusively using the shotgun for le meme fatscout but actually using both weapons like a normal human being
every soldier main within the last 15 years disagrees with you
I wonder if Dane realizes nerfing the shit out of the GRU was fucking retarded yet.
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>1.5 engineer on offense
>he doesn't regularly carry his team as offense engie
you are no true texan
I'd say most Soldiers are wrong
Unless you're constantly rocket jumping and doing rollouts the entire match, you're better off using other secondaries
I like your style, but if your gonna avatarfag with lust provoking images I think you should also start teasing and saying stuff like "nonny" intermittently. It would really elevate your posts to new heights.
>constantly rocket jumping
believe it or not thats... what gunboats soldiers do.
He did mention in another video that he finds it stupid to nerf the whip just because "Heavy at mid" might be good in comp
>carrying as offense engineer
aka waiting for your team to make a push so you can build a teleporter near the choke. thats it. thats all he does. been there done that carried a million games on badwater last
That can be arranged.

I get it for tryhard sixes or whatever, but in a normal match? What the fuck are you gonna do against pyros? Rely on your team? *shudders*
>not strategically moving your dispenser and sentry up to set up strongholds for your team
>not going in with your shotgun as support
>not placing a sentry in a cheeky spot to obliterate the red team
Some do but I see plenty of Soldiers just doing the occasional rocket jump to high ground but running the gunboats the entire round
Even on maps that favour the gunboats like 5cp you're better off switching to something else if your team has been stuck on last for half the round
only nerf whip needs is to fix the melee range. the melee range isnt meant to be that long, its only that long so you can hit your teammates more easily. the problem is that they just lazily changed the weapons range instead of making it have an increased range only against teammates, like how the WRENCH has 2X RANGE against ONLY FRIENDLY BUILDINGS. but valve never did care about the quality of unlocks
>strategically move up your buildings
>team has already made it past the choke
engineers too slow for that. youre stuck trying to keep up until you reach the final point
>strategically place your sentry in a cheeky spot
meme strat
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wow finally valve banned this german cheater (for 2nd time, mind you).
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if you see shit soldiers theyre shit. i run the gunboats and jump everywhere and constantly bomb people. i dont like losing 30-40 health when rocket jumping, it fucks up my mindset and i end up waddling everywhere, cant even chain rocket jumps because that takes all my health and medics dont exist to overheal me
their profile gives me a brain aneurysm
ive seen this nigger so many times. along with zerefoex and cheatulean
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thanks anons, it's harder to tell when you've been looking at the image for a while and every time i try to pick one it ends up looking off
i think it's definitely looking a lot better than when i started
I'm certain this is fake.
Okay now take her clothes off
Heavy's minigun should get headshot crits
What if someone dives on you after your epic chain rocket jumping into bombing? What if pyros exist?
I remember this guy, he even got hardware banned at one point I think in 2018 or 2017, I know this because he showed his ticket once he got banned, but then the fucking retarded female on steam support decided to give him 1 last chance for ??? reasons.
I always liked how Heavy nonchalantly whips out his minigun as an attack, wish it was a mechanic in-game
I wonder what people like this are like in person. I imagine an unironic Chris-chan.
So whats actually going on at Valve? Zesty and Richter both claim this recent banwave has been in the works since even before savetf2. Obviously they didnt just collect a list of accounts, that would take a month tops.
pyros are a non issue dude just be retarded for 1 second (not hard to do as a soldier) and hell fuck up because he doesnt expect you to just not shoot him when you see him
>this recent banwave has been in the works since even before savetf2
if that's true boy what a massive fucking failure of communication
tweet has apparently since been deleted so it was probably bullshit
Until they have a source they're just talking out of their asses. Obviously finding the bots and cheaters didn't happen overnight but them suddenly just claiming "Oh yeah they've been working on it for years even if up until yesterday I had no idea they were" makes me think they want to discredit #fixtf2/#savetf2 because it might've worked even if it was poorly organized
idk man yesterday i saw a ~3 man party, 1 dude spinbotting at the point, 1 vacc medic healing him, 1 dude rampantly defending the spinbotter in vc every time i called a vote on him.
one side effect of casual not everyone talks about is how it has degraded the minds of all those who play it. noone talks, noone communicates, and so anyone that uses voice chat is a messiah that is always listened to. you could be blatantly cheating and noone would kick you if you said "wat de fak geis ef too" in a russian accent. at this point i dont think casual players even care about the quality of a match, especially since casual encourages you to ditch the game in multiple ways (no scramble, short matches, switching maps takes FOREVER)
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>mfw the tweet was right all along, it's just it took them 2 years to gather enough data on bots and cheaters
Okay now show the front
I wonder if they'll restore that guy's saxxy if he asks.
doubt it, especially since deleting a saxxy sends a message to all servers, people could abuse that
why would they? valve dont restore items anymore, why should they make an exception because 1 guy attention whored? besides he did it as a protest, doesn't make sense to ask for it back now does it ...?
What are you psychos talking about all 4 of these are exactly the same image
I find it funny that 8 years after rigging the heavy vs pyro vote, Uncle Dane casually admits to never having played either class.
I wish I was in the anime world and not here
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You never know with steam support though. They recently said they will restore items on a case by case basis if you ask within 14 days of deletion.
who tied her up there?? beach is supposed to be fun!!!
they'll have to unban the bots if they do that
it's only fair
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so how does troonsty feel about every tftumor doing a war thunder sponsor, while he declined it despite actually playing it.
probably retarded
>declining free sponsor money
While I agree that the Gunboats are overpowered and I prefer having a shotgun regardless, dealing with Pyros as a shotgunless Soldier is very easy. Like any Souls game you simply stare at their weapon, out of flame range but not so far that they can rely on their reflexes, until they airblast then immediately fire a rocket. They'll start panic air blasting and you can easily get a second rocket in.

Always let them go first and make a mistake, then react to it.
Didn't he come here and ask if he should do it? He literally got bullied out of it because we called him a shill lmao
>gunboats are overpowered
tranime posters forever reminding people how retarded they truly are.
What did your face look like when you figured out that the tweet was right all along, it's just it took them 2 years to gather enough data on bots and cheaters? You posted the tweet but didn’t post an appropriate image indicating what expression your face had upon learning this information, which leaves the meaning of your post entirely up to the viewer’s interpretation. Did you smile when you learned this new information about the tweet in question, or was your facial expression more of a grimace, a look of dismay or dejection? I do not understand
ai post kys
What caused you to believe that my post was AI generated? It was not so. I merely observed how the other poster used β€œmfw”, an acronym which is usually used and assumed to mean β€œmy face when”, and posts utilizing this acronym usually attach a reaction image to indicate the poster’s original intentions. He neglected to follow this unspoken rule, meaning that the intent of his post was unclear. I merely sought to correct this error.
I'll be disappointed if the bot thing doesn't end with the Omegatronic and cathook guys starring in the sequel to Funkytown
>Dane discovers that the original developers gave heavy a shotgun for a reason
>Deadlock looks like Overwatch clone trash
Same goes for TF2
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shotgun heavy is still meme
>dude i can kill le unaware pyro with 40 hp in one burst shot!!!!
that's cool, still not worth trading off your sandvich or any other lunchbox item really
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>the game that came 10 years before is a clone of the game that came 10 years after
They used to put effort into bait
awful bait
How old was Dane in 2016? Maybe his frontal lobe fully developed now and he's coming to his senses
Interesting, I'll try to keep this strategy in mind, but I still am skeptical of it if your fighting an actual high IQ pyro player. They can clearly exploit your hesitancy in a plethora of ways. Like if they are on the degreaser they can quickly swap to a flare gun and pop you or do other things. I'm gonna suck those toes BTW.
youtube wiki says he was born August 27th 1990
xhes right because you cant do much when you take a million damage per rocket jump
No way. I refuse to believe he's that much older than me.
the GRU are still incredibly powerful, the nerf was a good thing because there was no reason to not equip them
or be proactive and start looking and walking away from the pyro then snapfire onto him
>i wont give a (you) to the shitty bait because its like giving a heckin problematic post an updoot on reddit
reddit mentality
>swap to flare gun
thats the best case scenario, free hit on the pyro
Shotguns are a redundant choice on Heavy if you’re using the CHADmislav (which any good Heavy player worth their salt is already using) so of course a dumbass engineer main like uncle dane would fall for the shotgun meme. However, I implore you to avoid wasting your time with the shotguns and stick to the Tomislav. It deals higher dps, has better range, never has to reload, and is more accurate than any shotgun, and it’s quick spin-up time means you are always better off firing your tomislav than switching to your shotgun.
Shotguns are only a decent choice on a Heavy loadout featuring miniguns with longer spin-up times such as the Natascha and the Brass Beast, but those miniguns suck anyway and you shouldn’t use them.
Minigun and tomislav are both good but shotgun is shit unless you're 100% sure you'll have a pocket so good you don't need to worry about having a sandvich. even dalokohs feels more useful than the shotgun
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How old does he look in this image?
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>lots of cheaters are getting banned
>a couple fags on my shit-list remain untouched
Gaben, I'm grateful that you got someone on the treadmill, but please get rid of this giga-faggot.
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The main problem with the Tomislav is that you can't dodge projectiles at all, so it's completely useless against any Soldier or Demo main with a triple-digit IQ like the other miniguns. With the shotgun, you can at least jump and switch to your Fists of Steel anytime you want.
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Shotguns are optimal on a brass beast loadout because the brass beast has such a painfully long spin up time and the shotguns somewhat mitigate this crippling flaw and allow you to defend yourself if you’re caught by a foe before you’ve found your defensive position, but in this instance you’re using an awful minigun just to say that running a shotgun is a good idea. Shotguns are good with the brass beast but you shouldn’t be using the brass beast. But if you DO use the brass beast, you should be using a shotgun.
getting actual brain damage reading the tranime posters retarded fucking posts
>is that you can't dodge projectiles at all
yes you fucking can you absolute open/iron tier player. Just press A or D you actual goblin retard
finna record myself top scoring with the brass and sandvich just to prove I am the KING of tf2g
>Scouts pistol
>Extremely useful
>t. aimlet
first of, youre outing yourself as a newfriend.
second, yes if someone makes a post blatantly baiting for (You)s its that guy giving values to them not me.
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the dalakohs bar should give you more health but honestly it's still worth equipping with the tomislav if you want to roam around since you can survive 3 pipes or two headshots with the extra 50 hp
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That's not really dodging, that's more like listing to the side. You can actually dodge rockets and their splash if you use a shotgun instead.
More like this

Less like this
>pedophile image
>talking about dodging projectiles as heavy with shotgun out
hello dane
What about with the GRU?
those are a must have if you play roamer heavy in the first place
It should also increase max overheal by 25
i think it being capped at 450 is fine but the standard overheal coming from just using the dalakohs should increase by 25 hp so you can also survive 4 rockets with it
dane only likes 3d
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she's a 400 year-old vampire
>her face was inherited from her parents
hmm yes the floor here is made of floor
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Do you attach anime girls to your posts because you think they are bad?
Cuz their not. You could be making normal posts if you wanted to.
the resemblance is uncanny
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>who would have guessed that the heavy having a shotgun
heh... Most people swear by sandvich and refuse to switch out when being mobile can allow you to response faster or peek and punch.

>Shotguns are a redundant choice on Heavy if you’re using the CHADmislav
No wonder, Tomislav is created with tighter spread so you don't have to use shotties. Hold down m2 then tap fire for long ranges, and it's mad accurate thanks to slower fire rate and tighter spread but dps-wise it's lower than stock minigun. However stock minigun can do almost same when you tap fire at long ranges too and deals higher dps up close. Choice between them usually depend on taste and how open the map is. If you are fighting a wide open map then you would want Tomislav but stock minigun is not a bad choice either.

>Shotguns are only a decent choice on a Heavy loadout featuring miniguns with longer spin-up times
You can use Natascha without any shotgun but Brass Beast is not really a choice. Anything that has a potential to deal more damage than stock minigun like HLH and BB had to be paired with a shotgun as I see it and this is the trade-off you accept. If you keep HLH with any lunchbox item, you'll scram for ammo which reduces your dps output. If you keep BB with lunchbox items, you'll get bursted down to death before you can eat it.
Zesty and his bitch are just coping now. They've both been bitching about valve not doing anything at all but now that they did it's supposed to be some kind of long masterplan because they can't admit they were wrong.
Using the family buisness and brass beast on heavy with the kgb just feels right man. It's about as similar to very early heavy as you can get so it makes sense. I also like using the buffalo steak and huo long heater sometimes but that's a far less serious loadout that I mostly have to just dick around with. Anyways yeah KGB rocks.
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Zestbros, are the bots OVER ?
You guys ever have your steam avi/ name be a reference to something and then have some guy sperg the fuck out and quote shit to you or go I KNOW THAT REFERENCE I KNOW IT xDD? It makes me feel uncomfortable and not really know how to react, so I don't do it anymore.
what were your references that made you experience this
QOS avatar
We're so back bros!
i didn't know quality of service had an avatar
Twin peaksOf all things got insanely spergy reactions. I feel like I could rock a DBZ or HxH profile pic and attract less autism somehow.
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>Me when reference
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no, but i ran into a guy who had my real name for their username a few months back
ehh i can see that, and i'm a pretty big twin peaks fag myself. it definitely has that sections of its fanbase who are like that
i've had had a monty python avatar for like 16 years now and gotten surprisingly little of that sort of thing. i would have thought i'd get that shit more, and thankful i'm wrong
So is your name Mike or John or something?
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>dane rigs the vote and cucks heavy out of having new options
>then complains about him being unfun because all he does is track and shoot people
Ermmm.... Vorobros?

Avatarfag went to bed. Anyone else sad they'll never share a bed with them? I'm unironically spiraling thinking about it right now.
I never post the same image twice, it's incorrect to call me an avatarfag. I'm also not an American so I don't sleep at this time.
>rigging is when you tell people to vote for something
mfw all democracy is inherently rigged because influential people exist
If TF2 came out in the current year you'd say the same thing: "Shitty Overwatch clone"
You aren't smart enough sadly. Try again.
Umm welll I uhh.. haha, y-you too. *closes thread*
Are we allowed to talk about Venussy here ? I heard mods instantly ban any venushill, zesty asked them to do it
>I never post the same image twice
I've seen you do this actually, but I'm too lazy to go looking through the archive
So is it really happening or am I setting myself up for disappointment (again)
There's more than one anime poster and I admit to probably having posted the same image more than once, but I try not to.
>Summer crates drop
>People mass buy them
>Valve stops suppressing the bots and everything returns to normal
Your reaction?
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>Valve starts addressing the bots right before the summer update to prevent the boycott as people will gamble to say thanks to Valve
>holding a weapon as a futty with no opposable thumb
I am more hopeful this time because they've

1 - Actively gone out to cheater discords, manually banning cheaters, and manually added their cheats to VAC rather than "treadmill work is boring, we would rather make VAC better".
2 - Have a new system to automatically flag cheater accounts before they even boot up the game
3 - Are banning not just cheating bots, but apparently starting to ban afk bots. (if they get rid of all the engine's loopholes that let you run the game with no graphics enabled, that might stop a lot of the mass cheater bots permanently)
4 - Have new TF2 ban policies with no appealing, so they're confident that they have a 100% success rate with bans

I've not had a single cheater, bot, or shitter in any of the games I've played this week as a result.
The big issue is that every time someone at Valve does this, it seems like they get promoted, leave the dev team that they benefitted heavily, and shit lapses.
But if TF2 becomes cheaters paradise again, Deadlock will be absolutely and totally fucked in everyone's eyes and it'll bomb. So they NEED to keep at it this time.
Were you on Skial 2Fort Australia recently?
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Even if it's not inherently rigging, he removed all the fun and excitement the vote could've had.
>It's so close, I wonder who's gonna win
turns into:
>Yeah whatever Pyro is gonna win anyway cause this dumbass made a video lmao
Heavy could've gotten his toolkit expanded, Pyro could have gotten his flamethrower fixed and given the Dragon's Fury as a consolation prize. And everything would've been better.
He would have been an avatarfag
Zesty was literally never wrong
The consolation prize would have been the Gas Passer
Nigga I live in Beirut
Every time you say this fag's name I think of buckbreaking memes.
You could still join servers anywhere in the world where there’s Internet access, though I’ve had trouble joining Uncletopia servers outside of the Americas and Europe since servers elsewhere have high ping for me and I always get kicked as a result.
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Except for the Sniper, he's fine as is. It's Anti-Sniper unlocks that should be buffed.
>valve orchestrated the bots to drive sales for one last update
I don't have a good enough PC for that. I only join Euro servers for a reason.
my craptop now crashes on map change lmfao fuck my piece of shit incel life
>got a dozen (you)s
>got ster and chat to laugh
>TF2 is saved
>slept 8 hours like a baby

yesterday was a good day.
Doomer status?

community server status?
Things are looking up
#BringBackQuickplay is the next goal
Lost to a Pyro again huh?
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It's over for communitycels. Casual won.
It's just that every player base's biggest faggots, trannies, and other kinds of freaks end up attracted to the zany character without a human face.
TF2 - Pyro
Dota - Rubick
Lethal League - Candyman
and many more cases.
>class most frequently played by homosexuals and /tf2g/
wonder what the overlap is...
Valves corporate structure is refuted by the fact that Jill is still working at Valve.
>It's Anti-Sniper unlocks that should be buffed

>scorch shot now crits on burning targets
>amby now does 125

Fuck it, they should make the huntsman home in on other snipers
If you fire huntsman within 1000 hammer units of another Sniper, they automatically get headshotted, even if you aim at the ground
I meant more like the old Caber, Gun Mettle Brass Beast, old Sandman, but Amby should be buffed too.
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>Manipulation of Competitive Mode rank.
instead of giving heavy a 4th slot let him equip edibles in his primary slot
>instead of <buff>, <nerf>
give heavy edibles as an item
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>hes the one giving them value, not me
>so i will abide by what he thinks
i didn't say exclusively, retard
>soldier attempts to bomb me
>+20% accuracy
soldier status: AIRRAPED
>soldier tries to jump away
>+20% accuracy
soldier status: AIRRAPED
if tf2 came out today it would look like shit. its lightning in a bottle, perfect game made at the perfect time
>heavy gets new guns!
>its more fucking miniguns and sandviches
no thanks
The fatscout meme has done irreversible damage to the perceived viability of shotguns

You know when you can just walk at people as shotgun Engine and just kill them half the time?
Try that but with 300 hp on a class EVERYONE expects to be crawling at snail speed away from them
jungle inferno was GARBAGE. 2 weapons added specifically to fix 2 of pyros BIGGEST issues that have been plaguing him since the game launched: his poor, inconsistent damage, and his poor mobility.
what wonderful weapons did they give him to fix those problems? a WORSE direct hit and WORSE rocket jumping
>mfw all democracy is inherently rigged because influential people exist
this is true doe
>class has problems
>"fix" it with optional weapons
why did valve always pull this shit
What else are they gonna do, buff spys move speed and cloak resistance again?

I wouldnt buff pyro or heavys base stats or stock weapons any further, I would nerf airblast's ammo and/or cool down though
making new weapons is easier than fixing all the bugs
engineer unlock that replaces sentry with a catapult that hurls rocks at sniper
I always wished Engi got a medieval mode pda.
Wasn’t there going to be an alternate PDA that built jump pads instead of teleporters?
everyone thank the trans contracter for saving tf2
Yeah people sleep on how much shit 8 fast firing shots and 300 hp can tear through. This is without even mention the KG(OD)B which turns you into a crit factory if you sneak up on or bait people into running in close to you (which is very easy to do)
I'm not saying shit until casual gets canned
i remember someone here promised that he would stop being transphobic if fixtf2 worked
huntsman now lets sniper wall jump
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Soldiers aren't going to bomb you if you are a Heavy, bombing is only good against Snipers and Medics. Heavy needs to worry about spam and getting peeked. The shotgun completely negates both of these.
So does not engaging in fights you can't win or running into corners without jump revving like a dipshit but whatever you say shotgun loli truther. Cunt.
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What about using a Cow Mangler charge shot followed by a Reserve Shooter mini-crit?
this sounds too good to be true
Saying the family business contends with the sandvich for heavies secondaries is like saying the overdose gives the crossbow competition for medic's primaries. Sure, you can make both work surprisingly well with certain loadouts (brass beast + kgb and quickfix + solemn vow). But actually acting like you're gonna be preforming as well as someone with the sandvich or the crossbow is pure cope. Just admit you wanna gimp yourself a bit to have fun and add flavor to otherwise stale classes, that's the point of a casual shooter, to have fun.
>Kunai now sets Spy's health to 30
>Gets permanent 10 health per backstab up to 90
>other mechanics unchanged
Each placed Sapper now "overheals" your cloak by 50% of the base duration; disappears on sapper removal, lingers on building destruction
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how do you guys explain this unnatural increase in players since the bot ban?
People reinstalling the game because no bots, nigger
because fixing pyro as a whole is impossible? im not exaggarating its simply not possible. at its core pyro is a shit class that was only ever created to make team fortress more acessible to less skilled players or players with high ping. the notion of balance back then was to just let everyone play the game in any way they want. this aligned with tf2s vision, which is why valve didnt change pyro at all, instead stripping him of his tfc weaponry to remove any further complexity.
>close range weapon but no mobility
>weak damage at close range. the damage cant be high because his primary weapon requires no aim, thus making it annoying as fuck if its good (see: tf2c pyro)
you could call him a jack of all trades master of none, but he is in a game where soldier exists, a jack of all trades master of all. thats why pyro is always gonna be a worse soldier that happens to... hardcounter a class that is already countered by turning around.
tldr: pyro is one of team fortress' biggest failures and valve shouldve copied fortress forever and gave pyro a jetpack from the very beginning.
pyro should remain a shit class for women and children
Crates and keys on the community market are dumping right now. Bots are gearing up for the summer update.
ster streaming yesterday
wouldn't the graph look something like this if that was the case?
>What are you in for?
>I ran hundreds of cheater bots. You?
>I grinded for death merchant
>no jump pads
>no mini dispensers
this is why battle engineer will never be a thing. you are a worse scout that occasionally makes a distraction with the target practice that is a mini sentry. want to do engineer stuff? tough luck, have fun sitting in the backlines making teleporters
Why do you people say "Sniff", I want to sniff and such ??
what the fuck do you want to sniff ?
I introduced internet and TF2 to the people of North Sentinel island
are you retarded ? the steam charts doesn't look natural at all, it feels botted still, the peaks and low still look botted and doesn't represent people going offline to sleep
>Crates and keys on the community market are dumping right now
Idle bots going back online
heres better ideas
kunai A:
>On backstab: Gain full overheal (150)
>-25 Health (100)
kunai B:
>On backstab: Maximum health increased by 15, up to +60 maximum health after 4 backstabs (160)
>-25 Health (100)
kunai C:
>revert the health gain (now based on current health of victim)
this adds more use to spys ability to see enemy health, and also makes this weapon more thoughtful
>health penalty reduced to 25
softening the downside, as with the nerf of its main upside you wont be at 210 health after every backstab. that alone will make the downside of having only 70 health too hefty for this thing to be useful
>heres better ideas
>abysmal dogshit
Did Zesty make a summer crate bingo ?
What do you think we will get this time around, hopefully some warpaints
truer words never spoken
i think something similar was teased in the comic
i am sure i am misremembering however
completely rework him, leave him unrecognizable. fuck it
kill tf2 sisters, what the actual science is this?
is the game... fixed...?
The only thing that comes to mind is that salt shaker minigun from the Mac comic
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We're getting an update like next week right
Summer 2023 came out July 12th
So I'd guess anywhere in the next 2-3 weeks
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Isn't it funny how that "how to run your own bots" spammer vanished overnight?
>mini dispensers

wow I can't wait to stand still for 2 hours to get healed back to full health

he got banned with the rest of them
putin sent him to the ukraine
It's probably because those links got 404'd, and Rosnehook left.
Didn't Eric say they were stretched too thin to fix the bot issue? Did he leave the snack bar and get a bunch of employees together to fix the issue? Despite most of them are probably working on Deadlock?
no i didnt say that
>Didn't Eric say they were stretched too thin to fix the bot issue?
by that, he meant
>i am the only fucker left working on this game, you retard
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Erm...what the sigma...
I'm sure not releasing games for 15 years is very exhausting
>with all they do
It's not like they can be 100% clear to the general public. Some things just are a little too complicated or private to disclose.
Do you think the major bot hosters (rosne, omega etc.) will get actual punishment? Iirc some of the big hosters got dirt on irl and one was even in jail? I don't follow with the bot drama that much nowdays, I don't have that much time to play the game now so im out of loop
You're probably referring to one guy who got busted for pizza.
I doubt Valve will pursue legal action.
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Sage pyro threads. Don't reply to pyro posters. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Dox pyros. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Never uber pyros. Karate chop pyros in half. Never heal pyros. Backstab pyros. Melee crit pyros. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Steal a pyros health pack. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Spawn camp pyros. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Starve pyros. Shark pyros from hat drops. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
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it's so funny because they literally have the easiest counterargument in the world at their disposal which is
>this recent banwave obviously is a good thing but there needs to be a constant effort on valve's part from now on in order to see if the movement is really working
but no, everything must be a conspiracy for le """cynical""" youtubers
what are some na celebrities?
Don't really keep up with botter info. But I've heard Rosne is American, and a developer, and was doxxed a few months ago. If all of those 3 things are true, then Valve could theoretically get the feds involved. As for Omegatronic, he's definitely a Russian child, and he can only be punished by being doxxed.
no one care about the summer update in this thread
I think most people posting here don't even play the game anymore honestly
god I would be so happy if omegatronic got drafted into the frontlines and blown up by a NATO drone
i do
this but soldier
That what zesty said though
It's Richter that posted those tweets claiming they've been working on it for 2 years
he's still a retard by simple association
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I'm hoping there's a long list of bug fixes
BLU Scout pants fix never ever
Ah then its a different type of punishment...good enogh tho
Fucking amerifag and a russian dog
its always one of these countries that get involved with shitting up the games (or both)
both should rope themselves
If omegatronic lives in crimeria or close enough to the border then it's really just a matter of donating to the ukies to drop some artillery on him
I haven't played tTF2 in years but Deadlock reminded me this general exists. Where's the last comic in that series they were doing with Grey? I can't find it
pretty fuckin sick that there is actually action taken from valve now after all this time

the funniest thing about this is #fixtf2 probably had no influence over this lmao, only after the movement fizzled out and the people were discussing about making TVhead gay porn to own omega is that this happens

still, we are far from getting out of the woods yet, cautious optimism would be the best course for now, and I am still not going to give valve money again because they did one right thing for once, this could revert back at any second they stop putting on the pressure
>people finally start opening up to the idea of a community server rennaissance
>actually nope we fixed the bots, now go play on our matchmaking system goy
>weezy finally goes to valve in august
>"please read these petitions!!!!!!!!"
>valve: "we already fixed the game a month ago"
>(they just stand there in silence)
>the funniest thing about this is #fixtf2 probably had no influence over this lmao
it's possible that all the negative reviews got someone's attention
this is some serious cope. #fixtf2 is responsible for this. weezy fucking won.
speaking of which, that guy said he was apparently going to make a video addressing the criticisms levied at him and other leaders of the movement

where is it?, or is he too busy rotting his brain again via gambling again in mann up mvm?
Cool, so I guess we're going to be seeing more fat scouts today. Or easy cannon fodder.
no point now that he won
summer 2020 was released like the 20th of august, valve probably wants to earn some goodwill before releasing it
>Dane still believes in counters
Woman moment
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>get home
>log on
>every game has at least 3 non-fresh-install heavies running shotgun and actively using it
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One guy on TF2C tried to fact-check me back when I called myself "Budd Dwyer Did Not Kill Himself" as a joke.
addicts never win
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>they think valve did a ban wave for the summer update on the 17 year old game with 70% bots as its playerbase
Its pretty obvious that the actual reason they did it was because they were afraid the tf2(team fortress) players would pull a tf2(titanfall) and pwn their upcoming game Deadlock with bots, cheats, etc as a 'fuck you' for letting the game go to shit
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>cheater on my shitlist got banned
thank you eric
>that one medic that can't aim with the crossbow and refuses to just use his medigun
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What I love about this is that turns out most bot hosters are poorfags that need to wait for their next paycheck to host more bots or literal kids
As if I needed more proof of how pathetic they are
David Lynch is the new Quentin Tarantino. People feel like such film buffs when they've seen any of his movies.
he managed to get permanent tf2 steam jannies that go in cheater discord servers
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At least he did something good for community. He really taught Heavies something.
have the family business. medic?
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>1 game ban on record
>0 day(s) since last ban
>Team Fortress 2: 3214 hrs on record
>Currently In-Game
>the guy whose first movie came out when tarantino was a freshman in high school is the new tarantino
i get your point but the comparison needs some work
...Lynch has been making acclaimed films for much longer
Did you think that bot hosters are whales? The only reason there are botnets in the first place is that running them has become cheap enough to be constantly done. Those that don't run bots on their brick computers more likely pay a Cloud subscription to execute their scripts on Amazon infrastructure.
By "game ban" I assume it simply means he can't use Valve servers.
lynch isn't a "new" anyone, he's always produced lynchian ludokino
Shotgun Heavy has always been mediocre. Nobody in the ancient days ever used shotgun with Heavy. It was always supposed to be a niche rarely-used emergency weapon for when you ran out of ammo, same as melee. AND, for the record, players dropping 100-ammo was something added in 2015.
What is the reason behind the behaviour of only ever trying to defend on CTF while the enemy team is waltzing out uncontested with your intel for the 3rd time in a row?
b-but shounic said they're literal rocket scientists with unlimited funds...
They are all literal children that are copy/pasting the works of 1 retired dev.
chat is this real
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A shotgun heavy doesn't need a medic on his ass 24/7 to flank enemy. When you do that you don't wanna risk Medic's life. You can stick around dispenser or health kits if you care about your medic or swap to Dalokoh's if you are playing with sensitive Medics who bitch about Heavy not having any sandvich. When you need to push further with a Medic beyond health kits, you better roll out or follow another power class or a supporter like Pyro.

I think he can't play but idling in the main screen? Reflecting on what he did? Could be?
Their "friends" in the community have unlimited funds and can code better than a script kiddie. There's a difference but almost same thing. If you can not gain money from botting, you won't keep it up for too long eventually.
Doesn't say what a game banned person can do but
>Can I move my Team Fortress 2 items to a different account?
it's probably safe to assume that game ban means you can't do anything anymore if you can't even trade
>75 metal cost
>builds as fast as a mini sentry
>heals as fast as a lvl 2 (15 h/s)
>gives 10% ammo per second (half of lvl 1)
>gives 5% cloak per second (same rate as lvl 1)
>gives no metal
>100 health
>cant be upgraded
and a redesign on top of that because the leaked mini dispenser model is even smaller than the mini sentry, noone would even seen it
there, fixed.
>The effects of the game ban are determined by the developer, and must be consistent with a VAC ban, such as being prevented from playing online with other players and/or trading items for that game. It cannot prevent the user from launching and playing the game offline. It cannot prevent the user from using Steam.
??? how are they bad. nothing wrong with them.
I've had a picture of my OC and in very rare cases people have recognized it and asked if I was the owner.
>The effects of the game ban are determined by the developer, and must be consistent with a VAC ban, such as being prevented from playing online with other players and/or trading items for that game. It cannot prevent the user from launching and playing the game offline. It cannot prevent the user from using Steam.
sauce: https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/46DB-4CEC-F7E9-49E5
so it probably bans you from all vac secured servers
noone cares about the summer update because its meaningless. it was meaningless when eric shat 14 maps into the game, it will be meaningless now when its gonna be even less. who the fuck cares about maps anymore we have a hundred of those
Shounic said bot hosters had so many funds they could easily pay pajeets to solve whatever barrier Valve setup, why would they not be whales?
>>heals as fast as a lvl 2 (15 h/s)
very, very strong, minis do less dps than a level 1 (but shoot and turn faster), so mini dispensers healing as much as a level 2 is scary
halving ammo per second isn't really a relevant stat since some ammo is better than zero ammo, but double healing for less than 25% of the original metal cost is op

also, what slot would this be tied to?
I'm thinking secondary
he taught heavies how to feed the enemy kills instead of the team sandviches
I'm really sorry but I'm gonna be one of those. Please don't hate me
for you

kunai is fundamentally badly designed, these are bandaid nerfs
Shounic also said there are AI captcha solvers that do them for way less money.
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>Tryed to host yestarday
>All my accounts got banned Today
They are babysitting this game from fear of botchads
If it wasnt for the internet they'd be in prison for a sex crime/mass shooting 100%
>facebookfrog poster
>bot hosting cringelord
of course
engineer is literally the only reason blu can win on offense what are you talking about
>minis do less
and theyre useless. unironically. minis are garbage and running the gunslinger is a waste of time, its a weapon for those who cant play scout
any less healing and people will run for healthkits instead of to the mini dispenser. realistically a dinky building near a choke shouldnt be a problem considering that medic exists, heals faster, ubers, moves around meaning his teammates dont have to retreat, and even he cant make a team unstoppable.
theres also the large downside of the mini dispenser being permanently worse than a level 3, and not getting any metal from it either, meaning that its a risk to build it because now you cant place 2 mini sentries anymore
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is this you?
It's honestly pretty interesting how basically every serial killer in the 20th century was a faggot or rapist. Imagine how many lives the internet has saved.
>kunai is fundamentally badly designed
a lot of things in tf2 are badly designed, id remove a good chunk of weapons for either being annoying or redundant. however, removing weapons has never been an option, once theyre in, theyre in. too bad.
so its best to make it far less cancer. if a bandaid is all you have, thats what you slap onto a wound
>kunai A
basically the same but now he isnt as tanky as a soldier, so you can actually kill him
>kunai B
instead of a spy running around with 210 all the time, now he has to work his way up to only 160 with 4 backstabs
>kunai C
now he gets less kills in general, its on par with every other knife because bulldozing through a crowd is no longer an option, stab a dude who has only 30 health and youre fucked
Why raise kunais max hp though? However you're nerfing it, revert it to the original 60 so spy can't tank a melee
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>>bot hosting cringelord
You feared bots less than 1 week ago you are the cringelod
No but that trvthnvke is right
Fact: getting banned freed my shackles motivates me to come back after 2 week when valve move on
Kunai should cloak you immediately after a kill with 33% faster cloak speed
It's a wapanese ninjer weapon, it should be stealthy, fuck the overheal
genuine question

why do you host bots? is there any particular reason or is it just for shits n giggles
he's a sperg and wasnt loved by his parents so he needs attention in the form of hosting bots
I believe in anarchy. I believe in might makes right. I believe in cheating and botting. Nobody is allowed to tell me what to do. Not Valve, not my family, nobody. I am a God and you are nothing but stupid ants that I can kill at any time.
words cannot describe how this tickles my brain just right
The belt loops being the right colour while the pants are coloured wrong is especially annoying
he doesn't host bots but instead pretends online to do so to aggravate people
damn i was just asking a polite and honest question but this does reveal the god complex you have.

explains a lot actually, having so much power at your hands with bots has to do something to someone's head.

tf does the "might makes right" bit even mean though? What are you making right? The general apathy of Valve? The fact people still enjoy this near 18 year old game?

>I am a God and you are nothing but stupid ants that I can kill at any time.
lmao you can try
eh, maybe.
and yet youre only alive because theres laws preventing someone from killing you over cheating in a video game.
>might makes right
I bet any anon here could beat the shit out of you easily and you'd beg and plead for them to stop
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>shilling konata and castaway on your website
the servers are dead, anon.
>people actually replying to an obvious meme
you fucking idiots
anyone got the zesty rage webm?
>why raise his max health
because the nerfed upside isnt as ridiculous anymore so you actually feel the effects of having 70 health. 70 base health to get up to 150 isnt useful, working your way up to a higher max health when you start at 70 is painful, being at 70 when you have to also carefully watch the health of your enemies to make sure you dont stab a low health dude and go up to a whopping 94 also sucks (thats why old kunai was ass)
>you shall only advertise uncletopia on your site goyim
vaporeon was made for sex
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vaporeon would make a great fleshlight
whats your current steam avatar and what class do you main?
hey its me vaporeon
we fucking lost
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which one?
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Never settle for mediocrity.
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unironically that's how i felt when i first heard about the total bot death, like yay woopie the bots are gone but at the same i'm gonna be forced to play the restrictive soulless steamroll purgatory if i want to get a vanilla experience
ages ago I changed my name to some funny meme guy that I guess some people tried to doxx, and some fucking retards included my steam profile as his in the doxx, because of the name alone
I would get script kiddies adding me and trying to get me to click IP grabbers
Chicago was filled up yesterday you complete doomer faggots.
>/tfg/ is now deepthroating Weezy's cock
You faggots are so fucking pathetic
I'm fucking european. No one was on Konata yesterday even though it was a friday night, and I stayed up until 2 AM.
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outclasses both the yer and the big earner in their own respective roles
Kunai is the coolest unlock in the game and you want it nerfed because you're jealous that your favorite class doesn't have stuff this cool
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Ah yeah.. the cheater supporting boosted drug addicted manipulative youtuber. Pic related sums up who he really is.
I wish fishtank still did funny compilations instead of taking 4 months to create "playing TF2 but by whistling into my dog's anus"
let me guess, half the server was 150 ping eurofags too retarded to fill the eu server
every community server being ping spoofed and in reality located in the us has mindbroken euros...
All botfags got killed and raped by Weezy after he went on an adderall frenzy
Everyone on right now is legit
uhh its just the half zatoichi doe.
blablabla who cares real tf2 players shit on any mvm shitter including the banana man who only knows how to spamcick beggars into large crowds
Several well-known cheaters/botters still don't have their main accounts banned yet.
does anyone have that list of botter steam accs?
i want to see if mechatroonic is banned
You lost, bot trannies
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>mfw get some actual honest to God good matches last night on Castaway and casual with a few people that hadn't played for over two years but all got into a discord call with me once they heard the bots were gone
>we only saw one cheating sniper nigger in our 3+ hours of play, not even a bot, just a faggot
>everyone was just having fun being retarded and getting stupid frags while hitting random class every spawn
Holy shit I feel fucking alive again. Even if bots come back soon, I had one night that felt like old TF2 felt with the boys and that's worth a lot
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>gen z
>no snipers
>fun increases

>fun decreases
>replying to yourself
the underdog hero, weezy with his drug problem
what a grand tf2 moment
>hazbin pfp
>quirky pfp
>zoomie pfp
>3 AI generated pfp
Dusk is pretty cool
no, the gang of e-celeb grifters didn't make this happen
already played it but gonna grab faith the trinity probably
you need glasses
>anti AI luddites are so retarded they think everything is AI
>wake up
>tf2 was fixed
good night
>glad that valve is finally putting in the work
>annoyed that tf2fags's passive aggressive """protest""" actually got results
this sets a bad precedent for all future games
good protest guys, now make them bring back quickplay
Most of it is ironic since he's a druggy that swore to quit gambling already at 15
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>i will not le gamble
>plays mann up mode which is a form of gambling
what did he mean by this?
>kill cheater once
>their mind breaks and they target you
He probably told himself to never go inside a casino, nothing about online gambling in games
no wonder they are having a demographic crisis
Wish I could be 14 again like you
New Valve post regarding TF2.
Tommy Lee Jones reading a newspaper
(More specifically regarding the bans just handed out)
kek, I wonder how many bot hoster tickets they got
Join konat
Faith is great, the true ending of the 3rd game stuck with me
Depending on what genres you like, I'd suggest Gabriel Knight if you enjoy adventure titles, also Forgive Me Father was a great boomer shooter I finally got around to recently if you liked Dusk you'll like it
Deep Rock Galactic
players status?
3 rn
cool i'll check those out
in my cart now
he's just having mental issues
fuck off
should i buy this if I have no friends to play it with
Yeah I play with randoms and I still enjoy it.
4 people in konat!!!!
Hell yeah, love DRG, it and Lethal Company have been mainstay titles with my fellas while TF2 was flooded with bots
>god awful weapon rebalance video
>adderall addict arguing
>fixtf2 bot ban
this is a pretty fun past few weeks in tf2 sphere
nerf sniper or fix matchmaking?
Konata kinda sucks
4 people in konat........
neither of these are issues to me
remove matchmaking
>join konata
>server is empty except for an annoying tryhard sweaty scout
dont play that shit server please
next time try joining when it's more populated dummkopf
it never is
honest thoughts on people who wear comp medals?
be the population you want to see
>join konata
>anons are ERPing
Noticed the price of the BMOC is going down hard. SHould I buy now?
Big Male Ogre Cock?
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it had moments of great activity until the bots got cleaned up, so now all of the sheeple are on casual instead of using the mastercoms quickplay, seriously, try joining at a later time, if these servers die then chances are we won't get anything else, and will be stuck with casual, skial and pedotopia being the only options
I'm not coming back ever if castaway and konata die
where? it's the same price it's been all year
Harvest and Suijin not having bots is honestly pretty hilarious
Recommendations for medic cosmetics?
Nerf sniper. Aside from Huntsman, they're bros even if their hit box is the size of a small sedan
Burly beast and the Hundkopf
I mean the lack of communication did allow valve to hit the bot hosters when they least expected it.
>tf2 got total bot death with a promising summer update on the horizon
>cs2 got a massive update that overhauled the matchmaking & added a massive amount of content into the game
class crown
medical monarch
ruffled ruprecht
>promising summer update on the horizon
>downsized from previous updates which were already downsized
I'm willing to bet that Valve is completely aware of these idiots being bad faith actors. There's a reason why they acted before they can take credit for their blunder. They underlined that well when Weezy appeared on stream and banwave hit just right after.
I hope any anon out there didn't give their main e-mail while signing that petition. It was simply an operation for data harvesting in my opinion.
Zesty has been BTFO into oblivion
/tf2g/ has to apologize to WeezyGOD for ever making of him
Imagine worshipping a mvm gambling drug abusing schizo
>donating to Ukraine hoping their bombs accidentally kill a botter
isn't that going a bit too far
>NOOO FIXTF2 WILL NEVER WORK!!! what have you been doing btw?
>I don't remember haha *wipes off bothoster blood from a beat up shovel*
Better to be proven wrong about the death of TF2 than being proven right is all I'll say
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Yo gabber in konata tf2
Imagine not respecting the guy who saved tf2
no? why would it?
What is he, schizophrenic? Or is it a "boohoo I'm sooooo depressed I just want to sit around and not work all day"
It's killing a child and donating to ukraine
Might as well take advantage of a retarded war in a way that nets some profit, it's the Mann Co way
The latter.
you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs
>[Tf2 bots have been comprehensively banned for 3 days]
>Uhhh this doesn't mean anything yet
>I bet they're just doing this because they want Summer update money

How is Spergy Jesus so predictable?
Who the hell cares about th-
>and donating to ukraine
You know what, fair point
finish your video lazy
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>killing a child
He stopped being a child the instant he became a bot hoster. Now he's just the head robot
>donating to Ukraine
That part is pretty gay I admit
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>none of the fixTF2 movement starters made a video about banwave
>shounic made a video about banwave and reported yet only a few days ago we witnessed widespread propaganda tossing him at the same side with botters
>Delfy the misanthropic troll who is hellbent on spreading game breaking exploits to ruin games made a video just to stuff sponsor shit into it
>Gabber just called konat dead
It's over...
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use the TFC loadout
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This lil nigga
it was full like 3 days ago
soul and fitting but also patient zero for shoulderslop
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>checking the cheat dev forum
>after the recent ban wave some guy worriedly makes a thread asking how to not get banned
>gets told "just dont cheat"
Skids are running for the hills
>join my gay circlejerk server where no one plays seriously with aids ads instead of valve servers
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Fake news. Demoman did it first.
seeing redditniggers make fun of eric smith's looks on his own appreciation post is making me homicidal
stop doing damage control here and get back to work Jill
oh weird, I knew it was old but not that it was older than archimedes
>why arent people playing tf2 on a saturday afternoon when its 30Β°C outside and summer sale just started
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There's only one canon bird companion and it's THIS little nigga
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>go in reddit to see wtf you're talking about
>see this
Jesus fucking Christ can """"""""we"""""""" stop doing this shit? I don't fucking care about whatever game makes fags feel insecure, just SHUT UP about them, I'm here for TF2 not whatever fucking game you conjured up a delusional "war" with. Goddamn. Glad I'm not brain damaged enough to frequent faggdit
the people making these images are just actual kids being idiots
Stop going on reddit morons, or at least keep it out of here. Everyone already knows it's a containment zone for retards.
Speak for yourself, northranny, it's -2 degrees down here
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>bot hosters: i am...inevitable
>the tf2 mercs are all but beaten except for engineer his glove is off and the infinity gauntlet is on his hand
>and we're...team...fortress
>the bot hosters all disappear
Yeah man I don’t get the people who are calling 12 years old β€œcringe” or β€œdelusional”
Of course they are, they are TWELVE YEARS OLD kek
People in /tf2g/ can’t wrap their minds around this simple concept that a large majority of tf2 players are just kids

>Local anon thinks he is smarter than a twelve years old redditoor
i clapped
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Bots will be back in full force 1 month from now
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>August 1st
>6 sweaty nerds run up to Eric as he's entering the Valve HQ
>"We want you to FixTF2β„’ and get rid of the bots!"
>"I did that 2 months ago"
>"oh um..."
I hope so
>full force
just not possible for the bothosters living paycheck-to-paycheck fielding their bots lol
>bots are actually gone (for real [mostly])
>ecelebs suffer a humilation ritual
unironically the best ending for this rerun
Imagine if the ecelebs start botting the game just to stay relevant and make it so it seems they save the day.
please force people out of matchmaking again bot-sama
Considering Rosne pussied out and ran away, I doubt it
This is literally just Lister's Casual video but worse
I dunno anon, I was a kid on the Internet once and I was never that retarded
Archimedes, my beloved. This SFM made me wanna become a Medic main

And to think these were the same people doxing and SWATing people. TheWhat was wrong, the hosters wouldn’t escalate things if we went after the, because they cannot even handle bieng banned ONCE. They can dish it out but they certainly cannot take it.
Let me let you all in on a secret: Richter doesn't like the community. Back during the repo leak in 2023, he was clickbaiting his tweets and making shit up. I had contact with him on Discord and happened to message him to clarify some things he had gotten wrong in his tweets about the leaks. He straight up said he didn't care about providing correct information because he knew his audience was a bunch of retarded zoomers. His opinion was that they weren't intelligent enough to know that what they were reading wasn't fully truthful so he didn't care and just made shit up to get clicks. "Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story" type shit. Don't believe anything Richter says. He and his buddies like Ratlobber are retards.
are you gay?

this cringefm made you medic up and not Meet The Medic?
I saw ONE bot, on the first day, called Pichu. And apparently these have already been banned. The bots aren't coming back. We won.
We got medic, sniper, demo and saxton so far
I ruled out Pyro cause that would just debunk everything, up to interpretation with their gender but if we got pyro boobs and it was just man chest people would probably riot harder than fixtf2 movement
The rest of the mercs might get the chest cosmetics (I know spy has one but it doesnt really show his chest to be fair), similar with heavy, i mean sure it does show more than spy but it is not the same as medic or sniper showcase (but its better than spy so i'll roll with it)
>richter doesn't like the community
absolutely based
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>Richter made shit up again
Who would have thought that the world famous Gmod ARG reviewer would lie
retard post
>join server
>noone joins because noone is gonna join a server with less than 10 people on it
>especially now that casual is fixed
I was honestly a professional shitposter
too many zoomer tf2ubers are misanthropic i swear
>peeks corner
>rapes me in an instant
i dont give a shit. huntsman is cancer
>shounic: you guys don't know what you're asking for. this isn't a simple fix it'll take a lot of time and effort
>valve: *spends 3 years working on a solution*
why does shounic keep winning?
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>Richter doesn't like the community
This isn't a secret, Richter openly says this and it's based that he does.
i will go play something else now but tell me when (if) konata or castaway have at least 10 members, i'll make sure to be there
you faggots really need to stop sucking dicks so much
am i supposed to know who richter is
>you suck dicks if you don't like transgineer
you don't understand, everyone else is the community, but I'm a based and highiq tf2ist and richter would surely let me join his gmod review clique
I think it's the dude who invented the first earthquakes or something
character from hotline miami
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i only scant knowledge in this whole thing but
>is it true a cheatnigger snitched on his friends after a spy did the ol "pretend to be a steam employee" shit?
>are the bot hosters actually trannies?
>did valve actually spook/threaten any of them?
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New TF2 update only gives you 1 cosmetic slot
What are you using
nigga gets millions of view on tf2 content and despises his fans
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>noooo you have to defend us from the mean man who doesn't care about us
>nevermind we'll ban you, dox you, try to get you fired from your job if you call us a "mentally ill tranny"
>>are the bot hosters actually trannies?
either they are or they're the type of terminally online /pol/fag who will inevitably turn into a tranny
they're two sides of the same coin really
sorry wrong link I meant to post this
hero's hachimaki for soldier
Only 1 cosmetic with no unusual effect? bumble beenie
If with unusual effect? bumble beenie
i just like this hat a lot, its simple yet cute
It is just cope. He doesn't want to admit that #fixtf2 worked so now it's "just a coincidence" valve is nuking bots because they've totally been working on it for years trust me bro (please ignore the part where I've been bitching for months about valve not doing anything and never mentioned this before ever).
prvvf vf pvrchvsv
Richter is a fucking loser who tries to act like a cool contrarian guy who doesn't care about people hating him, but internally he's seething with rage that people view him as a Skibidi Toilet gmod arg kid and not an internet superstar

He already had multiple metldowns caused by redditors calling his videos shit
His audience is made up of retarded zoomers, and he's the most retarded of them all
wait, is ritcher the dude who made the whole "emesis blue lore" video that is longer than emesis blue itself?
christ i tried to avoid that video for a long time and now that i know it was done by him i want to avoid it even more
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>Next Elite grade for the summer crate

Post your bet
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Zesty Jesus and Richter Overtime purposely lied about the "the bot fix has been in the works for 2 years" thing to discredit the SaveTF2 and FixTF2 movements because they were butthurt that they weren't invited by the organizers in an "official" capacity. Richter's now deleted tweet and Zesty on his recent stream are both quick to mention how the bot fix was supposedly "in the works before SaveTF2" with Zesty outright saying that FixTF2 and SaveTF2 were pointless and did nothing. When Megascatterbomb exposed this lie they both backed down, even Mega implies in his statement that he thinks Richter had some kind of agenda for pushing this narrative. They value their petty egos more than the state of the game and created a false narrative, very snake-like behaviour.
zesty claimed in his stream that he heard that from an independent source too, I bet hes the first guy mentioned there who then sperged about someone "putting words in his mouth"
scout: el jefe
soldier: cold snap coat
pyro: triclops
demoman: decorated veteran
heavy: big steel jaw of summer fun
engineer: hetman's headpiece
medic: field practice
sniper: hawaiian hunter
spy: monsieur grenouille
just spawncamped on gorge for 5 minutes straight. i joined last round and outscored everyone on the server except 1 medic (which was pocketing me)
bring back scramble oh my lord
No clue, it was probably just some falseflagger snitching on their discord, they had plenty of those
Some are some arent, iirc one of the robosona ones had pronouns in bio on discord.
Everything seems to indicate Rosne shat his pants and ran away
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>skibidi toilet kid
sorry richtertrannies, elite cameraman won. 1.6 million subscribers off of skibidi lore. glory to skibidi toilet
it's a pretty good video. It doesn't just talk about the movie itself but goes into depth what the inspirations are and recaps the entire plot
it honestly just takes the movie in its entirety with some basic editing and voiceover in some parts. it's worth a watch if you watching emesis and had no idea what was going on
To clarify, I hate the community as well. The difference is I wouldn't lie about shit and would actually consider them to be intelligent enough to know if what I was saying was bullshit or not. Point is, Richter's a fuckwit. Based that he hates the community, but he's a fuckwit not worth anyone's time or attention.
7 people are in now :)
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Saar please do not insult you bloody bastard
Zesty making some shit up cause he's butthurt and then his cocksucker Richter spreading it sounds like something they would do
I remember a previous stream where Zesty outright said that FixTF2 would fail if he wasn't part of it and invited to their super secret discord club.
Meet The Medic is okay, but my preferred media to consume is emotional and sappy shit. Crying is based and the story and music for Bad Medicine makes me tear up and f e e l
Well considering that the movement basically fell apart before the bot ban and the ecelebs never sent the petition.
The intern can make the bot hosters homeless if he stays on the treadmill for a few months
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When can we officially declare that Fix TF2 was a success? Before or after the August trip?
But saar, Zesty and Richter told us that SaveTF2 and FixTF2 were pointless and did nothing and Valve was just already working on the fix for years lolz.
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Valve has done more in the past 3 days than in several years. As far as I'm concerned it's already a success and zezzy and richter can keep seething
Give it another 8 years and if I can still find a botless 2fort match in the ruins of america I'll call it a success.
Megascatterbomb literally called a bomb threat to his university, how is he a reputable source
>my next video will NVKE the economy
>everyone boycott the game!! STOP BUYING THINGS!!!
>prices are still up
>tf2 is #fixed
>t-this isn't enough! keep boycotting!! the prices of high tier skins aren't low enough yet!!!
he pulled it out of his ass. we're talking about richter overtime lmfao. the cunt pulls shit out of his ass 24/7
Give it a year before calling it a success
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this multiclass hat, commando

The NVKE shills was the worst thing that happened in tf2g recently, every threads were filled with this doodoo
as long casual persists... tf2 is over
he went back on this and claimed he never believed that idle bots matter to the economy unless you trade metal for keys and the original video was purely about correcting inflated playernumbers. is zesty really just a pathological liar?
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What are the chances that the only reason VALVe did something was because of Signanon?
>no quickplay? boycott
>no weapons update? boycott
>no rebalance patches? boycott
>no bots in 6 months? boycott, just to be safe

Zesty by the end of the year (if not already)
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I'm tired of waiting
it was the 3 negative reviews for portal 2
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No he didn't it was a botfag falseflag used with an ai mimicking his voice
omg another team captain for brokies
Zesty is right about boycotting valve. I'm just waiting to see if the bothosters will return.
Wtf I want to fuck scout now
Is it really that hard for people NOT to spend money on this game? I got my favourite cosmetics years ago and have been using them since, with maybe just the occasional swap as new items got added
I like unboxing crates from time to time or the occasional spending on MvM tickies
Are we really arguing about which ecelebs is right?
9 players on konata
>unhinged kiwi coder incel almost goes full day of retribution
>when he inevitably pussies out he blames everything on bot hosters, despite there being zero evidence they've ever done anything like this to anyone else
theres something about some of these workshop items, theyre all modeled and textured some way and i cant put my finger on it
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My personal sources within valve said they've been working on this for years. They just didn't say anything about it until now because... they just didn't!
gabber is back in konat
That's the promo thumbnail so it's probably been touched up a bit using photoshop, which is why it looks "off"
hmm i wonder why they went the extra mile for the faggot that claimed to have created an anticheat that would turn total bot death into a reality
make they dont like kiwis? idk guys, theres no other possible reason why theyd do that to him
Who in Sam’s Hell would want to talk to Zesty with secret info? They’re fucking techno wizards compared to unga bunga rock degree he has.
I've been playing since 2011 and according to steam I've spent $300 dollars.

Only way I'd ever put more money is if we got NON-SEASONAL major updates again.
>game gets fixed
>everyone gets bored because the eceleb drama stops
>playercount goes to 0
11 players
Ive recently come into a job that pays me decently. Ironically I want to get some more cosmetics and support the game but I am and hsve been participating in the boycott since FixTF2 started this month and am waiting for more action before I stop. I don't have most all my favorite cosmetics, and even getting keys or hats 2nd hand still supports Valve by perpetuating the market.
How does a hardware ban work? I’m pretty sure that they can’t necessarily get the MAC addresses of the hosts.
Checks out, Valve doesnt communicate to the public.
>even getting keys or hats 2nd hand still supports Valve
made up fearmongering nonsense by zesty
Why isn’t Wrath Wrath?
What if the kunai gave the spy 140 health to start with, but only gave him 70 health on melee kills and nerfed his ability to heal from sources other than killing?
niggerfaggotbomb is the only one they've tried to fuck with irl, so yeah I don't actually believe it's them "going the extra mile" given how impotent bot hosters have been in the face of valve immediately giving up after getting banned once. Occams razor it's far more likely NFB is a liar.
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Who? And I mean come on, Zesty's the literal embodiment of TF2 rage
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I fucking hate people that feel the need to overly edit the classes, why the fuck do the snipers have anime eyes, reminds of that cursed workshop Scout with realistic teeth
Oh fuck how could I forget about him
But honestly he's a pretty chill guy, he just shares wrath in name
because he was the only one who was doxxed? all documented btw, keep up
lmao what kind of Reason X is it to assume an otherwise normal n*gga with good social ties in the tf2 sphere magically became eliot rogers mark ii?
sounds like you're projecting, worthless baiting troll
tell them I love them
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>today I shall remind them
Yes, you're right. Might makes right. And Valve are the mightiest, so banning you is right
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>Fix TF2 worked
>The game is now bot-free
>64-bit update rolled out months ago
>Unofficial source 2 port was halted by Valve
>Summer update within the next month
>Fan meeting with Valve within the next month

Doomers lost pretty hard.
I never saw this before but there's something really really wrong with this scout
100% skinwalker jonh carpenter stuff
>I believe in might makes right
Then in that case you should listen is everyone because everyone is more mightier then you
Who are some TF2 based youtubers worth watching?
Every single cosmetic and key comes from Valve from the beginning. To trade with a trading and key site will generate them buisness and embolden them to get more keys and hats for their trading inventory. If that buisness thrives more people will be contributing more to Valvez whether those items are middlemanned between Valve and the trader or not. This is basic commerce. Even if Gamestop makes 100% of the profits from used games goes to GS, they still accept those trade ins from people who bought it in a way that profitied the publisher, thus creating another market option for a user to liquify the product once they're done with it, allowing more options for those who bought the game and therefor making new game purchases more attractive than if trade ins did not exist. Many people buy brand new 60$ titles knowing they can beat it in less than a weak and get a fraction back on the purchase, which comes out of Gamestop's pocket, not the publisher.
So no, perpetuating a market 9 times out of 10 links to aiding the sole manufacturers of the product every time even if indirectly.
>server is at zero players
>look at server
>"man I don't wanna play with no one"
>don't join
>10 people do this at the same time
>all think "not my problem someone else will seed it"
I guarantee at any given time there's more than enough people to fill up a server but no one wants to take the initiative. If people were more open to playing with low player counts we'd get full servers galore.
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Trvst the plan bros, give it 3 more years and we will be sipping Champagne as we get a MASSIVE 20th anniversary update
I'll be waiting for you all on 10.10.2027
2fort twerkerz and gabber
zetzy was one of us but he renounced cunny, therefore he renounced us
are you trying to be an overbrand sephiroth or something
Consider the rope
this happens in drg, someone hosts a server, nobody joins for a while, but the moment a 2nd player is in the server fills up instantly lol
The true king of tf2g would record himself topfragging with the actual item set, the Hibernating Bear loadout with the Brass Beast, the Buffalo Steak Sandwich, the Warrior’s Spirit, and the Big Chief
here's your reddit gold kind stranger
Imagine the smell
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>uhh if you dont like little girls youre le redditor
nigga i want titties and ass
I hear you, but at least picking up a piece of trash on the street shows results. Joining a dead game has the chance to fill it more, but what if I'm just playing with like 4 guys for half an hour? I dont want that unless I'm specifically willing to 2v2 the entire game.
there there ledditor it's okay
Pedos aren't based, reddit is the epitome of being not based
> zetzy was one of us but he renounced cunny
Ah so it’s only a matter of time before he finds himself the center of a controversy.
>>483993078 Richter was good when he talked about the GMOD ARGs
yukon fucking sucks just like every 5cp map god damn
not liking cunny?
not one of us
simple as
/tf2g/ lolifags going past a kindergarten be like:
tranny tier post
straightoid tier post
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nice try glowie
you guys play team fortress 2?
no, we jerk each other off
we're fags!
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Me in the middle
Granary is a good map though. I see stalemates happen on every other 5cp maps but never on granary.
yukon these nuts LMAO
yukon is DRAB. its DEPRESSING. i dont wanna play it for more than 5 minutes, my EYES well up from looking at it. its a TRAGEDY of a map. a TRAGEDY that i have to play a map, that takes place in CANADAAAA
me on the right
Half of us do, the rest cry about 4chan culture like cunny because they're r/tf2 expats
Lots of soldiers here hating on the BASED Canadian map
you guys going trick-or-treating
Yukon sucks but Sunshine, Gullywash, and Process are good maps. I even like 5cp Gorge and Grannery.
>youre a redditor because... you just are, ok!?
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>not posting the up to date version
Yukon sucks because I can’t imagine the tf2 mercs fighting over useless Canadian territory. Who cares about Canadia? FUCKING NOONE
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Please do not put us cunnyfags into the same category as just fags, thanks
uummm actually those are like, 6s maps and stuff, and comp is like bad or whatever so those maps are automatically bad CHUDDY
What do you mean? The north of Canada is dotted with many small islands that constitute what could be a crucial international shipping lane.
Where are the ritualposters
>play yukon
>soldier fires rocket
>snow puts it out
>pyro uses flsmethrower
>snow melts constantly
>my team gets wet and then freezes
Also fuck that top building by spawn that always fucks up my rocketjump
It should feature some silly reason, like they are fighting over moose antlers or something
For me, it's Freight.
not enough fixating on trannies
Pauling tells soldier there are pockets of untamed and unmapped American territory in Canada that needs liberation.
granary is a SHIT walking simulator only played by autistic 6s pisscels. i dont understand how they tolerate this map for "being different' while refusing to play any other "different" 6s map, how is granary any better than well?
only good part of granary is mid. second point is a tiny clusterfuck, just a competition to see which medic can pocket better and push the other out. final point is the BIGGEST, EMPTIEST AREA in any map ever
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I highly doubt that.
The Panama Canal exists for a reason. Hardly any ships are going to travel between these islands for any purpose.
canada does have a lot of gravel...
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I did not care for Badlands.
It's fun when you aren't playing 6s
Id rather foundary but I wont say no to freight
also would like to add that granary final is maybe the only final point that engineer just cant defend at all, they get bullied so hard. engineer no longer destroying the quality of gameplay when on last, thats pretty nice, but sniper exists and is equally as cancer when he abuses the giant sightline that is granary last
poot new thread here
>why would ships take a shorter path when theres no more ice in the way
>TF2 players when they discover that women have periods
5cp badlands>>>koth badlands
Its not the best map tho. I dont blame you
i dont play 6s. and its not fun in 12s. ITS SHIT. it fucking sucks and well is a million times more fun
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koth badlands is unique but sooooooooo boring. the most significant part of enemy backlines consists entirely of a tiny indoor space, making flanking annoying as fuck, while the large open backlines area where the spiral used to be only gets used by snipers
the good ones don't
new thread... new thread NOOOWWWWWWW
It’s funny how this video is treating this as a sad thing as if he is expecting sympathy.
The end of the bot era. It feels surreal. It feels good, it shouldn't because we're still in matchmaking hell. Maybe it's like the divine comedy's hell and we went up a ring. I guess that's good.
Go go go charge!
it's been like 2 days faggots why is everyone saying it's all over?
I just really hate the low valley region and how all the action forces the buildings by the point to be both chokes and the default nests
fastlane is for gigachads
>it wasnt me despite having clear evidence of it being be because... le AI
so this is going to be every criminals excuse now?
>he was the only one who was doxxed
Wait, really? I thought they had done it to some others too. How'd they dox scatterbomb in particular, did they get so mad at him as to actually hack his stuff?
But access to the Panama Canal could possibly become politicized. For example, what if the Panamanian government restricts shipping through the Panama Canal to ships that benefit the allies of Russia and China and bars U.S. military vessels from using it?
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Unironically based
isnt the panama canal owned by the us govt
Well he just got banned from TF2, probably because of the recent ban wave lol
Not since the end of its 99-year lease, I believe.

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