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>SMT VV Trophy List

>Vengeance OST scans

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks will be available for listening on digital streaming platforms soon...?

>Funny photo featuring Alice

Previous thread: >>483802835
i want to FUCK eisheth
i want to FUCK miyazu
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>mara is huge when you fight him
>mara on your team is extra tiny
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i fucking hate coomers
Metaphor won.
Same here man
Nude Alice when
heterosexual game. fujos lost.
why is she so skinny on this mod? shes thicc as fuck
I'm glad the modder kept the snake arm.
There was a really nice looking mod for the original V that almost got everything right, but the tasteless modder removed the snakes.
perfect woman with perfect body making fat fujos and trannys seethe
you cant fuse demons in digital devil saga right? so does every character just have fixed skills? no team building, no nothing?
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What the fuck
Would not abandon her
Yo is that Riddler from Shin Persona 5??
skill trees are a thing.
Clickbait to make people go on their site. Posting this only fuels them, you are an idiot brining attention to this.
kys tripfag
fair enough

that's just a name, not a trip.
Lawbros this your hero?
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Idunbros we are so fucking back!
i mean he's just echoing Jesus desu.
I didn’t read it
Bring apples back to original MP cost and we're golden
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I just fucking fused Flaemis for fusion climbing and he fucking costs 50k macca?
What the fuck?
Golden Apple always costed 180 MP. The only thing that got nerfed in Vengeance was it's flat healing from 80 to 60.
buffs also suck now
also we should keep gatekeeping megaten
I'm talking about changes from V to Vengeance dumb ass namefag.
japanese whiskey is so shit
tried some suntory
never again
just use the new dlc demon, stop cheating
You have no right to talk to me like that, i am just saying Vengeance sucks, and thats my opinion and you should respect it not attack me.
i think this was taken in Texas?
I have every right to shit on namefags. You painted a big red target on your back when you chose not to be anonymous. I will continue to shit on you until I am unaware of your presence.
>just finished with Quadistu sacrificing Aogami
>Tao saved me and sent me my farewells
Did I just got locked into the law route? If not, when do I know?

Also did side quest count towards alignment or only main story decisions?
>go to anonymous bored
>put a name for yourself
>get mad that people shit on you for the name
What did you expect?
that happens no matter what. Alignment lock doesn't happen until the end of the 4th area. Yes the side quests where you pick a side count towards alignment.
She just doesn't want Nahobino fucking the Law pussy
Why can't I side with Dormarth and let her eat Nyami Nyami?
How does the PS1 version of SMT1 compares to the GBA version?
i played the GBA version but I'm wondering if it's better than the PS1 version since it got released 2 years later than the PS1 one
I wished storming shakan would've led to Alignment lock. For example, if Abdiel didn't go retard and just attacked Yoko from getting her old power back, it would've been cool to get an option to protect her or not. Leading to you hanging out with Yoko in Taito and stuff.
Better graphic, better OST, its smoother. You don't have that extra story stuff but you can just you tube that.

>Overclocked has more content but it changes some minor things that put it down for me.
What things?
So in Japan it sold around 400k on PC, 40k on Switch, and 20k on PS?
this and the car thing are two glaring examples where nahobino shoulda slapped some sense into her
>assigning blame from hindsight when an imperfect decision had to be made in either case, when a positive result from the counterfactual was not guaranteed
>"b-but cars kill people, so human life has a price in convenience, and that's bad"
>losses are inevitable you dumb bitch, and how fucking dare you talk back to me after I tell you this
>do you want everyone to live in fucking life support pods like those poor fucks in SMT2?
>the logical implication of your retarded position is that all lives are of infinite value in terms of time, and that any and all risks are unacceptable despite being unavoidable in any case, and are necessary for any form of progress
>this is actually very close to maximum lawfaggotry from Strange Journey, so what the actual fuck
Not really sure, but i heard from the fandom that it's very minor-
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just play overclocked, dont listen to the puritans. they're always gonna try some mental gymnastics just to tell you "new version le bad".
Is Demi Fiend in your party in ng+ or do i have to do all that fiend hunting again?
>it changes some minor things that put it down for me
>what things?
>I don't know
What the fuck is wrong with you.
you have to fight him again
Kanekofags. This your boy?
good night guys
I see what you did
Kozy Okada is a conservative and Kaneko his liberal brother.
that was not my intent desu
9/11 was jewish actually.
On the butt yeah?
NTA but Overclocked ruins Yuzu's route by giving it a more positive conclusion. Which is fucking awful because the entire point of her route is to show what happens if you decide to pussy out and leave everyone to die because you want to get back home, hence why it's the worst ending in the game. Also Naoya route gets too much content now as it's desperate trying to be TDE than spreading the content out to other routes like Gin's or Atsuro.
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I cant find amanozako at the diet building. and the green pointers is still at the dude. Am i bugged
she should be at the Nagatacho leyline in Minato, if she's not there then maybe you havent fought her yet.
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>SJ had Mastema
>Good game
>IV had Mastema
>Good game
>Vengeance has Mastema
>Good game
The key to a good game is to have Mastema
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She is not there....
whats the mod called?
did you get the quest to fight her? an angel in taito gives it to you.
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nvm i found her
then she sould be at the konan 3rd block in shinagawa, the path that was previously blocked by angels.
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god speed blind anon. get that flying onahole.
This is what makes Chaos feel so half-assed. You just spend the last fourth of the game with Tao and Koshimizu that mostly align in ideology and even get a couple of unique reactions to the Taito sidequests, and then in the last like 30 minutes Yoko just arrives and you're supposed to naturally side with her in the Chaos route.

i dont know if its because im too good at SMT or because there's almost no story but it feels like the SMT games are way too short compared to other RPG games, i spend around a week and a half trying to finish anything else but SMTVV i finished in 2 days.
>spreading the content out to other routes like Gin's or Atsuro.
I think Gin's is fine as it was but Atsuro really could've used an 8th day to deal with the consequences of trusting the government with demon summoning powers. Then again there's probably an entire game's worth of ideas that could be explored with that set up.
I have played every day for two weeks and i'm still not finished. 50 hours in
Unless you are skipping side content 2 days is pretty unreasonable. that's like non stop no other priorities shit. I played it for 4-8 hours every day when it released and finished it in exactly 1 week.
wrong reply meant for >>483949896
Mainline SMT games are typically in the 25-50 hour range with the exeption of Strange Journey which was an absolute behemoth. Having prior experience definitely helps though since you can carry over a lot of fundamental knowledge from one SMT to another.
>there's almost no story
yes, the overall storytelling in SMTVV is very lacking—in particular, it's like they had no idea what they wanted to do with any of the characters they introduce, and when they do there's not enough depth to it anyway
>way too short compared to other RPG games
well, if you do absolutely everything that's possible to do in your initial playthrough, it's definitely not short
if you boom straight for main objectives and are good at SMT, though, yes, quite short
it's not like it's vanilla v, though.
i did a lot of side quests but i definitely didnt do all of them. i did 100% base V so i ended up skipping the most lame ones but i did all of the new ones, maybe. i probably took more days to finish the game and im exaggerating in my head.
What can we expect from SMT VI
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Is this cutie ever coming back?
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actual dark writing and dungeons. Atlus themselves said this was a "dark" take on rpgs but this shit is lame as fuck, i want to see some actual blood, actual drama, real fucking choices.
bigger boobs more sexy hot women
i am with this guy
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why the fuck are the buffs on the demon expansion mod? they should've been separate
why did he do it?
just ask him if he can do it separately. Paying 10 dollars would also help as he is chinese and that would be a month salary for him
Why is it so hard to top IV's story?
>>483951457 (You)
sorry, forgot the :A
>Zelenin sold out all of humanity for THIS
*devil summoner series (soul hackers 2 is an abortion)
persona 3*
im tired of pretending that sh2 is bad, it's a 7/10 game at the least
its not bad, its just not devil summoner and if they added that to it, kaneko would personally hang himself.
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>Evil Mastema
>Cute Mastema
>Morally Ambiguous Mastema
IV/a wank
megaten for this loli bitch shiteating cunt feel?
less kaneko dated designs and more bishoujo/bishounen demons
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ok you need to go.
*Cracks Knuckles*
time to adapt to modern times old man
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how the fuck am i supposed to play devil children? there's no english patch...
you are gonna ruin megaten, modern times my ass, modern time is jewih time you fucking kike!
if the art change was jewish, there would be ugly and fat lgbt demons, not blonde cute girls
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Yeah bro, uhh Doi and his team are fucking weebs, Kaneko and Okada were literary and creative individuals with something to say

Kaneko was liberal

Okada was conservative

they worked alongside each other to create something that meant something, boobs and shit is obscene,

when kaneko draws nudity it has a purpose and a role and is in a way artistic.
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he changes depending on how big your dick is.
me at the bottom
IV lives and dies by world building, but that's probably because the flow of development for that game was a bunch of guys sitting around discussing ideas with each other and calling Kaneko to confirm stuff about his draft, and since the game was dirt cheap to make and required like 2 pngs for each scene they could fit a lot of those ideas somewhere in the game
the whole attitude with IV was to try out everything to see how it turns out, some of the ideas turned out to be amazing (like making Kozuka the main composer) some of them not so much so (like the guest designers and the way world map is designed) and some of them won't be appreciated unless you're the type of person who actively engages with the world (NPC dialog in the whole game changing after each event and quests). this is exactly why you see people swearing on IV being the best game they've every played as well as people who think it's thoroughly mediocre.
Are they just not allowed to advertise its on the Steam deck in Japan or what?
it all comes back to the 4 ogs

Shoji Meguro
Koji Okada
Kazuma Kaneko
Kazunuri Zuzuki

they made the series and them leaving just confuses shit.
I really wonder if he will, or if they will keep Tsudaken for his VA
honourable mentions

Aya Nishitani
Tsukasa Masuko
Tadashi Satomi
Megumi Shiraishi
Deck in Japan is the only portable PC that people know about but it’s often compared to the Game Gear, due to size, battery, and sales.
The “American” handheld
Funnily enough Japan is one of the only places in the world where it’s sold in retail.
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So i have a 220+ Str Nahobino and he does less than half damage compared to Arioch. Sure why not
my point is, the new isn't always the best, quality over quantity, you get me?

i miss the passion side of megaten so much.
A game where you summon demons. Maybe the new blood getting some autonomy from the old guard.
pixie's quest was something they brought back from SH. kinda funny how V is more influenced by SH than SH2 ever was
yeah the negotiations in vengeance are very Soul Hackers structure based and have alot more leniency on creativity, than bloat.
When do we get a real SH2?
What difference is between nocturne on ps2 and steam
no difference desu
they added skill selection during fusion and voice dubbed the whole game
>ended up pivoting towards lolfigmentslash on nahobeeho because of his str growth
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Okay hear me out: Power armors based on demons. You have to sacrifice demons to build them.
Pic related.
looking at the interviews I think the main team seem to be really interested in is making the demons feel more like characters, so one thing you can anticipate is more quests focusing on demons, and stuff like demons haunts.

as for any other decision I think there's two main factors to consider, one how they reflect on the feedback they've got from VV (in future interviews, or god forbid a FUCKING ART BOOK WHERE IS IT DOI)
and the second is whatever project the other dev team is working on since nocturne HD. some of the devs of VV are from SH2 and some are new hires, some of the original V devs are probably focusing on the other unknown megaten project Yamai/Ooyama/Ishida are probably working on. whatever that project ends up being and the lessons they will learn from it will have huge influence on VI. so did SH2, but what that project taught them was what not do to rather than stuff they will try out for the next game.

I'm personally looking forward to see if Doi will start making his own art team now, or if he will talk about the changes he has made to his design and drawing workflow.

there are new people in the sound design team as well. they might end up being composers for future mainline games but Kozuka is still young, he can continue working on mainline for decades.
idk man this team, sorry to say this, feel like frat boys compared to the ferris bueller ass team from before.
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Small small small small small
IV is good until the alignment lock, then it turns completely retarded.
the /v/ threads has been fun
I should have killed the bullies
Are there V purists or even people that think Canon of Creation is better?
something else you can expect from VI is team synergy and more focus on innate skills. this is from the official megaten account, asking people to talk about their team building strategies using the hashtag 真VVベストパーティ
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monster hunter x smt
I feel like innate skills should be gated somehow. Also, I think unique skills should not take a skill slot to make them more valuable.
loa + matador
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>two weeks in the top 10
Mermaid butt
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Atlus should do a deal to use whatever Nintendo uses for the 3DS ports to Switch
Luigi’s mansion 2 while a shit game actually supports save files from the original
which one will give me the sahori experience?
I like that it's sold next to the dragon dildos
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That's a thing in Soul Hackers already where specific demons can be sacrificed to get some exclusive equipment.
did they give healing hand as a unique passive to fionn to be funny
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Innates skills are good but they can be hard to balance specially if you are trying to make a hard game, one thing i absolute hate is being able to oneshot/one turn supposed superbosses
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this is the persona 5x gacha Mara
Xi hates cock
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>I feel like innate skills should be gated somehow
stepwise power increases determined by some combination of base demon level and levels gained by that demon would be a reasonable way to do this
also they need to introduce mechanisms to make ailments worth a damn / capable of consistent performance across all levels
some way to make various ailments, or the reapplication of ailments, or even the failure to apply ailments, deal damage or come with additional functionality should be a thing (even if it has to be gated behind demon innates or whatever).
also swap wankery needs to go
why are chinks afraid of dicks and skeletons
he loves it, but because it would make him look bad he censors it
it was really jarring to fight Beelzebub with this music playing.
>is a literal dickhead
>they give him a chinaman hat
what did they mean by this?
Why are we stuck with Doi Satan?
I miss big snek Satan
why Shiva is such hp sponge?
I was 80lvl, bosses was 70-80lvls too, i hit them for 1k damage

i leveled up to 95, damage went little up. but Shiva boss gained like x10 hp from usual lvl 70-80 bosses like honsu and gay devil from quest.
Chinaman like their wife dicked
Mara disguised as a Chinaman so he can sneak into Chinese market lol
>SMT was finally censored
>It wasn't because it was cancelled by the west
>It wasn't because of religious groups
>It was because the CCP was offended by a giant dick in a shopping cart
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>i want to see some actual blood, actual drama, real fucking choices.
You are not getting this when the series main demographic nowadays are children that also plays Pokemon, Xenoblade, and Mario.
Higher ups wanted this satan design

Its not the first time SMT has been censored
>the series main demographic nowadays are [headcanon]
Xenoblade has blood in it. It was xenosaga 3 only that had its blood censored in western territories.
When I was a child, I loved pokemon and especially the ultra edgy grimdark fanfics that came out of it.
that is fucking hilarious
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Only XC1 had blood, which was mostly removed in XC1DE. XC2 & XC3 doesn't have a single ounce of blood.
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What about them
Nocturne is more kiddy than those games
SMT been censored far back as Devil Summoner PSP in order to lower the age ratings.
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bro if you want uncensored smt go play Megami Tensei 2 and fucking Giten Megami Tensei at that point
I'm gay bro
Yeah, which really shows how the franchise began to cater to more so younger players than older ones. So that anon expecting darker writing and drama is merely delusional.
SMT is for women
Bro stop

smt is genderless, just like there is neither jew nor greek nor male or female. - Paul of Tarsus
Are you pretending to be stupid or does it come to you naturally?
You can say its censored because its black or whatever but I can still think of at least 4 scenes with explicit blood in them in 3
Gurnica coughs it out and has a giant wound covered in blood during his last stand at the start of the game. That epic samurai weeb man removes his brainwashing eye at one point and has leaking blood down his face. When the tubby lardass kid gets crushed to death in the flashback his blood leaks out from the rubble. In the first fight between noah and mio, mio gets noah with her chakram things and a thin spray of blood comes from his face. I only played 2 once and don't really remember examples from 2 so you may be right there
I want mara to fill my white orthodox ass with hot poisonous semen
smt is unironically for autists
the fusion and gameplay/exploration focus is nuts
The series is already overall dark the anon just want a better writing instead
i mean you're not wrong
>the cock has a lid
why did they make two of mastema's unique skills boss only?
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Wait, Lahmu didn't have that white thing in his boss fight, is it a CoC thing?
Why even put Mara in if you're just gonna censor it?
Maras entire appear is being a giant penis on a chariot
Yes, and they were too lazy to edit his model to not have it when hes summonable in vengance route probably because its tied to his signature skill.
The white sperm thing is sahori or at least some power he reaches from having her inside him, it only appears when shes climbs inside him in creation route.
Yeah you fight his normal form then the sperm form back to back on CoC. It was one of the best fights in the game but then they replaced it with a dumb gimmick fight vs cuck and dog
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I'm disappointed he's not in VV, he has an epic design and was one of my favourite endgame demons in SJ and IV.
As you can see in picrel, he also has a 3D model.
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Who tf is Picrel?
Daily reminder that Sega will not let Atlus use Dx2 models in their games.
It really is a shame that we don't have the full angel line in a 3D game yet. All Vengeance needed was Virtue and Bohemian Rhapsody.
It's one of the better gameplay additions they made.
Bohemian Rhapsody isn't a demon its a jojo thing, also huh???
Jonathan was a bro until he became that thing. So was Walter. The fact that IV actually bothered to make it's reps likeable in the beginning makes their descent into extremism all the more tragic.
Here comes the aeroplane! It's Seraph.
Fuck atlus.
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Am I the only compulsive retard who spends hours staring at the fusion menu because I can't carry over a pleroma or whatever to a demon that can actually make us of it ?
Calm down
Fuck namefags.
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now we balling, hermanos
Did vengeance flop?
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>Got three fucking minions
>Every demon who got bufudyne is also weak to fire
Fuck my life I guess, I'll be back later
Didn't it sell like a million in Japan only?
It sold 500k in the first 3 days which is faster than V sold so it's on track to becoming the best selling SMT
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shit thread, take this. Peace!
devil summoner numbers
yuzuru cucked by the gays too...
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It didn't reach P3R or OG SMT V in terms of sales and the playerbase is dropping like flies, so yeah it pretty much flopped.
your onyakonpon and tetrakarn? just make moloch waste all turns lmao
I know you're baiting because that's all you do, but it took a month or so for V to hit a million
>femanon cunt in my real
>sells freaks even here
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Aight I was in doubt on who to deal with but if the old man helps me this much then I'm sold. Also does he go KUSOKUSOKUSO in japanese?
it was 800K in one month. they announced the million number in 4 months iirc
but even at 800 it reached the expected sales number, and after that it exceeded the expectation but sales had no longevity. that's why you should wait for sega to announce their own understanding of how the game sold
regardless of all this atlus is still not turning profit for sega because of the index debts, I wonder why is that. was the restructuring that costly, or was it the debt being far bigger than they announced publicly? we may never know
>Didn't it sell like a million in Japan only?
Good lord no, Atlus combined og V's sales with vengeance to make the 1.6 million total sales, also og V got to one million thanks to overseas sales, same with vengeance.
It probrably did better than atlus expected for a DLC of an incomplete game
Persona 6 and it's rerelease should pay off the debts
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AND I made Yoko seethe even more? Great.
Yeah sorry, I should have reread that twitter post before writing bullshit like a baiter
it was estimated 300 billion yen, it should have been paid by P5 and all the others spin offs
This girl only have retarded lines?
So SMT is dead is what I'm getting from this
>V sold well
>VV is selling well
>there is an unannounced megaten project in the works
I can see how you would come to that conclusion as a retard
>Steals his dog
>Steals the PM
>Dazai betrays him, right after Yuzuru thinks that they have reconciled as friends
Yuzuru-bros, I don't feel so good
Mostly memeing about all the people over analysing some incomplete data
>there is an unannounced megaten project in the works
Any details?
Punished Yuzuru
A Fallen Cuck
meant for >>483964296

Yamai is directing it, Oyama and Ishida are involved. That's about it
we don't know if Yamai is directing it. we know Ishida is helping the director of some project and Ooyama is directing something. Yamai and Ooyama normally work together since nocturne maniax, so these three working on the same project is still a guess. and we know it's a megaten project since they talked about it in the 30th anniversary concert comments.
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Who did vv
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Oh I am piercing with my gaze alright
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An angel so based and trustworthy, I would definitely convert to christianity if he was real, because I trust that he will answer my prayers
all me
Good job bro
Komori. he has a directing assistant but he's also an EO guy, and Doi didn't art direct it either unlike vanilla V. as of now we don't know if Yamai and Ooyama were involved in VV in any capacity or no.
I hope he gets a place in the next SMT too, it's just so funny to see how noone notices his menacing aura
any reason why battle -edifice- only plays at one dungeon in CoV and not both?
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this is the namefag btw
Yeah bro he's uhh, he's evil.
I wish retards like him and vesk would stay on twitter/discord
nah wrong
Did you know? The attack here is the same color/effect used in Nocturne for the destruction of Tokyo. The attack also isn't from him, but spawning from something above him.
Lament means a sorrowful prayer.
His greatest attack is praying with sorrow for a higher power to attack you, this higher power is also behind the events of Nocturne.
The deepest lore...
Which pride flags are those?
Thank you, subtextchad.
cause PM's really sad and vengeful over Yuzuru's death so you have to mourn with him
i'm not as bad as her, bro just talk to me and i'll listen...ugh you clearly don't understand

thats orthodox christianity, iceland and serbia
how to manifest more boss fight dlc to existence
Her talking about the dangers of cars unprompted is the best one
Mastema's master is never revealed. All that is revealed is he is like Goku, wishing to choose who becomes the next God of the world. So saying his master is the system feels wrong, since his goals are above the system, or more so more than Goku only wishing for the cycle to continue. So there must be some higher force beyond it who wishes to control the Mandella system, and is willing to help Hikawa out with fucking with Tokyo in Nocturne. It can be implied it is the Axiom.
I lost
sometimes battle -edifice- would play at shakan after failed negotiation for split second so maybe it was intended to play there too
Gay, Aromantic and a femboy. Got it.
does nahobino regret taking her hand when she starts ranting about cars
Why is it the Axiom?
>Dagda DLC implies it's before Nanashi chooses a side and before he takes power due to Danu being Danu. But Nanashi being referenced if also a big thing.
>Satan is from the Axiom himself
Mastema's true master is true YHVH in the Axiom.
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shut up
Me and my insane wife
Me and my based wife
do they really need to zoom in on beaner's crotch?
I'm not anit coom but uhhh could they fix her anatomy?
Cute Mermaid butt !
bro just buy an onahole already and stop jerking off in here, God you disgust me-
creation fight was better just because how you humiliate her in front of everyone
That's not her original body, that particular modder use his own 3D model to bodyswap the bodies of female demon to make his nude mods.
It's especially obvious on some demons like Mermaid because the breasts don't even have the same shape.
people are so lazy nowadays, fuck this generation, put effort or nothing good will happen.
im from /v/
Is there a way to guarantee longer chain battles?
i see its a shitshow over there
I was talking about how her body is positioned but yeah I'm not suprised
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how about this phys build
The pleroma stacks?
All passives stack
>Sega lost 6.6 billion yen in the past year
New SMT never after VV flopped only Metaphor and P6 can save Atlus now.
Most of that is due to the Europe game studios with total war and the canned game they poured millions into all collapsing.
Does yabusame shot even do any damage?
SMT wasn't the thing that made them lose that much money
around 600-400 depending on the enemy, but it's just there for regular encounters/press turns/checking if the enemy resists physical
i took it out for demifiend
you are one stupid twink faggot
Bro how am i stupid?
just get murakumo and don't bother with any other physical skills
with critical it does atleast 1.5-2k damage
Does killing Dazai first cause Abdiel to go apeshit or something in their boss fight
no enduring soul?
does creamAPI work with soul hackers 2? i dont want to pay for the dlc
Yes, but Steam has been a little more aggressive with creamAPI usage abuse
Ngl the demon haunt made it hard for me to fuse some demons. I really didnt expect myself to keep naheebino, idun and loki for the entire game. Still a very good feature though.
Still work but be warned that steam has started hunting down its alternatives (creamapi being the most famous one).
haha serves you right, you guys are gonna end up adding porn mods to nocturne hd and ruin Kaneko's original vision, and why would you willingly wanna play soul hackers 2 lmao?
i'm trans and mentally handicapped btw
pride month is almost over guys
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Lord have mercy thank lord
That game was a disaster. Millions of dollars and 5 years of estimated development down the drain lol.
>5+1 elements
>Only one magic element.
Tis suck.
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what game? the sakura wars gachaslop one?
Hyenas, the wokeslop shooter
Hyenas. The other games made by those studios were made on the same backend for the past 15+ years and it started to break down
when sega dies, who will buy atlus?
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oh, that one, got it confused with another game
thanks. HRT is working out. getting the dick chopped off next week.
The alternative versions use Steam directly instead of sending some false positives to the game with an injection to bypass anti piracy stuff in certain games, so Steam has started to put temp restrictions against accounts that use them.
bros i don't feel so good...
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*sis please. thank you
no one. atlus will become the new sega
none of these cunt ass mitamas are dropping large glory crystals
>godborn enemies use pierce instead of critical
even the devs know crit is dogshit...
should just allow them to pierce + critical
use riberama/attract pipes+omagatoki luck
SMT 2 remake with these aesthetics
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>yhvh trembles with scorn
>insta kills everyone in party
no wonder people hated this game
Bro? Your phys repel?
Style Savvy Trend Setter Goddess
DIVEGRASS TODAY (game starts @ 17:00 utc)

/smtg/ will be playing against /gfg/ in the /vg/ league Round of 16 in an hour. A win here takes us to tomorrow's Quarterfinals against /nikg/ or /utg/

Watch here:
it's not that bad
Full power YHVH (he has a body as well)
is this shit a psyop? are kids really crying over AI generated images of sad cats?
AI slop is in and of itself a psy op
They look scary, i would cry too if i were a little kid watching a cat transform rather than a simple fade-in
I'm just saying these kids are weak, the kind of stuff that made me cry was seeing that dude get his heart ripped out in that one indiana jones movie
nigga thats a baby, Thats not a kid.
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That baby is WEAK
Parents give tech to very young kids and they cannot handle AI stuff well since they cannot perceive reality from fiction at that age, and doing this impacts what they view of reality. Basically bad parenting is fucking with kid's minds.
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Enjoy your buyer's remorse
>NTA but Overclocked ruins Yuzu's route by giving it a more positive conclusion.
But that's not enough for someone to play the original DS version instead of the Overclocked, right? I can play Overclocked and then watch the original DS endings on YouTube to see the differences.
bad parenting has been fucking with kids' minds for 2 decades. how do you think zoomers came into being?
why did you do that. why did you do that why did you why
Just don't do the 8th days, they are optional iirc
15-20 dollars seems like a fair price for a game like this. It'll never be pirated due to denuvo so im not that bothered (i will have buyers remorse when they put it on gog however)
Thank you for buying Ringo's game
they'll drop denuvo when the license runs out. no worries. it's not like anyone would die if he had to wait a year for SH2
>15-20 dollars seems like a fair price for a game like this.
This is like saying that you've paid a fair price for a pile of garbage.
SH2 hate is overblown, it has more dungeon variety than V/VV along with better plot. Half the people saying it's bad didn't even play the game, at worst SH2 is an average game just like the OG SH, that /smtg/ somehow deluded themselves into thinking is some masterpiece.
it is a good game. Enjoy.
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>more dungeon variety
not even worth 5 dollars lmao
SH2 has 4-5 dungeons, VV has 3
does sh2 even have any uniques now that you can mod smtw
all of the dungeons in SH2 are exactly the same nigger
i never played SH2 but it doesnt seem visually appealing outside of the shading and maybe ringo, it also doesnt help that it doesn't stand out at all when compared to non-atlus modern JRPG's. I didn't really like playing the original SH but i still love a lot of its aesthetics and chracter designs in that game, and unlike SH2 it visually stands out when compare to other RPG's/Atlus's's's's catalog.
Just like Da'at! It having a different filter doesn't mean it's an unique area
same in VV
Fucking kek, complaining about no one here playing SH2 while you outright admit that you never played SMTVV is hillarious.
>slow movement
>no jumping
why even bother with SHit2
You have to be geniunely delusional if you think areas in V/VV are more unique than SH2 when they're both the same flavour of uninspired boring slop
>/smtg/ discussing SMT, Persona, SH2 or Metaphor
>/smtg/ discussing literally anything else
Shiva is a super boss. He was originally harder than the final boss.
I Did not play SH2, which is why i didn't speak on its dungeon variety. However with SMTVV the new shinjuku area has like 4 counterparts to it with unqiue settings for their respective area. Minato is the meme desert area but its truly only that area which isnt bad since its the tutorial area. Shinagawa is container yard city and has bridges as its meant to act as a pier, i cant autistically name all the elements that make this area unique but i didnt feel like this was copy/pasted from Minato. Also dont forget to mention to contrasting Fairy village which made me had to sit and stop playing for a bit as i was utterly blown the fuck out of when i first slided in there. As for chiyoda? i dont know as i am playing the CoV route. As for Taito? i dont know as i am not there yet...
It's not like Mara is the only one censored in P5X, all Fiends for example have masks now to cover their skulls.

Some female demons in leotards or bikini have been censored too.
>most footage of people doing the superbosses on Hard difficulty is just Arioch Figment Slash spam
Is this the most braindead strategy at the moment?
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why is ringo not properly centered in the cover art for her own game? this is very distracting.
this is actually infuriating, what the fuck?!

>as of now we don't know if Yamai and Ooyama were involved in VV in any capacity or no.

We have the credits, and, no, they weren't involved, just the same "Original concept" credit that they got for V (or for example Kaneko got for IVA, even though he only worked with IV's original concept).
Interesting fact, Metaphor's elemental spells share names with Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei, I wonder what other obscure callbacks Hashino will put into it.
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so what's your verdict, /smtg/?

For me it's
SJ(R) > SMT4 == SMTV(V) > SMTIII Nocturne > SMT4A > SMTIII

The game definitely improved a lot, but the overall atmosphere still isn't as good as the one of the other SMT games, and the story is still weak, imo.
People did the same thing in V with Demi-fiend. I think it's fine if you want to destroy them completely after beating them normally without cheese, but there are shitters who can't even do that
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I just finished the Capture the Black Samurai mission of SMT IV. I have really enjoyed this game way more than any other JRPG I have played. I wish I had something better than my late cousin's 2DS to play this.

Btw is this an OK skill build for a quasi-support demon?
did you atleast name your character after your did cousin?
dead* fucking damnit.
why did I side with Yoko even though icon in overworld was swaying back and forth which supposedly means neutral alignment?
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me on the right
You cannot stay neutral in CoV. If you are, then you are secretly given a dialogue option that determines your alignment right then and there.
I ended up replacing Diarama with the physical skill that reduces Attack. It came clutch vs Asmodeus.
No. She had a weird ass name.
oh so dialogue choice when Yoko appears before Tiamat fight doesn't appear on non neutral?I picked the first option which I think led to siding with her
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>run into big, important demon
>"i am [demon]"
That's the Chaos option, yes.
if they're going to have the same types of cutscenes with a mute MC like what we had in SMTVV then i hope we get a non-mute MC because V-kun looked retarded when yuzuru died
but how will I self insert if the MC isn't an autistic mute retard like myself?
Just go back to 2D portraits
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It already came out on freaking old nip flip phones
i would very much prefer text boxes and 2d portraits, however i think having these HD 3d cutscenes can work fine AS LONG as the mute protag constantly has a buddy or something with him so there wont be any jarring realizations that that this fuckin guy cant talk.
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Short Skirt Tao
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Why can't I use purple Beano in NG+ all I want? I want the superior design...
I was thinking of Demonica shaped like demons.
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What's the best route order for SMT VV? I wanted to get the neutral route out of the way, did I fuck up by making a vengeance play-through first?
true Neutral and then Tao Law
Is there a neutral ending for CoV?
No, only for CoC
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Well the good news is I stopped after Nuwa 1.
nooo dont, just continue playing and do the neutral route in the NG+, you can blaze through it in 5 hours.
>Luigi’s mansion 2 while a shit game
Most things in CoC are in CoV for side quests and more
Siding with Tao is essentially the neutral option
I sold Aspras up the river, should I still try for a law route? Will that give me neutral demons?
You should play the game and not worry about this shit since you have to do multiple playthroughs to 100% it anyways
it's barely shorter
Someone already mentioned this but the best way to do all the routes is this:
>Do normal neutral, law, and chaos in CoC
>Side with Yoko in CoV
>Do true neutral in CoC
>Then finally side with Tao in CoV
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My Harvest!
If i do this fight will i be locked into Gin route?
This is quite literally the worst way to experience the game like jesus just play the new route first then worry about 100%ing the game afterwards
Elements are exremely expensive.
You're better off just buying the components than buying the element itself.
Is Mario Law, Chaos, or Neutral?
Stupid fucking Taito train track Miman.
If you do the new routes first then you're forced to do a 7th playthrough as you need to beat CoC to unlock new content in CoV.
The proper order is
>CoV Yoko (using the "exploit" to fight Satan and Black Lucifer)
>CoC True Neutral
>the other CoC routes before or after
>CoV Tao on Godvorn
It doesn't matter, you need to jump between both canons anyways, just start with the one that is superior in every single way so your first playthrough is fun. Also unless you care about the symbols on your save file, you only need 3 playthroughs for 100%
you can just do both CoV endings at once if you're neutral
save before certain choice, do one ending, reload save and do other
But then I won't have both tabs on a single save file
You don't actually get locked into an ending.
At the end of day 6 you can choose which route you take depending on if you cleared whatever requirements it takes to get those ending.
Already exists
Sounds grim
Don't be a party pooper
it's impressive how much the game has improved
Not an argument.
It is a argument
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
The PM is inside me right now
I should have been me :(
I'm the bug inside you
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Damn Black Frost is strong.
The only "long" full megaten game has got to be Giten. That game is like double the length of SMT 1 at around 70 hours minimum to clear it.
I always thought it would be cool if a future "neutral-law/neutral/chaos" faction was a human faction focused on technology over the supernatural. Like building an AI god to replace gods and demons or using magic-infused cybernetics etc.
Why does it seem like every single entry of a series that comes to switch becomes the best selling one, no matter it's quality.
Nocturne demons gets special privileges.
because everyone owns a switch at this point, every other console is useless
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>You can buy actual drugs in Megami Tensei 2
Holy shit.
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The Switch is the most popular system in this console era. Not only it has a actual library of exclusives, but Nintendo actively supports the system while companies like Sony takes years to release a single game.
>actual drugs
like what
It's funny that the shittiest system is the most popular one just because it keeps the fun games hostage
It's the only system with fun games to begin with
>Wii level of appeal but to both casual and hardcore gamers instead of just non-gamers and casual gamers
>lots of those gamers had been absent from the Nintendo brand since the Wii/DS or even earlier so they were coming in fresh compared to people basically playing the same games from the 360 up to the PS5 over and over
>many of the games were, regardless of the specifics with their execution, answers to long-time fan wishes (3D Mario like 64/Sunshine, open world Zelda and Pokemon, return to form Mario Party, Smash Bros. bringing every character back and tons of highly requested new ones, FE with passable gameplay and good story/characters in one package, etc.)
It's funny how stupid Microsoft looks in all of this, there's a bunch of smaller casual franchises out there (I would buy one of their consoles if they actually funded Dance Dance Revolution, Ridge Racer, Castlevania, Rival Schools, a third Power Stone) but they'd rather waste billions of dollars with movie games just to "compete" with Sony.
Hostage of what? It's not the devs fault that Sony abandoned Japan for catering to western audiences that likes movie games. Putting your game on the PS5 is basically a death wish.
>FE with passable gameplay and good story/characters in one package
3H failed to do that, though
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Why didn't you fix her? Why did you let her wander alone in the wasteland?
The mass audience disagrees which is why 3H's legs have been longer than Engage's total sales
Mario is Law, Luigi is Neutral, and Starlow is Chaos.
That's because most of 3H userbase never played any other entry in the series as this is their first FE + people were desperate for mainline FE entry on the Switch. Not very different from what happened with IV.
V was even bigger than IV as a newcomer entry and everyone from oldfags to new players acknowledges the story is bad
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I think Fire Emblem sucks
>why did you let her wander alone in the wasteland
Because the game doesn't let her join your party, but if the day comes when a nocturne remake is announced they'll probably but the guests system in it.
They're only saying that now because VV exists. Before then they were saying that SMT V was great and the story was actually "subtle" with it's writing.
I still like the original.
The demon quests were peak.
subtextfags =/= the majority
Practically everyone said the story was disappointing from the beginning
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bro the quests are forgettable outside of khonsu's questline and even then it's not incredible
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kys reddit bird
I tbought the quests showcased the demons and their personality really well.
>100 damage
is there anything I should trade out for luster candy and mana surge
some do like getting the egg for aitvaras but a lot of them just have the demons being obsessed with money/capitalism and it's weird
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Stop abusing children
>zoomer outrage
>just have the demons being obsessed with money/capitalism and it's weird
The only one that comes to mind in vanilla V is loki wabting to make money off of the golden apples.
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rise against the cabalistic judens, childlovers
A lot of the early game quests from the original felt weird (outside of the alignment ones), like a bunch of the collection "X" ones or dialogue like the mermaids talking about killing sailors (while other demons talking about never having seen humans). They felt almost as random as demon conversations. The new quests in Vengeance generally feel like they fit much better and actually belong in the setting.
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Reddit bird
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Hercules of jap.. pan..
>Yes, I will be your bf
disgusting hagphile
Wife until Cleopatra
STR King until Dagda
Best playthrough affinity essence until Huang Long gaming.
But I can't bring myself to remove her from my stock.
I got the keys, is crossing the bridge a hard lock into endgame area or can I bounce back to complete shit as desired for a while longer
Beat her Today with Dazai, blonde on blonde violence!
>Wife until Cleopatra
that's what breasts does to a fag
Point of no return is the final boss so you're good
my wives until flatchild
Route lock point is after you beat Metatron in Creation and only after finishing the after Metatron in Vengeance.
his name is heracles you dumb cunt
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Don't know what Cleopatra does so good yet, but between Sainstrike, her poses and fit goddess body & attitude she can stay on my team until endgame
For some reason the Hercules name really overshadowed Heracles in public consciousness.
probably because of the disney movie
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Don't call her that
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That's it, I'm taking back Hikona or Pyro Jack after this quest
is there an actual benefit to using one companion over another?
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SMT really needs to bring back guns. Yamako being the only one using a gun in VV and he isn't even a guest character.
For guests it's the skills, not really much difference overall. For doobils it's what skills they have.
Why the fuck has Isabeu seen her dad naked?
Opps i guess i shouldn't have helped Honda escape
nocturnefags seething like P3fags did now that's heaven
It becomes very obvious that she isn't gonna be alive half way through his conversations with him when the power goes out during a surgery
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Wengeance bros...
lmao what a shit poll
>Unicorn Overlord somehow the highest rated ATLUS* game
Megami Tensei bros...
actually kino, gamefaqs should never move on from its identity of OoT vs FFVII and Link vs. Cloud wars
Do you know how much content that game has? It's going to have more content than metaphor, which was in development for 8 years.
Not my fault Cleopatra is THICK
>literal who
>meh sequel to a meh game
>remake sequel/sequel remake
>DLC sold as a separate game
>new IP
>new IP
2023 was too strong a year.
It's either SMTVV or UO for me.
I'm not surprised. VV didn't offer much content to warrent GotY status, especially when 2024 is packed with tons of great titles like Yakuza 8 and Stellar Blade.
is UO actually fun? some of the sprites seemed lewd...
Balatro and OV were the best. Rebirth, Reload, and Thousand year door shouldn't be there. Then then VV isn't exactly a new game overall.
what is OV
Yes. You have a lot of freedom to do whatever and every female sprite is pretty lewd. The plot sucks, everything else is very fun.
>Rebirth, Reload, and Thousand year door shouldn't be there
Why not? Rebirth is a new game and the other two are remakes that adds a bunch of new content.
OU but with a V
i was there when it leaked, its really fun but it will fuck you up if you have no idea what the fuck you're doing.
I assume Anahita's Hellish Spurt is still Hella Shit past early game
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>Onicorn Uverlord
They aren't exactly brand new. I think VV has the most new content out of all of the remakes
blame the vodka
She's a level 29(?) tri special summon.
What do you think?
DD2 has me convinced game journos are just blindly rating anything "hardcore" high right now constantly trying to earn cred with an audience that's grown to despise them in the past decade
>They aren't exactly brand new.
That's not really much of a good excuse to dismiss them.
The only thing out of these that I've played so far is UO.
I swear I'll start vengance before the year's end and at least beat Vengance route.
Is stellar blade a fun action game? I don't really care about the snoy censorship debacle enough to wait for the *also on PC thing to happen.
I don't think they will ever earn back cred after alienating everyone with political bullshit.
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Is this good enough for the Qaditsu fight? Or I'm trying too hard?
puberty still didn't hit huh
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>Anon is surprised that the other anon is using Doimons, whom are a tier above 90% of Kaneko demons
you're actually underage and a monkey.
>No rebuttal
Play the actual game, faggot.
how about you play the game retard?
I think I'll do a playthrough just to experiment with some stuff, since there was stuff I noticed but didn't really do much with.
I guess you didn't read my post when I said Doimons are a tier above NINETY PERCENT of Kaneko demons. Fucking retard.
you dont even know what the fuck you're talking about, think before you type nonsense. faggot.
>No rebuttal
>Futhering proving the point that you didn't read my point
Either you're the biggest retard or you haven't played the game to not realize how Doimons are given special privileges over Kaneko demons most of the time.
>post op Kaneko demons
>"t-those dont count!!"
you're actually underage.
I really hope we don't get nahabinos/demifiends next time. I like the comp computer shit.
Same, it would be cool and pretty fun
Either baiting or retarded when anon stated 90% of Kaneko demons aren't better than the Doi demons, meaning the 10% are Kaneko demons are on the same level as Doi demons. You can be quiet now.
This is going to be a pain in the ass
Can you even consider Alice and Yoshitune to be kaneko demons in VV when they clearly have the soejima face due to being ported from P5
no, you're just mindbroken by Doi, you literally cannot stop seething just by knowing he exists. all demons are fine as they are, literally just watch any super boss video and you'll see they're using specifically Kaneko demons. no fucking shit the important demons are busted, they're part of the fucking main plot, you have to be retarded.
Kaneko erasure
>all demons are fine as they are
lol, lmao even
>no fucking shit the important demons are busted, they're part of the fucking main plot
Ah yes, demons like Cleopatra, Mermaid, and Artemis plays a role in the main story. Retard.
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Here in my car
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
It's the only way to live in cars

Here in my car
I can only receive
I can listen to you
It keeps me stable for days in cars

Here in my car
Where the image breaks down
Will you visit me, please
If I open my door in cars?
Vesk bros.
Im making a support Nahabino how important is Agility? I put everything in agility and magic.
I'm so sorry Alex. I thought you was the worst rerelease girl but I was wrong
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Same anon here, definitely one of the most tense bossfights in the game since between every bitch there is at least one who could hit my weaknesses, had to resort to the infinite almighty consumable to do the last turns of damage
AGI is an absolutely useless stat because it does not affect turn order. just put a fast demon in slot 1 and never level AGI. if you aren't attacking, VIT is a better stat than MAG
>>484031996 meant for >>484031478
the only difficult thing about the fight is its duration and not running out of MP with how tanky Lilith is. her side hoes shouldn't even get a turn in to hit your weakness, to be honest
Is there anything in VV you want more explored gameplay wise in terms of how it works? Mainly trying to figure out what the best things to test out will be later
>le dlc demons are op
no fucking shit?
she's literally not busted? what the fuck are you on?
not him but
>a dlc demon who got nerfed to shit moment she became free
>another dlc demon who's biggest claim to fame is coming with matarukaja before getting outclased by Yoshitsune a few levels later
>an early game demon who's only good for hydra
Surly there were better examples right?
>Nahobino boss
>Murakumo spam + Heavenly Ikuyumi wipe (will use the other unique skills if it can hit a weakness)
>Amanazako as his Pixie
>Fionn as his Cu Chulainn
>Nahobeeho as his Jack Frost
>Tao, Idun, or Konohana Sakuya as his Parvati
>Hayataro as his Cerberus
>??? as his Thor
>??? as his Girimekhala
You haven't beat the game until you clear the all points into luck run
Nanashi Massacre route as boss when
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can't believe I see the day where people are acting like doimons aren't that special when they clearly have more time, budget, and effort put into their skillset and models
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It should be Idunn. Khonsu could work as a Thor I guess. Idk about Giri.
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You can literally take on Hydra without Mermaid and still beat him without trouble.
It'd be nice if we had exact values for Law/Chaos choices, but I think we'd only get that from datamining if at all. I think we only got IV's points from an official guide?
It would be the bonds route version, but instead of having demon allies, it's the "human" party.
I think it's all mostly the same?
>the reddit bird wants to give his opinion
we dont care.
I got it, Lahmu.
Don't speak for me faggot. I care.
>He says this posting a demon they gave a unique skill for 0 reason besides favoritism
Reminder that unique skill is fucking shit because Shuwuu doesn't have any almighty affinities
Why would he still not have the demons? His gimick could include his human partners random attacks instead
>amanazako's passive
Please tell me it's not as bad as it sounds.
>he charges magatsuhi once every umphteenth turn.
>when he is at low health he will charge magatsuhi and when it is his turn again he will use omagatoki adversity or crit, return all his demons to his stock and spam murakumo.
>if you kill his allies before that turn he will only be able to use murakumo once and if you have something like fountain of chaos or imposing stance you'll cuck hin out of using it entirely
its really situational and bad
I gave her +1 affinity in the editor. Same with Daisojou and Manananggal.
Just to spice things up. Even Flynn ended up fighting alongside humans in the two major battles he's usable for in Apocalypse.
Having both demons and human would be fun, if a weakness is hit you don't only give an extra turn icon but a random human team member also cast some attack/buff/debuff without costing a turn icon
Are you guys playing on hard?
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>You know what, SMT IV dialed in too much politics, this doesn't work like the 90s anymore, perhaps we should-
Nah I'm too much of a scrub and I know it because I sucked at IV Apocalypse on hard too, normal is the way to go for me
I'm noticing they're putting all the new demons in areas that can be only accessed by railing. Were they unable to actually put them in the actual field alongside the demons from base V?
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I don't take ethics lessons from literal dickheads but thank you
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please atlus make a dlc map
Us dick heads have to stick together otherwise where would all the piss go?
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Shinjuku was the DLC map
>It would be the bonds route version, but instead of having demon allies, it's the "human" party.
That's exactly why they'd go with massacre. Less assets to be made since they could just reuse demons.
I sent a letter directly to Atlus asking for dlc. Japanese devs usually appreciate things like that
how much sarin did you put in the letter
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Wait how does it work, you can't NOT have Nahobino in the party while fighting, right?
it also counts the stock
You only need one in your party to use it as long as the rest are in your stock
only one has to be in the active party, everyone else can be on your stock.
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they added 4 new demons for sh2 3 months after release so I hope smt vv also gets something like that
SH2 had that update some stuff like the sprint button or auto battle/fast battle wasn't in the base game
what skills did you make him inherit? the macca cost rises with the premium skills you give the emementals and if you could the mitamas [s] in other games
tiamat is such a nigger
Bosses should have limited healing if they do heal
I doubt they'll do that, especially when it's more likely that Komori and the development team are beginning to work on VI than making more DLC for VV
please keep sharing my webm ringoschizo, i bought SH2 due to your shilling
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>he boughted
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if smt VI is on unreal 4 then they could just port the new demons made for it to smt vv as dlc. That would be the smart thing to do
For Nahobeeho, should I go crit aura or murderous glee+impaler's animus, in case of nulls?
Very situational normally, really broken if you use strategize because it enables silly free debuff and buff shenanigans
competes with TLoU in the most un-neccessary remake competition except the former wasn't relatively available really
>P3 reload
from what i hear its like a sequel/remake type of thing. IDK
I don't remember Anahita being in the first area of the game. Was she always there?
Does the innate skill Trickery actually do anything? what skills does it even work on?
Yes, you have brain AIDS
Useless normally, but can lead to cheese strats
Being able to cheese superbosses on the hardest difficulty in one turn is proof that the Magatsuhi system was a failure. I pray it doesn't return.
It works on stuff like Matador's Innate which normally has a 40% chance and all the counter Innates that also have a % of activating.
Is there any innate skills that are inherently broken or very noticeable? Only one I always forget it amanozakos ability to flip all buffs and debuffs, brat ruining my luster candy buffs
it just means they didn't care to actually make them hard past stat bloats
i want to fuck the boy
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strawberry pink flavoured ice cream
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would consume
these lil' niggas in a non-SH game when
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Do they stack?
I want to see her vore Lilith
this shit is useless late game, just keep Boon Boost ex.
I stack on yo mama haha
Yes, most passive that do the same thing tend to stack. Personally I use Boon Boost EX only since I tend to be strapped for skill slots.
Beelzebub's is the most straight forward broken one (and it is pretty damn broken). There's stuff like Arahabaki's and Mastema's that require set up but if you do they're overpowered.
imagine the Auditor in SMT
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Maria was done so dirty in both versions of V
When does aramasafall off for str builds?
The instant you get Sakanagi.
I think it's hard to give Maria an actual role when they're trying to avoid featuring Jesus or establish any clear connection between her and the God of Law.
Mastema better be in the next game or I'm not buying
Mastema will get a Doi redesign eventually btw
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went on a consoom spree for boxed devil children gbc games i really enjoyed the gba games
Nah, he just got this new Kaneko model, he's protected for a long time. At most you'll see a 2nd form thing like Mecha Lucifer, but the original still will appear.
>Brand new 3D model made from scratch
>3 unique skills with highly detailed animations
Pandemonic Feast is very strong and carries hard through early game—Mermaid is pretty ridiculous
Works just fine forever, really, and is quite versatile—can make a strong mag or phys setup for it without much effort
Alice | Lahmu | Vritra was just funny in the mid-late game; bonus points if you setup with Horus for Pierce and use Concentrate/Donum Magici—use Omagatoki Dance and Alice leaves no survivors
>nemissaposter would literally CONSOOM palatte swapped garbage
yeah but it's better to only have the EX variant, you are gonna need the extra passive slot and in late game a lot of the op bosses will debuff you or dispell them so it will be redundant most of the time.
holy SEXO
>the Auditor
I was actually disappointed she just appears in that mindscape. I thought she'd get possessed and go around like that in the real world in some route since that look even appear in the opening.
What's the better buff in SMT IV, Defense Buff or Evasion Buff? Defense seems better to survive the bullshit Smirks.
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we need more none demon enemies in modern SMT games, they were always kino.
>sega financial year notes said they planned on turning SH2’s performance around with updates
>got one content update and then dropped forever
lmao, lol
Hellraiser had a spinoff movie before it got rebooted (The ending of it got rid of the main cenobytes and made him the main new bad guy) that was mostly about a demon in hell who gathers people living in a teleporting house and records everything they have done in life before they are judged
>none demon enemies
what was the name of the movie? I love the original Hellraiser (and the novella!)
SMT 1 and 2 had human enemies (also robots, but you couldn't recruit these). And you could recruit them unlike in IV so they had more unique designs compared to the IV grunts.
That's more than what they did with V(V) lol
Base V did get 1 update though. It was the one that added more camera options and nerfed a few of the Demon King Castle's wind puzzles.
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>none demon instead of non demon
it's over, I fail grammar.
Hellraiser Judgement. It's very low budget
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what demon is this?
Wow the enemy variety in Temple of Eternity is ass
This will be easy.
They didn't add any new generic enemies compared to the base game there.

I noticed they didn't bother to give running animations to a bunch of the new demons they added too. So, having to animate them for the overworld is probably why we didn't see more.
>also a bunch of Mada's, Chi You's, Ongyo-ki's
Maybe it's because of Persona making these ultimate fusions for arcanas, but this feels wrong. And this is coming from someone who's never even played V before.
I honestly believe every "section" of ToE should have had demons with different affinities/resistances/etc
He told you to wait bro
is it possible to beat him with this team?
i've been at this medusa boss fight for like 2 days now, i keep getting one shot. what the fuck is this, everything just explodes and dies.
IV or IVA?
4 had some like the dude with a jackfrost tattoo that you could recruit
Why is the law miracle like 10x better then the chaos one. Most demons base moveset is are actually fine and being able to fuse whatever you want sounds more fun. Makes me kind of regret going chaos because I wasn't able to get some cool endgame demons like amon and asura
smt at 14 years of age
>YHVH is bad, Law bad
>Lucifer is good
smt at 29
>Law is the ideal faction, makes most sense
But would you fuse Abaddon using her?
it was the foul race,it had hooligan ,night stalker, mad gesser
nvm, i just won, i hate this. im not a big fan of how everything feels really fragile. lmao.
>law miracle like 10x better then the chaos one.
You're level 90+ by the time you finish the game it's completely worthless.
The other one at least means you can pass down all the skills you want in one good fusion chain instead of needing to waste time reaquiring essences.
Haven't played 4 yet but I heard after medusa the game gets alot easier.
I beat lucifer at level 80. I didn't even bother with shiva with my first run. Maybe the grass is greener on the other side.
They don't make em like this anymore
IV was balanced to have fast battles due to the portable format. So, yeah, you either go with a good team and get things right or not and just get crushed.
I like this song from majin tensei. Haven't played majin tensei 2 yet but are the demons better because your mc and the girl outclass all the demons in the game except the flying ones
2 is better in every way and it remixes a lot of the songs from the OG. The demons are better in 2 since rank ups with them actually makes them a lot better, along with them being able to equip any human armor if their race allows it. Humans get outclassed more due to how good a demon can get when it ranks up, perma death like in 1, but enemies can kill your demons to rank up as well.
That was easy.
>IV was balanced
KEK, no. Even the “muh portability” cope falls apart when you look at DeSu, the SH 3DS port, and IV:A. IV’s mechanically fucked, that’s why things die so fast, including the player.
>can make someone other than Nahobino go first
But it feels so wrong.
>not on hard
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Yeah, I don't care how retarded she is. I would bust fat nuts in my Chaos-wife every single day if she winked at me like this.
it does, but unfortunately the game indirectly incentivizes it pretty hard, because you either want to leverage swaps or guaranteed criticals
Based. Have to bolt before the child support is needed though to be with Tao wife.
on the chaos end, won't someone just arise and consolidate power in the end eventually anyway?
Imagine her stealing you away from Tao and just when she hugs you that's the smug wink she gives Tao knowing full well she won.
we've had an edgy Law wife and now an edge Chaos wife, when are we getting edgy Neutral wife?
Shouldn't he be Dark - Law, or does being a Human mean that can never be so?
Yeah, it's a dumb ending overall, at least the White actively disconnect from rebirth.
I have no reason to play on hard yet when I'm doing all the CoC routes (again) before even touching CoV.
fucking retarded ass ATLUS
The new world would have no throne system at least, which Yoko and Lilith believed was the seed of the submission of everyone before a single god, which also inspired various other kinds of oppression.

Of course, other SMT worlds with no throne system had no issue ending up in the same way. And we have Dagda in VV who comes from a world with no condemnation or throne, where the demons by default had no knowledge, and yet the situation turned out little different from V's world from Dagda's own words.
the stupid le evil anime face makes him impossible to take seriously. i thought SMT as a series was better than this
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Imagine if a female demon forcefully sucked you in to anal vore you haha
It's SMT you should be expecting cringe worthy edge. Even though it's usually the chaos guys being all edgey
humans are always neutral unless they turn into a demon
I think it’s because Humans as a race in V are always classified as Neutral.
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>filter boss has two cutscenes and like 10 lines of dialogue to skip through
Seems like it, also...
>Slicks hair back in the middle of battle
Dazai is a blessing.
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They don't make em like this anymore
Kaneko? Leave.
Doi? Stay.
Is your favorite SMT song ginza by any chance?
I just saw Seth flying around in the first area. Is it possible to fight him this early?
In Vengeance, yep. Fight him, not beat him, of course.
Shit fanart
>takes off hat
>starts teleporting and can use magic without demons
He's too powerful...
where do you unlock the special magatsuhi skill for the qadistu?
You get it right before you head into Shakan iirc
yea im in taito and have all 4 qadistu in party/stock and its not showing up idk
I looked it up to make sure, it’s sitting on the ground in the area where you fight them.
oh found it ty
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Did Vengeance redeem this image?
thread still going, also good morning niggas
nah Soul Hackers 2 1999
Trying to play strange journey made me realize I don't like JRPGs. I just really like press turn.
haha you like dick up your ass
*gets angry and uses all your press turns*
*friekugels your sissy support demon*
what now nameslut
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Best girl
thats the fun part nigger
if you tried to fuck rangda would she repel your dick?

why dont you commission someone to draw it?
my dick does ice damage so no
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I want to be serious for a moment and tell you guys how much I love being here and talking about MegaTen. There's no better place on the internet to discuss it.
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it alright
Ah boogers. Good thing I have Konohana Sakuya.
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So is Black Frost actually a Big Guy? He feels tanky as fuck.

(Is it worth it to fuse him into Kong Frost? I'm playing IV).
>Vengeance is the story of how the world would be better if Japan was the leading super power
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when he charges magatsuhi, he will use it immediately unlike all V/W bosses where they waste all press turns, 100-75% is crit, 75-25% is savage, below 25% is adversity
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>do you have games on your phone
this thread is more active than /pg/, why?
new game released two weeks ago perhaps?
>My name is Amitabha.
Because person is ass
>tfw everything DOESN'T go according to plan
I just want to play this without having to set up an emulator
>no teleport unique skill
>can apply essences to Tao by the final area
oh fucking hell how long has that been available
since Vengeance came out
Thoughts on Battle - fallen heaven, exaltation (Dazai and Fallen Abdiel's theme)?
Fucking banger!
VV is better than P3RE
Until I know what the actual lyrics say I will forever hear.
it's another "I wasn't expecting this track to progress like this" and that's always good
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It has its phases but its fun being here and talking about one of my favorite game series.
fun fact the persona 2 song called illusions has allah in it
Great OST, worst Last Bible game.
nah not worst, go shoot up a school
There's not much to discuss right now in /pg/. Everyone already talked to death about P3R and nobody gives a shit about P5T or Aigis Mission. It doesn't help that the general suffers from someone that spams images of Sumire and someone else having a hateboner for P3R when it's brought up.
So most of /pg/ userbase is taking a break from the site or talking about VV in /smtg/, aka this general.
LB3 is even mogged by the G-Mode games lmao
>removed Alice's funny picture
not this one.
fafnir as giri
loup-garou as thor
you wouldn't really want too many story relevant demons like Khonsu & Lahmu as these other anons have suggested because it dimishes their identity within the game imo. Amanozako, Fionn etc are perfect though
I'd probably also give him Kushinada-Hime since she's Susano-o's waifu

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