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Wholesome Christian videogame edition

>Demo Days
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Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Tower of Kalemonvo will bomb
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blessed thread
Holy cow. The more games that come out, the worse it gets. I really hope that these fuckers get what's coming, but AAA has a double set of standards, one for the Sneeds, and one for the Chucks. I suspect that the guilty includes a lot of "Sneeds."
its not correct to ascribe the blame for this issue on a social divide between the public "chucks" and the establishment/aristocrats/elite etc "sneeds." many of those culpable are ordinary solicitors and contractors and not sneeds of the realm
200-300 reviews in the first 2 months
thanks pepe obvious
If/when the accountability starts to become inevitable, AAA has lots of bus-fodder. One thing I've learned (and no one else, like you for example, seems to have learned), is Accountability begins and ends at the top. It doesn't matter if it was a "rogue Sneed." The top head is Responsible. That's (ostensibly) why they get paid the big bucks (or so I'm told... but never shown).
so are you suggesting every time an employee of a video game company commits a crime to game development, the ceo should go to jail alongside them? every time a politician commits an offence the president or prime minister should go to prison? every time a student breaks the law, the principal of the school should be locked up? id suggest the reason you put so arrogantly 'no on else seems to have learned' is cuz its a fucking ridiculously retarded and impractical idea. should ceos (etc) be punished if they knowingly aid and abet shit games and/or cover it up? sure, i think most people are on board with that
>so are you suggesting every time an employee of a video game company commits a crime to game development, the ceo should go to jail alongside them?
Pretty much, yeah. Happens in Japan (not always, of course, but more common). The argument I always hear to justify the enormous pay differential between the CEO and their staff is that the CEO is ultimately responsible for everything. In practice, this is never the case.
the reason for ceo pay is thats what it costs to hire a ceo
new pc parts = business expendature
replacing mouse I broke in dota 2 ranked = business expendature
instant coffee = business expandature
beer = business expendature
now... I just need to make some money I can not pay those taxes on... (I think thats how it works)
I'm not complaining about the pay, but the ethical rot. I've always believed that leaders must be held to higher standards than anyone else, and if they want to cry about it, then they should distribute their pay to the Chucks who bear those standards, because their "Sneeders" won't.
i'm tired, boss
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finish the fucking game kid
I have a family member who works at extremely high levels (My older brother and I are the redneck game devs, in my family), fighting corruption in the gaming industry. It's a really big problem. She's working on funding the game I'm working on with my brother, which she believes will be the biggest success in the world.
Why is using AI voice acting le bad?
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lul you got called out
If you already have a job, even if you make no gamedev money, you still get a tax break by claiming losses from the business come tax season.
because the good shit is paywalled and the only way too effectively use it is to generate a shit load of stuff and pick out the clips that sound like you want it to.
also it useless voice ""actors"" are the most vocal whiners.
>Why is AI bad?
overhyped trend that's underperforming and mostly of interest to scammers and grifters
AI VA is quite bland and has a lot of issues. I'd recommend learning to VA yourself (it's super easy if you "have the vision") and using an AI voice changer instead.
when you level design in blender you need to add colission shapes manually for everything in engine right?
Thanks to AI, you will hear who you think is a "real person"... I remember when a scammer tried to get my wife to address an "urgent bank issue." What tipped her off was how incredibly good his "tech support" was.
What if I have no problem with generating samples again and again till I get the delivery I want? I try my best to make it sound as good as I can.
Can't use voice changers because I am an ESL and have a nasty accent. Plus I fucking hate my voice.
>I'd recommend learning to VA yourself (it's super easy if you "have the vision") and using an AI voice changer instead
That's not a bad idea... What's a good AI voice changer?
But I'm not using it to scam people. I'm not going to hide the fact that I use AI, because it's a question of money, not of principle for me. Is that wrong?
AI fucked your wife?
>to get my wife
I wish I had a wife...
This is the one I use.
This is the one madodev uses.

They both use the same kind of models. I assume the difference is just the interface.
Thanks dude, this really helps. I was thinking of having voices in our game, just some grunts and a few lines when beating levels, but even that's kinda expensive if there's quite a few characters
add -col to the name of every object
Only if your exporter/importer on the engine doesn't support adding collision shapes in Blender.
>the worse it gets
What in particular is getting worse, our odds of making it? Yeah definitely the bar keeps getting raised and kids are somehow meeting that bar. Somehow have time to do all that school work while mastering gamedev? Are you kidding me, not to mention all the people jumping on it like it's some sort new fad to be a gamedev.

This. These kids are just going straight to the money. Society shilled me a rip off investment. And my parents and I paid the price for it. I'm unemployed right now too, not like the degree helped me in getting a job that someone without one couldn't get.
How do you use inheritance with custom events?
var choice = [0,1,2].pick_random()
..if choice == last_lane:
....choice = (last_lane + 1) % 3
..var newpos
..match choice:
...... newpos = Vector2(50, 300)
...... lane = LEFT_LANE
...... newpos = Vector2(480, 260)
...... lane = TOP_LANE
...... newpos = Vector2(910, 300)
...... lane = RIGHT_LANE
....last_lane = lane
I like this code.
>Society shilled me a rip off investment. And my parents and I paid the price for it
It used to be that the paper was actually worth something but these days they hand them to any retard as long as the university gets paid. The idea that "dude you need to go to college/university" is bullshit, particularly most people here work in or want to work in IT and as long as you got a decent resume and some connections you can get anywhere in that.
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My art degree will prove very valuable when the grid goes down and I can use it as kindle
>Can't use voice changers because I am an ESL and have a nasty accent. Plus I fucking hate my voice.
there's AI for that. I forget which, but an ESL tutorial youtuber used it and got more views as a result.
I mean, that sounds like you're scamming people.
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Which vtuber do you want to play your game?
I don't know any.
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Starting to work on my own projects again. I just want to make a simple Tower Defense game and I'm used to working with Unreal.
I haven't been in AGDG in a few years, is it still ok to post progress?
Things that I've done a while ago:
- Simplest gridMap manager. Tiles are just some platforms, with 4 types depending on ability to be walked on by AI, and ability to build on top.
- Implemented A*
- Added a guy that follows the path until the end.
- Started working on waves. Just made the structs for now.
Although I'm switching it to DataAssets.
Progress is slow because I don't have enough time to work on it. Hopefully I'll get progress
Wish I skipped college and just went into the wagecage while simultaneously learning gamedev. At least then I'd have had a solid chance of making due to the time period including the golden age of indie gamedev.

>use it as kindle
Kek. Do you really have an art degree?
I dunno many, Nyanners I guess? Are there any vtubers who are big into weeb shmups (Touhou etc) and/or third person shooters?
Are you the Paras anime girl poster? Question, was that your game that released back in May of this year? Not sure you ever posted your game but I found one that gives me the feeling it's you who made it.
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Why are you doxxing me? fuck you.
The pirate because I heard she has a fat Japanese ass.
Super popular ones that will enjoy my game which results in me getting tons of sales. For entertainment, this one dude and this one girl. Dude played a game I used to play and provided useful info but was entertaining to watch, pretty sure he is a 4channer as well. Also this one girl that seems fun to watch but isn't popular.
I haven't watched the video but I've noticed the roguelite rot eroding my game ideas and design. Anything that's not otherwise a modern meta genre tends to make me think of turning it into a roguelite to make it more modern.
;_; I wasn't there's just a lot with that game that gives me the feeling it's you, I had the demo and played it.
Ones that will have gullible fans to buy my game. I don't need no viewer vtubers playing my game.
You are a faggot-ass bitch. I'm going to rape your mouth tonight.
I'm a paras anime girl poster, I do not claim exclusivity or any released games
I'm going to ask again on how to improve the 4 niggas in a row Darkest Dungeon 1 style.
After some research it appears that the whole formula is jank, is there really no way to make it better?
>action economy is still a gigantic issue
>boss powercreep through multiple actions only to invalidate the whole speed mechanic because a boss having multiple turns back to back can straight up TPK before the player gets a chance to mitigate it
>the problem is bigger because enemy AI is designed to focus fire same as the player
>speed is an underwhelming mechanic
>stun is a broken mechanic
>dodge is a broken mechanic
>0 insensitive to not focus fire
>bleed and blight are the same
>few basic stats leading to trinkets to be either broken or useless depending on the developer's whim
>same issue with quirks and diseases
That's ignoring the town and party management problems. I guess only position dependent skills/classes are interesting, the rest is just jank.
it's over. im gonna fail marnix.
Are you the real one? I assume there is only one of you who has posted in the past. Mind if I say the game's name that I believe is yours? Has so many references it feels like it was either you, some other 4channer, heavy twitch user, or a Chinese dev who's heavily influenced by 4chan meme's as I've seen this before
it's not my game, that's for sure
>it appears that the whole formula is jank
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any bright ideas to fix some of its issue
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>> Progress
Doctrine system is coming along. The code is a real clusterfuck which I'm probably going to have to rewrite, but we are getting there. I still need to write an algorithm that adds and removes nodes based on nearest neighbours, but most of the foundation is there.

My mind has been wandering to possible side projects, but I keep pulling my focus back, working a few hours a day.

Stay strong /agdg/, stay focused.
so.....this moth design is actually trademarked/copyrighted or whatever right? or is it not eg like wojak?
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Feels like elder abuse
Why not just get a pet, then?
>agdg will never care as much about my game as they care about the parasposter
Feels bad man
She is from hentai manga
Oh cause it features
>steam capsule with a character striking the smug pepe pose
>a pepe in a painting as background art in game
>character banner for steam streams posed like basedjacks pointing to the stream
>one of the publishers (i remember it being listed as developer but maybe i recall wrong) is named ParasGames
There was just so many different things combined with "ParasGames" that I instantly thought it was possibly you
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they've got a xianxia game... kino
good night, hope you yesdevs makes good progress
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Even worse he will never buy for me
What! I unironically have her as inspo material
I hate how good the graphics are vs how lame card gameplay(can be) or makes me wary of a not-fun game.
Literally nothing wrong with it layers of white
Kazuna Ai comes back to play my game exclusively
Yeah I always feel like the most suited and fun gameplay could be like highfleet even without the construction part
Massive ships and slow moving kinetic shells and rockets
Strange tho I remember a vtuber that uses a moth girl model that looks awfully similar. Is the design not copyright? I'd probably use it, saves me the trouble drawing one myself.

I've watched her, she's definitely one I want playing my game.
It's so over agdg.
Post game, king? She will.
>she came back just as anon said
how the fuck did you do that
Stop pushing this on me, I'm already heavily demoralized as it is. Seeing yet another thing where riches were within my grasp if I acted sooner only for them to flee before I could lay hold of them irritates me. So many times and I'm frequently just late by a small amount of time. I do not need this new added competition. I'm getting relegated to either having to copy FOTM or making something absurdly unique and hoping it takes off.
>captcha: KASH
Nani are you Kazuna Ai please play my game!
No Kazuna you should've waited a month so you could've premiered with my game at the front!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not ready ;_: bro's I'm 50% confident this is her!
You know what I'm realising? Posting progress is only 50% for yourself, maybe even less.
The focus of posting progress was never for yourself – it was for others. What they do with it? None of your business.

If it invites to rage, their problem. Jealousy? their problem.
But if you inspired them, made a cool post that helps make a good place. If you were at least funny, without even trying to be – that's what matters.
No question of problems, it's just about riding the wave and not focusing on overly self destrucing attributes.

It's like a cool gym for gym lads, but for people seeking fun and building for their own pleasure, but especially the pleasure of others.
There's times where some crabs will be around, more or less, as they're everywhere. Maybe (You) will be the crab too at some point.

But in the end, what matters is how you tried. Because even if you failed, what you left behind will be something to be proud of. Even more, you won't have to feel proud of it yourself, because it will catch you by itself, reminding you that even if pride is not with you, the important part is that there is no reason to feel shame.
Anonette posted 21 minutes ago
Kizuna posted on her twitter 17 minutes ago. Anonette are you a secret aggy fren? Please play my game someday please ;_; If she ends up playing one of my game's I'll have no doubt this was her who posted or someone who works for her or something of that nature
>What if I have no problem with generating samples again and again till I get the delivery I want? I try my best to make it sound as good as I can.
because it takes ages. and theres no guarantee it will ever sound good. of course they also charge you depending on how much you generate too.
Any day now AI will die
Any day now cars will die
I think it's dumb to call it AI in the first place.
Any day now NFT's will die.
Bug Status: Fixed.
found some random vtuber, what is she playing
>super mario bros
>9000+ viewers
this is the kind of attention my game needs. how is that game getting that many views. it's not the game, it's the girl. i just need one super popular cute female vtuber to play my game a few times
Crumble == Kizuna AI

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become your own cute girl vtuber
allow fine-grained save scumming
>cute anime gril with male voice
No ty
Fix all the issues you just said so we can get a real Darkest Dungeon 2.
It's not fucking fair! How does he get her to play his game? Play my game Kizuna AI!!!! ;____;

Not a bad idea female model + a good voice changer and I might be able to get easy sales.
AGDG be like "let me spend years building a vtuber fanbase to promote my game, rather than just make a good game"
I want my next project to take less time than a year..
But I also want to make a mad max chase roguelike FPS
And having dev experience now I know that it's at least a 2y project.
Uggghhhh help me african american ideaman
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I love all my silly cute gamedev friends
Dead in the water. Move on to a new project.
building a vtuber fanbase to promote my game is easier than making a good game
where are you schizo nodevs coming from?
Hades 2 sells. survivorlikes sell.
They sell now. In a year? In two years? Think, stupid, think. You have to play ahead of the market or you're going to fall behind.
tell me which genre will dominate the store in 2 years.
better yet, buy future contracts for 2 years from now if you're so good at predicting.
buying open shorts on Unity right now. there's no way they'll turn that ship around bro!
>2 years later
broooooooooooooos i'm bankrupt!
>doesn't get the shorts
broooooooooooooos i would've been rich!

my terrible fate with stocks, i usually can't win and the opposite seems to happen with them. though i do wonder where unity will be in 2 years time i'm sure many devs are itching to leave once their games are released.
not a bad idea seems easier than making a good game. i should've gone to bed almost 2 hours ago....bye fren
My Summer Lesson-likes with AI/LLM shit.
i want to make an elf based puzzle game
i want to make an elf based bowling game
i want to make an elf based breeding game
ok thorgeir thunderhammer
where is the passion project general
Darkest Dungeon is all style zero substance. I wouldn't use it as a basis for anything, personally.
I will make money with my passion project.
>he's not pouring his life into his dream game every single day
couldn't be me.
Post Dream Game?
just a few more days....
someone's gonna take something like 'go fish' and make a million bucks cuh fr fr
I wonder how guys using Bevy look like while working...
damn, that's crazy
I've been working so hard for so little reward.
Buy yourself some little cakes.
adding things to my thing
My game will be like Berserk
I'll die before I finish it
My hard work is really paying off
Blaster Master.
That breaks the game, why have randomness at all if you can save scum before each roll? you just get "the best of X tries" or a normal distribution. If you allow saving before each combat or at the start of the mission then that only changes "how much time a player want to waste" and people will be even saltier.
I've been playing Slice & Dice lately and I am a fan of Undo mechanic, the problem is that everybody I watched playing it (including myself) turned the game into a literal puzzle game, that's no different from fine-grained save scumming where the randomness is predetermined and set in stone.

I've never played it and didn't get the token system after reading about it, Darkest Dungeon 2 is not even the same game, such a shame. Did it even have a single good mechanic?

That might be the case, but the combat setup is charming, abstract 4 dudes in a row aka classic Final Fantasy style is just boring and has no substance, swing the other way and make the movement less abstract and you get a bad board game.
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>You are free to share (to copy, distribute and transmit) and to remix (to adapt and modify) as long as you credit the author of the sound.
I'm on the brink of giving up
my game improving is reward in itself.
my skills improving is a reward
my growth as a dev and as an artist is slow, but consistent
i will never give up
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Well I'm on the up of giving BRINK ahhaha xd
God this game was so fucking bad
every one i knew growing up had this game but they never played it or talked about it
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>yeah umm id kill if the law didnt catch me
>im also totally smartypants atheist who doesnt know how to comit crimes without doing them in broad daylight
yeah i wont see you there
play StarVaders if you're looking for ideas on an undo mechanic that isn't as free as Slice & Dice's
Because it fucking sucked. The only reason people remember it is because the art direction was pretty good. In terms of gameplay it was a buggy, unbalanced mess. The escort missions in particular were pure suffering. Despite all of the cool armor (I liked the shoulder pads that were made out of tires) and theoretical customization there was nothing Brink did better than CoD or Battlefield or any of its other competitors.
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(A)wokendev spotted
imagine wanting to make a game lol
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I know you might be just meme-ing JBlow for the lols, but this sentiment echoes deeply within me at the moment.
I was always afraid of "thinking ahead" at what I would need for my project. Basically write down a long list of tasks/to-do's with what I need to do to finish the whole game, the features I need to implement, the art and sound assets I might need, etc. In part because you can't really think long-term and predict these kind of things, but in part because I didn't want to face the uncomfortable truth that it might take a lot longer than I wanted to complete it. So I always just focused on the next thing I need to implement, never thinking of the "whole", always avoiding thinking of what my finished project would need exactly.
Today, in either a moment of clarity or a lapse in judgement, I decided to do exactly that. After 5 hours and 2 coffees I ended up with a list of 148 tasks. By my estimates this would take me 18 more months of working full time to complete. This is 3 times more than what I was originally hoping it would take. And these are only the things I could come up with now and reasonably predict, it's not even accounting for the unknown unknowns that will arise along the way.
I already had a project in the past which I abandoned after 3 years. I've been working on this project for 1 year so far. The realization that I need to go for probably at least 2 more years, to a total of 6 years of hard work without even a drop of reward is crushing my spirit. All the passion I had before is lost and in its place: despair.
You should get that gyno checked out man, have some bloodwork done. I'm serious.
gyno is hot tho
thats the hrt lol
are you ever going to share the file to print that shirt
>get to main menu
>hit new game
>freeze frame, record scratch
>voice-over: "Yep, that's my game... I bet you're wondering how it got here..."
>unskippable 1hr docu going into considerable detail about the development process, various stumbling blocks and successes, friends met along the way, interviews, etc
Your options are to either give up or try.
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Good morning /agdg/
Reminder. If you aren't making a porn game don't even try it.
Ghosts and Goblins.
I'll do it. I'll make games for a living. You'll see.
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Working on lore for the next Act. I need your thoughts and opinion.

We have 2 clans, player's clan, and rivals clan.
Lowhanders is a third clan who disappeared because they were hired to settle things in the tower (30 years ago, or more), all that time tower were sealed.
Lowhanders have master mind psychopathic leader, not sure if they all evil now, or just neutral (or maybe he betraied them for his goals and they all died).

Earth elves were part of old Triumvirate (Fire elves, Water elves, Earth elves), and we'll find them later in DLCs.

Yarhan people - might be optional human race with origin from outside, or even they a from the tower itself.

Hard to focus on distinct rout of how to handle those elements.

Here are some variations, but they are not strict to be like these structures:

-Variation 1-
There were Earth elves only
Earth elves disappered
Lowhanders were welcomed to replace them
Now there are only Lowhanders
After first time beating their boss Lowhanders split in two faction (a-you can choose one, b-only one of them is friendly)

-Variation 2-
There were Earth elves, who were above tower people Yarhan
Earth elves disappered, Tower people went chaotic
Lowhanders were welcomed to rule them
Now there are Lowhanders and Yarhanese people
After first time beating their boss all them split in two/three factions

-Variation 3-
There were Earth elves only
Earth elves disappered, years ago some people were welcomed to the tower to replace them
Tower people went chaotic/civil war
Lowhanders were welcomed to rule them
Now there are Lowhanders and Yarhanese people
After first time beating their boss all them split in two/three factions
>"During his time at id Software, a medium pepperoni pizza would arrive for Carmack from Domino's Pizza almost every day, carried by the same delivery person for more than 15 years."
Something really bad and nasty will happen if I don't make my game.
I'm going to put this line into my game.
This bit sucks, get new material.
Well as long as you are just a hobbyist solo dev there's nothing le bad. Le bad things start when you will try to earn money and copyright your game(you can't). If you don't care about people just stealing your AI generated assets then it's ok, but you can still encounter some backlash and boycotting for using AI. Not a good press.
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people playing my game are quitting in 5 minutes, before they even get to the game
so either:
1. there's a crash on the main menu and no one's reporting it (not unprecedented)
2. something about my main menu is particularly offensive enough to get people to quit on the spot within a minute of starting the game
3. you have to load the game for it to show up on your profile so theyre loading and quitting instantly just for that
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>make a boomer shooter
>eat at least one pizza everyday
>Sunshine mate came
yes, yes I did.
I don't think it's bad. If it fits your game, it fits your game. If it doesn't have the range you need, then it doesn't. It's a tool like anything else. Don't listen to the failed retards here. "AI IS SLOP HAHAHAHA" Absolute retards. Everything is a tool. Everything has its place.
y-yes ma'am
>thinks AI improvement is linear
Now that’s the cope. It’s an S-curve like all technological advancement
>replying to a 3 hour old bait post
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rate my MC
Peak sloppa
im in deep pain
>sissyboy flirts with awoken
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rip /agdg/
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>5 days
Ya, I'm starting to hate all the fags here. I can't take the retarded memes here. Is there a better place to post progress/participate in demo events?
/r/gamedev might be more your speed
game with this vibe
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my game uses all the most advanced graphics technology from 1998
fuck yeah frog, keep going to the moon
Imagine a Stalker game that actually had this atmosphere instead of being just another generic post-apocalyptic wasteland shooter.
I only enjoy action games but I remember a game developer say in an interview to not make them since you'll be compared to every other action game(there are alot of good ones). The guy made cozy mobile games.
>I only enjoy action games
>you will never be the best at this specific thing so you're better off never ever trying
Scary how many people actually subscribe to this mentality.
hey, mine too!
In the context of scope and scalability.
Literally nobody cares about these things. Just download whatever shit you want.
crediting thing properly costs you nothing
(You) wouldn't credit me if I made something for you. You in particular, yes. So why should I credit (You)?
my tummy hurts :(
implementing my idea
Knowing that I have to keep walking through the desert for a thousand miles, or die trying, doesn't make the march any easier.
>want to create an LLC for legal protections
>anyone can just look your company up on public records and find out your legal name
>steam pages have a section to put in the dev and publisher
How do I get the benefits of an LLC but without doxxing myself? Is there an option on steam page to just not put your company in as the dev? Or can you just make some name up and put that while having an LLC own the game behind closed doors?
I don't know, sorry.
>nnnooooo how dare you post a prototype to /agdg/'s bimonthly prototype showcase. This is a place for finished games only you fucking unhinged entitled toddler.
who are you talking to?
to all the people who only play the demos at the top
I need to make a demo for Mr.marnix to play it. I'm going insaaaaaneeeeee
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Look, if your demo doesnt give me at least 3 hours of playtime, I'm not giving you even 3 words of feedback. No effort from you = no effort from me. It's only fair.
my demo will be at the top.
Do you enjoy VN?
My game is still in the prototyping stage, so there isn't a ton of content, but I would appreciate to know what you think of the core mechanics, anonymous frogposter
it's summer. Shouldn't it be more people here?
I activated the anti-zoomer forcefield
Who dun it/murder mystery but the judge is an AI, and players must find ways to convince the AI who is the murderer.
It’s called a DBA (doing business as) name. You put your DBA name as the developer and publisher and there’s no publicly available link to it between your LLC and DBA name
AI is shit at determining what the truth is
I am here, in silence.
That's the point.
Unironically can't believe you homos still put effort into this when in 5 years every pajeet can prompt their indie game in a couple of hours.
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Good night sir please be doing the sleepful
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Some people have real life it seems
How does one make 2D isometric pixel art that's modular and animated?
I.e, let's say there's customizable characters with many clothes parts and many animations that are like, 6 fps.
Problem is, how does one do 4-directional isometric pixel art in this way? Only way I can think of is having each "character part" be a separate layer with its own individual frames for each animations, but that would be very time consuming and storage consuming depending on how many character parts and animations there are
who the fuck goes to sleep at 7 pm
>download app to learn Japanese to help add language support to my game
>add profile picture of myself
>in less than a week have half a dozen qt Japanese waifus that want to date me and meet me in Japan
Have you guys considered just being handsome?
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cris keeps winning.
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It will be insanely time consuming even if it's not pixel art. That's why 3D is superior.
Picrel, my modular, non-animated, non-pixelart 2D characters and I'm thinking how to make them even simpler.
I am handsome. What's the app called? I'm planning on going to Japan in late 2025 anyways.
Thats just being white
effort is not a mean to an end, it's the end in itself.
i wish cris realized this
them being separate is like the whole concept of it being modular. the only improvement i can see you making is running a quick load on each component and checking its visibility then compiling each frame into a single image for all 4 directions. it depends on the overhead of your engine but i really cant see a 2d pixel art isometric game running into hardware limitations unless you have a FUCKLOAD of layers and/or characters. i wouldnt bother desu just learn 3d modelling
That's nothing, every day I see singles in my area that want to meet up.
And I don't even need a profile picture.
>6 totally genuine profiles from one of the most conservafem countries totally want to bring over my gaijin ass from across the pacific
That's exactly how it's done. Isometric only requires 2 views (side-up and side-down), so it's not so bad, but it's a lot of work, same as all pixelshit. Here's an example of modular characters in 3/4: https://sanderfrenken.github.io/Universal-LPC-Spritesheet-Character-Generator/
Please respond
is the field of OG mathematical graphics tech finished? new cg research is all MhelL now
Gonna goon then get stuff done today theres alot on the menu.
What's /agdg/ consensus about F2P?
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Started the CS50 course as recommended or approved by several anons.

First assignement is making something in scratch, so I made this:

2 years ago you faggots said the exact same thing. You have 3 years left. I don't think it will come to fruition so soon.
thats alot of juice
I like it. (I have zero money)
likely hellotalk
NTA anon but doesn't this depend on that state? Wouldn't the DBA be tied to the LLC?
platform gun has 28 reviews on steam.
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The brain fog is really bad today.
How do you know they are cute? Japanese girls on apps don't do profile pics with faces shown.
Sure, but before us go coders, web designers, writers, translators, artists, composers and voice actors. And that's just jobs in game studios.
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Please follow our discord rules.
If they're Japanese girls surely they are cute.
I wish I had this...
It's a word I don't get to type often, please understand.
It’s not a dating app
We're all going to make it. I'm going to finish my game and release it in july. It's going to start bringing in enough monthly money to be optimistic about my future. Life is going to get better. Future will become brighter. And by august/september I will go on a vacation after 25 years.
Thank you anon. If I ever meet a cute Japanese girl through this app you guys will be the first to know.
Have you posted your game here? If so, I'm sorry to say it will not be bringing you any significant amount of money because no game I've seen here is appealing in the least.
How good is mod support for UE5 games?
I'm considering making a game in UE5 and want potential players to be able to mod the game
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BRB need to install hellotalk
I have not posted my game here. It's a casual mobile game so it does have potential to make money. Maybe not much but still has that potential. I have a side income but inflation is high so it's not enough anymore to be comfortable unfortunately. I just need enough money to keep going, maybe just cover my bills, or to be able to invest in my next game. Or just enough to hire an artist for a couple of months. So my next game will be better.
I think I'll make a trailer
>Want to be artistic
>Work on game with message
>Time passes
>No longer believe in the message
Don’t romanticize the opportunities of mobile. I’ve shipped 12 games on mobile and currently make about a dollar a month from them.
Post Game with Bad Life Advice?
UE5 or Unity 6 for Sim/RPG games?
I'd make a bare bones prototype in each and see which one you like better.
In similar situation. Just change the message.
cute anime girl. I don't know what this show is about but she looks like wife material.
what kind of prototype though? Should I prototype the game I have in mind or make a dead simple game to test?
Add different types of animals as in-app purchases and publish on mobile.
Can you tell me more? I'm curious
Are you making the game you want to play or

Are you making a game that you can actually finish while trying to make it something you would enjoy playing?
I used to love trannies but now I hate them
First a simple game, then something closer to the kind of game you'd want to make. Making a game takes such an insane amount of time that taking a month or two to investigate the tools should be done as a matter of course.
both at the same time
my first game is my dream game
i will complete it or die trying
Mizuki from hageshii no geri
Hell hath no fury like a chaser cockblocked
>hageshii no geri
Not sure what that means but I like your funny words magic man
"THE game you want to play" would imply there's only one. I'm trying to reach the compromise between game I would have liked to play and game I can actually make. But I got a notebook with like 20 ideas, so it's not the only one.
Also I want to make my fetishes more popular and I'll use my games for that.
Started making a game about rebelling against the soul crushing drudgery of life, realized that pointless rebellion is stupid and immature fantasy so rewrote the plot and setting to be about the pointlessness of rebellion and the sweetness of giving up.
love is no longer the most important thing ?
The Legend of Zelda.
Why do they call it The Legond of Zelda if Link is the main character?
Lucky for me my message was big robots are cool and I still believe in it.
kotobuki squadron
Theres an average looking white guy inflation overseas right now because they're struggling back home. Chad is the new average.
ride that feeling for as long as you can
Bubble Bobble.
Auradev ass post
i gave up. haven’t opened the editor in over 2 months now. but i’m enjoying life a lot more these days…
No. Instead of getting some happy ending with the girl NPC, the game ends with the player killing her.
I'm throwing in the towel.
I'd say there's no shame in doing that.
Yea give up your gamedev dream, more money for me.
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im working on my game now, but i threw the towel yesterday
I awake from my slumber to post gun
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If anything i hope their ilk hate it
>Windows 7
Anon, I know nuWindows is shit but are you sure you want to keep using a malware vulnerable system?
I really hope this game doesn't suck.
Interesting. Best of luck.

Initially, it was about the importance of not forcefully imposing your values on a societal scale, if only because you're not going to be the only one trying that, and you're as likely to end up in their hell as in your heaven. Seeing that, people should seek coexistence, because taking the gambit is in no one's self-interest.

Seeing the state of the world, the way various forces use the cover of tolerance to covertly grab for power, made that seem hollow. Yes, this is in no one's self-interest, but some bad actors are going to try, and there's no avoiding a confrontation with them. Sometimes it's do or die. Hell, sometimes you have to be the aggressor, or else everyone is going to be screwed later.

It's a very unsatisfying conclusion.
Drink some tea, maybe go on a walk

H hasn't learned to love GNU/Linux yet
Life is not about seeking “happiness” and docile contentment like some nonvisualizing NPC. Life, for those with souls, is about having a vision and struggling endlessly to manifest it on Earth, no matter how difficult and daunting. If you give up on your vision, you’re committing spiritual suicide. You might as well just shoot heroin and die, since you already let your vision die.
I will struggle to the end.
Based and Nietzschepilled
Nigga I'm nutty
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based robobro
picture unrelated
You are making an assumption that anon's life vision is making a video game, but maybe it was just something he picked up on a whim because it seemed fun at the time, and he's not that attached to the idea? And maybe he has other goals or life visions?
You don't know anything about him and are merely projecting your own situation. Like your dad thinking running the family car repair shop business is the coolest thing ever, and being baffled at you giving up the opportunity because you want to write haiku or some other gay shit.
aaaand filtered~
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yes. There is a way to keep it secure with third party zero day patches

>H hasn't learned to love GNU/Linux yet
I do love loonix, I run my home server thing on it, but until peri's done and/or win7 becomes completely unusable, I ain't switching. Will never touch any post-7 windows, that's for sure.

m... me too.
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Does anyone else have a deep, secret desire to make cringekino? I'll admit it, I do. I wish I could make some sort of super angsty RPGMaker game with Toby Fox tier music and dialogue that's eye-rolling to anyone with a fully formed frontal cortex. I'm being totally serious btw, there's something appealing about the idea of having a rabid, retarded fanbase. I want to be the next Homestuck.
whats the funniest game idea you can do that only uses one button?
Interesting. What happens if you upgrade a gun while inventory is full?
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Sometimes I like to make threads. You are only hurting yourself, my friend.

I understand how you feel.

jerk off session simulator where you press the j key over and over
“Ah yea, real life. waging away or hanging out with friends”

Making game is real life.
I actually am very handsome and when I release my YouTube devlogs I know that the tide of females will be gigantic.

Females may even just volunteer to build stuff for my game out of pure lust and love.
It sounds like you want to make something you feel is cool and sincere but that embarrasses you so you cast it as cringe. Just say you like the Homestuck vibe and go for it.
If Eric Barone is such a good gamedev, why did 50% of his games totally flop?
So much insincere posting in this thread.

I am sick of it.
Don’t ever care about cringe when you’re actualizing your vision.

If you enjoy it, make it. Ignore the word cringe.
take a look in this mirror lil nigga
I want to make A Night in the Woods but more depressing and angsty.
Just thinking of how many goth girls are going to be submitting art and music to me unprompted when my face is shown.
I want to make a porn game
My posts are sincere and you don't even know which they are other than these two so you must be projecting your insincerity on me. I am also not black.
The cringekino is probably your inner child.
Do not deny your inner child just because you think normies will laugh. This craft is about play.
post game, sincereposter
Females owe me sex
I never stop myself from putting the retarded shit I come up in my stories and games. That's what makes me a good writer
Unironically this
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Not sure why you want me to post it
yup I'm in my "reexport the same asset 10 000 times and rebaking the lighting because it refuses to map correctly" arc again
Demon's Souls level design though, how can I live up to that standard? I'm convinced people who can level design just have it, its an innate talent.
Just do your best.
>Anyone has a deep desire to make a game as successful as Undertale but doesn't want to look cringe? Man I'm sure I could do it, but I don't wanna be called cringe you know.
>that fps drop
how on earth did you make this laggy?
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Hanging out with friends sounds not that bad you know...
>t. has never had anything he put his heart and soul into be called cringe before
It hurts when it happens. It shouldn't stop someone from trying, but it's a legitimate thing to be afraid of.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Figuring out lines.
what is workflow sir?
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>Hosted by Blue9Fairy
>95 Joined
>Submissions open from July 5th 2024 at 8:00 AM to July 8th 2024 at 8:00 AM
>Starts in 5 days 14 hours 40 minutes 42 seconds
>You've joined this jam. Come to this page after the jam starts to submit your project.
>Leave jam
christ... it was 28 yestreday...
>95 Joined
who's gonna tell him
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>Game has been done for 3 weeks
>Been basically taking this week off
>Do real life stuff, travel, run some TTRPG with friends, actually do work stuff
>Not sure if I should even start devving again
Anything worth getting for gamedev on the itch summer sale? Not into pixel art but I would love to find some nice SFX
help this is a stupid question.
say I have some hard surface game assets which wont be morphed or animated.
one has 100 tri's the other 50, exact same model. the 100 has perfect topology the 50 has Bethesda tier topology both are normal/bump mapped. The 50 is always going to be better correct?
Posts like this are proof that undershart is one of the worst things to happen to indie games
It's because I'm running the game inside the Godot editor and recording it at the same time, it doesn't lag as much if I export the game so I can run without the editor and I'm not recording
The child scorns his immaturity to appear more adult.
The adult welcomes immaturity to embrace his inner child.
You'll understand when you're older.
Incredibly based taste anon. Does it fire duplex?
you guys (and the other anon who deleted his post, don't now why) really put me down thanks. IS it possible to find investment or sponsorship for such small projects? I'm finding micro publishers but they seem to be pc heavy.
Undershart is just neurodivergent furry bait it ain't a "childlike" or cringekino game it's a meta game to make redditors clap, you sound like a mental midget.
That's nice honey.
>Undershart is just neurodivergent furry bait it ain't a "childlike" or cringekino game it's a meta game to make redditors clap, you sound like a mental midget.
I'm not a fan of UT, and you sound more unhinged than some UT fans I've met.
I love my posts, I'm easily one of the best posters on 4channel.
/v/ mentally conditions people to feel the need to advertise how much they hate certain games because they're used to everyone there telling them how based and true their opinion is.
Feeling this threatened by some incredibly mundane criticism ain't a good sign lil bro.
based idtech enjoyer
>If you want to get into game dev should you be learning Unreal or Unity?
>That's someone who wants to get banned from this channel.
I don't know what you're going on about, like I said I don't really like UT either but go off
>Enginedev hasn't released a game in 7 years
>Has the gall to act superior
And no, a remaster does not count.
Are there even any good open source game engines from that era to build off of?
Like, I know idtech is great, but it's in the GPL license, which I'm not sure how that would be handled
I realize a lot of these clips are pretty old, but based on this and his recent twitter rants I can't help but feel like he's one bad day away from snapping and turning into a full blown lolcow. Every time someone pokes him with even the mildest criticism or insult he immediately responds with disproportionate butthurt. Maybe by virtue of having had past commercial success he can never truly become a gamedev lolcow a la Yandere dev, but he's still way too easy to get a rise out of which is going to attract trolls.
>>Enginedev hasn't released a game in 7 years
>Yanderedev still hasn't finished his unity slop game after 10 years of development
There is no easy money, not in gamedev, not anywhere else.
Calm down, people have different opinions.
>Want to engine dev
>Realize implementing all the shit would be difficult on top of implementing my game idea
>Use Unity 2022
>Realize Unity and game engines like it are tough to wrangle with and that my game idea might not work in these commercial game engines
>Want to engine dev
I'm so glad I'm not a codetard. I just go with the flow of whatever I've got.
That's what happens when you have a lot of free time and no woman in your life.
You need to tell yourself that, buddy.
I don't like undertale that much but I don't ree at the fanbase's retardation like a seething baby, I just ignore them
>I'm glad I'm an assetfliptard
>>Realize Unity and game engines like it are tough to wrangle with and that my game idea might not work in these commercial game engines
People always say this yet if/when they're game actually does materialize it looks like some shit that could have been made on any premade engine.
Literally every game idea will work in Unity. Other solutions may be better suited, but unless your game is on the bleeding edge technically, Unity is fine.
>I don't ree at the fanbase's retardation like a seething baby, I just ignore them
You should try ignoring the seething babies who are just trying to farm replies from you as well.
Go for it.
You'll learn and be able to add exactly what you need for your purposes.
I'm embracing my inner child when I cachinnate at undershart, you should try it lil bro.
build in 3d -> export renders at each angle you're targeting
repeat for every animation -> repeat for every angle
Anyone know any good stretches and exercises for dealing with nerd neck and shoulder pain? I've been hunched over a my computer all week and I'm really starting feel it.
anyone else kinda feel like making a game right now but then you realize that as soon as you start you're just gonna get bored with it again because it takes too much work to get to anything interesting and you would rather just play someone elses game?
Artists > Every other role in gamedev. They're like the hot girl in a room full of guys.
I want one who says "Thoughbeit"
player sprites now change based on which direction you're aiming, this is for running and when standing still, thanks to the guy who suggested it cause it looks really good now
chudaton blowjob
very nice, will we see your submission this DD ? i also believe our society is lacking sincerity
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My game isn't good enough to even bother publishers to ask for minimum wage for a couple of months.
I'll be damned anon, you're farther into your project then I ever would have bet. T
Does this sound trustworthy?
>anon thinks indie gamedev warrants even a minimum wage
No, indie gamedev is absolutely worthless. It's like expecting to be paid by a record label while you're making your first album.
This doesn't make any sense at all. Whether it's your first game or your 10th, Steam is taking the cut it takes. It's more that marketing is harder. It's more that you generally don't have a budget or skills to cover art, music, programming, writing. It's not that some entity is going to fuck you like Jewish record companies that would enslave great black artists and steal all their money. Steam does take WAY too much, but at least they aren't Jewish about it, they are upfront with the costs.
why are dotweens error messages so fucking bad
just tell me where the bug is coming from man
You are forgetting to initialize a value, you dumb slut.
It appears that making blockbreaker physics actually fun is difficult (Yes I'm hopping to it again to test some UI stuff)
>the tween will now be killed
Good, fuck them kids.
cool i only have like 1000 of those
Unity 2027 will fix that.
Start with the very first thing. null target/property. What you're trying to tween is null. It's probably destroyed or don't even exist when you're trying to tween it.
Thank you, God bless.
I don't understand how what you wrote is related to what I wrote or why mention Steam at all.
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should I bother writing c# in godot or just stick with gdscript? I find gdscript incredibly easy but it's not really a transferable skill to a real job

>webdev shitter that only knows js
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what have i done...
I don't think so. This game was never meant to be published like that, it's more like a part of my game dev studies and I'm still not sure if I like Godot or not.
Ya, I didn't read what you were responding to. The level of bullshit here has jaded me and I just assumed you were crab 10,000 for the day. But ya, if you're dealing with publishers that makes more sense. They are going to feast on your flesh.
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Any good gamedev/game-programming books from 1996-2001? I have a couple opengl1 books but that's about it
Huh why 1996-2001?
I want a fanbase like that but all attractive females, plain ones too. I can just imagime walking into that gaming convention and it's just female after female in a line to get my autograph on the tshirts I hand out.
>he said "Hi" to meeeeeee *faints*
>is that him???? hes so cute!!!!
>do you have a girlfriend
I need a fanbase like this

Kek this. Sounds like those people where a single speling eror in a sentnce is enoug make him not undersand wat was said. Idk if he is one of those but I've seen it before and they go "esl?" or "learn english!" Kek.

Game name?
Yeah, especially if you live in the US or Canada. It might be harder for you to litigate disputes if you live elsewhere, and so you might get taken advantage off. I'd be more worried about making a non-shovelware game first.
with me, it's going to be like the Squidward meme. The girls are going to say "Oh no, he's hot!"
Because they didn't expect such a developer to be so hot.
Game is called DeadEyeDanny
I unironically want to code like it's the 90s for kicks.
ANSI C (probably; C++98 and earlier is a hot mess for C++), OpenGL1, etc... Maybe I could adapt it to modern C++ though, just using the tricks and tips from the books.
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Something like this then?
"yes it's trustworthy" or "yes it's suspicious"?
It'd be nice if I had a gf. I could finally go do stuff I don't because it'd be just me. Sure I could go alone but it'd be nice with a gf who'd eventually become my wife. Let's go hiking in the mountains, forest, play at the beach, or just plain ole sitting in my room playing video games.... It'd probably mostly just be us sitting at home desu. It would still be nice, me sitting there devving, while she plays a video game on my switch. The company would feel nice :(

Iirc some states let you set up a LLC anonymously
Ask them how they would say "Winnie the Pooh" now that it's in the public domain and culturally relevant
wrong country, it's china that gets uppity about pooh bear
Upgraded to 32gb ram, feels very good, especially for UE and having every program open at once
I find girls in bob haircuts like that super fuckable
Exactly. You will not face any consequences for mentioning the lovable bear icon Winnie the Pooh. Your account will not be banned because it's not China. You could even talk about Taiwan!

Say it.
Let me guess Duolingo.

t. Have used it in the past to learn a few languages but ehh lose interest
>>he said "Hi" to meeeeeee *faints*
>>is that him???? hes so cute!!!!
>>do you have a girlfriend
>I need a fanbase like this
Well you got the cringe part down, now you just need to make kino.
>ANSI C (probably; C++98 and earlier is a hot mess for C++)

>OpenGL1, etc

>Maybe I could adapt it to modern C++ though
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Okay froggy, but know any books?
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Your inventory looks so dope. I'm trying to improve mine, so thanks for showing something inspiring.

My Swedish friend...
It's not suspicious at all. They have way more to lose than you. All their games are pretty meh though, but I guess that means their standards are low enough that even agdg trash might get through.

Check the compendium there are links to free stuff and books (books which are often easy to find online even if they aren't free)
You’re not going to actually offend anyone in China. The Pooh thing in China was that a bunch of chinks spammed Pooh to signal anti-government feelings until he became an anti-government meme and was banned. It’s only in the USA where it’s become an anti-chink hate symbol. In China they’d just think you’re a sympathizer who also wants to bitch about the government.
The d in agdg stands for delusional, once you realise that you understand the state of the thread.
>part of my game dev studies
yeah, these tiny projects can teach a lot if you are begining, but eventually you ll need to learn how to make a bigger game. do you have plans for it ?
If you're actually attractive, make sure to add a self-insert NPC like Shane in Stardew Valley. Your female fans with extend their romantic connection to that NPC to the real life you once they notice the resemblance.
>12 games
>on mobile
How long did it take you to make all 12 of those games? That sounds like a lot of work unless they're all very small games.

Kekd reminds me of when I used to catfish, personality means absolutely nothing. It is 100% looks. I could do different personalities and they'd still respond to me positively, including my own personality. Sympathy for women in absuive relationships is near 0 when they damn well walked into it and overlook it cause they find him attractice.
I'm saying this because I read forum posts where, even if you're talking in a non-chinese language, you'll get banned for mentioning no-no words. Even slang.
Admittedly I could stand to add more resources. I don't consume books like I used to ...

this guy gets it
Good. If this place wasn't so delusional it wouldn't be any fun. If you want "realistic" gamedev, go to reddit or youtube where the only things people discuss are the most effective shilling strategies, or what trends are worth chasing, or how to optimize their workflow. It's the unfettered autism of /agdg/ that keeps me coming back to this place.
>unbreedable man hips
How many anons here use game maker?
So that's what my well thought out reasonably scoped game gets little attention here. I thought it was because it's just shit.
Pretty sure Project Landsword is GameMaker.
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Well, thanks. I found a site on my own that has some good shit, though most is from 2005. I'll take what I can get I guess.
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>can make any game his brain can dream of
>decides to make a 1:1 clone of existing game
you people never learn
It's probably both.
the trick is to make a 0.1:1 shell of a clone of an existing game and sell it as a full clone
np. from what I gave you I'll self-shill and recommend this


depending on your skill level. I also like this book

Nta but I need a gf who looks like this

Strange I could find it after sifting through a few demo days. Thought Ive seen fanart of yours before.
Lots of successful and well regarded games are mechanically clones of each other, but have their own narratives which makes them unique.
nah, I just have a question
The g in agdg stands for gay, once you realise that you understand the state of the thread.
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The benchmark for solo dev efforts in 2024...
it's stands for awesome guys demoing games!!!
Post your original game?
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i added my idea
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Holy hell this book cover is peak 90s
Do you mean the "game" g or the "general" g?
Do we make gay games or are we generally gay?
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which hair shine looks best?
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Even got the comic sans
Though turns out the book is from 2012 but I digress, looks and smells like a cheesy 90s textbook
I get the feeling I went overkill with 64gb of ram. I couldve saved some money. Not to mention I dont know if my PC is working at max performance since the CPU ended up being shitty and I had to go into the BIOS to change a setting to prevent it from randomly slowing the whole PC to a crawl except for the mouse cursor which is odd. Seems to be entering an idle state but can't seem to work properly after entering it. From what I read it means the CPU I got ended up being low quality. Iirc the return period passed before I knew of this. I dont want to use warranty since they just ship you some other used CPU.

No way I could risk devving on it if I couldnt make that fix that burns out its life at a quicker rate. Imagine being in the middle of a dev session and everything suddenly stops responding or responds super slow and bugs out. I'd be furious if I made lots of progress and didn't save after hours of work. Even if I hit save it'd probably take forveer for the save to go into effect and probably make no obvious indication for a good chunk of time. I doubt leaving the PC on in that state for 30 minutes is a good idea. The fix seems to work but I think I'm gonna have to activate the warranty and just switch it out. I hate building new PCs, component quality is terrible nowadays
1. Also please layer the eyes underneath the hair. It looks really weird as is
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another cuppa wont hurt me
>but I digress
That doesn't mean what you think it does, Prabjeet.
2. Looks most normal to me
Not a pajeet, I'm murican and english is my only language. I just think "I digress" means "Sure, there's X but my point still stands"
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a fourth cup is basically 3 cups which is basically two cups and a second cup won't hurt me which is why I'm having a fourth cup is basically a second cup which won't hurt me
Now I also want one. fu
My vote goes for 1. 3 is the worst.
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I've been experimenting with some gameplay changes, for instance your normal attack is now a ranged attack so you no longer have to whack things with your staff. I also added an elemental weakness system.

I've been procrastinating too long on adding content so I started doing that but it's going at a glacial pace. Maybe one day my game will have more than 1 level haha
No, it means you went on a tangent, something like
>but I'm rambling, let me get back to the topic at hand
Oh. Well, blame my autism.
another day spent trying but in the end, making no progress.
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Unless you want to get your butt eaten again, get to work!
2 IMO.
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ANSI C or C-style C++ (i.e C compiled as C++)?
>Not a solo developer but head of an entire team.
>Teamed up with lead dev of AM2R, so obviously has experience.
>The one year was between game idea and kickstarter conclusion, the full project took 4 years.
What a shameless grifter. Thomas Brush should just kill himself. It's disgusting that this developer goes along with his "wow gamedev is easy, everyone can make 100K a year, just buy my course" lies.
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Jesus is it selling this poorly? It's so fucking Blowver
A's for assholes that crab at me
G's for games that ain't a-plent-y
D's for derring, wary, devs un-ord-inary
G's for gay-ass posts and whores and

Ag-gy's all that I can say to (you)
Ag-gy's for a nest of schizos (two)
Two in aggy can make it, crap in threads but PLEASE don't bake it!
Ag-gy was made for me and (you)

top kek
top kek
Jai will save us
Thinking about this, let's go over the pros and cons of both options
(listening to https://open.spotify.com/playlist/27Zm1P410dPfedsdoO9fqm while typing this)
>Classic, unadulterated C, KISS
>But has major limitations
>Also can't use useful libraries made in C++ unless you make bindings but even then you end up having libstdc++ so what's the point
C-style C++
>Have more freedom to do stuff like variable definitions anywhere in a function, use stuff like ImGUI with no fuss, etc
>However, you may be tempted to do some stupid shit with C++
Why'd you repost your post, Froggy?
I made a mistake, deleted old post and fixed it. Not a repeat.
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch, and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
Why do you come here if you hate us?
daddy brush
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i dont think the eyes look good underneath the hair
Daring today, aren't we?
I'm so glad I don't have a dev nickname
I worked 4 hours (nondev) and 1h dev
I shouldn't be this lazy to dev..
work on project management when you feel unmotivated. its braindead easy work and it streamlines your production for when you have the motivation.
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Dark Messiah remake
Smooth Elevation Coloring in runtime.
3D Dwarf Fortress Daggerfall-like on its way.

All glory to King Jesus Christ.
what does project management mean? I don't really need code/art plans, I need to pump content to finish my game.
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>reading "The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 2.1.pdf"
Yeah, I think it's chad codin' time.
faggy doesn't hate agdg, trannygreen is a masochistic closeted bislut who uses agdg to get off since no woman will ever want it
That's oddly specific
Checking to see what the magic numbers granted
Is the appeal of your game primarily based on:
1. aesthetics?
2. mechanics?
3. narrative?
And if you had to sacrifice one to improve the other two, which would it be?
>Is the appeal of your game primarily based on:
Mechanics, I think
>And if you had to sacrifice one to improve the other two, which would it be?
That's easy, narrative. It already has none.
Narrative and aesthetics. I'm not smart enough to add unique mechanics.
hooo boy does my game suck
>game suddenly gets 12 views and 16 downloads in a single day
thanks, mom
wheres yo daddy?
Gonna cash in bigly on the furry audience.
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Finishing stuff up mostly right now. I'm not sure what to do next, since I have two things I could do and have to study and learn, but I'll figure it out when I get there soon enough.
Narrative. Too much of an artlet for aesthetics and I don't really like video games so I don't know good mechanics.
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Chocolate represents that which is delightful. The haunted castle represents the allure of the unknown. The ghosts represent the imprint of the past. All of these things are important. However, don’t think for a moment that, because this game features ghosts in a haunted castle, it is an evil or negative game. On the contrary, I intend for this game to be positive, uplifting and life-affirming. However, if Stardew Valley mostly channeled the energy of the sun, Haunted Chocolatier channels the energy of the moon. Both are vital.
I tried learning design patterns with head first books. Like 30 pages for a fucking pattern. ChatGPT comes out. Learn design pattern in 2 minutes. And then retards go "can't trust muh AI!!!!!"
So what were the secrets of the C coding gurus?
Don't mind me, just noticing patterns.
Is that Moot?
Saturday night game dev lets go!
could go for some delightful tacos right about now tbqh
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At first I was gonna try to disprove you by pulling up an AI chatbot like Claude or ChatGPT and show how inaccurate they are but then asking Claude "How do I set up an isometric camera in OpenGL1" gave decent results.
Hmm. Think you may be onto something.
you end up having to throw something out

>vtmb2 will be shit
>anon decides to make his own

still debating it. easily doable but do I want to add another ammo type?
for that reason the steyr and AAI ACRs already share flechette ammo, with some lore explaining it
What are your favorite generic fantasy monsters? So far I have skeletons, a dragon, a minotaur, mermaids, goblins, trolls, and faeries.
based kino inventory juggling and mid poly graphics.
Any tips of gaining your style for modeling?
why would you do that to yourself? you could make up anything you want but your just parroting cliches for the hell of it. kys
familiar mixed in with the completely unique is good.

Completely unrecognizable settings are kind of exhausting.
>Completely unrecognizable settings are kind of exhausting.
Post these?
>you could make anything you want except when what you want isn't what I want
>what you want is to reproduce the trends you grew up ad nauseum
But this is what I want to make. Sorry if it's not what you like.
I was going to combine the aspects of a succubus with the mermaids, basically making them sirens.
Do you count elves as monsters?
I want that inventory management so hard.
no appeal, no nothin'
Good idea. I'd like to do a rendition of orcs that's closer to Tolkien's ideas for them. I hate what Warcraft and Warhammer have turned orcs into.
I shouldn't have said monsters, creatures would have been a better word. Of course I'll have elves
Well, actually your use case is a bit more dangerous. I mean I use it for this all the time but you have to check it. It's more useful for learning well documented processes. Especially if you're not starting at zero. Like you can fucking handle a flipped parameter without melting down, like most of AGDG. "WHAT THE FUCK IT GOT THE METHOD SIGNATURE SLIGHTLY WRONG WTF I CAN'T LEARN FROM THIS SHITTTTTT"
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> I'd like to do a rendition of orcs that's closer to Tolkien's ideas for them
For me it's the animated orcs
Consider looking into old fairytales and stuff then.
Most modern renditions are based on Tolkien's interpretation, including the ones you mentioned.
The original orcs were probably based on Pict raiders.
Unironically bought it at this price though so Blow swindled properly. I wanted to see if agdg was just trashing on this remaster and if the commentary was good.
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you could have just pirated it. there's nothing particularly offensive about the remake, it's just pointless and a tremendous waste of resources. classic braid holds up just fine
I love that movie. Bakshi's interpretation of Gandalf is my favorite.
I will definitely do that, that's my entire reason for wanting to make a game. My parents used to read me fairytales and buy me books on elves and gnomes and stuff when I was a kid. I genuinely believed elves were real until I was a teenager.
Elves might be real actually.
Granted, I'm Catholic so I think they are forest demons, but I think they might exist in some shape.
It would explain why they are such assholes too. The Erlkönig is literally a child molester.
>Just finished harassing all my competitors through several fake accounts
Yup, it's devvin' time. May the strong survive.
Didn't stop Project Zomboid, they must be the strongest devs ever.
Good luck man, can you share any updates on Haunted Chocolatier?
Hi marnix! I got your email, you actually think changing your name to snarnix was enough to fool me?
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Are you cool with fall damage in souls likes?
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disgusting person
It would be better if the main character were a neurodivergent, obese, trans individual. I want to be able to identify with the character I play as.
Imagine working on another game when you haven't even delivered the first one that you promised hundreds of people almost 10 years ago (which they paid for mind you)
next time get it in writing
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Black eyes..like a dolls eyes...
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niggabros... my game is exquisite
All of them have fall damage.
I think in 1 and 3 all it does is check the distance you have fallen and either damages or kills you over a certain number.
In 2 it's more complex and people do all sorts of calculations to know how much they need to weight to survive falling down the well in Majula without the cat ring.
rule #1 of gaming:
(pure) action games are boooooooooooooooooooooooooooring
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Chapter 1 polish trucking along, find me them bugs on demoday please.
Chapter 2 work is commencing as well...


Some cool music and context in the tweet.
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for shops, would you prefer
- shopkeeper that chases you around, talk to sell etc
- shopkeeper behind a counter that greets you from afar and need to walk to the counter to sell and talk
Don't care. Fuck off.
shopkeeper behind a counter
A shop keeper that runs away from you, and you have to trap him to purchase anything.
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if i give bokudev $600 do you think he will add vr support for htc vive before he releases?
why can't I just interact with the item and get a prompt to buy or not
So the “inner circle” is just a bunch of trannies jerking off each other’s shit games? Lmao, keep that faggy nerd shit
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Some progress made this week:

-created the final 'first' level, finishing the initial 3 you can go to from the start of the game. Wall geo and landscape is finished, needs the rest of the stuff.

-a bunch of work on music and sounds, but that doesn't come through on webms here.

-implemented a smoother, cooler battle transition, seen in the webm here. Needs a little fine-tuning.

next on the block is finalizing the community quests / donations system, ensure said system levels up the various communes correctly, and deciding how I want to implement special building construction and upgrading.
You will, but someone's gonna have to take your money
that's an impersonal and 'min maxxer' way of dealing with this.

These games should be about the characters in them. You should have to interact with the shopkeeper.
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just as long as he cant block you from anything.
looks slick
we know horbror, keep it up
>just as long as he cant block you from anything.
That's always a concern
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Whew, set up a basic OpenGL1 engine.
>The sequel to 4 Niggas in a row: 5 Niggas in a row!
Please stop wasting image slots with off-topic content.
Good, nice to see a fellow enginedev.
She looks like she is going to end up as a statistic.
didn't this have way better lighting? confused
Procrastinated on learning programming for a few weeks. It's over for me... I'll never get out of tutorial hell. There has to be some fucking trick you people have?!
Is there any benefit from using OpenGL 1 instead of 3?
Not really to be honest, only thing it has going for it is you don't need to put shaders for everything imo
Also old homebrew platforms support GL1 if you really wanna support those platforms
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Funny how people keep telling me "just make a good game", "just make a cool game", "just make a memorable game", and then niggas with games 50 times worse than mine get fanart but I don't
>I already got all the suckers I possibly could willing to pay $20 for a 2008 game so now anything more is extra

If I had bought it at full price I would feel insulted. This is the type of discount you do after its been over a year, not a month later
The trick is to tolerate spaghetti.
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It's called just start building and look up stuff as you run into obstacles.

Be guided by your vision.

I was also stuck in tutorial limbo. I got so frustrated that I just started building. Now I'm actually learning and making progress.
whoa it's that old rolling cube game lol dude whats up
Are you Cris? I will not listen to Cris even if he told me the sky was blue.
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Progress Postin' Time
>Rock-Paper-Scissors Card Game Autobattler
>worked on dungeons this week, but progress has been awfully slow
>did some preparation work for saving game data, but nothing ready yet
The game is not in a state in which I would confidently put it out there for DD, and unfortunately I think I might skip on it this round.
I've been running into lots of blocking things that made progress really slow, basically a lot of refactoring old code that wasn't working as I expected it to work once it has been linked with the other scenes.

Anyway, I might take a break from working on the Rock-Paper-Scissors game and do a quick 1-week game for DD.
Hey bros, cris here. Whatever you do, DO NOT cut your dick off!
No, I'm: >>483999848
Using Vulkan and C.
at what tier does he add Lovense support?
It was the only way to evolve the genre, and I'm the only one brave enough to do it! Don't give in to big JRPG!
Make something.
A small game like Pong or whatever.
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nice project nortubel clone.
Your game is unironically shit in every single way. You embarass the entire general. Get the fuck out of here
No, I will not make pong. Instead, I will make a genre shifting subversion called Ping.
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now make it so that when you draw, it pings a server in Alaska and if your ping time is >150ms you lose the draw (you automatically lose if the server cannot be reached)
>all progress getting shit flung at it... except one person in particular
hmm weird
fall damage is unironically indispensable for soullikes to work.
because it's not a serious game
Make Pong into the game's subtitle so people know it's related to it.
Ping: Pong.
I'm gonna miss Sarah.
hes been working on it for like 7 years now, are you sure?
they call me peanut arbuckle
I think about the pot of gold (delightful girls) in the end of the rainbow (gamedev).
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King Pong
Pimp Pong
oh shit
Maybe you get a chance to meet her again, at the very end.
>Another crabs treasure has 0 fall damage

Bokudev is already a pariah. It's an open secret that everyone hates his and wants him to fail, so crabbing him achieves nothing. It's more productive to give reality checks to the assholes who think themselves untouchable
>single player boomer shooter
>first person action RPG
>multiplayer arena shooter
>traditional 2d fighting game
Which of these should I make? I can only realistically make one for foreseeable future.
Need to go to busts like Battle Brothers.
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>no cute girl that teases me while I work on my game
i don't hate him. he clearly cares about his game, and wants it to become the best it can be.
his efforts might be misguided and his tastes debatable, but bokube is clearly a labour of love. i can respect that
Unfortunately I'll not help you, making you to atay stuck in decision hell forever.
Fall damage doesn’t make sense under water
the best games with fall damage give you ways to avoid it, and fall damage deaths aren't "I forgot there was fall damage" but "I slipped and didn't have a back-up"
how do you make sure players don't forget that fall damage exists? who knows

if you're going to add fall damage it'll serve an additional challenge to you going forward that might not be worth it. If in that example you could get down by going to the lower platform first, that's fair. If that lower platform wasn't there then it'd mean your level was designed poorly because you forced the player to wait on the lift to get down.
I don't hate Bokudev.
none of the above, unless you want to fall flat on your face
captch: NAH 2D
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did you niggas forget the we initiated the Aegis Protocol because of the whole marnix situation? No, I'm not gonna elaborate because the newniggers might get wise
Unfortunately, my pc is old and can only handle an outdated version of Godot wich makes it terrible for coding and other stuff since i can't find proper tutorials.
I just have to keep going for a few years and then i will be able to start.
Yeah I'll wait until the rotate discord isn't having a "revenge meltie" in the thread.
make the one that you'd play.
without any answer of feasibility or whatever, just answer it: "What would I play out of these choices?"

just make your own engine.
shut up pogodev
post your progress
don't worry, agdg's pillar men will emerge on the day.
that's not a soulslike, it's a platformer with artorias boss fights
How do I make a procedural ripple shader? I'll put you in the credits.
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it's an old scene with a different environment, here's the shared one
River City Ransom.
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just added some bloat
My trick is programming since I was literally 8 years old. Even 30 years later I still can't into documentation and need tutorials and shallow learning curve.
I want to use this so bad but it looks really performance heavy considering each segment is it's own object. I want to use it for my last damaged target health bar.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: More lines.
Nice crabbing
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Discord Day is coming
not participating
You can afford to have some performance heavy elements in your game, after all today's gaming computers have at least 16 gb of RAM minimum.
clonazepam taken
properly timed sleep shall be achieved

Damn hoopoo china rejected you for RED icons.
I wish to formally request of you to never shill Asmongold, priest of Nurgle, again in this general.
Finally found back breaking sounds for my wrestling game
It's closer to 8, third worlders still use 4.
>clonazepam taken
enjoy your dementia in 5 years
Fuuck my mom took this for her manic disorder and got diagnosed with dementia shortly after.`
This nigga needs drugs to sleep
I'm trying to encrypt my save file. In unity I'm trying to use Aes but something is not right. I have a key that I set, which is something like "1234...". It encrypts and saves but it cannot decrypt. There is another parameter for aes which is IV. Do I have to set that one myself also like the key?
whatever, I'll just die. I can't win at life.
>Laptop charger or battery just died
If I dont find a replacement no Journey in Azur next DD.
It's a white person problem. We also sometimes need white noise machines to sleep.
I never played your game anyways
I thought you were working on a different game now?
Command & Conquer.
Moron, get a USB and transfer that shit over. Then go to the library and upload it to itch so you can tag it to DD.
>bochi mouth open . png
Im but I want to post the finished version.
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not gonna coom until demo day
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ya I've got lore...
it's called 'you go to the right'
I was taking a bath while updating the distro and then boom the whole pc shutdown, I got a led beeping, and from what I google, it is either the charger dead or the battery.
Did you put your game's files somewhere safe?
Stop with the drugs. You just have to pull an all nighter and then you can go to sleep at any time.

No drugs. Stop. Immediately.
Please slowly do what you can to get off of this mate. Any bit will count.
>bathing while devving
i respect the hustle but idk maybe
told you it was a femdev
all the signs were there
the art style
the game genre
the writing
I got an old version, and just a few day of work lost, but I cant open godot and my 250burger dollar emergency pc.
Yes. It worked. cue avengersmeme.mp3
You think you're joking, but this is exactly what it is.
I didnt bring my pc in the bath, i was going to bath so I sudo apt get distro update
could be a homosexual bottom or a transsexual

transsexual theory is quickly gaining credibility
my cute wife azurdev
I like this game series. Actually seems like clones of it are still made
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>azurdev taking a bath
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Azurdev is 14 you SICK FUCKS
Legend of the Mystical Ninja.
Fuck it, I'm going to start pretending this guy is a cute girl too. It's probably the best shot I'll have at a cute gamedev gf.
one line in godot
idiot what the fuck are you doing, that's not how you do it
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Even better
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out of 10
>Do you want to buy it?
Is there anything unique about this game, or is it just a poor man's animal crossing?
Guys, please remember to take care of your bodies. I've been lying in bed all day because my back is fucked. I'm in so much pain It's 100% the fault of my terrible posture. Just remember to do some stretches or go to the gym or something while you're still young.
i don't know why that button always appears, i have to check the docs

dating is planned, otherwise just a more streamlined game
the inner circle is acting up again ...
Nigga didn't learned about arrays yet.
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why do you idiots always want to duplicate code
I use GLFW because GLFW gives floating point mouse coordinates.
ask chatgpt
>why do you do something that works instead of some arbitrary abstractions like me?! don't you care about the 0.00001% efficiency increase?!
you definitely are the kinda nigga who never wrote nothing more complex than a hello world

10 million "if it works it works" later and now you have an incomprehensible codebase that you can't debug

then you will crawl back to me crying
asking me to teach you how to abstract things nicely and avoid duplication
but i will whisper "no"
i would check if the right button is pressed separately and then only CheckIfButtonWasClicked if the mouse is on buttonZero/Tavern/etc's hitbox
>thinks he can enginedev
>gets filtered by tutorial number 2 out of 69
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this is what chat gpt said
he will overcome it and become an enginedev
you'll see
this is the way
bishonen males tripped me
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I will never ever buy a video game but I expect millions to buy mine
I'd shill his channel more than any other girl or media network. Its better to have a male gamer than a jew or a woman any day of the week to get your game or dev related news sorry faggot
im already retarded but whatever that is my have just taken out the last few brain cells
I don't really care if you don't buy them, I do care if you play them and understand why they're good. Basically what I'm saying is, none of you have any excuses to not have played indie games to learn from because you don't want to support the devs.
I can't name a single good game released in the last 5 years
Most "enginedevs" are first year compsci students with superiority complexes who want to prove how smart they are by making everything 1000x more needlessly complicated than it needs to be.
Hello Kitty Island Adventure
>enginedevs are Mandalorians...
I want to make an engine that's simple to use though and not needlessly complicated like Unity, Unreal and Godot.
I graduated from comp sci this past year and I'm making my own engine because I believe that Unity, Unreal, and Godot is the more complicated way to do things.

I prefer starting from first principles, building exactly what I need, and understanding my codebase at a fundamental level.

I think enginedev is the simpler way to go, that's why I'm doing it.
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RPG Maker, but CRPG Maker.
might have been true a decade ago, but zoomers are smart so it might be wrong now
There already is a Chinese version of RPG Maker
I was like that all throughout school until after about a year after I got my first real software job. Really, all it is was that I, as well as many other junior devs, get filtered by complex, higher-level abstractions, and think that lower level interfaces are easier, because that's all that's taught in school. There's still an inside joke within my friend group that goes "we should rewrite OpenCV". (I got filtered by and tried to rewrite OpenCV.) Case in point:
need ideas for a flying witch game with flying broom mechanics
What the hell is the difference between "adventure" and "puzzle adventure" in games? Adventure does well, but puzzle adventure doesn't.
Adventure game is the fun stuff. Puzzle adventure games are boring stuff like Myst and The Witness.
The broom is a dirty old man transformed by the witch, and he'll be your funny companion for the game.
adventure: story > challenge
puzzle adventure: challenge > story
>I was like that all throughout school until after about a year after I got my first real software job
what changed
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stealing this
NTA but most young men go through this superiority phase in their late teens/early 20s. What changes is your brain developing.
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i seem to have figured it out
yet you willing give yourself STDs, gross
my game isnt the BEST, but damn its close,.
Na, I don't think it's this. I'm still superior to all of you.

I was forced to and therefore learned how to deal with complex libraries, frameworks, and APIs. Learning how to read the docs and learn an framework is a skill of itself that one must practice to get good at.
Mmm I get it, thanks anon.
how do I make a puzzle that dearly pears who thoughtfully say 'Thoughever' and 'Thoughbeit' would carefully enjoy?
solution: make small games.
My game has sold 700 copies. How many has yours sold?
Have you tried putting your game in a zip file and hosting it on Mega or Drive or something?
I'll probably kms...
noo don't do it
i should work on my game... but i will do that later
I am keeping my game to myself. Gamers have lost that privilege.
>Kills self
>2 years later, sexbots are issued by the government to combat rising suicide rates
I personally learned starting engine dev with a generic engine is death, creating the logic and building on top is much better(I hope)
they would only increase them lmao
Duke Nuke Them.
Slow day, may as well make the new thread now.
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for this oldschool low poly style?
"project from view" yields good and fast results for UVs
best way to make textures is photobashing, that's how it was done in the good ol days, and still works pretty good, especially when making lower poly
gimp has a built-in normalmap tool but you can't just turn the whole image into NM but paint over the surfaces you want flat and leave the details
>that's the goal
make an afps
only 18 players will play your game but we will be so happy for like 8 hours
You could've bought hundreds of bitcoin for nothing at one point in time. You're always gonna miss out on stuff. That's the way life is. The way forward is looking at what you can do now and in the near future to get where you wanna be in the future.
I haven't actually managed to make a demo before, although other people have made art of the game before which was cool

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