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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>483952502
middies and fiddies should
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yup, it's confirmed, DT is the greatest game of all time.
>no Y'sthola
>By far the worst MSQ ever
>barely any content at all
>character graphic update looks good rest is barely noticeable
my exceptions were low, but this expansion is pretty bad.so far
is this god of war?
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I feel like half the "its boring!!!" complaints would disappear if they stopped this nearly 20 years old quest design of > interact with the purple spot > fight 2 overworld monsters > go back to the npc > do an unvoiced cutscene with recycled emotes > jerk off alpacas 0/3 > watch another cutscene of /nod and /handover with Machinations playing in the background > talk to the npc for the actual cutscene that matters
I just launched the game
Give it to me straight
how does the story compare compared to the last few expacs? Noticeably worse? Noticeably better? same shit?
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post your DT glam
And what do you suggest otherwise? Surely you have an idea or two in mind
Is Pictomancer just so overtuned that it repeatedly rips aggros from tanks in dungeons? I feel like every dungeon I've had I just rip shit from the tank.
What makes you think the complaints have anything to do with the quality of the game? Report, hide post, move on.
Where can I find battle leves to level up my picto while waiting for queues?
Thats what a quest is.
what a little chad
i still cant get over the fact that mamool ja are UNIRONICALLY and CANONICALLY pretending to be retarded
Cut the fat? You can have a lot of this in side quests, just have the one cutscene that matters.
>cut the fat
>”just cut out the story narrative bro”
Yeah you’re retarded
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sis i'm already 3. one of us has to change
>70-90 fps in limsa on max setting whe I had 150 on EW launch
Holy shit the optimization is so fucking bad
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Finished the entire MSQ.
Jesus fucking christ everything 90-96 should be trimmed by at least 80%. There's the occasional nugget of gold but it feels like one extended beast tribe chain of quests rather than main story. The fight against.. uhhh the guy whose name I forgot should be way earlier.
After space niggas invade stuff gets better, but it still has tons of filler. You have 20 minutes of fun then 40 minutes of cutscenes where milquetoast characters talk at you about nothing. Still, it's vastly better than anything before. Lizard Megazord isn't also particularly interesting as the villain.

Straight up 1/10 for the first 2/3 of the expansion or so. Around 6-7/10 for the last third, but with an extra note that there's still way more filler and pacing issues than there should be.
Half the complaints would disappear if you'd stop giving them attention
>WoW in shambles
>XIV in shambles
>GW2 in shambles
>BDO in shambles
>EVE Online is literally on life support
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It's Ignore the thread, go play the game and make up your own mind
I haven't touched DT yet so I still have to play to find out if its actually boring but from playing other MMOs in my time I really hate the purple spawn circle this game has though I understand that having them out in the overworld with 18000 people doing the same quest would cause some issues
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its exactly as comfy as I expected it to be, high tier music
picto's paintings deal 1k+ potency, in exchange for having to prep them. And prepping them out of combat is easy. So picto starts hitting mobs with a massive aoe, ripping aggro
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Sucks to be you with your shaders
It’s dogshit. You are probably better off just skipping every cutscene
Padding isn't story narrative, Wuk Lamat being kidnapped by bandits is story, learning about the alpaca people who aren't relevant to the story at all isn't, but I can see you're not interested in talking in good faith.
I've only done the first half, but so far it's been really really bad compared to the other expansions
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Sucks I have no clue on the context since I skipped everything. But the zone and the lore seems very cool, if only the expansion was about this place.
this is just the problem with modern MMO design and i'll take glorified visual novel over the trash fodder quests wow puts out
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feels better getting modded hair back on!
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Why is she looikng at you this way? what have you said/done
the time only counts down when you're logged on and in the world right...
>the city of gold was a femlala's taco hut
Shadow softening, weak for sharp shadows or strongest for more blurred ones?
aren't you hot in all that clothing
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>omg somebody doesn't like $thing, save me janny same
>crossed arms, quiet, gentle, only talks if talked to
>approaches you, initates with a hearty hello, asks you questions, spams silly emotes
which do you prefer and why?
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She knows what I did
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Make the entire game branch off from foray type content.
>1 feels too bright. 2 is your average dime a dozen mooncat. 3 looks cute and somewhat unique as well.
is 3 unique? i feel like i see that black hair brown skin bright eyes combo all the time
dont worry sister even if i do go it ill purposefully stay away from your eye color range so it doesnt look too similar
All developers left the genre for mobas then battle royales and now gachas and only trannoids remain
>approaches you, initates with a hearty hello, asks you questions, spams silly emotes
Sounds a lot like a fiddie I know.
Nobody is allowed to write the word tranny under this line

New DT glam, need it or keep it?
how much longer until i can gpose lalafell chocobo footjobs?
>Wuk Lamat the future Dawnservant learning about the people and culture of her nation isn’t story
>Wuk inspiring Mablu to finally tell Tobli she wants to leave the ranch to become a merchant like she wanted
>Wuk helping the Hanuhanu with the Ihih’hana festival to make the reeds grow and learning more about them isn’t story narrative.
Yeah you ESL fucks don’t pay attention at all to the story and it’s very, very obvious
Damn what an ugly as sin femra.
>>crossed arms, quiet, gentle, only talks if talked to
This is me, femlala whm
but I prefer
>>approaches you, initates with a hearty hello, asks you questions, spams silly emotes
because it helps with me deal with my autism
i forgot to reply >>483961802
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Is this thread prepared to admit that on the matter of queuing and dealing with congestion, Square Enix knocked it out of the park this time? We've barely had to wait at all to play the game.
>now gachas
where does this imply all the western devs went?
Worse than stormblood because lyse was replaced by an even more retarded furry
it looks comfy
get yourself some AA you broke-ass bitch
i'm on the damn free trial and haven't run into a queue
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>be me
>play with french dub
>not a single troon on the horizon
Life is good
Its the early access, why did all of you forget this? Congratulate them if its not congested on july 2
mental illness ahead
therefore seek rope
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i don't love my 'ra anymore so i think i'll change. i think cats and midlanders won, bros
fuzzy yandere hrothgal tummies..
it baffles me
I see my malezen and mierda friends get simped on daily, and I get ignored as a catgirl
Isnt the opposite that should happen? I can be futa or full fem but I get ignored by everyone, what in the World. Everyone sees me as a good friend but I never get invited to chat in a partychat or invited to farm something etc
life us pure suffering
It was as easy as closing DC travel
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>dear diary: jackpot
>he doesn't know about the mobile market in the west
Didn't you see that cringe ass mobile game ad with chris hemsworth during the this year's notE3? That's where all the money is
good idea, i love being tied up!
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It takes forever, but the story does actually get better
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Now you get to the crux of why Wuk Lamat fails as a central character
It's Lyse 2, and we already had Lyse. It's as simple as that. She's the fish out of water character and a window to Turyali culture for the player even though she should be our guide and the most expert.
For the character to be worth following and put it on the throne they had to dumb down the other contestants to be cartoonishly evil (ruining a pretty good history of interesting antagonists).
Thousand mile stare
who the fuck actually waits for the real release?
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>Introduce absolute sexo with a nice voice
>killed off by the tranny that smokes 5 packs a day and became a good leader in 5 minutes of realizing she had nakama-power and racism le bad
You better be joking.
The mountains aren't that hot. Got enough clothes for all those different climate zones.
wow pure cex pls bottom for my sunnie
>make a kino and soulful zone
>strip it of soul to progress the story
Actually fucking retarded
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please be fucking joking
Hello frogoid friend, french here aswell
I had to put my fucking client in English because the Zenos french VA is TRASH
will go back shortly to our goated language after SB
Bonne après-midi le boss
where do i go for nyanya studio presets now
the website is giving me a warning
the difference would be minor, no?

it's not like people who didn't buy the expansion are prevented from entering the game in the interim
Please be the latter and hit me up...
>hey so you really liked emet and amaurot, right?
>ok cool, now go have fun with sphene and alexandria
PSA: if you're a gpose fag you might want to avoid finishing MSQ before you take your screenshots because the area gets aids and turns into a snooze once you do
I think canonically, Koana x My Femlala
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nah, it's fixed.... we went in all ready to do a strat and the ice just appeared.
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The fuck is this?
Any dragoon chads?
Can you post your hotbars so I can get some inspiration on how to set mine up
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It’s Lyse 2 but she’s actually doing shit and growing as a character unlike Lyse who was just thrown into power as the leader of Ala Mhigo at the end of 4.0 or did you forget that part.
>she should be our guide and the most expert
She’s a fucking princess and spent most of her life in the palace it doesn’t surprise me in the least she doesn’t know as much about the turali culture and people as others might. The entire rite of succession is for the contestants to go to these different peoples and cultures and learn about them like Gulool Ja Ja did before them when he was first uniting the people of Tural.
so what's the agreed upon cope for why the expansion isn't that bad actually?
people are just mad because of the tranny VA

good morning swysters
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Give me the second one, with pigtails, and glasses
>and growing as a character
like fuck she does
she improves in absolutely nothing for hours and hours, then turns from a total loser to competent within the span of 3 minutes
Mare works
did people insta leave lmao
>that one nerd that said "fun"
Fucking hell lmao
morning sis you seem malnourished!
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J'aime bien la VA de Zenos, et puis je suis habitué au cast depuis HW
Amuse toi bien, les extensions a venir sont vraiment bien
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>healers complain about not having enough to do
>half of them can't even keep tanks alive in lower level content
did they rebalance things or are healfags actually this bad?
will anything work if i manually inject
Literally the only people happy are coomers who treat this game like SL
Yeah at the beginning one guy IMMEDIATELY left
and then when people began talking about why, 2 more people left
and then when a guy said that he queued syrcus explicitly for this (madman just saying it) another person got really frustrated and left
ABORT ABORT it's fixed now
Most tanks don't know what rampart does so...
coomers are mad because plogons are broke you false flagging esl
Ok but seriously, why is every Scion there except Y'shola?
>Its a Wuk Lamat isnt comfortable with <form of transportation> episode

I cant decide on the hat. But i like the rest of it and one of the reasons i went with MNK over NIN to start.
i fanta'd
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>picto is unquestionably the best designed caster and the gameplay itself is good
>like it's not even close
>spell effects don't fit with the game's style at all and it sounds like aliens having an orgy
>crossed arms, quiet, gentle, only talks if talked to
literally one malezen in my FC, dude rizzed a biofem chocolate viera, then proceeded to fuck up (I believe) by acting like a simp and literally sending gifts over the ingame mail system
then got another "gf" from our FC. And is now rizzing up a third one, always in a party with her
>approaches you, initates with a hearty hello, asks you questions, spams silly emotes
literally me, everyone write my name in all caps when I approach them, even more if they are already gathered. I feel prioritized and important part of our group, I always get a tell to remind me they are chilling at x position and I should get there asap
but I have nobody wanting to cum in me or get cummed on by my +, only friendships

I either only have normal, nonporn sick and biofem friends, or should be more direct with my intentions when I want more than just friendship with someone I like idk
thanks for reading, and enjoy Final Fantasy XIV : Dawntrail
mablu mablu
Should I just skip all the role quest cutscenes? this shit is awful...
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So it goes.
is the story really that bad? should I just wait to play it until it has more content?
role quests have never been interesting and never will be
No not atm

>GPU idleing at 41°C

I hate summer
No the story isn’t actually that bad it’s all cutscene skipping anons crying about a slower paced story they personally don’t like or care about
Supposedly yshtolas VA had an accident while the recording for DT started, youre not seeing her for like 70% of the mswq
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My wife...
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My Pictomancer looks like this.
>i fanta'd
well? show us!
is holy in white worth using over just continuing the rotation? i've been using it when i wanna weave but that's about it
>hey how about we took a cool looking, visually distinct area and turned it into uninteresting dead zone
>no, you can't go back to the previous version
those people are legit retarded

>is the story really that bad?
90-96 is dogshit unless you really love krile or erenville, afterwards it's okay
shitton of filler everywhere though
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my controller setup
GCDs on ABXY, oGCDs on the dpad
AoE, role actions, potion, limit break, mount, sprint, winged glide and elusive jump are all on hotbar 8 for easy access at any time
hope that helps
i believe in poopnose supremacy
back to orthos
I love her.
*kicks ur bulge guard*
Playing picto kind of reminds me of playing Blue mage.
bros what the fuck did they do to monk
this shit is so unfun
How does that outfit dye anyway. Ive only ever seen it default.
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am i brainrotted or has there been like 3 scenes where it seemed like Wuk was going to confess to us?
It only gets interesting at the 98~100 part.
You should wait regardless, there's fuck all to do other than the MSQ
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you ever wonder why we're here
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>setting is a luxurious island full of mysteries and wonder
>actual story is babysitting a complete retard into learning basic life lessons
Why does this always happen?
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This line has so much potential
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ok heres the new me...
Even the piss5 tanked in performance when it was great and stable before the patch.
Youre a lizard.
fuck you leatherman
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Am I the only one that does not like how detailed they made this area on all characters? Cute femezeben tho
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Join me on Alpha, Light.
>I speculated this would happen
>people here told me there was definitely no way because the graphics update wasn't going to be that big
>some guy called me retarded for even considering it
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>Max settings
>others get 160+
Right? Not to mention how powerful it makes me look too
I don't drink that much
I'm an au ra, not a lizard.

Side note my DOF preset isn't working! Even with the global thing set to 1, the backgrounds and foregrounds aren't separating anymore grrrr
>That thin
Gotta start bloatmaxxing.
people in my FC keep fucking this up and typing it into fc chat
holy shit i knew shadowniggers and endwalker could not bet topped and i was expecting a letdown but holy fuck this is awful
Japanese coding, compiled a thousand times
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Don't do that sis
I don't know how to describe it so I'm just posting an image of what dye 1 and 2 changes. It's like that.
I think she's genuinely autistic
>I'm an au ra, not a lizard.
A lizard
I mean they had some bangin' solo duties like the Zenos soldier one or the Thancred one last time, those were fucking KINO.
60fps is more than enough.
is that his dick?
only if you want it to be
Why did I buy 120hz screen then?
i play xiv with 8000 dpi at a polling rate of 4000hz
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will be swapping in final solution nein
>Side note my DOF preset isn't working!
I think some reshade stuff needs to be updated. Mine 'mostly' works but there's a few presets i used to use that i cant atm cause it interacts with the new lighting really weird. Its also made my house brighter which is annoying.
Baby Mamool Ja my most beloved.
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so much of the beginning of this has been text only
i don't have anything against reading (seriously, I read for fun) but I would've thought they'd at least frontload their newest expac with voice acting to get people immersed or invested early on idk. i'm in tural and sort of forcing myself to keep going, which isn't how a video game storyline should work imo
can someone tell me it gets better?
I entirely forgot Eureka Orthos existed, what a shitshow
nice spanking paddle
Because you fell for it.
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Roe faces look so much more sunken in and blocky now I am losing my fucking mind
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Character and song?
im level 93 now, did the 2. dungeon and it only got worse, 2 good -ok scenes so far
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>lodestone portrait still hasn't updated
it's so fucking over for me
Isn't this elk
It does get better but far too late and not substantial enough to save the expansion (we're talking like level 96 - 97+)
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how to fix this DoF??
Don't screw with me man, The guy at bestbuy told me it was a solid purchase. Also sold me some platinum plated hdmi cables that make the image quality move even faster.
just cleared a p8n where both the healers died at like 70% because we had 2 WARs
so what is estinien doing here?
>people who are bored of how easy healing is stopped healing
>all that's left are people that are happy they can continue to watch netflix while "playing" the game
It's not rocket science.
>entire story is centered around the most insufferable character possible
>90% of the MSQ quests are just "Walk and talk to X for useless filler task that has no purpose or story"
what were they thinking?
Before 7.0:
>”A slower paced, more down to earth story with low stakes would be nice after Endwalker”
After 7.0:
I can only compare the start. So far I like it okay compared to previous expacs, it just has the same problem of them being so formulaic. I've not cared much for any expacs since HW, and even then HW has its problem with how poorly the beast tribes are integrated and how poor and boring the exposition of each new area is.
EW's early parts were pretty terrible. I don't really remember Labyrinthos and Thavnair expositions the way I do with HWs(for being bad), Stormblood's, and Shadowbringers (which was its highest point of .0 MSQ), despite EW being the most recent. I'll remember DTs for sure. The Pelupelu have been great. One of the aethercurrent quests was a really nice callback and I enjoyed that even. Tuliyollal is gorgeous and has been my favorite city start expac introduction, which notably Shadowbringers did not quite do.

That said... formuliac. But isn't the director's fault? The writers are directed to do exposition for a town and 2 areas, then lead into a dungeon. It's not worse than previous expacs, it's the same.
I would have liked if we capped off this big story point with EW and people simply went "Lets go on a vacation!".
Introduce the town it let us explore at our own pace for once. No map divided in two pieces and flying locked until like level 97. They made it so the MSQ can split into 2, why can't they make it so it splits into 5 and that we only need to do 3 of them before 2 of them become side quests instead? Then we get the rising action of the story and sent to Solution 9 as the only linear part. They could have given us 3 level 91 dungeons and just given bonus exp if you're a higher level than them. These aren't technical impossibilities, it's a mental block from direction given.
It would have been more fun if we weren't tagging along with Wuk, and instead we were teaching Koana to have fun again after being in Sharlayan to make him more electable over the war mongers.

Disco Elysium is $4 on Steam sale right now btw
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Feel bad for some fiddies
How's the artifact gear restricted this time? Can you get it before max level and it grows with you for a couple levels or do you need to be max level again?
the type of spank where you're never the same afterwards
two different sections of the playerbase
unless you think only one guy plays FFXIV
what's wrong with my philtrum

thank you
poopnose mieras are so cute bros...
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Is the wol at least more narratively involved in the second half of the story?
I don't hate Wuk but it is a bit grating how irrelevant we are in the first few areas.
are FATEs with a pack of Vipers and Pictos really the fastest way to 90?
would you still love me if i used the asahi hair
>what makes you like 2/3? i wanna see if maybe i can combine the good points of both
2 and 3 are mostly the same right? Just dif colors?
I don't like how light Moonie pupils get with lighter eyes. It looks like they have glaucoma. But I also don't like full human brown as much as the more unusual skin colors. Maybe a brown-grey and the lighter eyes?
In 3, I also like the hair color not matching the eyes. I think it's better to go with black, white, or a complimentary color to the eyes.

Sisters.. the story is incredibly dull and I just finished the 4th zone...
I started playing in ShB so I wasn't here back them - is this how people felt when Stormblood came out? At least Stormblood made a lot of good gameplay changes though from what i've been told.
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something like that
>he thinks the healer strike is real
tanks are still the only adventurer in demand literally no healers left or swapped off, empty words as usual
I was a face 3 femlala who used a fantasia.
I am now a face 4 femlala.
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zadnor, most likely, is the real fastest way...
t. poor
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Yay or nay?
xiv shits itself beyond 60fps so just have it locked to that
i've read that dlss implementation is fucked somehow but i'm not sure how
in any case 60fps is enough so don't be a baby about it
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You are literally a follower to wuk, this is the definition of a low stakes just there for adventure expansion that 99% of you faggots cried about wanting
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could she beat you up?
Wol is still a side character to anyone else that they are traveling with this time around. You get a whole section with just erenville and wol and wol still barely does anything.
No. This is the Woke Lemutt show even in the fucking capstone trial. Enjoy Stormblood 2.0

Solution 9 and the final zone however make the expansion already better than EW however. Best city and zone CBU3 ever made.
Yeah, I really don't get it. It seems clear that some newer artist did these and he's VERY particular about how he wants things to look and did not care about how it looked before.
disable DLSS/FSR
>plays MMO that’s really formulaic and super structured
>gets mad when said MMO is formulaic and super structured
Uhhhh retardbros would you rather they just throw shit at a wall and see what sticks instead
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Even I, a homo, have taken the catgirl pill
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depends on if i'm healing or painting
i really like some of the pct weapons. they are tiding me over through gameplay that is, frankly, a little monotonous at times. i'm still only 90 though, and admittedly i'm still gitting gud at it
ty for this. i can hold out a little while for sure. as long as the payoff comes eventually, that's all i need.
We're adventuring with Zenos?
it is in fact possible to have low-stakes story that is still interesting and has fun characters, or that doesn't kill off the expansion's cute 2 hours after introducing her
I just don't like how defined its become, we went from not having a defined one to a very detailed one and its a little jarring is all. Like this roe for example >>483964124
I dont want to be alive
Almost every single setting I chose is different from Urianger though...
When people are saying this is Stormblood 2, this is stormblood 2.
You're here just to watch people do stuff
>Grifts your game
>Says the graphics are bad
>Spend budget upgrading lighting and textures
>Never plays your game again
How did he do it?
by burning his mother alive
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Nope, tranny is the main character even at the end
isn't this that mom murdering findom cuck?
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is somebody gonna match my freak
Cats did win hard
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Ahhhh kill me.
pretty sure everything in a 100 ft radius around his house is a fire hazard from all the grease in the air
I think the real answer is simpler.
A LOT of people are coming back to this game after being gone for a year+ and while they get their bearings we're gonna have to deal with them being garbo at the game. I experienced this all day long. It's compounded by the fact that everyone wants to viper/picto but nobody knows what they're doing so the runs take way longer and the pulls take like 20 years to die. I literally just got out of a dungeon (on WAR) where the SCH in our group was consistently outdoing the two vipers by just spamming broil. And I mean it's whatever, I'm not judging these guys for not knowing shit on day 1, but it's just how shit is atm. The dps don't know what they're doing. A lot of tanks don't either because they just forgot. I don't know why you'd expect the healers to have a grasp on things.

And then there's also indeed the thing you mentioned. I don't want to discount it because it's definitely a factor. But I think a far larger factor is just hella people returning. But yeah it's all mixing together and creating some spectacularly shitty roulettes and man am I here for it but no way in hell am I babysitting it, I'll be on PCT; #HEALERSTRIKE LET'S GOOOOO
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You can also tell that the majority complaining about wuk are actually just mad at the english VA and started cutscene skipping immediately, the alpaca joke is resolved before the first dungeon even starts and wuk is actually doing work and earning her place unlike Lyse who just followed us and made us do the majority of the work for her, the entire theme of the story is that wuk is able the more relatable candidate who takes the time to learn about the people she's helping and solve it in a way that works with their traditions rather than by brute force or alienating methods, the story is the complete opposite end of stormblood
yeah i see what you mean, especially side by side it's pretty jarring
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sunnies won
My cute morning hair wife...
not anymore
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anon do you know this cat
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I am a fiddie
Who fixed her ADOF shader :3
Damn viper is unplayable with trusts because you don't have a single defensive button
Peak Lamat
>the story is the complete opposite end of stormblood
that's why it's flopping
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Isn't one of the most appealing things about this game how your character is part of the story?
Why do they keep forgetting that?
>man am I here for it
is this just a copy and pasted reddit comment?
Lose the beard, otherwise that's a very attractive malezen.
what are queue times for roulletes looking like as a DPS
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If you have blurriness, set resolution scale to 99 instead of 100

Comparison slider here: https://imgsli.com/Mjc1NDE0
Your personal quarters INN and the Tavern by the beach are amazing, hate the cat we're escorting around though.
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Hrothgals need more hairsyles
>GPU usage went from 35% to 70%
>even in old areas
>didn't change any settings yet
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>game is back to asmon numbers without asmon bonus
xiv wonned
I am a PCT Femlala Who Drew DEATH in CC
* with FSR enabled
99/100 sharpening is wild tho
fuck off false flagging retard, stormblood was universally hated at release
like 45 minutes to 1 hour unfortunately.
killing your mother so you could play more WoW is to this day the funniest shit a human being could have done
>and the final zone
well not for long lmao
gato trasho
dont reply to me again monkey
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the quicksands have fallen
billions must play the game instead of erping
You can't turn it off, unless there's some workaround I don't know about
So you guys got banned in his chat/reddit lmao seethe
Nope. That's a pretty normal phrase.
I am sorry that reddit lives in your head though. I actually cannot go there without getting fed up when I read the comments, so I haven't been in months. It sounds like you go often and you should probably stop.
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we won
i get weird flickering on the mountain with that
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They actually made an entire expansion out of that one part in FF16 where you just do fetch quests for Mid.
I have a fiddie following me around during MSQ.
This retarded take again
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I am
a viper
that sadly couldn't 2 man dalriada because of the bird and mecha fight, couldn't split them apart and had aggro on both
I cant be the only one here liking the blurriness more
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get your broke ass up out my store
did your favowite stweamer tell you that, ewbabby? :)
where do you unlock the new facewear option thing?
Is the final boss with Wuk Lemat true?
i dont understand viper
at all
why can't female player characters have lips this nice
It's actually a bit worrisome how repetitive the design of CBU3 is if even in their singleplayer games they are doing this
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>listening to monkey music
either trailer park wigger or chicago monkey, which is it?
mine's still broken, howd you fix yours?
he gets paid more than half a mil a year - probably twice that - to play videogames, I truly believe it was an accident
Anyone who can read understands it, it's not like it's something requires deep analysis, the characters are all pretty simple, the two lizards want to solve shit through brute force and the cat just wants to throw away tradition and culture to force everything to be done the sharlayan way/without compassion, wuk takes the time to learn about the problem and find a way to solve it while respecting the people it's affecting

As usual though this thread is full of a combination of cutscene skippers and people who don't play the game and are just here to shitpost because it's a guaranteed (you)
yes lol
Chuckled but shut up with that stupid shit anon
The Final Boss has a femlala healer
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good night anon
>sunnie with very fuckable mouth
>listens to shit music
that's quite disapointing
this femlala should do her legday in about 40minutes
but she dont wanna
>ardbert is pissed that you're fucking around in south america instead of solving the issues of the other shards in an even more grand adventure
>lamitt still hot and horny for midlander dong

Sounds about right.
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Which eye color bros?
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Change that value from 0 to 1 <3
So the story is like a shittier version of Stormblood x ARR, there are NO cool solo duties like the Zenos one or the Thancred one, the jobs are all essentially the same +1 extra skill +streamlined some buffs, overcapping shit, etc.
No new content ideas except for potential eureka 2, which will probably only gonna come out in 5 months. WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING.
>Combine RPR with SAM
>But instead of fun parts you combine the boring parts
I finally understand VPR
1 or green
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it reminds me of dancer, samurai, and reaper. took a bit for me to realize how I'd need the bars setup after reading every skill and hitting my dummy for a good 15 or so minutes
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>what if we had them walk down the street together, and wuk explained the pillars in a voiced cutscene that involved flashbacks of the events?
>nah fuck that, just do point and click shit, people love reading silent exposition about a the father of a character they barely know or care about
>Watching streamers
Go and stay go
my low level levelling duty picto has so few spells
Violent impregnation rape (the baby will be a constant reminder)
why do you keep spamming about the thancred and imperial soldier duty? that shit sucked
HOLY FUCK WHERE IS THE BATTLE CONTENT?! I just finished 1 zone with the Pelulu and am toward the end of the Vanu clones and all I've done is fetching shit.
Do you realize where you are?
How the fuck did he get away with matricide
I could immediately tell that the very millisecond the character turns out to be garbage you faggots would go "oh, it's because muh trannies, the fact the character is garbage has nothing to do with your criticism"
die in a fire
>earning her place
>the entire theme of the story is that wuk is able the more relatable candidate who takes the time to learn about the people she's helping and solve it in a way that works with their traditions rather than by brute force or alienating methods
cool, still not even remotely qualified to rule an entire fucking continent given how she can't fucking handle a basket of wool unsupervised
i know lmao i cant wait until more people are there
green and blue look nicest.

This is my first /xivg/ post in at least two days brother.
Cry harder
this thing is offensively ugly holy shit. xaela have a bad enough name as it is, don't make it worse
I don't mind the story so far but I absolutely do not blame anyone for thinking the character whose cutscenes initially are entirely Jar Jar Binks tier blunder bullshit gags like boat sickness, being scared of giraffe sheep and having literally no clue what the nation she's vying for complete control over is like, is at the very least annoying.
>a guy walks up to her and asks her to follow him in the most blatantly suspicious way possible
>she follows and nobody realises until an hour later she was kidnapped
I genuinely thought it was a gag, this is the type of shit they would do to a toddler not a full grown soon-to-be Queen.
last 2 by far.

So don't play it in low level? It starts at 80.
honestly yea that was a slog to get through but the einstine cutscene was cool
Didn't this guy kill his own mother?
Plus he owns like four companies.
That is a Raen
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yes but not on purpose
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Nta but is it that outrageous to ask for battle content? I have no context by the way I still haven't touched DT so I don't know if that anon ran through all of it already
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oh god please no more
>and then it's the same format as the ones that came before
bro fuck
video game storytelling has so many ways to dole out worldbuilding and they pick the most boring fucking way EVERY single time. it's like they forgot they were making a game. this shit feels like those "welcome to spain" interactive videos they made us watch in high school spanish 1 classes
i'm trying, man
yeah i don't care. a scale nigger is a scale nigger
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Embarassing, honestly
>Nta but is it that outrageous to ask for battle content?
yes, we visual novels here
now fetch me a taco and let's hit up another podunk town of zero importance to anything so we can listen to some exposition nobody cares about
that's better.
Living Memory is like Twilight Town from KHS
t. Cutscene Skipper purely on vibes
i dont get it didnt he just buy his mom cigarettes im pretty sure an old ass woman can get their hands on cigarettes if i was able to pull it off at 16 years old
>cool, still not even remotely qualified to rule an entire fucking continent given how she can't fucking handle a basket of wool unsupervised
What makes any of the leaders we've dealt with in the candidates or of any of the city states qualified to lead? It's almost like monarchy doesn't work to produce the most qualified candidates and we did away with it for a reason, but I expect that's a bit too much thinking for you :^)
>took a bit for me to realize how I'd need the bars setup after reading every skill and hitting my dummy for a good 15 or so minutes
How bad are your bars for it to happen?
he went, bought and delivered cigarettes to someone on an oxygen tank. He put a fire source next to an oxygen tank. No way he's that stupid, that was on purpose
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powerful middie
ty for help
She was hooked up on oxygen
those graphics
how do iget them
I think I've seen this character on German Goo Girls
It's a goddamn video game, nobody wants to play breadtube simulator you fucking spastic
desu everyone that isn't a hyur needs more hairstyles
any proof that she blew up or do i just need to trust you bro
she got set on fire but it'd be funnier if she blew up
I was promised Y'shtola in a swimsuit now where is she
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>mom is on oxygen
>has trouble moving
>lmao here's some cigarettes and a lighter I'm gonna light one for you and then walk away whatever happens happens
Eat too much miqokabobs that she blew up my sire.
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>The benchmark shows WoL handing over physical documents to people, drinking water from a flash, and just interacting with the world around him like a person
>the cutscenes in DT up to tural at least have all been the same stilted bullshit
wasn't there a new physics engine? what happened?
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nyo i'm gonna go touch grass its a nice day outside
i mean i remember him saying that but that he put it out and she wasnt really hurt at all
have you seen the state of his house? there's no way she smoked, got set on fire, and the whole house didnt fucking burn down from all the hoarder crap sitting in it
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Can Erenville stop talking about my femlala like this please...
>3.5s recast
just why????
and yet you're the one crying that a video game character isn't qualified to lead, pick one
I hit the queue on 5:37
Are you in match already?
Battle content comes out in 2 weeks with normal raids and savage 2 weeks after.
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Idk, modern day people have ZERO common sense, also, this is pretty shitty even for 4chan. If this did happen, then he's probably pretty torn up about it.
My hag tsubame wife

I like it. It's one of the few things they can do in this game to add variance from fight to fight.
they're ok, didn't have to change the layout of my ui or anything. I just need to take time when learning new jobs and setting the skills and abilities on it! anyways time for me to sleep, see ya round and have fun
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I'm going to strangle him to death with my own tiny fucking hands
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the whole "graphics update!!" is just the characters
Welcome to Tural, choose your next leader:
>Guy who thinks racism is awesome
>Guy who wants infinite war
>Guy who wants to open up Amazon
>Girl who never showers or thinks
>you cannot kill yourself
>the aetherytes look completely different in both pictures
Fair enough, enjoy the grass touching Anon.
Come forth! My servant of shadow!
You shall know TRUE POOOWEEER!
so does a gunblade propel itself (and the user) forward or just vibrate the blade when the trigger is pulled?
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he was the finest.
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nigga, did you even read the post? He only finished 1 zone, that's fucking snail pace.

Are you saying there is not even "kill x" quests in the MSQ?
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Here's an anchor for all people who didn't buy the expac and/or are unsubbed.
t. still have whole Shadowbringer and Endwalker to go through and unsubbed anyway
>Girl who never showers or thinks
EB exactly like this?
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using this preset with a personal tune
you were good son... real good... maybe even the best...
it vibrates my femlala
How the fuck is Krile from another shard? Shouldn't we easily have been able to notice that she's 1/14th of a soul and aether density instead of 1/2 like a normal person or 8/14 like us or Graha Tia? Yshtola can literally see aether, Emet Selch would've made some comment. just seems like a giant plot hole
they really nailed that american feel didn't they
thank you cute iddie
>>Guy who thinks racism is awesome
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>or are unsubbed.
I'm not and never will be
It's the FFV storyline my guy
We can't see SHIT
Did they forget the gear visual upgrades too. Because fuck all looks different.
Is Galuf the missing explorer from the pillars?
half the quests are kill thing, the pelu pelu one has the usual go stand at x spot and beat the monsters that appear, the hanu one has clear the roads of monsters and go kill monsters while searching for gems, retards that don't play the game getting replies as usual
WAR or PLD for this exact bros?
the light inside is broken
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I trust the guy who thinks racism is awesome. It's worked out fine for Japan, especially considering what foreigners are doing to geisha recently.
im less mad you spoiled me and more mad there's more shard bullshit
You could implement some... combat. Or they could write a game good enough to justify reading 100 hours of dialogue per expansion... lol
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Take off your shoes then
You forgot "You don't actually get to choose".

...they really did, didn't they.
If youre going to post some random fucking woman at least pick one thats attractive.
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I've been playing in japanese since ARR and Wuk is cute but she's genuinely retarded and incompetent. I wouldn't trust her with babysitting my child for more than an hour, it's that bad. Everyone understands what kind of character she's supposed to be, that doesn't make her involvement in the story engaging or interesting though. You're not smart for figuring out that le kindhearted underdog is le sympathetic for wanting peace. People were just expecting a bit more nuance rather than a Dora the Explorer episode.

Now fuck off and stop using minorities as a meatshield against criticism.
i was about to spend the effort and tell you why japan is one of the worst examples you could have picked right now but i'll just call you a dumb weeb and go back to playing
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>>Girl who never showers or thinks
god yes please
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Who do I blame for the MSQ?
hate hummer
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i dont like wuk lamat that much but i am getting strong ndja vibes from some of these posts
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how do i get there
>"We should throw out years of tradition for this new technology just because!"
I dont think Koana would be a good leader guys
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This guy
He's a sharlea-boo
good morning dears
fill you up later
we just dont know
I truly worry about the future of their nation if we didn't show up to help. If those 4 is the best they can find to be their potential future leader, they have bigger issues to worry about. Their nation has no future.
People that only play video-games, because they jerk off dogshit writing like FFXIV's which allows square to continue funneling everything into a storytelling sim instead of a fun game.
it's in kozama'uka
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finally someone found this slide. been looking for it
iirc he only ever did work on .1 stuff or .4 stuff, but he wouldn't do a .0 or a .3
man basically spent his life writing in-between fillerish arcs and now he's writing a whole expansion
>Tell me you're still early in the MSQ without telling me
and if you're not
>t. cutscene skipper
Who the fuck is this floating mystery nigga?
he's based. fuck all your mud huts, child sacrifice and wood carts pulled by giant smelly beasts. civilization will come whether you like it or not
None of them are. I still do think Koana has the best potential on grounds that he actually has a plan and it's not just some chud "millions must die" fantasy. Sure, it's still not perfect, but that's why we're doing this shit, to teach them. Koana needs one good lesson about respecting culture while pushing for modernization and he's perfect.

By comparison, Wuk Lamat needs to be taught what is she even running the race for and what does she even plan to do with the title before we even begin to address how she doesn't know anything about anyone.
what the fuck??
I have been eating pizza and not posting about Wuk Lamat at all. Hell, I haven't been posting or talking about Wuk Lamat here for the past two weeks.

I've just been playing PCT and not touching the MSQ until said PCT is 90.
He showed up in a scene before this one but I couldnt get it in time.
How do i pla picto?
I cant figure out vpier
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Lyse is not nearly as bad as Lyse was. But how much she dominates the story is bad.
I wish we could support Koana instead. They should have let us chose and made either choice less prevalent in the story and just more of us exploring and having fun on our own before anything serious happens.

YoshiP. He's the one that dictates that the story plays out like:
>they introduce a town
>it splits into 2 other areas and you learn of their culture and get their approval or fix something there before you can do anything grander
>It reconvenes and you do a dungeon
>4th zone with filler and 2nd dungeon
>some slightly dramatic turn and 3rd dungeon
>finally a brief rising action and 4th dungeon
>brief conclusion and final dungeon
It's been the exact same formula for 4 expacs despite different main writers.
I got spoilered too my guy, but honestly, we can't mald about it since we were dumb enough to go on 4chins before being done with the expansion
This is the last place on the internet we should expect to cater to us
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Correct, dude's life work has been writing shit that you skip and the much loved Bozja storyline that Matsuno himself admits they had to cut short halfway through because nobody liked it
is that the guy that gives you the Extreme Bismark quest after finishing heavensward?
>>Guy who thinks racism is awesome
name 1 flaw
man i need to finish peakjolion
It's literally against the rules to spoiler
Use spoiler tags if you must
Stop spoilering on day 1 of expac
>Yda says something in common terms
>papalymo proceeds to treat her like the biggest retard in the face of the earth
>proceeds to say the exact same shit Yda had just said but with more expensive words
Papalymo was the most useless scion and thank fuck he died.
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What is up with the English dub being so bad this time around? I can't deal with these awful, forced accents for an entire expansion straight after Radz-at-Han.
I tried out the Japanese voices to see what they're like and holy hell is it better. Might just stick with it for at least a while, then switch back to English at some point to see if stuff has improved.
>MYSTERY NIGGAS are back on the menu
it's racism against WoL's race
He's also an even bigger retard than Wuk, and a weakling to boot
I don't know what ndja means but if you're saying that people are regarding the character unfairly because they've been captured by conspiracy theories, then I agree.
it's the "things go to shit at X6-X7 and then get resolved by the end" that always gets me because you JUST KNOW that it's coming and it makes the story very predictable
>almost all of my predictions for the MSQ came true
This is just awful. The new zones are fucking cool though and I like the music a lot.
>it really is stormblood 2.0
holy shit you werent memeing
Nuke japan
and? its comfy i hated EW over the top anime plot
>Papalymo was the most useless scion
You misspelled Minfilia
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i will end this farce
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>Every expansion now is going to be the WoL babysitting some random new MC to solve their problems just because of how powerful the WoL has become
>then switch back to English at some point to see if stuff has improved.
it doesn't. the weird hispanic voices are all horribly performed. it would have been fine if they used decent voice actors but they did not.
>thank fuck he died.
he will back, you can trust me on this.
Right? ... :(
And? I don't really care as long as it's fun.
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Sphene that is literally your job to do...
>Koana before: "idk why these moblins wont just use Sharlayan crafters"
>Koana after: "after seeing the potsworn craftsmanship I see why the moblins wouldnt use sharlayan crafters"
wow he's learning!
Wait.. what the fuck are these textures? This is low quality right?

he's gonna be in kingdom hearts 4
Welcome to low stakes adventures
>they both died twice and their deaths were useful each time
boring =/= comfy
also the first third of the expansion just ugly ass
thavnair looking zones
just realized that mablu calls her dad by her first name and how insane that is lmao
Next expansion needs to pull a Metroid and have the MSQ lose all his powers
Not her real dad
It doesn't matter
It's probably a thing their culture does
... the MSQ?
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holy gigachad
That's fine with me if the new MC isn't shit like wuk lamat.
>Now fuck off and stop using minorities as a meatshield against criticism.
I'm not the one using the tranny english VA I'm using the japanese like I always have I wouldn't even know about the tranny if you faggots wouldn't bring it up every single thread

>but she's genuinely retarded and incompetent
she's an airheaded tomboy, she's clearly competent as evidenced by her actually solving problems even if she has to work to find them first, the wider point of the story is that she's also the closest to her father in personality, she doesn't need to be competent enough to rule everything, like her father she's making allies along the way, the entire thing that made her father notable enough to unite the tribes was the fact that he took on allies who helped him along the way, a rule is only as good as their delegates, etc
DT is better than EW and that's all it needed to be. Facts.
i haven't played since EW launch, but this new expansion is pretty cool so far. Zero seems like a neat character and I hope we get to explore the 13th more once I get through the story a bit more!
I'm glad yoshida is continuing the trend of poster job of the expansion being fucking trash
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>he sold his dyes before 7.0
Laughing at you
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whend does this shit get good im lvl 94 and this is the most boring shit i have ever played
*WoL. I have brain damage.
>Aunt Tii's Tacos
>No bar styles eating or tables for patrons to sit and enjoy their tacos

What the fuck...? Have the Japanese not been to an actual taco stand?

hey wait if wuk lamat is a warrior wouldnt that make warrior the official tranny job?
97 here and it's picking up a little bit, finally
Paladin was good in EW though.
bro? they were 700k a few days before 7.0
Why can't roes look this handsome?
its the same as endwalker
Yoshida-sama, I kneel...
>16s prepul
That nigger stepped on my Tacos
Next time I see him, he is fucking DEAD
it is a complete slog until you finish the 4th zone and then it very slowly starts to pick up speed.
Any time wuk lamat makes a speech you can honestly skip the cutscene, they're all the fucking same.
It's also against the rules to be racist outside of /b/, so I'd say that's working great
>completely retarded plan of having zero plans
it's FFXI you dimwit
I want to cum on her ears then force her to let it dry before she washes it out
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my femlala looks like this
>diversity expansion
>it's bad and boring
what a surprise
What the FUCK are those Nintendo 64 ass textures on his cloak
Seriously though why did we just have the same damn plot with Zero and Wuk Lamat both back to back?
And if they were gonna go so hard into a "teaching a dumbass/autist how to live" shtick for 3 fucking years, why didn't they just let Meteion stick around? It would make more sense, Meteion already got a cool introduction and managed to get a fair fanbase, and her deal of getting emotions from other people mixed with her own would have resulted in a much, much more interesting narrative while trying to teach her stuff.
>my plan?
>why yes my plan is to enjoy my racial superiority and do absolutely nothing with my life and our country except anything I feel like doing
>what gave it away?
Any tanks or healers on EU wanna do MSQ/Leveling roulette after reset?
Not even remotely close
Spoiling a game that just launched is spoilering
Ah, this explains it.
I liked the Warlord's plan of forcing war so people can appreciate peace...
I think Koana would be moldable into a good leader and that's what the expac should have been.
He chats with Wuk as brother and sister.
The expac should have been an island vacation with us teaching him how to have fun in Tural again, and getting him closer to his sister again so she can better balance him.
A focus on him instead of Wuk, with Wuk still part of it, could have easily been very good and I don't get how this isn't really obvious to everyone including the people who wrote it.

It should have been a choice. Choose one, and the other decides to join you in supporting them over their own succession to help ensure that Zoraal and Gulool lose.
Like say you choose Wuk, in Pelupelu you would have Koana also helping with the trading and numbers along with Malbu. If you chose Koana, Wuk would be there helping being friendly with the Hrothgar to support Koana. It's the same story, just their positions swapped in the cutscenes and some slight dialog changes.
There also should have been less of that, and more doing your own thing alone to explore the continents and enjoy your vacation. You should have moments of your character saying that there's two of them against one and that they need to solve some problem on their own while you drink a pisco sour on the beach and bet on fiddies playing beach volleyball.

I really don't get why they can't start this at level #2 and give it more time of actual story.
The new zones have looked great and I like how distinct they are like HW and StB. I've enjoyed exploring them a lot.
I also hated EW and I've been enjoying DT more.

Why are you selling those that cheap? They'll hit 900k+
How can you possibly hate this face or character. She's so fucking cute
No, what I meant is, this place doesn't care about enforcing rules. Avatarfagging is also against sitewide rules and look where we're posting.
What are you gonna do for daddy if he carries you, kitten?
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Because I'm not a furry, and the voice is awful. But when language changed shes ok.
I play with english voices.
I think she's cute, actually. I like Hrothgal emotes and her ears are adorable.
I just don't like how I'm forced to follow her along in the story. I'd rather support Koana and just have her showing up now and then to help him when she realizes she can't win but that the other two need to lose.
Speaking of, wheres the mod to change only wuk's voice in-game?

We should have gotten FF15 chilling with the bros expansion
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Poorbros... it's over

it's unironically filler
I do not find furries attractive but I do like how cartoonishly animated she is
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What does this expression mean?
petting hrothgars
god i fucking love meteor-sama
How do you wanna do this
G.W. post
I think, all male midlanders look the same to me
I do too bro
wait it's only 7.5m? what the fuck that's nothing
I thought the gil sink mounts were all 50m+ or something?
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I refuse to believe as man of you are playing a weeb game with english voices as claim to be
thanks bwo
creepy shit man
>this time
It was always this bad, you just never noticed it because you focused on the handful of good performances and chose to ignore the shitty supporting cast.
weeb voice acting fucking sucks dude. Don't make me go get the awawawa clip.
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I play it with french voices
come @ me
>bpd tranny va
>tuliyollal looks like a fairy with a penis
what did yoshi p mean by this?
It's Final Fantasy you dope. The majority of people that play them play Final Fantasy games in english.
Yes and tranny wuk and 50 year old smoker alisaie are so much better
i hate shrieking anime girls, simple as
already sold this mount 5 times on the marketboard for 9.5m gil. thank the lazy retards
Threat generation in dungeons feels fucky
Finally someone with sense
The english voice acting of anything that isn't a raid boss is easily the worst part of this game
I am, tho I'm not a weeb desu
why are you in this fucking thread if you don't play the game you faggot tranny
kill yourself
The personality is grating.
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I genuinely wish I could stop giving a shit, but the graphical model tweaks have really taken the winds out of my sails. When the shadow aren't highlighting how scrunched up and angular her face is now, it's kind of alright, but even then lips and eyes are still off. Plus her skin color feels like a different shade of gray now, and there's not really any other equivalents to choose from.

At best she just looks kinda disinterested now instead of seductive, and it's driving me up the walll

Really feel like I just need to fucking vent even though I'm kind of screaming into the void here. In less hyper-critical bitching, I wish we could flip which ear the earings are on, that'd be nice.
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Im no longer a lizard with bad haircut now im big cat.
Because I hate FFXIV post endwalkers.
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>fantas back within a week
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I'm gonna do it
Minfilia could have died in place of Moenbryda and it would have made more sense and thus been more impactful, as Moenbryda was the more dangerous one and would be more useful as a captive to the Ascians.

Minfilia could still have become the Word of the Mother and everything else would pan out the same.
Did they give Alisaie a new idle animation? She used to have the standard stand but at least in this cutscene she looks to have a slight sassy hip lean.

I dont mind the story so far but this is the one thing im a little disappointed in. This was a perfect chance to mix up the formula but its the same order of operations for the trails/dungeons. Part of the reason i had so many friends lose interest in EW was it was the 3rd expansion in a row with the same rotation of events and such. And even if the content is fun it might feel very samey if its the same rotation of content types as usual.
I saw a few people post similar leading up to DT. That would have been nice, even though it obviously wasn't happening.
I would have liked that. I really dislike how formulaic it's gotten and I want a different formula.
The main story points are fine, it's just the story and how it plays out that's bad.
Instead of having to go to these areas helping people, I don't get why we couldn't get the main story immediately and then just let us explore and relax on our own time.

>sells for 1,000 gil
wtf scammed
This isn't a golden one.
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did she stand like this in ew too?
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so you're saying you're just here to shitpost and make the thread worse deliberately?
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Why aren't you playing with your friends anon?
I'll be honest rn.
Your eyebrows have become so unnoticeable that you're getting male highlander syndrome and look ugly af and like a cancer patient wearing a wig.
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DT would be considerably better if we solved everything through Pokémon battles, albeitever.
I don't have irl friends that play FFXIV
and internet "friends" aren't real
do you like catboys
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but I am
>With friends
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This is the first time I've switched from EN to JP while playing FFXIV. I can't stand the tranny's voice and I'm not going to suffer a whole expansion hearing it.
Dynamis is a curious feeling right now.
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I am
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The only friend I have on this game that actually talks to me is level 98 and is skipping all the cutscenes.
He got mad at me and said he's gonna slap me when I told him that I wasn't skipping anything.
ok i complained but i'm kinda locked in now
this pokemon league shit's got me excited
I don't wanna fanta off of malera but like what if I did? Hrothguys seem cool enough
Which race would look best with bright green hair?
>queue for final msq dungeon
>20 minutes
Where are the skipkeks...
the pelupelus are just child elezen/midlanders
>the mamool ja eating a burrito in the background
not my problem
>that stupid ass High School Musical song at Wuk Lamat's succession ceremony
holy shit what were they thinking
both of them look great now. Both got good upgrades.
Doneside of Hrothgars are no hats, but they get lots of neat colors that look even better in the new colorful DT armors.
... Hrothgar.
I think Femra and Fiddie can work too.

I'm actually enjoying the story and I probably won't be there for a week or more.
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i dont have any friends
Hroths are cool but everyone on /xivg/ will hate you and claim you're a gay furry.
t. straight, non-furry hroth player
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are shadows like this fixable? they're like triangles that move along the bottom of railings and stuff. it's already on max settings
playing a different game should sort it
i know who you are
and i know that you have a hard time of things bud
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>the game has gone woke
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We're back
Why tf does every boss in this game after a certain point have to play like a dance puzzle?
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I feel like someone sanded her face and fucked with the ratios of her features.
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i was playing with my FC bros yesterday but we were all traumatized from getting syrcus twice in our rolos
How do I load it?
Statistically they're likely to be right.
t. bi hroth with an obsession for lalafell
Because people elected the path of pain by using addons that play the game for you, so they have to design with them in mind. Thanks wow players.
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i like doing the MSQ alone
SDS Fenris is Pay to win during new expansions, free increased mount speed.
don't have any, atleast not in XIV
>mixed race couples are bad
very cool SE, I loved that msq arc
/cheer wuk lamar on!
These melties are so funny.
That's how they chose to design bosses in this game. Just choreographed dances. If you want portions of the raid group to actually be divvied up and have individual responsibilities then your only option is WoW.
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I've done all the msq so far with my brother and it's been a good treat. Did the 2 dungeons and first trial as well. Nice having someone to talk and chill with.
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I like him.
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None of these count as facewear? What's the fucking point then?
Yeah the MSQ being this bad sure is funny
wait a fucking minute
this pink/white haired bunny bitch just wants to collect the Vidraal like that one Pokemon movie where the dude collects all the legendary birds. This shit is great I'm loving it
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i am starting to hear voices
Why is Wuk's axe so fucking ugly anyway.
Please understand that Square is just a small Indie Company
What do you even consider this?

>Mom is hooked to a machine and gas tank cause she can't breath by herself anymore due to her lungs being fucked
>she asks for cigs because she is retarded and/or doesn't give a fuck
>give her the cigs
>she explodes
>claim you dindu nuffin cause she asked for them

If not murder it's atleast gross negligence
>instead of seductive
In what world this looked seductive before?
bro you gotta go exchange them at the calamity salvager
>carnival float shoots fucking lasers out of its eyes after drawing a glowing blue light from everyone in the crowd
>"you mean to tell me the float was a magical conduit and not just a float?"
How does threat generation feel like anything? Tank hits anything twice, they have aggro forever
yeah he is one of the three based catboys in existence (the other two are the CHAD rdm mentor and the exarc (not uploaded to g'raha))
>the Head of Reason was dead the entire time
imagine the smell
I have, out of the dozens of glasses and similar stuff I've had he turned one (1) into facewear.
>japs don't like viper
buffs incoming in 7.01
wow plays nothing like this bullshit
he is either a retard and doesn't know tank stance exists or just wants attention
>be me
>hover spoiler
>get spoilered
How could this happen to me
Imagine the smell? Imagine trying to sleep at night knowing you have the corpse of your other half right by your side at all times.
>CHAD rdm mentor
i hope he comes back
>eu primetime
>39 queue
i don't feel too good... i remember when we had to wait several hours to get in when Endwalker released
Don't be retarded. The encounter design philosophy in this game has not changed since ARR. Plugins had no effect on it.
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pretty boy club over here god damn
EW was lightning in a bottle, a conjucture of various outside factors
This is much more in line with Stormblood and Shadowbinger
hahah yes i love hearing a tranny talking about mexican topics i love this game
i had 3k queues in Stormblood, highest i've had the past 2 days was sub 50
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>Have 0 friends in-game
>Try make my Adventure plate friendly and engagING so people can interact with me
>it works and I start getting lots of whispers
>Get social anxiety and panic log-out every time I get a whisper
dont have any
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all the graphics upgrade budget went into making Urianger hotter please understand
what do addons have to do with dodging aoes?
>SE fix their servers and make it easier for people to get in
>this is bad

Yesterday we reached numbers equal to EW and there were no queue issues at all. This is impressive.
Both Stormblood and Shadowbringers had incredibly long queue times though
Either they really improved server load or literally all new and returning players got funneled to the new quarantine servers
>xivg anons when SE put money back into the game to improve it
this reads like ESL AI
The twins aren't even doing anything so far, why are they here?
I want his shakespearean swimmers in my femlala so fucking BAD
Gæther vros how's the queue to login lookin
I want to betray Wuk Lamat and hold her legs open as Zoraal Ja fucks her into submission and makes her forget ever wanting to be a Dawnservant
>ESL says it looks like ESL
Just learn English better, lil bro
based mamool ja supremacist
Because FFXIV can't have a single expansion where the twins aren't taking up at least half the screentime. Every other Scion and every other non-Scion main character can go entire expansions without appearing, but the twins? Never.
How are we liking the new dye system?
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I'm going to crush your skull like a melon

God the eyes are so fucking different now fuck me
Well Anon what if i say that we're gonna have Wuk Lamat as the permanent addition to the Scions and we're not the WOL anymore but the

Wuk Lamat Support Tool aka WLS
kissing his strong chest while he dumps load after load into that useless hroth....
What would Wuk Lamat do...
>talk to alphinaud
>talk to [random ishgardian]
>this is literally perfect
>talk to lyse
>talk to thancred/ryne
>talk to literally anyone
>talk to wuk lamat
how long does it take to clear ew post msq...
I support the Wuk Lamat ethnostate
haven't found any piece yet where the 2nd dye channel made the difference between the piece looking completely botched with out of place coloring and looking normal
My only wish is that they work on their "mechanics" language.
They mark tankbusters nowadays which is a good step towards things. But they still don't indicate generic party-wide damage.

I primarily use addons for two reason:
>to parse my own damage so i can weigh myself against the party/ensure im doing damage (because the game has literally zero feedback beyond killtimes)
>to notify me of aoe damage when I play healer because i'm no fucking memorizing 500 attack names just so can mitigate at a basic level
There is definitely something different. I noticed it too.
admirable attempt anon, I accept your concession
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we dont, it was implemented in the least amount of work way possible
instead of splitting the dye channels in a sensible way, most items retain their garbage application areas and gain a mostly meaningless extra dye area
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Tummy tankin

What a sentence, my sides are on a different shard
It's disappointing, actually.
I would have preferred it be where it's one dye but you change how it dyes. It still has the problem of completely ruining the color palette of an item if you apply a dye at all.
What they chose for the 2nd dye area is often really stupid.

Pretty much the only items I've seen benefit are items which are EXACTLY two colors to begin with.
i LOVE waiting at the designated location, actually.
I can't download the game so I cope by hanging out here...
Sure would be nice if I could actually use it on gear I own
Sex with this hrothgal before she fantas back to lizard within a week.
Wow, that's disappointing although in no way surprising.
there isn't a single character in XIV that i really care about, what does that say about me?
Which one has faster MSQ queues, tank or healer?
when mods come back i'm going to put a woober on wuk lamat and make her rail my miqo
i LOVE waiting at the designated location, 3 times in a row, actually
You didn't point anything wrong with the English to begin with.
parse tranny
I thought this looked good.
You are a healthy, heterosexual male and should get out of this thread immediately.
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Why doesn't pictomancer just paint a gun and shoot everything?
trying to unlock byze so I can level my picto gonna be in queue forever for these raids
I have stance on
I aoe combo a couple times
I still lose threat sometimes, I cannot tell you why.
It only happens during wall to walls, so I think it might be an AOE issue specifically, whether it's other job AOEs getting proportionally buffed too high and now I have to single target hit a couple times or ranged pull, which is fine, I like it not being braindead, or whether there's something wrong with tank AOEs at the moment

Yeah I'm trying to work out what it is, but it's kind of difficult to put my finger on what could be causing it because of the sheer amount of changes to all jobs
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>You didn't point anything wrong
please stop doubling down it's embarrassing
Because Machinist has proven that shooting things with guns is no longer enough in Eorzea.
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>start cutscene
>tab out to give the impression that I'm a content respecter
I can change my sock colour
This is a gamechanger
Don´t worry dear player. We will add more...in two years. Please understand and check out our new mogstation slob.
You have no empathy and dont care about anyone aside from how you can use them for your own benefit.
Where do I buy the level 100 gear?
Like I said.
It is basically only good on items that were already exactly two colors.
And a lot of these are mogslop.
You're an ERPer
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tower of babil has a gunlike weapon actually. i love it.
i paint a Grumman A-6 Intruder loaded with 5 Paveway-II guided bombs
Threat does not rely only on damage, big healing increase threat as well so maybe healer can get on 1st spot in threat table sometimes
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>skip every cutscene
>die in every duty and restart on very easy so it goes faster
>youtube or discord vc on other monitor
cant wait to go back to jerking off to femra
No queues??? this sucks we want our 4 hours queues back!
Yeah I know that, regen tick aggro is always something I'm wary of, but it's not just healers taking it off me, I had a reaper do it too
I want this to rub against my prostate
literally 100% me i am not kidding
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Eat the N64 tacos bigot
The Eye Bandages and Sable Death Mask not being Eyeware is CRIMINAL
The Summer Sunset Glasses probably need to headwear to be able to use /visor with them
Nah he's right something is definitely bugged

I think they fucked something up with resists and mobs are resisting the threat part of abilities occasionally without any sort of display, I've noticed a few times I've run in to a pack aoe'd and like 1 single mob will run away and latch on to someone else despite being dead center of my aoe
my big tall powerful femezen is
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>Adventurer in need: Tank
>Queue as warrior
>4 minute wait
> Fuck that, switch to healer
>Instant queue
Can someone explain this fucking system to me, what the fuck does adventurer in need even mean
these niggas will find anything to complain about
not feeling so good after teh graphical "upgrade"
>skip everything
>everytime someone talks to me about the story I just reply with "yeah that was cool haha" to avoid conversation
Yeah I'm something of a lore afficionado myself
none of the expansions were ever good. it's always been boring garbage walking around clicking random mobs and sparkles on the ground. even the late shadowbringers quests have you helping stupid tribes up until the final fight. the nature of the gameplay guarantees nothing exciting will ever happen outside of the 1% they can throw budget at.
Just my personal experience but I've been yanking aggro from tanks on picto so something's definitely up with tank AOEs
In order to enjoy pictomancer you must first rp as a total dud with a complete lack of imagination or any creativity. Once you get into that mindset, the job becomes pretty fun.
Machinist guns are actually just shooting magic they don't use gunpowder or anything, paint an ak-47 and see how well enemies resist it
You disgust me
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I would've named it the Krajina Express but I guess Dawnblazer works
>All this doomposting
Damn just like wowg
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I just got fucking paid, how do I preorder this thing, it says it's "under maintenance" on Mog Station
Why don't they just make square or rectangle dipping bowls if their poly budget is that low?
This looks like the low LoD distance model.

Like I said, formulaic. The writing isn't the problem so much of the formula the writing must follow.
no it's great....... she loves it!..........
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neither am i buddy this game is cringe i only play it for raids and erp and mindless grinding
Are mob intentionally hitting a 2nd target now or am I just fucking up as tank somehow?
please ladies stop opening your legs so much while riding your mounts i get horny
any fanart of young yshtola doing her retarded summoning technique?
>"SE should experiment and break the formula"
>SE does this
>SE goes back to what works
and the cycle continues
I also don't like Viper
It feels very button-mashy and not in the good way.
Its worth noting, as a Warrior you can use Equilibrium as an AoE Provoke in Trash pulls, Paladin can also do so with Clemency but it requires you stand still for a second
This anon likes femlalas...
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>It's another episode of "the warrior of light is a bystander while shit is going down"
It pulls from the most recent check of which role doesn't have a ton of players, so by the time you actually queue there's people who just got in seeing that there's a shortage (or were already waiting in queue)
I'm GNB so I could probably use Aurora for a similar effect I guess, but still
Maybe this is SE's answer to healers complaining: now each enmity generating "event" but only for tanks has an associated resistance and occasionally bosses will turn towards someone at random and janny 90% of their health in an instant
Some people choose to never be happy. I don't understand it either.
I went with the pelu first because he was closer but I felt bad for the bird, I hope he didn't think I was racist
They both suck so just pick the small people for her.
>swamp bird
>peruvian jew
it's a lose-lose
i want to suck alphinauds cock so bad.
The Hanu part was better but I'm biased since Vanus are cooler
They're all asleep so I'm doing aether currents and side quests while waiting for CC queue to pop and seriously considering do a hard pivot onto another job to do the MSQ with.
What are they saying specifically?
I'm in Elemental and I've seen a ton more PCTs.
I really wish discord just deleted all your messages when you block someone, would save me lots of time.
I went with the Pelu because I'm a dunesfolk and they felt like competition
I was correct in my choice and it was a great in-character experience
What formula was broken?
where the fuck is anamnesis update?
At that point you are better off using Heart of Light right as you tag the first mob. Applying buffs to allies also generates emnity, not much but it does.
Urqopacha is my favorite zone in a long time, and I love the Pelupelu.
There should be a scrip floating around that will mass-delete all your messages to someone. I know a few people did that after leaving frencord because psychos there kept harassing them for ERP.
Endwalker not having a foray instead they substituted it for Variant/Criterion dungeons and Island Sanctuary. There's also the manderville relics that people screeched about endlessly
>first quest in cowboy land
>go pick up literal shit
anamnesis went four months without being updated for 6.55
why do you expect it to work now
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>dual-channel dye update
>it's mostly mogstation items to incentivize spending more money
I wonder if you take her mask out, her nose will be the same shape as the mask
t. Ser Charibert
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I wish I was high or drunk for this cowboy part because I have no fucking clue what's happening
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Well we are canonically brain damaged by this point
how am i supposed to try out new glam and strip people naked then?
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The zone itself is really nice, both halves of it are gorgeous
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>log on at 10 AM
>27 in queue
Them queues do be nonexistant
Queue for Casual CC @ 11:30
urqopacha in the morning with light fog/clouds/whatever the weather setting was I can't remember now is comfy as fuck
nice zone actually and I know some of you fuckers are just gonna criticize it by saying it's all brown
Yes, people are so determined to complain around here that they've barely noticed that it's the SMOOTHEST LAUNCH OF ALL TIME
Thank you! <3
Endwalker relics were not content, they were glorified tomestome weapons
>I don't like MMORPGS but for some reason i still force myself to play them
Yeah it's trippy
There's zero queue for mung but going off the zone instances there are like twice as many people as there were doing EW MSQ
She would look like a miniature fiddie, since they're using middie children bodies and faces.
Bird towns looks nicer and granny parrot jp voice is pretty good.
tear up my pct's drawings
force her down into a puddle of her own paint
and then fuck her from behind
It's amazing.
My internet dropped and I d/c'd yesterday at peak hours and was absolutely dreading how long it was gonna take me to get back on and I just had a 50 person queue.
Square did an excellent job for once!
people were bitching about not having 4 hour queues yesterday after bitching for MONTHS about SE not putting money into the game.
>"Why the fuck are they making all these new DCs!"
>"Why the fuck are they spending all this money on servers!"
>"They're just using the money on more flops instead of putting money into their cash cow"
Not an argument
They tried to spin it as no one playing yesterday, then started seething when people pointed out sever capacity has been massively increased since EW's launch
fucking faggot.
>check out new zone during EW launch
>3-4 instances
>check DT
>like 6-7 instances per zone
I just checked the instances in Tuliyolal on Faerie and there's ~500 in the city right now, they really stepped up
how to lvl dps from 81 to 90
oh jesus christ hunt trains are gonna take like 3 hours
I want to fuck the ever-loving life out of this smug, short-haired lizard.
It means there are more tanks in line for the ride than healers.
Bird gives you first Dungeon
Pelu gives you more nearby crafting mats
>f3mra cheekbone/chekk/forehead scales are still different resolution than test of the face and body

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