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Issue #213: Scooby-Doo vs. The Sinister Six-Eyes Edition

>Official Site and Discord

>Basics (Tutorial and Collection Progression)

>Collection Tracker


>What is Marvel Snap?
The GOTY CCG from the creators of Hearthstone. A deck is 12 card singleton. Players play 6 simultaneous turns to 3 lanes. Winning 2 lanes wins the match. Matches are played for ladder ranks (cosmic cubes) and players can SNAP once per match to double the stakes (max 8 cubes).
>What is a card series?
Cards unlock in a random order, but specific cards are unlocked within specific collection level (CL) ranges: Series 1 cards (CL 18-214), Series 2 (222-474), and Series 3 (474+). Series 4 (Rare) and 5 (Super Rare) drop through a 'Spotlight Cache' starting at CL500: https://marvelsnapzone.com/spotlight-caches-details-drop-rates-and-card-acquisition-changes

>How can I increase my CL faster?
Upgrade every card you get to green rarity (frame break) ASAP. Spend the rest of your credits how you like.
>When should I snap?
>Whose cards reveal first?
The player who is currently winning reveals first. Otherwise at random. The player revealing first has a glowing portrait.
>What should I spend my gold on?
Variants and bundles with tokens. Mission refreshes.
>How do I recognize a bot?

>Comic Recs

Previous: >>483358159
Cute OP, i dig it
phastos: always draw sebastian shaw in your starting hand
nakia: never draw sebastian shaw before this is played
nakia phastos dual effect: never draw sebastian shaw
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Shame the third location wasn’t District X.
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The only enjoyment I get from this game is when i shit on my opponent's strategy
But it feels like the most reliable way to do that is just to slap los big puntos instead of using strategy yourself
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how does one play phoenix force? ever since it came out, everytime i try playing "meta" PF decks, it feels like i'm playing two incompatibile decks at once. am i just a shitter?
balance is in the toilet currently, this isn't even the same game anymore
I hope their shitty deadpool thing bombs and maybe they'll wake up and start making some sweeping changes
Sorry you can't use Angela as a crutch any more
they didn't even nerf angela lol, you gotta play like 5 cards into her for it to make a difference
hell if you draw her late it's probably a buff
>can't use Angela as a crutch
lol who cares. We still have Thena, literally Angela with less work.
There’s the Shuri Nimrod (a plan b) one, the Tribunal one (where you get torch to sky high stats combined with Hercules and Taskmaster, and put the tribunal on the board at the last turn), and the Loki one (Loki acts as a way to recover from having a completely bricked hand, which PF is vulnerable to, with Alioth as the turn 6 finisher for either line that protects your big stuff from tech or neutralized your opponent’s turn 6 play).
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Post their deck
I’m genuinely sorry about Widow’s right hand in that picture. I’m of the mind that using AI to make fan art of your fave ships is mostly innocent.
Autofill tried making a junk deck which obviously didn't work so I made this. I might switch out Valentina for Grandmaster or something.
I normally don't like AI stuff but this is cute.
>Black Widow and Ronan
It stops a draw from them which makes him a little bigger. Also if you do turn 5 Ronan, turn 6 Mystique and Widow then that's a guaranteed buff for them
Phastos is underrated.
He's at least more fun and interesting than fucking Sasquatch. So pissed I wasted keys on that shit... Wow, slamming down 10 power... so FUN! Phastos has you guessing and excited for each draw. Sasquatch has you yawning by playing a 3/10 and a shitty 2 drop together or something.
I'm just now realizing I meant to put in Darkhawk instead of Ronan. I have no idea why but I just momentarily confused the two lol.
I guess you can also play Ronan if you swap out Rockslide for Master Mold but that's probably worse than Darkhawk
maximus is a 2/6 the power alone is better than 3/3 rockslide. just don't play him early.
The point is to play Maria and Nat together though. And Nat doesn't really fit with Ronan
set her back to a 2 cost you cowards
Lol, they added infinite purchases to these borders.
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nocturne does it again
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>run leech as an answer to surfer
>just draws surfer the turn after i leech
not a bad change desu. if it's a discounted cosmic red i'd probably want to buy two
after playing this for a bit, not once have i drawn darkhawk wtf
this guy's sersi did fuck him over with carnage though which was kinda funny
alright i drew him, i kept getting paired with bots though
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Won an 8 cuber thanks to x23 and blackstone giving me enough energy to play out sue and knull together on the final turn. Lucky x23 didn’t land left
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fuck it, I'm junkpilled now
zooniggers get the rope, you asked for this
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stop spaamming yuri crackships every thread
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uh Blackhill is canon thank you very much
If you don't like Maria x Nat x Carol then keep us off page 10
>x Carol
Gross. Maria is for Nat and Carol is for Jess.
I kinda wish I had pulled for Makkari desu
For botting? Yah
honestly she just seems more solid that i initially thought. She's basically a 0/4, she always feel nice to get from camp lehigh. She'd probably be good in Surfer which is one of my favorite decks.
I maintain that if she had released as a series 4 i would have bought her, but SD is retarded
unreal that there were people unironically claiming makkari would need to be a 0/5 to be playable
What's with these annoying faggots who take 20 fucking years to do their turn? They'll sit there like they're thinking really fucking hard just to play Silver Surfer on Wong. Like no shit that's what you were going to do, why are you taking so fucking long?????????????????????????????????????????/
It's Cosmo PTSD.
who the fuck is playing shang chi in discard?
bad luck my dude lmao
People are just gifting me cubes with this deck. They snap so early not realizing if i high roll and they don't have Cosmo it's very hard to beat.
look at this shit
why did you snap so early you dumb motherfucker? thanks for the free cubes
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Snagged a corvus. Is phastos worth the extra keys? Don’t really want a spiderham or mystery card
no unless you want to bank on him getting buffed
Probably not desu, he's a supercharged okoye
I think if you have the keys to spare, and you're looking to get Arishem then it leans towards a yes

If you don't want Arishem, don't play Surfer or Thanos, then it's a hard no
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people just get stupid when they see the namora deck, they just have no respect for the absolutely retarded levels of power you can put out for no effort, like under no circumstances were you supposed to stay for 8 cubes here but my opponent did, like "oh yeah I get to destroyer twice after I got doubled shuri, how can I lose"
Namora kind of vanished when Cannonball X was everywhere so it’ll be a while before players start getting used to playing against this On Reveal deck type.
No, save for ARISHEM
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based Namora enjoyers, she NEEDS better variants.
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why the fuck does untapped filter to ranks 10 -> 80, shit's worthless now
I ain't paying you bitches, get the fuck outta here
after playing black widow with grand master and beast for an hour I can definitely see why they moved her to 3, this shit is so obnoxius
you better hope you got what you need by turn 3, cause I ain't drawing shit again
>opponent pride avatar
>say I Don't believe you turn 1
i won't get banned if reported right?
You will
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communicating with braindamaged faggots using "pride" avatars is punishable desu
i don't get why marvel is still trying to force jessica drew to be a thing even after Bendis left. He was the only writer in 40 years who ever gave a shit about her and they didn't even let him use her at first. now she keeps getting relaunched and redesigned when she's never going to be popular.
She's cute and fun.
Marvel forgot what made Jessica popular when she was on the Avengers. The four keys to a successful Jessica Drew series are, booty, booty, booty, and booty.
ultimate Jess>>>>
Also ambiguously lesbian duos
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Suggestions? My collection is pretty thin. I had Gilgamesh in the deck for the quest before I got ultron in a cache
Does what? Your opponent was losing anyways.
I get what you are doing with Bucky/Carnage, but that seems unreliable since carnage is your only destroyer. Do you have mystique?
No Mystique yet. I have Carnage to help remove Hood/Squirrel girl and make some room, Bucky just seemed to be a good option to stack up. As far as 3+ cards my only other enabler is Destroyer
Her most recent run had her go back to the classic costume and showed off her body a lot. You guys are complaining about shit that isn't even applicable anymore.
Go read it, it was good

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