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>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Posts

>General ResouŠ³ces

Reminder to report and ignore avatarfagging.

Previous >>483868214
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best girl
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>hehe sexo
stop posting Toughpaw's husband
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>Tina's edit still circulates
is it?
I'm all for having a giggle with a gooner mod or two but what the fuck is this
Was posted, so yes.
need more based anons like that then
Don't say anything positive about an avatarfag, people will lose their shit.
its a chuckler mod
why are you victimizing unhinged kiddie fiddling futa obsessed assholes LMAO
How hard is it to farm wow tokens for free game time
As in how many hours per week to grind it out? It's been a while since I've farmed gold
I skipped dragonflight, would I earn enough by leveling?
I just want to play classic with my wife and kids but that's $100 a month that I can't justify spending on a video game, but if her and I farm our tokens I can cut that price in half. I'm not poor I'm just cheap.
not at all if you have a bunch of alts
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Post your best Jaina
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addon says ive done this story line but then i click it and it says i need 3 more quests wtf
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I haven't paid for a damn thing with the game since the start of BFA.
It's easy to get gold casually just playing (especially with alts), but if you're really stressed for it, a day or two actually trying to go hard farm raw gold doesn't hurt.
Or play the AH, though thats much less predictable.
what do you do with those alts?
To make you SEETHE.
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what do i even do with all these dragon isles supplies? can i turn it into gold somehow?
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Alts for what? Professions? Is the new system where people put up mats and you craft it for gold any good? Might be able to make some bank crafting old recipes, I've had my warlock since wrath
Will I make a decent chunk just leveling through the content? I've got a lot of guys who were max level from shadowlands
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>zero groups for azure vault M+
holy shit how dead is retoilet right now
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Here's to World of Warcraft: The War Within!
weeklies fora chance at the 15k bag, WQs, professions
works on my realm sis
is this what WoW parents do when they pop out 15 kids and show them their mount and 'chevo collections?
the dragon keep timer has no indication when its happening next so it makes weeklies a pain when it comes into rotation
Just doing gold rewarding WQ's as they come is fine.
Even just the dragon race WQ's for the coin purses.
Would need several alts doing them, but that combined with regular playing, I get a couple tokens each couple of months easy. Token prices varying, but I haven't had to go out and farm in a while, but even if you do end up needing to do that, you wouldn't have to do it much ontop of the WQ gold built up from the months.

I mean, assuming you're not blowing it on stuff between tokens. If you expect to actually have a steady amount for other actual game related things, you'll want to look into some other regular source.
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my only wow gooner I had on discord is on vacation... it's so over
i dont think this is final
the expansion is released in less than 2 months. it's final
why wouldnt it be final? its ok if you dont like it but its completely functional
>screen you dont even look at since you log instantly anyway
My plan is essentially getting a token on retail, burning it for the subscription, and then playing vanilla
It's funny because as brain dead noob friendly as they tried to make retail, my kids have a much easier (and more fun) time on vanilla
too drastic of a change compared to past login screens
or stuff happens whenever you log in
>or stuff happens whenever you log in
its animated
There is no way you're going to get a token casually playing retail, world quests get you like 600g and the token cost 340k right now lmao, play cata if you want cheap tokens.
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Oh my. What is this in my butt?

*farts* Careful, it is coming quickly now!

*shits* It cannot be... For millennia, Danuser's Baby lay dormant within the butt of the Pandaren race.

So overweight is he, so incompetent, that after hearing but one word from him, it is said you would bleed from every orifice.

Why, after being subjected to his foul works, a nursery rhyme meant for special Pandaren Children would sound like an epithet given by the Emperor's finest scholars.

And you said he isn't to blame for the Shadowlands! I will stand here and laugh at him getting fired.
>There is no way you're going to get a token casually playing retail
Been doing exactly that since 2018 with only retail, fight me.
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back then yeah but right now? nah you're lying you're not earning over 300k doing wqs with the current model.
>allowing your children to play WoW
i hope you are convicted for child abuse
qol != noob friendly
yea i know, but its fvastly different from anything before
I said since 2018.
As in I'm still doing exactly that.
Get good.
how much does blizzard pay to shill the game on 4chinz?
y-you're not sucking corpo dick for free.. a-are you anon?
that would be incredibly pathetic even for you
I'm sure you're bro those 500g you get doing races are totally paying for your token.
They are, yes.
what's being shilled
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they are sunk cost fallacy troons
when wow dies their life ends (because they rope)
Wow won by doing nothing
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XIV has troons in it now, go be based in their general.
TWW is officially fagless and troonless.
The first DF screen also wasn't final
haven't played retail since remix came out but iirc a full map clear netted me ~12k gold? not including the multiple sub-1% rolls for the 15k gold satchel. I only did WQs once a week not twice.
if you crammed magpie gold WQs and did full clears on a few alts, or just had a large number of alts, I could see it being p easy. it's finding the motivation I'd rather just fork out money.
that is obviously false because you are here
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they just have to use hallowfall man. and also have the crystal change to void and back
you might get 12k if there are magpies on a zone with a shitload of gold quests but the gold rewards are just too low.
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Come on, Anon, this is some elementary school level reply.
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ok why the FUCK do we still not have player housing in wow?

ive started playing eso again and they have a player home which is underwater and has a cave system with windows that show out into the sea.

now imagine we had a player home in somewhere like vashjr or nazjatar.
telvanni shroomtower house my beloved
you will have your groomer session in garrison like every normal pedotranny person
devs already said you should play other games if you want that shit
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I never understood housing in MMOs.
In BDO, it actually served function, but then everyone would just spam objects with the highest "house rating".
In XIV, it serves no purpose, I only used it to dump quest rewards to not take up space in my inventory.
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wow actually has good gameplay so it doesnt need gimmicky features to distract you from a major core issue
what kind of low effort pedotranny are you, don't you decorate your groomer predator lair with rainbows and candies?
I mean a FULL clear, like emerald dream + zaralek + soup + all races + grand hunt. never did it specifically for the gold so I might've missed some stuff.
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some ppl just like decorating like myself, but its also an evergreen feature and something you can do if you get bored of other stuff in the mmo.

also you can actually have your other systems compliment housing. have professions make certain furniture etc. Blizz devs really showing how fucking incompetent they are when literally every other main mmo has housing.
i like the mournhold house aesthetic more than mushrooms but i can see why someone would like that house
Why do you keep calling everyone a groomer?
you can just play a different game that lets you do that. nothing about wow itself is going to enhance the ability to decorate a virtual house. thats like going to ikea and asking why they dont sell over the counter medication when you have walgreens for that
miss wildstar housing
pretty confident that housing will be in midnight i just hope they copy wildstars
is this pandaria time event worth doing? i saw where my character that was not in pandaria was getting a +50% xp boost in one of the areas. it makes me want to go to pandaria to level grind some forgotten characters
for collectibles and speedleveling alts
are you a cute night elf girl
This. Is. Fucked.
>your partner
>some cringe tumblr doodle nonsense post
u gay
>Juneteenth got promoted from being nothing to being a holiday to being an entire month in about 4 years
I have no idea what kind of amerigolem shit is that and at this point, I don't even want to look it up.
>You can go ahead and call me a dogfucker because I fuck worgen but you know what else you can call me? A woman. Can't say the same for you Nathan No-Nuts.
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is there a way to play the game with off center camera like pic related?
>white people during Juneteenth month???
>white people during BIPOC mental health awareness month???
>white people during Black Business month???
>white people during National Hispanic Heritage month???
>white people during National Italian American Heritage month???
>white people during National American Indian Heritage month???

>how did Trump get re-elected???
maybe narcissus has an option
trump supports all of those things you just mentioned btw
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just fond this. it works!
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>/wowg/ World of Warcraft General: Politics edition
well alright i guess what did you fags think of the debate
it was the most boring shit ive watched on television in years, the only funny bit at all was when Trump started talking shit about bigjbs golf game
>classic thread is unironically moving faster than ours
its never been more over lads
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both sides of the fake political spectrum are puppeteered by the same hidden hand. don't waste your time on politics that only serves to validate their power over you.
great set too
but the mismatched eyes are unbelievably retarded
at least she doesnt have muscles
no night elf male warrior
im not a first grader, i came to that conclusion years ago, its all a sham and i dont vote because its a waste of time.
however the 2016 debates were actually entertaining which is why i tuned in in the first place.
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would it be a social faux pas on moon guard to RP as this draenei's panties?
it's xiv players that are quitting dawntrail because the story is tranny slop
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you cant rp an inanimate object.
you would be a prop
not a "player" as it were
you're not involved
quick xister, post more aislop porn, we can't be humiliated like this by chuds!
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see-through shirt bros
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It's one of those days
>not a "player" as it were
So have him play on a Role realm then, easy
nelf warrior is underrated.
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ok ill post something ive saved but theyre more lewds than actual porn
orc or gnome
anything else is cope
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WoWsissies.... is this real?
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agreed but for other reasons
No I actually made that pic.
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this one is
ride my face
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> gnome

explain yourself.
anyone have an issue where the collector's cache at the trading post is glowing, but you dont have the option to collect from it?
it's heckin random!
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I dont have porn, but i have femorcs
> made her look more orclike and ugly in the cinematic

why? also the shield on the stump is so retarded. Just have her have the stump like zuljin.
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zug zug
its not even about looking uglier, but about cinematic model looking nothing like ingame one
its as if varian in legion cinematic was some robert pattinson looking faggot
makes me think there was no communication between outsorce team who worked on cnematic and whoever gave them instructions on the cinematic content
>its not even about looking uglier, but about cinematic model looking nothing like ingame one
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imagine cumming on her shiny bald head
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/wowg/, I've owned every Collector's Edition from WotLK to now (Dragonflight). I want to continue the collection, but at $230 USD I don't think I can justify it.

I paid $155 USD for Dragonflight CE at a base price of $129.99 plus tax and shipping.

The War Within being $180.00 base plus tax and shipping is absurd.

Should I continue my collection or go digital for the Epic Edition at $89.99?
>10 years between the production of left and right cinematics

what happened, wowbros? back then wow cnematic were awesome self-contained stories with every shot being striking and meaningful.
now its just an ad that looks outsorced to whoever the fuck does league of legends cinematics.
Faerin, my friend. I've invented prosthetic arms! You don't have to wiggle your stumps around anymore. Come here and try them on!!!
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god that creature on the bottom right looks so fucking bad, even in game
what were the devs thinking introducing a missing link between trolls and night elves that is just night elves but uglier
i want to fuck a harronir slut
they look retarded but they have the best racial for warriors in pvp by a massive margin and orc isnt even close unfortunately
wish they would nerf the racial to three minutes lmfao
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>Wish Blizzard will completely rebuild the Hunter class
>Remember that they are delivering less and less each expansion since Legion, the purchase of Proletariat and the absorption of Games by Bob were just smokescreens and the lifecycle of the average Blizzard employee does not remotely allow for know-how to build, let alone pass on
>Remember nobody at Blizzard never actually cared about Hunter, ever, since the beginning
>Will be lucky if Hunter doesn't deteriorate even further
A-At least it's not monks...
wait you can get that armor from the sub 60 green bag?!
direction if i remember right the cinematic director for wod/etc left after legion.

explains why the cinematics have been so meh.
overexplanation of things like this missing link is what always drive me crazy in fantasy
no one needs that shit,let it remain unimportant mystery especially since transformation of trolls into night elves tooks many years and transformation had many shapes across those years
like fuck off blizzard writers


Got it on a level 20
nope. just got a confirmation its moving ironically faster, therefore your post is null and void.
Danuser's response to how much of a shitshow Teldrassil turned out to be was to dedicate part of every single expansion for the rest of the game's history to be about some form of night elves and decided to downplay all existing gods and Azerothian cosmology in favor of Elune being the only true god
bruh my sub expired like a week ago and i wasnt farming it with low f2p characters...
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Go farm it now
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how are you getting fucked for 50 dollars for shipping?
are you an aussie?
idk i guess it depend on what you value in the ce edition, the only thing you really have to lose is breaking up your unbroken collection, which i guess you dont have tbc or vanilla so i dont know how important that is to you
I'm on it
bfa cinematic was pretty good even with as much as i hate anduin
sl cinematic was cringekino, everything since has been utter shit
yeah, Nick Carpenter was the guy
he has directed all wow cinematics up to legion and then left with Rob Pardo
dude was certainly immensely talented guy and whoever replaced him just isnt that good
metzen directed the bfa cinematic
>tranny slop
hasnt it always been?
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look at this dude
>human soldiers set up frontline
>dwarve gunner come between to fire rifles
>night elven archers volley from behind
>draenei charging in at the front
yep. another loss which i definitely have seen affect the quality is russell brower.

his last music was bfa and shadowlands/dragonflight music just hasnt sounded very warcrafty.
dogging in
>5minutes in queue as healer
blizzard know I'm using a f2p character...
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I'm a burger

still cant believe they did her so dirty in such a shitty way
they made all mistakes they could have done as a fantasy writers
>took away mystery
>simplified her
>offered unsatisfying characterization
>made he into dumb bitch and asshole
his tribute to the one true god was to have her appear onscreen and be retarded.
imagine if the god of abraham irrefutably and clear as day possessed a man irl and spoke to people, and he turned out to be a sub-90 IQ retard who admitted to accidentally sending his chosen people to hell. there wouldn't even be mass suicides because that'd be no relief, it's just eternal fire afterwards. they'd burn him at the stake, the vatican and Richard Dawkins would devise a scientific way to torture him as good as possible to sate the people's thirst for blood.
why do you keep posting this screenie kid
we did this last thread, some anon doxxed my armory and said I was better than you
everyone called you mad, I was just calling out a welfare duelist crapper. you lost
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>see this on the launcher
>wonder wtf it is
>womens M+ tournament sponsored by team liquid on the wow launcher
>800 viewers on twitch, and a super slow chat, slower than a 100 viewer chat room

thats sad as fuck lmao. there's definitely better ways to support girl streamers, also they have to actually be entertaining if they want people to support them. kind of hard to convert people into viewers if its a wow m+ tournament for dungeons people have already seen 50,000 times in dragonflight and you can't hear the
teams coms and the only thing to entertain viewers are a couple of boring announcers talking about what classes they main and joking about "heh shouldve mass dispelled hehehe! wakka wakka"

they should've waited for m+ week in the new expansion or something when people actually give a shit about m+. also if its called "Eve Ascension" it sounds like some kind of chinese moba. didn't even think it was wow related by the picture and title on the launcher. maybe they'd get more viewers if it said what it actually was.
second post, and i passed out before any of you fags responded itlt
i think ill post it some more just because you dont like it.
Wonder why they let Free Trial chads get this one, other armors from previous events only dropped in the subbed bags, can't complain though, got something for free
Well maybe tomorrow.
I want to impregnate a human female and abandon the kid, what should i do bros
take a vacation to the philipines
race change to worgen
level 60+ restriction was added since allied races start at 10 and people were running level 10s through.... something 500 times a day. guess if it's one roll per bnet account per day, the level restriction isn't needed. it's equally likely the guy implementing it didn't know why/if the level restriction existed tho.
>there's definitely better ways to support girl streamers
why do they need support specifically
if they're hot theyll get 100 viewers ez, the rest is on them
i dont think ive watched a retail stream in years. Not suprising given how fucking boring retail streamers are, or are faggots who ruined the game like liquid.
Gilneas... home...
>why do they need support specifically

idk but liquid probably had a chick that worked there that wanted to do a "gurl power" stream. the marketing for this screams chick who doesn't know what shes doing.
I don't care about women in power roles which means if by the end of TLT if women are in charge of Horde and Alliance I won't care. I don't care about black elves. I do care about Asian elves however. It just makes no sense. Asians are descended from fish not woodlands. It bothers my tism, am I alone in this?

I know this isn't a picture of WoW but it still bothers me and I hope Blizzard never does this.
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the current state of da is very sad.
this looks horrible
he big nob
could be, i recall them doing some charity pro am a month or two back for fag rights or some shit like that too, it was embed on wowhead

Why do people even farm this shitty ground mount? I don't get it
damn, i forgot how bad kargath was done dirty.
prestige especially if alliance
most of us checked out of the story after i am my scars kino
kek maybe 19 years ago
never farmed for it
got it from a doti box
pretty good
i like the legion midnight mount a lot more tho
Yeah, that one is way better even if it's just another shitty ground mount

Hosting an m+ tournament for chick power or whatever during the lowest point at the end of the expansion where 99% of people are checked out (and definitely not watching streams) is beyond retarded
sitll is for alliance
in the first highmaul test weekend kargath got back up after dying. the bladefist dropped to the ground as the loot container. he clutched his face which was spraying blood, maybe to rep a nosebleed or that he'd been blinded, then sprinted out the coliseum with no voice line, sfx, or commentary.

could've been a placeholder animation or an in-joke but I wonder if all the warlords weren't originally meant to return for something later, with the way blackhand didn't die in talador nor nerzhul in SMV.

blackhand suffering a defeat in talador was narratively significant, if you look at MU blackhand he controlled much of draenor and even grom had to appeal to him in the original timeline. being beaten by foreign invaders humbled him and made him defer to grom. kargath's long-deleted anim, plus the original interviews where fel-infused grom was touted as the final boss, makes you wonder.
not really
yeah remember they cut out most of wod during beta to focus on legion
Alleria is an elf, so this couple is technically interracial and should count.
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starter zone gooners?
she looks way better here than in the other promos i swear, still doesnt hold up to legion alleria though
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will log in shadowglen a bit later~
bwo i need the mod link bwo please bwo please please
The LAST heterosexual couple in WoW
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i miss legion
like literally
they were the best villains
expansion was fun and full flavor for warcraft austist like me
the old guard's swan song
I would but I'm under the weather and had to cut it short today
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genn and mia too
oops, wrong pic
this one is what i wanted to post
you just know it was Afrasiabi who wrote that scene
it was such in his style
There's plenty of heterosexual couples in TWW.
Not main characters such as these two, but generic npcs for whom you do quests.
Alexstrasza and Ebyssian, Ysera and Ebyssian, Tyrande and Ebyssian, Merithra and Ebyssian.
Malygos and Khadgar
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When the fuck is beta getting music, it's so dull and it releases in less than two months ffs!
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night elves it is
check arctium disc
get well soon anon
>Azeroth's arcane power changed them into bimbodoreis

What did Metzen mean by this?
>some fag dragon Danuser shit
Irrelevant, the game continues were BfA left off.
it's not until like a few weeks before release
usually splash art/music are the last
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What's wrong with his face?
nothing happened in bfa
returned in legion
happened legion
>allied races
happened or could've happened in legion
died in the space of 45 minutes
I played pandas and draenor betas and I don't think they took this long. But then they might, can't really remember.
On the other hand, I remember they totally scrapped and redone the horde intro in pandas like month prior the release, so who knows how they work.
It's called The War Within because it's all about Ebyssian conquering the females within the dragon kingdom. this is canon fact.
>the game continues were BfA left off
Legion and early******* BFA
They obviously bring up Anduin's Jailor PTSD and obviously Sylvanas isn't there, but if you skipped those two shitty expansions, you don't miss out on anything.
BfA brought the main villain - while I know it was in Legion where they came up with it, she really "maerialized" in BfA

I don't even know who that is, is it the highmountain dude?
Yes he's the new king BIG BLACK BAD DRAGON GOD
>Anduin's Jailor PTSD
tbf anduin had ok-ish development in shadowlands
its everything else that sucked
afaik the last thing metzen worked on was bfa cinematic/early bfa plots. after that it's danuser's fanfic
I find it funny how the only thing that reminds you that Dragonshyte happened is the two faggy dragons selling M+ stuff in the capitol and then the 4-legged 2-handed winged buff dudes who administer the racing quests, just standing in random places with nothing around, almost like a copypasted placeholder.
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Any cute transgirls playing on Argent Dawn?
Let it be known that I will fly over to the US and vote for Donald Trump to further infuriate queer WoW commentator and communist latinx dissident baalthewarlock.
No, they all went to play the new XIV expansion.
Please refer to their designated general thread, thank you.
i prefer femboys
explains the absence of the futafag and his bum buddy, what a relief
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I ain't playing that shit.
you told me on discord you were a faggot and depressed, I wonder what it's like to be sat f5'ing every post at the bottom of a thread, begging for (you) 's
they will come back soon. dawnfart isn't doing too great apparently
>it's an unironic POOSH week and I've been slacking
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You can tell by how the changed Flynn from this somewhat likeable good-hearted scumbag into a blazing sissy faggot who only uses his stealth skills to sneak plushies into Shaw's bed by the end of DF.
Fucking disgrace.
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>appear in the midst of an rp gathering
what the fug
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Post the DMs goofball, I never said that.
>f5'ing every post
4chanX actually auto-refreshes the page. Such a convenience, my finger was getting tired!
Grab the fat fucking panda by the pigtails and do her like in the TBC cinematics.
whatcha pushin, bud?
dont reply to it, report and ignore
>no fun allowed
Here is a reply
Nobody can tell me what to do
nothing, it just means it's an easy week so I might do more than a single 8 on my main
>4chanX actually auto-refreshes the page
That's actually just a regular feature in the settings menu.
>Nobody can tell me what to do
No.... it can't be........ you're all supposed to "dance to my tune"....
Today I learned.
astroturfing like crazy
Dawntrail is another critically acclaimed expansion while Woke Within is a massive woke flop
troontrail just won the "most obnoxious, overbearing main character" award
also the "shipped with 1/10th of the promised features" award
>criticizing anything for being woke after what we've learned about dawntrail
i delight in the irony
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no amount of coping is going to make that true
'fraid so
Nobody plays on Steam

But enjoy your woke cripple sheboon
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Is it possible to solo mythic sepulcher for the plate transmogs?
even /v/ is shitting on dawnfart constantly, and that's unusual for them
why would it be? I got mine years ago in the mop lfr call to arms box
you can solo some bosses but not all the bosses
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/v/ shits on anything that isnt nintendo
that's cope. /v/ is a huge xiv cult
>contrarian central is hating on something popular
No way?
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am i a shitter for turning off the timewalking to do the ampitheater of anguish solo?
I'm only 5 levels above the zone
>v being v doesn't count when its a game i like

Dawntrail is a huge success with full servers and this isn't even full public release yet

Luckybancho quoters utterly anally devasted
I don't care because xiv combat is markedly worse than WoW's and if I wanted to play anime dress up I'd just install pso2.
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if its such a huge success...
then why do you feel the need to shill it in another general, for free most likely as well...
Meanwhile in reality the queues are like 10 people
inb4 "m-muh beefed up servers!!!" cope, there were longer q's a week before EA than there are now.
People played the first half of dawnfart, looked at their characters brand new ruined faces, realized the "graphics update" was a lie and dawnfart still uses ps3 texturees, and then logged out and haven't come back.
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actually dont answer that, im off to icecrown, the last zone i need for northrend lroemaster
hearthed to turn timewalking wrath back on and the inn has more people rping in it
this guard rper is being racist to me wtf
wow in na has unironically more "full" servers.
Don't suppose there's any other way to get them at this stage
Dawntrail is a huge success, stay mad faggot as your Trannyfornia woke game is failing and in a terrible buggy state as beta testers have discovered
I accept your concession troontrailer
the reviews don't lie, the era of your forced fake positivity cult is coming to an end as yoshit delivers an even bigger flop than the last one.
Shadowbringers was your legion.
Endwalker was your BFA.
Yawntrail is your shadowlands.
>Dawntrail is a huge success
only until TWW releases, enjoy while it last faggot
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I'm still not playing. The class design is boring and the story is cringe (besides HW).
damn, imagine how many cocks tina is e-sucking right now
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even nips are shitting on it
Probably getting her ass stuffed cause some random guy helped her farm Kirin.
dont he'll have a melty
>shown a filthy shit in the wilderness
wtf they referenced danusers baby as a nod to wow!! :') we are noticed
it's actually pure dogshit. It feels like Yoshi-P played Dragonflight and felt inspired by how boring it was.
>Faeran is from "The Empire" which is apparently beyond magnificent and she says her homeland wouldn't look kindly on Anduin or any of the other races he aligns himself with.
Watch it be an entire Empire of Black people on the other side of the world. Wakanda inc.
It's inevitable for a game that so closely copied from WoW that it would soon copy its downfall as well
What's funny is you actually believe your own bullshit lmao
>realized the "graphics update" was a lie
what happened? was it really just a filter?
half assed
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since you fags insist on talking about tranny fantasy why dont you post some before and afters of the graphics update
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>I'm getting tired of being shown so many lizards
>"Why don't we just maek all the main characters lizards instead?"
scalie bros...
I want to be him so bad.
But then you'd be getting forcibly drained by Thalyssra MULTIPLE times a day. That sounds like a lot of work.
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h-ha ha yeah
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H-haha oh no my mana-addict wife just needs plenty of sustenance oh noooo haha darn.
They promised extra world detail, completely new lighting, high quality textures, character model updates, weather.
The character model updates are hit and miss, some faces got a good upgrade, some got the wow goblin update treatment and look fugly. The new female hrothgar also can't wear any hats, have a total of 4 faces, and have a laughably small amount of hair styles, very very little effort put into them.
The lighting update is borderline broken on character models, and basically un-noticable everywhere else.
The weather system only seems to actually apply to the new expansion zones, and has some really hilarious side effects in cutscenes where you're expected to see distant things but you can't because the weather made everything foggy.
The extra world detail just isn't there. Even the example screenshots they showed regularly when showing it off during press tours are exactly the same now as they were before 7.0.
And the game still has the same old ps3 era garbage textures where you can count the pixels because they can't even be bothered to filter them at all.
They half-assed it and the usual suspects are doing the whole "w-w-w-well the rest is coming in a later patch, you'll see!!!" song and dance.
death to mmochamp fags
>fag parade on US servers
>it's on an RP server
dang, do those have pvp?
There's a lot but it's not much more than there are backpacks to pick up in dragonflight
>yoshi lied
dang im getting deja vu!
I mean, how valuable will these treasures be during the life cycle of the expansion? How often will players be exploring the new zones, instead of hanging out at the main capitol? I haven't played the beta, but I don't think there being a lot of treasures is that big of a deal. They're there to reward players who play the expansion early, and they lessen in importance anyway as the expansion goes on.

This is why WoW never promised a giant graphical upgrade during the 20 year run. You don't announce a grand change when it comes to a MMORPG; you do it piecemeal and let the game adapt to a new graphic style over time.
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>some got the wow goblin update treatment and look fugly
wow you werent kidding lmao
its like pre and post wall
When remix went live I made a bunch of alts to hold names but didn't do anything with them until now. Once I get my first guy to 70, will those alts get a cloak with the upgraded experience or will I need to remake them? Also how long does it take to get to 70 on your first remix character? Like /played hours.
They will have at max +100% experience. The rest of the you have to earn yourself by doing normal raids on every character. Good luck; have fun.
What is it with video games these days and deciding everything needs to look like a plastic doll?
it took me 11 hours on my first character but that was also playing the first week before they made it quicker

the simplest way to do it is heroic dungeon spam to 25, mogu vaults, heroic dungeons to 35, heart of fear, heroic dungeons to 40, terrace. do all this without looting the bonus xp tokens then open your mail
100% doesn't sound bad. That's more than the time walking buff.
Do I have to loot anything at all? Can I just have everything sent to my mailbox?
you have to loot the threads of experience that drop from the raid bosses


this video explains it in more detail.
>untick "auto loot" in the interface game menu
>enable the addons "fast loot" tickbox
>tick the addons poor and gray quality looting checkboxes
>blacklist the following item IDs

you can now auto loot and it just won't pick up exp automatically, it will loot all exp amp threads no need to manually sort
It seems like a dumb complaint on paper but in context of WoW where you're flying at 800% speed, yeah that type of stuff can be pretty annoying. It's not like you're on foot or naturally exploring the game world at a reasonable pace, you're flying OVER the map art 800% speed so when you see shit like this pop up it usually means you have to completely halt what you're doing and and make a u-turn just to land and click an item for half a second then get back on your mount to take off where you've just wasted 2 bars of stamina.

This is the type of shit people complain about when they say dragonriding is tedious, which is when retards start seething and shitposting about how "durrr boomers can't dragonride". It's simply about if you actually engage in the game world around you then you're constantly stopping and starting stopping and starting and waiting around for stamina.
this tells you when you can open your mail and hit 70 as well:
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alright, icecrown is already the worst northrend zone by far but at least i can fly
>This is the type of shit people complain about when they say dragonriding is tedious
I'm one of those people. I actively dislike dragonriding. I don't have an issue with using it, it's just too fast for my taste. I was perfectly fine with the flying we had, they just needed to stop gating it's use and let us use it at the start of every new expansion without having strings attached. Maybe even make it a little faster? Sure. But dragonriding did and does seem like overkill to me. But I know I'm in the minority and it's done and dusted so it is what it is.
Icecrown is peak atmosphere though, one of the best zones in Wrath.
can some post the asmongold hell pic
thank u
the first bloody quest chain is not sending me deep into icecrown its sending me to bloody moonglade
Ion Hazzikostas is an anti-Whitist jew.
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what is this shit
twitch stream barely has 1k views
who cares
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Time to make a catwomen instead.
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Proof Ion is a jew.
Icecrown is memorable at least, Sholazar Basin is a complete blank spot in my mind
i thought it was a different game and that it was weird blizzard would promote it
Dunno if this is a hot take, but Shadowland-era decision to fuck up specializations in a half-assed attempt to woo boomer grognards with "bringing back class identity" tagline set WoW class design back by a good few expansions. Now almost every spec suffers from some dogfuck awful "le iconic" class spells that do nothing but clog up the rotation with pointless and boring wasted keybinds (as if having to manage up to 4 artifact and or covenant abilities from the bottom of the talent tree wasn't bad enough). For example - Brewmaster. Why the fuck would you ever give this class RSK or Spinning Crane Kick? Does a tank seriously need 3 different single target and 3 different AoE spells when the spec already has a shit ton of cooldowns for defense? Or how about Deathknights and Death Coil? "But itz le so igonig :DDDDD, Arthus used id in dem RTS geim 30 years go!". Fuck off, its a shitty little fiddley spell that should just be removed from Blood and Frost. And somehow even classes like Demonhunter mange to get fucked with this fiddley shit. Oh wowzie, now Glave Throw is an actual spell that has some uses. Thanks for giving me another boring "press on cooldown" keybind, Obama! This is not 2008 and its not WotLK, we aren't starved for shit to remove downtime from button presses, just go back to the Legion-BfA style of super tight specialized specs.
How? Sholazar might be the most memorable zone in that expansion due to how comfy it was as another un'goro crater type jungle area where you collect fruit, do nesingwary hunts, and do chores for the dumb little wolvar and oracle people.
Sholazar mogs Icecrown and its not even close.
The graphics look so fucking dated
that would be because they are dated and he's also wearing newbie armor from 2013
enhance has that problem big time. My aoe rotation is like 7 buttons because some fucker wants frost shock and ice strike to be in the rotation on top of pwave setup. I just want to fire nova and do big aoe damage.
Welcome to old expansion questing? That's how it worked anon, especially with the higher level zones.
RIP Daddy Ion...
Looks better than any other login screen, really.
Imagine saying this in a WoW thread
That quest is kino, you're trying to save the life of a noble paladin which is I think a stand-in for one of the devs who died
no wonder he died i spent ages flying back and forth
speaking of throw glaive, all the talents around that piece of shit are still there in the havoc tree even though we're losing the effect from the tier set to auto-trigger it on blade dance, dunno wtf those retards are thinking
Because WoW graphics don't look dated, at least in regards to the past few expansions. WoW's stylization really helps in that regard.
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luv me mounts
luv me cheevos
You have to be trolling.
You should have been a mage. You cost a man his life with your inferior class choice
lul grats I guess you fucking newfag, only 15 years late
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they should just make a third ranged spec already if they love the idea of tossing out glaives
ive been playing since 07 and still dont have the meta achieve
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I started it 16 years ago in 2008, then in 2011 did a bunch more, then idk over the years I would just not be subbed during certain events or forget entirely. But I knew I would complete it some day, slow and steady.
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You can really tell I had my life together in 2012-2018.
are there any other quiver cosmetic items not from sylvanas
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Legion BM/MM bows
legion marksman artifact
blizzard added some quivers and bullet pouches to the trade post and the quivers linked to the legion mm artifact
The trading post had one, sorry you missed out cuz
Trading post item you missed out on HAHAHA SUCKS FOR YOU!
>Still no mogstation equivalent for WoW
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didnt think id find botters here
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thread is deader than arthas
we are patiently waiting for the shaman rework in a few days
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bots are everywhere and anywhere there is raw gold to be made
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>missed the blood troll slutmog
Nothing to do in the game until prepatch hits and we get like half an hour max of questlines
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does deathcoil still heal you in lichborne or what
wouldnt be worth rp on blood sure, but maybe for frost?? idk
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hello wowcg bros
any guilds active? bit of an oldfag here hehe : ^ ) im on Grobb, just resubbed havent played since it was in vanilla
god i wish i were my dracthyr
dumb boomer, this is the retail general
>joining in /vg/ guild ever
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>wrong thread, havetts
sorry bros assumed game wasnt active enough to have two gens
also i have had a lot of fun in wowg guilds over the years!
Hey I know no one replied to your undead pics but just know that I always look at them and think they're real badass. If you can post them with a better resolution that would be good :)
Thanks a bunch
stop living in the past, grandpa
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I just post the stuff I find I think anons will like, so the resolutions just happen to be what they are. Been finding a lot of Forsaken stuff lately. Stumble on a lot of pretty funny stuff.
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If only you knew how bad things truly were
im 27
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zeevtrannies your response???
season 3 was the first time i played wow and i already feel nostalgic for loading up an everbloom run, FUCK THESE DRAGONFLIGHT DUNGEONS
the last post is wrong, dragons are really boring.

the df dungeons are not as bad as people say, fuck nl and uldaman tho
i don't think theyre terribly designed but playing through the same gloomy atmosphere every time is boring. I loved being able to enter a vibrant forest, haunted house, underwater temple, forst temple etc etc. Idk why but the more "dungeony" a dungeon feels the more boring it is
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I see it but bracken hide and nokhun and zaure get you those vibes you like
This used to be a Sin'dorei magister's daughter
i think playing nokhud and bracken feels exactly the same. I'd also put together vault halls and uldaman as feeling the same. You could say the same for academy and pools too. And even beyond that they all share a gloomy atmosphere except academy
well this is the tww pool for s1
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
City of Threads
The Stonevault
The Dawnbreaker
Mists of Tirna Scithe
The Necrotic Wake
Siege of Boralus
Grim Batol
my hotwife
my knotwife
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>Mists of Tirna Scithe
Yes we need free dungeons
You better not wipe tho now only herbalists, taurens and nelfs can use the skip
When do all the Awakened Raids be unlocked at once?
>Mists of Tirna Scithe
>The Necrotic Wake
How are these Sneedolands dungeons?
>Mists of Tirna Scithe
easy bosses, annoying as fuck maze section that should just be removed entirely
>The Necrotic Wake
overtuned in SL, tuning will make or break it
Mists is really fucking free but if you're playing with shitters they will struggle during tyrannical
Necrotic is really easy as well except the necropolis area.

The fuck? It was a joke with the weapons.
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the weapons are reduced in effectiveness in the new season and the trash after you fly up into the necropolis will kill shitters
made for tauren
>Mists of Tirna Scithe
>played 11 lobbies this afternoon on melee alts
>almost every single lobby is a caster stack
>3 of those lobbies werent
>one game was me on ww and one of each warlock spec
what are they putting in the fuckign water bros>?
Whats up with all the super retards in dungeons in Remix
all the good players finished remix a long time ago
is it normal for a brewmaster to do double the hps of the healer even in low keys?
What are the chances of me starting a new prot warrior character, leveling, getting geared, and completing the normal modes of the awakened raids before prepatch? Is it possible or am I being unrealistic? I'm kind of new.
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Definitely reasonable and achievable. That goal isn't as faraway as you may think.
Both are shit.
First boss double scales with tyrannical. Blizzard literally never takes these types of encounters into account with this shit.
Whole maze section is aids.

>Necrotic Wake
Unlikely blizzard will tune the trash appropriately in relation to the new weapons. Entire necropolis section sucks ass, the trash is brutal and the boss is annoying with the dumb hook mechanic. Last boss has a personal accountability mechanic which filters shitters.
that pic is about the score thoughever
Got KSH as a healer this season and in like more than half the keys the tank did as much healing or more healing than me
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Turalyon's portrait of Alleria looked good in this
It was nice how that post got a lot of views/likes, with only a couple mentally ill faggots like the one in your screencap getting uppity desu
something to consider: tanks are the least in demand role by a long shot
every raid only needs two
you have a better shot going on dps not like its a massive achievement in the first place tho
btw are you the very experienced tank who has 4k hours tanking on xiv and did cata heroics
No that's not me
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so is the thread THIS dead because the game is in kind of a lull right now or do we really just have that many tranny fantasy regulars?
>something to consider: tanks are the least in demand role by a long shot
every raid only needs two
so he can join any raid group and help it gets filled fast because people prefer joining groups that alrady have tanks. If that doesn't work then he can create the groups himself
no one is playing season 4 and everyone is already done with remix
we are at the very end of the expansion/season +elden ring dlc release + DT
there is literally nothing to do till the next expansion
no-one wants to play the rehashed dogshit that is season 4
weird. i did too but i only saw that when they were a bdk.
To be honest the content drought of DF feels like it just started thanks to all the events they did and in less than 2 months we will have TWW
yes theyve got passive that make them so insane efective HPS to themselves
high HPS only happens on a few fights in DF dungeons. high healing is mainly a raid thing

main thing you want to aim for for dungeons as a healer is good stops, kicks, dispells, and getting as much damage in as possible
i think the affixes can also change the results so it depends on which weeks you played
Is Talanji in TWW or was she just a placeholder in the reveal trailers?
placeholder for a new NPC that is half troll - half night elf
the only Horde character that matters (to blizzard) anymore is Thrall
every other (alive) Horde character is literal fucking who in comparison to him, and especially in comparison to the big Alliance lore characters
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GZ brother
someone boost my alts in remix please
>are you the very experienced tank who has 4k hours tanking on xiv and did cata heroics
This game actually sucks ass lmao
fuck you buddy
Fat bitch
I am going to play a ret paladin in the World of warcraft expansion The war within and i am going to have fun!
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Are you guys still working on any timerunners?

Here's my heckin' wholesome highmountain shaman and his flame spirit companion!
What ilvl should I strive towards if I want to be both set for TWW launch but also do whatever farming / cheevo stuff beforehand?

I'm thinking 505-515??
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Decide to go read the forum and see a "fomo" thread.
Person saying they have cm sets and don't care if others have them
>Every achieve on the same date.
Person saying they only chase what they are interested in and don't waste time on stuff they don't care about like mythic raiding
>all grey heroic parses.
Person saying glad mounts and ksm are bullshit
>1500 2s at 175 games, 1600 solo shuffle at nearly 100 games. dps'ing keys with people from a guild "mythic plus family" that are almost 3k in his+8s.
I couldn't imagine putting in effort to farm shit in game then alt tab to the forums and complain that I should be able to collect more shit while not actually playing the game. Maybe I'm not that addicted to the game but I just don't see the point.
whatever ilvl the prepatch event gives you
I'm going to get 2500 m+ and I'm going to level at least 2 to 70. I just resubbed 2 days ago.
That's right
pretty sure the prepatch event gives us the highest ilvl gear for free. no point hardcore gear farming right now when you can just do some reskinned time rifts for better stuff in a month.
Iā€™m probably going to level 3 or 4 more alts. Iā€™ve never had one of each class at max, only two left to go. The other one or two I want to level in remix will be for RP purposes probably. In retail I got my fated achievement on normal for the mount, probably wonā€™t bother doing the heroic. Still need my KSM though, just havenā€™t bothered
what are you going to play? trying to get ksm this late into an already dogshit season will be rough.
i think thrall is still cool
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What's your oldest achievement on your current account?
why? so you can find me on the armory and stalk me? fuck off, freak
I did it easily in season 3. I'm a resto druid, everything is easy.

I'm leveling a priest and a dk. I will make an evoker and maybe a warrior and maybe a demon hunter. Apparenlty level 70 is a quick 2-3 hour job with a level 20 twink. I did the dailies on 2 characters today and it kind of sucked! I originally only wanted to do mop remix to buy the mounts.
that's weird
you're weird
no it wont lmao
and if it is you fags can crypost itt and ill probably be willing to carry your keys
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I'm standing next to a human male. Our drakes are touching.
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I've been here too long. Help.
an anon posted his cutting edge achievments a week or so ago and some seething anon angrily stalked him lmao
well you wont have trouble joining any group you want a rdruid but get ready for some abysmal players trying to get carried
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>tfw playing MoP Remix reminded me how kino MoP actually was
What the fuck went wrong?
No i can't stand pandaria
wod. it was all downhill after that
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Have you guys seen my latest animation?
oh hah, gotcha
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How do we fix shaman
>same 3 second loop repeated 10x with no visible penetration
unless there's other angles than the one on e6 then meh
whats wrong with it
WoD showed how genuinely stupid the playerbase was and still is
>entire giant new continent
>interesting lore, races and quests
>expansion theme is steeped in actual philosophy and tackles mature themes
>expansion is shat on by the public from day 1 many not even giving it a chance
>Blizzard saw this and started working on WoD which was supposed to be a "return" to old Warcraft
>ends up being one of the worst epxansions ever released that almost literally killed the game
>gold inflation from Garrisons still be felt to this day
The same people who shit on MoP and hyped WOD are the same people today who comment on the WoW Youtube posts complaining about how them adding butterfly wings costmetics to the trading post has "killed the game"
>>entire giant new continent
>>interesting lore, races and quests
They do that every time.
for me, it made me remember how cool Vereesa Windrunner and the Silver Covenant used to be
it's so stupid how there were never added as a core or allied race
the MoP story was so good
WoD was good though, MoP was just a boring joke that nobody cared about
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Personally, I want more furshit in the game. None of that gay crap, though.
This is the brain of a pandatard
Happy pride month y'all!
ele and resto are too stationary and need to be more mobile
maintenance buffs need pruning (earth shield, fuck primoridal wave clunky ass shit)
imbues need to be baseline and better (everliving, flametounge)
enhance/ele have shit defensives
cloudburst totem is shit design, make healing stream better
ele maelstrom spenders are both shit, only reason earthquare gets pushed ever is because you can spam drop 50 of them on the same spot and its terrible compared to other casters
resto needs wellspring/downpour to be reworked because those designs are terrible, they have no proper endcaps
flame elemental is shit
ascendance is clunky and annoying, especially the mandatory talent where it procs randomly
totems need to be good again across the board, including bringing back offensive totems

probably missed some but honestly the class sucks, feels like its stuck in wrath with design
WoD was great yeah which is why they had to rush out the Legion announcement before Blizzcon because people were legit starting to riot over how bad the game was
Those people aren't the playerbase. The actual playerbase is mostly content with the game right now and honestly aside from some autist shit and the occasional tranny pandering DF was/is fine.
Those people are just retards like Asmon that don't play anymore yet still always seem to have an opinon on everything

Which is find funny is that the people complaining about the story now are the same people who shill and defend FF14 which has some of the most cliche feel good trope writing as well
>final boss of Endwalker is unioinrcally defeated by the power of friendship
i was told remix had fast leveling. this doesnt feel any faster than retail
final fantasy 14 is the most boring mmo i have touched. most of it is just people playing dress up so they can take screenshots of their characters. the actual gameplay is a long series of skipping a retarded amount of cut scenes since all final fantasy games have incredibly boring stories. the "gameplay" is an absolute joke. the game doesnt even have good tab targeting. their tab targeting just randomly cycles through targets regardless of whether or not they are generally in range, which makes it borderline useless.
i cant name anything positive about the game. i have a lot of other complaints about it, but the ones i listed suffice. i sprinted through the main story quest, and honestly it may have been the fastest i have ever dropped an mmo while giving it a realistic chance. i was absolutely bored out of my mind while playing it.
If you play normally it isn't. If you get boosted by a level 20 trial character or a geared 70 it is much faster
If it's your very first character it won't be that fast. You get a 100% exp cloak start on alts.
After you get your cloak to max on your first character, all alts start with 100 XP bonus. Here's how to do some fast leveling for characters
>get to 25 by doing random heroics, dont loot boses
>turn auto loot off
>do normal Mogoshan
>only loot the XP threads and stat threads from bosses, leave the bonux XP items on the boss
>do random heroics
>do normal HoF
>repeat and get XP threads
>do heroics until level 40
>do normal Terrace
>get XP threads
>at this point your cloak XP bonus should be around 300%
>go to mailbox and loot all the XP tokens from the postmaster
>you'll either ding 70 or be very close
Be aware that by doing this you're losing out on bronze and you'lre gonna weak as shit when you hit level 70 and the scaling
>turn auto loot off
you can just hold shift to not auto loot bosses, then click everything that isn't the raw xp.
i hope they gut the night elf racials im sick of seeing them
tough shit
Delves should give mythic raid gear!
you don't need mythic raid gear if you're not mythic raiding tho
this early access scam is such a pile of shit, fuck blizzard
you dont need mythic raid gear to mythic raid either
says who?
gearing is the worst part about wow
it really has gotten pretty out of control. like 90% of the classes are dominated by NE for both pvp and M+.
Not having much fun in game so I go to cancel my sub. Gives me the option to pause it instead. Continue to cancel asks for a reason and just give it an honest one. Go to another screen about are you sure. Click yes. Get an error page, sub is still active. Try again get the same.
Third time it goes through.
Few days later decide fuck it gonna run one more Kara for Nightmare. It drops.
Fuckers are trying to keep me lads.
ogres when?
youre here forever
they're unironically having problems with their payment processing
gz tho
the momment the alliance get Vrykuls
it would be high elves alongside ogres as the 2 WC2 Alliance/Horde races still missing
I want bronze.
after playing this remix shit I honestly cannot trust Pandaria shills to be much more than crypto furries at this point
The Void niggers fucked all the chances of the high elves to be part of the alliance
>all the chances of the high elves to be part of the alliance
they've been a part of the alliance forever ion is just being a nigger and not letting them be playable
literally the exact same thing with ogres, it's fucking stupid
the zones are really beautiful desu
i think the mode is kinda boring all things considered
i didnt play it the first time around
disclaimer: i do find fempandas attractive, i dont care for other furshit tho, just panadas
Just gotta wait about 2 more years for MoP classic. Then everyone will see first hand as those servers become a ghost town after a month.
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>ogres when?
I hope the clean up the Totemic talents and add something to spice up the rotation of enhancement Stormbringer.
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>>ogres when?
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Best I can do is mok'nathal allied race.
nope mop will win you shall see.
spreading my pozvibes.
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yes, that would be the obvious solution with rexxar as their leader
same idea vereesa windrunner and high elves
but this would make too much sense, so here are some dwarves that literally no-one asked for and no-one will play instead
Yes, I'm sure the games worst version of talent trees and mountains of boring dailies will keep people hooked!
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ill see you there on launch day my friend!!
I set HWinfo to play a chime whenever my GPU thermal throttles and it goes off constantly. The minimum delay between chimes can be set and I set it to 5 seconds and every 5 seconds I hear this dinga ling.
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Why does it look so good on my Panda?
because you have low standars
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because they actually pay attention to how store items scale to different races instead of just making it for human and letting it auto scale everyone else.
they don't. they'll continue to be on a weekly rotation
do /dance
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If we fail to time a key, we can say that we lost to her
It doesn't. You're just a fat retard.
oversized armor looks best on big races like pandas or KT
I hope she makes fun of us when we fail. I will be throwing keys on purpose.
Now that the dust has settled why was df such a flop?
They're also the ones that can make fury's Titan's Grip look somewhat functional.
Bully me. I want her to laugh at us
as much as people like to cry about borrowed power, without them there is no hook or feature to shill nothing to look forward to or theory craft. You can jimmy neutron brain blast exactly how your class will feel and how everything will play it for a season and so you just dont even start because it will be just like the last.
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>but this would make too much sense, so here are some dwarves that literally no-one asked for and no-one will play instead
Seriously, I just don't understand why they even bothered putting development time and resources into making the gem dwarves into a playable race.
Like, how fucking delusional do you have to be to think ANYONE is going to play this race?
It's the same shit as diaper gnomes all over again, it just doesn't make any sense.
>wipe on last boss in a +8
>miss the timer because of it
>Xal'atath calls you pathetic shrimpdick losers and makes you huff her armpits to get your pity buff for failing the key
I never fail.
the absolute state of this dead tranny general for a dead tranny game
Midnight will save this general.
just two more expansions
Ill never clear a +8 that way...
this, but unironically
the premise has me interested in an expansion's story for the first time since legion desu
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>game halts your gear progression because you won't do Mythic +

Why is the game designed this way? I don't want to do any Mythic + which means I can't get into Normal Raids. Why? It wouldn't be an issue if we had a real community here and some of you could carry me - BUT NO - we can't have that happen. Fuck you guys.
You can get into normal with lfr and m0
Also theyre making m0 have a daily lockout in tww + delves that give heroic ilvl gear and vault slots
Normal is piss easy anyway, a step above lfr
im unironically willing to carry your key right now
im drunk but i have huge ilvl
just post the fucking group in groupfinder
you have 10 minutes before i go play smite or get in a shuffle
your move faggot
In s3 there was that token that would convert any piece of gear in to a tier piece. Does anything like that exist for s4?
Sholazar and Grizzly Hills are two the most soulful and memorable zones in Northrend.
Followed by Crystalsong Forest and Dragonblight.
And then Fjord.
And then the rest three.
every season has had that
2k m+
1600 pvp
or heroic endboss
Man i hate Barber Shot being the stomp's trigger
It was so much more elegant with Multi Shot back in Legion.
And then there was the rain of arrow passive.
It felt so good to play BM on AoE.
No there was something that would transform any piece of gear into a tier piece.

How am I supposed to get my tier pieces if I only play m+?
anyone else experience the issue where the game doesnt let you collect your rewards from the collector's cache? i can clearly see the chest glowing. i looked on the support website for an option to submit a ticket for it, but the only option i got to said it would only be forwarded to the bug fixers and i wouldnt receive a response on getting my issue fixed.
that's the catalyst.
same place as before.
you're talking about the catalyst you should have like 9 or 10 charges if you havent been playing its over by tyrhold just search it on your fav search engine for the location
revival catalyst. remember it only converts to the same track as the item your converting. so a veteran item will still be verteran after converting it
Why on earth does wowhead not mention this in their tier set page?
I have 9 charges so I think I'll tier-set the champion pieces I'm getting. I'll have enough to do the heroic pieces when I get them.
Catalyst. Same place as in s3
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I don't have a key and this bitch won't give me one. What do I do?
They probably expect everyone to know about the catalyst since we had it for quite some time now
it's only one charge a week. 9 weeks from now will be next expansion time
complete an m+ dungeon and the chest at the end will give you one
Totemic hero tree for Resto showed how wrong everything with Resto and class tree is.
Totemic feels like a proper Resto Shaman gameplay loop because it either fixes or completely bypass spec flaws.
Then you go back to Farseer and it feel like utter dogshit.
It could already be in your bag or bank or some shit.
Otherwise go knock out a m0 or m+ dungeon.
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>"To get started, set your dungeon difficulty to Mythic and complete and of the dungeons below"
>they rework shaman next in two days
>completely ruins both hero specs
i'm dumb. only need 4 weeks for tier set bonuses. look into bronze bullion for this season anyways if you haven't already
Should I save charges for the next expac? I assume they'll reset them or have a different tier set system.
ehhh I'll do it tomorrow. I REALLY don't want to do M+ for some reason. That's why I can't wait for
>Also theyre making m0 have a daily lockout in tww + delves that give heroic ilvl gear and vault slots

It's not that I hate M+ or anything. I just don't want to do it.
they reset each season. if TWW has a catalyst then the charges will be reset
It does yeah and we get a charge week 1
Thanks everyone for answering my questions. You're better than having a guild.
There was not a single expansion where you would easily get into raids without doing high level dungeons first.
Ignore the 'M+' badge and just do some of them. They arent that stressfull or hard untill some of the higher ones.
im scared they will actually pull off something stupid design wise
like those affli and demo reworks that forced them into shadow bolt spam and was never asked by the players
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jiri lost
with this season's m+ changes they might be harder to do. i don't really do alts so i don't know for sure. I know that all other content gear is enough to get into them though, but they are indeed tougher than they were before this season
>Play Healer
>Never have any problems getting into M+ and Normal(Heroic) raids

This is how WoW is meant to play. Its sad dps players dont know that feeling of playing the game without tedious long waiting for someone to show the mercy.
>play meta class
>dont be behind on ilvl
its that easy, retard
Whats she cookin
>play retGOD
>make friends with some healer sissy
>they now follow me everywhere for easy portals and io
This is how WoW is meant to be played.
probably nigger giblets if the other screenies are anything to go by
two way street. without dps you would be in a dungeon with a tank for ages. every role has it's place. that's why the system works.
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>play healer that's not considered meta
how do you clean up the unholy DK rotation? feels clunky as shit. im not asking for frost levels of smoothbrain, but you've got diseases on different timers, a strike plus wound stack tracking, another strike plus wound pop tracking, a cooldown strike that also has wound pop tracking, a resource dump that also refreshes another resource, a cooldown that gets stronger the more you resource dump so you should probably pool, another cooldown on an asynchronus timer with the previous that also gets more duration from the resource dump, another longer cooldown detached from all of that, then yet another cooldown that needs to synchronize with both defile and a max wound stack. oh and the resource dump also has procs which themselves grant a 10 second window to synch with as many runes and stacked wounds as you can to spam pop

there are a lot of spinning plates in this spec, none of which handle themselves properly just by pushing your light up buttons when they light up
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Why even play other melee specs when Ret exists?
It was designed by some NASA experts or shit, it plays so well and fluid, its hard to get into another melee spec without feeling im changing my Ferrari for some 100yo chariot.
>play fire mage
>get invited to any key for some reason
I may or may not do tank dps. Jokes on them.
Built for human male paladin.
i like summoning undead. they finally got the feel of unholy right with summoning constant hordes of zombies, liches, abominations, gargoyles, etc. it finally feels like a proper necromancer.

just wish the actual melee aspect of it didnt feel like such shit
blood lust
press your sudden doom procs
keep dnd down
keep your diseases up
pop zits
press your 45/minute&ahalfs on cd
its not that complicated
Play Ret
>Every my button does AoE
Play Frost
>'You see, you have to put your dnd and whisper tank to move mobs carefully, or you wont AoE properly. Oh, and also your dnd has a long ass CD so if the tank or you fuck your dnd placement up, no damage for your'.

Its as if some spec devs never ever talk to each other or dont ever play the game to see how other specs are doing.
ugly trannyforged draenei
is this also a variant of an older piece? I feel like I've seen this before, but for a normal draenei in the green jade set.
Why is the promotional material tying Anduin and Silithus so much when we're going underground with Dwarves and Spiders? Also what's the point of "What Sword?" Blizzard was showing during Blizzcon. Were they really putting in so much effort just to respond to a shitty asmongold meme?
this is what happens when retards try to use real-time shading instead of relying on clever artistic texturing and a mix of simple lighting and flat shading.
I think the XIV fan is actually sane and is able to critize a game he still clearly likes and enjoys. And he is able to describe the problem he's having pretty intelligently. You can still greatly enjoy a game and have criticism towards it.
imagine eugenia riding big dildos on chaturbate
she should start doing that

Not worth logging in to check, but from yours I can see you are an absolute newfag.
Mine is probably something from 2007 but I never cared to check

what you posted is gay furcrap

because you think pandas can look good
in other words
you have shit taste

also WoW literally looks the same as this hen you put your char next to a bright emitting light source like a fire or lamp post in some parts of the world
looks like the final troonfantasy 14 devs just turned the environment/real-time lighting to 11/10, very lazy shit change

the sword is still there and will be part of the story
you know, once they can figure something out
because they forgot all about it and just left it there

none of the current employees even knew it existed so they need to write new material to make a story for it unless they cheat and just make a new space god titan just come and yoink it and exit using some black hole after
which might happen
but we won't know till we see it

if we wanna go underground though
having some space god yoink that sword that's balls deep in Azeroth would be faster than digging that deep so perhaps removing the sword is the key to going deeper underground
truely the best Jaina.
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Lets be honest - Blizzard clearly outsorce various parts of the game to various studios like they did with WC3 Reforged and it looks like one arm doesnt know what other does.
Worldsoul Saga is just one giant expansion with 270$ price tag separated into 3 parts to not scare people off, and Blizzard is treating it like that, because they work on all three parts simultaneously.
Afaik Midnight is long time in an active production and TLT has story ready and is in early stages of production as well.
It doesnt help that picrel has just left and i dont know if Worldsoul Saga even have production manager to replace him.
I think Faerin (disabled nigger) looking absolutely different from in-game model is one of the examples of desync between various departments and studios.
Anduin in the desert all alone is probably just a pure visual representation of his character being all devastated and sad.
Although i wouldnt be surprised if Anduin, Silithus and Sword were the lefovers of initial plans of making him and Thrall more involved into the story and story getting focused on the sword and whats beneath it (thats what first cinematic implied), but then something went wrong and Blizzard went with what we have in beta.
>cinematic was about thrall and anduin
>turns out tww is more about alleria
>the sons of lothar all finally show up
wouldn't surprise me if this was metzen's doing desu, going back to his "roots" focusing on one of his wc2 characters
come suck my dick at the lamb
I don't care I just want to do mythic+.
>don't care still eating shit
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>40 lvl 70s
>25 more to go

How many max level alts you guys have?
I've leveled like 8 in remix but can't stomach another second of mogu'shan vaults to level anymore.
I think you have some points, but Blizzard has some big things up their sleeves and they are keeping them close to the chest.
why is blizzard paying pajeets to shill worlo wawa on 4chan of all places?
>Afaik Midnight is long time in an active production and TLT has story ready and is in early stages of production as well.
This is how they've been doing expansions for a long while now. They have their C team working on the current expansion while everyone else is working on future stuff. Blizz even confirmed themselves that nearly every WoW dev immediately got to work on Dragonfligh the moment SL launched. This is why blatantly obvious problems with easy fixes manage to stick around an entire expansion.
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>people are crying about dps being very badly balanced in the beta
>people are crying about melee dps being undertuned in the beta
>people are crying about the disgusting amounts of mechanics in the new dungeons
>no one has uttered a word about the state of mana for healers
>no one has bothered to mention that healers quite literally go oom in the 2nd min of a fight on heroic because there's non stop pulsing aoe damage in some cases ramping

You guys are gonna cry so much in dungeons when the healer has to drink after every pack.
Every Blizzard game gets shilled relentlessly on /v/ whenever a new game/patch/expansion is on the horizon. It's just the way things are.
>There are actual people who think she isn't coming back in Midnight
crying about any sort of numbers balancing is retarded when all that gets ironed out during the last week of beta. there is zero reason for them to swap around a bunch of numbers when the talent trees aren't even complete yet.
Newish player here, enhance shaman is my favorite fantasy and I have 4 of them accross various factions and servers but it feels like my brain is too small to comprehend all the utility buttons and I haven't even tried the elementalist playstyle because i havent played in a while. Should I just accept my fate and kill myself?
anyone with a brain would be able to work that out though
>expansion based around the unification of the thalassian elves, set in quel'thalas
>not having the three windrunner sisters involved
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Shaman talent tree updates are coming to TWW beta in a few days. They are (most likely) gonna reduce the button bloat like they've been doing for other classes.
Speaking of Ret, anyone on beta?
I went with the premade spec and looking back, I wouldn't change much about it (pve perspective, no need for those defensives), but are the any better build variants?
there's not that many things to manage desu
main thing youll be doing in groups is stunning shit with cap totem and other utility like windwalk or earthgrab are negligible 99.9999% of the time
If I'm max level what's the benefit to doing all the main story quests in dragonisles?
Does the beta let you fly there without the achievement or do I need to do it first?
the benefit will be not having 9000 quest icons all over your map thats about it
some quests give flightstones if you need those to catch up still
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>gelbin is the only classic race racial leader still active since tyrande retired for some reason
uh based?
>still active
they made that nigga irongnome and shelfed him dude what you mean active
as in he is literally still their racial leader and was one of the avengers who showed up outside the emerald dream raid
They don't even call it "dragonflying" in TWW.
I would be surprised if they forced people into previous expansion.
best chromie time to spam dungeons as tank to lvl?
Why can't wowg make kino content like this
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>no one has uttered a word about the state of mana for healers

I havent experienced mana issues at all on beta. Unless your talking about some random garbage like u cant 24/7 chain heal like its wrath. If there is mana issues its located only on specific healers.

>You guys are gonna cry so much in dungeons when the healer has to drink after every pack.

Ive gone entire keys without needing to drink atm on some healers. You must have gotten the vanilla shadowpriest manaburn affix.

All healer retards have down syndrome
it was referred to as dynamic flight quite awhile back. just be happy there isn't a time-gated rep grind for any flight and that this new light can be toggled on and off
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>non stop pulsing aoe damage in some cases ramping
Perfect for my druid.
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But, anon-kun. Druid is probably the worst performing healer right now. The keeper of the grove tree is very boring and dull combined with the fact that it simply doesn't heal enough. You cannot handle a single pack in maze+ without blowing every single cooldown you have and you have to drink after every pull. I really hope they fix the mana issues for druid, but my biggest hope is for the shaman rework. If it turns out to be shit I'm just going back to priest.

>pic related
tbc and wrath for the dungeon quests
after you do the quests tbc is probably a bit better on xp but hard to say
Druid will always be top-tier. Never bottom.
*whh psh*
never go under!
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Trading post actually good this month for the swimwear
That's rude
>limited trading post points
i wonder how many people actually bought the gay chair
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Looks cute.
This face is not sexy enough. Do you see this? The tongue is not sexy enough. The lips are not sexy enough. This is why dracthyr failed.
stop watching porn
its the only way you could even remotely find something like that attractive, retard
just do it
The dracthyr are not sexy enough.
if you find them sexy at all you have an issue
the only race thats acceptable outside of the normal humanoid forms is pandaren and anyone can understand that because they have the right shape besides the head and padded appendages
anything else is extremely deviant to say the least
Chronicles 4 is out in 16 days and still no art preview.
It's unironically over.
We love dracthyr here.
We are also trannies
the art is the best part about those books as well, the "lore" in them is usually paraphrashed retcons that your best would be reading the actual novels/source instead desu
we don't.
Chronicles 4 is the only one of the lore books I'm interested in desu.
Since it'll be having to tie up all the lore from MoP-Dragonflight into something that's less of a mess for the World Soul Saga.
Just for them to retcon it all by Midnight anyway like they did with Legion

Still as you say, people mostly just buy them for the art.
We are also furries and pedophiles.
pumping to void mommy
leave it to Blizzard to release a literal bikini/swimwear and make it completely uninteresting
not installing to get this shit and I am not missing out
this little green cheese eating mfer
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Sex with void mommy!
>Le sex
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you have to simp for void mommy
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>Join raids in MoPmix asking for 476
>Leader and/or his friends are *always* far below, usually around 400 and are just looking to get free carries in Heroic or Mythic

Yes, MoPmix is easier than retail but I'm still not giving your lazy ass a free carry. You can upgrade your gear extremely easily and there's no excuse not to be 476 at this point.
that's classic. always funny to join a heroic raid, have the leader ask for aotc and ilvl, then you inspect them and its some shitter in garbage gear and no cheevo either lol
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I do this in retail, or sort of at least. I don't ask, I just look at ilevels at most because gearing in retail is absolutely boring garbage I hate doing - but in MoPmix? With how easy and fast you can gear up there's no reason to bullshit like that.
Good on them for treating this joke of a game mode like a joke.
yea a few players can easily steam roll the raid, being gatekeepey is retarded as fuck
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Either get gearing or get going, you can get to 476 in less than 5 days.
or at least don't ask for crazy gear when you're wearing garbage
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>Don't ask for good gear in MoPmix because of the transmog outfit you wear on retail
no, i mean there's no reason for someone to ask for 470 when they're in 400
same as in retail. no reason to ask for aotc and ilvl if you don't meet those reqs yourself
honestly i wouldn't mind if they could make it so that you can't list a group asking for x ilvl until you meet that requirement yourself
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>most people were reasonably optimistic about DT
>dawntrail is a total trashfire
>most people are reasonably optimistic about TWW
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Oh, yes that's fair. I think if you set the minimum ilevel req does do that - but you just.. don't set that and avoid it completely. Very sick of these lazy vagabonds wanting free carries when they're at 380 wanting to kill Mythic Garrosh.
TWW has solo queue rated battlegrounds. That's already enough to make it the best expansion ever.
Does it really? I haven't heard shit about this but I've been living under a rock. Tell me it's not garbo.
what stops me from queueing rbgs as tank and afking?
It's the current battleground blitz mode but rated. So even a strict improvement over normal rbg rules.
You can only solo queue OR que with 1 healer + 1 dps. So no premades.
If it doesn't come saddled with hour long queue times I'll play the fuck outta it. I've always liked pvp, in the world and BG context, but I've never much given a shit about Arena.
getting kicked by the afk system or players
>If it doesn't come saddled with hour long queue times I'll play the fuck outta it
It's 8 player teams with 2 healers and 6 dps.
1 healer for every 3 dps is already gonna have a better queue ratio than shuffles 1 healer per 2 dps.
but I can just queue again
You TANK your rating
eu gobbo i haven't started mopmix yet, will you carry me?
Tank isn't a mandatory role. If you assume you can sneak into higher rated games from picking that role, then you are mistaken. You will just derank down to the depths of wood tier like all the other shitters.
I don't know about that. In solo shuffle, you write "go X" and it's most of the time a tunnel vision with no switch.
In bg, you need communication and people defending bases, have you seen a normal bg? everyone wants to be a hero so there's a bus moving base to base to take them while losing the one they just captured 20sec ago.
When you do RGB, you expect the leader who formed the group to act like a leader, this shit won't happen in blitz solo bg.
Are we playing moonkin in Wow:TWW bros?
Dracthyr are lovely.
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No, sorry. ;_;
People are too used to normal BGs which are full of clueless pve shitters. Once you get a slightly above average rank in Blitz people are gonna know actually know what to do on the map without needing to be handheld.
i want to see it moving and attacking
melee went to kino with 2 simple additions
Let's not forget base melee range is now 8y for all classes.
good stuff
You don't want to see that
im thinking sunfury mage
is it possible to create a macro or a button that acts like mage portal menu, bringing out a whole bunch of buttons and stuff?
like half the melee specs got a talent that gave them 8y range instead of 5y, not just ret. only difference now is ALL melee get it.
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bad camera collision was more of a problem for rangefags rather than melee. the actual issue with melee is that you can't turn off spell effects of everybody else so you're drowning in technicolor vomit of 19 other people shitting their particle effects everywhere
pretty sure mages have had the universal portal button since vanilla. check your spellbook.
i fucking hate this
Imagine kissing a dracthyr
Bro.. that's a dude..
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good morning back to the grind
>I'm standing still with my back to the wall as the tank in a +10 Uldaman.
>braindead DH finds a way to fel rush into the frontal cleaves from the custodians.

Jannies cleaned his shit up. He had 12 deaths by the end of the run and we did not time. I feel like ret paladins and havoc dhs are in a competition to see who can be the biggest retards of this game.
strong and easier classes always attract the worst
gm. Doing wrath loremaster?
How original
What? That's a lot
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yes, i only have icecrown left
i really liked wrath questing outside borean tundra
>want to unlock flying in zerith mortis
>need to kill 10 rares
>everyone that has flying 1-shots them within 10sec of them being up
>all rares spawns miles away from my location
>have to travel by ground mount
yeah this is not happening any time soon
They just pretend to like XIV because it fits their narrative that "WoW died with Arthas".
yea that's why when you finally get flying you start doing that shit too, it's a cycle of spite
im not that kind of person and i already know the rares drop jack shit worth having
camp one at a time
yea but they're a good source of anima
i just do the raids for that
that's awful though, you'd be better off doing torgheyst
oh well, there's no rush.
i am black but i get banned for typing nigger in this game?
Shitlibs (modern game devs) only like white-presenting blacks, like Niel Degrasse Tyson. And they like to pretend like every black is the upstanding citizen. They don't like ghetto niggers and ghetto culture, and would like to pretend 13/50 doesn't real.
I hate chordy so fucking much
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nothin' fuckable about lizards
give me more mammals
kill yourself futafag
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>*Horse neighing sound*
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For me? It's kleia
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Playable ogres when.
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>tfw we have not gotten a brand new race since MoP
>all allied races are reskins and even dracthyr human forms are reskins
thats milk right
male dracthyr turn into blood elves
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>earthen are dwarf reskins
>furry night elves are, obviously, nelf reskins
>even the humanoid nerubians will be reskinned night elves
You'll get your gay pseudo dragons and you'll enjoy it

whats even worse are the dps who intentionally stand in front of bosses as if you are supposed to stack on the tank for some reason
>even the humanoid nerubians will be reskinned night elves
don't they use the same rig as dracthyr? they even have the bent back legs. another reskin regardless though.
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Never you fat retards
Not figuring out a female ogre model by WoD was the death blow for ogre ever being playable. They sure as hell won't be releasing a male only race in 2024.
Looks like a troon. Disgusting porn- sick addict.
Best thing is, she can change her look however she wants, so when its sexo time she goes into loli form for your pleasure
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what do you mean? we already have female ogres in the game
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pay the pedophile no heed
Next thread is going to be awful, the loony troon already baked the next op with 999 links
imagine bashing any fetish in fiction. let people jerk off to fantasy.
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only one seething about it is you XD
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>caring about the OP
sperg, the only way the next thread will be awful is you and your ilk having a meltdown over nothing
t. op of the thread youre posting in
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>female kul'tiran where the scrapped female ogres this whole time
your ops are fucking bad but you're autistic and will cry if it doesn't have a billion fucking links
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the op, like every op on this board, is informative and useful, good heavens forbid!
do you also go into /pol/ and complain their generals have "link spam"?
do you go into /sp/ and complain their generals have "link spam"?
didn't think so... the only one autistic here is you, now try not to have a melty this time, ok? :3
dont reply theyre just upset because they havent been able to put footfag or futashit in the op for so long
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I would delve her "FUN TUNNEL"
I look like those wojaks and I say all those things

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