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>6v6 topic to be addressed soon

>Pink Mercy available now

>Season 11 blogpost

>Season 11 trailer

>Latest patch notes

>Competitive rework

>Comics, short stories and music

>Season 11 (Current) - Ultrawatch Theme, Ashe Mythic, Colosseo Rework, Runasapi Map, Community Crafted mode (Balance patch by streamers), Start of season event (Earn exp and Aztec Sombra)
>June 20 to July 9 - Hero Mastery event for new Kiriko + S76 courses
>June 25 to June 30 - Calling All heroes twitch drops (Mercy icon + Nihon Hanzo)
>June 25 - July 8 - Pink Mercy returns for charity event, plus Rose Gold variant
>July 9 - Summer Games Event, Transformers Crossover
>July 15 - Quick Play Hacked: Pickable Passives
>July 23 - Mythic Reinhardt Weapon Skin, likely Mid-Season patch date
>Aug 21-25 - Gamescom, Blizzard will be present
>Aug 27 - Likely Season 12 start date and Space Ranger launch
>Future - Clash Mode (Unknown 2024), new tank (Season 14), Map reworks [Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado] (after season 12)

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>483906807
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the kiriko brought you donuts
tranny game
OW1 was better
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Amari thread
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>pick Mccree despite not being good at him
>play like shit all game
>only have like 5 kills and 8 deaths
>enemy Mccree is dominating the game and trash talking me
>overtime, pushing the robot and they're about to win
>I flank and walk up behind them
>"It's HIGH NOON!"
>win the game while he loses his shit in chat
Yes siree, that's how we do things
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the kiriko dance
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If I get paired with another plebbit rein in going to get banned from voice comms, twice yesterday I had a washed/alt GM co-DPS in mid plat and we still couldnt carry our inting reins. In one of those games I started 19-0 in the first round too. You can win with one shitter at either dps or support, but if your tank is the shitter its just gg. This is why we need 6v6 back asap. If someone starts 19-0, the game should be OVER. If it was professional sports the equivalant would be the announcers talking about pop culture because the current game is such a blowout.
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its crazy how only a handful of characters actively make the game unfun and that nerfing them would make the game way more enjoyable. but no shit like hack, cleanse, hook, and anas and orisas entire kit are allowed to shit up the game for some reason when any other dev team for any other game would have cut their legs off ages ago
poetic justice
love seeing the sweatier team lose because stats don't matter
never happened
the only difference between an inting tank and good tank is literally whether you play with them instead of being a fucking pussy.
Cleanse removing sunburst is retarded but at the same time it being the only thing you can do to stop Ana is insanity
Why the fuck is Ana so fucking broken and why is everyone seemingly ok with it?
what now fucking faggot ass bitch
Now show me YOUR fucking last game little bitch
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>they like women?
>send in the most beautiful babes you got
8 minute mark too because unlike you I can back up my talk bitch boy
kinda wild how winston still does a whopping 75 damage per second in a post mauga game where healing is the strongest its ever been. theres zero reason why it hasnt gone up to just below reinhardts especially when dvas damage output went up while letting her play from a further distance
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My Illari adjacent brethren. I hope you get one for yourself.
I was so enthralled by THE YOUNGEST that I even used up my second set of comp points to get her a jade weapon.
honestly? who fucking knows at this point. they pick and choose what kind of cancer is allowed and why. sym sees too much play and she gets nerfed. ana is the most played character across every role for multiple years now and they continue to buff her. i gave up on trying to understand it
>just get off high ground and feed with your tank bro! FOR HONOR AND GLORY MY FELLOW PLEBBITOR!
You're 100% correct
Orisa, Roadhog, Sombra, Ana, Kiriko, and Bap all have Zero Risk, EXTREMELY HIGH reward skills and kits that it makes no fucking sense how they are still around
Ana's excuse was baffling "Her kit is too iconic" What the fuck does that MEAN!? Who gives a shit, FUCKING REMOVE IT
PC you retard, Steam Deck too
Gee doesn't that piss you off? A deckie mogged your PC bros huh
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Haven't regretted it for a second. Even though Lucio is probably my go-to manlet nigga and I am better with him than Illari but still.
He will get the third jade.
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Speaking of McCree, how we feeling about his new flashbang
>play QP with a friend
>Team and Match chats muted, just bantering with friend in Group chat
>lock in Illari because she's chill to play
>end game with most healing, most elims and Play of the Game
>friend tells me that our retard tank was complaining about me/Illari the entire game
She is so under-appreciated. The brainlets who play this game don't even realize how much value they are getting from her. Enjoy your jade weapon king.
crazy how they reduced the skill floor so free to play shitters would be more likely to buy skins for said heroes. (ie 75% of support heroes). Crazy how they removed one player to make it easier to rig games to make people "engaged" and make them more likely to buy skins. Crazy how game quality is just shit now isnt it, everyone and their grandma jokes about streaks but blizzdrones come in and gaslight you into thinking OW1 was always bad and said streaks just dont exist.
>why is everyoen seemingly ok with it?
In original OW, support was the least played role because who the fuck wanted to sit there and heal as mercy all game or play lucio when you could play the cyborg ninja dude or epic shotgun guy or cowboy. So they wanted to make supports have higher impact and say in the game, but instead of making the impact take any form of mechanical skill, they created ana. Her hitbox is purposefully designed to be impossible to fucking hit despite being a 250 HP character, her sleep dart has a massive projectile size, her anti nade aoe is so absurd it's bigger than junk's concussion mine radius by 3 times, you don't have to even aim her nano you just press it and get instant value, and to top it off, they increased the ally hitboxes when you heal them with your biotic rifle so the argument that she takes skill because you have to aim is bullshit. She also got increases to her projectile size once before s9 then directly after s9 so you can no scope air and still hit tracer.

Not to mention sleepdart and nade completely shat on the OW 2 tanks in beta and still does when you don't have kiri. But no, blizzard will die on this hill that ana is totally well designed and not overkitted and isn't the reason behind shit like hog rework, mauga meta, doom/ball powercreep, and so forth.
I got more done with the sticky desu but if it made people cry whatever
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It’s more useful while also being less useful
>just get off high ground
half of you retards dont even know WHEN or WHY to even use high ground and just sit there doing fuck all like all OW2 players who were mind rotted by this game coming from OW1. yes you should fight with him because if you dont you are literally throwing just as much as they are, but like i said OW2s player base is too fucking retarded and selfish to realize that you should attempt to use someone constantly walking into the enemy as an opening to make a pick while they arent focused on you
The new flashbang is just weird
i walked right up to an Ana from behind, threw it at her, and for some fucking reason the thing just went right over her despite me aiming dead at her center
the fuck
I like it. And I don't ever, ever play Mccree, speaking of his adversary.
this, it's half of why i don't play tank anymore
im making space, Im opening up, Im pushing forward. THAT'S YOUR QUE DPS
but nope they just hang back
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>just run up and kiss the opposing brawl team
read the art of war or something jfc, this shit was already covered thousands of years ago lil bro
"making space" is the biggest meme

Grats anon. Feels good to big brain the big dick players.
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>why is everyone seemingly ok with ana
you see, despite the delusional level of revisionism, support was the least played role from prelaunch till just before illari. this led to support being in the exact same spot as tank currently is which also led to even more crying and bitching until support was so disgustingly powercrept into DPS 2.0 that it killed DPS until season 9. support players have an abnormal amount of sway over the game and any changes to make them not cancer would be met with a ton of backlash, so instead we have to pretend that characters like ana are so skillful and all of her players are ryujehong tier rather than being hard carried by a character who get off light with any nerfs
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Good on you mate. You provide the proof.
Let the bitches and faggots cry about it.
yeah but only because no one makes a play off you doing it 90% of the time
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>W keys into a team with full cooldowns
well? why didn't you?
in those .3 seconds you could've
>used your ult
>headshot the supports
>used CC on the tank to gain the advantage
what's the excuse?
i blinked
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>he hasn't surpassed the human limit
this is why you'll never be the best Doomfist
Brigitte my love <3
I allow her, my wife, to swindle men into giving her money
>read art of war
way to out yourself as a retard if you think that AoW applies to this game outside of OWL/tournament play. you know, the same game where people walk right into marked junk traps, stand right in front of the well on illios against a hog, and cant tell when someone is clearly playing like theyre setting up for an obvious ult even when playing at ranks of the top 10% and up of players? youre further proving my point that OW2 players just do shit because "well thats what they said you should do" without understand why.
in a game where an orisa can go from full health to dead in that amount of time, why didnt you?
Brigitte loving anon. I have put us brigs to shame by playing her, it always makes me feel like I am losing """value""" by playing her and not something else.
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Fear not fellow Brigger, simply playing as Brig is all that matters! Whether we win or lose, we still played with Brigitte!
Based Brig Cherishers
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I am very close to her origin.
A shame, some anon faked leaks that told about a finnish whatever.
I feel like the Mei buff will be reverted pretty quickly. If she lands a crit, you just die. It's fucked up. I'm pretty sure it's even stronger than a scoped Ashe
the art of war wont help you against people who dont understand the fundamentals of overwatch beyond holding left click. youre grossly over estimating the enemies intelligence 90% of the time because unless theyre a premade you can swing a match easily by just synergizing with your tank on a basic level regardless of team comp. youd be amazed how much you can do with a sniper landing body shots as a winston or ball dive in, or as a pharah and echo making people choose between looking up or down when a rein crashes through. anything is more effective than sitting back and not trying like a bitch
she unironically needs it. shes such a joke as a DPS post freeze that she might as well be a tank with how much better at sustain and area denial she is. personally i think they should have just made her status effect reduce fire rate by 30% on top of the movement, but
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both her and sym have to nerfed asap, i dont know what is their obsession about constantly gigabuffing cancer heroes every 6 months and hoping that maybe this time people won't think they're cancer when strong and then nerfing them again within a week when people remind them for the 17th time that they're cancer when strong, or even viable.
>snipers, Pharah, Echo
>all characters that need high ground or some form of height/distance to be effective
This is the narcissism of a tankoid
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>sniper landing body shots
above silver this is considered as throwing
I'm diamond DPS and I consistently miss headshots. I'm not good at shooters
luckily for you this is an aimlet friendly game (now)
I've just watch a bronze stack get massacred by a single dps moira
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if your playing either of those characters and you ARENT the number one priority to the point that they enemy is putting all their attention into you enough that the tank isnt able to waltz in then you shouldnt be playing those characters i was just making examples.
>above silver this is considered as throwing
and trying to land only headshots while missing the vast majority of them is throwing at every rank. the point is you dont have to be a god tier DPS to enable a hyper aggressive tank if you understand target priority
Doomfist is a nigger.

Especially when he's dominating the entire lobby.

Do you ever get so mad it almost makes you cry?
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not really no. hitting 1 headshot in 5 is less of a throw than hitting 5/5 bodyshots.
If you really did, be honest.
Did it make you cringe or feel bad or anything? Even reading that made me feel quite bad.
I need Widowmaker pics to goon to
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>listening to a fucking omnic
This tin can doesn’t have a dick what would he know?
It disappoints me that team 4 have to have these brainless skilless heroes that reward 10 times the value you put in them.
No because I'm older than 12
more please
i will unapologetically play hog and jack off every time i hook a bap, brig, dva, kiri, lifeweaver, lucio, mei, mercy, or venture (all the characters i want to fuck)
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He knows that we are all one in the Iris.
>0.3 seconds

Nigga I have been fighting both supports for 20 seconds while they keep rotation their 4-6 invulnerability buttons in between healing each other. How the fuck have the rest of you not been able to push past a team with no healers?
i only goon for Angela sorry
post your Angela goon fuel then
please I'm so horny
I won't put it even on the team. Just universally, it makes me feel bad.
Literally the only two heroes I will not touch anymore are Mercy and Moira.
>He can't kill a support in over 20 seconds
yikes, how embarassing. This was NOT the win you thought it was blud
>throws suzu
>throws lamp
>uses healing burst
>teleports away
>both of them go up to highground with their infinite no cooldown vertical mobility
>suzu is back
>here we go again
>landing one headshot out of 5 shots is better than landing 5 out of 5 shots for consistent damage
Overwatch 2 brain rot in full effect
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if you insist...
>6/2 in placements so far
>projected placement has only gone up one rank
what's the point
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on widow? yeah
Maybe I need to reconsider not playing Mercy.....
>throws suzu which barely lasts for a second
>throws lamp which only takes 2 seconds to destroy and refocus onto the supports
>uses healing burst which won't matter if you have good aim and headshot
>Kiriko teleported away and Bap is by himself with CDs on his abilities so he's easy food
No reason you couldn't have killed one of them here
Do people still play comp? I dropped it months ago once they did the stupid comp points change
its the only mode with any sense of "progression" which is compounded by the base game not being fun enough to play "just because"
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I play comp because at least I'll go against players with their monitors turned on and their mouses connected
QP opponents are easier than bots
imagine defending lamp and suzu being like "lol they don't last that long xd"
point taken. The quality of QP games have dropped astronomically the past few months so yeah maybe i'll give comp another shot
i didn't defend them I said despite their bullshit you can still work around them and kill those supports
next time be man enough to reply to me directly
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I am not the usual anon who applauds you.
But I will give credit when and where credit is due.
You are one if not the only ritual poster who is straight to the point, no shit, no memes, nothing.
Thank you anon.
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Ball is pretty fun
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I'm glad Blizzard isn't pretending the 6v6 discussion isn't important enough to address. Besides the cash shop and new modes/maps, it's the only thing separating OW1 and OW2 at this point. They don't have any distractions left to ignore it.
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is sigma a good tank?
I would get his mythic skin
but it hides his feet
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I'm getting real tired of people complaining about playing the game in qp. Yeah, dude. We should play to lose.
sigma is always good regardless of the meta, his mythic is the safest purchase out of ANY if that's what you're worried about
get that brown lesbian away from my wife
It's amazing how a single picture brutally mogs all spicspam.
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its over genji
sorry, no one likes pharmercy anymore, not even twitter
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oh well if twitter doesn't like it...
and everyone else
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I am all fucking for it. I am here just to enjoy wife posting, sometimes blog about my games etc.
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I like it. I just wish the Pharah actress wasn't a genocide supporter
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How much OW do you guys play daily?
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yea well you can't always get what you want, consider moving on to the better ship
one and a half hours approximately
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then everyone else is wrong.
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How did this game go from having one of the most consumer friendly loot box systems to one of the worst battlepass systems.

The fact that you can neither earn enough gold to buy the next battlepass, nor go back to unlock previous battlepass and prestige tiers is bullshit. fuck what blizzard has become
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free to play turned everything cancer
There's nothing "consumer friendly" about spending money without knowing what you're getting, ya zoomer
the battlepass honestly isn't that bad anymore now that they give out 600 coins and 2k credits even on the free one. that means you can pretty easily get every battle pass you want for free (assuming you aren't some simp who suffers from fomo and wants to get every single one)
sounds like a skill issue for you lil bro
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i used to play for hours and hours but nowadays it's barely one
Huh, haven't touched comp for a few months but that was actually kinda fun
Have they fixed the "Here's the part where you will now go on a forced losing streak" meme yet
blizzard says my skill belongs to a certain rank. fair enough. so if i solo queue, my team should have a similar skill, knowledge, effort level than me, right? so why does my tank keeps suiciding and doesn't know the basics? why people can't counter? why do i see no effort? why do people abandon games? I'm doing my part. I expect to see the same from others at my same rank.
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Winston is based.
I just had the same issue man. My team was all pretty much my skill level, but the enemy team was a 5 stack and 4 of them were Masters while one was Plat (my team's level)
what the fuck bro???? I thought we fixed this shit?
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uhhh 5v5 bros!???
yea well jeff kaplan killed the game or something etc.
Angela Ogundimu
He’s right
Now if the tank is shit it’s gg go next
>6v6 is better for casuals
You think that's a point in your favor?
considering casuals are what keep your game alive and how Season 9 introduced bigger health pools, bigger projectiles, and new passives for casuals....yes!
cool, whos gonna tank? dps players off roling just so they could get a game because they cant get a dps game like during ow1? or the rest of dps players who simply quit the game for the same reason?
considering 80% of the player base doesn't play comp? yeah it is lol
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Jeff also said the game should be played exclusively by premade groups and didn't even know people disliked Paris
didnt they have professional players play test 5v5 before OW2 and all the feedback was bad and they still went ahead anyways?
I remember that dev update, it was really funny in hindsight
>w-well if you just have FRIENDS, that will solve all your(our) problems!
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Just woke up and was dreaming that I was defense Illari on the final Eichenwalde push and I kept getting chased by the enemy tank. I woke covered in sweat. What does this mean?
No, though they did ignore some character specific stuff like Sojourn being obviously busted between original rail and orb which actually used to do even more damage on top of the slow so it was basically a 1shot on non-tanks.
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Anon. Even though this mean I just lost my wife.
You know what it meant. Good luck and enjoy your THE YOUNGEST.
nigga you left her for a man, you didnt lose shit. wear the homo label proudly.
Egyptian vintage.
Very nice.
What the fuck are you talking about?
wait theres more than one pedo- i mean illari lover in here? thats crazy. the other one turned out to be a lifeweaving homosexual.
I don’t play or want to be illari. And it wasn’t a good dream. It was intense and my sheets were soaked in sweet. You can keep her.
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Glad to be here, since I am 110% heterosexual and like playing LW
Thank you. Good luck with whatever wife or husband you end up with.
When would you want to go Reinhardt vs Ramattra?

It seems like any time I want to use Ram, Rein ends up being the better choice.
doesn't matter if you're straight i'm still raping you
Does WifeBeater still suck or has he been buffed?

Jeff Kaplan didn't balance the game, Alec Dawson did. Which is why the balance is still so shit, because he's still here.
No, they did have feedback and all of the pros said it was dog shit.
>sojourn being busted
Actually, they complained that her rail shot was too difficult to consistently land so they gigabuffed the rail size and gave it its own hitbox, which is why pros complained about sojourn for the longest time because the 1 shot was super easy to pull off if you had good aim.
OH no.
>110% straight
>likes zestweaver
does not compute
I love the Kiriko, I really do. She's incredible, just tremendous. She's got this way about her, so smart, so talented. But, you know, some people, they don't get it. They don't like her. I don't understand it. They're missing out. Believe me, big mistake. Kiriko is the best, and I wanna make sure everyone sees that.
Alec Dawson isn't the balance lead, Josh Noh is. Alec Dawson didn't have his current position during OW1, that was Geoff Goodman the guy who would let dogshit metas nobody liked be in the game for 1+ year spans.
shitty imitator
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you ever have those fights where your team keeps killing more and more enemies but the enemy team never runs out of players and they eventually win.
yes i remember 2cp
Shut up. But seriously, I don't give a shit what they put the fun skillset on, I will play it.
now with every single match having mirror mercys we're pretty much playing 4v4
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>Ay pero no te enojes.
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I just wish I had a latina
Cute OW wives
she's literally a weeaboo-bait mary sue.
how low are your standards for character design.
i like their videos
i'm TIRED of being nice
FUCK the "Oooh my wife <3" and "i wuv Olivia!!!" type posts. I'm a REAL man.
If Sombra was here I'd make her suck my DICK. No ifs ands or BUTTS. Except for her big fat butt.
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Shut up Hana, still mad about last night.
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Sombra WILL be mine
>whether or not a video game character is gay/trans is ALL that matters
horeshoe theory in action, kys
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Alec Dawson is lead hero designer so he has a large say in balance and how heroes should fundamentally exist.

Also Josh Noh is a faggot.
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How the hell do you play against a roadhog who just keeps hooking you off the map on ilios lighthouse and well without going hog yourself?
doomfist, dva, ball, winston all have movement that can avoid pits
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i dunno...she could use a lot more ass...
hook is possibly the easiest skill to bait out
What's with you niggas always simpin over the ugly bitches? Illari looks like a nigger, kiriko has no ass or tiddies, sombra is a fat foreheaded spic, tracer is a dyke...

Widow Ashe and Brig are what you niggas really missin out.
brig has no sex appeal
>Enemy tank is Mauga just steamrolling us

Supportoids: Mercy, Moira, or Lifeweaver. take it or leave it!
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>enemy tank is hog or mauga
>your supports are a mercy one trick and another mercy one trick (moira)
>They will NOT switch
without the armor she does
i think it's cute when the mercy main swaps to moira. they think they're gonna go on a rampage or something but they just feed harder.
Actually an interesting phenomenon. It does happen quite often.
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Well they're already playing the only 2 characters they can play.
A better phenomenon is all Widows swapping to Sombra after dying
they swap because moira is easier to play and brings more value in the current meta but is infinitely less fun to play. think of it as a rein switching to mauga.
They can only play non-interactive characters. Their entire repertoire is widow/sombra/mei/pharah and depends entirely on whoever killed them last.
I am not equipped to study this. I am gonna sleep now for a day or so. Tell my Illari and Brig lovers I like them.
because sombra is the hardest widow counter so in widow duels if you get diffed you're on sombra duty so you learn how to play her.
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anyway to compress or save space on ow2 ? i dont have enough space on my laptop for 50gb
>I play Hog

Enemy Support: This dumb NIGGER really wants to play Roadhog? I'll go Ana and Nade and sleep him on cooldown, You go Kiriko and cleanse all his hooks! or better yet go Bap and farm ult off him!

>Enemy plays Hog

Supportsisters: Yikes dps please just shoot him? tank diff gg, was my dmg boosting you not enough?
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>i play hog
>enemy: this dumb nigger
they're right you know
I agree they should delete roadhog
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>go to Round 3 on Payload because our team got off the point for no reason
>tank says "Nice, now we get to win two more times"
>we actually win
i just play hog anyways and dont care
sucks, the game used to be like 20 gigs
How much does a gravity weigh?
I don't know. I'm only a plat 1 support player.
Gonna start another QP search, hope you're all good anon.
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Good night fellas. I want to be killed by Brig's tits or Illari's ass.
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Why can't we be like this bros
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I think that's the difference my man.
Have you tried not being a hateful edgelord
the wife left him for a black man immediately after btw
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Stop forcing your fetishes into everything anon.
you must be 18 to be here
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gaming with the kirikofriend
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Last game for me, it's 6.35am anyway
Good night and enjoy your life anons
Your wife
Your life
kill yourself
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are you jewish
good night schlomo!
Thanks. I won't.
I have a big nose but I fucking hope not.
Is this an upgrade or a downgrade from grandpa?
we gooning or what
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I hate supports who don't try to get kills so much.
rent free
Why is Kiriko's hair green?
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>Character portraits improved in OW2
>Then comes kiriko
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At some point they will stop releasing newer heroes and will just change the roles of existing ones, branding them as new heroes.
New tank released! It's Mei!
Because premades are boosting their bad friends and then you are forced to play with them.
Real solo queue with real mmr reset would solve this but they don't really want to solve any problems, just make money.
We survived another month without Mercy being turned gay.
Something must be happening behind the scenes.
Even streamers who constantly fake positivity about the game have started criticizing it openly.
Microsoft is really getting ready to drop the game.
Month isn't over yet. Also you don't turn gay.
the mercy mythic leading up to pride month, the hinted at pink mercy return and the suspicious lack of any new narrative content for a while definitely had me fearing ngl
Whose idea was it to sell the pink Mercy skin during pride month?

That's some synagogue of Satan shit right there.
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I think it's just a coincidence, though I suppose if you're a conspiracy brainrot retard it could look like that.
pssst, aaron, remember when in overwatch 1 we had two tanks on each team, nobody played them and the game died because of that? could you bring it back?
The game had more players then that it has now.
The reason ow1 "died" was because they wanted to monetize it through pve but it was cancelled.
>The game had more players then that it has now.
Queue times.
they are better than in the last years of ow1
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>read Aaron's post on steam
>hmm let's see what /owg/ has to say, haven't been there in a while
>mistake a fart for a shit before I can even read one post
thinking about this game demonstrably makes me physically ill
>game didn't receive any content for 2 years while blizzard "worked on" pve
>but it was totally 6v6 that killed the game
if you actually believed 5v5 was better you wouldn't need to use these disingenuous non-arguments
and then you made this post before rushing to the toilet?
I just cleaned my ass and underwear.
Good morning /owg/
I love Lena
I wonder if the blizzdrones will be given updated scripts if team 4 brings back 6v6 or if they will be stuck on an endless loop saying GoTY OW1 was actually bad
are these blizzdrones in the room with you right now
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The game is terrible but it convinced women to dress provocatively and I applaud it.
if someone
>types "glhf" at the start of the match
>hovers over their hero during the loading screen to instalock
>has some trick to score the basketball on lijiang tower every time
they WILL be the worst player on your team
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why lijang tower specifically
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People that spam basketballs instantly go on my shit list yeah you watched a youtube video that told you which pixel to look at whoop de whoop
nigga it's not that hard to figure out through trial and error
Good morning. How many hours of Lena today?
The horn spam is the point not at how great you are at sinking balls
wtf is a horn spam
i dont mean this in the mean meme way i think you might genuinely be autistic
>How many hours of Lena today?
All of them!
I mean you didn't have to specify any map, people can make the connection to which maps has a basketball, so I was just genuinely curious why you'd mention lijang of all maps
Going to bed. See ya later fuckers
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Not bad
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you're a fucker!
>leddit shitters unironically having an aneurism about the "proper" use of the term "c9"
this game and community needs to be buried beneath the Earth's core
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best lucio
>Non interactive

Brother you can actually see and shoot them.
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Best Kiriko
Why try and distance yourself saying shit like "leddit" when you're there and reading it.
I don't know what Reddit are saying about anything because I don't go there.
I want sex with mercy
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It's kinda sad how many people will try and say you're the problem when you point out someone on your team under performing, especially weird that it's always someone on the other team.
Like, are they trolling, do they genuinely believe that, or have they just grown fond of the feeder who padded their stats and gave them an easy win?
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Most of the time I’m just trolling but sometimes the person raging is full of shit
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doughnut box
I'm never full of shit, I don't make mistakes, I'm not just like the rest of you
I'm stronger. I'm smarter. I'm better.
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Kiriko is the heartbeat that keeps this thread alive
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actually that's me
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The Akari has received the kitsune
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kiriko killed the thread, now it's just discord trannies spamming 24/7
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good night
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Good night
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cba to euthanize games by throwing anymore, just afk now
I don't think they would ever revert back to 6v6 (even though it would be the right decision), but if Keller is going to bother addressing it, I can't imagine it would just be to say "We hear you. And no, we're still not doing it", right? Making an announcement just to say that they aren't changing it would be an absurd thing to do. Maybe they are bringing it back as a non-primary mode (probably with no balance changes) as an attempt at compromise?
yeah theyre just saying that to make you full tilt to lose or rage bait if its postgame. I acknowledge them and explain its just simply their turn to lose so more people wake up to EOMM
based, more and more people are just afking now when they realize they are in an unwinnable game. I mean why shouldnt they anyways , not like we can leave or forfeit
It's rage bait to make you tilt and swear so they can report you. They know they're shit and usually throw within the first 2 minutes because after getting diffed the cope is insurmountable.

Also it's OW so expect niggerfaggotry in genreal
New account, unranked on tank. I say I'm throwing, i INT as ball three times and force my support to leave the game before 1 minute passes, ensuring the game cancels and he gets a massive queue penalty all while my account will have NO actions on it. It's so fun trolling. I will continue to do this with new accounts, I might even get a cheat to boost my placements to higher ranks like masters and so forth as tank so i can place there and throw as many games as I want. I love throwing games. i love trolling overniggers. And you can't stop me.
go for it, nothings stopping people from shutting down servers or rage hacking in my plat games nor top 500 games
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when will they do the 6v6 dev update/blog post
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>want to play Mercy in QP
>keep getting retarded gold DPS
nobody cares
>crying about gold dps when you’re playing mercy
You’re useless too kek
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>decent DPS
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I went to No Limits to play as Battle Mercy and got two pink Mercies on the enemy team so mad they both tbagged me when someone finally killed me.
For such a cute character, the most vile and malicious people play her. Glad you got them so salty.
The Mercy? Did we get the Mercy!? FIND THE MERCY!!!
>”Heroes Never Die” *Resurrection Ultimate Noise*
sorry she doesn't fuck niggers
only dogs?
Don’t you do it. Don’t post it.
>play qp
>instalock kiriko
>only heal people if they are crit
>playing on cruise control
>proceed to drop 15 elims in 5 minutes
>enemy kiriko is just healing and badly contesting me
Almost like healing is useless or smthin when your team is already stable or full health between engages
Don't get me started on DPS players. Only good at feeding and dying every minute so no point healing you guys
nobody cares
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nobody cares"
How the fuck did you die more than the other support as mercy you useless fucking retard. The only reason you didn't completely drag your team to an unavoidable loss is because the enemy team also had a retarded mercy piece of shit.
It's the same demographic as people who put hello kitty and friends shit all over their stuff. They love the color pink and being cute and they're just the most vile, hateful, spiteful, and toxic pieces of shit.
All I can gleam from that scoreboard is the Tracer diff
Man Dva with good supports is unstoppable
>Our Dva keeps flying out to kill their dps or supports and immediately flies back to get healed by our Moira
>this cycle repeats for the entire game until it ends with Dva having 50 kills and Moira having 15K healing
It was just kinda funny watching Dva fly back and forth while their Zarya didn't even attempt to go after us, they just followed her trying to to throw their limp noodle at Dva
It's a whole team diff except blue team got the worse mercy. But it doesn't matter because mercy is a bot character with 0 carry or playmaking potential.
>how did you, (a hero that has to constantly fly towards a hero in the fight) die more than (a hero that can stay in the back lines and has the strongest anti-flank kit in the game)
Mercy doesn't even need to keep LOS with the healbot target and you can fly 30m to safety every 2 seconds. If you die more than anyone else on your team as mercy you're proving that every single mercytard is boosted 3-5 full ranks above where they belong.
GA being a 30 meter range ability is really funny. Even Moira isn't handheld that much. Mercy could be piloted by a rat and be as good as any mercy main.
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Comp. isn't special. In QP you get MMR adjustments and it will increase your SR gain during comp. Doubt your average QP game is objectively easier than comp. So if something is happening in QP to someone (good or bad) it's probably not much different from when they are playing in comp. Might as well play one QP every now and again randomly, or grind it for battle pass XP
I love brig
QP has consoletards meaning it is way easier
Do people get away with this in diamond or are they still obsessed with the tank trade
You can get them on your team as well making it just as hard and crossplay isn't team balanced. One of many blizzard forums salt mines is people raging at console players because they don't know how to turn crossplay off. It's rare to match with a crossplay group with it off, and cross region PC players count as crossplay which is way more likely for a crossplay group on your team.
She can ignore basic safety because she has gigantism? Absurd. She needs to be protected
I asked a couple days ago and got nothing so I'll ask again. Does anyone have that webm of that D.Va cosplayer sticking out her tongue at the camera? I wanted to see it again
You just described women
no im not a gooner
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It only happens if console/pc are in the same group some pc players just use a controller
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Thanks dude
Love D.Va
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I don't know if Twitch still has any guidelines preventing girls from streaming dressed like this but I'd watch desu
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Even if she streamed in her skin tight suit with no skin showing, wouldn't stop her streams from being goon fuel
She can't help how insanely sexy she is, even if she was just sitting there in shorts and a shirt and "pretending" to try to hide her ass any time she stands up like Pokimane
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Easy simp money. Do nothing and look as pretty as possible
looking as pretty as possible is just D.Va's default state
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I'm gonna go play some D.Va qp now though. See ya later coomer
I'll probably still be here loving D.Va desu
get a room faggots
it's a skill issue
Loving women makes you a faggot. Noted
Dead game
asian women arent built like this
they should be
acting like a faggot makes you a faggot
>someone posts sombra on /v/
>porn addiction instantly triggered and I immediately start pumping
go back
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Same dude
go forward
i hate what gooners turned porn into. everytime i open r34 to look for reference material im assaulting by comments on par with >>484100328
if you're looking at porn for the comments then you're the problem
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Speaking of comments..
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i genuinely feel sad for people that masturbate to this
speaking of cringe
There's an entire subsection of overwatch gooning where people are encouraged to goon mid match and throw games because they're too bust jerking off.
I genuinely love Mercy
It’s an Olympic year and it kinda blows that they went with lifeguard skins again this year instead of sports themed ones.
You can't do much with it, I made widow very racist though
Fucking kek!
it kinds blows that Lifeguard Mercy is already gone, we finally get a Mercy skin with midriff sexo and it disappears
The fuck is this?
Me on the left
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>mfw rein pins me and charges off the map and I see our tank standing at the edge waiting to pick me up
>Avoid support who plays extremely passively and contributes nothing
>Next game they are on the other team (100 million players)
>Focus them no matter what
>They leave and it's an easy win
nobody cares
If it was quick play, the support could be replaced easily and it would not be an easy win.
>yfw widow snipes you anyway
Haven't played in months. Have they fixed tank yet?
nobody cares
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This is backwards. Trust me I'm an expert on videos of Widow piercing Tracer with her huge cock
This desu, Amelie breeding Lena is basically the original Overwaifu porn pairing because of their cinematic
humiliation ritual
they're desperately trying now, adding extra passive shit to them, buffing them in various new ways, but they finally caved in enough to acknowledge the 6v6 debate that's going on
Venture's butt plug...
also adaptive circuits engaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee! Iykyk
clownfest, everyone with at least half-working brain knows that 5v5 is better
There's about as much of an actual debate there as there was on TV the other night. The original game was designed with a main tank/off-tank philosophy and no matter how much they pretend they can make it work half of the tank characters will never work by themselves.
>Mei's new highlight intro is just waving at the camera

Blizzard pls. I know your staff got fired but this is a whole lot of nothing
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the duality of owggers
the original game was designed by mouth-breahting retards
isn't that just her default highlight intro
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But that was fun
until ana and hero and role limits
That's a middle-aged indian man in an AI "call center" you're chatting with.
oh no that game was an exception pretty much
in any other game the tank would counterswap instantly
And getting shot at
nobody knew how to shoot back then
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also Torb and Ashe I guess
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3. LENA!!!
for me, 2. widow
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1. genji
you need healing
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is it just me or is open queue comp way more fun than role queue?
>no t.racer
always's been
>three tanks, two supports
you need healing too
>but they finally caved in enough to acknowledge the 6v6 debate that's going on
What are they realistically going to say?
>6v6 is great but we already invested so much dev time into 5v5 so we will stick with that
I saw her get piped tons of times by the bbc tho
that was me
probably what you suggested while releasing some behind the scene statistics that shows why 5v5 is actually freaking epic or something
yeah that is pretty fun
no, that's your mum
>With 5v5 Queue times have been reduced from 20 minutes like in 2021 to 10 minutes!
>...huh? It's still longer queue times than from 2016-2019 because the game wasn't abandoned back then and actually had players?
tanks be like
>ayo theyre switching from S tier heroes to C tier heroes to counter me this is tank genocide
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dps and support be like
>wtf this tank is having just an average amount of fun playing a video game, time to make his life hell
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What’s your favorite Overwatch Summer skin?
What song reminds you most of Summer?
>it's people's fault and not blizzard's

sweet summer child
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happi genji and lifeguard mercy
I play Mercy, I make sure every game has at least one miserable tank in it
Mercy midriff activates the hell out of my neurons and makes me want to do things to her
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Like what?
Where and when did I defend blizzard.
post the REAL version
disgustingly based
dinner and coffee
But anon, think of the advertisers!
Post the real one coward

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Damn you sure showed me....
Tulum Sombra and prob Lifeguard Pharah

>boob jiggle
yes I like it
I think D.Va's effective range should be increased so she has a chance to counterplay short range beam weapons that go through her defense matrix.
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when your the mvp of the match but your team doesnt pull through after you've teabagged an enemy but only because they did it first
"What happend to YUO?"
What does she say it in such a funny way?
>What does she say it in such a funny way?
You tell me Doc
i just know space ranger will be more obnoxious than kiriko and venture combined
I think D.Va should be my wife
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Amelie Lacroix
Why do they keep making skins for Mercy where she has black hair or is dressed in Asian clothes? Did Blizzard finally realize how western egirls all wish they were Japanese?
bet shes gonna be tsundare
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Who would want retarded children?
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A hellish vision we can only hope never comes to pass.
sniff the blueberry butt
/brainrot/ general
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not even for comp lmao
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when you revenge teabag the toxic asshole on the enemy team and they spend the rest of the match trying to get you back but end up failing
2 days in and not a single mercy player on my team im going to buy a fucking lottery ticket at this point i am so lucky
Show your entire screen, dipshit. Or I'm just going to assume you pulled out your Switch and turned off crossplay
Mauga was/is more fun to play than Venture
But then you get the rare toxic asshole who has his discord kitten pocketing him all game and is impossible to kill.
One of my worst experiences I've ever had playing this game was on Rialto attack. I was playing Pharah and came out of the right side of spawn and hit 2 lucky direct hits on the enemy Mercy. Their Genji immediately suicides into the canal, swaps to Pharah, and spends the rest of the match getting pocketed and stomping our team while spamming Coldsteel the Hedgheg ass one-liners in chat. At the end of the game he sends "I bet you wish you hadn't done that...", elipses and all.
who gets to clap mercy's cheeks, canonically?
You, and I get to watch
The only cheeks that have been clapped in this game are Ana’s and Sombride
Damage dealers are irrelevant unless you like waiting ten minutes for a ten minutes match.
>But then you get the rare toxic asshole who has his discord kitten pocketing him all game and is impossible to kill.
For the love of god Blizzard just let us know whos in a fucking stack again
Don't worry he has Illari and Brigitte now
Sombras not so big but respectable size boobies
They're pretty big. If you saw a real girl like that you'd say she had big tits
if I saw a girl the size of a skyscraper I'd scream
t. dicklet
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The Lena just wants to get "punished" later for doing it
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theyre perfect
just like the rest of her then
posting non-white women should be a bannable offence
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What about the Irish?
so Wifeguard Mercy is gonna come back when they release the other lifeguard skins right
i'll allow it
You wish.
I do wish yes
It miiiiight, but usually you have to wait like 6 seasons before old season items come back, or something like that
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Lifeguard Mercy was literally in the shop last week.
yo this 4v4 mode is great
Hopefully i can find the IP of my recent tank players and find where they live. Not to bludgeon them brutally no, definitely not that. But instead to tell them how much I appreciate their support
>playing Mei on Open Queue
>got blizzard
>Zarya launches Grav just as their JQ knifes me and pulls me into them
>I throw my Blizzard and get all five of them and spray
>Enemy Dva uses bomb but I wall it off and cryo
>pretty neat Potg
>Wanted to post it in here but you can't share highlights
how is this not a feature 8 years in yet?
just make a webm, retard
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I'd watch what you say about that kind of thing, seems to happen more than you'd think.
sorry bud but i'm on steam deck
oh wait nevermind
i tried to save some highlights before on deck and it wouldn't allow it but this one is saving, guess they fixed it
install beta steam client and use game recording
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>playing comp
>kill Mercy one too many times as D.va
>she swaps to Moira for some reason
>tell me to kill myself and leaves after I keep targeting her
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He's so short
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I would pay money to have the old hud back
I didn't know Kaplan was a midget, Lena is only 5'3".
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>getting shit on by a Zarya all match, can't get the second checkpoint on Paraiso
>tank gets mindbroken and swaps to D.va into a Zarya
>ignores Zarya the entire time, just targeting the supports all match
>D.va dives in, kills a support, flies out of their spawn for 10 seconds to get heals while they respawn, dives back in
>I just sit back and healbot all match, occasionally pelting Zarya because D.va lets her walk out of spawn but nobody else
>enemy team starts arguing in allchat
>we win while I did nothing as Kiriko but spam cleanse and heals on her
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>tank going negative
>get absolutely destroyed
Fun game
5v5 is so fun and unique and interesting that everybody at every level of play is complaining about how shit the game is in every role.
uhhhh be grateful that we have short queue times now chud
>everybody at every level of play is complaining about how shit the game is in every role
They always have.
look man okay be GRATEFUL we have 10 min queue times instead of 12
6v6 tards are at it again
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3-5 minutes instead of 20, you disingenuous faggot
Blizzard enforces 50/50 by putting tanks who hardcarry and end the game 48-1 on your team or the enemy team
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UHHH 5v5 BROS!?????
dont tempt them
you know 5v5 is bad when the people defending it can only say the two same things like a parrot over and over
>queue times
>double shield
I swear to god if I'm not on support we always lose. Nobody knows how to play that role
Fuck support players, everyone wants to play that role because they're too afraid to get flamed playing tank.
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by sheer nature of the role and its skill requirement, dps should be the most important and the most impactful role in the game at all times. tanks should tank damage for the dps and supports should support either the tank so he takes more damage for the dps, or straight up just support the dps and help them do work. sadly both of those roles do a better job at dpsing than the dps leading to the game feeling like shit.
DPS is literally the easiest job
didn't ask
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Nta but give tutorial I am gold stuck sometimes I play Cassidy and feel like I can peek angles or do anything cause they have a sniper that’s killing everyone
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>pick Sombra and focus on their supports all game
>doesn't matter though since our tank is fucking shit
>he goes doomfist and gets killed each encounter
>moira, obviously as they're always the first ones to shit talk, says "Sombra throwing"
Yeah i'm muting comms. If you're gonna blame me at least do it when I'm actually not doing good
A story of 3 oblivious shitters
based moira
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It’s always Moria,Ana, mercy and brig players that fucking talk shit
Oh Pharah-chan....
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Illari's VA...
I wish I had a woman
oh i'm sorry was I supposed to go after the tank as Sombra since that's what your fucking loser Hero Flats told you? Or maybe Emongg suggested a different way to play Sombra?
Fucking bitch
just be the woman
kek i love how defensive sombrashitters get as soon as someone even implies they're bad, i don't think it happens with any other character
6v6 coming back
1 tank 3 dps 2 support
A team with a sombra doom and moira on it isn't a team it's 5 frustrated pubstars who want to lone wolf the wins but blame the others for losses
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I wish
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do the needful anon
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de true enemy of humanity is de soda
i love my husband sloan
It seems like her people have forgiven her if she has a painting in the museum.
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That's Cowboy, dumbass
I see you’ve found my dps players
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cree diff
The Kiriko brought you burgers
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Kiriko boxes are illegal now didn't someone tell you
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what's a good response to when someone shitalks you
and no "turn off chat" isn't a real response i mean let's be honest we're all mentally ill if we're in this general so at least give me good clap backs against these fucking moira/mercy shitters
cumming inside Ashe until she is pregnant
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Hey come on she's Japanese.
It should be pixelated.
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thoughts on this Steam review?
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nigga you are getting mindbroken by supportsissies and asking 4chan for help, NGMI
just teabag them after a kill (if its safe to do so)
That's every game
Not Bayonetta
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Imagine if Hammond was real
doom, genji and tracer should always be perma S tier
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Buying the battlepass just for kirikos cute and goofy "mada mada" voiceline
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>tank gets rolled as JQ
>swaps to hog
>gets rolled as hog
>swaps to mauga
hey bud, maybe we should try playing a real tank here?
idk call me crazy but i think swapping between the 3 tanks that are essentially the same character isn't going to change anything
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why is the bot programmed to just start saying kirikofriend to itself anyway
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it's not a bot
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>eight game win streak
>no fucking bonus whatsoever, +20%+20%+21%+20% blahblahllahbahbalahb
>eight game loss streak
>streak bonus starts at 3 losses, -25%-26%-33%-29% blahblahblahbkahbblahhllbagkblah
what is this dogshit
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it's simple really
>win a game = you are where you belong, +20%
>lose a game = you are not where you belong, -30%
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new samito kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtUpXmPQ2ZM
Isn't their still the problem of que times if 6v6 is added back?
long queue times are better than 5v5 unironically
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not if they balance the game properly. which they won't anyways to cater to supportniggers
the queue times would be even worse (after a honeymoon period of about a month). and i say would because it is never going to happen, i am 100% certain that 5v5 is a hill they will die on.
also happy non-pride month owggers
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They could have at least added one serving cunt emote for pride month shaking my damn head
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It's still june in first world countries
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I wish I had pizza
Would 2 tank, 2 dps, 2 support work without making it feel overly tanky if you just don't apply the 150 bonus health to tanks?
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if you make tanks anything less than invincible they will refuse to play. deleting the rank role and replacing it with a 3rd dps would fix every single problem in the game. yeah some dedicated tanks will leave the game but the game turning into a pure fps and less of a moba would bring a lot of fps players because the fps market is so fucking shit right now that they will play anything remotely decent thus making it overall a net-positive, playercount-wise. plus those mobashitters would have likely moved on to deadlock/capeshit rivals soon anyway. the game might feel a little too deathmatch-y at first but the metas would evolve slowly.
I would like to once again bring up the idea of adding a flex role, that can play any hero. This could apply if they keep 5v5 and replace one of the dps, or if they do go for 6v6 then just stack it on there. I'd definitely would queue for that exclusively.
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overwatch is too fast to have proper tanks, it's always been the toughest role to play. just rename the role to something else, cause tank sure as hell doesn't fit.
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they literally made the biggest sweeping nerf to supports in the game ever in S9 and you niggers will still say this
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dude, nobody has ever enjoyed playing as invincible tanks, because that means the tank neutrals are boring as shit.
no they didn't, they buffed DPS but left support healing untouched. as a dive tank it's miserable playing against supports who have 250 HP and triple the effective health pool, killing them is impossible without the DPS debuff. it's actually worse. they refused to nerf supportniggers and remove immortalities, and the bending over ass backwards to try and have your cake and eat it too completely fucked the balance and gameplay loop in to tiny pieces.
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>introduce a passive that reduces healing
>"they left support healing untouched"
smartest tankoid
God I wish Mercy would suck me
No, but my skill makes me good
>"stop playing mercy, ur throwing"
vgh, yes king tell em!
>"stop playing rein, ur throwing"
i wish i could suck mercy
I wish Mercy would suck my ass
just spam thanks every time they let you die infront of them
They left support heal numbers untouched, faggot, so when you don't have a dps to apply the debuff it's even harder than ever before to kill some of them.

Now I have to rely even more on my DPS to actually secure kills, taking more player agency out of the tank players' hands. Of course, the DPS passive does make supports have to healbot more and does make DPS much more effective at taking out supports, but that's for DPS and not for tank.
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the only brown star she french kisses is roadhog's
see >>484132937
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Do you think nofap can make me better at tanking?

Out-test the other tank player etc.
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So often you can still stick Rein with Queen's knife if you pin it on his shield in the center above. I guess his hitbox is big enough that when it drops down it catches on to him.
>skill requirement
wrecking ball. primal rage juggling as winston, perfect reaction time to matrix zarya's ult, frame perfect shatter block.

tanks take a lot of skill, it's just that now they dumbed down the role so fucking much and ruined so many techs/playstyles that you no longer get to have skill expression anymore.
>dps should be the most important
yes that's true and that's always been the case, up until now. Where it's tank. This is due to 5v5. 1 character for a role made for 2 never fucking made any sense from a design standpoint and even kaplan said that 5v5 in early alpha stages of OW 1 didn't fit right with the game. And just from a numerical standpoint, 2 per role is literally more balanced.
>do better job at DPSing
it's more like supports have the better kill secure utilities (nade, sleep dart, zen orb, illari ult, nano + ult combo, kiri's ult) and better kill denial utilities (suzu, lamp, also nade, pylon, lifegrip, fade, rez, etc etc.) and forcing the game to be balanced around making support utilities busted in order to have impact is what has killed this game season after season. And as for tanks, the fundamental issue with them is you're in the context of 5v5, they need to deal a shit load of damage and have a shit load of HP in order to have an impact because there's only 1 tank now.
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>supports have faggy ass battletags
>worst player in the lobby
its a troon name card, inb4 troon shitters say its trolls using the card. Nope, they are the best in the lobby, easily distinguishable
t. SilentStorm
Seeing a troon on your team means you're either going to have the worst player imaginable or some smurf is gonna wreck the entire lobby.

There is no in-between.
Played the new map only twice now, I feel it'd be okay if they upped the frequency on that for at leas the first week.
I want to fuck mercy
get in line pal
you expected anything from your mercy named snobunni?
be a good bitch next thread
>ain't no way
go to bed unc

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