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True GOAT editon
>Play online:

>Join our team and weekend's tournaments:

checkers bros? where is our thread
I'm learning the slav defense
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Weird things happen when you make new accounts. It really seems like the online rating distribution isn't linear. The last time I made a fresh account my blitz and rapid settled in at 150 points higher than where I felt plateaued on the previous account.
I had some kind of woven roll up fabric checkers board as a kid. It was about 3 foot square in size. I have fuzzy memories of losing a game to a sibling, picking up the entire board and pieces and throwing them across the room in a rage. Some things never change.
Wait so which rapid pool is actually the weakest? I've only ever played 30+0 because I'm smooth brain and need much time. Can I farm if I go 10+0?
things zoomers can't do
>play a good /chess/ game
>make a good video game
>make a good song
>create a meme
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Gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to inform you that I slew an Indian in 10+0 online chess.
So you're a zoomer?
Allegedly, according to anon(s) here, 10 0 is supposed to be the weakest. I'm not sure. 15|10 is the strongest by a ways, I think. The 10 with increment pool feels the weakest to me. It has more cheats but the mean skill level is lower. Or I just suck very hard at non increment and it feels like they're better at same rating because of that. It's try when I play 10 5 I often get 3-4 minutes behind my opponents, get a winning position, and have to live of increment for the entire conversion.
Once I lose to a bunch of 2000s I think I'll settle around 1400 maybe, which is where I sort of was anyway. Still can't believe I beat a nearly 1900 using the fucking Nimzo lel. Out of book the moment he blocked the pin with his bishop and then he blundered his rook in the endgame.
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new woman challenger interview dropped
all that childhood grind and she's still just a 2500
>Out of book the moment he blocked the pin with his bishop
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Bd2
You can castle or play d5 here. Those are the two main branches. The other ideas are b6 or c5, both are black trying not to get stuck in heavy drawish bog waters.
I should do an experiment. I've been grinding correspondence with a sprinkling of 3+0 for the adrenaline. Ive been meaning to play more rapid but I've been avoiding the faster rapid time controls, maybe this will give me a reason to do so
I was stuck in the high1800s lirapid for months last year to the point that I started to think I would never get 2000 without serious study then I switched from 15+10 to 10+0 and got to 2000 in a few weeks, the difference is huge, I suck at blitz too so it might be even bigger for fast players
Never tried 10+5 so idk if it's even weaker but I doubt it
>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Cracow International Chess Championships | June 22nd - 29th
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Romania Chess Classic | June 25th - July 5th
- Baku Open | June 28th - July 7th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Croatia Rapid & Blitz | July 9th - 14th
- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: Event 3 | July 17th - 24th
- Open Internacional Vila de Sitges | July 22nd - 30th
- Sparkassen Chess Trophy - Internationale Dortmunder Schachtage | August 10th - 18th
- Grand Chess Tour: Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz | August 11th - 16th
- Women's Grand Prix | August 14th - 25th
- Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival | August 14th - 25th
- Grand Chess Tour: Sinquefield Cup | August 18th - 29th
- 45th Chess Olympiad | September 10th - 23rd
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This is depressing. This reads like she resents her father for the relentless training, she's saying she lost her childhood, the wording in some of the other answers indicates she doesn't even like chess that much, just does it because it's the only thing she's good at.
Castling and D4 were my two candidates actually, and I went with D4 before trading and then castling, so my intuition paid off. I'm going to study it more now because I did enjoy the game that flowed from it.
>Wait so which rapid pool is actually the weakest?
10+0 by far. I main 15+10 and whenever i'm on a big losing streak i just fire up a few 10 minute games and crush everyone with little resistance to build up confidence again. The difference between these two is brutal. Compared to 15+10 where every move is a herculean struggle not to lose, 10+0 players at the same rating look like they don't even know how to play chess. I'd probably be some 200-300 points higher rated if i played 10 minute exclusively but i don't like to boast empty numbers, i just wouldn't feel "worthy" IYKWIM.
>Can I farm if I go 10+0?
Yes but you need some reasonable speed chess skills. It is more like a slow form of blitz than a rapid.

Talking about chessdotcom btw
>Yes but you need some reasonable speed chess skills
Seconding this. You have to leave yourself enough time to convert as people in 10 0 pool will not resign until they're down 30 points of material or never.
Take a look at her. What else was she going to do in life? She should be grateful her dad made her useful at something
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just one move blundered my queen in 15+10
i don't think more time is going to fix this shitter brain
>I think my current level gives me little confidence to evaluate the battle between Ding and Gukesh
just do a quick blunder check before every move, it will become second nature eventualy
Why is chess such a chuddy game? Feels like half the players are chuds.
It was a lot of fun and my first OTB tournament. I got kinda fucked, scored 5/15 (no draws).
Most of the opponents were nice, met Finegold, Perpetual Chess, Kostya, Kayden Troff, and Nate Solon. They also had a chess shop full of books, clocks, boards, pieces, etc. Was tempted to splurge on books, but I already have too many. Just bought a few pocket sets for five bucks each for friends.
There were a ton of indian kids playing, a lot of boomers, and I was kinda surprised to see the amount of asian moms like in their 30s playing. They were largely cute, acoustic, and liked to chat between games.
Went down to the hotel bar to have a drink between rounds, find chess comfiest when I have a light buzz going.
I accidentally knocked over a piece once every few games, not used to how light those bulk ordered plastic pieces are, only have 3x weighted pieces at home.
Autism, unironically. As per usual.
>Went down to the hotel bar to have a drink between rounds, find chess comfiest when I have a light buzz going.
>I accidentally knocked over a piece once every few games, not used to how light those bulk ordered plastic pieces are, only have 3x weighted pieces at home
Be honest. You got blackout drunk, knocked over a bunch of pieces, tried to hit on every asian milf you saw, and got kicked out after a couple games.
Fug I wish I could meet Big Ben, sadly I'm a europoor. I'd tell him that what he says about Morphy is a massive cope.
Steinitz shill detected
Kek, nah, between entry fees, parking fees, and uscf fees, that would've felt like a huge waste of money.
Also would never cheat on gf. People there were just really friendly and easy to talk to, outside of a few opponents, but even then I think they were just nervous.
He was cool, made a lot of his usual boomer humor. He was telling stories about previous chess tournaments and simuls. I can't recall if he was poking fun at Eric Hansen or Eric Rosen for ditching a simul early at some point because Eric had to play in a tournament in the middle of it.
Idk about Steinitz, but Lasker would obliterate Morphy.
>make a good video game
Heard of Bodycam? It's made like $15 million on steam
Was created by a 17 and 20 y/o
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bobby fischer is that you?
>Chess is an everyday thing; I don’t think she is beautiful. But she has always accompanied me.
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Stare at puzzle 15 minutes. Nothing. Take a phone call. Look back at the puzzle solve instantly and call myself an idiot for not seeing that in ten seconds.
That line is particularly brutal
does she have a crush on ding? I wonder how many top level players feel the same way she does.
Marion Tinsley GOAT
>I wonder how many top level players feel the same way she does.
I imagine a fairly large percentage of the ones who were pushed in to it pretty well straight out of the cradle. 20%? I mean some of them just say fuck it and quit. Josh Waitzkin is famous for that. The ones who stayed and continue to populate the top 50 most likely found a second wind somehow. And then there are guys like Hikaru who may never have had any doubt aside from confidence issues at points.

I guarantee this chess kid bitterness is part of the reason Magnus vacated the title. I bet it felt amazing for him when he told everyone to fuck off, that he refuses to do it anymore.
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>get the nastiest windmill i've ever seen in my life
>opponent resigns
>blunder and hang my queen on move 11 like a retard
>aw shucks this ones over i guess, maybe ill resign
>opponent messages me “dont quit” before taking my queen
>this makes me seethe, oh hell nah, fuck this cunt
>message him “Don’t Quit.” back on move 32 after i excruciatingly grind that cocky bitch down and trap his queen
>mfw he fucking resigns

Literally the most satisfying win i’ve ever had. I didn’t even know chess could be this satisfying. I love this game so much.
that guy needs to be IP banned off lichess
>opponent actually has to play chess
>abandons the game
fucking faggot.
>go do daily puzzle on lichess
>it's some king and pawn
>half ass it, don't calculate, looks fine
>wrong of course
>negative 28 points
Negative 28. Jesus.
ok i won 10 games straight today i'm good at rapid now :)
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That's great, anon, keep up the good work!
Could it be a cultural thing? I'd imagine many successful Chinese people would have similar stories.
how do i get better at chess
fucking smoked that retard sperg
shouldve done it on chess.com
>Could it be a cultural thing?
Certainly but they're not the only country that does this to chess kids. Granted China is notorious for it, both native Chinese and immigrant families living in the west. There is a long list of catastrophic outcomes when this parenting style backfired. Bunch of suicides, the girl who famously hired some goons to kill her parents so she could live with her drug dealer boyfriend.
>but mom and dad i don't want to do either of th-
>Opponent opens 1. d4
>I tab out and do something else
>They abort the game themselves
Yeah, that's what I thought. We don't play against that opening here.
i got the daily on com correct today as it was very easy for a weekend puzzle. the saturday and sunday ones are supposed to be hard, new york time crossword puzzle style, but this one was not.
>matched against a turk with 120000 games played in 10|0
>he blitzes all his moves and gets a shit position
>i take all of his pieces
>ends in a draw on time when i have m3 because he spent 3 minutes the entire game
actual cockroach holy shit
i wish lichess wasn't shitty, chesscom premove delay killed me
>seething about getting flagged
wonderful post
yep there's a lot of those across all time controls. played a fella yesterday who makes a point of playing 100 puzzles every single day. he routinely got 60% of the puzzles wrong each day.
>draw on time
draw on time is when the side with time remaining has insufficient mating material. eg
>white has a rook
>black has a knight
>white flags
draw, insufficient material
>this needed to be explained to someone
/chess/chuds... the thread has allen
I dunno, if you only play rapid with increment you could go years without ever having to deal with that rule.
Huh, never had that happen to me. Learn something everyday
>there are people, if you can call them that, itt who haven't flagged the opponent with a lone king after being lost all game
imagine being a flaglet
I don't like it. There's always still a chance white blunders into checkmate, letting them run their clock for a draw seems to give white slightly more odds of a technicality. A safety net to protect an idiot who might otherwise throw away their draw with Rb1. No need to think, just let the clock run. I get how unlikely it is, but I still don't like
FIDE and USCF differ on this rule slightly.
>the game is drawn if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player's king by any possible series of legal moves, even with the most unskilled counterplay." It is still possible to lose on time in positions where mate is extremely unlikely but not theoretically impossible, as with king and bishop versus king and knight. (Under USCF rules, king and bishop, king and knight, or king and 2 knights with no pawns on the board is not considered sufficient mating material, unless the opponent has a forced win, even though it is theoretically possible to mate (but extremely unlikely to happen) in situations such as K+B vs. K+N). There are differences between USCF and FIDE rules, whereby USCF requires checkmate be forced and FIDE requires it only be legally possible.
Here is an article on com explaining the criteria the website uses:
Oh for fuck sakes there is a rabbit hole here. I think you'd have to dig in to com and lichess source code to find out precisely how each site interprets this rule. I ran in to such terms as 'helpmate analyzer' before i noped out.

For the purpose of the argument in this thread here, it's certain across federations and both websites that lone king cannot win on time vs king and pawn/rook/queen. For sure. My example of king+knight vs king+rook, where the side with the rook flags, might actually produce different results on com vs lichess. There is a lot of confusion.
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>opponent stumbles into mate in one
nothing perssonel kid
lichess=fide rules
.com=uscf rules
simple as
I got this early in a puzzle storm. This is mean. Yes it's easy that's not the point. The point is there is a lot of crap going on with somewhat unclear reasons why things are working for you. You're trying to solve this in, ideally, under 5 seconds.
rated 1337
I want to become an absolute autistic savant at the Ruy Lopez, is there any resource for me to basically reach this status? Lichess has some good studies, but some are too broad, simple, etc. If anyone knows a good in depth Ruy Lopez study even it would be perfect because I'm too retarded to search properly.
as black? because I bet white get denied 90% of time
As white
disclamer I did not watch these but I'm sure it's waaaay more than any amateur will ever need and the time would be better spent studying endgames or strategy or training tactics but if you want to get "absolutely autistic" about openings you can find a lot of chessable courses for free on bilibili
Last round before the rest day tomorrow or whatever
>refers to it as a "sport"
>"rest days"
do chess nerds really
>sneedireza almost an hour down
What's his plan?
He just wants to play blitz. It's fine, trust the plan.
>Constantly get into winning positions and fuck it up at the end
Why. The. Fuck. Is. It. Always. This. Way.
>backranked up a queen
I wanted to die
>chess but with an anime girl gacha
hey I wouldn't complain
This superbet tournament is so fucking boring, holy shit. Everyone is exclusively playing the most draw-ish shit imaginable.
Was MVL the biggest slurper all along? Holy fuck
Way better idea than that chess nft site that was shilled by a bunch of players a while ago.
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>saves chess
this is what he should have been doing from the start. based.
I guess his 10k puzzles didn't help him find the center fork I blundered.
Oh well, played a good Dutch otherwise.
Whoops should be from blacks perspective
I unironically started playing chess for the first time in 15 years because of the rumors that Hans smuggles a bibrator in his butt to beat Magnus Carlsen
If Deac wins or even just draws (the likeliest result), it will be so cool.
>yawn making deac play out a drawn knight/rook vs rook
fat fuck's mad he couldn't collect his points lol
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I shoot despise people who use the London, it's always good when you mogg one.

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I want the mahjong souls treatment for chess.
how many tactics have you completed on chesstempo ? I just finished my 2600th
>complaining about london when you're 1200 tops
it's people who think they can navigate sicilians and shit in a serious manner at that elo who give me the laffs. every game's decided by someone hanging a full rook, why do you care what the first few moves were?
apparently I stopped at exactly 100 lol
>t.1300 candidate arena expert
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he's fucking seething
Closest I can think is that Blitz manga
Based Deac
It says 1576 puzzles played in the standard category.
some of the pieces players hang at 1200 or lower level result from mistakes in the opening, genius
it's really funny how you tried to come off as a stronger, more intelligent player than london-hating anon but just outed yourself as a bigger retard
>3 days of double round classical
restdaybros, our response?

should've just added 1 day of 24 bullet games to finish it up

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