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#1061: Damn Reploid Kid Edition
Previous: >>483644857
This general is for the discussion of original, fanmade, or look-alike Megaman games as well as original titles developed by IntiCreates.

>/mmg/ news
Dive modding status: still no new animations, but custom models + custom menu backgrounds
MMGB1-5 now playable on Nintendo Switch Online

>fangame news
Zook Hero 3 found and released https://hhug.me/?post=116
X engine, X4 for PC and X7 demake engine are open-sourced
Knot Barret finished
MMVGB remake on pause
MaGMML 3 released
MMGB remasters announced
Mega Man Reverse Space-Time is still going

>/inti/ news:
Dogvolt DLC fight for Umbraclaw already out
Card-en-Ciel stated to be released in October 24th, both standard and limited physical releases will include Divine Dynamo Flamefrit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO4njobE1uQ
New world for Card-en-Ciel, Majogami https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP-6cluvhU0
Also has cards themed after Gal*Gun, Gunvolt and Umbraclaw.
Inticreates Gold Archive Collection to be released August 20th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE7K4w5d8f4

Translations of Classic mangas on mangadex.
Akira Kitamura has returned, made a Twitter account and has a Mega Man project coming up though it's not a game or a music album.
Inafune is working on Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time
Native Mexicans extinct due to anime genes

>DiVE Links
https://rentry.org/xdaibu (game, emulators and other stuff)


>Melt Stuff

>Game Downloads
Has all MM games, MN9, romhacks, patches + BN cia files

>Audiovisual Media
Contains:Cartoons, Anime, Comics, Manga and other printed media - Music Playlists and albums
>x8 demake dev confirmed you need 3 S ranks to get cutman as boss
>Baby bump
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Luxia >>>>>>>>>> Layla
where are the updates posted
i read that one in one stream the dev was there an confirmed it
also he doesn't do zero because the dude has too many weapons and is a 1 man project
he also never cared about x7 that much
i kneel hueGODS
so it's only 1/3 a demake
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You can see her pubes!
ye he remade only the good parts and adapted others.
>only the good parts
E-Reader cards were so fucking gay
It would be a trick question if BoF wasn't the most mid shit ever.
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In what? It's easier for a camel to thread the eye of a needle than it is for Cial to actually put out.
I need to stop playing so much metal slug.
t. eon-ticket non-haver
this is a no-unbirth general!!!
We will not be silenced!
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You ruined it. You had to open your mouth and make it bad for everyone.
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All according to plan.
I told Cial would pussy out at the earliest possible opportunity.
Paper tiger!
So this is how you defeat Marino.
anon that's a demon
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You beat her by calling her lewd bluff and going on the attack
Marrying a Taimanin has to be one of the most elaborate ways to commit suicide.
We love death flags here.
the only flag that will be flown here is the AMERICAN flag, thank you very much!
I'm already a mortal man doomed to die, no reason to expedite it.
We love fags* here.
MURICAH isn't until next week.
With the new mandatory draft for both men and women, as well as the push for escalation on Taiwan, Ukraine, and Lebanon, it might just be.
fags (female)
The only flag that's given any death is the mexican one
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We're gonna roleplay as Switzerland and eat chocolate while everyone else acts a fool.
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Where do I start with the Gunvolt games, there's like a million of them
>Mighty Gunvolt
>Azure Striker Gunvolt
>Gunvolt Records Cychronicle
>Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger Ix
>We're gonna roleplay as Switzerland
>37 deaths in an election
>lose flag color rights to Italians
Too late for that.
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Azure Striker Gunvolt
Mighty Gunvolt and Azure Striker Gunvolt were released on the same day, but Mighty Gunvolt makes more sense to play second.
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Do not tempt me to post Fio ryona as it is offtopic
Oh no Fio ryona
Anything but that!
Thanks lads, wish me luck
Azure Striker Gunvolt.
iX is a spinoff starting after 2.
Rest don’t matter.
>try to do some achievements for mega man 4
>begin with toad man damageless
>get hit by those stupid random little birds in the beginning over and over
>if i don't die to those, it's usually the mini boss that throws bombs and his eyes and you whilst the water moves mega man around
>get hit over and over and over
how the hell do people have the patience for this shit? these games were clearly not designed with hitless in mind, you are given a huge health bar to tank hits
Roll was the only one I've ever unlocked because it's easy to remember and made sense where she is, the others were put in random places of the select screen.
/mmg/ can't handle snails with a full health bar, let along damageless. No one can help you here.
So how was MaGMML 3?

What caused such a long delay again?
making the picks for the gacha pool
90% sucks
>/mmg/ jobbing to mm games
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yup those are the birds that btfo'd me
i'm not saying this is impossible by any means, i have all 92 achievements for fucking mario lost levels, maybe I'm just burned out on NES games and hardcore challenge shit
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well of course
So was she also executed alongside all other mavericks or was she pardoned?
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lives as ariga's personal goddess
I see the cute and funny but it's not making me wanna cry...this brat needs slutwear correction!
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It's time to continue Castlevania: Serenade Under the Moon, an Aria of Sorrow Alucard hack with a so-called "SOTN" map.


Local mode required, please download:
Download: https://cdromance.org/gba-roms/castlevania-serenade-under-the-moon-hack/
Mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/dzifl8.gba

Starting at XX:00

>Directions: Directions
>A: Jump
>B: Attack
>L: Backslide
>R: Soul
>condemned to human ownership
A fate worse than death.
Why no Sigma CV good as Mugenhito
did we pick up a means to get through the spike hallway yet
not the one that I know of,
You cant potion-tank the spike hallway since you're blocked by a steel fence, at least in the original.
In this hack the gate was just two tiles of spikes I believe
You're already crying bitch tears because she's not wearing slutwear.
That might be reasonable I guess, but still we haven't checked the underground area so might as well try that first.
are clock shenanigans exist
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drunk, might play or get busy mid session

Stream/Archive: https://youtu.be/iNgJ0PqN43c
The area that's supposed to be the clock room has an spot that "could" open but we don't have whatever is required, I think.
By sotn rules, we need the key for "blue doors" or whatever and open the floor gates to the other areas.
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Anything can be slutwear depending on the ability of whomever dons the outfit.
can't beat the cock
no_ but one mechanic you might have noticed is that sometimes pushing buttons will destroy some floor/ceiling somewhere in the area

and remember that the chinese love invisible walls
surely we don't need that gold ring
I guess that pendant was just a regular item. The area that opens the floor gates is supposed to be close to the clock room area, to the right of it iirc
maybe this area is forbidden for a reason
maybe punching in the dick isn't the ideal way of dealing with flying enemies
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>hole at the starting area
They wouldn't dare to put the secret garden from Saturn in this, right?
>not a dead end hallway
whatever that is it isn't saturn garden
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Oh fuck it's the garden, then the jail is also here
what jail
what's a blank parchment doing here
isn't jail locked from garden
The soul prison, it's between the clock area and the outer wall
can't trust a corpse's advice
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I remember in MvC Origins you could buy the secret characters from MvC1 and Marvel Super Heroes from a shop. I think I remember getting her, Gold War Machine, Lilith Morrigan, and Dr. Doom in MSH. I wonder if the new collection will still have you do the combination or not or if you'll unlock characters in MvC2 because even in the arcade version you had to unlock characters, though some of them were different from the console version. Though, I think in the PS3 and 360 ports, you didn't have to unlock anyone.
surely this end isn't so forbidden
was true nightmare tanjelly present in aria
No idea why it is locked, but it could be a tiny spot to get through with the bat so that could be in the underground caves.
who the fuck is dark soma
that bastard
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was the bolus there for the golem
no, I don't understand chinese game design either
You gotta hit the wrecking ball when it's reaching the left/rightmost end of the swing to make it go further
why was dynamo in x6?
we died to this thing enough times that it got promoted to boss
just punch him in the ankle dick
>buying alouette a happy meal
china pls
now look what you've done, he's been demoted
Dats Lev.
is the black one stronger
waste of food tell you hwat
because she only cares about the toy?
I question that sword's claim of killing demons
no because she can't eat so it's the same as maverick behavior
She's a Z era reploid, girl can't actually eat.
>anonymous kills cunny
You see a fat resistance member eat ECs like candy fucking dumbass
just buy her the reploid happy meal
one lev over the cuckoo's nest
reploids don't have happy meals, only energy ration packs
forbidden area forbidden once again
how many times have we lost to cock
cursed or kino?
>there's like a million of them
Yep, Inti speedran their own version of milking an IP to death and they did it in under a decade.
That's EC not food
dats laev!
dats laev
these protoskellies are the worst enemy in the game
maybe the petrify weapon would work on them, whichever one that was
>oh uh he's not ackshully eating them
shut the fuck up dummy
Energy Crystals are basically batteries, reploids "consume" them to remain operational but they're not food. Fat Clemsa can't eat a cheeseburger, but he is designed with the means to store excess energy in expanding cells in his body via the intake of EC.
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is this image correct?
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X and ZX era reploids can eat. It's specifically only Z era reploids that can't eat.
dont think it's right for legends
was this boss this fucked in aria
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the bone memes were short lived but sweet
>Zero going to sleep made reploids unable to eat for 200 years until ZX time
I never realized you could ride horse
so he eats and gets fat...
>ECs are basically [HEADCANON]
>Proceeds to go on a schizophrenic rant
If you think putting gasoline in your tank is feeding your vehicle you're retarded.
That sounds like a cope Alia came up when Roll can make basically anyone pop a boner by showing her pair of simple white pansu but Alia on lingerine only gets one reaction... people puking their brains out.
>Alia has a descendant
>Roll has no descendants
No why is Vile there he's not a rival
coomers have no place in this franchise
intifags are subhuman
(he said, as a distinct conversation about roll and alia fishing for cocks was ongoing)
>Roll can make basically anyone pop a boner by showing her pair of simple white pansu
Literally loses impact just because she constantly flashes
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X9 maverick looking a little too realistic
I like how this cope has to require that the person who invented artificial wombs to be born from one.
not like that matters, alia can kill any boner just by being 50 ft away from any man
But Megaman X8 was X9 (Command Mission was X8)
megaman and bass is canon
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If we have to rank gynoids by means of as objective a metric as possible we have two spectrums, with Layer at the very top as the ideal beauty, Roll a close second.
Meanwhile Palette and Leviathan are at the rear, Pallette for having only six votes and Leviathan has none at all.
By this we can ascertain Roll is objectively as possible more attractive than Alia.
X8 is before cm even if cm released first
maybe we use the mgs numbering scheme
If she did then Ciel wouldn't exist.
>Roll a close second
>literally loses to Roll Casket
Only thing objective is that you're full of shit.
>coomer post grotesque art
Where chronologically it goes 3, 5, 1, 2, 4?
Do they have any other options?
Speaking of CM turns 20 in a month.
yes, with some side games happening wherever they want, 2 5s, and a prequel series
Carbons aren't gynoids.
cabrons aren't gynoids either
Cancerous gynoids that can attach robotic parts if they want so yes.
Layer fell like a rock too, it's almost as if gacha game votes are 98% filled with bots and on Twitter even more because even normal people who use that talk and act like bots
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Please stop fighting!!!!
Funny you mention the Layer being the ideal beauty bit because in that same vote Alia beat Roll for second place.
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Please stop fighting!!!!
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Gynoids are a deeply integral and important topic of discussion.

I mean, Alia's sheer disgustingness haven't lost any of its puch and she's been making people vomit with that thing for 24 years this November
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Most women voted for the sack of cancer.
now have fun guessing which is the right fireball
why is weebsword ice
Deep Walker sovl
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Alia just stole Gate's research and became a call center cop, she didn't develop reploid wombs.
The brainrot is real
>102 votes
Yep she fell to less than a 10% of what she got
Don't know about Legends but Zero works just fine for X maybe even Dynamo
cause weebswords are cool
Still not as bad as Level 5
Lev tiddies.
I need to stop missing melts
That too, she must smell like a rotting corpse covered in cat piss
>Number of people born from robots during the X era
>Number of people born from robots during the Z era
>Still none
>Number of people born from robots during the ZX era
>A lot uncluding the two main characters
As I said, Aliafags don't know even the most basic thing about how dates work.
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It means her appeal is greatest in the global market, instead of the small sample size among the Japanese.
why are people simping for turbogranny? she's the worst thing about mega man x aside from axl
very whip-like indeed
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If you think the human race survived unto Z without using reploids for reproction I have a non fungible token to sell you, as well as this hip new crypto currency.
No, she did just as bad in the global section.
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>sexy blonde bad because memes!
>300% melt
I really like the shading and color of this image
and we aren't even in inverted castle!
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actually there was a path from big room with clouds, if you went down instead of up
Talking about yours
that's not a silver ring
You may have a point if she looked like this instead of like a OLd and bitter hag.
But they almost didn't. That's why X had such an easy time keeping them all inside a single middle size city.
He kinda is in X7.
we'll just have to punch some sense into richter
I'm bringing a gun
>like a OLd and bitter hag
>when Berkana and Ferham actually give something closer to a "hag"
Guess we'll have to check the clock room if it opens now or do we need another thing
Yet most people who draw Alia are fatfags, I'm sure it has nothing to do that she's a landwhale. As for the inside marching the outside, X6 already did a plendid job at that.
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Your senseless denial will shatter sooner or later.
Everyone is "kinda bad" in X7. Zero sounds like a child molester, X is a whiny dumbfuck, and Axl is Axl.
>ULE belmont
it's over
None of those are naggy or sending all their lives alone on a desk job so no, Alia is way, waaaay more of a hag than them.
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Fetish art is as logical as shipping art.
just hit him with the flu sword and he'll sneeze to death
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And yet only Alia found some guy to plap a baby into her.
You are the one that is insisting that the chicken came before the egg.
You are the first one here to call those two hags dude. Howeber, this is far from the first time somebody has called Alia an old and bitter hag.
So completely illogical?
You're talking about the voice acting not the fact that Axl and X's styles overlapped in the same game.
x5 and x6 you don't need to finish the stages. I don't know what you're talking about in x8
While we're on the subject of Alia, why do some people ship her with Dynamo?
Yeahhh but for some reason that fetish in particular it's related to Alia almost every time. It's almost as if she did something to have that sort of reputation.
we did it, we beat the gam-
yeah x6 i slipped
didn't know about x5 i only played that game one time because it was peak mid
you know what's more terrifying than an inverted castle?
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>Inverted castle
Replying twice isn't changing that you shoot at the wrong mark.
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Ciel is the great granddaughter. In Z.
It means reploids and humans were having children together pretty early on in X for that to be the case.

>more than one track
inverted castle this ain't
Two inverted castles?
Or maybe she didn't and you been coping with the fact that the only man or bot who tried to get close to Alia got a dagger on his back for his troubles
an inverted castle with no minimap and door fuckery
rockman and roll are Light's son and daughter
does that mean light had sex?
no you fucking RETARDS
jesus i fucking HATE coomers
Two inverted nipples?
X6 picture where she looks like she has a fat ass and legs.
The placement of areas makes no sense so far but the segments are the same as the inverted castle so I have an idea where to go.
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Gate? He didn't try to vet close, they were just coworkers.
She merely took advantage of the situation, given she was ordered to do it. That she only feigns remorse is another thing.
but we weren't supposed to have a 40 part melt until Z...
so did we even need to do any fuckery in the normal castle
was all of that really for the golem soul
It's Megaman, everyone looks like they have a fat ass and legs
Look if you wanna play that way then show me in any official book or extra material the part where it says that Alia had a daughter. Or better yet, that said daughter was related to Ciel. I'll wait.
we also got a nice raincoat
I don't know but probably it has something to do with the clock room in the inverted castle. There has to be a reason for this hack to still have the three AoS hint books to get the true ending
See? Even you agree that even standing next to Alia within stabbing distance is asking for a couple of extra holes in your back.
NTA but he does have a point nobody her has called berkana a hag, alia on the other hand
NTA, but didn't X6 imply she had a thing for X, only for X7 and X8 to drop it?
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It says she's the grea granddaughter of the reploid researcher that created the mother elf and cured the maverick virus.
The only reploid researchers we know that are trying to cure the maverick virus are Doppler, who's dead, and Alia.
We are led into it.

It just means that, if you're a reploid, she's not gonna feel particularly sad about enacting whatever orders she's given against you.
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this sure went full romhack out of nowhere
>everyone looks like they have a fat ass and legs
but that's wrong
nice quads

anyway IIRC we need to find 3 buttons to push in the inverted castle. I pushed one on my turn
>nobody her has called berkana a hag
A couple of times. That's where the /ss/ joke with X come from
>alia on the other hand
Most of the time that's Rollfag
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oh, we skipped going to That Place
Isn't X supposed to resemble a young adult? He's not a shota like Rock.
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Don't pretend you wouldn't also do this if you owned a reploid.
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X has the body of a 14 year old boy.
He's closer to Gibril than Dante.
it's pretty mid but it's also not too hard to get through
Do Reploids even have the parts? Can they take their armor off?
no really that art is grotesque and reploids don't think like that
you meanwhile have cum there instead of a brain
>Isn't X supposed to resemble a young adult?
Technically 13-14
You either show up what page did you take that those two are direcly related and that page better be from an official source and have names in it for your next reply or you will shove that shitty piece of fanfic up your ass and never bring it again.
>Can they take their armor off?
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Yes. This ain't ZX, the black stuff is actually a body suit and not their actual skin.
At least post on topic you fucking sub human
And that's also a new one you just came up with. Also, X is at least 8 times Berkanas age.
How old is Zero meant to be?
>a new one you just came up with
I hate that Inticreates' attempt to retcon that blew up because of Reddit making memes about it. It makes no fucking sense whatsoever and I'm glad Capcom at least doesn't acknowledge it.
He hasn't been here for a very long while and you are still pretending that all the bad rep Alia has is on him when that whole thing is almost as old as Alia herself.
We are led into it. It's how in Z we hear Andrew's story of being a teacher, then in ZX we hear how one girl's ancestor had a reploid teacher.
Is this reploid Andrew? We don't know, but as he's the only one we know that fits the bill we fill in the blanks.
Capcom "doesn't acknowledge it" because Megaman is dead to them.
Roughly the same. This was back in the beginning of the X series anyway
at least we won't have to spend 7 melts fighting galamoth
Just as well. Taicom didn't acknowledge it either so fuck Inticreates.
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now we just need to find our way back to that switch
I don't see any link or image of what I asked for. What I do see is a cheap excuse from someone who made a cheap lie to pretend that Alia didn't die alone.
>He hasn't been here for a very long while
Now why the fuck are you lying?
Feral Lore Discussion hour
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>Cope bitch cope
Sad! Hatred will always lose. Try being more like Alia and maybe you too can propagate your genes.
Because if he was we would be swimming in Roll lewds. Matter of fact is, Alia is just that much of a hated character for all the things that she did.
I'm not the anon who is making the extremely bold claim that two bery important characters should be related to pretend that one of those didn't die alone. So now then, show the evidence or admit that you are full of shit.
>Because if he was we would be swimming in Roll lewds
Unless the image range ban hit.
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He was here last thread.
oh, we're almost outta time
perhap we should start grindan valmanways
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We got rangda banda from Indonesia and that's a witch.
>Two direcly oppsed statement right after one another
That sure doesn't sound like paranoia
sir this isn't cv1melt
Breaking Pride's pride!
So now that you ran into a corner you can only make chimpanzee sounds
is shantae even /mmg/ related?
>Two direcly oppsed statement right
Whatever you say faggot.
hmm maybe it was 4 switches not 3

In any case we can try going to the clock tower area
We got the 3 switches but I can't tell if we're going to the clock room anymore or not
Well, he did kill the X series by himself and became the Mega Man equivalent of Poochie
No, it's not even /intig/ related but it's not like the mods do their jobs or anything so he just keeps posting despite nobody acknowledging him besides people telling him to fuck off.
>Well, he [schizophrenic rant]
Yet some specific kinds of clothes will get you a T or an M rating for just being included in a game.
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I don't cast pearls before swine.
x5 one is egyptian
let's do one more round after my turn

In theory we could finish in like an hour overtime, but then we'd be skipping the arena
>Well, he [sales numbers falling of a cliff]
I'm down for that, no need for another day just for one more hour of melt.
I ain't asking for pearls I'm asking for proof. Also, the only swine here is Alia.
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Yes, she was a BMZ dlc character. This also means the Dusk Diver cast is also ontopic but no one's played those yet I reckon.
I also once claimed we could finish X4 in 45 minutes so
But these anons blogposting about some castlevania romhack are fine?
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There's more of a connection between Alia and Ciel being directly related than your baseless accusations based off of fetish art and memes. Hipocrita.
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>In theory we could finish in like an hour overtime
>without a map
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wasn't the meme here was that the only one who had a bastard daughter was Layer...and that her daughter was a walking argument in favor of very late abortions
As long as it's related to the general which telemelts are, yes.
Yet you can't post any of it here. Strange how that works, huh?
That's just us finding it funny that a black human girl with Layer's hair color is Zero, especially with how hard Layer drops the spaghetti around him. It's nothing based on the games themselves.
Yeah the residential street shitting Shantaeposter came up with that headcanon. Because he has a hard on for that little brown girl in that bad Megaman cgi cartoon.
>based off of fetish art and memes. Hipocrita.
X6 was bad but I wouldn't call it that, dude.
>doesn't drain all MP on entry
it can't be THAT bad
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To quote Riley from the Boondocks, "you are a bitch ass nigga".
Get a room, you two
where coliseum track
So it was the clock room after all, I guess the dev couldn't do more complicated stuff like making the souls the triggers or putting dracula pieces in there.
Thankfully nothing is worse than the cotm arena
>trying to shoehorn s*x in a pure saga like megaman
absolute pathetic
thats you
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why are minotaurs stronger on communism
Evens, I play some Senran Kagura.
Odds, I play Senran Kagura but on the Vita.
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>Posting Dusk Diver is the same as shanty

I hate Shantae so fucking much.
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fuck you I want naked X
Everyone's stronger on communism. That's why the capitalist empires keep committing genocides to stop its spread.
>he felt for the versus slop
I actually did play the first game. It was like Senran Kagura with less tits and ass and more asian street food.
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Progress is... inevitable.

Since pc won, it's gonna be Burst re: newal. Thankfully I think I have the 'Saki dlc and a Modelo.
Phase shift with Vector Zero look like it can be extra cheesy
How do you even have less ass than SK? It's so lacking in that department the girls look off-balance and goofy.
>fuck you I want naked X
is banjo kazooie /mmg/ related because of smash bros?
is pursowner?
naked Xtreme 6 (singapore)
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Even Cave Story and Umihara Kawase are on topic if you think about it, but not too hard because you'd realize that's really fucking stupid.
Smash isn't an inti game so no.
Shi-chan on the other hand. . . .
yang just looks dumb
Yeah sure whatever
>pay $7.99 for Acura to control slightly less shit*!
>*only in normal mode
were mm9 and 10 a mistake?
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Preposterous, Yumo a cute.
>3 people tried and gave up
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If we're gonna start purseposting we have to establish Rise is #1, Aigis won, and Joker is a hypocrite.
okay we can probably finish in overtime, arena was easier than I expected
(bossrush can be another day)
massive skill issue to be honest
we didn't pick book 2 did we
you don't actually need the books right?
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The true jewel of the orient: blasians apparently.
We have everything we need
I think
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I think not but we don't know what souls the chinese require
And still nothing. Also, Alia hasn't been shown to be working on anything that looks like a cyber elf
If it's not the usual three, then Giga Punch + Golem Familiar + Life Steal seem like the souls they brought the most attention to since they were all weird optional shit
Try Dark Inferno, Bat Form, Life Steal, set before the start of the battle
>Giga Punch
wasn't that just balore's normal drop
Funny how this image alone says otherwise
Wasn't balore optional
It doesn't. Shantae isn't an Inticreates property, it's a Wayforward one.
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Reploids are meant to be enjoyed. Until they become free in three hundred years.
Gibril would hate Shantae just because she knows that the moment Zonda learns about belly dancing and especially the dance of the seven veils she's gonna force Gerbil to do it to boolster morele between the men
BMZ also isn't an inti property, they were just licensed to make the games like with some of the bloodstained titles.
enter chaotic realm (speen castle)
I think the music is bugged
Was it always like that in AoS? I thought as long as you had the souls equipped at the end of the fight it was fine.
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And yet, despite their best efforts, capistalists just can't kill as many commies as commies kill other commies
not sure, but I know I had that issue in my offline practice

also it's supposed to be playing bloody tears here
Glad you agree that BMZ discussion isn't on topic either.
Layer isn't free. She's just a very cheap mass produced model
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Nothing is ontopic, we should just stop the general.
Friendly reminder that Luna died and got replaced by a EM Wave clone.
mm.exe isn't lan's brother
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I meant free as in you can no longer own them as property. And why the hatred to mass produced cheap girls? They're the light of many men's lives.
Finally she can have EM sex with Megaman.
They don't really become free 300 years after Zero's nap tho
luna zakos would've won football
True, now you're getting it. He's a digital clone.
Still waiting for SF4 where real Luna comes back as the true villain and you have to kill either the real Luna that's fused with Ophiuca, or fake Luna with her playboy bunny costume.
Is that a bug or is this part just a big jape.
oh... right there was fuckery here too
it's a feature
I think it's one of those mean-spirited NES-era things of "lmao this door sends you to the start of the dungeon".
But we aren't playing Mayro yet
if i had a nickel for every time a snake was so killable you did it twice i would have two nickels
iris is not a real character , just a woman in the fridge tier slop
iris.exe however it is a great character
That's 3 you got cheated out of a nickel.
it's weird to have a trap like that in a game that lets you bat/iframe past everything
With people like you infesting it, I agree.
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From X to ZX it's 400 years, and Z to ZX is 200.
We know that at some point from Z reploids became fully independent and mixed into the human population to the point they see other self aware machines with fear as mavericks. So there's gotta be time for that to develop, I don't it see it coming much earlier than 100 years before ZX.
Oh right, we never got the black panther soul, I wonder where is it.
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There's a branch off with Zero's ending. Goes to sleep you get Z and ZX. He doesn't go to sleep then you get X7 and later.
True, meaning in the CM timeline reploids are just never emancipated.
Huh, that'd make for a clash of cultures.
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Technically Giga City was because humans were kicked out but not really. ZX they're not really free either because they get a forced life expectancy that may or may not involve some old guy pumping his dna everywhere.
well the trap at least isn't completely fucked since you can get back quickly

also do we want to do bossrush now? or is it late for people
ok but where's the inverted chaos realm
what's a jieitai merchant doing in 1792 anyway
I can live long enough for one attempt at it
well, if it wasn't clear what the gimmick of the boss rush is
good x challenge melt
Giga city implies there's armed reploid insurrections for freedom the maverick hunters deal with, however a lot of reploids seem to really enjoy living with humans even as property. They start contemplating mortality otherwise.
Would also explain why so few reploids seem irked at having an artificial expiration date in ZX.
how does 2 balore even work
absolute magma lag
who did blue catgirl better?
Wouldn't the rock be weak to ice
or something other than pierce and slash
RiCO because she's my wife and she'll get jealous if I say Pandora.
We don't have many endgame weapons that hit blunt, we never got thor's hammer. Could use balore's soul at least.
My bestie!
don't forget your vania weaknesses
we have a small number of healing items iirc
H-how did you know I have a weakness for metroidvanias?
balore punch is pretty shit for how much MP it costs
don't we have another punch too
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>Double Death
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Hell flare could probably cheese this
maybe we get double orbs again
Told you that those two souls are peak cheese
phase shift and vector zero?
>two somas in story
>one soma in boss rush
nice double soma, very challenging
ye, with vector zero you pretty much don't lose any time hitting
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thanks all for joining alucard's wacky highschool adventure

never let the chinese design buildings
Honestly this was a big fucking work for a romhack. It's missing stuff but it's faithful enough for a sotn in gba.
Hell, the chink even went out of the way to include the saturn areas so I'm really impressed.
fun hack, wasn't actually expecting the inverted castle despite the inspiration of the hack.
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this is our final map
what were the saturn areas? did you say the garden
I'll have to try it out on my own to see if it goes up to 150 or 200%
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what is it with the chinese and castlevania
probably better than the real saturn areas too
find out in the 20XX gekkamelt
someone on the internet said they could not get anything higher than ~145%.
Of course, that is extra fun with the two areas with no minimap
My besties say
Dey sick of me crying on da phone
Telling how Zero been dogging me
My besties say
Don't tell dem nothing 'bout me and him
'Cause dey ain't showing me no sympathy
My besties say
If dey was me dey would've let it go long long time ago (ah, ah)
My besties say
My besties say
"Dats Lev"
my bet is on the counter being unchanged and the expanded map just adding up to an odd number
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yeah, the garden and the prison.
This is the saturn map, the green areas are the exclusive areas and the hack had them, the prison used the clock tower sprites.
wasn't there a third one
it's just two, four if you count them inverted.
probably remembered garden and the cave before garden being separate areas then
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wow that is more similar than I thought. It even looks like the hack has more areas too (arena and I guess the water area?)

>cannot leave the final save spot because of door fuckery
It's a bit more squished and some rooms that he used to mirror the big areas in sotn were slightly bigger, and I guess because of limitations on the hacking tools he couldn't trim them down.
Used*Goods collab sounds great.
Putting in JULIUS lets you play as Richter, as you might expect.
Nothing special for RICHTER and MARIA unfortunately.
as it is I'm surprised how he was able to jam in that much

I can't believe this is now the definitive version of SOTN
>Julyus soon
Is it still being worked on or is this the final version? I feel like it could use some polishing in a few areas.
Why not this Julius mode?
Most likely not, it looks like the last update to the original hack was in 2021
But it's actually super confusing because of language differences and hacks on top of hacks so I don't even really know what version we're on. (1.1? 1.65? Is there an alleged 1.2?)
more oc, also bug also who here knows without googling what an eucerini is
A bee?
>it's just reskinned Kuwanger
Well. Props for trying at least.
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Panda vs lev panda vs lev everybody wants to see this happen
>Iris killed /mmg/
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>Inti's next stream guest starring a Galgun VA, most likely for CnC
You think showcasing Galgun cards would've been the first thing they do, or at least after Gunvolt.
Gal Gun is now a closeted shame for inti and their new ironic weeb American audience.
RiCO, lay off the nightmare souls...
>love kuuderes
>Don't like iCO
Is it me or is it her?
what do if luggiman is die
Part of kuudere charm is knowing there's a loving, gentler part underneath. iCO doesn't really have that. She tends to comes off as stiff rather than stoic.
What convinced them to turn this way and what could make them stop?
Had a bad feeling as soon as I saw them promoting fucking Egoraptor for the iX2 dub. Really having a dub at all, but especially the way they go about it
They wanted to keep selling to the Playstation market, and it is hard to do that with a company that is well known for hating ecchi and cheesecake fanservice
Alternatively, the otaku audience did not give them the needed money, and Gal Gun not being a 2d platformer (which is something inti specializes) in most of their games did not help matters
>Gal*Gun originally launched on 360 and ps3
>Gal*Gun Returns only released on switch and PC
How the times change. Makes you miss the brown n' bloom, doesn't it?
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New Splashwo Man merch just dropped
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XBox banned GalGun too. But Inti should have burned both of those bridges. There's a very high chance that both of those companies will be out of the console race for the next gen and a total guarantee that they won't make it to the one after that unless something very drastic happens.
Okay so now that we established replies CAN eat by z era (they simply are not given the mod kit to eat), we can safely assume resistance reploids probably eat given they get these upgrade.
>replies CAN eat by z era
Holy shit they somehow made texts on the Internet capable of nutrition consumption?
Or they fled to the resistance before having the ability removed? Because the whole reploid second class citizen thing?
I do not think they are in any financial condition to burn those bridges
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Sony has screwed over everyone who stood with them this gen like Shift Up, SquareEnix and Arrowhead. Abandonig them is a must now.
Those bridges collapsed upon themselves so they upset their core demographic over nothing. Also, there's a huge demand for this sort of thing and the only two platformerms that still allowed it are the only ones with an actual costumer base for this and the next generation.
Unfortunately, bad vases don't break.
I did not remember fanservice of that level in Mario
For once I'm actually glad investors and stakeholders are a bunch of greedy fucks.
Knowing they're losing money and forcing companies to swerve back on the right path is the best thing they could now.
Oh no, NebulaGoy is making a Pizza Tower gacha???
I have the feeling the artist has a fat/inflation fetish.
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Dats an ugly ass ai
They can't because human qualities were stripped of them
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Shut up bitch, you gave the world a bunch of fatherless daughters.
If their human qualities were stripped, how come they look like humans instead of being animal bots or pure machinery without the fake skin?

Actually, how come only humanoid reploids joined the resistance, none of the animal ones had problems with Neo Arcadia?
>Burble Hekelot ate caterpillars
is that cannibalism
To not make humans panic over giant animals walking the streets. Just like the judges had a human form and a mythos form.
Have you ever considered that "reploid researcher" may not refer to researchers that are reploids, but instead humans who research reploids? You know an explanation to how Ciel had the know-how to create a copy of X? One of the most important plot points in the first Zero game.
I guess it's because animal-based Reploid are put into specialized fields and can't just be disposed of at whim. So they're not as oppressed as their humanoid kins.
>In Z1 and Z2 the bosses were part or NA elite army
>In Z3 they're the entire justice system (also had a civilian form)
>In Z4 pretty much everyone had a job before Operation Ragnarok, even Cocapetri
All reploids are copies of X. She's got a hundred years of Cain's copies to use as reference.
All Reploids are based on X's codebase (hence why they can be affected by things like the maverick virus) But they aren't direct copies of X, that's why Copy X was such a big deal. A one to one copy down to the way he thinks (Even though that part didn't work out)
All of X's copies end in failure.
>the judges had a human form and a mythos form
And were the only group of bosses to have those, so it doesn't really back up your point.
They were the only group that would have constant contact with humans so a human form makes sense.
Gate in X6 directly and unquestionably disproves that with High Max and the Zero Nightmare.
Robots making robots is some Skynet shit.
>Doppler made reploids
>Berkana made a reploid
>Gate made reploids
>Gaudile made a reploid
They'd need basic reploid understanding to do that
The demand is there. Otherwise Bossette should not have exploted as hard as it did
Some groups of reploids just don't deserve freedom. Also norice how there's no blackbots in the resistance
King did it first with Burnerman and Groundman lol
>motherless daughters
The fat minos might die very young from a diabetic coma but they are going to outlive Gerbil and most of the daughters they had together.
Explains why the resistance couldn't fucking fight
They're all French, of course they couldn't do shit but run away, die and cry for Zero according to to help them
Most of the enemies that gave X and Zero the most amount of trouble were not furrybots tho
I'm not even sure about that. Weren't only reploids sent to trail anyway?

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