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Previous: >>483967507


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
hwoarang vs eddy mash extravaganza about to happen
jdcr is ass lil bro
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Cammy General
kpiss weights more than all the anons from tekgen combined
b3 has made the eddy and zaf matchup bearable
thread is going fast rn so i will forgive you tifafag
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we're all having a blast watching CEO over here:
>white man uses eddy against a black man
This is racist
I'm fatter than Bob
someone make a real thread instead of this faggot
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fag janny will delete the other one of someone make a new one sorry buddy
Yes im watching one of the better tournaments this year with youtube cancer faggots how could you tell?
based me too
theres no ads on youtube retard
L i d i a.
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(my add block doesn't work on Twitch)
conceptualize if Hwoarang wasn't played by completely and utter retards for 30 years
you had it gin wtf
I can't believe i'm saying this but i'm actually glad Kwizz won that set.
Imagine losing because you got robbed off 1 round by Mickeymechanics
but speedkicks played him
Release date tomorrow?
Goy Pass 2?
EU gods please just give us a single win
>still haven't shown the drawing of rip breaking the kaz figure
VERY suspicious...
I accidentally sent tgirl porn to the living room tv
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was it this>>484037861
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I need...
Asking for a friend.
After Evo.
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Why would they not announce Lidia release date tomorrow and tease Marduk or Fahk at EVO?
Lidia needs to fucking get released already, this is summer now!
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Reddy was 04 Apr, 3 months will be 04 July. Evo is the next week.
Not a valid thread. I'll make a new one.
it'll be kunimitsu. think about it. Why when they are making the dlc characters have connected stories would they make both lidia and eddy closely involved with yoshimitsu? why would yoshimitsu suddenly be getting lots of story relevance for the dlc if not because of kunimitsu?
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>tfw no drake dlc
>>484038513 do it but I warn you they ( JANNY trans) will delete it
PD yeees shadow lose this one
Next char after Lidia is 'duk lil bro
blud is dropping Claudio combos
you said craig was the next character after eddy. then lidia caim even though dataminer tard couldn't find her fighting style (because it was there already for jin obviously). it seems more like a coincidence that the evidence for characters that don't have a shared fighting style or nationality added up to exactly 4.
giv Eliza nigga
God I hope so, Kunimitsu would be great. But that's probably a few years away at this point.
lol cool story skitzoidbro. Marduk is next.
*presses b1*
Heh nothin personel
they aren't going to piss away the most popular of their late dlc characters after they put all that effort into redesign and a-list anime voice actress the devs are japanese so they are kuni 2 fans as much as the jap fans are.
The land of the free.
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calm down shinblade
when craig is planned armor kang is planned too. they have no story except with each other. but unlike craig any info on ak would already be in the game shared with someone else.
scrubdow bum ass got nervous about losing his heat and panic mashed the button tired of this bum ass nigga doing shit i do
it is beyond joever now...
kpiss gonna get exposed here
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>simping for obese tattoo'd prostitutes
>getting btfo in pools by a flip
absolute state of kpiss holy kek
Victor is busted. Bryan is busted.
Well this is free for joka. Congrats on the win. Pakistani tekken is back on top.
AO taking out trashed
Who is this absolute nigger that keeps making off topic Tifashit threads?
it's insane how much tasty steve doesn't know about tekken
name 5 examples
he's an NA top player, give him a break.
Resident threadschizo nordgun7
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>winning 1 round out of 7
Great job kpiss, you fucking retard LMAO
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>lose 3 rounds in a row
>finally win one
>proceed to lose 3 more
>Arselan Ass wins OTB
>joka about to easily coast to a win at CEO
Looks like Pakistan is back on top just in time for Evo.
kazuya is just too honest...
Kiss him already
blud tried to press after being plus vs Feng
nigga he aint even the most honest mishima
Didn't see K-Piss match, was the Ki charge an actual Ki charge out of spite or the "Hwo nigger setup" they do sometimes?
I love when Tasty Steve recapitulates the score. As if the Overlay isn't already displaying it.
Yes, he did it after AO misinput Victor's unblockable
ok but will the rage art kill??????
Chicken Al Pastor is BACK at Chipotle and it's fire on every level. Order now: chipotle.com/order
What a thrilling cutscene!
kekzuya cuckshima honest *ducks laughing*
remember Kazuya f4?
the ki charge after the round was over was because ao did some retarded unblockable
the ki charge after the "dropped" combo is a setup
also this tifa retard keeps making off topic OPs, you will forever remain a faggot and a loser
Report Tifanigger OPs
>threw out hellsweeps whole 1st set
>free hellsweep pressure into free mids the next set
>oh no they are noticing im a fraud
that df2 in the end of Kazuya wall combo, why is it better than keeping the guy at the wall?
kys jokaniggers.
based kazuyer dub
im always the first one hating on kaz retards but that guys kaz is nice to watch
I'm rooting for the nip.
Will Kazuyaniggers shut the fuck up now?
look at me son ot doesn't work we have no janitor here for this kind of things
>he hasn't watched TMM for the MASKU secret techs
how bad can you be to get hit by Kazuya literally ducking and df3+4 in your face lmao
Unironically why didn't Joka go Reina
they can't step left at all because the wall is there so kazuya's 50/50 is essentially homing
So Kazuya takes 0 execution while having the best range poke with ff2 now.
??? What happened
cmon book get this gay BITCH out of here
kazuya can do hellsweep while ducking THOUGH
because he's a fraud and reina actually requires some effort.
feng better
Reminder that Jin is a virgin cuck
He got 22 buffs in a single patch
nice commentary steve
I agree Feng is a fraud character but I think people are too quick to forget Joka had a really good Heihachi, who was a significantly worse tourney character than Reina is.
She is barely better than Devil Jin. Honestly she might be bottom 5 so why would he go Reina?
You're a joke.
*walks away
He's so low effort and automated
the leroy shilling is going to seem so retarded in hindsight when they cut him from tekken 9 permanently.
> who was a significantly worse tourney character than Reina is.
Jun is volcel. Go ahead and defile those wretched whores.
not tournament ready
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Hahahaha shitdx
blud literally ignoring that Heihachi was the best Mishima for the last 2 years of Tekken 7 of my days bruv
jin is just too honest...
Remove Incelnov
shant reply to that
>Jun is volcel
How can you be calibrate and a mother in the same time?
Is Jin Jesus?
sorry meant Jin
Isn't this Lidia trailer like over a month old? Where is the fucking character.
early access july 1st
this tuesday with another Leroy EVO situation happening in a month
>early access
i forgot this was a thing. tekken is so fucking cucked. business man harada did it again.
reddy was 04 April. 3 months will be 04 July. Learn to count Lil timmy
Lidia does some cringe Britney spears dance moves when she stance dances I don't know if I can unsee that
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i just want a cosplay whore gf bros, is that too much to ask?
>namedropping britney spears
you are old anon.
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I'm a veteran and quit like a month after tekken 8 released. Can someone explain to me what the battle pass is?
Yeah, ok sure.
But imagine Lidia in Tekken 8 in a Cybersuit.
Imagine Lidia in the Shinobi outfit.
Imagine Lidia naked mods.
Imagine Lidia Polish PM T7 outfit.
Trendsetter outfit.

I mean... That's the only thing I want, really.
Fuck you we still got it
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steve did it
he did the shill haha
Sadly it is bro
When is Asuka getting the neck dlc
>Is Jin Jesus?
jdcr wont make it
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I know it will happen so I'm just posting it now, even if he does somehow beat Chikurin.
well yeah I play tekken
he is destroying chinkrun
one more year of sir gay
please... please get top 8
Dragunov is so fucking boring to watch
ok he redeemed himself once
there wont be next time
lili only won evo because she wasn't figured out at the time and was overnerfed
ok i give him that
'novgods got em seething
who tf is that dude on the right? steve doesn't seem to like him much
the hitbox on the qcb mid kick is so fucking retarded.
or because visa issues stopped people outside of japan from even coming and the few people that manage to come got DQd for no reason lmfao
like Jodd somehow got DQd because they didn't like his leverless
someone that knows more what's happening than him
NA you got this.
Kill the fucking ugly korean insectoid bug with glasses.
cant wait for saint and anakin to meet in top 8
So the tech in beating Lili is....not mashing?
Anakin is out
jodd sucks lil bro
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the only thing NA got is that korean dick up in their ass
told you, better electric than Kazuya
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no, it's having a black cock
by allah that was a good play bilal
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NA > Korea > EU > Pakistan > Japan
People keep calling NA shit but Shadow is about to be top 8
this jack is a scrub chaircrush would body him
>can't even describe what the fuck happened at end
nice videogame Harada
no he's not shadow is a bum he will get flushed bum ass nigga
Finally an honest tekken matchup.
NA snorts world supply of copium as time after time despite 99% of players in the tournament being american every single one of them fail to reach top 8. How are you so shit NA?
>Out of 600 burgers, 1 (one) MAY make it to top 8
how have these frauds made it this far
our boi kpiss eating guud
Rest cockblocking him again lmao it's over for Kwiss
there's nothing worse than an Australian. I support kswiss here.
That’s Ling..
>rest trying to punish obvious b3 failure with df2
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Sneedkicksbros.. How do we watch this ..
he just stopped sidestepping him
did steve just speak perfect korean?
Tekken lost.
Speedkicks won.
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total fluke victory for kpiss.
Sneedkicksbros, our response?
imagine hugging that fat sack of lard
more like gay-piss
if Tekken is so great, explain what happened right now
Sneedkicks has been disgraced for all time. I'm unsubscribing from his twitch and taking his posters off the wall.
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sex with kkokkoma
>kpiss - hwo main - steps right after blocked df1,3
>eats lfs df3,4
>rest - hwo main - steps right after blocked df1,3
>eats lfs df3,4
>ao - not a hwo main - sidewalks left after blocked df1,4 left
>gets ultra punish
what the fuck?
what happened to #NeverGay?
Kkokkoma and Nin allegations never should be be never forgot
victor has one of the best steps
translation error
both = double
They beat up Knee when he came to Green Arcade to get his trophies right?
>more bongs in top 8 than americans in american tournament

you can nanostep lfs df3 left with every char after df1,3 on block. it just shows fundamental better understanding of anti hwo by people who dont main hwo.
do it JDCR. put him out of his misery.
Huh? tldr ples
novtrannies on suicide watch in 10'
They're being idiots. Nin just trashed Knee's trophies at green arcade
Kkokkoma is not even relevant in this story
remember when drag players shat blood whenever they faced Zafina in 7
You're dumb
It's 3 separate incidents coaxed into 1 shitpost
im pretty sure there was a subplot with kkokkoma smoking some cock.
but why did he do it? it seems overboard
JDCR is senile
gookbros..our hero.is lossing to nigger
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what the fuck jdcr
Same reason he broke Qudans' arm, because he's a petty bitch
Imagine actually
why did jdcr age by 30 years in the past 5 years?
god, drag is such a dumb character
whoever wins he won't win a single set tomorrow
You guys really thought JDCR was going to lose?
Props for him to make top 8, but it's over for him tomorrow.
He's just not the same as he was, it's over.
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>NA actually thought they're not shit

should have picked claudio
Shadow still trying to play Tekken 7, that's why steve elevated his voice
really really wanna have sex with a novgod rn
Who is that nigga next to Steve that sounds so fuckin' gay? Even Steve soundin' sweet but...he's Asian? Nigga sound gay as fuck.
Caption: RKYK
Alright calm down Emilio
No I knew he'd beat bum ass nigga scrubdow he's trash
I want to breed a tgirl personally
NA top 8 players...hello?
when has jdcr even lost to shadow in tournament
i did that a few times it was hype
Another 'novgod
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Book got the call from the Jin cabal
Book should lose
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Shut the fuck up Xiaoyu and get anal gaped
Book is based as fuck
The problem with Jin is he's just way too honest.
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is t8 ff2 way better than t7? why do people spam it?
fraudistan won... honestly and virtue lost...
Reina abused it prepatch and all other Mishimas realized they had the same thing
As it should true prophecy
that was some mid ass tekken
Jinbrothers.. How do we petition for buffs before Evo? It's not right that the face of the franchise is B tier ,meanwhile these fradulant Alisas and Hwarogang s can just run around unmolested it is not right.
Steve said it was great though
its over
new stage btw
T7 version was cooler
Post your winner predictions lads
>70% chance it'll be butt of fraudistan
>20% chance it'll be /our king/ Ao
>10% it'll be literally anyone else
where's my arslan?
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A0/ fraudistan
Kpiss will be eliminated in first row
Joka will choke
Dowin has probabilities but we will see
Screenshot this
JDCR could be a surprise if he decides to not choke
If JDCR wins this, he will finally get a gf
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the fug is this projection
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Alright, I know I'm new to Tekken but the more I play it the more I just ask myself why bother.

>almost hit Mighty Ruler
>play a Bryan
>get outplayed
>alright let me check the replay 'cause I have no idea what I'm doing wrong
>almost all the moves the Bryan did seem to be safe on block
>the move I was supposed to duck looks like a mid attack to me
>wow, so it's another one of these gay attacks that some characters seem to have
>start applying what I've learned, I can't commit to a single string, just pokes, reads and movement
>even afraid to punish any other move I see with a simple 1,2
>start actually winning matches even though I'm not having fun

Wow so this is real Tekken... The more I understand this game the lower opinion of it I have.
>JDCR jobbed to PhiDX
How did this happen?
who do you play lil niggy?
The game is complete kusoge, you either deal with it or drop it. However in my opinion don't even bother with replay just play. I wish good 3d fighters were still around but we're stuck with this goyslop until virtua fighter 6 drops.
that was the most elaborate vf shizzo post lmao
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dead general
dead game
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the only explanation i can think of to justify this game's file size is that they intentionally make it bloated to discourage you from installing other equally bloated multiplayer games and keep you hooked on Dekken 8
This is why I never delete d8 and fix from my drive
It's story cutscenes most likely. Mk11 is 100gb+ with them but without them it's like 50.
my download speed is over 900 so I can download tekken 8 in like 20 minutes
30fps 1080p cutscenes probably intentionally encoded in a container that bloats their file size
not even king Arthur can pull me out
japan still hasn't figured out selective download options
Sounds like you're mad you can't mash. Oh well, we won't miss you.
Scrimblo Fighter 6
I dropped the game for fc24
Maybe try Multiversus or sf6 if you're looking for a party masher.
>divegrass simulator
i wish there was a baseball game on steam. i wouldn't be bothering with this piece of shit at all
jack off pose
there are no jobs I'm going to be homeless in the future I'm a failure
how can you play tekken and be beaten down like this so easily nigga
is your ego that fragile your spirit that weak?
I dropped d8 in February
why the fuck is xiaoyu uf1 not parryable? its a fucking punch
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Nothing is more satisfying than making a King, Jin, and Hworang player rage.
you're playing the best character in the game...
That would be Jin
Doujin grandfinals no reset.

Ph will win both non-evo American majors

*del cafe
That's King, there's a reason why people bring him to tournaments with him.
figured out a good and easy heat dash combo for paul
f4~F > qcf1 > 4 > df4 > 3 > df4 > 3,2~B~DF > deep dive DF2,1 T! > wr2. 69 damage
good damage and extremely consistent on all of his heat dash launchers
blud said I got a Paul combo but ionno a single nigga ppayin em
Claudio is kinda fun...
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Elon Musk is based, fuck the leftists
he's a sauceless retard
stop posting naked lili
Keep posting naked Lili
Lili takes massive rancid toilet clogging shits
im unable to skeet again
>loses to fiddy
>beats mr chicklin
what did he mean by this? revert d3 nerf btw
I want to be a good goy but shekelstein won't hire me
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>JDCR made it to top 8
unc is gooning in his hotel room
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holy based Harada
How many Steve players in top 64? I thought he got le buffed????
>/v/ is bullying Slime Mashers Dix again
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hey i just beat that loser
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going out for ice cream with Lee
I see na still failed to get top 8 but now in a tournament with no real competitors?
they are all saving strats for evo
I think I respect Leo players the least in this game which is a strange feeling because I had a decent amount respect for the 3 Leo players I saw in 7.
thinking about Leo
>he respects trannies
dont respect them just use them as my cum dump
In other news, I hope Bryancel wins CEO so I can call him a busted cheesy character without pushback
In other news
I have 3 different shemale pages in my top 8 most visited
you are 1 page away from being a lilitranny
I need a tgirl
I'm holding out for a tgirl 'til the end of the night
She's gotta be tight, and he's gotta be hung
And she's gotta be fresh from the street
this entire community is obsessed with dicks
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what do you mean
Slimenigger post
This game is ugly as fuck
meats out; deah
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Just wanted to write something because it's safe to say i'm proud of myself haha

Played Tekken all my life but never was good at the game, probs because I threw a tantrum every loss and I took the game so seriously. Also didn't really know my main because I just found one character (Bryan) and tried nobody else. Trust me, when you don't know fundamentals, spamming snake edge doesn't work past green ranks.

Max rank I got was Vindicator then I got demoted down to Brawler. Stopped playing in March and started again last month. Difference was that I feel like I've changed a lot as a person, so I didn't take the game seriously. Didn't get mad at the game, didn't make excuses for losses, etc. Still made an effort to actually learn the game though cos Tekken's always been with me. Kinda like a big brother in a sense. Anyway, went through all characters and settled on Claudio. Hopkicks and starting every game with magic 4 for days mate.

Got demoted all the way from Brawler to Mentor, then made an effort and then went all the way up to Usurper. Stagnated for a while then simply learned to punish, then got up to Genbu which in my eyes is a sign that I'm good at the game. Along with the facts that I actually have maintained a life, not sacrificed doing things just to get it and the fact that I play it casually, I'm quite proud of it. Any of you disagree, I'll be honest in saying that i'm not arsed. Feel like if I want to go any higher I'll have to become a saddo and sacrifice my free time for studies to get it, so I'm chilling now. May go for mighty ruler and top 10% players rank soon. Also started to pick up Shaheen, so I'll get Genbu with him too.

Just any advice for players who are ass: watch a few tutorials, don't be an Eddy/Hwo mai- sorry a sweat who takes the game serious, and don't dedicate your life to it. Think about it realistically. It's only a game. There's more things in life to care about.
the fuck do you mean by failure?
bitchy post, otherwise nothing to complain about
jesus christ drop the > and stick to either typing out character specific scances or drop them entirely
Also ~ doesn't mean what you think it does
f+4,F qcf+1 4 df+4 3 3,2,B,DF+2,1 T! WR.2
f+4,F CS.1 4 df+4 3 3,2,B~SWA.DF~DPD.df+2,1 T! WR.2
so are fatty and co confirmed at ceo
how to pick up chicks at these events?
be black
imagine spending a trillion hours grinding tekken 7 just for tekken 8 to completely delete the concept of legacy skill anyway
your shits more confusing.
all you faggots get on your knees and suck leo's dick
and pull it to the side and start sucking his balls, bitch
fucking faggot ass lowlife ass niggas
7s grandpas cant handle the heat
get it haha
I miss Heihachi
half the characters i don’t want to play against and you fags are begging for more.
just gooned over that new claudio x xiaoyu render
Ah yes just look at those fresh young bucks dominating d8 like chanel for example
T8 requires no skill
therefore arslan really was the GOAT because he sucks in T8
virgin negro vs chad tranny vibes
Jun is actually kinda boring to play
>first opponent
>Kishin DVJ
>whiffs every single move except a single db2 at round start
>no rematch
>second opponent
>Tekken Emperor Nina
>spams d4,2 f4,2 db3+4, guns
>still a tough game somehow
>no rematch
>third opponent
>Tekken King Hwoarang
>does a flamingo jab after every single d3,4
>uses b3 as keepout
>win 3-0
>no rematch + he blocks me

this is tekken
because characters that don't have good oki or offense or 50/50s are boring
t7 redditpost? just copy paste the fork guy or something
But that's Slime Rusher Dix
Imagine spending a trilion hours on SF only for a literal who to win Capslop Cup for Dix, never to be seen again.
when does the top 8 start?
after evo
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An Apology

A few months ago I made a post when I got promoted to genbu basically saying that anyone who’s got a higher rank doesn’t have a life, basically having pride in getting genbu playing in a “casual” manner. Since then I’ve actually started to appreciate those who are genuinely wanting to learn to play the game properly so I just wanted to apologise because I don’t want to spread hate in this community. We don’t need any of that
L____s t_____ t___??
sounds like some eu tekken
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U are all a bunch of lowlife green rank trash cunts. I could beat u easily..
me gonna buy garou

RIP Steve and Reina
kamige 6
>145k viewers
temu 8
>933 viewers
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Wtf I love paid Jap vtubers now!!
dvj mains have it even worse because we have to watch our GOD get kicked around by zoomers and struggle vs nonames
lowhigh is using Steve but he didn't play in any of those
Why? Because Steve sucks past red ranks.
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>Because Steve sucks
Nina's nipples
LowHigh's main is Steve but almost only plays Dragunov in tourneys you double nigger
https://liquipedia.net/fighters/LowHigh he uses a lot of characters, quadruple nigger.
Mostly Steve but not for 8.
I'm still not sure why people rank Reina so high in tier lists. Yeah, on paper she can do everything. But you have to work a lot harder than most of the other characters, *especially* in tournaments, to bring her up to that level. And why do that when you can just play Feng?
>lowhigh was a blue/red rank scrub in tag 2
no wonder this shitter can't win in a real tekken game
I shat myself overnight
mainman hasn't been seen in a week
mash mash mash
dead general
dead game
is this why tmm got reina's fc df4 nerfed?
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Land of the FREE
Chikurin is out?
chikurin ain't winnin anything again lil bro
after evo
He's probably on some white trash trip to Greece like Swedes love doing.
Yeah after evo
Lidia release date given TODAY and early access TOMORROW actually
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The absolute fucking state of Slime Pachinko Dix.
Havent spoken a word to an actual human being in the past 72hours. My most meaningful convos are with the cashiers : hello, good bye.
if you think 3 days is a long time try 2 months
I have a job as well
literally all I see is people playing in fujin is king and jin
why did they make the roster so big if only 2 characters matter
to be fair the people playing them probably like the characters since they’ve always been popular
fps_shaka always has 30 thousand viewers and yet his chat is almost always dead. Shit's botted hard as fuck. I imagine Capcom is paying based on viewers so they just bot their shit likemad.
Jin and King are overpowered as fuck but don't forget that Kaz Lili and Feng are also in the game
If you think 2 months is a long time try 6 years
I don't have a job
Man I keep labbing against Jin, thinking
>surely d2 isn't THAT broken, it MUST be me, I'm just not seeing the solution to these situations

but d2 just seems broken
it's reactable nervelet
react to my cock in your mother's throat fuckboy
After evo I think
my big fat gut is stretching me too much
I need Eliza cock NOW
getting engage with a man after evo
>yoshi jab beats my powercrush for some reason
>yoshi hopknee beats my jab for some reason
>parry beats any +frames situation
>unblockables beat trying to be defensive
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Yoshi is devastatingly broken but he'll never be meaningfully nerfed because Tekken is filled with soys who think "oh my god weird crazy squidbro haha" and have collectively agreed to downplay Yoshi at every opportunity
what a beautyful world to be all but alone
I can't wait until after evo. I crave cock and I need it now.
kissing knee's knee
that but akira
>don’t powercrush at -7 or worse
>during certain frames, otherwise you will float him
>bait it out like you would a different parry
>unblockables are reactable and mostly relevant for tech catches or oki
it’s outrageous that they decided to buff yoshi this patch instead of nerfing, but what you’re describing isn’t that bad
Goh cleaned the gunk out of my mouse
akira gave me the childhood I never had
sarah bryant almost made me turn straight
After evo is my guess
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hmmm nyo
you niggas be posting anything
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Dead game dead general dead genre
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wait, marduk and fahk are actually next?
they want to kill all hype for this game as fast as possible huh
nigga they can't even release flopidia
>during certain frames, otherwise you will float him
>isn't that bad
>just bait out flash and punish it
>nevermind the fact that it recovers as fast as an electric despite being a launching panic button
nigga come on
I needadrink
smol indie company please understand
>hopkick goes under my jab every single time
>hopkick gets stuffed by jab
man this game sucks
It's not even July yet lil bro. Lidia will be released after Evo. Anybody who thoughf she'd be playable in June needs to learn to count to 3.
KWAB check out Multiversus or slime 6 they might be more your speed
Lidia was announced 2 months ago, had her full trailer drop 1 month ago and still doesn't have a release date. At this rate they're not even able to shit out 4 characters nobody asked for a year
stop pretending you care about lidia
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imagine if Feng was deleted over night
imagine how exciting pro tekken would be
imagine fun tekken ranked would be
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>n-no it's not summer because
>n-no it's not in june
>i-its not even july yet
>actually it's july b-but it's not
>l-learn to count to 3
kill yourself i hate niggen playerbase
randomly evasive launching panic buttons that are only -13. that’s some good ass tekken!!!!!!!!
i use my rage art trap card
that’s some good ass tekken!!!!!!!!
lidia is being reworked cause she was too honest and now she'll just be eddy 2
Lil guy mad he can't count. I know those inner city schools are bad but it's ok I'll give you a hint. Eddy was released 04 April. What is 3 months after that? Hint.. It's not June
Multiversus is even f2p so give it a shot
blud thinks we are nerds and do math
shut up faggot. i would murder you
>the numbers
>m-muh pattern
you're type of nigger who thinks don't ask me for shit is a le funny meme haha
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on the bright side, cant get any worse, right?
>cant get any worse
oh you haven't seen anything yet
Concession accepted.
Concession accepted
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don't worry we have twt news today
how many fucking video are we going to make about this guy
what a loser
Probably after evo
Is there a lobby up?
what's wrong with being japanese?
I wish we would just abandon all neutral skipping mechanics. People can tolerate 10-20 minutes of methodical laning and jungling in MOBA, why can fighters have neutral? Just make damage higher so each encounter is high stake. Fuck the combo-obsessed crow.
Slime Troonies Dix is being carried by Jap vtubers on Capcom salary.
someone translate what he said but in English
>that skin between the panties and thigh on the pelvis uncovered
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Jin is honestly sorry for his war crimes
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At least he's not lonely anymore?
a true inspiration
is jeondding the only straight korean who actually gets some pussy?
Why don't westerners play Slime Troonies Dix?
this but tekken 8
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I am gonna going to play eduardo ebrahim gordiano my saars and vaguna saars
send vagene open bob
send prayers open your mind
here's what i open:
*spreads ass*
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you niggas need to lay off the porn
if that's a dick
I demand a source
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no, porn keeps us alive
Where’s all the Paul players I was warned about with the insane buffs?
paul is a hore
That's a pretty cute Lili
someone stole my bike
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Say what you will about Tekken 8, but it managed to bring /OURGUY/ out of retirement. Fun times ahead.
source nigga
should i drink wine, whiskey or gin to play with tekken
thats one hot slutty Lili
Gin Kazama
knee and aslan amateur vid when
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joe crush giving birth vid wen
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You know it
me in the back right
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>biological female
saint change color there in the background
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When next tournament today unga
someone tell this drag nigga to cool it with the foundation use
/sfg/ is down the alley
i really need to hit the gym brum since i confirmed that my heart and blood pressure issues fine now
remember to count your macros
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bruh I play Kazuya I always be counting my macros
6pm EDT is top 8
joe budden looking mf
I’m having so much fun with these two on weekly basis
I made the blonde bitch tell her butler to bathe her and i made the Chinese bitch to walk on all four naked in a small remote village with cows and sheep, local shotas were frisky
yes I'll definitely waste 3 hours of my weekend to watch Dragunov, Feng and Jin in another top 8
How many more hours until CEO starts?
Yep, it's Tekkino time soon baby!
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>CEO starts mid night for Yurofags
It's literally not fair. Tekken is Yurofag game.
just kicharged a lili player friends
yes I unironically think DEVIL JIN is cool
Save your ki charges for Kazuyaniggers and Bryancels.
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Scroll up nigger
remember the free story update and free stage lmao
thanks bruv got material to use now
Yeah, Autumn and Summer respectively. The latter will be after Evo. The former? October.
remember the "online practice mode"
Balancing is about sales
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how about adding skirts for male characters
*twitter engagement
affirmative action eugh
>normal game
>do a multihit
>"startup" tells you the startup of the first hit
>tekken 8
>do a multihit
>"startup" says 3 because the last hit happens 3 frames after the hit before it
you know what, you're right, looking at frame data is stupid. I'm just going to mash.
ok but
mismanagement so bad even the casuals are asking where lidia is
Slimenigger when are you staying in /sfg/?
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ridia?there is no ridia. here is dante from hit series devil may cry ok you happy now gaijin?
kore wa genjutsu da
*Terrorist fag tears*
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>try to get some qp games
>find a kazuya with autoblock/duck and macros
>find an azucena with the same shit
>activate special style
>side step
>do combo
>they fall for it EVERY SINGLE TIME
i have 400 hours in the game and i've asked for a refund.

I didn't spend 100 bucks to feed script kiddies ego.
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>fluffy pink seat
what did the criminals mean by this
can someone explain to me why lili's jumping reversal -8 on block?

I'm really confused
please explain this to me
thank you
>jumping reversal
They don't have a car the kidnapped her in her own limousine
>Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance playing
>hair dyed black
>wrists bandaged

it's Jin/Devil Jin time
devil gin time
Can JDCR get into fnial to qualify for Saudi tournament?
Leo is the scammiest character that mouthbreathers will tell you to learn the matchup for. Only played by subhumans.
it's called a dragon punch not a "jumping reversal" you dummy
>Leo <mental canon>
skill issue
There's a chance a big one if he doesn't choke of course
I have accepted I will never win a match against Leo with pure fundamentals.
jdcr is washed lil bro check out ulsan if you want a korean 'nov player who is not a scrub
why so pretty?
no tits
I love fighting games
My prefered playstyle?
Mashing unsafe strings into lose quitting until I find someone who hasn't done their homework
Her tits were big enough for the shotas
Why are you obsessed?
stop calling people lil bro, there are girls here
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friendly reminder
I believe in him
i will cosplay as a man if i ever go to evo
t. lili main
whjaut tlaking about, i;nm aint abbsesed
legit, tekken 8 is gonna be remembered as one of the most difficult fighting games of all time, right alongside +R
They should add back in the real tekken characters like roger, bob, lucky chloe, and alex instead of these stupid idiot characters like marduck, ganryu, or fakrman
>when fujins in this game don't even sidestep let alone struggle with basic mixups
blud forgot about virtua fighter 6
scripts and cheats just to get shiny rank.png in a saturday party masher 8
throwing your life away just for a chance to win fisting for three hundred bucks at tekken world tour
T5DR had a higher skill ceiling.
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babbygame player detected, pick some something that is actually hard. +r is for casuals.
>me: plugs dragunov
>dragunov: plugs me
lmao, we have a good affair
any t8 pro can dominate DR, it's such a simple game with so many cheesy strats
long combos don't mean difficult chud
Even Dragfags know they're obnoxious.
i play drag but i focus on fundamentals and always rematch, i play real tekken and refuse to be called anything but
>difficult doesn't mean long combos
>brought up plussy
it's multiple frame perfect inputs idiot that's what makes it hard. plussy made frc windows super easy. the only hard things in that game are the knowledge checks which are literally the point of the game, and slashback which is barely used. Meanwhile if you tried to play Croa, Carc, or FVakiha you'd probably give up.
blud likes yapping about irrelevant games
What is P+?
u3+4? because it has no range or tracking, is slow as fuck (i36, would be very slow even for a snake edge) and a lot of the time even when it evades lili still loses (it whiffs and she recovers slower than you, backturned, and you can punish her).
i'll gladly give up flash punch if it means i get to actually fucking use my jab like a normal fucking character
>i play
not with me, you don't
nobody would bring up old games if the modern games were actually good
He's right you know.
not old, you retard, irrelevant
it's a panic button
it not having good range or tracking is a given
lili mains are so fucking carried it's unreal
I just want to talk about tekken why do I have to see you fuckers discuss every fighting game in history that isn-t tekken??
>try to jab alisa
>she's literally untouchable
old, irrelevant, and old irrelevant games are better thoever
i refuse to play until they add back infinite rematches
maybe they are carried, maybe not, but if they are it's for sure not because of u3+4 lil greenie
no one is going to do more than 2 matches anyway (especially against you)
i say i shouldn't rematch then i rematch
i say i should alt f4 then i don't alt f4
i say i should quit then i don't quit
i don't even think there's a choice anymore, genuinely, never rematch, ever
Special discord cliques are always cancer
tekken really be the most bitch made fg community
bitch made franchise for bitch made community
>healthy game behaviour: motivates players to play more so that they can learn and improve
>fucked up murray vomit shit-game: motivates you to plug, avoid rematches, be toxic overall. all because this shit gets nerfed or buffed whenever a pro complains about it.
don't waste your time on this shit
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i have dandruff on my beard
i have depression
I'm a dragon
i'm gay (aka: tekken player)
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uuuk ukkk uuukkk
I'm chinese
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Tekgen lobby is up.
Password: 1122
Open to everyone
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only thing up and open is Julia vageen
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Drinking water>>> whatever other does
since tekken 8
if i wanted to see a naked gorilla i will visit local zoo
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How am I supposed to read these numbers? 5-2-5? Are they frames? I'm trying to practice my PEWGF with Reina.
or could just use a mirror like i do
Tekken 9 will return to be a meterless, neutral-focused game with revolutionary netcode, hailed as Harada's magnum opus before he promptly retires
yeah they are frames, you press d2 for 5 frames then pressed nothing for next 2 frames then pressed forward for 5 frames
now come press me down there
Chikurin was literally driking piss yesterday
yes that is the number of frames for each inputs.
You did the down forward input correctly(pressed downforward and the button on the same frame, no line of input with only one) but you missed the down input.
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Very nice jugs
that was ao wasn't it
I did it again, lads...
It still came out without the down input. I've done it multiple times now. That's why it's a PEWGF, isn't it?
Tekken 5 Asuka is still best Asuka
Because slime players already drank the gallons of semen
i drank more semen than the average slime player i bet
Bryan is a scam character now. Just try to dodge him as much as possible until the nerfs that will hit in 6 months. He's just busted now.
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who is asuka here
Slimenigger posts
is it me or does the sky feel more authentic today?
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It does everyday to me
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Love Tifa LOVE LOVE!
Wait so if you can do a PEWGF as Reina, that means you can also do a perfect EWGK. That's a 13-frame safe mid CH launcher
ewgk is 15 frames without crouchdash lil brosk
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Oh yeah, right, forgot about that.
im gonna be real those tits mods are awful whoever did them never has seen tetas in his entire life
See >>484099454
Reina and Kaz can do that because of mist step
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This entire game is such a fucking scam. Does this move really need the ability to be -9 sometimes? Fuck off, it's already incredibly strong as is.
even - olden slop
odd - tekken
Who the fuck are these guys. Where is Daigo Umehara? Where is Tokido?
>Daigo and the usual japanese tierwhore
you're just gay
Asuka best girl
sorry thought I was in a different thread
>last time online
>8 days ago
It’s natural nude.. through a redactor
whens top 8 and lidia trailer?
after evo
>says they're streaming under their name
>is not streaming
cmon man
Daigo is just SF Knee except he barely won anything in his life when people actually started playing fighting games competitively
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>the tranny is a mai player
based! imagine if emily would have been lili main too!!
Top8 is at 6pm EDT.
Kazuya is on the screen!
5K viewers?
I thought smash was popular.
Game’s 6 years old with no sequel announced so it’s kinda falling off. Plus the meta is cancer now.
maybe i really should buy sf6 but i played 2d fighting only on psp
500 viewers and it's still pools.
When did Jin players become the mashiest retards? What did I miss?
watching this is making me want to play kingdom hearts
Tekken 3, 1997
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Do it. It's fun and playing both games is chad behavior.
I fucking love fighting games.
>In Tokyo alone (one of the biggest metropolis in the world)
>Create a tinder account
>no likes except for 4 or 5 land wales and 2s/10
The time has come
to load up tekken
After evo for sure
ceo isn't a big event for smash
there are like 3 good players in this bracket and no top 10 player
no i just have taste and I'm not a supercummer
bro can't supercum, only has normal cum. what a loser.
nobody here has supercum is regular and inferior cum
i supercum when my nose is lodged in zafina's asshole
video games
I want to make a question how many virgins are here
After evo is my guess
there is nothing wrong with being a virgin
I'm voluntarily celibate.
of course not it's okay it's just a question
I am condemned to eternal solitude
Lili players are carried trannies. Kill yourselves and I hope your entire family dies in front of you.
relationships scare me
Whens top 8
whens evo
Scroll up
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talk about the fucking game or else
After evo
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the only fucking game i'm playing is with xiaoxiao
How did they ruin such a promising game
bad updates
bad netcode
season 1 leak was fucking horrible
got mogged by akuma and bison and lost momentum
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Michael Murray should retire
they didn't it's the best tekken of all time and the best current fighter on the market
crazy that they hired literal who Arika instead of Code Mystics
holy fuck, the consistency you need to rank up over blue with Kazuya is insane. I won't stop thinking he's a scamola casino character, but my respect for the people who trudge through god ranks with him went up
how long until top 8
scroll up hours
Shotas been calling
How did we let the bears get away with them saying their g-clef is the worst of its kind?
Comedic relief downplay shield
Bear players are faggots
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this >>484116790
retarded harada talking dumb shit
retarded murray translating dumb shit
nakatsu and bunch of retarded japonesa thinking that eduardo gordo is a peak tekken because one retarded in the office tried capoeira ten years ago
posting dumb shit on twitter and mumbling about plugging spreadsheet for a month and doing nothing instead of doing what literally every dev can do
arika instead of netcode
please do our work for testing and post it on twitter
doing everything that crapcom does but ten times worse, it should be a guinness record
missmanaging everything they can
fail at selling mtx
everything is a comedic relief even game balance
now you need to wait three years after release to play that tekken 8 game, maybe
this is not tekken this is aris the green gandalf tournament 8
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It never had much hope desu. It was over the moment they revealed that soulless Dix logo.
most sane Slimenigger
based desu
didn't read but general structure looks like seethe
even our banzai namco shill is a pathetic loser or ai chatbot i can't tell
Why don't Capslop slimeniggers take a basic course in English before shilling?
i'm chilling playing FFXI, fuck you mentally retarded faggots
this but unironically
>criticize Tekken
Are you people STUPID?
rent free
I have a dream that one day slime trannies and kekken cucks will post positive and encouraging words in each others threads
Only a hung shota character can save Kekken 8
Go ahead and post more steamcharts of Japs grinding Dix training stage, slimenegro.
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you lost
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i miss her already bros
Can you guy post Asuka's tits instead
>getting no rematches in bushin because i'm too good

the kaz life sucks, no one wants to play :(
I can't find it. Is it still up?
>nobody clipped the walk away
ngl I'm getting a boner just thinking about it
somebody please be a gentleman and clip it for us
Damn which Reddit poster did you steal this from, slimetroon?
finally we have some good tranny to rival sf6, we don't always lose, you see?
Nobody wants to rematch Kaz because he's extremely dull fight of constant guessing lows and mids. And if Kazuya blocks a single low, no matter how useless, you're in for a combo session too. It's just not a fun fight.
queer is dressed as a crapcom character. Xhe belongs to them.
get no rematch for 2 matches in a row because I obliterated my opponent, suddenly the tekken 7 online bug starts and I have to go to main menu and back to ranked for the game to instantly find me matches again wtf harada san
Cannot tell if he is actual troon or just a guy crossdressing for the laughs.
>tranny with Capslop clothing
>slimetroon trying to pass it on to us
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>which Reddit poster did you steal this from
prove it or i'll kill you trannoid, you have 8 minutes
and i don't play slime fight
Wonder how big her cock is ? I d say mid size
if you saw the walking, you'd know for sure, that shit made us all pregnant (male included)
Make a lobby and I'll come humiliate you, slime bitch.
what other characters are like this?
Rip was licking his lips. He didn't know the camera switched back to the booth
Also Kazuyaniggers are also the saltiest motherfuckers. You may not be it, but people have enough experience of Kazuya mains shitting their pants the moment they get a round win. Bryanfags are like that too.
why are you being so rude toward the handicapped?
Which champ is the best at stopping a nigger who just wants to walk forward and mash in your face all round.
its only like that if you're a passive bitch that lets me hellsweep forever
yep you can't prove shit favela trannoid, now go find a job
slimebro posting cropped images he saved off the Internet and won't even post a lobby to prove shit

Pencilneckfags complaining about Kaz, just a constant thing.
are you a green rank or some shit. never mind, dumb question
finally the kazuyafags decided to show up, welcome welcome
you have 2 minutes to prove it lying bitch
is xiaoyu easy in this game? the screenshots got me horned up
Post the lobby, slimenig
After evo for sure
>asking for lobby
guy is proving that tekken is pretty much a discord fighter, lmaooooo
what is it? you can't find matches anymore and need to provoke people on tekgen to get some matches?
please please play against me!
It's ok slimenigger. We figured out hours ago that your cropped steam image wasn't yours and you can't even post a lobby to prove you own the game and have played for 500 hours. Please eat shit. And stay in /sfg/ where shit is abundant.
She is alright not that hard to start with
This cunt doesn't play tekken, he just wastes his miserable existence shitposting about dix fighter in every tekken thread, probably some sfg schizo
She's extremely effective at destroying noobs but once you're up against people that block, she becomes low tier as fuck.
do you feel powerful when you make dragunov plug?
he doesn't even get past my loading screen
'novgods got 'em seething 24/7
against people who block you can spam your faggot 50/50s forced mixups
If you think she has actual 50/50s out of heat, then you're said noob that doesn't know the match up.
I want to buy this game on my Series S aswell. I have it on PC. But man what a fucking retarded pricing on the Xbox store. What a garbage console. Just collecting dust.
no but in heat now you have the strongest mixups in the game thst are barely punishable. heat in this game is so poorly balanced it’s crazy
I am a failure

That's the big differentiator. There are characters in the roster that without heat pose the same coin toss on you.
the fuck is wrong with you stop downplaying everything dumb fags
Which outfit do I buy for maximum Asuka boobage
having strong heat is all you need to win rounds in this game. it's fucking retarded and makes no sense for the character.
what boobs she wears pads
why doesn't tekken have a board game
asuka has big naturals

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