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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>483931617

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/06/25)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
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Post your CAST or Caseal
based thread
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Nogxy looks like they got raped nightly by their step dad's bbc
>ship 2, no group chat
being in a clique doesn't make you pso2g
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The black cat!
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are we getting free salon this week?
lil bro thought showing off his nasty fingers was an own lol
did xevel quit or did he simply unfriend me?
imagine posting a photo of your hand and someone saves it and obsessively reposts it for nearly a year
can you even do anything other than shrug at that point
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maybe don't post your rotting fingertips online for us to laugh at lil bro
fr though nogxy isn't beating the allegations
lmfao who is this lil nog spamming arisu kudos
based king telling it how it is arisu couldn't handle the batnz
>internal strife
simply don't interact with huehues
This game is so great at containing the mentally ill
Why is Nym like this?
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this is normal behavior for failed adults
lets see how long he goes for today
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sylphid GODs in the house tonight
yeah im thinkin nogxy lost
I love me some mentally ill
asuka eros is so fucking nasty
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I don't wanna.

>check Dawn ~ lookbook
>obese sylphid with huge lips wearing the same hoodie + bikini combo everyone else is wearing
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Post arisu and dawn I wanna compare the two
both of them look disgusting lol
What the fuck is wrong with Sylphids on Global?
Take a screenshot of the first sylphid you see on JP RIGHT NOW
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Does the race being Cast count?
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begging to get glazed
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i need to redo my caseal
I don't see any here and don't know where to look
is this game as good as psu yet
That can't be Nym, she is the best sylphid.
We all know Nym kneels to Shuna and Arisu, he can't compete
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>all the orbiters in the comments
filter stubbed again
Which face is that?
Urien Head
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hot tits
Nym doesn't compete with peasants.
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> the best sylphid in the game
I think the sylphid face is ugly
you changed your face just to become a generic t2 sameface
only biofems know how to use and appreciate sylphid so a male like you wouldnt understand
That's very impressive considering its a lookbook screenshot. I love birdie!
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so it's the tranny face then
Is At tributing again?
For being a tranny face everyone seems to coom over it
can't be helped, coomers are gays with low standards
Why do so many women use sylphid?

I noticed 90% of sylphid T2s are actual real women which is so weird and bizarre what draws them to the face?
Damn must cost at least 20million
It's the mentally ill face
it takes the most skill and women enjoy a slider challenge so they mastered sylphid and flock to it
>Numerous Sylphids flock around Arisu on Twitter
Does this mean they are all biofems?
Is there a reason why you don't ask this to all these real women you know of?

extremely high chance at least 92% of them are biofems
memes aside I noticed this also
of course, we're all girls here
sylphid here

I am in fact a woman
sylphid here

not a biofem, full on dude.
t. 2 (face)
what? the lookbook makes the characters look good because of the lighting in it, what you see is what you get without any post-process trickery
t. balding t2
wait did boxy really start filtering everything he got exposed of by nashai lol benched behavior
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I wish the entire game had the same lighting as the salon and lookbook in all parts of it
everything else looks so bad
are you minheight?
He pretends he did. He's still very much seeing every post.
this game is for trans women only
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Thoughts on fog breath? I believe it's an S tier accessory
srry xer this is pso2g your looking for XIVG its down the hall and to the left
I want to cum inside a sylphid
I need a sylphid to orbit that's not Arisu but with the same feel
only when you place it on your derriere and change the color to green
my T2 (trans) wife is playing xivg and xer having fun with all the other miqos
post more like this
we all know it's just you plapping youself since no one likes your schizo ass lol
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Prepare for trouble, and make it double!
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Join the movement
>comparing yourself to Gene
I’m Gene ingame and IRL
I used to love when my friend used Gene's outfit
jesus christ they look like one of those goonbait trannies you seen on gif
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sex... NOW!
not wrong
sex sells
thanks for everything, goodbye
bye, see you tomorrow
was it me?
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certified Gwiz post
She won.
>someone saved my gif
i kneel
He* won
She transitioned.
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It's fucking rad, thanks
He'll* soon commit suicide
Woah it's Deadpool
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for any dark souls and elden ring experts here I have to ask.

should I play bloodborne?
ye it's cool
body by product #3
face by dc comics
I was listening to cleric beasts theme and it's making me want to play it.
I've only played it for like 50 minutes a few years ago so I'm literally clueless on the game outside of everything up to cleric beast.
Bloodborne is okay. It’s a little overhyped and a start of the “faster” gameplay
However it’s designed around it, and it’s extremely easy, but the world building and level design is good
I'm curious. How many of you are trans?
*deep dbz announcer voice*
>will boxy make the next op?
>will WD finally make a fren?
tune in next week for more PSO2G ZEE!
*guitar riff* dunna dunna dunnn DUNN DUNN
-> >>484049493
Me. I don't make it known though unless someone asks my gender.
nta but it's an incredible piece of art to dive and get lost into, there's so much soul in many aspects of it
yall needed this song growing up
I hope it was me
Now that the dust has settled:
Why was FG friends with b*nchy on discord?
Yeah, and No mercy for executioners
>why are shitposting trannies getting along
find a hobby you stupid tranny
they put you on puyopuyuo where you can't possibly do damage and they still get their blackrock/microsoft money
they all hope you an hero
this is a thread of peace wither your a hetero macho man, a trans, a biofem, a darker, or a janny we welcome everyone here with open arms and harmony as long as your true pso2 new genesis gameplayer
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I don't have one
212 with ollie and rope
so what's the story with ollie x emv?
idk if I'd say yes at this point
as a game it's stellar, but going back to it with "30" fps (feels like 12) just fucking sucks
you could emulate it but you'd lose out on the online features

I would tell you to wait, but SNOY fucking sucks so you could be waiting another 4 years before you see it on PC, or even fully FPS unlocked on PS5 if you're one of the 10 people who own that piece of shit
Probably erping together refusing to eat pussy.
tried ffxiv free trial, casted a skill while moving, watched my character slide along the ground while stuck in the skill animation, uninstalled and quit the game
What hair is this? Extensions?
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Owns your whole general, I thought you guys were good at shittalking so I'll leave now
Guardie Hair paired with Left Parted Extension.
Thanks. Is that in the accessory revival?
Yes, it's at the top of the list when viewing the scratch catalog but it's very expensive on ship 2 at the moment.
you look like a randomized character
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>Not cool
dunno how people play that shit, it's just runescape 4
im lost for words
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Next one will definitely be cool...
severe lack of horny anons...
we are playing the better game
I want to jerk anons off
I'm feeling it but are you?
everyone that used to send me dirty PMs stopped
Would it make you feel better if I started doing that myself..?
qrd on pellegri lofn alice chelkie oxion werin aiatar lhuc
I dislike sluts.
There is no bigger turn off than seeing them in a2 with someone else, the interest has faded.
I loooooove being a slut! (Secret)
jealous cuck
I love sluts that use gene's outfit
Go back to idling alone, I found someone exclusive
When do we start? I've been itching for some sultry convos what feels like weeks already...
*ghosts u some more*
As soon as you find me and slide into my DMs
Shut the fuck up Jiggu
That easy...? Give me a hint and if I got a good hutch, then...
Dont insult jiggu or im leaking everyones wicked logs and how most of you get cucked on a daily basis
Do it anyway.
when are you posting on aco?
Do it faggot
Who are the biggest cucks? No logs needed for that
this is nice, but where is dawns side? very easy to shittalk when you only know 1 side
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I don't want to swap colors and back just for a screenshot.
hi, no new aco thread?
you look horrible and whats up with that dried up skin, your face structure is fked up
whip it out...
I don't agree besides the skin thing.
To who? It's also not moisturized...
Without aco thread I can't leak all my leader's lewds
What are you staring at...
like on cubes or?
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The disturbed dust on my sofa. Some trickster came in the other day to ruffle things around, still at large too.
face looks like a tranny lol
he's obsessed with little boys, that's obviously a tranny
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>The disturbed dust on my sofa. Some trickster came in the other day to ruffle things around, still at large too.
Who's a schizo that i can groom,I've grown tired of my current wife she's mellowed out and i never wished to fix her
Will you fix me too?
This is shit kisa would say back on ship 1 lol
I hope not,I like my wife to be themselves and continue to be a mess just for me.

He doesn't really fix them he just gets tired of them and they leave them a bigger mess than before
>and they leave them a bigger mess than before
How true is this? Asking for a friend.
He uses them and then discards them so they have a melty, jail time
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franzburg, gyro, cappu, rinka, doppel, mokku, ollie, maku, andesi, kou, potionaholic, choukai, crimson, aiatar, tsuna, stena, machi, lucifi, alice, vehk, milocc, xevel, shiro, xear, erdbeere, chelkie, stella, kirschmesser, necromanceme, rumlatte, angery, graal, moira, finchy, atalanta, chanso, chiaki, ciel, esvatira, lulu, galama, w-41fu, melissa, kouwaseki, shine, buttons, grizzermacht, squishy, hennika, fall, firo, neith, romalea, rope, alicia, jiggu, grimjak, caelestis, otoki, runali, wakaba, akari, remi, krittening, gpof, bastet, buelle, chu, asuka eros, void blade, renee, nihlim, moratheos, firegreen, nightfire, caduceon, werin, nashai, boss, maki, rainasu, agm, yuno, sura, fanda, boxy, redrey, morgan, nutmeg, piyoko, marceline, piper, jack, khu, pellegri, kriell, yomiki, nia, ars, rance, platinum, wilow, cornelia, jole, koishi, oxion, amaranthe, holden, squib, horse girl, tok, sipsoo, lofn, nym, nightfire, agent mitsumi, mieri, everian, blender
How did I dodge this? Am I really a nobody?
I love mindbreaking these, they go full melty if you push them a lil
What's a caseal gotta do to get namedropped around here?
post balljoints in a lewd manner
how do I keep ending up on these lists
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Qrd on all of these
Literal irrelevant whos
You actually made an impact if you get namedropped
None of these whos even have 3k followers. That's when you have impact in this community
I would but I'd get bored halfway through
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3k followers is 30 times the active playerbase bwo
Ako is pretty easy to manipulate long enough to be entertaining until she becomes self-aware
on what? twitter? You have to be a real mongoloid to even have a twitter account
0 personality, hardcore coomers, schizos who break faster than a tissue on a rainy day, all they do is shit for attention, none of these are worth a peny
Do it
irrelevant leeches that are nothing without a platform or mods
Most jealous post itt
You need a minimum of 500 followers and need to average 100 likes to be even slightly relevant.
It's enough to be namedropped itt. It means someone thinks about you enough to mention you in public. That's pretty huge on the relevance scale.
Imagine not getting namedropped...
No way the thread is super dead for that much effort.
Parasocial obsession at its finest
>get namedropped
>someone thinks about me
>im relevant
>self esteem high
I've considered them for a bit seems like a safe pick and i've seen the melties in some circles and how prideful they are about the wrong subjects
Do it
Be the reason the thread wakes up
qrd about the melties
Fine, but I'll definitely get bored and stop halfway
I can't wait I'm so excited
You just want me to describe you, don't you?
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>No aco thread
>Mentally ill playerbase
>Shit community, pedos even on official discord
>Nothing to do ingame, shit game
>1 Year no content roadmap
my irl account has 27x of that and all i do is post feets.
Yes I hope you reach my name
It's always fun to be described in other peoples eyes
is it more effective to be asked to do something or to be told to do something?
u didnt say he wrong tho lol
Depends on the situation
The community is fine if you seek out the good people.
at least four of those are confirmed biofems with over 3k followers on x
>Confirmed biofems
lol only normies are biofems
>to be told to do something?
anyone who's here wants to be packed up and forced to do things with other so they don't feel alone
>the community is fine
>W-well I mean, o-of course you need to seek out the good people
>groomer-chan falling off
What? I'm just saying if you don't befriend schizos or people from here then you'll have a decent time.
>Never get namedropped
>Nobody is thinking about me
>But they're thinking about the carnage I create in this thread
but that's the fun part!?
The majority of people online including most anons are generally shy. They don't want to give the wrong idea so they don't reach out, just waiting for others to initiate and make things happen.
Assertive players are less than one percentage and can become extremely appreciated fast. I would suggest learning to read the mood and then TELL. If you want something go for it and if anon is too meek to say no it's a win win for you. If they say no it's not a problem either.
if I wanted to befriend NPCs I wouldn'tve said anything rtard
You should speak for yourself. You're glitching out.
y r u correcting ppl on a 4chan thread my dude
people keep sending three cutes at a time, is it code for something? what am I supposed to respond with?
Equip allia quartz and go to their cs
"Hey, the cute spam is making me uncomfortable, please mind your manners stranger"
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Good night pso2g
Because I can. We have this thing called freedom in my country.
nothing, because there is absolutely nothing you can do in this game apart from block
you can be harrassed 24h with logs and sega tranny CM will discard it too busy grooming the playerbase
>we have freedom in my country
>Goes outside
>Buys gun
>Goes back inside
Seems like freedom to me.
Is that what school shooters scream after wiping their classmates?
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Schools are a low bar to clear since no one can defend themselves.
completely true
Groomed retard
>Most are bots
>filter stubs
more melty post or the usual seanig/pajeet coom spam? cant tell.
Here we go
Cool drow, character with a lot of personality that leaks into his chats.
Heavy idler never talked to him once no real intel.
Annoying zoomer
Sweet AGP cutie
Chill if he's not horny, when he is horny it puts me off but people like that
Ravenous coomer but that's pretty much it.
Supremely gay black man
Supremely gay white man
Not much to say besides being a coomer
Holy fuck, I get boners watching this one walk around
Cool orc guy, that's all I know that's all we need to know
Cool sweet talker
Cool caseals boring human
Amazing coomer but shy person
Great coomer but even more shy than the last
Kind of a cunt but ToT
An embarrassment to T1s
Funny person
Schizo shitstirrer
I don't know
Cuck who became what he made fun of
Why does he still play?
i don't know either
Super AGP slut
Sweet person
Easily groomable princess
Cool guy if he's not shy
Personality would be cute if his character wasn't horrific
Short fused schizo
Token T1
Beeg cast
Suicidal furry, keep away
Cheerful person, makes me happy seeing around
He quit, anon
Ghosting schizo
Don't know, but it's a name close to my ghosting wife Cecile
Cute mature person (very rare)
gonna elaborate on this or are you just casting and hoping you get bites?
qrd on maru and aiatar
>filter stub
Most of this list are either backstabbers or super schizos, I wouldnt bother. They will leak your logs on a whim
>Globalbab namedrops and circlejerks
Are you genuinely implying JP was not that if not worse?
Shut the fuck up Tsuna
When are they adding personal shops to the creative space? I don't want to see ugly faggots or get spammed by automated lookbook likes.
it shows that youve never interacted with most of these people boxy
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Now that's a lot of words
Even the current JP namedrops are more interesting than Globalkeks
Legendary White Woman Tsuna is in /pso2g/?
Who are you so I can block you? You clearly have no idea who I am or respect me...
>more filter stubs
this is bad
>irrelevant nobody thinks anyone cares about his filter
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You got a reason to say it why JP namedrops was worse?
This poster is Squishy, Asuka Eros, Grizzermacht, Gpof or Alice.
>4 posts caught by the filter
whats the seanig freaking out about?
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When is sega adding the option to show eyebrows through hair?
where is the rest
Is your cage visible through your pants?
Nobody wants to see that shit.
rope cant resist taking a glimse at boxys big fat cock
>multiple stubbed posts
Lmao aiatar making a fool out of y'all
EMV rope and nogxy are here again. the gang united to shit on the thread
community is shit because the game is shit, simple as
seanig is chatting to himself behind the filter
I got bored, maybe later.
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Why IS "y'all" such an identifier of darkers or low IQ americans?
Are you saying there is high IQ americans?
Mid is where I cap it off.
Why are these things not applied to everyone like they should be? You have a very surface level idea of who any of these people are.
choukai hands wrote this post
Its not a serious analysis on anyone it's genuinely too many people to do that.
Well fuck you I'm mad about my analysis.
queen maru missing in this analysis
>doppel gets called offputting
>goes apeshit
love to see him melty
I dunno about the analysis shitpost but I am serious on finding a T2 for this feel...
a combination of being a sweetheart and cum draining vampire but will destroy you and your rep if he finds out you are shitposting his friends
Okay maru
Hey...cute T2 here...you wanna bff?
calm down rope
uh oh melty
its obviously one of the 'cucks' or 'schizos'
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When are they making a Starless Ams Kvaris and will they make him a super hard Falz boss?
>another victim of queen maru
maru won she fucking won
Doppel posted this with a vague negative point to pretend like it isn't him
hello doppel!
aight I'm tired of seeing doppel namedropping himself and other people
what is doppel like when theyre horny?
thoughts on maru?
discord tranny who tried went after Maru and failed
discord tranny who tried went after Maru and failed
Nice person, good at ngs gets too much flack here for being a coomer but is not predatory in any way
Nice person who quit ngs
Cool guy
Heavy coomer who made mistakes but is mostly fine now
sweet girl
>Asuka Eros
Nice guy but shy sometimes too. Coomer yeah but who isn't
Great person who is too nice for his own good
Cool modder
methmouth groomer, block on site
Nice gal
Nice gal
Okay person and good at ngs, but needs to calm down
Nice but should hang with people who treat her better
Angry guy
why did you analyze yourself again but fake positive d this larp is unreal
>not predatory in any way
>Asuka Eros
>Nice guy but shy sometimes too.
I wonder whos behind this post
thoughts on maru?
I love shittalking my toble alli members, its such a good feeling, on the same level as gooning together with doppel
one time i gooned with doppel for hours shit was so cash his cock and stamina are enormous doppel is the sex
My fox wife Doppel!
>but is mostly fine now
It's funny how much better your perception of someone can become as long as you don't have to ever interact or see them.
Grizzermacht has only become more disgusting and unhinged, only better at keeping it within his grooming circle
Grizz is literally a sexbot for niggers now, it was bottom of the barrel before, but now it's even worse
pure sex
LOL what happened tell us everything
She knows how to empty your balls
his fault for being into cuckshit, ntr, orgies, only getting off to the animations. brainrot ahh nigga.
This retard hasn't interacted with pso2g in like a year, why is he still namedropped here?
Obsessed pariahs
most people who get namedropped havent used this general in one or two years
thoughts on maru?
Grizz is a creepy skinwalker, that's enough to make me avoid him
I'm skinwalking you next
Normie melties are more entertaining than seeing the same old namedrops.
Uh oh oldfag melty
thats cool and all but thoughts on maru?
Not JP so don't care.
>he doesnt know
If Maru is JP then he isn't relevant over here.
cool but thoughts on maru now that we cleared that up?
Another W for Rope and EMV, queens of NGS
I think he should take 45 ACP to the dome.
based failed men are the queens of NGS
You asked for my thoughts. That's the first thing that came to mind.
Care to explain your hatred for our queen despite being on jp schizo sama
can't believe it's one of those JP pariahs who still posts here and seethes. you lost kek
Failed men in their 40s rule NGS, its factual
>W for EMV
Why would anybody here give him the W, after everything he did in his past, everything he's done here. And being the slave bitchboi he still is till today in his late 30s
I don't like Globalkeks, simple as.
And yet Global is where all the pariahs are.
rope is friends with cracky and wet cuck
Sex with Buelle.
you will never be japanese shitskin kun
I mean I agree with you, but why do you post this every day?
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Grim. Truly dreadful.
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No capitals, wonder who is behind this post.
I'd hate to be Japanese. I just like playing on a better server.
You are a literal cuck fallen into irrelevancy. Nobody cares about the 3 ppl left in jp. Keep seething
>he has screenshots of thread posts saved and speculates about every post
Hello Rope!
speaking about failed men, Mieri turned 30+ and owns a hentai/porn discord where he grooms people
>He doesn't know
Based, most doujinshi artists are 30+
Rope is a lolcow

This is 100000x better voice acting
Based as fuck. Mieri knows what he wants.
>that timestamp
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>Based as fuck. Mieri knows what he wants.
Another Mieri W
eurocuck screencap
shitfingers is so pathetic lmao
Uh oh groomers having a melty
>The uppity Globalkeks are at it again
shut up kriell/muk bang/forgot the other fat fucks pariah name
>Getting this uppity
My machine is set to JST
why is this random jp fag seething lol
>glan gigas maste and lux halphinale prices going down a lot because of the geo mutants
is it safe to say that were getting them as lc augments soon?
who cares post more about people
of course, retard-kun, right after glan gladia drops
my wife gives the best head
It's gonna go back up sis scalp them now
No one gives better head than my favorite bimbo
Tsuna is definitely the best at giving head, we always cum so much together
Why did shitfingers beat his own mother?
Rope might know more about this subject since hes in touch with him
Tsuna doesnt lewd
His mother didn't raise him right. What a shame!
just ask shitrope, he's into all of that gossip
>repeating the same namedrops and gossip for years
fatherless behavior
how did that work out rope? arent you tired of namedropping boxy everyday? might aswell dm him if you want to suck his dick this bad
He was defending his grandmother, may that bitch rest in peace...
>sticking the names of literal whos to anons
The Rope Special
>surprised pariahs are still here flinging shit and namedropping each other
You have been doing this for years rope
she wouldn't put out
I don't know who the fuck this rope guy is.
Do you have 1 screenshot, simply 1 screenshot, of him doing something bad?
I'm pretty sure half the anons that get namedropped haven't done shit and it's just petty vendettas of failed men in their 30 or 40s.
>Tsuna doesnt lewd
It's unfortunate but you're missing out
caught her with another man probably
theres literal mountain of logs from rope being a schizo lol
doppel doesnt lewd either when i tried he just said lol
>thread a shit
>as usual
Gonna go play with my cat since he's a floofy fatty
Then post it faggot
like his owner, except he is also balding
Very generic voice acting.
PSO series has lost its identity.
I still cant get over how utterly retarded this looks.
They did everything in their power to avoid giving us a cool robot.
Doesn't help that t1 CAST parts are utterly horrendous throughout all of NGS's lifespan save for literally just one set.
I hate the japanese so much it's unreal.
Such as?
Newfags do your own research before posting
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he even has his own schizophrenic stories to tell. The BBC incident.... he simply can't get his mouth off boxys dick
cool, where can I do it?
Okay, where am I supposed to do research on Globalkek gossip?
What's supposed to be bad about this message?
Uh oh melty soon
Rope is hot, shitfingers is gross.
>schizo gossip tranny
that's just the tip of the shitrope
It's hilarious how the PSO-Modding crew stole your porn and mod generators and they've been boycotting any pso2g thread for eons now.
>censors timestamp
For what purpose?
>Targeted against boxy
LOL, so it really is nogxy having a melty about some random here
use the archive, get to know them
Wait what?
okay, this is all made up
>More schizorambling
Close the thread nigga you're cooked
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shitrope trying to downplay his mental illness and obsession with boxy.

the last message he even admits to shitposting
thanks for proving his point
>shitropes and shitfingers ITT
all these buzzwords
>BBC edit
>clique group chat
>guessing the shitposters behind anonymous posts in the thread
hallmarks of a thread goblin shitposting this general for years
Brady having a meltdown again lol
why does rope call the group chat "clique group chat". only shitposters called it that way back then
based bbc enjoyers
>when im just shitposting
we know shitrope
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>the thread
>boxysimp outing himself
>all those boxy shitposts in the last 3 years were made up and posted by schizo rope
>tons of logs from rope being a complete schizoid
>0 proof or logs of boxy doing anything
What if I were to put booba on my minheight lively?
post atalantas nudes
talk about doppel instead
>e-exposing me makes you a simp
you lost rope
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This image pre-dates global /pso2g/
Massive improvement
Doppel is cute. CUTE!
>BBC/Scat/Schizo posting
well, that's 1 more on the pariah list
now connect the anonymous posts to boxy without resorting to schizo logic but actual proof
Holy fuck....calling it mental illness is being generous.
nah, I'm just going to call you a faggot instead
no changing a net slaveboi like you
Can someone explain why Doppel mass samefags/shitposts himself every thread? It's so obviously him.
>shitrope still has no explaination to his obsessive schizophrenic behaviour towards boxy
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same reason shitfingers beat his own mom
what's with the tiny head, are you mentally challenged perhaps?
Anon has been reposting someone's image for very well over two full years now and I still dont understand why.
same reason shitfingers beat his own mom
>It's so obviously him.
>been at it since at least 2020
>still at it now
At least 4 years shitposting. Similar number of years going attending college/university.
1 year more than rope shitposting boxy and the thread
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Ngs is hitting lolcow containment that not even we can stop
Why contain it? It's coool
taking a fat shitrope rn
3 years into ngs and rope still has nothing to show for it after shitposting boxy for so long
ok boxy, you can stop with the melty, scroll up, there's hundreds of things
Flush it directly into aco
Uh oh shitrope melty
Sisters? Player-kun? Are we winning?
I will take boxy over wet cuck/rope/emv package any day of the week
>Log in
>Go into leader's CS
>Fap to her
>Log off
I love this game
Boxy and rope should meet up apologize to each other, make steamy sex and post it on aco. Seeing the hatefuck would be so hot
Boxy x rope must become real
>Rope is actually ESL as fuck
Boxy x Grizzermacht is already a thing
Boxy x rope is the dream couple we all have been waiting for
No thats Grizzermacht x Doppel they should get back together
is that you Ahkshtar? this is how the idiots over PSO-Modding talk, literally.
I knew it was weird how there's so many "sister" and stuff, these guys are really here.
This is 100% Ahk.
grizz has tried to make me ask doppel to unblock him twice
im so done with pso2g, shitshtar and his pariah group are invading
Ahkshtar looks hideous.
"Sister" posting is the Wakaba clique. Only he uses "bwo" too.
Hello /pso2g/, is this an alright place to ask about Phantasy Star Universe? I'm looking to play the PS2 version of PSU. Some questions:
(1) - Should I play the original and then follow up with Ambition of the Illuminus? Or should I just jump straight into the Ambition of the Illuminus version, that is, does Ambition of the Illuminus on the PS2 contain everything in the original as well?
(2) - Both versions have offline modes, right?
And before you recommend the PC or Xbox 360 versions, I *have* to use the PS2 version for a reason I will not disclose.

Sorry, I'm not a regular here, but I figured this question might get drowned out if I asked on /v/ instead.
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>kf is about to flock to this thread because of that drama
>they're going to see this thread
I'm Ahkshtar
newfag he's been here for years
it is him, he's an oldfag from JP who still stirs shit in here
>shitshtar brigade
>jp nobodies like ranshu and einhander
lmao modding server trannies wish they were pso2g
no way post pictures or shut the fuck up lmao
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they are more pso2g than most people here
the modding tranni whiteknighting
>Tranny modders
>Pedo team master
>Sweatlord nigger
Checks out
every time I think these threads have hit rock bottom we somehow reach a new low
Not as much as NGS.
>old JPs
I miss gooning with Bearhead
They’re posting screen caps of the thread in the modding discord lol
You still can. He just sits in his CS all day with other old JPs.
on global?
its only saturday anon
On JP Ship 2
You guys notice how now they are trying to move the thread away because they've been spotted stirring shit here
It's no wonder the threads lately been so so bad
I am done with pso2g
ok bye
That's just what oyasumi called it in base.
Sister, we won. We made a discord and made everyone move to it making things up.
Player-kun is too slow to catch up.
i wish i had a click chat
click click click click
Shitfingers post spotted
I miss when we used to bully Niggertensei
/pso2lg/ is even worse than the general
I miss triggering him and lyn
but there is no thread
why? the threads were awful back then
He's hiding in Sunset Citadel now. A sad state
I know it's a tough pill to swallow, but to anyone outside of this general, it's ALWAYS been ground zero for new schizos, so it's the same as it ever was.
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The state of this fucking game's community.
the discord
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Ahem, pso2g related (I guess), I'm visiting Ship 2 next maint. Anyone I find to be Cute! Not just cute, you have to be Cute! I'm going to tell you directly in your face. I hope those who find Slyphid to be ugly tell me direct to my face that, "I'm ugly". You gotta hit me in the soul verbally, make it hurt! You'll get a free *smooch*! Also, which of my colors should I wear? My main blue, the tomboy green (seen here), or the orange? Don't be shy to me, It's just a week visit. I'll try to talk to as many of you as possible.
Find Doppel hes shy but is ship 2s top pso2g shota
I don't really speak, but I most anons that just hang out in ventral are cool, the pariahs aside. You'll probably see a dude named DMV or something and you should just preemptively block before he begs you to erp with his bratz doll desu
Who is Revy? Area chat normies talked about him like he was a pariah.
Idk bro I never played PSU but this thread is just 2-3 retards spamming about offtopic shit so good luck
There was a /psug/ for the private server a while ago but I guess it was short lived
Now that I think about it I am a bit curious. Their name is thrown around a lot here.
There's no reason to be shy. Meeting new people is fun.
Uh oh pso2g melty, they still didn't figure out we manipulated everyone and made people move to our discord
He'll be happy to get your attention
Shitfingers has been taking pics of some anons every single day I log in, it's really weird to see a nigga you KNOW is blocked by anon doing poses and shit for a pic like they're friends
We are many. This is the reclamation era.
Yeah he’s a creepy fuck lol
I'm glad he still has be blocked. No clue why he did. I had never even heard of the guy until one day I log in and he whispers me that he has to block me because of my alliance, then asked if I had any final words.
After watching seeing him talk to himself in area chat, leave for work, and come back to see he's still doing it made me believe I had a stroke of luck in his decision to keep me blocked.
LMAO That was during one of his especially bad episodes. You missed him begging a couple of anons in area chat for erp while crying his eyes out. The guy is a meth addict, you'll never understand what's happening in that brain
minheights? desu?
why is no one talking about doppel
At this point the best medicine for methmouth is a bullet to the brain
I try not to pay attention to most of the shitposting here since a lot of it is nonsense, so seeing it firsthand was a shock for sure.
hiding from... whatever this is!
Fuck off we're full
>ITT only the closeted gay men are left playing this to date other men in secret behind their wives back
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>me me I love bouncing!
One of these days your sins are going to catch up to you Crimson
yeah i'd mating press jiggu while she eats out ress desu
Hi newfriend
If you want to play PSU online there's a private server called Clementine with a nice population, very fun to play.

But If you want to enjoy the PSU story I remember being able to download the game off one of those abadoned game websites but I can't remember which one it's been 4 years since I did that, you basically play through the story as Ethan until a certain point where you can make a custom character, the issue is you can only use your custom character in areas you've already completed.
its not fair, it should have been me!!!!!
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Not clicking your link but why is the concept art always so much COOLER than the actually graphics ingame?
Newfriend I want to apologize, I'm retarded and didn't fully read your post about it strictly being on PS2.
Disregard anything I said, again i'm sorry.
>It's already you
just make an alt retard
>Dead game
>Dry thread
>Next it
I love my wife so much bros
100% chance your wife fucks other people behind your back
Projecting isn't healthy
Me too, she is amazing, when we stroke it together it's so cozy.
do you think she will abandon you if I confess my love?
dis nigga insecure or a cuck
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>I love my 'wife' so much bros
my toblecrushwife is on this list......
>changing tactics when the shitpost fails
Love to see it desu
first letter?
Would fap with
Wanna fap...?
Yes please...
Can I watch?
i want to fap with another minheight...
i hope its me!
I hope it's me and not the other anon!
So wanna? :)
Ress is thicc af
do you think they fapped together?
Just waiting for the meme to be updated to "50 year old gay man who ERPs".
LF a grinding/lewds exclusive partner, we can be cute t2 and match and all that
anon, two livelies cannot be closer than arms length without fapping together
that's the rules in this general
Wait a second, this isn't bouncing...
What's that say in english
Anon, Jiggu is clearly using the cry emote
Ship and block?
Wait a minute how cute are you?
30 is the evergreen number for these memes. They always stop being posted when the shitposter turns 30, leaving it to the next generation.
how can you ask them how cute they are without showing how cute you are, where're your manners
Because they want someone exclusive and I can't put in my application without feeling I wasted my time
youll know if i say....
I'm going to groom this dork.
well yeah.. I'm hoping it's me
why is elden ring on sale but not dark souls 2 or dark souls 1?
give a hint then instead!
Ship 2 A2 if serious
she is beautiful & smart & has a pure personality
anon I have bad news...
its not me...
dumb fuck
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Hey, guys look how high I can climb up!
This is just EMV
I haven't even logged in yet...
Is this game good yet?
I might have to pull out my t1 shota if you look good in person
No and EoS is basically confirmed now
doomkun you said this 3 years ago
the is as good as any mobile gacha game. if you like gacha you will like pso2
Yes very good supa gameu
I am in A2 :) where do we meet
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Pic related
Absolutely zero content for 9 months lol
I wanna go to A2 and spy on them but I don't want people to think I am the one looking for a partner...
Anon-kun but...but your new ranks! You should be happy!
looks like a lot of content to me
Same. Moreso when I already have a wife...
>Anime based on shonen manga
JJK collab soon
You should visit the nearest Optic because clearly you cannot read what is written there.
anon it's Shangri-La Frontier
That's the light novel one
the last road map was the exact same lil doomkun bro and we already had datamines for cowboy bebop scratch for next year spike spigels hair and spaceship are in the files
Hi, where do we meet?
just spy from the friends list like everyone else
That's the first one, based on the light novel
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Huh... who do I believe?
Neither of my friends are on A2...
>see my wife login
>about to ask her to do UQ with me
its just a friend r-right bros?
What you said doesn't prove he is wrong, there is virtually almost nothing new apart from some new ranks
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>the last road map was the exact same
the game is in maintenance mode there's really no denying that, though it basically has been since stia
I am the same person who wrote both messages, I am waiting in A2 for whoever said serious exclusive :D
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i found a 16x16 png icon of a triangle shaped like a spaceship in the game files!
ngs is saved!
>zoomers who dont understand how big cowboy bebop is
keep crying eos it aint happening for atleast another 5 years
Delusional, bet your wallet is crying.
>2 emojis in a row
You better be the cutest ever. Stand by the area the seasonal quest girl stands by
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>not using the memed roadmap
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yeah it looks exactly like this
Oh It's Vale. That guy was trying to get into Lulu's pants the other day.
Why are you like this?
keep my wifes name out your mouth
Hi, I was waiting at the npc position but none came
Try again
"new" is written there thrice!
I've been stood up several times now from people that insist on meeting up. I don't know why they do it but don't expect much out of it
I understand they are setting me up to expose me and not themselves, but I was being serious about being exclusive and etc c:
I didnt see anyone there but it would have been easier if you just posted how cute you look.
I just ignore anons who aren't flexible with ways to contact them. Every time it's an in-person meet they either ghost you because they don't like you, or they just never show up to begin with. Every time someone wants discord, they will never speak to you again past the initial day they added you.
u_u I was just looking to be close with someone
are you cute?
>i want an exclusive partner but I can't show you what i look like tehe
Fuck off.
the person literally went to the spot they've been told, are you retarded nigga
He's ugly as shit that's why he wont just cut the middleman and post here.
If you want an exclusive partner you'll have to rizz them up yourself and not depend on them responding to a public bootycall.
are the persona games fun?
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damn Homika looking good these days
ok homika, stop asking for attention lmao
why do you keep namedropping and talking about normies that don't even come here?
I wouldn't want to wife an emoji user anyway
The pariahs and turbo gooners all look to Twitter because the anons still remaining won't plap as easily, it's pretty shit desu I'm tired of hearing about these faggots that aiatar and poppy invite.
I see good coom I post it. Cope, seethe. Nothing personal, ugly boy.
if you are going to post twitter sluts at least post the good ones like ship 1 moira thanks
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Bros we thinking HUcast?

Homika got more fame in the game than all you nigga lmao you will never be a memory lmao
:( Why are you so mean
NTA but I'll give you a chance. I'm at the Item Lab counter idling for about 20 min.
didnt ask
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>anyone I don't know about is a normie who doesn't come here
Too greasy and ugly face. Dude should stick to the meta T2 face if he sucks at sliders.
me on the screen
these are the questions ppl ask me and get stinki if i don't reply
(even though it's not directed at me xd)
face looks bad
I would eat her ass for 4 hours straight
Was that you? You were the only cute one.
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coomer modded body
gaping trannie front hole
Playing with my body would be even more fun...
Just remember that it's shitfingers and the cuck who keep posting this garbage, that's why the quality is so fucking abysmal
So? Status update?
Thanks, but stop posting my character here, retard.
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would you kiss nopan? why did she leave us bros
There goes wet cuck stalking one of the anons who cucked him again lmao
>generic red eyed black hair
>eye infections
no, why is her nose wet? she probably has a cold
Why do zebras trigger Nogxy again?
Yeah I’d cum inside
>why did she leave a bunch of drama queen man-children
She is smart.
She has a fat futa dick
He never looked good, even back in base he had the pig aesthetic
>have a new set of pictures to post
>thread isn't up
Yeah I'd let her cum inside
good, seeing it flop around uselessly while balls deep only makes things better
you reminded me I need to buy eye infection
I made bank on eye infection coin, I wonder what the next meme will be so I can do it again
Are you talking about puffy crying eyes, because csls use that for facial features you dingdong
what's the eye infection combination?
I have a gripe with yuri pictures. Why the fuck do half the fucking images gotta have one or both girl bawling their fucking eyes out in the middle of a kiss? I swear to God you faggots are so goddamn dramatic about EVERYTHING
patrician answer dicking futas is the best
I’ll be the judge of whether it’s fat or not, let me see it.
Is it the same guy who keeps mentioning flopping futa dick and balls whenever the topic comes up
That sounds insanely adorable...
it's on her NSFW page
>it's the dude that gets beat by his mom
Bro ain't no way!
me on the left! Except I'm a minheight
my queen! you've finally arrived
>Come back
>More namedropping faggotry
>Leaves again
Me on the right...
No it sounds extremely unstable and annoying. Imagine wanting someone's tears mixing into everything else no thanks
You look better than 95% of the twitter sluts
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>T1 kisa
zamn kisa you got a big bro?
who is this semen demon
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>he's still seething 3 years later
>couldn't get anyone banned
>types at 20 wpm
who is this throat artist
I want T1, T2 and T3 Kisa to fuck me.
A friend. He's underrated.
>this slow typing webm again
kek, I forgot about this.

underrated are the best
Yeah well your friend is a normalfag, so I don't give a shit
Why'd he actually report Nopan for?
>Check media tab
>All T2 pics
Forget about it
Still looks better than your ugly character.
Nopan was getting more e-sex than him
I'm a cast, so I look better than you and your mongoloid friend by default bro
This is wet back we're talking about.
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What's your opinion on yaoi?
Cute anon personality wise but was on an alt..
It can be just as bad, except a lot of gay/bl manga/doujinshi like to get creative with the mix. So despite the melodrama, you'll have some insane supernatural elements to it, like the teen who's actually an ancient eldritch being that's slowly dying to be with his boy toy.
In short, I want tragedy, not some stupid shit like
>Oh nyo my parents won't approve!!!
Are you kidding me, go to work
Time to get the hamachi out.
It’s shrimpy
Anon wants his partner to die of an incurable disease...
Maybe he wants to be the one with the incurable disease
I don't want a partner anon, I just think it's dumb and funny as hell that yurifags seemingly have a fucking crying fetish

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