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Creative Director edition

Previous thread >>483945959

Buy Plat
>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questions
GENERAL FAQ: https://pastebin.com/dFPEiCWq
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://pastebin.com/86tuc1mA
/wfg/ ALLIANCE/CLAN DIRECTORY: https://pastebin.com/15RAiuff

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.3
CURRENT EVENT: Operation: Belly of the Beast
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
MR16 is all you need
Oi, why does the navigation always default to Lua?
>Reb looks like she actually has a decent sized chest in this pic
what kind of magic is this?
>I tell you that it is the sign of an overnice appetite to toy with many dishes; for when they are manifold and varied, they cloy but do not nourish.
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Your ass's time will come due soon, very soon
Reb should unironically copy the kind of events gacha games do. Forcing us to spam 1 mission is boring.
I mostly just do the alerts. The defense part at the start before the elevator adds an unnecessary layer of tedium.
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I'll return to post some more butts after I get some better shots, but after that, sure.

Oh, and when they release nice new girls I'll post a butt pic or three. I hope that much will be acceptable?
>trying to scan kats for genetic codes
>find 3 of them
>retard slams right in front of me and instakills them
first time I've genuinely been angered by the dumbasses in this game.
I need a non shitter to answer me - what is the most meta weapon for on call crew?
Anything like the kuva zarr before nerf?
kuva zarr is meta on them because they have unlimited ammo and only need to reload 1 shot
It's still the Kuva Zarr, I believe.
Tenet Glaxion or Nukor would probably also be good.

I think you can slam them after they die, assuming they didn't get disintegrated by fire status or something.
>doing a solo activity in a group
Ok ty, I was asking because a few threads ago someone was complaining about a stealth nerf.
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is this normal for sevagoth? dropped 2 forma into him on a whim and he's insane
Silence + full viral stacks does that to him but he's still worse than nukers like equi or saryn sadly.
it's without any viral priming, just a precision intensify roar

I don't see how this is any better than saryn, saryn needs constant micromanagement of spores and her survivability is much worse than a frame that comes with gloom

equinox I don't know so I can't comment
do you have both augments on? if not you should.
I mean literally in the dogshit quality video above I can see (what 6 or 8?) viral stacks on mob infront of you.
And savage silence will boost dmg much better than roar.
Yep, can't wait till Pablo 'buffs' him now that he's becoming well known.

>not as good as Saryn
Even if it's not as good as Saryn, it's the closest we've seen for a while.
Plus Saryn's performance is usually half whatever bullshit weapon she's using, here it's just 2+ enemies standing within 4m of eachother, maybe 4+ enemies if one has overguard.

>not as good as equinox
hahaha yeah sure, the one that needs to kill enemies first to bank damage and deal with armour and shields is better than the guy who doesn't have to do any of those things
savage silence works on abilities? i'd like to be able to kill acolytes/thrax so roar might be better to synergize with a hemorrhage epitaph
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>savage silence works on abilities
It just boosts all finisher damage and sevagoth's sow has exactly that - finisher damage type.

> Even if it's not as good as Saryn, it's the closest we've seen for a while.
True... and because of that even this shit will probably get nerfed.
> hahaha yeah sure, the one that needs to kill enemies first to bank damage and deal with armour and shields is better than the guy who doesn't have to do any of those things
I mean with shields yeah you are right, with enemies having shieldgating too she doesn't onetap them 100% of the time, but armor is a non-factor right now, come on anon. Just run 250% range build with terrify subsume and you never see yellow bars on enemies.
Did you tell the group in advance you wanted scans?
play conclave
how much ass does protea deluxe have?
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I believe there are up-to-no-good anons hiding in this thread.
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>creative dick erector
You'll never take me alive, copper!
delete alchemy
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>delete alchemy
>stardew got even bigger
>Stardew Valley 13th
thanks for reminding me that i should probably get around to finished my 90%-complete new npc mod

maybe i'll do it tomorrow, surely i won't forget about it for another two months
Did you see the new flower girl monster?
It spins when you pet it.
Like a cute little twirl.

Shame they don't have any battle passives, otherwise I'd make a team of them like I made a team of the rose girls.
morning russchizo
What the fuck is "banana?"
why did he do it?
What is alchemy? I don't see it at warframe.market
What do you think Steve will do after Soulframe flops?
im pretty sure its just a literal cookie clicker. you click on the banana and the number goes up
I prefer Gauss desu.
No idea.

What I *want* him to do afterwards is demote Pablo to janitor, before expanding Railjack to have a mon raising minigame where you raise void monsters to power your ship in the reliquary, with the ability to realise and spawn into mission alongside your railjack crewmates can, except it'll only be allowed during railjack and like 2 missions somewhere else on the starmap.
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It has no right being this good
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It seems you're a Nickgurr. I don't really like Nickgurrs all that much. Meg, please get the Nickgurr killer.
What's wrong with alchemy?
give it up jim, there's no need to carry on his legacy.
How autistic would it be if I got a tattoo of "Dream, not of what you are, but of what you want to be."
you'll be a faggot, not autistic
Imagine epic railjack boss battles in void.
Imagine actually needing 2 gunners + an active engineer at all times.

Just remove k-drives, alchemy, divuri, operators, fishing, mining all that shit.
Leave only WARFRAME and railjack gameplay. Add proto-skins for every frame. Add raids, add events like Scarlet spear not this elevator-riding dogshit.
There, game is fixed.
>Nahhhhhh I'm gonna hand it to an old jewish hag and go make dark souls clone just when people started to get bored of the genre.
Honestly fuck Steve.
sounds like a faggot covering an Imagine Dragons song now stop posting it
where you gonna put it?
Based if its a tramp stamp, cringe if it's anywhere near the neck or arms.
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I have no idea how DE is gonna top last 10ocon's crazy surprise and I'm kinda scared thinking about.
fuckable warframes
Damn, FF14 doing that bad on an expansion launch?
New room in your orbiter along with a Lovesense integration.
Romanceable Lotus
Time travel

We go back when the Orokin empire is at its peak
I use Kuva Chakkurr for aimbotting. Also pay attention to the crew member's bonus ability.
Fighting loyalist Tenno would be cool.
And cuck Ballas by fucking Margulis in front of him right
Magus lockdown or limbo.
With limbo you can take 3 dragon keys and casually run for corrupted mods. Use operator or spectre for the capture if you need to. Ignore hobbled key. It slows runs more than missing 1/4 especially because you can then pick up a second hobbled from the vault that stacks.
You'll see at least 2 kavats every run.
Warframe the movie the game.
Hobbled doesn't affect bullet jumps so it's a little funky but you can even ignore double penalties.
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>mfw I spot an edgy jade
It's like seeing a teen mom walk out of a Hot Topic.
Ash is getting fucked from the changes of like the last 3 updates. He needs a rework.
Surprisingly competent
If someone does black and red it matches her being stalker's wife
>especially because you can then pick up a second hobbled from the vault that stacks
Christ I forgot about that, its been so long since I ran corrupted mods.
imagine unironically being such a tool that you feel a need to farm mastery
the only reason I ever progress in mastery is because I pick up a new weapon or a frame I want to actually try
Redpill me on The First Descendant for those that have played it. I know practically nothing about it. Is it a grinder game like Warframe? Launches in a few days here.
hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, the leather club is 2 blocks down
they took elements from warframe, destiny, anthem and gave it an anime titties coat.
it doesn't have a /vg/ thread yet, and I'm assuming a lot of people here are probably going to try it out or have tried it out from the betas.
His finisher things getting fixed
yeah pretty much this
nexon are shameless lmao
Very much a grinder game like Warframe. You got a character with 4 skills + 1 passive and an energy bar, 8 mod slots for them + 1 melee slot (instead of aura) +1 augment slot, weapons that also have mod slots, you got forma and you got reactors to increase capacity and swap around ploarities.

You grind MR by levelling different guys and weapons, except in TFD it means something to go above a certain MR because you get bonus mod slots (up to 10 total) as well as more mod capacity and maximum mod rank.

You get new guys by grinding out parts for them. You can also get shiny golden versions of them with better stats by cracking open the games equivalent of relics, and yes both the gold version and regular version give different MR. You can also crack relics for legendary guns, although regular guns just get picked up off the ground - you don't need resources to craft the same gun the enemy shoots you with, you just put it in your backpack and head home.
That sounds pretty cool, I’ll have to check it out.

Anthem was fun back when I played the beta, I forgot about that. Also, you now remember that Wayfinder exists.
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Big difference is that skills have a cooldown, letting them actually balance the game without having to put in overguard to no-sell half the kits of half the frames in the game because shit like bastille can have a >100% uptime.

Guns also have individual passives that can be rolled, like faction damage and the like. So you can go full autist and get multiple of a prime gun to get the one with the perfect rolls, kind of like Destiny.

Also, no bullet jumping, instead you get a cooldown limited grappling hook, so movement is a tactical commodity you need to be conscious of instead of being limited only by the amount of carpal tunnel you are willing to endure. Further, fast movement is dependent on being aware enough to spot opportunities in the environment to get maximum momentum by swinging around shit like poles, corners etc. This feature is what makes the majority of whingeframers run in terror.

Also, no railjack, child mode, necramech, etc. If you like descendant gameplay, you don't need to compromise your experience by playing as not a descendant, unlike in warframe where Steve tries to get you playing anything other than a warframe wherever possible.
>going slow is actually le based!
lel, you can just tell he has a document where he saves his prewritten arguments
forgive me /wfg/ bros...this sounds pretty cool
>Guns also have individual passives that can be rolled, like faction damage and the like. So you can go full autist and get multiple of a prime gun to get the one with the perfect rolls, kind of like Destiny.

I like this a lot. I’ve always thought Warframe is really lacking in the endgame grind department. Something like going for perfect rolls is a neat idea.
>Something like going for perfect rolls is a neat idea.
Riven mod?
the grappling hook is completely soulless. I played the beta and there was zero momentum whatsoever and no air control. incredibly boring, nezha/wisp 2 are more interactive as movement ability.

this is rivens and rivens are mega aids
kuva/tenet weapons are kinda close since grinding for a perfect 60% progenitor can take a while, plus 5 forma is a big investment to casuals
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>get downed with sevagoth before extraction
>extract with shadow anyways
this frame was made for retards like me and i am loving it
They turbo nerfed Rivens into the ground because shitters were complaining
I hate railjack so fucking much it's unreal
>they think warframe is a fast pace game
I started playing Sevagoth in preparation for the Frost nerf, because I wanted a guy who could slow elites and make areas of slow independent of my position (which he can do via ghost) while also being able to buff gunplay. Also his new augment looked cool.

What I did not expect was for him to get borked into absolute retardation. But since his prime is coming up later this year probably, I shouldn't be surprised.

As for me, I've had just enough time with this guy to get bored of it. Just in time for TFD.

Although I must admit, being a ghost guy IS kind of cool, I like being the spookiest guy in the room. It's a feeling of safety like carrying a big gun, except instead of feeling safe from everyone with smaller guns I fee like my nerves are safe from any jumpscares lesser than my big Shadow.
>using shadow at all
Until they learn that exalted melees need to have insane damage/range like baruuk's waves, they'll never be worthwhile
whats the best non-female weapon platform frame?
Harrow for guns
Lavos for melee
Right, so first of all, I don't need fat range on shadow claws because I have a button to make the enemies come to me.

Second of all, Shadow gets to use all my casting augments without having to equip them while also not caring about efficiency at all, so he can go balls to the wall on power strength and range and be useful as a casting stat stick in addition to a melee beatstick.

Third of all, if I wanted an attack mode that did nothing but blow enemies around without killing them, I'd play riptide Yareli.

>inB4 "but desert wind is good when I strip their armour with Unairu and pop a 300% roar"
And fourth of all, Shadow has a fat damage amp built into his kit while being able to bypass armour completely with force proc slash.
Xaku's an honorary female
Finally start Duviri or level my mesa prime?
Bump wfg
how are those two things related?
it does seem like an ai bumpost
Level Mesa but only if you post her ass
I want to level my mesa prime, but I also want to start duviri, hence doing one before the other.
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Kahl and the lukewarm archons made me drop the game for 2 years so I'm catching up but holy shit Netracells are kino. Did a solo run with Gauss and the incarnon burston and it made me remember why I fell in love with the game in the first place. I can't wait to rank up Cavia, EDA looks sick. I kneel, Reb
and you can't do both because?
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Noctua hits like a nuke but I don't want to play Dante..
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I'm terrible with color schemes.
I can't wait to post nothing but Warframe in /tfdg/ until it inevitably gets shut down two months after launch
do you think we can get russchizo to go over there and to shit up their general?
just can the general for the time being and get everyone here to migrate there
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just make a warbros guild there
What's the best warframe and companion for heavy slam build?
this is devious
me & your mom
Good blueberries, you may now level her
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I want you to know I'm levelling this and forma'ing my zylok for maximum cowboy action.
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>Not Sybaris Prime
>Not even Dex Sybaris
I love railjack
>Still doesn't post gameplay
>Thinks rng borderlands weapons is good design

Here, ill post gameplay for you.

When you make your short lived general, im coming for you.
Does the crit bonus really apply to melee slams?

Heavy attack speed and efficiency don't matter for slam spam but it's the right idea.
I will, unironically.
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Uh oh melty
I want to see her pregnant
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>so annoying
>tries to shoot bomb and nothing happens
>one way out
>reload weapon
>reload weapon
>so annoying
>tfw too afraid to start new war because I don't want to softlock myself on railjack or necramech sections
You are afraid of softlocking yourself on 5 minute parts that are impossible to fail?
looks like it was made with UE store assets
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>got a maxed avenger from event finally
I feel like I'm playing a whole different game
Also sporothrix is fun
I don't have those unfortunately. If I like it I'll farm out the prime.
Unranked combat discipline.
please show me gameplay of a shadow actually doing damage in sp circulus and i'll believe you
just press your heavy attack button 10o
no, i'm not investing 4+ forma into a shitty ghost that i dont even know if i'll like
got 1 anon so far

reminder if you want to join the /wfg/ alliance with ur solo / frens clan just drop the name in a reply to the OP or message me ingame: ddaavveeFTW
i never understood this meme unless you were straight up invincible, but even then avenger triggers (see dagath's spectral form)
>shoot shoot
>avenger isn't active
>kill slow
>this means more enemies stay alive on my screen
>which means i will get shot
>avenger triggers
>kill faster so i don't get shot anymore
i'd rather not throw out an aura for this

>inb4 "nooo you don't want to get shot on levelcap/thousands of levels of content!!!!"
you have 2 shield recharges with your sentinel every few seconds if you modded it correctly + shieldgate + you are probably already using augur mods/brief respite anyways?
How do I join Warbros No Fun Allowed?
I do not understand why you post this every thread and what the webm has to do with alchemy.
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>Sevagoth just deals no damage man. I'm going back to my kuva zarr and gauss
posting a screenshot of damage numbers shows nothing
show me some gameplay of shadow actually moving around and existing without getting downed or struggling to hit things
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Lol, fuck I broke the game now. This is base heavy slam with no buffs. Saw up to 20m. Even the non-heavy slam is like 500k.
3x combo from corrupted mod + warframe aura.
not a huge fan of the setting desu. i'd much prefer if it had a cyberpunk-ish, sci-fi environment. and the whole "talk to npcs" thing is really annoying to me.
anyways wish valkyr's ripline was more akin to that grappling hook mechanic
>Sevagoth just instantly dies and he cant hit anything I'm going back to ZOOMZOOM gauss
Lots of times I'm not getting hit like doing a boss as titania or using slows.
wtf bad sevagoth player? not using gloom the best ability in game?
>out of forma
Account bricked.
I'm going to invest in a MOA
Tattoos are the most homosexual thing you can possibly do. You could get fucked in the ass and it wouldn't even be half as gay as getting a tattoo.
what the fuck is that grouping? how much range do you have on?
i spent roughly 14k plat on forma bundles in the past 5 weeks and it just doesn't stop
all my gains go into formas
all of it
i would have cleared ten rooms while you were jerking it in this corner
>want to become soloclanpilled
>But first I have to come up with a good name
Congratulations. Stick to zoomzoom gauss
I had over a thousand since the last plague star, I'm now below 900...
The First Descendant
you want him to be bullied for life?
How exactly did you blow 400 forma? I went through about 50 I had saved up from catching up the last 2 years.
its called pressing 1 10o thats his ability you do know what his abilities do right? Sevagoth has more abilities than gloom
That's 1200 forma.
What the fuck are you using 1200 forma on in 5 weeks? I'm LR3 playing since 2015 and spent about 350 forma in total.
assuming you're a casual and only play around 6 hours a day, that's 12 alerts or 180 motes, or a r5 energize in 11 days
18 days left so if you buckle down you should easily still be able to finish 2
Damn, a casual plays 6 hours per day? I only play 2 hours per week
being as condescending as you are isnt going to convince people to play shadow more
>Sevagoth has more abilities than gloom
You would be surprised with how many people dont know this. That anon was genuinely shocked to see sevagoth doing that in the webm
It's better to just buy hundreds of common arcanes and dissolve them for vosfor and get energize that way
What's so great about energize?
Chance to give you and the party a bunch of energy. Toggle abilities would no longer need to worry about drain
for some, money
>whats so great about getting to run 45% efficiency builds and never running out of energy
>never having to use zenurik for energy
>never having to run flow or other shitty energy mods
For buying when there's an event for them and selling when the price goes up.
We lost.
Hey dumbfuck, I'm the anon that posted >>484069490

I'm interested in sevagoth but I dont see the value in his 4 because it's slow compared to his 1+2 with augments. If the guy would have posted his build that hes using to get that level of grouping, thatd be cool, but as of right now, I dont see the point in spending forma on shadow when sevagoth is completely functional as ability dps + weapon platform with roar over his 4.

That's why I asked, you know, to fucking learn? Acting like a cunt over this is just making you look like a retard
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Faster you fags, I want to buy the second ephemera
play conclave
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just for that i'm going to stop doing the event
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I went and counted my own. 341 total. Missing a small number I may have used on non-prime frames and weapons. Plus all the ones used to build clan rooms and clan blueprints.
>forma on archmelee
Sincerely, why?
shitterus primus
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i was wrong, i also bought the yareli deluxe and some reactors/catalysts but roughly 12k+
>How exactly
i was bored so i started maxing out a bunch of setups and it was a downwards spiral
some frames ended up getting more formas than they should've because i was testing different builds
weapons are like 8+ forma each cause of rivens anyways
also i am a neet and i just happened to play a LOT + event came out and it gives good exp

if you wonder how much plat i have at the end of these days it's always around 600-700 and when i am lazy to sell i dip below 100p
6x as much energy from energy pick up.
I shouldn't try to do math when I first wake up. that's 2k motes in 11 days, so half that for a r5. even easier
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I barely played the event and now the weekend is almost over idk how you guys do this
Was only way to scan really. Think helios works now?
i havnt logged into EVE in 3 days
Proud of you babe
wanna get nasty in your orbiter? mine has a ancient horror beyond comprehension lurking around
>mfw new war stealth sections
straight up not having fun senpai
>average warframe player skill
no, it is
>average diaper-wearing mrlet in /wfg/
how are people getting filtered by stealth missions?
name 1 non-stealth game that had fun or good stealth sections
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom
oh god i HATED that corpus one, you need to go the longest route around the back to actually get through that shit, its bullshit.
all content requiring drifter/operator is garbage
DE should stick to making robots with big asses
Rebecca hated him because he spoke the truth.
I personally use Nova for spy missions
based non-stealth frame for stealth missions enjoyer
Post some robots with big asses for example
oldfag who hasnt played for 4 years, got a q

Duvari worth doing anything with past the actual plot?
I know ayatans in the first area of ascension are pretty common but I've been throwing out orokin eye every time at the start and it never highlights anything. Surely they can't be out of range? Do I have to wait for a bit before using it?
Returning player here, huh?
you just have trash luck
bananaslamjamma still here?
And he just woke up
duviri only got 1 bow and 5 melee to get
a good shotgun arcane that you can ignore the grind for and just vosfor gacha it
you will be forced into doing duviri if you want incarnons
After being buckbroken?
After being subjected to a standard military practice
And accepting concession?
Too late for that, we're stuck with potato kids now.
Traditional practice?
Anus bled?
Part and parcel of serving in the military. You'd know if you were a REAL man.
I'm glad they at least added drifter, it would be better entirely without operator/drifter but the shitty retarded kids unironically made me drop the game for few years back when they released and were just there to shoot some stupid fucking laser and disappear.
It was possibly the worst fucking addition to the game they ever done but even if they can't erease that mistake I'm glad they fixed it somewhat.
breh I hate torid so much but it's so easy to use I can't stop
yeah came back after a while, ive been having an OK time.

All this new stuff is pretty daunting, lost all my buddies who played to time as well.
Don't worry anon they are shutting the game down in 2 days.
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>using tome + tome mods would solve so many of my issues with certain warframes
>but i have to use the fucking tome
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Think of your stats anon, the shitter mark stays with you. I've made a point not to use this thing for over a year and it's barely dropped below 20%
I'll stop when they make a tenet stahlta or when they make orokin liches for an upgraded trumna
is nice on frames/loadouts where the secondary slot is not needed. i run the grimoire with the strength mod on valkyr, stack up 60% then hit 2 + 4. sadly the other tome mods are useless on her
>alt tabbing to your tome and pressing alt fire every 20 seconds is a problem
It's not a stealth mission it's a kahl mission.
could've said that. yea those suck
Its the end of the Pride Month, how are we celebrating it?
by being glad its fucking over
Reminder the tome is not thematic.
DE mistook june for july and accidentally released the straightest update possible. now they're going to release the gayest shit possible in july. just you wait
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0 forma Zephyr build.
Sanctum is already out...
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Right, so see this? >>484069490
Ghost does basically the same thing.

As for the heavy attacks, have you ever used literally any decent heavy attack forced slash build in your playtime that isn't glaive prime? Two handed Nikana for instance, but without the dogshit normal attacks to go with it?
Because ghost is pretty well as good as one of those, while also having mag pull and Nezha Chakram and also Adarza eye (they fixed ghost so that shadow haze gives the crit bonus too btw)

If you can't understand why either fat casting or forced slash with damage amp are good on Steel Path circulus, I don't know how you can be helped.
Not thematic
Nice but those gladiator mods are almost useless here and you are already doing red crits anyway so it would be wiser to run energy nexus + natural talent.
Holy mother of slop
Didn't ask, fuck off
Sevagoth is trash, you better just copy heavy slam builds from chinks they know how to build shit
if you cant afford forma but can afford 3 prime mods you have bigger issues that being a zephyr main
>sibear shill
Stop posting
Hloy shit bros, Aoi is a mtf tranny and (((we))) will be fucking Arthur from his pov????
Zephyr is one of the few frames left in the game that can still oneshot bosses with damage attunuation like archons necramechs liches.
Anon that posted zephyr build might be broke but he'll be the one who oneshots sisters.
Rhino because he can run goofy shit like unnerfed roar, nourish subsoom and have his weps built for Magnetic just to rape everything
you can slap any gun on nourish rhino and it will be good
lavos because valence formation exists
nourish sevagoth with shadow haze augment is my guilty pleasure
xaku for skeletal memes and lots of crate breaks
seems weaker than what i see in pubs
I've used 341 forma, I'm out. I only put a catalyst in Zephyr today, still have 4 of those and not sure what primes I missed putting them in.
This does 5-20m slam damage every hit, can be immune to projectiles and slow melee attackers.
you need to do it for materials to craft the incarnon adapters unfortunately
>think I picked up elevator charge
>MMB to throw
>incarnon reverts to base form
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Nezha is pretty good weapons platform if you aren't a 4 build puritan
>1 is a speed boost, placeable status/DoT/area denial, and needed to detonate his 2
>2 is guaranteed fire proc and damage vulnerability with a force multiplier mod, a charged attack, and can detonate into an AoE while also only pausing rather than resetting reloads on most weapons
>3 is 90% damage redirection to a health pool and status/knockdown immunity and can be given to all targetable NPCs,defense targets, and players with the mod
>4 is the subsume slot since if you're going to use it you're better off just making a 4 spam build rather than stacking cast speed to mitigate the double animations, I use Orphan Eyes, Chinky pillars, or telos huevos depending on my range
Build for strength and don't forgo a vitality since his 3 has a weird mechanic that filters a ton of people, also the Halo's health pool isn't overguard so you can use roar or a dante specter to double down pretty easily.
Brozime you fat faggot stop shilling this dogshit frame.
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really annoying tbqh
>play jade
>Larp as a helicopter
>Play as hildryn
>Aegis storm lmao

They need a team to update old frames.
parvos granum is an anagram of voruna gramps
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>calling me a youtuber
Curse of a thousand shockmote podsitters be upon ye
nta but you got my attention. post footage
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Missing these:
Alchemy C - Discipline's Merit
Mirror Def - Jahu, Khra, Lohk, Netra, Ris, Vome
Arch - Ballista Measure Gyre Eviscerator, Gyre Supressor (saturn railjack)
Railjack - Ordnance Cheap Shot 0.1% from gyre cutter/flak
- Ordnance Velocity exo/gyre outriders
- Turret Velocity grineer exo outrider (veil) .2%
Primary - Tactical Reload batalyst
Melee - Spring-Loaded Blade Plains Commander/Tusk Thumper Doma
Beast - Shock Collar Fortuna Hyena 0.034% in temple of profit
Nightwave - Combat Reload, Critical Mutation, Critical Precision, Eximus Advantage, Metamorphic Magazine, Range Advantage, Sentient Barrage, Sentient Surge, volatile variant, vile discharge,
Baro - Peculiar Audience, Primed Ammo Stock
Warframe/Augment syndicates
Axios Javelineers Styanax
Cathode Current Gyre
Elusive Retribution Baruuk
Guardian Armor Chroma
Intrepid Stand Styanax
Loyal Merulina Yareli
Merulina Guardian Yareli
Mesmer Shield Revenant
Shadow Haze Sevagoth
Shattered Storm Gara
Temporal Erosion Protea
I don't have my own but here
Viral procs are overkill btw, just zephyr with heavy slam will onetap almost anything.
neat. was curious about the archon tho, but can imagine
>been busy enjoying elden ring dlc
>forgot to check baro
>he brought primed dual round
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only if you bring back QUICK STEEL
that's the least of his issues at this point
snowday was kino too
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any second
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I like the ubiquitous loadout that forces everyone onto even ground either way but the snowball/can scythe didn't feel as good to use and wasn't cool like QUICK STEEL
i hope they roll it back a bit
the snowball scythe was cancer when people just spammed it, but it felt all the better when i hs them with a snowball
the ninja loadout of QS sounds based, was taking a break when it happened sadly
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yeah I mean it's the exact same idea just with a standard thrown shurikens and people slam jamming with the block combo on the katana so it had its own cancer, too, but it was just so fun - I remember getting close to a bit of that thrill from running around with a knife in MW2
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this shit better be fun and strong for the week and 3 days of mining it took to fucking make.
rush it and find out
it comes with 2 good weapons and his 4th hits like a fucking truck
good advice anon
You will literally CUM the moment you press 4
The Mausolon is the best archgun in the game, and the 4 just destroys shit
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warframe x capri-sun collab when?
imagine the red and blue koooooova drinkies
how does that work and what is your build
why did they make the legendary executioner weapon a pregnant support frame
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I forget tornadoes exist. Maybe I'll remember doing harder stuff later.
it's got
>an exalted artillery that is extremely busted
>a forward dash that is very fun to scoot through nu-corpus ship tiles around like you're larping phantom crash in space
>its own whole-ass grind pool of mods
>and one skin for plat that makes it look like an actual mech
and you will barely ever use it
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Reminder you can predownload now tfd bros.
This will be an epic goon session.
saar i have to download tomorrow for i have no more bandwith for the month
time to download 120 GB of content then delete it a week later cause it sucks
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oooooo waow I wanna know what it tastes like
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Why does Steve wear a hat or head covering in all his appearances?
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Also I threw a 50% crit damage purple shard on.
Thanks, how do you play Zephyr and what is her build?
Press jump, press heavy attack, press dodge.
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Rate my outfit.
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Took me so many years to reach this grand achievement
Now I'm no longer a MRlet, but a LRlet
bro built like a watermelon
it's... perfect
spent your starting plat on a cape instead of inventory slots/10
Does it make any difference in which order i cast skills, for example: casting roar before spores with venom dose?
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>tfw TFD is only 39gb
>content deficiency at launch
depends. if it's an ability strength skill, you should cast that first. roar and venom dose give damage buffs, so it doesn't matter in this scenario
That's pretty light for a UE5 game
how do we respond without sounding mad?
post game time
It lets you do tridolons with any frame you want. One of the most useful tools in the game.
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In game one was approaching 3k last time I checked
yes IMO although fun is subjective
Voidrig's 4 is is an exalted weapon that does something like 2 million AOE DPS with 0 forma and entry-level archgun mods. I think if you wanna minmax it it can go up to 4 or 5m?
Is Lotus human, orokang or sentient?
whomst lotus?
did you mean my wife Margulis?
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Do you like my Wukong?
>red and black
>3k plat
you disgust me, yet I'm also aroused
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I think I like these colors on my Mag
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>178k credit
>3.3k plat
>mk1 braton
>default icon
Left is Amber Heirloom, but what's the frame on the right?
why does he do it, bros?
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please sirs stop ressing yourself, i still need 600 ress to finally be complete
it's TFD
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Why do i do no dmg???
I bought the paid frame and weapon from the store but im still hitting for 0???
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look at this monkeynigger
man ember's ass looks like tumor nodes compared to the other one...
gray healthbar means they are invulnerable......
Shut up tranny.
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vosfor time
>drifter = tranny schizophrenics again
Thanks, looks great =)
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my collection. not the most i've seen someone brag about, but i'm getting kinda burnt out from this shit event
soulless nova
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Its orange and im still hitting 0
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i haven't touched the elevator since the first 2 days so might aswell, been doing the alerts instead (currently 6.7k motes)
I'm gonna do it bros. I'm gonna use Nyx.
>game developers try not to cater to coomer weaboos with cat ear cosmetics challenge (100% impossible)
hit the legs that have not been destroyed yet
Nyx is cool. She can strip enemies armour and uh... become immune at the cost of energy drain at a very minor rate... and she looks cool. One of the better Deluxe Skins in the game in my humble desu
I just took a loot at the steam page for this game, 36 GB is pretty impressive for the graphics this game is boasting. I got to give it to them, keeping a game like that under 50 gb in the modern era is neat.
Lotus is a sentient pretending to be an orokin woman.
Anon, that's been literally spelled out for you in New War.
you're not even trying
i am an lorefag
Why is she helping us if she is Sentinel? And why am I given the option of choosing 1 of 3 personalities of her? is she stupid? which is the more appropriate personality(aside from cosmetic preferences)?
>actually spamming the elevator and not just casually doing alerts
take it easy tenno
Damage output on his 4 is fucking insane.
Here's my build but probably there's some way to squeeze out even more damage.
Just make sure you have Continuity, Intensify, Flow and Streamline on your Necramech and you can now just destroy everything around you for hours (unless nullifier nigger comes in)
2 different people anon, there's just people that are hyped for the game because people have been waiting for a challenger to destiny and warframe for a little while now. Wayfinder and Athem were mega flops, time to see if TFD can make an impact.
your vestigial motes tho?
but she was around as Mergulis during Orokang Era, right?
don't need any more vosfor if i'm making thousands of plat from volatile motes, already bought 2 jades and all her weapons
they are different entities

that's fair, I don't care about maxing out the volatile shops and just wanted at least one set of all the new stuff
102/137 maxed.
But I'm not wrong.
I can't say that you aren't because I'm not that player, but go ahead and explain for the class the logic behind operator players being not trannies and drifter players being trannies because I'm sure it makes a lot of sense :)
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>why he never posts gameplay?
>oh right....
It's been some time but from what I remember:
>Natah the sentient replaces Margulis and impersonates her as an impostor because she's directly responsible for the Tenno
>As in impostor pretending to be Margulis she has her looks and memories, now gaslights Tenno into killing Orokin
>Something something I forgot she loses her memories (I think Ballas brainwashed her or something) of ever being Natah (and also maybe Margulis?) but she is still the mother figure for Tenno so she becomes Lotus
Essentially she kinda lived three lives, she was born as Natah and it is her true form, acted as Margulis and had her memories I believe for a long time and then got amnesia and became Lotus.
The name choice is sort of "which of these schizo personalities is the real one"?

And speaking of which, I still find it incredibly ridiculous Natah is a "good" choice here, while yeah it's actually her real true being she was born as, it's an impostor that caused a mass genocide. It's like if Hitler got amnesia and asked if he should be back to being Hitler or continue his new life and the morally good option was telling him to go back to being Hitler because it's his real personality.
i like doing the event desu. it's chill and not demanding and the new mode is kinda fun. i'm only starting to get burnt out. doing alerts is nice but they only refresh hourly and there are some missions that take as long as one round of ascension. i wouldn't do the elevator if it wasn't fun
the orokin had it coming
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why does the new lighting make my dorifter look like she's aged
the orokangs did nothing wrong
Tell that to Isaah's snapped neck.
>lone bumper
why did you miss your daily 12-hour shift in /wfg/ today?
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i vouch for you anon, put rush on his exilus and you have the surper sentai nezha.
i really dont get why releveling forma'd weapons dont count towards mastery rank. youd imagine it would
anyone else getting the bug where your animations dont work alot more often now?
so this is why tfd faggot never posts gameplay lmao
I keep losing my aimglide when I'm holding the alchemy or ascension things
>it's an impostor that caused a mass genocide
Physically she is the same entity that did that no matter what identity she adopts. Why not have her use her true name and form? She's still gonna act as the Lotus. It's not like picking Natah, Lotus, or Margulis actually changes her personality. It's completely cosmetic. Your Hitler analogy doesn't make any sense because in the game if you pick Natah she's not gonna go back to being a tenno-hating Sentient.
So I have to wonder. Did Ballas turn Jade into a Warframe while she was pregnant or can we legit get them fertilized?
You are a retard for not knowing the answer that was put right before you
it'd look cooler with the voidshell textures.
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What do I name him
she was turned while pregnant
Zephyr and Valkyr can lay eggs too just like birds and cats irl.
rebbs toes
I was idly curious given that Jade is literally the only time we've ever seen this phenomenon happening.
Observe >>484134075
I rest my case.
I don't like how mild the bonuses are, what i like about warframe the most is how strong you can become and still have the game not be totally trivial. in other games having a characters be able to permanently stop time and hide away in a different dimension would be incredibly powerful but here that's called limbo and he is B tier.
I will probably still give it a go.
And you were idly looking away when the answer presented itself to you on your screen while playing the quest
she was literally saying she was carrying sorrens child before she was a warframe
did you just tune out on all the dialogue
is this the bouncy castle planet? why does he bounce off every surface?
because western devs don't allow nice looking white characters, asian/slavic/other only
Everything but Hunhow's final message for the most part because the quest was kind of boring.
Choke on that spoon, retard
Wake me up when DE doesn't do a generic ass lovers reunited Hollywood story with the space capitalist fucking with a guy who gets his jollies out of hunting Tenno.
Is avenger really that good? i farmed both sets from the event and sold one, 45% flat crit chance doesn't seem like that much now that every other weapon incarnon has 300% crit chance innately.
take the vaccine and die
forcing crit on weapons that arent meant to crit is very strong
There's still a handful of weapons like the Nukor or Sporothrix that have 5% crit rates and huge crit damage.
Something else that won't get fags angry at me
"Biting Cunt" sadly doesn't work
it's a bit niche but when it's useful it's VERY useful
for example, you can make jades 4 get over 100% crit chance when paired with one tau orange
sporothrix is also incredibly good with it
If you go the wrong way you don't get the impregnation scene.
Can you still buy energize from the Ordis? I can't see it
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just saying it's bizarre it's marked as morally good.
If anything it should be neutral and Lotus should be good. or just scrap the retarded morality system finally, I'm surprised naming the baby in Jade quest didn't have that stupid system.
you have to be in a clan
rebbs toes
Oh okay now I see it. How many can you buy?
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why would you do this to yourself
I don't think the sun moon things is straight up morality, it's more like ying yang. and yes, it'd be great if they stopped introducing halfassed systems they are never do anything with but this is DE we are talking about.
i still need 11 barriers then i am done
oops I forgot to do circuit this week
I really don't like what they did to spearguns. Before, throwing my Javlok into a group of enemies before switching to melee and tearing them apart felt much smoother, but instead of letting it reload on the ground/in an enemy before picking it up and moving on it now immediately returns to my hands and does a gay little twirl to reload. And the throwing animation us slow and janky as well. I wish they'd change it back and give me Kuva Javlok or buff base Javlok fucking c'mon DE but I doubt the weapon type, let alone the Javlok, is popular enough for that. This sucks.
why would you ever buy barrier
aegis is better in every single way
any footage of failing the birth minigame? tried searching on yt and got no results
>warframe has FEWER players than warthunder
Hello hags want some MRlet plat?
why do fortuna bounties feel like the worst ones in
the entire game?
Cause they are the worst ones desu
At least you cant fail the bonuses on fortuna bounties
Have fun getting the "capture the target without killing anyone" cetus objective. If A N Y T H I N G dies during that time even if a grineer decides to shoot and kill a rat you fail the bonus objective
too many timers
okay, let's meet behind the tree in maroo's 3
if you don't compliment my mag fashion and give me enough, i'm sphing u and not giving you a blessing
I could never land hits with those dumb snowballs.
Fuck I'm going to buy some plat now
i'm notoriously known for being ass at pvp shooters, yet i was dominating 95% of the snowday matches. i guess the average wf player is even worse than me
H jordas veredict 5/8
i miss that era, a single energize was worth 300p
good to see you alive gramps!
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LF nightmare vay hek trial
I was just joking! Hags are scary...

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