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/ggg/: None
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
Anime Expo panel July 4th 11:30 AM PDT: https://www.anime-expo.org/ax/schedule-2024/
3v3 Team Mode TBA
Season 4 Reveal: EVO July 19-21st
Minor balance patch late July

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.07/Slayer fix is out)

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th

>Latest Dev Backyard 17th Volume (June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.37 (May 30th)

>Current Balance Patch 1.33 (December 8th)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>483234078
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Whats going through Leffens head right now?
>1 month since Slayer dropped
So how well did Slayer do? I was too busy wageslaving to pay attention to CEO.
Nevermind I looked it up myself. So that seed 10 fag Razzo got 13th out of 299 and lost 3-1 against 7th place HC and 3-0 by 7th Goldlewis. Not bad
Pretty decently but slayer vs HC and GL is unplayable
I wonder how ArcSys thinks they're going to "fix" WA. How would (You) fix it?
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breadly sin
She wouldn't...
I doubt they are gonna gut the frame data or burst gain in general. Maybe they will patch out PB burst gain or a 1 WA per round limit
I keep losing to megafisto (like a noob), any advice?
Block it or mash your best air normal
this image needs millias dense jungle of blonde pubes visible creeping out of that highleg leotard
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What a fatty
real nigggas air grab
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What is it with all these women wearing skimpy outfits yet posing as unappealing as possible?
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They sexed
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Put some clothes on you slut
Probably make it give only HKD on wallbreak instead of both HKD and positive bonus, so you have to choose between meter or advantage. Make OWA more committal (though I'm not sure how) because as of now it just gives gorilla characters even easier and safer frametraps and wall carry. Make uncharged WWA have less invuln frames and make them start a bit later. Make both the charged and uncharged hitboxes a bit shorter in height, I don't think it should be able to anti air. Otherwise keep charged WWA the same

tbdesu the wallbreak part of WA is the most damning to me. In neutral it's pretty annoying but I guess at this point it just feels normal in this game.
I don't play Strive anymore but my god do I want to fuck Bridget
Pay up
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personally, bridget is too much of a moe blob to really turn me on
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What a shit job on the Paracelsus prop, what the fuck was she thinking? Along with nothing else on the "cosplay" matching up to A.B.A, is this supposed to be an AU design? Is it from something I don't know about? Or is this cosplayer just incompetent? Could have tried to match the bandage bikini in this art if she wanted to do bikini A.B.A but I'd excuse it if she could at least get Paracelsus close to right and got the head key right.
anji is so boring. Fujin fujin fuuuujin. With shitty ass pokes and a slow spin. Imagine maining this sauceless snoozefest lmayoooo
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millia's delicious feet in my mouth
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Breadly Sin's mom.
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Ky is the luckiest character in all of fiction.
>remove burst steal
and just like that it's fixed.
Leffen lost? How
i want a new ui and bigger stages
Umisol twerked on him
would strive be better if they doubled the stage size
>double stage size
>half damage literally across the board
>remove Wild Assault
There, I fixed Strive.
umisho low key is pretty fuckable as a trannoid
you think he popped the boipucci cherry?
I respect transwomen, but umisho is NOT fuckable
umisho in unironically ok. He has pretty hair and with the right makeup is a solid 6/10, the sassyness is a plus. He is clean, well groomed and dresses ok. Obviously he needs to be prepped in advance with the right medications to stop the faust like tweaking.
There is much MUCH worse in the gaming community, like razzo, the gdq monsters or that bridget guy who doesn't even shave.
I'd take the umisho boipucci everyday if i had to choose
oh yeah and chin satonaka. But that guy is just trolling
so this is it huh /ggg/
just fronting about how straight you are while talking about what trannies you'd fuck
i assure you even /v/ would be less tranny obsessed if they were prettier. The problem is the trannies infesting this medium were ugly incels before turning and they are still HORRID
So this is where you hide, Sneed.
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do you guys autistically move your hands whenever you overdrive? like when i use overdrive i will drop controls and do the action my character is doing or if i can't just do the "woohoo!" arm position (even if it doesn't land)
yes actually, overdrive animations are that long to where i get bored
Gotta SUCK his big COCK!
When I use my super, I tab out of the game and read your autistic posts before getting back into the match.
Watching CEO i was surprised by how ugly they are, it's weird that the only effort they put in is semi-girly clothes, accessories, and long hair. even hair looks matty and not smooth like if they used proper shampoo so i just imagine them as smelling bad too, thank allah I haven't been near one as far as i know
I've been within smelling distance of umisho. she doesn't have much of a smell.
I kept hearing the announcers refer to everyone as '"they" even if they weren't mentally ill, is that because it's like going through a minefield and they have to be careful about misgendering anyone?
sounds about what like I would do if true, in fact I've done it a lot in discords to avoid using people's pronouns at all and no one has mentioned it
I move my body is a weird motion when I do 632146 so I get it
yeah these retards think pretending to be a woman would automatically solve all their problems and they have no fucking idea how much work it takes for real women to keep up appearances and maintain their beauty. They are still lazy losers
I do the Overdrive input a few more times while the cutscene is playing, and then I tap my buttons in rhythm.
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testament is proof that quality matters over quantity (of fat)
they're both fat but THEY are fat in the right places
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Elphelt's FAT thighs squishing my face...
is the only way to not get fucked on wakeup to learn frame data on most moves and mash out after seeing poor ones? the only good advice i've gotten is "don't mash after overheads" which makes lots of sense and has improved my gameplay. i feel like i block well normally but once the corner/wakeup pressure starts i have a really hard time. i'm newer to fighting games in general so maybe time will help.

i feel like i'm either stuck blocking until the opponent fucks up the pressure, or i get countered if i try to get out during, which leads me to lose lots of engagements as soon as pressure loops start. makes me feel silly and not in a fun way :(
make reads
good luck
just notice what they usually do as meaty and block that and wake up throw if you see weird shit, they can still bait it tho so it's not 100% safe but will cover majority of cases
these seem like pretty good ideas. A lot of people complain about WA HKD making the game too snowbally, and they're kinda right, but I honestly like it a lot more than how it was before. Having more consistent access to post wallbreak oki makes offense feel a lot more fluid, at least on my character (Bed). I think hitting the resource on it is a good idea, because you'll only go for it when you think you can kill them from it, which will probably be a bit more interesting than just always opting for it because you know you'll get your resource back and then some
no, no more hkd after wallbreak bullshit.
wallbreak should lead to NEUTRAL, it's the only reason it was implemented and both pos bonus and hkd defeat it's purpose
>Having more consistent access to post wallbreak oki makes offense feel a lot more fluid
it also makes getting fucked to death a lot more insufferable to watch
our experience doesn't represent the state of the game. we need WWA because bed is ass
it's not even that good for him to use it to wallbreak because his post wallbreak oki is weak
they should make the post wallbreak start distance the actual roundstart distance
post wall break brc oki with bomb is fun and i will be sad if it is gone

nah this is gear if I take you to the corner i should be fuckin you in the ass. i bet you kids bitch about dp rc too
and if you force me to watch the 5 second wallbreak animation i should be able to play again
in modern fighting games it doesn't feel like i deserve it when i'm forced to sit and watch the other player doing shit. strive epitomizes this because when you get wall splat into overdrive, that's like 10 seconds of the player doing "offense" pressing LITERALLY nothing
the time for kusoge single player games is over gramps. Go back to xturd
>we need WWA
Bad post.
This is a bad post too.
bed* post
Guilty Gear Strive Bedman?
inb4 b...but axl and happy chaos and..and azucar would benefit from the distance

who cares, zoner are not an issue in this game. I'd rather have fuckers like sol, nigro, groomlewis, may, ky, etc unable to do a roundstart wa combo into wallbreak
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Newfag from smash community, help me out here. Should I get strive or xrd? What is worth investing my time in?
If you want an easy game with a lot of players pick up strive. if you want a hard game that you'll struggle to get matches it but has better single player content get xrd
since you are a smasher xrd vs strive is kinda like a melee vs brawl situation (even tho strive is more like ultimate). Oldfags hate it, new players like it and hate the oldfags for being insufferable. Difference is unlike melee, xrd is dead af and never really was alive in the first place with a lot of posers pretending to play the hard game for clout. But it's true strive is way more simple
tl;dr pick strive
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thank you this was actually really helpful. That makes sense.

I honestly just want to have fun and git gud. My bracket days are over and I just think the competition is fun
the best way to avoid bad situations is to never get put into them in the first place
>oldfags hate it
Only the ones who couldn't win in their game's respective heyday. Most Japs enjoy Srive.
"unc, what was prime /ggg/ like?"
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i have a sound mod that shouts "OH NIGGA" whenever a grab connects. i got banned from my locals for making the SFX myself
fat brisket
you just know daisuke put on a frank zappa album and thought "this is so fucking sugoi"
New game where the entire cast are all Valentine units/clones
that's retarded, should all be variants of robo-ky. then you've got a seller
Only if each Robo-ky is based off a robots from some other series/franchises globally. I want "Danger Will Robinson" Robo-Ky fighting "Beast Wars:Transformers" Robo-Ky while the latter is rendered and animated in that old 90s style.
What does everyone here think of SF6? Starting to get a burned out of Strive.
I don't like it
Feels like you're playing against system mechanics rather than characters
Okizeme/throw loops feel more oppressive than Strive
The roster isn't very good
No Poison, No Buy.
Feels like some of the characters are well designed and then others it's like "how did this even get through".
I teabagged this guy and he ragequit, the fuck?
>play anyone other than my main
>feels awful, trying to do moves the character doesn't have
>get shit on making it feel even worse
>go back to playing main
>never learn new characters
>get bored of playing same character over and over again
>drop game for weeks
simply have a main that you love
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Should I switch my buttons layout if I want to play a lot of different characters (Rushdown, Zoners, Kara cancel, Negative Edge, Tiger knee...)?

Like maybe Type D is better than my current layout for the above mechanics & stuff + different games (SF6, Tekken, Unist, Blazblue, Persona...)
Type D is like the default layout on Pad.

Or should I just embrace DS4 Pad forever?
try it
if you think it feels better then use it
>different games
they are different games how would your strive layout effect them
>game is based around heavy metal
>no characters that fight with lighting
>no characters that fight with fire
what kind of Hebrew madness is this?
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>no characters that fight with lighting
>no characters that fight with fire
>literally Ky and Sol
I mean something along sides cinder or Raiden
why are you even here if you've never even watched footage of a guilty gear game
Just asking if this game had those archetypes
any ways have fun playing against the same 700 plus games 1 tricks
while tricking your self into thinking you are having "fun"
what are you even saying
what the fuck are you talking about retard
>general filled with cultist NPCs
any ways GN
maybe in the next instalment this place will have active threads
He very clearly means he wants a character that shoots fire or lightning with his hands, not with a weapon.
How are you this slow?
>Samefags to defend himself but never grew out of his toddleresque egocentrism and thinks we all intuitively understand his retarded pattern of logic
oof, still wrong anyway
A guy who can shoot fire, electricty, shock fireballs and burning lightning? Sounds great.
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You are an absolute dumbass. Atleast try to look up footage or do a basic search of games before posting about them.
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Elphelt diet
OK retard.
I just stumbled into this conversation, not my fault you are either too retarded to understand something so simple, too zoomer-brained to know who Cinder is, or both.
remember to FD while blocking as well, you can end a lot of blockstrings prematurely just because of the pushback
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Yes, she should be on a higher calorie intake diet.
She's already fat enough...
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She is currently at the PERFECT amount of body fat. She just needs to maintain it.
>Armpit fuckhole
>puffy areola on right breast
Jesus christ, she gets such good art.
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I was just wondering if you could hang out with me, smoke some weed and fill our bellies with diet soda and play blazblue calamity trigger on the Xbox360
good post
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Oh this guy draws some very nice Elphelts
He also has great Dizzys and Bridgets
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I think slayer looks cool in strive but I wish his specials were more stylized instead of just "standard purple energy". Especially moves like Pilebunker or It's Late look pretty boring compared to previous iterations. Xrd did it the best (except PB, I like +R's PB much better), and that's coming from someone who dislikes the general art direction of Xrd
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Up and Close Dandy in +R was super cool as well, the effect just looks so visceral. Would've been nice to have in Strive as a 2nd 50 meter super but that might've been overkill seeing how busted he is right now
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How is slayer busted lol
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I just gave myself a sick idea. Ky gets a new special similar to lightning strike as a way to "pop" shock state from anywhere on the screen. It would be plus as fuck on-block and a decently scaled starter scaled on-hit. It would make blocking stun edge scarier.
I think all these Elphlets are great.
What would it do on block or hit without shock state?
Nothing. Either a failed activation animation or literally doesn't get registered.
really ugly and i never liked sf characters in the first place
Give KY Ned Flanders lighting move from "Simpsons Wrestling"
I already played strive. I'm not playing street fighter with the strive flavor
the fuck does it mean?
You can't have no-no words on your R-Code and there might be consequences for quitting games to avoid losses.
they're gonna ban the word knight like soul kalibur did
>current year + 3
>strive devs can still not code a proper report system or anti-cheat
you just made me realize that strive is going to be 3 years old this year and the connection test is still at the title screen instead of only when you actually try to play online
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is he actually trolling doe? I feel like he's genuinely taking advantage of the situation
knowing the game is still getting support and new content is great but at the same time it means we have to deal with this godforsaken tower for longer.
I'm going to report AFkers exclusively
my only hope is that one of these days they actually nerf hc in a meaningful way so we never have to hear from this little faggot ever again.
it's ugly and slime rush is worse than wild assault
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hey you used my layout i posted a few threads back
Drive/Rage/WA is the fighting game equivalent of Scott Pilgrim for women
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sf6 is genuinely the least fun i've ever had playing a fighting game. worst roster in any game ever made, LITERAL 10 second long super animations (i thought nago's overdrive was bad, that shit is nothing compared to sf6). less neutral than any anime game ever made. genuinely awful.
m. bison's pretty fun to play as but if you're not gonna play him literally don't bother
So why is Happy Chaos weak now?
He's not, actually
look at the people who call the character weak and think really hard about why they'd benefit from that.
How does LordKnight benefit from that...?
7 frames less blockstun and doubled concentration cost means HC players have to interact a bit more
same reason every other floor 10 player calls him mid, he likes pretending he's still got a lot to learn

as long as he's still plus on whiff and can combo out of dust without spending meter he's top tier, nothing can change this.
would it take much time to change hc gun from hitscan to a really fast visible projectile? It would solve all his design problems. They should have course corrected at the very hint of brokenness instead of beating around the bush for two years
Well, they already have the projectiles from Deus Ex Machina, and they could get creative with it by adding portals too, for that Eltnum ricochet.
the issue isn't the hitscan the issue is that he can press gun while minus to instantly become plus
if it had travel speed it would be less abusable at range cause you could avoid it.
Also why don't they just do it like ky stun edge where it's minus if used at close range?
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>you can be banned for taking the boost now
Maybe not as good as the top tiers but he definitely is very strong. Giving him another way to increase that damage with the air super would be ludicrous, especially if it had those 2 hitboxes that basically doubled the damage of the super if both hit at the same time
that's not the case. There is no way to track it. It's probably just harsher penalties for chronic ragequitters and people who spam nigger nigger nigger
The first ban wave since the 'Report' function was added like two years ago... Woah...
i'm a ragequitter (just for the celestial challenge) and i regularly say slurs in chat and i'm untouched.
You cannot govern me
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>teabag nigger 41%
>money stolen
Soivers not like this...
>Reset your R-Code
>Go on an alt
Yeah it's not actually gonna do anything lol.
It's just a slap on the wrist unless you grinded for the #1 Character wins icon, then you lose that for a while.
Lmao did Sneed Finally get banned?
you think happy chaos WENISSU is blue with a white head or something else?
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you can just look at his nipples or lips to get an idea.
From the Japanese replies translated, there seems to have been people impersonating players like churara which is what prompted this and not whatever the fuck else.
>become a decent player in my community
>cannot be openly transphobic anymore
>our community grew so much that even if we don't have trannies, trannoids from neighboring countries join or tourneys online and offline
>had to be nice to them otherwise i would lost the opportunity to play against good people
i fucking hate this, i die inside every time i have to pretend to be nice. And the worse thing this people latch to me cause i'm funny and handsome and want to talk with me. FUCK OFF MONSTER. What do i do?
Are you me? Cuz that's exactly the case I'm dealing with too. It got so bad that I've been excusing myself from half the events I used to go to for bullshit reasons
just stop being transphobic
never, they are ugly af and crazy. I have nothing against homosexuals, by best friend since we were 12 is gay but trans are a fucking abomination like those who destroy their bodies with piercings, cutting their tongue etc. It's pure mental illness and body horror
I'm sorry, but I don't like ugly people. Especially when they make me have to cater to them in a special way
>soive couldn't even get HALF of SF6's EVO entrants
sleep fighter is carried by japs
I called someone a nigger repeatedly because he wouldn't rematch and was a fraud abuser, I've done that like a couple dozen of times since release, is there a risk for my account for people who've done the same ?
The fact that you niggers seriously, unironically say fucking tap dust is a reason why happy chaos is good is why I will never take any of you seriously. You have so much you could complain about on the character to try to make an argument and you keep going back to fucking tap dust 2k being some kind of god mixup. Absolute joke.
some day i will become so good and so popular i'll be able to reveal my true self with no one able to do anything about it. In this game or 2xko. I'll be the next leffen x1000 in toxicity
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That's not how it works
then how it works? By being mediocre i'm forced to be at the mercy of others cause i have everything to lose and i'm fucking tired of it
Random fight I had with a Potemkin on floor 10, it was extremely close on both rounds
Just figured id share, tips and advice appreciated
not giving your channel the ad revenue, not subscribing, shill somewhere else axlfag
>ad revenue
I have absolutely nothing on there I just uploaded this to show
Literally just add a trick bullet mechanic and a limited way to predict it. Every reload there's a chance he'll put in trick bullet and either:
>intuitively know what the jammed bullet special property is going to be [which there are three that are RNG'd)] but not know in what chamber it will be in.
>know what chamber the trick bullet is in but not what it will do.
just bc you are so low level at the game that you don't understand why 2k tap dust bang is retardedly strong doesn't mean you have to take it out on anyone with half a brain, man.
big gyatt big gyatt
Someone post that Johnny throwing may image please
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Are you sure?
>Reload is gated behind super, Deus Ex Machina no longer reloads bullets
Fixed him.
gyatt to gyatt
chad comes a rizzing on a sigma train
Why is some of Ky's lightning blue and some of it yellow?
That said, that nigga got a point, at least about lightning. For Sol you have Gunflame and... that's abou it. No, volcanic viper barely counts.
Ky does not feel like actual lightning, see MK11 Raiden for what TRUE lightning is like.
how come you don't post about playing strive anymore? i miss seeing you and playing against you.
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I wish guilty gear was more like mortal kombat
said nobody ever
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hello frens, i'm not exactly new to FGs, i played a shit ton of SF4 back in the day and got pretty good at it and i wanna get back into it and try out STRIVE. how's the pc playerbase? is finding a match easy? is the comp scene healthy? is using an xbox controller viable? are there any edgy cool characters like akuma or evil ryu?
>how's the pc playerbase?
All system crossplay. Steam averages ~2-3k concurrent a day.
>is finding a match easy?
Usually, though the lobby system and occasional network issues try their hardest.
>is the comp scene healthy?
Enough. Nothing you need to worry about at least (everyone has their critiques and concerns).
>is using an xbox controller viable?
Yes, but if you're going to tournaments they're often PS.
>are there any edgy cool characters like akuma or evil ryu?
kind of but idk how I'd pick
she has a cute and tiny benis
Tell them you have a trans gf already
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Chippbros… I finally got adderall. I’m scared of what will happen next.
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Milliabros… I finally got lexapro. I’m scared of what will happen next.
its fun, ive been playing it as my main game for a few months. the main benefit is it has an actual matchmaker and games come quick
i'm unironically doing some therapy sessions for adhd and those sweets stimulants. But i'm starting to think i don't have it. I can't focus and be disciplined but i never was a problematic or hyperactive kid, quite the opposite
You should go to therapy for your severe case of agp
If you play chipp you have it
Strive is an AGP simulator, actually
>m. bison's pretty fun to play as but if you're not gonna play him literally don't bother
True but if Capcom nerfs him to shit I'm going to drop 6. Like it's super unlikely but I don't think a character should be gutted abs left to bleed out just because a large chunk of the cast is horribly made. He is overturned but not exactly broken
i really don't like playing slayer. I thought he would be fun but i've fallen in love with johnny instead.
He is so dumb and easy it's boring
How do I stop getting mad whenever I lose? I don't know what causes it, but over the past month or so, whenever I lost, I get tilted. Even in Casual play.
Speaking as someone who takes Lexapro, enjoy never being hungry again, and, not being able to ever cum. It sucks. I'm looking to see about getting on anything else.
It isn't about keeping yourself from getting mad per se. It's more about how long it takes for you to get over it and move on without holding onto that anger.
Eat a donut, fatty
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I wrote up a serious reply, realized I was replying to "Bridget Tranny", then deleted that and wrote this instead
We need a wine aunt character
jack-o/millia fit the bill pretty nice
> incite rage
> why did this dude ragequit
Are you retarded?
Absolutely stellar job on steering the sm*shfag from the actual fun and alive game gents, well done
Some fucking ramnigger perfected me 6 times in a row just spamming Rock S Rock S Rock S Rock S Rock S

What's teh counter to this? Surely they wouldn't give a toon a blockstring infinite, right...?
>Surely they wouldn't give a toon a blockstring infinite, right...?
They did. Welcome to Season 3.
>xbox controller viable
Is this a furfag psyop?
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Meme about GG being gay all you want at least it's not Tekken or BB
BB hasn't been real for 10 years
It's literally unstoppable. Ondo is plus enough to link HS after and HS is plus enough to link Ondo. It's an infinite. Just don't get caught by it.
Why are you so boring?
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Why is ram literally unstoppable? This game is fucking garbage.
>that fullscreen j.H
Daisuke's Vision
making flipkick unblockable for S3 was a mistake. ArcSys needs to stop porting P4A bullshit into Strive
>sword toss has a high enough attack level to let you whiff two moves and still combo
S3 Ram is fucking obscene
do ram players actually say they arent carried or is it just a meme
ram has literally never been in a major top 8. she isn't strong.
a ramfaggotraped my dog and stole my arc welder
She's all mids the top tier that never wins
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>never wins
why is ram the only toon that gets gatlings
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What exactly are you supposed to do against ram? do you just lose at character select
why did they censor slayer's iconic gatlings?
Lobby when
kill yourself furfaggot
>ram gets a wallbreak
>now she gets free meter for nothing
why is this allowed
ni/ggg/a power rankings?
Well there's only three people here
You, me, and the furfag. And we can both beat him pretty easily

Who's a good El player to watch
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>xbox dpad just broke
no! my clicky boy! I hope it's just the spring and not one of the switches I don't want to solder again ahhh I just replaced a potentiometer ahhh
>Play Strive in general
>2 Frames grab ("just react bro, it was 1 frame grab back then")
>Lack of recovery on multiples moves (can whiff like a retard)
>Air movement delayed as hell (any character with air game plan is weak, like I-no, Millia, Chipp, Zato... You literally have to be a veteran for years like Daru-I-no to be a little bit on I-no as example. Bro getting bodied hard in Strive btw)

>Play vs Sol
>Slash into Heavy guess
>Have to respect wake up DP
>Bandit RC 50/50 mix

>Play vs Jack-O
>2D into 236H
>Minions actions (Kick, Throw, Clap)
>Pray that it works and pretend that Jack'O is the most complex character in the game

>Play vs Millia / Chipp
>"Just block the Mix Mix Mix bro"
>proceeds to dodge if you have a character with DP

>Play Nago / Goldlewis
>"Bro, we are Heavy characters with High Guts and HP... We need to work to get in..."
>proceeds to Wild Assault, Chip and Kill in 2 interactions

>Play vs A.B.A
>"ABA has the hardest neutral in the game bro. Just block 236K"
>Will kill you in 2 interactions if you get hit by like 2K, 2D, Key grab
>Highly Resilient character btw

>Play vs Asuka
>It's either a casual who wanted to try the character or a Zando level one
>Play vs Johnny
>bottom 3 character as they said btw
>He's actually Top 3 most played online
>Corny zoning, Mistfiner, big ass normal
>he comes in to grab, you exactly pressed to tech but hey it's 2 Frames grab, even rollback won't save you

>Play vs Testament
>"Testament isn't a zoner bro" despite the in game info + gameplay
>Low Blood projectile, High Low Projectile, Crow
>Teleport when they feel smart

>Play vs Potemkin
>270 ms
>Rollback frames : 8
>Opponent can still Kara RC cancel into Garuda and Potbuster with ease as if it was all Macros

>Play vs Ram
>Last time I saw a Ram was in Season 1 before Burst change
>Okay she has the range but she clearly doesn't have the speed. Johnny lowkey better if you want to play with big sword range and harass
>Top 3 character as they said btw lmao

>Play vs Bridget
>It's either a tourist or a good player who mastered 50/50 High Low

>Play vs Giovanna
>Will tryhard in Floor 10 doing RC mix High / Low and strike throw
>barely see her in Celestial

>Play vs Happy Chaos
>Actually he's not that bad online, just dash block and pressure him
>I guess none of them are tournament level even in Celestial
>still corny in tourney tho

>Play vs Axl
>literally opposite of HC
>Hard to fight online
>get washed in tourney

>Play vs Slayer
>Ups & Downs like his mix-ups, can cross you easily
>Even braindead ones with minimum have to be taken seriously

>Play vs Anji
>Big ass buttons, corny neutral
>think that they are slick when they land a Rekka into grab

>Play vs Sin
>DP, Dash cancel into Grab
>special moves like 236K and 214S are enough to mix anyone
>Big ass buttons, if you drop a COUNTER! combos with him, just uninstall

>Play vs Elphelt
>Rekka guess that's the whole game
>"but bro you didn't talk about 214H J.D mix", who cares it's all about rekkas
>Zoning for people who can't do it correctly

Meant 2D into 236K for Jack-O
>Play vs Zato
>Just block low honestly, he'll then run in and do either 5D or his command grab
>Funny how this guy vanished in the shadow, he was really there back in S1
>Carried ass lmao

>Play vs May
>Big ass buttons
>lack of recovery
>5D range
>Dolphin isn't a problem anymore. The real problem is when the player knows how to cancel Dolphin to mix you

>Play vs Faust
>Items but that can be his loss, whatever
To fap to or play?
To play
Man fuck woman. Man work woman don't work. Man fuck. If man goes to the city to work he will fuck. When he come home maybe he will fuck you.
>pot didn't go for buster even once
not a true Potemkin player
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There it is.
ive seen better elphelts on gelbooru
>Man fuck.
kind of homo flavored post
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Operation.. Success.

Thankfully no soldering was required this time, though my donor controller is starting to run out of parts.
Sorry, can't help you there
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>>Opponent can still Kara RC cancel into Garuda and Potbuster with ease as if it was all Macros
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>learning slayer to deal with the cancer
>realize he is actually shit
this faggot doesn't scare me anymore, his neutral is shit and his pressure all fake
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uhm how does ram not have speed retard just read dustloop, shes literally the fast speed character of the game and all her moves outspeed any pokes while having no recovery, and all that on the character with the second fastest dash acceleration
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Jack-O' is the most technical character though
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>anime releases and it's a huge success
>season 4 delivers
>game gets even more popular
>xturders organize a shoot out at evo in retaliation but fail and kill themselves in the process
>xturd delisted from steam as punishment
>game will be forever considered a black stain in history
a man can dream
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why can't they show the sales numbers like they did pre-gamepass, we still don't know if we actually surpassed peak dogshit or not
i don't understand a single thing chipp does
Uni devs said fighting game characters with setplay and traps are generally evil
how the fuck do i play slayer? This fag has no neutral. Surely it's not good to spam mappa when it's not spaced and i'm minus right?
Imagine posting footage of 2 bots fighting and going "Ram is op!", and imagine not knowing that the footage is 2 bots fighting because you're a newfag that thinks crying on 4chan will get every single character except yours nerfed
IAD jH and P mappa bro...
Make them whiff stuff with K dandy and pilebunker on reaction too
>make them whiff stuff with k dandy
I also live in magic fantasy land and don't play the game
If you do it against a poke you're expecting at a reasonable distance you absolutely can, just stop trying to fucking use it like a parry and it still works. Hell this method shuts down 90% of roundstart fS or 2S strats for example
>throw or c.s, call it
K Dandy is pretty good dude what are you on.
the boring game... the boring tournaments. it's... killing us... we... we need... jam in sf6...
I don't think the game's boring, I just usually end up feeling like I'm too tired to play and then feel like I'm stunting my learning by not playing regularly enough.
sorry but /sfg/ is right around the corner if you wanna talk about boring games
stop dying
Make a lobby then
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>vappa in shambles because Strive has an actual playerbase through ups and downs after 4 years and not merely brag about playing sekret klub: the fighting game
Now if only Katano and Miyauchi stopped being faggots and fix the online
wtf dude why did you link a porn site in /ggg/
this isnt a soldering thread you fucking retarded nigger fuck you furfaggot
>this isnt a soldering thread
You're damn right it isn't, and thank god for that.
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why are furniggers so obsessed with soldering?
Transcoded image
Transcoded general
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whats wrong with her armpit
Transcoded from avc to hevc
I like playing happy chaos and slayer!
I'm trying to get better, can you guys critique my gameplay? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir86KiQCuJg
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I am suspicious of your motives
What about Ephelt but with a combat knife to shiv and slice people up?
still fascinating how rams design works. any brown ram is a 10/10 latina queen sex goddess, yet any white color ram is a generic edgelord slut from some retardkino zoomer anime.
ESPECIALLY the valentine color
She would never do that stop
Shaggy = Happy Chaos
Asuka = RikRok
Jack-O = His Girl
I-No = The Side chick.
I get what you mean but just can't see it because of her outfit. The hat (in both games) overrides any feeling other than "yeah that's Ram"
This makes zero sense. Chaos should be rikrok, and ariels should be "His Girl"
I just did a charge dust combo irl
I just got hit with a charged dust combo irl I nutted and she kept sucking and it was like I was flying
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I need brown pussy!!
It’s fun and Blanka is awesome. but if you attempt to take the game seriously you are going to go insane
gonna take a wicked piss rq
but when i come back does anybody want to play some sets in park?
She would canonically
so why do people say elphelt's mix is good when you can literally IBFD fuzzy block it?
>delays by literally 1 frame
we just don't know. we might not ever know
when's the last time you've ever seen an elphelt delay?
>Starting to get a burned out of Strive
Same here, not sure if SF6 is that fun too tho. Maybe it's because I play mostly Tower so it's Ups & Downs between Floor 8/9/10 and Celestial.

Only time I managed to do the Celestial challenge was on Sin and it was just Strike / Throw, Wake up DP and 214S / 236K mix.

>Will hit a DP in her face and die
Nice mix bro, don't listen to pros.
Leffen will tell you that HC is low tier but play him entirely in EVO until he goes clown mode and pick ABA in last set situation.
when's the last time you've seen a defender IBFD fuzzy block elphelt?
SF4 if it was an even worse game
Can anyone post that XRD tutorial webm where they go like this ''let's learn how to block'' then Ky goes STUN DIPPER GREED SEVER?
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I've been fucking around a lot more with I-No's tridash both for mixups and combos, my hands hurt a lot but it feels amazing when you pull it off
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midscreen they even allow you to get some really fucked up crossup lows
So why is Ram considered Top Tier again?
- No DP
- Average Defense (Health x Guts)
- Meterless mix is poor outside of the corner? Like Stone into Strike / Throw is fine at floor 10 but in Celestial people knows how to counter it. 214K? Rekka cancel?
- 2K 2D are mid
- Worst 5D range in the game?
- Big Normals but what's the point if it's not a disjoint?
- Combos and Conversions are pretty good
- However Damage? Her Damage is weaker than characters like Sol, Nago, Goldlewis... You have to trade like 5-6 times with them but they kill you in 2-3 trade.

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