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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484073864
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trans... rights?
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>day 1 minute fucking 1
>log in, beat massive queue by being fast
>get to tulololol
>night time
>get to first zone
>get to mountain zone
>night and snowing (????)
>get to texas
>night and dust storm
>throwaway line during one of the aether current side quests about how they found seashells on the top of the mountain
Uh okay, that feels like it's gonna come back probably.
I like how my character looks after the graphics update is that controversial
Nu-xivgers who didn't play during Heavensward launch will never understand how pathetic these recent expansions are and how far we have fallen in comparison
I decided to skip DT since I'm burnt out of MMOs but everyone shitting on the story has got me kind of curious
Can someone give me a QRD of what the story is about and why people dislike it
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The MSQ is decent, Wuk Lamat is a good character, and 1-2-3 combos are good for the game.
No, but it's also not controversial that many others are unhappy with the changes.
I've eaten so much slop the past couple days. HOLY SHIT
Pictomancer is kinda cool conceptually. Alas I love the concept of a serious and grim inkmancer more than how bright and silly pic is.
Basically at the end before you delivered the final blow, Alphinaud comes in and slaps him
stealing your thunder
same but it's been two months now
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Awake but at what cost
So it's just a repeat of what people disliked about Stormblood?
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I bet Wuk Lamat is fierce in bed
Didn't raze the steaks enough and also we're second banana
who the fuck was saying that BJJ awoke the tural by accident? he did that shit 100% on purpose
button pruning when
>still no "The Last Stand" orchestrion roll
go fuck yourself!!
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I feel like I misunderstand something. I thought the expansion was about having adventures and find a golden city, but I'm at 94 levels in and I am currently doing a cooking contest? Do I ever try to find a golden city in this golden city expansion or did I just blatantly misread the expansion's description? Is finding the golden city too "high stakes"?
low skill player pruning when
Oh my god picto is pure stim. The hammer sounds make my brain so happy happy happy
msq was just endwalker v2
same dogass technique of introducing some weak princess in the latter half of the story just so you can kill her off in a few levels like the players have any time to get attached to her character or even give a fuck about it.

Then they just threw in allagan aliens star ocean style. Hurr durr golden amaurot please inject my final fucktasy with this reverse isekai juice. Let's inject the whole goddamn eternal sphere.

Then they threw in fucking Alexandria. Like the story's so far gone it can't stand on its own merit so you've got to lean hard on nostalgic cameos of an entire goddamn city -- 2 if we count the Ninal Solution (Zanarkand). The music's baller in the later zones but what the fuck the story's even more themepark than the game is. Tied together with reunion metaphors through and through and then tossed out the window for sad girl in aetheric snow cheap shots bro you didn't even give us time to smell her panties how are we going supposed to CARE.
never, they will just keep removing 1 or 2 buttons and adding another 1 or 2 buttons
low skill player game, low skill player general
go back
Yeah but in retrospect we're starting to realize that for as bad as stormblood was, it pulled off nearly the same storyline but better.

We're in for some kino raids and side content if the age-old story vs content disparity is true
>stormblood was shit story, best content in the game
>shadowbringers was best story, worst content in the game
>heavensward was good story, decent content
>endwalker was middle of the road all around
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Posting to beg modders to do the needful and release a mod that changes faces back to similar to what they looked like before
New faces try too hard to be realistic and dont fit the game at all and look like shit
>golden city
read thousand and one nights
then they should disable pvp combos
This story is legitimately worse than fucking ARR's, holy shit.
just keep going anon. you know from what you've already learned you're supposed to find the golden city once you've gotten all the keystones.
>lalafells literally don't exist in Tural
That's so based
you're not even halfway through and you're complaining that you're not at the end?

yes you find it at level 96 roughly
they should've done more shit like the hammer and less of everything else.
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The moogles were an odd choice
In case you needed a refresher on how Lyse actually acted in SB before you type up your revisionist posts.

>the crafty jew race was replaced with actual lolis instead of potbellied toddlers
truly the best thing about this expac
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chyat, is this real?
how do i find a cute wife like you
Wuk Lamat is literally Lyse but better.
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Good morning I hope everyone is enjoying the expansion
spider warning
there's no way you're at 94 and you still don't understand how they're going to find the golden city
please stop taking other peoples' screenshots and pretending like you're playing the game and kill yourself instead. you're going to kill yourself eventually anyway tranny might as well speed up the process
>whole new expansion is out
>no one is posting cool new items, cool new glams, cool new hairstyles, cool new emotes, cool new mounts, cool new house decorations, fucking cool new anything
>all that exists is complaints
Is there seriously nothing cool or exciting in DT at all?
>two thirds of an expansion
You're a side-kick with zero agency to a badly voiced adult baby that struggles to dress herself and appears clueless about literally everything, ever, but she has the power of friendship on her side and is very diverse. She has twice the screen time Lyse had, is wildly unqualified for running a fast food joint and you're helping her become Hokage of a continent-spanning empire.
>last third of the expansion
You're a side-kick with zero agency to a badly voiced adult baby that somehow became a competent ruler overnight, as well as probably the strongest fighter in the entire series (like you'd get shitcanned by her in a fight ez). You stand in a corner as she interacts with the story, occasionally removing some mooks out of her way, then she kills the last boss, has an emotional moment with another npc and the credits roll.
I tried my hardest to get into FF14 on 3 separate occasions but it's just
cutscene ---> walking simulator --> cutscene --> walking simulator --> 5 minutes of group instance combat --> walking simulator --> cutscene
on repeat, I've also been told that the game gets better with the late expansions but that hardly matters if you are forced to bog through pile of shit. I actively play WoW, GW2 and BDO and neither of those 3 games are even close to FF14 in this.
I have no idea how you losers keep playing this.
She's just Yda but even more flanderized. Yda was actually endearing at times.
they do though? it's part of the msq later (or an aether current, I forget).
you're literally forced to play a quiz about the great lalafell exodus lore.
That is literally the game
from level 1 to level 100

Anybody who told you the game stops being cutscenes and story is lying to you.
Where are the femlalas to colonize in DT? The only ones that showed up are white
I did not ask and I do not care.
I'm transphobic and want to like the cute tiger girl but my stupid transphobic brain won't stop reminding me it's a tranny doing the voice. AND NO I will not switch voice languages. Anyone else coping?
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anyone pvp here? I want to know if its worth grinding frontlines for the cosmetics or if you get fuck all from playing (outside of the daily reward)
american LOVE this
>Yda but even more flanderized
so still just a better lyse, understood
literally this entire thread is people saying shit about an MSQ they haven't finished. They don't know what they hell they're talking about.
That's your nostalgia talking. Yda was exactly the same, this is just her replacement/apology for turning her into Lyse.
No, I am not complaining that I haven't found it. I am complaining that so far I have done literally nothing related to finding a golden city in an expansion focused on finding a golden city, hence the use of the term "try to find". I hope this helps.

Hmmm, I am probably misunderstanding something then. Is inspecting banana peels on the floor a new exotic way of searching for a Golden City? I want to be open minded, but this seems counterproductive.
>that german
man is it pure coincidence or are Germans ultra hot?
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do you mean the mounts? theyre only from fl but yeah you get jack shit from doing the mode
>you need to finish the whole thing to know if you are enjoying it
is this the new slurp
>WoL is not the main character of the expansion
>self inserters lose their fucking minds over it
Reading all this shit while enjoying the MSQ has been great
Once a day for 45 days completes the pass
I'm a tranny and I find that legitimately hilarious.
FL if you can stomach the nightmare mode it is right now, then spam CC since matches are so short. The thread usually does casual queues with times called in the thread, but the new expansion is taking up most everyone's time right now.
not mentioning the pajeetoids that are also paid to do that
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im still sad
the fanta didnt help at all
it is literally said outright that doing all the gay little trials will lead you to the golden city because that's what the rite of succession was designed to do. but by all means continue to bitch about this game you have not played, i assume you don't have much else to do when enduring your dilation pains
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Well yeah Lyse was a mistake but having Yda without Papalymo around just isn't Yda.

Yda was in no way this retarded, or as retarded as Lyse. Like yeah Yda was retarded but this is saturday morning cartoon level retarded. It's like watching zoomers making "analog horror" and overcompensating for shit they weren't around for, or the extreme exaggeration of "le 90s" style.
You have to get all the gym badges to get to the pokemon league, and each of the gym battles are the "find the gym leader" quests.
I am glad you can laugh but I am really mad at my brain for ruining a legit cute character that is the main focus of the expansion
she looks like a disount Keira Knightley (good thing)
cool, thanks guys.
OKAY BE HONEST, I look so ifdjglkujhing cool
>Is that setup and worldbuilding in my fucking story based MMO FUCK YOU I don't care UGH look how much I don't care guys ARE YOU LOOKING
thats what you get for making an ugly char
you're the bodyguard, buddy. you don't get to choose what you're doing, the big dog does, and she wants a cooking contest.
Then I suggest taking Wuk Lamats words in the msq to heart.
anons, is it time we apologize to Lyse?
>You, my chosen retards, must collect all the shiny stones to open the way to the golden city
"wtf why am i wasting time collecting shiny stones, whens the golden city"
have you tried making a good looking character in the first place
People who like the game are playing it, those who don't are here complaining.
You look like you're going to die alone because you sabotage every good thing in your life.
they fucked me
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Did they not learn anything from Lyse? I'm barely at the first zone and I already hate this bitch with fiery passion. FIRE whoever thought it was a good idea to sideline the WoL for this bitch
XIV is flatout a visual novel with social elements.


can we get much higher higher
so high OH OH OH
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Are these dudes a reference to anything?
That's a custom hair cut on the zell dincht lookin motherucker
>made glasses separate
>best glasses in the game still attached to the varsity cap
Wuk Lamat >>>>>> Lyse
6th Umbral calamity probably
>have to play on Oceania to play with friend because yoshi p is retarded and made every NA server congested
It's going to feel like heaven to go back to NA and have my ping plogin back...
Skippa skippa skippa
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So I edited that uh adventure card or whatever but the standard half-body, blue background shit is still showing at the start of dungeons. What gives?
yes at least she was hot
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>do sidequest in the giants part of the zone
>bloodsucker enemy was assuming someone elses form
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Stargazing cat
She looks fine, you're being a whiny autistic and somehow worse than all the IT'S OVER AAAAAAAAA femra trannies.
if you're asking about pvp series xp, it's generally faster to grind it playing cc
now that everyone has jobs to level again however there's still merit in doing your frontline roulette daily for both series xp and regular xp
but play whatever you want
it's so fucking boring I get distracted by what's on the other screen, which I turned on by the time I was 91
Let me get you drunk
Westwolves died for this...
maybe if you would take some time to adjust the lighting in your portraits it would look better. There's nothing wrong with these pictures outside of that. You people are nitpicking bullshit at this point because you're either too used to seeing your modded characters face or are too used to the old shitty face textures we've had for a decade
Gen Alpha is ruined mentally
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Going for an Armor King cosplay for Monk. What are some other god armor pieces I should consider?
Portraits and adventurer plates are different things. Press C. Update your gear set with the little arrow thing in the upper right corner. Go into portraits, then edit portrait to what you want it to be. Click save. There you go.
>blonde bimbo
>fucks the WoL
>had kino scenes with Fordola
Wuk Lamat
>not blonde and not the good kind of bimbo
>does not fuck the WoL
>no kino scenes with anyone

Lyse mogs Lamat
not being a miqote for one
My f4 femra looks kind of cuter, if not a bit derpy with the expressions
>the strongest fighter in the entire series (like you'd get shitcanned by her in a fight ez
please tell me you are making this up
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>LIKE 2 NEW EMOTES POGGERS IM POGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually kill yourself I hate SE simps
I am a middie who got nothing done yesterday cause i was eternally sleepy.

I think you need to stop looking at every small difference and kinda get used to it. I dont think its bad at all.

I never minded her in the first place!
wuk lamat is probably a tiny bit better than lyse but she has twice the screen time and supporting/secondary characters in DT are worse than in SB so it's a total shitshow
Can we talk about the music? I think this expansion might have my favorite music out of any expansion.
>it is literally said outright that doing all the gay little trials will lead you to the golden city
Hmmmm, I am sorry, but this doesn't seem true. So far, none of the Dragon Balls found give me any indication about the Golden City, its location or content. So far, the only scene related to it is a NPC telling me that people tried to find the city and failed, and that it's a city made of gold. Which is I guess interesting, but I fail to see how doing a cooking contest was necessary to get this critical information.

So I am in fact, not searching for a Golden City, but getting authorization to access it? I feel like I'm misunderstanding something again, because I'm pretty sure Dawntrail's premise is about finding a Golden City, not filling administrative paperwork to get access to a Golden City. It's why it's called Dawntrail, not Dawnprocedure. Surely there is some manner of context I'm missing?
Anon why are you taking him seriously.
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looks so GOOD now
>everyone saying "it's fine" plays something tranny-coded like a fiddie
they fucked it during endwalker
if you change your gear at all it defaults to the blue background
can't effectively save a portrait and use it for all classes regardless of gear equipped now
it's got to be the active gearset you're wearing and even changing materia will fuck it
a few days ago I saw people comparing some of the DT music to a some from haruhi but I lost the link, anyone got it?
they fucked up the rigging for nearly every animation
the face clips into itself leaving hard ass and very noticeable lines
and her giant ass lower lip looks retarded next to the paper thin upper
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Anon, get glasses, please. I'm not joking.
'member when you were getting slapped around in Eden before Gaia intervened to help your shitter ass?
yea, have fun on last boss
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Hold up did they nerf this?
XIV and being 'eepy
that is what Final Fantasy is all about folks
You sound autistic you should get medical help imagine getting excited about this shit
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this nigga paid $30 and went 4 levels without reading lmao
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i killed the viper and ate her remains lol
My femlala ate all the meal bars at the shopping mall...
I don't hate Wuk because I played with japanese VA and she sounds cute and has a pleasant voice
Very good voice actress
The story was mid (had its moments) but the fights are the best they've even been
So far DT is boring me so much i put it down to play GW2 a bit...
I hope ffxiv doesn't suffer from the MCU syndrome of going to shit once the big narrative gets wrapped up
>the other characters can NEVER one up me
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didnt u go femra
>So I am in fact, not searching for a Golden City, but getting authorization to access it?
It's like you motherfuckers dont pay attention to the story at all. Gulool Ja Ja tells you you need to break the seal he put on the golden city BEFORE THE RITE EVEN STARTS so one can infer after doing a few of the rites that these stones could be used to break that seal he put on the golden city. You would know that but you clearly skipped cutscenes
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Fight's boring.
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This dude sounds like Prompto from 15
>The Hildibrand investigation music is playing in the background
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gay as FUCK kitty
its owari da, they lost
I will never take the opinion of someone who thinks GW2 is fun seriously.
i dont hate wuk because she's the best story character we've had yet
absolutely no thoughts, just good vibes
Like the screenshake it does
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yeah for a bit
>You would know that but you clearly skipped cutscenes
bold of you to assume he's playing the game at all and not just a tranny that wants to bitch about something unimportant
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nice glow up for our ilberdfaced brothers out there
These are the people complaining about the MSQ lmao. Same as it ever was.
holy kek
What new cool emotes, hairstyles and glams?
what a fucking mess
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hair looks good now
bring her back bro
I feel like nothing of what I wrote is particularly hard to get. I'll let you hopefully catch up to where I am so we can have an earnest discussion, hopefully by this time I try to actually find a Golden City, in this expansion about finding a Golden City.

>"So am I just doing administrative paperwork to get to the Golden City?"
>"Are you fucking stupid? Gulool Jaja tells you you need to do administrative paper work to get to the Golden City, so one can infer you must do administrative paper work to get access to the Golden City."
So, we agree?
>glow up
it looks so bad lmao
dawntrail did highlanders dirty
>dawntrail did highlanders dirty
The biggest insult was giving the viper job trainer highlander CUSTOM EYEBROWS
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I don't think I will because I need to match the height of my future femhroth wife
pls be joking
i was ready to eb u on my femra...
wtf i thought it was cid that went femra for some reason
my fault bro
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Reminder that these are the hours where people who act the fool for a laugh and triple down on their stances for engagement are most active.
Which femmyzen face is this
Highlander eyebrows in 7.1 trust the plan
WAR chads how we feeling?
for it's ok, what are your complains about it
It's a fucking alt I trly dont care and will fanta his ass but Im still curious
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Who is she?
I think the only minor gripe I have with the music is that they abuse the shit out of the main leitmotif in a lot of them, otherwise it's a solid roster
the yak tel music with the lady going whoahhooooaaahhhhh has been my favorite thus far
femhroth look like shit
tranny physique like femogres, really strange robotic animations
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Here is your golden city bro, I found it for you so you can stop posting.
I dunno bout that 2nd point. It's not as bad as Alisae but Wut is a bit too clingy
Raids and grindan content will be kino just like stormblood.
Trust the plan
Sphene is obviously not dead.

You get told her crown is the same as those weird things everyone is wearing on their heads, then the very last shot of the expac is her crown alone in the dark.

krile's short arc has more feeling put into it then the rest of the entire msq
so true mr mog of the ages
Holy Robo titties
>new things in video games are bad now
Kill yourselves

That's what I'm asking
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whatever dude I hate femra anyway
he's sort of my twin brother (forma de duskie)
Im not 100% happy with it either but they're not going to make any more changes to it so you either have to get used to it, find something new to fanta to or quit.

Please keep it down. Im being eepy.
make the bitch earn it
nobody's shitting their panties because yshtola figures out Plot Device(tm) and it should have been wol, but Wuk goes from being a total insecure loser who can barely fight to a great leader who stomped the guy who shat all over her literally one day ago... with zero setup. it's like she woke up one day and found superpowers in her cereal box.
Fat Cat Fact #212

Fat Cats got an upgrade in 7.0 as well and are now softer and rounder than ever before
I remember people being the same even in ShB, complaining how it was fucking boring and meaningless traveling around the first.
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This, we went from like 2-3 new hairstyles per patch and half patch to literally 0 in Endwalker
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but thats accurate
other than reddit selch and vauthry it sucked shit
People enjoying it are playing.

People who hate it aren't playing and shitposting complaints.

Hope that helps.8P82
so far the trials and to a lesser degree are the only good things about the expansion so here's hoping
Woah cute lalaboy
WOW WE GOT LIKE...... LE UPDATED TO 2004?????!!!!

Bro who are you even quoting
MSQ ballwashers picked the absolute worst expansion to double down on praising
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>everyone hates the story
>gameplay side will be kino as the story dungeons and trials already have more effort put into them than anything in ShB and EW but since 90% of the userbase only cares about the visual novel part of the game, it will be the "consensus" that this was a "bad expansion" like Stormblood
>devs will take all the wrong lessons from it
>Sphene is obviously not dead.
what level of copium is that lmao
not that it matters since you practically had zero interaction with her anyway, it was all wuk - so if she ever got brought back so would wuk and i don't think anybody wants that
If the narcissists in this thread were playing they'd be posting the cool new things they got. They wouldn't waste a second to post their ebin with some new emote or mount.
So there were no ancient trickery at all?
casuals are going to love this story anon, its gamer bros who will hate it.
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how can yoshi p sell out like this?
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game sucks
game bad
game not fun
game dead
all the casuals i know hate it
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Healer Strike was real
It's always the speed rushers flying through the MSQ that complain the loudest.
What how is that even related sperg
>didn't get a single caster jewelry from Alexandria
Do I understand it correctly that "glazing" is old and busted and I need to say "gassing up" in order to be one of the kool kids?
he literally sold out when he made ARR
ffxiv was supposed to be ffxi but better, instead of doing that like was intended, and should have been, we got ffxiv-wow edition and the rest is history.
Didn't I just tell you to be honest?
>i got mine, fuck you
this is why you guys hate this MSQ you're being forced to learn about different cultures and peoples that arent your own
everyone sells out for the right price
He's a businessman, its his job to sell out at the right price
You can go back to larping on /v/
No, I hate furries and being fucking ridden by one like a horse from point to point while I clean up all all the piss and shit xhe leaves behind is not a good experience.
I fucking hate how much shit I immediately recognised from a previous expac.

Doing it once or twice is okay if done right but every single time they did that it was shit.

>Entirety of Zone 4, just being completely trash filler like the Trolley quests in ShB, yet with no pay off Ranjit vs Thancred and Minfillia vs Ryne. Even though there about to introduce a really important character in the next zone so we get barely any interaction with what ends up being the main antagonist. VA sucked ass in Zone 4 too.

>Zone 6 being Amaurot but nowhere near as good

>Final boss ending is like E8 but again nowhere near as good

The ending was just shit, zero build up, zero story. We actually get into the what could have been a good existential thought experiment but it's quickly glossed over even though we spent 25 hours listening to Wuk Lamat go "We have to talk to these people because PEACE AND HAPPINESS, I WILL BE THE DAWNSERVANT"

Like fuck off bitch, I am Azem, I am the Dawn, you serve me.

"The key was given to the Adventurer" As if they had a choice, damn right it was, it's mine, it has my sigil on it.
what does this even mean
job tutorials when acquiring them when?

getting your hotbars dumped with all spells is..... confusing af
He is just a puppet, a face to the people, decision makers dictate what goes
Isn't Mezcal alcohol? Why are the Pelu kids drinking it?
But I've been doing that since ARR, I enjoy learning things it's fun. I'm having a lot of fun learning the rites and practices of the races we've seen.
The point of the OP is that
>everyone is only complaining
>"well that's because we're playing!"
>okay then where is all the new content that should be being posted like crazy?
>"well we're playing!"
You see? The point is that DT is literally nothing, but a dogshit MSQ and 1 new hair that doesn't even look good.
What Pelu kids?
>this is why you guys hate this MSQ you're being forced to learn about different cultures and peoples that arent your own

SB was precisely that, we had to unite people of different races and tribes to fight a single scary empire. There it worked, at least with Doma. Here it doesn't.


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I don't think this mask is a good fit for my hrothgal
>starting to develop "feelings" for someone in my FC
fuck of man ffs is this normal and how fucked am I
did Soken turn into a born again christian
we got a gospel remix of the theme song in DT and christian rock in EW
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>Wuk sounds like genki tomboy even if her writing is still trash
>Gulool Ja Ja sounds actually powerful and imposing
>Zoraal Ja sounds like an edgy jotaro
>Giants are all deep and sagely
>All of Texas sounds pretty mediocre sadly
>Pelopelo are cute

>Wuk lmao
>Everybody is some flavor of unenthusiastic jeet just there for a paycheck
>Chainsmoking hags
>None of the not-texans even have a southern drawl
>Kemakka TRIES sometimes but forgets
>Zekowa literally sounds like a 4kids dub

JP continues to win on all fronts except for the impeccable Edmont de Fortemps who I will concede is so far ahead in superiority it almost makes up for the rest of the cast.
why doesnt it work anon?
It's like Kvass bro.
>first 60 hours of the expansion is "we need to accept and understand other cultures no matter"
>get to S9
Last zone felt so dumb, they thought "hey people loved amaurot lets do it again!" without understanding it was all about the buildup
>developing a crush on the FC leader in my soloFC
It's so over...
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remember the retards here saying FFXIV WON over WOW, LMFAO
I'm going to confess to them before you can
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They live and fuck just like Lalafell do.
I was fucking dying playing the msq, finally caved and swapped to Japanese voices and my god am I liking it so much more. The entire story relies on liking Wuk. Wuks entire persona and vibe relies heavily on the VA talent. The English one is just terrible, their accent is horrible, they have no range and they are just annoying. I can’t speak Japanese but I am picking up such better subtle emotion from her. Holy fuck just do it, pull the plug and swap to jp while you still can.
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>spend literal fucking hours on dumping the least interesting, completely pointless exposition on (you) that will be forgotten two minutes later
>the story is just going from one podunk shithole to another
VPR Tooltips are fucking confusing
I will never play wow you can't make me
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Found a friend in the wild
technically its Living Town for the third time
Everything good from XIV is from Kingdom Hearts unironically
>no kind of ancient trickery AT ALL
you gonna fuck that?
How far one has to be in weebism to hear differences between JP voices
They all sound the same to me. I never watched chinese cartoons, that could be a cause
YY and ST!
So do you just say jeets whenever you hear a non-Anglo accent?
the last two zones, and by extension the entire expansion, exist because of ascians
if the finisher is green it's a flank if the finisher is red it's a rear, everything else kinda doesn't matter except remembering to reapply noxious gash pressing your ogcds
This sort of stories relies on you the reader liking the people you are uniting, and here we strongly dislike Wuk.
>>484085750 kinda gets it, but it's not a complete solution.
>graphics upgrade made everything blurry
>fem hroths are a bigger flop than Male Roe and Male Hroth
>msq is bad
>characters are bad
>only 1 new hair
>facewear options are bad, not all spectacles can be turned into facewear, masks can't be turned into facewear, what is the point?
>nothing of interest happens at all
>raids may be "good" for final fantasy standards, but will still be shit compared to other MMOs' raids
This is the worst
I don't know which job to play
I don't especially like any of the jobs so I usually just play what's meta but nobody can agree what's good yet other than PCT being so broken it's 100% not staying that way for long
*Traverse Town
Bastion from TERA
I just swapped, I’m in the rainforest with the lizards zone and within a few cutscenes I can tell who is who. The English and jp voice actors of the scions sound similar despite their different languages. Krile is really cute in jp
which is worse, a black cripple or wuk lamat?
>the last two zones, and by extension the entire expansion, exist because of ascians
In what way? What did I miss
PLEASE queue for Interphos normal on Primal
>graphics upgrade made everything blurry
change 3D resolution to 99 instead of 100
>graphics upgrade made everything blurry
I'm on a fucking 4090 on max settings and not losing framerate at all, nothing should be fucking blurry but it still is. I dont know how they fucked this up
want to be OP? play pictomancer

in 2 minutes it has 10 1000-1400 potency skills
ARR tier quests for half of it and blatant rehash of previous expansions but worse, bad and wasteful character writing, show pacing with little gameplay, interesting dialogue, also people with mental issues who build their self image on the game who will act unhinged for pointing these facts out
it's boring and doesn't lead anywhere
Doma: hey you need an army, there's those dudes that would be useful, what if we become buddies with them since our aims are similar and kick garleans in the balls together
ST: this tribe likes llamas and this tribe is so fucking stupid they never connected that their ritual grows crops in literal seconds (not even overnight, instantly) is in fact important for growing crops
You don't speak for me, brownoid.
People saying this was worse than SB are actually genuinely mentally deranged.
they were the ones causing umbral calamities on shards
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>Add post processing sharpening filter due to upscaling taking over at 1% loss
This is not a solution, this is a cope.
Technically this is all Azems fault because its his key which made it possible.
eta on plugons
People who are saying this expansion is good or impressive in any way absolutely never played the game before endwalker or shadowbringers for that matter
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Wow it's just like I'm back in the New World general and subreddits.
>"you cant have an opinion you havent played the game as long as I have!"
it is what it is until they fix it, at least you're not having audio stutters like in EW launch
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>Crops are healthy every year
>Do the annual ritual
>Ritual doesn't have much of an effect because it's being done consistently
>big storm destroys town
>don't do ritual because you need to rebuild
>crops start to die
>do ritual again
>much more obvious effect
>still didn't fully restore all the plants
Jesus it's really like I'm in a book club with a bunch of children.
You're free to go back, tourist.
If we cause enough for a shitstorm we can eject the man voicing Wuk and have a proper female voice her on a later update.
I've played since arr beta and I think the msq is a 7/10 so far to me. around HW levels but better than ARR and SB for sure, not as good as ShB and EW
I've been here for almost ten years. Choke on my massive two incher, you whiny EU tranny.
Do people really just play for a few hours then post images of their character or w/e here?

At 5 AM?
This dungeon theme is a certified femlala jiggler
>show up in .5 patch story
>just supposed to be the nugget that leads you to the new place
>jk it's actually your replacement, they are the most important person in the universe and have more spoken dialog than anyone else in the entire series and it's done by a man trying his best to keep a vaguely racist female latino voice so he cannot act or deliver lines with any emotion without cracking where big impactful moments make it sound like he is disappointment that his dog peed on the rug again
>why do you not like it?
lol not gonna happen
what can save the game?
Not your personal army. Try reddit or twitter, they love making a lot of noise and doing fuck all.
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you got a laugh out of me
New president in a few months and the problem will take care of itself, don't worry.
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Why does she keep tipping her hat???
>just supposed to be the nugget that leads you to the new place
This was literally proven wrong in the questline she was introduced.
I'm sick and tired of babysitting this stupid overgrown cat. Time to skip every cutscene with her in it.
a remake
bringing back gosetsu
Why in the fuck are there 3 different spellings of the new world? Who decided this was ok?

autistic tic
>by a man
>en dub
There's your problem
Pregnancy mechanics
>Mfw I speak all 4 of those languages and can pick whichever I prefer based on how hot the VA is
Deleting femra, lalafell, and making cut male midlanders kiss my fiddie.
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not looking so good systers
[6:27]You earn the achievement “Freebird: Living Memory”!
[6:27]You earn the achievement “Frequent Flyer V”!
wow crossover
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>everyone simps azem because we're told that we're azem
>we get the most azem like expansion (travel the land and meet the people)
>everyone hates it because zoomers have adhd
They’re legal cunny!!!
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oh my god, the gun sentries, they...theyre all fiddies....
I had a bad feeling when I first saw how mid the collector's box was
The game hasn't challenged that assumption yet
>people say give wuk lamat a chance
>people say youre just judging harshly at the start
>get to the end
>its still shit
Yes I enjoy the intern level writing slop, mmm delicious give me more
queue for trial 1 as tank on primal
I dont get to meet people, that fucking autistic cat meets all the people
the land and the people are shit
my fiddie is
is there any eta on when world travel is coming back? i want to fate grind with my bros...
2 days ago 61%, yesterday 58% now 56%
its over

azems helps people like we did in literally every other expansion/base game, in DT we nod, smile and thats it
afaik black cripple is only in a few quests in one of four zones while Wuk is the new main character and has at least 30x the amount of screen time
so yea I'm tkaing a black cripple I can almost entirely ignore
>we get the most azem like expansion
Which doesn't fucking work because the WoL is a non-character who's not allowed agency so all we can do is play second fiddle to whichever NPC is the REAL main character of the expansion
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>afaik black cripple is only in a few quests in one of four zones
Actually deluded if you don't think that DEI Golem isn't going to be front and center going forward.
lol lmao
no one cares, wait for videos of zepla gushing over a cutscene or something comes out all the normies will be in agreement that the story is fine
Turn off parallax occlusion its dogshit
I don't want wuk with a better voice, i don't want wuk at all
Is there a worse protagonist than WoL in the history of media?
but you guys claimed to want new characters in the story, they gave you new characters and you hate them? did you want another expansion of just scions?
i never liked erenhill but seeing how much he openly despises wookie makes him much more likeable
dawntrail is a flop
the player character in wow
apologize to her right now
surprised texas wasn't rain
more like "enable pvp combos and stop being so autistic". we get em in pvp, we get em in duties but OH FUCKING NO WE WILL BAN YOUR ASS IF YOU USE XIVCOMBO AND WE FIND OUT ABOUT IT, ROUNDEYE [repeat for chat bubbles. npcs have had them]
No, you stupid coomer. Go jerk off to porn in the /aco/ threads.
why she's a worse character than Wuk Lamat
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domain expansion
>we are now pretending ShB was meaningless
Being a contrarian isn't a personality, you know?
What does that having agency even mean in the context of XIV? Are you just annoyed because you can't say no and do something else? It's a videogame, and a JRPG at that. One of the most famously linear genre formats in gaming.
wow has some early access kinda deal where the servers with next expansion are open to a large amount of people for testing so the story is already known for the most part
I'm sorry you exist, lol!
>more like "enable pvp combos and stop being so autistic". we get em in pvp, we get em in duties but OH FUCKING NO WE WILL BAN YOUR ASS IF YOU USE XIVCOMBO AND WE FIND OUT ABOUT IT, ROUNDEYE [repeat for chat bubbles. npcs have had them]
Agreed, the most basic ST/MT combos for most, not all, jobs should have the option! to toggle that on or off if you prefer more buttons
>b-but you're cheating it's easier!
Are you retarded
no she still sucks post ryne lewds
Translation: I'm too dogshit at the game to press 1-2-3 so I cry about non existent button bloat regarding combos to make the game worse for everyone
>older thing gooder
>newer thing badder
you have brain damage
you are the main character!
How do you feel right meow anon?
There's still two more expansions anon.
maybe the new characters should be good instead of garbage
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you WILL get stalked by other players and there's NOTHING you will be able to do about it
We have already established it's only one guy making sockpuppets accounts. Everyone LOVES Dawntrail.
I'm not saying she was a good character or even a decent one but I take her over Wuk any fucking day.
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>Die/Party wipes
>Want to respawn
>Leave duty instead
Does anyone else do this? Please tell me I'm not alone in this retardation. I don't know why, but my hands just sometimes does a sequence of button presses that leave the dungeon.
>waiting for mods to come back
>goon with my buddies on discord since we can't do it in game
>send each other futa catgirl porn and imagine our characters doing it
I thought the wait for mods was gonna be bad but I can live with this
A typical JRPG has 20 hours of downtime and a voiced protagonist with internal dialogue, this one has 400 hours of downtime with silent nodding and fist slapping.

Verification not required.
If I'm being dragged around like a dog on a leash, the person holding the leash better be amazing and the surroundings cool
squeenix is just taking the piss out of the playerbase this time around and I'm baffled they released DT as is after how much shit SB got for exactly the same thing
>i NEED my fix of ADHD buttons
Cry me a fucking river
you could have gone to dynamis....
I love doing this with Chloe Scarlet
No! this cannot be!
>play only one character
>trannies who hate me for petty reasons blacklist me and still try to stalk me on my non-existent alts
>have fun playing the game and ignoring they exist
What keeps you guys playing one of the dullest mmos out there? Just the dress up simulator?
It could have been worse
>mountain zone
You're the one crying I can hit 1-2-3 just fine
When are plugins gonna work?
I fucking hate seeing the job gauge out of combat
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>ok but what about a hypothetical questline 4 years in the future
Some of the most iconic and well known JRPGs have no voice acting at all.
go play roblox you caveman retard
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she's way worse (and uglier) than wuk
123 45 is not fun, its tedious
give us the option so everyone gets what they want
Your autistic tism screams the opposite.
correct, but they have to be fucking retards and be like WE REMOVE SKIRR FUK U TOO MANY BUTTON and do gay shit like removing damage on multiple movement skills because... fuck us
She felt like she actually had some weight on her shoulders, not saying her story was groundbreaking or even acceptable. Wuk just feels like I gotta hang out with fucking Naruto.
If you could hit it fine, reliably, you would have no need of the addon. It's brainless right?
like second fiddle to this annoying ass bitch!!!
So no arguments gotcha
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hot bun mommy...
u literally cant press 123
do I need to do something other than edit the json to make it update
Lyse used to be good (Yda) and now is not, while Lamat has always been mid
i don't get it
The old ones, sure, because of tech limitations. Besides, those characters still had a "character".
I don't mind erenville being the narrator but I think they should have just kept Emet-Selch as the narrator for new zones / other cutscenes
it doesnt need to be an option because the game doesnt need it. 1-1-1 is more tedious than 1-2-3 you're mashing one button that's not fun
I dont use xivcombo all so idk what you're trying to get at here
seems to me it's the babies that cant play without their precious plugins crying
Is that....
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Anyone seen Wuk Lamat?
Where's Wuk Lamat?
I don't use xivcombo faggot but I have before and it's good for controllerfags
>1-1-1 is more tedious than 1-2-3
Are you retarded? No serious question. Standard combos are so boring
>oh i gotta press 123 again
>fuck i forgot 3
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Did this seem kind of wrong/fucked up to anyone else? Like, why are Thancred and Urianger teaming up with this other dude and acting chill about it like it's just a game when it'll decide the course of a nation? It just seems strange to me that they're so cavalier about it, even if the guy they're teaming up with isn't a total warlord/psychopath like the others.
can you explain in detail what sucking a dick feels like?
>123 45 is not fun, its tedious
bro just use pcombo
why are you even arguing about something you can trivially do yourself
>I dont use xivcombo all so idk what you're trying to get at here
you do realize xivcombo uses pvp combos which are baseline, in the game, without plugins...

So like did.. erenville and wuk lamat ever ya know... do it?
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Which pair of boots. I cant decide.
Any opinions on skibidi biden reference?
Delete mods but unironically
So if someone blacklists my alt character, they can trace me back to my main?
Thancred and Urianger are on a job
They're assignment is helping out catguy
If they let personal relations get in the way of their job, they'd be doing a bad job
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what are you talking about
what bitch?
this. lol@thecrybaby that gives a fuck what we use. wait til.... he finds out about the teleport plugin
Hitting one button over and over is tedious, hitting 1-2-3 requires slightly more brainpower. I'm sorry you're mentally disabled and hitting 3 buttons in a row is too much for you
Not in PVE they're not and they never will be standard in PVE :^)
I mean if you wanna take Yda into account then Wuk looks even worse in my eyes. Yes the whole Lyse reveal was absolute dogshit no two ways about. BUT at the very least you still had everything there was before. The entire time questing with Wuk made me feel like I was looking after the baby from Dinosaurs. "I'm the main character, gotta love me".
Lyse never gave me that feeling no matter how dogshit her story was.
I wonder what Wuk Lamat is doing right now
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This but unironically
you do not understand the unspoken bond and trust between the scions/WoL if you think there was a problem here
dead game
i'm going to rape you
Wuk is miles better than Lyse and it honestly baffles me people say Lyse is a better developed character to my face. The same bitch who had to be reminded at least six times to not be a bullheaded retard DESPITE having been a Scion for a decade. The same one who despite dealing with tempered subjects and primals for that decade somehow had been completely blindsided by the tempered Ananta in what is perhaps the lowest point narratively in the history of the game.
Wish we had proper foot wraps
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Why are women like this?
Unironically btw.
unfeeling woman hands wrote this post
Can we not do this at 6 in the morning on the lord's day, I'm trailing the dawn
This. Wuk is dumb but at least she has visible character growth, her backstory also makes sense unlike whatever the fuck lyse has.
>dun' like Erenville
>he's the narrator and also one of the main characters
>dun' care about Krile
>she's always around
>'ate Wuk (not racis, just dun like 'er)
>she's the protagonist
...on the upside all the characters I disliked (only missing graha) already had their expansion so it cannot get any worse in the future
this game honestly isnt worth playing without mods and DT characters are a downgrade
Care to elaborate?
Right has better coloring considering the outfit.
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pay attention anon the game is moving~
Once I started to realize that the Lyse glazers only like her because they wanted to fuck her and they dont want to fuck Wuk everything fell into place
>just unlocked Lapis Manalis
how long until DT?
They both Mary Sue their way into (almost) everyone's hearts
Fucking Lamat has people tripping over their own balls looking to help her
Neither of them deserve to be in a position of power
Lamat's expectations have always been low while Yda use to have higher expectations, so Lyse is worse off in my eyes
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when will I be able to transfer to shadow/chaos?
server recommendations would be nice too, thinking of innocence or spriggan.
Lyse is also 25 while Wuk is still just a 17 year old girl.
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What's a good submarine build if I want to explore the new areas
modified CUYC?
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Lamat is a literal princess of an Aztec nation, anon.
>and acting chill about it like it's just a game when it'll decide the course of a nation?
so what? it's not like it's important what a country-sized beast tribe does. what can they do? start a war and get stomped?

every server is the same dumbass
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nyes time for SEX
more females- gravitating around my sunnie+, and making sure I'm always fully drained
zenos should have been the narrator
Not really, they just trust eachother completely, they didn't need to talk about it, if Urianger and Thancred felt good enough to back Koana, then that meant he couldn't be that bad, and vice versa. The scions don't need to litigate who would be better, and they know that the competition had no chance of actually effecting their friendship and they know they would never actually hurt eachother.
post uohs right NOW. Aside from that ToT race are there any others?
Back to EW playercount without the streamer bonus this time thougheverbeit
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Do you like moonies
I'm 20h in and Krile has like
5 lines
I'm not even sure why she's here and it's obvious no one on the dev team knows how to write her
not entirely true !!
communities seem different across servers
the CWLS too are DC based no?
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My chuuni bunny wife..........
Don't give me that look, cat.
it's funny watching everybody melt about the quality of the msq when i haven't watched a single optional cutscene or read any of the text
really? it's not modified USYU?
I'm unlocking viper. it looked kinda shit but I have to find out anons
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>Try to go outside
All CWLS are dead or not worth your time. Just pick the server with the prettiest name.
The third in line that is supposedly disliked by most, as shown during the ceremony, yet that has only been the smallest of inconveniences
It's hard to sympathize with a character that's supposed to be the underdog but has literally every advantage
It is at least understandable why random peasants like Lamat, it's probably good to have their leader give a shit about their unimportant peasant problems. It just doesn't really make sense how she's actually a competent leader all of a sudden, and it makes even less sense than she becomes a powerful warrior overnight despite being ass at combat all her life.
>uhm Wuk Lamat is there JUST BECAUSE okay??!???
fuck off I did all the work in this fight give ME the payoff.
solution nine is cool enough to bump up this expansion to like a 5/10 instead of a 2
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I never would have guessed this in a million years
The ones that have been reading it are enjoying it which is also funny
that top almost makes it look like she has giga tits
Sorry bro, I just noticed your post, I was surrounded by busty and exotic women begging for my babies and couldn't reach my computer.
reminder that dalamud works and plugins are starting to be updated, key is "empanadas" and kind is "apiX", your config can be wiped though so back it up before doing it
>look through DT reviews on steam
>all that wuk hate
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The fiddie is better.
reminder that if you have skipped a single line of text and or haven't finished the whole MSQ you have no right to complain
there are a few spriggan anons but it feels like half of chaos regularly goes to light to do raids n shit
how long until they write wukong the mutt out of the story? they have to respond to the criticism right?
All this information is given to you any time someone literally exists on your screen so if you see enough people you'd quickly be able to take people with the same ID and tell what their main/alts are
had a dream two moonies pinned me against the floor in an alley and jerked me off with their feet
time to log in and play more yawntrail
SE should never hire another fucking tranny to voice characters
People keep comparing this to Stormblood but honestly the sidecast of Stormblood was all memorable. Fordola, Yotsuyu, Sadu, Gosetsu, Magnai..
Other than Koana 7.0's original cast feels barely a presence
ah I see, thank you
last I played properly was before DC travel was a thing :(
ty anons
what the fuck
Half of those didn't get good characterization until the post-patch.
>so if you see enough people you'd quickly be able to take people with the same ID and tell what their main/alts are
so the ID is common to all characters on one account or what?
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Man, I'm way too sleepy to keep playing, I somehow found myself turning off XIV and turning on PSO without even noticing.
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>go to balmung limsa
>dead as hell
>visit Brynhildr to check the market
>a ton of people
did a lot of people leave Balmung or something
Oh shut the fuck up, Magnai isn't more memorable than 2Head Ja.
Does the general have any active FCs?
Was thinking about passing off my personal FC to an alt just to actually engage with people online
Rather, can I even pass off my FC to an alt?
I miss him so much
I'm trying to get better at socializing and being more assertive. Is it more effective to be asked to do something or to be told to do something?
How pushy is too much? How chatty is too much?
>so what? it's not like it's important what a country-sized beast tribe does. what can they do? start a war and get stomped?
In .55 it was implied that if Wuk's warmongering bro gets in charge, he'll wage neverending territory wars. But honestly after seeing their people, I don't really think they'd win either lol
After watching the cutscene where Thancred talks to Koana, I did get the sense that Thancred and Urianger have plans to sort of broaden Koana's perspective. I guess some things don't really need to be said, and honestly Koana's perspective is based and I wish my character were helping him instead.

Mainly, I was hoping if this represented the schism yoshida hinted at, that there might have been an actual ideological disagreement of some kind on display instead of the way they're going about it now where both sides just silently agree to compete with neither side going "you're backing him/her? why though??" But I'm only at 91, so maybe that will flourish in time.
Balmung limsa is always empty because they hang in the quicksands.
>Hitting one button over and over is tedious
but you're not doing that? are you dense
Yes, it's how squeenix is doing the new blacklist thing
That's what you get when 75% of the cast are all Beast Tribes who look identical so you couldn't pick one out in a crowd.
The one and only reason Wuk Lamat gives you to support her is "so the warmonger can't win". Urianger and Thancred are not supporting the warmonger. So from your perspective, their candidate is just as good as yours. Having decided that both your candidate and theirs are acceptable, why not indulge in a bit of competition? It's not even like they go at it so hard that they accidentally sabotage both of your efforts and let the bad candidates win, when it looks like they might do something bad they switch gears and team up with you.

tl;dr: Because they know you and the situation well enough to know what's an acceptable way to make this into a friendly competition that you'd enjoy, and not an asshole move that makes things worse.
Little Sun is absolutely more memorable than either of the lizard fuckheads
you are though combos being condensed to 1-1-1 is literally hitting the same button
>"but it's a different animation that totally makes it different!!!"
you're still mashing one button the entire time
Yda >>>>>>>>>>> Random unnamed background pelopelo >>> A fart joke > Wuk = Lyse > Zero = Mide
aura face 1 was completely ruined and is overshadowed by the other face types
Well shit brother, that sounds like a mighty fine life you're living, keep on keeping on!
According to the submarine discord. It's still too early to tell but here is the updated google doc for the new zones if you want to mess with the calculator and do your own tests. If you simply want to discover them, choose whichever build you have that's the fastest turnaround time since it's still RNG.
Just finished the MSQ. Where do I go to unlock the new variant/deep dungeons? Any ideas?
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We just stand around the aetheryte and look pretty
Go to Ul'dah if you want an active /sh
How does that even happen?
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have you seen this cat
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so now that the dust is settled, which is the better DPS? VPR or RPR?
ok you must be trolling no other way to sound this absurdly stupid
This is understandable.
Tbh as the viewer I'm also having a hard time understanding how Koana even conflicts with Wuk's goals. He just wants to bring in modern tech; this wouldn't affect peace in a way I can consider. It's weird to me that they're at odds to begin with.
Balmung is actually playing the game
Does Dawntrail's story ever pick up? I'm at the jungle lizards right now and it's been nothing but exposition dump after exposition dump the whole way through. So far it's easily the worst expansion, story-wise at least. The WoL basically does nothing outside of Dungeons, you're just a spectator along for the ride, listening to every NPC loredumping their race's entire history at the slightest provocation.
Yeah I've seen you
On my blocklist
>I'm also having a hard time understanding how Koana even conflicts with Wuk's goals
they end up ruling together
>"I want combos condensed into one button!"
>"No you're not mashing the one button over and over again!"
>stuck in shadowbringers
>want to experience sunny costa rica with my /xiv/ros

The second she appeared as a NPC in front of me, I looked up her skirt.
"I'm an assertive incel"
There, his entire personality.
Rubbing a femroes feet after she spends all day leveling.
haha this the vacation expac
we're just all having fun haha
primal queue for trial 1 again
just because a new character is bad it does not mean an old bad character is now good
There are some lessons about how Koana is a bit too zealous and doesn't respect that maybe wanting to place a giant train station accidentally deletes some indian burial grounds, while Wuk always asks the locals first what they want. But they end up ruling together anyway, proving that yeah, their goals are perfectly compatible.
They aren't at odds. How are you this dense
yes, and it's funny since it's a malera
"wwwrrrr I'm an evil lizard and I do evil stuff!" isn't any better
You say that like it's some sort of gotcha
Anyone can be so reductive
RPR is crazy right now
this whole "dawntrial bad" disclosure reminds me people shitting on phantom blood and battle tendency cause it has no stands.
just read the story and enjoy it for what it is instead of trying to be catered to
autistic new retard here about to finish ARR, autismo question:
I like to talk to the npc and have additional dialogue but I don't know when npcs have new dialogue after certain events
Which npcs gets updated the most frequently so I can use it as a failsafe/barometer to check if there is new dialogue on important npcs, does someone know that?
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Floating rocks?! AIEEE its breaking my immersion!
maybe if you werent developmentally disabled you would be bale to hit 1-2-3 without the usage of addons. may I suggest an mmo mouse for your baby hands anon?
never said she was good only slightly more tolerable
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im sorry to hear that anon do you want to talk it out ingame?
I'm not really feeling this VPR hotbar
Koana is intelligent but fails to see the benefit in preserving the various cultural identities of the people who inhabit Tural. He would make an excellent candidate if he were to ever consider that integrating new technologies and methods into preexisting ones would be more beneficial to his people than simply replacing them.
>be me
>hover spoiler
>get spoiled
This has happened to me a lot over the last few days
As someone still at start, it's possible WL doesn't think Koana would do enough to make sure his new tech wouldn't be used for warfare; also it's obviou sshe's also doing all of this because she feels like she has something to prove
you done pissface
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queue for final trial on crystal blease
okay so now that the dust has rustled what do we call dawntrailbabs
(endwalkerbabs and dawnbabs are still held in the same contempt)
>just read the story and enjoy it for what it is
>the story is shit
I don't really follow updates. How much time do we have before like, raids come out? Is that in like 2 weeks or is that only once the first major patch comes out, 7.1 or whatever
vpr is a mess
rpr is okay, though mostly because sam is a bit of a mess, vpr is a mess and drg is soulless so it's the "luigi wins by doing nothing" meme
But PB and BT are good
My biggest issue with SDC+ was them writing out hamon, which would have always been useful
my nigga, you made the hotbar
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Fuck it's busy for OCE
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Yoship predicted this
>the shortcake is for tanks
I'm eating it anyway
go away pedo faggot
in 2 weeks the normal raids come out
2 weeks after that savage and crafted gear come out
Spprigan is alright
Its is just a quiet server
We don't call them anything because pretending like you're better for having wasted time on some shit that is barely a videogame longer then them is cringe
Where do you think you are?
Does DT set up a new overarching story or is it mostly self-contained? Do we get a replacement for the Ascians as villains?
>"wwwrrrr I'm an evil lizard and I do evil stuff!" isn't any better
Finish the msq first, maybe.
That's the first time this poor guy ever saw a login queue. How does it feel finally playing in the big leagues?
The entire last zone is just pure filler?
>he doesn't know how the queue system works
even if theres like 0 players online there will always be a queue
yup, the exact response I expected from someone that is illiterate
exactly. BT is to me as good as SBR if you are a fun loving person that has joy in their heart
I for one am loving my mid stakes adventure expansion. I think it's very bold for XIV to not escalate stuff and be willing to take more risks with how they have their MSQ written.
run it with trusts
[totally not a bot]
t. endsharter
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Show lala now
>um actually you are wrong for having standards and should be grateful for any slop you get
>t. /xivg/
>In this battle, you will play as Wuk Lamat.
This is beyond parody
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Ok this scene is fucked up
We get another ascian from another timeline
oh shit
That's like no time at all. I have to get all my crafters to 100
Is there like a tome set I can buy for crafter gear to level up. I haven't played in so long oh god
I still have my level 90 Indagator set but idk if that is even good anymore.
I beat notEvil lizard in both normal and ex
don't pretend there's anything interesting in either of their stories (and the 'redemption' was hilariously unearned)
How far into the msq are you?
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Fiera wife for my femezen
The key difference is that Araki actually grew as an artist and story teller...
A couple years ago it was the opposite, with Light anons coming to us for parties
There's more anons on Light than Chaos if you care to know, and we don't really do the NA thing where every xivgger hangs out at the same spot on Balmung, I'm not evne sure even Light has regular hangouts; each community mostly interacts through the CWLS chat and on their own Discord, but some players on Chaos are also on the Light Discord and vice versa
poor wanker is mad normal people dont like their therapy game
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What the fuck is that on the left my god

An expac drop does actually bring tourists, I guess.
I'm clearly shitposting, anons.

There it is
Enjoy it, Xbox friend
The one thing I can actually say this Expac did well on in the story is in Zone 6

The fact that you have to turn each area off and they actually stay off. I imagine we'll turn them back on in the patch quests because no way SE will put that much effort in to not add it back, but I like how it was done for now at least.
Oof, the fucking Tesleen scene.
Hey, remember to take Alisiae to the first dungeon.
just got an lgbt gf, we will do NG+ together, what am I in for?
I love this bit a lot
why is she basedfacing
The highest ilvl scrip gear for 90 (Aesthete?) has higher base stats than Indagator, but Indagator is ahead if you meld it
>Xbox friend
I'm on "pecee"
Thank u
I'm doing duty for all dungeons feels more natural
>this Expac did well on in the story is in Zone 6
I will fucking violate you with a rake
Anyone wanna come help take on a A rank at X21.2 Y36.2 Z1.3 in malboro in Yak T'el?
>number tattoo on his arm
did he survive holobunga?
nta but it's still a foundation in terms of skill
yes it's easy, but if you tell me you've never broken a combo once in your entire life in the heat of the moment you're straight up just a liar
i'm not mad at anything, I just laugh at people like you that revel in the fact that they have no joy in their hearts and are bathing in bitterness.
Who the fuck are you talking about even?
The last parts genuinely suck too and are cheap shots at phony emotional appeals that aren't earned.
>OMG (Oh My Gods) is the game ACTUALLY making me PLAY as a new CHARACTER in the expansion this is ridiculous
Of everything there you missed the steins;gate reference?
I'm right now at the part where you find out that the evil cackling 2-head fag is actually really sad about being evil so that makes everything alright.
Not the entire story in Zone 6, but the part I spoilered. That one bit and how they managed it is actually good.
why YES i am using a job +10lvl over MSQ doing the MSQ why thanks
Yes anon, well spotted; indeed I started playing during 6.1, and this says everything about my propensity to fart with a bit of shit coming out and smearing my underwear
make a pf ill come give you healer q
true, the only bad habit araki keeps is monster of the week filler
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>is the clique in the room with us right now
see >>484085150
lyse was a bad character that ruined y'da story for some stupid ass twist but we lost one of the more interesting scions who isn't a sexy character for fangirls and boys to swoon over, she also became the leader of the free ala migo because she was standing there, RABAN IS RIGHT THERE
I have zero interest in anime
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i thought we liked +s here? why all the tranny hate?
I can tell that you just got spoiled and haven't actually done it or just skipped through it, thanks for confirming it
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it already popped i forgot to post that :)
>clash of drama
Then why the hell are you playing XIV?
it's scripted to 1%
You're level 109?
I miss chen

newfag idiot
One of my favorite actually.
Do you have any pics to share?
We don't hate trannies, we hate bad voice actors whose only merit is being a diversity hire
83 doing lvl 75 msq
>im not mad
>resorts to pseudointellectual insults with everyone
sure thing vuddy
Can Wuk stop acting like a fucking child?
Seriously if this were an actual RPG with player freedom there would be no fucking way in hell I would help her win the throne.
Shes worst than Lyse by every account.
>play dodgeball with little kids
>watch a show with them
>share some cold on the cob
>turn them off

You employed?
Good chance you're the diversity hire
Gaypilled, tee bee eich with you my familia.
fuck off zoomer quit the game
Not the same person, read all the story save for the "go here and collect pelts" dialogue because it's tedious. The msq blows ass. Lvl 100, just did the spooky dungeon Halloween town.
>start in gridania
>papalymo and yda are a great team
>every time they show up its great
>se kills both
thanks for reminding me
>Can Wuk stop acting like a fucking child?
>first US VA
>acts like a child
>is trans

meanwhile uk va and jap va are all good
make me thinkg
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you have gotta be shitting me
I own my own business
I'm also male, white, able-bodied and neurotypical
it's quite the eyeroller
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it was already true...
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>first timing valigarmanda
>me, the 3 other DPS and one healer die at the same time from some attack
>WHM rezzes our AST
>look over at party list while waiting to be revived
>see the WHM queue up 6 glares in a row while 4 members are dead, tanks at 40% and the AST at 20%
new 'jak
me too but that place was getting weird
So by elimination, you are, in fact, the diversity hire.
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See how many times you can spot the blue haired hroth in these cutscenes
the fuck does that even MEAAAAAAAN CNUNT
Why does stuff like this not get fixed
Yes, it's fucked up how bad it is
I like playing the market board and fishing.
Also jrpgs dont equal anime. I don't watch shows in general.
>big forest
>sand forest
damn i love this expansion
She's 17 or 18 anon
welcome to 4chin, tourist
oh we hate them
its retarded and you know its them just being lazy they could have just pressed the random button
those are the best zones we had by a country mile you tripping
VPR plays like some boring fusion of dnc and rpr
RPR really benefited from that cd update, little to no worries of accidentally overcapping shroud
DRG lost a clunky button and now feels a lot smoother
Out of the three, I know I'll be playing more of DRG
>the grand rebellion of the doman people cutscene was 5 people
>fast forward 3 expansions
>we get huge crowds
>its still 5 people
Tfw now at 33 everyone below the age of i'd say 28ish seem to me like children
You might be a moron if you cannot figure out what the term neurotypical means based on the makeup of the words, break it down, anon, I believe in you
Aren't the twins even younger? They sure act much more mature and likable despite their flaws.
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It's time to start gathering.... Gotta get that shit done.
A few weeks ago an anon posted a glam based around the zidane top and the bergsteiger legs and i said i would steal it and i did! But i added a couple mnk class stuff like the gloves and headband. So it was a nice look! Also all has dual dye channels so you can make all the brown tones match better.

Gotta keep that parse up.
same reason they were like
>'teehee alphinaud's a SAGE now' :^)
>updates his trust bot/duty support bot to sage
>he never ever ever fucking uses kardia
so braindead gotcha
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midday on a sunday btw
The twins have had a lot of hardship and personal growth.
see middie, get excited thinking it's that stupid brat leviah, get disappointed.
VPR is too slow
i need to go FASTER
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samurai related question
I havn't gotten to 100 yet but I noticed that zanshin and ogi namikiri trigger off of ikishoten so which do I use for what circumstances?
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male midlanders
>Split in 4 areas
>First Area is W/e
>Second Area has one of the best new characters from the MSQ
>Third Zone Krile story
>Fourth zone Erenville story, that's been dick teased since Zone 4
The twins have also been through more than Wuk has. It makes sense why they're more mature than a literal princess that was stuck in a palace all her life
>Still haven't started the MSQ becaue I can't find a good glam
You truly are, anon. Keep that brain smooth, it brings about less depression if you can't process information.
I'm pretty sure the stat down scaling algorithm is a hold over from FFXI.
change my mind:
they should've made the 13th shard and Golbez patches the post-EW expansion instead.
>age is just a number
>child labor
grippin it rn
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STILL no face veils for dancers.
ftms are so gross bros
The twins went through more shit than ww2 veterans
Is this actually said in game or did you make it up? Because Erenville is 25 and they are childhood friends.
NIN/VPR have one :)
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You can only redeem the mount once. This is some bullshit.
>alongside three other people
>blame the healer who didn't die
>blame the healer who didn't die and also rezzed the other healer (who died)
anon, I...
Why was krile retconned?
I am pretty sure that Zanshin is an ogcd you automatically spend 50 kenki from Ikki anon
Yeah but even looking at lets say ARR Alphinaud exclusively to make it a little more fair. Far away from being my favorite character but he comes across as much more believable and likeable in direct comparison in my eyes.
>their grandfather saved the star
>they've been through primal wars
>literal wars
>even more world ending wars including primals
>nearly frozen to death
>travelled to the end of the universe to fight a depressed bird

Yeah I'd say they've had some time to grow
How much soda do I need to buy to get the mount?
When will it be up normally?

everything does remind him of star trek
>ARR alphinaud
>more likable
you are an npc
>dawnniggers dont know about donny

They really just made 3 characters and copy pasted them 15 times
tbf NIN is easily a sluttier job than DNC
Each normal bottle is 100 points. Store exclusive flavors are 200.
I dont care. Stop acting like a fucking autist and grow up.
No, its because they were raised right. Even in ARR they acted more mature.
phys ranged sissies, this is your rep?
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The only thing I'm grabbing here is femlala cheeks.

T. Femlala
Bro come on we don't actually like him here. You're just forcing him because hairy trolls like him get your pp hard.
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Get me out of this purgatory
>ARR Alphi
>much more believable and likable
You dont play this fucking game. Alphi in ARR is an overconfident rich kid that doesnt know what the fuck he's doing and ends up biting off more than he can chew.
Like I said, far away from being my favorite but more likeable than Princess Wok
it's true, I get instaloss ERP all the time on NIN
Blasting load after load into Wuk Lamat's cock hungry hrothgal mouth.
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alphinaud can even use panhaima as dps SGE so who gives a fuck about kardia?
shut up chud, she saves your life against a boss later
hes objectively a funny amusement and you have no sense of humor
Every single story fight in this expac lasts for way too long. What the fuck is their problem?
>DPS sage
I dont believe the posts about msq which dont contain image of poster's character at all
I don't recall it ever being explicity stated but considering her personality and complete naivety I think she can't be much older than that.
You're correct. I don't like forcing literal walking memes.
Him coming to terms with the fact that he isn't the be all, end all prodigy he imagined himself to be is much more enjoyable in my eyes than what I have seen of Lamat so far.
I should try to have my catboy nin get some of that with a femroe or thighlander
what is it with you americans always having to stand out
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all within like 1 year
NTA but not really
The story and your character clearly is established for you knowing better
ARR alphinaud is a nepo baby retard that literally does a trust fund up start up while belittling everyone in the process to crash
brother are you having difficulty reading
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>just did my first dungeon
>now im met with another set of tribe quests
so let me get this straight
so far in the past few hours of story, it's been
>babysitting a literal retard until she's the ruler of an entire nation
>dealing with some big retarded birds
>dealing with jews
>and now it's dealing with the slaves of jews
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In this battle, you will play as Wuk Lamat.

Follow the elderly Xbr'aal from a safe distance.

You failed to follow your objective. Return to your starting point.
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DT story good
here's the proof that I beat it
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Wanna try again?
>huh some people really liked in from the cold
>but other people got filtered hard
>hmmm... let's make sure those duties are long like in from the cold so the first group likes it, but also that you can't really fail them so the second group also likes them
>omg why are those people complaining
eh, most solo duties were alright imo
Allegory for yoshi being mad at us, the players, and having to babysit us
he doesn't do it in fucking lvl 90s or above. just doesn't use it
>The story and your character clearly is established for you knowing better
*in DT with Wuk
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this is the gameplay we live for
>i-im neuro divergent! my brain is different
oh whoops, thank you
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cyat girl
I understood you just fine. Maybe try dying less so one person won't have to wipe asses of four clowns like you.
>got viper to 90
>still like DNC better
>everyone obliterated in Living Memory
>except a couple of people for some reason
trash expac only shadowbab+ like this shit
it was funny tho?
Anon, you might be gay.
If they weren't at odds, they wouldn't be literally competing against each other. Every time they run into each other, Koana gives some snide remark about how Wuk's dumb for not seeing things his way.
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>Pelupelu established as being pretty straight faced merchants that don't press you if you tell them no
>one entire quest chain has one being swindled by a lala and being utterly mystified why they didn't trade equitably
You are retarded
Wsg bbg asl?
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Only 6 bottles, that's it?! I should have done this sooner

Does anyone know how much these cute cups were?
i think you need to go take an english class my good saar
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story fucking sucks but these areas are so good what is this soundtrack so goooood
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I kinda like it because you're inexplicably strong and the game is reminding you of that fact by showing you lifting what I can only assume is a stupidly heavy object in a dumb way

I wasn't even the anon you asked what it meant, I saw the opportunity to fuck with you and you fell for it

I was hoping to use you as an example of how generally illiterate people can be so I'm not surprised about the amount of bitching about the MSQ and characters, but I guess I don't really have to
merchant people = jews
american wuk is literally balding
holy dick whoever said viper is braindead reaper is right.
ive been a nasty girl
ive been a nasty girl
Wuk Lamat has FLEAS
That the equivalent of serving your big lore character drinks at the end of the story.....
wowbabs and FFsisters both lost...
This might be the worst expansion I have ever seen in any video game, ever.
Story, characters, music, gameplay, combat, new jobs, everything. Lackluster at best and detrimental at worst (which is most cases).
Kinda hate how it's just gay guys who like this song
>I kinda like it because you're inexplicably strong and the game is reminding you of that fact by showing you lifting what I can only assume is a stupidly heavy object in a dumb way
it's like 5 2x4s
See you next week, anon.
my wife
i thought reaper was braindead reaper
so shards are actual real worlds

or parallel worlds?
Alter is the only fc that plays the game
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frick u man
Nevermind. You don't meet the minimum standard to ERP with me
How heavy you reckon the box is though
Also I'm a fuckin Lalafell
and we're holding it with flat palms from underneath, putting stupid amounts of weight on just our wrists for support
>i trolled because haha
There's a chance, sure.
I'm giving it about 2 more hours of gameplay, and then into the dustbin it goes. I don't reinstall games I've uninstalled, ever.
And I don't browse the generals of games I've uninstalled.
Viper is Reaper on autopilot which is great because now I can edge with my femboy eb during content :3
is half an a press a full press

or half a press?
>the last half of DT's plot changes from Golden City to how much people can LOVE
Why does everything need to be about love? What is going on in Japan that we need to talk about love for 5 hours?
my catboy doing the dance
Why does Viper have two versions of the same skill? Hindsting/Hindsbane and Flanksting/Flanksbane

They both do the exact same thing, why are there 2 different versions?
How is there like absolutely no Wuk Lamat r34?
What kind of gear should I farm to be ready for the normals? Planning on raiding as drk/black mage
In this battle, you will kill Wuk Lamat.
>whats going on in japan
mass suicide and depression
Hey, cool it with the antisemitism.
In this battle, you will rape Wuk Lamat.
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4chan FCs are the worst possible way to play the game. Do not fall for the meme.
What a shame. The classic has never failed me in the past.
Are you dumn?
Obviously one is for hinds and one is for flanks
shut your mouth furry
what will save mmos after this flop bros
In this battle, you will have to give a femlala a headpat.
4chan FCs on crystal*
mob psycho looking ahh
>actually had to logout outside a Sanctuary just so I would stop accruing rested EXP.
I'm level 97 and I'm only just about to enter the third zone.
in this battle, middies and fiddies will
Have a good expansion, anon. Or don't, whatever.

You couldn't split a word in two and figure out what it could possibly mean with the smallest amount of critical thinking, so there's realistically very little hope for you.

Fairly quaint language, I assume you're older than most but not by a large amount, mid 30s I'd guess?
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probs 2 weeks, no downside to using dalamud rn tho
I want a femlala to sit in my lap so I can pet her ears until she falls asleep
>AUSfag being a Fag
Go figure.
im fantasiaing
>people like garlean armors
>not allowed to wear garlean outfits because it 'wouldn't be immersive'
>eventually we get weirdo ass coats that are totally the garlean armors people wanted
>yoshi says garlean armor is coming later in the expansion
>they never come we just get the next expansion
>the only reason that we weren't allowed them doesn't even matter because we just get modern and cyberpunk gear now
I'm so confused bros...
I just wanted the cool carapace armors with the smooth round parts...
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holy moly look at this hunt mark
yeah its some shit he stole from ultima online
I wish you posters were real.. Why can't you guys be real?
are wolf ear femlalas ok...
is this gonna be tourist filter expansion and its back to comfy SB and HW times bros?
Sounds cute yeah
I am real I just don't snipe femlalas from the bench, i like to run into them elsewhere
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Self-professed too so that your brain didn't have to overheat trying to remember how to spell it, I put it there for you to copy and paste, aren't I nice?
posts like those unironically made me hate posting here

>post my lala
>"OMG she's sooo cute"
>"I want to stuff her"
>ok where do we meet up
> no reply
Husbrant, why are we homeress...
Oh hello
I need their glowing jizz as the thickest, fattest globules of seed pumped into me NOW
what race and where can i find you for my free pets
>world gets blurry
>stand still
>world is sharp

doesn't matter if dlss fsr is on or "off"
doesn't matter what type of AA i use

what in the world is doing thissssss
do you like catboys
I now have the cup of unlimited expansion content.
*Smooches this cute boy*
Good morning
i hope wego full xi
if i saw you at level 100 before the 24 hour mark
or at 95+ on VPR/PCT
you got added to an expansion-long targeted int list
in a week no one will remember your poopsocking """accomplishment"""
but for YEARS you will fear my presence
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It is what it is, thanks anon.
Catboy on crystal
I'm hungover in bed right now but if you tell me a place I'll crawl out and log on I guess
I want a cute femlala to brush my lalaboys hair
Of course it's a lalafell lmao compensating for being tiny LMAO
gm wife
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It's a sight
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I need this whoever VA's this Hrothgar to read books to me until I fall asleep every night
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"Welp it's over time to blind myself by staring at the sun"
>What is going on in Japan that we need to talk about love for 5 hours?
Personal isolation, no human connection, extreme waging, suicides
>Oh hello
Are you enjoying DT so far?
I saw some fruit I have talked to like twice on my friends list be 100 like ten hours in. not on my list no more
Come at me harder than that, anon, I'm born to banter, and by your "Americans" comment I assume you're a European
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> ya te veo
i just clocked it
You might have an iron deficiency. Are you vegan by chance?
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anon...... i mean ingame
esplain, and do prug-ins work

>dawntrailoided toons
What did they do to this game
Where do you get the alpaca?
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They decided to make it a part of the job's complexity by eye/braintaxing you with which of your two rear or flank finisher to use instead of making it intuitive like dragoon. It feels pretty bad ngl because unless you remember which of the 4 finishers you just used, you're gonna have to look at the glowing skill or the glowing job gauge which only tells you to press 1 or 2 but not if it's a flank or rear if you forgot which 2nd combo skill you pressed already
They do the same thing but they're assigned to two different buttons. It makes it so that the glowy button you press at the end of the combo alternates. You literally do not need to think about it if you just press whichever button is glowing.
Not yet. The last time I played I finished the 6.55 quest line so I have yet to start on DT. But I have been enjoying Pictomancer tremendously. What about yourself, are you enjoying it so far?
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What could you do to int me?
msq reward
only good sunnie eyes ive seen so far
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What does he say for other roles?
>he skipped cutscenes and rushed the MSQ
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I have my key set to that and it still won't work. First time it hasn't for me desu
alpaca of shame.
They really need to add >... to every dialog. I'm tired of "Suck Wuk off" or "Suck Wuk off with extra slober"
he is just like me, for real for real, on god without cap
i love you meg
anyone do ex1 yet? how hard is it
It can fry your bios if you are stupid
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People who have finished the MSQ already, do we ever get Krile's 4chan earring?
>MSQ suddenly becomes PSO:2
I see

I can't lie
I like the look of the gear
I'm a sucker for the PSO look
Config might get deleted, settings might get reverted that shit
I don't dislike her or anything I just think ... options are funny
fucking wat
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no lol maybe in the cash shop in 2 years, make sure to buy the whale while you wait
the only good dungeon in this game
Green is always flank and red is always rear unless I'm retarded
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I am so fucking mad to learn this information
F. what a shit dungeon
>any other job
>combo finisher always has the same hotkey and the same positional
>combo finisher's positional depends on which 2nd combo you used
>best combo finisher is not always the same hotkey as usual
Hot take

I'm not doing positionals on Viper
Hottest Take
I'm getting headpats as a femlala
>if you are stupid
Phew, I'm safe
Who is the fastest job at 100
still mnk?
i gotta go FAST
We need more Cubes!!!!

Why not just stop breeding or something? They don't NEED infinite cubes right?
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Really? Can I have some?
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i read the entire msq, i played for 14 hours straight, slept for 5 and then played for another 16 hours
I don't put it lightly when I say that I enjoyed DT as much, if not more, than SHB.
I wish you and your PC good luck
>I believed you long dead
So he's being controlled
Play more
>hurrr dalamud beta
yeah and not a single good plogon has been updated
fack off
i am also not doing positionals on viper

or any class for that matter
Just thinkin out loud while watching the cutscene
I want the headphones, I can't lie
2 weeks
Wait did we really just fucking send Wuk back to the village ALONE because "oh shit uhmm actually you forgot something just come back for a sec"???
What the fuck is this writing?
Someone get me in chencord
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it's so over...
Yeah that's correct. You get to choose between either 2 green (flank) skills or 2 red (rear) skills depending on which weaponskill you just used as the second part of your combo. The thing is, the viper job gauge is designed to be stared at but it doesn't tell you which positional your next combo hit is going to be. So it's already worthless compared to having the main 4 skills on a separate hotbar in the center of your screen or something.
You have to either look down at the hotbar and away from the action, or you have to remember if you pressed the green button or the red button earlier. No one has to look at a job gauge for their main combo or positionals once they play the class enough but that's not the case for viper
I am at the exact same part right now and I am thinking I'm just gonna log off for the night.
>What about yourself, are you enjoying it so far?
Not yet. I am still fairly new to the game, I'm reaching the end of Stormblood atm, it's starting to get interesting atleast
Finish the msq
i want to see what a pelupelu looks like maskless
bgm OFF
spotify ON
I am putting every femlala in a cube
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putting every lalafell in a jar
anon that shit does nothing i tried it
inserting my barbed miqo **** inside catgirls

moderators of xiv modding discords like mare and dalamud might be the single lowest "humanoid" organisms in existence
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the new sch and smn books are cool
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And then placing that jar in a hydraulic press for all the lalafell to have a painful death!
did this shit and no dalamud. I am using the linux one from flatpak tho
based and presspilled
anyone found this song yet?
Is that so, then I hope you have enjoyed what you've played through so far and that you will enjoy yourself with what's ahead of you.
Explain? Where is the Great Serpent of Ronka and what is it doing?

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