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It's Wuk Over Edition

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484073864
bet that fag on the right didnt even chop off his dick
(JP one's super-cute and headpattable tho)
Im so glad i swapped to jp voices
I kinda liked uriangers and thancreds english but wuk and Krile are adorable in JP
I couldn’t stand the msq anymore so I finally went and swapped to Japanese voices and honestly it has gotten so much better for me. Wuk lives or dies as a character based on the va talent and the English one tanks it so hard. I can’t speak a damn lick of Japanese but the voice actress has such better range
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You will find yourself learning japanese the more you listen to it. Eventually, it will become second nature.
I cannot believe they got steve to voice as wuk lmao...
I'm trying to get better at socializing and being more assertive. Is it more effective to be asked to do something or to be told to do something? How pushy is too much? How chatty is too much?
too much pushy if you are not busy with other stuff
too chatty is a good trait
So whats the verdict? Whats more fun picto or viper?
I tried both and they're both very fun
errrr, samurai related question
I havn't gotten to 100 yet but I noticed that zanshin and ogi namikiri trigger off of ikishoten so which do I use for what circumstances?
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This MSQ is worse than ARR and Stormblood, it has the worst bits of everything slapped into a joke of a storyline.
It was also the first time I ever swapped to the japanese VA. Why would you give a main character's slot to a tranny VA who cannot act to save his life?
You guys missed out, Lahabrea was voiced by Shuichi Ikeda
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>pic rel is an accurate depiction of me whenever the moving aoe in the 91 dungeon comes up
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Fuck this faggot boss.
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New jobs starting at high levels was a mistake none of these vpr or pct niggers know how to play their job
How do I get a linkshell added to the list in the thread header?
There's a chaos one that's alive again.
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Skip DT cutscenes then replay SB have fun with Lyse
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Sitting this expac out. Already tired of hearing "It's okay that the MSQ is boring because... IT JUST IS OKAY?"
Without spoilers I'm not missing out on anything super vital right? I can come back in two years
>”man how are they even going to make a low stakes expansion when wol is such a murder machine they can stop any trouble before it begins”
>they made wol go back to being the slack jawel yokel from ARR that watched minfilia being kidnapped 15 feet away without lifting a finger
it’s all so tiring
I guess you're missing some wacky nunu stuff about reflections but otherwise no.
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>steps on your tacos
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fuckign OWNED ne rd
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>waa waaa the va
don't care. give me those armpits
I miss my femra, bros
This Great Value replacement I got really isn't doing it for me
a balding tranny wtf
Wuk Lamat doesnt even leave you alone in the Final Trial...
bro... just stand opposite side of which way he is swinging...
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I guess 14 is over then. It was a decent ride while it lasted. See you all in six years when they have to pull the fire alarm and whip out Shadowbringers 2 to try and save it
Are Alisaie and Alphinaud only here to be like "what is X?". That's all they ever do.
"What's mexican vodka? What's a cenote? " stop playing 30 questions man cmon
>waking up at 6:30am two days in a row to do MSQ with friends
>going to bed at midnight or earlier so that this doesn't kill me
>body actually adjusting favorably to this
>spending my entire weekend playing this game like a degenerate is actually fixing my sleep schedule
My guy, I said boss is a faggot, I didn't ask how to do him. You do understand you can do something and still dislike it, right?
>the old guy getting killed 20 yards away
>wol staring mutely, not even fighting some trash mobs or whatnot, just… staring
God I love this expansion
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how can we come back from this?
reminder that dalamud works and plugins are starting to be updated, betakey is "empanadas" and betakind is "apiX", your config can be wiped though so back it up before doing it
I mean Square did say it's the WoL's summer vacation
It's not my problem
Why are lalafell like this?
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i have only used reshade with custom poses until i discovered like few minutes ago that vanilla gpose had filters and effects too....
believe.... in the patch quests...... **coughs up blood**
>plugins are starting to be updated
reminder that you're a retard and nothing of value has been updated yet, and won't be for at least another week
So we hate Appal this expansion huh?
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>click this
>15min cutscene plays
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I am a femlala
in the city of gold...
>It's just Amaurot again
>he doesnt have repos
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anon you did say you were in the game..right?
some freaky ass niggas in this picture i’d argue
How do we fix Viper?
>before DT
>play ffxiv until 5:00am every night
>nap for 2 hours and then catch another 1-2 hour nap in the middle of the day

>after DT
>play ffxiv until 5:00am every night
>nap for 2 hours and then catch another 1-2 hour nap in the middle of the day
dungeons are still kinda lame but im liking all the bosses so far
Another A rank spotted! This one was GIANT
oh man the secret shadow experimental repo that totally exists, just like platespy
fuck off nigger post proof of updated plogon or you're full of shit
you're staring at a giant list of red X's same as everybody else
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>was offline when this screenshot was taken
Drunk and enjoying a hot bath?
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what why is it vertical aaaa WTF
I'm not a fan of VPR AoE
They combined the skills together just for me to put them on my hotbar twice so I can do the rotation comfortably

Good one retard devs
Queue final trial @Light so I can get it over with. 20m queue ruins my immersion.
Also I love the final antagonist so to say but I am already fucking depressed that it's defo gonna be Wuk lamat after the trial who's gonna have some retarded heart to heart about love and diversity and trans rights.
Male Midlander stocks plummeting. I wish they would disable passive blinking in cutscenes sometimes.
It's horizontal dumbass
if you rotated in windows explorer, that only works for .png's for some reason
>having to bind 3 extra buttons for darth maul aoe version
absolute mongrels
Daddy here, I can't wait to rub the tip of my penis on your lips again baby girl
why would you? he hasn't posted in like a week or two
can someone make a femezen that looks exactly like shale and eb me thanks
api didn’t change you can recompile to new version and almost everything world
>waah i dunno how to compile
skill issue
am i cursed if i've added both and it doesn't work
Where or how do I get riding maps for the DT zones?
that shit is so FUCKING annoying

>take a pic
>take another pic
>blinked again
>wait a sec
>take a pic
>I actually blinked twice retard >:)
post proof of updated plogon or you're full of shit
you're staring at a giant list of red X's same as everybody else
Retard femlala has no idea because they aren't reading the story

Damage control after breaking effys heart and making him go schizo mode in thread
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very kissable lips for my sunnie+, meet me somewhere
>we go to new places seeking adventure
>we go seeking new things to challenge us
>we go looking for tough fights
>we go for things to propel us forward, making us stronger
strangely similar we are, cept the psychopathic parts
Shared FATE anon
Do your fates
Buy with bicolour stones after ranking up
do you dumb faggots really not just take 5-second video clips, and then grab the best frame, when you want to take a photo
how new are you
I really need Alisaie's sweaty butt on my face.
Why is your gif deepfried?
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How stupid do you have to be to think this works lmfao
I am
a good looking heterosexual catboy
that is cleaning his appartment right now
after fully and deeply cleaning his oven and repainting some walls
thees ees wot comes of sangre POR sangre, 'ector
Is there a way to unlock Shared Fates for these zones? My shared fates thing only shows SHB and EW. I apologize, I haven't played in a while
had to compress it due to it being 2k.. basically I donno I threw it in a gif maker..
i have certified -10 IQ
i use the default win10 photo to rotate it when you open the picture and has never failed me so far..
Tenderly loving this bun in the missionary position.
Shut up Wookie Feet
Talk to the gemstone trader in the zone and it unlocks the fate log in your tab
>feels called out for something so obvious
>gets defensive and lashes out with no real counterargument
I used to think like this

Then you actually do it and realize video actually isn't just pictures taken and put into 30fps slideshow
>wuk evu had like 2 minutes of screen time and by level 96 is probably my favorite character
Ok here's a counter, motion blur

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you can just enter the beta key yourself and look for yourself, the amount of plugins that work is low
8/10, would
6/10, would but probably smells
4/10, looks retarded?
0/10, would tie the noose for
keep talking wookie feet
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they're really adverse to adding new class weapons to old content huh
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anon you know what this place is about right?
eternal war war between grown men.
my fiddie got pregnant after her trip to mamook...
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I am a fiddie and it is Sunday! :3
Wait what the fuck
So every run of Prae I coulda listened to
HOly fuck
>final area just stays dead and lifeless after you pull all the plugs
thats kinda lame i hope it comes back in a patch quest or something
Would you a confederate fiddie?

Yeah it was funny i took a 2nd pic and the male was blinking in that one!

Im not really looking to do video editing for every cutscene screenshot. If it happens it happens. You can always go to the journal in the inn and try again later.
>anons realizing how videos are made and work
Kinda cute
But yea, it would be a complete waste for a 60 second clip to be made up of 1800 pictures (30fps at 60 seconds)
There's actually an algorithm in the video where if a pixel doesn't change, then it doesn't update it, making it so the filesize isn't infinitely large for something so small
for me its the giant that gives the aether current
>doesnt understand how we could beat trial 1
>asks us to show him
>we do
>he see and acknowledges us
>wants to learn more about adventuring and what we experienced so far, but doesnt want to keep us as he knows we have important (actually not important) stuff to do and that we can come back anytime later when we want
very wholesome lad
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>Wuk runs off alone and goes missing
Any max level BRDbros in here?
How does the job play like? I also think Shadowbite should spread dots or at least deal bonus damage in an aoe when used on an enemy with dots.
>no bloonie EB that likes to shove her feet on my face when I make love to her, respectfully and passionately
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Ah fuck
he had to dilate real quick
worst part
>we're supposed to care
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I couldn't unhear Erwin or Midorima, frankly.
hot take:

xivcombo helps me to understand rotations easier
is it true picto is really unfun because you have to basically prebuff before every fight?
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going to PET this lala
It'll be different in raids but it's pretty ass in open world
It takes some getting used to, but that aspect appeals to me a lot. It's like you're setting up pre-spells or something.
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domain expansion
{Heart of Corundum}
Smooching this cute boy.
>noone actually does and it takes THREE look arround and wait scenes until someone wonders where it went
holy crap, he voices nendo?
>Cowboy Hijinks with Erenville
yeehaw the last 6 hours of wuk lamats bullshit were worth it
oh i so wish they'd give the man a fucking cowboy hat now
>motion blur
>in a video game that is just a series of still frames
it literally is and this has been working for me for 10 years across a dozen games
>video editing
it takes almost no time at all
These are like 4 of the 10 most important ones at least.
I need /tp so bad
I don't use jap voices, who does he voice
not like there's anything else to do inbetween dungeon pulls
I actually like Pictomancer in general. It's as easy or as hard as you want it to be.

You DO have to get used to using swiftcast for either your creature motif or your weapon motif.
This unironically seems pretty fun to do, tbqh
Those can't unsmooch you.
A mount for 7.5 million gil

I need to RMT
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Me when I get my son
Fuck I can't esuna either
>not having 9 digit gil
what are you even doing
>literally could have had us fighting chuds with Bakool Ja Ja for a few waves and then cut to a "Meanwhile...."
>instead we just stand there slack jawed

Who writes this shit?
thats two days of submarines lmfao my ass off
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poopnose won
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>The final trial spoilers were true
What a flaccid fucking ending, feels bad for any t*nk players getting cuckolded out of their job.
I dont have a f
HW private server when?
So now that I have this MSQ behind me, my conclusion (if anyone is interested). First of all, I couldn't do it from level 98 and had to skip as soon as Wuk Lamat opened her mouth.

>this was good
The music (for the most part)
The dungeons
The trials (apart from 2nd Half from the final trial)
The areas

>this was mid
The sidequests that lead to the Wind Aether

>this was bad
Wuk Lamat
MSQ (it was fine when Wuk Lamat wasnt around)
>feels bad for any t*nk players getting cuckolded out of their job.
tanks are used to get cucked, mainly PLD
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I really want to ride this catboy
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wait reaction is already up? FUCK
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This feels very Mad Max
and I'm here for it
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What's something Dawntrail could've done better in your opinion? Storywise, gameplaywise, whatever. For me, it's:

Introduce Wuk a lot sooner, like around 6.3 or something. Have us develop an organic fondness of her before we even know she's running for president or whatever. Make it foreshadowed leading up to .55 that she's stressed about the transfer of power, and then have us finally ask for our help in .55 so it doesn't feel weird that we're helping her out of nowhere. In early DT, use less exposition and just show us the shit. When Wuk tells us about her papa's exploits, rather than having her stand there like a wooden board while we read a text box, actually show us a dope ass flashback of it happening or something. Use the visual medium this game is a part of.

An option to turn off the 1, 1, 1 skill consolidation stuff on jobs that are bare bones anyway. Indoor lighting is fucked and my dark house looks bright as fuck.
That's kinda gay sir.
ARR or 1.2 private server when
so where do we go from here
fantasy australia?
i cant reach 6-0 with my fingers

i find it awkward using ctrl+numbers / alt+numbers

i need xivcombo stat
do you get more ogcds to weave later or something? When I swiftcast my motifs, there's a lengthy period of time where I can't do anything.
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what doe she mean tho
Meracydia would have to be the next expansion
The EN dub VA is a filthy britshit anglo, you should change the flag to the appropriate country.
which helmet cutie?
On picto you can just duplicate the binds and it's fine. On viper it's fucked though
No Wuk. They should’ve known better.
Trim the fat by solid 75%. No I’m not exaggerating.
Some actual fucking exploration in a muh new continent expansion.
I think it's interesting how "difficult" it is to get your raid buff active.
The vast majority of players don't use their raid buff in dungeons and normal trials on any job that has them. I wonder if the "difficulty" of priming Pictos, and that it glows, might teach people to use it.
But these people have often gotten every job to 90 already and don't know what a raid buff is, so probably not still.
Thancred would fuck all three of those women if given the chance, except 'Lhaminn would break the poor boy before anyone else got a turn
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>thancred will never call my wol a beauty
you can just use a different keybind instead of ctrl or alt
shift or z or anything
did you just reach the ruby price? I just did too
>Finally get done with the coronation and pass the bridge
>msq actually starts to become fun
What did yoshi-p mean by this?
It's kind of funny to me how hardly anybody acknowledges a Female wol as a woman. iirc even Magnai's like "yeah you're too much of a tomboy"
i hit space too early
does he turned into doe she
maybe i die
beast tribes and their consequences have been a disaster for the xiv story
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is it peak?
or am i just a crazy schizo posting on 4chan?
feels extremely awkward for me
actually, I just went through ARR relatively recently and thancred does comment on your appearance positively if female
God help us all.
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I know great lengths is the funny overused meme hair on felfs but what about melfs
this is thankered
reveal that wuk cant do shit way fucking earlier, have her get humbled properly,admit she cant do it and then ask the wol in a respectful manner if we can mentor her
have the wol more involved in general..
>kong exiled to primal with virtually no xivggers
and nothing of value has been lost these last few days
this is gaius and jp solid snake
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shoutout to my chennas
>Indoor lighting is fucked and my dark house looks bright as fuck.
This is something that i hate about the new lighting system. The first floor of my house is supposed to be a dark alley but its lost a lot of that feel cause there isnt any dark corners now. Same with the house in the downstairs as well. The mood is all off.

Also right now the role quests feel like a Hildy story that was rejected but they liked enough to use it anyway.
I don't know, I've only reached 88. Doesn't look like there's many oGCDs yet.

I don't know anything about the difficulty of the raid buffs compared to the other jobs. It's just an extra button. You are correct about the 'shiny button' phenomenon making it more appealing to press for people, and you're correct about people not understanding what their buttons do. I had a guy in Bozja ask what the 'starstorm paint button' did and why it wasn't doing damage.
Don't care until they add bare tits to femhroths
This is a very cute moonie and a pretty picture.
>burn victim mask
Fuck u
let me introduce to you: "healers"
>plays a Japanese MMO
>acts surprised when the Japanese VAs are the superior choice
Oh i forgot to mention, the one personality trait about Wuk i like the least is -every- form of transportation is some kind of issue with her. Just get on the blimp dummy.
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Actually handsome, I'm impressed.
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>main city has a jumping puzzle
Expansion is saved. Will be crafting up here for a while.
god that shithole was lots of fun at its peak, i kind of miss it
>this shitty hroth turd kill-steals the final boss out of nowhere
are you even serious right now
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do you remember where? i have to see this myself
is noclippy up yet?
>anon when he realizes song lyrics are in english
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EW VA, especially Zenos, went harder in EN.
Frankly the jap Zenos was so lame his voice completely ruins the ending of EW, as the guy has zero dog in him.
Meanwhile EN va in Dawntrail are fine or good, but then you have Wuk Lamat. What's with jap studios now hiring trannies, drags and fags to promote their games? It literally does more damage than good.
Yeah I'm considering it for PCT because I'm weird I guess and feel lobotomized just standing there pressing 111 or 222. I have not tried viper but when I watched my friend play, it looked very mashy in the same way.
I do think we need some sort of "in" to this culture and if not Wuk it would've had to be Erenville or something. With how quickly they brought her in though, it legit feels like the result's the same either way.
Yeah dude, having her at least appear earlier would've gone a looooooong way imo as well. The way she just shows up with Erenville in .55 felt like something out of fanfiction, like there was no setup to it or anything but then all of DT hinges on you buying into wuk's struggle and wanting to help her. I think that's why DT is so divisive for people. Wuk was very hit or miss early on; that's just the sort of personality she has. Best case scenario, her bumbling idiocy is something that grows on you with time, but there was no time for that to happen due to how quickly she was thrust onto the viewer. And then DT revolves around her. Imagine the amount of people who simply made up their minds in .55 and haven't been enjoying DT since. It bums me out because more characterization could've fixed this.
My haunted house looks like a well lit mall, I was kind of upset.
Ok then figure out something that works
Or fuck off because you literally can only play this game with cheats, obviously it's not for disabled people like you, maybe get a xbox controller with one of those disabled people add ons
no but alexander works, and bossmod is working later today
fuck meant for >>484094694
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xivcombo is not a cheat, retard
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I am a
where's the wandering minstrel for dawntrail
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POV you're my Hrothgal EB on a hot day. please save me one.
how do i enable it in an unmodded client then?
Dr Sex, CEO of sex corp right there
I miss when Thancred was a relatively carefree horndog and a thief. His dad arc in shadowbringers was peak hot, but ever since then he's just been standing around in his GNB uniform spouting platitudes about nothing.
I want to go back.
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>shows up
>heavvensward theme plays
based wanderhobo
Which Dawntrail MSQ enables Artifact gear? I already did the Job quest and I'm up to "A new family"
>people who simply made up their minds in .55 and haven't been enjoying DT since
hey thats me, i knew from the fucking bird cutscene she is a fraud
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you will know this cat.

tea time
i love him
not even fujos would tap that
its her adventure :^))))))))))

This fussy little bunbun isn't my wife, but I love her as much as one loves a wife.
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VPR's 2 keybinds become 8 keybinds if you try to have individual ones for all of them which is funny to think about
that hair is great on malezen bro
Become a lalafell like I told you to already.
Let him have SEX at least one more time for the love of GOD Yoshitpiss!!!
hey fair enough, no ice cream for you FIEND.
>that face
>that voice
i regret playing in english
>promise someone I'd let their hrothgal top me
>they haven't messaged me yet
i did aloalo savage with that guy
I can't nail the precise moments but it's somewhere in the very beginning as he meets you, though I don't have Ul'dah as a starting city
as far as I can remember he was being his typical playboy self at first before regarding you as a coworker
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How bad is it?
good, dont even come close to me freak
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Morning friends, are you well?
NVM, it's In Pursuit of Sphene.
Kek always laughing at you faggots thinking XIVCombo is a "cheat
how do I enable it in-game then?
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ftm that hasn't started testosterone tier
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anon do you hear the music!

here is a random video of a clear if that matters to you or not ig
I cant help but feel DEI was involved in this.
This anon is my problematic friend and I feel bad for not sticking to froth long enough to hug him as one.
>enter not-america
>suddenly catboy cowboys everywhere
what happened to catboys being in low numbers amongst miqo'te? is this gay cowboy central?
start pvp
nothing to lol about it is in the game
start pvp
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>"certain npcs"
this happens every expac
just put the motherfucking name of the npc
it would take 3 seconds to add this information and would save people time googling where to find the dude since every main town in this game has like 7 different people serving similar administrative functions like this but not this
and now is when some guy who's been here for 15 years chimes in and talks about how it's so obvious to him because he's used to this bullshit, like that excuses not just putting basic fucking information in the game where it's relevant
but that's not PVE how do I enable it in PVE? it's not native in PVE
I lied. I don't have NetFlix. Take off your shoes, we're playing Fatal Frame 2 and drinking Sobe.
I don't even have my free fanta yet, cool your jets. Plus I'm not interested in modding without penumbra. Been there, done that.
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Seems fine to me. Maybe you're just a chud?
who tf uses unmodded client are you a malding coping console cuck kek
>unvoiced cutscene
>wuk present
eeyup that's a skip
>femlala in cutscene
>just realized that cats are nearly allowed and supported to be around for nearly all religions
so with this logic devout suncats is technically peak?
>femlala in cutscene
*puts in inventory*
not what you asked
>wuk lamat opens her mouth
skipidi toilet
L-lyse sama I am sorry, please come back.
i will be having thoughts about this later, thank you
Sweet Baby Inc (or one of its fellow 'consultation groups') have been involved with Square for a while now.

That's hilarious.

Fine, I'll look up porn of her and apologize for about a hour.
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PROBLEMATIC? face it, Miera were possibly the best thing to happen to the lore, ever.
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I can't believe I feel for this guy...
H-Hey.. I can't heal you from there...
>a kingdom that is basicly the middle east is now ruled by this mormon looking bitch

she can join the mass grave with wuk
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I think I would've tolerated Wuk more in the earlier parts of the story had she spent time in Sharlayan pre-7.0 actually studying the country she was vying for control of and applying that information even if unsuccessfully. The Jar Jar Binks slapstick would've felt less jarring and depressing because it wasn't a case of her "not being ready to rule" but explicitly incompetent to rule and "having a good heart" is toddler story stuff for Disney movies. Our characters helping her apply the knowledge she would've learned would feel natural instead of being the equivalent of a Biden staffer having to shuffle her around and make sure her diaper isn't filled before men lure her away with promises of candy to kidnap her.
>Was wondering why I felt kinda bored until the cowboy zone clicked something in me
I think the first few regions are also kinda boring? It felt a little too grounded, no giant dragon skeletons in Coerthas, no Heaven on High in the Ruby Sea or Azem Steppe Dawn Throne, no cross-shard travel or us going to the Moon/apocalyptic Garlemald. The regions just felt like kinda dull ARR zones until Cowboy Town made things yee haw weird fun. I wish the zones had more unique things about them.
>brings up DEI and sweetbaby out of nowhere
Ah culture warriors I see. Grummz give you the same ole marching orders as everyone else
>all these cool new glams
>im still 800/800 for my glamour dresser
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are you sure you havent been in the terlet for too long anon what the fuck are you saying?
kek there's been some leddit-tier faggot fishing for a gotcha whenever xivcombo is mentioned for hours and you're still gay
I think your ugly mug is turning me straight jesus christ....
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>tfw the baby sacrifices will stop meme is actually canon
sometimes i think about how my wol is perceived by those around her, and it makes me laugh
>arrive at tural
>break into groups; i'm work wuk and krile
>we walk about 200 feet together
>wuk says something about her dad
>suddenly I just leave, just teleport away leaving them both in the middle of the street utterly clueless
>25 hours later, I return with a paintbrush and a mastery of the job that krile's been masquerading as this entire time
>don't even apologize, just find them both at the docks and pick up where we left off and they both go along with it because I'm a human bomb
You're not getting your gamergate 2.0, die mad about it.
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>final trial
>really like Sphene
>the fight itself is a bit boring
>fucking wuk lemutt saves you because she's super strong and can kill interdimensional mecha goddesses even though she jobbed to a lizard 3 days ago
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>having a hootenanny of a time with ma country folk
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We Like This
m the toolman grunt???
>that whiny chink that blocks everyone online that doesn't suck him off
I have a three post rant that says otherwise. One day, I shall make a small thesis regarding their ruining of vieran society and how inefficient they are at their existence.

See >>484096043.

Is it or is it not happening? I've had enough people whinge about Gamergate: Legend of the Second that I'm thinking it's already happening.
didn't he played FFXIV when it was the hip thing to do and got filtered by arr?
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>try pvp for the first time
>do a 10th of the damage of everyone else in the match
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sometimes you gotta popout and show niggas
certified boogieman i'm the one that upped the score wit em
dumb faggot wants to be dora
nigga, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful, nigga. Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut you got you'd get some bitches on your dick.
Yeah I agree. The slapstick surrounding Wuk could've actually been comical if we'd seen those sides of her before the contest were even known. Instead, the humor is sort of suppressed by this intense anxiety of like, "oh my god this person's an idiot and I'm setting them up to lead a nation." If we'd gotten to know Wuk for all her weirdness before all that was known, and then later it was revealed that the only other people vying for the throne were psychopaths and warmongerers so Wuk was running because -- despite her inadequacies -- she felt she had no choice BUT to try, then that would be a more engaging story and a character I could get behind. As it stands though, her catboy bro is just the better candidate and him existing in this story as someone she's "at odds with" in the competition makes like 0 sense early on.
Most of the people in FL's are scholar trannies that spam AOE dots doing 10 million damage and calling everyone else shit meanwhile that 10 million damage didn't matter at all
you're not king
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god forbid a character have flaws and isn't a perfect Mary Sue
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w-wait why is the aetheryte pink and blue?
no clue man. just saw him crying and blocking everyone on twitter and laughed at his faggoty ass. that mecha
koana sex
You try way too hard for me to ever consider you beautiful and your reference ridden response just confirms your unoriginality.
femesneeds are pure sex now
Any idea when plugins will be back?
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So cute! I want to find this cat
The story really dragged out at the start.
Nothing new was being shown aside from the "Its not about strength, but the inside that counts!" trope being shoved over and over.
It was cute, don't get me wrong, but Wuk being a mary sue makes her insanely bland. That being said, better than how Lyse was handled.
Also, I'm only up to the "food" quest of the MSQ but I'm really hoping one of the villains isn't just retarded on top of being evil, making them one dimensional.
Ranjit and Regula Hydrus were excellent antagonists, with Zarool Ja being the only interesting rival so far. Koana comes close with his cute protective nature.
This is funny because I saw an anon in here calling her a mary sue yesterday
>I had a guy in Bozja ask what the 'starstorm paint button' did and why it wasn't doing damage.
I was going to say I think the job probably does decent damage if you just 1-1-1, 1-1-1, subtractive pallete, 2-2-2 and glowies, repeat. A lot of people struggle to do even 30% a job's potential DPS, while with picto you probably get 70% of it out of it with the most basic rotation since your palette rotation is such high potency GCDs and it's not like Hammer weaves with it.
But if someone isn't even using subtractive it'll be that 30%...
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what general do you think you're in rertard
How is Everkeep EX?
why would I ever want that shitshow again?
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my favorite part was
>except any of the named NPCs, or the unnamed ones if they own a store, or the named ones that just stand around as eye candy they're still there, and also all the unnamed ones that are just there as backdrops with no dialogue or purpose they're actually still there too.
>But yaknow... 50 people you never saw before that specific cutscene died, and only those ones. Be sadder.
It's amazing that there was literally only 1 actual death so far up until level 98, maybe they grow some balls in the next 2 levels idk still working on it
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>expansion is so dogshit even jp fucking hates it
he got mad about the petorium then people shit on him and then he got mad and started yelling that he made classic wow and everyone should take his advice
2-3 months because the graphic update messed up the game code big time
fuck off back to /trash/
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Why would our gang even allow her to fall into that trap in the first place?
What the actual hell is going on with the utter garbage writing?
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>even the Japs hate it
How much Kowtowing and power pointing will YoshiP be doing in the next live letter?
Nigger you're a phillipinoy from /gig/ and a /u/-tard on top.
that's what I thought cheater
how the fuck did you manage to make the entire game look worse with the graphics update
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wuk lmao rent free my niggas
Can you separate the reaper resource gauge from the retarded glowing swords
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Okay so /xivg/ hates wuk lamat and her voice but do normies and redditors hate her?
how do i get a pelupelu wife
never change, my guy. you're my hero.
wuk lamat is an anime stereotype and so are the rest of the characters. i remember seeing someone say that shb built the scions up realistically but enw turned them all into archetypes...that's the vibe of dt's MSQ. really bleak.
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considering how uggo fiera faces are, that's a boon
my condolences if you're male
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. . .
How can people mock this story when EW had a magic clock that conveniently erased memories
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touch grass its a wonderful day outside
raise your hand if you paid a sub for more than one month
idk but can someone explain how the glowing sword gauge works other than press 1 for left and press 2 for right glow
majority of /r/ffxiv like her
are you cross
ive only seen japs loving it
I am a femlala who buys 6 months at a time
fake news
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Why does her microphone sound so muted
its over
Because it was the PC doing most of the story vs just being a camera with a sword
Shut the fuck up ShiN and put your trip back on.
I'm beyond pissed at the AST changes. They turned the most interesting healing class into a boring class in the snap of a finger. In my limited experience with the new card system, when I'm in a trial, I just use damage card and forget about the other two cards. The new cards are so mind-blowingly clunky to use, and absolutely useless, that it makes me question if the job designer was overworked or something. I literally cannot play AST, which is my favorite job, at all. It feels as if I'm playing a worst version of EW AST. Redrawing was actually a fun little engaging mechanic. It gave me a small dopamine rush when I drew a Melee DPS card right before the burst window. Astrodyne wasn't the best, but it for damn sure is better than whatever we have now. I'm stunned at how they fumbled the bag. Like why does the cards only effect one person? In an 8-man environment, it should effect everyone. What the hell is a shield, regen, 10% healing boost, and reduced damage on one person? On a job with robust single target healing tools. I suggest a revert. This job is in a terrible state. All the other healing jobs got fancy new tools while we were left with a job that is functionally, statistically, worse than the last expansion. Revert these changes.
Worse than ex1 but still reasonably good
>x.00 msq
hw > shb > ew > dt = sb >> arr

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Isn't it kinda weird how the writing started nosediving after Koji left to work on FF16 and other projects?
EW had some shit moments but it also had a cold zombie infest Soviet Russia zone where it ends with someone blowing their brains out onto their own flag because they can’t accept their empire crumbled. That zone also had one of the best solo story moments when you body swap and I’m so mad they didn’t have the balls to kill off a scion then and there. What scene in DT reaches that point? Wuk throwing up or being excited about food for the hundredth time?
Pretty sure people mocked Endwalker too sis, between Chronos, Hermes being insanely schizophrenic, babies first nihilism moment and the flying retard dog. EW was dire in a lot of aspects but the discussion got eventually drowned out and pivoted to how much everyone wants to bang Venat instead like we'll probably see with Dawntrail and Sphene.
Sex with this feral creature, with cumfarting and the like
Took me a hot minute to understand Viper and get my hotbar set up accordingly, but once you understand how it's supposed to play it's really fun. If your combo ends in green, hit from side. If your combo ends in red, hit from behind. Use Dreadwinder on cooldown and make sure you position correctly to use hunter and swiftskin coil, then do the 4 ogcds. Then it's back to your basic combos. Really fun stuff, it doesn't punish you as severely for mistakes like NIN does
>when I'm in a trial, I just use damage card and forget about the other two cards.
So you're a retarded shadowbabby. Good to know.
Picto is for people like me - the laziest fuckers who are alt-tabbing to look at the thread half the time. I think the muses are the only thing you can really weave, and that's not exactly a gamechanger.

They hate her because she's a bit of a bland character that we've already seen before (Lyse). Genki energy, kinda shit at her job, pushed into a role that she's very much unqualified for, has to rely on other people essentially doing the work for her and eventually propping her up...
lul bet that was fun to see. iirc, he was a lawyer at blizzard and like a director or some shit
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I miss chatbubbles..
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>Dad listens to rock music off a USB he sticks in his car while he drives
>"Borrow" it and put a few FFXIV songs on it like Seat of Sacrifice and The Twinning
>Hope that he puts it on by accident and ends up liking it
>He comes home one day and says "Did you put fucking cartoon japcrap on my USB?"
: (
Did they ever add Diamond Weapon vfx weapons?
Where would I go to look at and preview them?
My Viera just doesnt feel right without her being 10 feet tall with a 4 feet horsecock.
I need them
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How long is Dawntrail's life span?
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Everyone else is mad about Wuk Lamat's character or her voice or whatever but I'm just mad the plot dangles this kind of shit in my face like my character couldn't incinerate every lizard on this battlefield in the blink of an eye.
Dawntrail character tier list, my shitty opinion

Best: Otis
Good: Bakuul Ja Ja, Gulool Ja Ja, Zoraal Ja
Okay: Cahciua, Koana, Gulool Ja
Disappointing: Sphene
Meh: Wuk Lamat, Erenville

I really wanted to like Sphene but she felt like a less engaging and less effective Emet, even if she's very cute.
WoL felt way too underutilized aside from just being pointed at the enemy, or to collect poop. Not everything needs to be about the WoL but they felt like a non-factor in favor of Wuk.
faggot you've been crying about le cheaters for hours don't you have a cock to be sucking or something?
>listens to rock music
>didn't put rock music on there
are you retarded, boy
Are you Bobby Hill?
i've never thought about it that way, but that's a good way to describe her... if she can't do this shit on her own at all should she really have a shot at this....
Staring at your hotbar isn't fun, but Viper is pretty much playing simon says while staring at your hotbar
what shader is this? looks great
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>trying to rape a fiddie in the middle of the MSQ crowd
>but she's free use
I'm afraid it's already dead.
sub fee covered by cooming and gooning, so forever
It has guitars...
pictomancer might be the most overpowered job on expansion launch since ninja god damn
tell her she's retarded because it's called "pel"
You fucker. You lied to me. I logged out because of you.
How did you not think about adding "The Black Wolf Stalks Again"?
nice bait made me reply
>"Guys Wuk doesnt deserve the title of Dawnservant she hasnt done anything!"
>moment for Wuk to prove herself comes up
It's like you retards dont recognize moments where character development and growth are supposed to take place
anyone else feel like the DT zones rain more often than others?
they want trannies to feel empowered
tried this and i still got plugins disabled due to game update
Wuk earned her role as a leader more than Lyse
a lot more vocal tracks this expansion huh?
development can be trash
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>the disney vocal montage during the dawnservant reveal part
had a Pictomancer constantly steal aggro from me during a dungeon today. I haven't played it yet but it seems to have absolutely busted insane burst damage.
Does Lyse appear in Dawntrail?
There's people at the Ul'dah marketboards wearing endgame spoiler outfits...
Fundamentally, there is no difference between a lalaboy and a fulala.
Yeah she's a furry now
I hope not I've had about enough of her as a furry tranny cat
this but unironically, if someone is a genuine threat to Eorzea the WoL should intervene without mercy
There was no growth. She’s an adult baby shitting in her diapers, then a si gle day passes and then she’s giganigga 9000 leader and fighter.
Reminder these shitty writers will add 'worked on the vastly successful game dawntrail as a writer' to their resume. And then go on to ruin more games.
Wait until you get to the disney musical section anon
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what the fuck did they do to fiddies?
The thing that tips it into stupid category for me are the cast times being shorter than the gcds. That's huge uptime and mobility for a class that otherwise is average or a bit below it when it comes to it
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rate my dungeon party (I am tank)
>uh ok ill pay?
It's because, at this point, we've done too much to really be involving ourselves in petty squabbles. We're the dude / lady who stopped the Final Days! We literally stopped the apocalypse! And now we're being forced to watch someone bumble through shit we ALREADY SAW SOMEONE ELSE GO THROUGH? Why isn't Lyse helping her out? We went through a lot of the same troubles with her in Stormblood, didn't we?

Actually, where the fuck is Lyse to relate to this bitch better? We should really be making those two interact to help both of their countries.
they look about as shitty as always
good point
jp wuk is great. en troon can get thrown off a building
we get a bubble card, a DR card, a HoT card (haven't checked if it stacks), and a gay 10% bonus healing card in addition to the "wow... its fucking nothing 3% damage'/"wow its 6% damage" cards we already had and lost divination, which was "OMG I HAVE TO PLAY THE PERFECT CARD EVEN IF IT SUCKS FOR A SMALL BOOST LATER". the phases are gay tho
wait it's not 50 fucking summoners like EW release?
>lizard causes untold amounts of destruction, would have resulted in mass casualties if we didn't stop the shit he released
>not a single bit of punishment
Realistically we should have executed him on the spot and literally everybody would have agreed that was the right choice.
t. rancer
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Arcadion will save Dawntrail
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And we would have the instant he tried to leave his shithole island country, but since he didn't we were just letting Wuk have her fun.
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Such devastation, this was not my intention!
/r/ffxivdiscussion HATES the MSQ + Wuq
Which means that the MSQ is good
>14 year old game
>They still release new jobs and make 0 effort to explain how you're supposed to play it, they just expect you to waste 2 hours and/or watch a few youtube videos from people who already wasted 2 hours of their life figuring it out
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Wuk Lamat is a bad character and if you like her, you probably also like Disney Star Wars.
the first viper job quest literally handholds you how to play it
><sob> I don't feel so good...
Me when I drink my tricky tonics...
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thanks bro
yeah I agree I don't know why I never bothered unlocking it
We're not in Eorzea though
There is growth here. She's fighting Bakool Ja Ja on HER OWN and WINS ON HER OWN to get her Keystone back from the two head. Mind you this was the last time these two fought and she lost and chipped her axe. Now much later after literally killing Valigarmanda the Skyruin, who Bakool Ja Ja released mind you, she can take on Bakool Ja Ja one vs one and win her Keystone back. That's called CHARACTER GROWTH bitch you dont know nothin about that
>feel more for bajool jaja than I ever have for Wuk

How did they fuck it up so bad
>youtube videos
this the nigga from yesterday who couldn't figure out MNK? lmaoooo
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fucking based, i've always said that you retards would shit on the music from this game if it was from any other form of media. the most notable is the dumpster fire that is scream
this actually is Stormblood 2.0 so the raid and the foray will be soulful
probably disqualifies you from the contest or else bakool ja ja would have done that from the start
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Yep worst character ever.........
>get to team up with Koana
>it's infinitely better than what I had to suffer through with his sister despite two tailing quests
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If it takes you more than 10 minutes at a training dummy to learn level 80 PCT or VPR, I am afraid you may be retarded. Also the literal first job quest for both teaches you their basic concepts, idiot.
The story hits a tone peak after the cooking stuff.

Zone 4 is awful, prep yourself.
>pick shitty options
>look shitty with the update
>Now much later after literally killing Valigarmanda the Skyruin
we did that, not wuk.
how much thancred you got?
The moogle forces you to learn the basics of pictomancy and explains every skill and how to make it work with the other skills.

If you don't know how to do DNC-tier 'press-the-shiny', I can't help you.
>he didnt do it with trusts
Soulless and not canon
Correct, Kate Cwynar is one of the translators who has been promoted a few times and now works with the creative team directly. She has refused to translate things she didn’t like before and was directly responsible for choosing Wuk Lamat English VA. She is as you might imagine a pink haired DEI fan. Anything that seems oddly woke about DT is likely her or signed off/influenced by her.
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Do people actually dislike Zero? I liked Zero.. The power of friendship bullshit at the end was pretty cliche.. But I liked her she was cute
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>hype up Cahciua for the entirety of the story
>Finally get to meet her
>She's a robot
>Oh, i'm stil lalive, my body is just somewhere else lol
>that voice
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All three are awful characters.
I didn't hate her, I thought she was a tiny bit boring but she did grew on me a little in the end.
Zero is a bit more tolerable if you do all the patch content in one sitting
Waiting 6 months for another *tips hat* "what is a friend..." gets real fucking annoying
I'd like to see retards actually complaining about power of friendship after this disney expansion
biofem magnet
I think she was okay
not awful
I'm not in that first camp at all though. I also get that it's a character development moment for her it's just contrived is all. You can't really have random mooks hold someone hostage while the WoL is on the stage and have it feel real. For one, If she'd lost and that guy had been killed, that would have been blood on our hands for not doing anything when we easily could have. Secondly, it's just frustrating to see little gnats actively taunt our godslaying character who can eviscerate them all without breaking a sweat.
Is that a mod or a CoD cosmetic
it's fucking hilarious if its the latter
I said we. As in the 8 people that killed it. Wuk didn't kill it, and would have died pathetically if she tried to. She also admits she would lose in a rematch 10 out of 10 times without dynamis steroids on her side.
you will see her eventually
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woop woop, its da sound of da
Wait whats wrong with Vrtra??
are there even 72 instances in the game? its been 2 days and nothings respawned
Thank you anon that made me chuckle. I'm trying my hardest going through the MSQ but I just can't into it for the life of me. So a little laugh was just what I needed.
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the DSR weapon is meant to act as a repellent
I really liked vrtra but I wish they did more action with him. He's a fucking dragon just like all those other violent monsters from heavensward they should have showed it
boring as dicks and didn't add shit to the story except 'oooo im a voidsent oooo I'm also convieniently exactly what we need to le purify golbez or whatever gay bullshit that was
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its breakfast time remember to eat something
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Dawntrail renewed my hatred for the natives of the Americas.
They deserved all of it.
Is MXAO fucked for anyone else? I followed ipsusu's guide but it's still not working.
As someone who sat there and spent the time to learn Viper and WHY you press the buttons, saying "HURRR JUST PRESS THE ONES THAT LIGHT UP" is disingenuous and an oversimplification.

It actually plays like a mix between MNK and and MCH. Once you get it, it's a simple enough job. But at first glance it's completely nonsensical.
only because they ran out of interesting ways to portray her growth and resorted to retelling a shittier version of FF4, which was already just an "okay" game story-wise
>have excog and shadowed vigil (Drk excog)
>still getting healed to full
this bothers me
I am a New World Femlala and I will stop the invading Eorzeans
My summoner is level 100 and now I need play another job but XIVcombo, XIValexander and splatoon aren't up yet... what the fuck am I supposed to do, I can't play a job like paladin like this....
conquistador san.. no!
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Look at that, anon finally left his room!
dynamis had over 144 spawnable S ranks
all 3 instances, 6 zones each, all 8 worlds
>got stomped by this dude yesterday
>stomps the dude
Yea, dynamis, whatever, it’s fucking saturday morning garbage.
Paladin is still exactly the same and the Atonement combo already occupies 1 button.
Catgirl voice 10 or catgirl voice 11?
I am having a hell of a hard time choosing
I used to be voice 5 femlala
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>Kate Cwynar
She's doing a holocaust on this games writing, for sure.
I thought people weren't allowed off their home world for a month?
I wish I would look like that
But it literally is press the glowing buttons and use your cooldowns off cooldown or pooled for raid buffs. At best you can argue about having to press the debuff every 40s or so since it doesn't glow and doesn't have automatic full uptime
>casually forgetting Zenos stomping the WoL out in SB
>casually forgetting Ranjitt stomping the WoL out in ShB
But it's bad because it's not the WoL!!!!
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It's too late.
Unleash the plague and convert those that survive.
any DC can travel to dynamis its the only one open as well as Materia (OCE)
>not completely nude
couldn't be me
iMMERSE_MXAO works fine for me. Did you follow inverting the depth by setting it to 1?
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/484010295/#484011994 picture here
There's two things that can caues issues, that and the scaling due to FSR and DLSS.
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Well lads, it's been fun chilling with you for two days, but now I work until official release so this is where I stop playing until then.
>reverse search
>check out twitter
what the fuck is wrong with her face lmao
Guys I regret skipping through MSQ
I will redo it
as much as I enjoyed Dawntrail I hope more people shit on it so Meracydia will be ShB-tier kino
Shower. Now.
do you people sleep
you couldn't tell from that picture alone?
Could you post the rewards for each of them at rank 4?
If Living Memory is the city of dead people what's Heritage Found?
It took wol a bit longer than a single night’s sleep to deal with zenos in sb and everybody was laughing about ranjit being a bitchass grandpa that felt like no threat whatsoever and really should be kept as thancred’s nemesis
What EU data center/server is the most alive?
I think I'm currently on Lich
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post butt
I miss our poop nose swysisters
>Viper in level 50 content
what the hell is this?
>he doesnt have all areas done
and no I didn't skip the MSQ
no, reason why I just hit 76 DT S ranks killed
the angle hides how fucked her nose and lips are
I haven't missed a daily shower in 15 years, anon.

No, I haven't actually. Because I work 12 hour shifts I knew I wasn't gonna be able to play until middle of the week so I caffeine'd up and stayed awake for 72 hours. It's not my first rodeo.
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ok careful what you wish for
The people before they die and get sent to Living Memory.
Heritage found is a normal place full of alive people. Sphene just forgot those people are alive and would work just fine as fuel for her plans, so she was seeking other people who were alive.
yeah no sane person would take pictures from that angle for a reason
It's the exact same story beat though
>character gets stomped out
>gets a bit stronger
>goes back and stomps villain
That's how it happened in SB
That's how it happened in ShB
The villains just had a longer arc than Bakool did that's the only difference here
man suna let herself go ...
>most of the uglier femra went to face 4 mooncat
so they went from flaming dumpster to unattended dumpster in a heatwave
come to Odin
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I had to look twice at that name
>Run trial
>Scholar healer
>Sage healer
I fucking hate my life.
I thought I did the inverting, evidently not.
Full set of Tome Gear then I do the extremes tomorrow, anyone do them yet and can say if they're bad or not
On Chaos, it's Ragnarok. That's the raidtranny server.
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Okay this story just got cringe and unbased as fuck. Kill all lalafell
Didn't open the image, did you?
That's Aether currents screen, not shared FATE screen.
valigarmanda is probably the most bored I've ever been with a msq trial, please tell me shit gets better cause I am about to start skipping msq dialogue and cutscenes.
Your character is pretty....
They're still "her people" even if they live outside of Alexandria/Solution 9, so she doesn't want to kill them. Tuliyollal is free game.
Wait, so Picto's aoe is only good on 4+ targets? And Holy is a gain on 3+?
They are all the same, it doesn't matter what you choose since DC travel came out
Trying to do my hunt bills, where the fuck are Leaf Mantis? The bill locations are useless.
ill attach a dick to the snake so you can suck on it
i bet that will keep you interested in the MSQ
I thought it was a taco she was holding until the zoom in and was unironically ready to uninstall thinking it was another puddingway.
>they're off my race
good, and stay gone
pretty ugly
i saw this moon cat and think she's cute >>484093106
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I hope everyone is enjoying the new expansion so far ^.^
I'm looking forward to be there myself!
whats wrong with that
The ”longer arc” is rather important. Wuk being shit and improving over time would be acceptable. Wuk going ssj2 out of the blue like a shounen hero is somewhat less so, it feels unearned as fuck. It’s the hero’s journey, except without the journey.
Phoenix, Light
in all of that we did way more than run arround
I'm blind whoops.
why? you just stack soil and kera, then indom + ixo
if other guy does gcd shields, let him

yeah desu reason why im going back to sunnie when Savage drops
>waah waaah i played 2 zones and I HATE the dawntrial story i HATE it
by this point in heavensward you were doing chores in Coerthas and Sea of Cloud calm the hell down nigga
at that point we also hadn't killed the literal incarnation of depression and entropy itself either
>he doesnt play as a bunny boy
lol fag
>Cowboy zone
>not a single cowboy hat on anyone
I am
a catgirl (forma de +)
that just finished shaving his balls and pubes after a steamy shower
and will now
level Warrior and Fisher from level 1
in Final Fantasy XIV™: Dawntrail
bro just play for another 48 hours it'll get good trust me bro
First one is the tits
Second one is decent but not great
>it's just gold amaurot
they were more fun than babysitting a mary sue
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Post Lala

I still don't like it at 4 zones
Cute. >:3
no need for those shitty excuses, everyone here already knows the game gets good +300 hours in
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Moonie of the moon
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femmyzen disappeared after DT.... I thought they won but where are they?
Despite everything, I am still fucking hot. I really need that plague doctor chestpiece to drop though.
CC... on Dynamis..?
the 2 splits in HW were about 1/10 of the time of the DT equivalent
there was actual stuff happening in them too and we get the gang together and go through western/forelands/churning after
fuck off
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i miss footfalls
Here are boobs pls answer me
i just started zone 4 and the moment wuk lamat left I let out a sigh of relief
Erenville is unironically the better character
f1 femra pits
damn I was looking forward to the second ex too cause I thought the normal looked cool, but it's good to hear the first one is good
The AOE is good against 3+, I think. I have no idea what a 'gain on 3+' means. Sorry.

Thank you for the booba.
ew relics probably arent gonna be turn ins for the next relic right? i can safely toss them all now r-right??
>and the moment wuk lamat left I let out a sigh of relief
Enjoy your 30 minutes long reprieve
dont make me do this for a fucking aether current please
>Not a SINGLE ONE OF THEM with a southern accent
its SHIT
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>Rolling Viper
Anon, it's 1000 gil to buy them back from the calamity scavenger
cute fiddie
Lala posted.
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>2 zones
Bro? I'm almost done and it only started getting good at the end of 96
Gain just means it's good on 3+. I just read somewhere that Picto aoe was only good on 4+ and I was freaking out. I hope they're wrong. Also here are more boobies!
I want one
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damn lala babies are huge in proportion to lalas
they must have a kiwi type thing going on
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stuck doing msq with this retarded hroth
We can do it...
God I hope we colonize the shit out of the new world so we can rename these shitty towns from Yakalakashavwavasashazimbabwanestakwa into something glamorous and awe inspiring like New Limsa.
Wish you were here right now, feeling how smooth it is
I think it's fine on 3+
Besides, even if it isn't, the damage is so fucking overtuned that it doesn't matter if you're technically doing like 20 potency less or some shit.
red-eyed himecut face 4 femra EB who looks at me like that?
Why is this hot
nice tits
get help
kys unironically
Get help Kong.
the fucking kaityoykostar mothrcfucker still not upaload the fuicking fashion report for this week because this fucking BITCH ASS is busy playing dt, wake up you b astard btich, i need my mgp you udnetrsnad
I've been kidnapping them. Especially the short ear ones.
>Get to max level
>Do 12 experts
>Still no 690 ring has dropped for my role
>Level 100 dungeons not classes as levelling so no guaranteed loot at end.

God the loot system in this game is so dogshit.
Are FATE's worth doing in Dawntrail, any special rewards?
I wasn't paying attention what happens with yugiri and gosetsu and why does he care so much about that evil girl
are they even BiS?
True. The class is balanced around downtime for painting but you can just ignore that in dungeons cause instacast between pulls. I love hitting stuff with my funny hammer and seeing all the big numbers :3
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Good post
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Mount speed in DT zones
Crafting mats for gil
Xp for leveling
Some autistic reward to showoff if you do a million of them
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Ask and ye shall recieve.
fat fuck.
God I love catgirls so much it's unreal
Im starting to come around to the idea that there are more self inserters here than you guys let on. There's no way so many of you are this upset about the WoL not being the main character for once
that part where that fat ugly bastard turned into a hot angel was so cool
>large town
>aetherytes badly positioned
why cant i use a mount?
Don't know the stats on the 690 ring. The 700 ring is Crit/Piety. So as long as the 690 ring has something other than Piety, probably.
>arr+hw dragoon for estinien
>sb samurai for zenos duel kino
>shb whatever, maybe drk for the cap quest
>ew dancer for the foreshadowing

What's the best class for DT?
Is that Glabagool Cuckbap? Wow, big fan.
How could you like something so generic, anon? Silly NPC~
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I don't pay $15/mo and spend ~10 years making my WoL into a character to run around with a furry Mary Sue and stand around slackjawed while actually cool characters are killed
I'm vehemently anti self-insert, but I didn't make and play a character for a thousand hours across several years just to have them sidelined THIS hard
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>Noooo we need to hire Indian voice actors for the indian characters
>Nooooo we need to hire mexican voice actors for the mexican characters
>Yep, cast this french canadian for a texan, thats fine
>we will never get biblical correct Fat Albert again....
I was really feeling this in Tuliyollal, I wish they'd let us mount in that place but like chocobo only to not ruin the aesthetic with dumb mounts everywhere
Should I buy SF6 or Dawntrail?
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>weave a creature attack in with it
>swiftcast creature, weave another creature attack and mog of ages
>Have completely ripped aggro off of the tank by this point
It's absolutely going to take a hit, but man that's fun to do.

>giant tits on a lala
I'm happy to be an NPC if it means I get to have sex with catgirls
buy ready or not
they kept failing the heal checks
If I’m not the main character then the MC better be great.
Unfortunately, the MC is pretty fucking far from great.
sf6 sucks
MaterialUI works and i care about nothing else, kys
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Texans are the most oppressed race
slay the spire
Good boy :3
Both games suck dick. In SF6 every character plays the same due to slime rush, in DT every class plays the same due to homogenization.
The fuck is wrong with your graphics card bro?
You're making me horny please be careful
God I need a catgirl to say this to my catboy.
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I love catboys so much it's unreal
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Turns out Tuliyollal has more than one jumping puzzle.
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my fiddie is
What the fuck is wrong with Twitter's face??
Bros how do I find a raiding Lala wife...
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wood nut in cider
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They greatly increased exp for the exp increase and forlon maiden. The two together is close to 2x exp I think. So it's actually a decent way to level two or even three jobs through the MSQ simutaniously.
>we want dawntrail to be arr2
>wuk lamat is the new waking sands
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can someone explain zaraal ja to me because im certain i missed something, like, an entire arc and backstory for this apparently important character
help me out, genuinely
Fine fine, I'll stop! I don't wanna encourage any naughty habits.
Post him!
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I dont remember previous expansions having so much bullshit filler. Like its acceptable in the first part when you are meeting Tullal and meeting new cultures how their society behave differently from Eorzea. But this second part is a mess ok let raise the stakes with this high tech society but at the same time repeat the same gist of the first arc.
>forums, reddit, xivg all shitting on the MSQ relentlessly with good reason.
>game has mixed reviews on steam
>wuk lamat on screen 90% of the time, major focus of their plans for dawntrail, clearly expected to be a fan favorite and being torn to shreds.
>ishikawa's first work as story designer instead of writer

This is genuinely grim and will probably kill the game unless Yoshi brings the team to heel.
Name an unironically good character from Dawntrail
(doesn't have to be FROM Dawntrail, just really well placed and written in it)
It might be too late for that. I'm worked up...
hes mamool ja zenos
What's wrong with you? Try spreading good vibes instead of negativity.
he wants to take over eorzea despite his country having virtually no militia or way to get to eorzea
People weren't kdding when they said this is written like a shounen tournament arc.
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I agree.
Shb AST was peak AST for me. Even though the cards were more boring, it felt good to buff friends. Lord/Lady as buffs was incredible feeling as well. You could really tell your dps friends that you knew they were pumping hard. Putting Lord of Crowns on a good melee dps right as the burst started was like saying "hell yeah brother, keep it up." Sleeve draw helped mitigate your rng. Sigils on Divination tied the whole kit together and made it feel like you were building toward your 2 minute buff. 2 sects allowed for a versatile and flexible kit (even though in practice most people just went regen).

I miss it like you wouldn't believe. I hated what they did to it in EW, and in DT for me at least it's not even worth touching.
kill wuk lamat
that's it
that's all they had to do
He's literally Aztec Zenos
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>no catgirl to tell me good boy when I cum
Otis is the best character in the past several expansions.
gulool ja ja, oldman is a 10/10 character
When are they gonna release Duty Support for Extreme and Savage trials now that they've proven it can be used widespread for all normal trails with Dawntrail.
Why would you associate with anyone from here
it's spelled out for you bro, you might be retarded
>chocobo only to not ruin the aesthetic
they dont have chocobos in tural stupid IDIOT
man I'm getting spoiled so hard and I don't even care.
The elezen goldsmith seemed cool and i think koana is a good character, more easily likable flawed heir. would have preferred summer vacation making him less autistic than babysitting wuk lmao.
>Blushing Sadu
I'm thinking meleeCHADS won
seperate anon here, i actually DO NOT know how to compile, any pointers?
No need for that just pull a Lise and she is stuck with administrative shit and fall into obscurity.
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aside from papa twohead this niggy
except you have to do menial tasks leading up to it. can't help but skip it
I just mean the chocobos don't look bad unlike giant robots and dragons and shit running all over the place.
>me tough guy, me king, me conquer world
>(needs ancient aliens tech to kill the old fuck that’s on the verge if dying from old age)
Honestly I was hoping that 2 headed freak would try some shit with me, I wanted to turn him into paste so fucking bad right from the beginning when he threatened that poor nerdy hroth weeb who didn't do anything wrong. I was like "oh hell no" and pulling up just to watch Wuk job to him.
ermagerd murfurlur!
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who knows
>the femlala endless just talking about stuffing her face in with as much food as possible
I hate this femlala arc..
nice chin strap
>A DirectX fatal error has occurred.
Skippa skippa skippa
same it doesnt matter cause its just the arr of this arc or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. So it doesn't matter. I hope the patch content will be kino like stb

I just finished the first trial and don't give a fuck really
I still find hilarious how the saddle guy thought he'd be rich by making saddles for his army.
Did he think that intercontinental invasions are done by riding alpacas across the sea or something?
would you rather they get stuffed somewhere else
Story went into deep shit after he died ironically
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The time...
has finally come...

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I thought this scene was going somewhere
My moonie has ascended
>people like woke lamat it was just trolls
Yeah maybe that's why it annoys me so much, it's out of character my WoL is sitting on his hands letting this asshole bully everyone, dude should have been in a wheelchair after the float incident.
yeah my butthole. im gay.
no we need to kill her
we need to kill her now
it needs to inspire redemption for our fallen comrade and kill off the tranny VA
the story will moon and everyone will fomo
(fat) femlalas are for (fat) femlalas only.
she was so fucking boring and like another anon said waiting 6 months for *tips hat* was the worst shit
but I'd take her back after seeing how bad wuk is
jesus christ
I think it'd be nice if for the next saga, the world recognizes our history in influencing the prosperity of Doma, Ala Mhigo, heck even Garlemald and Tural by the end of Dawntrail..
It'd be nice if moving forward we were regarded as "Kingmakers" like how djinn were something treated in myth. The Tural Rite of Succession could simply be one of the first formal happenstances of it
What's the JP forum saying about Wuk?
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I want to do Solution 69 with Venat!
- Wuk Ere or however he’s called
- the DSL jews for purposes of handholding
-old king
that’s about it
Face 3 fiddie is so fucking ugly.
The world should recognize as god killers and weapons of mass destruction.
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The character is fine problem is too much screen time, should let other characters show up. Erenville in theory is our narrator but barely show up for the spotlight.
For real, just make it look like an accident too. Cast sleep on him while he's going down some stairs. "Oops."
Mother, I...
We love all fiddies here
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The mind virus has infected cat mommy, it's so joever! All we need now is someone to say #strongertogether
Now that we are past endwalker, what do you think of it retroactively?
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I want to do Solution SEX with Athena!
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my wol is venat
my beloved
I don't they are ugly and boring
That's like asking what the NA forum is saying. Opinions vary.
tits or gtfo
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but there's got to be something more. was he in some sort of battle and received brain damage? did the final days happen in part of tural and he had to deal with it? i'd buy that, that'd be enough. as is he's just kind of pathetic. nowhere near zenos tier.
you've been the scions' resident god killer since A Realm Reborn anon
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Doing msq with my eb
I will make my morbol mount use bad breath and you are going to take it
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aight will post in a couple of days of new updated kill count when Dyanmis refreshes
every time until i win
All but the face 3 ones, yes.
Yeah and no one respects me
I am treated like a schmuck
Let me rephrase it then, are they as anal about it as the English forums, as in either hating her guts or enjoying her. Or are they not even talking that much about her?
Erenville became my spirit animal when he was effectively the only member of the team as done with Wuk's shit as I was. Look at the weariness in his eyes. He's been dealing with Wuk's shit his whole life. Every time she does some stupid shit you can tell he's thinking "PLEASE get it together, I recommended you to my friends." He's actually a character I want to learn more about, because I sense some tension between him and that whole environment (for example when Wuk's father calls Erenville by his old name and he immediately corrects him and asks to be called Erenville instead). Also he's fucking gorgeous.
Venat is pure sex
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EBing a catgirl that hates me and only keeps me around to make sure i suffer!
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Awful with a few good moments. 3/10.
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my autistic wife likes to roleplay as a super villain while we eat in restaurants. I think it's cute, but a few of the customers were give us strange looks.
Y'shtola you're a tribal catgirl adopted by sharlayans and then raised by frogs who then spent years working for a multiracial and multicultural organization at the biggest melting pot in Eorzea that is Limsa and you worked for 2 years as leader of a different minor religion...

You really shouldn't be getting impressed by diversity, it's literally your status quo...
kill the boss for us, weapon of light
Want to be a fiera and I think brown skin and light blonde hair is peak design (think Ramlethal) but feel that it's so ubiquitous... How do I make her more interesting?
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The only plugins I want are
>Reaction (mostly for the convenient way to toggle Mouse Over)
>Yes Already
>Text Advance
>Chat Bubbles
>Simple Tweaks (mostly to do stuff like hide useless MP bars and other small UI tweaks)
So this already is a massive upgrade.
I forgot it happened
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you cannot defile the crystal mommy like this
nice nose
>Let Wuk go on her own
>Gets kidnapped
Why is she so fucking useless? Shes more useless than Lyse
I need NoClippy so bad bros... NuMNK with the animation delay is FUCKED, I need all the speed juice I can get.
yeeaaa I always remember lyse kicking peoples asses..
what the fuck happened to her nose
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Bros, I've never been a skip chad before, but I seriously want to skip this shit. I'm so tired of running errands for Wuk Lamat. I switch to JP voices, so she's actually kind of a cute character and not some vomit inducing cringe DEI inclusion, but I still am not enjoying these little errands we're doing.
you think azem and venat ever scissored
I love Venat.
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me too it feels like shit having to do without it
I wish they fuckign had the balls to actually make scions go their own ways dealing with their own shit and WOL going alone into the new world instead we just having scions nodding every 2 minutes doing jack shit
I'm gonna sunder her ass anon
10 dollar whore looking ass
What are the chances theres going to be a mod that changes only wuk's voice lines to a different language?
cougar vibe
They would get cancelled so fast
do you think the tip of his penis is black or pretty pink
anon no that's heresy no noooooo
I hope someone replaces it with 11labs.
it's funny how Cid is consistently doing this and is still the best sidekick to the scions.
oh no!
>random person nobody has ever seen shows up on road alone
>"oh uhhh wuk lmao come with me the moblin leader totally forgot to tell you something about the contest but i cant discuss it here, come with me, also come alone btw."

This is genuinely parody levels of retarded, this singular event should caused everyone to abandon her as potential leader of the Americas

That was the shittest final trial ever for an expansion
I was thinking about that earlier. The twins are there and they basically just point at scenery and do "funny" things off screen.
Why are they even here?
i mean they said the scions would be disbanding, right? at the end of ew so i assumed thats what would have happened and i thought that would be a neat change of pace. nope
To be fair her entire entourage, us included, let her do it.
not posting in that shitty ass thread
>she'll be back any minute now! let's just wait, WoL!
she has the followers she deserves, honestly
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>put on the New Vegas Radio
>equip the Gachimuchi armor
>walk as MCH through the mojave (Xak Tural)
>/say "What in the goddamn...?" everytime combat starts
This is peak
So far that's been my only serious complaint about the story. If this were real, there's no way that would have been allowed to happen. But to suggest that the whole team, including the WoL, was born yesterday... not the best writing.
I do not like this fred it has the face of my enemy on it
HORSED Gar in the back alleys of solution nine while Eiki peeked around the corner
It gets worse.
they want to have fun too
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Unpopular opinion but they should've had her executed during the kidnap scene to really accelerate the story and throw us audience members for a loop.

Would've made the story slog infinitely better.
We got into Ishgard finally and it was a big deal at that point in the story it was so cool.
Dragon's Nest was great, it was kinda chores but you can tell everything is frozen over and everyone is fucked so it felt less like chores and more like actual things that need to be helped with. Artoirel was good and tried to hide his dislike of us, ending with apologizing to us after we helped save a knight's life and tracked down the heretics. He has been on our side ever since.
Sea of Clouds was unironically ass but fortunately very short.
I have no idea about Dawntrail and I don't care, didn't buy it, I'm just coming out of the woodwork to talk about Heavensward and Coerthas because those two things are my most beloved thing about this otherwise middle game.
>new sam af sword actually has physics on the tassel
holy shit bros...
awful compared to dawntrail
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my melf to the left
Lyse is likeable, Wuk isn't.
why change perfection
He doesn't even want to take over Eorzea

He wants to create a global war so terrible that every single nation unites and agrees never to go to war ever again because it was just so awful.

He wants to do this despite the fact his nation is on it's own continent, has no shipbuilders knowledgable enough to build sea faring vessels that can travel to other continents.

Has no idea the tech and capabilities of other continents. The only people who fought his Father and came out still being able to walk are himself and two foreigners. His brother spending a couple of years abroad came back with so many stolen tech and ideas it vastly improved their way of life.
>their kemono page hasnt been updated since last year

its over
>He wants to create a global war so terrible that every single nation unites and agrees never to go to war ever again because it was just so awful.
I think one of the funniest parts is also how he apparently hasn't heart how literally everyone in Eorzea/Ilsabard/Othard have joined and formed a UN organization (that actually works).
>they stopped posting the S rank trains on 'cords
thank god I nolifed and got 2 gearsets and 200 materia already

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