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Elf Edition

Previous thread: >>483748808

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO

>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Factory town
>Oxygen not Included
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles
>Zachtronics games

The full game list as well as information about these games, such as where to get them if they’re not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:


Games that are not /egg/:
>Hearthstone (learn how to add a “/” to your search)

OP pad for new thread
WebM for physicians: argorar.github.io/WebMConverter
Reminder: /egg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny servers.

Current and recent /egg/ hosted servers:
>Satisfactory (private server, ask in thread for IDs)
All IPs are in the pad for security reasons.
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>In some cases they did so behind Raiguard's back, using dirty strategies like forcing out changes in public beta builds and then claiming they can't reverse them any more because it would break too many already up-and-running games for players.
Those motherfuckers.
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Can someone explain why this piece of shit won't even attempt to hover plz?

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Could be either, I played Caves of Qud for a bit (and might again when the mood strikes), and was considering CDDA.
If mmcg and mcg were split back then as they are now, then it probably wasn't mcg.
well it's an old weird personal favorite of mine in any case
I rarely ever use it but thanks for making it


My stance on egg-related game debate from last thread:
I define engineering games as games which require you to employ and use engineering approach for problem solving: analyze, plan, prototype, bugfix, release, support. However, not all games which have said properties can be considered to be engineering games if their main gameplay loop does not revolve around said engineering mindset. They can have egg elements, but it doesn't automatically make them full eggs. Say, for example, dwarf fortress certainly has some engineering aspects to it with valve logic and general approach to underground design, but it mainly focuses on the aspect of resource management, which makes it mainly a management game.
However, i don't think that sperging out about posts of tangently egg games is good. Actually, from my experience, it doesn't matter which game you post here, there are always anons who are eager to solve problems as long as they require the engineering thought loop, as long as you aren't an obnoxious blogposter and present it in a way which is easy to digest for an average egg denizen.
In other words, if you wanna post about barotrauma, then post about reactor automation and wiring logic, not about gunning down pirates.
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honestly don't think trains are a good fit for that game. maps are too small and building space is too limited.
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It seems that you haven't played for some time. They optimized it enough for huge maps to be possible, and on this one in particular, the closest copper, for example, is there on the side of the crater. Requires either comically long belts, or a lot of trucks to maintain throughput.
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Plus IRL there's a lot of huge complexes that use trains. I'm sure there's even bigger examples, and it's not just for connecting each part of the complex to the outside, for example, there's torpedo wagons that transport molten metals within one big factory. So there is a lot of IRL basis that we can suspend our disbelief in a semi-realistic looking game like CoI
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why would you want to post about barotrauma of all things
>stormworks 1 still looks and feels like an early access game.
>have the gall to start working on stormworks 2
jfc these guys I swear.
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>debait about how terms should be defined
literally the least interesting class of discussion. why even bother?
Waste no more time arguing about what a good eggposter should be. Be one.
I don't know, some anons do this sort of thing from time to time, in every thread I browse.
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To make this worth it they shoud be starting a new codebase from scratch and applying just the mechanics that (seem to) work from 1 - like KSP2 should have - but these ARE the Stormworks devs we're talking about so this might just tank them depending on how it goes. Could just pointlessly split the team's manpower.
>includes Software Engineering.
speaking as a software guy, no.
>applying just the mechanics that (seem to) work from 1
So none of them?
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
Next you'll be asking how can you make a kid that gamers would enjoy.
Speaking as another software guy, yes.
The fact that the field features a lot of fuck-ups, try-hards, and downright malignant leeches does not change the fact that it's an engineering discipline.

Those problems are due to total lack of gatekeeping through professional standards and ethics and the industry at large not wanting to settle into those, because it eats into the profits of the many fly-by-night start-ups with shady suits&ties at the top that cash out of their running pyramid scheme and move on to the next before it all goes down in a big fireball.

It's damn well ridiculous for a field that has existed in practice since the 1940s.
And it's about damn time governments step in to start bitch-slapping the industry into conformance, since its business side of things has obviously zero intent whatsoever to do any growing up.
Shamefully, this. In the field of programming, "engineering" is just a word the company puts in your job title in lieu of monetary compensation.
It may one day become an engineering discipline, but that hasn't happened yet.
I don't know if governments have the guts for proper regulation and trust-busting nowadays, seems like they just kneel to corporations.
That's because you live in the US
The actual subject matter and work involved are definitely engineering; if done proper.
The awful practices in the industry are a consequence of the business side of companies that *claim* to practice proper software engineering, but are just out to make a buck as quick and cheap as possible - consequences be damned.
are we arguing about definitions and whether to use the de jure or de facto result again
Be real with me /egg/.
Folktails or Iron Teeth in Timberborn?
Which one's more interesting to work with?

For example, Iron Teeth's got convenient things like the rowhouses, which are beaver commieblocks with a tiny footprint.
Meanwhile, Folktails' houses are awkward two-story ones with entrance on the upper floor(!).
Former is piss-easy to put together for a high-density housing cluster.
Latter needs some puzzle-solving skills to fit together in an efficient way.
See >>484094409
In the EU the Digtal Markets Act, Digital Services Act, AI Act, GDPR, and others are making mince-meat out of US big tech companies and are forcing them to either conform or back out of the EU - a market which represents just over one-third their global revenue.

Japan and Korea are also already following suit. And even some states in the US itself are looking at cranking up the legislative effort, should nothing be done at the federal level.
>are just out to make a buck as quick and cheap as possible - consequences be damned
This isn't strictly a software engineering company-thing though.
Every company and corpo is greedy as all hell by default.
The latter are just better at getting away with it.
americans think the world lives under their standard, without knowing they're basically ancap land
it's crazy just how many rights they just forfeit for granted
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For a long time I've had an idea for an egg which probably isn't novel and somebody else has done before, but I don't know where to look. Can anybody tell me if this game idea has been implemented before?
>dungeon crawler aka roguelike
>player character cannot directly engage in combat, builds robots to fight for him
>robots need to be assembled from scavenged parts from the dungeon / defeated enemies enemies
>the robots need to be programmed by the player to do anything
>the programming language is a graphical scratch-like language
>the nodes used in this robot programming language are in-game items which need to be scavenged from the dungeon just like other parts
for instance, you could scavenge a radar part which amounts to a function your robot can invoke to get the x,y coordinates of the nearest enemy.

different programming components would have different stats, like how much power or turn time they consume when executed by the robot. A basic radar component might use the robot's entire turn, while a high tier one might be used by the robot almost for free, giving it turn time to then move or attack.
didn't the FTC finally try to do something about apple recently?
Not sure, I remember we made sure that apple AI can't do jackshit in the EU though
>the programming language is a graphical scratch-like language
I conceived of this as a game that tricks players into programming, a sort of edutainment thing. Besides, the library of functions are in-game items so it makes some sense to drag them around to assemble them as though they were physical components.
is accounting engineering
pls say yes ;_;
Not the worst idea.
You might want to check this out for ideas:

It's very limiting to have functions and such be items.
I can already imagine the frustration when you can't get X part to finish off your otherwise-complete program.
Then, losing your bots would mean losing whatever functions and whatnot they had, which can potentially be downright crippling, if not a slow circling of the drain towards a total party kill.

If I may suggest, being able to dissolve found loot into some kind of resource to reconstruct known (still have to find them) "parts" from, and a way to intentionally get it without risking a game over much would be a good way to mitigate bad RNG.
Several robot programming games using scratch like languages exit, such as Autonauts, but not with loot. Rogue Voltage involves collecting and connecting components while adventuring but it's not really programming. You might look at ancient AI tank games like RobotWar for the radar thing.
Not into JRPG style gameplay at all, but oh god I love indies so much for doing shit like that
Also Crobots, from back in the day.
Be glad you get to enjoy eggs without looking like a German playing forklift simulator after a long day in the warehouse
>is accounting engineering
No, it's cooking.
thank you anons, I'll look into these
Software engineering has been professionalized (as in, actually having standards beyond "works on my machine") already in some industries, most notably banking, health-care, and space. Coincidentally those are the sectors where people get very angry when things fail catastrophically.

What it lacks is the law ensuring that not just any pajeet-from-the-street can call himself a software "engineer".
I'm very wishy washy on the concept of botting being /egg/-y or not, not that it would ever really be a place to discuss it, but just in a theoretical concept.
>Game where it simulates a generic MMO and you're tasked with breaking the game by programming bots
(There is that one idle game but I never really liked the feel of it and it's not programming)
Most of these are irrelephant to this general
should color code this for which game has what
how do i get acces to it.........?
I like it but I can't help you.
>Meanwhile, Folktails' houses are awkward two-story ones with entrance on the upper floor(!).
I almost did it but it was hard because I only played factorio, ksp and besiege.
>once read the factorio wiki page for pipes
>ever since, loath using any straight sections of above ground pipes due to the loss of throughput. use underground pipes to the maximal extent possible even when I don't even need the throughput
>all my fluid builds look boring and samey
how to break this habit?
just build so it looks nice
I need to break it too for the expansion, but it's hard to unlearn.
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Is that a real question? Iron teeth are just an upgrade compared to finicky wind power that MIGHT be available with folktails. I also prefer growth vats to folktail breeding. Deeper pumps,bigger water wheels,log power on demand. Iron teeth are just great.

Also they finally added Automated sluice gates and the ability to make aqueducts. Now we just need the ability to make tunnels through the rock.
Molten metals in fluid wagons is cool and all but I still don't see why you wouldn't just have a single massive pipe connecting your entire base.
Throughput doesn't matter in vanilla, with the exception of water for power, absurdly long pipelines, and megabase-scale production.
Your fluid builds will still probably look the same anyway
Because trains are more convenient
>Is that a real question?
It is. Like I said, Iron Teeth got a lot of convenient stuff, whereas you actually have to think about how to put Folktails' stuff together.
I.e. Iron Teeth don't need batteries with enough engines to handle the power demand spike.
Whereas 'tails need them to even out the windmills' output.
Teeth's rowhouses is a great example of e-z housing, while the lodges need some tetris'ing to connect everything up AND keep it all compact.

My point is, Folktails challenge you to make use of their stuff, while Iron Teeth give you convenience.
I'm curious which one anons prefer, or if they can't pick one due to enjoing both the challenge, and the convenience.

>Deeper pumps, bigger water wheels
Superficial. You stack the wheels anyway for more power, regardless of size, and both pumps have either longer than needed, or coming up short in terms of reach for river water intake, or a deep reservoir tapping respectively.
Besides, the new sluice gates let you make a tiny pool at the foot of your dam and tap into the reservoir with any pump anyway, further negating any racial advantage.
>log power on demand
Needs logs and hauling, whereas windmills are build-and-forget. One needs maintenance, other needs batteries.
And both become irrelevant if you build walls around a (bad)water source to tide you over during a drought, adding batteries on top for some immediately-available capacity.

As for breeding, I find Folktails' "natural" reproduction easier to work with than the heavily-fluctuating vat-grown Iron Teeth.
You basically have as much workers as you have housing ±few kids.
Teeth's population depends heavily on their wellbeing, unless you like even MORE flux with lots of vats.

Not saying either is superior to other, but there is an appreciable amount of differences between the two tribes.
iron teeth are king because fuck treehuggers
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Okay yellow up, working towards the rocket. Copper's a problem though; need to up my mining by using the last quarter or so of the patch that is covered by belts.
If only there was some kind of... beltless transport system. Sadly, these things are but pipe dreams.
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>2-to-3 balancer shuffles my two-lane belts
Timberborn iron teeth are like objectively better, You've got no reason to use folktails even the developers in all their videos use iron teeth.
I'd say it's less about convenience and more about freedom to build how/where I want. I can plop a pump wherever I want while the folktail have to build in specific areas or wait until they unlock demolitions to form the exact depth as needed. Folktail housing usually looks like shit imo because of the incentive to stack buildings and the non-uniform designs.
>don't need batteries
Not sure where you got this idea from. The larger waterwheels allow you to store a shitload of power quickly and easily with a smaller footprint. Engines are basically there to use when your demand exceeds your current batteries ability to supply. You turn them on until you can expand your battery storage to catch back up with the needs of your industry. Eventually late game when you have a giant dam you can just release water as needed to keep powering your waterwheels.

I still need to try the new update to see if the water physics broke anything but I doubt it. Especially since they removed waterwheel slowdown that was preventing infinite power from working agian.
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beltlets really do be seething
Oh and
>Updated buildings: Mechanical Water Pump and Deep Mechanical Water Pump: max pipe length increased to 5 and 8 tiles, respectively. With all the aqueduct shenanigans now possible, it made sense to give beavers more freedom in creating their water transportation setups.

They just buffed iron teeth even more.

Folktails should be what you get intially for your colony then from there as you advance you unlock iron teeth which have more advance needs.
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I almost don't hate this. At least it works.
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India's most needful mod.
that seems like a very small coal patch to be so far from your base
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Engine runs. I've rebuilt the cab because of a problem relating to something looking bad.
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>all that garbage on the left
I thought that was pypy
electronic components for my K2SE starter base
change to bottleneck lite
duskers has something involing bots that you type commands to and can create macros called aliases which run commands in order and can wait or sleep before executing more
but I think you can also play it by just typin stuff fast an micromanaging your drones. they scavenge ships and you control which doors or airlocks to open but the ship might have hostile threats on it which will fuck up your robots if you mess up and put them in the same room so it becomes more about determining where the enemy might be and isolating rooms or ejecting them to space. the drawback is loot goes to space too if you eject them all out the airlock.

but your game sounds very different.
Canada has laws about not being able to call yourself an engineer without a license, but everyone I’ve talked to in industry has told me it’s worthless to have an engineering license as a computer engineer, unless you plan on doing something critical to public safety.
>Bottleneck Lite, in comparison to Bottleneck, has no runtime scripting. The indicators are added to the actual sprites of each entity, and are tinted based on the working visualisations property. This means that Bottleneck Lite can scale infinitely, and will instantly respond to changes in entity status regardless of how many entities there are.
neat, thank you
Only 2.5k more tier 3 speed modules before I can turn on my switch 1k son deathworkd base
>no manual signals
interesting idea, but i wonder if this is going to be more complex than they think. i suppose the fact that nobody will be building four lane each direction 100 car monstrosities like factorio might work in their favor
so i got satisfactory a couple days ago
but it doesnt feel very satisfying yet.

everything feels very large so my early designs i need to tear down and rebuild probably because now I realize i need more room for splitters and I wasnt concerned about machine effeciency by calculating the output of the belts.

I never really cared about counting input/outputs in factorio, just saturate the belts and make belts move faster and make more stuff in an organized fashion

but idk what else to play
Fixed it for you. The PIDs were way too low so you weren't seeing any reaction from them, I used 10 / 100 for pitch and roll. One or 2 of the tilt sensors were backwards as well.

That will be 1 bitcoin please.

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>main bus is pointed directly at the only decent iron patch I've found so far
I dun goofed
/egg/ is generally pretty sour on satisfactory. i personally don't like it because the scaling is shit and you never feel more powerful or more able to quickly build as the game goes on. i'd recommend DSP or CoI if you want "factorio with a twist"
quick quick mine it now aaaaaaaaa
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made a flying frame for a single 5x5 turret
thinking about bulding an advanved cannon that will shoot from 2500m
Why not put a builder on it and duplicate itself or smaller drones that duplicate itself and begin to drone swarm
>reach deep space science
>yeah nah
fuck that shit
Oh. I saw this on the discord good job.
you people are retarded and it's genuinely your fault at this point
>playing meme mod
>complain when he gets meme on
t.can't counquer memes
You wouldn't have to fiddle with PIDs if you just followed Lear's Law.
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not the fastest ship sailin' the high seas, but at least it's cheap, less than 2k
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>half the board solved by second draw
>cockblocked by Ace in beginning and worst final draw
hmm, no engine power and 54.000 materials in storage?..
whats going on there?
Luck issue
t. 39 wins
is this the famous balatro people have been talking about
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Had some really scary power problems for a bit but ended up just swapping to producing solid fuel to complement my coal. Thought about going nuclear but the setup would've taken too long. I think it would've been worth it if I started a couple of hours ago or so.
It's a Christian delivery system, God will carry the cargo crate wherever it needs to go.
if cdda had conveyor belts it would be a better game than Good Company
you forgot:
>they have issued like 90 press releases stating their new game is explicitly NOT "just Stormworks 2"
>they make Stormworks 2
I could understand it as an internal dev name but lmao damn man this company really is slimy.

Scratch is bad if you want to do anything useful but as a little toy to teach the fundamental concepts of basic programming it's actually really really good. I had to use it and Starlogo for a class once. They're frustrating if you're used to normal text coding but are good teaching tools and the top-down block style rather than a flowchart make it easier to keep things reasonably neat and compartmentalized.
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your final test is to fix the furnigger cum jet (you can't because his ""designs""" are retarded)
If you want to keep going with satisfactory here's a few tips:
Don't do any long term planning until you reach mk5 belts, you will rebuild a lot of your factories as you get better belts. Most likely, your first overhauling milestone will be at mk3 belts, and mk5 after that, so keep things simple and be prepared to tear down and rebuild a lot. Deconstruction filters are very useful for this.
Go hunting for crash sites as early as you can, they provide hard drives that take 10 IRL minutes to analize, at which point they will provide 3 random alternate recipes for various items in the game. Some recipes are garbage, some are tradeoffs between more complexity for a different (usually more convenient) ingredient and some are massive upgrades to existing recipes.
Given the time-based nature of this gimmick and the fact that some recipes can completely change how you build your factories, you should start getting hard drives asap, before you do any long term planning.
Rush the chainsaw to make your life easier when collecting biomass for generators
Rush coal power so that you don't have to manually fuel your generators anymore.
Rush blade runners from the MAM research to get a massive speed and jump boost.
>t. hits his dick with a hammer for the lulz
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it sworking well enough
need to use a different ammo though - this is just a sabot with gunpowder for testing
18.000 materials and it has 72 m/s cruising speed
next step is testing a take-off from a carrier
Despite being only 1% of the population the engineer is responsible for 100% of the pollution
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protips to make the game more tolerable and kill the worst mechanics
>turn "keep all inventory on death" on
>once you have satisfied yourself with Le Burner Phase just start from coal unlocked on future playthroughs
>once you have something set up, just go hard drive hunting/creature poaching
>alien protien is for making into dna canisters and sinking. do not bother turning it into biomass or healing items
>use smart splitters
>unlock the "architectural" pieces because they help organize your belts/power lines/etc so much that they are basically a real upgrade
lol. lmao
it's the sails: the way they're pointed they'll add some speed no matter where the wind blows, even sailing against it.
point them the normal way and the magic'll stop working. have them entirely horizontal and they'll stop working too, hence the 45 degree angle

>>484149357's got it right, it's either magic or god's will. don't care which it, is I'll exploit it either way
Are you employed at Boeing?
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No but I did end up belting to the extra copper and iron I needed since trains also seemed like they'd take too long to setup
That is fine for your first run, but
>no radars at the outposts
check the archives theres even more of his crimes there

that nigger is RETARDED
I already did that actually, to prove it works.

It's not even a bad design IMO, but he has failed to respect the process of engineering, and jumped to step 10 without working through 1 to 9.
I had some at the first oil and coal outposts just didn't bother with the others because it's been like 10 hours since the last biter attack
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>he seriously posted this
Lol. Lmao
mods = gods
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>staying level and falling slowly with zero thrust
sick cheats
>i dont understand it so it must be cheats
letting furfags into the thread was a mistake. back to comfy minecraft tecmod posting when?
Despite being only 1% of the population stormwanks is responsible for 100% of the shitposting
Kill yourself furfaggot.
Hey that's exactly what I was asking about a while ago, now we CAN make viaducts. Good shit
Is this game actually fun? How in depth is the actual production/logistics? We talking tropico style "sawmill needs lumber so any idle furry will grab it and haul it" or is it full on pipes and conveyors and train and truck lines or where is it if inbetween
wtf is that fucking hose for lmao
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Took the Avadi spinny penis engine (trademark) and made it a LOT more compact, obviously doesn't have much power with one piston but it's neat and balanced.

I wonder if I should figure out a way to compare engine power between all my designs.
Sawmills MAKE lumber you furnigger retard. Sawmills would want logs.
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He already conceded and replaced his clutch control with valve/bucket control. That's why he hasn't been posting about it, because it works now.
Still wrong. You clearly don't even understand the basics of the thrusters. Below a certain threshold they don't do the particle effect. You would know that if you bothered to learn the basics.

You are also boring.
Spammer won't accept that he (eventually) learned and fixed his mistake, goes against his narrative
>valve control
theres valves on >>484160186 and it doesnt look like it works to me lol
besieged is not /egg/
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A few threads back, I remember talking about starship and planetary annihilation. He said that my buckets suggestion worked and provided the instant control he was looking for, although we all agree that it reduces efficiency. Then we never heard from him again as far as I know.

We were polite and answered his questions honestly, providing two fixes. It took some time but now he's gotten it working.
I hope he's still here and being a nicer guy, and I hope he learned to avoid all the bait.
Seems like all along the solution was for all of us to stop being assholes.
Rate my shitty stern. Is there any mod/tool to make building curves easier than just trial and error with all the different sloped parts? Just got the game on the summer sale so no bully.
the "solution" is to just use a fucking PID
>He said that my buckets suggestion worked
I made a comment to that extent and I am definitely not that guy. I had doubted that buckets would be instant like a valve, but it turned out they are. I'm a bit new at stormworks and hadn't learned everything yet.
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>9 minutes over
Fun game but I felt like I was playing on easy mode; the aliens were barely a factor.
Will start a new game when the expansion releases because there was still a ton to do.
we're starting to get some real low quality posters
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r8 engine design
Kill yourself.
I just logged on
How about instead of doing any of that they just release parts of the current game as DLC instead?
grats anon, I hope the add-on will make the enemies more of a problem especially on the other planets
after 9 years of saying "it's not stormworks 2" they probably made yet another horrible spaghetti mess that they cannot simply port into their existing game (even though the existing game is full of middleware)
>legendary missile turret deletes 19012901201290 mega biters per second
I really doubt they'll be harder. Far more likely to just have new types that require new turrets.
I assume that eventually you need more than the basic turret and ammo if you keep playing, but between those and me going out to flamethrower bases every once in a while it was just very straight forward. I used a shield generator on the simplest armor with slots in it and didn't bother with the rest.
It just seems a shame that there's artillery, tanks, flamethrower turrets, laser ones, etc. when it's just a massive waste of resources to use any of them.
I guess eventually it's worth it to make a instead of driving out with your car? Not sure how it compares to the better armors with like personal defense drones or whatever.
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Time to upgrade the nicetrain.
I've got to update the logic, and change to the new train wheels.
Then I need to find some way to load crates in remote locations, might shrink it down and fit a vehicle on the back, then use separate train cars to carry the cargo on.

I hope it works well for your needs anon!
why is a train carrying a boat
it's stormworkn't so it will probably explode into treats and my ecu that has worked for months will be silently broken by an update
The train can't swim.

The boat can be lowered into the water from a railway bridge. and later retrieved. It's a lootbox hunting boat that also needs an upgrade.

I'm sorry to hear that anon.
My old engines and logic are currently working fine, so I think things will turn out ok.
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testing pontoon response/hinge jank on land before in the water
this run speed is bad bros it's like i'm playing ramlethal again

>loot detector
loot has transponders on it? also if so how to resolve, I tried basic triangulation but the resolution is just too low to be reasonable on a small craft and I don't want to fuck around with setting registers while I travel, I just want to get a pointer like normal irl radio triangulation (irl VHF DF units are LITERALLY man portable)
>it's the /ggg/ faggot
Kill yourself furry
Whoops, good thing I have a boat!

Loot boxes show up on radar, I think fish do now too so I will need to filter out low altitude objects
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Whoops, good thing I didn't forget the image!
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This color scheme is something.
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goddamn hydraulics and robotics are fucking FLOPPY in this game

the concept kinda works but I can't tell if any deficiencies are bad engineering, bad programming, or both

>using radar in this game
sounds absolutely dire. i just know it will both be less powerful and jankier to use than any detection system i ever made in my gmod days, and those straight up used findInCone() and whatever the "find constraints of this object" function were in an E2
Anon do you know what a webm is?
check that you have "physics: high" in settings, but yeah moving parts are somewhat weak sometimes
nvm fixed it forgot to plug in my computer whew thanks thread for these hot pro tips
who do you think is responsible for the industrial society?
tatami i guess
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>"Saving Game..." appears
>contraption explodes
skill issue
Clearing diagonal rail is kinda tedious, especially if you have other rail nearby that you don’t want deconstructed, makes me wonder if wube should add a toggle to make selection Diamond shaped.
i look exactly like this (me on the right)
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it is takeing shapte but it feels like they nerfed water jets a bit. 40 1x1 cylinders made it struggle so i had to add another 20 and now it is kind of only ok
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floppy ass robotics. jesus christ
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you need more linkages to reduce the degree of freedom.
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>was changing some things with my fusion reactors last night
>used canister storage was full
>made some changes to it
>all is good
>playing just now
>alarms start blaring saying my steam is low
>fly down in a panic
>no charged canisters are being fed to my fusion reactors
>realized I forgot to reconnect the belt from the storage warehouse to the belts feeding the fusion reactors

Thank god I put those alarms on the steam otherwise my base would have gone dark.
huh? are those people at the construction site?? is that new?
stacking moving parts is never good, but idk what the fuck you have going on with those pistons connected with a heavy block
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Yes, they also wait outside of buildings if there's a queue
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sheeeit, im gona have to do a 1.0 run soon
Can someone point to resources for Stationeers? The tutorials are disabled and I can't figure out how to make a fucking wall since it just makes glass windows every time
those are fine. they're set to 0 power so they don't push or pull but (hopefully) stay mostly in line with eachother. it's just an unpowered slider basically
You can change the wall type with scroll wheel, if you look it should say like Wall 1/5 or some shit on your cursor or somewhere close to it.
That just changed the orientation I thought; is it actually both somehow?
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>fish oil

Aight, im done with this shit, it was pretty cool and the jank was tolerable, but for some reason needing fish oil to make a gearbox just seemed the right place to draw the line. Im out.
Finally finished building my 1k spm switch deathworld base, now time to let it spool up and hope it works
I mean whale oil was a thing
Well, gearboxes generally are swimming in oil.
And if fish oil is the only low-tech thing you've got...

Also: welcome to the moment where you realise Py took the realism-factor in its recipes a step or two (or five... or twenty...) too far.
realistically (as in in irl) by the time people were lubricating machinery, agriculture and seed oils were already a thing for about 5000 years
it's getting there but it's still kinda wack. still, it's driveable. technically
The internal 1:3 balancers are peak retarded.
It's not even PROPERLY balanced, because the central pair of belts will have double the pull of the side and should be double-weighted. If you'd actually balanced this properly, you would've gone with a 1:4 balancer and rejoined the central two for a 1:2:1 weigh.

That said: there are far better ways to arrange your belts for an electric components build, such that a) you don't need to rely on throughput limiting long-hand inserters and b) you can seamlessly upgrade it to the improved recipe variant that adds lithium as a 4th ingredient for (iirc) quadruple the yield later on.

As it stands, this build can go into the crapper at that point.
'Engineer' is a protected title in the EU as well, and you're strictly speaking only allowed to use it if you at the very least have an officially acknowledge and acredited bachelor's degree in the respective field.

But that's sadly just for personal titles.
*NOT* for job titles.

The EU should really amend that legislation, such that if you put "engineer" into a job title or claim your company practices "<anything> engineering" that the work legally requires it to be done by actual engineers with acredited degrees.
most official titles in canada are completely worthless. like anywhere else the only one that matters is MD and even then it's still like "is this person a REAL doctor or are they are 'nurse practitioner' "
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Does this engine work?
w2c black impellers
Nope. If you look at how the pumps are arrange you'll see too many coolant manfoilds connecting to the engine.

Then you'll see no power going to what, I can only assume are impellers powered by "air"

It's actually objectively the worse design /egg/ has produced.
It was an example of how to tetris cooling into the design with a heatsink instead of radiators (because former are watertight) I showed to the retard who had pipes and shit all over the fucking place.
I know it because I was the one who made it and posted that very pic.
It's a troll, don't feed it.
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You shouldn't be using fluid heat sinks because of their low thermal efficiency but instead you want to be using electric radiators.
The retard was insistent on using heat sinks because they can seal compartments, ignoring the suggestions to run pipes through walls to the radiators outside.
This is physician-tier retardation.
Was he building a space shuttle?
this but unironically and regardless of which shitposter is saying it. the key advantage is that heatsinks seal volumes. if you have spare walls there's not much reason not to slap them around (they aren't even that heavy -- a 15 block part for 18, whereas 15 normal blocks is... 15), but they shouldn't be primary cooling.

the only good cooling items are the big electric radiators (the small ones suck) or air-liquid heat exchangers if you have constant supply of fresh air (but they only start getting good at the 5x3 one and they're awkward to work with on top of being fuckhuge)

on air-liquids though, the small ones are similarly in "why the fuck not" tier since if you have any straight run of pipes may as well throw the heat exchanger on it.

similarly, every heat exchanger except the 2x2 is useless. and the 2x2 is only "good" because it too can be just thrown on your fuel lines basically for free in terms of space because there's no difference to the engine how hot your fuel gets before entering it and the part itself is exactly as light as the same volume of pipes/blocks. the larger ones are too awkward and there is basically no advantage in having separate coolant loops and if you're just running sea water through one you can just run it directly into the engine (could have been useful to avoid sea water scaling, but that only happens with overheating engines anyway now so they're basically legacy items)

if you have to build a wall anyway may as well build it out of heat sinks. also they just look cool. just make your whole upper deck out of the things, why the fuck not
No, frankly I've no idea what it was, probably a boat, I think?
Fuck if I know. But the way heatsinks were placed triggered my autism and I found it impossible to not show a better layout. It's woefully shit at cooling, but that was outside the scope of that triggering.
And for the record, the pumps aren't driven by "air", they're belt-driven.
>autism triggered
>but uses belt-driven impellers
nani the fuck bitch
>if you have to build a wall anyway may as well build it out of heat sinks. also they just look cool. just make your whole upper deck out of the things, why the fuck not
Fair enough, though a 5x5 radiator bank would be more efficient in space, cost (for those masochists playing career mode), and performance.

>on air-liquids though, the small ones are similarly in "why the fuck not" tier since if you have any straight run of pipes may as well throw the heat exchanger on it.
I'd argue that liquid-liquid ones are a better overall fit for that.
Assuming you're building a boat, you have an infinite source of second-stage coolant. There's hardly a reason not to add an L-L H/E, they aren't even as awkwardly-shaped as air-liquid ones.
Common sense tells me that they might have higher efficiency due to larger heat capacity, but it's Stormwonk we're talking about so I'll accept that anything is possible.

>if you're just running sea water through one you can just run it directly into the engine (could have been useful to avoid sea water scaling, but that only happens with overheating engines anyway now so they're basically legacy items)
Interedasting. I'll need to test it myself later. My engines sometimes overheat, but I guess with more coolant going through it could offset it enough to prevent scaling altogether.
Don't judge me, I'm fiddling with pumps to see what can be done with them.
They work from inside the engine assembly and can be directly controlled.
No bulli.
you have to sacrifice a cylinder to use one so i will forever hate them
Everyone in this chat knows that using gas cylinders to compress the cooling loop negatively effects the cooling rate?
does the infinite steam power thing have a large minimum size or are you just avoiding it because it's not fun
t. haven't launched stormworks yet
>though a 5x5 radiator bank would be more efficient
the idea is Why Not Both. for performance, 5x5 rads are better, and for cost efficiency the normal radiator is the cheapest standalone and the air exchangers are even cheaper. but if you have spare blank walls, fuck it, throw some sinks in there

>I'd argue that liquid-liquid ones are a better overall fit for [space autism]
i did say to use both, but
>second stage coolant on a boat
not really useful since you can run sea water straight into the engine without penalty

bad forced meme
True, and that pisses me off as well.
However, it's just +1 crankshaft block for small engines, or +1 small crankshaft block for medium engines.
You can put your ECU, starter batteries and their charger, hose anchors, and what have you into that gap between the belt driver and the cylinders, so your engine can be largely self-contained and modular.
>the idea is Why Not Both
>not really useful since you can run sea water straight into the engine without penalty
Precaution against possible overheat and scaling, but *may* indeed be unnecessary.
I still have to test this one out for myself to be sure.
Ermahgerd cool train upgrade get hype

thanks I did get it working last night but your settings handles better.
Whats the best storage option for stationeer?
in highly sophisticated testing, I've found that simply overbuilding the engine and running at low revs helps cooling a lot. i don't think there is a way in this game to run engines at the redline for a decent amount of time without them bursting into flame

and ofc if the engine isn't hot you don't have to give a shit about engine scaling
Workers and Resources soviet republic
why in the holy fuck can you not build anything under power lines? like jesus you can't string powerlines across a goddamn single story building?
is there a mod to fix this?

Also what's the best system for transporting workers? Should I be eventually aiming for metro or passenger train commuters out to my mines/industrial plants?
You can build roads, you hardly ever see building under power lines unless they are higher lines because building was there first. Also underground lines will be your friend when you can afford it
For workers its situational but metros are fucking sweet. Long to set up and expensive. Trains are expensive too but double as cargo transport and that is massive enough to be built in early game, plus higher speeds make them fit for longer distance. Bus are the cheapest way but clog up quickly. Trolleybus avoid refueling which is nice in town and trams are even better.
Keep in mind that passengers (not workers) may fill and clog transports as unlike traditional city builders they dont board with a destination. They board because they have an unfuldilled need (bread meat clothes electronics entertainment) and wont leave the ride until they get a stop in range of such need or their travek timer runs out. This means if you run without meat for a while because it's cheaper you will have lots of passengers running circles aimlessly taking space in your transports. Similar to that, workers will wait at a station and board whatever vehicle comes to pick them up, so a train going to A might take all the workers at the station and the next train going to B departs empty. See stations as people tanks rather than waiting rooms
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v shaped engines are gud cuz it gives you a nice pocket to put all your bad logic in :)
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learning circuits in factorio. this is so cool. i can have lights for all my chests to say like, green means it's full, yellow means it's still filling up, and red means it's totally empty
water jets are the fucking worst. you touch any oil on the sea once and it fucking dies. this game really needs some kind of filter part. it used to have one and was removed for being "broken"
are underground lines research locked? i haven't seen them yet
if workers get on a train that goes to another station, do they do whatever jobs are at the other end or do they have a specific employment place they only work at regardless of bad pathfinding?
I can't remember but it's possible yeah. They should be next to the above ground lines, the icon is a power box with underground cables going out from it. They can carry less power tho, but you can always add more and remember that you are building a grid, not a line. Keep empty slots to connect new and temporary lines so you dont blackout your entire city when you need an upgrade
They do whatever job is available. Meaning if you have a train of 100 people goingto a jobsite of 50, you will get 50 people riding back because they didnt find a job. Again think of workers as resources and you have a tank full of them that you dump in work sites until full
Your suppose to run at low revs, running your engine at maxium rps is basically running your engine at real world redline.

explain why all your "tests" are done at 60 then
I get the feeling you think that we are all the same person. Is it because we are called "Anon"?
there are like 3 people in this thread who actually play this shit ass game and I'm one of them. it's pretty much a 50/50. i've lost more on better odds
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is this enough cooling to run at 5 rps for more than 10 seconds

also planned: a flushing valve to just dump all the coolant for fresh stuff when sea water is nearby
What do you guys think on building mega base using green modules only?
show ears
Depends what you mean by mega.
1k mega? Yeah sure why not.
10k mega? lolno
>1k mega?
1k science per minute or rocket per minute?
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I think you should pick up your shit and fuck off back to your gay-ass forest of faggotry, you fucking knife-eared animal-sodomizing tree-molesting cannibalistic fruitcake.
I mean science per minute.
Imo, a *mega* base should equal 1´000´000/60=16'666 spm
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Yeah, I want a 1k spm base for starters.
I want to produce 1.6 belts of steel as cheap as possible, preferably using less than 150 furnaces. Tier 3 modules is out of consideration as they take tremendous amount of time and resources to be produced. Given that, is it still possible?
Oh yeah, and I want to save at least 60% of energy.
You aren't saving anything by using efficiency modules, beacon power draw far outweighs any savings and is on all the time, not just when machines are running
My goal is to reduce pollution. Does beacon with green modules reduce it?
Spin up a lab world and try it yourself.
>stationeers has IC programming
holy shit that brings back memories
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Doing my own 1x1 motor haven't worked out cooling yet. It's diesel electric or rather will be.
>diesel electric
kys gunbuster autist
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Building a jet powered engine myself.
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> Megabase:
> A community term referring to a significantly large base that has been built over a significant time/effort. Often, these bases are quantified in terms of science packs per minute, or "SPM". A base typically is considered a megabase when it can maintain 1k SPM.
>-- https://wiki.factorio.com/Glossary#M
Anything above 11.5 per second is a megabase since it makes a million packs a day :^)
This was in my discovery queue, anyone here played it? is it shit?
Much better than Satisfactory, not as good as Evospace. Pretty fun. They added cargo ships a while ago but I haven't gotten that far.
What's the difference between the 3D factory games?
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lil bro cant even figure out a door
You're a literal nigger homo who can't figure out a PID. You lose.
if they use ego perspective they suck
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144 furnaces and tons of modules. I will never financially recover from this.
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still unsure if you have turbo autism or are trolling
>green modules
It's Autism. And it's terminal.
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canyone can explain the tracking/detection in FtD?
what am i looking at in that picture?
short and simple if possible
Just turn the knobs on your PID until it works.
nice yellow belts
beaconing green modules is also a decision. i wonder how much pollution it takes to manufacture the beacons and green modules vs. how much you'll save in the long run with this setup
No. You have offended the god CLANG! CLANG! is offended by your unbalanced mass ratios and demands you increase the mass of some of your components on either sides of the kinematic connection. Or pay the tax of increasing the sim rate. Adding more connections won't appease CLANG! The only /egg/ that doesn't have this problem is Plasma, but Plasma is DED because they rejected CLANG!'s loving hatred. Light thing moving heavy thing BAD!
how foolish. Do you not know that closed kinematic loops do not really exist in most /egg/s? They are fake and CLANG! hates them. The only games where they work well pay tribute to CLANG! with a high simulation rate.
i'll be going on a monthlong drug binge so the bobangel serb is offline until about august
save zip - https://litter.catbox.moe/t4rirq.zip
You can also hook it up to an alarm that alerts you.
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NTA, the question is complex to answer.
Beacons might help if there's speed and production modules inside your assembler.
If you already have efficiency modules in your assemblers that hit the -80% pollution limit, then beacons with efficiency modules won't help.
In my opinion, even if you use nuclear, the increase in power draw will make your base pollute more, because the power draw from beacons will overshadow all the others (assembler, miners, etc), and building the nuclear infrastructure to feed them emits pollution. The question then becomes : how autistic are you planning to be with pollution savings? It would require a real benchmark with several combinations of modules in beacons and assemblers.
Picrel is a quick comparison that might be useful, but it doesn't show beacons with efficiency modules, because by that point, power efficiency and pollution efficiency is irrelevant for me.
>nice yellow belts
Throughput is just enough in my case. Each block (144 furnaces) produces 8 lanes of product.
>how much pollution it takes
Yeah I think having to put in 288 + 168 * 4 modules is a bit too much. I reduced it to be just 84 * 2.
+40% speed, +40% pollution and energy but it requires much-much less modules now.

The key point here is to minimize space usage which I did, I halved it.
Ah damn actually not, yellow belts is not enough. I forgot I used to build double-sided furnace blocks with 1 lane out but now it's 2 lanes and each one is filled up by just 50%.
Incorporate it into your bus by adding lines of ore going the opposite way
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If you don't have any detectors your weapons will fire blindly in the vague direction of the enemy.
Detectors give you a detection blip that has x meters of error depending on range and properties of the target. You get some amount of blips per second depending on what method of detection it is and how overloaded your processor capacity is.
Your mainframe sums up all the blips and weights them against eachother to create an average position and velocity which is used by weapon targeting. If you have very poor accuracy on your blips but a shitton of them, it will still be accurate.

Play around with a couple harmless constructs in designer mode and the "enable detection lines" button in the mmb menu

shit yourself you low quality fuck
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Well that's a bummer.

Wanted to update my script with loadstring by grabbing updated code off a http server (they allow making http requests to localhost). This actually would work and would allow very quick iteration.

I understand why they disabled it, it seems risky and I'd probably have done the same. It's really a flaw of lua among many, I could go on a very long rant about why lua sucks.

Next best option I've figured is to edit the vehicle xml directly and paste in new versions of the script. Doesn't get around the 4096 character limit but it avoids a lot of clicks.
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A layout for the container loader not as large as the truckbuster but the loadbuster will be just as powerful.
>download a bunch of /egg/ games
>play the tutorial
>close game
>reopen Factorio
>never touch the other games again
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Can someone tell me what the default volume level is for the background music in factorio?
I turned it down to test something and my autism won't allow me to continue until I set it back to how it was originally.
the refactoring in satisfactory is so overwhelming bros. is there any reason to not just start a new game with everything unlocked from the start?
Who cares about pollution?
Serious question.
the best thing to do is close the game and start up Factorio
nah thats even worse
At some point I literally just picked up a few things into a truck, and built on the other side of the map
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Even better is satisfactory's uninstall modpack.
Bad design. Will not fully compress the far side of the belt, only the near side.
skill issue and schizo issue
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I spent at least five minutes digging through the options looking for a way to reset it to default.
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thank you anon!
another quick question - since there is a "passive" radar/sonar option and such, how would one go about making the least detectable / stealthy vehicle?
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I do.
I wonder what these things smell like. Since their nests look fleshy I assume rotting meat. Could you eat biters?
Since their nests look fleshy they smell of fish and pee.
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>fish and pee

My two favorite smells.
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While I can't provide proof, I'm pretty sure my autism went past 100 on all games when Zach Solitaire Collection came out. GOG though so my save was wiped when I reformatted my computer.
I know no-one cares but I touched the game again out of nostalgia.
Next round was funny watching it send itself to left side after the last draw, just had to move the last few cards out of the way.
I'm going to build a 90 smart splitter long sorter and just delete fucking everything and start over with all my materials. Fug it. At least doing nice architecture for a pretty mall will be nice I guess.
resources are infinite, just nuke everything
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First time getting to 1k spm. Playing on switch in a deathworld.

My AC keeps blowing up in Stationeers what the fuck am I doing wrong? I even had a back pressure valve to avoid overpressure and it didnt protect shit
you could write your own 'interpreter.' Or just give up and play RigidChips instead: https://github.com/siruhu/RC15B27C/releases
In RigidChips you can do pixel by pixel machine vision with a virtual camera if you want to.
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>1k spm
>Playing on switch
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Map overview. I have ten ~120 spm factories spread out so they each have independent resource patches. Felt a bit iffy to make anything more complicated on the switch, I’ll probably move to pc if I want to try something more interesting.
Been quite a since I played it, but are you sure you've connected all the outputs and didn't miss one? One common cause of explosions is moving a really cool gas into a super hot room which causes a huge increase in pressure; another is mixing volatiles and oxygen in a hot environment.
Can you see the internal pressure of the AC with the tablet? Can't remember if it was possible. If you can then look at it while it's running to see if the pressure is slowly increasing.
Stealth kinda sucks in FTD. It works like you would expect. Keep it as small and compact as possible with as little heat generation and wireless communication as possible. Sonar and radar bounces better on big perpendicular surfaces so keep the profile of your vehicle small and at an angle against the expected direction of engagement. You can spam smoke to reduce your visual detection range. Finally non-IR cameras are spotted by retroreflectors so do away with those.

You now have a small vehicle that's basically blind and toothless and only marginally less easy to track than a fat dreadnought.
does it not slow down to a crawl at that size
besieged is probably the most engineering focused egg game
at least the way the gear anon plays it
no way could you pull that shit in spengies
I want to see someone drive themselves to madness trying to build a clock mechanism in Spengies
I dislike mechanical clocks, but theoretically would a gear mod be allowed or should it be all made with armor blocks?
I've been doing this on my latest playthrough. I have groups of 5-10 turrets daisy-chained off a single ammo chest that's connected to a speaker that generates an alarm when it's empty. I don't have to run a fully automated ammo resupply line around my whole perimeter (really annoying when it's time to expand) and I don't have to worry about running out of ammo without noticing. Obviously bots and lasers eventually render it a moot point but in the early game it's a really nice setup
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It’s playable.

It was a lot smoother before I turned on the subfactories and even now usually hovers around 20
true but the advanced stuff can't always be produced at a new site. and it's just nice to have 9000 beams or whatever for belts instead of having to wait.
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>this scares and confuses the zoomer
Circular progress bar is better than any digital readout.
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Someone did build a clock in Space engineers from egg when we made the transfer from starmade to space engineers
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>only marginally less easy to track than a fat dreadnought.
hah, ok...
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Gather around newfangled users in the beginning our thread was separated, we existed long ago in our own separated spaces during this time of prosperity we played many engineering games, conroids, starmade, factorio, and older names that I will not utter here.

During this time galactic nova was constructed during our conquest of starmade and later during the early days of space engineers.
How do you show FPS/UPS on the switch version?
I can like the face of a watch, I don't give a shit about the mechanism behind it, or how many microns the gears are or how many jewels it has or how many feet of water it resists. Clocks and watchmaking are a stagnant genepool of mechanics and machining.
Just have to go to the key bindings and set “Toggle debug settings GUI” to something
Do you agree with dosh that most games should strive to make their UI fit their game the way Highfleet does?
Is it even possible? Most game sure don't bother.
woah it's callahan
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no UI should be like in factorio, fast and efficient
his last video convinced me he should just do stuff he understands and shut the fuck up otherwise
How do you integrate wedge pieces in From the Depths? No matter what I do, they always jut out of my builds.
if you wanna make an immersive game you should have the UI be skeumorphic. if you're making a cowadoody or something you don't really need fun UI because immersion isn't on the table.
you can always get the best of both worlds by making it an in-universe fast and efficient HUD in a helmet or brain implant
>you could write your own 'interpreter.'
That is certainly one way to do it. I found some like this: https://github.com/leegao/LuaInLua/tree/master/luainlua/lua .

If I did this, I would probably use an external tool to compile to lua bytecode, then inside Stormworks only run a VM. This Lua VM in Lua minifies down to 7k with no work, so it is within the range of possibility to get below 4k. https://github.com/ds84182/LuaVM/blob/master/luavm/vm51.lua

Not planning to try this anytime soon though.
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Depends on the game but some parts of the UI should be more than just flat colors and boxes.
Almost every older game I remember as a kid had really neat interactive menus compared to the soulless garbage we have now.
webm related.
Ignore the fucked up resolution this is an older webm before I fixed it.
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Now things all look the same.
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True, but only if you go look at what other people are doing instead of learning by yourself
Vid related: I had to look at a few gifs of escape wheels to get my head around the general idea, but after that it was just me fiddling about with placements and gear ratios
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how do i make physical sense of this situation, what are the electrons doing, what is negative information
You have been hacked by an antimatter virus
An antivirus, if you will
It should be impossible to destroy information.
Call a physician.
even as a kid I hated this shit

"character in HDR over black" is boring and started as being tryhard artsy, but the best HUD is one that's simple and has just a splash of style. it should be mostly information, not scanlines and rust

videl for PEAK kino UI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgmbAs_qmY8
Did you link the wrong video?
>when you overshare and the cringe hits
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you are banned from ikea
Physicians just think "yeah, it's going the other way so there's a minus, makes sense"
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Guess what's gonna take up almost half of my factory.
Why are there two inverters!
to better illustrate that it inverts rather than negates
There was that one FFF about improving the combinator UI, has there been any word about revamping the way consumption/production rates are displayed?
Maybe I'm just being smooth brained but the way those things are displayed right now just kinda piss me off. Like if I want to craft artillery shells I gotta go through the steps of
>"well it takes 15s to craft and it requires 8 explosives, explosives take 4s to craft 2 of them, but also explosives are made in a chemical plant which has a crafting speed of 1 while the artillery shells are gonna be made in an assembler 2 which has a crafting speed of 0.75 so gotta take that into account too, but also I'll need 4 explosive cannon shells in those 15s and each one of those will also require explosives..."
Unironically, who finds that fun? My wish for 2.0 is that machines will display normalized per-minute consumption & production rates that automatically factor in crafting speed, modules, and nearby beacons.
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Main menus that put you in whatever the game is about are kino. Bland efficiency is for things you have to use for hours and hours, games should be fun.
That escapement appears largely decorative. I bet your clock would still run at constant speed if you removed it.
>wrong opinions general
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Yeah, it is a bit small but you can juuust about see an effect. I've made many changes to the design since then (this one's the only other recording I think) so a bigger escapement could be done
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Echoing >>484281435 it just depends on the game. If I'm playing a fantasy game there's probably no real way to make it nice so just make it as usable and unobtrusive as possible. If I'm playing scifi you can make it part of my in-game HUD without much fuss and it'll look nice and good. If I'm playing WoW I don't give a fuck because I'm customizing it anyways so just make it functional and support that. If I'm playing an RPG try to make sure it doesn't take me out too much; so no patch notes or connectivity info or frame rate or some shit unless I specifically ask for it.
A few games off the top of my head that have excellent UIs IMO:
>Starcraft 2
>Dead Space
And some with ones that are really quite clunky:
>From the Depths
>Path of Exile
>League of Legends
I think the good ones all fit the game very well, and provide all relevant information nearly effortlessly. The bad ones either obscure information, require navigating a lot of menus to find what you're looking for, or otherwise actively impede gameplay.
Yeah that sounds sane. Should have been defaults years ago.
I can't stand the UI of ksp, it feels on the brink of shitting itself and the whole animation thing when you start or quit is unbearable.
Playing factorio after that is like eating meat after tofu.
KSP is pretty bad but honestly I don't like Factorio's either. It doesn't feel like it gets in my way, but it certainly doesn't help me.
I can't fucking get enough of it.
>click click click clic clik click
It's so fucking fast and easy, I can launch my game in like 3s without the load times. However I'd implement scrolling to change hotbars.
Also I see what you mean, sometimes I want to do something I don't do often, like connect two rolling stocks, and I have to look at the key. Maybe it should appear next to the character if he's close to rolling stocks? Or maybe that's clutter, idk.

I should necro or email kovie
Factorio's is amazing because of it's speed, accuracy and QoL
the optimal UI is the one that fucks off completely
It doesn't need those three lanes balanced since they're not being consumed fast anyway, I just needed a way to split two belts into three while mixing them at the same time. I chose three lanes for the electronics crafting simply because it was about as wide as the rest of the build
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For me it's the Chad maximalist UI
I'm genuinely surprised you guys like Factorio's so much. It has speed, but there are significant QoL and accuracy problems. A short, far from exhaustive list:
>The number over items you're placing shows only the stack, not your full inventory
>Many tabs require search, but doesn't have built-in shorthand (for example neither 'blue', nor 'chip' will show you a Processing Unit--you need to know the actual name of the thing)
>Tabbing through weapons is unidirectional
>Alt mode is a toggle on an extremely common modifier despite there being almost no time you want it disabled
>Your quickbars are designed for mouse use instead of keyboard use, just horribly inefficient
>The research screen is just a clusterfuck and very difficult to navigate
>Like if I want to craft artillery shells I gotta go through the steps of
>>"well it takes 15s to craft and it requires 8 explosives, explosives take 4s to craft 2 of them, but also explosives are made in a chemical plant which has a crafting speed of 1 while the artillery shells are gonna be made in an assembler 2 which has a crafting speed of 0.75 so gotta take that into account too, but also I'll need 4 explosive cannon shells in those 15s and each one of those will also require explosives..."
>Unironically, who finds that fun?
Unironically, I think solving these sort of "ratio puzzles" is half the fun for a lot of people. For everybody else (including me), there are mods like Factory Planner or Helmod
>don't have a fast enough product rate
>simply increase production
Simple as, no math required
>Your quickbars are designed for mouse use instead of keyboard use
how so?

add this one to the list though
>trying to add a personal logistic request for something you already have a personal logistic request for isn't allowed, but also doesn't highlight where the existing request is, so you have to visually search through dozens of icons to find the one you're looking for
No can do, got an 8:30 res with Factorio 2
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I don't understand how people manage mega bases or w/e the fuck you call them. I guess my base would classify as a semi medium train base? I am struggling to keep everything running smoothly. It's like by the time I fix/optimize one thing something else needs fixed/optimized and then look some ore patch has dried up or some material is short everywhere despite the fact I'm already making as fuck ton of it (inmersite and rocket fuel) like god damn. It's still fun though. For anyone curious I'm doing K2 playthrough, it's my second run of the game and I have 287 hours. Pic is my base.
the whole point of hotbars is being able to get the thing without actually opening up your inventory and clicking on it, whether you use the number line or the scroll wheel for that. having to click on your hotbar defeats like half the purpose.
numbers past 6 can be annoying to get to and some people need to look at the keyboard to find the buttons for anything past 4 so scrolling being an option is really useful.
also, a character string you can copy/paste to transfer over hotbar settings and logi requests would be nice. and being able to quickly change the tiers of hotbar/logistic items.
>the point hot bars is to be number line enabled
yes, and factorio's are
>I don't like pressing numbers larger than 6
this is a "you and your keyboard" problem, not a factorio problem
Anything above ~6 depending on the individual is very difficult to hit without moving your entire hand. If you move your hand it's basically a failure of the UI, since it's inconvenient and slow for no particular reason. Additionally, although it shows two hotbars, you can only use one at a time. You can use X to swap, but not shift+#, since that swaps hotbars. To improve it you should have something like 1-5, shift 1-5, alt 1-5, and ctrl 1-5 as the 20 base slots. Then, if you want to swap hotbars, hold caps lock and scroll or something. As is the hotbars are just optimized for mouse use, not keyboard use. It's much faster to use your mouse than your keyboard, and if you use only your keyboard there's a bunch of low value information shown.
>this is a "you and your keyboard" problem
Good UI is designed for standard setups. If you require a weird keyboard or alien fingers it's not a good UI.
Normal Keyboards have 0-9.
In factorio, your base will literally always have a bottleneck. That's just how it works.
The trick is learning when to care about existing bottlenecks versus when to do "progression" i.e. improving old builds versus making new ones.
dude is talking about using key chording instead of simply pressing number keys because he thinks he likes hotbars but actually doesn't
Just click your hotbar lmao, this aint a fuckin MMO.
>Nobody plays or enjoys Minecraft with-out a special key chording, keyboard.
This and other cope to tell yourself to yourself daily
>Anything above ~6 depending on the individual is very difficult to hit
Ok we shouldn't be factoring in cripples and toddlers into our UI design.
good co-op egg games in current Steam sale? Can anything even compete with Factorio?
>Can anything even compete with Factorio

nope, I bought a few games during the sale and haven't even touched them for more than 30 min (Stationeers and DSP)
Post a picture of you pressing 0
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I thought we weren't factoring in toddlers?
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I think Autonauts should have co-op, it would be fun splitting up the tasks and blaming each other when some part of the chain doesn't mesh properly because you accidentally programmed two bots to do the same job in different ways
What's the opposite of consent blocks?
I enjoyed astroneers more than I thought it would, though it's very very diet egg. like, slightly more automation than vanilla minecraft. "fun with friends" though.
rape blocks
NAP violation blocks (also known as 'turrets')
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I was thinking of mentioning that too, but didn't since I'd have to add the caveat that it's best for when at least one person is slightly too dumb to enjoy Factorio (at least, enough to not finish a run) since it's very low-scale
Personally when I play it I aim ti rush progression as much as I can, aiming for the hoverboard so movement is less tedious then trains so travelling underground and back up is faster
right, I should play it again
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It's fun laying tracks vertically to save effort moving between layers, rovers with paving attachments have been entirely superceded
Plus if you do the missions in order you get three free stations, which give oxygen and have a reward receiver pad thing
retarded nigger hates speed and accesibility
the point isn't that I have geriatric/juvenile/malformed hands and so can't use big numbers, it's just that a scroll wheel is convenient to have and would be useful for all (but especially the geriatric, juvenile and malformed).
1,000,000 you mean?
Where do they type it like that?
Also, what symbol is that?
It isn't standard quote like
it's something else
>hotbar is for using with num keys not the mouse, factorio is bad because it makes you use the mouse(????)
>Wtf I don't want to use my keyboard, I want to use my mouse
you sound like a lunatic
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That doesn't look like a V anon....
Do you need the speed though? Do you need to swap your active hotbar slot to all ten or twenty very fast all the time? Just move your hand, you are not returning a grenade or parrying or doing a combo
are you really that fucking dumb that you don't realise how turning the scroll wheel is different to moving your mouse to click on things? anon...
Now that the dust has settled... What the fuck did he mean by this?
scroll wheel is on your mouse. you (or whoever it was above) said that the factorio hotbar is bad because it makes you use your mouse, then when it was pointed out that it works with the keyboard said that you don't want to use your keyboard and want to use your mouse.
holy kek you really are that retarded
Why are the wheels tilted in when hes not turning?
Meanwhile Satisfactory Chads have 0-9 hotbar and alt+scroll to swap between 10 different hotbars that are user configurable. Satisfactory victory
What in the actual fuck is going on here?
>Alt mode is a toggle on an extremely common modifier despite there being almost no time you want it disabled
I unbind the alt key, and just click the UI button with the mouse once at the beginning of each game.
Factorio has 0-9 hotbar and X and Shift+1-9 to swap between them. The tard saying he had to use his mouse just never bothered to look at the key bindings screen.
I wish there was an opacity slider for the altmode icons, I want the information but maybe at only 50% or less opacity so I can still see the cool machines going at it. idk if that would nuke some obscure optimisation or something desu.
Do people actually use hotbars? I just open my inventory and drop shit down or hit Q.
Because he's literally retarded. Even on real cars, all 4 wheels are as close to perfectly parallel to eachother as the engineers can get when you don't turn the wheel.
Looks fine to me
His PID settings must be off. Don't bully!
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>starts making shit up
if you had just stopped posting you would've made a graceful exit
>wheels instantly warping around
>still can't turn properly
Is he even using a TCS Control PID?
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Stop being retarded.
Are you aware that you have to connect your engine cylinders with manifolds? Do you even know what a manifold is?
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It's not much progress but somewhat the idea. I want to use matrix math to calculate the outputs to various things like propeller collectives, based on inputs x,y,z,pitch,roll,yaw.

In theory (I think) I should be able to automatically calibrate any vehicle with a linear response. Like if activating the back propellers induces a tilt, it would calibrate to have a response to negate that tilt completely. It would involve (I think) finding the inverse of a non-square matrix.
sorry bro thats literally imposible u have to use a P.I.D.
nodev detected
retard he wants a PiD
This is a step after PIDs that might go on all 6 DOF.
Why are you banging your head against the wall when you can literally just use an Advanced PID Controller and turn the knobs until it works?
This; Stop wasting effort.
>nihil sub sole novum
Just go to the Steam Workshop, I can guarantee there is something there for you already.
That's literally just an excuse 'deal with it'. It's poor design. Again, it doesn't get in my way. But it really doesn't make things convenient or easy either. It's simply adequate.

That's a decent solution. But rebinding is a failure of sorts. You can also solve the hotbar issues by rebinding them all but, again, that's not the UI succeeding but rather the player manually fixing it.
Literally just use one PID per DOF and its the same thing ?
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Didn't you post this?
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>thanks I did get it working last night but your settings handles better.
No problem. The tilt sensor has such a tiny range that any PID managing it needs values like that. On this one on a ship I used 60 / 0 / 300 for pitch stabilization, probably could get away with that because of the huge rotational mass.
You are unhinged.
>The tilt sensor has such a tiny range
it uses retarded nonstandard units but encompasses the whole range from straight up to straight down. What do you mean it has "a tiny range"?
Stop kicking up the dust, it settled.
>he whole range from straight up to straight down.
No it doesn't. Stop making shit up.
Are you stupid
my dad works at Nintendo and he says it covers the whole range
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Was this you?
Not me
The range of interest is probably about -.1 to .1 which means PID values have to be rather huge compared to something trying to stabilize m/s, for instance, where the concern is on the order of 20m/s.
>stormwankers think pi isnt 2
You gotta be shitting me
>the two legs of the tirangle will be 2*(sqrt(2))
the fuck
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It's the coolant pipe that keeps bursting. Had to install AC both to grow crops and because the small room I made to take my suit off kept getting hotter everyday. Wiki says to use water for coolant but it's a gas pipe so i'm not exactly sure. I filled it with CO2 rich gas instead. I also just now see there's a tooltip that says why the pipe burst and here it's liquid or gas freezing, so what am I supposed to do in that case?
post PID settings to control m/s on a Creation pl0x
I keep trying to read this but my brain breaks every time. Can someone translate this niggerspeak into actual words?
I find that stealth's main use is missile defense. For example, using rubber to cover a submarine or the underside of a ship can significantly reduce said vessel's sonar presence, which makes its sonar decoys that much more effective.
A PID would control the pipe so it doesn't burst.
the "person" who posted that is a literal nigger
We can only Pray that God will strike this person down.
what the fuck
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>not instantly breakable literally by hand
Debugging and troubleshooting in Stormworks is so absurdly unergonomic. I use the ability to make HTTP requests to configure all my settings for my vehicles via a text document rather than tweak individual components.
As I recall, there's no "undo" in the Lua editor
Does this nigger even know math at all?
not just that but also
>CTRL+ arrow key doesn't work as expected
>twitter tier max length on functions on blocks
>up/down don't go to start/end of single-line fields
>literal only normal keyboard commands that work are Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-X, and that's it
>ctrl-shift breaks use of shift when highlighting
>Home and End don't do anything

VIM this ain't
Maybe you should just git gud and use a PID
I PID in your water supply
>As I recall, there's no "undo" in the Lua editor
Confirmed, but no surprise. I never even considered using their editor for Lua. At least they have support for select all, paste so that is an option besides editing the vehicle xml. I'm just using https://onecompiler.com/lua/ to test stuff before trying in Stormworks. Not surprised that godbolt doesn't have support for Lua, I'd be using that site otherwise.

>Home and End don't do anything
They do here, but not on the numpad. No support for numpad.
There is no reason to use LUA retardation when PIDs exist.
You are so fucking stupid it hurts.
Is it difficult living with autism
Remove satisfactory from the OP please. satisfactory is NOT an /egg/.
You have an impressive history of terrible posts stretching back a long time, this one just happens to be one of your shittier recent ones. You are no longer welcome on this site.
I assume this is all the same person, have a (you)
Simple solution: Don't use the LUA editor, and instead use an Advanced PID with keypads.
There actually is full Emacs alias support, but sorry you're too retarded to figure it out.
What are you even talking about?
Sw has a full featured text editor. If you can't figure out the commands, you're a codelet and a brainlet.
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>not enough pink crystals
>double it
>zero difference


>bro use adv

I don't have them unlocked yet

>bro your tra...

I'll dealt with it
shut up furfaggot SW has complete keyboard support
You're an absolute moron, dont use PID for this, you need an encabulator
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>not using a super/turboencabulator
>I'll dealt with it
Nice way of saying you'll do it yesterday
Listen if he's trying to use a PID here he's clearly very limited, i dont think it's wise for him to go straight to a superencabulator
inserters can fully compress belts since like 2019
You are the reason the moai is displeased
Only when in a particular hand-size ratio where the rhythm of outserting hand swings converges into an exact match to fill any gaps left behind by prior inserters.

For other arrangements you get gaps, because inserters don't operate as a continuous stream and some places on the belt won't fill if the inserter is swinging back at the time they pass by in front of it.
>Those belts from the outposts
This is ridiculous
Can easily be reached with the left hand index finger by temporarily shifting the hand off of the WASD keys that are default bound for movement and where your hand is expected to rest, most of the time.

Can also be reached on the off-right number pad with the thumb on the right hand, depending on how close you keep your mouse to the keyboard.

Yes; you may need to glance down at your keyboard, if you have poor spatial awareness.
Big fucking deal. Factorio is not a real-time sensitive game like an FPS and even hotbars' little darling genre MMORPGs don't have time windows so tight that the mere fraction of the second to unstick your eyes from the screen, matters.
Educate yourself:

Factorio has a user configurable number of hotbars that can be cycled through with the [X] key. You can also bind additional keys or chords (which includes a modifier key + the mouse wheel, if you'd want) to flip explicitly to the next/previous bar like the classic FPS weapon-switching logic, but these functions are unbound by default.

The top presented bar can be accessed via the [0]-[9] keys. The bar after that can be accessed via [CTRL]+[0]-[9]. You can also instantly jump to a particular numbered bar by pressing [SHIFT]+[0]-[9].

In short:
You can work two bars at the same time, you can configure how many you want. You can configure how many you want on screen. You don't even have to rotate or scroll through the bars; you can instantly jump to the one you want.

Factorio victory.
Satisfactory unsatisfactory.
Honestly i just like spengies bars
seeing the gauges spin reminds me of how flyout has gauges but they are shit to customise. Display is fixed on the default style so you can't have a 360 display for altimeter for instance. Some stuff also go from 0 to 1 instead like fuel so you just have a full-empty gauge instead of how many liters or gallons you have. I've complained to the dev about it but i dont think it's a priority
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No fun looking changes yet but I had a fun time remaking all the old shit.
New engine bay on the left, old on the right. The new engine still sticks out of the side because I think external internals are cool. Might raise them up a block.
Now the entire function train fits inside the angled grey sections at the front. I'm having a hard time justifying the boxier section in the middle but it's going to look retarded without it. I wonder how I can incorporate it without wasting space on cargo or vehicles.

Replaced the 2 large engines with a 6 cylinder medium engine
Switched old clutches and train wheels with modern parts
Replaced all the old messy logic with some standard microcontrollers
Moved the fuel tank from the rear (not shown) into the empty space at the very front (outlined in red)
Make train 15 blocks shorter, still have 20 blocks of old fuel tank/interior space to reconsider

Redesign the cabin with composite buttons and a couple small screens
Redesign the map screen inside so that it folds and has better functionality
Maybe XML the windows so they are angled better
Clean up the radiator area
Redesign the trailer and crane system
Build a small road vehicle that can be detached to move crates around
Make a better generic engine controller that reduces throttle when idling

Also playing with the idea of having an all-electric remote control loading vehicle, kind of like those little drones I started a while back, but I think loading onto a train is a much bigger logistical challenge.

Control system anon back at it again. The growing oil slick is a sign of progress.
How 'generic' is this going to be, can you just slap it on anything and tweak a couple knobs?
so why i suck at building in viday games like /egg/ i only make small things and never give myself chance to build something complex, shloud i study some topic to be better?
i really got many /egg/ video games
Have a goal
Start small and keep adding little improvements. Any addition is progress.
For me one of the main goals is to learn how to do things in a standardized way so that I can easily use them later or tie them in with other systems. That way I'm not just adding new stuff, but replacing old stuff with better stuff.
Build the base runner from homeworld in stormworks if you lack stormworks buy it if you can't buy it sezie the means if you cannot seize the means... ..complain you don't like stormworks
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Yes. Build the base runner
Yo dawg what if someone made an AIRCRAFT CARRIER TRAIN. Super impractical and retarded, fits maybe one plane, but super cool!
skill issue and schizo issue
>How 'generic' is this going to be, can you just slap it on anything and tweak a couple knobs?
That is essentially what I am trying to do. The goal I have is to be able to automatically come up with a matrix that transforms each of the desired 6 dof into outputs that exactly correspond to them. I am not experienced in this, but I believe it is like a non-square inverse.
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Assuming these aren't just VTOLs and they're retarded enough to use cram non-VTOLs on top of a train, is there a better way to store/load planes?
You can launch a vtol in standing position like you would a rocket
Gunbuster train?
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I mean what if no VTOL
oh that would be incredibly stupid
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Slightly better?
Giant LShape hatch
I didn't even consider the design, just the idea of using non-vtol craft on a train seems absurd
landing ramp is going to be too small
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Trains are at most 17 blocks wide and 97 blocks long, I wouldn't want to land a plane on that.
VTOLs would be just fine, although helicopter blades won't fit in the default train spawning area. I've built a lot of tiny helicopters or heliplanes that would fit on any vehicle, the smallest being 5 blocks wide (size of a fan) if you remove the wings.

I think that would actually be a good idea for what to put inside the box part of the train, I can give it a small VTOL hangar in the middle and a crate loading vehicle on the back.
Smelter blocks. A lot.
Construct craft out of super lightweight unobtainium such as that fuel weighs more than the craft itself. Still have too much fuel? Dump remaining fuel bomb on enemy or you're not allowed back.
Plus state of the art arresting system. Life insurance in case of heart attack optional.
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Looks almost like a profile of a sci-fi shotgun.
>boxy cabin
>barrel hangars with 1/2 or 1/4-doors sliding out of the way
Makes me wish you could make proper curves in Stormwank.
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Not knowing how the actual game mechanics work, is indeed a skill issue.
And trying to defend your ineptitude by deflecting to the other party pointing out your mistake, is indeed a schizo issue.

Happy for you that you're managing to self-diagnose, anon.
Anon you're thinking too far, go back to simpler concept and look how back in the airship days they could carry and retrieve their planes
That means the water in the pipe got below 0C and froze, which bursts pipes.
The wiki is talking about cooling loops using phase change heat transfer, the actual AC machine doesn't care about which gas it uses, as long as the pressure is enough to make it happy on efficiency. Fill it with something that doesn't freeze at the temperatures you're operating at, the AC has a temperature setting so use that. Don't set it to -270 or something stupid.
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I have already built a similar shape.
I can only manage it because it's vanilla. I wouldn't dream of doing that with mods.
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Doing screens for the interior now.
I posted a working build, now it is your turn to open Factorio for the first time in over five years and prove me wrong. You have Factorio right?
Im in vacuum here so im having trouble understanding. If i put a radiator on the pipe it cools down every tick which is why my gas froze and burst the pipe. However when i run the ac because its getting hot, then the coolant pipe surges to 150-250C... Well i got some potatoes now at least
having one intersection for your whole base, ie. hell
bogos binted?
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I'm used to do it like you because it's a pain to even think about hotbars. It's faster to do it like you said.
I'm going to try picrel, it might be worth it to use the whole 10.
that's a whole ass consent spaghett
even without throughput concerns, underground pipe is still superior because you can walk on it while regular pipe blocks you like a wall
>consent spaghetti
One look at that and her holes go "I do"
I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of saddling me with the effort involved only so you can smugly find some other inbred-retard argument to dismiss what is in fact knowledge SO common, that even fucking NILAUS demonstrates it in his videos.

The solution to it is simple, by the way: let the last machine in a row output to a separate short tract of belt and use a splitter that prioritizes input for the main production line to merge that bit of 'buffer' in, only when a gap makes it through.
Usually there are youtube videos of expert players that will teach you how to do X.
That's how I learned everything in ksp or factorio.
Also you need to be obsessed with whatever you're building. For example, fuel savings in ksp or spm in factorio.
Oh, a Nilaus watcher, none of "his" solutions are correct. Nilaus is not egg.
>The solution is a splitter.
Not even Nilaus would say something this dumb.
You need at least a wagon of anti-air missiles and radars because otherwise it's target practice for the enemy.
Also where do the crew eat and shit?
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How do I make pumping water faster? What's wrong with this scheme?
For me I have Alt+ScrollWheel scroll through the hotbars. I usually have only two hotbars enabled, the first one I use 1-5 for the first 5 entries, and then holding Shift+1-5 gives me 6-10. On the 2nd hotbar, Ctrl+1-5 gives me the first 5, and Ctrl+Shift+1-5 gives me 6-10. It's a system that works. The only thing I wish is that there was a keyboard shortcut available for cycling through the hotbars on the second hotbar, instead I have to swap the 1st and 2nd, scroll to the one I want, and then swap back.
nothing wrong, you're simply not going to get much more throughput out of a pipe that long with current fluid mechanics
put the pump right in front of the tank
The ideal setup in 1.1 is to connect your water pumps directly to your tanks.
There is way too many pipes between your pumps and tanks. Each of your 4 pipe line can only feed ~1200 fluid/s to your tank, as per https://wiki.factorio.com/Fluid_system
So you can use only 4 pumps in your pic, instead of the 8 you put down.
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so 3 pipes and it's down to 2250? omg ridiculous
*obvious fluid 2.0 bait*
He is just samefagging.
for the meantime until 2.0
Yeah, it's shit. Now imagine being forced to have this open every time you build a reactor or a big refinery, to make sure that steam or oil can pass through your pipe. Old fluid won't be missed.
Thanks, but I don't like mods. I guess I'll just build another water station or maybe a couple more tanks.
You can also use more than one pump per wagon, build more tank for reserve and use a stacker.
No I meant someone's going to post one. That's what ** means
A shitpost wildcard if you will
Just watch NILAUS, he explained it in one of his videos.
Or don't put water for power on rails. It's never the correct solution.
Still can't get over picrel. I know rockets are 20 times cheaper, and by that point they're probably like 40 times cheaper than 1.1, but it's still a very funny image.
Also beacons are everywhere in those lategame pics, so I wonder if there's a new and better power generation in 2.0.
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Which one of you fucking time traveled to the 18th century and did this?
To be a mall, consent for its construction must not have followed the FRIES principle. This is very problematic.
Also now that I think about it, with what we've been told, there aren't any reason to send your items to one specific planet for quality.
This makes me wonder if the last planet doesn't have a quality bonus.
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>I wonder if there's a new and better power generation in 2.0.
take legendary Uranium-235, legendary Uranium-238 and legendary iron plates. make legendary nuclear fuel. put it in your legendary nuclear reactor. use legendary heat pipes to connect to your legendary heat exchangers and add legendary steam turbines.

>I know rockets are 20 times cheaper, and by that point they're probably like 40 times cheaper than 1.1
it's gonna be WAY more than thatt
>new miners with inherent productivity bonus
>new productivity research for recipes
>new machines with more module slots
>quality productivity modules
it all multiplies together to push your resource efficiency into the stratosphere. it's gonna be fucking surreal.
or to the contrary
I want to build a dyson sphere in 2.0.
>final planet's gimmick randomizes quality of everything you build, including the final science equivalent which will fail to be analyzed if not of LEGENDARY quality
Just enough to be both too annoying and not challenging enough to deal with to be probable.
I see two reasons: convenience and nice screenshot.
Given that a recycle+quality loop can be generic, it would be convenient to just use it for whatever you need right now. And at some point cost of rockets isn't really an issue.
If the unique raw resources of each planet has a low stack size then it would make sense to rocket the intermediates to whichever planet has the resources for the next step instead.
Having another goal other than spm when megabasing is something DSP did right
Didn't the new miners at Tier 5 quality have like a 5.8x productivity bonus? Something like every time it mines a material it'll only decrease the amount available 17% of the time, shit is gonna be insane late game, then again all that extra material is gonna be going towards a whole shit tone of recycling lol.
That "plutonium" fuel cell we saw really makes me wonder. Or maybe it was the bioflux they talked about.
I like the idea because it makes sense to have the last planet be great for endgame.
scale up sempai
Then it's a bit weird isn't it? Since they talked about taking all the sciences back home, you already have platforms set up to take everything to Nauvis. Nauvis looks like the convenient planet. But I can definitely see your point about generic quality. It would be smarter to centralize your best modules on one planet and automate all your quality production on that planet. Plus now with circuits you can probably put a condition to automatically have the highest quality possible of all items you use. It will be really fun to make that generic quality enhancer. I can't wait.
Do you have experience with this in SE? I always wondered how anons decide what to send on rockets. What's the threshold?
>continues to deflect
Yup. Schizo.

>I posted a working build
No. You posted a static picture. Show a 3min video that illustrates it achieves a sustained full compression without gaps. With the debug option switched on to visualize gaps on belts, please - because some of those can be quite small and hard to spot visually on a moving belt. But the debug option makes them light up like a christmas tree.

You're making the claim that it's a proper working build. Prove it.

Long train bros I don't feel so good
>more complex thing more likely to fail

>Then it's a bit weird isn't it?
I thought the rocket array was on Vulcanus, where copper/iron is really easily available and stack inserters just need a sprinkle of plastic on top. But taking a closer look it does look like Nauvis. I'm not sure now, maybe there is a qualitium planet, maybe screenshot was before Vulcanus terrain was made.
>decrease risk by 11%
>increase labor costs by 100%
The real question with elevated trains is can you have elevated rail stations and if so can you unload from an elevated station, this further brings the question if they can do elevated rails how long before we see elevated belts and such? I haven't read any of the FFs so maybe they already talked about it.
>elevated belts
there's already underground belts
the simple answer is that there's no elevated rail stations
trying to do 3D in a 2D game is always retarded
trying to do 3D is always retarded
Nilaus made a video about it. Just watch it.
Or maybe that pic of all those silos is just Kovarex doing something silly and contrived for the sake of creating something analogeous to, but even larger scale, than some of the white science facilities built for current-day megabases that have a synchronized launch gimmick attached just because it looks neat.
Screeps is a complete MMORTS where you program your whole faction from scratch to build up, exploit resources, tentatively expand, and be steamrolled by some script kiddie running optimized code he got off github.
I accept your concession.
They moved Palestine to Ohio?
Stop. The pipe cannot consent.
I learned by trying to do your mom last night, big mistake
Pipes and radiators radiate heat away in a vacuum until they're at absolute zero.
The AC takes in a gas, extracts or adds heat energy from the waste pipe gas to that gas, and then outputs it. If you want to keep a room at 20C, set your AC to 20, connect some vents to the input and output of your AC, then connect a pipe with like 1MPa of Nitrogen/Oxygen, something that doesn't freeze easily, and then lead that to the outside and add one pipe radiator. Not pipe convection radiator, the pipe radiator uses the same pipe radiator kit, but it's made for radiating temperature to a vacuum, not convecting temperature to an atmosphere. Use the scroll wheel to change between the two while building. The convection radiator still radiates heat in a vacuum, but much less.
If your waste pipe runs too hot consistently, add more radiators to the outside portion of the pipe.
I found a curious item for sale by a trader, seems like the devs will expand on the hygiene mechanic. It doesn't even have a stationpedia entry yet.
please explain me why bad minecraft in space has hand sanitizer and also why there are "traders" just passing by on a random piece of rock millions of miles away from nothing to sell you soap and spray cans
hemorrhoid repair kit? about time
can't go around space with broken hemorroids, no siree
Not really /egg/ but any of you bros play Rimworld? I found it has the same comfy vibes as Factorio.
It's a colony sim
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it's okay I guess
Never got the appeal of that above dorf fort
and even then I never got the appeal of dorf fort in the first place
>It's a colony sim

yeah that's why I said it wasn't /egg/.
for me it's just the game feeling a lot more personal when it comes to your dudes
a DF colony will be in three digits by year 2, rimworld you have to go out of your way to even go past 10 people, plus with its moddability it basically can be dyed any way you want
It just feels like playing the sims to me.
I love Rimworld but as you said, it's not /egg/. Fuck off.
that's what low threat % rimworld is
while high threat is a mediocre tower defense game
anyways >>>/vg/rwg/ is that way
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weird water
Heck, modern tech would make it easier to fuck the rails than it was during WW2.
Who would win? An entire train purpose built for carrying, launching and recovering precision state of the art aircraft or a large branch haphazardly placed on the rails?
Clean hands are important
It's not a random rock, it's Mars
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Man I love to build things!
How do the trains know where to go?
You build stations, Luke.
Seeing people make city blocks for things like iron pipes and sulfur triggers the same reaction as when I see people put those items on a main bus.
You may hate it but I don't want to bloat my blocks even more. Some of them operate with 128 assemblers and take up almost entire square.
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>release date next week
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/egg/, here is the thing. I want to tile it up with 19 iron, 17 copper, 7 steel and 2 stone furnace blocks so that it looks symmetrical and nice. Also considering that 2 blocks of the wrecked rocket (down below of this 12x4 grid) are not to be touched.

What would you suggest?
are you playing some self-imposed no beacon challenge?
I've already maxed it out with beacons and modules of my preference. There used to be twice as much of furnace blocks.
these blocks all look beaconless
Did they ever fix the joystick bug with stormworks or is it still litearlly unplayable?
Yeah, he's playtesting after all. Makes sense he would try a bunch of really weird extreme shit to see if it's still good, even with noobs.
>hey why not make all the quality shit on another planet
>hey why not only use 1:1:1 trains for my 1M spm megabase?
>might as well use belts for it too
>no pink crystals (inmersite)
>scale them up
>makes zero difference despite having 80 beacon/modules plants working
>raw pink crystals running low
>notice there zero copper ore despite having a huge ass mine working, no idea what's going on there
>bunch of other shit I'm going to address
>sneaking suspicion I'm going to run out of fuel for my fusion reactors despite constantly making fuel

On the upside I got sulfur batteries being made and pink plates which means I can make pink gear wheels then I can start making A tech while will allow me to make upgraded versions of everything then hopefully all this other shit will work itself out. I just need to not having my power fail before then.
I love it, still have to buy the last dlc. Did you try it?
I love how you can automate a bunch of shit to make your game less tedious. I wish you could automate a lot more than that, like combat, and I also wish the performance was 10x better. It's always weird to see games that look like dogshit have bad performance, exactly like PZ.
I just got the base game for now. The version I trialed before buying the game had all the DLC and the anomaly stuff seemed neat though I only saw what was in the tutorial.
It's certainly not for everyone. There's a bit of logistics involved and the grind for better gear keeps you interested. But it's anti-fun by design so I understand why not many people play it. I wonder if DF is like this too.
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Maybe more pipes in parallel. There is a way to cram like 3000/s through pipes but it's a difficult arrangement.
If it isn't 01-07 october I'm killing myself
That's fucking bananas
>Rebelling against the East India Company, holed up in your little fort
>British begin another raid, wait until they're done firing a volley to return fire
>Except this volley is lasting way longer than it should
>Why does it sound like they've got a whoel army out there
>Peek around the corner
>There's like 10 of them, what the fuck's going on
>They're out of shots finally, jump out to fire back while they load
>They drop part of the gun out and slap another one in? What-
Just tile them up, will ya?
beaconless + no iron + didn't ask
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Beacons themselves consume more energy than several furnace blocks? Are you kidding me?
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I like the 100% optimized spaghetti base.
>5 hours
>world record
I thought the world record was 2
It is an 100% achievement run
what a weirdo
joke about that one youtuber that made a weird video
Is the NILAUS video about filling a belt already up?
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a little over 10.000 materials ( 3.000 without weapons )
62 m/s cruising speed
8xsmall missiles
1x300mm cannon

now comes the boring part of tweaking and testing
I mean I appreciate that it's cheap but I feel like if you're gonna make something like that it's better to go all in on getting your one volley off since you're unlikely to survive for a second
>The Smurf

Took me way too long to get that.
classic german kneeslapper.
Now wait until you hear about this guy called Alucard...
The 100% speedrun bases are beautiful
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i agree with you anon
after testing several small-sized designs, i have concluded that using armor is pointless, since all components are clumped together
i either need to increase size, spread components, and use 2 layers of metal, or go all-in with firepower, range and speed
hopefully i can tweak it enough to effectively engage the enemy at 1000m +, or maybe dive from 1000m+
swap to alloy
can't be that big of a cost difference, and it'll actually survive a stiff breeze
Factorio 1.1.109 changelog:
>- Fixed a crash when trying to hand-craft recipes that have fluid ingredients.

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They know where they are and where they aren't.
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it deffinetly looks better in alloy - i was motivated enough to add some paint too
its just over 12.000 materials now
you are both retarded
Hmmm today I will play Satisfactory
Unless someone sets up another Stationeers serber or FtD tourney
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>playing K2
>perpetually short on imersite crystals
>it'll be fine once I get the advanced chemical lab
>get the advanced chemical lab
>it requires a stupid amount of shit to craft
>craft a bunch of them anyway
>figured I could just replace the normal chemical plants with them like you can any other upgraded equipment
>it's absolutely fucking massive meaning I would have to redesign my entire crystal set up
>craft time is the exact same

congratulation you just built a 7 axes cnc factory and used it to drill a single hole in a flat sheet of metal
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Watching furnaces working. Breathtaking.
There is nothing wrong with sulfur on bus or sulfur blocks
he cute
Bro your construction robots?
What the fuck even is the Scrumble in Scrumbleship
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those huse sized missiles are actually awesome!
too bad a single one costs the same as a medium ship - 100.000 materials
a single reload is 1650 materials
>he doesn't know
what is this autism
If you only knew how much costs a tomahawk IRL.
people actually do this. same for buying 3d printers to make primitive shapes they have to finish with other tools.
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Can I get a virus from downloading a 4chan image, a jfif?
no they've been stripping out all non-image data for a while now
IIRC 4chan strips all the metadata from images.
It was specially bad because people uploaded CSAM.
Whats the best game like this to start with?
Mind reading my thread >>>/g/101246453
I am scared cuz i downloaded a pic from v thatvwas jfif
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nvm my first design was just shit. This is working so much better. A single green belt can only feed 5 of these beasts before the lower start to run dry so I had to run 4 belts of powder but it's working. I was considering building a second array but I don't think I'll need it.
1. Factorio
2. Ostensibly no, 4chan should strip all extra data from images and so you should be safe, but chinese hackers are wily and if it's getting flagged by AVs then odds are good you got pwned. It's 100% possible for jpegs to have extra payloads (.zip archives or executable code) attached to them if they're not properly sanitized
Code the change you want to see in your game.

I'm not trans sorry
ONIfags, i have a natural gas vent right next to my base, how do i stop it from destroying my run?
Thats the thing
The file I downloaded has nothing on virustotal
Nothing, totally safe
I dont know if that anon is trolling me
true but the dynamics of spreading viruses has changed a bit and it's not super likely to get a virus from an image. kinda like how someone COULD rob you with a crossbow but no one is rolling around with a crossbow anymore they got hi points now. and if it flags normal free tier AV, it would probably get stripped by 4chan's uploader. the hi point in this analogy is software you download consensually that just silently harvests data
build walls around it
maybe multiple tiles thick so it won't break when it starts to get high pressure
Da fuq is this
A boat, but more interesting
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What if we, and hear me out now, put the bote upside down and slap some tracks on it?
Why not leave it right side up and build tracks that support the keel?
even if there is additional data you need special tools to extract it, jpeg's aren't executable
Under normal circumstances no but never say never
Granted this is old, but the point remains, arbitrary code execution via jpegs is wholly in the realm of possibility
you literally can't get a virus from an image, unless that image is first loaded by a broken image decoder with an exploitable bug in it. And if someone would cram an entire executable into the image's supplementary metadata, it still wouldn't magically cause that code to execute when the image is displayed.

You need a decoder with an exploitable bug in it, that can be used to force part of the image data where it shouldn't go (e.g. buffer overflow attack) and get that embedded data to become part of the decoder's executable code as loaded in memory.

The world collectively shat bricks for 3 days straight when Google had to patch their Webp (and Webm) decoders. Any exploits in the gif, png, and jpeg decoders built into Windows would basically be zero days on the same level as that - no, actually even worse.
So you aren't going to see someone give those a trial run on 4chan for the lulz of it. Not when keeping them unknown from the public eye increases their value thousands-fold for selling them to the highest bidder via black markets.

Plus, see >>484417442
4chan strips image metadata to begin with.
Seems the part below the waterline would be likely to reflect rounds into the ground and destroy the tracks.
This is the exact type of things fed would say to lure people into a false sense of security. It doesn't matter for the 99.9% of people but if you're that retarded .1% not stripping it yourself could get you a knock at the door.
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Time for a water break anon.
thats not actually it. it was because retards on /soc/ and /r9k/ kept doxxing themselves by including EXIF data in their photos, which often include GPS coordinates. people were appending all sorts of random shit to images for years before /soc9k/ got normie'd up

iirc webp/webm are "exploitable" in that way because they can contain arbitrary code by design. images are not meant to
web 3.0 bullshit has been a disaster for security. web browsers and other document readers were not meant to be turing complete
>in the queer trans lgbtq2 safe space discord call
>ikea shark at the ready
>remember my FRIES before i even talk to a lady
>load up timberborn
Yeah it's gamer time
Normally I hate the LE STAY LE HYDRATED meme but in a game literally about water it feels actually appropriate for once.
>inb4 "being hydrated is a meme? dry ass schizo"
go on twitch even once. it's a chant people say on long streams on par with KAPPA KEKW POG type shit
Use doors to compress it all into a 2x1 room. Hours later accidentally dig out a tile next to it and let all the gas escape and your framerate tank.
>I like getting molested by bad design choices
You do you.
I just unlocked purple belts in K2, is that something I would set up a mall for or do I just make an assembly line yellow>blue>green>purple?
>>remember my FRIES before i even talk to a lady
What in the ever loving fuck?
Nilaus did a video about consent and used the acronym FRIES
>freely given
>i forgot what I was
>i forgot what S was
Jumping Jesus Christ on a fucking pogo-stick
That is scary. Google is usually very good at security, wonder if they outsourced webp to india or something.

It's called CP you fucking retarded twitter immigrant, always was, always will be, cheese pizza
>gets triggered because you didn't referred to kiddie porn in his autistic way
You gotta be a very special snowflake to get mad at that.
We don't cotton to twitterfags round these parts, now scram weirdo
>Google is usually very good at security,
since when?
>is still mad
>such a fucking twitterfag he doesn't understand the reference
OK now really fuck off
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head empty
no thoughts
only monke
this isn't /fgg/
yeah we actually play games here, so it can't be a fightingpiggy general
Compared to how massive a target they are, they seem to do decently. I am not a professional in internet security though, but I don't remember any major hacks happen to them.
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There's literally an egg erv for multiple games
Fightingpiggies quite literally do not even play their own games and know more about streamer faggots than games, hence why I was told I wasn't a real fighting game fan because I actually played the games and didn't know who some streamer they were going on about was
Neuron Activation
starting to notice newfags never get told to lurk moar anymore
calling him a retard nigger or whatever the fuck and then continuing to reply and argue is the absolute worst you could do desu
be warned bros, working in an actual warehouse isn't as fun as doing logistics in factorio
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picrel. god help you if you're dealing with 3m or 4m wedges
thanks doc
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>unlocked advanced assembling machines
>threw some modules at them (speed productivity)
>mfw watching how fucking fast they are

Jesus christ bros. I set one up for yellow belts, threw some speed modules in and it made 96 of them in like 3 seconds. Absolutely fucking insane.
wrong eggman general
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oh... I'm retarded
God bless
strange watermelon
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I got fucking cucked bros. I just wanted to have a tank of liquid biofuel i can dump into my fuel gennies if/when other fuel runs out while rebuilding. this is cheap but less interesting and thus kinda wack that i need a second dedicated generator
>started using advanced assemblers in new builds
>suddenly out of everything

Should have saw that coming.
He's a fed
google doesnt get hacked because you can simply pay them for full access to their databases
If you can trick CSAM detectors by changing the metadata of an image, why hasn't there been an intentional generation of large-scale false positives bogging down the system?
How would normal people know the CSAM detection systems are bogged down, glowfaggot?
because they stopped being md5 based since like 2004
...because more accounts and webpages would be taken down for being detected as CSAM.
I know I'm responding to the person saying that downloading an image of a boat or whatever is actually a ploy to get you arrested for possession of CP.
>...because more accounts and webpages would be taken down for being detected as CSAM.
Mhm, and how would normal people know more CSAM accounts and webpages are being taken down?
Oh because when a website or account is taken down for triggering CSAM detection there is a unique error code for that.
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Had this idea for a compact crate loader, it will sit on the train where the crates go but when a crate is loaded (by train crane) it will just mount to the side of the crate during transport. This is the first working prototype, ill clean up the motions so it's less retarded and more compact, maybe even foldable.
Do you think normal people are monitoring for that unique error code?
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ANCIENT video footage
It's actually "USB Line" but ok newfag
>Anon doesn't look up what the error code he is looking at means
I uh... you think normal users aren't interested in why the website they are trying to access is blocked?
how normal are we talking
>has no special tools, no forbidden knowledge, no relevant hyperfixation, no special contacts
>is a mouthbreathing normie retard
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Very fucking cool/10
I might make a truck with rail wheels on it so I can just pick up a crate and transport it long distances hands free

Here's my vote for most compact cargo mover, it was too unpleasant to use but it worked as a proof of concept that I'll try again some other time.

(Reee webm succumbs to "embedded file" bullshit)
Sure, if a random site you went to produced an error code for CP that's one thing. Fedanon is talking about it being normal to know when multiple CP related sites or accounts are getting taken down.
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The bow of ships give me nightmares, I have no idea what I am doing.
I know that feel.
Looks cool. Is it able to steer the vehicle (as in change the yaw) or does it turn wherever it wants?
there is no such "code" but modern http responses can return literally any number it wants. it's standard for the FBI to just take ownership of the page and put up a big scary THIS PAGE HAS BEEN SEIZED BY THE FBI splash page rather than using a unique (but definitely not standard) 500-series http response code.
It can't spin on the spot, which would be convenient, but it can drive like a regular car and also strafe in any direction. I'm going to steal anons based cargo crab design as long as it doesn't make it too tall. >>484447996
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Anon get in the Orange pill.
Eugh, small wheels are so chunky and annoying for compact builds.
I guess I could try making the two powered wheels in >>484447816 rotate in opposite directions to yaw.
Is there any endgame goal in Stationeers, or is it just about making your own objectives like having a fully automated base? Is it as aimless as Spengies?
As far as I know it's just as aimless
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I never had a problem with the Spacestation 13 inventory but their "inspired" take on it just makes the already fiddly 3D game just a bit more so.
I thought that was a local meme to stay hydrated :3
Noooooo poor lil guy
irl SAM are quite insane
Missiles in general are insane. The first sidewinders used a basic bitch APN, literally simpler than what you can do in FtD. Non-guided munitions are just kind of cringe nowadays, which is boring but oh well.
You want to see something insane though? If this doesn't get your heart going, time to see a doctor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUjX1RntqVw
I'll never know what happened to Stroke 4.
He lived.
modern jet fighter-bomber doctrine is mostly "don't"

the weapons are orders of magnitude more maneuverable than the aircraft and by the time you have so much as a radar lock warning you're probably already dead. additionally, SAMs specifically are usually linked up with wide networks of RADAR vehicles or installations so they can detect you from a much further range than you can detect the launcher

>a basic bitch APN, literally simpler than what you can do in FtD
mandatory meme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZe5J8SVCYQ

>Non-guided munitions are just kind of cringe nowadays,
I can't think of any air or sea launched unguided munitions other than machine guns that are still in wide service. and even the self-defense machine guns on ships are starting to be replaced by semi-automated guns and I think the F22 and F35 either don'\t have guns at all or only had it added back on very late in their development after pilots complained
>that image
KYS furnigger.
>I can't think of any air or sea launched unguided munitions
Very silly design philosophy, a missile costs 10,000$, while a suicide drone costs 100$
>beacon with an efficiency module

hey buddy, suicide drones are guided
literally the first time I hear those 4 letters
Third world suicided drones do not have multi-million dollar radar systems in them. Human remote operation is not generally referred to as guidance.
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Been working on this with truckbuster anon
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>Human remote operation is not generally referred to as guidance.
Yes and you know that. Saying "I have a guided car" is going to get you laughed at.
"...as a child I had a guided RC car."
I wouldn't call remote control "guided", but I also wouldn't call it "unguided" either.
Both are potentially misleading.
>I can't think of any air or sea launched unguided munitions
>suicide drones are guided
not fine
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She needs all of her internals and function and decorations, but this is my third hull and I'm quite proud of her.
good job anon
does she still float stable if you spam a bunch of lead blocks around to simulate weight of stuff?
The thing is you get your $400k worth out of a sidewinder. It goes 2+ miles at 2000 mph, hits targets moving 1000+ mph themselves reliably, does so autonomously, is immune to ecm, can be fired and forgotten, and carries a payload that detonates at the optimal range with a shrapnel pattern designed to guarantee a hit if it's anywhere near the target. A drone does none of these.
When you're comparing drone costs to munitions with similar missions, they start to become even less attractive, since their cost advantage starts to decrease significantly. A TOW missile only costs ~$55,000, has double the payload, and has a ton of advantages in terms of being resistant/immune to countermeasures when compared to a drone.
At the end of a day the missiles are just straight better. When you factor in the cost of lives lost, I wouldn't be surprised if they pull ahead fiscally as well. You know why they have ejection seats in jets? Sure, some of it is that they don't want their guys to die. Another is that the seat only costs ~$200k, but it costs >$10mil to train a pilot.
I'm not saying that suicide drones are better than 100k missiles anon. Spending 10k on 56mm canon, is well worth the trade off of not having to fire 10k missiles any time any threat appears. I have no idea how multiple people have misconstrued such an obvious point.
I didn't object to the factuality of the statement.
>I can't think of any air or sea launched unguided munitions
I objected to the idea that only having guided missiles is a retarded idea.
actually they're mostly made out of cheaper DJI quadrotor sets which DO usually feature GPS guidance and even then the altitude seeking bits are basically automatic and not the user using a manual collective/throttle setting
real life is not Battlefield 4 and most targets are well outside of Grenade Taped To A Toy range
In spite of the Russian and Soviet corruption, their tanks are still made of armor materials.
Optics, communications, and personnel are always going to be in the target range of low amounts of high explosives.
Why are missiles so expensive anyway? Is the R&D cost included in the price?
I don't see the value in an experiment like this. If it ends up too heavy, I can always strip more armor to add more ballasts (helium or air) and switch the metal to alloy.
>he has seriously not heard of the industrial-military complex
Where did I imply that?
It's a super computer that moves at more the twoce the speed of sound, and turns by have smaller rocket jets shoot out it's side.
>It is expensive just to make the tax payers life worse
>you can't ride drones in satisfactory
refunded the game
R&D too, but in general they aren't easy to make. Add in various national security requirements and you get the MIC premium.
That's clever I don't like the disembodied wheel tho.
The real ship I'm recreating.
>the only war going on is the one in the normie news cycle
>there is no such "code"
There actually is.
It's 451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons.

Yemen has large amounts of armor, does it?
huh. TIL. though it's not specifically for CP/CSAM

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