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[Banner] [06/27-07/17] Fairy Dominique (New)
[Content] [06/27-07/03] ESS Adrianne
[Event] [06/27-07/03] Mini-event: Dominique and the Forest of Monsters!
[2x] [06/26-07/09] Part-time Job Rewards

[Content] [07/04] Japanese VA Pack (up to latest JP patch)
[Content] [07/04] Main Story Chapter 8 Pt. 2
[Event] [07/04] 1.5th Anniversary
[Event] [07/04] Wedding 2024 Event: Marriage Warfare
[IRL] [07/01] 1.5th Anniversary/Q3 2024 Roadmap Live Stream (Korean only)

>NA Guilds

>Newbie Guide

>"Information Source" Spreadsheet

Previous Thread: >>483232694
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First for my Undead wives!
Live Stream tomorrow

now get in
Dominique a cute
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thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uZcmlaD_kY
Damn you
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Kanna sex?
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I am the luckiest man alive, huh
I hope Naomi gets a skin soon. Her bond skin is sexo, but I'm a bit tired of it.
Do I need one of each mob to use them in part time jobs or can I just destroy them all and still use them?
At least you got 1x elf fodder.
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>dominique pits
Don't mind if I do.
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You can Auto-release all commons and still use them for job, but what about your conscience?
I auto release all commons but I lock one copy each.
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Whomst've is that? She looks pretty cool.
>wife evil stories keep game soul
Apollyon, Soul with dominion over the apocalypse and Yuria's true self.
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>retard friend is arguing that mhy games are more generous than this one
how the fuck do you even argue this
only a retard would believe that
there's no winning with retards
You don't. Retards will be retards and it's best to keep the mihomos contained to their own games.
Never argue with hoyodrones (retards). It's a waste of your time.
Sometimes the videos during story segments don't work on Blue Stacks so I have to open the app on my phone to watch it and then swap back to pc
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thanks, i will exercise my self restraint and stop responding
Yeah, Bluestacks has issues with codecs sometimes, been a thing for a while with various games. Have you tried another emulator?
No this is the first emulator I've tried. Any recommendations on other emulators to try? For the moment I'm probably just sticking to Blue Stacks because I don't want to redownload everything again.
I noticed that a lot of people who play Genshin and similar don't understand the concept of idle gacha dupe management, so when they hear you need 8 dupes for a unit to work, they think about it with Genshin rates and of course it sounds insane to them.
he's arguing that eversoul is designed around the units being maxed out
here's an excerpt of the conversation

>1 copy of here is much worse than 1 copy in mhy lol
>value is diff
>30k gems f2p a month i dunno, ur monthly stable income is just 140 rolls hhha
>the game here is designed with max
>not 1 copy haha
200 blue tickets - 200 rolls
3200 friendship hearts - 320 rolls
30,000 everstones - 125 rolls
not even including memory shards
yeah i felt infuriated because this game feels so much more generous and fun than any mihoyo game i've played but i didn't know how to put that into words
anyway i'm not going to respond, thank you /esg/
Do friendship rolls have worse rates than blue tickets? I feel like I've gotten more normals than usual from them.
Same rates but no pity
i was going to paste the %s but it looks like they don't publish rates for the friendship rolls
Wow. Mephi's True End killed me. I love her.
I see. Where do the 200 blue tickets and 30,000 everstones come from? Are those just daily/weekly/battlepass + raids?
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one of us
one of us
Nom nom nom. More Airakot. I'm eating good today.
That is why Melfice is better
How many daughters are you planning to have?
At this point, I'm already numb to it
I'm not doing the Bad End by the way.
Even if it gave 10 rolls, fuck that shit.
it only gives you one roll doesn't it?
each ending gives you 1 roll, or the outfit if it's the true ending
He means "it's not even worth 10 rolls to see the bad ending"
good night /esg/

can't wait for roadmap tomorrow
>monthly income (f2p)
>lists things you have to buy
Am I understanding this wrong or are they retarded?
night jammie
It's badly formatted, the f2p income line tells you how many pulls you get f2p and everything below that is not f2p
Oh I see thanks.
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it's raining, remember to kill your slimes
everytime I check in my town it's raining
is Eden in Britain or something?
it would explain the fish and chips
sleep tight jammie
I blame Dominique.
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I need your cutest Mephis
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Best Mephitoes
Operator Five best Operator
Oh no, mephibros. Savior found another Operator.
I can only imagine Otoha's bad end.
nothing beats bryce's bad end
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The loli on the title screen isn't in the game is she? I wonder why. Too young looking for a love story?
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She's Ina. Who knows when they'll get around to adding her, if they still plan to.
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>Listen to my chest so you can hear when my heart beat stops
Q3 Ina, trust the plan.
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>unlock tower of origin
>no Haru story
not like this... *dies*
she had a spring event that gives her the pits skin
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>Potential characters:
Weiss (Leader of Chalar Arms)
Queen of Nightbloods (The red head in loading screens, Undead)
Larimar (Flat chested leader of Aurelia, from story and Tasha's bond, Demon)
Sanon (Leaked at launch, Angel)
Ina (Title screen loli, fairy)
Meryl (Deer girl, appears in Adriannes bond)
Liltih (Human-like, villain Ark Operator)
Brigitte (Queen of Tabria, Hazel and Ediths mother)
Awakened Linzy (From story)
Awakened Mephi (Revived with ark sized breasts)
Is there anyone else who has been mentioned or teased?
I hope for adult sakuyo
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also xiaolians sister
Catherine (Slut edition with a proper love story and no gossipers)
Awakened Linzy was confirmed to be coming so I wouldn't say potential, it's only a matter of when.
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What happened here, /esg/?
Wrong answers only
pissed herself during class
Lilith too. No doubt we'll see other Ark Operators in future.
A man can dream
Hoping for Epic Rose.
Epic Common Souls. Then Epic Rares except Rose. Then Epic versions of NPC and mobs. Rose can keep Cath company in misery.
What's wrong with Rose?
She has the most character, so she gets the sufferingkino.
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looks like my "make the team live as long as possible so that Aki can kill everybody" strategy has finally failed
On boss missions that I get stuck on I just use a hire to get that idle resource increase
This. Friendship is magic and those stages are by far the best to use hires on.
hires? I don't remember the game explaining how to do that at any point
Go to your friends list and there should be a "hire" option. You can hire your friends high level characters but only 5 of them for one battle each per day.
alright, thanks
Goodnight, /esg/
Good night
Sleep tight, Jammie
don't let the bed bugs bite jammie
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her striped panties
Think its worth it to reroll for Yuria?
I would have to skip getting Daphne from the infinite summon since that shit took me half an hour to get her one time.
probably not
angel/demon banners get rerun pretty often, i'd just wait unless you want her really bad
Game's too casual for it to be worth it if you ask me even if it would be a nice boost.
Angels and Demons are too low of a chance to be worth it.
You will get Yuria eventually, but the time you spend rerolling, once lost, you can't recover
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I bought it in the shop but honestly the base one is my favorite. Pic rel looks cute as well.
there are skins in the shop?
Antique shop got added earlier this year and it has the skins and items from event reruns that happened since its addition.
Antique Shop for events that already finished their rerun and aren't planned to run ever again. Quite a few events already there.
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Reset Renee!
My wife!
Renee love story soon
>they made her tits so big now that her arms clip through them in certain poses
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good morning /esg/

KR roadmap drops later today
Is the Domi minigame bugged for anyone else?
It just doesn't load for me.
She wears a bullet vibe to school
I had that on Bluestacks, I had to switch to the google play games emulator
I'll restart the PC and check that out again
good morning jammie

Daphne, Erika, Garnet, Honglan, Jiho, Kanna, Lizelotte, Manon, Naomi, and Xiaolian have JP voicelines for the title screen
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I want to feed Mephi the tiny octopus.
It's a wiener sausage that's been cut to look like a tiny octopus, but yes, I'd like to do so too.
I was joking when I called it an octopus but I totally forgot about splitting weiners like that. I used to love those as a kid.
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I wanna feed Bryce with my life force.
This theme is a fucking earworm.
>somehow have 36,101 (one) gems
how? this is setting off my ocd
Champ Arena maybe?
Mornin' Jammie. I'm excited!
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Why are her Goth dress' legs so fat
You didn't see anything
*goth bridal dress
Why not?
Undead girls are so good in this game, it's ridiculous.
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bryce is for irrumatio
What's wrong with prydwen guides?
first gacha?
>by undead girls I meant Petra and Twins by the way
Actually I want Garnet to bathe on my semen, but that's a topic for another day.
>[Event] [07/04] 1.5th Anniversary
What can I expect from half anniversaries? Are they like normal anniversaries?
last time you could pick any recent banner you wanted, along with the usual fountain of free stuff
>pick banner
You mean like the select banner that's going on currently? Would I be able to pick an angel/demon banner to pull from?
That is a new player thing, otherwise it''s only happened twice. Last time it was all the banners from the last 6 months.
I think I've read something about 150 free rolls. During the first anni we had 100 free rolls, as far as I remember.
why can't I use dominique in hall of memories? she's the only soul who doesn't appear

23 minutes to start
Was there a 0.5 anni too? Idk if they'd go from 100 to 150 rolls because people might start to expect that sort of increase for future annis.
It has started
>CEO is wearing a mephi headband
nyes there was a .5 anni its when i started
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is the coom factor increasing or am i imagining things?
Her ass was always fat.
their 2D art has eileen and garnet lifting their skirts up too. i'd agree if I hadn't just got friendzoned by dominique
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New anniversary keepsake set. Speed this time.
Yes, and it's a good thing. Eileen is already a huge tease. Imagine if they made her even more of a tease and cranked up her coom factor even more (which they did, she wears something between a bunnysuit and a wedding dress after all). No heterosexual dick will survive.
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what happened to the mephi model...
Is Honglan that popular? I get Mephi and Aki is a kinda weird pick but fair.
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Nightblood Queen
Awakened Linzy
Damn, more demon pussy, nice
>easy skip
>roll until O+5
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We're getting the JP Kimono event, with Chloe and Linzy.
>an alter every quarter
uh oh
Look at that flat devil
I just blew my load for Dominique but it looks like I'm whaling hardcore
They're releasing chaos souls quicker than I thought they would, even within the same quarter as an angel and demon. Rolling on non A/D/C banners might be a luxury I can't afford
Are Prydwen guides really that bad? I thought a lot of hardcore theorycrafters hang out in their Discord.
yeah that does look kinda shit all things considered. I'm not too happy about it. Looks like it'll be an A/D/C every third banner which is kinda stupid imo
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Best girl gets even sexier
bros what happened to my chuuni wife
the only way to truly test things in these games is to whale hard and max all your units, which all of prydwen are too poor to do
Japanese voice pack added.
I'm JP, does this mean I better save up more gems instead of blowing them on meta non-ADC units? I was going to Origin Honglan, Lizelotte, and then Daphne, but maybe I should just get 1 copy of Daphne?
I'm just going to continue to skip Awakened characters unless someone I really like gets one. I just hope they don't start balancing the game around them.
Thick thighs save lives
Make me forget that!
Thank the devs! I really needed that!
My forehead retard can finally wear good clothes!
Based! No love story, no pull
That was always the play unless you were going metafag; dephinitely only one copy for Daphe, should be able to do 300-rolls on both Honglan and Lizelotte banners, but stop if they're still not Origin after 300 rolls since efficiency drops hard and Honglan copies aren't too bad to get while Lizelotte gets multiple rerun banners
Surprised that Linzy is this soon though, even though they already hyped it up already ages ago and we probably have Chaos Adrianne coming up next year
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shouldn't it have been an angel not a demon? not that i'm complaining, wanted larimar since she first appeared. curious what her bond is going to be like
I'm a pretty big metafag, so I was considering Origin Daphne. Does it make her a lot stronger?
>No love story, no pull
Wise words. I wish I had enough willpower to stick to this rule.
Larimar is a lot cuter than I expected.
>Chaos Adrianne
When that happened? I don't remember the story hinting anything about her. Only about her ESS
>curious what her bond is going to be like
Probably something like Eve the "another reality" bullshit
Think that every time you pull on a Chaos character, you are encouraging the devs to keep making them without love stories
Unless you're going for O+5 there should be more than enough gibs to get hongers/lize/daph, especially considering how spaced out they are / they're all event girls
Daphne's appeal is her immortality, the damage share, and her buffs. All 3 of which are independent of her actual statline except maybe the damage share since she'll be need the HP to actually tank it (this can be held up with HP keepsakes). I intentionally sandbagged mine for battlefront because of defense
It does in battlefront and arena if you care about arena
For pve metafagging though i.e. Raids / Eden Operation Alliance, she's usually easily replaceable with any tank or used for a stun in which case you can also use Lute instead; for Eden Operation Alliance her being higher investment can sometimes actually bring her performance down. In raids though even if you're bringing Daphne what's holding you back generally isn't your tank dying, it's everyone else dying and then you doing almost zero damage until your tank finally dies after the rest of your team is already dead and Daphne won't do too much damage here
Bros I'm so excited for Naomi, do we know what she does yet?
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>Aira bond confirmed
Probably talking about that Adri with an eyepatch that seems to be getting story relevance in the next story update
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Is this Renee?
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I'm going to fuck the cat!
The other Adrianne with eyepatch unless they're gonna explain it with another parallel world Adrianne or something

Eve swimsuit?
Renee marriage
I hope so
Aira, Vivi, and Renee love story. We are eating good!
Oooh! Makes sense. She didn't become a hero, but a pirate!
>another parallel world Adrianne or something
Not again...
Shit. I didn't see it. Finally! Where is the dog fucker?
Any KR bros know the name of the new beast?
Onyx, her artifact is the Golden Record
The one we shot into space? I wonder why the alien girl is a beast

150 rolls
>4200 Everstones
10 Alchemy Tickets, 25 regular, 25 relic, 35 type summon
>Anni Gear
Monthlies Ticket
>Code: eversoulmate0704 (2100 Everstones)
Special Everstone shop with mileage soul selection boxes
>New Player Grow Up: Mephistoteles Origin Upgrade Box, 4 Epic Spirit options (excluding Demon/Angel), 8 Set Essence Selection Boxes (Eternal), 2 Rare Spirit Selection Boxes (Legendary+)
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2 banners in June gave us a boost over Awakened Cath month.
half anni and a demon might get us back to a mil in july, then august will have new swimsuits. futures looking bright
>boost over chaos banner
I hope this becomes a trend
nah JP carried our fat asses last month
GL = ~200k
JP = ~500k
>We get to fuck an alien
We don't even have to wait for NineArks new gacha.
>global symbol
They have a different client, don't they?
Rainbow bg indicates combined revenue
I didn't know about that. Shit.
Well, ass long as the devs don't pander to them, it will be fine
>Don't know yet
>Easy skip
>Instant O+5
Next Chaos could be as soon as early January Hopefully it's Mephi
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Eversoul was released on the 28th of March in Japan, so that's the revenue of 2-3 days.
It says "May" in there
I don't know why I typed March, I meant May.
first demon I will ever roll on
need to see more
ayy lmao
>Titty Linzy
hard skip
How did she get tits
Main story
I fondled her flat chest too much and made them grow. I'm sorry but also not sorry.
Roadmap PDF
>Larimar on my birthday
It's fate.
I want to fuck Tyrfing
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Nice quality. Shame it's missing the actual roadmap.
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They can be half-assed or outdated or outright wrong in some cases. They're fine to get a basic idea of how things work but I wouldn't rely on them for specifics.
SEX! With all three!! God I wish Eileen was an actual catgirl.
>flat erasure
Larimar better make up for what they did to Linzy.
Incredible costume, I need it right now.
>Aira bond
>More DJ
Time to feel old...
Now with leaderboards to feel extra old.
ina and meryl never
>use <Iridescent Crystals> to acquire random stat options.
if we get flat and % shit im done
weird too since this leak was back in March
we could still get Ina next, we didn't get shown the next fairy since dominique is still on there
As a gook rhythm game shill. I am obliged to tell you that DJMAX is currently 80% off with the Steam Summer sale on right now and it's a fantastic way of getting up to speed with DJSoul... Hell, they share almost the same default key mapping if you are playing on keyboard iirc. Makes sense, but I'm slow and not exactly the brightest bulb in the discount lights department.
DJMax is a good game and 80% is a steal for the base songs.
No human either since that traitor linzy doesn't count
>Tower of Origin: Catherine
Another bad ending for our beloved Catherine!
Shut up shut up shut up
Luckily I skip everything except angels/demons/chaos, there's no way I could get all of them with how quickly they come out...
I don't doubt
Getting them as they come out is no problem, it's getting them to Origin if you want to use them right away in raids
Larimar a lot cuter than I thought.
I don't remember who Onyx is.
The ride never ends!
Looks like JP is getting Erika next
she's new, an alien. her artifact was the golden record sent into space
>New Player Grow Up
How does this work? I started playing like 5 days ago would I still be eligible for that or is that only for new accounts created during the anni?
Profit down
Are they swapping Erika with Honglan? God damnit.
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Ayame with Erika
I would assume everyone gets it basically added as extra beginner guide missions even if you already have an account. A lot of the rewards in it arent that great for older-players though, a lot of them are going to have Origin/Origin+5 for all 2023 souls and are using Eternal+(or Origin/Origin+!) Sets already so those Eternal Set selectors would just gather dust.
It's aimed more so to boost early game progress so you're not sitting there with shitty purple Epic keepsakes for ages
>Guild Raid "Gaia
>New Spirit "Erica" Pickup Summon
>Epic Spirit "Ayame" Pickup Summon
>First timer only "Savior Support Event"
No idea what the Savior Support Event is
Ah that makes sense. This game is so generous and yet the microtransactions are somehow more tempting than other less generous games I've played. On another note do you know how anniversary rewards work? Do you have to complete quests to get those keepsake sets or will they be part of some battle pass or something?
Maybe that's something for new players or at least accounts that haven't done an event like that before?
Should I pass over Hong Lan for Ayame? I think I can only do 300 on one of these since I'm pretty sure Lizelotte is coming up.
They're both really strong, so I'd let your dick pick on this one.
Cheers, Ayame is too top heavy for me, Hong Lan is my limit.
Skip Ayame if you're f2p since you can just slowly farm her dupes from arena (especially once JP gets champion arena and your arena coin income basically doubles)
Honglan is more important, but probably a good chance JP gets Lizelotte around halloween time (since she's a star of the halloween event and gets a free costume). If you have enough gems that you'd be able to save 300 rolls by the time that happens, I'd grab Honglan as well

I want to say the Anniversary keepsake should be free from login or something. The anniversary event itself shouldn't have any battles or raids if that's what you're worried about.
>Skip Ayame
But Anon
I thought we were only supposed to roll on angels/demons/chaos
>Rolling on farmable demons
Honglan is very useful, not only for her damage, but also for her massive speed debuff.
>Ayame is too top heavy for me
Why are you gay, though?
>The boss before fighting you vs. after joining your party
she looks unchanged, just lost the mask
Yep, I'm putting a baby in her
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Could actually be a bit higher because it turns out Sensor Tower wasn't properly gathering Android data for the second half of June
I checked the JP numbers on game-i a few times throughout the month and those kept increasing at an expected rate so the JP revenue looks accurate but Global does sound weirdly low at 290k.
290k for 2 banners also... going to get lower if they keep throwing overpowered ADC at us every 3 banners
How is a love story going to work with a soul that wants us dead?
rape correction
enemies to lovers is a classic for a reason
It would be funny if she had a more romantic love story than Catherine or Dominique.
We rape correct her in the true ending, she rape corrects us in the bad ending. Neutral is just mutual hatesex.
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How do you get event town buildings? Do I have to save town coins up to buy them?
Event shop or event battle pass; if you weren't there for the event they get added to the antique shop for everstones eventually
How do event shops work? Do you need to earn some sort of specific currency to buy items from there?
Yeah, there are usually some sort of event stages you can clear/farm for currency for the shop.
I see thanks.
good night /esg/
Good night
Awakened Mephi is surely next right bros?
She needs more time to get her Ark-sized breasts, please be patient.
I need that Eileen in high resolution, damn.
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>Rolled Hazel to Origin
>Rolled Dominique to Origin
>Must have Larimar
>flattest soul in game
>followed by 3 titty monsters
>then followed again by flat soul
DFCbros are the most oppressed minority
So does "reprise" mean that it's an event rerun with all the same rewards you could get as last time? Do events tend to rerun before they're added to the antique shop? If they rerun I'll avoid buying any costumes from there.
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>Eve in a japanese schoolgirl swimsuit
Seems like a weird choice. It should have been Manon or Sakuyo surely?
yes it means rerun. events will run once, then get a rerun the following year, then after that all the rewards go into the antique shop. so if you see a skin in the antique shop, it's never coming back
>DFCbros are the minority
Fixed that for you, bro. Less people enjoy flat chests = less banners.
Ah I see thanks.
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>bikinis are cancelled this year
>it's a school swimming event
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>mfw I have to wait for Aira's love story.
sleep tight jammie
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...stupid question, but if Souls are immortal and just "go to sleep" instead, then why are there graveyards?
Don't they sleep for like hundreds of years? I guess they don't just keep their stones around on a shelf or something for that long. Burial logistics are weird.
those are fallen jammies. rest in peace
Just hit them with your cane. No graveyard, no problem.
Tradition, just like Catherine's role as a "nun".
>After that the growth pack gives a ton of raw gems for clearing Battlefront stages, once you're further in the game.
Is this line in the guide refering to the achievement pack?
yes, the name got changed
It's only mentioned a few times but I swear it's a psyop. Now everytime I see Mephi's name I automatically append "ark-sized breasts" to the end of it.
I can't wait for awakened Mephi with normal sized breasts.
We can't check the name because it's a shit ton of gems so everyone has already bought it.
school swimsuits are so fucking ugly and boring, what a waste of a skin
catering to JP already but I guess they are the main money makers now...
at the very least they could have given it to a cunny soul instead of Eve
Putting the "mother" in the schoolgirls swimsuit is abit weird.
Ah thought so I was going ask whether it really was that price for all those gems. Considering it is I'll probably buy it.
I guess there's a fetish for putting older women in schoolgirl clothing.
So Clara, Aira, Vivienne then Renee love stories next? Jacqueline robolovers...
do NOT fuck the dog
I copied that part from the old guide and didn't double check, oops. Updated.

I will fuck the cat AND the dog.
She seems to have mind control magic judging from Tasha's story. Maybe she just makes you her slave.
I'm okay with that
I wonder if Vivienne's endgame will be revealed by then or it won't be brought up at all.
Is there a way to tell who has and hasn't got a love story? It seems odd that some girls are released without them but I guess it's due to the story limitations or something. It makes me wonder of Dominique would have had a better love story if she was released later.
I'm pretty sure you can see if they have one in one of the town menus when you invite girls to Outings.
As far as I know all new Souls come with Love stories, there are still a bunch missing from release Souls though.
Erusha and Jacqueline are the only two left once we get these newly announced ones. If you check your mails you can see who hasn't asked you out.
Ah I see it's good to see they're not doing that anymore except for Awakened souls apparently.
Renee looks really different. Either a rework or her bond outfit is something crazy.
villain arc?
If Villain, why hot
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So who are we voting for in Season 2 of Eden's Got Talent? Please don't suggest Aki again
Larimar, Dominique, Linzy
eve, daphne, liz. meta picks always win
The undead twins
I'm voting Yuria again. Liz is going to win because Korean whales will vote based on meta
Do Koreans really vote based on meta instead of whoever they think is best girl? Absolutely soulless.
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I'm voting for Mephi
This has been the case for every gacha I've seen with some sort of community voting. It's always meta > coom > sovl
Cringe. To be honest I assumed it would be something like girls with most exposure in the story > girls everyone unlocks early > coom > soul because to me it always seemed like when it comes to popularity polls the girls you spend the most time with get the most votes whereas girls you spend less time with need to work harder to get votes.
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fluffy wife
happy life
To be fair, Mephi did sneak her way into 3rd over Lizelotte. So enough did vote based on sovl
Last time Mephi just barely managed to squeeze into 3rd place over Lizelotte thanks to first-girl buff; but #1 was Aki, #2 was Honglan, and #4 was Lizelotte and this was back when most people kept saying Aki was so much better than Lize and Lize was getting powercrept any second now
If I understand correctly it seems like people can vote for previous winners too? Is there any benefit for doing so? Seems like a waste of a costume slot if the winner doesn't get anything extra.
I've only read the main story so far it'll be hard to make a judgement before I read the event stories and love stories. I guess if worse comes to worse I'll just ask for some girl recommendations to check out/vote for.
Aki has fallen off pretty hard, I don't see her winning again. I hope not at least, I've never seen anyone use that idol skin.
I can understand the reasoning for voting based on who's meta. You'd want the souls you'll be using the most in combat to have the prettiest skins. It would be a waste of someone gets a cute idol attire if you'll only field her on the rare occasion
I've used the Aki skin since it came out. I hope she doesn't win again though.
>not fielding your wife regardless of her power level
I feel the opposite, I don't use my wife because I don't want her to get hurt
Hmm to each their own I suppose but I feel like she'd want to be on the battlefield with you.
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She prefers to hang out on the menu screen and get groped
>newfag haru lover is a foxposter in /g/
i'll never reply to you again
If there's a poster child girl she's usually pretty high up regardless of meta just because most people are familiar with her. See Mephi in the first anni.
I've used the Aki skin as well. It's pretty stylish and the underboob is powerful. I imagine they'll allow us to vote for anyone but will skip past the ones that got skins already.
Lute, my wife!!!
Hmm the google document says
>"Season 1 and 2 winners, along with a Spirit chosen by PD Kim Cheol Hui, will participate in the 2025 Idol Event and receive special idol costumes."
Does this mean we vote for top 3 and then he chooses a 4th? Maybe he'll throw flat girl fans a bone.
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Bonus kot today mostly because I could steal the background from the original.
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Yay! More Airakots! Wait...
Oh nyo! It's ESSkot!
keep it up
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oh nyo...
She might end up dead last, but my vote will go to Eileen.
I'm thinking int caster. Probably CC and curses? Might need Dominique after all.
I see why she wore the mask, she doesn't look threatening at all. I hope they give us an alt skin with it on
probably will do like otoha
Maybe they'll play it up with her innocent appearance but sadistic and manipulative personality. Hot.
If this is ends up being true then I have to roll for her.
Instant roll for me if this becomes true
Extremely old souls can eventually "degrade", to the point that they can just choose to not revive anymore and stay dead. And although a bit of an alien concept, souls that choose to get married can have their soulstones buried together, as some sort of symbol of their life partner status.
Petra's love story goes more into the concept of soul death which is actually pretty interesting.
Any yuri in this game?
not anymore
I want Bryce and Melphice to win (realistically if one of them wins I would expect them to give the freebie slot to the other), dunno if they're popular enough among whales though
they patched the gay away
You're lost. Chinese yurifag games are two blocks down.
Sad to hear. I guess I'll go find another gacha to play then.
I haven't finished Honglan's story but it's still kinda gay. Was it worse?
Good, now fuck off.
Heaven Burns Red might get a global version soon
I really need to catch up with the love stories sometime. That sounds interesting.
They added an epilogue to the true end; I don't think anything leading to the true end was changed though.
The bigger change was probably to make Claire ultra-omega for (You).
They also originally planned for Mephi and Yuria to kiss to summon the Savior but deleted that as well before the game released.
just hit a soul in my town because I was curious if they have a hitbox. now I feel terrible.
if it was mica she deserved it
>spend a couple minutes bashing E
>"I didn't expect you to break this"
dumb scarecrow
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what has Mica ever done wrong
Lovestory not sex enough
>They also originally planned for Mephi and Yuria to kiss to summon the Savior but deleted that as well before the game released.
Newfag here and I fucking knew I could tell that they had some yurifag shit there. Didn't they reduce it to a hug or something? It's just odd they could have just made them cast a joint spell or some shit and then you wouldn't even be able to sense it.
they're just holding hands in the prologue iirc
There's also Aurelia's "graveyard" where it's essentially a power plant that uses the Soul Stones of those that choose eternal sleep as a power source to keep the nation running while ensuring they stay asleep by siphoning as much of their mana as possible.
Oh right yeah that was it.
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>They also originally planned for Mephi and Yuria to kiss to summon the Savior but deleted that as well before the game released.
It was for the best.
my wife
kissing my other wife
I dunno that's kinda hot
>first thing you see before you know anything about the world you're in
>yurifag shit
What a horrible tone setter that would have been. I would have just wrote it off as another mihomo like game.
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>another mihomo like game.
they stopped doing /u/ shit like 3 gachas ago
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I volunteer.
Ayame or Velanna.
How many gachas have they even made? I stopped paying attention so all I know of is honkai impact 3rd, genshin and honkai star rail. Honestly if they made regular games it'd still probably avoid them given their history of censoring stuff because of the CCP.
Having one of the first things the player sees is a mana transfer via kiss between two girls only invites yuriniggers into your community. It's not worth it.
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Suffering begins anew mere days from now, Anon.
I mean if the goal is to have a harem game then yeah it shouldn't be here. Personally, I don't really mind some /u/baiting as long as the girls are still for (You), but it would be a bad idea here for sure.
That skin is nice, yet I can't help but think her legs would become awfully cold.
How can a girl be for (you) if she's yuribaiting? I'd also say kissing is a little more than "baiting" at that point.
"Not worth it" implies it would be good if it didn't invite them. If the idea is to make a harem game and/or a game with girls who are for (you) game having them do shit like that defeats the purpose as they are no longer for (you).
I like yuri but there's a time and place for everything and Eversoul isn't it.
>How can a girl be for (you) if she's yuribaiting?
Usually as a package deal with the other girl, which can be pretty hot.
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>can't level up a soul past 100 since she's only an epic
Can I bypass that restriction with level sync?
Nyes. It's part of why getting 5 Origin souls is so important for sync.
>If the idea is to make a harem game and/or a game with girls who are for (you) game having them do shit like that defeats the purpose as they are no longer for (you).
Given how many early love stories are not for (you) pandering they clearly weren't going for a harem game at first, they pivoted to it. As for the kiss, It was never intended for Yuria to love Mephi that way.
aight, thanks
That's just an poly relationship not for (you). They could easily have a harem without that shit if wanted a group for (you)
I haven't played the pre release but the hugging during the story scene shows a more of a caring/worried friend relationship which makes more sense. It also means the kiss on the lips is just odd and out of place unless other stuff was changed that I'm not aware about.
>they clearly weren't going for a harem game at first, they pivoted to it. As for the kiss, It was never intended for Yuria to love Mephi that way.
Sounds like Snowbreak. They had to drop their entire EN voice cast because of the pivot because the EN voice actors didn't like the new direction.
it's called catering to your audience and it was smart
I wonder why the game hasn't released in china, Is it a censorship with souls not allowed?
I'm not sure but China loves censoring big tits by turning them into small/medium ones because the CCP demands it. So if it did come out it would likely have to be censored.
Not to mention cleavage in general gets funny looks over there, and of course no panties are allowed, everyone gets shorts.
It's not the worst idea to have a censored version just for CN for extra revenue, it's a concern if they start preemptively censoring designs for Global to make less effort censoring them afterwards for CN.
I think it was just one actor that got uppity and the rest had to drop out too because of union shit.
>Sounds like Snowbreak. They had to drop their entire EN voice cast because of the pivot because the EN voice actors didn't like the new direction.
They dropped the EN voices for money reasons. Then when the game started doing well they tried re-hiring them and that's when the VA started complaining the game was too fanservicey now (note that most of the fanservice stuff isn't even dubbed)
>it's a concern if they start preemptively censoring designs for Global to make less effort censoring them afterwards for CN.
I doubt they'd be dumb enough to do that shit but you never know.
They likely would do that because they are a relatively small team and would not like to make two versions of every design when they already struggle with their current workload. Count your blessings that for various reason they have decided against releasing in China.
Oh I see but even though I was slightly wrong I meant they didn't concede to the demands of the new VAs which is a really good sign for them and gave a load of good PR. I also heard that people using EN voices were a really small percentage I think less than 15 or 20% or something so they realised it wouldn't be worth it anyways.
Could they not just release a version with chinese text but outside of china so chinese people can use VPNs to play the uncensored game or is that unfeasible/unlikely for most chinese gamers?
Snowbreak upgraded breasts of at least 4 characters in a span of three patches. Small to medium, small to big and medium to very big. Azur Lane released a reverse bunnysuit costume.
I think it's more of a mihomo thing than CCP's policies enforced with an iron fist.
Hmm that's odd then I just thought it was a CCP thing in general. Maybe other devs aren't big enough to have the CCP breathing down it's neck?
>Snowbreak upgraded breasts of at least 4 characters in a span of three patches
Kek it sounds like they're limit testing what they can get away with. Personally I'm of the opinion that they should stick with whatever original breast size they intended and just introduce more characters if they want bigger tits but I guess in a game like snowbreak where there's far less characters they felt they needed to increase existing characters.
I still don't get how Snowbreak can get away with it when other CN gachas or versions censor even the slightest bit of cleavage. Blue Archive had some characters get three or four rounds of censorship when it got a CN version but Azur Lane and Snowbreak are going full coomer. Is there something I'm missing?
>/v/ thread
>yuritards come in
every damn time
NTA but you reminded me that apparently people have speculated that the reason why marriage/oath mechanics don't really come up these days in modern chinese gachas is that the CCP doesn't allow them so early adopters like GFL and AL only get away with it because they did it before the CCP cracked down. That being said a new snowbreak trailers show bridal costumes. I doubt they can go as far as actual marriage/oaths though.
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Which side are (You) on?
>I still don't get how Snowbreak can get away with it when other CN gachas or versions censor even the slightest bit of cleavage.
Snowbreak has a higher rating in China than most of these other gachas. It prevents minors from playing the game, but considering whom they're now targeting with that game it's not much of an issue.
Mint Chocolate > No Mint Chocolate
Prim < Aki
Mint chocolate is tasty. Aki is in the wrong here.
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Actually Snowbreak dev commented that the marriage stuff is actually gonna be canon and be implemented into the story/world after the newest chapter and not just a theme for their anni. The two main girls are just the first ones so it seems like instead of an oath system they're going "fuck it you will canonically marry every girl in the game at some point."
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>tfw rolled billion akis but can't get her past eternal because of no fodder
I remember last year when I needed fodder for my Aki and someone here told me it was safe to use Dora and Jade because they were bad.
And I'm of the opinion that they're finally de-DEIfying launch characters. Which is based in my book. Don't forget that Eversoul also has a breast enhancement dev.
Wow... I want to marry all of the Souls.

Me with fairies.

I need to huff flat chests to live. How can they do that?...Also isn't having bigger tits technically more safe horny than smaller ones?
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they were right
Yknow, that makes sense. I always thought the CCP were just against it in general.
>And I'm of the opinion that they're finally de-DEIfying launch characters
I don't see how having a roster of girls who have different sizes of breasts is considered DEI. It has always been pretty standard, unless it's a game that specializes in girls with only one size.
>Which is based in my book.
Flat/Small erasure is not based.
>Don't forget that Eversoul also has a breast enhancement dev.
Thankfully he leaves most girls alone and only fixate on a handful.
if I have a minor gripe with the game it's that you're really forced to be patient. But it's just how it is in idle games
Oh shit? Maybe the CCP only limits non-mature rated games? Or at the very least they're more lenient. I do wonder how people will react to marrying Eatchel eventually. I do hope the ignore any outcry from western retards. Also Acadia is technically 17 I think so hopefully they don't change the age in the lore or some dumb shit.
I guess they could be saying "fuck it here's what we've always intended" but I do hope they keep some flatties for those who love them. As the other Anon said making girls have bigger breasts is actually what twitterfags want. They want some sort of middle ground because they think flat = disgusting lolicon fodder and big = disgusting perv fodder (hurr durr her back) so the most based thing are breasts that are either really big or really small but a wide variety is best.
some day you'll reach the day where you'll have to constantly delete your fodder for storage space because you have nothing to upgrade anymore.
I remember those days
now I fodder rare souls for the release shards
women don't want bigger breasts.
small breasts doesn't equal loli. They want adult women to have no chest at all unless they're fat.
>small breasts doesn't equal loli
I know but that's what some mentally ill twitterfags say especially if the woman isn't very tall.
>They want adult women to have no chest at all unless they're fat.
I've not seen twitterfags complain about medium breasts but maybe we disagree on what "flat" means. At the very least I'm pretty sure I've seen normalfags complain about small girl + small/flat tits.
>At the very least I'm pretty sure I've seen normalfags complain about small girl + small/flat tits.
that's because you can't win either way with small girls.
small girls are always unacceptable to them no matter what their proportions are.
Hmm maybe you're onto something. The height of consent is truly one of the most retarded things normalfags ever invented.
>The height of consent
Normalfags will even complain if an actual adult woman who is too short or flat engages in anything lewd. Anything anime style is ostracized to begin with and people look for the first chance to scream about pedos so they can feel good about their superior moral compass.
Brothers, the point is that the playerbase clearly wants big tits. The devs will throw flatfags a bone once in a while, but the majority wants milkers. Seaslug does the right thing.
That's what the "height of consent" meme is. There's popular posts where a small adult irl woman is with a tall adult irl dude and people are say "errr this looks/feels so wrong". You're right about the anime thing though because anime brainrots normalfags so they think small adult anime girl is always just a placeholder for a child character when that's not usually the case.
I'm glad I gave up on social media a while back. It's dire.
seething at anime online is a lot easier than working against exploitation of real children so if they tell themselves both of these things are equal then they can feel great about themselves whenever they get someone banned or a game or anime censored because they saved the poor pixels.
Yeah that's the smart thing to do. I only really use youtube and on rare occasion twitter just to check artists.
We need Epic Rita over Epic Rose.
I feel like Rose would just be Catherine 2.0. I've only read the main story so far but it also seems like Rose gets more screen time than the majority of Epics.
I want to see Epic Lewayne because sleepy girls are peak.
Epic Rose seems pointless now that we have Radiance Catherine. Unless they plan on radically changing her when she awakes from her comatose state.
If we actually got an Epic version of a Rare they likely would be designed as a completely different character from what we have since the current Rares are intentionally simple and the backlash of suddenly making a character all of us have foddered since the games existence wouldn't go over well. Just giving an artifact and Epic ascension to a Rare wouldn't fix the fact their kits aren't designed to be anything more than the common mooks we fight.
They actually did do that for an ESS, they were given new mechanics and buffed enough to compete against origin souls. It was really fun seeing their kits work properly.
Don't the CCP not like depictions of undead in media? Nameless is literally a zombie, she alone would probably block the game there.
Which ESS? I thought they were all just singular boss fights? Or are you meaning another event type? I've only been on the train for this game since Feburary so I've not seen this personally.
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Reset Adrianne.
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I can fix them reset!
Yeah I meant Operation Eden sorry. It had Alisha, Ruri, Nameless, Karen and I think Rita? Nameless was actually brutal, she would one shot most souls.
I'm pretty sure anon meant Claudia's Eden Alliance Ops, not ESS.
You forgot the secret "???" Power Ranger Sharinne.
That was a really fun Operation. It was a cute way to give the Rare souls a spotlight.
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Operation Eden Alliance Aurelia it was called.
>They want adult women to have no chest at all unless they're fat.
You are right. Western and western-pandering games have (ugly) women with no curves at all nowdays. You can't have a sexy woman anymore
yea she could show up as a 6th member, it was a cool event
good morning /esg/
morning jammie
good morning jammie
Mornin' jammie!

The weirdest thing about your resetpost is that I was about to use the exact same loading screen image as my resetpost today and changed my mind at the last second.
Is this gonna be updated on July 4 with the newbie catch-up event in mind? Origin Mephi + 4 dupes of a 2023 unit of your choosing to start your acc with sounds pretty game-changing
there's an old lady by a house in the square, I end up smacking her over and over when I do the slime quest.
I'll update it when we get the patch notes, yeah!
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Alright, you dipshit. Fuck you too.
Savior should have left her on the ground.
My wife is autistic and tsundere, please understand
How can you like her?
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Undead doll paizuri
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She warms up quite a lot in her LS especially if you do her True End. Savior also pushes back/teases her a lot during it which is pretty cute.
Also her final scene feels like some age gap grooming shit which is kinda funny.
wtf she grew tits
wtf she grew tits
Undead doll irrumatio and intercrural.
I hope they eventually release Big Sakuyo.

90% of the cast has big tits, gimme a few flatties here and there.
It's her actual form. She only looks like a midget because she got her mana stolen after getting betrayed by her vassals.
Let's hope Larimar delivers. I like variety.
Her Vassals are based, they know what's good.
Yeah can't wait.
>flatfags playing the oppressed victim card again
You have Linzy, Nini, Melfice, Bryce, Mephi, Soonie, Dominique, Manon, Petra, Rebecca and Claudia. 11 out of 58 character, soon to be 12 out of 59 with Larimar. That's ~19-20% of the whole roster. Yes, you're a minority. No, you are NOT being oppressed, fuck off.
They're taking Linzy away to the medium premium zone!
not anymore
For some reason I forgot to include Sakuyo. That's one flattie more.
>Yes, you're a minority.
Can't believe we're being oppressed.
It's incredibly disgusting how much Joanne is carrying my ass in stages where the CP is 100k higher than my own.
When is this going to happen?
Starts July 11 and poll lasts for 2 weeks
Hopefully they learned their lesson and Chaos Linzy's story is more sex since she's not the dev punchingbag like Catherine and her base lovestory wasn't great
They said when Awakened characters were announced that their stories will be about awakening and not romance. They won't continue off any true endings.
That's gay as hell and I don't respect this decision at all.
Come back when a big tit girl ends up with small tits in her true form/end.
its why im skipping alters. imaging spending all on your gems and not even getting laid
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Imagine that...
nta and not to defend the dev's poor choices here but at least it's clear that she has feelings for (You) and (You) can molest her anyway so it's fine... kind of...
lmao honestly on a similar note based on what i've read in the story Catherine's true end should be a neutral end and the real true end should be her discovering that God would also accept her raising a religious family with (you) as a perfectly acceptable way to serve them.
Her playable (flat) form gets 99% of screentime, but I guess she doesn't count when it's convenient to you. Gotta play that victim card, right?
So you're gonna act like people wouldn't complain if a tall tit monster became a flatty in her true end? Why would they appeal to one demographic 99% of the time only to then switch to a completely different one? The only time tits ever get smaller in gacha is when the CCP forces them to otherwise it's always they only get bigger and there's always an outcry when they get smaller regardless of whether there was explicit CCP involvement or not.
Tits of all sizes are great. Except Naomis whose tits look like they are overly inflated and are about to pop
bro im on like map 25 and still using this strategy
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And here we have the big homo
These look good to me no idea what the other guy is talking about.

>1.5th Anniversary
>150 Free Summons Event
>Everstone Shop (w/ shop listings)
>Special Gifts (Anniv KS set + 7-day Free Manon/Sharinne subs trial)
>Bingo event
>Newbie Boost event
>Eden's Got Talent S2
>Wedding 2024 Event
>Event stage vs. Vio/Garnet
>Event Challenger stages
>Event Raid and Event Pass feat. Eileen
>Guild Raid: Ruthra
>OpEd Troyca
>Tower of Origin: Seeha
>Partial JP voice pack
>You can use Duck Boat to shoot at out-of-bounds destructible objects again
>Friend cleanup rewards now received through mailbox
>Lvl Sync slots increased by 10
>You can use Duck Boat to shoot at out-of-bounds destructible objects again
>partial jp voice pack
So hows this going to work? Is it just going to be combat dialogue or is it going to be love story + main story + combat but with none of the old events?
It's Ayame's that give me that impression, I don't know why. Naomi's fine.
everything that's in Japanese will be in Japanese, including story content, the rest will be in Korean,
You mean the stuff that has text translations i.e. love stories, events etc? So it's the opposite of what I thought and we're just missing combat voices and other misc voices?
from what I understand it's like this:
>If the character is dubbed in JP, they will have JP voices in combat, otherwise they'll be in Korean.
>If the story chapter is dubbed in JP it will have JP voices, otherwise they'll be in Korean.
>Text only content shouldn't change.
What are you even talking about now? Are you seriously mad about her true ending? She's a busty girl turned into a loli who recovered her original form in the end. She was described as someone who had her power sealed before they released her banner. No bait and switch involved, unless you refuse to read patch notes. Flatfags were content with her on release, she was meant to pander to them. She's kinda like kid Shun in BA or Children's Day alts in Azur Lane/GFL, except we never got her original form as a playable character.
god I wish she would CALL ME ON MY CELLHPONE
Princess Zelda, is that you?
I will continue to be disappointed.
personally she is too chibi-like for me. I'd prefer either her sexy adult version or better proportions like dominique/soonie. she must appeal to the cibisexuals though
>she was meant to pander to them.
Then they should have given her a body closer to Soonie. She panders to women and men who like cuteness, if anything.
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Why did Erika never recieve changes? She is an RNG single target healer with 0 buffs. Yes, she is really good at what she does but no content really requires that much single target healing.
She had some use on Charite because of her barrier but that required Eureka to work and using her was fustrating, requiring restarts if she wasted it on a useless poison. Now there are much better options.
I feel like this banner will not do very well for JP. She needs to give out an attack potion of something, as someone who loves Alchemists she's pretty disappointing.
dorks deserve to be bullied
this thread is going too fast
The reason she's there is because they are betting on JP to roll on Ayame. It's not good practice to run two meta banners at the same time. If I had to guess, it's Erika + Ayame (strong), then Honglan (meta) + non-meta banner.
> Q: Can you improve the part-time jobs?
>A: We're considering a function to automatically make souls rest, etc.

CV is Yurika Kubo
This would be fucking huge.
>14mb update
what for
sex update
Cold undead pussy will be mine
imagine the worms inside crawling over your dick
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Stop bro, I can only get so erect.
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According to my research, we need more bazookas. Cowtitbros, we're being oppressed... Mephi (Ark-sized breasts) can't come soon enough.
I'd argue some of the "Big" ones should go to "huge"
mediumbros ww@
this. the delineation is a bit fuzzy. official size chart when?
rise up medium premiums!
Gotta admit I should have put Violette and Vivi in Huge, but I already edited this list from scratch like three times and said "fuck it".
My beloved reasonably sized Souls!
You're acting like midna in twilight princess turning back into her true form wasn't one of the most disappointing things in gaming history. I guess it's an archetype with big woman becomes small girl but I avoid spoiling myself by looking at promotional material and love stories before I've got a character. Maybe I need to change that so I don't invest in someone who turns into someone else.
In my opinion the appeal of Shun in BA is that she's a cute big titted woman who wants to be spoiled like a child and her child form is just her changing appearance. I think they're both cute it's really cute when she's willing to act cute in her adult form because it means she's true to her feelings. She also has her big/small thing revealed in an event that anyone can watch. It's also rather important to note that big > small is not the same appeal as small > big.
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Updated the rentry with the 1,5 Anni rewards. It's a bit frontloaded but this should be everything if I read it right. Insanely generous game.
Yeah it seriously makes me want to spend in the game (haven't spent a single dime in a gacha game in almost a decade)
It's crazy how generous this game is yet some of the packs like the achievement pack and the monthlies feel way more generous and better value than a lot of gachas on the market and that's saying something. BA's microtransactions aren't tempting in the slightest and the only thing of good value in Snowbreak was the first time purchaser outfit which is locked to an epic character anyways.
>the only thing of good value in Snowbreak was the first time purchaser outfit which is locked to an epic character anyways
Snowbreak's business model is pretty much "buy if you want to support the devs". The costumes are nice, I could stare on sprinting nurse Enya's ass for hours. The monthly sub is pretty good, too.

Monthly subs and achievement packs are the only things worth buying in Eversoul. Achievement packs have crazy good value for their price. Other packs are, unfortunately, insanely overpriced.
Yeah it's unfortunate the outfits and interactable scenes are premium exclusive but it's an understandable business model. Based on the trailers i've been seeing it seems like they're focusing more on a sort of life sim aspect which is nice. They understand people like gameplay and spending time with their girls.
For me it was recent announcement about their wedding dress skins that made me kneel
It's extremely tempting but I must resist my urges. That being said I'm probably going to buy the achievement pack on eversoul soon both to support the devs and also because of it's value.
>being forced to canonically marry girls
god imagine being forced to marry mica, would be an instant uninstall. hope that shit stays away from eversoul
good night /esg/
Good night
Biggest cunny bait
Naomi/Ayame are almost perfect. They only need bigger tits to be perfect
Honglan's, Xiaolan's, and Lute's are smaller than Ayame's, Naomi's, and Daphne's
I agree with Vivi, but not Violette. Her tits are big, but it isn't as big as Vivi's
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>S-She's right behind me...isn't she?
All Kot edits are now in a handy Kotbox album!
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Thanks a lot, airakot anon! They are awesome!
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Bless you Airakot anon. These are amazing.
Based Airakot anon!
Lute needs an event so she can get a new skin
A nude skin.
I want one just to see how much sluttier they can get with her. If anyone deserves a slutty skin, she's the most fitting.
I don't like when wedding dresses are erotic/slutty/whatever
they should evoke the feeling of beauty, not lust
The contrast is exactly why people do that with them. It seems like we're getting a good mix of themes though.
Yes. She needs this >>484394451
Now I can understand the appeal, even more so if you push back and tease her. But I wouldn't put the effort into a girl like that
True. This is why nun outfits are often made to be more promiscuous too when real nuns look more close to a burka than what fictional nuns wear.
shit taste faggot
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They hated him because he spoke the truth
You'll get your absolutely halal outfits if they ever launch in China. In the meantime something be beautiful AND hot.
I don't mind hot dresses, but the line between "hot" and "slut" is very thin. Kudos to whoever gets to pull it off while pleasing both sides.
A swing and a miss.
I only dislike it when it's a white dress. White is meant to symbolize purity, and slutty white wedding dresses makes a mockery of it.
Why are there so many fags here lately?
/v/ thread and anons from /bag/
You can have a hot/sexual outfit and still be pure. Let's not pretend that consumating the marriage isn't one of the first things that couples do after a wedding.
I blame /bag/.
how the FUCK is daphne dealing so much damage with her skill
She stores damage inside her tits.
Lots of hopes and dreams (inside her tits)
When she is hit she will store the damage and return it when you use your main skill.
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>go back in time
>check this tier list
>Ayame B
Holy fucking shit nigga
She has changed a lot since then, she practically got a rework.
Adrianne should get one as well then, she's basically worthless for being a pain in the ass to raise on top of being incredibly rare to pull from the gacha.
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Ironically, the more you invest into her, the tankier she gets and the less damage she does when she uses her main.
I don't understand why they didn't do it last round of adjustments. She needs it more than several souls that got improvements.
It's kinda sad that Adrianne exists only for her hook. She's there to mess up enemy formations in PvP and battlefront, that's all. Personally, I use her only in PvP, which is a shame.
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gnight /esg/
I've used her a lot in BF against Petra teams, and especially early on when I really needed an extra tank but she's really fallen off since.

Night Jammie, one of the best costumes there.
sleep tight jammie
Right answers
Wrong answer
I think Daphne's breasts should be larger.
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Daphne's breasts are the perfect size, every other soul should be adjusted up or down to match.
No. Every girl should be adjusted up to her size (except Mephi who should remain small).
Mephi will come back with ark-sized breasts.
Petra's got the perfect size 2bh
Me too
I can't wait to see Mephi's true form
Mephi with her ark-sized upgrades as the 2nd Anniversary Soul.
The monthly profit will be over 1 million
Considering we're on pace to get another Chaos soul in January I can see this happening. I think Apollyon is still to early so I doubt it would be her.
I wonder if they'll do flat versions of huge tit girls too
ark-sized breasts will be the smallest
I can't wait for awakened Mephi with her normal sized breasts
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I don't care how big her breasts becomes, I just want her back already
Thank you all! It's a pleasure.
5 facts about Mephi
1- She's cute
2- She likes sweet things
3- She WILL cockblock me of any true endings with other souls
4- Mephi!!
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perfect list
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Reset Aira!
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Renee cute!
My wife!
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But that's 4
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good morning /esg/

just got Dominique's true ending first try with no guide
good morning jammie
I realized that she's dressed so lewdly for being so shy
elves are born sluts
We call elves sluts for a reason.
JP maintenance
Natural born sluts
Same as pinks
Erika's not a slut, right? She's too nerdy and cute to be one.
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Full post

Oh no. I'm not a competitive resetposter, I'm just a casual resetposter.
The greatest trick savior ever pulled was convincing souls that he got presents on their birthdays
She's a stinky virgin neet who flogs her untested potions to fund her anime addiction.
Shes a slut but she's way too much of a nerd to even know it.
Highly repressed until Savior manages to hit that one trigger that unleashes the gigaslut inside her.
I can't seem to break 1.9m in the Dominique mini-game..
I'd love to give some advice but it's mostly RNG... I got in the top 50 once and then couldn't even finish all the missions anymore.
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Where is her swimsuit
Looks like Erika's getting her true ending costume illust judging from what JP got today
I bought it for her but completely forgot to send it to her and now it's rotting inside my wardrobe. I'll wait for 2nd anni to surprise her.
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What the fuck is her problem
opinion on PAWGs?
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Damn, thanks "Discord event"
What's yours? Let her do the thing
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We know Operator One is Mephi, and Operator Five is Beleth.
Who are Operators 2, 3 and 4?
>Cherrie's LS EP6
That part really resonated with me. It's nice.
Which operator is lilith? I thought she was 9 or something meaning there'd be even more operators.
future human-likes probably. they already said we'll get lilith
She's the ninth, Beleth considers her the "adorable little sister" of the nine Operators

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