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Reminder to report avatar/signature use.

Previous: >>483979768

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>May Trading Post
>Summer Trading Post

>General ResouŠ³ces
>several posts early
holy fuck you are a seething autistic nignog
>link spam op
Kill yourself
funny how you dont say this when the other guy does them several posts early :3c
oh, hi maye!
I'm trying to get better at socializing and being more assertive.
Is it more effective to be asked to do something or to be told to do something? How pushy is too much? How chatty is too much?
yah because the other baker didn't completely fuck up the op you obsessed nigger, I wasn't even there when the thread was made either
Your ops are horrible and I'm not maye. Keep coping troon
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How can any of you mock Yoshi-P and FFXIV when picrel is your Game Director.
Ions game still has players
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erp with little ones
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Good night /wowg/.
Honestly we should be thanking the autistic OP. He drove away the annoying femworg faggot troon clique. Thank God.
dont care about specifics, the op and the previous one prevent fetishfags from dominiating the thread
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going to miss her
Where can i find little sluts like this?
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They're all -- ALL!! -- Played by trannies. The annoying kind. Don't ask me how I know.
what is that head kek
terrible art is an insult to alex
i mean every moonguarder is one, so my point still stands
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>survival finally getting good changes in TWW beta
>graduating from being a meme hipster spec is looking possible
>surv players cry about it for whatever reason
>devs are now rolling back half the changes next build
Blizz really shouldn't listen to these survival "mains" who voted for the wrong fucking tier set bonus.
Botched up troll Op forgot to include a bunch of links.
Use this next time.

Reminder to report avatar/signature use.

Previous: >>483979768

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>This week in June
>Testing for Anub Arak
>Celebrate Pride

>General ResouŠ³ces
none of these matter to me
What exactly happened apart from some numbers tuning?
>to me
You aren't the main character of the thread dude. Useful links are helpful and good, right?
The biggest thing was they got rid of the stupid non-refresh mongoose fury stacks but are now rolling it back after retards complained.
We, members of the PCU, are taking a stand for our MAP (minor attracted person) friends. No more will we tolerate hatred and bigotry towards them! MAP and proud! Join our roleplaying community.
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We need a remastered WoW

> Season of Discovery but with HD assets from every expansion
> Classic-TBC-WotLK era game, MoP & Legion expansions with better story bridging
> rewritten TBC & WotLK storylines
> stories as whole are written to be more brutal, male leads & focusing on races' societal struggles (e.g. Kel'Thuzad's journey from a mage to the grand lich etc.)
> DHs available in TBC, introduction rewritten
> Monks & Pandas are not made available
> Only WotLK era races & class combinations + some Cata combinations & rewritten DHs
> extra Cata combinations: Hunters for Humans & Undead, Shamans for Wildhammer affiliated Dwarves
> Humans can choose their affiliated kingdom, including Kul Tiras (KT rig not available)
> Broken as optional model for Draenei
> Wildhammer clan options for Dwarves
> Orc, Troll & Tauren players can choose their associated clans
> rework gameplay for less of spec locked gameplay (e.g. Affliction warlock choosing Immolate as a spell over Unstable Affliction, Mages may choose to spend the Pyro proc for a Pyroblast, Arcane Missiles or a heavy hitting Frostbolt etc.)
> modern spell effects
> race specific class changes (Forsaken priests not wielding light, use dark magics to heal, Troll priests choose between Sun Loa's light & dark healing etc.)
> class specific spell skin options (Shamans healing via spirit magic instead of water, necromancer pets for demonology warlocks etc.)
> Transmog
> zones' level scaling
> party sync mode
> M+ for old dungeons - ilvl doesn't increase but adds jewel sockets etc. to drops in higher levels
> M+ gear improvement capped at some level, after which titles & mogs are given as reward
> DID & Zandalari as "Classic+" content (Zandalari completely rewritten into a savage, dark magic Voodoo kingdom.)

We MUST completely bin Stickney-Metzen's Cosmos of Marvelcraft, and all of that cosmic faggotry along with it.
Season of Discovery is an improvement to the right direction, but could do with a bit more.
thought you said you were going to bed
premade fags made random epic battlegrounds unplayable
i bet you thought that tbc was marvel too
>You can go ahead and call me a dogfucker because I fuck worgen but you know what else you can call me? A woman. Can't say the same for you Nathan No-Nuts.
i have no idea what this post means but please fuck off
>no high elves and ogres
>lorerape draenei and blood elves still in
Use the proper op and put all the links or don't do it at all.
Rate my alternate WoW:

Alliance races
>High Elf
>Night Elf
>TBC: Broken / Krokul - in this version, no draenei retcon so Broken are original draenei and Lost Ones e.g. Akama are devolved draenei
>Cata: Gnome

Horde races
>TBC: Ogre
>Cata: Goblin

Either Akama or Nobundo are racial leaders for Broken, and Rexxar would be racial leader for ogres. Dire Maul will be ogre capital. Not sure for Broken capital.
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I agree that something should be done against people mass coordinating groups larger than five to get matchmade in the same epic battleground; but in the meanwhile you can halt them yourself. I have beaten several premades in battlegrounds both epic and normal, I have stood defiant in the face of certain defeat, and I have dragged victory from the clutches of the enemy's unsuspecting palms on multiple occasions. They bring fourty men? They could have used fourty more. None may stand before the might of Yu'lon! Let my bloodied knuckles herald their doom. I will be the first they encounter, and the last thing they will ever see. Come, tidal wave of bodies. Crash upon me! I am ready! You face a master of the Temple of the Jade Serpent! Tremble before the power of the Celestials! Yu'lon is with us! Who is with you?!
>nelf playable at all
fuck off
holy based
who would you have for the high elf leader?
vereesa windrunner makes sense if it was due to the silver covenant faction, however I don't know who would make sense for a classic wow high elf leader desu

>kael'thas is with illidan and vashj
>alleria is still MIA
>sylvanas is dead
remove undead from the horde and its perfect
no nagas?
never agree with me again avatranny
>>sylvanas is dead
That's sorta her shtick, anon.
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my actual visage quand to that information
Does this retard live in this thread?
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>visage quand
nagas tongue my anus
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she didn't used to be THOUGH
I don't know who specifically you're referring to, but probably.
I'm under the impression at least six retards do.
>BM and MM have a paragraph or two of changes
>SV is like a toddler's birthday gift wishlist
This indicates to me, like nothing else, that this spec just doesn't work. If the basic idea was sound, it wouldn't need an entire scaffolding for the tiny numbers imps to skitter around and twist and turn knobs and valves for it to keep running.
At this point Hunter is better off becoming a two-spec class. The resources the constant fiddling around to make SV work would be better applied elsewhere I'm sure.
This thread is all he has.
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this is most likely true
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R8 my dwarf he's a Dark Iron Tunneler that jumps out of the ground and fucking kills people by jamming his pickaxe in their eyesocket.
(He is very tall for a dwarf because I use Giant Growth elixir)
Generic. Forgettable. Might as well be a nameless NPC.
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Thanks for the input, retard
How reliable is the wowhead drop rate for newish items like this? I got this in 2 runs.
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Since I have cutting edge for all 3 raids this expansion, shouldn't Alexstrasza owe me greatly and be oblidged to be my mount in TWW if I was to ask her to do so?
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you need to try earthen too
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He also sometimes uses a door he ripped off the hinges as a shield. (He put spikes on the bottom so he can go and murder people when they fall over in the tunnels.)
Also, to give him some character: Here he is flirting with a Stormwind guardswoman by standing next to her and not saying anything, letting his dark and mysterious aura waft over her. (He has not washed in days and is severely autistic.)
Decent enough, just need to split elves & Undead into their own factions & I'd sub.
best poster itt
That changes nothing I said. If I saw your character in a roleplaying setting, I would not interact with it and I would forget about its existence in a matter of seconds. If you're not looking to roleplay, that means people will care even less about your character, especially with a mis-matched mog like that one.
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this >>484091697

This issue is I don't know who I would replace them with.
post your mog
I will try the Golemrace but my hype for them is low. I'd much rather have had Skardyn, with some tweaks to their lore, rather than "more robots".
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you will be surprised. they have very good customization options and their dance is top tier
horde gets the broken and alliance gets the naga
>>surv players cry about it for whatever reason
>>devs are now rolling back half the changes next build
What? Tell me more
>another post by the survival-hating autist
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He defeated Deathwing. (The Dragon tried to eat him and then had such horrible reflux from his unwashed arse he spat him out and submitted to be his steed in battle.)
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not him but most people do not like the meme that is melee survival hunter
survival hunter went from one of the most popular specs in the entire game to the least played spec in the entire game due to it
I hate it because I love it and by how much I wish it lived up to its potential.
which is? spear chucker?
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not bad
Seethe, cope and dilate (in no particular order)
t. retarded legionbaby
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Do you think that alitards who think that "high elves" could ever be on alliance in vanila have ever played WC3?
Read a book for once in your life before making embarrassing posts like this.
I see, so no
I accept your concession.
t. retard
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*flexes at u*
I know the Dancing is top tier animation, but their costumizations mean nothing to me because the basic racial concept just irks me.
I dislike Earthen as a playable race in general. I understand they're supposed to play on similar themes as the Warforged from DnD, but their lore and their core characteristics play so much more to the theme of Awakened AI than Earthen have been until very recently. Skardyn have the benefit of being so superficially described that there is yet enough room to flesh them out as an independent people, especially in this Shadow/Void driven narrative from the Worldsoul Saga.
>He defeated Deathwing.
Nice. More reasons to never interact with your character.
Does Thrall deserve any blame for appointing a psychotic warmonger with a checkered past and no popular backing to succeed him as leader of his coalition without consulting any of the other leaders? Because I remember Thrall basically said he wasn't to blame when he killed Garrosh.
Retarded writers might be to blame
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I can't wait to get this mount in the trader's shop.
Why didn't anyone tell me I could get bis trinkets and a bis weapon from lfr?
few ways to spot a pcu pedotranny:
>enourmous butthurt over garrosh
>worships sylvanus
>plays wuwupera
I think the Garithos stuff actually makes for a stronger case for having playable high elves in the Alliance, precisely because it will cause so much internal tension and strife. High elves would be to the Alliance what Forsaken are to the Horde - a roguish isolationist race who will not hesitate to commit evil to further their own goals. Imagine how the Light-worshipping humans will react when they discover what the Blood Knights are doing to M'uru. Imagine if the Purge of Dalaran was an Alliance civil conflict mirroring the Horde's own concurrent rebellion.
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snowbros... we're finished
I mean my character literally just stands there most of the time being non-verbal. (He is very shy and inarticulate [he is deaf from being too close to explosions in the tunnels])
>Xal'atoh will occasionally whisper to its wielder, much in the same manner as the [Corrupted Ashbringer]. The whispers occur both with the actual weapon equipped, and if you transmogrify your weapon to Xal'atoh.
So will corrupted gorehowl also become a hot girl?
according to wow forums you will be visited by visions of hitler
excuse me. i play female gnomes and play them as lolis
she sleep
I still don't see them coming together. Horde is basically just the factions that Alliance doesn't recognise banded together, so post WC3 elves feel perfect there. Modern high elves who separated from blood elves though are perfect for Alliance, but they are already basically a part of it, there's just too little of them.
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I went in to lfr and turned my interface off. I captured some dynamic scenes.
>So will corrupted gorehowl also become a hot girl?
Hot orc girl
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The whole Garithos argument is utterly fucking retarded in the first place.
He was a literal who didn't represent anyone, and any person who attempts to point at him like it's some form of argument are just showing their severe mental deficiency.
Kael'thas was part of the ruling council in Dalaran, literally one of their council of 6, not to mention the fact that the high elves had lived with and allied with the humans in Dalaran for thousands of years as the founding members of the Kirin Tor.
This is not even considering the Troll Wars and
what the elves suffered at the hands of the Horde in the Second War (the same fucking war they had allied with the humans and dwarvesto stop the Horde from killing all of them).

Imagine being Alleria:
>finally comes back to Azeroth, decades after Blizzard decided to retcon blood elves into the Horde purely due to the Chinese/Korean audiance wanting a pretty race to play as on Horde
>sees her people allied with the same orcs who butchered her bother and her parents when they tried to wipe them out during the Second War
>the same orcs that she went through the Dark Portal to put a stop to their bloodshed

Blizzard then proceeded to make dogshit lore up to attempt to justify these retarded asspulls like the night elves sending spies to Darnassus and being hostile towards the Blood Elves (???).
Tyrande literally went out of her life to save Kael'thas and his blood elves in Warcraft 3, seeing them as her kin and genuinely helping him, having a heartfelt conversation with them, then even going so far as to risk her life holding off the Scourge by herself while Kael'thas and his blood elves got to safety.

Here is your proof for the aforementioned lore rape to justify Horde Blood Elves due to the Chinese/Korean audiance:


See above you retarded fucking spic.
>He was a literal who didn't represent anyone
he was the equivalent of turalyon
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jesus fucking christ
If he was a literal who that didn't represent anyone he would have had the power to imprison an entire race, an alliance race at that, including a member of dalaran's council of 6
This is cope you're coping stop coping
Holy shit, do all alitards have room temp IQ?
are you all attending the gayparade walk in wow ?
Will I get mounts mogs and/or cheevos?
Jesus Christ
i have no idea, can't seem to find anything about it
but it's bizzare that it's called "running of the trolls"
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brap indeed
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like you can't make this shit up
thanks for reusing this reaction image so i can instantly recognize you as the massive retard
There are so many inconsistencies in this picture. A computer literally make these for you and you're still too lazy to fix all the flaws. Have some standards ffs.
porn addicts will masturbate to slaanesh's abominations provided they can vaguely see a singly tit or foot
It's a spin on the community made Running of the Gnomes breast cancer awareness event
kek man i always fall for this shit
are there any rewards for attending?
Running of the diaper gnomes (to the bathroom)
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I haven't logged into the game for a week and I don't miss it at all. I'm scared frens. Is it over ...?
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says the fucking retard trying to equate turalyon with garithos
how do you even manage to dress yourself?
>Wear a diaper
>Still rush to bathroom

your lore is bad and you should feel bad
You are free, my child
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I've played all night and I want to play more but I'm too tired. My next plan is to run +7s at least, to get crests and try for gear drops. I want to run +8s to finish off my 3 slots of the vault. Then, On tuesday I should have enough gear to spam dungeons to hit 2500. I discovered that tier-pieces can be made with catalyst currency, just like before; and I discovered that I can get bis weapon and trinkets with bullion. All I need is to get Hero-level items to transform in to tier pieces, and I'm golden. The few champion-level items I've gotten as drops can stay; I don't think I'll need to replace them to hit 2500.
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night elf shamans when
Yeah, good idea; I'll wank before sleeping.
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>Suggested Players [5]
Reminder Lordaeron and Quel'thalas have been apart of the Horde for longer than they've been apart of the Alliance.
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Wank to drae baes with big swords!
>normal eyes instead of glowing ones
go to bed already yank
I think my rings are fine, because they are haste. My necklace is s3. I think maybe I won't even seek to replace it. My wrist-slot item is an unupgraded s3 item. I must replace this. That's it. Everything else is just getting "a" chest, or "a" leg. I have champion-level legs and champion-level shoulders. All I need is "a" chest to complete my 4-set. I want to run +7s so the items I get are Hero-tier. If I can farm enough crests to get my weapon to level 12, I'll be able to do any dungeon.
Anyone else excited for Silvermoon to be a neutral city in Midnight?
I am interested what reparations Lor'themar is going to give the void and high elves for his past actions.
I masturbate to furshit exvlusively. I think I will masturbate to my dreamtalon travel form licking my face. I will makeout with my dreamtalon travel form, then I will sleep, then I will wake up, then I will farm +7 and +8 dungeons.
i thought i smelled the stench of untermensch
cant wait to plap blood elves desu
>expecting ai posting porn addicts to have standards
I just pictured a druid in cat form cleaning themselves like a cat for the first time ever .... thanks a lot anon .... like my mind needed to be more degen than it already was.
I don't know what Midnight is; I don't know what Lor'themar is; all I care about is mythic+.
i dont think thats ai but who could say
I think my dreamtalon travel form does not have a cat tongue even though it looks like a cat. It is too different from a cat and therefore does not need to be similar to a cat, even though some of it is similar. Every time I log out I think perhaps all of my dragons mounts lick me.
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I don't know what you're talking about retard, if you're not the guy I replied to initially you really need to take your meds
>search profile of the nelf pic's artist
of fucking course
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Here's your dungeon party members for today

>Comments are not locked


The height of the desks, and the height and angle of their monitors would make for some extremely bad posture, even with chairs there. I'm not taking any chances. Dumb bitches need to sort their shit out before they screw their backs and necks.
*fails the key*
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played by pic related irl
I don't even need to get a chest item. I can simply get 2000 and then spend the token on a chest. All I should seek out is a bracer. Every thing else is nothing but crest grinding, and vault-shaping.
Which druid(s) have the BEST shape-shifted forms?
>Comments are not locked
someone notify /v/, i want to watch the fireworks
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who dat
I love my dreamtalon. It's so horrendous.
looks like something out of a dr seuss novel
it's a night elf and dwarf game the rest of you are merely set pieces
no-one cares about maze +
mage tower cat
mage tower bear
qonzu flight form
vanilla cheetah form and im still mad as hell that had to downgrade my glyph, what was the point of that assholes?
fucking nigger art team
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>sea and jungles
this looks more interesting than wowa wuwu..
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Moonkins look like actual fatman con-goers.
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do you get your own boat? because if not seems quite pointless desutbh
14 blown the fuck out desu
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What was the point of turning this guy evil?
>DT so fucking bad that EVERYONE is mad
>worse MSQ than DF
Unironically how will this affect WoW this expac
He looks like a sumerian faggot. Probably kills lizards.
i dont really give a shit about DT if i had to be 100% honest, never played it, never going to play it, never hear about it outside of this general
none, Cata was coked out dogshit
What's DT?
we will receive the exodus of unironic twitter trannies from their gay game and they will incessantly shit up the thread and demand changes to make our game far more gay than it already is. a reverse 2021 if you will.
so nothing at all will change
Maybe that'll bring our avatarfags back
>tauren in horde
no, fuck off
we talking Tina and Maye or Huns and IcyCrits?
blood elves and the undead really should have been their own faction desu
the former two already came back
One did, the other didn't.
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One of my many dragon lovers, sleeping. (I'm underneath his wing which is clipping through the floor). Picture taken by one of my faerie dragon servants.
They wanted both an horde and an alliance C Tier character to go evil. Horde one should have been Rommath. We even got soundlfiles for that. But it got scrapped so we just got Benedictus alone. Guess they wanted to show how scary the twilight cult is for they are everywhere, even in echolons of power
he was objectively right, the light doesn't matter as proven by shadowlands
Braless girls are God's gift to men
i don't know, last i remember having a boat in mmo was archeage or something
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My bro after a night partying. (He sparkles when excited.)
light ignored SL because they have future foresight and knew jaylor loses
it wont. many xiv players do not care about wow.
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A storm elemental, looks like
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/v/ is having a f**king meltie!!!
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Determined and on my way.
>emphasis on beautiful sea, water, exploration in DT marketing

>entire game takes place in ugly mexico australia shithole with one cyberpunk
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>They wanted both an horde and an alliance C Tier character to go evil
Alright, then what was the deal with Fandral?
I think he would have served as a good foil to Malfuirion and Tyrande as showcasing the more aggressive/nationalistic side of Night Elves
I would have liked to see his reaction to the Horde trying to burn down Teldrassil in BFA
yea but shame the titcows usually don't go for that trend
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Sneaking behind
probably one of the hidden dummy npcs who make script changes in the environment, it's usually a rabbit hidden underground
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>we will receive the exodus of unironic twitter trannies from their gay game
this is why i respect you guys who are here right now. you the real ones.
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ayo what the fuck i came up with that name for an alt inspired by grimgor ironhide, no way blizz already added an npc of the same name
The story in tww will probably be given more focus by faggots that compare the games, esp since this is supposed to be the first part of a trilogy. However, from what I heard from both they have the exact same problems, annoying characters, the story that just isn't very interesting, and it's all set up for future expansions.
The launch story in TWW isn't crazy but it's not really about setup, it's hyperfocused on the launch filler villains for whatever reason. The two patchbait things (Undermine, "Rootlands") barely get any set up.
tina was posting couple days ago
>James' funky brown people
Yeah, because FF was on two day maintenance. So she popped back in during that.
>Unironically how will this affect WoW this expac
Quality of servers like Moonguard and AD somehow get even worse with all the XIVugees
for that stinking turd of an expansion? lmao. i can't wait for the memes of the catgirl poochie
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>people waited 2 days of maint to cheer on tranny cat
holy SHID
Thank god I'm on ED.
i completely forgot about mop remix
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When is Blizzard finally going to take a knee and ask for his help?
i made child gnome and named her kodomo wich means child in japanese. lets see how long does name last. i am on moonguard so will be interesting
so far no character in tww is as annoying as woke lamat. even the ugly negress is written better
>weekly maintenance of inconsistent times that occasionally breaks the game for no reason somehow, just to watch the women win everything without reason
you know they were thinking about it until a couple days ago when he released WoD 2.0 where you help Yrel 2.0 all expansion
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Why the FUCK are there people that sit there for days, months, years collecting things?
You are aware you can only sit on ONE mount, right?
You are aware you can only wear ONE mog at a time, right?
How can you value your time and life so little that you gamble (with time) to collect e-toys that will be gone the moment the servers are shut down?
Is your life really worth that little?
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they dont need any help from that tranny fucker
dont you have a shitty game to play
surely youre not out of content yet???
Damn, Yawntrail's gotta be bad if the XIV shills are here less than a week since release trying to tell people it's good.
I fucking wish
they look like that and sound like that so what else are they going to do with their time
stfu retard we're arguing with zivtrannies right now
come back later
I will give modern WoW props, female characters that look like they should be really annoying (Taelia, Faerin, that kyrian) are actually really chill. The male cast is much worse. Except for (Cata-SL) Sylvy and Talanji
This applies to everyone you retard
hey i met my irl husband in wow collecting things and we both have fun doing it. sucks to be you i gues
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you're not wrong, HOWEVER
>saying this shit while wasting your time on 4chan
I just want the scythe why is Blizzard like this.
just saw a remix druid in heroic throne of thunder with dragonflight dungeon trinkets (ilvl 500ish) and an ingenuity crafted ring
new exploit or old?
never happened
at least 4chan is in the loosest sense of the word, social. WoW collecting is more degenerate than gambling, because the cost is your life.
and you didn't screenshot this? retard
takes away from talking to people. dont pretend you meet friends here apply anything you learned here while talking irl. you're here to self-destruct.
it started when I got the TLPD by accident back in wotlk and then more and more cool new mounts started coming out
before I knew it, I had the violet one too
>you're here to self-destruct.
I think this is on a scale, and WoW collectors are at the absolute bottom of that scale.
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They trimmed Anduin's pointy chin down
moira looking fire
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we lost
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How was Lord Godfrey so strong he was able to quite literally one shot Sylvanas?
How does one learn this power?
thats not a screenshot retard
>multiple threads on /v/ to shit on wow
they aren't taking the flop of dawntrail well
because the lore is fucked. anduin should have been able to one shot her because hes a fucking priest, but was **somehow** unable to.
Seems like he's just cleaned up the beard.
That's every day on /v/
>entire player race powerless against two classes
yeah great lore
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Worgen from the hit game World of Warcraft
You are facetious but I think it's fucking hilarious.
Fuck the Forsaken.
>dies to getting shot in the head by a guy with a wizard hat
Anduin is a pussy. Priest doesn't hardcounter undead, otherwise scourge wouldn't even be an issue.
Yeah Cata is terrible, but making the lore so that one of the player races can get instantly killed by a class ANY race can be is worse. They made their bed when they made Forsaken playable (one of the few things which made Vanilla stand out from the competition) so they have to play ball.
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Will the playerbase chimp out over an Undermine patch, or do people like Goblins enough compared to Gnomes/Vulpera?
>shackle undead
>blast their head off with smite
as far as precedence goes, they do. the only problem is anduin is a pussy like you said
I really like the forsaken and sylvanas before they obliterated her character, I just wish they never did the two faction split forcing Nelves and Undead into the red and blue factions when they really should have been their own thing
I get that wasn't possible but it still annoys me desu
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Can't use cc on bosses
that's a kino mog
worgen wife
>OG unironically having a Dragonflight expansion where fuck all is happening and there's gays and people are angry
did wow unironically cause this
QRD on why it's bad?
from what i've seen, it's even worse. a bunch of DEI garbage around a furry with barely any gameplay
at least wow has gameplay between quests
I feel like FF14 is starting to run into an issue of people just getting tired of the same exact copy/paste formula every single expansion.
The old story held the game together. And now that that story is over, it needs something else to hold it together instead if it wants to continue being successful.

Personally, i just want to see something new in terms of large-scale design. Either completely new styles of dungeons that don't just follow the same old formula, or a new gearing system that doesn't just rely on collecting tomestones, etc. Anything to spice it up, and not just a little spice, but a lot of it, i feel, is necessary.

And when i say something "new" i don't mean something like a new Deep Dungeon or Criterion Dungeons. These are just "side content". I think the game needs to spice up its MAIN CONTENT not just add in a sprinkle of side content. A new Eureka/Bozja is nice, but its still just rehashed content. They need to reimagine the whole game formula to some degree; because at the moment, every expansion has just been a big checklist of rehashed content for the most part. The story kept the game appealing.

My biggest issue with the game overall is that Every. Single. Dungeon. is the same. Its the exact same experience, except with a different "skin" slapped over it. After doing 100 "different" dungeons that are basically all the same, it starts to become very clear that you might as well just be running one dungeon over and over again because they are all the same anyways. They really need to start making each and every dungeon a unique experience instead of just playing it on the safe side and copy/pasting a formula.

What if they borrowed more successful ideas from WoW, like they did in the first place? Why not a talent tree system? Or some other expanded class system to introduce even a smidge of individuality to classes? I trust the team to be able to balance it.
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they got dragonflighted
>bucks are still coping
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What race would want to completely eradicate?
...in Warcraft.
>Avoidable Damage Notification is [on]! GL, HF!
no-one has ever said this
>reading the thread
Wait a fucking minute, are people seriously STILL blubbering about High Elves? My god it can't be anything other than mental illness. I thought that was just an MMOcancer and WoW forum thing.
not even df was this cringe
that's straight up SBI shit
literally every pug
The story is boring and the new mc character is annoying. She's voiced by a tranny in english, she isn't actually one in game but that's still going to cause shitposting. The story is also a "vacation" after they just concluded their main story, so a lot of fans are also annoyed at the low stakes
>it can't be anything other than mental illness
Sister, your on 4chan
where do you think we are retard
night elves
mechagnomes or vulpera and replace them with sethrak
Good, at least he still looks like the same person if nothing else compared to before. His hair is still awful though.
seems new
might check ownedcore
They are going to make Belf/Helf a single neutral race in Midnight that you choose a faction for like Pandas
the twink dragons
the fat humans
any race shorter than dwarves
Isn't that already the case with blood elves and void elves?
going to be a lot of blood elf melties if that happens
>wake up
>ingest cafƩ
>scrutinize latest /r/mmorpg communiquƩs
>ffxiv dying
how did WoW do it... HOW DOES IT KEEP WINNING
Hey mans from Stormwind and Lordearon look the same. The island guys are fat.
What gives?
I hate trannies with every fiber of my being. I truly loathe their existence. My server is overstuffed to the point of being unusable with trannies. I have to play nice with them in-game and act like they don't gross me and everyone I know out.
I'm so tired of this charade. I wish I could just let the mask slip and tell every tranny retard that thinks I like them that I think they're a porn addicted gay man. But I'll be ostracized out of my communities and seen as a pariah, even among those I genuinely like. I wouldn't want to damage their reputation as an extension of being friends with me.
All because I have to appease the tranny cabal of Moon Guard.
Thanks for coming to my anonymous confessional.
Damn bros, even Talieshillin is calling out World of Alliance craft
No-one is going to write the story around Kiro or female brown thrall when characters like Jaina Proudmoore exist retard
Of course he does, otherwise his Bvll won't let him watch anymore when his wife is being BLACKED.com.
we keep party rockin'
Why are American WoW players like this?
Alliance women fuck Horde mains?
Alliance bros..
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Kil Tirans are fine, they're just.....British humans who left Gilneas and didn't starve from the wall isolation rationing
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Can't believe Locus-Walker's gonna be the final boss of Wah Within Brahs
>You are aware you can only sit on ONE mount, right?
this nigga doesn't know about the random favorite mount button
The reason the strangler from Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch is pissing and shitting over The Alliance Within is because the Alliance is white people coded and the Horde is nigger coded - Which is fair, you know, considering the Horde races have predominantly non-European cultures as their inspiration. The insanity is however that these retards literally believe that Blizzard having so many pure superior Aryan characters in their art is somehow a statement about who they believe should be in charge of the world, instead of - you know - The financial department telling them to put more conventionally attractive characters in their promo material because that will increase sales. Sorry to Baal, PrinceofAmani, Zen, Groxi, Porter - But Having Faerin appear for a total of 10 seconds in the cinematic trailer ate up literally all the fucking budget Blizzard was allowed to spend on your DEI faggotry. You will be lucky if you will ever get to see somebody whos not Eurasian in promo ever again.
(Blizzard's Chinese Overlords have, once again, grabbed them by the Breastmilk)
no, because velf is species wise an offshoot with special powers/travsformations (they all have an echo voice)

helf is the same regular boring elf as belf, but on alliance. no differences besides politics and eye color
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>alliance are aryans
Holy fucking KINO bros Agartha continent SOON, entrance in Northrend in the last titan
uh based?
there are regular humans in Kul Tiras, the playable ones are fat and Vrykul-type-tall because Blizzard was scared (?) of the big Alliance AR in BFA looking identical to humans with no change in appearance
>attempting to save low IQ mentally ill collectors
I've seen these creatures cry because they "HAD" to play plunderstorm and mop remix to get ALL the items

they're are literally gollum-tier creatures, there's no saving them at that point
In reality it's because they didn't want to design racials for all the bodytypes
Haymaker only works on fat KTs
Extremely disappointing because a regular human KT rogue is the ultimate outlaw roleplay
Funny how none of the twitterfags had a melty over all the main characters in DF being white (besides Wrathion) and loving Alliance (including Wrathion)
>wasting hours and hours and hours of dev time on big fatties over a SINGLE racial
you are retarded. they were stupid and thought big rough fatties works be received well and be a good alternative to big royal trolls. that's it
This one fucks me up as well, you can get through like 50 mounts an hour depending on the situation, yet I see retards say this. I think Asthmanturd popularised this dumbass point
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>speak with anduin
DF had main characters?
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Who will be the Wuk Lamatt of the Worldsoul Saga?
>wasting hours and hours and hours of dev time
Except they had a fully working rig for all 3 before the allied race even existed as playable
The question was why isn't the female undead thin male version and regular human version playable, which is 100% due to blizz's laziness
The undead female rig thin male has no female counterpart, and the both would need new racials different to fat KTs regardless
fuck off toughpaw, join maye in the gas chamber and the rest of the futa pedo avatarfags
so is that the cat"girl" with the abnormally wide face?
is that your games new tranny??
what is wrong with being futa pedo? i let those erp with my lolis all time
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they wont suspect a thing
>Which is fair, you know, considering the Horde races have predominantly non-European cultures as their inspiration
hmmm let's see
Human: mostly western european but with some non european influence
Dwarf: Jews
Gnomes: Jews
Nelf: Japanese with minor celtic element
Draenei: Pajeets/Gypsies/Jews. The Archenemy of the White Man
Worgen: Furfags so immediately discarded
And on the other hand
Orcs: Hungarians (Maghar/Magyar) with very extremely slight african american influence on trivial things like /dance
Tauren: Plain Indans
Troll: Aztec/Niggers/Scandinavians/Brazilians bizarre but somehow soulful mix
Undead: Victorian Era britain
Blood Elf: Turbo Aryans
Goblin: New Jersey Italians. People who say Jews didn't play the games.
So we have 4 white inspired races on the Horde vs one on the Alliance (2 if you count the Worgen, but again furries shouldn't count)
The Horde is clearly the white man faction.
before df i would have said vulpera
now with the tranny dragons, they're practically part of the family.
so if i only can choose one: its the tranny dragons, they are so god awful they make vulpera look good, and thats saying something.
Now if you're going to give me a scalpel to excise anything i dont like id start with dragon trannies, vulpera, and worgen.
They didn't add an AR with two body types because it opens the floodgates to retards who demand fat models for every race
>uhhhh where are my skinny pandas blizz???????
they MAY add a toggle for regular human models on kul tirans but they will also need to rerecord their voice lines. or they will add chooseable voice lines which is likely imo as trannies really want that
orcs are germanic
no shoes
>Goblin: New Jersey Italians. People who say Jews didn't play the games.
nelfs are clearly greek/roman what the fuck are you smoking retard?
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Apparently this isn't the correct anduin
>DT is just DF but worse (what if Alexstrazsa killed Fyrakk and Iridikron didn't exist)
fucking kek
>Dwarf: Jews
>Gnomes: Jews
What on earth did he mean by this
Night Elf religion, society and architecture in clearly japanese.
Highborne maybe are more greco-roman
Dawntrail is critically acclaimed and server are all full unlike dead retoilet, one irrelevant character no one cares about doesn't change anything
they have pagodas, shinto gates, and are obsessed with animal spirits and ghosts. nelves are asian
Gnomes are based on le funny eccentric Jewish scientist Ć  la Einstein while every Dwarves from every fantasy setting since Tolkien have been based on Jews
The Wildhammer are more Gaelic but they aren't the ones we're playing anyway.
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almost there

Anon, they eat kimchi, they're worst corean shit too which makes no sense but thats worlo for you
Name one money hungry dwarf
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Why does everyone here blame me for everything?
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Orcs are asian.
stop with the american shit
it disgusts most of us too and we have confirmed cuckd/blackd/orcd fags itt from euroland
>QRD on why it's bad?
you get relegated to a mute cuck in the corner and the tranny cat becomes the main character that does all the talking from start to finish. they already had a non-player character protagonist in SB, and people generally shat on it, and squeenix just... did the exact same thing, except with worse secondary characters.
solid 70% of that is also unbearably boring, then 15% is decent, then the last 15% is just a straight up fuck you to the player. it's a trashfire.
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the blademaster definitely is. but orcs as a whole, no
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The Orcs being Hungarians was actually established a long time ago and is pretty obvious for anyone who has a surface knowledge of history.
orcs are germanic
italians are cryptokikes
they're still criminals
still jews
Riddle me this weebs.
If Orcs are European, how come their crimes leading up to the First War are on par with the crimes Japan committed in the Second Sino-Japanese War?
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this nigga don't know about burning blade clan
Orcs are european but more based, therefore they did even more war crimes
orcs are mongolian
Blizzard ditched the whole weeb thing in WoW to make them demon worshipper to give an enemy to low level orcs
Samuro doesn't even show up in WoW
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who tf are you8 nigga?
magyars are huns my guy, they are asians
Will Blizz do Japan? Next continent seems to be helf holy land but later...
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That'd require any of the Elf fans currently in charge of the narrative to even consider something they can't force Elves into.
Cults are just super stoked to initiate paladins because they think they'll be making the next Arthas.
priest and child. name better combo
when is the next dragon races bro im jonesing
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I just want a race with Cajun accents.
how can dwarves and gnomes be jewish when their gods are nordic
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Next expansion we are literally going to a land down under.

If nobody speaks with an Australian accent I will start a riot.
99% chance shes older than anduin
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Built for Nightborne men.
>t. rabbi
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I'm not a child
a gentleman said he's on his way here to post a soijack which looks similar to me alongside a paraphrasing of something I just said in real life and I wanted to warn you all that I don't normally look like that or say those things
walking fleshlights
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my pronouns are they/them
What did blizzard mean by this?
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Any new Jaina slop?
they already did this joke with emeni in shadowlands
This isn't fair. We cannot go through this again.
this post was written by a male blood elf paladin with brown hands
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>put on hat
>eyebrows gone
What is your opinion on the Northrend revamp coming in TLT? It's it kino or just nostalgia bait?
watch your health wowg. just take care of yourself.

I watched my health and nearing 50 years old I've seen almost everyone who wronged me in life go bald, have heart attacks, have strokes, lose their mobility, have their soulmates fall out of love with them, experience betrayal, lose their fortunes, succumb to their addictions and more. some are still going but I see their vices slowly serving up justice.

an old manager from when I worked at aldi in the 90s lost his mother when she was 56 to diabetes. she couldn't stop eating sugar and lost her one chance on this earth, leaving him devastated and alone. which is just as well because he was so fucking needlessly rude when I would talk to pretty girls and slack off.

you may call me petty or oversensitive to hold so much bitterness towards people, you might wonder how lonely I am, just know that it's born out of hate. if I didn't fear the consequences and knew where you lived I'd strangle you to death. it would arouse me seeing the life leaving your eyes and I hate everyone on this planet.
how are we supposed to know
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Oh sorry I didn't realise the random mount button let you sit on more than one mount my bad.
You fucking retards.
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It's stupid because the continent is purposefully empty and in ruins, and it's missing the one thing that made it cool (Arthas/Scourge)

Basing an entire expansion off Ulduar is retardec
I started lifting 2 years ago and my biggest regret is not starting sooner.
Youre 50 and you think you could overpower me?
explain nightborne arms warriors
krokodil rage
bro one of my patients is almost 60 and built like a tank, he could crush my skull in one hand I swear and im not a small guy
are you new to wow or?
no i just never did northrend loremaster
started playing during tbc as a trial account but never subbed until cata
shut the fuck up you dumb twink
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im obese 30 bmi
5 man quests have been in the game since vanilla
bro i know im just saying i hate them
same, I started playing in cata but hated questing. started enjoying it during lockdown and finished loremaster maybe under a year ago.
>northrend especially grizzly hills is overrated
>netherstorm terrokar SMV was unbelievably enjoyable
>pandaria is kino
>shadowlands side quests weren't as unbearable as main quest
>xiv subreddit in shambles
it's actually over
oh ok. i mean group quests were always part of wow. high chances that you can solo them now with the talents we have
xannies send me off to kirby's dreamland
Maldraxxus is incredibly kino
really? it's my least favorite sl zone. ardenweald or revendreth are so much better
Should WoW have crossovers like Fortnite?
the only crossover shit in WoW that would sell based on the target audience of its cosmetic fags is stuff like Bridgerton and Dear Evan Hansen so no
Emberthal > Wuk
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got the gay chair for if i ever pvp
no. for better or for worse, blizzard is very autistic when it comes to this stuff.
so i don't think we'll ever see stuff from other games in wow that don't fit warcraft, so to say
my moonkin form loadout:
>breast cancer pink Doritos trail particle effect
>juneteenth head particle effect
>winter veil reindeer antler + beak
>protect trans kids feather color
if WoW ever does a crossover with something other than another Blizzard property I will unsub on the spot
this but with my pink mercy pet
anon despite your intentions now you have a gay chair and don't pvp. that tendie money goes straight to a tranny 8 year olds estrogen pills.
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>TWW has some cool races in it, plus Undermine and Silithus kino do it isn't totally OCslop
>Midnight will have amazing QT revamp and probably a Zul Aman zone as well as Karesh expedition

>Northrend expansion has empty ex-Scourge zones, Nerubian area that will be rehashy after TWW, generic jungle, generic forest (especially after Zul Aman), Ulduar and Vrykuls i guess

Who approved this shit? The last expansion would've been on KALIMDOR instead of an empty dead continent with the main threat eliminated besides my heckin roboterinos. Pic unrelated but look at this stupid design
i am expecting some unforeseen consequences for the fact that there is no longer a lich king
They went with Northrend for the nostalgia bait
>empty dead continent
The Scourge haven't had a Lich King to boss them around for a while now. They are going to do big things with them taking over Northrend and possibly shoehorn in a new Scourge leader.
It's been theorized they are going to bring back the scourge using a rezzed (again) Darkhan and have them be a threat in Midnight and TLT, but between Iridikron and the Titans they would be total filler on Northrend
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it's over
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more like snoremaster
>Northrend expansion
I've never done loremaster before. Do you straight up lose the title each time a new xpac launches?

Have you been living under a bridge? They told us the theme of all 3 xpacs on reveal.
nobody cares about your title or achievements anon, you're wasting your time
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>v rising's solo experience is better than any MMO shit ever
It's a shame WoW's campaigns are fucking worthless
wtf that title and achievement is so cool
I wish I had the organizational skills and motivation to do this...
>muh stowy
read a book
There isn't a single line of dialogue in the game you retard
>pandaria is kino
What's kino about it?
well first we need to agree on a definition of kino. that's worth discussing.
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does WoW have any huge tits streamer like pic related? please help me out
I must've read it and totally forgot.
me except I don't stream and my pronouns are he/him
Ayy WoW I know ive been kinda hard on you lil cocksuckas for about 8 years now, but with XI finished and XIV getting its asshole obliterated by a horrible story and the worst main character cast in existance you guys might be the best game out right now.
an actual "other continent we've never seen :o" but done right, with new lore that fits in well with the older stuff
proper fucking faction warring, even if it ended up removing the only real warchief the horde had left
had good class gameplay
introduced actual content besides muh dungeons, muh raids
You are fucking retarded, we don't know shit about TLT other than it has some northrend in it and even if it was just rehashed northrend i'm sure they would cook something interesting
According to the TLT page it says:
>Players will return to Northrend, specifically Ulduar, and witness the titans' return to Azeroth
So, maybe we're just there for the initial return and fuck off elsewhere.
bros we are going to the Orderlands
if you like alleria and anduin as characters the story for TWW will probably be alright desu
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we are strong eusocial

Davidson et al. denied that we were weak eusocial but we are strong eusocial

bees use pheromones moles use pheromones humans use the thoughtscape

you got danuser fired by inputting your thoughts on a terminal

he got fired because of a thoughtform which coalesced in the noosphere as you and a million other souls chanted their prayers

it wasn't research, hard facts, it was hurt feelings

you are useful

you are loved

you will make a difference in the years to come

the world is run by out-of-touch magistrates who don't value piety of thought. you should earn more money as some shithead dropout having AI kamikaze drones tested on him in Ukraine right now.

you are a thought node. anxiety redundant checks and metacognition set to 100. you are a footsoldier of this century.
it will be northrend because if it's not the playerbase will chimp out. also they reused tuskarr, titanshit and nerubians so they can copy paste them in NuNorthrend
the cook meme is retarded and negrofied
i don't like the space karen and femboy timmy
it's over for you then
Danuser is gone now, I'd be surprised if the first ones are ever mentioned again outside that zerith ordos reference in that ingame book.
It's telling that Dragonflight and the wordsoul saga have gone straight back to the titans.
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Hey guys, how do you like my art commission? :$
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Just like almost every expansions we've had. Got it.
What happened to the Steamcharts poster...
you want us to make fun of XIV? because 85k is pathetically low for an MMO

Rent free much?
it's replying to itself again
nah you didn't, you're fucking retarded and a tasteless NIGGER
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more like dawnflop
xiv xpac names are so boring and flat that I cannot tell if this is new or old
>Being this mad someone criticized pandashit
Lol at you
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After Blizzard made M+ score official thing, is R.IO so irrelevant they do nothing but shill this shit?
Or has its founder trooned out, so now everything has to be about that?
you didn't criticize, you made the claim that all the other expacs did the same as MoP, but didn't substantiate shit
fuck off
Maybe both!
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Rate my SoD build.
Hey does anybody have the screencap from that one TRP profile with the Nig'dorei?
>lvl 150
nice purge build
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rate my character names
the horde population had completely bottomed out on my realm and i have like 5 max levels there
i refuse to pay blizzshit for transfers or boosts
what are my options
Names don't count if they aren't max level
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get tyrande to cut your head off like nathanos did
sorry i play healer so im not doing that
who cares with warbands/cross faction stuiff
>the horde population had completely bottomed out on my realm
Horde is unironically fucked after cross faction implementation. Everyone switched to Alliance for better racials.
>f-fuck off
Almost every expansion introduced a new continent with a degree of red vs blue. I that's your definition of kino then every expansion is kino which is completely fine an opinion to hold if you love WoW.
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come farm some aspects crests niggers
you didn't read the post properly, retard
MoP was the only xpac to do it RIGHT
Feel fortunate to receive this gift.
nothx schizo
What's extra funny is how they randomly nerfed Orc racial in the middle of DF just to rub more salt in the wounds.
I remember when seething retards kept saying he was going to suddenly turn evil and be a warmonger
Meanwhile blizzard recently released a short story where him walking around Silvermoon was normal and common place.
Unironically just a morally good boomer who loves his wife more than anything.
he'll get put down when they make him try to usurp anduin for being a pussy that doesn't act like a proper king and get a SoO style raid in stormwind instead
yeah 2 more weeks
>look mom I used the meme!
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how long have these dumbbells been broken?
>Panda faggotry
>Ham-fisted chinky shit everywhere
>But look anon, le orc bad vs le human
If it wasn't for remix exposing how garbage mop was then maybe you'd be taken more seriously.
>look I'm literally retarded
never ever btw
that's the point, it wasn't hamfisted retard
you just have no taste
but I'm sure blizz will provide the pozzslop you love so much
why are you angry?
Ok retard.
The theme song of this conversation just to further make my case.
I'd screencap your post, but niggers like you just forget everything that doesn't happen within a month's span, let alone a year or 2, so you'd say you saw it coming all along
>posts the same shit reddit rhetoric that's been repeated 1000 times over the past 6 years
>surprised when he gets called a retard
oh nyooo the inn music is silly
incredible how a silly joke in wc3 buckbroke nigs like you this hard
maplestory won
How about I come fuck your face instead
I'll see you in two years time retard when your new lastest cope just dropped
why are alliance players such enormous faggots that cry every time they are not presented as goody two-shoes faction
what a complete and utter childish retardation, I bet you creamed your panties when teacher gave you good boy badge in school after you ratted out other kids cheating on exams
>The lower case schizo is a MoPtard
It figures.
I hope to be wrong because I don't want them to ruin turalyon but we'll see
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vo'jin getting killed by a nameless trash mob really buckbroke hordelets huh
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take your meds. because 6 million of them being killed by 12 different lava elementals across every coast of zandalar was a message that stereotypes can be harmful and result in real hatred. the treatment of goblins was abhorrent. those the dark iron didn't kill immediately were forced to mine azerite until they died or were sent to incineration chambers. there's actual video evidence of them in the mines malnourished but apparently that's video editing technology in a fantasy universe to you schizos. not to mention the post war trials where the "based and redpolled" general angerforge himself admitted the goblins bones were being used for toothpaste
>orc casualties during the zandalari campaign
outside of the nazjatar incident less than 100 mostly in friendly fire
>forsaken casualties during the zandalari campaign
-706, they raised everyone who died plus more
>troll casualties
less than 100 mostly in friendly fire incidents
>blood elf casualties
less than 100 mostly in friendly fire incidents
>but what about the zandalari it was their homeland that got invaded
the zandalari were fully complicit because they were a nation resting on their laurels, making no move to help the goblins. not bringing up any of the 100 page court documents or pointing to the 25 billion reparations they've willingly paid while admitting they were wrong, just trust me bro
>they were busy with the blood troll boogeyman
you lunatics will make up anything to suit your narrative
blood trolls haven't existed for 700 years minimum. there are no blood troll models outside fan edits, there are no quests where you kill a blood troll. that's because they're not fucking real. there weren't blood trolls at their borders let alone in their canals schizo
>then why do bilgewater, steamwheedle, ratchet, booty bay control 99% of the wealth on azeroth
the golden throne alone is worth 6x more than gallywix's treasury. that's not counting the war beast industry or golden fleet
>net worth of all publicly traded goblin owned companies
>the gazlowe messages
>vulpera immigrant executed for denying zandalar beach genocides
>sputtervalve family black book
>emperor thaurissan wasn't as evil as you are led to believe
>bilgewater have donated less than 200,000 gold to foreign nations but received 25,000,000,000 in reparations
>footage archive of zandalar beaches - only mole machines, no lava elementals
>dark iron tourists pose with goblin
>goblin population was never near 6 million
>goblins fund the twilight's hammer clan
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seethe chuddy
>goblins killed the troll tribe of azeroth (world of warcraft)
>goblins don't need no army and don't need no weapons
>when gobelins play
>goblin's aren't stupid and are smart - and are not
>goblin's get sick after eating goat
>goblin's don't have any weapons
>goblin's are great
>goblin's don't have any weapons
>goblin's live in caves
>goblin's make weapons
>goblin's were never killed
>why gobelins live in caves
>goblin's are smarter than you playing defense force
>zandalar beach slaves used as mining aids
>goblin king of the underworld killed and eaten by demon lords
>hulking goblin with massive genitals and horns on his head has been spotted in the goblin capital
>cannons have been built at the goblin capital of ironforge to enforce law and order
>zandalar is not zamorak's domain
>nobles of Zandalar claim to be descendants of dalaran's dragonkin
>zandalar was created by the god's of zamorak
What set him off this time?
Imagine being a faction pride faggot
>war between goblins and elves on northrend, with goblin archers and goblin siege machines used by both sides
>goblin archers have been used to shoot down flying eagles that were being sent by the warchief and sends a team of goblin scientists to the human world to study human civilization
>goblin king sends goblin diplomats to the dalaran elves to warn them about the impending invasion and to attempt to prevent the elves from defending their city
>goblin king orders the construction of goblin armories
>goblin military is made up of goblins that can't fight any other way
>all goblin warriors were sent into battle drunk
>goblin army would rather surrender than fight
>dark moon cove isn't actually a goblin nation but a goblin only area
>goblin empire has one city
>Zandalar's goblins are not a unified nation
>there are actually more goblins than there are people on earth
>goblins are very generous
>goblin children are made to carry heavy load as part of military training
>goblins do not know the concept of privacy
>goblin females can only be impregnated by the dark moon goblin king
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>forsworn and goblin populations can't peacefully coexist
>titanic goblin ship ran into a giant squid and sank
>garrosh's mother was a hasidic goblin
>goblins' average age is 15
>stromgarde goblin society
>goblins aren't a race but a religion
>goblin culture heavily influenced by zandalari religion
>blademaster goblins' first strike
>goblins' most hated thing
Someone made fun of pandas
>goblins' average age is 15
>goblin females can only be impregnated by the dark moon goblin king
Azgarn is based.
>janny removes /wowg/ posts that defame goblins
>reddit moderator fired for not removing anti-goblin sentiments
>blizzard tries to cover up a goblin killing spree
>calls out blizzard for being hypocrites for doing nothing about the goblins
>blizzard fires janny and bans her from the forums
>blizzard hires new c-level people who know nothing about their job
>banned/fired for criticizing blizzard
>janny posts on reddit that she is looking for a job
>4chan janitor deletes my posts
>4chan janitors receive no monetary recompense
>janny details his experience with autism
>janny releases a book detailing his experiences with 4chan, as well as his experience with autism, all in one book.
>4chan janitor writes a book and releases it on the internet
>4chan janitor posts his address on the internet
>4chan janitor gets shot by a psycho.
If you can't get the reference, watch this
tl;dr 4chan janitor gets shot for being a 4chan janitor.
came out two days ago
*ahem* cm mode isn't hard, it's just a timer on an easy dungeon. all that does is force me to do big pulls and cause me to have to react quickly and know my class and route the dungeon. if I fail to do those things I randomly die for no reason due to artificial difficulty. anyone could easily get the top time on their realm just by knowing the strat and braindead farming some items and pressing the right buttons.
>challenge mode mode
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Who are you trying to convince? CMs only stuck around for 2 xpacs because it was a failure.
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Goblinize all human women, or at least most of them
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yet cloudsong glaive has been transmogged for nine
look, that's cool and all, but blizzard are not going to give you the sets so I would let it stop living in your head rent free
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>shaman changes this week on beta
Will they finally be saved? or will we get another xpac of Blizzard having zero vision for the class?
don't get your hopes up
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your class role model is a self-hating self-exiled failure and cuckold with two black kids voiced by a balding cancer patient sellout
abandon all hope
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uh oh melty
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I can't believe Ele specifically has gone this long without a raid buff when Shaman was THE buff class by design in vanilla
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ziv sisters what the fuck is this? i thought wow was the furry game?
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What the hell happened ITT? This looks like a raid like the old days. Which means we're back! WoW won!
is that the bad guy from starfox adventures?
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lizards KILL furries
ngubu won
its one guy
hes always here
hes just bored because the patch is over
I hope they add some casual goblin themed items in 10.1 along with the Undermine
I desperately want a ball cap mog for my gobo shaman
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dogged in
boring thread, i'm going to go shitpost about dt
only guy who got it right in 13 years of daily posting
sorry I meant DMT. brace yourselves.
since they introduced follower dungeons for omega retard scum of the earth shitters, maybe it should be fine to bring back proving grounds as a mandatory requirement to get into anything above heroic dungeons?
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gnomeregan is MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEHIEUeeeeeeeeeeeemaaaine mine mine mine mine mine ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine m6 mach8n3s a43 5h3 f75743 8 28ll d3s5496 697 all all 5h3 f75743 the past the present the past the present

plains walker

the one who ran in the dusty red summer of 2004

call the machine elf ambassador
Alright guys you can stop pretending to be dead now, come on.
yea that was extremely sovlful
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machine elf allied race; would y0u play them?

-even though they are primed by your frame of reference, the void exists behind and infront of them, making them look ageless and providing a direct channel to communicate with the brain stem of your ancestors. can communicate with ancestors up to 380,000 year old with no ill effects. 380,000 - 400,000 is a huge risk. 400,000 - 2,000,000 invites hostile entities into the dreamscape which will harm or kill your corporeal body.
-you see eternity on their faces, providing unknown insight
-can bring your spirit guide into the realm of the living, integrating it with your form. its effects fade over time however.
they added it because with tww they're putting parts of the story in dungeons
and just in general its great to use it to get familiar with a dungeon if its the first time
ALSO, we will most likely get to use our warband instead of default NPCs as followers
I don't care about any of that bullshit
I don't mental cripples in my groups is all
Can the avatrannies stop posting please? I cannot discuss the game like this. I'm asking peacefully and politely.
if you've used follower dungeon mechanic at all you'd know it's god awful and that it's so bad if you didn't leave after 5minutes i have to assume you are a "follower" yourself
though i may be lead to believe that they have been working to make adjustments and improvements to the AI since this soft-launch of it in DF S4
Warriorchads, lets settle this debate once and for all

Fury or Arms
i mean normal dungeons are piss easy anyway
none they are all half baked and reuse ravager as a capstone in every fucking spec, no other class in the game has that sort of shit.
im looking forward to trying arms and just cleave my fucking head off
Proving grounds was already outdated, but remix has made it completely pointless as a way to measure anything. My remix hunter has gold tank and healer proving grounds
fury isnt fun to play and its a playerbase is full of goons
ill play arms if its good in pvp tho but its looking like ret and uhdk for me
>they are all half baked
Warriors need some retooling across the board. Across the sword and board, even.
A true Chad warrior masters all 3 of his specs.
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the real proving grounds can be entered deep within razorfen kraul. not the instance on the servers right now. reach down into human history. not waybackmachine, come on now. shaman wasn't invented by the persians. join the ranks of the real shaman. those who left their bodies behind for two million years while jaguar pierced their skulls from behind. take the goddess's hand.
around how old are the windrunner sisters suppoed to be anyway(not including the 1k year time skip alleria got)?
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This is your reminder to stay on topic. Do not under any circumstance discuss anything that is not WoW. Other games, steamers, Twitter screenshots and so forth are not WoW related. Follow these guidelines or my hand will be forced to take action and you may find your posting privileges revoked for three days once the moderator reviews submitted evidence of rule-breaking behavior.
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I still don't know what class I want to play for TWW
i wonder who could possibly be behind this post...
theres absolutely no way it could be our resident avatarfag...
or could it?
Vereesa is relatively young, Sylvanas is at least well over a thousand years old per dialogue from BfA, Alleria fought in the Troll Wars so she's easily thousands of years old
Im going pala but uhdk and wwmonk look really fun too ill be playing some havoc at some point but its not as exciting as the other two
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Who to main for TWW?

Holy Priest:
>easy to raid with
>easy to find a guild
>new talents make raid healing very fun
>lackluster in keys
>huge mana issues
>currently performing very poorly on beta with severe mana issues

Resto Sham:
>fun in keys
>low survivability
>even worse mana issues than Priest
>hard to get a spot
>raid healing is terrible
>one of your hero talents is absolutely irredeemable garbage the other one is wet farts
>rework incoming

Currently 50/50 on this one bros.
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im doing rshaman because i know theyll fuck it up but i see it as a challenge
Main taurone

I know it's AI slop but there's a tiny bit of soul in it
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made my first horde character, where is the horde version of Goldshire where i can chill while in queue?
Hard for me too. Cause im looking at pala monk mage warlock or hunter. Could also go for a shaman depending on how rework goes
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That reminds me. In addition to remaining on-topic, Avatar & signature usage is strictly prohibited as outlined in the site's global rules. It is unacceptable and inappropriate usage of a thread's limited post cap.
You may post what you are doing in WoW, but forum-esque Avatar usage is not tolerated. Conduct yourself to this simple rule and there will be no issues.
would it be a social faux pas to RP as this draenei's sock?
These faggots make those shitty videos but they never tell you which ai they used.
resto sham
avatarfags cry about "wannabe-jannies" all the time bro, they dont give a shit about the rules and think theyre above the mods
Advertising your fetish is not WoW relevant. Do not post.
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You guys doing okay? You seem a little off today.
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Leave the night elf behind you alone. She's cute, and therefor mine...
dont steal the elves
Is avatartroonie ok? Is avatartoonie gonna melt down at 6 words again? Oh no! :( I feel so bad! Not.

There there avatartroonie, don't worry it'll be ok, i'm sure your new friends at lolg will accept you.



>makes these absolutely seething posts
>Immediately reveals themself
We all know it's you anyway. Do you think we are all collectively as dumb as you? lmao
Gonna go cry on /a/ that a thread had "too many link" in it. or that it didn't have a loli image in the op per your standards? LOL
worst false flag ive ever seen
What the hell?
Yeah I'm thinkin you guys aren't okay today I apologize for even asking
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not gonna lie he stands no chance against the blackedfag army in /lolg/ kek
unsurprising that he crawled back here after even the zivvies rejected him
maybe /wowg/ could learn a thing or two
man if it was you that chased him out of xivg, welcome ffriend please chase him out of here too
dogging oout
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>Norton Error Message: World of Warcraft is using too much of your CPU

Yeah, that's why I bought the computer. Stupid ass Norton.
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i ain't reading all that
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>stalks and seethes in wowg
>stalks and seethes in xivg
>stalks and seethes in lolg
>stalks and seethes on tw*tter
>stalks and seethes on trash
What the hell did he DO to you schizo?
Go ahead and post another picture from the imgur accompanied by your seethe of the "rules" you assblasted faggot.
turned down for erp of course
Talk about WoW.
turned down for WHAT??????
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Time to look at shit in beta again.
>avatarfags in wowg
>avatarfags in xivg
>avatarfags in lolg
>avatarfags on /pol/
>avatarfags on tw*tter
>avatarfags on trash
What the hell didn't he DO to you avatarfag defense force?
You VILL let schizo suck your futa girl dick
the only place he might realistically be stalking him is on twitter
the rest are all coincidence surely, i mean he has a habit of posting his "sign" wherever he goes on this website. Its reasonable to believe he stumbled upon his posts while browsing vg and its associated porn threads.
pls no spoilerino bromandood
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wishful thinking
as in you wish you werent
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dorfchads rise up
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>She's cute
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looks like thas from the thread
>silent generationfags still seething at blood elves being horde in 2024
>level 70 cumdorei fuckpig
arr erf rook same
not me, i love blood elves
Looks like the troon grooming did not work kek based furry
hunter that would avatarfag and talk about m+ itt
the faggot with the godawful mogs that always use the single shouldercape?
you got it dude
im glad to see avatarfagging is getting the final solution treatment, keep it up wowg
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>braps on backseat jannies
janny? black 'em.
God I wish nelfies looked like this
thank fuck for that
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Finally, a good post.
Of all the things you can larp as, you chose to larp as a fucking janny. Even ORCED posters have more self respect lmao.
give it a rest
our man here is documenting our favorite wannabe thread celebs movements and sharing with the thread
if anything its provided us with a brief respite from falling off the catalog, and i for one find it most entertaining.
The Jailer fell to his knees. "Mercy!" He shouted. "I only did what I did.... Because a cosmos divided cannot survive what is to come." There was a glint of humanity in his eyes, empathy that hadn't been present until now. He was telling the truth. "I have seen your strength now, mortals. Let me fight alongside you. Perhaps, together, we can-"

The Jailer was cut short as he screamed in pain from a slap across the face. A large green hand grabbed and crushed his cheeks, forcing them to look up at the enormous hulking Orc manhandling him. "You sent us on this fucking goose chase, Zovaal." Razgar reached beneath his loincloth and pulled out his enormous, heaving fat green dick, which dangled tantalisingly infront of Zovaal. "You took thousands of Elven women from us. And guess what? I'm going to get a thousand Elven women's worth of use out of you, fuckmeat."

Razgar forcefully thrust his cock to the back of Zovaal's throat, causing him to gag and tear up. "Hmmphg! Mortal, I- *cough" you mustn't!" But his resistance quickly faltered as more frustrated Orcs closed in around him. He relaxed. "Alright.... If I service your entire clan, can we join forces?" Another open palm struck him in the cheek, dazing him. Zovaal knew his place, and it wasn't to pipe up or negotiate. He was nothing but an Orc fuckhole now. And shamefully, he liked it.
My blood elf literally looks and acts like this
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Fine i'll look at houses.
I pet the dog
no way her ass is that big, i demand you screenshot her to validate your claims
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hell yeah
is the prepatch out yet?
my dream is to find a gf who will heal me in 2s on my gnome warrior and we could get high rating and own all the noobs
july 23rd
oh he's playing league of legends now? kek

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