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old >>483895526
Why do vanilla zones have so much sovl?
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Will phase 4 bring SoD back to life, or is it over?
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is levelling as fire on Deviate delight fun or is it just self griefing and taking-point-as-your-platoon-marches-through-the-vietnamese-jungle-in-the-summer-of-1968 tier? is frost just better in every way right now?

it's insanse how far you get in life just by being attractive...
Between mage and rogue, which would you say would be faster to gear out in MC?
Are you talking about vanilla or SoD?

tier 1 for rogues is amazing (as are perdition's and cht)

mages don't get nearly as much cool stuff
Sorry I meant SoD. Also I was strictly asking about competition. Meaning which of the 2 will get bis the fastest.
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seriously? fuck off
Is now the best time to level from 1-50 or will there be a bigger exp boost when phase 4 starts?
So far it’s looking to be kino, the hate for P4 is just a falseflag by the fresh junkies scared that their precious era server will die the moment P4 launches.
where is your pocket paladin (pp for short)
You have to account for the Roach man's influence too.
I ask again
warlock or warrior for SoD if I want to tank
its vanilla era so always warrior
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Just don't get hit
>a*ex runs out of drama
>stops streaming
So if you turn in the lvl 50 warrior class quest the NPC lets out a 15min battleshout that increases AP for 400.

Do people actually buy this?
>sod p4 announced
>0 hype
what happened? i thought was supposed to change the world
Could someone please explain me the appeal of this I am very autistic
the appeal is that its a cute girl and no one would give a shit otherwise
Yes, speedrun niggers buy it all the time on Era.
I am going to play as Troll. Which gender is considered to be a good player, male or female?

t Tank Warrior.
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troll males are either the biggest bros you'll ever meet or backpedaling retards that click their entire rotation
>Random dungeon
>DPS goes full retard and pulls extra movs
>Healer is skilled player and constantly out of mana
>We never wipe due to Healer being skilled
>After last boss healer goes to a rant tells everyone to go fuck themselves
>I am very autistic
Apparently very low t as well.
Does Male Troll look good in Plate armor?
there was a troll warrior from a few years back who was a convicted sex offender. i think that says it all
I think they look fine, as long as you can get over the fact that they don't display boots.
>Female Orc player
>Super skilled
>Never talks
>Possibly a schizo

What is the appeal of playing a Fenale Orc?
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bad example, this is what it usually looks like
That's hilarious
femtauren cant be warlock
lots of players bitch about morcs being too wide but i think the argument falls kinda flat when you consider most people are playing max zoom distance anyways
>most armor sets look great on them since it's essentially a human skeleton
>solid attack animations
>funny emote sounds

only real downside are the hairstyles because they all look like absolute shit
female orcs are always tryhards
Being a good player is now bad?
I play as male because female makes me feel like tranny. Is this based or cringe?
male humans are usually far worse

their female counterparts are just horrible however
tryhard is someone who fails at being a good player despite their clear attempts to be one
male humans, even more so male human rets are a viable reason to not play alliance in vanilla
what are you on about retard
tryhard is the go to insult for shitters when you're kicking their teeth out, all across the pavement
They don't fail though. Femorcs are the most consistently good players on horde
nah, every tryhard has been that guy who never shuts up about parsing then pulls blue parses
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We in here
Indiana Jones
Horatio Caine
>Tank Warrior
>Get a raid invitw once you log in
>Raid leader is a Ret Paladin
>There is no other melee DPS in the raid except him

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>raiding with retadins

[audible retching]
Anti fresh fags BTFO. Starfall is poppin off
ni hao
i kneel ....
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>1.7 players during peak time
>poppin off

He fucking won
The raid leader was a weed smoking retard. How come Ret. Paladins are full retards in general?
Brown hands, always ask for their hands and you will see the brown check always works
>2k pop
kek blizzard won
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So this is how the final Alex arc ends... with a whimper, not with a bang.. ragequitting his attempt to stream monsters and memories, never to be seen again. We'll miss you, Alex. See you again when you come back to go ALL IN on The War Within with a new, positive attitude.
TWW is in <2 months. no way he will return that quickly
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Purchase The War Within Deluxe Edition
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>classic is looking so grim people are shilling pservers and retail
It's over..
phase 4 looks like it might not be bad
retail in the meant time
play retail
its your only hope
p4 looks like it could be alright but I fear the economy is just inflated and fucked due to people farming gold from incursions
so? there are no gdkps to spend gold on
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Crafted items are going to be so aids. Blacksmiths and miners are about to make bank off these arcane reapers. Bots have been farming herbs and arcane crystals for a long time now. I know some people get tens of thousands of gold.
dont worry he will always be 5'3"
You'll be btfo when men's platform shoes reach 1 ft
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>cata is dead
>era is dead
>sod is dead
>starfall flopped
is this it?
yep exactly
at least you can show helm more often
Gachagods won again
MMO is a dead genre, it's over
roblox is still going strong
People are waiting on ashes of creation
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>show up
>fuck up other people's efforts and get major leaders and figureheads banned

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>the wildstar private server got delayed again
Yeah, time to man up and get a real job instead of wasting your time on a video game all day. Maybe you'll get lucky and meet a nice latina and she'll be your gf.
Naxx runs are under 50 mins now, that's almost a third of the run.
Latinx are fucking gross. They all end up with massive torsos and stick legs.
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buffs were a mistake
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>reach 55
>my options are to either go to EPL or Silithus

Fuck that, I think I'll just grind out the last 5 levels in Winterspring.
who asked, though
As opposed to twig Asian girls or obese white/black women?
asian women owe me sex
Settle down, Pablo.
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true dood
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The Face of Classic has spoken.
it speaks volumes that the only MMO thriving is Final Fantasy 14
Um sis the new xpac is NOT bussing...people are finding it boring and they hate the new tranny MC of the expansion. It's nyover for MMOs
>most popular mmo is a gay sex simulator
what does it mean
coom > gameplay
This is why gachas are poppin off
Surely there is a gacha alternative...
it's over........
Is it time to make a Twitter account to shitpost about Palantir?
>page 9
it's over.
Says 7 on my machine
Not enough cute latina posting to keep the thread interesting. The game is dead, so there's nothing to talk about for that.
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do we agree with reddit?
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What has that to do with worlowa
SoD is pure retail, who gives a FUCK
Get rid of world buffs in raids. They're for bads.
Classic is to be played seasonally but blizzard is too retarded to know what that means.
>using our memes
this guy is peak cringe
From the look of his arms lately hes definitely not been thriving at the gym.

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