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Previous: >>484078620

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Is Dr Aventurine canon?
Swan has the best tits in game and it's not even close
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Nice to see that Black Swan's reputation here has improved after people were shitting on her a while back.
I don't want to post in a Bricked Flopswan thread
I love hags
I prefer when they're attached to an actual character.
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Ower of sex
Hertaschizo in shambles
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We love Miss Sparkle here
Dumb question, but

Losing 300 atk to gain 25 spd is fine right? Recommended even?
Specifically, going from 4200 atk to 3900, and 101 spd to 126.
Deserved since he became a zzz slave
I would roll now and save later. Bailu is the best standard sustain by a mile and she works in all end-game content right now. I've been using her, very easy to build. If you saved for Yunli you will still be coping with her eidelons or cone unless you get lucky. Better to save for 2-3 months at a time and just get what you want (Complete) if u aren't willing to pay up.
It’s getting a doll character?
Which character. Do u have RM or e1 fofo with them to hit 134? In general yes 300 atk is like 2 sub rolls 26 speed is like 10 sub rolls so of course.
No but he's hogging the op with miyabi
What are your thoughts on DoTcheron vs hypercarry Acheron bros? I feel like DoTcheron is better simply because 3/4 characters on your team is able to deal really good damage just like the normal firefly team. This allows you to not waste an ult in case there's a single enemy left with just a sliver of health. In the case of hypercarry Acheron, you would have to waste an ult since your supports can't do enough damage. The DoTcheron team is also significantly better for PF compared to hypercarry acheron.
Explain to me as to why I should care about the Penacony storyline based off entertainment value, facts, logic, and time constraints
DoTcheron is a meme that'll be forgotten about as soon as Jiaoqiu comes out. Literally just invading a DoT focused team to steal their debuffs and buffs.
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hypercarry did 0av as so it’s better
There's a robocunny and an android cunny coming soon
nta but I thought Swan or Kafka with Cone were good with a cracked Acheron so she can just spam ultimate?
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Fun things are fun.
Did you miss the part in the last thread where we talked about BS with Jiaoqiu's LC being an extremely good teammate for Acheron? It only decreases her own damage by 1.5% compared to her S1 while increasing the damage for Acheron and Kafka on the team by 20%.
Caelus is trans? Chat is this real?
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P-please come to the simulated universe… Why won’t you come?
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do genetically-engineered super soldiers really need fat tits?
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It didn't, I was just too lazy to bake Fofo bread
I'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm saying it's literally just Acheron forcing herself into a DoT team for no reason beyond "nihility and debuffs" which she gets from other characters regardless. The second DoTs get dedicated supports she'll never fit in there again, and the second Jiaoqiu shows up he'll outperform pretty much every other nihility barring Pela or SW.
Or...just use Jiaoqiu? With his own cone?
Not that anon, but Bailu is still relevant? I pulled her when getting Firefly as well. I have been just using Gallagher and Fufu for sustains.
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3.2 abundance TB leaked image. Don't click.
Where the fuck is Huohuo Star Rail General
>rolling for males over using hags
Why would i do that?
>Herta thread was actually on time
>Decided to use a random thread featuring a Blacked character as the OP
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She heals off-turn, she can rez someone if you make a fucky-wucky and her burst heals. The bar for healers is very low.
>dude I can't be optimal because I'm afraid of my own sex
It was mostly one schizo complaining about the whole Swan/Acheron thing but people started making fun of him and he finally stopped.
I still don't know if Yunli is worth it. The showcase looks fun, but in MoC you need fast clears, not enemies attacking you. Can she replace a shielder so I don't miss any damage?
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Bailu always relevant
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Of course but I also luckshitted her cone on standard banner which helps buff her HP a lot.
E2 Acheron. RNG decided to shit all over me so I've been running atk boots this entire time, with literally not even a single spd substat on any other relic.

Finally got a passable spd boots so I'm considering switching to that so she isn't dead last in literally every fight, but my smooth brain is a bit worried since I'll lose 300 atk (and also losing 2% crit dmg but not worried about that since crit dmg will still be 189%)

I am using Ruan with her but that will likely change once I get usable artifacts for Firefly in a year.
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Yuri good
I'll come alright...ON HERTA'S LITTLE DOLL FEET!
Why does Black Swan get to stay on the express and get more screen time?
take the spd boots. ATK boots work but they're also kind of a meme if that makes sense.
I just don't like the design. Both teams are going to be able to beat all the content in the game anyway so why bother rolling for a character you don't like?
Bailu rape
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Good morning bwos
>dude I can't be optimal because...I just don't like his design, okay!?!?! It's totally not because I vehemently hate men!
Because the writers sidelined her too much and I argued with trailblazer Nicholas Dawei about her not being often enough on screen.
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Awesome, thank you! Now I feel completely satisfied with all my pulls.
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>Ying Xi Ping
>44 the reddit
>Jiacheron's slave
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Stand proud WuWa, you were strong.
Got both RM E1 and Firefly E1, how fucked am I?
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evens i goon for an hour to femboygasms, odds i deepthroat a steel pipe
Hypercarry for MoC/AS. DoT for PF.
>hating fags means you just hate men
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I shall play as Blade and lose on purpose.
Not fucked at-
You're bricked.
theres no need to post that here, anonymous. There is a dedicated thread for posts like this, wuthering waves general.
Damn Firefly is invincible in Japan
Bailu is bricked in anything that requires cleanse.
i swapped fu xuan for bailu this moc12
but in general no not worth bothering with
It's just the same fujos and trannys that spam Aventurine here while talking shit on Firefly. They should be grateful that Firefly funded their next 6 faggots by herself.
I already have BS so why would I roll for JQ when I could save those rolls for a character I actually want?
If you spend your limited resources on men you are a homosexual, it's that simple.
Ok bro. Whatever you say.
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It's a dot team were you replace the support for Acheron. Everyone is constantly fighting for SP and you have to choose the BIS sustain for Acheron or dots. Only reason it's good because Acheron is strong enough to beat what a support would add.
where do you go to find that?
Guys I think my DU RNG is fucked. I keep getting the same 3 star equations over and over after the first boss while I'm trying to upgrade them all. What causes this? Should I swap teams or something?
We HATE men here btw. I support women and waifu.
tomorrow is gonna be a shitshow
My funds are almost gone. Firefly sucked them all. Can Guarantee Yunli, but Jiaoqiu will most likely be coin flip or rerun chara, unless I use "THAT"
You should stop coping this hard by making photoshops. I know we all like star rail, but wuthering just got its first patch, it's impossible for this to happen because Jinshi is extremely hyped
Because he's better for Acheron than she is? So you can make a dedicated DoT team with her instead of arbitrarily putting her with Acheron?
>I'm so obsessed with the concept of playing optimally I will spend my limited currency on characters I don't necessarily like just for a modest increase in efficiency
I'm gay and even I'm appalled by your cock sucking.
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June has 31 days
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rent free lmao I have never once talked about Fir*fly since I'm not interested in her.
Alright I'll do that, thanks anon.
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I don't hate straight men, they're cool and I don't mind them being here posting cute images. Homotroons should stop existing though, what's your reason of existing on this planet if you can't at least procreate?
Is it worth going for Firefly E2 on rerun?
Why are you afraid to type Firefly?
I already have a team with E2 firefly that's able to 0 cycle one side so I'm going to run DoTcheron on the other side even if it's not optimal. I like Kafka, BS and Acheron so being able to use them all on a single team is cool.
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Why is EU server like this?
If you don't roll for Jiaoqiu you simply don't care that much for Acheron herself. Why even call yourself a fan of her if you're not giving her the best supports possible?
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umm what do you mean do you really have trouble finding that kind of thing or your just curious what im fapping to specifically?
If you like her or if she isn't powercrept in 2 patches, sure
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My crystal ball says she will be powercrept by Feixiao
no, by that point 95% of the characters are powercreeped. better save up and get a new shiny e0 dps that deals more damage than e2 firefly
I hate these fucking RUSSIANS
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I want to fuck Yunli's feet
Okay? It's still a meme team that'll be outclassed once Acheron gets her dedicated support, and even more outclassed once DoTs get literally any support that isn't generic.
Grouping us eurochads with r*ssian players at times like this is fucking insulting for sure.
I just don't wanna break my not talking about Fir*fly streak that's all.
Idk did u even get her sig cone?
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>June has 31 days
Just do the knuckle method if you are unsure...
russia is generaly recognized as being european
well, the parts that matter
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I have nothing to say in my defense... Here's to some enjoyable salesposting derailing threads for days
dr ratio?
more like dr girlfriend
Russians can’t buy video games bro. Their rubles are worthless after the sanctions. They can only leech off f2p gachas.
Why is there no russian server? Is there a legitimate reason for it. I feel bad for you guys
>TFW no blueberries
So glad I chose American server. Don't need R*ssians everywhere.
how many Gs is firefly at anyway
Because mihoyo hates ruskis so no dedicated low ping server for them
Russians are in Asia bro. They use Asia servers duh
Well they're pretty much waging a war against us so it's pretty awkward
Plenty on EU
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surpassed Robin today
Wuwa beating us all
I want to lick Yunli's whole body
Liking a character doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to get that character their most optimal set up, especially when
1) It can cost you other characters you like (which can already work well with the character in question that you like)
2) Will reap the same exact rewards in game.
You keep saying it's a meme team when it's a team that can kill consistently and fastly. If you're gurgling over a 1 cycle faster clear then you need to reevaluate how your dopamine receptors work. You're basically trying to say that someone MUST absolutely have gravy with their mashed potatoes even if they don't like gravy just because it's considered the most optimal topping on mashed potatoes.
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>If Yanqing wins Yunli will praise him 24/7 and tell (you) how superior he is from (you)
>If Yanqing loses he will be the only one who will have the privilege to suck her feet, Yunli still praises him saying it was the best spar she had for years

There’s no win for (you)
I really hope Boothill doesn't fuck Firefly over on sensor tower
there is no "us" in the "union", no matter how much france and germany want to believe so
who fucking cares? You don't get any extra rewards for getting cycles lower than 10 anyway. Even if you were getting 2 stars on the last stage of all the endgame modes, you're only losing out on 180 jades per patch. You would rather people waste 12k-24k for a character they don't even like to make a single character good? Jiaoqiu as he is right now is only good as an Acheron bot. He doesn't work in other teams. Why the fuck would you do that?
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>24 days
>Beating us
Wuwa is big in rich countries like America. They're top 20 there. Genshin and HSR are irrelevant
I am gonna let Yunli win fuck Yanjobber
>Liking a character doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to get that character their most optimal set up
It does though. I wouldn't have rolled Black Swan at all if she wasn't BiS for Kafka's team. I'll roll whatever supports get added for DoT later. You're not a real fan if you're not doing the best you can for that character.
The entire discussion was about whether DoTcheron is better than hyper carry and I mentioned that DoTcheron is a meme that'll be outclassed once Jiaoqiu comes out. Coping with "uh you clear regardless" adds literally nothing to the conversation.
wuggers back for more shilling I see, guess their narrative is dying out
He's one of the lowest selling banners but somehow still did better than Genshin and WuWa, at least in Japan. Dunno how he did in China.
>Rich countries like America
oh it definitly will
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schizo time
Why would Boothill fuck over firefly? He already fucked up Robin’s month.
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The longer you play origami crush, the more you realize silbird wolf kinda sucks ass.
Again how is it a meme if it's able to clear all content in the game and is going to get better next patch with BS being able to use Jiaoqiu's cone?
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it really depends what mood im in but there's a few videos i fall back on i can send you hypnotube is usually what i end up on but sometimes im watching stuff on spankbang, maybe you should leave your tag so we could talk about this in dms?
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>it finally happened

Firefly won bigly
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I use the Kafka/BS/Acheron team too. Extremely comfy.
I'm straight
>wuwa is big in rich countries like america
LMFAO, why make shit up?
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>off topic /soc/ ERPfag Alves / Blossomy

Begone, Faggot!
I’m moving to /zzz/. I don’t think space china 2 will recapture the magic Penacony.
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now here's the million dollar question: can she somehow surpass the TB and make all trannies rope?
It's a meme because it's just thrown together to abuse the fact that Acheron works with literally anyone who can debuff, but it's not even close to the best debuffers available(Kafka doesn't even fucking debuff at all).
it's all about how you play, i like stacking rainbow fruits on the first two turns and then going ham during the rest of the match, very sound strategy, earned me a lot of wins.
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not him but I'd be down to chat with a /hsrg/ bro. also who is your fav star railer?
discord is nngooner4life
she already has that is combined arts. She has more than Stelle (4.3k) and Caelus (2.3k) it's all in the screenshot bwo

Why is prydwen owner so thirsty? Even Kektone wasn't this pathetic
For every 2 artworks of Firefly, one of them is with the TB so no
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Captcha: H4N4B
theres so much wrong with that game in general
same, it has more potential for cunnyseurs
>he doesn't know about chinatown arc
It's a meme because you're wasting Kafka Swan on a team who can get better results if you just add more defense shred.
Also Jiaoqiu will cover all the Acheron needs for PF.
Acheron is genuinely THE BEST unit you can get, she'll be T0 in every mode, doesn't matter what she faces.
DoTs count as debuffs. With Kafka on the team, even your sustain is able to give stack with basic attacks. If your sustain has trends, you can have the ult up even faster. The team is good anon. I don't know why you have a problem with it.
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what the fuck lmao
did someone from here go undercover?
Lady Phantylia!!! i fell in love with you ever since i first saw you!!! please go out with me!!!!!
I'm not really f2p
>DoTs count as debuffs
Which do literally nothing for Acheron beyond tick her ult counter up.
Nah. I don’t think Kafka is worth it unless you have E1 Black Swan. That way Kafka actually contributes to Acheron’s ult damage by shredding lightning res. Otherwise it’s just better to put Pela or something to shred defense.
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rng blessed finally and managed to clear vi with a rememberance meme team. ridiculous damage.
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Acheron deserves a happy ending
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what the fuck anon
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Somebody please tell me this isn't allowed here
Is Black Swan a good SW alternative for Ack if I refuse to roll the homofox?
What type of fetish is this?
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Do people really jack off to this shit?
There are some weird people out there
I would have to assume vore
She's good enough yes.
Sp blackhole meme team
>hypercarry Acheron
Is he indian or arab?
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Nice, thanks.
People saying DoTcheron teams are bad are coping when you use it to clear stage 1 AS right NOW because homo man doesn't exist in game and Ruan Mei is needed for stage 2 with firefly.
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Someone fapped to this
I thought this shit was Jiyan with a fatty from the preview
That explains why his tier lists are so fucking dogshit.
Now this is based
Trailblazing indeed...
People are saying it's a meme because it's literally just Acheron thrown together with DoT characters that barely do anything for her beyond build her ult, which is done better by someone who actually cuts defense like SW or Pela, or adds vuln like Jiaoqiu will.
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I'm not talking about increasing Acheron's damage. We need to compare the full team's damage. Here's a comparison of E0S1 Acheron with E6 Pela (lukacone S5), E0S1 SW and E0 Gepard with Trends vs E0S1 Acheron with E0S1 Kafka, E0S1 BS and E0 Gepard with Trends.
Except people are doing runs with Sex Wolf and that's also the only way to get close to 0AV too.
It's a meme in the sense you're wasting 2 very strong units from their archetype for Acheron who still does better with Silver Brick and Pela
So what the fuck do you do when you get a board like this? No more blueberries are in the wings, btw.
DoTcheron is not a good team at it's core, 3 characters that want to use skill as much as possible, dots don't increas Acheron's damage and Acheron does nothing for Kafka and Black Swan, the only reason is works is because of sheer brute force
Accept your death
Sex with Sparkle doll
"Wasting units" you can only use 2 teams at a time anon. There are multiple other teams you can run alongside DoTcheron. Especially Firefly's team.
Please don't rape me while Firefly watch...
Neither Pela nor most definitely SW do meaningful AoE damage of their own, but DoThags do, which also helps with Acheron overkilling shit.
Not much you can do. I'd try the vertical bananas top left
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How about you shut the fuck up about Firefly?
What if people want to run DoT AND Acheron on the other side?
Ruan Mei isn't FireBRICK property.
Okay now post the SP points needed.
>Neither Pela nor most definitely SW do meaningful AoE damage of their own,
They don't need to.
>but DoThags do,
Which is done better with their own dedicated team.
Wait, you're supposed to use skills? I've been playing for a year just hitting basic attack because I thought it was better to hit the enemy...
you match the strawberries on the bottom right
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I remember back when Acheron released I said her in DoT teams was a waste and some anon argued back but was so mean and rude about it.
idk why I remember this or why it hurt my feelings so much
This is what people don't seem to get. Acheron will either overkill shit or leave enemies with just a sliver of health that her team mates in a hypercarry situation can't deal with. The reason why firefly's team is so strong is because her entire team (outside of RM) deals really good damage which means shit like this doesn't happen. It's the same with DoTcheron. Everyone deals damage.
He must be really lonely :( Probably extremely unattractive as well
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use the bottom strawberries to clear up the board as much as possible and pray
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Your dumb
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so, what the fuck happens in 71 days anyway?
new SU expansion
>leave enemies with just a sliver of health that her team mates in a hypercarry situation can't deal with.
This almost never happens unless your Acheron is trash with garbage relics. You're arbitrarily filling your team with characters who are objectively better in a different team just on the off chance Acheron MIGHT not blow up eveyrthing.
Not being able to manage SP just sounds like a skill issue.
shut up
EoS of SU.
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Acheron is a brick, hyper carries are being phased out
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Would you Yunli?
Saw someone beat V6 with 4 Preservations but I don't know if they had Aventurine E6 or not.
Himeko cone or Herta store Eternal calculus for Jade?
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you know even as a qqposter that would suck almost any cock from this thread i have to say that's a really unflattering dick pic
>kafka’s ba is giga brick
>acheron’s ba is giga brick
>black swan ba sucks giga bricks if they aren’t a singular boss
Ah I see you must have the superior skill of owning a 210 speed Gepard. My mistake.
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literally impossible
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is this too much speed?
Lmao, Firepags are so delusional with their high floor low ceiling garbage Super Break slave.
Acheron is the least likely to die between those two.
March 7th (Hunt) sets to farm? Musketeer and Duran?
But you get a fansign from super popular prydwen owner
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I'm going to regret this
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Thanks silver wingman...
Then let them run DoT AND Acheron?
>mentioned firefly once
>instantly mindbroken
I'd end up fucking Silverwolf instead
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Really cute! I love making edits of that retarded face so much
brick by brick do you build a wall
>increasing the team cost can increase the damage
w-wow.. insane..
DoT being its own team. Acheron having her own. No need to put them in the same team when you can have 2 teams that can clear anything you clown.
And yes, fuck your BrickFly.
Yeah that's why there are multiple people running DoTcheron and getting good results. It's because they all have a 210 speed Gepard.
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Toughen up bitch
are you rolling Feixiao or Ting 2?
good luck using dot on this moc 12 or AS
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>Silverwolf sets us up with firefly
>NTR firefly with silverwolf
>Firefly: trailblazer is a charming ball of fire as always! So cute!
Yes. Base threshold is hitting 4 actions per ult, which needs 210 speed during it. So 150 is enough for that. Autism threshold is 165 so you get a single extra action in the first cycle of MoC. With Ruan Mei, you have 177 speed, which is even higher than the moc 0-cycle autism
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Nope. I'm rolling for FoFo the Reddit. And Jade on her Rerun.
huohuo is too weak to pull the trigger on a gun
By good result you mean barely passing at 3.3k right? All the good Acheron teams that are in the 3.9k+ don’t have a Black Swan or Kafka in sight.
feels good not having fallen for the acheron e2s1 bait
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I would've replaced Pela with Jiaoqiu E0S1 if he was on the site but they don't have leaked characters.

>Another one SUPERBROKEN
the world ends as the first 27 nukes fly over our heads
if you have eidolons / lcs you can do it just fine
seeing all the retards talk about eidolons is funny, this game has to be one of the most f2p friendly in regards to not needing copies yet retards will stay say you're bricked if you dndr8son't roll copies
should have listened to Putin's warnings
Yunli bros, how are holding on? I dont think I will make it.
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I have her and she's literally the same noob trap as Hyperbloom was in Genshin. She cost me nothing in wishes so there's that.
>if you invested a fuckload more into these teams then they can just barely clear
>instead of using a better team comp
lmfao the absolute STATE
Why does DU send me a notification (red exclamation mark) whenever I complete a run? Am I missing something or is it a bug?
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Imagine being blade, living in a girl only apartment and not fucking any of them.
He went on some schizo rambling today that America was going to release Covid 2 in November in order to declare a national emergency and cancel the elections. I wouldn’t take what he says seriously.
all eidolons are bait. there's no exception, you get some extra damage or extra turns but that's it. no eidolon is strong enough to replace a whole character. anyone believing rolling for a couple eidolons will make any current character as relevant as space greece characters is unironically retarded.
ares will be stronger than firefly
hermes will be better than ruan mei.
aphrodite will be better than robin.
hades will be better than acheron.
my uneducated guess is Eternal calculus' speed
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>All of my hsr imgs are in one folder
How do I organize such a big folder
It's so over. Sometimes it takes 2 minutes to find the right thing
The fact Brickeron is unable to run the best support in the game (Ruan Mei) says a lot on her viability.
There is a LC good enough to replace a character tho. Jiaoqiu's cone is basically Guinaifen's entire kit as a LC. Hope they don't nerf it.
meant for >>484099746
No one outside of Firefly gets to use Ruan Mei anymore.
Her record run (0AV) is sustain less with ROBIN.
You can run Harmony with Acheron at E0, that's why her E2 is bait.
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>wow how the fuck do i reach the stats on firefly
>forget that buffs only show in battle
>sort by character
>make another folder for reaction images
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I'm back as promised bros. I have done the showcase for Ack E2S1 w/ JQ E0S1 in the current MoC12 Side 1 (Argenti).

>Ack and Gepard Build
In this one, I've just changed the planar set for Ack from Inert to Izumo Gensei since we have JQ on the team. The substats remain the same. Gepard is exactly the same.

>Sparkle and JQ (Both E0S1)
I dont have a build image for this since I have manually constructed relics for them. You can see their stats in battle at the beginning of the video.
Sparkle has around 200 CDMG and 161 SPD. She is on 4pc Messenger and 2pc Keel with ERR Rope.
JQ is on 2pc Pioneer + 2pc Messenger and 2pc Pan Commercial. He has about 4.6k atk, 150 EHR, 60:120 CV. He is also running a ERR rope since he gets around 240% ATK from his trace (EHR -> ATK conversion).

Once again, I want to reiterate that any small discrepancies that you may find with substats with relation to the build image I have posted, were unavoidable. As stated before PS does not allow for me to craft relics with low rolls in substats and only max rolls are allowed. I have tried my best to get them as close as possible to the build.

>Why crit on JQ?
His debuff is not considered a DoT until E2 and it can crit.

Wow. I dont have acheron on my account and this was the first time I've actually played a fully built ack in a team. E2S1 is insane woah. I cant judge how much better this is than running pela or other Nihility units because I dont know anything about ack teams. I'll leave it to you guys to make the conclusion.

As always please let me know if I have played them incorrectly or if I could've done something better.

>ares will be stronger than firefly
>hermes will be better than ruan mei.
>aphrodite will be better than robin.
>hades will be better than acheron.
I wish I had a good rebuttal to this, but considering the trend of this kusoge this is 100% going to happen and I'm already pre-seething about it.
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bro got struck down by the wrath of god
What's the best way to speed through GnG with firefly?
I wanna fuck a Sparkle doll
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All my 4chan images are saved in one folder and I can't find shit I saved last month
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>2 minutes
Amateur number
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>He fell for the eternal horizontal investment scam
Oh no no noooooo.
After a certain amount of units, it's literally diminishing returns and waste of resources. Vertical always has a place, especially once you cover archetypes and elements.
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did you have a stroke?
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For those who were not present during the last few threads. I have got the 2.4 PS up and running and I am testing multiple teams. I've tried to play them to the best of my ability and they have reasonable relics as well.

1. Topaz E0S1, Aventurine E0S1, Robin E0S0, Yunli E0S1
These were all my builds and relics. All reasonable investment and in some cases aren't even that great.

2. Sparkle E0S1 (Not the same as for the ACK showcase)

3. HuoHuo(E0S0 w Shared Feeling S5) and Tingyun (E6 with BP cone S5) are nothing notable.

4. Jade E0S0
The relics are somewhat decent not the best probably. She sits around 60:200 CV. I've modified the set to be 4pc Duke and she's running Duran planar instead of Salsotto. All substats are the same. She's running Eternal Calculus S5.

5.March 7th (E3 w Cruising in the Stellar Sea S5)
All substats same except crit damage has 3 extra rolls since my relics are dogshit. I've swapped the relic set 4pc from pioneer to musketeer for March. Planar is still Rutilant.

6. There is also this meme showcase I've done with JQ and Jade with JQ as debt collector.

JQ was E0S1.
57:116 CR:CDMG, 150 EHR and 4.6k ATK.
>Why so much ATK
He gets like 240% ATK bonus because of his trace.

>Team Showcases
i'm saving for Caesar myself
he probably typed the captcha in the subject field
>Finished all missions in DU
>Did all the events

Was there ever a patch in GI or HSR where they werent over within a week or so?
old SU kinda sucks for Firefly, though I had decent success with Nihility, Remembrance and Abundance
Just name your pngs bro.
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He's a good uncle and it will stay that way
Extremely informative post and video. Thanks for the good work anon.
Could you try Silver Wolf with JQ cone? See if it's already an upgrade for the existing team?
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this is so satisfying to do it feels like she blocks the enemies' attacks with the iframes
vast majority of her damage comes from her eba
musketeer (don't farm this shit though, if your pieces are trash, just use whatever 2+2 with good stats instead)
you can also go superbrick

jade doesn't care much about speed
So is PinkFox worth rolling? I legitimately can't decide. If I don't roll him I could E1 Swan. And I want to get Feixiao as well.
He's a bit of a win-more character, I am leaning on no
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it's fucking over for Honkai Shart Rail
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>HSR player excited by the tiniest crumb of gameplay
have you tried black swan with jiaoqeron lc?
Not true either. At some point units become so irrelevant that you need to replace a character of the same path+element. Even if Firefly is unique right now, the next Fire Destruction will destroy her in terms of relevancy. Will you skip the unit that deals more than double the damage of Firefly or will you just cope?
>is *homo* worth rollng
the answer is, and will always be, "fuck no you fucking retard"
the ack team with 4k had a kafka. no bs though
Sigga orb, I guess.
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And Kratos will powercreep them all
>only works with one character
No. His cone on the other hand is the best universal Nihility cone and works on multiple character like Pela, Guinaifen, Black Swan and Silver Wolf
Surely they won't just release a big Firefly, right? It took 4 years for Genshin to powercreep Hu Tao.
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It's over
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I am currently testing out BS with JQ's S1. I will post it in about 15-20 minutes. I can do the silver wolf one after that.

Do you want ack at E0S1 or should I leave her at E2S1?
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Thats just red Furina
Aventurine look like he take 10 bbc daily. How did Hoyo make such a slut design?
>perfect sigga orb from sigonia
Absolute soul.
>All the good Acheron teams that are in the 3.9k+ don’t have a Black Swan or Kafka in sight
sounds like a skill issue to me
I'd say no unless you like his design and can really use him in one of your two main teams. As things are right now, while he's a Pela upgrade, he's not an upgrade worth 70-150 rolls. If you want a strong unit to carry you through shit, he's not that. Same for Jade, same for Yunli. These patches are skip unless you top up or don't do endgame.
you can't say that
Based didn't know you were testing this patch too, if you're still trying stuff could you put Firefly and March together to see if they work? Maybe swapping Gallagher on her usual team.
>E2S1 Acheron
>E0S1 Jiaoqiu
>E0S1 Sparkle
>all with good stats
>still didn't 0 cycle
Yeah Jiaoqiu is looking like a brick bros. Why waste rolls on him when you can just run Pela and SW?
e0 would probably be better at showcasing the stack generation
put Acheron to e0s1
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Which one are we getting /hsrg/?
i don't roll flops
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I have a folder for exclusively reaction images and keep everything else in a huge unusable folder
I don't play genshit anymore but I'm looking forward to another twitter metldown when the leader of the brown country is a white conquistador lol
I don't play flops
E0S1 Acheron
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>that design
genkeks live like this?
Game's completely different than Genshin, and even there some units were powercreeped in a way similar to Jingliu. Venti was a must roll. Not anymore. Ayaka was T0. Ganyu was T0. Both forgotten.

But yeah, don't expect Firefly to last 4 years. She should be great for 2.3 and 2.4, but then who knows if Feixiao will mog her.
It's fucking over for genshit. Are they creatively bankrupt or someshit?
I think I'm just going to drop HSR for a few months until space greece. I cannot take another china arc.
geuinely thinking of starting the game for that bitch on the right, she activates my neurons
i fucking hate open world games so i doubt i actually will start
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What gives more blessings usually, occurrence or encounter?
Feixiao is hunt so that already sounds unlikely.
Encounter is guaranteed to give some blessings, take it
right one is kind of cute, left one extremely bland and boring
Same but for the one on the left. Too bad open world slop is not to my taste.
Encounter is more consistent but Occurrences can roll better. If you're in DU6 then its Encounters can get pretty dicey so I tend to gamble with the occurrence instead.
I had that problem. Easiest way to solve it is to just start sorting it. Might not be the perfect system, but at least it's better than one big folder. I started by having an art folder, a folder for funny stuff, a reaction folder and a folder for info and screencaps. And then after using it for a while, you realize what an improvement would be. Like sorting reactions in character based or grouping the chibi faces etc.
changli, but she's sub dps.
changli what a fuckign retarded name, she's sexo tho.
encounter is absolute dogshit in my experience
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Already got her with the free rolls I got lmao
you mean the rewards are always bad?
I'd say visit occasionally, they could release an event as kino as ghost hunt.
China numbah one! 10,000,000,000 social credits!
Diacritic marks so you know how to pronounce shit? Nah. Only Reverse 1999 can be bothered to use a few alt codes.
don't worry, our nigga Xbalanque will receive most of the story focus and fanta Furina will eventually be stripped of her archon status on top of that
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>If you're in DU6 then its Encounters can get pretty dicey
yeah using jing instead of acheron I got one of these fucks with no frost break and no SW so had to end the whole run
Wait holy shit lmao. I didn't even realise that. That's hilarious.
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This was the March 7th (E6)/ Boothill (E0S1) showcase done yesterday.

I know the gameplay isnt perfect because
I dont play boothill. Anons have pointed out small things I could've done to make the run faster but have told me its a decent showcase nonetheless. I honestly feel like Gallagher is a poor sustain for this team. I had to reset twice because Bronya died and in the run that you can find below March died.

Beyond that, Apart from shredding toughness bars a bit and doing somewhat decent damage I don't know if I'd use march over RM. Regardless, this is a fun team for non-RM havers. Probably look into using some other sustain, maybe Fu or Aventurine?

1. March was E6S5 (Cruising) the entire build is the same as in >>483988479
2. Gallagher is on 2pc Passerby + 2pc Hackerspace and 2pc Kalpagni and S5 Multiplication
3. Bronya is on 4pc Hackerspace + 2pc Kalpagni and S5 DDD
4. Boothill Build is as below

I wonder if I should switch to ERR rope on March because she rarely has her ult up in time for her EBA.

Are you not allowed to restart and change lineup against an encounter?
uh retardgod you know you can just restart the fight, right?
Explain to me why genshit/hsr shouldn't have this.
I'll wait.
so I need more 10 speed to be able to use ATK boots on Firefly
you *will* read fat xiao's amazing story
No reason not to include it but hoyo want you to read their shit for some reason.
>Muh Space China
How many people actually care? I have alway skipped story and will continue doing so. I only care about Husbandos and Meta
Humiliation ritual
may as well run speed boots and try for better subs on your other pieces instead
Speed boots are always better. If you have too much speed from substats you're doing it wrong. You just need 155 speed.
what does fanta Furina mean? like a team comp or something?
wtf I forgot
>current team is ineffective here, let's put together another
>need character XP mats
>need character ascension mats
>need character skill mats
>need light cone XP mats
>need light cone ascension mats
>need credits for all of that
>half of them are locked behind story anyway
Why is active deterrence from playing the game the principal design philosophy in all Mihomo games?
Only media literate people deserve that one
yeah but not luck so far.
155 speed? isn't it 150?
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They even said in the ZZZ trailer that a skip button is important. It is literally just a humiliation ritual for HSR and Genshin not to have it. They want you to know that you are just a retarded paypig who will slop up anything.
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This one fucking feature is the entire reason i switched genshin to wuwa
If i want to read the story i'll read the story
If I don't want to, i won't

It's that fucking simple and I hope project mugen and azur promilia also have those so those ccp chinks at mihoyo will finally add this
pyro archon looks like Furina painted orange/red, Fanta is orange, Fanta Furina
to annoy people like you
HSR bros how do you fare with exp books and talent mats?

I started in January and always find myself unable to max level my main 3 teams (12 charcters) to this day and im always short of those things.

Do I use power and fuel to farm them or do I just wait and get them from events?
Has Caeluspag stopped posting here? He's definitely migrated to other threads.
155 speed is to get an extra action in the first cycle. It's not really needed but it helps.
oh lol a recolor, sad. maybe there's a lore reason
i always buy the BP so I have an excess of everything

Stop trying to level 3 teams early on. Eventually you'll have infinite mats to instantly build new characters.
155 with Ruan Mei to have 5 turns in the first cycle
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Lowkey don't want Sunday to be playable so I can save until 3.0.
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beloved, multiple fanarts
beloved, multiple fanarts
I'm guessing you mean trace mats and those are definitely the worst to farm but I've never had do do golden calyxes because all the events give you so many.
Thanks bro for doing this team, was interesting seeing JQ in action. But man, JQ energy generation looks kinda shit. For instance at 1:13, energy from JQ and energy if you used another support and relied on Trend Gepard was precisely the same. The problem is that JQ only procs on the start of enemy turn, while those enemies can attack twice per turn. It would work against the non-attacking totems, but you killed those before they even acted. And Aventurine can do double aoe, hitting Gepard twice and giving 2 energy while JQ gives just 1 (see 3:05). And he has the same problem as BS in that enemies entering battle don't count. I do admit JQ is better at energy regeneration than Trend Gepard, and he is a small upgrade over other nihility options. But both are just kinda small upgrades. And his kit is pretty boring, so won't be rolling unless they change stuff in v3.
>Wow. I dont have acheron on my account and this was the first time I've actually played a fully built ack in a team
Kek so will you be pulling for her in the rerun? She is a fun unit to use, just massive big dick ults
that's weird. if you've been playing for 5 months you should be able to get a good amount of xp books from chests etc. talent mats you'll need to farm though
you just wait for exp, the only characters that really need to be lvl 80 are the dps to reduce the dmg loss against higher lvl enemies, talent mats are fine at 8 if you have other things to farm at the moment
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That's the Himeko expy of Genshin LOL
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All three are my bbygirls
Acheron BS is fine as long as you have her LC, especially if you build her low speed.
Sparkle's a friendless pathetic clingy loser
Its difficult to see the Stellar Jades passing me by as F2P.
I cant clear level 12 in MoC and level 4 in Pure Fiction to this day.
And now level 4 in Apocalyptic Shadow too.
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MC calls her a friend and has her contact so they are friends
It's just 180 jades per patch. Don't worry about it.
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the original one
>I honestly feel like Gallagher is a poor sustain for this team. I had to reset twice because Bronya died and in the run that you can find below March died.
It makes sense, because Bronya does not attack so she doesn't get the auto-heal. Problem is that other sustains don't really add anything to the team. Boothill doesn't care about the crit from FX or Aventurine. Maybe FoFo for faster ults? But do you have enough SP for that?
>Beyond that, Apart from shredding toughness bars a bit and doing somewhat decent damage I don't know if I'd use march over RM.
Think the problem is that Boothill with Bronya acts twice, while March needs a turn to get her FuA back. So it might work better if you replace Bronya for HTB, but then you're just running superbreak without RM. And Boothill's biggest advantage over other break damage dealers is being able to use Bronya.
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So the Chinese ship interlude is going to be a thing every year huh? I guess it's nice to have a bunch of skip patches to save for actual characters.
He will come back, eventually. Migrated to either /wuwa/ or /zzz/ to shitpost, just like 60% of our usual posters
what do you mean by "can't clear"
can't full star or can't even finish them
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>MC calls her a friend and has her contact so they are frie-ACK
Maybe an amateur friendless loser would fall for that, but Sparkle is a professional friendless loser and that won't work on her.
Djeeta doujins made me a gacha addict...
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They found each other
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Because the less amount of time you play the game, the greater the ratio of your money spent to server load cost of you being there is. The ideal mihoyo player would log in, spend money on the new banner, then log out. They HATE you playing their game beyond the absolute bare minimum.
swap Gallagher for Luochud
God I hope I get a relic like that eventually. I played genshin since release before moving on to HSR and I've never seen a relic or artifact that good.
After a year you will run out of things to trace and level.
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Meta shitpost artworks are the best
Not having a skip filters out zoomers.
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Do you guys want me to keep using Sparkle in this team or would you like some other unit here? Hyperspeed Pela?

Sure idm but that team without sustain looks like death against the Chords.

>Kek so will you be pulling for her in the rerun?
Maybe since I have boundless choreo S5. I enjoyed playing her.
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>POV: You're cooked.
man how are these relics even possible? I could farm this game for decades and I still wouldn't get this in my account
What? mostly zoomers play this game you moron
Cant even finish MoC 12 and AS 4
Can finish but not full star PF 4
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patiently waiting for march superbreak team with fofo!~
based paggies
But I'm literally right there in the left
There are actually multiple team mates I want to see. Pela with S5 Pearls, Guinaifen with S5 GNSW and Kafka E0S1 for the full DoTcheron team. If I had to choose one, it would be Guinaifen because that's the only character I have out of the 3 (missing the LC for Pela)
I don't really mind sparkle
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maybe do the dotcheron meme with e0s1 kafka
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is this even allowed in china?
>6 months/75 game hours later...
>I have no clue why anyone is doing anything but now this is just like Dark Souls or Elden Ring. Omg it's so amazing! Where can I find more NPCs that deliver snarky one-liners?
Blaze the fun!
Sparkle with E0S1 Acheron doesn't sound like a great idea for what we're testing here.
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I haven't forgotten about you bwo. I'll do that right after this E0S1 ack showcase.

Well. Looks like Kafka is the one that is common amongst you guys so Kafka E0S1 it is.
From what I've heard they don't view lesbians as actually gay.
people who say stupid shit like that never read the story
the truth is the game was rigged from the start
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>One month of perfect checking in on a completely separate app for 1/3 of a roll
Is there any game with a worse check-in system? Goddamn.
What a loser, lost his 1/8th of a pull, bricked

holy fuck you losers literally scrap the barrel for those minuscule jade gains huh? just get a job
Jade, yunli and jiaoqiu all feel like 1.X characters…
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I don't wanna repeat DU 10 times in a row...
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It takes 2 seconds to check-in on the phone and I always do it will taking a shit
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I found nectar while sorting
if retards stopped using it mihoyo could be pressured into raising the rates, but f2pags are autistic
If you spend 5 seconds every day that's less than 2 minutes for 60 jades. A quest that takes an hour will only give 40.
Hmmm Stelle milk
Zoomers aren't the money makers. It's ~35 year old men.
are women even able to aim their piss into a container without having splashing everywhere
That Xianzhou bitch with her stunlock fans is the worst mob to encounter in high diff of DU.
zoomers are a good percentage of income because it's easy to get mommy to fund your gambling addiction when you're 19
If the hole of the container is big enough, sure
Yeah, if it's point blank, dummy. They just put the bottle opening over their urethra.
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Why is it always the sigga making women cum?
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sounds like a personal problem
but at the end of the pissing the stream weakens and I assume it just splashes everywhere on the sides of the opening if you don't have a hose to aim with
Skip button means that dialogue choices are completely meaningless, since you need to take into account if a player skipped the text. I know HRS doesn't really do meaningful dialogue choices, but there are a few like skipping Kafka's quest,not taking a selfie with Firefly and skipping the Argenti fight. This wouldn't happen if you could just skip text. And a skip button completely breaks the illusion that choices do matter, which is against the entire motto of the game being make a choice you won't regret. They should still fix it that you can just mash through it and not have to wait for animations, but HSR has been better in this than Genshin.
Why did this get removed in DU…
the prices are too high to whale on it's like 25$ a 10 pull after first time bonuses
You get to enjoy of an army of her and her clones if you run into Cirrus!
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ew that's disgusting, I better not smell piss if this pathetic loser violates my personal space again.
>barbara cosplayer pissing in a glass webm
I don't think Sparkle ever planned that to be a clean job.
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He was trained by Jade for it
If the opening of the bottle is pressed to the urethra, it doesn't matter if the stream weakens, it'll still be forced into the bottle.
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Forgot pic
It’s so over for us /hsrg/…
I bought BP 5 times when I had the same troubles. But nowadays, just the passive income is enough that I don't ever have to farm for exp books. So even if you don't buy BP, at some point you have enough characters build that you don't require as much books. For trace mats, that is just farming and part of the game. But do realize you won't have to max every trace. Most of mine are still level 8 and I still clear endgame.
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bro they give the same kind of jars to women when they're collecting urine samples
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HSR literally has a skip button in the game, but it only shows up if you die and would have to rewatch dialogue.
because fuck you that's why, roll firefly or regret it for at least two patches
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>Step into the big boy levels of MoC/PF/AS etc
>The enemies get like 10+ turns before I'm allowed to do anything
Is this normal or do I actually have to invest in sp**d as a stat
Bwo you need at least 134 spd if you want to go first and not get cucked
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I'll still keep playing HSR, but Genshin might be on the chopping block if Natlan designs aren't sexo.
I'm guessing you're doing the new PF? They get action advanced anytime they take damage. It's only there for this PF tho.
you literally can't play unless you have everyone at 134 speed minimum
I mean, you started 6 months ago. And how long have you been at max TB level? It's endgame content for max level players. Why would you expect to be able to clear it fully in a few months? I started full clearing MoC in 1.4, while I started at release. And that was back when MoC had just 10 stages and there was not PF or AP. Just be smart at what team you're focusing resources on and you'll get there at soon.
I know a handful of people who spent $3k on skins in league before they were 18.

$25 is nothing when it comes to parents who are fine with their kid spending cash
Ellen luv. Still playing HSR, tho, it's not exactly hard to keep up with.
i fapped to pompom
You need like 160 to go first. They all have 150 speed
pure sustain/survivability issue then
supports should run hp/def body/orb and your sustain should be fast
current moc 12 has argenti who summons totems and some buff him, if you don't kill them (or dispel the buff) he will inevitably oneshot you after reaching a bunch of stacks
Last time I had to take a piss sample I got pee all over my fingers. Some people's streams are too strong.
U G H fine.
now post the gameplay
I'm uninstalling genshin for zzz though. Why would star rail, a turn based game, be related to an action game?
Me and my girlfriend
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I will fix chinawank for you. Rename these following words:
>Xianzhou Luofu - Sensyuu Rufuu
>Luocha - Ruusha
>Dan Heng - Danko
>Xi Yan/Dan Shu/ Ling Long/ Ping pong etc - Kuzo
>Phantylia - Paizuriya
>Jing Yuan - Chinosuke
>Ten Lord's Commission - Jyuugame Koumishuntachi

Just change everything to japanese sounding places bros
Ellen LOVE.
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based retard
$15/month for WoW was the upper limit for my parents in 2006. Zoomers have life on easy mode it seems.
>posted 7 hours ago
Um isn’t that kinda pathetic m?
Seele trailer had 400k after 24ish hours
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>China over 5000 years of rich history
>Japan cuckholded by big black ships
How did you even manage that, sisbwo?
More characters on the normal banner when?
I want to spend my tickets and use the 300 selector, but with that lineup it's not worth it.
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>Maybe since I have boundless choreo S5. I enjoyed playing her.
Another one converted.
Most culture from china came from japan you fucking retard
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No shit that's why that marketer posted it here
It's mostly AS Coco desu, she&Co love to do like a godzillion turns given the opportunity. So, either don't give them the opportunity or use like Aventurine because hes's like "AoE damage feeding muh chips lmao" or whatever.
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>Skip button means that dialogue choices are completely meaningless
genshin dialogue choices are completely fucking meaningless, there isn't a single case of it affecting the flow of the dialogue beyond the string immediately following it (if even that), much less anything outside the dialogue
skip button is absent entirely because it forces players to engage with 5-15 minutes of slop writing before being allowed to do anything at all instead of skipping all that banal tripe "content" and breeze through the entire update in an afternoon, and it's a big enough name to afford having that and the myriad other cases of no QOL features without immediately EOSing
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the trick is to pee a lil and geolocate where the piss is coming from
I'm bad at aiming blind that's all.
But then my foreskin redirects the piss in a random direct anyway.
>spam link on every social including 4chan
>idiots provide free views
Yep, the three schizo hobos that compose this thread are sure to boost it big time.
Left mouse button killer 2024
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Here you go you fucking bitch
>Tummy rumbling
Fuck, sorry bwos. I'm a ZZZGOD now.
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>He doesn't know how to control the velocity of his pee
Fucking pathetic
chronicled wish will be a separate banner
They weren't supposed to copy the wuthering waves stuttering...
They added characters to the standard banner in genshin. Why wouldn't they add characters to the standard banner here?
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>in a live service game, especially gacha
jesus christ
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jesus this new mode is hard, way harder than moc 12
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>zzzzz "gameplay"
Wait do you guys actually do that weird exercise where you have to stop your pee stream while peeing repeatedly?
Probably because it hasn’t happened yet
why would they waste dev time on a character that's gonna flop by design?
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Personally, I think they should add some characters that have already gotten a rerun to the standard banner. I hope they add Silver Wolf.
No, dummy. People have to take urine samples for medical reasons. If people did such retarded exercises, maybe they wouldn't be peeing all over their hands when it came time to do so, though.
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This shit looks so bad...why are there random furry highschoolers in the background? I don't see how this game isn't a flop.
Dehya got giganerfed and thrown into the standard pool, she's weaker than release 5 stars.
Tignari is actually good for a standard character, no idea why they didn't try to make money off him.

I could see Ratio go in the standard banner because nobody is ever going to roll him again.
This is obviously excessive framestop bwo. Also I don't think that Wuwa stutters as of 1.1, the difference is so stark that one has to wonder if these idiots used an older build for what was the release version than the one from which they cobbled together 1.1.
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>Women do this
Uh oh they are more powerful than us...
Did you miss how many people cried when they skipped Kafka's quest? And they do give choices, just that they make sure both options give the same reward. Like you get an achievement for seeing TB with Firefly, and you get another one for not seeing them. It's small and it won't affect the story that much, but there are choices.
What's the fastest way to get all swarm disaster jades with firefly team?
I tried ice path but the bug kept oneshotting TB in the last phase
>Nobody is ever going to roll him again
Bwo? We already have ratiolets who are mad about not getting him in this thread, you'd be surprised.
Ratios purpose was baiting you into buying all the FUA units that released after him.
I'm gonna roll for his cone at least.
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I want to roll his cone though
Weirdly, I didn't have stutters before 1.1 but now it stutters a lot. No idea why. My PC isn't bad (i7-12700k and RTX 4060)
yeah she's probably better if you replace bronya or the sustain
it looks like only stuff like luka or pela can really "replace" rm in a boothill comp
Cállate Domingo.
Ellen is literally a shark girl
Such a beautiful ending
I wanted to get into this but I don't think I have the patience for it
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It's cute!
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Stompin some noobs at Origami clash
thanks bro
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rare fuqing
Long hair QQ doesn't even look like her anymore I'm so used to her normal hairstyle
>Uh sweaty this incredibly forced English acting is terrible.
>OMG the same acting that makes 90% of the population of the host country cringe because of how awful it is -- IS SO HECKIN AMAZING.
very much so! I do sewing as a side hobby and would love to make them cute clothes... Aventurine's eyes are done so well
the furries isn't going to be the reason why this game will flop
going pull the cone for yanking
What is ZZZ's story premise
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what in the fuck
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>E6S5 Yomi
>E6S5 Hotaru
When will be the next time I roll in this game
skipping kafka's quest is the correct thing to do anyway since it goes against elio's script
yeah, now imagine without aoe or ruan mei to break her ass faster
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Yeah, EN.
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Her hair IS long, it's just in mihoyo rattails.
weird gaijin take
Is the fox fag actually mandatory for Acheron?
ratio's eidolons are too busted for that
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>silbird wolf and trailbirder metapags when they encounter a bireflyGOD
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Hmmm 3.3 when they both get crept
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You are also a gaijin. We all are.
it's there to let you redo a specific side, but without letting you run ruan mei on both sides
you can reset the team comps, but doing so resets the scores
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Im back.

Here you go. Am I supposed to only normal attack with kafka on this team? I guess I was wasting skill points unnecessarily if that was the case. I made sure to only use BS's skill once every 2 turns to ensure the DEF down is up on the enemy. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to improve the gameplay.

>BS and Kafka Build
Both at E0, BS using JQ's S1(ignore her own S1 in the build image) and Kafka has her S1. Kafka is using the exact same relics as BS except that the planar orb is Lightning Damage.
>Acheron E0S1 and Trend Gepard
Both the same as in >>484100905


Man, the difference between E2S1 and E0S1 ack is quite large lmao. After playing E2S1, E0 attacks and ults hit like a wet fart.
Big wibbly wobbly space distortion destroyed the entire world except 1 uno Asian city. Now they base their city around the wibbly wobbly space distortion and companies send people into it to loot shit and hook up their reactors to the space wibbly wobbly space distortion.
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What do Firefly and Sparkle see in this idiot?
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
I'm not gaijin. I don't even think about Japan at all.
Man, my hand is gonna hurt like a mf playing this game.
Her stupidity is her charm point.
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Why can't we all just get along?
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>And I tell you, you are [REDACTED] the apostle, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
>Tell us, when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?
>Do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?
>[REDACTED] the apostle and [REDACTED] the apostle to them he gave the name Booanerges, which means "sons of thunder"
>[REDACTED] the apostle said, "Show us teh Father and that will be enough for us"
>He saw a man named [REDACTED] teh apostle. "Follow me", he told him, and[REDACTED] got up and followed him
>Now for some time a man named [REDACTED] the apostle had practiced sorcery and amazed all the people
>Then [REDACTED] the apostle said to the rest of the disciples, "Let us also go, that we may die with him"
>Then [REDACTED] the apostle declared, "You are the Sons of him, you are the king"
>Then [REDACTED] the apostle said, "But why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?"
>From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of him
>Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil
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any hsr players going from comfy autoplay to broken hands?
I thought we were getting along
What time report Sensor Tower out? Already 1 July in Japan.
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Holy shit, that belly button is SEX. literally perfect
I just realized, wanting to get fuck by Futa Firefly mean I’m a tranny chaser >>484106298
The Genshin killer…
Because like that picture, Wuwa fags are sub human
i have 100 tickets saved as well
i doubt they'll change the selector or add a new one though
Why are you like this? What possesses someone to be so obsessed with mobile video game sales?
You're supposed to use skill everytime with Kafka haha. Try using the battle log here to see how DoTcheron is played. https://honkai.asagi-game.com/report?key=b50a3e43319f42883d8b011e2f3e7893b5afb98e
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Your Himeko?!
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Have you ever watched anything live action from Japan or Korea that wasn't an anime/manga adaptation?
Anime voice acting is shit garbage compared to people who actually show their faces and stake their reputation on acting.
Really, watch 90 minutes of anything live action and you'll realize that the EN dub is just copying the shit JP dub acting and you'll descend into an unparalleled state of cognitive dissonance.
There's a reason why only 1/3rd of Japan can stomach anime bud.
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It's like sports, but even lamer.
I can literally see her vulva anon
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holy sex
I like how it went from
>We will top the chart and dominate
>At least we beat genshin and wuwa
HSR never loses
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I just watched Godzilla Minus One. The acting in that movie was top notch.
Well wouldn't beating both of these mean topping the chart then
lol a bunch of jdramas are literal live-actions of anime/manga/LN. Japanese culture is anime, cope.
jp unironically cannot act. jp tv dramas and movies have some of the most forced acting on the planet. to be fair, all of asia is like that, only the west can do live action
Hmm, true.
I can.. see it...
Wouldn't beating Genshin and WuWa mean we will be at the top of the charts anyway?
Are you implying some game will be higher than Genshin or HSR in the chart?
I think it's a cultural thing, like how Indian shows are extremely dramatic and overedited. Some cultures just prefer different things, and for the west, that's more grounded acting.
That's literally the same retard-kun
seeing real pussies kinda make me sad that I'm dating a trans girl can you kindly not post this
Clearly guys anon was accounting for the GOOK levelling gacha makin ten GOOKillion dollars and beating every gacha out there
Bros help me... It's only the same 3 star equations spawning over and over... I wanna complete my collection...
West loves not being immersed in the movie at all with constant 4th wall breaks, cringy one liners and emotionless actors.
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Anon you should appreciate your gf no matter what they have down there.
Is the story getting better? Are the next two patches a M7 training arc?
If it makes you feel better I'm dating a black girl and they don't look like that either.
Of course, Soul Tide will top the charts.
I have no idea how it didn't EoS yet but hey, good for them.
not really. capeshit is but only one genre
it wasn't always like that and now in the new shogun series you can see that japs can act, probably thanks to w*stoid directing.
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Bwos Im forced to do the humiliation ritual...
Honkai Star Rail btw
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>Belly button visible through baggy sweater that's loose around the midriff
We're reaching slop levels not previously though possible...!
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playable screwllum and stephen lloyd
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Thanks anon. So do I only BA with Gepard? I found it necessary to use his skill once or twice to get energy for his ult because otherwise argenti would've fucked me up. One run before this went down the shitter because gepard didnt have his ult up and kafka just died.

I also refrained from using Kafka's skill on 2 occasions because otherwise she would've killed the trotter and I wanted to kill the trotter with Ack for the extra turn.

I think the SP usage in this team is really tight. I should pay more attention the next time.
It's a see through shirt bro
her bra and panties are kind of visible too though
It's see through...
It's up in the air. It could be shounen shit and not take itself seriously (good), or another failed attempt to tell an epic like Luofu did.
Cope. Try watching something for adults. Go a country to the west and watch Squid Game. You have that, right?. Only insufferable people and attention whores talk like anime girls in the east.
I don't know the western equivalent? Valley Girl?
It's better than anime SUGOI KAWAII retardation. I can't imagine reading an entire show or game and listening to that fake shit for hours on end and thinking that it's good. However I'm on a website with a vtuber board so I'm basically screaming into the abyss.
The only reasonable person.

Japanese women aren't an entire octave above every other woman on the planet. Their tone is the same as everywhere else with equally prevalent outliers.
Meanwhile anime and games are entirely outliers.
If you go to a convenience store in Japan you'll be met with the same bored, low tone as in America. It's embarrassing as fuck to talk like an anime character.
>The date 71 days from today is September 8, 2024
gotta wait until september for a stephen lloyd reveal
i'm angry
So uh, is Stelle going to pass through Kafka's butthole?..
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I can't get past cunundrum 6 in G&G
Your Aventurine?
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So let me get this straight. zzz is just hsr but you have to move the camera(character) and manually switch characters and hit buttons every time you want something to occur?
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Maybe try using Aventurine E0S1 or E0 with trends instead of Gepard? He's a better shielder. Here's my Aventurine if you need a build. You can change the two pioneer pieces into knight of purity palace for even better shields.
your DoThags?
wtf is a dothag? Is that like a dothraki?
I've watched plenty of Jdramas and shit like Iron Chef and quiz shows bro. Just because I've seen that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a big part of their culture. For better or worse anime gets more mainstream by the day.
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I can retry it with my own aventurine here >>484101115.

I dont need to write new code to get him in so ill be back in a jiffy with the new showcase.
How else would he shit on his perceived enemies? He can't just spam pag forever
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DoT hags
Anime is for kids so it only gets more mainstream with kids and no one cares about what they like. Anyone over 24 shouldn't even be watching anime because it's like reading a book written for children.
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He in fact, can spam pag forever
Those are some retarded names though.
Why's the bitch with the big tits called "Caesar"
Saving for my cunnywife Chinatsu
He could, but eventually he would be talking to empty air
Yes, you do in fact, have to actually play the game
Newfag here, started playing last month
Is Black Swan future-proofed? Should I go for her or wait for Aventurine?
black swan is booba proofed, her booba will be top tier until eos
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Just get both
lol you obviously haven't watched much anime then and only shonenshit
BS with Jiaoqiu's cone is really good so go for it. Aventurine is the best sustain rn tho so depends on what you need for your account.
Black Swans dots could do way more dmg if enemies could take more and she has synergy with all dot units + def reduction on her skill.
As future proof as a dps can be.
>Ruan Mei rerun
>4 patches of Firefly shilling
We may have beaten Genshin but the next few months will have shit revenue due to all the hype being exhausted
No, I'm saying 90% of it is shonen or kid shit.
You're dating a man bro
>not a single for (You) waifu including the release characters
meh miss me with that shit
>b-but dates
and all of them would have less sexual tension than the monks in a tibetan monastery
Okay but it's still not an argument. Anime literally just means "animation." You just have the boomer mentality that anything drawn = for kids.
I really like the style of this game but holy shit it looks like garbage to actually play
it's ok not all of us can make it in life, some of us need to take the ones no one wants to deal with. if you're doing it out of kindness for their mental wellbeing then you're probably a decent person. if you're doing it for fetish reasons you're a sewer rat.
2.4 drip in 9 days. Please let Feixiao be a cutie
Hope Lingsha will be second half, I still have to get E0S1 Yunli and the pink fox's cone.
>>not a single for (You) waifu including the release characters
How would you know that when the game isn't out yet?
I hope Lingsha is a Lamia
Sup fellow HSR friends, are we hyped for Natlan?
more like Notlol
>You have reached the maximum number of Relics allowed in the inventory.
that's too soon, no? usually, it happens during the second banner and same week as livestream. Jade isn't rate up yet.
clean your room
it's in 2+ weeks (15/16th)
I'm done with Genshin mediocre designs, plus they made the MC a complete chump who can't win a single important fight by his own.
Salvage your useless ass 4* relics retard
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Yeah it's one week later
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never met her
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>hyped as a war-torn land
>looks like a fucking Spyro level
Not really...
Just salvage anything that's not a 5* and then scrap the shit ones with 2 flat stats or more.
I actually liked Spyro, might try it when it's out
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I wish
This is literally Sumeru
Why did they name the new Genshin zone after a Mormon living in Utah?
If Lignsha is a lamia and Feixiao a cute foxian then I don't see any reason to roll in 2.4 (sorry Yunli)
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Not him but I'm retarded and was using them as upgrade fodder. What does salvage do differently and did I fuck up
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All that land mass
And it'll only be used for bear bones puzzles and hillychurls
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How did WUWA manage to beat HSR and Genshin? Discuss this with facts and logic, not feelings. The data is present and it shows mogging.
open world games are dogshit desu
star rail is the most i can bear
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>bear bones
Can you present the data?
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Holy shit, they're cancelling Joe's banner and releasing Newsom instead
Drop the data so I can discuss it with facts and logic
No I don't. I'm saying most anime is kid shit and it literally is. I used to do the whole anicalender thing where I got excited each season and marked down shows to watch. As I got older not only did I grow out of a lot of it but the quality of anime just got a lot worse. I went multiple seasons with nothing even remotely watchable going by and eventually I just lost interest altogether.
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Above Genshin+HSR.
Do not forget 2 primo chests. Fuck man, Star Rail already spoiled me with better chests, but I just figured hey, it's not open world and less chests, right?
And then wuwa absolutely owns genshin and copies the star rail chest format. So now the excuse is gone.
Salvaging just turns it in the same amount of material. Literally no reason not to do it, it cleans up your relic inventory and allows you to use more than 6 at a time. 5* can be salvaged into xp material or relic books, the latter can be used to craft relics instead.
Upgrade fodder is fine aswell, it's just that it's personally easier for me to just turn them all into relic upgrade mats and then insta dump a bunch of it into a relic. I usually only use relics that I leveled to +6 or +9 when testing the waters for substats as upgrade fodder for other relics, as you can't salvage upgraded ones
? wuwa is already dying what are you talking about shill
You're not wrong with most current seasons having fuck all worth watching, but every so often there's something good.
not really, we aren't all trannies here
bro it's genshin it's a children's game
If HSR loses then the data is not reliable. Go back and look at the threads when FF's sales dropped.
If HSR wins then all data is reliable.
Outside of 1995-2007 anime most anime has been copypasta garbage.
There was a good run with EVA, Betterman, Lain, Cowboy Bebop, Paranoia Agent, Fooly Cooly, Ghost in the Shell, Higurashi and even mid shows like Silent Mobius, Death Note, Fruit's Basket and Outlaw Star were watchable.

Modern anime is just madlibs and copypaste of the thing that was successful last year that appear to be written by a teenager.

Lucky Star, Haruhi and Azumanga Daioh were the death of anime.

I honestly can't name an anime from the 20 years I'd recommend someone to watch.
It's pure trash with trash acting.
Link the site. You're just showing Wuwa's position, and it's in a third column that you not showing the name of what it is from.
Can you post the data from the other regions aswell wuwaGOD or are those not available to you right now
Yeah, but I'm not going to go well since there's one good anime per year anime isn't kid shit or mostly stupid. It has been this way for years now and it made more sense when I started understanding it really is for kids (because it mostly is) and I'm not a kid anymore.
wugger melty again? I wish I had saved the sales shit a couple threads back
Damn Kingdom Rush Frontiers beat us, Genshit AND Wuwa? What the fuck.
You sound jealous with your bitter coping, anon. Sorry for your condition.
Now post the JP sales too
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Both HSR and Genshin's banners are older than WuWa's and stayed longer at the top, WuWa is already in free fall after 2 days. Plus HSR is already above WuWa in Japan again.
>LINE hours AND Tiktok hours
Holy crud..
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Back when I was intrigued by SAM... what could've been...
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losing wait is a waist of time
You'll get your waifuslop and be happy
Imagine she tries to eat them too fast and she impales her cheek by accident
Imagine if SAM was just a dude in armor, he would have been Boothill level popular lmao
Yeah, it was the wuggers who went on for threads talking about sales data being dumb and should be ignored when FF's data dropped.
I don't watch anime anymore but can still appreciate the medium itself. Even if you take out the writing, as a visual medium it's still compelling. If you can't appreciate JP animator talent you're an artlet.
>Lucky Star, Haruhi and Azumanga Daioh were the death of anime.
You just have a hateboner for moeshit, but Kyoani ha(d) some of the best slife-of-life animators and directors. Hibike Euphonium, Keion, and Hyouka are all exceptionally animated and directed.
We were robbed
I do think the small girl - big eater trope is pretty cute. Don't think I'll roll for her though with Tingyun 5* coming up this year
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I want Argenti to become that Omen thing he described, which I am assuming the edgy boss version of him
Firefly should've been in danger of turning into a Sin Thirster, to make all those Acheron scenes actually be foreshadowing.
Tingyun 5* is over 20 weeks away you have plenty of time to save
Even if it was Firefly in the mecha I wouldn't mind it, as it had a persona of it's own like Jarvis or Firefly had split personalities
How long is 20 weeks in America I don’t speak chink
Yeah but I also need huohuo and I might need that hunt fox for March 7th
I really want her, but she doesnt fit the meta, she doesnt fit my schedule, she doesnt fit my teams, fuck I dont even need a physical dps.
whatever you say troon
Like 4 years give or take
150 glazed donuts
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Good morning hsrg, resident sanest Boothill yume here
I love my cowboy cyborg husband
That is all, I hope you have a holy sweet day
I unironically liked all those shows, when I was a kid. Adults in Japan don't watch it unless they're special and I don't see why Westerners think it would be different anywhere else in the world. I just think a lot of Westerners grow up too slow these days so they're still kids into their 30s collecting figures and watching anime all day, spending their paycheck or their investments on things like hsr. Not knocking it, but it's still childish.
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Yume anons love
Moeshit killed anime go look at the Crunchyroll catalog.
It's 90% moe shit and copy-paste isekai.
Where is the EVA, Lain, Cowboy Bebop or Ghost in the Shell for this generation?
It doesn't exist. It's just slop.
I mean the setting is high school in all of the shows mentioned, so who relates to it is up to them. Most entertainment is focused on the younger generation. That said, you don't have to "relate" to it to enjoy it. That's why moeshit is often considered seinen. Otaku just like seeing cute girls be cute, there's really not much more to it.
The anime there isn't even "moeshit," that genre actually seems kinda dead. It's more isekaishit and wish fulfillment. But isekai has always been the "ideal" story, back from alice in wonderland and narnia days. Look at how successful Harry Potter is. It was only a matter of time.

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