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Previous: >>484084197
There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Didn't this used to be called Chaserazor? Did they update anything else?
I choose Anko
Here is Linyang and some change Mortefi
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Wuwuwawa? Wawawuwu? Wuwuwawawuwu!
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>2 threads
Call yourself a stupid bitch
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I'm scare bros....is ZZZ really gonna bury us....? I love Wuwa please tell me we are gonna be okay..
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Ok powerscalers. Two monkeys vs a dog.
Taking bets, who's gonna win?
>ZZZ really gonna bury us
It's gonna rid us of furrypedotrannies, can't wait for it to release
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Best companion.
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Changli my beloved!
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I'm smart thoughever
This game is becoming boringer and boringer with each passing day...
Yeah it's over for dogbros, can't beat the two monks
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She's actualy insane, the only things in the overworld that live long enough for the lazer to fully charge are the new big elites, everything else melts before her forte can charge halfway, even her side of the tower was a joke and i haven't fully maxed out her traces
Does the havokmane have a gun?
Did the chimps have protein shake?
You can't just ask like that
ZZZ is the fire of sodom we need.
>when she sees my weiner
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Drip marketing for her?
Well yeah, but i only have funds for one of the two and my luck is shit...so yeah...i am going to pick boobs.
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We gonna be fine but think about HI3 bros they will be replaced and their game will EoS
We're gonna get brutally raped.
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Jinhsi, my beloved.
Random Fractsidus soldier's POV (literally)
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>jinhsi metacucks
So if i get the story right...we are literally a God that created everything including their shitty city and then just went to rest and now we woke Up?
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dunno but something drips out of me when i see cumellya IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN
Imagine making shit for free to help advertise a gacha game. Like why? At least ask for compensation.
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Plapping Jinshi...
hoyodrones and doomposters will all move there, it will a huge improvement for this general
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Sometimes I wonder if Changli is looking through the 4th wall at me...
You should go see a doctor
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lmao I'm not touching this turd
>don't really have time to max out the map/characters
>only do dailies and barely if ever spend waveplates
>i have p much unbuilt characters facing level 60 enemies now
jinhsi is a lifesaver dude, every enemy would be a 20 minute slugfest without her
>cameltoe keks still think she's in 1.2
hahahaha oh no no no no no...
You don't even have a job STFU LMoaooooo
>Models optimized for a smooth mobile experience
>Models with too many polygons causing the game to be unplayable on mobile
You're braindead lmao. There's a reason why wuwa flopped, it's literally unplayable.
Dumbasses didn't realise by loudly wanting her in the game they'll delay the release to bring them back in later.
There was a cutscene with Changli where the focus is on Rover's face, but the camera is from behind Changli's booba and Rover is smiling. Any body saved that scene, i was too slow to capture.
Bold of you to assume i read mathfag spreadsheets for a gacha of all things, i only knew she liked mortefi or yinlin+verina to build stacks and had a wuxia moveset
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I think the chimps were on tren and dmt so it clearly didn't count
>I-It supposed to look bad
not my problem, I don't play on mobile
SAAR can we get echo presets please SAAR
anyone got g-sync working for this game? I tried making it exclusive fullscreen with an old method but apparently that doesnt work since 1.1
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The Fractsidus are one of the worst villain groups I've seen in a gacha. Their motivation is just... destroying the world so the few people who survive can maybe evolve.
Meanwhile Genshin has Snezhnaya/the abyss order which want to rebel against heaven, Arknights has Talulah who wanted to save her people, and FGO also has a bunch of sympathetic ones.
No. The previous civilization was destroyed, people fled to Mt. Firmament where Rover visited them and helped them find the means to rebuild civilization and helped their descendants build the city.
From the opening of the game and the fact we seem to be doing this regularly, it seems like Rover is some sort of ascendant immortal who serves as that OP ladies janny in helping humanity survive.
I do, I'm a manager at a software company.
Who are you putting on a team with Jinshi bros
I watched it last night, surprisingly really wholesome, was thinking of posting it here but you faggots were arguing over the most dumb shit.
This general is so fucking ass. Get your shit together.
Holy shit i can't believe it looks so much WORSE outside curated cutscenes and screenshots like just put it out of it's misery already it was a piece of shit already haHAHA
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I think Rover is a 麒麟 and the yuri goddess heavenly principles lady is our 王.
Game can still be optimized for better, in fact many have already reported better performance on their end. Furry trash zero on the other hand will look like hot garbage forever and you will lop that shit up while raining praises
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>villains being le bad is le bad
Uh...yeah? Are you stupid or something? Everything is about managing trade offs, you traded off smooth gameplay for a slightly better character model. Good job retard.
we're all using verina and redditman
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bruv where are my crits?
AHAHAHAHAHAHA sure you are pedro
Mortefi S5 with a cope energy regen and concerto energy on skill pistol and verina, low investment fedora man is also suppposed to be very nice for her but i haven't tested that
Im running her with Sanhua and Verina lol
would baizhi moan during sex or would she stay as stone faced as ever
So not only do we have better character models, we also filter mobilefags?
Holy shit, wu truly won.
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>Talulah who wanted to save her people
by killing other people, amazing
Still don't understand why people cried for this bitch when her people nuked a fucking city because uhhh racism BAD
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Does this work bros, the sister team
That's one way to cope I guess
>filtering the people who actually pay for the game
When does the new imaginary thing start?
>Everything is about managing trade offs
>Meanwhile kuro optimizing their game everyday
Did Genshin upgrade their graphics after 4 years? Lmao
so how the fuck did kuro manage to fuck the camera even worse than to 1.0? and how the fuck is there stil not a hotfix out yet?
Don't pair my daughter with that cow... barf
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She is looking at (You) for sure
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Wife-shaped Draco mentioned
we are gonna get so raped tomorrow...
Taoqi is a general support I guess, but she's not exactly ideal for Encore.
NTA but they aren't even entertaining as villains,except for scar, provlova or whatever the fuck her vodka name is, is generic so far
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I get better character models and less mobile vermin in my threads, literally a perfect scenario.
Kuro clearly doesn't care about mobilefags, if they did then they wouldn't have doubled the poly count on Changli when compared to most other Wuwa models when mobile players are already complaining about performance.
Maybe Kuro is making a mistake, but that's not my problem, not my game, not my money.
What's tomorrow?
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nah man im sick of DEI style sympathetic villains.
We are in a cheesy wuxia novel game, I want the bad guys that are just bad, both in motivation and in writing
uh oh poor phonefags are having a melty again
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June revenue
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Mobilepags don't even deserve this game and aren't real people as far as i'm concerned.
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>Still don't understand why people cried for this bitch
kek I thought I was the only one who didn't really feel anything for frostnova. Kept this to myself because I didn't want to get hounded by her fans.
not anyone's game when it they go eos from lack of funds lmoa
>Genshin's new archon
lmao even
Meanwhile we get sexo design like Changli and Yinlin with more to come
I don't even give it a month before shitposters in /zzz/ come back to use begging for (You)s. That general will be a ghost town.
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>they're going at it again
Jinhsi is too strong bro, is the powercrept already here...
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>My eyes are up here, Lord Arbiter
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who's her ideal support
>Implying we'll get a villain as fucking kino as Sundowner
>June revenue drops
>Wuwa lower than any mihoyo game
>Lower than love and deep space too
We're gonna get laughed out of /vg/ I'm calling it now.
I wish Wuthering Waves would get into a controversy and get boycotted and lose a lot of players so the threads would slow down.
I hate fast threads they dont let me think what i want to respond it all goes by too fast.
Slow threads are way more comfy they let you think what you want to say and you can take your time replying to every post.
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Everyone's going to laugh at us when the game doesn't beat HSR and Genshin in sensor tower for june...
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>chinks are so soulless lol
>WTF why didn't they do this for money?? Why do they do fun things for themselves without expecting money??
I'm starting to see a pattern.
End in sex.
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Nah we'd win
Everyone's going to laugh at us when the game doesn't beat HSR and Genshin in sensor tower for june..
But she didn't do the killing, the old man inside her did
Only soulless drones do thing for megacorps for free.
Give it till a week past Changli's banner, This place would be a ghost town by then.
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I'll be laughing if the much anticipated for (You) character from that other game does worse then Yinlin and JInshi
Everyone's going to laugh at us when the game doesn't beat HSR and Genshin in sensor tower for june.
Genshin chads get cool conquistadors while all we get are vtumors in our general...>>484106358
me neither desu, i still don't understand why people are so hung up over frostnova
gacha players praise arknights writing a lot so i think it's genuinely not reading anything else
That's the fucking pyro archon? I expected a hot tomboy
Holy shit how do they go from Raiden Shogun to this
Wuwa sure fell off...
cant believe someone actually want the game to dumb down so mobilefag can play it. nigga i;ve been screaming at genshin for 2 year to stop cater mobilefag because it holding back the game
slurp slurp mmmmm mihomo cum so tasty
Just get Kuro to give bunny suits to all the females.
Wokies in the West gonna scream
Incels in China gonna plan an assassin on the Devs.
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we are going to win BIGLY

just trust the PLAN
>red furina but less cute
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>The dango uwu
Not my Raiden
Wuwa sure fell off..
And xer master will definitely be stronger
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Our game will die if we don't add more cunny quick, it's not looking good for us
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Anon.. WTF is this body odour dance?
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>john, i have a question for you
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She's a cultivator with wind powers, she's been cultivating the perfect stink for a thousand years.
Rawdogged Lady Arbiter.
This is a hag and homo game, go play genshin if you want lolis
Wasn't that supposed to be some kind of brawling brown loli?
>their way of bleaching mexico is by inserting conquistadors
holy fucking based white ruling over unwashed browns
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It's impressive how rushed 1.0's story is
They really should add some extra quests and exposition for all the characters
potatoes you mean
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Bros. Help me.
Which is better weapon for Verina? Variation or the basic *5 Rectifier?
It's called qigong meditation junior brother anon
Looking at Chixia and Yinlin's voicelines about each other and Chixia's story V, I'm pretty they are supposed to know each other. But she didn't seem to know who Yinlin was during the companion quest, it's sorta weird. Maybe she's just dumb and forgot or something.
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Yet you get 2 homo companion quests. You rike? 2/3 companion quests are still homo. This is a homo game.
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>cute conquistador
GenshinGODs, we are so back
Verina is a support, you want whatever helps her gain concerto and energy for her ult
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Kino fight. Reminds me of Sekiro dragon battle
Surely not a commissioned piece by kuro.
Variation then i suppose.
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cute and canon
Story boss battles in this game absolutely mog genshin's. I was so disappointed with arle's fight
We easily beat hsr and genshin on june. Jinshi very popular it break the internet. Hsr and genshin on rerun banner.
but jinshi's fight was babbymode and didn't allow you to die in the final phase
>leveled 3 echoes to 5 today
>flat def, flat hp, flat def
At least the Aix I leveled today is somewhat decent for Jinhsi. I got a ton of them, but they have to compete with the +57% crit damage Jue. I'm conflicted
what do you mean HSR just had Fireflop and Genshin had some new characters no?
It's even more hilarious when they had that, but deleted it All. If the game dies it's only their fault. Launch is very, very important and they fucked it Up royally.
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shoulda prefarmed it
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What is Encore's personality?
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They posted it again?
The final stretch was kinda jank, not sure why they didn't just copy the divine dragons homework and have a Kino divine dragon lightning finisher
All of the genkek brownies are going to be mad
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anal sex with jinhsi
Well the battle was basically "Story mode" but other parts made up for it. The last part was a let down however.
They should have made it Ashura's wrath style.
Why? The story is about overthrowing the archon. It's pigskins like you who are gonna be seething.
Wuthering Waves is the laughing stock of the entire gaming communaity for a reason you know? It's just a shitty ripoff that's threatening the entire genre and destroying the reputation and validity for gachas that developer like Hoyoverse has worked so hard to built. Hoyoverse has set a high bar for open-world action RPGs with their unique blend of compelling narratives, intricate world-building, and innovative gameplay mechanics. And wuthering waves does nothing except dilute the market, drawing attention and resources away from Hoyoverse's titles which carry the banner and show the world how good games can be. Also we are all concerned over the imitation or replication of Hoyoverse's successful formula, which undermines the originality and creativity that Hoyo worked hard to brought to the genre.
okay but i want my first 2000 astrite
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Am I the only one who think the visual clutter on Jinhsi is too much? I can't see anything. And I thought Jiyan's was worse. I hope they release a setting where you can tone down the vfx
I know this is pasta, but some moron had to genuinely think this at some point to post it.
nice pasta but it's pretty sad some people actually believe this
You just say Fireflop. So wuwa win?
man divine dragon was too kino
that entire game actually
Btw the archon was supposed to be Himeko Murata expy from Honkai but they got someone entierly different lmao.
The only expy that game has is Raiden so far.
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2v2 this time, dogbros have an actual chance
This is just me but I like this design the most out of all archons. Still not going back though.
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You know what... you're right. Give us a motherfucking Sauron or Morgoth Kuro Games, we're ready to fight unambiguous evil.
>4k asterites or 25 pulls in 2 patches
Wuwa is surely generous!
Firefly flopped by HSR standards but I won't know what that means compared to Wuwa. Honestly I'm not counting on Wuwa being No.1 because its not like a tiny fraction of the money mihoyo makes is going back into their games.
Genshin's visual designs justified once again. Almost like mihoyo has real game developers who put thought into their design choices unlike kusogames huh?
And that's a bad thing how?
Meanwhile, in Genshin you can get hundreds of pulls by doing simply the main story and side quests and exploring the map, and ZZZ at launch is giving players 100 pulls per the patch. LOL Kuro devs listened amirite? Nah, it's Mihoyo.
We need more dynamic dodge animatione
Explain why hsr looks better then.
it's ugly
Im talking about wuwa number 1 here
nice mental gymnastics
you can't tell me Genshin doesn't have visual clutter.
Because it's a turn based game with a small map? Wtf are you retarded or something?
my jade-like beauty RAPIST of a wife...
Don't forget Da Wei is cooking up is his Magnum opus MMO, genshin won't be seeing a dime kek
Yeah, it pretty much proves the game is gonna be character switch and nuking because characters like Jinshi have way too much animation lock to properly dodge the spastic boss movements, in addition to making it impossible to see shit through all the effects.
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>Mihoyo listened!
except they dont even send out the astrite unless you need to actually WIN them with no condition given
genshin isnt fun and i quit it long before this game even came out
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>log in
>farm 15 Jues
>log out
i hope the intern that did taoqi's english voice was compensated adequately
It doesn't, the vfx there is extremely minimalistic. Just wait until some retard posts the Emilie vs Changli webm and you'll see.
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roru ramao
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my wife
she's the only reason i switched off en
now show me how the game is actually played.
An handful of Jinhsi's tats
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>the vfx there is extremely minimalistic
i wonder if they'll redo it
can't imagine the poor girl is pleased having that dumpster fire associated with her
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I feel like music is the biggest thing holding wuwa back. The exploration in Genshin feels so much better because the music sets the entire atmosphere.
mihomo nignogs, troons, fags, and shills, get out. Okay you think your game is better, now go back to your generals and stop shilling it here if you're so confident about it.
faster threads = more mental illness
Genshins effects are often just as bad, but the difference is that Genshin doesn't care about you dodging or not in the end. WuWa was trying to bait people with actual combat movement, but has barely any.
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Encore's british too
For me it was Yinlin. They made her sound like a harsh bitch
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You guys should get used to weekly threads. They're coming.
they're coping and seething about 5.0 leaks, both fake and real.
what exactly do you fags even do in this "game" lol? Wuwa sure fell off
>Overconfident squealing swineskin telling me what to do
Get replaced already, piggy
the thread's speed doesn't reflect the game quality bro, just chill. Or better, go actually play the game
stop playing optimally
be a funchad
play one character and dodge and parry
>destroying the world so the few people who survive can maybe evolve
What seems to be the problem here?
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They even have way more art than we do...
Maqi and Koko are bri'ish as of this patch
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Play ZZZ white man. Kuro doesn't understand visual clarity.
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why can't we capture people in this game and use them as our combat slaves
>Loser who posts on 4chan thinks he's one of the chosen ones
Guys how the fuck do I build concerto faster with Taoqi? I have S5 Discord if that matter.
This isn't copied, it's the truth. If you look at all the gaming communities across the world, we're united against Wuthering Waves because of how much anyone who isn't a goddamn brain dead moron can see how demeaning it is to the genre. That's why you get nothing but criticism.

What do you mean by clutter? Every element here is necessary and it's an example of good design. The flashes let you know where Jumpy Dunpty is hitting. The sparks let you know where the burst is available. The damage numbers communicate your DPS and are satisfying. What, you want to play a game where you don't know what damage you do? LOL yeah of course Kuso shills don't know actual good design.
You do virtually no damage that way with most characters. Only HRover/Danjin team allows for actual martial badassery. The problem of the design philosophy clearly going towards nuking won't go away from ignoring it.
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Left - Chixia looks at your dick
Right - Chixia looks at my dick
Das right
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I'm dropping this homo game as soon as Azur Pal comes out.
cringe lmao
in breading
another one by taoqi's en va
still not that good but it sounds better than the absolute monotone she did here
what the fuck happened in this case
is it just me or did they add sounds and unique OST to the overworld bosses? dreamless crying is creepy as fuck
there's a little bit here and there
>that's not going to fit
>I can handle that much
das right
maybe they always had it but the prompts and events were fucked.
we sure died off huh
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Woowa is cooked…
Ruan Mei really hard-carried Fireflop. When will we get a proper jade-like beauty like her?
I don't see any males there, shan't play
I'm not the one breeding the new civilization
Reddit is the other way xis.
they're accelerationists. we already had those in real life
>Yuri infested game
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>siggy already made 90% of clorox banner in 3 day
Slug winning hard
anime girls are a trans thing
Special needs school is 2 blocks down.
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white sheep detected
and GF2 has raymond
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homo GODS our status?
how long until ul60?
sanhua and verina
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All for me except fedora man, too old
>genshin leaks dropped
>/wuwa/ is suddenly dead
3 weeks xis.
>i missed rewards from 2 abyss towers already
it's like 2 pulls, wow!
abyss tower dont really matter you get so many pulls outside of it
just quick swap her out after skill and ult, come back in a few seconds when they are back
You mean Furina.
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>muh exaggerated effects
>muh screen shake
>muh visual clarity
hoyo lies as much as their retarded fanbase kek
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How do you rate echoes like this on a scale from 1 to 10? Like sure, I would much prefer it to have atk% and skill damage bonus instead of def but it still has double crits and farming those 3 costs is just painful so maybe I just say fuck it and it's good enough?
They all look generic as fuck lmao
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Fuck I was only 20 rolls in. Lost my guarantee for Changli.
Now I have to wait until Jinshi's banner near its end to tally my rolls and decide on rolling her weapon.
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The lolis in wuwa mog mihomo so hard. We get sexy lolis, you get NOTHING
So I was trying to look for some cute fanart, but I can only find porn...
That's literally just some random kid you fucking freak
This guy browses genshin general btw.
Jinshi is kinda clunky
For yuanwho's coordinated attack on his E, does the enemy/me/both of us has to stay within the circle to proc the attacks? Jinhsi constantly moves with her attacks and goes out of the circle and most bosses move out quickly as well
Yeah, she's just a child. Not an ugly potato like mihomo kids.
Looks like shit. At least play fucking Nornium if you want a horny game.
based cunnychad
i masturbated to that kid
my jade-like rapist....
I would not feel the need to improve on that one
>game needs homos or it's le yuri
Thanks for self-gatekeeping lol
H-How did you know?
>Models look washed out and outdated already
Why do people jerk off to this so much?
Cope. Nornium is better than your shitty pokemon game.
incels... incels... incels... when will you EVER learn...?
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>I'm dropping this homo game as soon as Girls Frontline 2 comes out.
I agree
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Will you use corals for more rolls or just get dupes?
i'm probably gonna keep them as an emergency rolling stash, and maybe get dupes in the future if i already got plenty.
Keepin mind you will start getting a lot more when all your 4* are already S6.
they should really add a way to turn shit echoes into exp
+1 for having it
+3 for high roll
+2 for mid roll
+1 for low roll

+1 for having it
+2 for high roll
+1 for mid and low roll

>desired stats
+1 for having it
+1 for high roll

so yours has mid CR CD
meaning its a 5/10
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Hoyogods, I kneel
Rolls, dupes are jebait everytime.
These games are not balanced around whaled characters so if you go crazy on a character you will made everything in the game way too easy
I'm f2p and first dupes don't look interesting enough so far so I'd rather just roll more character.
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I'm already playing GF2
I just know. Now apologize.
>2-3 good designs from this roster
i don't think coom can save this game
Why did you let it die retard? Spend more!
GF2 is shit.
I think rolls are better for now since we have so few characters. Once I have a few strong teams I might start vertically investing
Rolls and hope for dupes from the rolls.
I honestly wouldn't care so much if that stix fucker didn't shill this game so much with those 150 billion or so made up number
What the fuck???
ngl, idk if anyone here play bunch of jrpg when ps3 still a thing, but it remind me that, especially shinning resonance
It's a shit game. Don't play kusoge like GF2.
You are better off jacking to gf porn.
A new character is always more important to me
But this also depends on the next few patches, if I dont like the characters and can save a huge a mount of pulls I might try to get someone to S6
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I did. I'm literally the only one keeping the server alive
you can tell whats happening here despite the effects because they have visual clarity lmao CN has complained you cant see shit with changli when doing combos because the attacks have too much particle effects, see the difference? you can have effects that dont obstruct visibility of whats happening on the screen
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>3% less damage because I went for 2 spectro 3 costs instead of ATK and ELE
that's djeeta retard
>literally a button mash simulator
This looks boring as fuck
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Yeah... when are we getting wuwa lumine though?
anyone got a closeup of changli's ass?
WHY THE FUCK WONT THEY RELEASE GLOBAL if they failed in chink market? I will save it! I want my waifu xcom!
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why do they all look the same?
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homo gods... I don't feel so good...
stix is always doomposting genshin even before wuwa came out, he was a ToF nigger too, he was reading comments on genshin 4.6 and literally ignoring like 100 positive comments about it to nitpick the one bad, then he found one bad that had a positive second half and instantly move to a different comment, he is like kektone.
Wtf that's literally Lumine with a gun.
That UI is disgusting, why the fuck isn't it transparent? Shit covers up half the screen, that's the real crime here.
Yes, it's a buff you get that lasts 1.8secs or so. Aka it lingers a little.
Doesn't matter. They aren't affected by the circle.

In the air, yeah. Think of your skill as a "dodge" / reposition and it works a lot better. Though you can only cast it once and before doing 4 normals. Then you get your super skill.
Takes a little, but she's very comfy to play.
How? you're going to have to explain this one to me, blind bro.
>tried to make an account
>need a chinese phone number
Fine then, guess i'll just spend more money on wuwa in stead.
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No it's not.
Remember when this game's combat was about skill instead of one shotting everything?
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come home white man
>in a gacha game
It's called a wallet, use it
I used my US phone number, you do need to do real name authentication on bilibili though if you wanna use your US phone number.
Post her sexy scenes now.
I can't fucking handle waiting 20 days for Changli. Why the hell couldnt she have been first!
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it still is?
>When she sees your dick
I can't, I don't have sex with ziggers
Lol, you should see 191's reaction. I should make a webm
Jeez, make notLoom do that.
>jade like beauty
To be quite honest, i literally had no idea what the fuck i was even doing during Yue fight.
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Name her anime
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There's just too many great looking games now...I'm eventually going to have to drop some
her sister is a bitch whore
probably rolls, Changli S1 doesn't seem too impactful
White jade is the one considered pure, retard.
pretty sure you can't die during that fight
Any generic harem isekai.
>I want my waifu xcom!
Flat ATK is better than skill damage. It's the 4th best substat.
Jinhsi the reddit
It's a gacha. Your skill is called luck and money. Why do you think everyone rerolls? Because it's better to waste your time getting a lucky start than to waste your time getting good.
Don't be like that, she hasn't raped you yet
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How to Tame Your Loong
Play Troubleshooter
>everyone rerolls
projection of mental illness
I’ll give it a try if they actually added back the (you) pandering and keep up the fan service.
Jinhsi hits like a truck…
Yeah sure after that 2nd bug ridden closed beta with barely any gameplay from an unknown studio, while competing with snowbreak. Cope harder retard.
There's more fanservice in suomi's exposed ass crack than the entirely of wuwa
>waveworn residue 226
i swear to god
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Where are we right now wuwankers?
Didn't we go through this already? I already told you i am not listening to gook talk. And the girls with the exception of the fighter ginger are all shit.
Doesn’t really matter for me if two seconds later she just gets reduced to shipshit.
In GF2 waiting room
We literally already won so we're just doing a few victory laps.
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that zigger looks like a little boy though
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Obviously ROLLS.
You can get ten 4* constellations AND a 5* AND more corals
This is incredibly obvious to smart posters.
Any pixie cut girls in this game?
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Is my Jinhsi ok yet or do I have to stay in the mines?
Or you can get a Jinshi dupe and get more rolls from tower forever
And that's what is sexy. Who wouldnt like to sodomize a small boy butt like that?
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No, but there's this cringe incarnate
I'm not a gay pedo butt
it caps out and you won't need dupes to clear it
Looks good to me, crit rate could probably be a touch higher but your time is probably better spent investing in other characters.
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remember when wuwa threads used to be about wuwa?
me neither
She'll oneshot middle tower for the end of time, cope
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we WuWON bigly!
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You spent corals on dupes, didn't you?
My FUCKING sides.
What do you expect from a general comprised of 80% battered wife syndrome mihomo trannies 15% gacha newcuties and 5% PGR niggas
Musekinin Kanchou Jinshi.
And it won't buy you ~40 rolls back even if she does so until EoS
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Which way western man?
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I spent them on rolls and regret it immensely
She looks like a 4*.
Any delicious brown girls then? Or a bust shy librarian, something like pic related? Even better is she has braids.
>ten 4* constellations AND a 5*
You get on average 5 4*s and 0.33 limited 5*s, if you take the extra coral into account it's only 5.5 5*s and 0.4 5*s. And you trade that for 1 guaranteed no coinflip 5*.
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>posting gore in my general
Stay still.
Rough handholding with the right one
Dupes look pretty weak in this game, at least the S1:s. I'd rather work towards a new character instead of a 5-10% dmg increase.
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she is a 4* though?? There's a brown sniper lady you get as a starter 4* and then there's this fucking pig if you want boobas I guess.
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How do I go underground to get the photo?
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Marry Jinhsi and fatten her everyday with burgers!
Are new shiny echos you catch still bugged if you upgrade? Just got the lightcrusher, should i just not bother to be safe?
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This team is unironically the most fun one (will try Taoqi next when I build her - still stuck with Jue farming, shitty dragon gives me nothing but shit)
>Anko is bad with puzzles
>Jinshi is bad with technology
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Hi wuggers. Just dropping by to say that I want to fuck Changli.
It's the same place where Changli left.
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I got this one today. Doesn't look bugged to me.
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and here's the only brown character
Aren't the grill cutest when they are almost retarded?
alright thanks anon
>and get more rolls from tower
You are retarded, how many years of tower rewards do you think it takes to pay off the 45 rolls you just spent on a dupe?
Do you even know how worthless these dupes are? Getting just 1 won't be enough for 1 extra star, shit is literary useless
If you want to scam yourself at least do it on the weapon banner
You go under from the other side bruv .
DO NOT teleport to the underground beacon
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Did you redeem the live stream codes on time right /wuwa?
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It'll probably be another dykefest anyways. I don't think they even showed the male MC even once outside of the selection screen. Not to mention the whole vibe is too cutesy like it's aimed at women like Genshin. Honestly Project Mugen is the only one that might get me to go.
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I am regretting rolling for jinhsi after seeing this hag in 1.1
no gemmies?
i dont boher redeeming
I think the frogposter has unfortunately won.
It's his general now, and we're all his slaves...
Mugen is vaporware
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>shitty dragon gives me nothing but shit
Is that so?
This is the "best" I've got after 3h of farming btw
What are the skimpy outfits ? or is it only fully dressed hoes ?
Ohhh danke anon!
Yeah Mugen is the only thing left i'm looking forward to
Adding it to my gacha roster if it ever come out
>crit rate
It is what it is.
>will try Taoqi next when I build her
Don't! It's a trap. She might be hot, but she is still giga brick and waste of mats.
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they just dropped one though. I think there's a few other ones with actual panties too.
Don't stress to much about ER on Jinhsi
ive been calling her a hag for 3 straight weeks but i think ill roll for her too
She looks like she's 14 you sick fuck
>crit rate
Yes, faggot. Because I use dragon dude's sword on her. Crit rate is the shit I need over crit damage.
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The Loong Dragons are each Rover’s respective canon husband/wife. With this, Jue’s breeding prophecy has been fulfilled.
Why bother? They will kill it with GF3.
sorry bros but I'm skipping changli for jinhsi's weapon...
aright so they are going that way, ive seen snowbreak hoes going around with their boobs out and shit maybe GF2 start doing it a swell
That's illegal, roll her sword NOW, heavy attack damage is worthless on her
>skintight bodysuits
Skins when Kuro? I know you can do it in PGR.
Yes. This looks like a character for me.
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>0.33 limited 5*s
Real DATA proves you wrong.
"Fake math" is not reliable.
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>mismatch weapon and character
how do u even live with yourself
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I like both...
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>the first thing we do after the threnodian battle is go on a date with a random guardsman
Nta but if you use Jiyan's weapon on her, you need cr way more unless you wish to spend trillion years farming until you get "lucky enough" to have enough cr without cr body.
Just how much crit rate does this SLUT fucking need????
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ok ok one last gf2 webm wuwaGODs (and yes I play wuwa as my main game, I can show proof that I own jinhsi and yinlin). WHEN ARE WE GETTING SUMMON ANIMATIONS LIKE THIS????
wtf this has to be fake
>the 3d guy who makes genshit porn started doing wuwa porn too
>first one is femrover sucking dick
holy based we're winning BIGLY
Is hologram tempest bugged? I'm getting infinite parries.
>Food buffs
Bros do we know which team comp is good for Changli yet or not?
Since I started the game today I want to know who I should build first for her.
Currently I have Vernia and the MC built (Also Jinhsi, got her within 40 pulls, I was trying to build up pity and get some Danjin/Sanhua dupes)
It's common for strangers to sit at the same table like that
I want Changli! I'm not wasting her funds on stupid sword that is just mini upgrade over the sword that I already got for basically free. She is sticking with this sword until EoS.
>real luckshitter
Bro just keep buying rolls, every roll is a 50% chance of being a 5* isn't it? Either it is or it isn't!
Which one is the bigger brick:
>JINSHI without signature weapon
>CHANGLI without signature weapon
I am seething with envy
Umm bro???
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>giving your wife another man's sword
holy yikes...
100% please. Not critting is a brick!
To be fair WuWa's summon animations are already great. But maybe Kuro will kick it up a notch in the future
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I need more lolis
nah mine looks like that with crit rate main stat + her sig
it's not even very good since you need more crit dmg
100%. Unironically.
#1 since changlis weapon is barely better than the 5* standard sword and also jinhsi's weapons is the only crit rate broadsword
Jinshi, her weapon looks like it'll be universally good for any broadblade user, Jiyan's is a bit more niche

and Changli's sword seems on par with the normal 5* sword
How fat is she
Weird way to spell "true"
NOW you are thinking like a F2P (Frog to Play)
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Neither is a brick although Jinhsi is the one who gonna be hurt the most in future updates since she is a main DPS only.
Changli can be a sub DPS buffer for Fusion DMG so she gonna be fine with or w/o her thingie
depends on what s1 and s2 do
dps upgrades are straight into the trash but if it's real good QOL I might go for a dupe
you're playing weiqi and you're liking it
I want to lick this piggy's stinky pits
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Terminal of scar and phrolova faction
Please...just release it global already...please.
if i didn't explore the map much can i scrounge up the ~40-50 wishes i'd need to guarantee johnny's weapon?
if you parry him with your skill as soon as his clone appears it will do that
>Jinhsi keeps killing shit before the last nuke number shows
What the fuck is this shit I can't screenshot anything
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wtf custom terminals for some characters?
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GOD... I want her to FUCK ME UP....!
"Wife's" sword should've came in a single pull like his and Yinlin's weapon did. It didn't came after using all free weapon pulls, therefore "wife" is getting HIS sword and coping with it since it's only slightly worse than his sig, and I don't have HIM, so...
>Suffering from success
so they made f2p weapons shit to compensate for better weapon pity?
I'm considering Changli S1 for the interrupt resist since she seems to have some long combos but taking hits might just kill you anyway.
yes. We're also getting another 10 free weapon pulls in a few days
you think jinhsi shaves her arm/leg hair? she'd prolly look quite wooly if she didn't
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We've already got a different one for the black shores people, so I imagine they'll do it for every faction.
Every faction/nation has a different terminal
Look at Aalto and Encore, they're different from Jinzhou's
It's based on their faction, you can see Encore and Aalto have a different one
Bwo your impertenance heron in tower?
Interrupt resist is a meme. Try it with monk girl and see what is all kicking you out of the channel. It ain't pretty.
No, she's a scalie, hair doesn't grow on scales.
They even made sure that the bp broadblade is shit for Jinhsi
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Reminder S1 jinhsi is mandatory so you don't lose your mind over farming 3 cost echoes.
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I don't think so, I personally think higher crit rate is more vital.

Consistent numbers will always trump inconsistent big dick numbers.
Sometimes it bugs like that.
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Oh, I got the chud in the standard banner
nice brick
Wtf was I supposed to do with spare Jiyan weapon?
resonance skill dmg is additive with ele dmg?
wtf is that abysmal crit dmg
do we ever run into the blue michael jackson heehee guy before the defense of jinzhou? it feels weird seeing him in our avengers assemble moment before he's actually introduced
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>my encore senhuha monk team kills bosses faster than my Jinhsi / verina team
uhhhh guys?
Would you rather
>3 star tower half the time
>consistently 2 star tower
If you're too retarded for a proper jinshi rotation then i can see it happening
He just represents the player
you can thank the chinkcels for altering the story to the point it makes no sense all because muh evil Chixia was a meanie
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map your ore bros gotta synthesize those 8 echo exp tubes everyday
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just reset til you make it
nobody gives a fuck about zzz
Just deflowered Jinshi, what did I miss?
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ZZZ will:
>Cleanse this place of the furries that came for Ling
>Cleanse this place of the obnoxious pedoshitters that spam CP all day
>Cleanse this place of the Mihoyodrone shitposters
>Cleanse this place of the retarded metachuds that come from /hsr/
Can't fucking wait.
I also enjoy dead generals. Man wuwa really fell off huh...?
Did you see how much credits they cost to craft? Not worth it.
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i hope gun users won't always be pistol in the future. what guns would you like to see bros
No. Probably a victim of the rewrites
Who's the guy behind him?
Nigger, my lv 60 Jinshi in this team >>484115121 (and shit cope relics) mogs the living hell out of my all lv 70 Calcharo/Encore teams despite both of them having better investment. Wtf are you on about as such?
since when is math a passtime of the retarded? kys waifunigger
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Crit rate >>>>>>>>crit dmg
No point in stacking up critdmg if you MISS!

>reset till you win
Now I know how Jinhsi is managing to kill bosses so much faster than Jiyan...
But consistency is king unless you're turbo autism I guess!
They are daily? I'm craaaafting
>He thinks hsr gods will play zzz
Roru, rumao even
A character that changes to throwing knives if you get their sig would be pretty fucking cool
Having higher peaks and lower lows is better than always coping with second place
I hope so no°21 bro
no point in crit if it virtually does no bonus either.
why do nearly all characters have earrings?
Rocket launcher psycho loli
Crit dmg > crit rate
Just get lucky bro
I want a flux raider in this game
I really want to see some fancy modernized bow character
hoyodrones are only ones that are gonna play that shit. If it wasn't made by mihoyo I guarantee no one would even look at it twice
>His echos are so shit he doesn't have a 60%+ crit rate and 220%+ Crit dmg
I weep for the lucklets
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>seamless coop is out
I know the general will miss me but I WILL return.
Leave and never return
I wish frogposting was banned outside of /b/ and /r9k/ or something.
>if you get their sig
Sorry but, if you have to reset after a failed crit that doesn't make your build better, it means your build SUCKS!
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Wake up see this, what you do anon?
>Lucklet rambling
Can't be me
honestly 4-4 doesn't look that bad and easier to farm
Still no decent 3 costs for Jinhsi.
my echos are terrible but ill carry on because i love my wife
What seamless coop???
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poke thigh mole
to filter the avatartranny
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don't underestimate mihomo shills, they won't give up that easily
NTA but if you can get something like 100/220 it's not virtually no bonus. It's 120% increased damage. All the time. Multiplying into the other shit like atk and dmg%.

Yes, the ratio isn't ideal. 80/260 would be. But the difference isn't big.

100/220 = 2.2x damage on average
80/260 = 2.28x damage on average.

You get the average increase of 3.6% damage. But now you miss 1 out of 5 nukes. Unironically not worth it.
tongue bath
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>2500 dollarsu just to craft 1 blue fucking tube not even a purple one
Why is the synthesizer such a fucking jew... I thought we are the savior of Hongzhit... Shouldn't we at least get a discount?
Red homo or blue homo for now, red homo full time if i can get an S4 off changli's banner
Spoon her and go back to sleep
eagerly awaiting a mod replacing jinshi with changli's model
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>floating white fart obsessed with food
Spectro Rover + Jinhsi + Verina
I honestly don't know how you shitters use Jinhsi at 60% crit rate.
I'm at 80 and I die a little inside every time I don't get on my big hit.

At 60% it must happen so fucking frequently holy shit.
Fist her cunny.
Averages only really matter if you only have one try to do something. If you have infinite attempts for end game content like this game It's always better to go for the build that will give you a higher peak.
>mental age 22
you can have sex with this creature
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cant wait for global release
this and wuwa is all I need honestly
Is there no quick restart for the weekly boss stages? Do i really have to exit and enter again just to restart?
I've given up on the idea of global at this point
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How fast can you stack Jinhsi's forte bar with Mortefi's ult?
Nip version website launched a few days ago though, but yeah, prob won't release outside east Asia despite an English logo being leaked
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>damn BRO my Jinhsi does SOOOO much dmg
>Her crit is on a 50/50 though....
>and I need to crit the boss like 10 times for it to die

>restart fight after every failed crit
Absolute autism.
C1 helps a bit, but C4 is kinda necessary... and a lot of ER
I did some calc. Doing Shell sim and then craft Tube using the shell you get is more effiecient than doing Tacet field for exp.
Not considering Tuner at all of course.

at UL40
Tacet = 21000 exp per 60 waveplate
Doing Shell sim and craft = 38000 exp per 60 waveplate
Did they fix the encore camera bug or is she still unusable?
Do we know how much better Changli's weapon is compared to the standard 5-star weapon?
This looks so bad lmao cuckge.
probably in the 15% range as usual
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Btw who's after Changli? I have to know how much do i save.
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you know, i kinda like this guy's chain smoker pipsqueak voice
if they keep the food autism down i might warm up to him
You also get echoes from doing fields, since I'm already bored of going around the overworld for echoes I'd prefer doing that that going over the overworld to farm ores as well.
hmmm that's not changli
I thought capping closer to 50-60% crit rate is important? What is the point of 300% crit damage if it never triggers?
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Yes, it's legal!
Vera will butcher you afterwards though.
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I'm leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaking

>Xiangli Yao and Zhezhi are the two banners
>There is an event (wow, great leak)
>No new location
roll over 360 degrees and go back to sleep
PGR character models are SO bad.
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>play danjin
>a single enemy from off-screen shoots a projectile that gets lost in the sfx
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No one really knows but same randoms are probably coming in 1.2 who may or may not be 4 stars
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Ahh fuck I have no sequences for this fag, that's why I never tried to build him. With C4 and moonlit, is it as fast and as consistent as the bowler hat redditmod?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm nyo
The Fatui don't even do anything they are probably one of the most passive inactive group of "villians" that I've ever seen.
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What is the hard pity for weapon banners? I had to roll 75 times to get the weapon.
she jealous or somefink?
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1.2 confirmed skip patch unless Zhezhi is somehow a very cute girl
Time to roll for Changli
didn't realize yangyang's stupid hair was caused by her overclocking...feel bad for her now
There should be Twitch Drops during 1.1
Banners in 1.2 - Xiangli Yao and Zhezhi
In 1.2, there can only be some kind of event, and there is no new location (still very stc)
Its over
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EN dub abby is superior
danjin is for holograms only
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i was hoping we'd get to actually name the thing, i wanted to name it nigel or bartholomew so it gets bullied in school
80 hard pity soft starts around 69
Ahhh thanks. So I was not completely bricked
... if you rolled over 360 degrees YOU WOULD STILL BE HAVING HER. HAHAHAHA WUWA PLAYERS ARE SO DUMB YOU CAN'T EVEN DO PROPER MATH HAHAHAHA. No wonder you think the elemental combat system in Genshin which actually encourages planning and strategy is bad. You don't even know what basic rotations and math is
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>1.2 Banners: Literally and Who
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fucking WHO? Are they really not going introduce characters before shoving them in banners and hoping for the best?
>Jinzhou is one of Huang Long's 6 regions and the newest (weakest)
>2 years per country
>1 planet per game
Meanwhile RailGods gets 1 whole planet per patch.
>1.1 7 weeks long
>1.2 pure filler with skip characters and no new region
Wuwa bros, we lost... EOS is already coming...
Didn't the furries all left for XIV?
well its more DPS, that's for sure especially if your mortefi is well build. I feel like fedora is still better though because he requires almost no investment. For bosses that move around though mortefi is much smoother. Fedora man is still better until S4, and even then you would need a good ER build. Way easier imo
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ok i really like its attitude, based little retard
>another skip patch
I will allow a skip patch if they give us summer sex skins
The difference between a attack spectro and spectro spectro is minimal right? So if a piece rolls amazingly, I should just stay spectro spectro?
Wow wuwa really fell off huh...?
When did peniscony started, like 4 or 5 patches ago ?
Xiangli Yao is one of the researchers working with Mortefi and Baizhi though you skipping FUCKS
C2 Changli works better with her own weapon. Since it's 25% free crit per flame stack. If it stacks to 100%, then you don't want a crit rate weapon/substat at all. For anything lower, you can use the standard weapon because it has crit chance.
The skill which she gets in the air which moves her forward (dash), does it has i-frames?
Is xianlin the cute hag leader of hangzhou?
So he's a side character of two side characters, great
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>she's saving for premium Anko
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>roll changli
>nothing to do with her even in 1.2
Everyone is saying skip but what happens when leaks come out and it's another sexy girl with badass animations?
How do they manage to fuck up the camera every single patch
I think if you have a lot of attack buffs like Verina double spectro will always be better
The difference was less than 1 percent for the mixed build but I don't remember if they tested with team or solo
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thanks anon. Maybe I'll refrain from building my Mortefi till it gets to S4. Truly the xiangling of wuwa.
>Mortefi and Baizhi's lacky
so he's a 3 star character?
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Guess I can finally save some gems
he's a 4* actually and he's not their lackey, he's mortefi's rival YOU FUCKING FUCKS
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>so true bestie
>African flags
then everyone rolls the character and her signature
man... ____ really fell off huh...?
zhezhi sounds kinda cute, pls be cute
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Is it just me or is jian's damage outside of ult fucking shit
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I wonder how much people with 240%+ crit dmg are critting for with Jinhsi
It's so over Calcharo bros...
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Zezhi better be a loli
>Tfw using her signature sword but still pick crit rate Jue
I think I may have the worst Jinhsi on the server.
Nice a skippable patch, feels good.
I'll have time to save again after Changli.
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i'm finally level 35
Why is Starrail the only gacha that gives you 10 limited pull with every character? Fucking wuwa got jewish with mixing standart banner in it.
Praying they comatose his ass after the Zoomer leave for ZZZ.
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It's worth mentioning that Jiatang here was turned into Changli, so it's possible that Zhezhi ends up being made out of one of these two footsluts.
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>Xiangli Yao
Apparently this is the alleged new character.

He looks plain af, but it looks like he has a fullmetal automail arm going for him. Where's his gourd terminal? Up his ass?
I think they were supposed to have an event with 30 limited pulls in this patch
which visual designs are your favorite, /wuwa/?
for me, it's Sanhua and Aalto (and also Calchudo i guess, but his and Aalto's design is pretty similar, so they count as one for me)
well he is a 4* so what did you expect?
Spectro is moving to left tower on reset, bro. Have fun trying to do that shit with Jinhsi. You'll only tickle the elite and aix.
Fedora chad's moveset is so KINO but the hair just ruins everything for me, such a shame.
for me it's gauntlets
maybe at the front like aalto
That guy looks like a 4* maybe 3* even
why do you care so much about some old man's hair? you a fag?
He looks like a nerd.
5* Sanhua will be the best Jinhsi support next year trust the plan. Jinhsi will creep the green homo by then.
Ain't the bottom one Jinhsi?
>Where's his gourd terminal
Some characters wear it in front I think Aalto does?
Would be cool if they integrate it into his arm though
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Buying dupe isn't really worth it right?
I'm coming from AK where there's no need for dupe
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Baizhi is so fucking hot, I also like aalto's jacket and how he wears his gourd like hes got a baby bjorn
To be fair, no one would've rolled for Yinlin if all we had to go on was their names. Even Changli would be a skip because she has "chang" in her name.
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Man I hope we get some sexo design like Jiatang one day I need more boobs in my wuwa
Unless they have a really good effect at 1 or 2 it would usually be better to put the coral into pulls for weapon
Yeah, each dupe gives an increase of like 15% dmg
You're better off getting the sig weapon
How? S6?
i think she was changli's design at one point, no?
As a newfag, I feel like unless the first dupe gets you a constellation that's REALLY fucking good, it ain't worth it. Maybe a 4*'s S3 to S4 like Mortefi I guess
Maybe when more time passes and we finally get a SSS tier character it might be worth
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Jinhsi's model was datamined before this leak was posted, so nyo.
She can't be Camellya or Fuluoluo either for the same reasons. Back then, Lionhomo looked like THIS, so expect things to change a lot.
This is only for people going Resonance 6

You make good points, his front is not seen maybe that's where they're trying to hide his standout details. What if he has cybernetic left-eye, he already has Raiden's hair color.
only 4* dupes because there is no pity for them and their dupes can be actually strong
dupes in wuwa are kinda meh tbqh

never buy 4*
you will get them all r6 faster than you think
Dupes are quite literally never "worth it", only if you are an enthusiast.
>wasting limited pulls to get 4* dupes
Holy brick
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>looks like chingqi is shit when chinkytown2 releases
>i will save for changqing
>leaker: 1.2 banners are Chingchong and xingchang *subject to change* its actually Chingcholong
Yeah, Jiatang was scrapped and turned into Changli. The only thing left of Jiatang now is a texture file of her hair.
We still need a 5* gun user. Maybe it will be the OG Camellya design as a new character like they mentioned.
now i would roll
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Xi Xing has a model with a red robe so people assume she is one of the Fractsidus overseers.
Buying dupes is a scam. The amount you get is hilariously low compared to what you spent and could be spending on future units. Most people just have a lot of it now because of all the free pulls we got during release. Anyone joining now will struggle collecting enough.
it's hard to decide between taoqi and jinhsi
wuwa design in general feel just a bit more outlandish than what the average gacha offers
lots of interesting faces like yangyang or yuanwu
in any other setting, someone like jiyan would look like a clown but here he fits in
maybe i'm underexposed but it's refreshing
one thing i don't like is how they have a penchant for lots of overdesigned bits and bobs dangling from costumes
i swear their pgr designs felt less cluttered, somehow
Honestly, I don't believe you, I played my good share of genshin and it took me a really long time to get my first 4* c6, but maybe I was just extremely unlucky.
But in the really long run I admit you are right
Can greenhomo do this?
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should i build pity for changli? do we know what units we get in 1.2? v
I hate the chinese names so much
Enough with hags
Give me a limited loli already
Preferably a gun user
>Jiatang here was turned into Changli
we lost so fucking hard, white with red highlights is so underused
That post is bait anon, we already know Jinhsi at worse is 30% better than green man
Weren't they giving away like 15x pulls of each banner? When is that?
Eh.. sacrificing 40 rolls for a guaranteed limited dupe isn't to bad, if the next dupe is god tier.
Building pity is a meme.
Yes, see >>484119803
building pity is kinda a meme, and pulling for specific 4 stars is always a pain in the ass. good luck anon
They prepared a whole god damn feast with 1.1 on god frfr skibidi
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>Chinese paper folding, or zhezhi, is the art of paper folding that originated in medieval China.
We're getting a /po/fag?
Ok, Anons, I got Jinshi's weapon, but got myself Encore instead...
I have 62 rolls left. Should I roll to get Jinshi or wait for ChangLi?
Jinshi is meta, whike ChangLi likely a subDPS.
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>she's really the Eula in wuwa
you don't know the pain of never getting the 4* dupes you want, you could wait years for it
Well, s2 of Jinhsi makes boss' nice and fast.
for me it has to be sanhua and encore. one is cool and the other is cute! phrolova too but she isnt out

for males itd be geshu lin and jiyan
Stop releasing characters with ching Chong names.
Throw my last remain 30 rolls at Jinhsi's weapon banner or start saving for Big Bird?
If mortefi was up there i would buy him in an instant, just need 1 more and i dont wanna pull on the hag's banner, shit NEVER WORKS when you pull for that last dupe
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>195k for 480pulls
Just someone who can use a Revolver
I think someone mentioned that zhezhi is a lady's name in chinaland
No Anon, thats only one way to pronouce Zhezhi.
It could be
Zhe as in cane, Zhi as in straight.
Which means the person is Flexible like cane but also straight, as in rightous.
>480 pulls for QoL
Jianxin and Taoqi for me, think the yin yang design is super cool and Taoqi is just built for sex. For males? A little whelmed, but I do like male Rover, Aalto is cool too.
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some kind of mega buster
Baizhi, Encore, Changli, Mortefi, Geshu
Sanhua is alright too but I only like her backside.
I had a feeling it wouldn't be Camellya next because then it would be 2 sword users back to back

I'll just go Changli I think
Supposedly its a guy and girl for next patch. Thankfully the guy being there means I have time to save.
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Roll for who you like most, but Jinhsi + weapon is obviously quite strong
Not really
Zhe, have a number of ways to pronouce and each having a meaning
Zhi, is the same. We need to see the Chinese words to know.
Seeing as homos in this game are all top tier characters right now, i might be rolling on another 5 star homo...
please not another hag
Jiyan is a spear user
Jinhsi is a dragon user
Changli uses multiple fire feathers
The weapon they have equipped is just for shows
This looks like the kind of thing I'd roll for a year or two from now to speed up the daily grind
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rolls could be better but I'll take 0 wasted substats
I did start late
??? my aalto can do this too
i thought limited characters were supposed to be strong
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Also what else but what you like and qol would you pull for?
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not really proclaiming to be an expert, just parroting the hearsay that an anon in one of the previous threads mentioned.

If it is as >>484123305
say, then with xiangli yao already revealed to be a guy then wouldn't it make sense if zhezhi is really a woman?
At the earliest she might be out in 1.3. Since next patch is Black Shores stuffs it will set the stage and 1.4 shall conclude BS part with Camellya banner.
>100% mt firmament
>still no 1.2 leaks
>no tuners/exp
>4 days until illusive realm "event"
now what
Play co op with your wuwa friends
Nigga its been 2 days since release go touch grass
Time to post your webm then. I was thinking about building him.
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The only vaguely interesting thing I can find about Zhezhi is that one of her audio files is named "bird".
The audio leak from before also made her sound birdy, so I guess we're getting another bird? I thought Changli was enough.
back to echo picking
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>this made Taoqi the best support for Jinhsi
Stop recommending fedorahomo.
>Still no apologems
kurogames fell off
mobile is for poors, not my problem
Mourning aix or jue for jinhsi?
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i like her english voice
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Yeah, we need a limited support.
Might just stop rolling for any new character until one shows up.

Nothing comes close to how good Verina is, and every team without her does significantly worse.
There needs to be another support of her tier.

Hell I'd roll for a fucking verina clone at this rate.
Dupes are just there for whales or when you lucksac.
Never worht it in any other circumstance other than (exorbitant disposable income)
>do forgery challenge
>drop a gold 3 runs in a row
god bless
thanks bwos, guess i wont build pity.
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M'lady's champion.
still doesnt solve her shit concerto gen
That implies you're running the havoc set though when taoqi would rather use moonlit clouds
Is it impossible to add diacritic marks to names?
What did she mean by wayfinder? Like my sperm finding its way to her eggs?
So did we win or did we fall off???
> HSR version 2.3
RailGods ?
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we can't stop wuwinning!
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Remember to reuse the other thread
>going back to space china btw
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This is what peak setup looks like.
Space china unironically made me quit the game
Same here kek, that shit was so ass.
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They can always run the saurian salamander thing, doesnt its breathe attack generate a lot of concerto? Plus you can run it in moonlit. Just theorycrafting tho
honestly slap on the turtle as your 4 cost and it looks fine
which one, wuwa is space china too lmao theres mostly ching chong name rn and more incoming
>back to Luofu

the game is going to go on maintenance mode now that they burned their Firefly cashcow
It wasn't because it was China, it was back to back patches of boring ass characters, quest, and events. Belobog mogged Lofu so hard it's unreal.
I've tried this, I find the 10% havoc isn't really worth it considering what full moonlit gives you
Probably not considered as coordinate attack so no, it's not that great.
Danke anon!

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