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Eatchel edition

Anniversary livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDDjHmcb94I
Livestream summary: https://snowbreak.gg/anniversarystream

Version 2.0 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZA25KugkK0 (JP)
Confessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt0_2tNI45o

Anniversary teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN7Aq_76M6I

Version 1.8 "Realm of Illusion" is LIVE

>Snowbreak 1.8 Overview & News

>New Banner Type Details

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Main Story Special Chapter "Realm of Illusion" now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Jun. 17 - Jul. 1] Virtual Breach - Kill Streak & Challenge Stages
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] Dawn Restored - Battlefronts/Encampments mode
[Jun. 24 - Jul. 8] Hero Games - Co-Op Gameplay

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Shadows of Indigo] Katya - Blue Bolt
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Seastar in Solitude] 5* Crossbow: Neptune Nova

>New Outfits Available
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Private Secretary] Katya - Blue Bolt
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Feline Grace] Mauxir - Shadow Ka

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

>Recent FAQs
>Does the new [SP] aka '100% Guarantee' banner pity carry over to the future?
Yes, both the pity count and the 5* random box count will carry over to future SP-type banners.
ST-type (50/50) banner pity will continue to carry over to future ST-type banners, respectively.

Previous: >>484049895
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Tess is unironically the most chaste Operative right now
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Lyf Lov!
I need to roll for her now!!!!!!
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It has been a while
Tits too big
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"""People""" without the fishing throphy shouldn't be allowed to have opinions
Do your Jotun now bros.
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Based and fishpilled. I like new boobs on Lyfe. It felt like she was lacking something but now she is perfect!
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What do /snowg/ think about pocket rifles?
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They should add mounts to Star Master 2
If you're not going to let me do damage, at least let me go around the map faster
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my schizo wife is becoming really bold lately
What's Eatchel trying to do? That's not a toy!
nice quads
Thid would scare them away.
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"""People""" without 5* Chen's free outfit shouldn't be allowed to have opinions. I dislike the new trend of giving girls boobs that are 2-5x larger than they originally had.
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Katya taught her this...
It's a pistol.
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I can't unsee it now...
I wish the 2x extra are on bitgold instead of digicash. Digicash are only good for gacha and my principle is to not use money directly on gacha. The monthly pass are at least cheap and also give the blue ticket thing so I can treat the digicash as an extra.
Oldfags failed to save the game don't deserve to have opinion.
You should be ashamed for saying you're one.
Can't wait to play alt Lyfe, alt Fenny and sex Eatchel team.
Wonder if the free gibs will let me get Lyfe and both heir weapons without going bankrupt
what do they put in their food at heimdall HQ?
they all grow so big eventually!
also, why do they make every girl wear hospital gowns?
Who is the girl on top?
because all of them are sick with titagen
>you should be ashamed of playing Snowbreak
Without me, (You) would not currently be enjoying this game. You should be ashamed of being a grifter.
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So they are a defense force that works to take down giant monsters. Shouldn't they have a better salary?
Probably new logistics.
Still no 3d model for tau...
Post your snog spendings, Monsieur Futanari Lover
I want my hologram waifu
Without you nothing would have changed. It's a game made by the Chinese, for the Chinese, saved by the Chinese.
Except that without you this thread would be more peaceful.
Now *that's* a shitpost.
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Lyfe BESTla owes me sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
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>not even 50 posts in
>the newfag shitposters are already samefagging
Grim. If you guys don't stop, I'm going to start posting yuri again. You need to step away from the internet and calm down.
Her body needs massive maintenance fees, bwo
Wyfe's big boobs
Do it, baddie boy.
>Got Wild Hunt Lyfe
>test her around
My impression or is her ass bigger than normal Lyfe’s?
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Fenny won...right?
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>hurrrr, Cherno's tits are too big
>hurrr, Siris's tits are too big
>hurrrr, Lyfe's and Fenny's tits are too big
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Despite a dispute regarding breast sizes, let's stay committed to maintaining a unified and respectful atmosphere in our general
Congratulations! You are now married to the second character in the last party you used!
The people who complained about Cherno's tits were obvious posers. There are other aspects of her that got more drastic changes but they never brought them up.
Make tits even BIGGER!
Nice, I'm married to [nothing]
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I always did love babushka
>soloing Katya to boost affection
Nothing changed in my life.
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>drama leaks into the eu chat
What if instead it's a loli, a brown loli, maybe with a tattoo on her belly? I think that could work.
the game was rigged from the start
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>literally my favorite girl
I won
How does Marianbro feel about her new skin?
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Funny you say that. I was trying to see if I can solo paradox with 4Cherno but things went really wrong.
I love backless dresses. My favorite part of going to office Christmas parties is seeing whose wives/mistresses/escorts are wearing backless dresses.
Is wild hunt Lyfe any good? Got her on my first 10 pull. Also should I try and roll for Katya or just save for anniversary?
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>Still no Adjutant model/clothes mod for New Vegas
Lyfe need M1 and her weapon to be playable
I think Katya is rollable on anniversary banner too? Unless you plan to roll for others
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jokes on you
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can't wait for the inevitable sexsault alt to make this a full team
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I actually prefer this to whatever other games are doing...
But the 2nd character in all of my teams is always Kaguya
She's usable for the majority of the game but not that good without her *5 gun and some dupe. Anni patch are soon™ so it might be better to hoard and wait. There's also gonna be a selector banner in case you really want Katya.
>still seething 4 years later
Why is frit a magnet for these shitters?
I honestly should have quit the moment this happened
of course it’s a fritfag
only stop buying skin. Doesn't let themself get filtered. I am impress.
+1 server maintenance
No monetary contribution
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She is a cyber worker, not an Operative or field commander
I would fill her teapot.
She’s flat, therefore the only way to fix this is giving her cow tits.
It's still addition to active player number. seaslug aren't hating that.
Not buying costumes implies he still buys the monthly.
Someone post the fenny shotgun shells webm.
Why, what general are you spamming this time
>it’s not normal
That’s how you can tell this is tourist who came to the world of gacha because of Genshin. Harem pandering was the norm before the influx of normalfags made devs tone pandering way the fuck down so as to not scare them off.
Genshin is truly the worst thing to ever happen to the gaming industry.
>give unpopular girls titjob
>flatfags complain
>break revenue record
What? No. I just forgot to save it before.
I assume this guy watched the Fire Inspector's video on the retcons. Ever since it was released, people all over the place have complained about the new direction and how the OG vision was ruined.
That just goes to show how mindless normalfags are. They see two balloons and enter auto mode.
Dawn Restored is the only mode I feel too lazy to do.
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I feel generous today. Here you go, nigger
That's how I feel every time they give us a 35k point stage, and that's why I always procrastinate until the last minute. Last time, I only finished 15 minutes before it expired. It seems like a daunting task, but every time I complete it I always think "that wasn't actually that bad", but it's still annoying because it almost necessarily involves repeating the same 3 minute stage multiple times just to try to improve your score by like 100 points.
Flat girls just seem to attract these types. It's why I support Frit being turned into a titcow just so all the annoying Frittroons can finally leave the game alone.
The OG vision was a lot more normalfag friendly so of course they see the current direction as a downgrade. Funny how only now they care about how the story used to be after it switched to appealing to waifufags and coomers and not when the game was trying to capture the wide normalfag audience
>3 entries per day
>some stages are literally killing one basic mob in a nanosecond
What the fuck where they thinking?
Yeah bro they will surely go away crying as they were owned by seasun.
This is MrToxin, unironically. Had to block him a long time ago.
>shitposters getting uppity again
Trying to sell big tit bimbos is going after the normalfag market. Companies don't do that currently because they aren't interested in profit when they get paid by DEI.
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Don't tell me they think that more loredump + exposition = good story? Because that was OG snobble way of storytelling.
I’m convinced normalfags only care now because a group of people they don’t like are now enjoying Snobble with zero chance of anything like a certain other game drama happening. Seasun has been very open about wanting to please their new players and that makes a certain set of normalfags very angry. How dare the coomers be allowed to enjoy something.
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>only rank 21
>can't even reliably start the events because most are level 35-50 missions
I'm not gonna make it, am I?
I really thought a majority of them quit after the Katya patch because the exact same talking points are being brought up again. I still remember how many people kade “I’m quitting” posts and videos at the time. I don’t understand what he’s sticking around for; Seaslug clearly aren’t going back to something that almost sunk their whole project.
the old normalfags like sex, the younger ones have been successfully brainwashed into being fucking puritan, they throw a fit anytime they see any sights of fanservice for males
>Don't tell me they think that more loredump + exposition = good story?
They do unironically think that. Deep lore might be a meme but it’s a meme that normalfags really like.
They do. They also seem to hold the old bond stories in high regard, thinking that they were nuanced in any way because characters like Lyfe argued with the Adjutant a couple of times. Since remember, they hate the current master love direction and how the girls love the Adjutant. They want the girls to live their lives away from the Adjutant, and when interacting with him, they want conflict, because conflict means nuance to them.
>something that almost sunk their whole project.
I don't even think these are normalfags. Normalfags don't care about shitty gacha drama or what happens behind the scenes. I'm certain the majority of these people bitching about the "game direction" are terminally online troons/heterosexual haters.
I've seen the skins those little niggers use in fortnite, they still enjoy big tits.
You are a normalfag for enjoying big tits.
>I don’t understand what he’s sticking around for
He’s said on Discord he wants to stick around to study coomers. Because I guess Snobble’s new audience is just THAT alien to him kek. But if you want my tinfoil hat conspiracy theory, I think he sees a chance to be an influencer. Trying to rile the global audience against the fanservice and pandering.
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>the shitposters are inventing thoughts that their boogeymen surely must subscribe to
>they are then inventing boogeymen to ascribe these thoughts to
>they're also unironically still talking about their reddit and discord boogeymen
If this is what /sczg/ is like now, it's gonna be real fun when the patch actually hits
>Trying to rile the global audience against the fanservice and pandering.
The only thing he's doing is garnering support from disgruntled old players who don't like the old direction. The rest of global couldn't care less, because they're busy playing other gachas.
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Not again... why is it always at this hour...
This is basically the gist of how they see things. Anything that goes against the Master Love theme is good writing while anything that panders to that theme is bad writing.
Found you >>484112685
So daily reset is in the middle of the day, instead of late at night?
What an elegant chenchen.
Feels bad never getting this as a newfag.
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That’s a fair point, actual normalfags just do their gacha dailies (if that) and just be on their way without caring for drama.
You are wrong and literally schizophrenic. I don't even play on EU.

Yes, it's 3pm CST, so in like 3.5 hours.
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>Same discussion with the same words at the same hour as yesterday
This is getting too boring bwos, when will they get tired of saying the same stuff over and over again?
Is there ever any reason to roll the standard limited over the special limited? Seems redundant unless you don't mind rolling dupes.
4pm est
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>ignore some bs about pandering and retcon
>"free fenny awesome"
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It's always come from THAT region EVERY SINGLE TIME. I'm tired as fuck.
I'll be honest, I have a habit of lurking in those places, and those "boogeyman" conspiracies aren't completely unfounded. However, that's only a small circlejerk of 10, maybe 15 people at most. People who are supposedly "old players" that aren't happy with the current direction. Basically, it is a small echo chamber. They can't really do anything but scream into the void.
Until flatfags shut up
So never
Can I get more explanation on how Snowbreak originally was? I had only played 2 chapters in the first week and learned now that I cane back stuff got already rewritten.
I’m not the brother of the girl I was seeing anymore, I carry a pack of energy drinks everywhere I go and my boss forced me to have brain surgery!
I don’t know anything about the timeline because half my memories were fabricated by the ghost girl yet Lyfe and Fennie seemingly were already superwomen BEFORE the titans attacked?
Always a chance they give it out again for next CNY
The original direction of the game lacked a clear direction on where they wanted to go so they strung along people who were expecting a grim dark, super serious, dystopian sci-fi gacha story. But they also had elements of waifu pandering as well so they were trying to juggle both audiences at the same time.
It became clear that they needed to pick a side by the end of last year because the devs admitted on an emergency livestream held at 3 AM in CN that they were close to EoS at some point. They needed Katya to be a success. And the result speaks for itself. They’re now breaking even the launch revenue just last month.
When do the anniversary codes expire?
>Is there ever any reason to roll the standard limited over the special limited?
There is never any reason to ever use premium currency to roll the standard banner in any game that has ever had both a standard and limited banner. You only spend gems on limited, ever. Standard is what you use the default tickets they give you on, and nothing more, because you can't use those tickets anywhere else.
Even if you hide it that does nothing, just look at these thread 130 post of the same dude talking to himself making it seem like there's a bunch of dudes parroting his opinion...
Here we go another 5 threads a day I guess...
Man I wonder what the industry would look like today if Genshin was never made. Would FGO still be top dog? Would Snobble even exist?
We need a FAQ
Thanks anon.
>Would Snobble even exist?
It's a HL3 clone with guns but most likely no. Noone would even know who Mihoyo is without Genshin.
I wonder if 4Frit works with new Fenny. She looks like she actually wants to shoot
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How long until is night time in THAT region and we are back into comfy mode again?
>my schizophrenic head canon shitpost is real, I promise
If that were the case, then no one would have ever called me the name of their boogeyman
Yeah, I'm at Chapter 4 of the story right now and the plot feels schizo as fuck, and not just because the adjutant has a brain tumor.
Not as good as you think, considering genshit popularized hard pities.
>Would FGO still be top dog?
Imagine, instead of dealing with hoyoshitposters we would be dealing with /alter/ raids instead
They had to rewrite the story after cutting a certain male character out. It's a mess.
So now is the plot more waifu-focused than the earlygame? At which point does that happen?
I mean, you're right, but I'm talking about how there are two kinds of limited banner, one with 100% rate up after 100 rolls and the other with guaranteed at 80 with the usual 50/50.

The only reason I see myself rolling the old latter version is because I lost the 50/50 and the guaranteed saves me 20 or so rolls.
I think starting ~1 hour after reset and lasting for ~5 hours is the only respite we ever get from this constant shitposting. I miss old /sczg/, where we only had like 2 schizos, and they were just having fun. These new schizos are the same brand that hoyo employs.
Can the dude that spam porn pics do it again?
That works wonderful in getting rid of these shitposters
>The sub team of Seaslug that is responsible for anime game market.
>Girl Cafe Gun released in 2016, way before Genshin
Snobble would exist but it's without mihoyo gacha from start.
>Harem pandering was the norm
Yes, and no. While it was a big part of some gacha games, there were already gachas going down the opposite route, like Arknights and Punishing Gray Raven, games that prioritized storytelling and lore over pandering. Sure, the latter has the constructs thirst after you, but it was some basic bitch like "I kind of like you" and "you're a good boss." Imo, gachas would have gone down that route even without Genshin. The only thing Genshin did was accelerate that process.
So far, I think I've only met three named male characters total.
>hard pity
We would be fine without one. Nikke has probably the best gacha system ever and they don’t even have hard pity.
1-6 is a lo of meandering about
7-10 has some cool moments but is still pretty slow
11 is pure kino
12+ is good an starts leaning more into (you) pandering
Way more. It starts around 11 and they really lean into by Perilous Snowpath. There are actual romantic moments in the story now. You just missed one of the best one in the last patch actually. I hope they bring it back in the archives.
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I don’t think Ling Yi was that important
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EU Fennys are based?
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>turned into sexball (forced)
How do you respond to one of your friends cooming twenty tetris pieces on you?
From what I've seen, Katyabros and Fennybros are almost always based. While Fritroons and Sirisfags are almost always cringe.
>4% overall SSR rate
>2% for the rate up character
>each roll gets you a gold ticket. Get 200 of these and you can spark the character
>tickets DON’T expire between banners like Blue Archive
I don’t know, seems like Nikke found the best formula
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It's incredible to me how this will forever be true and reinforced for years to come.
>Nikke has probably the best gacha system
Not when Azur Lane exists.
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And Eachelbros just talk about their daughterwife
>most games could never
As happy as I am for Snowbreak’s recent success it’s kind of sad that such a simple concept of a harem game is considered something groundbreaking in the gacha industry
More like homosexual, actual purtians would fucking hang the leftists.
It's okay GFL refugee bro you'll get over it one day.
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My account wouldn't exist if the care about that stuff.
>have all units
>only missed two limited gun
Anyway, I'll start buying monthly from next patch onward to show my support so this is gonna be my last f2pbtw webm. There shouldn't be any lucklet anymore anyway with the addition of 100% gacha.
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I can't wait for the cope mope and rope after they see she's a support
I'm so tired of the tourists, bros.
This entire playerbase is tourists, bro.
nah the chinese hated it because it copied to much from Genshin and because they shut down GCG to funnel players into Snobble. Now the CN bros love it, because the went against the homo panding.
You should make an elite seasoned wolf level 100 club while you still can.
The tourists are catching up.
You can thank Genshin and Covid for that. Once Covid hit and normalshits found out about gachas through Genshin, it was all over.
>Anyway, I'll start buying monthly from next patch onward to show my support so this is gonna be my last f2pbtw webm.
You only have 3k gems, so it serves a dual purpose because you finally ran into a situation where you couldn't continue to be f2p and have all the girls.
Notice how you didn't deny it's right.
lmao I was gonna say the same. last chance for us lvl 100 fags to do something, especially when we know only the dedicated are at that lvl
So is it 16,000 purple gems to guarantee getting a 5*?
How long does it take to get that many, roughly? I've been pounding through the story, and only have like 4,500 with the anniversary codes.
Can you attempt to explain what you mean by this? I'm not any sort of tourist.
There’s two types of tourists.
There’s the gacha oldfag tourists who came to Snowbreak after its shift towards fanservice.
Then there’s newfag gacha tourists who came to Snowbreak during its original vision because it looked like another one of those dark serious and depressing gacha games.
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>Punishing Gray Raven
>prioritized storytelling and lore
PGR was a weird attempt at blending for (you) pandering and cohesive storytelling but it turned out to be a mess with ridiculous amount of retcons. Kuro understood that you can't have both and now they are leaning on the pandering more than they used to. Shame that PGR is a mixed toilet though
he wants to say this place is a melting pot of people from other games, as if there is no OG snowbreak players at all.

he's incidentally a retard but I'm sure that has nothing to do with anything.
>seasoned wolf club
Sounds like a gay bar.
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Bwos? I think Marian is getting serious...
Cope, GFL2shitter. Put your chastity cage back on so you stop yapping, men are enjoying Snobble.
Yeah you don't know shit. There are games that let you get every character F2P 100% guaranteed.
>Azur Lane
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Why do we have to fight? Can't we all just be friends?
>Nikke has probably the best gacha system ever and they don’t even have hard pity.
I don't think that Nikke has the best gacha system ever, but it definitely has the best gacha system of any modern popular game, by a long shot. Snowbreak has the best gacha system of any of the popular bullshit Chinese gachas, however.
It's a lost art
Get out, GFL2sissy. Your game is dead and will never go global.
We get 80-90 rolls per patch
I hope her feet will receive an overhaul on anniversary update
True, according to the kike retards in this general I'm a lv100 tourist. Been lv 100 since like 2 patches ago even but no, still a tourist.
I never said that they succeeded, but they certainly tried. And for a time, chapters like Surviving Lucem and Spiral of Chronos convinced the fanbase that the story was super deep because muh depression porn and their favorite husbando got to fight biblically accurate aliens or something. And then chapters like Stars Ensnared came out and proved that Kuro had no idea what they were doing. Now they're just doing (you) pandering because they've dug themselves into a hole and their game is bleeding players.
Kek could you imagine trying to sell the idea of a harem game to the non-gacha addicted masses? It would be a huge shitshow
PGR is getting a female MC.
Wish them luck, they desperately need it.
>kike retards
go back to /chug/ tranny
As a teitoku, I can assure you that F2P can't get all characters because of the dock space limit. Even with DMM lottery F2P players had to scrap some boats every event.
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>accumulation per update
>f2p, monthly, monthly+battlepass respectively
I forgot when I got lvl 100 even. It was so long ago. If any day 1 players got a date? I think it was just before the Katya patch.
cope nigger faggot
sorry eatchel but just like world peace, people with interests won't let it happen.
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Last Originbros?
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>another cute girl to look at
Sounds like a W to me
Wait did that game get an English release?
yuritroon fritard
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If you faggots don't get along Lyfe will rape you
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What you're seeing is Fight Club but in snobble thread.
I'll pick it back up if true

I can see it but based
Yea around the end of Tess' patch I think. Faster if you did refreshes
Not really, I think. I started Kot and Tess patch with only 20ish roll and doing just fine, even managed to get Kot's weapon. Anni patch would give me more free gibs ann Fenny is free so at worst I only need to skip the weapons. This is a seeded account, probably.
kek you vatnigger retards are so obvious. /snowg/ is the white man's game, turd worlder
yurichad fritobro
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No. They were planning one and the launcher was loaded with non-proofread english files. LO players extracted those, MTL’d what wasn’t in english and overwrote the language with it.
Religion forbids them from underwear
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Please, I want emotionless sex with Lyfe. Then turned into loving emotional crying sex with Wyfe!
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>AI slop
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GTFO back to /uhg/ /snow/ is a pro-Russia general
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Free world lost. RuZZians and Chinkcels won.
Cope and seethe
Damn, made me excited for a second. Well that’s still cool to see regardless
Ok kike schizo, no idea what that means but sure. And of course it is? But kike aren't white and should get gassed
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They're allowing you to pick between a male and female Commandant, customize them, and then walk around the dorm/base area where you interact with your favorite constructs.
>white man
>dislikes usage of jewish slur
? goyim what do you mean
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explain why Edda's plan is wrong without sounding mad.
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That sounds fine!
nah that's only 1% of her power...
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Because its made by chatGPT.
You still can't deny reality
Wasn't he always a man?
>/pol/tard debates here
Tourists, all of you. Out. I don't give a fuck about your shitty slav wars or whatever microdick measuring contest is going on with North Korean and Chink shit. /pol/posters get the rope in every single case.
thank you for this information, I will now pick it back up
Yeah I'm closing this thread
Yeah, this is the reason I dropped it. I don't even have dupe or even "farming" for some drop only ship but my dock are eventually full from event trophy ship like Isokaze.
It's not
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You sound pretty mad about it.
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I want everything this anniversary has!
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As a neutral observer, I think Edda did nothing wrong
Edda should die.
My cute, silly little sister Edda is a joy to be around.
>95% grifters
>5% oldfags
Explain how this is incorrect, numbers don't lie.
I hope you are ready to take these pictures again after feet optimization.
>immediately lost all interest in PGR the moment they did that big story update where (You) are out of commission and the story focuses entirely on some crabby bitch
Man I hate when gacha do this. It sucks so bad when the only story content for multiple months has nothing to do with you and instead focuses on a literal who they want to build up.
>PGR is getting a female MC.
What? How? They've already shown off his man hands and the male silhouette. Unless they're going back and editing all of that. Sounds like a shitpost.
>/snowg/ - 7
>/pol/ - 0
>Eddafag disappears for 2 days
>thread became better
>reappears and now thread is shittier since.
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Nope. "He" was always a "they/them" genderless blob that both male and female players could self-insert into, even though the sprites showed a different story. Kuro realized they can't keep up the "they/them" shit for long, so now you have a customizable Commandant instead.
>>/snowg/ - 7
7 goals against lol
>>484119496 doesn't look optimized.
Did you buy the cope PGRtrannies have been spouting for years?
my friends' activity feed on steam is going to be only feet spam for a good few days
numbers por favor senor
Man, what a disappointment. I thought they learned their lesson with WuWa CBT and decided to start full on pandering to straight men, but couldn't remove female protagonist as an option this late in development, so they were stuck with her. But if they're also adding female protagonist to their other game, that's a clear sign they have no idea what they're doing and are still trying to get both straight men and women/homos/troons to play the same game. Kinda glad I'm f2p in WuWa, I'd hate to financially support a dev studio like that.
/pol/tards have to have some humiliation fetish or something, they always take the bait and immediately out themselves as somehow having a stake in shitty proxy wars at the drop of a hat. moot should've deleted /pol/ the second time
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>only some operators got their feet optimized
why would they pick yao out of all operators for it? i wonder who else got optimized...
That is a bad game.
The fact that you niggers almost let the game die isn't good enough proof?
They aren't going to let Yao be the only one with good feet. Cherno used to be original cute feet girl so it would be a waste not to improve her's.
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explain why Star Master was bad without sounding mad.
numbers por favor senor
>slight areola slip
Mein Gott.
>tourist"CHAD" pretends he's a seasoned wolf
The game didn't die purely because the ones that stuck around trusted Seaslug's vision and change in direction. Grifters only hopped onto this game after the original fanbase was pumping more money into it and act like they won some culture war. Fuck off, retard.
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I'm announcing that Star Master 3 is already in production.
As a noob player who joined for Enya, I've enjoyed it a lot. Was fun to collect snobblemons with different stats and trying to figure out who can kill enemies faster.
If there's no sex minigame I'm cutting your funding
>trust seaslug's vision
The vision that almost killed the game?
holy retard
Pay Fritia what she is worth or I will not play
I have no idea what you expected. Kuro have always been like this. They're trying to be the next Mihomo while failing miserable. They want to satisfy everyone, yet they end up satisfying no one. It's why PGR is bleeding players.
It lacked a story about the adjuntant fighting against all odds to marry a pretty cat girl with black hair and beautiful amber eyes.
That's fucking great and I think I'd legit pick the game back up. Thanks for the info.
Although just one gacha is enough for me and I still remember how bad the cagie was in PGR so I'm not sure if I'll have time for that again.
I really think this faggot is just a shitposter. Like one of those chronic shitposters who literally subsists on (You)s, the type of faggot who spends 8 hours every day shitposting on 4chan because he doesn't know how to interact with people any other way, and yet he craves attention.
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>don't need to spend Stamina on the event any more
>I should spend it on logistics
>decide to farm up something to replace 4* Fenny's who was using 4* Dharma all this time
>read what it actually does
Am I insane? Dharma Squad seems like it's strictly worse than Amano-Iwato. Same buff on the two piece, but the 3 piece buff is 4% weaker and is conditional on skill use and only lasts 5 seconds which means its downtime could be huge depending on how long your skill cooldown is.

Meanwhile Amano-Iwato's buff is stronger and is indefinite unless you swap which is something you never do. Unless when using a support skill that counts as "operative leaves the field", but I don't think it does. I guess it has an ADS requirement, but I don't think I ever hipfire and the game lists Marian for both.
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The maps were too big and traveling between mob spawn points took too long.
Your characters did so little damage it felt unsatisfying to play. Yes, I get the point of the mode is for your snobblemon to kill other snobblemon, but the point still stands. It was simply unfun to play the way it was designed. Let players do proper damage alongside their snobblemon and, like, triple the amount of enemy snobblemon to compensate.
That being said, I didn't hate the mode, it was obviously testing ground for controlling allied AI units and open world maps, which I liked and hope they will expand upon later on. Maybe in a big Snowbreak 2.0 update?
You are correct.
But keep in mind:
Dharma = non-ads shots [hipfire]
Amano = ads shots
cagie's getting reworked soon(tm) iirc
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Stop arguing about irrelevant shit and empty your balls on this pic NOW
If I can find those posts I made in the archive I should save them off.
That's a shame. Expect even more fujosharts and yuritroons in PGR
>another extremely sexo design stuck as a shopkeeper npc with only a few tease moments between (you) and her
Caroline bwos, genuinely, when the fuck is it our turn...
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smell like xitter in here
>even more fujosharts and yuritroons in PGR
95% of the community is already that.
It's nice game for modern audience nyan
I will empty my clip into your fucking head kike trannigger
Last time I went to pgrg they were all posting gigantic boob fanart of all the girls and basically ignore every male banners so I doubt that
I always thought that an issue with Kuro is that as a company, it's pretty scummy too. Or so I've heard from all the rumors and such. Who knows how much of rumors are real vs how much are fake when it comes to CN companies at this point.
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Fennyfags have and always will be based. Katya and Fenny attract the best kind of people, UNLIKE FRITTOS.
>people only play this game because it had something they like that their old games are sorely missing.
Idk bwo, if a game has what I like in it, then it’s a good game to me, regardless of how I became exposed to it.
Is nu lyfe and fenny new operatives or what?
That's the 5%. Xitter, Discord, and Reddit are filled with yuritroons and fujoshi.
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>THAT mentioned
>THOSE mentioned
>OTHER THINGS mentioned
Yeah, that's what I meant and was confused by
>I guess it has an ADS requirement, but I don't think I ever hipfire and the game lists Marian for both.
I never hipfire with anything because even shotguns get an accuracy buff for more weakpoint hits. And the game specifically puts Marian as the Op that they were "built" for, but she's using a sniper. I don't use her, but does her skill make her get some mega-buff on hipshots? I'm trying to understand what it was that made them think the conditional, large downtime buff was the one that should be weaker when both were launch logistics. The design of the buff doesn't make sense to me. My brain tells me there's some hidden synergy that i'm just not seeing that made them unable to make the buff much larger.
Yep both new. Fenny is free like 5Enya was
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Marian literally aimbots with her skill. A lot of the launch logs are just terrible, they didn't know what they were doing with balance back then.
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Dumb Edda, he is already been here since THAT region was night time.
New designs are bland as fuck, we should have that mafia lyfe but whatever, this generic skin looks boring as fuck.
wow that's really cute lyfe fanart!
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Stop nyoticing.
Hard to believe when for years everyone assumed the MC was male and for good reason (which is why I find that news shocking). Also big difference between yuritroons and yurichads tbf but I don't remember seeing either of those in /vg/
It was boring

It's an anniversary event bro, it's mostly fanservice and good vibes. More odd things can come later, I love Fenny's design though.
Maxed *4 Fenny can spam her skill and zip around vs trash mob. Not having the need to ADS every single time help her skill spam to be more fluid. Of course Amano are the better one for general use, with the cost of having to do ADS every single time.
I'm nyot wrong nya
I think people need to understand that the increase in tit size isn't so much for old players but rather to attract new players. New players are much more attracted to big tits simply because they know jackshit about the game, but they know what's hot and it makes them curious. There's a reason why for Blue Archive, one of the biggest new player attraction is bunny Asuna, who no one actually cares about once they start playing, or how Nikke advertises tits and ass, but a lot of players end up just staying for the story.
Saaarrr please notice me...
>use enya5
>24% gigalink
Whoa why is this pistol chick strong?
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Fennybros... We won...
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It’s her religion’s rules
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why are you going to xitter, discord and reddit?
Her damage scales well if people actually stay in your circle
thank you saaarr.... much love
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I love big breasts but I love small breasts and all sizes really. I think if a breast size has been established it should be mostly respected and mildly tweaked. Don't like major revisions but they are free to introduce some new characters with JUGS.
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>Alright, you don't want me to be mad? You want me to tell it to you straight? Well, you better sit tight, because I'm going to throw your ass to the curb, dump a septic tank on you, and then report you to the health authorities after I tell you how shitty your game is!
>Where do I even begin? The awful main menu music? The slow XP progression? The AI that was clearly coded by a narcoleptic chimpanzee? Oh, I know, how about the fact that there's next to no variation in gameplay and you have to watch the world's worst Pokemon slap fights? It's like going to a wrestling match and instead of seeing Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage, you find out it's just a couple of old, fat retirees in costumes instead!
>Here, let me show you just how shitty your fucking game is. In order to maximize my exp gains, I have to take one, possibly two of these starting blue points just to find where I gotta go, fast travel to the gold mobs, capture them, and ignore everything else and do another fucking planet. Oh, and sometimes, you might not even HAVE two gold units! Once, I DIDN'T HAVE ANY AND HAD TO RESET! REAL good gameplay here, it's the gaming equivalent of your neighbor's dog turds hardening on a hot summer day in their backyard, it leaves a bad smell that just doesn't go away, no matter how much you try to ignore it.
>Oh, look, that's great, that's just great. My fucking NPC is stuck in an animation behind some random wall and is shooting like he's thinking he's doing something. What a load of fuck, now this battle's going to take a minute longer because I can't do shit! What a shitload of fuck.
>Wow! Look at my damage! It's like I'm gently tickling them and tucking them into bed with a glass of milk and cookies in comparison to my units. Sniper units can kill each enemy in one or two hits, which is great, but my god they take FOREVER to get to the next shot. Just get a tank unit and two Adventist Archers and you've solved the meta.
>Acacia, I really hate ya.
You can get even more than that if you have a Cherno stay in your circle.
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Hey man.. Just chill. It's just a game.
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I found them. I saved these off for Gimp editing and never did. I still lost because I did sound mad.
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Fennybwos we have never been eating better...Good timeline
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A good post? In MY snogbreak thread?
I've given rooms to Lyfe and Fenny.
Who gets a room next? Should I just keep spending furniture tickets on this private duo?
Up to you buddy.
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I don't think I have Frito yet. But I got a costume for some egyptian cat looking girl, and I think it just also gave me a copy of her?

*blobs you*
uoooooh... acacia hag correction ToT
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>Probably a support
>In the same patch as Lyfe, so she's probably made to support Lyfe
Did we?
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Looks hotter than Lyfe and gets a big fuck off laser. Absolute domination.
Fennybwos... your wife has to filch the Adjutant's cum out of Lyfe's pussy... sorrymasen...
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please don't remind me...
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We don't have a powerful autist on our side.
Now begone.
One less yurischizo to worry about.
>>Probably a support
of 5* Fenny in a triple Fenny squad.
We won bwos.
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Can I get a simple timeline on how the events of the flashbacks happened regarding Juvosis, Operatives and Titans?
Cause it seemed like Lyfe and Fennie were already superpowered humans fighting for sports before the titans invaded? I assume they got repurposed for combat.
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Imo you should do the 3 newest characters first.
They have a touching interactive minigame if you get Affectionate Level 30 or something.
Can I get a link to this match? I wasn't there when it aired
you know they lost the very next match right?
I feel like her having two firing modes is too much effort for her to be a pure support.
I'm guessing Lyfe will be he premier dps and Fenny will be a weaker dps that shifts into the support role easier
What do you expect from a dev full of women?
They will try to milk the male players money to make more little boys and other male characters. They've been doing so in PGR for years.
>3 newest characters
Siris, Tess and Cherno?
nothing good comes out of art with visible tonsils, literally EVERY single time it's voreshit
Sorry, brand new characters.
Katya, Eatchel and Tess.
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do we have an Operative's feetslut tier list? Went to the beach today and had quite a lot of 3DPD examples to look at.
My conclusion is that the best feet belongs to 15 to 30 years old girls with skinny or light bodies overall. Height plays a role, but I guess secondary to weight.
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He's talking about Tess, Katya, Eatchel but if you started now then you won't have them. Can't go wrong with Cherno if you like her.
>RNG is so bad that we had to face the autistic team either way.
It's over when it started
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Cherno has cute feet for someone who used to go to battle barefoot.
Give them back, Seaslug.
They also apparently gave her an unique "animation" when using her support skill where instead of taking over the on field position for her supoort skill like the rest she appears next to the on-field, meaning you don't lose any dps when using it...
>Cause it seemed like Lyfe and Fennie were already superpowered humans fighting for sports before the titans invaded? I assume they got repurposed for combat.
My understanding is that Juvosis was already an existing illness prior to Ymir, the first Titian, descending and caused the formation of Containment Zone Aleph. The way you treat Juvosis was by using Baldr Inhibitors, which the prototype batch did have a side effect of turning people into superpowered humans. The Valkyrie were most like just repurposed into a fighting force post descent. I could be wrong because the story is kinda iffy to me as well.
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Honestly, what in the fuck did Seaslug mean by this?
Tess is a skinwalker.
5Chen has feet so sexy, they had to censor them.
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>have to wait 25 days for fenny
>an entire month for eatchel
the anniversary is ruined for me.
She is secretly a succubus or something? Manifestations have interesting affects on the human body after all.
That would make most sense. As since Acacia was frozen for years, the disease had to be around for a long time. There isn't any noticeable difference in appearance of Lyfe in her flashbacks when she was famous on TV either so she was a victim of a really recent attack of only a few years at most, while Acacia has cultural shocks due to how innovated everything is and keeps making pop culture references.
Is Eatchel having a rerun next patch? That's not good. I really want her, but if she's rerunning this soon, I'll be drained by anniversary units and won't be able to guarantee her. It's over.
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forgot pic
There is no reason to ever forgive something like that.
Male protagonist only gacha games are becoming more and more rare, and there is no reason to not go in on the pandering when you have a canon male protagonist.
PGR even just threw out their protagonist being male with the recent anniversary saying they are now making them into a customizable avatar for the player.
It's like Snowbreak, Nikke and I guess Action Taimanin are the only gacha games that aren't erotic gachas that come to mind that only have a male protagonist.
This is also why anyone who wants onmipandering can just straight up fuck off now. There is enough games that do onmipandering so leave the few games that pander to just guys alone.
They nerfed her breasts TWICE? I'm glad I dropped that dogshit game when the first nerf happened.
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Are you telling me that Cherno has had her feet reworked?
I've seem that they were a bit strange, but I just thought that they were shit at drawing barefoot characters since she's the only one.
She reruns on august 1st.
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So you think we will start getting more crossbow and akimbo characters/alts now? also what element is the new AR fenny? thermal?
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You may have it mixed up with this picture. I don't think they ever touched her sprite since you can't see her feet normally.
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So even though Lyfe is Wyfe Material, I'm picking Fenny because she's a carry, right?
FEAR was such a fun game. These game mechanics were way ahead of its times.
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you should consider frit too
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sex element
I didn't even notice she was there.
Wyfe is also a carry, but she needs much more investment.
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Okay but this is a really important decision here.
Fenny is best out of the box
t. Lyfebwo
Pick Fenny. She will carry you until you settle on a limited dps.
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>alloy truth
>30 fragments for t2 wyfe gun
What do
Alright, guess I'll just try and get Lyfe 2.0 next month?
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Mauxir 5* + her sign or Acacia 5* + her sign?
Yea go for anniversary Lyfe. The current Lyfe (Wild Hunt) requires a lot of investment to feel good to play
Acacia works with everyone while kot doesn't. Who do you want to use them with?
Acacia is the better support in my opinion, but her sig is not necessary at all
Mauxir's sig is way better, but the amount of teams you can use her on is more limited
Acacia, also she doesn't need her sig desu. Prismatic igniter is better for non-frost.
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When this game launched, I heard that the focus was on gameplay over story, but did that change when they shifted direction to pandering? I like your main girl's design and want to go on handholding dates with her. Something like Blue Archive's Momotalks would be ideal.

I love kuuderes so much.
Ask yourself: whot do you like more - a pistol or smg gunplay?
Damn, CNbros make good memes.
Where are our memes?
He will never actually play them, bro. They are supports.
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Just use THAT
>I heard that the focus was on gameplay over story
kek who told you that is retarded
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The best we got!
>blasphemous blade
adjudant didn't beat the game
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We have some good ones. Someone posted this gem to tieba.
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This game is comfy. Gameplayfags are almost all extinct except masochists.
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fenis :DDDDD
I asked this general and a couple of anons told me not to bother if I didn't like shooters.
>I used to be very happy until I met it. I didn’t know that the person I used to be was not truly happy at all.
Holy fuck this is literally me.
kek, this is a good one for all the refugees.
>focus was on gameplay over story
This is the narrative niggers who hate pandering keep on parroting. Gameplay now is better even if it's only by a small margin.
Truly the refugee grifter game.
Instead of that blueballing we get dorm interaction.
They did nerf it recently tbf
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I made a ton back in the day
They were huffing copium, this game always had braindead enemies and mediocre gunplay.
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We've got a few
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We'll get good memes someday. For now I can only make silly edits like >>484129691
I mostly use Cherno and Siris as dps and I'm also grinding dupe fragments for Frit and Tess.
Refugeebros, we're gmi...
It's quite a good meme.
Put these scenes in the game. Wtf. Why he hell do I have to go on a third party website just to look at these? Most player probably don't even know these scenes exist.
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If you are a regular player then I'd pick Acacia because Cherno's orbs don't do damage to the kot ghost.
However, there is a secret whale strat that lets Cherno, Tess and Mauxir obliterate everything in seconds but it needs special setup on Mauxir's part. I don't know the details but you could look into Neural clears if you care about that.
It's quite simple
Learn to draw, retard
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Fenny isn't weighed down by her soul, that's why she's peak.
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>jurvosis existed for a long time - Acacia's been frozen for like 50 or 60 years and there was no cure at the time
>the board of directors have been doing human experimentation to prolong their lives/evolve humanity
>Mistletain Station Edda was created to research titagen and stop the suffering of Jurvosis; board of directors at some point modify and "upgrade" her without Tau's permission which inadvertently gives it a god complex due to its original directive
>only treatment for Juvosis are baldr inhibitors the first of which were engineered with titagen and which just so happen to give super powers as one of its side-effects
>some of the treated patients that get super powers turn it to their advantage and become celebrities in the valkyrie games; there's no big bad enemies at this point so what else are they going to do?
>Edda assumes direct control and enacts her master plan
>First Decent.jpg
>suddenly there are Edda's 3D-printed super-beings for the super powered valkyrie girls to fight; valkyrie games training gives an obvious advantage
>scout and recruit them to fight
Goes from there.
I largely agree with you, and I'm really glad myself that Snogger found it's niche, as a week 1 player we really came a long way.
But I just wanna mention that I find absolutely sad how people (?) seems to think that adding a female protag automatically means the game is no longer male pandering. I'm losing braincells everytime this shit is mentioned at all. What makes those games omnipandering is when those games feature gay looking men as part of the gacha pool and men taking a significant amount of screentime, that has FUCKall to do at all with the MC's gender. You can perfectly have a game made for straight men (can't believe I have to specify this, fuck zoomer trannies holy hell) and still feature a female protag. Stellar Blade came out recently and you're not gonna try to tell me they made this game for women, like come on.
And I understand some men just want to self insert as a man to play pretend and that's fine. But some men also don't give a shit about self inserting, too, and I find some people try to spin that preference into some random meme bs like "oh you're just troon or secretly a faggot xDDDD" but let's be real we all know that bullshit (remember the mentally ill rainbow faggots are such a small minority they basically don't exist) and if anything it's the self inserting that's preferred among the mentally ills. So clearly most men have no issue playing as girl in videogames and heck, in snogger you play as a girl 99.9% of the time so again I have to mention how fucking retarded this whole concept of "straight male pandering game cannot feature a feMC" really is.
anyway I have to go and finish the score attack event, sorry for the rant. I'm not looking for answers by the way.
I don't get it
our memes are better
You have to understand that gachas aren't "real vidya" and they have different rules. FemMC in gacha kusoges is never a good sign, even if she's optional
It is if it's an otome ge, but those are still rare because it just seems that women are less-likely to spend on gacha.
That would still filter out the average non-shooterfags. Us shooterfags have it taken for granted that we can even aim properly.
Just look at any "Newbie/reviewer plays shooter game!" videos on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hbuGQR5vrg
Thanks, That helps me a lot.
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>But I just wanna mention that I find absolutely sad how people (?) seems to think that adding a female protag automatically means the game is no longer male pandering.
People are too insecure these days. I remember when people on the internet were allowed to criticize or mock something without some mouth breather freaking their shit like you killed their dog in front of them. People keep taking shit too seriously and attaching themselves too much to the media they consume.
In an ironic sense, these same people will also blatantly state their fetishes like you asked them about the weather. Makes no sense.
Would you say that you support Male Icons in the Logistics gear being removed?
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Dammit China
She is right though.
>High heels
What were they before?
Higher heels.
This is what pro-skub efficiency looks like.
Lost to frito again... Actually considering building her now....
This skin looks so fucking good, but is it really only on 4 star Lyfe? Should I just build her for fun or maybe for a few story segments?
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I like literally me is interacting with the girls, seethe more.
Even though FennyAlter is a support, I think she'll do "well enough" on field if her cooldowns are short enough. Obviously she won't be on the level of characters like Cherno, Siris, or even Katya. She'll most likely be better than the standard characters outside of a highly-invested Yao.
I'm already buying the monthly sub thing. Hopefully that and some luckshitting will be enough.
>Hoyo brainrot: The Post.
Maybe you should've participated in MC wars less.
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If you have Tess and 5*Mauxir at M3 she can do some good damage but make the same mistake that I did and give her Thebes instead of Fenya logis. But be prepared to be frustrated against NS Bosses with invul phases.
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>want to give money to Seaslug because they seem based and keep making the game more gooder
>but don't want to monetarily support turning every single character into a titty monster
>I want there to be a happy medium of pandering and sex and basededness, but without radically changing the characters we have
Seaslug, this could be us but you playin'
I don't get it...
I think I might invest into 4Lyfe and 4Fenny just so I'll have two teams with just two characters.
Nikke's rates are rigged as hell. Shit Up has been caught rigging rates before and they're absolutely still doing it.

They don't need to be titty monsters, but they do need to be naked and beg for my cock. That's the important part.
Damn, I was thinking of building my M2 Fritter for fun, since I remembered a really cute dragon girl that I liked is voiced by the same JP VA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=106gs4ilQ38
Let's be honest. If it wasn't for the background, nobody would have guessed this is supposed to be an astronaut skin.
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Skubbers get the rope.
They also had to refund everyone of all the money they ever spent due to that. I had every girl quite easily while I was playing Nikke, and I enjoyed its gacha system.
I can't believe this webm was deleted once, but the seamonkey spreading his feces against the walls is allowed to roam.
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What upgrades are worth it? I fee like some nodes are probably just traps for completionists to spend time grinding.
>it just seems that women are less-likely to spend on gacha
Love Burns Red or whatever that game is makes mega money. It's omitted from a lot of sales charts for some reason, but it's near the top when it is included. They'll spend, but the game has to actually cater to them. That game goes extremely hard on pandering and have what are basically 3D sex scenes without the sex. It's very intimate and woman-focused. It's crazy.
It's all about picking a market to cater to and then dialing it in. Having only a male or only a female MC just makes it easier to dial in and signal that "this is for you."
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>But I just wanna mention that I find absolutely sad how people (?) seems to think that adding a female protag automatically means the game is no longer male pandering.

It is that though. If the main character can be any sex, all lines have to be written in a sex-neutral fashion instead of a "I want you to fuck me" fashion. Only way to avoid this is to literally have two different game scripts based on what sex you picked for your MC and no game does that (no, changing a few lines here and there isn't good enough, you literally have to rewrite every interaction to keep them from being sexless and neutered).
Just do 4 of them. 2 of Fenny's are defensive passive skills, so you can easily skip them
You get more alignment index for it, so you should always max out all of them eventually
>top: E skill
>middle: support skill
>bottom: Q ulti
For Fenny5 probably her E is the most important first one. Eventually you will max it all anyway
>High heels
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Yes but I only like to post during comfy hours.

I started the game day 1 because of Fritia and Fenny so I'm biased towards her (took 8 months farming her personal files since my spooks where all Lyfe/Marian) Also Breast Fire memes but there's not enough /m/ bros to get it here.
>Take a slice out of the cake
>It suddenly shrinks
FMC in hsr is the base which means the MC looks like a flamer with the animations lol, not really helping your case here.
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Wait what the fuck? Tau is about as old as Acacia?
>Love Burns Red or whatever that game is makes mega money.
I think you're conflating 2 different gachas. There's Love and Deepspace, which is an otome game that makes a shit ton of money and has giga pandering to females, even implied PoV sex, which absolutely would not be okay if it was pandering to men. Then there's Heaven Burns Red, which is made by the same people who made Another Eden. It has either mostly or entirely female characters, but what you post-Genshitter gachafags need to realize is that you have all been mindbroken by some yuri (or anti-yuri) schizo, because straight men like when cute girls are doing cute things and interacting with each other. That's what shit like K-ON and Lucky Star is based on. It's only the post-Gayshit schizos who have this massive complex about girls interacting with each other.
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Alright, I guess I'll just dump my stamina into the highest difficulty of grinding mission before I go to bed.
Why do I keep having this yellow notification, though?
Neither k-on nor lucky star were yuri, they were just cute girls doing cute things. I want to fuck konata still.
The game sees you still have upgrades available, it'll be there until you run out of neural things to feed to your girls
>I think you're conflating 2 different gachas
So I was. And you actually strengthened my point.
Love and Deepspace is the one that focuses on male characters pandering to their female audience and makes insane revenue.
>blah blah genshin blah blah yuri
Don't care about whatever trauma you have, mate. This has nothing to do with your boogiemen.
Acacia being a hag is not a joke
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>Breast fire
Why you had to be based... Now I got to build her.....
I also started day one but my PC was crappy back then and would run like shit and I was so behind (8 months) that I just stuck with casul playing
I'm not saying it was.

>Don't care about whatever trauma you have, mate.
Cute projection. I don't have any trauma, but in my short stint on /hsrg/ and my long stint in /sczg/, I have witnessed some obviously deep seated trauma with regards to girls interacting with each other. I loaded my post with both arguments, not knowing which game you actually meant (or even if you might have been attempting to blur the two games together as a shitpost).
you rike?
The best detail is the way they offer you the slice
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He's stealing the /snowg/ memes!
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>but in my short stint on /hsrg/ and my long stint in /sczg/
Well that explains it.
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Funny how something so simple as an ML game causes all the retards to shit themselves. I don't think I have ever loved a dev as much as I love Seaslug.
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>but in my short stint on /hsrg/ and my long stint in /sczg/, I have witnessed some obviously deep seated trauma with regards to girls interacting with each other
that's the aetherpag from /gig/ still mindbroken by people shipping Eula and Amber
>They also had to refund everyone of all the money they ever spent due to that.

No they didn't, they got fined like 1% of the money they made and that was that.
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>If the main character can be any sex, all lines have to be written in a sex-neutral fashion instead of a "I want you to fuck me" fashion
>Wuthering Waves pivoted to pandering to save itself
>all the pandering is surface level despite how much of it there is
If only it were that easy.
>fined over 1 billion won, the largest ever for a violation of the Electronic Commerce Act.
>We also corrected the character acquisition probability and returned 100% of the used goods to users.
They were fined *AND* refunded players of everything they had ever spent.
I hate that you can just say whatever dumb baseless shit you want to say, and then I have to go and find evidence of you being a retard, and I have to document the ways in which you are wrong, when it takes you zero effort at all to post bullshit claims.
>nikkers getting defensive over their kusoge
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Lilies are such pretty flowers...
so the refugees are nikkers?
fenny lost
I wanna spank the goldfish
Tessgods, stay based
Best logistics for Marian's swift?
I don't play Nikke, I don't play Destiny Child, and I don't play Stellar Blade. You're just wrong. It's that simple. Don't say wrong shit. I don't understand how (You) lying makes me a nikker.
Im not a refugee, I have quadruple citizenship with my gacha visa pass
I'm a Team Kirby Clash Deluxe refugee, can I get in?
I warned you about the nikkeks bwos
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Which level are you bwos?
99, still unseasoned...
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I'm pretty sure I will be level 80 next week
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just hit 94 like yesterday or the day before, started with the magic tits patch
I like Snowbreak: Containment Zone
>1 billion won
that like 10K USD or something
Been 100 for awhile now
Can't even do the limited time event, but it also keeps making me look at it whenever I try to do the story. Have to scroll all the way to the left.
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72 or 73
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What the fuck is "control?" There's buffs that are explicitly for enemies "under control" and then there are buffs explicitly for enemies "suffering a negative status effect" so apparently "control" isn't a negative status effect.
NO YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
82. Started last patch.
93. Started on Katya’s patch. Should hit 94 real soon.
I am unironically day 1, lvl 100 player.
>Loses the next match and it's also out
79. Think I started May 1st
100 but I'm day 1, I doubt anyone after the beach event is 100
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Crowd control
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I rewatched the stream and found out that aside from feet improvements, they also mentioned that there will be improvements to fingers, levator scapulae/winged scapula and collarbones.
dust white forbidden zone
baby ass lookin ahhh
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That's a good thing. Our girls have messed up fingers.
What's that supposed to be?
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>3 hours later
>the same fucking discussion about other gachas is still going
>there was an hour or so in which nobody was making post about it
You can't be more obvious...
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All white kwai district
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do we like battle cats?
Why is it so hard to get to lvl 100?
How much presence do you need?
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is the in-game sex update available yet?
There is no point to levels after 70 besides bragging rights.
So they are gonna update models in general, why did they were so specific about it?
Footfags control the gacha market.
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Sadly not. Blue balls will be a big syndrome in /snowg/ soon enough....
Because they want to keep the newfags that GFL 2 would've gotten
I specifically asked for it.
>besides bragging rights.
I wanna be part of the 34k so bad....
Did we talk about ZZZ yet?
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LV100 bros, where are you at?
>38/39 outfits
>outfits 38/39
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Don't worry, when Summer Chen comes back I can fix that blunder
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I would uninstall immediately...
>He missed the free 5*Chen skin
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Bunseki... give me (you)s
That made me wonder, who do you guys think is gonna get the free 5* summer skin this year?
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hmm nyo
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Are you trying to get me to snog with all these fennyposts? Because it's working.
Nita if she still doesn't have a 5* by then
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You'll snog, there's no use to resist.
Free or not, I'm really hoping Cherno gets one.
*snogs you*
We needed you 3 hours ago bwo, where were you?
The shitposters went to bed already
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retard check
Freeze, slow, and other CC effects.
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WE had Fenny, Fritia and Acacia with 2D swimsuits last event, probably one of them will get a skin this time around. Also by dorm interactions I expect a Nita one since she was shopping for a new one after the wetsuit incident.

Unironically sleeping, sorry bwo.
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Jotun reset! Don't be lazy!
I've bought zero (0) skins
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New Month. Redeem your tickets, Sirs!
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Nah, I will wait to do it later with new wyfe
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oh boy is it once again time to spam E with Siris and Cherno for 10 minutes straight? man they really need to make it harder.
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As the last remaining Chenfag I'm still standing strong.
The six zeroes I got yesterday mean I’ll finally get Katya today! I WILL COME BACK WITH HER
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Luckchads, please endorse this post...
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Good luck!
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aieee katyabro don't freeze me
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So which of the 2 simulation faggots will be easier this week ? my 2 best units are Wild Cunt and Cherno, Siris is my 3rd best but she's just there and I have Enya too.
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100% F2P reporting in
>tfw lvl 96
Steam-start bros...We lost
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>that like 10K USD or something
Bro, why can't anyone in /sczg/ say anything that's even remotely true?
>900k with 2018 conversion rate
>724k with 2024 conversion rate
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This week will be annoying.
Is Fritia sexo skin coming back for anniversary? Dont care for Lyfe and will not redeem Feeny
For yuri, I can get the appeal of:
>women is hot
>women+women = 2 hot
But I only hate it when some yurifags say anytime 2 female characters have a normal everyday interaction means that they're lesbians or yuri. ESPECIALLY if there's no clear indication of the characters' sexuality. And with my 6 month long stint with /hsrg/, I saw that shit happen for Robin, that she's "lesbian pride flag coded" or some retarded shit like that. Basically post-2016 twittertroon type of yuritroons.
I would bet most yurifags on this site think yuri is a straight man's fetish. The "yuritroons" that I've mentioned are probably an extreme minority and/or tourists, or just massive trolls trying to start flamewars for le ebin reddit karma.
And with girls interacting with each other, I think that's important for harem settings, like Snowbreak's. It makes the harem more tightly knit, with everyone getting along with each other, and have important bonding. I hate it when harems have the girls basically not acknowledge each other at all, almost like the writer just wanted to write 200+ monogamous relationships at once. I was even bummed out that the Siris and Chen's interactions were removed since they were so neat, despite the "Opposites attract" trope being kind of made for the sake of it. I think Fenny and Lyfe's interactions nailed this perfectly. They're constantly competing for the top spot on who's the best, even for the Adjutant bowl.
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>fire fiend
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Who do I use against the fiend?
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This is sex right?
>I would bet most yurifags on this site think yuri is a straight man's fetish
Only the ones who never touch /u/, which quickly became a tumblr outpost back when tumblr was still relevant and is just a twatter outpost now.
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Can't wait to see hero games brickchads next week.
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>Is Fritia sexo skin coming back for anniversary?
Dunno, I don't think I saw anything about skin reruns on the anni but maybe they'll rerun all the old skins.
>Dont care for Lyfe and will not redeem Feeny.
Well you do your thing, I'll go for Lyfe 00 Quant myself.
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Njall chill week!
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been playing for a month now, saw there was going to be a free skin on my wyfe you guys got a better operatives team for her ? also I don't here is a better weapon on her apart from WIP
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sup bwos is there a list for which Operatives want which logistics and the stats on them
It used to be something I really liked for similar reasons. Two hot girls sucking tits or making each other cum. I didn’t need everything to be threesome I could enjoy that. I even saved my share of pics.
But then yeah that happened. Yurifags became as impossibly obnoxious as they could and now I abhor yuri pics like that.
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I think I mostly agree with the sentiment of this post, even if it's a slightly unhinged and steers into schizo town a bit. All this homo gacha drama is brand new to me since like April of last year, and I lived my entire life before that where it was sexy when girls kissed girls. I'm too old to give a shit about whatever this schizo drama is. However...

>Robin, that she's "lesbian pride flag coded" or some retarded shit like that
She literally is though.
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I don't know what that is!
Just scroll down to the character you want to know about.
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why's she so popular
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Enjoy your stay
I pick her in hero games because I fear njall showing up
Also use: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JxDWYbljFzm1bhlz_j8WuTkakes0LGgy9v1lm67z9jA/edit#gid=323163610
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She rapes you until you like her
Dev's favourite. The real question is what went wrong with Siris? I see more Chernos than her despite the points bonus.
Gacha games were originally for self-inserters. They are an outgrowth of the otaku romance/harem VN/LN/manga/anime subculture. Self-inserters are the original audience. As gacha games became more mainstream, that lead to wider audiences getting into them - normalfags, women, homosexuals, and transsexuals, who all utterly despise this kind of """incel pandering""". Since these people, at least on social media (which includes 4chan, just look at big gacha generals like /gig/), vastly outnumber traditional otaku, and completely dominate all online discourse, it makes perfect sense that otaku would feel bitter over having their thing "stolen" from them and try to retaliate. I have no problem with female MC option in Skyrim, or Elden Ring, or Mass Effect, or whatever. I even played a bunch myself. But when it comes to gacha games, if we don't have any kind of gatekeeping, these people will invade and take over. Which is why I exclusively spend money on gacha with only male MC and only playable female characters. If you have the female MC option, or playable male characters, the risk is simply too great that normalfag hordes will invade and ruin the game's community, as has happened multiple times before. So I only play those as f2p as I don't trust the devs enough to spend money on those games.

zam, thanks bwos
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>when she rapes your coinflip
WIP is 4Lyfe's best gun so you are already sorted there. Chenxing would be Her best support for the extra damage from Her M1 and the heals of course.
she saved the game
It's the new character effect. Same thing happened with Cherno, same thing happened with Siris. Same thing happened with Haru, same thing happened with Chen.

I generally use Katya anyway though because she's extremely versatile and Njall exists.
>siris wants HP and skill haste
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>on 100% banner
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You got her next pull bwo
Why is this website so fucking heavy? Jesus christ. Delete that website right now.
What should I be dumping my auto clears on everyday?
>1.9gb memory usage
holy shit kek
Event stage.
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out of 8 Katyas I only lost 1 50/50, 100% banner is a brick and you can't convince me otherwise
why are you rolling 8 katyas
Fifty gorrilian youtube embeds I guess.
She's my wife
does that give better resources? it gave me 15 tickets per clear and that cant buy jack in the store
Seaslug's gonna pull a Dead or Alive and release a flattie after swarming you with titcows so flatfags will buy in droves.
Flatfags are pretty insecure, so the plan will work. I like all titties, so save your comments for someone else, flatfags.
It's better than farming stages normally, yes. The bundles you buy have multiple of the item in them.
>he fell for the 100% banner propaganda
You are right, I would buy. I also like all tiddy sizes.
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>shit stirrer dramafag got bored and decided to stir shit
Besides, they've already shown us that if the girl doesn't have gravity defying torpedo tits, she is relegated to support. There are zero main DPS "flat" girls.
Bro, your m5 fritter with m3+ tess?
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>Seaslug's gonna pull a Dead or Alive
I hope not since the series is dead because Koei is retarded and the FGC became a fag heaven, rip CORE VALUES.
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I am a Day 1 player and I like boobies
Yo snoggers whats the next banner, do we know ?
You missed a spot, lil bro
>Doing coop with a russian
>Nigga OS everything
He's cheating right
do you live under a rock?
yes, otherwise i wouldn't be asking
Of course he's cheating.
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rerun of all old operatives and new Lyfe 5*
Also we'll get a free new alt Frit
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5Haru and somene with Frost weapon
Haru slash attack shreds multiple yellow plate-thingy, frost dmg make a short work of pillars that he summon
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Don't lie to him like that, bro.
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>Frito is developing an auto reload ability
New Lyfe and New Fenny
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At least we have a gacha that prints money so they'll never go back to a fighting game
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It's time.
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*Fenny, I meant.
one of her 4* buffs in paradox is reload focused iirc, now it makes sense why
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Where do I get this currency so I can make Fanny-Butt half-naked?
This talk about 50/50 and 100% banner reminds me of an old jap show where the guy had to gamble for literally everything. They gave him a room, stripped him naked and he had to enter sweepstakes to win food, clothes etc. it was probably a little scripted so he wouldn't literally die but the TV directors basically tortured him.
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Your monthly sub?
OK this is big, we save jims then.
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I can't give to Koei after they killed both DoA and Dynasty Warriors for me I hope the Origins one they teased can bring dome life to the series but I was already fooled by 9's
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>run into a fellow /snowg/ger in CO-OP
What do you do in this situation?
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How would you know he's a /snow/ger?
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You eat them!
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>Goldfish can't pass here genes
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An anon posted a link to the koikatsu models
recently, here is a gofile for everything from that link:
There are some anons drawing here now, and I like that, but every time someone asks for koikatsu cards no one ever posts anything afterwards. There is a studio there, I invite you to give it a go. And before you say I am asking without doing anything myself. Here:
When doing this last one, I took almost 700 frame-by-frame screenshots by accident

If there's anything that looks strange it's because I am still fairly new to it, it will not be impeccable like some you must have seen around... Now go do something or Enya will shoot you!
Kirbybros are always allowed until you start talking about power levels, then you gotta go
send enya emote
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>get another girl to affection 50
>Eatchel's event is about the difference between "like" and "love"
>she "likes" you, not "loves" you
>she doesn't have a touch game either
So which girls can you touch? How come none of my 50 girls let me touch them? Where is the touch game?
Really based!
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Insanely based! Thanks
Based. I've been messing with these models myself.
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>tricked a guy into stealing a cooler full of Monster Energy
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Why would you do that anon....
Thank God, dowloanding from Kemono is such a pain
bro, you're uBlock Origin?
poorfag third worldie
What stats on logistics does Siris-Ksana want?
He wanted my Inhibitors.
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>Reached 30000 pts in Dawn Restored
Aaaaand that fucking it. This mode is so fucking cancerous chore, especially the stage with immortal enemies that I'm not going to give another flying rat rat shit about it.
She lost alot of things that she "Loved" and so she sort of sees loving something as traumatic. You can touch Tess and Katya for sure, but I can't remember when they added it.
Not getting the 35k frame.... BRICKED!
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I regret nothing
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You must have been really happy for Her to finally get a dorm anon. Hope you eventually get her 5 when it comes out.

This is my favorite image. Adjutant energy matching Yao brings endless joy. In the new dorm trailer just them two laid back during the unveil is pure kino.
>buying siris logis
>get 8% attack on most of them
>never any hp
This game is mocking me.

Why don't you make a zip file retard ? its so fucking bothersome opening or downloading all this shit 1/1
what a cunt you are
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>turning a coomer gacha into work in order to get a faggy trinket
Sorry, I'm not autistic enough
Oh, useful image, thanks!
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Kinda down tremendous on pulls but my pity is pretty good, is that new lyfe broken as fuck like cherno and siris ?
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You truly can't save them all.
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I will save them all. Just you watch.
Our resident time traveler is away on business. Sorry.
>He thinks that he's getting shafted already
Bruh, you will know what a real mockery is when you will unlock logi 3rd talent and want to change it with revision app
If anniversary Lyfe (+ Fenny, because they might be designed for each other) isn't at least as good as Katya, then there will probably be buffs.
I have given up on revising my Siris logis. Saving logi revisions for Lyfe. Sorry Siris...
She seems like a mix of Chen's marking parts and Cherno's exploding gauges from what we know of her kit. No idea about the numbers though.
did you just not see the gofile link?
Dual smg will have a mag size of 100 at least. She will be fun for sure
hes a /v/ tourist just ignore him
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Bros my Enya hit M2 today. How far are you going with her?
Is Katya still good with her cope gun?
I stopped at M2, trying to get Eatchel to M3 is more important for me and then Cherno dominates 1 spot until maxed.
Same as you stopped at M2 yesterday. Extra range is nice.
I was planning to take her to M3, but I think M2 is a better stopping point
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chou to tomo ni chire~
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I hope so otherwise I'm gonna feel like an idiot for farming so many of these name event tokens for M5.
English please
Every character is still good with the copegun. Even Eatchel('s healing comf) is still good with the copegun. This game is baby mode easy, and the only mode with any sort of competition at all provides no rewards other than an ugly avatar frame that only lasts for a few days before you must reacquire it. You never ever "need" the signature in any capacity unless you are trying to get 1% Neural Sim, but there is no practical reason to be doing this.
I dont even use her so I didnt even get her to M1
That does nothing I dont want to play with the cards I want the generated stuff he has.
I laugh every time this happens and the Yao emote goes so well with this
It's one of the better copeguns, yes.
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Katya game
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Am I actually expected to have a level 80 team to do this, or will it give me a pre-made team like the story sometimes does?
It just seems kinda weird to make an event (that is meant to attract new players) and then prevent them from doing the event.
does it not have trial characters?
You get a trial team.
Thanks bwos!
All cope guns are fine if you don't plan to be the 1%
What would Katya's reaction be if she finds that (I) soiled my adult diapers and I ask her to change it for me
Disgust, try enya.
We're starting to have EYES on skills, eldritch mythos soon
Alright, cool. I forget that clicking the big "spend 12 stamina" button doesn't spend stamina until after another screen.
It only gave me a character named Siris, but her ultimate and her giant ass were good enough to carry my level 40 girls.
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>English please
uhh... the English sucks bro

disappear among the sea of butterflies
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tits too big
why is she so judgemental wtf
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>Looking around base, enjoying girls
>See Lyfe with her cup
>The cup is empty.

That damn poser, trying to give the impression of a mature coffee drinker, a peek down her dress for my fellow powerful adjutants.
she doesnt want to be your mom like the other anon said try enya
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>unlock nita's final dorm story
uh, did I just have sex with nita?
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Done! I love that the trial chars are enough for the full rewards.
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Wow her armpit really got fixed
So Siris goes on Heavy, Katya goes on Defense, and Eatchel goes on Strike? I haven't even started this shit yet, but is that the correct placement?
Yeah but you can check this out if you want: https://snowbreak.gg/dawn-restored/
I just did Strike with Siris, and have no idea what I'm doing.
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I got promoted. I should have taken a screenshot to use as future reaction of Caroline saying congratulations on my promotion

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