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This is the Friday Night Funkin' General.
Discuss the game, fan-made creations, & series that have crossed over with Friday Night Funkin':
>Spooky Month
>& More

Week #2585 - Mommy Corruptest Edition

>Pit Stop Update has released
>Funkin Crew's most recent blog post
>Ninjamuffin & PA did an AMA on /funkg/
>Phantom Arcade's stream summaries

>Download/Play The Game:
>Modding Community:

>Modding Help & Resources:

>/funkg/ Mod Wiki:
>/funkg/ Link Compilation:
>OP Template:

>Thread Theme:

Last Week: >>483970661
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Garrett (RIP)
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People are talking about mods killing Boyfriend at the end and Furnace gets caught in the crossfire
Furnace to me feels different because the way its executed feels much cooler rather than a "LOL MY OC IS SO STRONG HE CAN KILL BOYFRIEND" kinda deal, like everything else is horror-adjacent and tries to play it to be shocking but Furnace just feels fucking awesome
It also helps that Combustion is a good song and not attached to a total edgelord
hey gays
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Arrow Funk GF
>all these years later
>still the undisputed best song in all of FNF
SonicGAWDS fucking WON
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corrupted bf
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Pringleman is a total slut he doesn't deserve miku. She deserves someone loyal like davidarcade.
what's so fucking crazy about killing bf? he is just a human and a retarded one at that
killing gf and breaking her Mary sue ass is the real deal
fun-fact,the corruption community loves selfcest
80% of it is just to powerwank
see mario's madness' ending and hows it done to just jerk off marco's new oc
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tfw no mommy mearest and girlfriend oyakodon minus futa porn ;(
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have we really run out of things to talk about?
my two cents is it's fine but if it's "my epik sonic.exepngzip makes bf so scawed and nervwous waaaa" then it's gay
furnace is just cool as fuck and doesn't kill them in a gay way
it fits the funny vibe of newgrounds
looking at this again makes me wonder what /funkg/ considers good fnf poses
sonic moves so little and is poorly drawn but his posing feels immaculate regardless
well i mean dave jerks off his ocs so i guess it's only fair, at least it's just retarded mods not actual canonical shit
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erm, actually, the whole thing was fake as you can clearly see by the 10 minute doodle we made showing that everything is all just a show. that way we’re plausibly deniable and you cant call out the ending that we clearly put more time and effort into as a dramatic climax with an emotional credits song to top it off as bad writing.
i thought it was something cool
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Wtf Pico stop pissing on P-Bot!
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i guess he's pee bot now
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I can't believe we're barely 1/4th of the way through this stupid story.
ugly self-insert
more like 2/4th

the first half was bf corruptiong everyone and the Soul Week
>that part where sonic shizoes out and gets desperate
late 2021 soul... goddammit all
yeah flow in poses can compensate for a lot. bf seems like a pretty good baseline for this kinda stuff.
your mom is ugly
nuh uh she's hot that's why i fucked her
the diamond rule is good for poses
basically the idle should be in the center of a diamond and each pose should be a point on that diamond
Dave will get depressed when no one likes the "development" his duo will get in the base game
I still don't understand it, he's not making money from this so what's the fucking point in dragging this generic anime-ass story out so long?
PF said in the Tankman stream that Tankman marks the end of the first quarter of the story
He said sad why are you trying to make it sound worse?
He likes doing it
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>what's the fucking point

uhhhh..having fun with your work and fans?....i dont know...I thought that the mods of the popular game in 2021 called Friday Night Funkin were for fun and not for money

people who make mods for money are not real FNF fans
exaggeration for humor
you really should stop using Pico as an avatar man
you want me to use the chud?
damn this place died instantly
erm where is the genesis.sf2 and bleeding eyes i can't like this
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>he's not making money from this
Just curious, what are your thoughts on this retake?
Fuck this is really good.
shake and frylock sound like bucks characters and meatwad is the only decent one, are you retarded?
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i think both the anon that avatars as chud and the one that avatars as nene stopped
also ew purple
this or smiling friends, which you like more?
Just you wait when THE crew sell fnf to sega and say that's NOT segaslop anymore! JUST. YOU. WAIT!!!
It's only good when its not doing the cringe hand thing, the bending arm thing to the left and of course, flipping the bird for no reason!
Otherwise, it will be considered lazy and uncreative!
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he looks like a black john cena

i prefer this


forgive me Anon-Sama for disrespecting CHADprotato, i am as well waiting for the Gus and Hector one shot to release in 2026
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He wants more quality
YOU have NO right to counter-speak here, picofag!
>shake and frylock sound like bucks characters
actually mindbroken
anyway this is quite good, better than what i expected
randomly found this shit, 15 minutes of rambling about one song
>what are atonals
Why are none of these posts good?
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make a good post then
Which funkin girls would you let peg your ass, /funkg/?
is it a good so- oh who am i kidding
/funkg/ is gay and prefers real dick
It sounds okay
unironically false
forgot to mention that I prefer real dicks
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ywnbaw, P0NKO
Got any good clothes in that closet?
That's very brave of you anony
nta gross
>Got any good clothes in th-ACK
Is it that easy to tick you guys off?
no it's just that there is nothing to talk about so people are bored and use anything including obvious bait to yknow...fill the void
We know that Smash Girl and Leo & Satan are (allegedly) in the FAG, but how would their weeks be like?
Maybe it's better to just not say anything if you don't have anything to say instead of choosing to take part of pointless shitflinging...hmmm maybe
>f pointless shitflinging
this entire website
So we’re basically on the 2/4th of the story right now? So if the first arc is corrupting everyone and the second one is trying to save everyone and maybe fight the harvester, what the hell could the third and fourth arcs even be about?
i have no horse in this race, i am just answering according to how i see it
unless you are talking in general
I am talking in general
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I miss anony moose
>third arc
everything goes to shit and pico must recruit boyfriends from other universes through 10 songs
>fourth act
they barge into the big bad guy's castle, with 5 INTENSE and EMOTIONAL songs, leading to a 30 long minute final mini-movie
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Miss Circle and no ONE else!
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What will the next big leap in modding be?
>Whitty kicked it all off and set the status quo of people making full weeks for their OCs
>Can’t attribute a single mod to this but eventually people started making mods of IPs, with a “what if this was in FNF approach”
>Exe shows up, and unfortunately we get plagued with creepypasta/horror and Sonic shit, the former of which we are still dealing with
>Somewhere along the line the idea of mods for IPs goes from “what if (thing) was in FNF” to “what if we put FNF into (thing)”, thus making high-effort mods that try to recreate the source the best they can”
So, what’s next? Is this as far as we go?
I sound like a shill but I think Hit Single had peaked quality in fnf modding and it's going to take a long time for another mod to surpass it
This sounds stupid enough to be real
>Hit Single had peaked quality in fnf modding
i want to kill everyone
Do you ever look back and forth between stages of decay?
what ever happened with QT? the creator abandoned the community and said the story would continue through non-funkan stuff
they also (unsusprisingly, let's be honest, they took this shit from CG) made one about GD
Holy fuck they STILL make these???
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How's feel like to be feeling old when you realize that fnf was created 4 years ago, yet the mod community grows even more faster than the basegame itself?
beta mean gf?
in this time of the year 2024?
>illegal pedophilia ken penders 5.0 return of the drunk uncle
>has an actual pasta
>trollpasta that people take way too seriously
>ultimate chad
>Skyverse Restored Revival Resurgence
>wtf that's too scary
just look at the groomed kids in the replies, a sad shight to see...
How does it feel knowing (You) are a faker clone?
why does straight sex terrify so many people
I can't tell if you're joking or you don't know that they're joking
was it confirmed?
>smash girl
not sure really
>leo and satan
maybe dd and mm being desperate summon their master by giving a sacrifice of hundred virgins(all being their music fan boys//girls doing this shit like a cult) only to see the oney satan not knowing their master looks like that
he tells them he will kill bf if they baby sit leo so the week is playable dd with background mm and i don't know the rest could be anything
In dire need of piconjo's cock
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Because you see, my dear anon, we are in an era where everything must be gay by force, and for that, the alphabet cult and not enough education are the reasons kids prefer to see relationships between two men rather than a normal couple.

You might argue that "it's a joke", but unfortunately that reality isn't the same case for everyone, and what's even worse, women can't be shown with little clothes in mods and other media without these kids throwing tanturms.

Take for example Furnace Whitty. Girlfriend got her clothes burnt because of the hot temperatue, and these toddlers reacted to this by calling the mod "goonerbait", or saying that Boyfriend should be naked as well.

It's clear that they will never, EVER learn that Friday Night Funkin' and Newgrounds as a whole is not so friendly and "innocent" than they imagine....
i thought they hated cam and dave for being gooners or some shit
let's get you back to /pol/
Oh they sure did back in the day, but as every nothingburger, they simply forgot it as the months passed, except for the outsiders.
the contrast is wild
pretty insane how the horrorslop songs are almost indiscernible from one another, yet each of the old era songs are distinct between themselves based off just several seconds of music
nta there are some exaggerations and some truths
ultimately there will be raunchy shit in the full ass game and probably shit that will piss people in general off because trolling or le funny or whatever
i mean i still wonder how they reacted to the 9/11 thing
that's a whole lot of words just to say that you like spying on kids
nice b8 fag
the most unique song out of the 2024 ones is the end and even then that got swapped out with a much more generic instrumental
I pray for the day you find your path.
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Yeah yeah whatever, now Silly Billy FPE Mix when?
Liberal crap, that's why!
Are you gonna take serious from some guy who always take those tweets from children creepily serious?
You deliberately go on twitter to look at what kids say
i love sweaty booty so much bros
Did people ever went on pa's ass for saying faggot that one time
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No time like the present right guys .

What's everyone's favorite new song we've gotten.

I like Darnell the most
Dave is gay he has the pass
in every single thread people talk about shitter kids being retarded, what's your point?
xe's a pround homocore so he can say it
High Erect, obviously
i'm still mad how the pico erect week was done dirty
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hey guys garn here
i do wonder however what will happen in Pico's perfect animation and if Nene will be part of it though
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I thought Philly erect sounded nice I only didn't like Blammed. Feels like they were trying to hard.
>in every single thread people talk about shitter kids being retarded, what's your point?
I don't give a fuck about what literal who children on twitter say. Copying other anons doesn't make you any less innocent faggot
isn't that just the pico dance?
Pico will give Nene a piggyback ride and then run into an unsuspecting Uberkid, which both beat to a bloody pulp
he has a gf
no i think it's the great animation or the excellent one, definitely too animated for the good one
funny how bf and gf get the raunchy one while Pico and Nene get wholesome shit
Blazin is still on top for me but darnell is alright. For erects it's probably fresh.
Philly is one of the best erects in the game right now and pico is great. Blammed is kinda bland yeah unfortunately but that song was my least favourite of the week anyway.
YFWAND might exist if i teach myself how to draw
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It's all very simple, killing bf and gf is a-okay, as long as exefags aren't the ones doing it
Haven't they deconfirmed that, saying that these were joke doodles, and bf and gf are dead dead
Before backing up on that too, and saying that those weren't actually fnf bf and gf, but 'Keith' and 'Cherry', separate characters that were killed
Though I'm guessing the latter part could be just a joke, or whatever they made up to shut the upset kiddies up. Can't ever be sure at this point
that sounds better than "Girlfriend"
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>all of that instead of just sucking it up
exefags are a cancer
Keith and Cherry are extinct
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im bored gimme reqs
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Should Boyfriend's name be Buster then?
draw garrett
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No, and we never will....
Every triple trouble mix EVER!
something something 'weekend 1 but female'....
Hello, garn! Can you please tell me why are you in the SMG4's newest episode?
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Susie Haltmann
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Monster in the bloodied 4th July hat please
If real can u draw me a whitmore with fried chicken
i'd like that actually
>why are you in the SMG4's newest episode?
this is my friend car.
none of these is what i am talking about anon...
Draw miku
draw vokeo mayby
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Draw the whole fnf and sonic cast with their traits swapped
Draw Boyfriend, Girlfriend, and Pico beating the shit out of Harvester
requesting the picrel above >>484125621
draw boyfriend bashing senpai's head in with a rock
who the FUCK is Frances and Helen?
Chris Thorndyke’s friends from Sonic X
It's a good song
what's your favorite part?
the section after the lyrics
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this is garbage
would his cock shoot bullets instead of piss?
is this complete version official? or just completed by a fan?
obviously it's fan made
no i thought like maybe there is the possibility that they took it from the files or some shit
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Draw Scrapper fighting these two https://files.catbox.moe/6yvrt3.gif
Is the short one supposed to be slingmingo
gee i don't know
hand movement looks weird?
Is this for faf? Or this for something for fun or fan mod?
something for fun/fan mod that will be very short since I am the only one working on it and I know my limits
Make the hands move the same way as the head as in the movement is delayed
the sights of hell bring viewers back in
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you're fucking retarded holy shit
Nice to see b sides is finally updating
people on xitter are talking about furnace but i wish girlfriends bald grandpa got also recognition, he's so fucking hot :,(
>inb4 it's an exe update
considering the track record i doubt any of these will release except for b-sides
You should ask marill300 on Newgrounds to make the song
no need to be aggressive retard holy shit, they found the unfinished versions in dem files and i thought maybe they updated it
>wiik 4
praying it's the one that's semi-official and not some type shit like voiid sides
it would be really funny if they crop the trailer incorrectly again
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Please let this be a normal update
no way vs post cord?
Thank fucking god, it's been radio silent for ages now
it's going to be the MM update, which takes place on a private train instead of a limo, and the dancers will fucking be torn to shreds! YEAH!
bo pee bap
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I burnt down your house with your family inside, little faggot.
wasnt provoker supposed to be in this
It was supposed to be on Unjewing Direct 3 Final Mix, but you know what happened
i really need better off v2
It was actually unboxing direct but that got canceled because people were too fucking lazy to make their mod trailers, which ended up getting it canceled or something
Mario appeared on the teaser, so he better replace STINKfriend on the song or I'm hanging Zink by the nuts
Why did dd eat an entire pack of oreos and threw up onto his mom's bed?
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>ok i'll watch
>matt is still alive
>they better give Strangled Red a better song, and also add Mimikyu while they're at it
>i completly forgot about that Petscop mod, i hope it's good
>this feels like it's gonna be a FNF Weekly/Hit Single clone, but i'll bite
>cool, TBOI mods are always welcome
>obvious joke mod

>that needed an update?
>that song is from a mod?
>oh hey, it's the mod that completly mogs Mario's Madness. I hope they brought very cool stuff
>if it doesn't have a The Uncle Dolan Show week then it's doomed
>this better mean Sonic Legacy is going to have more interesting characters that aren't just og mod/rerun characters again
>please PLEASE be good
the ones with ??? are a self insert mod and pibby indie cross btw
its 17bucks and whatever side mod that wont get finished the team is also working on
no, it's pibby indie cross and a mod by speedz
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>someone makes a well-made sonic sprite
>immediately people start going "omg exe?" or "omg sonic for hire?"
im remembering now why we're never getting a well-made genuine sonic mod
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yeah no fucking shit it was made by mari0bot
he did have a point with exefags taking over fnf and people still dunked on him
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>those outlines
he worked on funk mix and was smart enough not to push mx onto the mod (iirc it was krystal who wanted him actually) and what >>484141221 said so i like him more than any other exefag since he actually seems to have a bit of self awareness
>>484141221 (me)
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he's no better
>people getting pissed at him using the term "slop"
oh youre serious
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is it his heist mod
don't talk shit about my wife!
for a quick second i thought they made her toned
any better?
posted the wrong one
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once a winner, always a winner
this looks awesome
how do you fall for such obvious bait
Is this a Micheal vs springtrap mod
Why would that happen? There wouldn't be a story or game. Nor did Darnell get the chance, retard.
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haven't decided but I was thinking bf vs Micheal (ennard) on the streets
spring trap vs boyfriend in fnaf 3 office
and ennard vs Micheal in the scooping room
it would be funny :)
and awesome
Not even remotely on the same level, can you cut that shit out? Dave doesn't depict GF actively destroying each and every legacy character like mods try to do. Hell, Week 7 actively took the potential spotlight off her and gave the feat to Pico instead. And he depicts his OCs shitting on themselves or getting shit on by legacy characters all the time. If Dave thought like a modder, he would've had Senpai call Darnell slurs and somehow get away with it in his comics.
That would be retarded and wouldn't make any sense either. Darnell doesn't care to go after him until it's time for a job. Which Pico got to first and botched.
>Darnell doesn't care to go after him until it's time for a job
well then why didn't he do it instead of pico since he already filed hmm?
>Implying FNF fans haven't been eating up the random bullshit he's been putting in the game and on his streams
Disingenuous. Fans collectively liked BF more from a couple of facial expressions in the updated freeplay menu.
Because Pico, Darnell and Nene were hired together retard. They went their separate ways and Pico got to Boyfriend first but then failed the job. Their chance to kill BF and get anything out of it then got taken off the table by DD.
he ain't a protagonist and has no connection with the midget
Huh interesting keep us updated
Honestly yeah... if anything he sucks off pico way more
It objectively makes more sense for Pico to get to Boyfriend first than Darnell. It's more interesting story-wise and Darnell isn't the main character of Pico's School.
girlfriend letting me cum on her thighs
nah would be awesome to see him beat the shit out of that retard
nope, it's just that there is no other playable character
nah, every time gf is mentioned or how powerful she is he immediately sucks her off
>the demons would be the winners in a slap contest
>sonic exe would die to bf and gf if there was no macdonalds in his void
>darth vader would sense a massive build up of power then they would kill him
>gf was masking her power from pump
mary sue to the finest
sakkth up warclan
>the demons would be the winners
Well duh they're demons
So they wouldn't even get the money if pico killed BF in week 7? Damm, what an asshole
they ain't shit
other character beaten demons or the likes before
and what about monster?
this bitch need a mod (song)
Remember that the only character that can kill BF is Goku
Mari is a whore
Monster has fucking noodle arms why would he win slap boxing are you reta- oh wait you're warclan of course you're retarded
No, it'd just be retarded and nonsensical. Get over your hate boner. Getting mad that your precious "OG Newgrounds characters" aren't on top of everything 24/7 is really weird and sad.
>There is no other playable character
Stop coping. Even if there is, Boyfriend is still the main one. Nor does it change that the fan reception showed increased positivity toward BF after seeing him show more expressions. Developing character would absolutely receive interest, don't be delusional.
everyone can mop the floor with bf
retard, he is demonic monster, the demons' arms are not better
Fuck yoj i hate mari
>everyone can mop the floor with bf
nope CHADtom Arcade can't let his self insert be defeated by the characters he doesn't want to
Week 7 was a different job: their "redemption" job of sorts, Boyfriend was supposed to be dead from a future week event and all Pico had to do was confirm the body. The Tankmen fiasco was unrelated.
Gee warclan how come you got so good in English?
i don't care about the shitty newgrounds characters, i just think it would be sick for anyone to beat up bf and gf lol
and no bf was bland and people showed positivity for his facial stuff because they think it means he will get a personality (and he won't)
>Everyone can mop the floor with BF
We have no feats to suggest that. Stop being a retard, BF is a legitimate character no matter how much you bitch about him.
>has to resort to shitting on not only the game but ng as well
he is just a retarded human, what CAN he do?
Grow up. Your rabid hateboner is fucking weird to characters that did nothing to really deserve it.
Stop coping. It objectively shows more to Boyfriend than just being a static cardboard cutout. Seeing him actually react to his loss with a very expressive reaction shows he has a personality. Just not a developed one yet which is what base FNF is made to do.
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since when everyone wanted BF Dead?
gee i wonder why
Listen here you piss sucking little shit just because he's a demon it doesn't change the fact that he has no muscle mass. Don't ever EVER try to debate slap boxing again because it's clear you have no knowledge on the subject. The only character who could even come close to beating DD and MM is tankman because he has military training. And that's not because the parents are Mary sues it's because theyre muscular
He doesn't need to be an inhuman god to not be a complete wimp lol. He's shown to take punches well enough and be crafty enough without trying to go blow for blow. FNF will flesh him out or confirm he runs off toon force logic.
Nigga get on the bed, and spread your ass, I got a bottle of lube to oil you up
>Damm, what an asshole
I dunno man him throwing some shmuck into a videogame sounds pretty charitable.
not really, his entire shit is just "moronic retarded rapper that loves his gf"
that's literally it, you can't say more about him even if you tried
when they realized he is a boring and shit MC
no they ain't, arguably DD but not his wife or daughter, that's why monster was brought up, he has magic according to Cam
Me too
oh no he had no reason for doing that
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His base level character is moronic retarded rapper that loves his GF. But the entire point of developing a character is showing more to that. He's also overconfident and fearless because of his retardation. Showing how a character reacts to different situations already begins fleshing a character out. We now know that BF isn't a sore loser and takes his losses pretty well. That's a new trait and shows that he actually is humble than someone with a god complex like most mods characterize him.
So yes, base FNF will flesh him out and the fans will absolutely take it and run with it. You're coping to try and pretend the fans won't care.
DD wasn't the SAME after the war....
Flat characters aren't necessarily a bad thing.

Also, the modding already made like 30,000 Fanon versions of BF with personality (some worse than others)
They aren't bad, but I imagine Dave wants Boyfriend to have at least a little meat to him. And considering an entire game is supposed to be about this schmuck, that makes sense otherwise the gimmick would grow old.
more like retarded luck, he should just die, would be funny as hell
>take it well
he kinda eats shit and we never get to see his actual reaction because of it
while that is completely true, he still is incredibly shitty. Like you can be simple yet good, bf and gf are simple yet shit, and I doubt they will actually be fleshed out
>Retarded luck
Have fun coping when it's shown to be an actual thing. You wanting him to die so bad is never going to fucking happen, you retarded NG-obsessed ape. Pico isn't getting killed in his own game neither should BF.
This i do get the feeling he's overselling his retardation because how would he do anything at that point
>We never get to see his actual reaction because of it
Literally his reaction in freeplay, moron. He gets an L rank, is shocked and acts humbly sheepish instead of mad or bitchy over it. Thanks for proving that I can't take your opinion seriously in any capacity. You don't even pay attention yet you're trying to claim what FNF is doing with BF and GF + how fans will take it.
no one mentioned Pico or newgrounds
also someone asked if bf would go to hell or heaven and Dave answered by saying something along "you will see" so he might temporarily die, suck it wouldn't be permanent
Reposting Ultra M alone v2 cover
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this is a rhythm game, right? i dont really think these characters need arcs and character development since it's just supposed to be a silly arrow clicker. that's like complaining that the rhythm heaven flamingos don't have character arcs
retard that's not being humble that's embarrassment, still not enough to say anything about him
he is still just a moron who loves rapping and his stupid gf and he will always be nothing but that
>he kinda eats shit and we never get to see his actual reaction because of it
You do play the actual game anon
It's just Dave making jokes. He makes Pico mega retarded in sketches too alongside Darnell having a default "smiley" face all the time in the comics despite the actual game showing him being pissed and having a variety of expressions. Same shit will happen with BF and GF I imagine. Especially when PA outright hinted at that they'll being going through some shit and they'll be having a variety of moments like actually getting mad (something Dave said to wait for the actual game to see).
Warclan you are obsessed with NG to the point it's part of the reason you have an autistic rage toward BF and GF.
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>despite the actual game showing him being pissed and having a variety of expressions

he also has the funni smile as a default expression in picos school,what are you talking about?
it's just some schizo trying to start shit tetobro, it happened in previous threads
warclan doesn't talk like that and constantly sucks off Otis and Piconjo
nta being embarrassed goes hand in hand with being modest and bashful anon
He lost a bout directly, gets embarrassed but shrugs it off. Which makes sense since he's a;sp a broke boy, he's the humble beginnings tropey character 1 to 1. That is objectively humble to just accept his loss because if mods, the type that characterize BF in the way you're whining about, had him lose: it'd be mega dramatic, have BF cry about it or have him act like a pissy prick over losing in any capacity. Or just not acknowledge it at all.
If BF was a cardboard like you're whining over, Dave wouldn't have gave him a reaction to losing, a pretty fun one at that than just trying to act cocky 24/7. He clearly acknowledges his loss.
i enjoy mods where bf is genuinely having fun rapping with his opponent
Nta we know the schizo is just a good excuse to piss warclan off
Yes, but it's not all Darnell does right? Far from it? Same shit for Boyfriend and Girlfriend. They're going to be expressive too and it's already shown in multiple sketches, but we're going to see explicit showcases of more personality.
a couple of animations, big deal
he still has no character and a lame story
Exactly this. If BF was just retarded and nothing else or just an annoying dick, he wouldn't have acknowledged his loss much less react to it.
*also a broke boy
Anon... it LITERALLY shows that he's getting a character! Him being pretty much confirmed to be humble is already a fairly new trait we never saw before. For years nobody knew how BF would take a loss but him having a unique reaction than just that same cocky smile confirms he isn't cardboard.
A character does not need a super complex story to be a good character.
Who cares
Did sock react to the furnace "revival"?
too bad bf is not a good one
it will take more than a "wow look how cute he took his loss!" moment to show he is humble
he might get a personality and maybe gf but I highly doubt that
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>silly hour
is it about him?
- shinji
Nah, that's cope. It effectively shows without telling that Boyfriend is humble. Resorting to counterpoints like "it doesn't COUNT" is absurd. Him getting expressions when the only real massive BF criticism is that he didn't emote enough is gonna be a massive plus for the character.
maybe, I highly doubt it but maybe...
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draw mr. sys
Oh man I sure hope friday night funkin Hypno's Lullaby is shown off during this one!
>Boyfriend is humble
Remember when BF harassed random people to invite them to rap with him?
what the fuck is that song
does not fit ICS at all
Fuck mods. Fuck the story of mods so much, that garbage characterization is the entire reason BF gets hate since he's now seen as a loser that has nothing better to do than force rap battles 24/7.
they will show nothing at all until the mod releases in October and you will like it
hi presley
He's sort of an asshole in canon so even if he doesn't force rap battles he's still a little shit
>Thinks mods are canon
to the people who want to kill him
There was a time where people thought that was real lmao
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there's a chance Dead Air might come out today or tomorrow
this was made by the same guy who made a whole crossover mod between the trollge files and omori and also that kysrat pedo self-insert mod revival as well btw
and they're still aren't but here you are unironically using it for your argument with no legs to stand on
No to everyone remember he scams random children on roblox to buy cigarettes
I want a character who is always pissed off always dissatisfied neve happy always frowning and being grumpy and constantly acts salty/sarcastic/annoyed towards things and people and treats them like absolute shit and he is such an embodiment of hate that he doesn't look human and more like a walking frown
shill post
>an ennard song
please make it have the voice of circus baby
how would michael speak since his vocal cords have probably been destroyed
angry faic
is he even a character?
and you ALREADY found it!
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frowning smurf? he doesn't match the last part
pissed mummy
isotope from the mummy mod
ocs that will never get a mod
Harris fangirl
Blake fangirl
Sirvyu fangirl
Darnell fangirl
Any Sky clone from here
Dream Girl
Lectros sister
Penishead and generic purple haired girl
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you forgot to include yourself
You will never get a mod!
don't forget the jarboy and the slimegirl scientist
What about geanna and croc
not including gunkshit also that's obvious
vergil and lucy
lucy has a demo out which might count but yeah you're right about vergil

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