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Forum Leaker - Edition

Previous thread: >>483917637

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

Waiter! More subtrees!

Thread theme:
tank game
bad game
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why is it so hot bros
Don't worry about it.
#th for russian air defence
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Why he's so mad at ma boi ARAB2042?
ranges from bad (pantsir, Tor, buk) to outright nonfunctional (streak, S-400)
we will definitely get this come christmas update. right?
the only good ground mp is Kuban
for me, fulda and volvosmolks
God I hope so, if we don't get it by the time they add the rest of the yurocanards, I doubt we ever going to get it
Right now I'm hoping the jap subtree will actually bring some useful AND unique shit instead of boring copy paste
There are no more good ground maps since they ruined sim sized Tunisia. Fulda is okay I guess.
for me, white rock fortress
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this shit makes no sense to me. pls spoonfeed
how do i set it up if i want only 20 chaff rest flares for example?
different flare pods, buddy
which FW190 do I use?
>instead of boring copy paste
lol. lmao even
0/18+30/2 would be 20 chaff
Or 18/0+12/20 would be 20 chaff
The different guages are just marking different types on dispenser. One probably fires large calibre countermeasures where the other is small
All maps in the game are shit, no exceptions.
thanks for your explanation, however i cant get the desired result
it seems like there's a minimum amount of 48 chaff even if i take all flares
leaving me with 50 flares and 48 chaff, which is not what i want
How do I into 12.3 Harriers?
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i suppose for this jet i am simply stuck with having so much chaff
what is the best altitude to use the Matra 530D at? is there for example an altitude at which the 530D is faster than contemporary missiles, or is it always slower?
it's always slower
low tier sweden is such a cbt until you get aphe dear god
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tank game
It's actually a plane game. The tanks got added after.
let's be honest, war thunder only got popular after tanks got added
Vehicular combat game
(bomb bases with FFARs on the AV-8B+; rush CMs, missiles, and engine performance as soon as possible on the FA.2)
Won't disagree there. I mostly play tanks, until my asshole relaxes enough for me to try coastal as a non-russian player.
Ah yeah, some aircraft have chaff-only dispensers so you can't replace them with flares
Majority of the playerbase plays air arcade
and people realized just how bad the other 'game' was
I like Harriers a lot but it's a shame none of them fit into air rb meta at all.
no they don't
>rockets don't land anywhere near the ballistic computer's sight
bad game
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Playing WT is like tossing a dice.
>You spawn in and your team is lobotomized
>You spawn in and your enemy team is lobotomized
>5% chance the two teams are somewhat on equal standings skill wise
It can be quite fun in like ranks 1-3, complete shit in top tier though.
Yes they are. Just because more players push red To Battle! button does not mean there are more concurrent players. Most of them leave after first 4 minutes and go into the next one, while arcade battles last about 15-18 minutes until all players dont spend all their spawns.

You can see how dead some BR brackets are in the certain time periods.

Only BR bracket when there is consistently more people in RB over AB is 12-13.0, because the grind becomes so bad arcade reward multipliers become too insufficient, also squads duking it out against each other and preying on random players.

Majority doesn't play RB because they like it, thats why we see all the base zombers.
I say br 8.3 to 11.0 is pretty fun. Many stupid donater pilots to farm your 10+ kills per battle and this way to make your way through techtrees without much hassle. But it does take skill and require involvement to do so instead of just being in the right time at the right place and a fair bit of luck like most of the RB battle outcomes.
>Many stupid donater pilots to farm your 10+ kills per battle
>it does take skill
Can’t wait for the Swiss F-18, FFA P-16 and Pilatus PC-21 in the French tree
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I took that from a replay. in-game CCIP works fine, I routinely nail people from 4km
Switzerland goes to Germany as the squadron Hunter shows.
i have rank 4 researched in the us and soviet tree, rank 3 in german tree
which of these trees will be the most futureproof?
i see that us is kind of lacking in vehicles, but it has the best air
if you're playing ground, play russia
if air, play usa

once you max out one of those nations, switch to minor trees
Switzerland is French
K2 is also in the German tree yet Dutchland is part of France

this tard has been using them as floating SAM sites by just VTOLing in the middle of the map and throwing AMRAAMs at people who try to rush him. alright vid, tried the SAM site shit myself after watching, only sometimes works but its very fun when it does.
>Raw Thnuder
'zellig mentioned
>tracks still eat shells without even getting destroyed
very cool seeing a 75mm do nothing to the side of a panther
yeah i forgot to specify its for the ground tree
i also got the swedish cv90105 but i kind of regret it, i wish i had gotten the leopard or the m1 clickbait
Troonzellig will never be a gem
What does that even mean?
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BMP-2 continues to be the strongest tank in its BR bracket in the game
Tech tree Toldi when
Tech tree Turán 2 when
Tech tree Zrínyi 1 when
Nimród when
Low tier planes when
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Alright maybe the MiG-29 isn't so bad
K2 was a captured vessel and is represented/modelled as such in the game, like a handful of ships in the russian tree or the beutepanzers in the ground tree
frogs will probably get Jan van Speijk (formerly K3) at some point
Has anybody figured out how this works yet?
I heard it's every 30k mission score
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>raise multipathing zone to 80m above deck
>nerf (not remove) splash damage from missiles hitting the deck

I just fixed top tier air, no need to thank me.
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>try out Re2001
>see Ju87 dive on me
>know exactly what he's doing, maneuver and reverse
>he gets one (1) shot on me with his defensive 8mm mgs
>plane instantly gets set on fire and burns to death
yeah everyone knows rifle caliber MGs were by far the best defensive armament out there
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You literally just got 3 nations as a subtree.
Fuck off frogfags.
two of these dont exist
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At this point in the game's history that's a (You) problem lmao.
this list except swap Sweden and the US
>america are gluttons when it took them a whole year to get a plane copy pasted into their tech tree
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explain to me in a clear format with no retarded nonsense applied why US are gluttons, I'll wait
>please spoonfeed me in the most retard-friendly way pwetty pwease :(((
fucking faggot
ussr is the most gluttonous nation in the game
I'll accept your concession that the US tech tree is, in fact, not gluttonous
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you already got your award lol why are you still doing it
Does anyone in here actually play naval? What is it like? Is it a hidden gem in a sea of shit?
no proof = not gluttonous :^)
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It's alright if you got the GE.
It was a lot better two updates previous. Some amount of strategy and generally fairly long ttk meant there was more skill expression than now outside the most broken ships. However they massively overbuffed shell damage so now it’s mostly a dice roll on who explodes first. Granted there was always a degree of that but now it’s just excessive and sucked a lot of the fun out
Yes, that is the joke.
still sticking around until we get some of the ships I've been waiting for for years
sadly, Anton keeps hammering in more copestals and refuses to do something about the hilarious levels of compression
and what this guy >>484146518 says, its gotten pretty bad recently, they got rid of the rampant botting (or made it less visible) and a patch or two later they effectively killed the mode with the shell rework
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I just like them, simple as.
It's terrible and always has been. Anyone actually saying otherwise is coping and desperate.
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i will show those hohols who's the boss
Awesome premium, as long as you don't mind not being able to reverse.
Coastal can be pretty fun
What type of Cyberpunk 2077 ass currency is that
Those are jeet rupees
more people play ground than air
More people play naval than anything else
true, most of the beings that play ground or air couldn't be counted as people
real men play ground/air sim
Unironically true with how many bots there are in naval.
It's really funny how you can commit perfidy by obscuring lend-lease/captured tanks with decals then just fuck around.
Played the swigga T80 once and man what a fucking carnage
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Finished Germany, should I play US or RUS or next?

Willing to spend ~100 dollars on the sale, probably on the 10/10.3 lineups. How is the KVT/Turms? A10/su25k etc.?
After playing sim I really, really wish Gaijin would implement proper gun optics placement into RB, it's so much better it's unreal.
10.3 abrams blows cock, TURMS shits all over it at a lower BR.
A-10 is too slow to be useable in ARB after they added all the bigger maps, and in ground it just gets assraped by gun SPAA.
A-10 damage model has it made out of paper while the frogfoot eats SAMs for breakfeast.
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>he doesn't play Naval Sim
>shitps suck massive dick
when is pissrael getting unshackled from being forced onto teams with greatest ally? the tanks are mediocre enough without having to fight 1v3s after all the retarded mutts 1 death leave because they couldn't hop into their casgroid planes.
It’s called armée suisse, not الجيش السويسري
yes as we've established it's not going to the paristan tree
Romanian Abrams and K2 for Italy when?
in exactly 13 working days
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israel unironically suffers
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Probably should do this for low/mid/high tier since that changes things but overall I'd say this is how I feel about ground maps.
The wiki doesn't have the Atomic Heart map but I'd rank that at the top, love that map.
Welcome to the "protection against 30mm apfsds means 30mm of RHA" club
I feel like mission score is the most likely thing.
I got a crate after playing a couple rounds of naval so it doesn't matter what mode you're playing.
Hopefully I can get the 3d decorators before the event ends.
>Most vehicles are equipped with SPAA that will set any aircraft on fire in 1 hit and can also kill light vehicles
>Access to low speed stabilizers and early stabilizers
>Absolutely top tier CAS options for most of the game, insane bomb loadouts on solid airframes
>Incredible coastal options
>Very competitive naval options and future potential
>Only held back by the inept playerbase
Super fun, basically just arcade slugfests where you zoom around and shoot people. I really like it.
Extreme levels of suffering early on if you pick the wrong tech tree.
Very low playercounts so getting matches takes a while and you'll play with bots which give less RP when you kill them
Critically important for winning bluewater matches since they can capture points faster than the ships, so you'll always want at least 1 solid coastal ship in your lineup regardless.
Really fun and a change of pace from air and ground, but has a very high skill floor. It will take a while to figure out how everything works which scares off people from playing it.
If you're even a little bit interested you should at least try it out.
>we're likely to see a shitty copy paste subtree every patch or every other patch for a long time
cant wait for the second prototype with a fully enclosed turret to be added as an event vehicle, premium, or 11.3 with 2 total spikes whenever gaijin remembers israel exists.

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