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File deleted.
Previous: >>484035736


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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based OP

kys slimeshill
big natural pads
how long until top 8?
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My Husband
I love throwloops
Wrong, big natural boobs
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finna learn xiaoyu cuz she got me in heat
After evo
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Top8 is at 6pm EDT
trying out new spy satellites with Lee
Tekken 8 has been a disappointment so far and the 40 dollar early access 4 characters which are fucking Eddy, Lidia, Marduk and Fkrm isn't helping
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plap kkokkoma
Tekken 8 has been a blast so far. Harada and Michael really knocked it out of the park.
thanks lad.
this just like England right now, Tekken 8 isn't really losing
I'm having a BLAST.
I genuinely do not understand how englels consider their team good at footy when they've never, ever won anything
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reminds me of some fg franchise.......
>midnight EU time
your language disgusts me
>Top 8 is run at impossible times for the regions that care about Tekken
it's called divegrass lil lad
*region (one)
keep up the yuronigger seething I love the tears. This slime6 tourney is putting me to sleep. I'm going to get a workout in b
Why doesn't Bamco care about netcode of the second biggest fighting franchise?
Amerifat fails geography, again
*third biggest with 0 cultural relevance including in its own country
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>tekkino starts at 6pm
>get to watch it live and have a blast with /tekgen/
>eurotroons in meltdown
*two american guys that prevent the page 8 every day
Why did Capslop put their premiere fighting game on a fucking horror engine?
It starts at 5am here. I hope I will get up right before an announcement of Grand Final.
what should i order? burritos?
temu 8 dead asf bruh
ok, one
Two Americans two Brazilians
Three euros carrying the thread
Did you know the chicken al pastor is BACK at Chipotle™ for a limited time only?
brazil is in europe?
I like Tekken 8 much more than SF6 but later has better netcode.
>put their premiere fighting game on a fucking horror engine?
They put every game on it.
Wouldn't be surprised if they ported AA on that engine.
Why is Jin crying?
The other Brazil yes
according to the credits, they replaced all the devs that worked on previous SF games with devs from dragons dogshit, monster hunter, exoprimal, and other AAA slop. Oh and jeets of course.
imagine if they turned the IP counter back on, and 4chan in general feels dead as shit nowadays so its probably barely past the 20s
i hate chipotle
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>sub 50 defense hwoarang scrub leaves after losing one
>get matched with him again and promote off him (he left after losing again)
fuck hwoarang players
>playing ranked
u already lost
His favorite koi fish died.
based i hate those guys too lol
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because he's a closet faggot
Apparently PhiDX switched to Steve after JDCR smashed him in game 1 and managed to 2 him after. I guess JD spent so much time on the Lili matchup he forgot the Steve matchup?
I wanted to post this yesterday ,but didnt do it because it was tifa tranny thread. Anyway some dude on youtube is uploading full movies and has 200k subs. His channel is not even taken down somehow. Check it out.
anyway how long till top 8?
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sf simply never had any guiding voice
meanwhile, harada has always been the one championing for tekken, his personality infects every aspect of the game, good or bad
simply put, tekken is the auteur video game
Does it have nothing to do with Leroy having his fun on the op?
thanks for the headsup, prajeet
kys lazy niggerfaggot
Spot on. And Michael too of course..
i should watch herzog's nosferatu
>tys Michael M.
Creator: Seiichi Ishii

Ishii was born in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. He was a designer on groundbreaking Sega titles Virtua Racing and Virtua Fighter. Ishii was also a designer and director for the first Tekken game in 1994 and Tekken 2 in 1995 (the godtier games without Jin and his gang of retards).
Harada is the dad the stepped up
Who remembers t1/2 character besides Kazuya, King,Nina, Hachi, Jun,Lei
Don't forget Gon
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and Jack, Yoshimitsu, Anna, Lee, Bears, Paul, Law......who......
GONGOD was on t3 not t1/2 that's why t3 is superior
I need a hole
Yoshi, Paul, Jack, Kuni, Kuma, Law
u forgot paul?? there's jack and kuma too
so they don't have to pay Epic Games 5% of everything they make
Kuma is dead
Kuni is retired
Old man identity beats black identity
This interaction is about an old bastard abusing young innocent girls
Wdym Kuma and Kunimitsu are still around?
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if i were leroy, i'd kill myself with a heart attack by fucking xiaoyu every night, not before having tons of kids ofc
guys I got this new character he's a super saiyan, he's called Goku 2 but he's not Goku I swear despite playing and looking like him
Yeah forgot Kuma,Yoshi, Law and Paul
So who remembers other besides them and>>484128240 from t1/2
i member jack.
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She is my sunflower
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Thoughts on character representation in CEO top 64?
Joey Fury abandoning Paul for Jack makes me sad
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i did it tekgen
i reinstalled tekken
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/tekgen/ lobby returns.
Region: Any
Name: tekgen
Passcode: 1122
All frauds are welcome.
No wonder all Capslop IPs are going to hell.
Pretty similar to the last few big tourneys except nine of the Shaheen frauds showed up
Jane makes a new jack every game
*have gone to hell
stuff like this btfos everyone who keeps downplaying Drag, Jack and Feng
He is an honest character.
And some meme Leo picks
That 0 is all I need to know if a tournament has rangchu, AK or Sephiblack
I wish Asuka was better represented
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Who was the other Xiao player I only remember dastry
Static. Made 49th place.
Kuma I is dead. It's Kuma II, his son since Tekken 3
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she's mine alone
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>this thread
Do white guys get social credit for fucking femchinks
All our upplaying was futile...
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No. You're wrong she is ours
no you're called a "white monkey"
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how can a girl be so perfect bros?
What? Feng is less represented than Nina and Leo
I'm 14% Chinese I can
I will never have sex like this again
how long till top 8?
scroll up dumb ass nigga
my scroll wheel broke
nigga I'm in a different time zone
>banged eliza
>banged xiaoyu
>fucking DIED
>came back to bang zafina
how can one man pull this off?
Now list any character who did NOT bang Xiaoyu
wtf I thought chinks love us
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bros I did it I got both of my mains to tekken king
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>he thinks chinks worship white people
only tall, pale and lanky crackas are worshipped there
first of many
wtf bwc bros you lied to me
fuck i can really go for some pho right now
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Leroy does indeed not mind “sharing”
Why is she dressed like a slut?
i think that's her vulva right there
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leo is in this pic
The length this little chink goes through for Jin cock
Holy dear heavens
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Played tekken for 30 minutes, i'm so angry..
Jin will look at this and think:
>wow she really wants to spar that badly
stop replying to yourself 6 times
>Every 4chan poster is one dude
because chinks arent humans saar
This is not horror engine approved, excuse me!
every single post here is from me yes.
No I'm not you koko
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that body is inhuman indeed
except this one
Why are Asian women such whores
I'd like to have a couple of her butt dumplings fresh from the oven
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I... Need
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>30 minutes
Try 10
i massage my taint when i get angry and it goes away
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It's 40 now and i'm not playing with ling ever again. Just no, i'd rather get banned okay, i can't take this anymore
imagine being 40 and shitposting on a video game forum instead of having kids and shit lmaoooooo
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i wanna play with ling all night long
i mean 40 minutes
blud does not have reading comprehension
blud just leave me alone
Been away
Has Lidia release date been announced yet? If not, is it gonna be announced here at CEO?
should continue to stay away
whens lidia
Lidia died on the way back to her home planet
yes and yes
why noahtheprodigy look like sonicfox's brother bruh
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After evo
Literally me
sex with xiaoyu NOW
why was pre-8 steve so cool bros?
no gay voice
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for autistic mishima dick only
No Xiaoyu isn't for that fag she is for me
How do I become part of the special Discord clique?
start posting shitty modded female char pics
uhgh post Kazuya naked to satisfy this cucked please
Thanks bruv.
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nigga fix devil jin i'm crying on my KNEEs
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urghhh next year maybe

enjoy Marduk
I showed this pic to knee and he cried he's not okay
he yearns for the release of the superior game
I do not enjoy the King match up. Why does he have a tool for every situation?
nah *ducks laughing* he saw his winner past
I legitimately do not enjoy any match up in this game
are the dvj nerfs really that bad?
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cocky chipmunk
my cock in this chipmunk
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Honestly I would prefer Xiao with Xianghua treatment ending with someone else but without any affair with Jin
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You will not understand it you didn't play forgotten calibur but I didn't want her ending with Fagin
crying little bitch character
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Basically he's still bugged and they nerfed him every patch, you can play and rank up but i assure you it's pure suffering no matter what rank, you can even play him offline if you're qudans but i assure you it's pure suffering, you can still do high damage combos if you optimize every combo route. dvj need a complete revamp, you build character around his retarded linkin park stance and hellsweep, then take every tool away
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Skonk material is GOD
why is sf6 not the main event? Isnt it more popular?
it's a TWT event, and it isn't a CPT one
Who cares we are on a tekgen general
doublechins whence the heat mash isn’t fullscreen and homing anymore
wtf why? CEO is pretty big to not be a part of cpt
literally no one cares about CEO or EVO, the later is just a glorified E3 for fighting games now
it's soulless and will put you to sleep. Plus tekken had more entrants
Better idea go and ask there instead
yeah let me just catch a 10 hour flight real quick
I think that anon is referring asking in sfg instead of tekgen
Slime Troonies is just for Japan.
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JD will surely win this time
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I'm rooting for him to win I really Home him to not choke
jdcr is a jobber
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i have a terrible feeling he's going to choke and lose to kpiss of all people.
too late, already on the plane to Florida to ask them, hope you're happy now
JDCR doesn't have the skill to pilot 'nov. Compare his play to Atif, or better yet Nobi or Ulsan.
I actually enjoyed dare I say bilals bryan
temu 8 gets a pity main event because it's more recent, won't happen next year.
arrived at Florida, who should I ask?
Jeb Bush
Wtf how you arrived so quickly
Angel carried me above the ocean
that -14 kick jun has must be the most unassuming -14 move I've ever seen
dead general
dead game
we all fell asleep waiting for tekkino
I just bought 10 copies of Slime Troonies Dix
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There are at least 3 people who can take him out: Ao, Bilal and Atif.
>Tekken image gets deleted
>off topic Tifashit got to stay for a whole day
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>hmm, I wonder what people are writing on this Kazuya dude's steam page
Welp, that shit talking escalated quickly
is every dragunov move a tornado?
no that's asska
Why they delete it? But if it was shitfa it stays during 24 hours fucking janny
kek based talehkron
people who let random retards comment on their profile are weird. If a nigga is mad enough to send me a friend request I know hes mad I dont need to see him mald in a comment
TalehKron GOD spititng facts
does she do this pose for jin in private?
Funny how the ads are a literal hentai shit but we can't have fun OPs.
Slime Troonies is finally over. Did some literal whos win again?
jebaily getting caught watching tranny porn was pretty funny. Seems like people forgot though
he already asked for Katarina if Harada wants CEO to be a TWT major
i watch tranny porn too and i see nothing wrong with that
It's not even a real controversy who gives a fuck what he goons to
I know half you niggas jerk it to futa anyways which is close enough
Tell me the whole story
that is the whole story
thank you
I jerk it to tranny porn like 5 times a day what is the issue?
Like that is literally it, he jerks off to some trannies
Meanwhile we got people caught on camera grabbing ass and beating up cripples aka noel brown running free
murray finish your blowjob marathon and start the fucking stream already
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Almost up
japanese stream is up
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>mobile poster
>faggis poster
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>that webm
Yoshi is just aids to play and to play against. They went overboard with this character. This is not Tekken territory anymore.
need to add QuanCena in the middle of it
>the weapon unblockable tech trap character isn't tekken
and the sky is blue
I hope you are watching /ouradonis/ Sephiblack instead of the 720p green hagrid that feeds of 10-15 year old fame
flash should be removed
I don't care for Aris. I'll be watching on youtube.
literally all SC6 devs minus Okubo worked on T8
Please no Tasty Steve commentary. Dude is just empty. Typical black guy act.
>muh car
>muh pizza
>muh tekken sucks
>muh laygz
every aris stream
I don't disagree, but can you name a single Tekken commentator that actually adds to the match instead of detracting from it
does tekken even have any good commentators? SF's were great today
Steve is a huge step up from yipes and Justin Wong so I won't complain.
He will be glad to restream the game that attracts all the fans he hates so much though
More views than the official channel for zero work
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and yet the guy on the left and his gaijin slave producer absolutely LOVE him

truly a modern day Sisyphus
>2 evo winners with actual knowledge and funny jokes vs 1 loud guy who doesn't know shit and no results
Rip is unironically superior.
Yup, there he is. Doing his car salesman act again. What an obnoxious act. You can tell Rip gets embarrassed by the forced hype shit.
>IMMEDIATE chipotle shilling
Jesus christ Steve
Shilling another dudes twitch channel is the gayest cuckmove imaginable.
I don't care if they won 100 evos they fucking suck. Especially yipes
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Steve is much better before top 8
He gives actual commentary during pools but it's only during top 8 he becomes a chipotle noise asking machine
Who eliminated Arslan?
Rip is a pajeet and Steve is black but at least they talk like white people. Wong and Yioes try too hard to do the 'im from the hood guys seriously' act even tho Wong looks like an old Asian grandma
t. jebaily

we're saved
Please wrap it up jesus christ
Can these fucking cringelords just start the games? This isn't a boxing match. It's just a video game.
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Didn't know Aris was on site
Yo, jimmy tran looks like that?
arslan didn't go to this temu ass bum ass backwater inbred tourney
>Quiet music
>Awkward waddle towards the ring
>Struggle to get in
It's just not working without real showmen Jebailey Jay
it's ok lil timmy they are just having fun take a breath
These people aren't comfortable with this shit. It's so forced.
I thought terrorists bomb in packs.
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wtf is that chair
>All those empty chairs in the audience
Everyone left after dix...
they got a fighting ring but $10 chairs lmao
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do you retards really thought the WWE wannabe fg tournament wouldn't have Steve screaming and jumping at top8?
It's better to sit on those hard chairs when playing with a stick in your lap than some "gaming" chair
>Timmy watching his first CEO top 8
Who will win the tourney? My money is on Ao.
chair mind
K-piss to further humiliate sneedkicks
CEO was the tournament that started the whole "good ass tekken" and "make some noise"
The Bryan player. Because Bryan is currently busted and nobody knows.
ao is an alisachad now?
Atif but I hope Kaisuke for the memes
should have an option
Sit on the chair, or DIE
based tekken scholars
can alisa tech throws in chainsaw stance?
Yo we gotta real dinosaur in here
Ill sit on your lap my nigga
>he thought post 6 Tekken sucks was a larp
Aight I'll get my comfy lap ready for you homie
Did everyone already leave after sf6? I can't see or hear the people.
point blank mashing 8
there is your answer
>only mulgold can perform with fraudio!
alisas up1 was the best thing they gave her. Even after the wall nerf which was kinda stupid
they should limit this coaching bs jesus christ
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>fucking retard stop exposing our cabal, Arslan was enough
AO is the most nervous guy I've seen all weekend in any game. Does he owe someone some money
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>when you accidentally drink from the piss bottle
Is there even a time limit between games?
2018 rev major is the earliest use of "good ass tekken" that i'm aware of
Yakuza is expecting him to win
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It appears my honesty have cased some controversy.
its over
Americans are overly addicted to showbiz and making everything overly hype and climactic.
I'm trying to find a stream without any commentator sound. I just hate Steve's shouting. Anyone find it?
lets go doujin
one more year of this btw
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Who the fuck is that guy?
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hi /tekgen/
are you ready for whatever disappointing announcement we get?
JDCR should lose before he fights AK and he ends up getting another mysterious controller connection
erm alisa top 5 BTW
Keisuke is a god
I don't really watch for announcements, maybe ask in /v/. In fact I hope there is no announcement so you an hero.
once again played normally and my opponent started ki charging for some reason. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Are tekken players just mad all the time?
Nevermind JDCR wins lol
no actually that title is wrong, it was 2017 rev major
>kazuya vs buttistan
keisuke is gonna get cooked isn't he
i hope jdcr gets bodied. time to retire
Based Keisuke
>wavedashing irl
extremely based
Your main, opponents main. We can't say anything without this info.
lil nigga just wavedashed
japanese game
New fav player. What a guy.
>wavu irl
Why are Kazuya mains like this?
The coolest thing I’ve seen at a tekken tournament lmao
I missed the wavedash FFFUUUCK
Sucks to know he's about to get utterly btfo.
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sir we need to check that bag
jun. yoshi.
I'm hype as hell, let's gooooooo
Jun is fairly inoffensive. Probably just a butthurt Yoshi who got to work a little for his win. And yeah, Tekken playerbase is supremely butthurt. I am part of it, I always ki charge and one and done Dragunov/Kazuya/Bryan.
Where is the wavedash webm?
that sidestep into electric should have gave him the set, more execution and honesty than whatever Atifl will do during this top 8
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kwiss got bailed out by kaizur playing drag vs spero, that nigga is his grim reaper
that's for picking alisa, cucks
Fucking gut Dragunov already
Getting cornered against Dragunov is a fate worse than death
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member when scrupman downplayed launch dragunov
Dragunov downplayers
our response?
you literally can't nerf this character in this game without removing some moves, not when the wall exists
These japs really need 20 minutes between each game to measure rice grains.
Just fucking play you slanteyed fucks
Are they sure Double coach them properly?
I don't get kicharged often and I don't even remember that last time, except for that one day where I got kicharged into one and done 3 games in a row. That was something.

Phidx has the best commentary tonight and he has muted Steve's shouting too.
Does Dragunov even have skill expression anymore? He's still the single most braindead character in the game
nigga made a 10 minute video downplaying king
downplaying king bryan and kaz at the same time is crazy. literal unholy trinity
nerf dragunov nigga
Yeah Tekken 8 will never be good
Fair and balanced
no more big balance patches until the end of the year :)
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'nov got the cazzies malding
Kazuyakings, we can still downplay for more buffs!
this niggas gameplan was really to do df1 into hellsweep or electric
what weakness does dragunov have?
This character is just too busted. Trying to sidestep his wr2 is a fucking coin toss even if perfect timing.
The Kazuya discord can sleep soundly now...
dragunov bottom tier after the nerfs btw
He has 0 tracking
Kazuyakeks dragunovChads
Japanese game.
what he supposed to press after getting CH by the always plus/always trades against your moves man?
remove qcf4 most retarded move in the game
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homosexual black man orgy with rob and steve
You've never tried to sidestep his wr2 or d2 or whatever the fuck the input is. They both track like homing missiles.
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Well so far everyone I wanted to win has lost, so I guess that means JDCR is also about to lose to kpiss.
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K-piss, our FUARKING hero
you need 0.001th percentile skill to unlock him or else he does nothing
My boy JDCR oozes swag
Keisuke? More like, Kusoge
kpiss wont be able to fraud through this
which tournament was the Kodee pants dropping walkout? also CEO?
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Nigger CBM
Man i love logical jokes.
damn nigga roiding
>underestimating jdcr's choking mastery
No wonder he stopped playing Tekken
This is the most retarded shit I've ever seen.
eating a d2 from drag is whatever, so at the very least he wouldn't have gotten eaten up by pressure if he jabbed more
and when he did get momentum he literally just did a df1, atif was basically hard ducking towards the end because if a kaz isn't going to threat with a ff2 or ff3 why the fuck would you bother stand blockinng? have to make the opponent work for it
NA is so shit that fucking kpiss is in top8
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>How vs Drag
Grand finals will be dragunov vs dragunov
Then they will completely gut him next patch
why did they gave him 2 S tier lows? really why?
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>More Fraudunov
nah jdcr sucks you need skill to win with,drag
why is he getting clipped by sidestepping????
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>rff df4~f CH confirm fail
because the game is shit, bring back SC
i haven't been tuned in
did speedkicks drown?
I hope everyone else is enjoying some delicious Chipotle right now. I sure am!
if they gut him it'll only be after EVO at best case
Phantombros....k-wiss is winning again
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I think the first few seasons of T7 were so much more hype than this
HMMMMM he tried to sidestep wr2 and got hit again???

Why the Hwoarang bros think he is bad now?
to a hwoarang player after dropping hwoarang, a fitting end
solitaire 8
I think you're a fag
thank you jesus based JDCR, absolutely MURDERED kpiss holy kek
Kpiss status: FAT
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Thanks for not chocking too much jdcr
I don't remember k-wiss being that chunky
so its happened twice now, just like in t7
he's quitting t8 for sure
Mickey Mouse Mashen 8
jack/kazumi/drag doing four/five moves to control the entire match was not hype
s2 geese/jin/steve was not hype
s3 onward was not hype
What did k-wiss say to him?
Do you think he said the N word?
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nice 3d street fighter 5
I fucking told you guys just 50 posts ago that Drag's wr2 is busted shit with NO counterplay. Sidestepping it is the only way out outside of heat burst and that shit is a coin toss.
'nov claims another skull. Go ahead and seethe now.
d3,4 is easy to launch now
I once saw someone in this general call Medusa “based aryan Persian”
he's been a fatass since covid
theres a lot of mental illness here
Chun-Li please step on me
he looks a doughy baby
yeah we saw it 50 posts ago it's just as retarded now
double claymore nerf is very bad and lowhigh is clean launch on block
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I don't give a fuck I support JDCR
at least dragunov looks cool
M and H are in the house.
Lidia date reveal soon.
I wish I looked like this…
I love that they lost their minds over this, including kpiss saying you are "actually trolling" if you play him in tournament
it's an admission that if you can't enforce a mix-up on a blocked low instead of getting launch punished for what should be a launch punishable low, you can't play the game at all
nobody gives a shit about shitdia
>Aryan or Arya (/ˈɛəriən/;[1] Indo-Iranian *arya) is a term originally used as an ethnocultural self-designation by Indo-Iranians in ancient times, in contrast to the nearby outsiders known as 'non-Aryan' (*an-arya).[2][3] In Ancient India, the term ā́rya was used by the Indo-Aryan speakers of the Vedic period as an endonym (self-designation) and in reference to a region known as Āryāvarta ('abode of the Aryas'), where the Indo-Aryan culture emerged.[4] In the Avesta scriptures, ancient Iranian peoples similarly used the term airya to designate themselves as an ethnic group, and in reference to their mythical homeland, Airyanǝm Vaēǰō ('expanse of the Aryas' or 'stretch of the Aryas').[5][6] The stem also forms the etymological source of place names such as Alania (*Aryāna-) and Iran (*Aryānām).[7]
>The term Arya was first rendered into a modern European language in 1771 as Aryens by French Indologist Abraham-Hyacinthe Anquetil-Duperron, who rightly compared the Greek arioi with the Avestan airya and the country name Iran. A German translation of Anquetil-Duperron's work led to the introduction of the term Arier in 1776.[18] The Sanskrit word ā́rya is rendered as 'noble' in William Jones' 1794 translation of the Indian Laws of Manu,[18] and the English Aryan (originally spelt Arian) appeared a few decades later, first as an adjective in 1839, then as a noun in 1851.[19]
Know your place. You will never be aryan.
A nigga just want a fight pass bruh
it's almost sad
i don't think i saw kwiss do d3,4 once this set actually
schizophrenia over 9000
and you will always be brown and seen as a brown muslim by everyone
After evo
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I care about Lidia.
Not being able to launch a low high was the most retarded shit ever
We will be white
After evo
We will be white
Tonight we will be white
they didn't reveal anything before top 8, it's over
db4 is low meta for a while now. Not 100% sure why though.
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>is canonical glutton
>has absolutely zero ass
Why Harada hates women
What the fuck is a Chipotle Champion
chicken legs
What conditions did one have to fulfill in order to become the Chipotle Champion?
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What does her butt smell like
the fuck is this random hoe
You can not make this shit up
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d3,4 will not be missed
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murray was inspired by the tlou2 tranny when designing her
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It smells… good…
Stage is cooler than lidia
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I cringed when almost nobody cheered for Joka as he walked out
Who even expected Lidlia to come back after Reina
that's a man
Concession accepted.
My chipotle liege..
>SenileCDR exposes himself as 'feels' player
na mad about not being in top 8
Is knee cheering for bilal in his nursing home?
Marduk is the 4th character.
The 3rd one is BOB.
Can this Bryan make a run at the strap??

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