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Kraut Event "Welcome to Little Academy" - 6/27 - 7/10
SSR Alvitr
SR Z43
SR U-31
Teacher skins: Alvitr, Illustrious L2D, Duke of York
Preschooler skins: Z47, Z43, U-31, Eldridge
Foch META(Cruise Mission) & Attilio Regolo skin(Cruise Pass) - 6/1 - 7/31
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4

Scylla ASMR

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>484044185
Joffre a cute!

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Alvitr is the best ship of this year by far
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Sex with Purifier
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>of this year
It's only june, retardbro.
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Botes for this feeling?
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It is inevitable.
Hey Taihou
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lol Z47 really won the event
Kissing Ajax's feet!
The day sirenshitters are introduced as playable this game will be fucking dead
Do your thing essexjanny.
No seriously what's his mental illness?
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Have you wondered what will happen to Azur Lane once WW3 starts? It won't probably shut down immediately but all it takes is for the US gov or Chink gov to pass a law where all overseas apps coming from one another get banned.

Google would remove all chink apps from the playstore and billibili would remove access for all foreigners to access their platform, let alone download chink games.

And even those who downloaded the app before all started wouldn't be able to purchase gems anymore as financial entities would make it impossible for western credit or debit cards to work for chink based games.

And even if you purchased a bunch of gems beforehand, there's also the option that dev cats themselves could remove EN support, or shut down EN altogether. Not out of their own will but to avoid problems with the chink gov.

Cherish your time with your botes, SKK.
>gets mad at some redditor
>shitposts them here because he got b& on reddit
>frogs win again
>loses his mind even further and becomes the laughing stock of the general
That's it.
>gets mad at some redditor
I find it hard to believe this is true, be it sounds pathetic enough for it to be.
>be it sounds
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i wanna smell bote feet so bad
Love being married to these loving sisters.
which bote
all of them
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Put her with her genki little sister instead for the sweet and sour shimaidon
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Can they fucking fix this shit already, my god
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that is a lot of bote feet bro
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Many wives.
yes and thats the best part if im gonna be locked in their rape dungeons i should at least get something out of it beside rape
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Why is she like this?
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lovely fox
These better be the exact skins we get this year
It's nyover.
does she shave and bleach her butthole? this is important to know
Zoomer autism
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Foxes are know to be as stinky as skunks. That should give you an idea on how much the foxes in port, specially Akagi, neglect their hygiene.
that just means I have to give them a bath regularly.
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I don't have to wonder since its not happening
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A bote just flew over my house.
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I wonder who could be behind this post...
Toot is banned
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Don't worry, she's landing on the local green pepper farm
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Cut off your dick /trash/niggy, since you sure as hell aren't using it
Based tootbro
Not if I cut it off first
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I too love eugen and blucher
what the FUCK
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Can't use what never worked.
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We hate M*gador here.
That is a whole lot of posts im not seeing
Do the needful, Essexjanny
>That is a whole lot of posts im not seeing
But still has to post this somehow
You have the clemenceau avatarfaggot filtered?
mog won

Alsace is my hot water heater
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Bani the Lady of GYAAATTS
Niggertranny raid?
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This game advertises prime gyatts and you really think ass lovers are some raiders? lmeow
Turns out jannysex is absent on weekends.
july is fucking tommorow, half the year has already gone by
And? There still are 2 UR events, 1-2 SSR events, PR and some minor stuff left.
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Big sister....
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I don't see my fellow stern appreciators regularly using /trash/ and zoomer verbiage.
Intrepid sex.
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new jersey needs a new skin
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Hair down.
Racer Bismarck and RQ Tirpitz this year
Yep it's Biscuit.
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yep... its Essex
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thanks janny, but you missed some
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cute witch
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
she already lost
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>come home
>she greets you like this
How do you respond
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what a goddess, my goddess
Do NOT worship botes
Shoot her in the face, cut her into pieces and feed her to the pigs
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if you get off to this you are a subhuman
botes were made to be worshipped
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I prayed to Implacable and she raped me later than night...worth.
DALfag, if you want to ritual shitpost at least do it with only one shitpost at a time.
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this you?
This is your chance to take her NOW
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"Yes honey"
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Insecure bitches that get 0 pussy
best minute of my life
Animations aren't that impressive, but I like that tits are less jiggly, recent l2ds make them look like jelly.
Yamato when?
Iowa when?
>Me after knowing Devonshire is not an S
soon for iowa maybe
Doujin idea: Ark Royal has a wet dream about a jacked 6'7 gigaSKK fugging destroyers like the starters and Carb.
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I just came here after rewatching season 4, that aint me
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Why don't you just write instead, that Grandfaggot has stopped playing this game and moved on to hoyo mixed-toilet slop.
Yamato this JP anni so that it can be powercrept by Iowa (next CN anni)
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incredibly based take
based! i havent watched the new jersey museum yt channel in a while
Looks too similar to Taihou.
>that aint me
The screenshot has the same timezone as your screenshots
The type of posting is the same as the Hindenburg shitpost you claimed ownership over
The chapayev is oathed and in the base skin like yours from the previous thread
If it's not you, you got an impersonator who puts effort into his shit.
we got abysmal sexposts
Nikke has some really SEX girls, shame the game is shit

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what will the EN anni event be? burgers?
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essex only knows
>non-UR event
Does it even matter?
you're saying this on purpose so it'll be more impactful when you're proven wrong by the first ever global anni UR event, I see your tricks
It's either burgers or pastas, with the other taking the December UR
I doubt EN will get a UR this year, I would say give it another two years
How many botes do we have left if we remove alts (muse, METAs, -chans and tsus) and collabs?
way to many and mostly for burgers.
we already have several botes with tattoos you sperg
>tamer than alsace amd mog
who fucking cares nikkger
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USS Constitution surprise UR. her design will be incredibly american and over the top and everyone will be on their knees simping. it was revealed to me in a dream.
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still in the high hundreds
Which ones?
Z46? they are more like birthmarks than tattoos
Ulrich is pretty much the only one you could argue she put them on her own
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yuudachi, as well as a lot of ubotes and a few other kms ships like jade
What happens if I don't see Sakura botes as women or war weapons, but as my pets?
you get raped
You would tell him that no matter what he said.
you get vored by kaga
Obviously. What else is he suppose to do as SKK?
Not get raped by botes.
did you even read the job description?
we need more sundress skins
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Good luck.
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I break the terms and conditions.
Roon is easy to control. Just give her the pudding.
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Oh there's a little SKK there.
Which bote would you drink diet soda with while you play Burnout Revenge for the PS2?
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Who wants to stare at NJ's sweaty fucking feet in her bikini skin
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>Good girl
>Has tattoos
I count 537, including the ones from the current event and excluding the bulins.
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I don't see Eagle hanging out while you play video games, but she would drink diet soda.
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Idk I just want threads to be comfy and not see frogposting, I only check this place twice or thrice a day
You mean antifrog posting?
bel! b!
based bel bro
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I mean richelieu aislop and the cucks that promote it and french vacation propaganda, I want things to go back to the familiposting era
You do understand the frogposting is just to spite the one autist shitting on threads for weeks now, right
I was at my office looking at TikTok, I was laughing my ass off and then a bote entered my office without me noticing, and while I was laughing and my mouth was open, the bote threw herself at me, opened hers and started kissing me. I couldn't breathe because she put her tongue all the way in.

I'm literally shaking and crying in my dorm while I write this.
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Stupid whore. SKK never uses condoms
>I mean richelieu aislop and the cucks that promote it and french vacation propaganda
that is just the normal retarded shitposter though
the condom is for her to put on, just so it makes it hotter when she does it raw later on
>for weeks
for years*
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Which bote objectively has the coolest sword?
Renown and Repulse META
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cute l'opi
the KGVs
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For me it's Essex
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Sweet dreams SKK~
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begone demon
Oh nice, you can remove Illustrious' tights on her skin
SKK just admitted he likes sniffing feet
I've never denied it?
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(You) now remember Brest.
she's my first DR after all
yes i did
>Make her skin basically the same as her outfit
She would have benefitted from a different color on her swimsuit, maybe blue
Skk here, i like sniffing feet.
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she saved my ass to clear w15 since i don't have guam
Used her in W15
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Kijów my beloved
kyut kvey
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Yukikaze retrofit soon, I feel it in my nanoda
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Hindenburg is too strong....
Kiev, Janus and Unicorn foursome
sounds like heaven
Oh boy I'm glad the Hipper retrofit poster is dead so we won't EVER get Hipper retro that would be AWFUL I would HATE it SO MUCH
Sounds like you really want it
Reverse psychology
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She deserves it
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auntie is so pretty
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Eugen deserves it more than Hipper
Eugen deserves sex
A bote was eyeing me when I returned to port.
Eugen already practices touchdowns with SKK all the time
Fuck off Scylla
you think it was just one?
multiple botes deserve retros
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Picture this: we were both posting Essex
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evil fox
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Foxes cannot enter your room without permission.
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I have 2K cubes and I'm caught up on reruns, should I focus on cube research for PR7?
might as well
after doing it in the two previous seasons i would say it's not worth it
What is Manjuu up to?
the usual
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Good thing they always have my permission
i did not know they did 2 videos on the EN channel with english VAs. sounds pretty good though sounds weird at the same time
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Alright it's time for the "what if you got isekai'd into AL and became SKK" question again. Which botes would take a while for you to get along with?
Any femdommy ones
Why her?
All of them.
Rough around the edges, not a lot of sweetness early on.
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The Head Maid's milkmaids
Assuming i lost all my memories about Azur Lane and started as a bong then Sheffield and Jervis would be my closest ones.
Anon, are you telling me you're so anti-social you wouldn't be able to get along with even Jav?
That's all?
Because it's too expensive?
maybe all of them
Because it's literally just for bragging rights, and you never know when manjuu will introduce a retarded mode that also eats your cubes
Thats all, could lead to a few arguments.
I'm really antipathetic, and I have a hard time dealing with women where either I drop my spaghetti making lame cruel jokes trying to act cool or I end up hating women because of how they act and want nothing to do with them. I say there's a high chance of me not dealing well with botes in general because of their high morality and general 'innocence'.
>that also eats your cubes
outside of event banners and pr reserach I literally cannot think of a single example of needing cubes in their various gamemodes, if anything they usually give a certain amount of cubes
Any bote that has a more antagonistic personality isn't worth my time
That does still apply without losing your memories?
I'm sure the 2 of you would get along.
I think there'd be botes willing to help you.
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Being SKK is harder than it looks
>I'm sure the 2 of you would get along.
eventually sure, it would just be a rough start
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>That does still apply without losing your memories?
Not exactly but they would be high up there for sure.
we need more skins showing bote slits
We need
Anson soon
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Gonna abandon my SKK duties and spend all day at Little Academy
>I think there'd be botes willing to help you.
There may be, I doubt it'll work though.
OK pedo, rope yourself when you are at it
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Okay have fun never fucking Helena or Eugen because you won't show interest in their little selves
>suddenly wanting to spend time with my daughters is "pedo"
wtf faggot
You're being too hard on yourself.
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Wanting to hang out with child botes doesn't make you a pedo. I would know since I want to fuck cunny botes and can tell the difference between platonic and sexual desire.
Telling Essex that I've been thinking about her
>I'm the only one on the planet who'd look after someone as sorry as you~ Poor little thing~
That's fair.
My concern is that I was kinda behind last season, so I didn't got to use Hindenburg much if at all. Since I'm done with reruns now, I was thinking the cubes I'm saving could be used for research instead.
I'm mainly worried about the amount of cubes it's gonna cost.
unironically botes like Akagi and Taihou would probably get on my nervs the fastest simply due to being to needy, imagine wanting some alone time only for one of them to constnatly be breaking into your room, shit would get old extremely quickly
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Oath skin this year
Out of those 2 Big Bird is the easiest to deal with.
Probably, but I'm just writing what will more likely happen. Still, I'd like to get along with as many of them as much as I can at the start.
they both mellow out, so I wouldn't worry about it.
And I think you would be able to pull it off.
Also this.
It's the good kind of slop, the soulful one
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I just really like this maid. She works very hard.
she's flat as fuck tho
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sex with anchorage
Now dealing with Dido would be a challenge for me. I have never dealt with someone like her before.
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lovely Sheffy
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this, there's ok slop out there
shes only flat in comparission to how the average bote being tiddy monsters especially in this day and age
Seems like you got them troons.
>there are "men" itt who are as tall as Sheffy
When I'm posting Essex, I forget the man I am
at least dido is competent, Sirius on the other hand is not only terrible at her job, but any attempt at disciplinary action would probably backfire due to her being a masocist
Brest brests
Essex, therefore I am
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I can handle Sirius and her antics. Dido though, would be difficult since she has those abandonment issues. But then again I think I can be just as needy as her so maybe we'd go well together.
>punish Sirius verbally and don't interact with her for days
>you won't give in to her masochist side and she will know she fucked up real bad
There, disciplinary problem fixed.
Which bote would do a lovers suicide with skk?
>Which botes would take a while for you to get along with?
Imagine getting Bel blowjobs every morning
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Imagine plugging Anchorage's sensible anus with your dick and she tries to run away from under you crying haha
Easy way to get addicted
yo cringekeks are cooked af
>running away
>sensible anus
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Idk whats more frightening
Attilio knowing as much about sex as anchorage
Or anchorage knowing as much about sex as attilio
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the stupid esl probably meant sensitive and got the words confused
happy birthday to my beloved vodka wife
I love cute krauts
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my least favorite hipper class! (i'm sorry, i just prefer the others more) but still, i love her!

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I can handle Momma Zep though. One of my friends is a chuuni like her.

bros...not like this...
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don't worry i did the needful and hit them with the potato collage
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>cuckcolle fags still mad their shitty game is irrelevant
We're bigger and far more successful than you tho, cope.
>he thinks japan is bigger than china, japan, and the rest of the english speaking world combined
ok retard lmao
>crossposts his shitpost from /a/
>gets upset when people make fun of him
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>We're bigger and far more successful than you
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cute kot
What a coincidence, I prompted for this one too.
What kind of diet is used on the base? Is it peaty?
Each faction is different but each get a nice helping of skkcum
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Finally married that stupid bouncy kot. Now this image is all very beloved wives.
Why do botes want to rappe skk?
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easy target
So what did we think of the event?
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cute but short
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it was CUTE!
cute and funny, would have like it if it was longer though
i wanted to see more big / little interactions
z47 won
alvitwho again?
honestly I liked the fact it was short, it was nice without staying out its welcome
main events need coalition battles with that much point gain
Kinda boring desu
Botes are nice but they don't really stick out that much?
I usually like Slice of Life events but this one fell kinda flat
Already forgot about it. Worst event this year so far (yes even worse than the frogshitter event for braindead coomers).
sperg melty hours again? good night then
I was hoping for it to be longer than it was. Seems like they’re planning on keeping this kind of event format around which is nice. Hopefully they continue using Coalition battles, Frostfall being the last to use them was lame.
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I was in japan 5 years ago, mere months before the 'rona hit worldwide and remember seeing a lot of kancolle stuff (banners outside of convenience stores, some big fancy arcade game for it) and being like... huh shit I remember that anime and surge of doujins from like... 5 years ago (so... ~10 years ago from now), I even bought a carabiner keychain with the "burning love" girl

funny thing is actually that at that time I hadn't yet heard of or started playing azur lane yet, but remember seeing some of those life-size cardboard cutouts of boatgirls (from azur lane) and taking some pictures to send to my buddies back home and be like hey man in japan the USS [our state] is an anime girl lmao this place is wild

that being said, kancolle has some surprising fuckin staying power over there I guess, I hadn't thought about or heard anyone talking about kc for several years until I went to japan and was like hey shit, there's a lot of kancolle stuff, I remember now. Wouldn't surprise me too much if it's still big there but damn was KC a weird fuckin flash in the pan at an international level; that inspired many rip-offs but hot damn did all of them completely fizzle out other than azur lane
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i liked both this and Alsace's event
We need more boy (girl) botes
Cute event. Was hoping to see more small and big botes interaction though.

Also, Akagi was in the event but no Akagi-chan? Why?
From what I’ve seen japs are pretty autistically loyal to jap gacha games
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look at that risen loaf of bread
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Kancolle > azur lame
Everything else is just delusional
Kancolle has only 2-3 designs I want to fuck
Azur Lane has hundreds of botes I want to fuck
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Totally organic posts you guys, totally not trying to start up stupid pointless argues
What has this place become...
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Imagine coming home to your wife Hipper
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euro princess is cool at least
but otherwise go fuck yourself
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Ero starter
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Nothing will ever surpass the pornographic power of azur lane. My dick is objective. I have searched. There is no booru pool better than ours. The median fappability azur lane pic is the peak for everything else. If you are a coomer you are wasting your time by waifu-ing inferior women.
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a graveyard for trillions of my dead children
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bro is that
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it's just fuckin funny, how much of a business pearl-harbor level blunder KC was, but for inverse reasons; over-conservatism versus over-confidence. They had lightning in a bottle, I remember how fucking hype everyone was after the anime dropped, after being drip fed some pretty fuckin hot doujins in the lead-up, people wanted to know more, people wanted to play, but no, you'd have to get a VPN and run some jank mtl over it or have a wiki open the whole time to know what the fuck was going on or some shit; then a ton of imitators to ride the wave but none really made it big (I liked arpeggio and highschool fleet quite a bit I guess), until azur lane just popped up, and stuck around to this day

I know 2-3 years ago a KC2 came out, I haven't watched it because I just don't really give a fuck anymore, if tomorrow official NA supported KC came out, I also wouldn't give a fuck because I'm already heavily time-invested in something similar enough. Really the motherfucker who decided to not take KC international when it was booming, what a dumbass lmao. Like I'm pretty comfortable financially speaking where I am now, but when I think back to when one of my college buddies was telling me how he had "just bought weed online with this weird new thing called 'bitcoin'" and I was like yeah brah that sounds pretty fucking dumb rather than buying in in the early years; yeah I feel pretty fuckin dumb too
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Made for rape
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does anyone have the full version of this?
I was told we'd cruise the sea for American Gold
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I just learned that Manjuu hired the ex GFL music compositor, and a few years back already.
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As in not a screenshot?
ah nice, thanks
The Arpeggio of Blue Steel manga predates Kancolle by several years and the Arpeggio anime came out a couple years before the KC one.
Cute Levé
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No as in the doujin
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Niimi impergnated me
Nah japs are loose whores, just look at dragalia and world flopper
Military otaku are just a special breed
you got xem
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Fellatio with Niimi
Missionary with Niimi to make babies
Prone Bone with Niimi
Groping Niimi
Doing Niimi from behind
Don't click it's nigged shit
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what happens when Niimi gropes back
>Don't click it's nigged shit
there's not a single black person in those images you schizoid loon
>Fellatio with Niimi
nobody posted frogs recently so he has nothing to sperg about
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Well, I wanted to give you another to add to your list, but neither catbox nor litter are working for me at the moment.
i want to wake up to this every single day
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yeah idk all the details, I wanna say I feel like I "knew about" KC (probably via doujins) before hearin about or seeing arpeggio (only the anime really)

shame tho, because I did find arpeggio pretty memorable and the characters endearing and wanted to know more, but it just... never really went anywhere or blew up as much (in terms of doujin volume, /a/ discussion/popularity or general hype) compared to kc, I sincerely could not say if I had heard about KC or arpeggio 'first' with both being from approximately the same period of time when I first heard of 'em, and neither being singularly novel (upotte, strike witches, gup I'm like 9 9s i saw well before boatgirls of any sort, so the idea of military hardware waifus wasn't a 'new' thing by the point I saw boats)

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