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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484138062
Upon speaking with Wuk Lamat, several cutscenes will play in sequence.
It is recommended that you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety.
i think middies and fiddies should
first for not having fun anymore
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You better be serious. >>484149112
more liek Woke LeMutt :P
you have been randomly selected for testing

please report to the moonie quarters
I get that Wuk Lamat is supposed to be the underdog we're rooting for but she doesn't FEEL like the underdog.
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How would you fix DT in as few changes as possible? HARD MODE: you can't remove any of the current characters from the story.
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>second half is actually way worse than the first one
You guys have no idea what's coming, lmao.
heh (:<
Where's the collectible appraiser in DT at? I wanna take a small break from the MSQ and do some gathering
what? are we finally able to goon again?
she's a mary sue
breed in a manner so rough and animalistic it could hardly be called sex anymore
It's "better" in the sense that there's rising tension and stakes, it's worse in that it becomes an unearned rehash of ShB with the final zone being Amaurot again.
The next person to complain about Wuk Lamat has to EB Ndja.
Kinda funny how I forgot that great wyrms can and did destroy entire civilizations by themselves. I pogfaced when Vrtra showed up and just cleaned house after all this build up.
bring back ryne to msq please
isn't ryne 16
Please stop I am going to act up if you keep posting Ryne
I still can't believe Nu-Monk's optimal rotation is to hit a bootshine then a dragon kick to have a bootshine ready again for the next go around because Square Enix didn't have dragon kick requires transitioning from another form.

Can I EB Ndja anyways?
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This guy has filtered thousands.
Uhh more?
No I just really wanted to share AM's fat ass with the thread.
I think fiddies and fiddies should
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aint no way some nigga named atticus gonna filter me
Has to be a Miera though, she loves them so much :^)
lf fiddie
Complain about Wuk Lamat first.
As someone who finally got there now I know you're lying. You guys are just shitposters.
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>the second invasion cutscene
man these guys were never going to be a threat, were they
I'd change Wuk Lamat's characterization. I'd make her into a character who is competent and has vision but the problem is that the weight of responsibility is crushing her and she's trying to push herself to keep up. She faces the temptation to cut corners or compromise her values but with your help she overcomes that temptation or learns from succumbing to it.
you get to choose who you sponsor instead
let me make the two-headed tard win
The person directly below this post is Wuk Lamat. Do not listen to him.
Why the fuck did they add looney tunes sound effects to everything troon lamat does?

What is the point of this? I get what they're doing with the character and I don't even really mind the VA that much but holy fuck I keep expecting her to slip on a banana peel and have a slide whistle and trombone play.
Of course not. We've beaten worse odds before.
Make the player choose which Promise they wanna team up with
Bro has been eating the blue Takis. Watch out.
Okay, seriously, where is this coming from? I'm not the one complaining about Wuk Lamat in the thread. I haven't done that in at least a month. Why is it always me?

anon ur thredcred itll go to negatives

So... Wuk Lamat hates himself?
16 is legal in 99% of the world.
DNC has so much bloat now
is there an inn in s9?
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veena heeeere
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It clips into my jacket like hell and cost a fortune (had to actually go begging money from friends) but I'm loving the bike.
Many troons do
Woke Lamar or Woke Lmao?
We know Thancred
sure, but we can't be everywhere at once
but i guess we don't have to if they're just gonna get knocked down
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Earth laws only apply on Earth.
>finish the expansion
>it’s alright, can’t really beat ascian saga related expansions
>go to YouTube to listen to the final boss ost
>the comments are shitting on the expansion and hates eng dub Wuk lamat (understandable, I feel like I would’ve liked the character more if the voice actor wasn’t so dogshit
Man I feel bad for this expansion, I knew it was bad but Jesus
Why are pelupelu children brewing and drinking liquor?
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this is my femlala in DT
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How would you fix Dawntrail?

Hard mode: you must feature Wuk Lamat as a main cast member
Don't bring the Scions along. Not because I don't like them or anything like that, but because they serve no purpose in DT and it'll help the writers in the long run.
Don't push Wuk Lamat as hard. She's perfectly fine as she is, but she really shouldn't be CONSTANTLY the ONLY focus.
Stop forgiving literally everyone for no reason whatsoever. The finale is an absolute trainwreck specifically because of this.
Make Krile actually matter. No further explanation needed.
Where can I look up lewd content made using characters? Is there anywhere people actually archive this shit? And I am talking about In-game models not the usual slop posted on r34

I desperately need more Ryne/Gaia content
What were the other places Emet-Selch mentioned that we should explore?
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Really liking the Old-West zone.
Yeah, no...
Can't wait for the erp i'm going to have there.
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Where do I exchange white scrips to purple scrips?

Grapecat a cute
does she like miera
>WE Love this
About to filter this saying
turn it into Final Fantasy 14 A Dawn Retrailed and have Lamat be Louisoix
Just use JP voices
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Kill Wuk Lamat right before the first trial.
madam, pls giv bob
out of 10!
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>The precocious Mamool Ja is now accompanying you. Keep her at your side in order to proceed with quest objectives.
cute cute cute
make it so that the first 1/2 of the expansion isn't her being completely unaware of her country's culture and pogging at every beast tribe
So how is nu-Astrologist? Love the aesthetics, felt janky as heck though and button bloaty from what I recall trying ages ago.
Wait, did they just retcon the way mamool ja talk in one line of throwaway dialogue on the boat so they don't have to write every one that way?
theyre only there for trusts
Why do bunnies look even worse now, like they already had these weird barbie doll faces but they really did cranked it up to 11 with that shit
I dunno what's wrong with me. I have friends saying they cried multiple times during Dawntrail alone (thus it's good!!!) and I just felt absolutely nothing. How and why do people cry at stuff when they know what the outcome is going to be afterwards (everyone survives)?
I need pics of all the new gear and I need it right NOW
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Spoiler-free poll: Who should rule in Tuliyollal?
Anyone else noticing their screenshots have a giant white/black mark stretching across them? wtf did they mess up now
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>had to go begging friends
stop being poor
The only time we ever cried was at the end of Shadowbringers
>new gear
does he know?
Just add more battle content. Turn the alpaca hunt, the battering ram, the mock battle in the theater etc into solo instances. Let us actually hold Wuk Lamat's hand.
>it's fucking swing

RUINED IT. RUINED IT IN THE FIRST FIVE SECONDS. FUCK YOU. Now I have to mute the BGM and look for appropriate island music. Fuck.
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+ or -
It's called code-switching, chud. They're clearly BIPOC coded.
>being this new
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Thank. But I don't think that fish is supposed to be eaten like that...
>I have friends saying they cried multiple times during Dawntrail alone
They're lying. I refuse to believe in this.
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how do i set up an anti afk whatever
post middie
it can't all be recolors right?
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How do I cope?
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Can I be a M+
This entire expansion felt like how I felt about Ran'jit, zero fucks given
They are true fans that appreciate the trillion hours of hard work that went into DT while you, a subversive chud, refuse to reward the developers.
>pretending to be an oldfag
if you cried at anything before ShB you are just a woman that cries over anything
He is the rightful successor for the throne.
only if they have a big cock
You don't even need to bother with that, queues don't exist outside of Aether and if you're on aether just travel to Dynamis when you think you might afk
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They just don't pay me enough.
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I answered my own question, it's in Mor Dhona but the exchange is still labeled "Yellow Scrip Exchange"... confusing.

Got stuck being spat out!
Do you rike reskins?
twink with big cock is the best kind of miera
The last time I cried at a video game was when I played FF7 in elementary school and I named Nanaki after my pet dog and I let him die during the elevator fight because I was a stupid kid.

Can you at least tell me what they're all recolors of?
he disagrees
Why did you spoiler that image

you JUST know he's a tia
What do I use my purple scrip on once I bought the folklore tomes?
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>queues don't exist outside of Aether
Yeah I think I'm just gonna go play other videogames
replace the english voice actor and get a voice actress from south america that can do a natural sounding accent.
>get krile as a trust member over zero
Anyone else been getting constant DirectX fatal errors since Dawntrail launched? What the hell is causing them?
Be honest /vg/
Have you ever gooned to your own wol
>I am a traveler of the star.
there are some good dialogue options in this one
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New hair colors WHEN
Why can't we have this??
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armor from 6 years ago that was recolored 3 other times and you still cant dye it
If you haven't completed 75% of the story by now you deserve to be spoiled desu.
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Lock him in a room with me and let's just say I'll make him a Nunh
Make her character be extremely in tune with the culture of Tural, but shes a total idiot clutz and can barely swing an axe. Instead of her doing all the fighting we are training her as she watches and slowly joins us in more combats. Bonus points if theres extra dialogue for being a tank or healer.
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Did someone order one tanned cat?
The last time I cried was playing Tales of Berseria. Tears out of my eyes and my penis.
What's there to even spoil? Shit looks boring af
/wowg/ is making fun of us again........
I don't understand how anyone could. I cry pretty easily at games and in general, Persona 3 Reload had me weeping earlier this year but there's nothing to cry about in Dawntrail.
Put Sadu and Magnai in the main party instead of inviting the fucking twins
I have not. I don't even masturbate to the ERPs I have. I did once cum to an elaborate sexpest post I got, though.
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is she fucking stupid?
It doesn't match but everytime I enter Yok Tural I want to dance like I'm in a 1920's black and white cartoon
blue catgirl hands typed this post
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my catboy with his moonie wife
Biggest sign someone is a shitter when loading into duty?
>the alpha legend
you just know this one is going to die to an aoe
How could you goon to yourself?
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you literally have skiptards spoiling shit at the ass end for fun like BJJ's head and sphene in her entirety
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haha i remember those ew days...
no :^]
This is why i dont wear my ultimate titles, half these retards just buy the clears
well yea
more than any other characters combined
does being turned on while posing him piping down a moonie count?
Do you rike Qitana Ravel? Do you rike Scaevan gear?
She's evil.
>dungeon recolors (not dyable)
>crafted recolors (dyable)
ala mhigan (it was already recolored in ShB btw)
ravel keeper

all other sets are unique and new
Someone completely different writing the dialogue. I've been driving myself crazy thinking about it but it might really be that simple. Actually, the director should never have let them take the job.
I recall only g'raha of all people making a halfway memorable philosophical musing towards the end. Everyone else is short, simple, stiff lines, straight to the point, drastically hampering characterization and even full comprehension of the overall plot.
There is a clear apprehension about delivering too many full paragraphs, and considering how long the MSQ is despite that, I think it might just be ineptitude and not professional planning.
And notice how little urianger has to say? Due to having limited screentime, sure, but don't you think it's still pretty extreme? They might genuinely struggle with coming up with lines for him. I don't blame them, but if I was getting paid to do it I'd at least try.
>first trial done
the story gets better soon, right?
yes but i'd never reveal who my wol is
>best at top, worst at the bottom
Shadowbringers Base MSQ
Shadowbringers Patch MSQ
Stormblood Patch MSQ
Heavensward Patch MSQ
Heavensward Base MSQ
Endwalker Base MSQ
Dawntrail Base MSQ
Stormblood Base MSQ
Endwalker Patch MSQ
A Realm Reborn Patch MSQ
A Realm Reborn Base MSQ
my catgirl likes you... wanna..?
makai pvp titles, catboys, roes, veenas, lalas, and maleras off the top of my head
goslingposts are about to go crazy here
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>best at top
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starbucks emote when
I've fantasized about her getting absolutely destroyed by middies. Fiddie btw.
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do all maleroes look like gigachad now?
Plogons when? Please I want to see Sphene in a bikini....
nah i think my femra is cute but thats about it
SHB is widely agreed to be peak MSQ, only contrarians think otherwise.
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>the story gets better soon, right?
No, and I can't jerk off to pictures I take either, even if it's not my character. In theory j want me WoL to take me as her personal semen dispense and make me act like her pet. But I can't get off to her. :(
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wanna what
Sphene is the final boss btw
I never thought I'd say that but Maleroes actually look really damn good now
what would you rank above shb?
god I need one
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not much left, nice zone though, amaurot two, electric boogaloo
Cope contrarian
>"viera cant wear hats because...um...clipping!"
>new reaper hood just has the ears clip through
>hair tufts on the bottom of the ears clip as well
I might swap off bunny boy again, this is retarded
Shadowbringers PATCH msq (post 5.3) is definitely on the lower end. And ARR PATCH msq is near the top.
The worst part of 6.5 was the slow realization that 7.0 would have absolutely nothing to do with the Void
It does get better. Only shitposters still in the first half claim it doesnt.
Yeah but very rarely. My best friend's characters and OCs though drive me wild though...
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>kind of want to play CC
>it's c9
One hour until red sands....
bunny players deserve less
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of the female variety
I remember seeing the preview pic with ryne and zero…i was hopeful for the future. Instead we got furry tranny garbage instead
>replace troon VA with a real woman and overwrite Wuk's dialog audio from EW
>make it so everyone agrees Wuk is not fit to rule, or kill her off altogether to fuel the story, as we must find a more suitable ruler
>make music better
>do some crazy hype shit at the end to make people look forward to next patch msq
I am still on shadowbringers btw
that's what you get for fantaing to your zesty ass mierda
do you like miera with cottagecore houses and pastel glams
its what you deserve for playing a VIERDA
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Yeah but mostly in the context of getting railed by someone elses.
the tome weapons are the coolest in the entire game holy shit
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I am
a femezen
ishikawa... ishikawa save me....
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The void problem is completely solved they just have to do exactly what 1st did but with dark even though they are in a completely different situation where everything is infinitely more fucked and the people in charge aren't nearly as big of special snowflakes and have no hope of fixing it.
Looking forward to the WoL x Lamaty'i x Erenville threesome.
>make music better
Aw man, i thought at least soken would give us something good this expac
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>No sunnie, moonie or femra - for my futafiddie
Not fair....
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Rewrite the entire finale. I actually enjoyed most of the MSQ. I was even able to tolerate the Trolley 2.0 arc, but doing a fucking soulless repeat of Amaurot and Emet is probably the laziest shit they've ever pulled in a major MSQ plotline. Just unforgivable. I will fight anyone who is seriously attempting to defend that garbage.

Also give us some more memorable music for the damn trials, where is my HIGH ON HIGH I STAND equivalent?
I hope Square is gonna send out e-mail surveys about DT so I can tell them how much I hated it
Yes, unironically.
Do you like femhroth
It reeks of "see? I can do that too!" because of the writer change. Really petty if true. We'll never know for sure of course.
my femlala is finally doing her dailies after months instead of standing afk at the bench
EW was ass too bro, she was a one hit wonder with shb
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please what
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>widely agreed
since when does that make anything good? people widely agree taylor swift is better than mozart
Right looks better in every way except for the limbal rings, which can be fixed by just making them a brighter shade in the character creator.
who's this
please put some clothes on you freak
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Wuk never transitioned and picks me up in his big masc arms, Runar with Y'shtola style
Hot Chip/Myrah
You did put on a disguise so the bandidos wouldn't recognize you as having been with Wuk earlier, right?
There are reports that Yoshi-P and his senior leaders are keeping a close eye on critical reception coming in and had an emergency meeting to discuss how to pivot planned storybeats and developments going into 7.1 and beyond.

There's talks of the writing lead getting demoted and them making Ishikawa step in and then having Yoshi-P personally be the story designer.
You...are so...pretty...ngghhhh...!
yes, i did
i have a lot of porn of her, i fantasize about a woman like her
i don't share it
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>"yeah the train's out and we have to go to the native tribe's area to get their resources to fix it"
>fully expecting some kind of silly menial test from them
>get there
>"hey man will the new Dawnservant fuck up the ecosystem"
>say no
>"awesome, log pile's over there, take as much as you need"

Bravo Yoshida my expectations have been subverted
Please bring ryne back to msq with gaia i am begging
lol ofc not
I'm a straight hroth
That's a vile post but I would rape your bussy all night until you look 9 months pregnant with my thick cum inside of you.
>come to xivg to post my catgirl
>some retard just outright spoils who the final boss randomly
thanks i guess
When I was a femra I gooned a few times to poses. They were all shit
just report and ignore using the literal dedicated spoiler option
>Erinville saying "Good Girl"
They completely wrapped up the void storyline so they wouldn't have to revisit it, filler anime arc
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... n-no.
wuk lamat ruined them for me before they even came out, soz
yeah, i put a bag over wuk's head
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>I'm a straight hroth
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How's this fair? Where is ours...
This. I can tolerate the most retarded shit in this game, but there's nothing worse for me than attempting a lame, inappropriate copy of an older and much beloved story moment. Fuck whoever wrote this.
It's so over
dires times anon
my catgirls can find anyone atm too, and her desire to stretch some asses is growing

I guess they are all msqing or something
People say amaurot 2.0 and while that is true i get more of a dream zanarkand vibe except it requires wholesale genocide to keep the dream alive
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How are you coping with your character changes?
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What the hell is this slop
Can some latinx chime in?
it's very blatantly meant to be a zanarkand reference but the majority of the fags whining about it are too young to have played ffx
These posts are silly because Yoshida would have been aware of this back in 6.1+. I dunno if she will take over again this expansion, but they will have someone else for 8.0.
they look better outright so im doing fine
All the time. Especially in the pictures I take of her being an NTR bull.
I genuinely cannot tell the difference with face 3 femezens
they told you what it was in excruciating detail
>ARR PATCH msq is near the top
baits used to be believable
There's nothing to cope about, like 99% of the changes are an objective improvement. It's one of the few truly great things of this expansion so far.
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Taco al pastor mi amigo

Now eat this taco *unzips*
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almost a 100% improvement on mine, all i needed to do was tweak the eyeliner

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why no roe?
Your fault for playing this shit game
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>make a character specifically catered to my sexual preferences
>can dress her up however I want, pose her doing whatever I want
Obviously, I'm not her but I would ream her asshole so hard she'd struggle to sit down for a month straight.
My sunnie looks the same but more HD so I can't complain
Changing my character's hair and whole look a little bit into the edgy side because they made her look angrier. I like the classy racial hairstyle but it doesn't work with the new face...
i just hope it was a lie
>57% on steam with 473 reviews
it's just the wowfags and shitposters though right?
this post reeks of desperation
Pray speak to Wuk Lamat.
Portraits and Adventurer's Plate looks fucked, but ingame model looks much nicer. Feels like the shading/lighting on portraits are way off compared to how it is ingame.
I cant take this face seriously.
i am a
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Based as frick
You're pathetic.
my moonie+ has had no problem finding anyone
nah + you're a pajeet
your inevitable seething reply will be taken as confirmation
Where do you guys get these pictures…asking for a friend
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Why does it need to be this empty? Not even a trash can or bench in sight. No food stalls. No NPCs. What is this.
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He is a 100% easter egg.
I refuse to not believe this
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im wearing clothes

Wait, the dialogue is different if you do it as VPR? I did it as SGE and he said
>Tell me, have you ever fought a Viper before?
I'm a moonie - and would love to hang with your futafiddie...
I hate Yuck Vomit so much. Terrible character
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I think playing with colorblind assist on warped my perception of my lala
looking back, I don't think I look too different from before
I literally am
wear more clothes
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They should make the tailing missions harder, with multiple people and fakeouts on what they'll do.
Good to see no one likes tranny lamat
Need a mod to mod out these dreadful sound effect from picto

Makes me miss the bloodyfuckingbastards in Radz.
post her, she must be succulent
korv stroganoff + santa maria tortillabröd
they ran out of budget, please understand
just beat the level 100 trial and the credits are rolling and im just here wondering when alexander is showing up???
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How hot is it in Tural?
I want to wear my usual cool combat glams but I don't want my character to be hot and stuffy under his clothes, you know?
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I am really dumb and even tried simple mode but I honestly can't understand this. How do you even read this?
I hate looking at bars and I want to just see this and know what to press but other than the 3 diamonds at the bottom for the range combo I don't know what the bars mean
You get a line as a healer after the fight saying Wuk will never fear getting into a fight with a healer like you by her side
Unlocked viper and he said this while I was a reaper so yeah I totally "know" the viper style, bro
it's tropical so it's probably all humid and sticky..
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they took her to the leather club </3
>all this bitching about muh trolleys
>it's working again after literally ONE quest
i love when they acknowledge stuff like this
Shut up.
Can we get this hair anywhere?
Smooching these cute boys.
Tenderly kissing femroes
They blew their Alexander load in the HW raid series, which has the best music in the game
Is that Tina or just a lookalike?
Just go naked, slut.
my femroe is going to Xak Tural
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No but their posts were so shockingly heinous I thought of mimicking them to baffle people with the basest of profligacies
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Please don't tell me they are gonna rip off the Alexander summon from FF9
I can't help but feel the environmental designers just looked at a Razor mouse and were like...what if this was a whole city.
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>Game updates Friday
>crashes on launch with XIVLauncher
>crashes on launch with official launcher
>repair via both launchers
>still crashes on launch
>can only play by signing in on official launcher, opening task manager, killing all processes related to steam, then hitting play
>reinstall from 0 today, maybe a clean install will fix it
>crashes on launch from official launcher
What the FUCK, man? Is anyone else having this or actually managed to resolve it? What the fuck did Square do to botch their client so hard?
omg poggers is that a reference to a job from current dlc?
just another blonde fiddie with homophobic eyes
It changed significantly, but it's more in line how I wanted it to look to begin with but the character creator then didn't allow for.
But there is someone out there with the same options who is upset their bun is now less sexy.
man i hate catboys
I can't wait for all the DT shills to change their tunes in a few months and pretend like they "totally thought Dawntrail sucked from the start".
like hawaii? Hawaii is gross
I wore an old moonfaire top, (my favorite is the hula one) shorts, and sandals. It’s vacation!
i dont know how you guys can say this shit if youve actually played the game
i hate s9 but it's objectively a very detailed high-effort and big budget zone compared to every other secondary city
Im kind of digging the thought of another FFX playthrough all of a sudden
It strangely shifted my characters face into something I like better. I hope other people didn't get fucked over.
Thank you, looking good! Would give thumbs up and a snack for the road
Mixed reviews on Steam RUMAO
finally people will see yoship's a talentless hack and no more copium backups with BOTH ff16 and yawntrail being so dogshit
shiteaters enjoy eating shit. I understand.
>graha and yshtola arrive in the same cutscene
LMFAO you cannot make this shit up
dragging the two worst characters in together
thank you for the confirmation, kumar
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.. Why?
When are these writers going to figure out that the way to introduce a new character and make them likable is NOT making every single fucking msq and cutscene about them and no one else for hours and hours? I mean shit, forgive me if I'm wrong, but I remember when Alphinaud got introduced, it was split between him and Cid, we had the arc to take down Garuda, and then we immediately came across Y'shtola and Yda again realized they were alive and everyone gained protagonism again. When Yugiri got introduced in the patches, yes, we had an arc setting her and her refugees up, but it didn't fucking take over the entire MSQ for several patches in a row, we kept alternating between issues and scenarios and shit.

Why do they do this shit with Zero and now with Wuk Lamat where they're introduced and for as long as they're present, no one else in the whole goddamn game can move or talk unless it's to address them?
i want to give caelynn lynnwood a foot massage...
>ff9 themed expac
disappointing. I would have liked to see either another shard's alexander or some kind of time shit explanation
What do I do with my poetics in this xpac
i like s9
it's a bit big and it feels a bit bare, but it's beautiful

i just can't take any of the bad guys seriously
>sets any fiddies bust slider to 0
we cant have anything nice, can we
Anyone who thinks the average player wants action games and only action games is a decade behind the times, I hated buttonmash fantasy even if the plot had the bones of being interesting
You are still pathetic.
Out of all the scions they have the best reason to actually be there but yeah they introduced them badly
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Say it
Say "I love freeform jazz"
catboy status?
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I like it
You don't find scalies with daddy issues to be charming?
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>random lag spike + major packet loss = DC
2500+ queue
her bust size is set to max actually lol that's just how the armor looks
What is wrong with jazz
Even if this is a troll post I have to agree that ff16 and dawntrail were both shit
I think 16 might actually be worse than 15 for me
this game has always been a steaming pile of shit ever since it decided to just become a redundant WoW clone
Someone shop it into a blunt with "Quieres?" under it.
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Almost there.
i make the "man i hate [race]" post whenever i am inconvenienced by someone being shit at the game, not my fault it's about catboys 90% of the time
Her nails look so fucking disgusting, I hate claws of the beast so much it's unreal.
kill that furry nigger and inject good characters
I prefer the bossa nova second half
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my femlala is a girl
woah ty
she bakool on my jaja
they play the wrong notes
I am
a free trial player
taking up a spot on Aether
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My husband
man i hate femra
So um

why exactly are there monsters in this perfect world of immortals anyways
Shaaloani Kino
I hate graha so fucking much
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nigga cat
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>XII materia going for 80k
EZ money
how overabundant is viper RN?
I want him to plaprape my sunnie so bad
This won't happen because drooling normalfags, which make up the majority audience for most video games, would rather attack people with criticism (genuine or not) than to wish for more effort from the writers.
i know thats what im saying. i set mine to 200 and no one can even tell.
I'm not trolling. I'm genuinely trying to save people from supporting dogshit and to have better standards from the industry
it betrayed the standard mechanics of the FF name, there was nothing impressive about it. just poorly mish mashed slop of Asura's Wrath and DMC
My favorite cuteafell
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saw this earlier
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they made them, for fun
Same here, IX is my favorite out of the bunch I pray we gonna get at least some nice remixes in the patches or raid tier
Get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant!
Severely. If you're planning on going Viper prepare to be the same as literally everybody else right now.
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that's the entire zone, and arcadion too
literal GPU ebic grafixxx towers
did you win?
>In cowboy land
>Alien robots invade
>Wuk Lamat back in the story
>if you don't enjoy the tranny cat then you're a shitskin
me feeding my moonie
how do you get novaclusters?
Where is the joke?
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neat hunt mark
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Anyone? This shit is suffering.
that's a man
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Someone told me its literally just my bnuuy but HD, and yeh i see it.
based yoship anti
keep fighting on
they're literally giving them away, just do your roulettes nigga
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From one smug cat to another, I tip my hat
>Zoral Jaa: I wish for peace. To maintain the current world peace we have now, I must invade Eorzea and expose everyone to the horrors of a world war and bring about as much death and destruction on my homeland as possible so they appreciate peace more.
does this work irl
First, don't worry about the colours.
What will happen is this:
Start combat - press right or left, both sides will light up (indicating that you can press left or right and it doesnt matter), the same will happen again after this
Now, press either left (if you dont need the debuff) or right (if you do)
One side will light up, press the corresponding side
One side will light up again, press the corresponding side

tldr: press the glowing side as its taking you to the finisher that you buffed previously
please tell me you can get the pelupelu hat

i need it for my min height fiddie
Is the Skydeep set from the 95 dungeon a recolor?
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I like it.
ok faceblind troonra
Why would anyone even buy them now? There's no content for it.
They'll be under 55k in 3 weeks.
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>watch a friend play through the MSQ for the first time
>he's playing in english
>those """performances""" during the EW patch content
>Wuk Lamat
You faggots can't be serious.
/pet /pet /pet *smooch*
what's the Japanese reaction to Dawntrail?
Fair enough, most catboys are huge shitters I agree
!!! femroe spotted !!!
smooch missile deployed... launching in 3, 2, 1.

~~~~~~ >(/SMOOCH)>
>start play around 3.0
>almost never skip MSQ if not by accident
>keep convince friends to try XIV
>start DT, go pass early slop and keep telling It's gonna get better.
>mind broke around lv 95 MSQ and start actively skipping.
>even start shitposting during cutscene
yeah just look at modern america, which is a result of too much peace so now it hinges on civil war

look how ww2 united every country's population
>0 healing done PCT and VPR
chat how do i kill my own teammates?
critics are concerned with the content of the game
retards are concerned with steam review scores and subscriber counts
based shitposters realize that only braindead streamers are going to be consulted for their opinions anyway
slapping their knees and falling over laughing at the poop quest
sugeeeeee, UNCHI!!!
femlala feet on my face...
generally you have to tell people the people you want to slaughter are out to get them
post msq songs that signal a skippable cutscene
I'll start https://youtu.be/7kkPm-y5kPs?si=feOKO7gyQIUWnPLE
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When is 660 raid gear good until?
So who was the mother of the little blue turd
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I can buy fiddies at Solution 9. The future is truly wonderful
I did them and I have like 3 of them. Are there no other ways to get them?
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I need my qol
3 feet futa penises are not QoL
I just finished the lv99 trial in it, he's kinda spicy but just don't get hit and you'll be fine.
ive never even masturbated to xiv
I don't feel so good...
Can you download the plugin that makes you less of an annoying cunt?
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I accidently joined a raid as a conjurer instead of a white mage
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>get into CC queue
rip balmung
the west has fallen
Primal bros? Did anyone just crash?
>first thing that comes to mind is dick
Holy projection, Batman
no u
gilgamesh bros?!
They pulled the plug, thank god
nooooooooooooooo let me in I need to finish my shitty boring anime slopstory
I'm still in.
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yeah I'll step on your face bro
and crush your fucking peanut skull
DId the retcon Dawntrail?
goblin bros......
my levelling queue......
Oh good it wasn't just me then. Time to go make gumbo.
I knew it, wukkin Wuk Lmao wukkin killed the motherwukkin game, what a wukker
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>Just thinking about wether these deformed barbarians will come to our rescue when we're in trouble in the expansion 10 years from now pisses me off.
Fucking lmao, elevens have the best bants.
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same sis. i need my zoomhack (qol, needing to turn your camera to see mechanics is clunky bad design)
i also need my xivcombo (your combo is already 1 button in pvp so it should be in pve too. also needing 30 keybinds is bad design so i need slothcombo while we're at it)
i also need splatoon (see above, aoes are present in normal mode so hiding them in extreme and savage is bad design)
and dont forget cactbot. i shouldnt even need to explain this one.
*mongol techno in the distance*
this but unironically and it's not slop
The CC cabal will not forgive you this time, little one...
what are good addons for pve help?
Wait, are servers crashing?
I'm sitting in queue right now trying to get in
>didnt crash
Seraph bros winning
The server(Ultros) just hung for like 20 seconds without executing my buttons presses, but then went back to normal.
I aggroed a sentry robot, and it put away its weapon when I escaped. What did I see then? A fiddie run as it returned to its patrol route.
Now you know the secret.
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Loving it.
My thighlander had a huge glowup
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The updated graphics are so fucking good
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I was in the middle of a raid duty >:(
Are Dynamis servers shitting themselves?
I just got kicked out and been experiencing horrible lag.
Ohh nice I thought it was just me...
Say what you want about the story (i actually like it) but Soken cooked
this for my miera
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How many Gerolt clones will we find at the end of FF14?
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I'm looking pretty good
cowboy day theme is goated
>Just thinking about wether these deformed barbarians will come to our rescue when we're in trouble in the expansion 10 years from now pisses me off.
all of NA shat itself
that first post just needs a "anyone who disagrees is from Jamaica, it was proven." after it and it's like home.
put the plus marker on them but don't cover them
just got kicked out on crystal
yoshi-p... you promised us salvation...
Smooching this cute boy until his violent urges go away.
All the robot soldiers use fiddie animations and it's lore relevant
I will put on a slut glam if yoshi lets me back in now
>1226 person queue
well at least it wasnt just me
well i spoke too soon
do you like catboys?!
It was me. I pulled the plug on the servers.
Ryne has a cute voice
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thanks yoshi
i had to mute the vocal tracks
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Crystal is doing fine.
>dodged the crash because i was in an instanced duty
yup. i'm just too powerful
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bros who killed the servers
did crystal/balmung just fucking die
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lobby server connection era
Why is it that there's no discords for this where people just chill in?
You always have the token
>Mouth breathing idiot who cant go more than 5 seconds without talking
>The 'constant stream whatever im doing" retard who cant stop narrating
>The faggot who cant stop talking about spoilers
>The 2 retards who dont even play this game and instead of going to a different lobby just open mic talk over everyone while they play another game
>go jerk off in shower
>get kicked out by auto afk
>3k queue
>cook dinner
>2.4k queue
>wait 20 minutes more
>lobby connection lost
probably a lesson to be learned here somewhere
I got booted on balmung
YoshiP pulled the plug, XIV is over
Sorry guys it was all me. I returned from my excursion from Oceania DC for the first time in a while and America's DCs just couldn't handle my character's big fat tacos ass
Most of Alexandrian soldiers are female if you played ff9
finished the msq. i'd give it 2 extra points if wuk lamat was a mithra with a better voice actress.
>Wait 2 whole fucking days for this boring expansion
>It fucking crashes
>(You) will still not ask for refunds.
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The smooth jazz is pretty decent but I think overall the ost is pretty mid tier so far
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Game dead

I think you've confused me with someone else

azimborea REAL
I am indifferent
Being shrunken and crushed by femlala feet!
Whoopi Goldberg in XIV?!
>See the person who has been schizoing me during MSQ
>get disconnected
they fucking DDoSed it didn't they
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>So I started blasting.
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I'm still not a huge fan of the changes to eyes and lips, though some lighting the lips don't look super bad in
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I thought that's the sort of stuff gets people immediately permabanned
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I love my EB so much! I'm having so much fun going through the story with him! I'm so truly blessed, he's simply the best ever!
>>Mouth breathing idiot who cant go more than 5 seconds without talking
Thats me. If I'm in voice chat, I want to talk.
Kyuu Tsu literally being in voice every minute he's awake and talking down to anyone who tries to talk in his proximity.
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48 hour server maint so that the servers would be great btw
48 fucking hours we waited
i fanta'd
>Hit 90 on Vipper
>Entire game crashes
I did this.

This is my fault.
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Goddamit I was crying my eyes out right before Erenville pulled the plug on his own mother I guess this is what everyone in the Living Memory saw then we shut down the terminals
hmm i could put you on polishing duty, yup.
>reviews are bad
>zero hype for the game
>new city is a ghost town
>we need long ass queue so they write and article on this game
>shitty 90s server: say no more
Server just die fvor everyone??
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I'm still in game but everyone around me is getting yeeted
i always hear people talk about how wuk lamat sounds amateurish but I just mamool ja ja and it sounds like some spic doing a fandub unironically
>we wipe first trial at 5%
>try again
>servers explode at 3%
servers shit the bed?
Ummmm I thought servers were fixed now?
Game keeps fucking dropping me, error 90002
$40 good game
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Where do I find + friends for my sunnie?
>NPC class
You must not be allowed back in
i keep getting d/c'd every few minutes. this wasn't happening the past few days
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time for a better game
>get kicked
>queue is now 2k
So I guess this happened to a lot of people
You were too sexy.
It's hilarious how they think that this shit is any better than the usual JRPG dub.
>server DC as soon as Furcacauda window opens
come on.....
still better than heavensward lmao
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EU bros.
time to officially laugh at NA wieners
God I miss shb
I've logged back into Balmung
2,110 queue
I think you look damn good anon
New hardware upgrades lookin' good
All of NA
Works on my machine. Should've upgraded your potatos.
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its over
Eri craft me some stable servers
Yeah, when I was trying to log in just now, I was at like 300
After the crash, I'm now sitting at 1550
Isn't that one p2w as fuck?
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break time gamers
I guess I should be going to bed anyway.
Seething picto

Go draw me a picture, sissy.
Holy downgrade
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Old Femezen pits to console the queue sitters
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It's okay. I wish the eyebrows were more defined like how they used to be before 7.0 and didn't look painted on but I'll live
I did slightly change her eye color, it was too vibrant
Damn it. I just reached the golden city gate...
working on my machine
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hey buddies can you stop colonizing our tender fertile fresh server dynamis?
oh man wait til you hear this one, none of those things get you banned at all no matter how much or where you use them! throw a bot program into the mix too, welcome to FFXIV!
>disconnected during the level 98 "several cutscenes" cowboys versus aliens sequence
I want this ra's lipstick marks all over my sunnie (in game)
Thats her officer! The one pulling the plugs till only busty Elezen are left!
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i will now avatar post
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nothing personnel
I dont mind it, you probably dont have this issue, but like some people dont even let other people talk and just keep talking about whatever their doing, like shut the fuck up and allow a conversation
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my moonie looks so good now, i couldnt be happier
Pull the trigger. Your gun can't unsmooch you.
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>they got booted
oh no no no no no
Servers down post lodestones!
rewrite the story and kill le blessed faggot. all assets can be reused the world is your oyster anon
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>Balmung is back to normal

Get these world crossing fucks outta my erp center.
We had a 48 hour maintenance... for THIS?
not really
Yeah, and now I've got a 4000 man queue
Fuck this
I tried playing this, but the Cheat Engine speed up that I usually do for Idle games didn't work, and it seemed way too involved for an idle game.
Smooching this mooner.
bros i was right at the end of my trust dungeon i better not kicked out of the dungeon by the time i get back in
Fix your shaders. That is way too over saturated.
Yeah Im sure it would be much more enjoyable if you both sat there reading subtitles in silence while monkeys screech NANI DESKA OMIWAA EHH EHH NANDE in the background ya fucking brainroted weeb faggot.
You will never be Japanese
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You look better than ever
Not for long, twink
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I'd prefer if you didn't. Thank you.
It's the russians
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How many unique dungeon sets are there for this expansion bros? Just did the level 95 Dungeon And I am pretty sure that it's another re-used set right? Don't tell me the only unique one is from the 93 Dungeon? Please don't be so.....
I can't get into Aether. error 2002...
what shader are you using?
What queueslop are you guys watching?

For me, it’s /ftl/
ok but what if we...
Sorry meant this post
>Queues before the crash
>Reasonable 40-50s
>Queues after crash
>Suddenly 2k people in line
Something doesn't add up here...
that was four years ago she's good now also
quintessential brownskin post
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Downloading zSNES so I can play FF6 and play the REAL pictomancer
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post the grafix update version
Log out chud I want back in.
my aryan bbc ra didn't get kicked
just look at that slampig cathog... what a cut of meat...
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What was going through Yoshida's mind when he approved of this design?
my white boy malidster is tapping into his 1% native turali bloodline to reawaken his viper abilities, kemosabe
I thought these two were alters
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entire FC and dungeon group go offline but i survived
i cant stop winning
based and submariner pilled
>drink a fantasia
>servers crash
did I do that?
servers fucked
post moonie feet
I guess I can post beautiful pictures of this game while I wait...
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yeah it's pretty involved, i think i had 1k+ hours until i finally started being able to idle without the game being active. i guess that's where the ""MMO"" advertising goes in it, despite it not being very MMO-like
If sunnies looked like this I would plap them.
>Players in queue 1,184
What the fuck? (((Traveller)))s go home! get the fuck off my world!. Zivgee told me this game was dead go away go away go away go away
How do I look so dumb while wearing glasses...

I like your Hrothgal's design a lot.

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Got kicked right at the Alien attack on Tulyolall
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Where do I find more pictures like these?
There's a lot of fucking people playing, the servers seemed to have improved to cope with this. Now is clearly not the case lmao
Well then
What's the plugin to look at dps numbers?
I want more info on how I'm doing other than just the aggro number
I want to request lewd pics of this femra
Sex with hags!
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fucking furry menace
I was a wee child when I played this game but I don't remember her being any good tbdesu with you.
nabros? what happened?
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done, and I don't hate the story up until 94 quests but y'know it ain't good and
>talk to
>talk to again
>talk to again again
>wait again
>wait again again
>stealth mission
>stealth mission
is a bit fucking gay after we did that for all of endwalker
You can use her to glitch the game and get 255 Atma Weapons
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I have completed the MSQ and now I can come back to the thread without any worry.
Or... Or... We could jigsmooch
97 Dungeon has a unique and dyable set.
do not thirstpost the bloob
Everyone is trying to log in at once. The regular short queues are just due to batch logging in people.
Hot cat boy sex. I am almost tempted to turn into a cat boy because it's damn hard finding some to ERP with
leather club's 2 wards down
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Hey you stupid question asking red name motherfucker the queue only allows so many people to log in at once. It's like a funnel amigo
Now keep it down. And buy a shirt will ya?
Is it lame to go through msq as a healer? I want the fast queues… I’m not a scab if it’s just for msq r-right?
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Are there any femhroths on the chaos ragnarok server? I want to see the gestures and stuffs......
did U rike it?
Thank you. Be sure to capture my dashing side.
What does this look like on females? Or lalas?
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Never post a picture that's more interesting than your shitpost.
He knows his audience
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Her unique tech is bugged.
N-never been better!
Alright fine I'll plap you til you can't walk right later
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>"trans" character
>loses it's mind
What the fuck did Yoshi-P mean by this?
They were kicked after Patata lusted over June instead of Muf.
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>plugins are back
>pvp premade farmers come back
>server goes down
You're brown and illiterate, but this time for real.
smart ass!
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>DC's literally 5 mins before that missing out on the last boss of the dungeon and is forced to run it again
dalamud status?
This but with those pics of her in heels
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I got dc'd in the middle of a dungeon I was running with NPCs (slow!) and now am sitting in a 1600 person queue.

Hydaelyn help me, I just want to fuck a boy's feet and go to sleep, not this torture.
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absolutely nyot
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I've been lied to
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sorry but i need to spend 12 hours powerlevelling pct and CANNOT be interrupted
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Seraph, Dynamis
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>because the voice actor in ONE OUT OF FOUR LANGUAGES is trans the character is trans
this is your brain on /pol/ niggery
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I run tank + DPS + Healer in tandem. Three is a bit janky but running two is more than doable. Just supplement with roulettes and fates
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Yeah, I thought it was a really fun and good expansion, not perfect, but it's probably my second favorite.
It's just fun all around story-wise which is what I wanted most. The dungeons are also super fun.
>plugins are back
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i like DT (so far)
Turns out the only people booted were deviants who have historical traces of futa mods installed. Anything you want to explain, queue boys?
I always do msq as a dps despite only maining tank and healer. Since you can just power level tanks and healers super fast after the story.
Ryne’s fat butt makes me wanna goon
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Accidentally rused!

Were, yes. We left to rejoin IRL friends who have returned or Dawntrail. It was an amicable but bittersweet departure.
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tfw stuck in disneyland waiting for tank to reconnect
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sex with married cat boys
Level a DPS and Healer, half of MSQ can be done with NPCs anyways
You can queue? I’m bouncing off error 2002 and getting kicked to the desktop.
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i plead the fifth
Kind of. You definitely win in the P2W aspect, but there's no leaderboard to compete with. But you 100% need the autoloot ($5), along with a few perk packages ($5-20 per pack, usually totals out to $100 for the good ones). And then there's King Doot pet which costs ~$400 if you don't want to wait for weekly rolls for a year or so.
dont talk about that... or how i just lost internet...
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not digging it right now its slow and I'm not into any of the characters except the cat girls dad hes sorta cool but it will get better
You guys do get your aether currents while doing the MSQ right?
i like you (a lot)
Servers are down, post cute femhroths
>Get DCed mid dungeon
>200 in queue to log back in
>2 minutes later the other 3 all get DCed
I've only got 70 minutes left on this, are they gonna be back in time?
>But you 100% need the autoloot ($5),
Damn this really was inspired by maplestory
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>Or lalas?
Lala isn't a gender, bro. There's female Lalas.
this middie for my fiddie (male)
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get the fuck in my jiggie lobby shinji
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Probably thinking about how much money second lifers are making him. Hopefully he lives a long life so he has plenty of time to think about how webm related is his legacy.
gulool ja ja is a better character than any faggot introduced in the past three expacs
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The queue also bottlenecks people getting processed by the login server. The actual world servers aren't full, but everyone that got kicked is trying to get back in at once.
post tits
>see this post
>scroll up
>see 6,000 queue
does someone have that urianger image with his eyes popping out of his head? i just made that face
Is this fucking edited?
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The only mildly sexymod I've ever installed is SFW body freckles on male midlanders...
how am i supposed to play this fuckin' slop without mods? FAK OFF
Logging on soon to start leveling Picto and gooning (the act of drinking straight from the goon bag)
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I'm going to kill myself.
The story really falls off hard after Wuk Lamat gets crowned. Kinda glad the servers crashed, I was getting sick of le dark and edgy catering to westerners.
They left on good terms.
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This is leagues less P2W than MapleStory.
uooohhh I'M CONVERTING UOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i am no longer asking you to come join us on Ultros, Primal. In fact please stay away from Ultros, Primal.
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I'm more upset that I'm going to have to redo most of my portraits because of the lighting changes...

Not fond of the beard issues but I think a lot of the male characters got hit by it so whatever.
It's down to about 1200 now so it at least looks like it's moving.
Well shit there goes my levelling roulette pf (i leeched off a healer)
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i have hired this cat to stare at you
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its worse on siren nigga. shit was like 30 this morning. this is what I get for taking a nap
I'm too lazy until reshade isn't as wonky anymore...
The problem is you're playing a male character. No one likes male characters.
I don't see a ring on it
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It has a bit of a slow start I feel, but I think it definitely encapsulates adventure and exploration a lot, and progresses faster than other expansions. Sometimes actually for the worse when it progresses too fast by closing some things up somewhat abruptly.

I don't know how far in you are, but if you're relatively early in, it gets better. At least in my opinion.
The fabric of our star began to fray...
The devs stated English is the canon voices.
No refunds :3
100% pure copium
>aether dead
its over bros...
I don't like what you posted.

I'm going to kill you with a big rock.
Dude why the FUCK did they do that? I'm so glad they didn't take PLD's away at least.
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Don't convert...
whose cock do i have to suck to get log in privleges
That’s a very good point! I’ll try to collect some free exp for my dps
I don't know what that is.
Mine isn't cute unfortunately
I had to fanta to change from mouth 4 tto mouth 3. They ain't taking away my teefies. Otherwise, 10/10 love it.
Good morning, this entire city is not made up of charr. I am happy.
yes and I always make her a hotass bitch so I have something nice to look at while I play japanese DDR mmo
Why are people hating on Pictomancer so much? I'm seeing just random people dunking on it in /shout or in my FC, I've been playing Picto since it released and I'm loving it.

My one and only complaint is that I wish we could get art styles for the move sets to change their visual looks; imagine having the image sets for moves based on Yoshitaka Amano or someone else?
I'm not, I play a generic ass cat girl and all the cute cat boys only hang out with other guys
I saw one wearing the gear from that paglthan dungeon but I didn't take a screenshot, it really suits femhroths
I have nothing negative to say.
I've played 3 different races (except catboy) and I never got approached for ERP on any of them.
he was definitely the best character in the entire msq for sure
him and sphene
Is today the official launch or something? Why did it go from no queue to 2k+ queue?
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I need to find a long term friend for my sunnie to give foot jobs to
Gotta wait till the Allagans put up a new Dalamud
That's exactly what your people have been advocating for ages. That people of certain minority/sexuality are the only ones who can voice characters of said minority and sexuality. Funny how suddenly it's not the case anymore...
Tranny job
sorry bro but armpits > boobs and halone is a pit goddess, I must convert and worship them, I mean her...
mods shoot that guy
>english is canon! you will never be japanese, weeb!
>n-not like this though!
Enjoy your transgender main character, dubfag.
So who wants to watch speedrun history videos
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Enjoying it
they don’t got enough brain to use it
That would be me youre looking for
>your people
What did paco mean by this
did your character come off as gay
that's a real obstacle, i wish it wasn't
catboys are assumed to be gay unless they signal otherwise
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footjob for my sunnie+?
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>Hood works 4 buns
were so back
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I hope someday someone calls my alt cute.
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Okay... But seriously... Where do you people find all those lewd pictures with in-game characters. Are they uploaded somewhere? Or do you degenerates make them yourself using mods and whatnot?
uuuhh uummmmm hey
She Hulk??
At least they updated the animation at no cost, WHM has medica III taking up the lv 96 skill slot.
Honest opinion on WUK LAMAT?
I made him take it off first
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playing through this expansion has made me want to bust all over Alisaie's boots. They know what they're doing right?
>tfw your eb queues as healer so you can play the new job without waiting 30 minutes
I feel so bad for anyone who went into DT single.
I hate that I can't just say "oooh oooh me! Try me!" cause who the fuck wants to meet up off of xivgen?
>im your turbo lover
>tell me theres no other
something like that probably
rent free
>based characters
Gulool Ja
Zoraal Ja
Bakool Ja

Level 95 btw, may add if anyone else is based. This is specific to dawntrail characters.
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I like this pic.
why do they let like 30 people through the queue at a time god damn
My dumbass cat wife.
have fun bro. her char is shit, and you will probably only like locke, celes, edgar, sabin, and shadow like me
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Is green hrothgal going to be as uncommon as green/red au ra? That's sad
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>i got spared while everyone else around me got thanos snapped
euro ping diff
>this nerfs living shadow indirectly because now it'll do shadowstride, which does no damage but the AI still thinks it did an attack, so it sits there for 2 whole GCD sections not doing any damage
Injectionslop and buggy closed betas are not 'back'
may I plap?
too forced, not very enjoyable
>1898 queue
post some screen shots, spoiler if spoiler
this scene was based
siren bros... it's over...
Unironically it's pretty sad if that dictates you from enjoying something because you think it has tranny vibes
What a sad way to live Anon
ayy lmao
god the croissant horn femra WON so hard
There was a server hiccup a few minutes ago and thousands of people got kicked out ,and are now trying to get back in at once, triggering login throttling.
nyo... my moonie is pure...
Honestly, not as bad as everyone is saying.
This sunnie takes fat fiera cocks to the base.
Class/job fantasy.
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4th dungeon bgm is a banger sheesh
>Every NPC in solution 9 has the pvp gear
>They didn't graphics update the pvp gear or give it 2 dyes
I do not understand this company. That seems like a pretty big one as priority to upgrade no? Not the fucking ARR artifact gear
No but when I get back on I mean to try a secret setting that may fix the problem.
Why anyone would want a footjob from you when the thighs are immediately more appealing is beyond me
I love her, she’s got her flaws and yes she’s stupid sometimes but she actually gives a fuck about the people and cultures of Tural, like her father did before her. She’s not the best new character and isn’t perfect but she’s definitely not as bad as this general will make you believe
You will not lose your purity by just using your feet... I can massage them for you if you want too, and cuddle you afterwards
A nice trade if you ask me
my buddy's in ct and he is still logged in. I took a nap and can't get back in at all. lobby keeps crashing, but thistimeitllbedifferentrightguise
you look bald, baldy
Koana is the first good caboy in the game, legit impressive how long it took. Now hope they don't ruin him like they ruined the exarch.
feet on my face
dick between her thighs
She's filtering the midwits ITT HARD
It's the best designed game they've introduced since Samurai.
They're probably genuinely too retarded to use it. It's fun to play, has depth to it, without being high APM.
I miss my femlala wife Tails.
I miss her a lot.
I'll be back.
Fucking love her and want my WoL to sit on her face while she tongues my cunt with that muzzle of hers
im thankful a lot of gear updates got delayed because some of the implementation so far is extremely poor
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>Queue down to >300
I'm gonna get booted again, aren't I
Just wait until you meet Otis
You'll know IMMEDIATELY upon seeing him, before his name even pops up.
>try to be productive in XIV by doing the MSQ and not gooning all day
>servers crash and put me into a 4000 person queue
Yep, might be about that time
Better Lyse
Not "better than Lyse", Better Lyse
>3k+ queue to log back in
ill come back later
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thanks, babe.
His voice actor does a good job too. didn't sound like he was overly trying hard to do a BRAZILIA accent, but tried to layer it in where it felt comfortable. sounded like a young giancarlo esposito.
holding a femlala in my lap as we wait in queue together
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one brain cell tomboy that I will fatten up into my wife
Probably not playing again today, so here's the last decent screenshot I took

He was probably thinking about how he's the smartest goddamn person on planet earth.

The most common complaint I see is that the spell effects look out of place with the rest of the visual design of XIV. Which like, I kind of get, but also it's a job where you paint and draw, so it makes sense.

That's just you, anon.
Like half of the playerbase are afraid of playing casters in general because they are "too hard". Now give those people new caster job and guess what they are going to say?
milk me
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So true
Didn't he cuck Preebitz?
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>server crash
>thread quality immediately skyrockets
damn maybe it really is just thirdies who don't play the game shitposting ITT
Thats a great way, technically speaking why I love it so much.
Also it has some incredible vibes and feels when you pull off attacks or you slam down your hammer and see you did some juicy crits
I'm surprised this many people are into morbid obesity, but that's cool I guess.
not bad >>484158936
this stupid graphics update is going to propel me into a fantablob lifestyle and I hate it
what a cutie
only femlalas can play it properly
She would’ve been much better if she wasn’t forced onto us and had a better voice actor
>euro ping diff
So true
>he forgot Wuk Evu
I want some sweaty hrothgar cock.
at the end of the thread
no one will know
i'm a catboy into reverse rape and femdom
shaaloani fucking sucked but at least it was short
She makes me miss Zero. Its that bad.
Welcome to Tural we have
>furry Lyse
>lizard Zenos
>lalafell ARR Alisaie
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*saves you're msq*
Great, another gay catboy
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I did, but mostly because he seemed more like a cameo character. He is pretty based, so was Wuk's real dad. There's a lot of supporting characters that are good.
Its so freaking good
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She's a dumb teenager, but I like her well enough. She's sweet and nice and really cares about her people, she just needs to grow up a little bit. I'd eat food truck tacos with her on the hood of a car.
ugly downgraded cat
>forced!!! forced!!!
we both know you can't vocalize what you mean by this
pegging imminent
>waiting out a 5000+ person queue
You people are addicts, just come back later
Some of you really need to use that free fanta.
Not permanent party member material but not too bad either. No character old or new was written to the best standard.
Do you have a cock?
Mmm.. Nyo.
diet luffy, so far the story (lvl 94), has just been one piece
cute bun...
pegging and anything + SUCKS
she's kind of a brat so i love her
Crazy how the terminal narcissists always fallback on le power of friendship bad
I love Wuk Evu so much man he’s such a great character
Not fuckable sorry. Only cute.
I understand that but even the flowers and shit from some of the skills are beautiful looking.
I still back what I say, give Pictomancer art visual options so people who get scared of using attacks that are "to gay" play the class or something.
Bring on unique artists/manga artist to do the conceptual design for different looks and then sell them for money
Yoshida literally stated he hired the voice actor to add more diversity to the roles as part of a greater initiative that is being addressed with the themes of the expansion
this, also yoship is a fucking lala and not to be trusted
I think it has a lot of tracks that become better the more you listen to it. I get so many classic jrpg vibes from it. Shaaloani theme is goated, the jazz is nice, later dungeon music is amazing. We get lahee 2.0 and second Trial is SMT IV music
it's over
>It's the best designed game they've introduced since Samurai.
They didn't spare any thought into it's button/ability design tho. Like 2/3 of it's buttons are "you click this once after clicking another ability and it sits grayed out 99% of your rotation". If it was any other job the amount of buttons would be reduced to half with help of the abilities that change to different one after using it, but guess they didn't want people to think it's SMN 2.0 with just 5 buttons.
im gonna baja blast a load into this cute bun against my will
same but with my femlala
"time to please the xivg nerds"
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>level 98 MSQ
>playing with friends and they have to take a break
>right after the MSQ blueballs me on big Krile reveals
>they finally get back and we resume
>immediately DC during an extremely long cutscene
at the end of the thread
no one will know
i want a certain middie to do sloppy makeouts with my fiddie
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>got full 700ilvl (minus EX2 accessory)
>killed EX1
>absolutely blasted the boss
>log it
>raid tier frozen & no rankings allowed
Waiting for glamourer to come back before I lock in anything
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hey i remember this guy
Logs are disabled right now.
No Na teams currently logging.
It's not fair if they can't do it yet >:(
File: Spoiler Image (478 KB, 540x469)
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I'm having a blast with picto, it's my highest job (currently 93) right now. I'll play it more once I do roulettes with healers and tanks to get them to at least 91 for the first instance, I figure queues will go pretty smoothly that way.
I actually like it a lot, honestly
You didn't like Terra?
I wanna get her pregnant holy shit
are there places to shower in final fantasy xiv
gettin wukky vibes from vegita
Are there crafter quests again?

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