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>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRQdjb4QSWA&pp=ygUOc3RyZWV0IGZpZ2h0ZXI%3D [Embed]

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

>Daigo drills (warm-up routine)

Last Round: >>484139085
this one
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This one
Not posting in a thread with a literal offtopic OP
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My wife and her bubble butt.
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PunkDaGAWD. Remember the name.
This one
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This one. So glad for Punk, good top 8.
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what hotel did they say for next year's CEO? I want to see how expensive it is

Caption : MGMVP
>punk switches off cammy
>wins speedruns GF
Tekken got 638 entrants, SF6 got 613. Way too close considering it's Tekken 8's first year.
>Balrog showing interest in a non white woman
Not canon.
Season 3 character introduction video leak

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What killed the Mena hype? People were calling him the SF goat a few weeks ago?
You guys are posting in the shitpost thread.

Real thread is here >>484154702
Shingle park
Oh boy couple 20 more, riveting
chun has fat ass and hips, that's more important than race
Minebroken by seeding and Dreece
Tekken is a CPT event too
Did Punk deserve the W??
The SF6 crack grind buff is over, same for angrybird, we won't see them again.
wa ga arufaa-sama
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punk finna smoke a fat blunt after that one
remember caba? lmao where the fuck did he go
Nobody cares shitposter
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when a braindead top tier gets a minor nerf and their mains start floundering in competition, that tells you all you need to know
this is what competitive sf support really looks like without the million dollar bribe
Mashen has a CPT bribe here and it could barely beat SF6 LMAO
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Sage got me bricked up
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Reminder that we, /sfg/, beat the fujo threads even though they were on time and first. We can definitely beat a twelve years old spamming the same old joke making threads that are not even on time. Just post in the right one
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so it averages about $170-$250 a night normally but then spikes to $600-$700 during events,
first time this happens ever, even in 2017 when tekken 7 launched, sfv had double its entrants
because ceo is usually a cpt event
Now that's more like it
>spend a year smugly posting 'just lab the matchup'
>people lab the matchup
the only reason this won was because of DA ALFA
The gay threads were funnier, now we got a kookily ass nigga forcing unfunny shit
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It's a Tekken World Tour event.
im SURE it didn't have anything to do with the nerfs his mickey character got at all, people just labbed so hard that ex air ball stopped being the best special in the game overnight
Quinn belongs to my CapCock
>b-but other game has a prize pool too!
dixies coping with their multi million dollar fake esports scene kek
so cammy was literally holding punk back... who wouldve thought

cammy, le rushdown character, cant rushdown zoners, you literally need a shoto to counter zoners lmao
Not really, he played as Akuma who is obviously broken right now
based cammy downplayer
>get white girlfriend
>win tournament

It's that simple, why are you still single, anon?
SFV in its worst state had twice as many entrants as release Tekken 7. There's really no excuse. There were a lot of big name players flying out to CEO too, so it's not like it's a small tournament. SF6 really didn't bring as many new players to the competitive scene as people assume.
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Pimp Lili and Asuka and you might get some of that CapMoney too
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Idom would have won the milly if JP was a big booty latina
Um, discordsisters I thought we won. Jebailey was supposed to move CEO out of racist trump supporter shithole Florida and he only moved it to Orlando. All of our hard work and he made a FOOL of us. I'm done with this chud tournament. Enjoy nobody wanting to come and get harassed for being black or queer.
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It's only smellz
I'm actually demoralized that a shit game like Tekken 8 got more entrants than the best fighting game in decades
maybe...... shit farter 6...... ISN'T? the best game? hmmmmmmmmm
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Here's your season 3 guest character bro
slime 6 sucks lil bro. Well it's a fun casual game but the competitive scene hasn't been good since gamers8 almost a year ago
how do i get the vega quest in world tour? i did the bison quest where you gotta fight the 5 masters and no...nothing.
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
We always knew it was going to Orlando? What do you think CEO even stands for lol.
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>the zoner has godlike neutral buttons so you need a broken character to beat jp
only in dix you find such exquisite design
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karin tummy
nah aint no way a grown ass man uses the word "tummy" and isn't some tranny monstrosity
............................marduk will save Kekken
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Does Chun do well against JP?
Nice damage control sis. Guess you're not as smug as last thread now that it has been revealed.
this but miguel
SF is carried by japanese vtubers
did anyone make slimy clips of noah's run? my favorite part of sf6 tournaments is the webms niggas make from the all the mickeyness that goes down
it was just usual noah stuff, nothing too crazy
Nice of Capcom to let them in the CPT. True bros
He is her counter
Noahtheprodigy making top 8 is like a bad omen or something. Like seeing the locusts descend upon the crops
i guess the average noah baboon round is pretty normalized now
When can I press buttons against Bison?
we must slay a lamb on the night of the full moon and lay it at the altar of john choi to appease the gods of sf
scissor kicks are minus
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Yeah here you go
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blow up his spacing traps after blocked scissors
punk haters awfully quiet
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Ikeno Makoto from 98/99
Kinda neat and wish they’d show more unreleased SF3 stuff
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>Switches off of bottom 1
>Immediately wins
Now that Season 1 is over, can we finally admit Cammy was only ever mid tier at best?
Where is Ed in the tier list? There were 3 of them in top 24 but none of them made top 8. That's high tier material but not top tier
maybe in season 5 lil bro
my alfa
This version of cammy is absurdly weak. Who did he play?
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Mena? His bitch.
can you niggas shut the fuck up with the downplay
nobody believes you, we all play the game

cammy is braindead and very effective
Nephew inspired me to try Juri but she seems complicated with the stacks and the feng shui stuff
yep it's just that Akuma is that and more
>>cammy is braindead and very effective
Maybe at your shitter ranks with limp-wristed pasty fucks who can't anti-air DP. Cammy is currently worthless at a high level.
With a Reset too, great run
it's all about move speed in this game shimmy fighter
>Cammy is worthless at high level
>Punk literally plays her every single game up to GFs
i am higher mr than this entire thread on multiple characters
you niggas are garbage lol
just show the CFN stats with her having top 5 winrate online, and they go completely quiet
>dropped her for Akuma at CEO
How play bipson?
scissor kicks ex psycho crusher plant bombs
cammy is very good! there must be many players maining her at high level! and many tournament wins, too! i mean, she is strong in online ranked...
but I just get bullied desu
Almost no pros play Cammy
Cammy's winrate is low at all ranks online

These are facts. Cammy sucks
I don't know how to fight Bison as Lily, shit is not fun
Kakeru won half a milly and he's still competing, where the fuck is Uma?
Yeah for one fucking GF set. He still climbed into Top8 with her. She’s ok anon, she’s not shit tier.
That’s like saying Vega ain’t top tier in ST when someone climbed top 8 with him and switched to fucking O.sagat
Or a man a tourney run Yun, only to play Chun in GF
Modern controls made top 24. Thats a yikes from me
since when does lily care about matchups
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this is how much you should respect japan (0 in top8 btw)
silence gaijin dog, the samurai are just adjusting to s2
akuma and cammy are very close in power but akuma is a better choice because players don't have enough experience to beat him consistently yet
That and Akuma rapes JP
cammy's supposed to beat jp and guile too but punk would job to du and jp players all the time when he played her
cammy should do well against jp thoughbeit
The recent air fireball nerf helps.
and if you hit him while the fireball is airborne then it just disappears but thats only for zenku fireball
how come chun li, a supposedly top 5 toon, has no tourny results at all? weird, right?
Akuma fucking destroys JP with his nerfed amnesia, so does Cammy but she doesn't have 2000 plus on block moves
.....but she does
It's time for men
name them.
No one plays that kookily bitch now that Mai has been confirmed
punk beats du most of the time
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There will be no time for men.
who started the "chun top3" trend back in season1? the japanese snakes. they did the same with cammy
we, cammysisters, have been fighting against the jappas propaganda to some success, but chunfags just accepted their fate and let western influencers get influenced by the jappas, so even justin parrots that chun is top3 or w/e
you gotta fight bro, any non-retard know that no character is top3 if no pro is switching to them and if they have 0 wins or top8 dominations, like cammy and chun
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New Cat Cammy
CEO is a good example this game is dead without bribes and Japanese.
Guilebros....Kenbros...initiate the downplay before the sheeple wake up...
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>modern is disadvantage
Jesus fucking Christ. I beat him anyway, but damn you can't even blink, what a fucking bullshit cheat code.
i'm so glad capcom took the time to make the exact patch we needed! the meta is so much better now!
>Ken, Guile, JP, Luke, DJ, Rashid, Blanka, Cammy, Chun, Juri
Where have I seen that before?
you both deserve to lose
jappas are shoto loyalists and snakes at that.
they will upplay everyone else: chun, cammy, gief, etc to get them nerfed and preserve shoto supremacy
Next year the cracks will begin to show. I don't think this game has much longer. Tick tock Capcucks.
what mr
Could have posted the old cat cammy, it would have been the exact same
any day next year, nostradamus said so
>low tier everywhere when apears exept alpha 3
>muh muh cry cry
stfu faggot
Twitter cares more about moving the tournament on it if Daytona than the actual games.
yeah.. I'm getting tired.. I don't think I can wait until next year for Mai
the cracks were gaping cuntholes by beta 2, the game is already in ruins by now
>I will jump at this Zangief to luck shit my win instead of playing patiently
>surely something good will come out of this ignoring the fact that Zangief has the most braindead AA with lariat, classic included
Yeah bro, you got robbed, you won that match.
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gief should be removed from street fighter
Yeah but Capcucks won't accept that. The game is done by this time next year.
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RedditGiefs can't stop crying about the dumbest shit, this is insane.
they like to pretend that all those poor groids are oppressed by daytonans :(
jab jab jab spiral arrow
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>R: 7F
I actually went to CEO last year as a non white and... Nothing happened. Also a lot of businesses around the hotel were owned by non whites.
They don't realize the new venue is gonna be even more expensive to sign up for compared to the one in Daytona. But they probably don't care because they're usually not the ones going.
Florida chuds won.
that is what happens when the screen is frozen from an alt f4 for 10 seconds
>>surely something good will come out of this ignoring the fact that Zangief has the most braindead AA with lariat, classic included
doesn't work in a corner, cunt
What is the penalty for quitting during a match and what is the best way to do it
I keep dropping my perfect knuckle combo LukeGAWDS
JP players doing one last hoorah before tourneys are swarmed by bisonlets.
Quit being a betabitch
gief is so fucking dumb now
just flail any button you want
throw some knees in there for good measure
jab jab jab divekick
punish counter!!
I shan't be double perfected again by a modern Bison
Japs cannot comprehend Slix.
yeah dude sure, except in sfv i can press any button and be safe and now i get punish for ever sneeze
Just tried it and it does work. Why would you lie?
Then get good, quit being a betabitch.
if you rq too much, you get a yellow card on your account, followed by a red card, and then you get timed out for 24 hours. you also can only match with other flagged accounts when you have a card. the card expires after a set amount of games or a few days with no rqing
Because i can.
what are you talking about retard
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>double perfected again by a modern Bison
I wouldn't have said that out loud anon
i swear to god the game delays your DI input when you are in the corner
Is this really the end for SF6?
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Modern Zangief can't overhead you, so his pressure after a knockdown is weaker, basically just crouch block. Also, if this shortcut command grab was the light version with huge range he could be really good, you would be able to tap that when people got into range and really make them scared, but it is the heavy version, which have low range but high damage, except with the 20% debuff

>b-b-but he did a level 1 against my jump in!
I mean, Zangief jump is not fast, even a classic player could easily super that. You basically tossed a coin for your win and lost. And considering your opponent was on modern, it only made your choice even more stupid. So I ask you: Why did you jump? You should have just pressured him

You people need to cry less and adapt more

The opponent had just recovered meter when he jumped as well, so he could have OD'd Lariat. The choice of jump was a dumb one
I'd say it was Capcom Cup.
>ragequitting for any reason other than an unplayable connection
you a BITCH
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You guys will really stay malding for 7 years like the SFV haters, won't you?
>So I ask you: Why did you jump? You should have just pressured him
not him but probably
i hate tokidos costume choice for ken
COTW waiting room.
city of the flops
>plays character who's entire base is known for fucking churning out supers at the slightest hint of a gap
>plays mirror
>jumps at him
you'd have lost to a classic gief there too jack ass.
What do you think the O in CEO stands for
Crazy how COTW is going to be a better game than SF6 in day one despite SF6 having over a year of updates and DLC
Do you think they'll add any more cute girls?
Does anyone in these shit threads even run rooms
not really
I got to diamond 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im not going to pretend Punk is good just because he switched to Akuma. Akuma is way overtuned right now
keep it down sonicsol
If not you can always play with HRT Terry mod.
Cotw looks great
Idk why Snake_eyez was saying on stream it has a lot of kuso mechanics while playing slimer6 ten hrs a day
i just noticed something
NL didnt go to WW korea this weekend to try and get EWC qualification in CEO.
his controller broke, so he lost CEO top3 and also got 0 points in his region WW
thats why he was crying on stage
Well last thread it stood for California kek guess your copium ran out now huh. Chuds won.
very unfortunate
sf6 'updates' and dlc are some of the lowest effort shit I've ever seen so I don't know if a year head start means much.
>Hotaru, Preecha, and B Jenet shown
>Mai effectively confirmed
>Only ones left are Blue Mary, Alice, and Li Xiangfei
Unless they're making new characters, the amount of females in Fatal Fury naturally is extremely low
leshart though, where was he? he wasnt at ceo right? cuz he wasnt in ww koreaw either
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>Another year without Dan
I fucking hate scissor kicks
>ynr the $20 TMNT avatar costumes announced at Evo '23
angrybird? more like angrynoob
I liked him more when he was called CmPunkDaGawd
this is probably a turbo scrub complaint but why does adamant flame have so little hitstop? it makes it much harder to punish
was he really crying?
>got 0 points in his region WW
there's a new rule this year where your best 3 WW placing counts, not all of them
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>Look him up
>He's 1600MR on Jamie

I'll allow it.
I literally can't get a rematch from Akumatards. Did all the sweaty Kenfags flee to him?
Thats not SF6 thats just rushdown
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Street Fighter 6 is Baby Food
looked like that to me, but wasnt clear
if you have the most points out of 5 WW in a super region, you get automatically qualified.
only the rest of the pool gets to use the 3 best results to form a top8 for the regional finals.
therefore, nl can avoid the regional finals altogether if he just has the most points after the 5 ww
thanks for the clarification
explain why its possible to die from drive impacting through someones drive impact
you dont have enough health to absorb the hit
>Friend had a character crisis, did not know who to play
>He usually plays mid tiers because of ego and other dumb stuff
>Bison comes out
>Instantly purchases it, he's in love with the character and thinks he's doing really well
>He lost all motivation to play him once he read that everyone thinks he's top 3 and just people bashing him on reddit for playing Bison, telling him he's getting carried and now he's gonna wait for Terry to come out
I feel like he's gonna kill himself once Terry comes out and he's also overpowered as fuck
tell him to play honest ken. nobody thinks hes top tier
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This is actually an excellent video now that I watch it
why not just pick a mid tier then? why wai terry? wtf
no shit hes doing well bison plays himself
south korea is not a WW super region, so he can't qualify like that. missing out on the first WW still hurts him, since three highest-scoring placements out of five chances is better than four.
Send him this video
>You have 10 hp
>You get hit for 20 hp
>You die
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>Playing Destiny 2, and I get quite a few people who comment on how hard Warlock jumps are to control
>I'm just thinkig to myself "No, its pretty easy"
>Realize that I spend the last 7 years (almost 1500 hours) playing Warlock, so the jumps are pretty easy to me
All the bitching I did about fighting games is retarded. I'm sub 100 hours in most of the ones I've played, other than Dix, and I'm expecting myself to just "get it" at the drop of a hat.
nobody online has ever authentically beat me because i don't take them seriously
Part of the character crisis.
It happens a lot with dumb people like that, they do not know who to play, then the new shiny toy is announced and they romanticize the fact that this new character is the answer to their problem.
>south korea is not a WW super region
capcom has brazil and south america east as super regions but not korea? lmao
and super region for middle east so both birds can do gay sex? lmao
Who the actual fuck plays destiny
any way to unlock the skins without playing WT or paying?
the question is why would they not make it so you are left with 1 hp you fucking retards
why would i get punished for correct reaction
when DI will kill you it is not the correct reaction
cheat through wt
gotta play wt to unlock the masters. you'd need some modding/coding knowledge to spawn them, i imagine.
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the correct move is to neutral jump if you lack the health scrub kun.
shut up my HEROES are not gay!
I know you schizos joke about Tekken, but seeing this Tekken 8 tournament now, and lmao we're not that bad
Be aware of your health and parry lil nigga
>Implying they're not going to do a tight blockstring into it
The correct reads is to super it after the button you think they'll cancel
using di to bait someone to suicide through their own di is honestly one of the only cool di interactions
don't make me pull the charts Timmy
>they scrap LP and make everyone play for MR
Yay or nay?
i think lp being the tutorial is honestly a good system that gives new players a sense of satisfaction they wouldn't get from going from 500mr to 600mr
It would make matchmaking better and people wouldnt feel as horrible about dropping below 1500mr and quit ranked altogether
Absolutely loathe the idea that SF6 is the "Default"
Its not any more prestigious than an anime fighter. In fact it basically is a fucking anime fighter, one too scared to commit to the bit so it highlights basic anime bullshit as a superpower you have to spend a resource for, as if Custom combos havent already existed in the series
cry mashen sis
>people wouldnt feel as horrible about dropping below 1500mr and quit ranked altogether
this would just happen earlier
these niggas just aren't built for the mr system
>Your character is just a skin for the drive bar
>YOU are the character, YOU are the drive bar
>all things revolve around the drive bar
>You are literally a green blob monster that takes the form of Street Fighter characters
>All characters are just skins for the drive bar, the moves themselves are all cosmetic because only the drive mechanics matter
Fucking genius. Capcom turned Street Fighter into cosmic horror where you're a weird green blob alien thing. I did not expect that twist, holy shit.
DI should be easier to jump in the corner
it's funnier if you just post a green mouse
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And then you pick Aki and fail because youre a little shit monkey that doesnt know her buttons
then play something with chains then lil nigga, nothing is forcing you to play games with links besides your obsession with steam chart and twitch numbers
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crabba bros....we are lower than a crab we are monkeys now.....
Terry has multiple safe advancing special moves, add drive rush on top of it and there is no way he will not be cried over.
The worst thing about the MR system is the dogshit matchmaking and the fact you can get put in a set where even if you win 2-1 you lose MR
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>he lets people bully him out of a character he likes
fucking weak aura, you shitpost harder when your character is overtuned
Crack shoot has been kneecapped or mega buffed depending on how mobile the cast of whatever game he's in is.
Something like Smash Ultimate has absurd mobility so he's allowed to spam it freely, but in KoF its more committal.
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Man I really like Bison's design with the mine
I hope he gets a nerf or two so I can just play him without drooling retards complaining about him, but for now, I will continue playing him while drooling retards complain about him.
god I hope taco is a motion and has a wide ass hitbox
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should buff him and give him a down down input that lets him detonate manually
I like your funny words, psycho man
whats the trick to checking jamie's DR st. hp
perfect parry
my noodles arrived :)
i will never understand this mentality. people who pick low tiers on purpose are fucking losers with terrible mindsets.
Enjoy :)
People complain about Flowchart Ken and flowchart Juri but I do not think I've seen a more flowchart character than Bison.
You can learn the character in less than 2 minutes and get all the way to 1600 MR without struggling.
I say that because I am already in 1600 and it is fucking awful to see how much effort people have to put against what is basically a coin flip, in which I either win if heads, or just flip it again if tails.
yeah like idom
in his case he seems to actually for whatever reason like manon the best, so its fine.
Lucky, I kinda want to go get some Pho right now but I'm kinda broke to be going out to eat (again).
his mines aren't the problem the "drooling retards" (read pros) are complaining about, it's his neutral skip safe tools along with his damage with no downside to it
so is bison actually better than ken/akuma/guile etc?
I think they just get really salty when losing to "OP" characters so they think they're better for not subjecting others to the same emotional distress they experience when losing to certain characters.
That's the power of the Satsui no Coom.
I never said the mines were the problem
I just like the mines, everything else is a bit too good for sure, but the mine is what I like the most about the character.
Bison will get nerfed for sure, but I just need the character to hold on to a "playable" status for a bit till Mai comes out.
man, I don't really care what tier bison ends up, he makes navigating sf6 so much more enjoyable
great buttons to check drive rush, a strong, consistent anti air, highly damaging anti airs, strong whiff punishes, great pressure and oki to follow
which is why he's probably top tier to begin with I guess, he plays the meta of sf6 really well

and then they went and made scissor kicks fucking retarded on top of that
>Bison will get nerfed for sure
just like ken
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>"Yes yes I'm over tuned, what is it with you mid tiers anyway? I shared a game with Abigail, G and Ibuki and you don't hear me whining about it
No. I'm also not really seeing that many pros bitch about Bison yet. I feel Bison kind of farms intermediate/lower skill players really hard but I wonder how he does in a tournament BO2/3 setting against professionals on characters like Ken without a reversal.
Bison as it is right now is probably THE best character in the game, so yes.
I think picking low tier can be fine if you actually believe your low tier character can win, that the community is underestimating how good they are
it's just if you don't believe in your own character you can't own up to losses and improve
bison was a tournament viable character for jives entire lifespan
>Bison kind of farms intermediate/lower skill players really hard
Always has been, why he barely got touched in jive despite the crazy online win ratios
M. Bison is the perfect character for Honda scrubs who were too embarrassed to actually play Honda
You don't have the authority to make such claims
feel the reaction to bison here is more extreme than in most other spaces, but that might be because its constant tournaments lately
>implying bison wasn't broken in v for 6/7 years
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It's unironically to crMK
You see how his feet are green? You can go under the red and hit the green, and you cancel into your own special/DRC
blud really saying Bison wasn't S tier for 7 fucking years lmao
the reaction to everything here is more extreme than in most other spaces
no one is willing to be reasonable here
Nah, a friend of mine visits Reddit a lot.
He made a post of him doing a Bison combo saying something in between the lines of "Oh man Bison made me like charge characters" and he got like 300 posts of people pretty much taking a huge steaming dump on him because of it.
rare footage of reddit being based
there are too many good options for the contest
this place never made balance changes real contrary to Reddit and Twitter, so no you're factually wrong
you can just say you visit reddit
this place is such a shithole it's unreasonable to hold it to a higher standard than anywhere else
the literal only difference is our aiblity to say nigger
Oh but I do not, and not because I think it is that bad, but because I do not like navigating through it, It never clicked with me.
But if someone posts me a reddit link I won't have the visceral reaction most people in here have.
bdj should try bison
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Does Bison have 10k health?
Juri crMP is one of the best buttons in the game and I'm tired of pretending it's not
She needs it
Bison is so fucking boring.
I only rematch if I can tell I can win with low effort, otherwise it's not worth fighting this pay2win bullshit.
They will nerf one single thing about Bison and you will see him drop in popularity to the single digits, it's gonna be great.
i think he was the one saying st. mp, cr. mp was an impossible combo to do
hope so
I genuinely like the character, gut scissor kicks already
she actually does
all theyll nerf is scissors if that, but not until terry is out anyways
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>Ryu/Ken/Luke/Akuma DP active frames
>Cammy/Juri DP active frames
>Rashid H mixer active frames
>Blanka up ball active frames

Now keep in mind that all of these attacks have an ascending hitbox

>Jamie DP active frames

How do you anons play this game daily?
I can only play this piece of shit with friends or monthly, it feels like the game is designed to make you upset like I'm playing a delay netcode fighter on a game with god tier netcode. I never felt so annoyed playing a rollback fighter in my life.
i feel like we dont talk enough about rashids looney tunes gameplay design
If his level 2 wasn't just flat out the best super in the game Rashid would be extremely reasonable
He's meant to be a mix machine in the corner
does he know you can just mash that particular link
Honest to God my answer to this was to play something completely different.
I started playing RTS games, to be more specific, Age of Empires 4, which causes the same fucking kind of anger you just mentioned, but for some reason it made me realize that I had a way better time with it than with AoE4.
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trying to apply any sense of logic to bluedj is impossible
i think this actually just his character
I play other genres and games and I still get into a blinding rage just playing it. It just feels like it's designed to make someone angry and all my friends that play it are always miserable and angry.
i feel bison loses to zangief
>He's meant to be a mix machine in the corner
cool then explain fireball drive rush
Bluedj can't do link combos, but he also can't do target combos if they require you to confirm or be unsafe. So he needs a character with autopilot target combos like in anime games that are safe on block. What character should he play?
he can do links just fine if he's not tilting and being depressed.
Rashid can fireball DR?
I thought the recovery was way too long
every character without a projectile loses to gief since 1991
That's like saying a Lion makes a safe pet as long as it's friendly and not hungry
Is it bad that I one and dump often?
Sometimes I just dont want to fight bad matchups or.. y'know... bison.
you should only one and done bad connections
everything else is a learning experience
Yeah you pussy
I flee from Bisons and lag, anything else is fine
i feel like buying bison but i'm also concerned he's gonna get gutted soon
bison didn't get gutted for 6 years
They havent gutted any characters in this game with the "big" balance patch so dont worry about it
theyre more heavy handed with patches in this game so i could see them just killing scissors like they did with headbutt
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I just don't play ranked often.
I've hit Plat on every character that I play except Akuma, but that's entry level stuff. I'm having way for fun just playing casuals/hub/discord matches.

I'll go back to ranked eventually, but I really want to get a better grasp on the game before spinning my wheels in plat again.
even if scissors gets gutted he's still really strong
theyre not gonna make light scissors negative on block anyways
it just makes you a bitch, which is fine if you're okay with that
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if we don't get bikini skins this week, we never will
it is negative on block though
meant to say negative on block and completely unsafe*
i one and done every bison regardless of connection or win/loss
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>Ywn cuddle and smooch angela white
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So far it was fun to fight and figure out what to do against every DLC except for Mash Bison, I do not care if that makes me a bitch I will not rematch.
he fucked around on gief instead of learning akuma
i think he might have unironically believed that hes a good player and doesnt need to be carried by a top tier
I refuse to play against modern.
>Ex psycho crusher
>Nonstop pressure
>Drive rush heavy punch
I legit have a migraine
This has to be one of the worst fighting games ever made
play aoe2 instead
true, bring back Balrog, Laura, Abigail, G and Cammy, I loved playing vs these
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feel it within your body
alright what's bison's worst matchup
i'm done with this
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niggas are taking psychic damage from having to block
imagine if you played SF5 for 5 minutes against any character
Give me that winstreak you fraudulent nigger
Get blacklisted, too
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SF5 had more character variety and expression
Theres no fucking learning in this game man. 1-2 games with a retard mashing a gimmick, you learn how to beat it, and then you fight 10 bisons before you ever see the character again and have to lose to the same fucking gimmick again
Human beings were not meant to experience online ranked in fighting games, we should be living off the land and singing songs around a campfire
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sf is saved
nakayama announced he wants to work on neco drop 3
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It’s day 8 ryu classic training, what settings in the padded room training to lock in combos ? Struggling with timing, also anons here suggested I switch to modern as ceo was on twitch, should I switch to modern or remain on the classic path ? Also how do I drive rush without having to hold down parry forward forward ? Thanks
>Nonstop pressure
but bison and ken did that in good ass jive too?
Change block to "after first hit"
Make sure counterhits are off unless you SPECIFICALLY want to lab counter hit combos
Stay on classic if you're already practicing
And the input is Forward and then Forward + MP + MK, it skips some startup frames on the parry
Why can I not hate this game AND jive? I think both games are fucking terrible.
remember plus on block lights
Alexa, show SF5 Bison expression at the corner and with his anti air please
Can you cancel into drive rush with some neutral attacks so you don't even have to press parry.
>I think both games are fucking terrible.
ah carry on
Also this, press forward forward OR parry (L2) to Drive Rush Cancel
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>being mad about plusframes when the move has 300 startup frames
did jivers really?
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when people say SF6 has shit anti air they want this btw
>problem only lost because he got bored and tried to throw
Thanks, also when I begin to see them light up green to drive rush what button do I press to counter ? Also how do practice the drive impact counter in lab ?
Now that I haven't touched Jive in over a year I realize that the models have a "clay-like" look to them. almost if it was a super smooth claymation fighter.
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>cr.lp and cr.mp now have their hurt boxes specifically made to be vulnerable to air moves so he can't AA with them
He was simply too powerful
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>when I begin to see them light up green to drive rush what button do I press to counter
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no i want this
playing gill and doing 30% because someone dared to jump at me was based
>Thanks, also when I begin to see them light up green to drive rush what button do I press to counter ?
If you mean interrupting your opponent's drive rush, that depends on your character's buttons.
I wouldn't worry about this for now, it's pretty hard.

You can set up the dummy to react to things.

Set it up to Drive Impact after blocking or something.
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>Mashing jab
>Supers in general
>Decides to go with the option that’ll end with him dying because something something reactions
>Blames the game
This is a serious matter fren.
Thanks, that’ll help.
any cheap leverless recommendations from aliexpress?
its funny because its serious
even pros struggle with it and sometimes they dont even try because risk outweighs reward
Oh, makes sense. Thanks. Heading to the streets now, I will return.
Deadass why is Silver harder than Gold? What should I look out for in Plat?
It can be serious, but don't focus on it
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you are like little baby
>>when I begin to see them light up green to drive rush what button do I press to counter
when you figure it out let us know
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This is a fighting game, the better you are, the most people you will make seethe. If you can't make a single person upset, it means you suck so much you can't win a single person

Even if you pick a bottom tier like Gief, you will still make your opponents upset. There's no such thing as positive recognition in western FGC. Tell your friend to stop being such a weak aura cuck
I’ll keep y’all informed, heading to the streets now to investigate.

What the hell

Now this is just buggy territory, ain't no way this was intentional
who do you play? I might be able to answer
nigga everyone in SFV was medium medium special and random button into v trigger activation
>look at Japan. One character, 'til death... One character.
That didn't age so well, Joe.
What does Marisa do against ANYONE
SF6 markets itself as a game thats good for beginner but this shit isnt true, itll never be fucking true, holy shit
she hits people hard and has the prettiest face out of all the girls
set the recording of the dummy to
1. walk back and forth
2. jump
3. DI
react to the jump with an anti-air and the DI with your own DI
Based bluedj
The highest damage in the game?
Bro I one and dumped so many times its second nature to do me now
Because he has quicker moves that also were + or safe. Remember, in Jive they handed out +frames like it was candy.
thank you
What is she supposed to do against shit like
Yknow what fuck this im tired of going "uhh how do you beat this one situation" thats not learning thats just memorization i just need to know how to move forward in a game where everyones normals are just assumed to be better than yours
Marisa has good normals
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My favorite aspect of Bison is that massive grin he has about 97% of the time, it’s so charming
your special moves cover ground and are safe. some even have armor
your drive rush covers a surprising amount of ground
phalanx (superman punch) is plus on block and beats projectiles(i think)
knowledge check people with medium medium gladius, if they parry grab them
otherwise charge it and see how they react

Give a situation
this game is an extra crispy deep fried bucket of ass
Nah i hate, the fake ass 'just chilling and playing games bro" it its part of why I think SF6 is the first game to ever satirize toxic positivity without even trying to
>Abigail, G and Ibuki
Nerfed to zero, mid and became irrelevant because of a new mechanic.
All I play is JP so anytime I try to break into a new character, I fuck up and can never get into it.
turns out when you go from spamming zoning tools to actually doing neutral and combos isnt as easy as it sounds.
thank you guys for your sacrifice. the new Monster Hunter and Resident Evil games are gonna be innovative and awesome because you generous souls filled their pockets in return for less than the bare minimum.
how the fuck did people play sf4 in its hayday this shit is awful

anyone watching?
Try playing neutral with JP. He has the tools for it.
They are meh at best.
ty, I'll check it out
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It was far less optimized, 1 frame links only started being used frequently in Ultra but theyve always been there
I can barely tell the difference between James Chen and Vicious when they commentate
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I fucking love reading this
One of my guilty pleasures is to shitpost about how fucking "braindead" characters are to gaslight weak aura bitches like your friend into dropping a character/feel bad about it.
It works on a lot of people, and it is an absolute blast to see.
Everytime I see the Season 2 trailer I get irrationally angry that we're getting two guest characters before real SF characters.

Also Luke and Jamie are acting like gays
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I fixed Aki
>Also Luke and Jamie are acting like gays
>acting like
im on the other side, i like how they toned it down in 6 and only use it to make him look creepy
ripe for a jr
Anon theyre pretty heavily implied to be gay lovers
Like not even in a "replace sex with fighting" type of way they just also have gay sex after fighting
>cammy is even at best with guile
>cammy cant beat jp anymore
uhh bros.. hows the triangle supposed to work if the best rushdown character cant beat zoners?
>LTG not streaming yet
it's over...
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where mah nigga RobTV even been lately
how can luke be even considered gay if jamie looks so cute
sticc aki is superior but this will do in a pinch
He only toned it down because Colgate didn't renew the multi-billion dollar sponsorship they had with him.
I play ryu, but it’s unplayable almost. Destroyed by 2 different new challenger akumas in the 5 games I’ve played.
Not even joking, those are my last 10 matches.
What the fuck is going on?
AKI when she visits American for a week
You have found yourself in the loving grip of the Pax Bisonica
bison is honda except when you learn his gimmicks hes still insanely good
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anyone doubting the 4 kings coming back are insane. Street fighter 2 hyperFighting and it’s sales set this series up, and by god SF7 will have the kings too
I just think its fucking boring
We need another SF3, just completely new cast.
players hadn't been dumbed down by auto combos and generous link windows. same reason your ancestors could endurance run a deer to exhaustion but you need a cool minute to catch your breath after running back and forth to the mailbox. lmao
I wouldn't mind Shadaloo coming back but it's too early with this being the first game after SF3 and the G shit they set-up in SFV. That and along we only get 4 characters a year and two so far are guest characters that have nothing to do with SF lore
I fought 3 new challenger akumas now in 6 fights, not possible to progress for me as a newbie on classic. I’ll be stuck in iron 1 indefinitely, it’s the truth.
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i can't wait for Season 3 to be Rog, Claw, and two more guest characters. i thought it was bad that we wouldn't even hit 40 characters by the end of S5 at the rate we were going–but now we'll be lucky if 34 of our 38 playable characters are returning Street Fighter characters at all. lol
>Used to main Manon when the game first came out
>Every JP MU was utter fucking bullet hell and approaching was impossible
>Main Ed now
>Literally every single one of JP’s specials gets bumfucked by a simple one two fireball
So this is what having control feels like….
>Run into a Bison
>Can no longer press buttons
So this is what wanting to blow my fucking brains out feels like….
Rog, Vega, Jin, King

might be peak
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>each year pass for the next 3 years will be 1 shadaloo king, 2 guest characters, and 1 scrimblo.
I can deal with that.
Why’re you acting as if you’re part of the community, play the game, care about the game/franchise, or even partake in anything Street Fighter-esque in general?
Play modern to get the fundies down and then switch to classic. Fuck da haters
i dont even understand why you would make half your character season guest characters. 1 is pushing it even with 5 characters a season. 1 with 4 is too much. 2 with 4 is insane.
i am loathing the future, especially since as each season passes I realize dudley coming back will become less and less likely. especially if they are going to reboot dead characters.
like I could accept brand new characters over this timeline.
Fucking i dunno theres so many damn characters
Akuma's dumbass double heavy kick that comes out lightning fast and basically guarantees a grab on block
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>i-if you criticize sf6 you're not a real fan!
Why’re you talking to yourself?
Fuck this game, my last day I’m done with the bs.
The second hit won't hit you crouching, so you will get to murder him if they just spam it. If you do block it, learn how to delay tech to option select the mix-up.
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just because you have schizophrenia doesnt mean i do.
>Pros do not want to directly admit to daddy Capcom that Bison is broken, but they tiptoe around it by saying "Oh yeah he's a bit too good ;)"
>Every single forum that talks about the game is complaining about Bison
How long till they nerf him?
Made to be in a semi permanent state of pregnancy
never nigga at worst he'll be top 10
>Bad matchups are an SF6 issue
What did he mean by this.
The new challenger effect screen is really nice, but god damn I'm not gonna pay so much real life money for that.

That's why I hate GaaS format. I just want to pay for ONE item, and they won't let me

Don't switch to classic, classic is for dumb boomers. Learn to play on Modern and stay in it

Imagine spending 7 years seething about Drive Rush when you could stop it on a single button press
This ain’t MK or injustice lol
Nobody is getting shafted
Im definitely gonna be a balrog main.
I fucking despise charge moves but i'll make an exception to king Rog
like 2 months
they clipped gief right away i dont think bison will run around this stupid for long
i like having the full movelist to work with. but i understand if you need to stick with the M mode. which stands for mental handicap.
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Still wild to me this gag actually got an anime after so many years, was subpar and just still subsists to this day.
Just woke up manon bros, how did our boy idom do?
>Nobody is getting shafted
Cammy? Manon?
4th in a stacked bracket
so pretty good
I will never care about collabs so long as they are World Tour / Battle Hub gimmicks. Sorry.
Is there a delay between walking forward and blocking?
I gotta know if its the game or my fucking controller
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cause i play several Street Fighter games, and Capcom fighters in general, just not this Mickey Mouse Slimer Fraud shit. i like to think it'll be a half-decent game by the beginning of S4 though, if it has a decent roster, and mods that overturn some of the trash the base game comes bundled with.

i know what you mean. this would've been a more understandable initiative if it had happened when we were still getting 6 character Seasons. with such a meager base roster and anemic Seasons though, it really does feel like roster slots are being straight up stolen from Street Fighter reps.
You don't use the Anya player title?
woops, that second paragraph was meant for >>484189031
Damn maybe she is viable.
It would be a very small window from when you are moving from back to forward that wouldn't be noticable
>was subpar
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What club are you in?
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GAWD team epic wins again
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I was super diamond on SFV, and 1600mr on SF6 **Basically the same shit**

The point is that this game is a full barrage of reaction checks, and if you have an option that can simplify those reaction checks and force the opponents into playing a more grounded neutral. This option is available and legal, wired in the game, and you are a fool for not using it. You aren't even a boomer who spent years playing on classic and would need to rewrite your muscle memory so it isn't worth the effort, you're iron, you probably don't even know what the fuck your buttons do, or you must be playing slapping your flacid cock on the buttons, I have seen platinum players that used only two buttons in neutral, how much are you even pressing? Do you even know. You don't have that argument to be made, your muscle memory is non-existent

You will just get bombarded with reaction checks, get upset, and stop playing this game. Your control scheme will be no scheme whatsoever. Don't be stupid. Play to win. Pick modern, and pick an actual good character
Literally just got Top 4 at a major
The animes gimmick of having god tier jap VAs wasn’t really funny going in for a rewatch. Subpar sounds mean but it’s not bad, some of the jokes don’t hit or feel
Funny. Still ok
I'm so tempted to try modern but I don't wanna be that guy
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we need more hot girls no fucken weird muscle women
It's alright. But I would care more if they made cool skins for collabs. Player titles are just a jpg and text thats done in 2 minutes.
Gief is supposed to be bad, my friendly paint eating grappa bro

Bison isn't supposed to be bad, he is a boss character
Punk literally took Cammy to top 8 until a GF set
Manon was top in 2 tournaments back to back. Manon ain’t trash trash but she’s far from Dan in Vanilla SF4 tier
What if a new fighter's super made the opponent have an autistic panic attack when confronted with violence?

Yeah I agree on that part. I wonder why they can make so many cosmetic items for battle hub stuff but it seems to difficult to make alt costumes for the main characters. Jive gave chun like 15.
>all that text
you should just practice learning how to do quarter circles with your dick you coomer, and you'll never need mental retard mode.
>omg he's supposed to be bad. We don't want to traumatize our boomer Japanese demographic who still can't get over being manhandled by one back in 1993!
Shush lil'weenie
Fighting pass Bison has teleport move
They gonna add it soon right
Something you wanna share anon?
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Get back into ranked again tomorrow
Stick to casuals
>Punk literally took Cammy to top 8 until a GF set
and that kinda proves the point. Both of them couldn't do it solo
There is literally no point in playing casuals
Jamie players are carried
Drive rush HP is the dumbest shit in the fucking game, this character does not have to play neutral
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You guys like G right? Seems he has been cast aside somewhat.
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You don't know how modern controllers work? If you don't use the regular inputs for combos, you won't have good damage, we use the shortcuts just for defense

Modern controllers are basically "classic with less buttons + macros". The downside is that you lose some normals and maybe some special variants, and with those you might lose some optimal combo routes or options for neutral or pressure. So if a character is worth it in modern depends on a character by character basis. Charge characters aren't worth it in modern, while characters with DP's usually are. I would say the top 4 characters in modern are Ken, ED, Rashid, and Cammy.
fighting G is a miserable experience
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yeah i have 0 hopes for his story being continued considering even the stories that start in sf6 are completely tossed aside (JP vs Ken, Luke vs Jamie, Lily satsui no hado, etc.)
Why is Blanka in this game
Everyone I know blacklists them
I don't want to be non-consensually hugged by a man in a fighting game, that's basically rape, and anyone that disagrees with me is a misoginistic incel chud
List of SF6 newcomers that have made their first and final appearance in the series


Might come back

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You can tell how shitty this is for a newbie now with all the “new challengers” and also putting you against 1750lp when you are 1050lp because my win ration is going up fast but my lp stays the same, reason being is the second you get anything going new challenger akuma or bison instantly derails you then you have to fight higher lp moderns. Fuck this shit, it’s my last night with this trash. Almost no new players, that’s why it’s like this and takes so long to find a match.
People play casuals?

Just go to battle hub
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Is it worth investing in a fightstick if my finger dexterity is legitimately awful? Plus I play Hugo in 3S and I'm fairly confident standing 720s are impossible on a d pad
shut the fuck up babby
don't shit the thread up because you're mad
I play stick
you should only play stick if you've been playing stick for multiple years.
I get to pad my ego with a few wins and try out new things on a human target, but you're right. I didn't play today, but I got 2-1ed by a plat Bison in casuals anyway. May as well stick to ranked if I gotta go through that.
Master or whatever visual fluff is an eventuality. If I want to get better, I need to stay in an environment with better matchmaking.
nah Marisa and A.K.I will definitely be back
justin wong + yipes is the best commentary duo
That would actually be a good Ryu costume unlike the towel head shit we got
Ok, settling down now. Lol
nah that sucked
this but zhi and skisonic
plastic neesan is the only anime that has ever made me laugh
G and Gill live in my head rent free because if you play Mysterious Mod and set their AI to max, they go nuts. they're my go to "boss fights." lol

they're both included in this video if anyone's curious, time stamps in the description.
>they'll be back
nearly impossible.
You need to work on your mental so you don't sperg out when you lose. There is no way you're going to last with that schizo attitude
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I play there, too. Much better practice since there are a good bit of diamonds and masters running around. I don't to the first to infinity as much, but 10-20 games against them is a pretty good learning experience.
I might use it for warmups going forward.
I agree. Juri was a breakout hit because of footfags who didn't play her in 4 but Marisa actually has a ton of newfags who play her, especially in the hypercasual/vtuber/women crowd. AKI also seems fairly popular, especially now that she's good.
ex psycho crusher is minus 3 on block you tard, just literally do anything and punish with at the very least getting your own offense started against a guy who is now missing 2 bars of drive
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Nigga said JP
People actually coming back
>Luke, Marisa, Jamie(have to pair him with Luke), A.K.I replacing fang permanently
Marisa is getting a fucking statue next to Cammy and Juri. She’s certified big wig and staying. Manon by comparison doesn’t even any merch and the only manon merch they had was labeled Juri lol.
jive erasure
Yes I will, I’m going modern right now.
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Aki won the character popularity vote even though everyone was battling to shill their roster picks, since Bison won the last and got into S2

She is here to stay
When is this dropping
tell him to pick kimberly
>Mysterious Mod
Isn't this the mod that SF4 copers tried to push as a better SF5 with "combo soul"? But in actuality its just making it so everything can combo with everything so all combos are like 50% damage, and a minute long?
nah very possible
>Aki won the character popularity vote even though everyone was battling to shill their roster picks, since Bison won the last and got into S2
That menu for the poll was designed in a weird way and a lot of people accidentally picked her due to it since she was the first option highlighted.
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“A later date”
Cammy got revealed first then Juri, so expect that order
Juri has achieved what i call the Cammy prestige where the character has become so popular you can never release a new game without them
>but cammy wasn't in SF3
yes and what a mistake that was
Nice cope, nigga
Yeah, no way she legit won lmao
she's still here to stay
She didn’t lol
People mashed X/A so fast they didn’t give a fuck. You aki niggers are so fuckin Jewish is swear to god
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Cammy wasn't in Alpha 1 or 2 either thoughbeit
oh but she did
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You guys mean that... Sakura is the true winner?

Boy, I hope people at Capcom thinks like that too. I miss Sakura so much it's unreal
watching this video just makes me ever further believe the average person (even if they know how to make mods and code games) has no fucking clue how to balance video games. let alone fighting games.
nice cope faggot
She was added in alpha 2 gold you fucking nasty secondary
The UI for the voting is prone to mashing and many people who don't give a shit just mashed it so whoever is in the first highlighted slots always got the "idc lol" votes. This time it was Aki .
not the first version of the game
she's effectively a DLC character
that sounds pretty dumb
first selection would always win in that case since probably 70% of people dont care
yes and what a mistake that was
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Wow look at, all shotos and a single aki rabbi. Make one wonder
Surely the highschool Shoto isn’t a fan favorite amirite
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betty is so pretty
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I’m in ryubro modern training, I think starting in classic was a good Idea to learn the flow of the game. But now all those punks that gave me grief are finished, I’ll tare them limb from limb within 48hrs. Feels good this modern, very rewarding indeed.
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>no betty gf to 10-0 me in a FT10
aki is a racist caricature
sakura's most important normal is fMK
only racists think this
so shes a good design?
i agree
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And I love her for it.
She's the one newcomer that I really love, and claimed her frame 0 of the leaks. Might lab her tomorrow and play some diamonds in the hub before I play Koomer in ranked. >>484194283 My fragile plat ego can't stand losing mirrors at the moment.
I blame fightcade, though. Every other challenge from someone whos obviously better is them picking the same character you pick for some reason.
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these glasses make the costume for me i would love it with her normal hairstyle
what combo should I be doing in the corner with JP?
try to get into my HK>HP target combo followed by MP Stribog, HP into OD Torbalan?
>Akuma is ba-ACK
So bad he broke Punk's curse and won him the entire tournament
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>Love Aki, Jamie, Ken’s designs
>Hate playing against them because the people who play them are boring as shit
Anyone else feel that way with certain characters? Granted, the annoyingness of Aki and Jamie players isn’t enough to make me not like the characters, but if I have to watch one more fireball into do fucking nothing or full screen palm into drink into do fucking nothing I’m going to blow someone’s fucking face off. Pic unrelated.
>try confirming dp off of jab jab in jive
>get super instead
god fucking damn it
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it's not meant to be perfectly balanced, it's meant to be fun.

i couldn't tell you. it really took the piss outta SF6 for me though, cause i first picked it up like 6 months before Dix got announced. when i saw that Drive Rush was just a less creative, more unga V-Cancel i lost a lotta interest. cause i'd already been knee-deep in a better version of that mechanic for half a year.
Whys LTG so obsessed with money
>no ken in top 8
>no gief in top 8
it's time to admit these characters are low tier
why the fuck did they make ed's jabs so FUCKING short and bad? holy shit
Lower tier in top 8 of high skilled tournaments? Sure
But they are absolutely monsters in the game's general population.
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They gone say what they gone say regardless

Tired of playing the sidelines, gotta make my own highlights
He's American + that's all he have left. He cut ties with his family and always had issues making friends.
Because they’re amazing for pressure and staggering. If Ed’s L.p had forward momentum he’d be top five, regardless they’re fine, git gud brother.
>Because they’re amazing for pressure and staggering
They aren't.
modding that should be super ez
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If he played his cards right, he could have been the best "villain" the FGC would have ever seen. Play up the character, use his funny storytelling to shit on people, but actually practice and be a consistent top 64 player at least.
But no, he's actually a gorilla. Hate to see it.
>manon in top 8
time to admit manon is top tier
Unless your opponent is mashing like a monkey (and if they are you should be tripping them up with flickers after the first jab and fireballs), they keep people locked down and fearful for free.
It skews the votes. It's why the surveys done on the Capcom site are technically better but those you can rig ad Capcom gives no shit about either to be honest
the meaning of those words must have changed.
being short makes them terrible for pressure because you have to be right up in their dick for c.lp or s.lp. c.lp is even more criminal because you cant cancel from it unless you hit s.lp after it. which again, requires you to be in their personal space intimately.
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my fingers are really stiff today and I keep droping combos and can't react to shit
anything I could do to help with this?
>they keep people locked down and fearful for free.
I don't see that being the case considering how shit his cr.lp is and his weak options out of them. Being within Ed's jab range is a bad spot for him
Real H2 potato mod vibes
cloth soaked in hot water
heating pad
Anything to relax your muscles
Oh and he has no 6 frame punish option so combine that with light normal scaling and his punish options against stupid/cheeky DR's and approaches aren't scaring people like they should.
He also doesn't have an overhead.
Why does Akuma feel so oppressive?
I've got another confession to make...
I'm your fool...
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>play Modern Ken
>"wow, Bison is so damn easy to deal, what the fuck is people on about"

>pick another character on BH for fun
>without shortcut EX DP, his drive rush is nightmare material
>while Ken's medium DP denies his headpresser shenanigans, without that more every time he goes upwards you're basically guessing

What the fuck
Don't forget his AA's.
You should be up their ass in the first place, whether that’s from DRing in after a blocked C.HK, S.HP, or S.MK, or you’re swaying in. Jab is only bad if you’re not using it for its intended purpose of keeping your opponent down after a knockdown or during a block string. Ed has other issues and jab isn’t one of them.
See the above.
This I agree with. His options after a DR check or armour break are ass if you’re going in from a jab unless you wanna spend drive or super meter, which will just leave you with less resources and, unless you’re close to the corner, don’t help you keep up pressure since back rising away from Ed is like sprinting away from a paraplegic baby.
This I also agree with. Add onto the fact that EX snatcher doesn’t crumble opponents during a trade so people can freely jab it, and the fact that Ed has no good anti-fireball tools against anyone who isn’t named JP.
Oh wait, I just realized that every single user of psycho power in this game rapes JP’s entire gimmick.
>Endingwalker lost to Joe fucking Umerogan
Alright maybe he should drop Ed after all. I don't think Ed is bad but EW isn't making him work
Walk speed and options
Capcom took more care into balancing Ed than any DLC after him.
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rashidLORDS we are so honest it HURTS
>See the above.
>"they keep people locked down and fearful for free".
They are pretty lacking as jab tools which are pretty huge in 5 and six.

>You should be up their ass in the first place
That applies to nearly all the cast and other characters with better close range games will fuck him up. But if he can't punish -6's that well and his punish options off jab are range limited and scale more then his close range is risky. More so because cr.lp can't special cancel so if you do land it you'd need to link into st.lp but that is stubby.
Do they really think a 100hp nerf is enough to balance this shit?
ed's only issue is jabs. all the other stuff is fine to not have because a single character shouldnt have it all. snatcher 50/50s, good combo damage, good wall to wall carry, decent mid range control. he's already a decent character. but that jab is just so fucking stupid. especially when you have characters with some absurd kits on top of having decent jab range and cancels from said jabs.
Having a bad jab in this game is tier shattering.
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Reposting last nights replay, anyone have tips for playing the ground game when the screen is filled with fireballs and +ob neutral skips?
Also my damage is really low even with DRC, am I supposed to use lvl 2 every time its up?

The Bison niggas are gatekeeping me from rank ups
How does Ed having a good jab put him anywhere near top 5?
>ed's only issue is jabs
And the other stuff mentioned.
Yeah, in this game you have to be able to take your turn back. You can't just let motherfuckers smack you with -3 and -4 moves for free you have to poke holes in your opponent's offense, but Ed has trouble doing that because his jabs are so stubby
Personally I’ve never had much of a problem linking C.LP to S.LP, even at near max distance. Even if I’m slow or too far away, the opponent usually has to block the jab which leads into flicker pressure, so I’m mostly just talking from my own experience…COUGH COUGH as a plat player COUGH COUGH. I do agree though that his punish game is eh at best and costly as fuck at worst with jabs though, but to me the worst thing about them is C.LP not being special cancellable.
>all the other stuff is fine to not have because a single character shouldnt have it all.
You cannot say this when the Shoto Trio is in the game. Ed’s issues extend way beyond just his jab though, whether you think it’s fine or not, the list of things that were already mentioned kneecap him pretty hard.
>Having to actually space and plan my buttons when a shoto can just mindlessly mash buttons that stuff my "limb zoning" tools for free
>once they are in I now have to play defense while they can mindlessly roll the dice
>somehow snatcher is a problem when it has clear weaknesses
Fun fact, did you know that snatcher, something that is physically attached to Ed throughout its entire fucking duration, counts as a projectile? That means it gets stuffed by
And so much more! Fun.
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>Gouki mirrors aren't technically mirrors as long as someone is using the Shink Gouki color
buffer ex dp if youre meter healthy after getting thrown miscreen and try to react to green. it's not guaranteed but all they can try to do to beat it is super risky stuff like DI possibly (unless it's ken)
sometimes guile just gets in with fireball DR because the game sucks, but you gotta play the meter tug of war here and there to make it harder for him to get in, your ex fireball will clear any non ex fireball and hit guile out of drive rush, might give you a combo too depending on spacing, you have to look for it, you pretty much have to burn meter on it on this matchup
use level 2 more for combos instead of drc, chun's one of the characters that can cash out before level 3 well, learn the proper safejump setup for it in the corner too, will help with your damage and corner carry
It also means it doesn't lose to level 1s and certain reversals and characters like JP have to eat shit vs Ed's entire toolset on wakeup
Also back away fucking sucks
That's not unique
3 akuma
1 cammy
1 ken
2 jp
2 juri
1 manon
2 luke
1 guile

and juri doomers STILL pretend like their character isnt strong
>top 4 is 4 shotos
inb4 it gets edited/doesn't come out for the west
>characters like JP have to eat shit vs Ed's entire toolset on wakeup
Deserved. Honestly I’d prefer if snatcher was a physical hit since basically all of Ed’s specials are projectiles, which isn’t helpful if you’re fighting against, oh I don’t know, a character who eats projectiles for lunch with a special move that travels across the entire screen and can be used on reaction against an Ed player trying to throw out a fireball, resulting in a game of wills where the Ed player has to constantly feint fireballs and wait out a bad full screen special in order to DP it while this specific character can very easily close the distance by snorting crack and flying across the fucking screen like a bat while Ed can do nothing but watch since he’s more likely to get his DP or AA snuffed if he tries to hit them out of the air?
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Why make characters with such care and refuse to fix and release more braindead shit?
everyone when jive
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its time for some more ranked grind boys
Cheers buddy
Isn't the director a Bison main? Akumeme being broken is obligatory.
snatcher is literally top 3 specials in the game AT LEAST and ed niggas still complain
your character is top tier lil sis
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>King Grey
Hol up, mah boi. Were you a consistent poster in /lolg/ at one point in time?
>never had much of a problem linking C.LP to S.LP, even at near max distance
then you don't play ed. the range that c.lp to s.lp works is like single digit pixels in range. you will never do that in neutral. about the only time it works is after a blocked ex or full charged snatcher pull to bring them into 50/50.
>Ed’s issues extend way beyond just his jab though
only because jab is shit. he has no way to punish certain moves optimally which makes certain moves that are -3 or -4 pretty much completely free on him. just by nature being able to reliably punish moves with jab into blitz knockdown is way better for his neutral game and universally makes him better.
giving him all that other stuff is pointless because its unnecessary overcompensation when all that needs to be remedied is jab. and just because some other characters can do it all doesnt mean we should now load every character with kit steroids. like seriously, ex snatcher should crumple like charged snatcher does? give him anti-fireball tools AND a fireball? whats next, you want charged psycho knuckle to be invincible?
Am I supposed feel bad for the carried akuma player?
remember when failed fighting game designers said the drive system was genius because you could just adjust it however you need for balancing and then they slightly buffed gief's drive damage on block to make him go from bottom 2 to top 1 in a single patch?
What thread can I go to if I just want to thirst over street fighter characters?
You're supposed to be disgusted at the carried Bison player.
/trash/ fighting game ladies
I think ughhh adult/gif/ for webms of 3D porn
still am
This one you just have to catch us at prime ineeduChun hours
was that a 70% combo? lmao
capcom begged naka & matz to save sf5
I think akuma should die faster
I see nothing wrong here

Fair and balanced
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Jivers, i need you on your knees right now. *fingersnap* *fingersnap *fingersnap* *fingersnap
how will jivers cope with this
>like seriously, ex snatcher should crumple like charged snatcher does?
1. Charged snatcher doesn’t crumble, punish counter snatcher does. Charged snatcher just flings opponents into the air, which is completely different from crumbling and at the very least, SHOULD be what happens when Ed trades with EX. 2. Yes, why is that a bad thing exactly? Why should Ed lose bar, health, and pressure for nothing in return? Other specials in the game don’t even NEED EX to put the user in an advantageous position after a trade, but Ed can’t have that because he might be good if jab was better?
>give him anti-fireball tools AND a fireball?
Oh yeah, because that’s just WAY too good. I mean, imagine having a tool that can get around fireballs on top of having your own fireball. Man that’d just be way too strong, it’s not like almost every other fucking character with a fireball has exactly that or something.
>you want charged psycho knuckle to be invincible?
It takes Ed ten years to charge up a full powered PK and his partially charged version gets smacked silly by fireballs. Fuck yeah I want all versions of PK to be fireball invincible, that shit can’t even get rid of multi-hit projectiles.
>then you don't play ed. the range that c.lp to s.lp works is like single digit pixels in range
You’re exaggerating and you know it, because at max range you can get one C.LP and one S.LP, which easily leads into a flicker. And even if you don’t want to use flicker (why wouldn’t you use flicker?) you could just go into EX snatcher or fireball with an easy cancel.
This was actually well known for like almost 3 years at this point.
nakayama's "ideas" to save street fighter were modern controls, drive rush and world tour..? thank fuck they didn't let him fuck over jive
you lost jivetroon
>because at max range you can get one C.LP and one S.LP, which easily leads into a flicker.
lol that assuming you can nab them at that range. st.lp is astoundingly short
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I tried modern on my newbie ryu and don’t like the way it feels, it feels rigid and soulless. I want to continue my classic training but I’m having issues improving, what do I do now ?
Homie. Every pro and notable player on earth since the release has said Ed is fine but jab range is abysmal. Flicker is probably one of the best special moves in the game (I personally think). It does not need to be buffed. I don't know why you're trying to re-invent the wheel to skirt around something so simple.
>eat shit
>laugh at someone eating less runny shit
kami 6 owns you
your runny shit almost killed the franchise
street fighter lost, jive is the last real game in the franchise
And it should have, after Luke patch the entire series deserved to be burned to the ground.
No I'm a victim of being gaslit by capcom
>7 million sales
>5 DLC seasons
>Tournament entrants and viewership record-breaking
>killed the franchise
I get that you don't like Jive, but being this delusional about it just seems sad.
>after Luke patch the entire series deserved to be burned to the ground.
I don't even know how SF5 would have lasted a year longer if SF6 was delayed or if the original SF6 launch date was hypothetically 3+ months further back than the original June 2023 date.
Why is crapcom kneeling to chink gachashit???
>I don't even know how SF5 would have lasted a year longer if SF6 was delayed
SF6 was already delayed. Twice. SFV Season 5 wasn't even supposed to happen. That's why a SF6 character is in SFV to begin with.
Are thirsting over the girls here frowned upon?
our girl betty is the highest viewer sf6 stream right now
same reason they knelt to snk, saudi money, chipotle, japanese candy brands, clothing stores and so on
sf6 is a metaverse adhub first and a fighting game fifth
You mean my girl
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No? You’ll get the occasionally salty redditor or discord teen who thinks he’s above it all but most people don’t fucking care
cammy in ZZZ about to go crazy
>Drawn by Reiq
>A fucking porn artist
Reiq has drawn pics of Chun getting DP'd by Ryu and Sagat and I don't mean Dragon Punch. It's disgusting they would employ him
no but the only people who will interact with your posts are annoying avatarfags who think they're literally chun li irl and it will inevitably cause the several resident unironic faggots to start posting grotesque art of street fighter males while alluding vaguely to their scat fetishes
I considered this briefly but then realized any crossover with Street Fighter's Cammy in the future is going to have the option of going with her shittier, less recognizable SF6 design instead of the timeless classic people actually like, and that the former is the one getting chosen 100% since that's the one that's not going to raise ESRB's ratings.
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Tekken hired Junny. A well known porn artist still in work for porn, to draw special panels for Tekken and even concept art and arcade mode shit. Japan does not care bro. Udons leader and CEO is a guy who grew up on 80s 90s comic and is fine with all this. They sell and Capcom and udon know they sell.
Pic related was a schizophrenic Nigga who did loads of porn on deviant art
Hell udon spawned from the current head being a deviant art nigga from Canada who banned together to form a company to get capcoms eyes on em to make fan art. Leading them to make SF2 remix and being the sole comics rights holder right now
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Reiq's Jiggly Girl run (he may still be doing it, idk) is legendary. I need to see him illustrate this, but with AKI next.

Captcha: MAXT0S
Season 3

> Boxer
> Claw
> Falke
> Sagat/Adon/New muay thai user
>Play JP
>Play against Bison
>Immediately lose 90LP
>Play against literally anyone else
>Gain 100LP
it really makes no sense how bison's and only bison's anti fireball move is so good
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Designed to be a [solid] answer to them. Not limited, not gimmicky, not extremely reads based. Just 100% solid.
sf6 mai will be the clearest example of the horror engine getting exposed since this mai model from 4 years ago existed in doa6 already
Gief was only really bad in 5 afaik.
>1k viewers
So this the power of no Daigo.
...and also safe on block, and also cancellable into super, it goes literally fullscreen and it also fucking anti airs? and it's plus if they've got a bomb on them, too, because fuck it, bison's supposed to be broken since he's a boss
S1 was decent, then he got nerfed to zero.
S1 Six Gief was ass so him actually getting some decent placements different guys in S2 right now is a massive step up to what he was before.
They want to make sure the DLC is good.
It is kinda crazy how many buffs Zangief has received in 6, i really feel like they were purposefully conservative with him at first due to being worried about drive rush + SPD.
Personally i think they had to rush his development, so they left him weak on purpose instead of worrying about making him too strong. The 25% longer burn out duration glitch he had really seems like something that would have been caught pretty quickly otherwise.
Doa mai will be second bananas lol
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>they added pic related as a stamp to the game
they know
Thats the most fighting game panel ever conceived
Only retort some seamonkey can say to me
what a fucking boring year that'd be
I have actually landed Tundra Storm unironically for the first time, thank you Bison.
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It's the return of Shadaloo
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Love when a character hits you and they can just grab you
That's this year. We don't need a full 24 months of that shit.
>bison became the fucking sigma virus
Imagine paying for this garbage.
If I ever bothered for those, I would just get myself a cracked version of the game with all items and max money to make all the poses and screenshots I want.
Didn't he tweet claiming hes the smartest SF player or something? Or most knowledgeable? I don't remember.
COTW waiting room.
Tournament Seeding removes the fun out of it
The problem is the price. Game is not F2P and the passes are more expensive than F2P games' passes. Worse than gacha.
>Fighting Pass is Shadaloo related
lol called it >>484091935
try st.lk for drive rush check, it's fast and has a decent reach, but as others said it's difficult and your focus would be better used elsewhere, like spacing
Those who doubt Capcom can neck themselves. You're not true Street Fighter fans.
how long have you been playing
Does anyone have the link to the volume II download?
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>nonstop pressure
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