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Previous: >>484094627

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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This one
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We'll get a surprise Stoneheart reveal PV.... right? They won't just let Jade die... right?
That's a women
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>posting a twitter link of a tiktok video which is originally from bilibili
Post a Firefly guide or I will rape and kill her.
I don't know how to rip from bilibili
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
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i dont know how to rip shit out of twatter and i dont care enough to learn
this is a man guaranteed
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That sounds so annoying lol. Isnt Blade a 5*? Were you pulling on 2 different banners? Hopefully the cost for XY wasnt steep, i know how it goes when trying to pull for 4*
All women are beautiful in there own way. At least in this game and if you disagree you're gay
yt dlp works on it, but only in 480p if you don't have an account
I have one if you need something in 1080p
Herta thread it is
>no doll joints
this is just Towa in a wig
Somebody has to have this guy's UID
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Firefly love!
Based Herta
/hsrg/ - Herta Sex Robot General
Tomboy in hsr when?
Post your firefly builds bros. I wanna see if anyone has been able to hit 300% BE yet. Is it even possible with S1?
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bwo just check the archives
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C&C thread... lost
Why the fuck would I want tomboys?
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Every thread is C&C though
Uhhh can't rape the willing bwo, though good luck killing her in her armor
Noooo you werent supposed to nooootice
bro your prydwen.gg?
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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Hope you all had a good pride month
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you know what, sure i can love her too
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Touche sis
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I've been trying hard to get 155 speed with 300 BE but damn it's pretty hard. This is my current build.
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You can't just link the thread once. It needs at least 3 links for it to be obvious and visible
What site is this?
Imagine how hairy she is...
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I don't think this fanbase as a whole did, 2.3 was a big lost for homos unless you shipped Argenti/Boothill
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She's had this build since day one. It could be much better but she already destroys all content in the game so I'm not gonna bother with it for now.
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Total Luciérnaga love
Based mhy honestly, 2.4 is shaping up to be the same with the Yanqing stuff.
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Thank you
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I will make her Mrs. Sparkle against everyone's better advice.
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I broke up with my boyfriend...
>no MoC or PF this week
>wasn’t anything last week either
Did apocalyptic shadow reduce our total jade income?
Xianzhou FUA vs ipc FUA is gonna be a funny rivalry to follow.

who will prevail, American Captialism or Chinese communism (capitalism)
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Where is it?
How reliable are the in-game character guides that pull from HoyoWiki?
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When can we expect more leaks of her kit?
Sorry but a full chinese comp automatically makes your team worse
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Soul will prevail (characters that actually know each other)
We had MoC into AS the very next week which kind of broke the schedule, but after the new PF reset we'll get one mode reset every 2 weeks like usual.
Why is March there
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Oh okay I was worried we were getting monkey pawed by getting +80 jades per full clear only for it change schedule to every 3 weeks or something.
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March is the MC after all didn't you know?
>3rd gepard cone from standard
just two more, bro
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>Black Swan is the obviously better choice since i have Kafka
>But i need Sparkle so Seele can get stronger
I'm conflicted.
Also, any news on possible future events in Belobog? Another IPC visit again probably?
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Bronya SEX
The only thing we know about Belobog it's what Sampo said he needs to be prepared for.
That can be fucking 4.0 for all we know.
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Since Firefly is the canon TB wife all shipfags will have free reign with the rest of the cast
I'm checking them now and they're fine.
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they needed a fifth guy for the power rangers rp
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The future of the non-Firefag waifufag... and it starts next patch with some teenagers
That's japanese
This, TB is forever locked with Firefly especially since SH is a recurring faction and her story is far from over.
The rest of the characters are likely to get shipped or like Acheron who is just asexual.
Numby wants to kiss you bro
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that sucks bro
Explode. I can't even get a fucking single ATK or SPD boot with BE.
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What the fuck are they gonna do with Kafka since SW and FF did a whole conspiracy to cuck her
>Dyke shit
Not answering
getting cucked wasn't on my hsr bingo...
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No longer Sunday
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She is going to be mommyzoned
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Its the free space
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Ship game
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Everyone is Sparkle
Well I'm married (forced by the government)
Double paizuri
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Mental illness should not be celebrated.
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Tingyun please fuck my daughter
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I want to see a video of monoquantum where every model is replaced with Sparkle.
Total skipfly death
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They aren't C&C because they're looking at their phone instead of each other
*Ship fandom
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Shitted pants
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They are sexting each other.
I saw them.
Sigga is texting his side hoe and Topig is looking up Numby nudes
Remember to thank Giovanni for turning (You) into a marketable plushie.
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Whose POV is this
I never get the appeal of ships where the character is clearly expressing dislike or discomfort to the other.
Like Topaz doesn't want anything to do with Aventurine outside of work.
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Ship niggers have been on suicide watch since Firefly shilling went into overdrive. They can cope and seethe all they want but there is not a sinlge ship in the entire game that is even close to being anything more than head canon nonsense except Firefly and (you). She's the most blatant romantically teased character in the game. The only other characters that even come close to having any teasing are also with (you) HSR is not a shipper game and it never will be. Troons need to fuck off back to /gig/ because you lost. /hsrg/ is a waifuGOD general. /hsrg/ is a yumeGOD general. It's fucking over for you shipper troons.
Me (she just saw I was tapped on the ceiling)
Close your eyes and pretend it's Firefly
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TB has a lot of mascots now huh
I like how the narrative about Topaz hating/disliking/can't stand Aventurine has to change words everytime because the game keeps showing otherwise
I mean if we are gonna use the same standarts you people use for shipfags Firefly didn't do anything strictly romantic
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What do I use for my second team here? I've blown all my 1st clear rolls and lost all 3 coin flips so I've got nothing left.

My best thoughts would be:

That second team seems bad but I've got no idea what to do instead.
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>clearly expressing dislike or discomfort to the other.
Headcanon, Topaz gets off to arguing with him just as much as he does. She's basically confirmed kinda tsundere.

>Like Topaz doesn't want anything to do with Aventurine outside of work.
Nobody does, if you haven't noticed.
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She hates it so much fr
Wow blade is literally me
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thighjobs and deep tongue kisses
I like how the counter argument to the Yunli ships is that hate is the opposite of love so Yunli disliking Yanking is proof that she actually likes him but on the other side Topaz not outright hating Aventurine and actually just being mildly indifferent to him is now also proof of her actually liking him. You retards really will use any kind of nonsensical mental gymnastics to suit your narrative.
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this outfit manages to make anyone look gay somehow
Not even in the much superior Simulated Universe?
I... don't see it?
Get better supports and damage dealers for a start.
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Except no? Show me one other character in the entire game that acts like FF does in this patch towards (you). You can't because it doesn't exist
>hur it's the same so my retarded made up schizo head canon is allowed
Except it's not the same and you're a retard with schizophrenia. Fuck off back to /gig/.
>being mildly indifferent to him
Bro? She took a job because he asked, she actually enjoys the fighting.
If it's not your thing that's fine I guess
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>hoyo literally has a character point out "these two characters actually enjoy each other's company"
>retards for some reason: uhhhh no? they hate each other?
it's deeply autistic, shipfag or not
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>Firefly didn't do anything strictly romantic
The counter to the yunli ship is that it hasn't even been released yet, shipsycho
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Stelle should be wearing pants like Siobhan
Firefly is just shipbait too. It's not like she says anything romantic at all to be fair most of her interactions with tb have almost zero substance
Yep that's so me
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Oh they actually showed what Firefly got all the SHs
>Yunli disliking Yanking
This never happened, we don't fucking know how their relationship is. What the fuck are you talking about.
God the Stonehearts teaser can't come soon enough. This is dire.
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Will they do a summer event with actual swimsuits? I quit THAT game because of the disgrace they called summer costumes.
So Acheron will be the first Mei not having any romance with anyone?
While Ei also doesn't have any either but she has Miko being super gay for her at least.
Unless the character says "I love you romantically" everything can be waved off as friendship, would you be any different from shipfags if you didn't believe otherwise
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Yes, her little diary with her doodles and stuff was pretty cute.
If some other character that wasn't TB got the fireworks cutscene with another character shipfags would be going insane
How about Yukong? While it's never clearly stated anywhere she's clearly in love with that dead foxgirl.
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Now that mihomo has fucked f2p again with two must roll reruns back to back, should I go for huohuo or black swan for Kafka?
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Kafka is your mom. You don't fuck your mom.
>Yunli disliking Yanking is proof that she actually likes him
We know nothing about their fucking relationship yet?

>but on the other side Topaz not outright hating Aventurine and actually just being mildly indifferent to him i
It's not even indifference. She likes him (as a friend), they have a good relationship according to Jade - the stoneheart who can read people's desires. This is all canon now. You don't have to like it though.

It's like saying Ratio doesn't like Sigga. He does, they're friends. He shit talks him, yes, but he likes him.
Acheron and Black Swan were rubbing clits on screen
It's just two character standing next to each other Firefly is holding TB's hand because he can't fly
Black Swan? It's not as overt as the others but it's still there.
Both aren't canon. Difference is one at least as some basis in reality and the other is absolute made up nonsense. The retard >>484161580
here is so vague that it could apply to literally any character in the game it's such a massive nothing burger. Firefly's interest in TB is excessive and exclusive to just TB. Heck Topaz shows just as much interest in your character as she supposedly does in Aventurine but that shit gets hand waved. Firefly ONLY acts that attached to TB and that's it. Denying that Firefly is the biggest romantic interest bait in the game would be nothing but disingenuous and pure copium.
She doesn't dislike him, he dislikes her.
And you would be saying shipfags are delusional for shipping Firefly with that character and you would interpret her behaviour as friendly.
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When did Da Wei take this picture of me?
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>Unless the character says "I love you" nothing else counts as being romantic.
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>Won the Hotaru coinflip twice
Finally, my first E2 5*.
If I had to pick I would go with Black Swan and cope with a very fast ERR-stacking Bailu as their sustain.
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What made us EoS? We are HI3 slow
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>falling through fireworks while handholding and looking at each others eyes while a song about how important they're to each other plays?
>thats not romantic bro wtf
>Aventurine and Topaz had 2 minutes of banter?
>they're fucking
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Your slow ass banner did this
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We’re all having fun in /zzz/ atm.
watch me
We don't know that either, Yanqing storming out because Jing yuan was trying to set them up is about the action, he doesnt even know her.
Both are delusional btw I'm not an avenpaz retard. There's no romance unless there's a confession. "framing" and "coding" is not actual romantic interest.
Lol how firefly just holds her. It's like saying the same thing when jade touched topaz's face.
I mean she could be but its never specifically stated
ZZZ and shitting on WuWa is distracting the shitposters right now
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Aventurine slow ass banner killed the game
wormhill killed all interest in the game
I have fu xuan so I'm thinking of pairing them with her and have gepard for acheron team.
>they're both the same
No they aren't. It's hilariously obvious that you're just a shipper troon desperate to not take the L as this game continues to get literal zero ship bait but the game keeps doubling down on (you) pandering.
Not to forget Avenpaz shipper is ignoring the fact that Topaz outright says that she only agreed to help the Sigga because she knew that Jade would be there, and a lot of his delusion hinges upon him denying that fact.
pagfly being a flop
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So we can safely conclude that
>Bronya x Seele
>TB x Firefly
Are the only confirmed romantic pairings we have currently right?
Acheron might like the crit rate buff from FX more than the DoThags
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I pick the worst time to give myself a break
TB cant fly she was just ensuring he doesn't fall, not romantic, see how easy it is to dismiss obvious shipbait
now that i have
>FF team
>Kafka team
>Acheon team
>Jingliu team
why should i ever roll for dps ever again?
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Aventurine's banner was one of the fastest for /hsrg/ because it was the anniversary
Not that anon but they aren't even remotely similar and you need to do some real mental gymnastics to claim make your claim.
I already have e1 so fu xuan is overkill
idk maybe I'll just wait for a replacement for huohuo unfortunately.
>>TB x Firefly
Not really. Most of it is unironically friendship at best.
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Yeah she NEEDED to do this she couldn't just fly TB back to the ship right? lol you fags are delusional
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>Topaz outright says that she only agreed to help the Sigga because she knew that Jade would be there
Not that fag but this was literally cleared up last thread. Both of you fags are taking her quote out of context because she wasn't saying she did anything for anyone, but for the sake of the grand scheme.
I support every straight ship
>Bronya x Seele
Forced because of HI3rd.
Congrats you finally beat the gacha. Now you can go play another game.
Even your dismissal is mental gymnastics. You can't deny that the tone of the scene obviously is done to show a close personal connection between the 2(romantic or platonic is irrelevent for this argument, the point is they are shown to be attached to each other) but NOTHING of any ship your troon ass obsesses over comes close to being on the same level because the simple truth that your retard ass cannot cope with is that Mihoyo very specifically goes out of it's way to NOT tease any kind of pairing because (you) pandering will always be more popular so better to piss off you than the majority. There is not a single ship in this game. Cope.
I mean yes shes the only one who can fly there
Then why would the game play romantic music while having them holding hands on the sky with a wide angle shot of it? If it wasn't meant to be romantic then FF would simply just put TB down on the ground.
Looks like platonic friendship to me bro.
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stinky just like her mama
If Black Swan could be anything she wanted why didn't she turn herself into a slutty loli?
Uh oh pagfly melty.
Trailblazer is literally (me) and I don't care about firefly so TB doesn't care about firefly.
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Kafka stinks?
I would still go with Black Swan and then just use whatever sustain you have. BS is the one that makes DoThags work. Solo Kafka is just cope.
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>shiptroons now trying to gaslight people into thinking none of that was romantic
>while also claiming that two characters talking is romantic
>character who has a job does things for her job
uh oh flopflykek melty
Because she wants to be taken seriously. Loli characters are reserved for walking jokes like Huohuo and Sparkle
she can be anything she wants to be??
I'm glad you have Firefly sis, now I can ship the rest of the characters.
Maybe they just felt like playing romantic music, they were just falling thats how gravity works she probably put him on the ground when they got near it
Yanqing literally fucks Yunli every single fucking night
She's not a creepy old man
>uh oh melty!
And just like that they get uppity.
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You fags are hilarious. What's really romantic about TB x Firefly isn't even that safe Spirited Away ripoff scene, it's SW shipping them in the quest about romance games and junk. Regardless that bitch still isn't officially your girlfriend or anything, the devs are just baiting it hard
>Solo Kafka is just cope.
She works you just need to build a 4* like Gui or Sampo to do anything meaningful.
Unless you meant LITERALLY solo Kafka in which case, lol.
You didn't clear up anything and only proved your own bias. Topaz consistently said that she only agreed to take part because she knew that Jade would be involved, and to claim differently is to claim that she wouldn't have just backed out if Jade said no, but we have no indication of that. So it is a fact that Topaz only agreed because she believed that Jade would be involved nothing more nothing less .
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I got Firefly!
which is hilarious because she's the biggest clown in Penacony, even above the actual clown
>LITERALLY solo Kafka
Yeah, the version 1.2 special Kafka/Tingyun/Asta/sustain teamcomp. Sucked ass outside of SU because Kafka could only proc her one single own DoT.
This is the truth. TB (Me) only see's firefly as a friend or acquaintance at best. My canon >>>>> your canon
So, what actually is Gallagher? A fictional character manifested by Mikhail with the help of Enigmata or something?
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For me it's the Firefly POV scene where she constantly notices what TB is doing and is constantly wishing she could stop what she's doing to go talk to you and being in pure bliss at watching you be an autistic retard like simply looking at you made her day. Actually trying to deny that Firefly is (you) bait is the most insane thing I've ever fucking seen. Shit most actual self insert focused gacha don't get that level of outright teasing.
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Im making a joke about how the blonde kid stinks like stelle aka her mom
Even back in 1.2 that was a giga meme, anyone with a brain built up Sampo and maybe Luka for her.
Firefly doesnt have many friends so Silver Wolf is happy to see her making new ones
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Congrats bwo
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I don't know why the yurifag omits this part on his essay
An entity similar to Lesley Dean, except made more powerful and resilient through the powers of Enigmata.
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Everyone shut the fuck up. Someone actually solo'd DU V6 with Aventurine
Not with that attitude.
Fuck now that I got E2 Firefly I'm tempted to roll for her LC too.
>she wouldn't be there if Aventurine didn't ask for her help
>she only agreed because she knew that Jade would agree
You do realize that both of these facts can be true at the same time?
Himeko is my mom at least she doesn't abandon me right after I'm born
If Aventurines plan didnt involve Jade she might not have lended her cornerstone for all we know
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I thought you meant Stelle's mom.
who has the most sexable armpit
It's a live service game they will just sideline firefly for another character anyways. They will never commit to the "romance" because there is nothing romantic between them just poor bait
The context of that part is the job being too bland for her but accepting because of Aventurine.
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Go back to bed silly
Stella is a girlfailure
>two characters talk to each to other
>date, fireworks scene, bawling your eyes out when she got "killed", SW shipping and all the other stuff
>"mmmmmmmmh sweetie?? their relationship is never once stated to be romantic, please stop being problematic"
shiptroons are a blight
Build pity on Ruan Mei's banner in case you get an early.
Get a second limited DPS, since E0 Clara ain't gonna cut it.
Yunli or Feixiao might be good picks. Maybe you could bear your teeth and wait for an Acheron rerun? She'll work well with your FX and Pela.
For now, your cope 2nd team could be Clara, Pela, Lynx, Tingyun.
The context of the conversation doesn't disprove my point.
Or the fact that she only picks up vidya when she sees (You) are interested, or the date we had where they beat you over the head about how romantic the spot is, or how they made Harmony TB and Firefly's kits pretty much made for each other...

This is a gacha, they're never going to actually get together but it's so obvious what they're pushing it's ridiculous.
I say they are fucking for both, now what
That isn't something you can imply from that image. Are you an ESL or something? Her saying she wouldn't be here if not for Aventurine does not imply any emotional justification. You could just as easily(and it would make more sense) take that as a simple factual statement. You can't insert your own bias into what a character says and say that's what she actually meant when she said that.
I feel like she would have helped but maybe not to the point of lending the cornerstone?
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that's kinda silly unless you're into NTR I guess
But that's literally just what was said? I didnt say it was sentimental or anything.
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I'm only attracted to the mech suit
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Do girlfailures look like this
Daweibros.... what is this?....
That's what I thought as well
Then why even reply with >>484164367
At all?
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Stinky and smelly femcel
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Not to mention this sticker too... They even deliberately changed the original poem it's from to make it explicitly romantic
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This except I'm not "attracted" I just want to see it rider kick.
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No they look like this
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>You didn't clear up anything and only proved your own bias.
Speak for yourself and look in the mirror /u/cuck, I'm a waifufag.
> Topaz consistently said that she only agreed to take part because she knew that Jade would be involved
Point to where she explicitly says this then, retard. Not only are two things capable of being true at once, but you are deliberating taking part of her quote where she says "that's why I covered for you" and think it's literal. She's talking about having no problem using her stone as a decoy for Jade's so that the plan could be executed well. She never said, "Jade, I did this for you", like you so delusionally believe is true. It wasn't a Jade vs Sigga thing.

>but we have no indication of that
You have no indication that she would've backed out if Jade disagreed either, so your argument is worthless and arbitrary. The fact that she came in with Sigga in her character story already confirms she was fine with the plan itself enough to gamble for Jade's assistance with Sigga. We literally don't know anything else beyond that so nice headcanon.
Love you bwo, this always brightens my day
Because I just simply stated that she didn't accept the job because of Jade.
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>Pull RM because /hsrg/ told me to do so
>Do her quests
>She drugs me then makes me fight a giant bug so she can fuck off and make me take care of her abandoned children
>No remorse about it
What the fuck?
Is this bitch autistic or something?

Aren't you like the shipfags you despise
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You can't fuck Screwllum. Choose wisely.
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uh oh, hertaschizo melty
autistic is the nicest way you can put it
I just call her a bug
I never got the vibe "we had always loved each other" from any part of the story. feels out of left field
Thats kind of hot. Kafka is that mom you reunite with years later after being abandoned. once you're old you reach out to hear and find that you actually get a long well and then you seggs. Himeko is your "real" Mom that loves you unconditionally
This is shipfag delusion tier
very cute male
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Is Jiaoqiu even that good compared to Resolution Pela + trend?
My game it's hilarious desu
>spend all her money
>treat her like shit
>don't take the picture
>keep remind her she lied to me
>"We have always...loved each other"
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I can't escape from Blade, even on /vg/.
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Playing this storyline and disliking Firefly must be a confusing experience
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Is he sad? I can't tell

I beg to differ. In fact it's all I'm attracted to anyways
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works on my machine
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Genius Society is the gathering of the worst people of the universe
Intelligentsia Guild is the thinking man's choice
You're as delusional as a shipfag right now I hope you realize this.
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For me, it's Avenpaz
>Is he sad?
Kamen Riders are mostly crying fighters, they don't like to fight but they have to do it to protect other people's dreams and lives using powers born from evil to do the right thing.
I don't actually dislike her, I'm very indiferent to her.
I just go for those options because I think it's funny.
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>Speak for yourself and look in the mirror /u/cuck, I'm a waifufag.
When did I even say that I tolerate /u/ the fact that you are seething so hard that you have to insist that someone who points out the hole in your argument is av/u/fag says a lot.

>Point to where she explicitly says this then, retard.
She literally says this when Jade brings it up she also says it again in Jade's character story. To say that Jade's involvement has nothing to do with Topaz being involved is to just be delusional.

>You have no indication that she would've backed out if Jade disagreed either, so your argument is worthless and arbitrary.
Exactly the point of my argument is that you can't say what Topaz would or would not do if Jade didn't agree. You can only judge by what actually happened and what Topaz says, anything else is just cope.
It would be pretty cool if we got the SH backstory already, I'm curious about TBs relationship with each of them
What did they do to March??
Why didn't Mihoyo realize SH would be better as Elio's harem
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You will never be as smart as a genius
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lol shipcucks really got mad at this one, they will never get a ship as canon as this
How come there's still no edit of this with our Blade
Again we can't say of she did or didn't. If Aventurine didn't ask she wouldn't be involved and we don't know of she would or would not agree to continue if Jade said no.
>she also says it again in Jade's character story.
Not that anon but she didn't btw.
Thanks, I guess that fits what I already thought.
I'll raise Lynx and maybe the new March can be a cope option in team 1 to free up Pela. Guess I'll just sub in a PF character as well while I wait for Tingyun.
Bro your Frebass?
what brand of melty is this
I'm not denying it's cuteness or firefly's feelings, I'm just saying as someone who enjoys romance it felt poorly executed if they wanted to make it seem their love is mutual with that quote
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I'm pretty sure the suit is intentionally designed to look "sad" in a way due to what >>484165783 said but Blade himself isn't particularly sad as a character.
It would be pretty cool if so actually, would make her stand out more imo
Your fug, bwo?
Firefly needs to hurry up and leave already. She is killing the game.
Are you any different from the Renheng fujos talking about bracelets and obscure chinese literature
I don't care about ifs, she was on the job before Jade even know about it and just speculating that >"she thought Jade would be and say yes" it's just pure headcanon.
I took it as more them having some kind of relationship (romantic or not, just some kind of bond really) in the past before TB got mind wiped
>maybe the new March can be a cope option
Oh crap, I forgot about her. She now additionally frees up a slot. I think I heard that she's a mini Topaz/Jade. That would fit perfectly with your Clara team.
You'll get her at E4 in the story, so she'll be really good for your account.
i also won't be a trashcan of human waste
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I wonder how they managed to convince that repulsive enbie tranny who voices her in EN to say this line.
they put it in the script
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mmmmmnyo she can stay
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Oops missed the pic
The slot machines in the Divergent Universe hint at Ratio thinking of Aventurine btw It means they're in love with each other.
I guess? Never got that vibe but you do you
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the sticker that mindbroke shiptrannies
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Someday I should read SU/DU lore to make schizo ship theories
now this is headcanon
Ratio is literally a closeted queer man so yeah
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Actually because Screwllum lacks the "spark" of human imagination he can only substitute it with RNG in his designs.
no shit, it's obviously just a theory/guess
Ratio was not involved in DU btw, he was only the inspiration. Screwllum's muse you could say
same I'm gonna spread that TB x trashcans is totes canon when it isn't
Skip button when?
>uh bro, we have a skip button
An ACTUAL skip button. Not a "skip" button when I already watched the damn scene.
NTA but I have an account but it's a phone login IIRC. How do you pass it to yt-dlp?
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Damn. Well he told him to live so they're still in love with each other.
Just walk away from the screen nigga
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Fujos won
Screwllum has a gambling addiction oh no

You mean irrelevant obscure Chinese literature that only a niche group cares about.
Maybe Ratio, Aventurine has not a single thought about him since 2.1
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Who couldn't he just do that too his face, why did he wait until Aventurine tried to kill himself?
I didn't know they deleted his voice line about ratio
>Mindset went from
>"Fuck, I ran out of TB power"
>"Fuck, I need to do my in-game chores"
Bros, I think I need a break. I may have reached my game limit.
That's because Ratio is a cunt and he hates being nice to people in front of them. Might be autism.
Chat is this real?
A voiceline from 2.1, that's what I said albeit
You do realise Firefly will end up being completely forgotten by TB in 3.0
He's not an asshole to TB when they speak to him though.
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>why did he wait until Aventurine tried to kill himself?
Because death wasn't real
I don't ship them but he did give Aventurine words of encouragement so idk about downplaying their friendship
Still would
What do you mean, he calls me retarded all the time
He's tsundere about Aventurine because Aventurine is annoying and he wouldn't let him live it down if he noticed he liked him.
TB hasn't forgotten any of the other SH.
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so why did Chadwick pass on his knowledge to Herta, whom he has never met, instead of Screwllum who has helped him before?
>Is still traumatized by her "death" dispite her still being alive
the only SH he doesn't seem to care about is Blade, and that's understandable
Take breaks as much as you can with GAAS games. You have reserved TB power that can store up to 3 months, IIRC.
And if you think you're FOMO-ing from the dailies, then buy a monthly if you're financially secure.
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Because /u/cucks say retarded things like that. If you aren't, my bad.

>She literally says this when Jade brings it up
She does not say "I did this ONLY for you, Jade". That is my argument. That you and the shipperfags are twisting her line into dumb shipper extremities as if Topaz can't do something for multiple reasons like a normal fucking person. It has to be "she did this ONLY because of Jade" or ONLY because of Aventurine.

>she also says it again in Jade's character story.
She also does say that anywhere in there either.

>To say that Jade's involvement has nothing to do with Topaz being involved is to just be delusional.
That's not my argument, both Aventurine and Topaz needed Jade's involvement in order for the plan to work. That's why they asked her. We don't know what they would've done if she disagreed, but we DO know that Topaz had no interest in Penacony & wouldn't have came if not for Aventurine asking her.

Honestly your argument should be more like
>Would Topaz have agreed to sacrifice her STONE if Jade wasn't cooperative?
Rather than:
>Topaz would've NEVER came to Penacony if Jade hadn't agreed
which is literally explicitly debunked because Topaz & Jade both admit they agreed because they ultimately trust Aventurine and his gamble.
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Who are you rolling for, /hsrg/?
>giving nukes to a souless robot
>Genius Society is the gathering of the worst people of the universe
Except for Screwllum.
Poor robot just trying to wrangle these narcissistic assholes.
Not me though, he'll be only puts on his masks in front of idiots and he never does that with me.
Screwllum will inevitably turn into Rubert
Come on, now this is real delusion
>and that's understandable
No it's not, he is the only one I care about.
Retarded ass self insert character
that moment was weird, why did the crew reacted to the Jing Yuan and Dan ending as if it was the "real" ending?
kek where?? he's just as pissy when interacting with everyone else
Jade, then we'll see. I don't know who the people in your picture are.
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>racism out of nowhere
NTA but I also think people focus too much on wether Topaz would help Aventurine or not rather than wether she would lend the stone or not if Jade wasn't involved
>which is literally explicitly debunked because Topaz & Jade both admit they agreed because they ultimately trust Aventurine and his gamble.
Jade says this though not Topaz, it seems like you think that I'm saying more than what I'm actually saying.
shut the fuck up herta and improve SU by making it so I can be impregnated by Nanook
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Lycaon, of course. Most of the characters I actually want to build seem to be lower rarity, which is the usual for me in gacha games.
I usually choose not to be retarded around him.
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Wait Grace is a SSR? Bitch looks like a generic worker.
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I feel ya, the crumbs at the end of kafka's companion quest made me happy
Who did fujos think that these two were an item again? Going through the Clockie and Mikhail stories they were friends but nothing more.
Rina, I also want the Huohuo maid.
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First time I heard of this
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Why do anons want her to distrust her coworker so much anyway? He is not gonna gamble her away (maybe)
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Now that the dust has settled, how good is flopfly? Must have? Skip?
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>walk away
>come back
>uh oh, time to choose one of the three meme choices because March said something stupid as usual
You're telling me....that clockie Fucks?
I mean he's an antisocial schizo, other than Kafka leading him around like a dog he doesn't seem to have many interactions with anyone.
It's the Renheng fujos so they are experts at ignoring canon for their delusions.
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The usual. Why do you keep asking this when you already know the answer?
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skipping at me... MENACINGLY
It's because they've pretend that there was something there but actually reading the stories it's such a stretch that they just might be contortionists.
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Strongest character in the game alongside Acheron, basically easy mode for AS and DU.
This is how Misha figured out that the cocky was actually a cumpussy btw
>gay furries at that
Good if you have Ruan Mei, maybe mid without her
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>Jade says this though not Topaz
Jade is a reliable narrator here, she can read people's desires and the only reason she brought up the fact that Topaz wasn't interested in Penacony was to point out that the real reason she came was because she trusts Aventurine. Topaz also says in 2.0 that she trusts Aventurine's abilities so again, it's consistent either way that she trusts him. I think this entire discussion is just really dumb now so I'm done.

I agree. I think that's where the real discussion should lie because it's alot less retarded than implying Topaz wouldn't help him at all if not for someone else.
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getting real tired of "muh IPC bad"
how about not-china being morally gray for once?
the US government is the bad guy in american media all the time, why can't the chinks have some introspection?
The best DPS alongside Acheron but she needs RM and HTB otherwise she's meh
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That's right. I love my friends the IPC!
I think it was hinted screwy had the disk to kill all life forms or he is looking for it i forgot
Reminder that you shouldn’t take Topaz’s word at face value. She’s always trying to be more mature and experienced than she actually is.
Because unlike in good countries, you can't mock your governmental bodies in China without being executed.
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Okay? I see no issue.


Only a little gay.
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Your Abundance Wars?
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Gambler hands wrote this post!
You shouldn’t take Yukong's word at face value. She’s always trying to be more mature and experienced than she actually is.
>in Space Russia, the villain was the governing power
>in space America, the villain was the governing power
>in space china, the villain was some random from outside trying to destroy it from within
Aaaaaah I’m noticing
Mediocre. Anyone saying she's "Acheron-tier" is hardcore coping considering Acheron doesn't even have a single dedicated support yet and performs on par or better in most situations.
Are these the laziest names in vidya? still better than chinknames
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(I) so lucky...
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Stop noticing
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Blade cut his hair?
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Showing Herta my big diamond
>this was just foreshadowing all along
I kneel
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>What the fuck are they gonna do with Kafka
The same thing they did since the start. Pair her with Blade
They already had sex in her quest
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She's just kinda tsundere like that with Aventurine. But EVERYONE is like that with Aventurine. Nobody wants to vocally admit that they like him to his face because he's annoying. That's why Jade can read their desires and tell the audience that they have a good relationship.
All villains were inside the governing power (Cocolia, Dan Shu, Sunday/Dreammaster). The true threat behind each was Destructohomo (Stellaron, Phantylia, Stellaron)
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Was about to post that
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Stop stinking up the place
>Dan Shu
Wasn't she just some cult leader
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>Nobody wants to vocally admit that they like him to his face because he's annoying
Hmm nyo maybe they're just racist
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>What the fuck are they gonna do with Kafka
This >>484169757
Everyone ships her with Blade already and she has more art with him than Caelus
We already know Ratio is.
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Blade is literally me
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Isn't he literally the last Sig? Being racist to such a person seems a bit extreme...
No there are other Sigonians around but he's the last one of his race.
She's more popular with Stelle actually. Then again so is FF.
i am literally kafka
ratio shaking his leg really fast!

Once the obligatory Kiana is added to the game Acheron will eat her pussy onscreen in an unskippable cutscene.
Sparkle and Ratio are thoughbeit they overcame their prejustices
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Prove them wrong
Huohuo Star Rail General doko
Did they though....
File deleted.
>What the fuck are they gonna do with Kafka since SW and FF did a whole conspiracy to cuck her
They didn't steal Blade
Mihoyo game
i cant...
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Ratio was a dick but he wasn't a racist. Worst thing he said was that Aventurine is a stupid orphan.
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>Both replies were an hour and a half ago
I suspect that they'll just put TB under a permanent negative light and can it a day.
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Do you bros have this one yet? The rng just won't cooperate for me.
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Is Autism Mei cute?
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Hmm, I can see it
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>didn't your parents teach you manners
>oh yeah they are DEAD

Dunno it was kinda rude
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there wont be any bro...
yeah, took a fuckton of tries though
You forgot
>fucking SLAVE ass s*gonian
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Honestly it's how he phrased him being nothing a worthless fucking slave without the IPC that just made him seem like a huge dick. As usual for Ratio albeit. It's a good thing Sigga is a nice person who doesn't shoot people on sight
Inviting Ruan Mei to the express so Firefly can kill her! Making Pom-Pom clean up the mess!
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Rude but not racist. Sparkle was racist AND homophobic!
There was that too
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I'll believe until the last day.
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Yeah. They can combine even if they're destroyed. Ace Trash Digger is pretty good for fishing it.
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Firefly broke you
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>nothing a worthless fucking slave without the IPC
He's not wrong
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He said Sigonian in a despective way so it's racism.
Just like we are racists to chinks here
Other way around
>Aventurine you retarded nigger, didn't you learn this in nigger school?
>Actually my entire family was killed when I was still a kid
>Sorry, didn't mean to call you retarded
The way he said Sigonian was derogatory, otherwise he wouldn't have mentioned his race at all and just said he was a worthless slave
why does she bring up her parents so often?
She's interesting but I can't call her cute.
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based herrta
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what better time than a sunday to confess your sins? ill start i posted multiple times showing savings for firefly saying i was going to e1 just to abandon pulling plans and skip
We should stop the sigonian racism
Nah Ratio apologized for being a dick, which is what happened. No need to exaggerate their "relationship", Aventurine doesn't hold it against him so neither will I. Dude could use a friend.
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I got it on my first DU run ever and then never again
This, cool it with the antisigonian remarks
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It's completely justified to be racist to sigonians (space gypsies)
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kafka will teach FF how to paizuri
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I praise the SH all the time but I'm skipping Firefly because of how obnoxious her fans are.
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I loaded up that Futaba.mp4 and jerked off to it.
sparkle please stop flashing me
>Aventurine doesn't hold it against him
Aventurine is a loser with no self esteem so of course he doesn't
Bro that's not sparkle...
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>spade tattoo
Is Aventurine... you know...
>because of how obnoxious her fans are.
Just skip HSR then because Hoyo fans are worse
This could be anyone.
TB, Aventurine, Sampo, Sunday, Robin, Firefly...
cat although idk if i'll have the strength to reroll since the game doesn't seem that interesting
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Lucky? Yes.
>which maid
Don't care as long as its a maid
Hoyo fans are generally retarded but there's a distinct difference from them and a Firefly fan.
A gambler? Yeah we already knew this
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Not another word, i hate homos, but i would never wish any faggot that fate
grats sunny faggot tranny
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>Hoyo fans are generally retarded
them being troons is what I hate about them
Are these standard 5*? There's only 1 standard 5* dude and he's a furry?
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Sounds like you let random people influence your decisions too easily
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Pagfly really can't into english...
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I just shit myself
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Instead of yilin, can I just use a Clara?
I unfortunately do not have boothill. I do have a S1 Sushang if S2 Bronya can make her good with Sparkle.
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>literally all discussion about the game is flooded with Firefly for multiple months
>"heh, looks like it's your fault for getting bothered by that"
ZZZ is not for normal homos. It's for straight maidfags and gay furries only.
GO TO THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your signature cone is legitmately dogshit, i'm not rolling for it, sorry not sorry.
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The one on the far left and far right are limiteds, the rest are standards
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Funny how people spend all day debating over who gets to suck his cock
>popular character is popular
So you're just a contrarian
When are we getting V3 of beta to see if the cook is useless or not?
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Help me find another gacha rpg. This story is not good.
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taco bell
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Congratulations you won
guys what am i gonna do.... i got Yukong pregnant.... do you know how long it takes for a foxian child to come of age? i can't afford to pay child support for that long.......
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That's what happens when you're the most popular male, and probably will be for another year atleast. Your cock and ass are premium
Excellent. I have time to get S1 firefly then.
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Sorry but Yukong has no eggs left bro
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next one bro, toot
You want story and nothing else? Arknights is probably more up your speed.
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She's sexy
Physical anons?
>who gets to suck his cock
yeah me
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>You want story and nothing else? Arknights is probably more up your speed
>Look inside
I read one arknights story and never did it again
We know, Topaz/Jade/Ratio
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you wanted this cone right?
it's a well known fact that foxians remain fertile and youthful all their lives right up to the last minute of their last day, upon which they suffer from acute organ failure, shrivel up and die.
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We know Stelle, Topaz, Ratio, Jade, Argenti, Acheron, Sparkle, Black Swan, Boothill, Diamond, and the rest of the Stonehearts.

Sigga cock and ass is for everyone!
I didn't hold it in high regard in case it wasn't obvious.
t. Played for 3 years, had 3 Sui toons, W Kaltsit and Summer Chen
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>light cones
>not actually cones
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I just shit my organs
That sounds really uncomfortable.
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I need a body pillow of him
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same here. 3 years of shit stories with no improvements whatsoever and somehow people are eating up slop like the Victoria arc, lone slop, or Endfield.
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>no Sunday and Robin
what if firefly was extremely racist
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Barely-disguised Propagation kink
Has Sigga interacted with Robin???
she is literally made to kill a race
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Nyoo but she is usually locked with him gameplay wise
The jade firefly scene was cool it actually made me realize that I like firefly when she isn't interacting with the mc.
details, she is as racist as someone can be
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Did you skip her like you promised?
Should I save self-modelling resin
I want to get a crit rate shirt for my qingque, it has a crit dmg one but I feel sources of crit dmg are more common than crit rate
I noticed a number of 5-star weapons give free crit dmg
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Finally done with this patch. Results:
RM's sig
S6 Motp
E6 Gallagher(didnt have him at all)
E5 Misha(same as above)
Lost 50/50 for E1 RM and got E1 Himeko insted( will use guarantee on either Feixiao or Lingsha)

Spent way too much time grinding jades for this last one but overall I cant complain, I finally have a good second team and E1 Himeko aint that bad
and ruan mei
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but it NOW
I din't promise but still skipped her
>people will actually roll for Yanqing's used goods
>but it
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>but it NOW
>not placating the king so he stops haunting your rolls
It's a small price to pay in the long term.
>skipping the canon wife
nyooo nyot the minyor spyelling mistyake...
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Hi everyone
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2 more weeks
Kinda sucks I have to play through the story content before rolling so I don't waste my resources on another man's woman
Where did you find this picture of me?
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or it can backfire and the king will come to stay with his queen
If you have enough energy ropes I think it's fine to use it for whatever. Though saving at least 1 or 2 might be a good idea
As a mega newcuck who has literally nothing, how hard is it to build a team for her?
Why are you posting pictures of me? Weirdo.
Yanqing and Yunli don't even work well together in gameplay, certified souless pairing.
I think you should just skip, you need two between Sporkle, Topaz and Robin, plus Huohuo possibly
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>but it
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Y-yay, months more of not having a second team
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I want to worship Sparkles feet so bad...
Just save for Feixiao, they're gonna make her broken since she's one of the chink generals.
Do I have no human rights if I don't win at origami bird MP every time or is it just RNG
we told you to roll for Acheron dog...
Jing yuan.....
not at all, she's like Clara in that she doesn't need anyone to actually function, Tingyun/sustain/flex slot is the absolute minimum that I can see being usable
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She would need to her license first
There's actually a lot you can optimize. You can create the rainbow bombs with 5 fruits either in a line, L, +, or T shape. And layouts carry over so you can build a bunch of them and save them for the next round as long as you're ahead.
Pick up Ting and you'll be fine
I just started, during boothill/fu xuan
I don't have ting, maybe I'll go for it if she's on that banner
The origami bird you find right at Firefly's secret base (gossipy bird) literally says
>ohh this is the spot where the couples gather, sorry for interrupting you hehe
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I feel sorry for you bro, Firefly+Acheron is the strongest combo as of now
is e4 Lynx worth building over a gepard with Signature LC?
Need Firefly to go scorched earth on my balls
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Stellaron Hunter love.
Despite writing Firefly's guide I actually ended up not pasting it onto many threads because the thread quality was so low, and now I feel bad thinking about all the newcuties/people with questions I couldn't help q-q
I swear the threads during Aventurine banner weren't as bad, which is why I spammed my Aven guide so much...
I've gotten it multiple times, your best shot at it is to get any of the three pieces and then immediately get an "Encounter" (red) domain, and then just pray that the two occurrences are:
1) The beast one, bottom option gives you curios
2) Cycling King, the "endure 4 turns without dying" gives you curios
And then just pray that between those 6 (?) curio rolls you get the rest of the pieces, otherwise it's just a lot of RNG
And yes, it's as busted as you think it is, especially if you get it in the middle of the 2nd plane.
Literally me
birds are not canon
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clink clink clink
So I should use the modeling resin for energy regen ropes for my ult supports?
You can get Ting eventually from the starlight exchange in the store. So it's fine to roll for Yunli now if you want.
If she really wants to pretend to be a firefly, that light should be a buttplug
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Looks like she eats the Sweets and Glaze.
Wow I'm fucking slow, I didn't realize the bell on her back was supposed to be like the light on the back of a real firefly... Cute detail though

How do you know she's not wearing one already?
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Jokes on you I finally got it today
>MASSIVE milkers in-game
>Only good for PF
What were they thinking?
If you don't have 5* energy ropes yet for the characters who want them, then that should be your priority
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What are you talking about Luci? You already have your cone...
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I lover her bell, it's so cute
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Tingyun (probably be on her banner)
Bronya (standard banner)
Huohuo (Will be sharing limited banner with her)
You should be good, even if you don't have enough for Fofo, she's sustain and they're usually the least important in term of synergy. Just have someone to keep you alive.
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>Pick Caelus
>Get SH endgame
>Pick Stelle
>Get AE endgame
I need caelus bf
>but it now
>I lover her
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Jinhsi is more popular than Firefly
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This but unirony
Uhhh im not a faggot so i love both, happy to see both my wives doing good
Mr. Beast is more popular than every wuwa character combined
Pompom's quests are the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of empathy.

To complete Pompom's quests and make him happy is a quick, trivial task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To help out Pompom is objectively right. There are no situations other than little time to play in which a person is not able to complete Pompom's quests. Simultaneously, it is not account bricking or suboptimal to not complete Pompom's quests. Therefore Pompom's quests present themselves as the apex examples of whether a person will do what is right without receiving benefits from it.
You won't lose rewards for not helping out Pompom, no one will award you with an achievement, you gain nothing by fulfilling Pompom's requests. You must help out Pompom out of the goodness of your own heart. You must complete Pompom's quests because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct.

A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by luring them with rewards and benefits.
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nyooooo my content...
Mr beast expy when?
>0 tiktok hours character
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every time i help pom pom he gets mad so why do i even bother
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>both my wives
Firefly is obviously Kiana
>white hair
>extremely shilled
>those shooting stars in some scene fuck me I don't remember clearly
>she's my wife
march is singlehandedly carrying the ae characters

how did they fuck up daniel so badly?
Dan was based but then they stopped using him. Just let him tag along again, it was fun with TB, march and dan...
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if Story is what you want in a gacha then unironically Nikke but only if you can stomach VN style of storytelling.
He's a literal antisocial noncharacter now
um the term is asocial
Wow he is just like me
he's still pretty much the same character wise, the issue is that they made him hole up in depression instead of letting him participate in atleast the events
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>everyone with english names
Dan is literally me...
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Yeah same, I used to like Dan Heng but holy shit he's been genuinely annoying now and doesn't even really feel like he's part of the crew anymore. Like his ass refused to leave the train just to hang out with us for even a little while after resolving the crisis that had him come to Penacony physically anyway, yet you still get a "family" achievement for it. What a fucking joke honestly.
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>x days until the next DU update
>no news on SU
Bros... is it over for SU? No more expansions like Swarm and G&G? I fucking hate DU
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Herta owes us sex
how can you call someone who just sits in his room all day "genuinely annoying" wtf? you are a psychopathic normie
it's assholes like you that lead to people becoming mass shooters
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I would whale for Oswald if he was playable but Nikke is too homo for that
A well-written tragic villain trapped in a female-only gacha game
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Blade is sadly impossible to translate without causing massive cringe as his name is just Espada, It just doesn't roll off the tongue very well during dialogue.
Silver Wolf is actually a point of contention, they did translate Black Swan name but refused to do it for SW (would've been Lupina Plateada or Loba Gris), and unlike blade the options for her translated name do roll the tongue very easily and aren't as cringe.
Firefly was translated into every single language, so Luciole, Vaga-lume, Glühwürmchen, Cвeтлячoк, etc, I don't know about all those other languages but Luciérnaga also rolls off the tongue very easily when reading the story (and you can even shorten it to "Luci" which is a cute name) I ultimately think this is fine, though all of my irl friends just call her Firefly lol
>you gain nothing by fulfilling Pompom's requests
I remember doing his quests because I was literally gated by credits sometimes during the first few months of the game.
What do you mean ESPADA is cool as fuck
MY FUARKING heroes... and the Astral Express.
wasted designs:
Firefly isn't even a real name.
That's the problem, it's annoying because he just refuses to leave his room while literally the rest of the family go do shit together constantly. How can you expect to believe the AE are all a "family" if one just never really participates with everyone else. Also March and TB need someone to balance their wackiness, which is why it was fun when they were a trio in belobog actually doing stuff together. It's also not the same situation as irl which you're being strangely heated over for some reason
I only just saw this post. On one hand that's a pretty good team with 2 free characters. Still it doesn't feel like March is reaching her full potential. Also id probably go s5 swordplay over cruising for super break team. Thanks for the showcase
But Glühwürmchen is
this >>484179536
I don't believe you.
But Acheron is for me though
My aunt was named Glühwürmchen
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Espadita y las Luciérnagas.
I just think it's too distracting/cringe, maybe if you were to hyper localize his name as Gladio (from Gladius, a sword) but like, he's Chinese so that's not happening, and leaving it as is just makes reading the dialogue a lot weirder than it actually is.
They did the same for Topaz whose name isn't translated either (should be Topacio), funnily enough they did it with Aventurine as his name is Aventurino.
What's with the Bleach author and the gratuitous Spanish everywhere? A friend shared a video where a lot of the special moves were just Spanish words and had me laughing for a solid minute.
Kafka who? TB only cares about Firefly now
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[HSR] 7/1 DU Weekly

Cyclical Extrapolation: Windfall of Wealth

No initial equations.
Gain 2 initial Curios: Reunion With Death, Indecipherable Box.

Boss: Stellaron Hunter: Sam (Complete)
Thunder Quantum Imaginary
first anime? they do retarded engrish german or whatever all the time
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i mean isn't blade hilariously cringe in english too? i think that's just something that's inherent to what they decided to call him
nta but Dan clearly cares about the crew even if he prefers brooding in his room to going out with everyone, even back in Luofu he din't hesitate to go in when he thought TB, March and Welt could be in trouble despite being a wanted criminal there, same deal with Penacony, he will probaly just go hang out with Jing Yuan during space china 2 but hopefully be more active on the next planet
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>implying Dan Heng needs to be a social butterfly to be part of the crew
>not understanding the concept of introverts
Anon, do you even comprehend character depth? Dan Heng's whole thing is being reserved and aloof. It's his fucking personality, you absolute brainlet. He doesn't need to "do shit" with everyone to be family. Some people just prefer solitude, ever heard of it?

Oh no, god forbid we have characters with different energy levels. Everything must be perfectly balanced like some autistic spreadsheet, right? Dan Heng's stoicism IS the balance, you smooth-brained normie.

You're probably the type who thinks every character needs to be constantly yapping and going on wacky adventures. News flash: that's not how real people or good character writing works. But I guess that's too much for your 2D thinking to handle.
Go back to your cookie-cutter RPGs if you can't appreciate nuanced character dynamics. Dan Heng is based precisely because he doesn't conform to your normie expectations. Deal with it.
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>tfw was almost beating V6 until Cirrus filtered me in her final phase
God fucking damn it. Why is this bitch so much harder than Argenti
>What the fuck are they gonna do with Kafka
Nothing, she's still my wife when I self insert as Blade
You don’t talk with much women irl
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Dan just needs to have another episode where he trailblazes with the crew again like back in the Belobog days. Then things will be cool
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I need to spend money to feel good about myself and since I got firefly e2 s1 just from saving I spent 150$ in another gacha game to feel good.
That's really nice, I was actually missing the box from the gallery, getting that IPC Mall occurrence it's so hard.
It doesn't strike me as cringe but that might be because I'm ESL.
Trying to actually 100% the gallery is such a pain.
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>Homo game because a male isn't playable
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>Dan just needs to have another episode where he trailblazes with the crew again like back in the Belobog days. Then things will be cool
Holy shit, this anon gets it. Absolutely based take. You're so right about the Belobog days, that's exactly what we need more of.
Dan's whole stoic loner act was cool at first, but it's getting stale af now. Like, we get it, you're edgy and mysterious. But come on, throw us a bone here.
Another episode of Dan actually doing shit with the crew would fix everything. Imagine the character development possibilities. It'd be kino as fuck to see him slowly open up more.
This is the kind of galaxy brain thinking we need more of on /hsrg/. You should be writing this shit instead of those hack devs. At least someone understands how to make characters actually interesting instead of one-note cardboard cutouts.
Props for speaking the truth. You're doing Kek's work.
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Finally I can be soulless. My life will be so much easier from now on.
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thank god I had xueyi more or less built
>post nerf Cirrus
get good
so Dan only goes full Vidyadhara or uses the jade phone when he sees a femboy, cowboy or Sunday?
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I'm pretty sure the next planet will be Dan's turn, and Himeko or Welt will sit it out (or maybe have everyone go)
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Anon, your lore game is weaker than Kafka's immune system. Let me educate you on some real HSR shit.

Dan's Vidyadhara form isn't some horny fanservice mode. It's tied to his past as Imbibitor Lunae, you absolute Warp Trotter. His jade phone? That's not a booty call device, it's a manifestation of his connection to the Xianzhou Luofu and his suppressed memories.
Remember the whole "Blade that Pierces the Clouds" thing? Yeah, that's not a euphemism. It's about Dan's destiny to defeat the Hollow and his struggle with his dual nature. Dude's carrying the weight of two civilizations on his shoulders, and you're here making bottom jokes.
Next you'll be saying March 7th only uses her Preservation powers when she sees a good sale at the Herta Space Station gift shop. Or that Kafka only goes into butterfly mode when she sees a particularly juicy secret document.
Get your facts straight, anon. Dan's character arc is deeper than the Fragmentum. Maybe if you paid attention to the story instead of thirsting over every character, you'd understand the complexity of his situation.
But hey, I guess it's easier to make weak jokes than to appreciate the intricate lore of a guy torn between two identities and struggling with the fate of entire worlds. Keep it up, and you might just qualify as a Mara-struck Disciple of Sanctus Medicus.
They made a cool upgrade banner for dam with all that dragon shit. And then his story was confusing, dumb, and still unfinished. They are ashamed of Dan and rightly so at this point
Me when that bitch eventually spooks me, she already pissed me off with her cone
Anon, you're huffing more hopium than a Curio addict in Penacony. Sure, Dan might get some spotlight, but don't hold your breath for a full personality transplant.
Dan's whole schtick is being the aloof dragon boy. Making him suddenly Mr. Sociable would be like turning Kafka into a stand-up comedian.
Himeko sitting out? The poster girl of HSR? That's like expecting Pom-Pom to shut up for five minutes. Not happening. Welt? The dude's more likely to monologue about the nature of reality than sit anything out. He's got more exposition to drop than the Genius Society has secrets. "Everyone go"? What is this, a school field trip? The Astral Express isn't exactly built for planet-wide pub crawls.

Besides, who needs Dan when we've got Sushang ready to simp for the Sword Champion on every planet? Now that's consistency you can count on.
>Trying to actually 100% the gallery is such a pain.
Anyone from /hsrg/ manage to do it yet?
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Yes homo game. There are more doujin of Commander (You)xJohan than the majority of the cast but all of them are not scanned because the Nikke fandom is gay
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despite the weighted curios being completely useless for the final fight, it was one of the easiest (2nd boss was much harder and I lost, the curio that makes it count as a win was the MVP of the run)
Nta but read the room tard
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Gojobro are you high?
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>55 posts left before the next thread
Like moths to a flame.
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If Mihoyo let me strip my account bare of every limited I ever pulled with a giant ass reset button to turn them all back into jades I would absolutely e6s5 Jiaoqiu
"He looks basic" "His kit sucks ass" "Flavor of the month fox man who will only be important for one event and then never show up again"
Firefly isn't for (You)
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Fishing for Occurrences isn't as easy as it was in G&G because you have no control over what rooms you get and the length of each plane is fixed.
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I see her everywhere
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>It's tied to his past as Imbibitor Lunae, you absolute Warp Trotter.
>It's about Dan's destiny to defeat the Hollow
>Dude's carrying the weight of two civilizations on his shoulders
>Or that Kafka only goes into butterfly mode when she sees a particularly juicy secret document.
>Anon, you're huffing more hopium than a Curio addict in Penacony
>Besides, who needs Dan when we've got Sushang ready to simp for the Sword Champion on every planet? Now that's consistency you can count on.
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its chatgpt
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Robin would've saved that team
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Sex with autists
Yeah it seriously sucks. I think only a couple of anons are even trying for it. Me, You, and a March poster.
What's the problem? You should be able to solo it with the sigga
why isnt she joining AE
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having an affair with this naive idol!
I 100% every single SU content but since DU didn't require me to, I'm forever leaving it at 76/78 Events.
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How bricked am I?
how does /hsrg/ feel about the current state of this general where only fireflyposters remain
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As a Firefly poster, I see no problem with this.
feel weird that neuvillette and firefly mindbroke their own generals and I love them both
Its better now the schizos that made it so fast with shit posting aren't here.
I think they are just touring /zzz/ right now and some will come back when they are bored with the new thing.
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You have RM and FF so that's at least one strong team. You can pick up another one over time. It's all good.
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I hope so, I wanna see my nigga Opal
I'd like a galaxy ranger myriad celestia too since Boothill talked about the rangers wanting to make a comeback, but that might not happen until we get another galaxy ranger
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you mean.... the comfty thread?
do you think huohuuo will be on yunli's banner?
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no leaks?
Feels great actually
>Galaxy Rangers
>use Propagation insects to help kill a Lord Ravager
>people take you seriously now
>now randoms using the name whilst having no part in the feat
I love this Tuna an unhealthy amount.
The next banners are Jade and Argenti
dead thread with 0 discussion is not comfy
its the sleepy tuna
V2 will be tomorrow.
Majority of changes expected to happen here, unless they gave up like with Jade.
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We can talk about who will win the Aventurinebowl again if you like
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coexistingbros i believe in the SH + AE timeline
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I've started finding Ruan Mei cute.
How do I fix this problem.
I kinda get anon's issue. Show don't tell. If you want to show that a group is close you need to show them actually spending time together. The fact that Dan Heng can only leave the ship to interact with Jing Yuan actually hurts his character and makes him more of a Cloud Quintet member than a member of the AE crew. In that sense Jing Yuan and the CQ crap actively fucks over Dan Heng as a character because he's forced to only really get involved with them, even though he doesn't want anything to do with them. Meanwhile the group that he's actually supposed to be close to isn't allowed to interact with him as much. When in reality it should be the other way around.
Don't you have to visit it a 4th time?
The birth of a new schizo...
You can't, enjoy
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Would be funny if he was stuck on it for months
Salesposting soon bwo
NTA but
Holy shit that's so fucking evil
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Possible but not confirmed
It's not confusing, it's just irrelevant. That's the point that they made about it, but the issue is that writers only want to use him for that plot line when in reality it's the plot that they need to move on from. The best way to fix the issue is to continue to allow Dan to interact with others outside of the Xianzhou characters and just have the characters realize on their own that they were being retarded so they move on.
But I don't have any jades for her...
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>no content
>no leaks
>forced to be in space china for 2 patches
>thread grinds to a halt
all the good posters jumped ship
She would literally turn you and every single lifeform into a sentient tea cake cat so you'd be a useless mindless servant obsessed with her
I'm actually surprised the IPC don't hunt her down and kill her she is the Dr. Mengele of HSR
>good posters
sure anon.
You mean only the best posters remain
But I'm still here...
>all the good posters jumped ship
but i just got here, so that cant be true
shut the FUCK up, ghost of Dr. Primitive

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