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>What is BDO
Black Desert Online is a Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, RNG, guaranteed upgrade mechanics after you spend 4 times the item's worth, more RNG, brand new fun pvp trust me, coomer outfits like slutkinis, shondoms, infinite grinding on a circle or a private circle, RNG and a pseudo sandbox experience that doesn't matter now that marni exists.

>Latest NA/EU Patch Notes

>Latest KR News


>NA/EU Coupon codes

>Interactive world map:

>General utility (Grind tracking, boss timers, imperials, calculators, pearl market info, node setup, etc.)

>Grindspots silver/hr

>/bdog/ Guilds
NA: Jealousy , Sardine

[Enhancement failed] >>483768882
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first for whore posting
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she looks so beautiful and dignified here...
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>all the avatarfags that come through like the black ninja guy, the dbz autist, the bdogger edgy ninja, that one nagas warrior, are pretty chill.
You're a pretty chill guy yourself, anon. Here's a pic of my sorc for being a cool person.
how do I join sardine?
Scholar is surprisingly higher APM than expected, at least the looneystorm combo is. I thought she was going to be Guardian tier.
She's also pretty solid in pve where she doesn't need a lot of mobility
The only issue I had with Scholar when I played her was that her Q dash sometimes didn't take you the full length of the dash. It was annoying to use on slopes because of that.
thread is dead because you fucks didn't link it to the old one, good job
blud ain't link up....
it didn't exist before the old loaf molded
if you need extra PEN BS to get sovereign weapons, then why is everybody selling their PEN and TET BS?
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alright that's it i've fucking HAD IT with this "BLUD" SHIT









>you are not black
yea i am blud
>blud doesn't know that we have bl*** posters in this general
I've never seen a pajeet accuse another anon of being white, kek.
>newfag blud really believed reddit when they told him 4chan is an anime website full of white people
bludnation is colorblind, we're all black kangs in the eyes of the lord
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>stop pretending to be black
Fine, I admit it. I'm white and too based for my own good.
rub a dub dub thanks for the blud
bastard bdo bludy bitch
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w-what's the flaw?
okay enough of that
post panties
blud desert online
Their skin turns black and become uggo
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>The last 3 threads
when does the tag event end?
nah blud ion stoppin foh no scrawny nigga lie u
bludposting is threadculture thougheverbeit?
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you tryna keep a yung blud down

july 17
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ily p
my free-use wife
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blud gon goon to downie lookin hoe dont blame doe nice trunk
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blud really tryna get his coochie bopped
How much family inventory slots and weight should I get?
why would you buy that
all of them
Is this a good game to play on autopilot? I just want something to do while watching videos
All of them but the weight isn't enough to keep up with the slots.
built for afuaru
what can you keep in the family inventory that you need all the slots anyway
Whats the most interesting class that plays different
different than what
do people even think before asking these retarded fucking questions?
Im in the wrong thread. I have like 5 /v/ threads open
awakening drak
yeah I'd say so as long as you don't try super high end grind spots
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Any newfag tips?
huh? whats that
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You don't need to buy the pearl shop tent if you're willing to use silver for the F2P tent.
play seasonal, watch youtube videos or r*ddit posts if you get confused, and try to have a good time
nah you can autopilot high end grind spots too. the only ones i can think of that are dangerous are dehkia ash forest and cyclops, maybe crypt if you still think of that as a high end grind spot. in fact a lot of the 800m to 1b+ an hr spots are pretty braindead since there's little movement involved or the mobs are really neatly packed for classes with small aoes
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Good to know the tips im receiving arent full blown essays on do's and dont's. Imma just turn my brain off and spam GCD. Also this armor is sex, can any female class use this or is it specific to guardian?
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listen... I like... many things.
second this
call everyone you don't like a tranny
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>implying i dont already
That's guardian specific.

Also, if you didn't see the OP, here are the guides:
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try hiding cloak, bottom right menu if you look at it at store
>spam GCD
oh no no no
I did, the third page doesnt load and the other two links just have way too much going on. Ill be confused unless i go in the game and research when i need to.
Does guardian feel like a basic bitch melee fighter compared to the other classes? Im looking through everyone and some classes seem insane in both movement and attacks. Then you have guardian with an axe and shield.
tf is gcd
>Does guardian feel like a basic bitch melee fighter compared to the other classes?
She's on the slower side when attacking, but has good damage and HP recovery to make up for it. If you want to be a zoomer you can play Musa or Maehwa.
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Ill only play musa if isshin is the awakening weapon with his glock
Play awaken ninja
Im between guardian, dark knight, wizard and the ninjas. im just watching videos
nice blog, please keep us posted
You mean, which one first, right?
Musa awakening is a glaive (or call it a naginata if you want to be a weeb). Ninja awakening is 6 katanas. Wizard awakening is his balls lmao
Well yeah
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Don't worry about buying too much stuff from the pearl shop right now except storage maids on sale. Never buy inventory slots they're literally not worth it ever, they're too free to pay for. Never buy dumb shit like pet skill change coupons or mount skill change coupons, or those artisan memory and cron stone bundles they have every now and then. If you're even semi-patient, don't buy pets either since they are easily accessible from the marketplace. Same with the horse flute, there is a way to upgrade it to the better version for free too if again, you're slightly patient. The 1+1 pearl box deals in picrel are the best deals in the game so if you have money to spare, buy them.

Hold on buying weight in favor of maids since it will take time to figure out what class you really want to play and weight is character bound. The biggest mistake I ever made early on in bdo was aping weight purchases on characters I no longer play, and I have no need for a character with tons of weight capacity nowadays. Then again weight used to unironically be a valuable resource a long time ago since everything used to be a lot heavier so it was worth it at the time. Nowadays it doesn't matter so much especially if you have storage maids.

Like another anon said f2p tents are fine, it gives you repairs and an extra drop rate buff, and it's like 16mil a week to maintain it.
nigga you're literally asking for succ maewha. she dashes around with a katana and rapid fires arrows fast as fuck, closest thing to a glock any sword class in the game has.
>biggest mistake I ever made early on in bdo was aping weight purchases on characters I no longer play
I know that feel brother... I know that feel..
this bitch got me bricked up ong
The funniest part about it all is that I wasted the free scroll of equilibrium they gave some time back on a character I don't play anymore so my current main is low weight but I don't care, cause now I just grind on a tag class anyway with the same weight limit lol. Despite all that I feel 0 pressure to buy weight like I used to, when pots and everything else used to weigh a million fucking pounds. If I had 300 bucks in pearls right now idek what I could buy that would actually be useful to me besides more maids, they managed to reduce most of the pearl shop into fluff.
anonymous weightmaxxer circlebros.... same problem here
I got to crescent and it infuriated me so much i bought it out
>The biggest mistake I ever made early on in bdo was aping weight purchases on characters I no longer play, and I have no need for a character with tons of weight capacity nowadays.
Don't forget that there's a weight limit item in the loyalties shop. I don't grab them anymore because things don't weight as much nowadays, but I got the loyalties item when I wanted more weight limit.
>Grinding fogans far as fuck away from anywhere because most convenient exp
>Loaded up on pots so you have to go back to your horse every single rotation
>Running out of pots
>Plus you're being spammed with a bunch of faggoty heavy ass rocaba armor and shit that makes like 60% of your income because trash loot is shit value but you still need it
>Retarded meme frag scroll items don't stack yet and they're plentiful at the good spots so your inventory is filling up constantly
>There's also a useless 10silver trash loot item dropping from structures that weighs like .50lt that you gotta trash every 5 minutes
>You're totally fucked, you HAVE to go back to town after barely just an hour
>Have to choose between sand grain or valencia
>Sand grain has no marketplace so you can't store most of the heavy shit that's clogging your inventory up
>Valencia is even further away so either way you suffer with not playing the game for 30 minutes
>There's also dogshit trade items like the coins dropped from pirates that make a good chunk of the income you grind there
>Have to manage 3 shit boat storages at pirates to deal with insane amount of crap you get
>After spending all that time dealing with an hour of grinding you only get 12 blackstones to upgrade your gear with
>Can't buy shit from the marketplace because everyone needs gear, blackstones and memory fragments
>Have to have a character actually at the marketplace to even use it
>Rely solely on bids and marketplace bots not sniping every single crumb of the stuff you need
BDO used to be such a shit game
also this. it takes time to build up to max the weight but it's not even urgent anymore. i never feel like i NEED an extra 300lt or else the game will remain a miserable experience anymore.
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I remember grinding Pirates and Sausans before Dreighan existed. I'm glad they moved away from designing grind spots like that.
Shit wasn't fun at all. On top of all of that, you still had to put in over a hundred hours just to get the full kit from a character as late as like 2021. Tbdesu the pvp is the only thing that kept me entertained way back then but it was just a nice distraction from the slog BDO used to be. Nowadays none of that shit flies, it was only ever fun because everyone was a noob that didn't know what was going on with anything at all. Chaotic fun and the like, I could put up with it because grinding was a tedious as the devs could possibly make it. Now grinding is so comfy and convenient I'd rather finish a grind session all the way through.

Even as late as kama I'd never go back to slave grinding away at polly forest to get 1500-2.1k sp on a single class spec just to see if I even like it when I can play it to its full potential. I can tag a new class and in like in hour I'm ready to take it to spots I normally grind. Fucking miserable history this game has had. Kind of admire PA for mending a lot of the wounds this game suffered even if the stigma is still there.
... and thats why the game is dying and bleeding out players!
stigma lol

my dick in your mouth lmao
tldr? aint reading all that gay shit lmoaaaa
>Nowadays none of that shit flies, it was only ever fun because everyone was a noob that didn't know what was going on with anything at all.
It was also due to the fact that there was a time +15 was the max enhancement level. It was easier to reach hardcap on armor and weapons, in theory.
>bdo is bleeding players
Yeah but pen-pri was released in the same year BDO did.
blud thought he was writing in his gay ass diary or sumtin
And that wasn't as bad of a grind as C20 pen. The gear treadmill keeps going, which is why the devs give out free stuff like pen blackstar.
C20 pen is a consistent grind lol just dump caphras into it, there's no rng involved and zero market competition
pumping this whore(again)
PA reigned back the p2w because they had to quickly recoup the cost of developing the game back when they were with Kakao. Now they've made so money they don't have to beg you to buy weight and inventory slots to play the game without it being a pain in the ass.
But you have to look at it from the perspective of a new player in both cases to understand what entry into BDO can feel like. In the case of pen c20, they're seeing the grind get even bigger. Granted, seasonals and Jetina made the grind much easier after they were released.
blud the new player experience in 2016 to 2019 bdo was "buy pets weight and inv slots now or you'll never make any real progress tehehe"
Yeah, exactly. I was agreeing with the other anon that said the early experience of the game was shitty design in the PvE aspect. I also want to say:
This. The game was designed to push people to the pearl shop in the past.
Well you're starting to miss the point I'm trying to make, which was that early BDO was more p2w and demanded you buy pearls more than it does now. C20 caphras has no bearing on the pearl shop and really it's not even a necessary upgrade, like who is doing C20 caphras in anything more than a kutum? Being able to grind more than 10 minutes without being shitted up with heavy items pressured people into buying pearls way more than anything they do now does.
I understand your point and I agree with you, I'm making on observation on the gear treadmill design that ultimately requires adding more and more upward scaling. I've had a friend want to get into BDO, so my point was digressing in that it was commenting on the new player experience. At one point there was +15 max, then pri to pen, then pen c20 or pen BS, and now there will be a new tier above pen. In the case of armors, it's the fallen god set. The details on how to get to pen have changed over time and made it easier to get pen, but ultimately when a new player sees these things they don't have enough knowledge to know how long things take. They just see an increasing amount of items to grind towards, how long it is in reality changes with updates.
Well I'm arguing p2w and you're arguing gear simplicity, which I agree with. I think even though the gearing process has become streamlined and easier they continue to make it more and more convoluted with every major patch. The free pen bs has no bearing on what I'm speaking of but I'm not happy about it's implications either. It's totally unrelated to my gripes about old BDO though. I'm saying that they've made the game less tedious to simply play regarding the inventory system when considering weight/pets/inv slots. Sure c20 caphras or whatever sucks but at least you aren't dealing with a million items flooding your inventory and slowing you down constantly when you just want to grind.
Less tedious to play, yeah I agree. Earlier it was P2W so your inventory wasn't clogged, now it involves being willing to go through a more convoluted enhancing process while not being discouraged by the idea that your gear will get invalidated by future content. But to be honest, the gear treadmill is in more than 1 game so this isn't even specific to BDO. It's just the execution that bothers people because the game is starting to suffer from a bit of bloat.
Meh, everything they've done since is in wake of the game being datamined so they design everything around that.
I doubt they'll stop making even more new classes, though. And, possibly, after a few years we'll get another tier above fallen god set.
It's sad. Old bdo had a lot of problems but I don't think it had anything to do with always having higher tiers of shit to grind. Class bloat is one of my main problems with the game. Don't care for the sovereign weapons either.
what ever happened to the man sitting?
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Troon game is dead. Is our game the last good MMO left?
the fuck is dawntrail? bdo has been the best mmo for a while except to tag gaper niggas who can't let go of gay wow combat
Combat is weird. I end up just spamming m1. I dont know if i like the combo system
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>monthly subscription mmo
are you trolling or do you actually need advice
I think its the final fantasy mmorpg expansion
I only said its weird. Ill take your advice however
Coming with my level 56 main to kill you, you're gaming days are over buddy.
oh, well then yeah the combat feels like pure shit until you get all the skills. the game is designed around having all of them, but luckily it doesn't take long at all and they've designed it in a way where you get all your skills really fast
This combo system akin to fighting games, does the game try to keep this shit? I just want to press numbers man. Im leveling up and getting "new" skills that were previously only accessible through that combo system but i can now hotkey them. So i hope its the latter
I put emphasis on how utterly dogshit the combat is before you get all of your skills. It's designed that way. It starts feeling better when you have all of your skills and a reason to figure out why and when to use all of them.
agree with this anon >>484207410, it's actually canonical in this game
Your character is an amnesiac slowly remembering that they were a living legend. the Awakening and Succession quests at lvl 56 are what brings combat "alive" for each class.
>I just want to press numbers man
this isn't an mmo where you lock onto an enemy then press 1...2...3...4...5...6
bad game for you
uninstall immediately
if you dont enjoy giving yourself carpal tunnel from spamming fighting game combos for 1000s of hours then you wont like it
Why would the game break away from it to do 1,2,3? The best part of the game is finding new cancels and lingers.
Can you valk train with enough stamina?
I can train your valk to have enough stamina...
>Decide to finally try out my tagged char
>Get completely BTFOd
>"I must be slow with my combos then..."
>Try again
>Get better, but still take insane dmg
>Notice I have low mana pool
>"Am I not wearing my chest piece?"
>Realize I DID make fallen god armor recently
>Copy is gone
Fuck me right up the ass...
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seek help
FFXIV player
dosa out on glab btw...
drag and drop change character order when...
sorry but everyone who's competent at pa already left for bdo mobile
Why can every class get thicker than Guardian? REEEEEEEE
>wake up
>see panties
it's gonna be a good day bdogs
notice how during EU hours there was not a single mention of the words "blud" or "tranny"? yeah, keep that in mind.
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I think that Dosa looks really fun and I'm looking forward to it.
who asked
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Additionally, it's nice that the class trailer was released only a week or two in advance so people wouldn't have to wait long to play it.
>avatarfag nigger woke up
yep, mutt hours has officially started now
i don't think regional timezones mean anything when MMOs are notoriously full of nocturnal NEETs
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From now on I will make a post at 9 AM every day to officially signal the beginning of mutt hours.

See you guys in roughly 23 hours.
why are europoors so racist and filled with hatred?
>i am an avatarfagging nigger please rape my face
game needs shai painter class
every major mmo have them already
Thank you for making things official.
thank you for your service nignja sama
built to stuff my maegu mussy
Dont ask how I know, but Dosas awakening is gonna be a vuvuzela
What happens if you try to upgrade tagged gear? Does it upgrade/downgrade alongside the copy or can I actually just yolo some enhancements while keeping my previous GS in the tagged char?
*throat fucks you*
Good point. I was one of the posters that anon was talking about, and Im in NA. I think the major difference during last night was that there were people willing to discuss game design instead of shitposting. Sometimes there is bludposting during EU hours, other times there isnt.
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Fellow mysticbro reporting in and asking for advice once again. Rings went to TET easier than I expected so now all I need is a TET Deboreka earring to complete the set, which leads us to my main question. Which way do I go for it? I can either go to safe spots like Dehkia Sulfur/PilaKu/Aakman and get 1 Debo earring per 4-5 hours, while making 600m/h at best without them, or I can go D. Oluns with a proper party, risk dying a lot in the process but get some decent cash and close to 1 Debo per hour. Either way, tapping one myself will cost me around 33b if I'm lucky and have no downgrades.
Or I can just go to a money spot like Elvia trolls or normal Oluns, getting close to 1,6b/h and combined with guild boss mercing, I can buy one within a week (I already have half of the budget stockpiled). But that will leave me dry for my cron funds I've been saving for going later for TRI SO pieces.
Another small expense on the horizon is to buy another earring cup for my jetina ring that I will turn into a Narc for when I'm grinding kama spots, because switching a cup around costs 1b, and not having a cup on it is kinda cringe.
Both my PEN Blackstars are self tapped, so I'm saving the freebie one for Sovereign update when it goes live.
So... what else would you suggest me to go for? Anything I'm missing? As always, any advice is welcome.
nigga has 720gs and still acts like a complete retard
I personally dont like RNG enhancing, so silver per hour would be my choice.
>So... what else would you suggest me to go for?
As a Mystic it's your job to expose that delicious tummy, little else.
authentic mystic roleplay
does this game have erp?
ya i get hit up in town all the time, just whisper some ho
any shai mains here?
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Cute or go back to the drawing board?
post your ho
she looks like she's packing a 9 inch meat rod
how can u ever look at this and think 'cute'
okay i give up, guess ill just use one of the popular creations.
mmm i already have
hi p
post her again then
you sound so hot...
DSLs going kinda crazy
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Ok hows this?
much better
go back to the cutting board
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holy fuck lmao that shit doesnt even deserve to be called a whore/tranny
just fix the cheeto eyebrows and i think itll be good
ily p
You mean the color? I like it that way
This hot bitch has sex with men.
uhh, yeah? im a man
prove it
are those gloves a mod?
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Just use the Beauty Album, then change her colors after taking someone else's guardian. This class is annoying to make semi-decent looking while working from scratch. Trust me, I've tried. Pic related is the best I could do without taking from the Beauty Album.
Trannycaller anon please come back and deliver us from whorespawn evil...
bloody gloves, dyed to look like white lace
blud wearing blud gloves
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You look absolutely ravishing for me today, baby.

*sniff sniff*
Mmmm... and that stench. Like wet dog poorly masked with cheap perfume. You must be drenched down there after waiting for me all this time. Well, the wait ends today... Clear your schedule, because tonight daddy has a special surprise for you.
Welcome back, little timmy
>global south represent
>white goddess syndrome
It's perfect.
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>stand in heidel
am i considered shitskin? im from el salvador
country of residence? united states of america
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Heh, sure.

Go on and do your shit talking now, because in a few short hours anything and everything you say will be drowned out by the thunderous sounds of me pounding every inch of that whore's body.
based aztec prince showing these ytbois whos boss
>no gohan blanco
are we sure he's a spic?
little timmy and p sitting in a tree...
If I haven't miscounted I have 449 days worth of Value Packs and similar for Blessing of Kamasylve, and maybe half that for Secret Book of Old Moon.
What's everyone's stash looking like?
Whoops sorry I forgot another 14 days of VP in my Rewards menu
blud tryna make a black lady soonade from naruto
I use them as they come
i wish someone would pull my devil trigger if you know what i mean
I dont know what you mean.
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Can i get by with just spamming these skills? Or should i take the time to memorize something from here
holy shit just kys already wow/ff14 tranny
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literally just go through all the skills and look at what they do. place your cooldown slots on your screen. it helps to watch people grind different spots on your class so you get a better idea of how they are supposed to be played.
No, you can't. Learn to play, learn the classes, fix your boomer hands and git gud. Or play a Shai and lifeskill.
Id say lock the RMB skill (Beast Demolisher), but thats just me. Dont use a grab combo in PVE. Also, what the other anon said: >>484268650

Use skills that buff your damage first, like anything that grants bonus AP.
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From the makers of "ugly 2 door houses", comes the "retarded 3 door house"!
does anyone know who the dbz spic is yet
Yes. You're going to be one shotting everything for quite awhile anyways. Shit's not going to matter until you start getting sweaty
p probably knows
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I see, ye I've been lucky so far but I have a feeling my luck is running out, and I'll end up paying for that debo earring more than double its price if I try to tap it, compared to just buying, ya know. Still, going for the earring should be a priority over my TRI armors?
I may be at 720 GS, but endgame gear is something new to me, and I'd rather ask here, than watch through a 5 hour guide of Blue Squadron doing a soiface at the camera while telling me to "just tap your debos to PEN bro, it's easy, all you need per accessory is a 300fs and 10-20 hammers that each costs about a week grinding 4 hours per day like a side job".
its obviously m
>Or play a Shai and *buff your homies*.
it's n
i asked g but they don't know
retards from jealousy
its always the nafags shitting up the thread
g told me to ask e and he said it's r
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If tri fallen god set is fine to grind with, then focus on AP.
nigga just do dehkia oluns, it's not hard. if you know how to use your class it's easy. if you suck at mystic somehow some way then tag awk witch for red orb or make a shai specifically for oluns. when you get your earring start tapping for tri armor, caphras in the offhand and such. consider all out attack if you don't already have your strikes. after that it's pen taps on accessories, you know the drill.
finding 2 more people to grind at your hours is hard
im from el salvador.
>If tri fallen god set
I meant to say "If not having tri fallen god set". Youre above 400 dp so you can grind nearly every spot without much issue.
What games do you trannies play
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It's ok senpai, I got what you meant. I was always comfortable grinding with Mystic at spots with a lot less DP than spot recommends, and even less than what people recommended me. Guess I can stay with DUOs for now.
My only worry about the 2 last spots people everyone jerks off as "too dangerous", Dehkia Ash and Dehkia Oluns, is that so far, all the friends that had similar gear, went there and got stomped by the mobs, albeit in squishier classes. This is why I'm asking if TRI armors and around 415 sheet DP is recommended, or can be done with less.
>caphras in the offhand and such. consider all out attack if you don't already have your strikes
Kut is at C14, not much there to gain out from it. I got my strikes and every PvE racist combo.
>after that it's pen taps on accessories, you know the drill.
I do, and I will stop at that point. I'll use my hammer because it's a waste to sell at this point, then call it gg, stick with a full TET Debo set, and wait/take a break till sovereign. Maybe I'll raw tap the TET disto as well that will be replaced by the debo earring, but we will see.
Nah sell the disto when you get your earring and you can put that towards cron tapping your armor to tri.
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>take a break till sovereign
Good idea, don't burn yourself out. I take a break from BDO at least once a year.
>raw tap the TET disto
I agree with the other anon, sell it to help tap armors to tri.
The most tab-target soulless MMO I played to any extent was Archeage. Is learning an actual combat system really this daunting for people?
Yes. Im getting filtered. It just doesnt click with me
knew it as soon as you mentioned you wanted to spam your GCD
I like braindead
NTA but there's literally no other game that plays even remotely like this. I came into bdo from games like tera, blade n soul, gunz etc so the combat for me came a bit more naturally but those games still don't play quite like bdo does. Personally I can't get into tab target controls whatsoever and I wish more games copied the control scheme bdo has.
can we please post more cute characters?
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What a fucking joke.
I know it's a smart move to sell the TET Disto. But I'm not a smart man. I've learned to tap every gear I could afford losing, and honestly, TET Distos have been crashing recently.
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Meh, if you feel like it. If you're gonna do that at least do it on a good stack.
Oh no ;_;
You're gonna get even more filtered once you find out that there are cancels that can only be executed from manual input and other cancels that are exclusive to quickslots.
You're also gonna get filtered by some skills being outright exclusive to quickslots.
My advice is to throw that Holy Trinity skill rotation logic in the garbage ;_;
Dungeon Fighter but you grind in circles and have mouse controls.
Yea you're right I forgot about that game
DF feels fun but when I tried it everything just died in one shot and the main quest wasnt easily followable
It got super boring fast
that's basically bdo lol
Nah, BDO has that thing going where you are pulled around an open world and the fights are not even that one-shotty unless you actually upgrade your gear (a new player doesn't do that immediately)
DF its just all instances and all one-shots, very dull
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How is this possible? I seem to get the average amount of drops on everything but the trashloot, which is 40% below average.
My pets are maxed out (t5+ 4 t4s) and set to agile.
garmoth is full of liars
Did you enter the cheat codes?
yellow scroll?
Are you doing the strat or are you just grinding mindlessly pack to pack?
I think those retards are using lv. 2 lootscrolls and not setting it up when logging their hours on garmoth.
Nope, I'm just testing the spot out. It's my first hour there.
I'm asking because the numbers just seem odd, how can I have the average for everything but the trashloot?
100% droprate event
No, 19k is definitely possible on a blue scroll. That person is probably geared.
I know at least one staff whore who lives in the forest 24/7 and deliberately reports less trash just to fuck up numbers
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Are you ready for pancakes?
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depends on how pretty Dosa is
people say the class is kinda ass from those that have played it
no male class can top sage
simple as
not happening
Yeah I find that for myself too. Basically jumping from pack to pack with no down-time in between and get about 50% of the trash loot garmoth shows. I'm not even close to the displayed number. Although I don't look up any guides or anything. Just jump from pack to pack and one shot.
As a warrior I concede
They opened up the game to china. Is india next?? God i hope not
china has money and is willing to spend it in online games
india has cow shit eating "people"
Dosa identifies as a femboy. Fujobait.
Soon Heidel and Velia will have their streets become designated.
Dosa is fun
I dont agree, Dosa is not fun
Dosa is fun blud
I dont enjoy Indian food
I hate indians and india. I could foam at the mouth for hours over the way they have utterly destroyed the internet. I'll just play bdo instead though.
I am playing the game as a Lahn but not really feeling it. Should I delete this season character so I can try another class? I received some rewards along the way so I'm worried that I might lose some stuff
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Please list the Sielos set (Ninja) on the MB. Thank you.
You should be able to put all your items in storage, but if you want another seasonal character you'll have to delete or graduate your current one. Just make sure you have enough seasonal tickets in the character selection screen.

I think they got rid of the timepiece item that let you reroll your seasonal character, unfortunately.
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Do what feels right anon
bitch looks british
and thats not a compliment
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Perhaps....Dosa simply 'is'
What about stuff like inventory and mount? Can I re-earn those as a new character?
great, another attention whore not posting panties
You can re-earn inventory slots on a new character, yes.
You can put your mount in the stable and then use it on a new character.
What about daily rewards? Are those shared per account? I figure I can put all my received rewards in storage for my other character right?
are you single, and do you like maegus
yea, this game doesn't have too much character bound stuff.
blud is crispy
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Posting before I go to bed to officially signal the end of mutt hours.
built for aryan pussy
wtf answer me
do you like maegus? do you like dk's? lahns?
>pickme gettin desperate
blud is a 32 year old man begging for attention as a female avatar you can't make this shit up
its kinda hot tho ngl doe
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based, thank you nigja.. eu sissies our time is now
yea bru dat sissy clitty and hairy legs underneath poorly fitted cheap lingerie is hot af
Thank god I'm on night shift so I can avoid the apes.
If you wanna ba or rbf in a bit I'll be back, grinding up magical shards to swap my cups rn.
im gonna be the best kuno there ever was
blud ain't gon do shit bro don't even know how to combo
all dat bitch gotta do is combo them lips on muh dikk
i'm comboing your mom, your sister, and your girlfriend right now blud got em all bouncing on my dick round robin style u don't want this smoke u not built for this life
tough to do given every kuno is a cheap korean whore
have you got a horse?
damn bitch got a whole gangbang ready for a nigga? dis hoe is marriage meat
how bout you combo on this zerk dick lil hoe ass kuno thotty runnin round with all that cake
why would you play kuno when ninja exists
i preferred mutt hours
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reminder to buy my j's hammer. i really need this.
I'm sorry for starting all this blud spam lol I really didn't know it was gonna be spammed like that. I just did it because I think zoomers are funny but it was only like twice. I haven't said it since before the heidel ball.
Then I'm the guy who started it right after you and honestly I still find it funny.
i been a blud since day 1 womb til the tomb bitch ass lil nigga u aint start shit
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this is a crip thread now cuh
>Zerks threatening to show their meatspin again
clud tinks he groundzero
nah this pirus territory cuh i catch you on my block u gon get got i got trucks full of clips dont think i wont empty one on smokin yo ass
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You fool! You've doomed us all!
nigga it's a magazine it ain't no got damn clip it's a MA-GA-ZEEN. yall old ass slave mindset niggas still thinkin bout clips and ww1 didn't even have niggas in it. when you ever seen a nigga wit a springfield?
>the black anon posts like an average white man
>white anons post like hood niggas
i'm literally geechee lol i just do this shit for fun and i love bdo
Not Asians?
Level 2 loot?
Play lahn and get 20k trash easy
i'm finna merc this nigga blud send him packin on a up north trip if he keep fuckin wit me fr
he's literally doing both
didnt you notice that bludposting started hard when this guy started posting?
cuh ill peel yo cap back and snatch yp necklace
bet that bitch aint even pen yet homie
bet hes the dbz avatarfag too
he's probably that p person the one schizo keeps talking about too
Manos ruby ring and human damage crystals/lightstones. Elvia has an ap cap and special damage circumvents that. Human damage for Giants and demi-human for Trolls.
No, that's a different person I believe. Pretty sure I saw them both in-game.
foh nigga yo shit fake anyway yo faded colors ass moldly label ass temu ass build
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my build full debo nigga ur shiet aint even worth a bil bet u usin some cheesy ass ogre cockring
run dem jewels or imma pop u cuh
so...am i supposed to believe these guys are not amerimutts?
You are being spammed by the same ESL retard who spammed /lag/ to death, enjoy. He thinks he's fucking hilarious for some reason spamming his gay lowercase nigger speak.
what the fuck is /lag/
lost ark general
>He plays lost ark unironically
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oh ong? hell naw u hoe ass nigga u not gon talk shit bout my build blud get yo fake ass j's on cuz we finna box on my momma u got me fucked up
Yeah right, proof? Show us some of his /lag/ posts.
no cap nigga u aint gonna call my j's fake
on god homie ur hairline lookin like andrew tate's
fr cuh im finna run that fade
trying to decide on a mmo.
>lost ark
I've only really played lost ark, haven't gotten super into the others on the list before but have dabbled in them.
why should I choose bdo?

worst case scenario I go back to wow and pay for my sub with gold.
BDO breaks from the basic tab-targeting MMO by using an action combat system. The selling point of BDO is the combat and, imo, the PVP.
Also, the graphics are nice. But aesthetic preferences are subjective.
I'm kind of over pvp. I'd go back to dota/lol instead where the barrier to entry is not 1000 hours of grinding for gear anyways.
You really should follow your heart, anon. Believe in yourself.
Also BDO is like a $1 when I looked earlier today.
that game fucking sucks though
barrier to entry is literally like 5 hours for AoS or 15 hours for T1 Node war if you're new.
those words mean nothing to somebody who doesn't play your game.
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Trial characters exist for low entry into PVP. But yeah, I understand where you're coming from. PVP MMOs aren't for everyone.

The micro-transactions are where they get you, though. Lots of outfits to collect, or you get the tent for convenience.
do you need to be a seasoned bdo veteran to understand how hours work?
fuck off already retard
maybe tarisland.
well the only real barrier to entry to bdo pvp is like 15 hours max like anon said, the rest is just learning the classes and the combat system. that's it. idk why ppl disingenuously confess it to be something you need to sink 1k hours into grinding to experience on a relatively fair level. it basically has gw2 arena. it's accessible but you still need to do stuff like unlock your class and skills or whatever, just some menial easy stuff.
Thread is no longer fun and it feels like reading a discord channel for 15yo kids. As usual too much ironic shitposting brings unironic shitposters who think they belong, see you guys in a month and a half when the kids burn out or they have to beg their parents for more value pack money.
blud got filtered...
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hope you guys got your 4 pens while they were cheap
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Should I go with Shai or Maegu for my 1st char? They both make my penis really hard
i knew i needed to sell my tet godr mainhand about 6 weeks out from the ball but it didn't sell in time so now i've missed out on a second pen blackstar
it's over for me
Shai doesn't make for a good main character(in regards to progressing her gear) compared to the rest.
There's an item copy system that lets copy your main's gear to another class, but one of her weapons is a different format than everyone else's and doesn't copy over in it, so you can't ever try out other classes at your full gear strength if she's your main who you upgrade your weapons on.
She's also really mediocre to play in pvp unless you think you'll have fun only being a buffer/tanky distraction in larger scale pvp.
>why should I choose bdo?
you shouldn't it's a huge waste of time. don't get why those other two keep insisting on you trying the trash pvp, it's very much optional and barely matters and if all you want is to pve you can play the game solo without interacting with any other player.
the fuck is a buld?
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dunno don't care
sally looking ass
my whore wife p
Any news about Weight & Inventory Exchange Coupon? I uninstalled when they added xigncode so I don't keep up.
they recently consolidated so many items, while making a bunch of other stuff stackable. extra inventory is basically unnecessary now outside of really niche things.
There's currently several 1+1 and 2+2 pearl deals and weight is on sale, so whatever weight you had could probably be obtained on another character for like $30-40
so, uhh, at low levels, do I need to learn rotations? or does random spamming do the job just fine?
I had 2 characters I put some weight on, maxed one. Then I played a third character. When weight was on sale I maxed the other character because people said they give out coupons occasionally. The one coupon I had months before I used to exchange my maxed weight to the third char. I didn't want to the weight I invested go to waste. This is so fucking idiotic if they stop handing them out.
you don't have to worry about rotations whatsoever for the first like 100 hours of the game.
if you're low level and doing combat, i assume you're doing the mains story kill quests that are like 20 weak mobs or the semi-cinematic bosses. you can pretty much just spam skills at them.
With memory fragments so expensive should i be using cron stones on my Artina Sol?
You should try prostitution.
yesterday I showed bdo to my little cousin
killed garmoth with my shai
and they said "next time don't bring a kid to kill a dragon"
>enthusiastic young shai seeking a sugar daddy to fund her Sol
where's the hash oil prince when a poor girl is in need
you know you can get more artina sols and feed them into it to recover durability, right?
tried out a dehkia spot for the first time and got about 10% less trash than the listed garmoth average
if i swap out my frenzy draught for a peak elixir rotation(fairy has continuous5), will it make up that difference or more?
Isnt it just 2?
i care...
It's 9AM at latest in burgerland. NAnons are either at work or the NEETs still asleep. This is primetime Eurotrash hours.
Indeed it is 9am, but I was told that mutt hours begin when I wake up, making me that mutt metronome of sorts. In truth, I've already been lenient because I really woke up 4 hours ago. Sorry, but this is official thread canon. You're in mutt hours now.
why cant they just make shai a normal fucking class
sorry lil bro... protections, crit chance, and copy-able weapons are for real classes
I don't even give a fuck about protections or crit chance, just let me fucking tag fartina
I literally have to use another class as my ""main""
why are we so oppressed
mutt hours? don't worry i got this.
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Mmmm. I see daddy's little whore is looking resplendently radiant once again. Let's play another game. Pick a number, 1 or 5.
do more of these with vegeta pics. i like reading them in his voice
>why are we so oppressed
Smol and therefore easy to bully. The unspoken part is you enjoy the oppression.
i do not
uhmmm go with 1 this time
newfag tranny
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>1 - one full fist
>5 - five fingers
You've chosen to take one full fist inside you.

Heh, I'll admit this one was a bit of a trick question and it was going to be the same outcome either way. You may be my baby girl, but what daddy wants, daddy gets. Don't you worry, though... The real fun begins later, when I start training you to take it. We're going one finger at a time, one inch at a time. Daddy's going to go slow and take his time, making sure his little whore gets her proper filling.
Yet another event where the caphras value did not go down as expected, at least this time I bought the dip.
>play dota
>the first 1000 hours you are a retard and you get shit on by experienced players
yeah right
>those two keep insisting
I wasnt insisting, the anon asked a question and he got an answer.
Are you a zerker
The real reckoning is in the most recent patch. While some classes are thriving, the tide caused all ships to rise. People sitting around 700-720 can slug it out with players closing in on hardcap, matchup dependent. The exacting truth is most people are so shit, so dependent on gimmicks, overpowered states of being, FotM, etc. that they simply lean into the whole "PvP' is bullshit" argument and walk away with some snide sense of their pride intact. You're just bad. So bad you'd give up at any given opportunity. It's the most tired line of cope I've ever witnessed.
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Just updated one of my lifeskilling spreadsheets, very cool.
my name is blurry eyes
and i can't see shit
skill issue
is dosa just what would happen if a homosexual redditor tried to design a dk
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What should I name my Dosa?

He reminds me more of Nova than DK.
cutest shai outfit? (that you can buy of mp)
[Shai] Bear Hug Underwear
kind of, honestly I dont think dosa looks that good as a class
>better, more interesting classes
Buccaneer/Male Pirate
I like this idea.
Guns are lame, this is closer to high fantasy
fuck off yuro
Name him IndianCuisine
this game already has guns common in the setting. bdo isn't anywhere close to high fantasy
>this game already has guns
Yeah, awakening corsair is the gun class at the moment.
This game has plenty of guns in the setting beyond corsair.
>what should I name my dosa?
does it?
Pretty sure the calpheon knights that are battling against the harpies are using guns
hunting, nodewars, wars in general have musketmen
also the dudes on protty island shoot you with guns
I'll check that out
But it's not like there's a sniper rifle for hunting or anything, right?
many human mobs use guns, you have usable matchlocks and sniper rifles, there are in-game NPCs using matchlocks in their set pieces too. bdo even has cannons in it, kinda crazy isn't it? no reason why they can't fit an actual gun into a class idea
Well akschually...
A cannon or musket is one thing
I'd like to see a mobile class with 2 handguns, maybe a gunblade/just a big gun awakening
It would admittedly feel out of place
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Stop it. You know what you're doing.
Bro zerker has cannon hands
there is nothing out of place
I would not like that to happen, I really hope if they do make a real gun class it's not some gay dual wield acrobatic pistol chud. I'll take a character with an offhand blunderbuss or something but not that, and we don't need another rifle class since corsair has a harpoongunblade.
>I really hope if they do make a real gun class it's not some gay dual wield acrobatic pistol chud
Yeah you just want a boring, simple and uninspired shitty class that no one finds interesting besides you
Will never happen
there was like 200 years between the cannon and the musket so cannons existing isn't really an argument
>no pistols
>no rifles
>just some one shot blunderbuss, i.e., the most primitive shit I can tolerate
>in fact, forget the whole thing
Yeah uh, you can solidly be dismissed as having anything of value to add to the discussion. I don't care what you want, you should be ignored.
You're asking for something that has been done millions of times, dual wielding pistol bullet spamming acrobat is as generic as it gets retard.
>no pistol
didn't say that faggot
>no rifles
we already have a rifle class
name ONE mmorpg that has a dual wield pistol class. just one but i bet you can't.
Its generic because people love it you animal
Rule of cool is generic as fuck and it still succeeds
Why would you want that sort of class in a game like BDO? Beserker's hand cannon and Corsair's rifle kinda make sense, but some dual-wielding pistol shit doesn't fit at all. The closest I could see is something like LBG or HBG from Monster Hunter, not that I would like those to be in the game either.
Just pick a different game if you want that sort of gameplay
Double pistols hasn't been rule of cool for about a decade now, gramps. Go play blade and soul or some shit, don't bring that garbage to BDO.
I got this shimmering piece of the old moon last night, you can exhcange it for a old moon trade scroll or something? It just adds 5% to one thing you sell? That dosen't seem very good, why is this so rare?
It's more for the people selling items that are over 100bil
>people want this in bdo
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it's time for the fairy class
blud just posted pure kino
>BnS is bad because... because it is, okay?
Nigga BnS is fucking dead.
do you erp
take a fucking guess retard
I liked a lot blade and soul, miss my bald samurai, the solo instances were nice to run, but then forced group instances, with heroic dificulty and forced drama that it comes with it. And those massive events with 10fps for the whole server that those koreans really love. Also daily barrier.
The pvp was easier to underestand and better imo.
all of the female characters posted here erp
they're all adult men too with hairy arms and legs and facial hair, their balls probably smell like chicken broth too
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true which is why male characters are so based
true which is why male characters are so cringe
daily reminder that even yofamsteve erps on bdo as a female character when he's off stream. vr chat erp lobbies are stocked fucking full of bdo players
lost ark
bwos i think he was being facetious
The duality of man.
niga tf is fascetus
sounds stinky
he want a big booty black dk to sit on his face
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PA should try and entice them back to BDO. Gotta boost those player numbers
dosa is tomorrow right?
dorf with hammer and pistol
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No, Wednesday is tomorrow.
dosa does not look fun
bitch looks ugly but i kinda want those nose rings tho
yeah not really, but i'm going to make one anyway. he should have an emote where he stands there and smokes his pipe
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I can definitely see her not being everyone's cup of tea but I like the edgy goth look. We're in agreement about the nose ring too.
hmm methinks this woman seem to be of the transgenders varietie
There are no transgenders in BDO.
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Yes, we need a dwarf class.
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add a turt class
Ancient tech laz0r guns or gunpowder pistols?
where da hoes at
i miss you p
she belongs to the dbz spic now...
Dwarf with an old Haile Shotte peics
missing the thicc bimbo ranger again...
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i think about her so much
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i would very much like to miss the thicc bimbo ranger
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>Haile Shotte peics
This. Shotgun dwarves are best.
its so over...
probably something closer to the berserker arm cannon since that was made by dwarves for Tantu. so probably a really big high powered pistol or something
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aight but hear me out
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im just grindingg
Was it just me, or did anyone else feel that charizards flame tail was incredibly fragile and it was unfair that water types could just splash some water on it and he would actually die?
Gotta make enough money to go to rehab, huh?
As per pokemon origins that's only if they're weak and dying or very sick. If they're healthy their flame keeps burning underwater and if it goes out they can relight it. That's only charizard tho idk bout charmander, maybe he really is that weak.
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Canonical mutt metronome here to declare that mutt hours are officially over. We hand the baton to EU chads.
thank you bro, good night.
So 1am? I've never seen someone refer to 0100 as 2500, but I rarely see military time.
hey retarded mutt, fuck off already >>484459131
why are dk players like this
is this game still active for new players to start? steam says only 21k players
there's a stand-alone launcher as well
and honestly, 21k players is pretty good for a game years after release. the game also has almost no bots in it due to not being able to directly trade with other players, so there's no gold farmers inflating that number like a lot of other MMOs
>using steam for a game with proprietary accounts
Yeah, but you're going to be playing on season server for the first 25-50 hours which is exclusively newbies or alts. Best time to start is tomorrow when everyone is going to season the newest class, but PvP is disabled on most season servers and you can't open world PvP until lvl 50
I fucking hate botters and cheaters so much man.. It would be great to directly trade with other players, but because of botters and cheaters, we cant have nice things, they've destroyed so many games this way...
I'm just glad bots get banned and usually only show up for a week every few months
actually those numbers are below lost ark, xiv has more than both games combined despite being a subscription game
reminder to use a season ticket if you're already sitting on 5
I need a dwarf dude dual wielding shotguns with his ascension weapon pulling out an entire cannon the size of his body and sending him flying backwards when it fires.
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So pic related?
hell yea
Hell yeah!
but lost ark is only showing like 9900 players
doesn't matter, both numbers are still beat by xiv even in its current state
steam is probably maybe like 1/3rd of the bdo playerbase
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they're both standalone-launcher games, so it's hard to truly gauge it

If you go just off the steam numbers, final fantasy tends to average about 25-50% more players. The recent huge surge is from the new expansion dropping.
Leave, zoomers
this game is released after xiv btw
You know that's not what I mean
Going by steam numbers everything that's not actual pigslop is dead/dying
It's not like there is about 70k concurrent retards playing fucking destiny
Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward, and thrilling Stormblood expansions up to level 70 for free with no restrictions on playtime!
I'm not a homosexual tranny, can I still play the game?
You are their target audience.
is BDO that successful that standalone players account for a major portion of the userbase?
nigga that's every game that has both a steam and a standalone client
they're successful enough that they built an entire town in France modeled after Heidel.
i only play bdo because i dont want to pay a fucking monthly fee just to log in, thats retarded
play GW2, much more active, better story, top-shelf combat, innovative quest system too
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i tried it, its aight but now they started milking out their remaining fanbase by spamming expansions every fucking 6 months or whatever
What blew the wind out of my sails for GW2 was the PvP... and by that I mean how gearing works for PvP, it's completely disconnected from PvE.. at least it was... I would much rather that the two feed into each other
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Standalone has better sales and the steam version of BDO is tied to one account. If you play with your spouse or roommates it's just better to get standalone.
Did they break the porn mods? I thought that was the only reason people still played this tab target slop.
toxic game
in the rest of the games they're getting called fag but in ziv its purely trying to digitally molest them
I feel like social interaction is now being considered "toxic" or "harassment"... Just disagreeing with someone suddenly gets you a label and reported lol... and I largely blame Riots League of Legend for this change.
Call of Duty and GTA shouldn't even be considered for that list. They are both rated M 17+ games, kids shouldn't even be playing them according to their own rating.
is this game toxic then?
no because we only kill streamers
Notice how BDO is not on that list at all
it is time once more for my weekly maintenance shower
i didn't keep my season ticket for dosa release, oops
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they're giving us one
I don't care for Dosa
Try uncapped PvP and tell me about it.
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not even 10k crons for leveling that fag dooosa, not gonna bother
Meesa dosa
I'm going to post my Dosa in this thread so much.
imagine skipping a free +10% drop rate +5 monster ap tome
damn, they're really having to bribe people with 700 crons to play AoS ehh?
>Changed the Season Server's monster zones to allow the acquisition of the following seasonal exclusive loot when defeating monsters.

>Acquired Loot: Time-filled Black Stone, Rift's Fragment
>Monster Zones: Jade Starlight Forest, Murrowak's Labyrinth, Winter Tree Fossil

Jade Forest is now a seasonal zone lmfao
I'm not doing it PA. I'm not switching characters again.
straigh up to fucking up pvp experience forcing afk pve retards into the first week of the solare rank
i'm missing 4k loyalties for a character slot.............
where did your loyalties go
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As a new player, I think the only thing keeping Korean games back is the fact that they don't hire proper writers. If they had focused on delivering a coherent and interesting story, many Korean MMOs would reach XIV level.
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How big is dosa's dick?
It's smaller than anons, isn't it?
I don't think about XIV at all. What a shit game.
your loss
nothing, just a retarded statement you can make about anything.
>gee wow x game really sucks. if only the story was good then it would be a great game just like y
Where the FUCK are the summer outfits.
If I want to read a good story I'd read a book
And by read I mean listen to a pirated audiobook while doing my run
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Lotsa people making a dozer
a witch whoring at lv1 already
>trust me, the story gets good in Xth expansion
i'd rather have that than bdo, whose story never gets good
I'd rather have a better game.
Is Dosa out already in the West? Thought it was timezone dependant
how would the game be worse with a well-written story? not saying it has to be XIV, just the general attention to storytelling and lore
It wouldn't be worse. It just wouldn't be any better.
It's already perfect. We have Lando.
>good story
Debatable and at the cost of the rest of the game. XIV is sustained entirely by how accessible and low effort it is. Gameplay-wise, it's a total afterthought.

Development focus and resource allocation. Tons of effort into a story you maybe enjoy or suffer through once. Amazing tack on to a fucking MMO of all things.

Has a weird "yeah but god and the bible make reality have purpose" kind of vibes. No, I don't need forced story slop from some fujo in my MMO. Maybe you do to have fun, idk.
So, what games do you play when you need a break from BDO?
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Depends. If I'm in the mood for action combat, I'll play Nioh 2 or a Souls game.
stardew valley
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Tekken 8. Yes, I want to kill myself every time.
path of exile for a few weeks every league
i woke up today and decided i felt like bludposting
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For me, its AoE II
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Hows the class for you guys so far?
Just finished up an hour ago

Didn't fully click until almost level 60
Didn't realize i was supposed to be using directional movement to activate the Mistify mechanic on some his skills, which makes you dash, 180, and instant cast those skills that otherwise have a big wind-up.
Have a feeling that mechanic is going to make PVP against a genuinely good Dosa an absolute pain in the ass, as he has at least 3 or 4 skills that hit hard in a good size AOE that have a built-in *teleports behind u* as a result of that mechanic.

He felt terrible to use in the 1-hit areas, but i think he'll do fine in tanky mob areas due to those teleport-behind attacks. He'll get big damage out of them due to the importance of back-attack in the endgame zones.
(that disappears after the event ends)
It lasts almost two months. well worth it for less than an hour of effort getting to 55 on the new class
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Same, I need 5.5k loyalties because I bought the loyalty weights and a family inventory...
I mean, sure, but it's no big deal.
is striker good for pve?
that 10% item drop rate seems small, but it's worth it's weight in gold if you're treasure piece grinding.
2 months of +5 monster ap is also nothing to scoff at if you're doing dehkia/ulukita zones
how many times have they reworked the first few newbie quests? I remember you used to fight red nose on the velia beach where people afk fish at
idk at least 5 times already
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I remember when the game started in Olvia...
i think i saw p...
Me too, was a different time back then.
I miss northwest balenos not being a total dead zone with nothing useful there at any point in the game
fuck off
Why do FF fags want every game to be final fantasy? Nobody fuckin plays MMOs for the story, people play XIV for the story because it's final fantasy, not because it's an MMO.
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we're so back
Is mountain of eternal winter the best (fastest) start if you don't have any seasonal tickets remaining?
wait I'm retarded they really gave us a new seasonal ticket already?
Yeah select MOEW but only do the story for leveling if you absolutely feel the need for the inventory slots
Bring your main to dreighan ahead of time, make the alt, tag the alt to your main, then put a fat exp stack on your main and smash protty/nagas/fogans/mirumok/gyfin for like an hour, swap and collect exp and your alt should be at 60-61 or so.
i dont wanna level up doofus bwos
dosa seems really mediocre to be honest
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i fucking hate this game, tapping at 100 stack too
pre ordered a pri debo min priced, those debos are stooking with this event
maybe a few more debos will start trickling in now that they recently added them to dark rifts and as of this patch, from raids
>Gotta finish my level 56 season Sage before I play Dosa
I assume Protty is still good for exp, is it good for Time-filled Black Stones? I want the full PEN Tuvala for another boss alt
dosa would be nice to grind on if his side rmb went through mobs so you could get back attack easier. feels like shit otherwise
Yes, I always go to marie cave in the 40s until lv57, go get succ then go to protty til lv60.
Thanks. I forgot I was using my season character for gank-free horse training so he's got a few hours of buffs on him that I need to run out. Guess I won't be trying Dosa today
You're not missing out on much, he needs some changes now but otherwise he's sorta fun if you can imagine a mix between hash and woosa.
I was a little curious from the trailer but not thinking of immediately playing him, but for some reason seeing that his sword is longer than expected makes me much more interested. I guess it'll only be an hour or two before I finish my Sage so it's really not that long to wait
Funnily enough his aoe is shorter than it looks, it's annoying as fuck, he's actually annoying to play. The skills you think would ignore collision don't ignore collision, his teleports often don't go anywhere and fuck your camera up for some reason. Tagged him for 3 hrs at quint hill and I'm gonna go back to my old tag now until they fix him. His dmg feels good, his mistify skills don't.
ngl kinda wanna kms rn desu senpai
>his aoe is shorter than it looks, it's annoying as fuck
i swear that one ice slash has a shorter range than his actual sword's length
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Never thought I'd see the day
Okay thanks for that overview, perhaps he'll be made to feel a bit better in the coming patches.
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I'm logging in.
i still use those sometimes
what's that costume?
Stygian Wrath set from the pearl shop.
Same, they are useful. But I still have 50 or so, and do grind Valencia every now and then so I'll be sure to get more
>Classes: Ninja, Musa, Striker, Berserker
damn shame, who came with an idea to classlock outfits
I know your pain bro, and it's even more annoying when the class locks don't even make sense. Somehow DK still can't wear the Ossa Cerberi set when even Woosa and Maegu can.
my character is so cute I love her
prove that she's cute. i want to see her.
what???? as a dk why the fuck do those potato faces get an armored outfit like that
I assume they were just in a mad dash to make more outfits available to them since even now Maegu and Woosa don't have much but still that doesn't answer the question of why DK can't wear it. Shit defies logic man.
dk doesn't need clothes anyway you should all go around naked
i would if i could,,
post your dk right now
panties only
only if you're the dbz poster
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musa or maehwa? i wanna oneshot potion spots
dummy i mean post her only wearing panties
use a valk instead
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mm? sry i spaced out
Both are good, Musa is slightly better at grinding spots below your GS. If you prefer Mae then you're not losing out much at that tier of spot, so really just pick whichever you enjoy more. Assuming awakened for both, of course.
dumb bitch
and thats why i love you
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Seems I've been summoned. Heh, alright. I'll play along.

Show me what you're working with, baby girl. Let daddy judge if you're fit to join his stable.

Well well, if it isn't daddy's favorite cum tush. Baby girl, do me a favor and weigh in on this too. You know better than most what my expectations are. We'll both judge.
lol that's great
and i find it kinda bussin
i find it kinda cap
the dream in which im dying
r the ones that kinda slap
how many hours did it take? were you questing mostly? Grinding monsters?
about 2.5 hours, just the seasonal simplified and THE STACK
Just use THE STACK and go grind naggas or smth...
for me its the pipe
based STACK maxxers
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Thank you anyways
i-is that a bulge???
thoughts on this cutie?
>tfw p's pussy is torn to shreds now because the dbz poster has been blowing her out every night
its over....
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the gameplay would for this game would unironically be TONS better if it was slowed down. zoomer as shit with desync does not work.

slowed down pace pros
+ time to react
+ viewable for player and watchers
+ engaging/disengaging requires thought
+ would probably change the awful pve loop of running circles for hours into fighting bosses or raids
overall a more beautiful game instead of cluster fuck skill spam

just go play chess or sumtin else boomer retard
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Anyone else order their Dosa Tshirt?
goy cumsoomer
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Well well... look at what we've here...

Daddy loves his DK's, especially dead eyed dolls like this. It's always the sunken eyed, expressionless whores that light up the brightest when daddy whips it out. She's definitely at least worth a few pumps, likely more. Could even join daddy's roster if she plays her cards right.
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>Daddy loves his DK's
You're in luck. Looks like there's a DK shirt too!
how do you type this without dying from cringe
he unironically has a way with words, it takes talent to write cringe with such precision
I once tried to buy a mouse pad from their shop cause it had corsair titties on it and it looked really good but I could never get the order to go through. Fucking koreans. Still makes me a little pissed just thinking about it.
How does Dosa actually play for those that have tried it? What does it compare to? I've heard its 'low APM' but the video Quendya made has like a 30 move fucking rotation

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Too much red-hot vigor and vitality pumping through my cock for me to die from a little 'cringe,' kiddo. Don't bother trying to understand. You wouldn't.
By being brown.
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that got me thinking...
I get a deal if I order 3 (with nipple) so please post full name, address & credit card if you want one.
maybe im too brainrotted but i like his posts
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maybe this one. i like the eagle
kek.. thanks for the offer, but no thank you it's alright.
you have sent me down a rabbit hole. butt pads available too.
I really hope it doesn't take them another 3 years to release another male class.
i knowwwww the influx of boys has been amazing we need this more often
see >>484554787 >>484556753
the next class WILL be a male dwarf mechrider/dmc3 pistoleer
p calm down
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theres no T moron
huh? explain this then? >>484582027
see >>484582027
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you are not me blud
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50% of the node war participants just collude to get a temp cap and dip. Free money, but not really fun.
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>make dosa
>accidentally click start tutorial
>close game
shit. guess i am not playing dosa
I'm so sorry
It's not fun at all, most of the wars I've participated in have been like this. Someone takes a stick, gives it to someone else, then takes it back immediately. No real fight. Even my last few T1s have had guilds doing this then screening for each other. It's so lame.
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Anyone else do the main story for all of their characters just for the contribution points?
which is funny why are we doing this shit on T1 and T2 instead of just all jumping on T4 to collude? Way more money and buffs. We might as well until Jae finally changes it back.
I think we should keep T1 as this random shit, but at least T4 and one other should go back to normal so people are incentivized to fight.
Is it buffed or what? I was eventually planning to do quests for +300 and free base stacks
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Fishy shai
Idk but my old guild dropped their alliance then got merged into another guild and since then all of our fights have been cringe. I've always hated uncapped wars since that's where most of the lame boring shit happens. I wish they'd scrap the alliance system and honestly I despise uncapped pvp by virtue of how little people who are interested in pvp even have the gear to do it, who would theoretically do it if they didn't have to grind 1k hours beforehand. I don't even care about the money either since I'm usually paying out of pocket for content anyway, I just want to have fun.
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I remember when you'd get shot for coming here. Did they change this recently?

Not sure if it's been buffed. I'm questing in heidel right now and am getting 100 cp with each one, which builds up fast given how short these quests are.
I tried out Dosa and uh, why are his animations so fucking slow? Is there a reason his dash is like half the speed of DKs? He feels like guardian or drakania with these animations, which makes no sense.
You can cancel some of his animations but yeah he's still slow. He feels a lot more clunky than I expected too.
his apm seems very low as well, I guess that's what people are looking for these days though. People don't want classes like ninja where its physically uncomfortable to grind with. I can understand that, but for certain things like dashes I just don't know why they made it so slow.
I shan't be buying cosmetics for Dosa
>despite all the changes they've made to the main story, your horse will still be teleported to you after you finish a quest, even if you're in an area surrounded by hostile npc's that will instantly attack your horse
good. i hate running to my horse
It's good for your stamina.
this general needs more sluts
Thanks for reminding me. I've been wondering this for a while. Why do people play Kuno when Ninja exists? Is it just because she's a girl and has ass and tits? I always hear people shit on Kuno awakening, meanwhile both Ninja specs are both fantastic and fun to play.
clearly you've never had a kuno ride you
i blame the non-coombait thread OPs, the whores skip us over
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Sometimes I'm here and a slut.
Just have gay hairy poopy sex already fags
For succs in PvP:
Kuno has better movement, a Q block, and a really decent resource dump to kill one person
Ninja has better aoes and dots
Both are good, but I think kuno is better in small scale and ninja for large scale.
Awakening yeah just pick ninja. Succ kuno is fun if you like the idea of building up resources through attacks to use one massive damage attack.
according to armin succ ninja is so bad he rerolled to zerk lmao. says outside of bleeds ninja doesn't have enough dps or ccs to make plays and is too unprotected
literally who
i'm having sex with maegu and woosa at the same time right now
I'm having sex with a dk and kuno at the same time right now
ur putting ur anus in a guy that looks like nicocado avocado blud
A thing I learned playing Dosa:
>Shift+Q, shift+LMB, and shift+F can all be canceled with Q block. Also, possibly W+F.
>game is poppin off again because of dosa
>thread is dead af
Dosa is boring as fuck
cuz the class sucks and they didn't add anything interesting to the game alongside it. maybe glabs this or next week will revive bdo.
male class in a thread of coomers
blud axed why no one excited for a shitty femboy
you're all closet gay coomers so yeah why aren't you more excited for a shitty femboy?
dosa is too fucking slow that's why he fUCKING SUCKS BALLS SHITTY HORRIBLE CLASS
blud you finna getta a dosa deez nuts in ya mouth if you dont quit with th all caps bs fr
Made to appeal to homosexual ledditors.
blud that shit is just mad ASS tho like dam they aint had a class release this bad since og sage
blud is straight trippin rn
Is Priola dead?
I wish Ataraxia lived... Why this game take away qts?
i maxed my maegu's tits and suddenly awa feels like its always on superspeed
then i changed her tits to previous state just out of curiosity and now its back to normal
how does this work
am i onto something
is there truly some hidden tit mechanic for maegu? have you experienced this too?
no ur just a retarded coomer
yes you figured it out
much like warframe, why would I possibly want to use the steam version when I can just use the standalone?
Why are we so dead
Cause this thread is full of boring assholes that mostly just solo grind all day and shit on people for posting screenshots or doing anything?
honestly I don't want to post with idiots who hate the game trying to shitpost
i try to help if people seem to need genuine help but it's normally just met with shitpost replies
not hard to see why a lot of people don't stay around
I know this is a schizo post but its really true, Dosa/Dusa just doesn't feel good to play. His movement especially just feels way too slow, and his combos are too simple. Feels very cash-grabby for new players.
dopamine from the free pen already wore out...
For the class to even feel normal, you have to know ALL of the flows and Mistify the skills that need it
even then, like someone else said earlier, the Mistify teleport is kinda buggy and doesn't always go the same distance and often gets caught on things, and some of his skills don't have as much range as what the visuals indicate, so they feel dissatisfying.
The class should have been worked on more before release.
Lore on why the Nova discord requires a phone number? What schixo posting caused this?
the secret to make succ nova good is gatekept
if you spill the beans, the nova cartel will find you
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Hey look three.
>5 pvp wins for 700 crons
god i hate this stupid fucking game
new thread
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bread in the oven?
p's oven...
Fresh bread

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