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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7105 - SEGA lies Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread:>>484101636
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Ian Flynn fell off. He started good and then got worse. Idc if some people say he was always bad, that's just the way I see it.
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It was fun drawing with you for the first time.
I must do this more often
beautiful Lanolins
For me it's adopting a blobian girl that got reverse isekai'd and grooming her into a daughterwife as the years go on.
Ian was never good
...also, nice numbers
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Fug the bug
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>1-3 , Advance , Rush 2D platforming
>adventure momentum and Heroes team up
>Unleashed kart-like feeling
>Colors "slow" platforming
>Frontier Boss battles
I like all of those equally
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I don't know who that is but it isn't Cream
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Is this just barely safe?
Does Nintendo count downloads of Mario Run and Mario Kart Tour as Mario Sales?
Would at least spoiler that
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the momlinfag dissapeared
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Mickey Mouse sucks
It's cream when she gets older. Something happens and she becomes a huge brat.
maybe because that character was literally just an old ugly bitch
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There needs to be more bratty Cream
>Imagine choosing a vermin animal as your main mascot
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New Bumblekast

Sonic Q&A:
>Q:While we already know his copy-ability from Rivals is off the table, are there any other restrictions on Metal Sonic's moveset in IDW? Moves like his v. max overdrive, or plasma pulse laser
Ian: I seem to remember the laser out of Sonic the fighters is a no no, but I haven't tried to use that in a bit so I'm not sure.
Kyle: Oh, you did try to use it huh?
Ian: I feel like that was back in the Archie days though.
Kyle: Oh really? That's different.
Ian: I mean to to be fair I think it's only ever been used in Sonic the Fighters so that makes enough sense not to cue that one up again, but I don't have a hard and fast list. It's kind of like "and then Metal Sonic does this" and either he gets a note on it or it doesn't. I'm pretty sure he used the V Maximum Overdrive in Amy's 30th anniversary special.
>Q:Are the Cyberspace stages in Sonic Frontiers the precursor to the special stages we see in Sonic CD and Sonic Mania, considering that the special stages seem to take place in a digital environment and on different planets, cities, and islands, could they be memories of the many locations the Ancients visited throughout the universe while trying to escape from the End?
Ian: Nice attempt to connect the dots but the special stages are not lore-specific, they're just gameplay.
Disney did it
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>Q:Have the mandates for the IDW comics ever gotten stricter since the series became canon to the games? I'm asking this because I've heard some fans worry about how IDW Sonic being canon could possibly mean that the current comic stories won't be able to be as big and grandiose as the Metal Virus arc and would instead have to play things safe in order to avoid interfering with anything going on in the games' narrative. What are your thoughts on this concern?
Ian: Number one, it is a wasted worry because there is literally nothing you can do about it. If Sega tomorrow decided that they were going to lock everything down to the tightest of possible restrictions, you dear listener wouldn't be able to do diddly about it, so why worry about it? Enjoy the book for what it is. Number two, the series was always written with the mindset of being canon to the games. It is part of the greater Sonic media landscape so it's working under the same restrictions as it always has, which is just general license or oversight. Metal Virus is what it is, if you thought that was as big and grand scope as you could get, well I'm glad you enjoyed it but you can't always go to such heights. You can't have world ending catastrophes every arc, that gets boring. So do some smaller stuff for a little while and then amp it up again and then do some gentler stuff and then go crazy again. We're in this for the long haul. Sonic has room for infinite adventures. We can have all kinds and it'll be fun it'll be good. Number three, relax! Don't try to analyze, don't worry so much. Sonic wouldn't. Be like Sonic. Just enjoy the ride. I mean, if you don't enjoy it, obviously voice your opinion. I'm not saying you'll consume mindlessly, just don't worry over stuff. He said, wishing that he followed that advice like 4 years ago.
Actually perfect proportions
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>If Sega tomorrow decided that they were going to lock everything down to the tightest of possible restrictions, you dear listener wouldn't be able to do diddly about it, so why worry about it? Enjoy the book for what it is.
>Q:If you were tasked with introducing Club Rouge back into the story (whether it be in the comics or games), how would you tackle it?
Ian: Doesn't need a lot of fanfare, it's Rouge's club. Maybe that's where she's going after a mission to chill out, maybe that's where Team Dark needs to fall back to to regroup for some particular reason.
Kyle: If Team Dark existed anymore at least.
Ian: Yeah yeah, you know I mean. Maybe somebody's looking for Rouge but "She's an international spy and thief, where can you begin to look?" and like "Eh, try her club". She's just chilling out at her club, managing things, enjoying the people, enjoying the fact people are just giving her money. It doesn't need to be anything special.
Kyle: It's just a place for money laundering tax purposes.
Ian: Exactly.
>Q:Since the Final Horizon has been out for some time, I've been meaning to ask, Which ending is exactly canon? Is it the main one? The DLC one? Or are both universally canon? (like a mix of both being the actual ending?)
Ian: It's the one where The End gets blown up and Sage is still around by the very end.
>Nice attempt to connect the dots but the special stages are not lore-specific, they're just gameplay.
Why can't Ian leave things open for fans to speculate about?
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>Q:In Mobius 25 years later we see that King Shadow has established a religion around Maria. I struggle to see how building a religion around his dead friend helps him out in the slightest, if anything I would think Maria would be a sore spot for him. Even stranger is that Sonic seems to follow this religion. Why does Shadow make the Church of Maria and why does Sonic evoke her name while mourning his children?
Ian: I don't think we had a ton of thought on this because we didn't have time to explore it. It's been a long time but I think the rationale at the time was that Shadow who had gone so clearly beyond his proper and normal characterization had elevated Maria in his mind beyond normal. She's a driving factor in Shadow's life, normally an inspiration of sorts, but in Mobius 25 years later since the marching orders were "Make him a villain." It's like all right, go haul hog with this and the remembrance became obsession. That she was so perfect and so important to this version of Shadow that he would instill it in all others. "Maria was the one good thing in life, you all will acknowledge that she was" and that he kind of deified her and you will worship her because that's what you're supposed to do because that's what King Shadow says. In Sonic's case, I imagine it's just kind of something he picked up, like it became so common a thought and expression that he used it. No more devout than evoking the name of a apostle or a saint or something. You lost your keys and you pray to St Anthony type of thing.
Being Espio's human wife. Leaning down and wrapping my arms around my cute chameleon husband from behind. Asking Espio if we can go to Sonic Revo. Espio reminding me that we are too poor.
Espio Man!

Thoughts on him?
Because someone gave him money not to.
>Q:I’ve told some of my friends about the podcast, and one of them had a question. Ian, what is something in the Sonic series that you WOULDN’T want to make canon? You’ve been partially known to mine and find potential in just about anything, so my friend and I are curious as to where you draw the line.
Kyle: Ships? Certain relationships maybe?
Ian: I mean if you lock something in, then there's a new narrative thread to follow but then it becomes a question of would that just make more obnoxious feedback or would it quiet some of it down? I don't know. Something you wouldn't want to make canon? Just trying to think of stuff that's like on the fringe, like oneoff material.
Kyle: I mean, you've even talked about bringing in the old manga elements.
Ian: Yeah, I wouldn't mind reworking a little bit to fit into what works today. I don't know, here's my disease. I see potential in just about everything. Even if it's the absolute fringe, craziest "What were they thinking? How did this get approved?" It's like, well what if you reworked it a little bit this way? Here's the core idea, what if we did it this way instead to make it fit a little better? I have a hard time just putting things down so I don't know without like an specific example, I can't immediately think of anything that I would say "Nope, drop it. Don't touch it." ...Okay maybe this one: I'm not fond of photorealistic humans in Sonic. I'm not opposed to humans.
Kyle: It's happened though so it's already canon.
Ian: I know but we don't have to go back there. Like when Elise showed up in the isekai Japanese material, she was drawn Sonicy. So if we go back to Soleanna, let's put it through the Gurihiru filter.
>Q:How do you feel knowing that your characterizations of certain less popular characters made people come around on them? I respect the heck out of it, especially some of the alarmingly raw quotes you give to Zavok of all characters.
Ian: I'm happy if y'all are happy. That's all there is to it. I try to be sincere with all my work so if it lands for you, I'm glad. Zavok at his core is one of my favorite tropes which is the eloquent monster, so let me go HAM in that direction.
Kyle: Yeah for all the flaws that were the zeti, I think there's good to be mined in them. And you've done a pretty good job of that. Of course you basically gave characterizations to characters like Bean, Bark, and Fang.
Ian: Eh, they were informed a bit by what little source material there was and they have been adjusted over time to better align with that, but yeah I've had a hand in it sure.
Kyle: You don't give yourself enough credit.
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>Number two, the series was always written with the mindset of being canon to the games
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>Q:One of my favorite things about video games to other media adaptations is seeing familiar levels and locations from said games return in a new medium, especially if we get to see what happened to them after the credits for their game roll. (Shoutouts to Daniel Barnes, Scrapnik Island scratched that itch of mine REAL good with the ruined Death Egg, Egg Carrier, and Scrapniks) So I’m asking, what are YOUR favorite uses of game locations in any of the comics/shows? Could be from any of your runs on the comics, or someone else’s work.
Ian: I did really like us going back to Casino Park from Sonic Heroes. Taking that and realizing it fully because you can see in certain angles the whole city is shaped like a giant roulette wheel, it's such a neat setting and to treat it as a functioning location, a mega Vegas, that was neat. Not necessarily in other media, but something that I would love to recapture the feeling of is like with the Egg carrier stage after it crashes in the ocean and the fact that you're able to explore the base after the fact is just really cool. This is the evil base that you are climbing on as it was flying through the sky and now it's here, you're free to explore it again. That's just neat.
Kyle: The way they integrated like Labyrinth Zone and the the master emerald and the Hidden Palace elements all together in movie 2 was I think pretty cool.
Ian: Seeing a more modern pass of Angel Island and Sky sanctuary in the Knuckles animation was a thrill. So pretty.
Kyle: I mean we've seen Sky Sanctuary come back in 3D before but yeah but not quite that.
Ian: No, if anything I'd kind of like to see some of the comic exclusive places get a game counterpart, like go see Floral Forest or actually run around Spiral Hill. Actually look at those in a game context. That would be kind of neat.
>Q:[Has] Pre-Reboot Rouge, and by extension IDW, ever truly cared about Knuckles?
Ian: To varying degrees, I guess. Pre-reboot Rouge was written with the mindset of it was something that she wanted. Why? That can be explored, but it was more of a selfish thing. With modern IDW Rouge, I think there is some legit attraction but there's just as many turn-offs as there are turn-ons. She respects him and she does like him...but only in small doses. That guy...
>Q:Ian why don't just blame every inconsistency within the Sonic Lore on the time eater? Like that creature's entire purpose was to screw up the timeline to begin with. Half of the plot holes can be fixed just by blaming it on him... Her? Weird mass of purple energy, Metal and glass.
Ian: Because one that would be lazy. Two that wouldn't cover everything, and three the folks who were not satisfied with that would point out how it doesn't cover what it is supposed to cover and just make it more of a mess. Four I have tried multiple times but the Time Eater keeps messing up the timeline so I speak from experience here.
>the mindset of being canon
Understand words anon
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>Q:Do you… know how to pitch an idea to SEGA or something? Like a book/etc? Instructions In these times? It could help people reach out y’know?
Ian: What, just as a fan? Like if you're just any old fan who wants to pitch something to Sega? You don't. Sorry to rip the band-aid off on that but you don't. I say this as someone with nearly 20 years of experience and time with the franchise who has his foot very firmly in the door and you know what I do? I don't!
Kyle: I mean you have the ability to pitch certain things or at least suggest certain things.
Ian: Not in that regard, no. I have a enviable position for any fan sure, but it is not one where I can say "Hey, let's do this!" No. It's more like if other parties higher up open the door to suggestions within a certain field of ideas and I can go "Oh, what if there were this approach?" and then that gets workshoped by others. If you want to pitch a project of any kind (book, game, movie, animation, whatever) you need to be like a producer in a studio or if you want to make toys (please make more toys), you need to be in a licensing department or licensing liaison with a company. You need to be in some kind of corporate setting of some authority to make business deals. You can't just say "Hey I have a cool idea for a thing. Please make it." I wish that weren't the case but then if it were, you, me, and probably everybody listening to the show would have like 12 things lined up immediately and that just ain't going to happen.
All writers fall off eventually. It’s strange that people expect them to never decline.
>Q:The appearance of the warp topaz in the Fang miniseries brings up a lot of interesting thoughts, such as how did Heavy King and Starline come up with the exact same name for the thing independently of one another, but I'm interested in knowing the development of the plot point of Fang having it during the events of Sonic Superstars. Was this an idea brought up by Naoto Oshima or Arzest and used in the development of the game, or is this a retcon that you developed?
Ian: It was an idea from Sega and I don't want to pull back the curtain too much on that, we'll just leave it at that. As for the name, it's a topz that warps. Easy enough to come up with that one.
>Q:Is Sonic the only hedgehog that can’t swim or are the other three hedgehogs equally bad at swimming? Would Shadow learn to swim for the sake of being better than Sonic?
Ian: I mean Amy's in the Olympic Games and she swims just fine. Silver is in the Olympic Games isn't he?
Kyle: Yes, so is Shadow isn't he?
Ian: Well the thing is I do remember in Sonic Universe #1, Metal Sonic punts Shadow into the ocean and the panel description was that Shadow is struggling for breath, dealing with that mild concussion, and the note came back with "No, Shadow's an excellent swimmer." Okay. We know that for a fact he's an excellent swimmer, but yeah I guess the other two can swim just fine too.
Kyle: Sonic's the only one who sucks.
Ian: And I'm comfortable referencing that because Sonic needs like a flotation vest when he's doing the water events and I love that, I adore that little detail.
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>Q:If surge was to break her leg or something (since I believe in equality when it gets sonic bullied too, she broke it breaking Sonic’s leg), would her healing factor heal it up, even though she has an endoskeleton, does the skeleton have some sort of auto repair deal going on, or is she gonna need to hope to god that anesthetics work on her with her healing factor, because Kit’s gonna need to open her up and take welding tools to her bones, and it’s gonna hurt like hell if they don’t.
Ian: Thing is, I didn't really put too much thought into it because we're never going to have like visibly broken bones in Sonic. That's way too graphic. Like I was surprised at how much they were talking about Sonic's twisted ankle during Scrapnik. It's like that's about most graphic we've ever gotten. But in the spirit of the question, I would imagine that the inert metal virus that they have infused in them at the cellular level would do some kind of self-repair to the endoskeleton. That makes enough sense to me. I mean this is already science fantasy mumbo jumbo anyway.
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Yeah, somebody definitely ships Shadow and Amy.
>Q:Given the fact both Peach and Zelda have recently gotten their own games. What kind of game would you like Amy to have? I’d love to know what kind of story you’d come up with for a solo Amy Rose game.
Ian: Okay hear me out. For those of you who did play Baten Kaitos Origins, you may already know where I'm going with this. It's a RPG with a limit of three party members but the whole gimmick is the battle system is based around cards and if you can link them up by value or suite in a certain way, it increases the effect of the battle cards you draw or whatever actions you're taking. Because you have a smaller party, it's much more focused on their dynamic and them as a unit and the story about them as they go through the world. So I'm thinking that kind of core idea using the fortune cards, which conveniently will be purchasable in the near future, as the foundation of that card system with the major arcana being like higher end attacks or effects or summons or whatever, and then the minor arcana being your multipliers. Amy is your principal lead of course, it's her game. She's the most well-rounded, she's a good attacker, she's a good support at the same time, she can do anything. Cream is there as primarily a support unit, all of her actions are more about healing and buffing and debuffing. And then Gemerl is there as your primary attacker. He's all about just causing damage, but he needs the other two to not overextend.
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It's about Amy and her friends going around helping people, have it very much character driven and show why Amy is such a good person. That she goes out of her way to help other people, that she wants to mend rifts between friends and help estranged lovers find each other or admit their feelings, help people get over their quarrels or fears or whatnot region by region. And Eggman's involved or some other villainous force so that there's something to actually fight because she's got a hammer, she needs to use it, but really make it about her and that theme out of Frontiers of sharing her love with the world. Where she just wants to make everyone happy and fulfilled. That's a tall order, that means a lot of personal sacrifice on her end, that means a lot of work on her, and sometimes not even thanked and how she is so strong as an individual that she can continue to do that. And then make the big message that all the positive energy she puts out in the universe comes back to help her in the final battle where I don't know, the "demon dream king" shows up and eats away at her soul or something and everyone's like "No! Amy is awesome! Amy is the reason why this entire island has found its peace and prosperity again." and she's rejuvenated and you hit it with a lot of cards. Make it character driven, make it interaction driven, and then really use the cards. Not as like a mystical thing, don't have her turn it into a motorcycle or slap people with them, have it be the main mechanic for the RPG battles.
I don't get it.
Well, can't blame them
Ian poisoned the Sonamy well with his shitty Frontiers dialogue
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>Q: Ian, you’ve said before that you want to merge the Sol Dimension and Sonic’s world together Crisis on Infinite Earths style. My question is would you have it that everyone remembers the universes being separate, or would history be changed so that it was always one dimension? If it’s the former, how would Blaze and Marine adjust to being in a dimension much more prone to world ending events?
Ian: If we ever went the route of merging the worlds together, that is entirely for simplicity sake, to make the Sol world's locations and people and cultures and whatever more easily accessible to the novice. So adding some kind of temporal retcon to it would defeat that purpose. In this imaginary scenario, I would pitch that they remember. It was a major adventure, a huge literal world changing event, and it's done now. We wouldn't necessarily bring it up all the time because that's narrative baggage that we're trying to avoid, but we wouldn't also try to pretend it never existed cuz that just would be all the problems with 06 compounded again. As for problems being dealt with on the daily, we haven't seen the old dimension that much. For all you know, Blaze is doing this kind of thing every Tuesday. Maybe she's kind of relieved that it only happens like once every three months here on Earth. How relaxing, how wonderful.

Reminder that you can send questions to Ian by email, Twitter directly or with their bumblekast hashtag, on the YouTube video, get priority on their Patreon, or send $5 to their Kofi.
Where is this from?
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Jesus christ not this shit again, please just keep Ian away from her.
Why? How?
>shitty Frontiers dialogue
The whole point of the Sol Dimension is that it's a parallel world with equivalents to everything
It's new dialogue from Tokyo Joypolis.
I don't know, why would they pair them like this?
It's new dialogue from Tokyo Joypolis.
Sonic with Amy and Surge
Silver with Blaze and Whisper

Shadow acting shocked how Sonic and Silver look tired and malnourished
Bunnies homemade pumpkin pie!
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>Pretending as though the time eater isn't the correct answer to the discrepancies of Silver, Blaze, and Eggman Nega's origins.

Foolish man. Just wait until Time Eater messes things up again in Sonic x Shadow Generations by letting Shadow actually save Maria.
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And yet we've only seen Sonic, Eggman, the Chaos Emeralds, Tails (kinda), and Metal Sonic (barely).

Easier to just say "other side of the planet".
He needs to be a cunt again
Do you prefer the story of Forces, or the story of Frontiers?
define "the story of"
Most of Amy's dialogue in Frontiers was some variation of
>I should stop focusing on Sonic
>I have so much love to share, tho
>I should le travel to le find myself
>Why did the aliens have religion if they had le heckin science?
>o m g fortune cards
Pretty much all of her dialogue is just Ian using her as a puppet
Frontiers because Ian wrote it
>Of course you basically gave characterizations to characters like Bean, Bark, and Fang.
Kyle is such a fucking faggot.
Okay Ian
I fucking hate it so much.
Forces barely had a story. Frontiers was a botch job but it was at least trying.
The things that shown to happen or otherwise communicated in the game
Shadow's canon taste in food
>Coffee beans
>Spicy curry
You want something colored?
>Why did the aliens have religion if they had le heckin science?
He didn't write that, for the hundredth time.
Thanks for those Rouge pics from the other thread.
The first place they go to in the Sol Dimesnion is Southern Island as opposed to South Island. The whole point of Silver and Blaze being paired up is because they are separated by time AND space and they are the Sonics of their settings.
I think you got their names swapped
Don't expect to "like what you've drawn" after 5 years. That's not how it works. That is NEVER how it works. Do not let this society of hedonistic gratification destroy the beauty that is the process. I have been drawing for much longer than you have and I still am not satisfied with my art. When I was at the 5 year mark it used to discourage me, but now I take immense pleasure in redrawing old works whenever I feel discouraged and actually seeing improvement. I like seeing where I can improve and the feeling of going back to drawing whatever I want after I do a few studies.
If you only care about the end result, you will never find the masochistic joy of being a creative. I am excavating my ability to manifest and doing it the truest way I can. I live for the moments I overcome my art blocks and I get lost in my work. That is where the human spirit lives.

"I have offended God and mankind because my work didn't reach the quality it should have."
-Leonardo da Vinci
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>Like I was surprised at how much they were talking about Sonic's twisted ankle during Scrapnik.
But at the same time he wrote a story with Sonic's left leg injured. Why would he be surprised?
>I should stop focusing on Sonic
Where was this said?
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How is Tails/Marine only "kinda"? It fits like Sonic/Blaze does
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Nobody believes that he didn't
Finish, please.
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He only wrote it in the ending of 51. Evan wrote the rest of that storyline.
Weren't you the jackass that told colorfag to do it and then got told to go to /trash/?
People who don't have a hateboner for him don't.
does he also like Amy's bean?
Not that guy but I'm pretty sure he is.
Were you the guy who told him to go to trash? Because I'm co-signing it.
What's wrong with the idea?
I don't hate Ian though, you just haven't convinced me. You keep making the claim but I don't find it believable.
Forces’s story was just “Eggman bad, but Sonic and Doughnut Steel beat him”. Frontiers actually added one new character to the status quo.
I don't see why it makes you seethe that the west are the ones who gave characterizations to things Sega considered non-characters. Sega has never even once given a single shit about the extended Sonic cast. Is it even possible for once in your miserable life for you not to suck off the absolute drooling incompetents at Sonic Team?
This person came to him for an answer, so he got it. Its a dumb theory anyway so just as well he says its not..
absolute drivel.
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I can't go back to generations after playing modded frontiers for so long. It just feels like shit.
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Ugly AI trash when there better amypanty pictures out there.
You say, while you have Archie's cock down your throat.
Nah I wasn't but I also agree. Dude's a beggar punk.
Then just mod all of Gens' Stages into Frontiers.
>It is part of the greater Sonic media landscape
I wish Sega would just say this instead of trying to force it to be canon.
Look I get it, I just think "parallel dimension" is limiting and adds nothing; these aspects are never used and it's never expanded on because nobody has an interest in it. The fact that Blaze is from a parallel dimension isn't important; being "a princess from somewhere far away who has a similar role as Sonic" is.

Idk I wasn't sold the first time I played Rush Adventure, but that was a long time ago.
>archie out of nowhere
unironically get help
Infinite is a new character.

>the status quo
We're talking about the individual stories, not a bigger picture of what you're imagining the future of the series to be like
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>You keep making the claim
It's not a claim, he said so himself. He even commented on a couple of those field dialogue that surprised him like the different Ancient tribes and disliking the one explaining away Big being just a digital construct because it ruins the joke.
>We're talking about the individual stories
And Frontiers is still better
>ou can't have world ending catastrophes every arc, that gets boring. So do some smaller stuff for a little while and then amp it up again and then do some gentler stuff and then go crazy again
So when are things going to get crazy again because We haven't had a world ending catastrophe since the Metal Virus. And the Metal Virus was pretty shit as far as adventures go so I would rather see another attempt tha actually feels like the games.
Why hasn't Surge raped Sonic yet?
Why do you keep giving coolorfag this character? I thought they were suppose to be nemesis.
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It's called the Mobian Line now as per the man who wrote it, owns it and is reprinting it.
The reason you gave for that is that it added a new character, but Forces did too.
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Ask Evan
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Okey here you go, sorry the bottom 2 are especially bad, I'm rly tired so I did those real quick just now lol. Very fun though thank you for the suggestions, I love drawing Mina
Post where he said all those things and maybe I'll believe you. I still haven't seen it and you made it sound a lot more vague before. I also find it very weird because all that dialogue is in the same over-explained style of the base game, and as I see your claims I keep thinking of how I've seen Ian lie before anyway. Not that I want to accuse him of lying, but I can't help but think of that when things like these come up.
this one isn't out of nowhere though because Ian's version of Bean and Bark came from archie
Infinite is a monster of the week who gets written out off-screen. He’s not doing shit after Forces.
Sage is an actual new character connected to the central antagonist of the series. She is going to appear in more games.
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What's the Sonic equivalent of this?
>He’s not doing shit after Forces.
>Sage is an actual new character connected to the central antagonist of the series. She is going to appear in more games.
Why does any of this matter when we're talking about the two individual games? And Sage doesn't have a sequel at this time regardless.
>why hasn’t the tiny chihuahua raped the great dane?
Makes you wonder why IDW almost never does this and every location looks generic as fuck. Like White Park for example.
So hot, thank you.
Mediocre and unpolished shitty games
Mediocre and unpolished shitty games
Colors, Generations, and all the other ports/remakes
Momentum is temporary
Happy Bounce Time is eternal
what does it even mean
Sonic needs a Manly Death: Heterosexual Warfare game
Sonic is too gay for that
>the whole gimmick is the battle system is based around cards
Literally never give a character any sort of minor special interest or neat trivia because hacks will then try to force it into being their whole fucking thing.
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>Planning to draw something with Silver
Who should be his wife/girlfriend?
>and maybe I'll believe you
Sigh, whatever.

>Q:I like the “wink and nod” lines in The Final Horizon. Is there a specific line, reference or moment you’re particularly proud of?
Ian: Well I didn't write any of the incidentals this time around. All of that was a surprise to me. I did the main quest line.
>Q:So, what was it like when you found out Big the Cat is Sonic’s “comfort character”?
Ian: Yeah that wasn't me. Big's cameo roles in the games I feel like the punchline is you don't explain it. To me, when you first encounter him and Sonic's like "Big?! How are you here? Why are you here?!" "Fishing." "Yeah of course. Anyway..." and that's it. That's all you need. That's the charm, that's the joke. To explain it is like that's not the joke. That's like saying why did the chicken cross the road? Well you see there was pellets of corn on the other side of the road and the chicken was famished, therefore it made its way across the road to feed itself. [Laughter] Sage is new to this whole being alive thing, maybe she was wrong. Who knows.

>Q:update 3 spoiler. Not sure if you'd know, but are the four other Ancient tribes, and the four Titans, intended to correspond with the four main Chao attributes? The powerful ones for power, the tailed ones for swim, the four-legged ones for run, and the winged ones for fly?
Ian: I don't know, I didn't write that.
you fags don't like anything, huh?
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Whisper The Wolf.
a human woman
That's when a GOOD writer would choose to explore the Sol Dimension and flesh it out. If you're given a scenario where cutting the Sol Dimension out completely is an option, then you should also have the ability to explore it.
You guys never explain why this is bad.
Puyo Puyo clone but you play as Fang and instead of puyos it's fruit
Alright, I believe you. But now I want to know who wrote them. Also, I guess this means the "maybe it's still out there" teaser came from Sonic Team, which theoretically should give it more substance. Not sure I can trust that yet, though.
Good or bad has nothing to do with choice.
I don't need to be reminded that Knuckles eats grapes all the time.
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Fruity cravings!
Sonic will not fuck Amy in your lifetime
Pikmin but you play as Cream and Tikal and the Pikmin are chao
Sonic eats chili dogs all the time, I don't see people complaining about that.
The problem is that Sonic is bad at doing cartoon character traits.
Bugs Bunny can go decades without mentioning carrots. Winnie The Pooh can go many many entries without bringing up Honey. The ninja turtles only occasionally eat pizza, but Sonic has to bring up chilli dogs as often as possible to remind you that he is like all these other cartoons.
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I do.
Look harder.
TF2 Charmy
i hate creamfags so much bros
So because other things don't mention a certain thing as much it's automatically bad to do so? This still is not an explanation. Why is it actually detrimental?
Satisfying fang's fruity cravings...
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and yet
here we are
Because Ian said there would be no point because they wouldn't be visiting there again.
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Random question.
Do mobians / Sonic OCs have a collective noun? Like how its a murder of crows, is there a ___ or OCs?
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Is this the only photo we have of Shigihara?
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its annoying because you can tell that in the case of pooh, someone thought it was cute, plus bears love honey.
In the case of the ninja turtles, it was to drive home that they're teenagers who like junk food.
With Sonic, it isn't to emphasize any character trait, it's to make him more like already-popular cartoon characters.
Because its obnoxious, minor traits are nice because they are a small details that you can reference now and again. But what most hacks on social media do is make that one trait a prominent part of someone's character. Unleashed having Chilidogs be one of the foods Sonic could eat was cool because it was a reference to the fact that Sonic liked them. But then it became the ONLY food he eats, the only food ANYONE eats in IDW. Fucking Jewel and Tangle were eating them randomly. Its the same with Amy's cards, they took a neat piece of trivia that could be referenced sometimes and made it her whole thing. To the point where she had more card moves than hammer moves in Frontiers. I don't even think the base game of Frontiers mentioned the cards once.
A Line.
A rape
||I know you're making fun of me, but a line of OCs like its a Line of Toys works surprisingly well.||
Revenge is dish best served cold.
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anon, did you just attempt to use the discord spoiler feature on 4chan?
The obsession with the tarot shit is taking over more important and integral parts of Amy and her character. "Mystic Amy" was a mistake.

I have never attempted to hide my AI slop, I just throw it out into the void sometimes when I post. I'm not invested much in the AI thread shitflinging.
Sonic is arriving to your home. Prepare yourself.
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Remember those pirates, and their fuckload of barrels full of chili dogs?
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there's also this one
You never used it? It works both on Discord and 4chan, he just screwed up the formatting.
Because my first thought was "Eh [ spoiler ]? nah thats reddit, I think its this one instead" and now I have been had.
Chilidogs are literally basedjak bait at this point.
That's nice. His knockoff Archie Sonic comics are sure to net him tens of dollars before taxes.
"[Shadow and Omega] go together like chili and hot dogs!" - a real thing Rouge actually said in Sonic Forces
So apparently 4chan censors the word s/oyjak.
I just can't agree with the premise here. It sounds like such a non-issue.
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and this one
Compared to Blaze, whisper needs more art with silver.
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>I don't even think the base game of Frontiers mentioned the cards once.
It did, after Sonic beat Giganto.
I've been here since I was in... middle school? I'm nearing 30 now.
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>I'll show you. I'll reprint all the Mobian line books and they'll sell a bajillion units then sega will have to give me control of Knuckles

If any Archiefags ever try to flex on anything other than IDW, just remember, this is the face of your comic now.
i genuinely hope the handful of sonallyfags in this general never give up. You're fighting an uphill battle, so I always root for the little guy.
The sign of a good reference, I don't even remember it happening.

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and also this one
I have seen worse, i can roll with it
Why are Silver's arms shaved?
Toot Toot Sonic Warrior is such a great track
Last panel was too much, I enjoyed sonic and tails having a good time with surge and kit, but burning a restaurant is too much.
>tails calling sonic a wimp
Tails sure likes to bite his own tongue on that one.
Post the face of /sthg/
Amy's sphinx shaving genes finally activated
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What's worse than having a literal lolcow as the face of Archiefags?
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question is, will mobian line have the freedom fighters in it?
also new game apologist vid dropped
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and this one
Do you think Sonic eats like Goku or do you think he takes his time and eats reasonably because too much food would slow him down?
Sonic & Friends eating Chili Dogs under a Palm Tree at their home, Green Hill!
We're witnessing SEGA replace the Sonic fandom for normies
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Boom Knuckles
does he talk about how knuckles should have had more sexscenes with willoughby?
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Looking at sonic generations birthday present chillidog he really likes to eat big.
They censored “soi” for years at this point. You are a fucking liar but you are probably in middle school.
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Definitely like Goku
sonic is inherently too autistic for that to be a good strategy. it is made by autists for autists.
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Cliché overload.
False, I took Sally´s virginity
>Not as like a mystical thing, don't have her turn it into a motorcycle or slap people with them, have it be the main mechanic for the RPG battles.
So even Ian didn't like that.
Tarot Cards are listed as Amy's "special skill" in her original CD profile and other profiles elsewhere. And the first line in her character description in that CD profile is:
>An energetic and cheerful girl who likes mystical things and fortune telling.

A mystical fortune teller is simply what Amy fundamentally is since her original appearance. It was never minor trivia, it's part of her identity and skillset. And in my opinion, it SHOULD take priority over the Hammer if applicable, because the hammer itself is just a subset of the magical theming anyway.

Saying "Amy is the girl with the giant hammer" is the same as saying that Tails is just the smart guy who does the tech stuff. It's not accurate to the true, full scope of what the character originally was.
He did
He's just lying to save face
He does it all the time
Depends on whether he's relaxing or just stopping somewhere for a quick snack. Either way he's probably not the kind to care about manners considering he doesn't really care what other people think about him.
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Why is Sonic Team like this?
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Yeah but all we see him eat is one chilidog and in generations he just takes like a bite out of it.
I know he can eat fast but goku is notorious for eating retarded amounts of food like a starved animal. Are there any japanese continuities of Sonic doing that?
MFW anon posts Amy´s panties
Back in the 90s, Sonic was a cultural icon on par with Mario. He didn't become associated with autists until the Dark Ages and it's clear SEGA wants to recapture the 90s success with Sonic
>He did
What makes you say so?
is that real?
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What about when she shows no panties?
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I hate western writers because I know they'll add some pozzed lgbtq bullshit on my Sonic games, just fucking kick them out, all of them
Goku eats a lot because he needs the calorie intake for all the fighting he does. The Flash does the exact same thing for the exact same reason: running at super speed burns a lot of calories so he needs a lot of calories.

By all logic, Sonic SHOULD be eating like Shaggy and Scooby-Doo on a regular basis. We just don't see it becaues the opportunity for that context to be shown never really comes, since there's rarely any down time.
So the writing doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is the name that's attached to it?
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>Bejitadow even without the Western writers
Lmao Shadow is so fucking cooked. Even the Japs see him as a powerlevelfag.
Yes, it's real.
>It's the one where The End gets blown up and Sage is still around by the very end.
You know what he's asking, fucking smartass.
The endings are not completely identical, in one ending Eggman keeps Supreme's rifle and in the other he doesn't.
Is Eggman currently in possession of an ancient weapon that can kill Super Sonic?
Was it worth it, anon?
I unironically think maekawa should write a Sonic manga. He would please everyone because he likes shonen shit but he's also a shipfag. He's also japanese so he wont include crying lesbians. Literally everyone would win except for the autistic idw oc simps. But literally who cares about them?
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As far as I remember, no
Fleetway Sonic was a fucking glutton with a junk food addiction
There's multiple instances of him eating entire tables of food all on his own
What is that liquid?
Dunno if it's a hot take but I don't think Shadow should've leaned into the ultimate lifeform thing after SA2. I don't really see it as something he'd take pride in.
Stop it with this worthless "meme" spam.
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Stupid anon you need to put a tiny rectangle on it or catbox.
Either way I support you
You need to be at least 18 to post here.
>He's also japanese so he wont include crying lesbians.
You don't watch/read enough anime/manga.
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Thread saved!
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Holy fuck, Sonic looks so fucking Hot here.. I want to have consensual loving sex with Sonic so bad...
Anon, that's him dodging the question because he has no idea which one Sonic Team will stick with.
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This is now an amy thread
Back in the 90s Sonic Team wasn't given any input on the presentation or marketing of the series.
what do males over the age of 45 like?
At least it's good
Sonic characters for this feel?
>edgy yet safe
I still don't know what to feel about that, I mean, so ic used to fight actual gods, and we used to have blood, guns and death at some point in the Franchise.
Being safe is the last word I want to be used on sonic.
Judging by this thread, Japanese action cartoons for young boys involving colorful animal creatures.
Sonic would be no different than Goku if he ever got in a relationship.
link to the full image pls, the whole board of doodles thank u
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>ruined Sonic
>ruined Amy
>ruined SonAmy
>ruined Shadow
>ruined Silver
>ruined Tails
>ruined Knuckles with his M.E
>ruined Eggman
Woah, it's like he's trying to kill the Sonic franchise
That's why they're excluded
selfcest is one of the few tolerable yuri
Yes, YES!
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You shouldn't post NSWF stuff here. Post a link instead.
Sonic characters for this feel?
>My own clone
what foods make girls wet?
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>archie franchise has lost everything even its name
It is not a bannable offense to report the amyposter
werehog cock
Then just say that, say "I don't know which one Sonic Team wants to stick with, so I can't confirm anything just yet" Not this condescending shit.
Don't dodge questions people pay you to answer.
Nigga trying to be productive for 3 days
Amy and Trip would by Amy's initiative
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>Amy's puff puff pussy
Hummina hummina hummina Hummina hummina hummina Hummina hummina hummina Hummina hummina hummina
If you have to resort to this to be "productive", you're probably not gonna get anything done anyway.
Hey look up wamudraws on e621 he makes good amypussy!
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Just replying to let you know ahead of time you reposted some AI sloppa and might get accused of having prompted it since it's been a big deal the past few threads
One of the Maria cosplayers just died
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Eatin good
I feel like the lower body needs to be shifted a little more to her right.
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Sonicbabs, care to explain this?
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I am disappointed that Spring Broken has not caused a surge in Silver x Rough shipping

For real?
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sthg putting their differences aside to unanimously agree amys pussy is top notch
>sonic isn't the 9th circel of hell!!! :(
"so fucking True.. " they all say in unison
Chiitan, Japan's crazy mascot, made Sissynic the Femhog into his personal maid.
Sonic The Hedgehog - Sega's New 5 Year Plan Leaked:

Your thoughts on this?
poor uwuver...his flowers all gone by the big bad het male... :'(
He's Ian's number one Yes Man, what'd you expect?
It was an act. She just got first place though.
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die painfully
>>Mario and Sonic Paris 2024 game
Lol fake
faker than fake
this artist seemed hot and then i saw their image of rouge farting on tails
>surge in Silver x Rough shipping
There should have been some ground to begin with
Can someone edit Kit saying "need more condom sir?"
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watching Amy´s cameltoe is better than playing sonic games or reading sonic´s shitty comic
>Mario & Sonic in Paris
Yeah, not sure about it
Someone redpill me on Rails and why are so many coom artists obsessed with it
Far better than the majority of off model shit that gets posted around, I'll be saving this
scribbleanon and coolorfag are nemeses?
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erm... It's Mobian Line, CHUD, get it right next time
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Amy thread
Amy board
Amy franchise
i love wamudraws, his brushes are great too
>easily flustered young boy
>mature teasing older woman

Textbook "ara ara"
Like two quarters of those aren't even in the game.
michiyoshi started making a bunch of tails/vanilla and tails/rouge hentai comics in the early 2010s and that was enough to eternally make Rouge and Vanilla tails porn mainstays forever.
because she kissed him in sonic battle and in sonic x and teased him sexually on numerous occasions giving an oneshota vibe that was most likely intentional. I'll wait exactly one week for this question to be asked for the 100th time and give te same answer again.
>There should have been some ground to begin with
Ahhh so it's the Raikage/Hinata effect. Narutofags never recovered from that one doujin
I love him
what doujin are you even talking about
raikage and hinata is basic bbc fetishism fueled by an angry narusaku fan who constantly commissioned it until it became a meme
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Ok enough porn of amy, how about something more family friendly like amy enjoying a sandwitch
>Coronel, they are posting Amy´s pussy on a blue board!
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With Ian and Evan on board you know Sonic will have the "Not-A-Movie The Game" Starring all new black trans poc characters
Based Buttermoth embracing the harem.
Isn't that just Shadow Generations?
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I thought so. Coolor won't do their requests rights.
Hentai is allowed here?
I do wish other people appreciated Amy aside from r34, but I guess it comes with the territory of being a female character.
His canon girlfriend, pick Burrazeu
There wasn't any Silver x Rough shipping in the first place. There will be no surge from something like that
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>a single artist can permanenlty redefine a character in a fandom
I have seen many such cases, I personally cannot wait for tdfwnn's interpretation of Fang to take over the internet.
>what doujin are you even talking about
It was one of the works of this guy.

>raikage and hinata is basic bbc fetishism fueled by an angry narusaku fan who constantly commissioned it until it became a meme
Lol that reminds me of all the Tails cuck porn by a crazy Sonicfag
What else are they good for?
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Oh I appreciate Amys character...
only if its of amys pussy
How are you able to post it without being banned?
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Would you Femnic?
spare us your pearl clutching
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I want to marry them and fuck them into my submissive BoyWives
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technically amypussy is canon anyways. that ho didn't wear panties for the longest time
If you're gonna post Amy porn then the post the one by Apostle
Real answer is that a sizeable portion of the fandom identified most with Tails and treat him as a self-insert, which is why he's shipped with every girl possible, with the coombait characters like Rouge prioritized.
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See you in 3 days
Even jannies gotta beat their meat
will you post rougeporn? Maybe amyxrouge?
I know, Amyfags love to exaggerate.
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Fighting for what exactly?
he's the shinji of this series
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bans have to be filled by a janitor, janitors in general are faggots, fat and slow and work for free
plus ban evading is easy, just unplug your internet for a minute and delete your cookies and there you go
if you do it too much they might give you a range ban or image ban, but you can easily evade it too by using another browser for some reason
Sonouge > Rails
Shadouge is canoon
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If this ship and something as crack as Silvade can be a thing then Silver x Rough should be a thing after an actual canon interaction
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daily reminder that amys pussy is NOT against the rules in sthg
Is there anyone who can stop Chiitan?
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Friendly reminder that the only good post-Genesis Sonic media was made by westerners.
What's a modern day example of the not a movie one?
Sonails > both
Is he talking to Lanolin here?
Sonic X was made by westerners?
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Okay Ohshima
You're delusional. There's nothing behind her dress.
Sonic 2 and Sonic 3, the best classic Sonic games, were developed by Sega Technical Institute, a Western dev founded by Mark Cerny.
Why is the sonic fandom so gay?
why are gays so afraid of girls?
Tailsmy > Sonails
Finally someone said it. These sonic kids fucking is gross. I am a normal person who likes their islanders in their teens and twenties
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>they're unaware that's one of krack's alts
Somebody should tell them that they're talking translations from one of the most hated Shadow fangirls.
Men are superior to women so gay > hetero > lesbian
just a black void
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How does a series with no good games still have a fan base?
More than obsessed, they know it sells well.
>haters will "reee", but ultimately give free publicity
>shotafags will commission, thus earning extra money
>shippers will commission even more, just to spite haters, thus even more money
Truth to be told, I don't think there are as many artists who unironically ship them as many believe. It's just a ship that gets around easily in the nsfw zone.
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>being this much of a faggot
It's like the schizophrenia never stops on this general, even in the most basic of interactions.
Look at Bubsy
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Ok you just repeated what I said.
So gayness is mysognyist..
Or are all mysogynists closeted gays
Gayness is a lu
This is the first time I wanted to slap the shit out of one of the posters here, bravo.
Damn you Amyfags are hornier than Rougefags. Don't know how to feel about this.
ok Austin Wolf
*Gayness is a luxury belief in civilized society . Men will protect women from other men
The cute ones are often the kinky ones while the Sexy ones are often disapointing
Gayness as an accusation is only insulting if the addressee is straight.
Don't group me in with them, I'm not a stranger to gooning but mostly just want to marry and live a happy life with Amy
>getting this triggered because I think tailsfuckers are gross
Do you think God created AIDS to punish misogynistic men?
bullshit. the special stages are clearly meant to be a form of security for the chaos emeralds that eggman tried terraforming the islands to reach
finished unleashed
this game is insane,it looks so good and plays so good, except the werehog stages are TOO long, but werehog is a good baby's first dmc/ps2 gow copy(why is it in a sonic game lol?)
even generations didn't get this amount of effort, insane
i hope they do another game with this level of production
Hello Arin
Amy gooning hours are over, time to goon to another sonic girl
Calling 3’s team “western” is kind of loaded, that’s like saying SEGA Studio USA’s games were western. I can agree with 2 because that was a more even split but 3 is very Japanese-majority.
I'm sure that made sense in your head.
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How about Rouge?
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Wails >
based! I'm at the second tails level. I am anxious about eggman land
however, I did enjoy the werehog stages and didn't find them as long or tedious as people said they are. I actually liked them because 3D sonic always kind of stresses me out with the crazy speed
More like I wanted to slap some sense into you but I think that train has long since left the station.
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>schizophrenia never stops on this general
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And it will be arriving at the Mystic Ruins soon
>faggoty limp wrist bitch slaps the horrible pedophobe!!! Bigot!!!
>I literally don't like Sonic
I'm one of the few that thought she was fine in Frontiers/Horizons. To my understanding I just disagree with Ian's takes on her, and I see why Sega rejected them.
Sonic X Wario is OTP
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Sonouge is what happens when you truly are free and mentally liberated and living in the moment and still trying to be genuine
>no pussy showing
its not the same... I miss him guys....
My point exactly lol
It bombed, we're never getting that amount of budget for sonic ever again.
It's polished when it doesn't fucking lag, fucking jungle hoyride.
Yes, it be true
ship so powerful that it contains the only element of sonic chronicles to become canon
Wave from Riders
I literally don't. He's an ugly cooperate franchise mascot who hasn't produced a good game since 2001 and attracts literally the worst human beings on the planet.
Do you think God created periods to punish whores?
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Shadow is a demon born in the heavens while Silver is an angel born in hell
>attracts literally the worst human beings on the planet.
Women don't die of periods and then spread their period disease to other women like the bugchasing, misogynist homosexual you are
Black Angel
White Devil
not sure i understand why silver needs to start a fire in crisis city
The only men over the age of 45 who like Sonic are the Ken Penders, Jeff Fowler and the ones working at Sonic Team.
are there any pics of rouge smothering sonic with her covid laced milkers?
>Not every men has aids while all women have periods
What did god mean by this?
>the type of people making "humen men" shitposts are ESL browns
That explains a lot.
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they need more hentai animations, doujins, and fanfics
Bonus points for self awareness I guess.
Sonic, Shadow, and Surge are so lucky...
So you're telling me I only got 15 years left before I'm free?
not really good ones
Every misogynistic man is punished by God. Be it AIDS or lonliness.
Also if you were a real woman you'd realize periods for most of us arent that big of a deal. Retard faggot who only learns about women through porn.
All women are whores
If you are a misogynist homosexual how do you even get aids
They're all immature teenagers.
>periods for most of us arent that big of a deal
Then why do you talk about it all the time?
And yet none of them will fuck you. Sad to watch
Who knew the Sonic series was so progressive
The Last of Us Part II.
I don't think there are any Sonic Moviegames yet.
Man I miss serious shonen main character silver, evan Stanley influence sure was for the worst.
MILFs/ Cougars are the cure for gayness. but of course there is a limited time window before it sets in and cant be reversed
You're literally the one who brought up periods.
I guarantee if moids bled out their cocks once a month they would do some gross shit like fill jars up with it and post pics on here.
Nta but I've had girlfriends who explicitly got on that implant birth control shit because their periods were miserable otherwise, although the way I understand it the pill works just fine too and the implant is convenient. Either way, seems like at least a 50/50 split between "periods aren't a big deal" and "periods are fucking shit"
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I'm replaying Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 and other early 2000s Sonic games, and I find myself enjoying them more than any recent Sonic boost games from the past 10 years. I like this type of adventure-style Sonic game. Will we ever get the same "vibe" we had back then? Will we ever get anything we want? SxSG is my only hope
>Every non-gay man who doesn't chase after women and love them unconditionally and do what they want will be lonely
I wonder who could be behind this post...Real loneliness is not being alone, it's being around those that make you feel alone.
Maybe you feel alone because anything you say is misogynistic shit and as a result no one really wants to be around you and you can feel their vibe of being utterly repulsed by your shitty personality.
Since when do pornos talk about periods lmfao
Truly the culmination of life is fucking women
All there is is fucking and cumming

I've come to realize that people have some mental block about what Sonic games are about. Everyone comes away with "subway surfer" or "physics sandbox", which is not how Sonic has ever played.
sex with drawfags
Everyone who worked on that game is either gone or “promoted” to a general executive position.
I always wonder about that. I noticed that with a good diet and lots of exercise I never had issues with periods.
Anyways this is a sonic general and most people here only bleed out their anus because they don't lube up their amy dildos enough
The Senua Hellblade series, holy shit, that game was fucking ass trying to copy the realism of The Last of Us, but it ended up being the most boring game ever
>which is not how Sonic has ever played
then what is Sonic's gameplay?
Sonic's been around for 33 years, someone who was 13 in 1991 (the oldest part of Sonic's Target Demographic) would be 45 in 2023 when those slides leaked. As time goes on and Sonic gets older, the upper limit on the secondary demographic will rise with it.
So no anon, there is no escape.
Same thing goes for pregnancies. It depends on the health and condition of the woman.
The Final Horizon and Dream Team are the closest we got to it. Shadow Generations looks like a normal boost game however.
You need to be 18 to post here
Which drawfags?
Why are women so obsessed with faggots?
None of the main characters in that game are black/
sex with nothing
I know plenty of nice guys that don't get laid. Stop with this "pussy is justice and a reward for being s decent human being" nonsense.
Random blackground character that I bludgeoned with a hammer:
How is another boost game your only hope?

ST has been told to stick to what works AND go back to previous styles over and over again by the fandom. Suffice it to say they're in a pretty tough spot right now, as usual.
Only after marriage.
Yeah, I hate that I happened to fall in love with some stupid character from a stupid mascot video game series. True suffering
all of them
Finesse platformer with fast-paced skill checks.
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I guarantee they aren't nice guys. Literally every incel I met that claimed to be a nice guy had some red flag shit going on that scares women off.
Also pussy being a reward is something that was made up by men. Your status is entirely based off of that shit to the point where autistic men see getting a girl as a required quest in life. Funny enough though, these men hardly ever actually stay with their women once they impregnate them. So many absent dads, and yet you wonder why women are selective and cautious. Fuck you.
What are doing in the Sonic board?
Back in the kitchen for you
how am I wrong?
Power dynamics.
sex with "sex withfags"
I'm not even the anon you were talking to, I was just calling out your bullshit. But while we're on the subject,
>muh vibe
Your personality is so overtly overwhelmingly atrocious that it's ironic hearing that from you.
sthg... amys pussy and gender politics.
i skipped the gender politics because i hate reading
Not reading saves me once again
>How is another boost game your only hope?
Well, I was hoping that SEGA would realize that "Whoa, they actually like Sonic Adventure games and not the Subway Surfer boost games. We should try making Adventure games next time!" But that's just me, I guess
>googled it
what the FUCK was that? Anyway no blacks, completely missed the mark on diversity, woman protagonist or not.
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>selective and cautious
>getting this assblasted by a word
I thought women were supposed to be the sensitive, emotional sex.
sexless sex with (you)
>Dream Team
I forgot about that one
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>women were supposed to be the sensitive, emotional sex.
nah. women don't have souls
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I'm going to kill you....
It's a platformer with a speed gimmick the rewards keeping a continuous pace for those who want to AND rewards slow explorative gameplay for those who would prefer to play that way. at least that's sonic in its ENTIRETY. That's not to say that games that fall flat on one of those definitions are bad games, it just means they failed to deliver on the FULL Sonic experience.
I see that you don't have a healthy relationship with your mother, anon.
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Post the actually sexy one
sex between rouge and sonic would be really athletic and hot
Conductor's wife has the biggest canon boobies
Shadamy and Sonouge is the real endgame
Spare my life.
Im not allowed to post porn here.
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You are so closed to the truth...
Sonic is about giving the player options.
You can use the environment around you and your speed for exploration and for speed running.
No, they're definitely nice guys. Some of them have even had girlfriends and dates.

>red flags
Having red flags has nothing to do with being "nice".

>so many absent dads
I'm sorry you feel that way, and it breaks my heart that things have gotten so shitty between men and women.
Why hasn't Whisper revenge raped Surge yet?
Same reason they're so obsessed with children and animals
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>Likely a Sonic Game since it's grouped with all the other Sonic games
>Developed by GCS2 which means either Sonic Team or a Sonic Team adjacent Studio
>Apple Arcade Exclusive which means it likely has a higher budget than normal Sonic Games
Is it possible the best game that Sonic Team has made in decades will be releasing in the near future on Apple Arcade?
she is too weak, even jobs to a sheep, being a wolf it must be shameful for her
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All femoids on the board
Fuck off NOW
Or else I will rape you
Shut up and play with your LEGO.
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>it's another damaged femoid claims there's no such thing as nice guys because all my experiences and friends said so episode
Why can't men who are bad boys be a red flag? How about criminals? Robbers, killers? Assholes? Why can't those be red flags?
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Shadow literally couldn't rape me if he tried
>autistic men see getting a girl as a required quest in life.
How true is that?
shadamyfag can rape me any day
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Why can't femcels and incels just get along with each other?
Sorry anon, I'm choosing the bear
So your only hope is for the game to fail? Lmfao why are gamers like this?
looks rad, good job.
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Opposing ideologies. They can't co-exist too because they're also hypocrites and won't date each other. They both want Stacy and Chad.
Donwe even have females? (actual real one, biological ones) I just thought this place was full of fag men and incels.
What could've been
lmao stop
No, and they need to dilate
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How can you not tell? This place is night and day to the rest of 4chan.
Thank you!
Aren't some of the drawfags females?
>"Give me your hard gem and you can have my golden ring"
Stop kissing her ass she isn't going to sleep with you.
according to game apologist, sonic fans will harass you if you don't like the knuckles show
why can't they just lower their standards?
>Sonic Team
>good games
They should leave the mobile slop to Hardlight. They've never had a failure yet
Im not a femcel. Me rejecting toxic masculinity got me into a healthy marriage with a man who embraces healthy masculinity.
Mobile is a broad category anon, it includes things different as Dream Team and Dash. Since Wonder is an Apple Arcade exclusive, it won't have microtransactions or any of that sort of thing.
Toys (which is likely Sonic Rumble) is listed as GaaS, which means it'll probably be extra greedy when it launches.
That's...exactly what I said.
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>sonic fans will harass you if you don't like random Sonic thing*
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Jump Fever flopped so hard that it doesn’t exist anymore
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>Toxic masculinity is anyone calling me out on my bullshit
no *spreads your ass and sniff your wolf asshole*
what the fuck is "toxic masculinity" and "healthy masculinity"?
4chan has married posters on it?
Protagonist syndrome.
idw amy does act like rouge is a threat to her relationship with sonic, which is interesting because amy never behaved that way towards sally, even under the same writers.
Toxic masculinity is anything masculine that hurts me.
Healthy masculinity is anything masculine that serves me.
Simple really.
If Rouge stood next to Sonic without her boots on she would be shorter than him
>amy has tan legs
>Rouge has no wings
>Amy has no nose or fingers
>Amy has the wrong number of head quills
>Rouge's ear anatomy is all over the place
bad art or ai?
I'd be inclined to speculate that it's either a 2D Sonic game or a port of Mania given that it's listed between ports of Sonic Mania, but given that there's a bunch of stuff between the four different Sonic Dash games, the fact that Netflix probably has Mania as an exclusive and that Sonic Team doesn't make 2D Sonic Games, it could easily be anything.
I want to fuck Cream so bad.
You sure your vagina didn't do that?
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sounds like toxic femininity to me
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>women ruining another thread with their faggotry at the /sthg/ mansion
It gets tiring sometimes, you know?
Why do zoomers misuse this word so much?
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You're being toxically masculine right now.
>masculinity is when you serve women
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>check thread
>thread's shit
>check thread
>thread's shit
>check thread
>thread's shit
>check thread
>thread's shit
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Sonouge is so hot the shitposters ignore it because they know it would end them
Toxic masculinity is unhealthy male stereotypes. Like the expectation for men to seek victory over improvement, fetishize women and violence, feel the need to act a certain way in order to win over approval, immense insecurity, etc. In some ways its similar to toxic femininity.
Healthy masculinity is embracing masculine traits that build societies but reject violence and conquest. A good, kind, patient, forgiving, and present father figure is healthy masculinity, for example.
it is pretty fucking hot
when do we get a sonouge drawfag
I'm gonna blow the whistle.
People always say this but it doesn't actually happen.
I have drawn sonouge in the past and I'll do it again.
>samefagging so people think others like you
Why could be be talking about Sonic right now, but women would rather once again whine about men not selling their souls to them.
>anon is blind
Where do you think you are? This is the sexually frustrated gender wars general, nobody here likes Sonic. Except for me and the handful of chads talking with me about gameplay of course.
No she does not. Rouge backstabbed Amy before in the Chao Races arc so now she's more cautious about her
>Healthy masculinity is embracing masculine traits that build societies but reject violence and conquest. A good, kind, patient, forgiving, and present father figure is healthy masculinity, for example.

if you live in US,Canada or Europe you live a sheltered life and are ignorant of racial double standards, which is the end goal of left wokism. this is why you cant understand things
It's not a thing that actually happens. Cherrypicking an insult from a random conversation or posts with differing opinions isn't harassment, and they usually don't even bother to do that much, they just make a baseless claim.
>woman writes the word incel
>sthg "men" take the bait like wildfire
every fucking time. Even amys pussy couldn't save us
>build societies
>reject violence and conquest
Pick one.
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Let's talk about gameplay then.
What's the purpose of branching paths in Sonic games?
What Sonic stages use them properly?
>ignorant of racial double standards
Yeah this guy's got a point
>which is the end goal of left wokism
Nevermind he's retarded too
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>What's the purpose of branching paths in Sonic games
If you're good then you get to the top path to get goodies and shit.
>What Sonic stages use them properly
Variety of gameplay and clearly hydro-CITY does it the best
please travel to a third world shithole country and see how your views on masculinity change, or hwo receptive they are of your preachiness
Branching paths are a safety net. If you’re good at the game you learn to take the optimal path, the other paths are for people who are bad at the game to take since they cannot handle the top path.
Who even wrote that lol?
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False across the board.
The truth is, the safety net guy is right, kind of. It's for people who fail at a platforming challenge, yes. This is like the ring system; Sonic is difficult to control, so you shouldn't die every single time you make a mistake like in other games. In Mario, when you don't have a powerup you die even if you touch an enemy once, because Mario isn't so difficult to control or manage.
The other reason that the other anon didn't mention is for the sake of exploration. Despite the meme about the upper paths of the stages being the "best" paths, you can find goodies and even faster routes on lower paths as well.
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Bump = Bring Up My Post
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Requesting bump coolored.
Sonic is a solarpunk , post capitalist, post racial utopia
It's literally the "Not-A-Movie the Walking Simulator" games
Per-section paths and safety nets like in Sonic Adventure 2.
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wow, how did you get all that from just from one compliment?
Also, my drawings rarely are requested for colouring, so when it occurs, I'm grateful for both requester and painter.
The “goodies” are also for people who are bad at the game, you get shields and rings and extra chances for Emeralds.
>woman victory
>we don't have to war!
Yeah you don't have to because men do it. You're really in the dark clearly. The US is already involved in several wars, they just make sure to comfort you into thinking we aren't at war.
>posting the ugly rabbit
>Cream getting so frustrated she starts hanging out around Tails more to over time become friends with him and in the future something more
There's some regular that's really bitter about coloranon.
Dunkey mind broke Gen Z.
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>Posting the roastie when Cream IS RIGHT THERE
Where does the 'sexo' meme comes from?
>no tits
>no ass
Special Stage rings are not for people who are bad at the game.
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why would a player willingly pick a different path?
what do you mean by "optimal path"? which path from pic related is the optimal path and why?
I see. That's a pretty comprehensive way of describing Sonic's level design.
The fastest way of clearing GHZ Act 2 is by going for the speed sneakers at the bottom paths and elemental shields are used in 3&K speedruns. Power-ups are important.
Sonic and Rouge equally understand each others independence and awareness of the bullshit of others despite tolerating it well.
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Drawing request to draw this but it's Cream.
It's interesting how the bottom path is the most difficult path with secret goodies at the end.
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I'll give you sexo, my dear Cream.
Just hide the bad posts, it'll improve the experience tenfold. Like that Sonouge post, I literally read 5 or 6 words before saying I'll pretend I didn't just read that and closing it.
I'm not even joking it's literally just that
You know I feel like I hate women and yet I've had a few long term relationships and keep ending up friends with women despite trying to be mean and standoffish towards them. And when I think back on that stuff, I end up feeling like maybe I hate women less than a lot of simps do. That sounds weird but I think a lot of gynocentric men view women as actually less than human and they only put them on a pedestal for selfish ape brain reasons.
What is wrong with sonouge?
Moments after this post was made.
Rouge rubbing one of Sonic's quills between her warm butt crack , trying to make herself comfortable
It shrunk my scroll bar like 20% l;ol
No? Wtf are you talking about?
>The “goodies” are also for people who are bad at the game
The goodies reward exploration for utilizing Sonic's speed.
it's a seething shipfag
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>That's a pretty comprehensive way of describing Sonic's level design.
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femanons, how do I improve myself so you wouldn't hate me anymore?
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Some people hate coolorfag because they think the colors aren't good. And it's "vandalism".
>fail to keep up and fall down a pit
>game gives you extra power ups to compensate
>”n-n-no i’m exploring”
the person who complained about it is upset you paired sonic and rouge together instead of their preferred pairing
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Extremely Based take: I LIKE Sonic 06, I HATE Generations, and Colors
Stop being autistic
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>made the black guy piccolo
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Become more autistic
Same but full transparency it's been much smaller than this before.
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Cutenic the Sexyhog made for heterosexual men
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That's not possible. At best I can try to imitate normalfag mannerisms in an incredibly shallow way.
'Autistic' is a meaningless word.
>game gives you extra power ups
That's a bad thing? Are you supposed to avoid every power up and ring because someone is that good of a sonic player?
Pay attention to the sermon neophyte. There's more than one purpose for the alternate pathways, it isn't set in stone.
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>That's not possible. At best I can try to imitate normalfag mannerisms in an incredibly shallow way.
There is a concept of me.
does she swoop down on her love rivals like a bird of prey
He didn't have a take. He just asked questions.
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is this a cream thread now?
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Sonic and Rouge should go on more long missions together. Maybe even to other planets
imagine all the quickies
normalfag is such a hilariously autistic "word."
>At best I can try to imitate normalfag mannerisms in an incredibly shallow way.
you just have to do that while in public
I love you Bump!
Next One...and Equal room for Tailream
it's sonic, they're all quickies
where do you think you are?
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Still has a mouth
You're a fat guy in his 40s
If you’re good at the game you don’t need them, especially rings since you’d have plenty.
Their primary purpose is as a safety net though. You’ll already have plenty of rings and a shield and Special Stage access via the fastest route. They just give you additional ones on lower paths so players who are worse at the game get a leg up. Compare it with the Advance games, which go for a more sink or swim approach where you get punished for failing to keep up and as such have a more mixed reputation due to not giving you as much leeway.
not at night or on board a ship they arent
it started as a cream thread
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>If you’re good at the game you don’t need them
see >>484181926
>He's also japanese so he wont include crying lesbians.
But he will include constant sexualization of little girl characters and unconscious misogyny. So I guess 4chan and weebs will win.
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Man here. Stop being a faggot. Women don't read minds, they judge off of your actions and your standing in the group. I always considered myself unattractive until a guy came into the store I was working at looking to hurt one of the girls. So I preceded to beat the shit out of him and even after he pulled a knife and tried to stab me, I called him a pussy thanks to the adrenaline still going strong. I went from being low confidence to banging three of the girls working there.

tl;dr women love a warrior, overcome fears, whether that's just having the balls to actually go talk to them and shoot your shot, or play mortal kombat irl, women are the embodiment of nature and you not "being good enough" for women is to say something like not actually living your life or being afraid to live life. Go for the gold, climb the fucking mountain, deliver yourself and others to paradise. They look for a man with direction and fortitude, not a boy who isn't sure of himself.
i won't draw sonouge, i won't. you can't trick me into drawing sexy sonouge sex.
except maekawa never did any of that.
Sounds like Rouge and Sonic
Thanks Bump, I love you too!
Yes Cream, what do you want to play?
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>pulled a knife
The powerups are not just for helping you get to the goal. They exist because they are fun to use, and offer the player other ways to play the game, not just get to the end.
Special Stage access on the fastest route is a completely moot point because the fastest way to do a 100% speedrun is to access ALL the Special Stages available as soon as possible, not just the ones on the supposed "fastest route".
Finally, you've highlighted the exact reason the Advance series, despite being good 2D Sonic games, fare weaker titles than the Classics; they misunderstand the purpose of the varying pathways.
In conclusion, the varying pathways bolster the experience of Sonic, it isn't just a safety net for unskilled players.
why do women hate lolicons so much? Don't they fantasize about even worse things?
i repelled the attacker with my penis (my penis is really long thats how i was able to do that)
>Their primary purpose is as a safety net though
They're not though. Getting power-ups is fun and collecting a bunch a rings is fun too.
While on a conceptual level I like both, Infinite has a better story than Sage.
sonic will never love amy, but all men would fuck rouge
>he's also a shipfag
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They're multiplying again...
Yeah but when a woman grooms a boy, he wanted it.
When a man grooms a girl, he's a predator whether she wanted it or not.
See the difference?
That event is also the reason why I conceal carry at all times. "Street fights", especially against a stranger, is not a "street fight", it is self defense, always. You can be the biggest baddest dude just for the meth head tweaker to take out a weapon and instantly negate all of your muscle and fighting training/experience. That shit has no room to fuck around in. If some meth head ever tried to fuck with me on the streets and I feel like my life is being threatened, I'm not bringing out the old knuckle sandwich, I'm busting out mr. 9mm.

Let that be a valuable lesson to all of you who think shit like that never happens or that "it will never happen to me".
Look at the stories he wrote
Sonic would love Amy if he had an adult heart aka pedo
I also hate how 3D Sonic games use skips as a reward for reaching the fastest routes.

I love when the game rewards me for playing well by making me play less of the game!
You hit the wall after 17
This guy would be banging Mobian women left and right
I really don't like SAGE. What was with the whole
>Take care of father
thing? Is Sonic and Eggman's battle all just a joke? With the actual evil characters being the true bad guys at the end of every game?
Which stories?
I like her but Frontiers wrote her really badly
did you not fucking play generations? sonic doesn't take eggman seriously as a threat anymore, it's a game to him. Eggman is just an old man sonic entertains. It's a game.
This works for sex btw but any dumbfuck can get sex. I get frustrated because it's very rare that I meet women I feel like I can be vulnerable with or truly connect with, and that's important to me. There have been some in my life but I have a habit of fucking things up.
found the pedo
aside from the general loli/shota accusation of being a pedo irl, I imagine some of it comes from the fact that everyone in the world agrees that youthfulness is an important factor in a woman's attractiveness to a much greater extent than it matters for men
whacking it to loli, from an insecure perspective, is like saying that everyone in your irl dating range will never be good enough for you for something that is out of their control (aging)
in some ways it's similar to short guys getting pissed at women for "only going after tall guys"
SA2, Heroes, 2006, Secret Rings, Black Knight.
I always thought the summer newfags meme was nothing more than a joke, but I guess I was wrong, it's pretty obvious from the posts in this thread. I don't mind that you're here, I just never realized it was an actual thing until now.

>Well, I was hoping that SEGA would realize that "Whoa, they actually like Sonic Adventure games and not the Subway Surfer boost games. We should try making Adventure games next time!"
How would they realize this from a boost game? And why did I have to go out of my way to spell that out for you?
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Stop trying to make the thread about women or whatever. We're here to talk about about Sonic, not periods or dating or any of that other stuff.
>unconscious misogyny
Fuck off with your dogmatic pseudo-science
Sonic treating Eggman like a nuisance is the norm
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Which is exactly why, as I said, the 3D Sonics don't ever, as close as SOME may have gotten, faithfully recreate the FULL Sonic experience.
sex with women
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Ill give Rails this, this is something
Did you not like The Final Horizon's gameplay?
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I guess I'm stupid and retarded. Forgive me, I'm a Sonic fan
>play less of the game
Faffing about isn’t playing the game, you’re supposed to go quickly and find those shortcuts. Especially in the boost games
women keep trying to derail threads because they love attention
fucking whores
I mean, if you actually talk to them and treat them like a person, you're bound to find one. It's easy to look at a beautiful woman and have your entire body tell you FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, just for her personality to be fucking ugly. My guess would be for long term relationships is that if her personality is ugly, then she is just ugly, no matter how beautiful she is physically. Actual relationships beyond just pump and dump also require both people to like each other and have common interests. Sure, women are much more prone to being manipulated or to just simply change to conform to the man, but you're just better off starting off from the get go with a decent amount of commonality between you two. You're not gonna find a girl that shares all of your interests though, both because men are men and women are women and each like different things and have different points of view, and also the only people that would fit that description would just be a gay autistic man.

Just a guess though.
but...that's her debut and the only thing she has been in...
I know but Eggman and Sonic are still enemies, right? I mean okay Sonic doesn't take him seriously because he can dispatch him with ease, but why would he "take care" of him? Does he actually like him? God this dynamic is getting depressing at this point.
Why so much off topic bullshit. Women are just people now start talking about Sonic again
I'm not a 'summer newfag'. I just asked because I know almost nothing about Maekawa.
ew no. Is your mom around tho?
Nope, you are, I decided, the meme was real.
I like when the comic let characters that don't often interact get to do things together. It felt like it was actually fleshing out the game world instead of just doing nothing with their ocs.
> fetishize women
all women are bisexual, so they think men lusting over them is a "fetish" y'see
Yeah I do, it's a nice break from Sonic Boost
Don't worry, I hear you and have long felt the sentiments you're expressing. Can still be a minefield out there though. I do think having common interests is overrated, it's far more important to be on the same wavelength, but that's more nebulous and not easy to explain to people.
marry me
That's not how it works anon, at all.
You don't pick a fruit before it's ripe. It is barely a fruit at all at that point. Anybody who says otherwise almost definitely has a serious mental deficiency.
she's so pretty...
How about instead of launching me with springs and dash rings, the level design could make do a difficult platforming section?
Youthfulness is important. But there's a difference between teen youthfulness where puberty has passed and literal child youthfulness. It's kind of gross because a child WILL age, and fetishizing youth to such a degree is gross.
Why are you thinking that I'm new here?
> t. roastie that's hit the wall
Thank you!
>moments before reynard was conceived
lolis are fictional
they can be 26 and have gigantic titties if you want them to
I never noticed the heart shaped shoes until now...guess i was too focused on the tummy.
We talk about Maekawa all the time and I want to push this place into being an environment where being ignorant of these things is ridiculed so I thought it'd be funny to do this, and I was right, it is pretty funny lmao.
I'm potentialfagging a bit about her. I also just like kuudere characters in general and I like how she is voiced by both VAs who also voiced Rei Ayanami
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Bake le thread
I don't get what is so funny about it.
>but...that's her debut and the only thing she has been in...
I like the idea of introducing a daughter for Eggman, and I like her design. I don't like how it was handled unfortunately. So I like the character but not her story.
More often than not, you’ll already have a shield if you’re taking the highest path. The Special Stage rings you get from the high path are what you need to get the best ending, if you want to go Super as quickly as possible then yes you get the extra ones but Super Sonic is a different way of playing the game and offers a very different experience, almost trivializing the hazards in a way they obviously weren’t meant to be. In that way I agree that it, as well as the lower paths, offer a different way to play, but that is not mutually exclusive with the idea that the lower paths are for less skilled players.
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And you all are constantly giving them that attention they're looking for
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Prime surprisingly teased Sonouge a bit
Nigga you think the wall is 12. Everyone here is a roastie or a wurstie by that measure
Stop samefagging, coolorfag. Nobody likes you.
oppai lolis are underrated
>human men
Based Prime
>le 1000 year old loli
Bad faith argument. No one but puritanical faggots complain about drawings of aged up cream. The issue is that these retards want to fuck kids.
There was some documentary on this woman who was an irl loli who was stuck looking like an 8 year old at 22 due to some disorder and she literally couldnt date because any guy into her was a pedo.
rebel absolutely wanted sonic's cock
As an oppai loli enjoyer all I can tell you is that in real life I think people shorter than me look weird and nothing makes me blush more than I girl I have to look up to make eye contact with.
Have you seen Unleashed’s DLC levels
Insolent monkeys...
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Rape Ray
Is your current girlfriend taller than you?
>high impact sexual violence
colono is based for being the only one of you faggots who isn't in denial
How does Vanilla feel about her daughter being better than her?
Maybe someday I'll get one of those.
>she would have accidentally kissed him if he didn't pull his face back
We need more art of vanilla protecting her daughter against pedos by castrating them
If you ditch your obsession with loli you might. Shortstack is basically the same thing as oppai loli except the girls arent sfmed children
Gonna draw cool lurlis sexy. Just to piss you off.
>she literally couldnt date because any guy into her was a pedo
wouldn't that be a healthy outlet for his otherwise potentially very destructive life
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Made for jerboa women
mmmmmm shipping
why does sonic consistently piss off the female leader types ?
Shipping is delicious.
Vanilla likes Tails because she knows he will protect Cream and he is a nice smart boy with no parents who is friends with Sonic. But of Course she much haze him first, and then maybe assess him closely
Speed Simulator can be fun for a little bit but the grinding is agonizing and there being nothing but grinding to do in the open areas (aside from the three time attacks) sucks. There are races but there are a tiny amount of unique action stages and none of them are over a minute long so they don’t really add much. A proper open zone game but using SSS gameplay would be cool, the control is the best thing about it.
>you’ll already have a shield
So what?
>Special Stage rings you get from the high path
I just said they're not only on the high path. You also admitted it's faster to get all of them, so you admit the lower path isn't just a saftey net but also used for speedrun purposes.
>Super Sonic
You again admitted that the goodies offer a different way of playing the game, this time an example even I haven't used yet. Super Sonic is a reward that has nothing to do with speedrunning, it's just cool and fun.
>not mutually exclusive
Did you not read anything I said at all? For the tenth time now, the lower routes have more than one reason for existing. Yes, they can exist for the sake of being a safety net for less skilled players, but they can also accommodate so much more.
the issue is pedophilia is a disease. Reoffense rates for convicted pedos are incredibly high. Unfortunately pedophilia is something that, like homosexuality, cant seem to be undone once someone develops a sexual attraction to children. Unlike being a homo though, children grow up, and the pedophile will move onto the next victim. They are an inherent burden to society. they create antisocial men and women with the abuse they inflict upon children.

I could see why the 22 year old with the disease would be disturbed by anyone attracted to her body. It would pose a danger to any future children she would have with him
>Shortstack is basically the same thing as oppai loli
Bro do you think I'm not fapping to Rouge? I like the body type not the fuckin weird child rapist hentai.
>except the girls arent sfmed children
I don't understand what this means.
i wish i could play speed simulator offline
I would say less sage and more rouge.
sfmed is a reference to the hyper porn that is commonly used in source film maker (a 3d modeling program)
fairy squarey i guess
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kys blazefag bot
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