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Previous: >>484135356

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter
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Scramouche is really sexy!
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J'aime ma femme Furina !
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posting my wives hu tao and furina
predict genshit's june sales
low quality posts try again
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Post your theatre lineup RIGHT FUCKING NOW
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qiqi thread go
Is this how Yanfei convinces the judges?
Over $150 million across all platforms easily
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I just saw the leaks and I am so close to dropping this shit
>another female character covered head to toe with the only skin showing being her face
>meanwhile male character has belly, chest, feet, and shoulders all exposed

They just keep doing it. The game is getting gayer and gayer. Is hoyoverse just run by faggots and women or something? I was thinking of playing ZZZ when it comes out but now I worry that it'll go in the same direction.
Natlan will either flop harder than Fontaine or save this game and propel it to new heights.
There is no inbetween.
It all rests on Fat Xiao's greasy shoulders now..
13 dollars
It's not the same team working on Fontaine and Natlan.
You can already check that on appmagic, bro
Fanta Furina is a Spaniard, while Xbalanque is an Aztec
>forgot pic
Lost 1 million aura points.
isn't there like a 24/7 sales thread on /v/ or somewhere that you can talk about revenue in?
woa she looks nic-
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Collei, Fish
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Nahida is really sexy.
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she won
This is probably why his minions tolerated his shit
yep yep yep, I am definitely dropping this game in 4 days.
>Is hoyoverse just run by faggots and women or something?
Is that rethorical? Did you not read their mission statement about diversity and inclusion and the tweets about how they're hiring almost only women and firing men?
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Kill yourself, c2p
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.sexy really is Nahida
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had to happen at some point..
Why not just drop it now you attention whore?
I have put too much money in this game to drop it I’m in til EoS
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For me, it's Iansan.
Good Morning
Daily Reminder that Furina is for you.
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The original story of Melusine, from French folklore. Condensed to greentext:

>Be Elinas, king of Albany
>Go hunting in the forest to cope with dead wife
>Find a forest fairy named Pressine
>Propose marriage to her
>She agrees but only if you don't see her when she's bathing or birthing her children
>She has triplets with you: Melusine, Melior, and Palatine
>Break your fucking promise
>She leaves

>Be Melusine
>Find out later in life dad broke his promise
>Orchestrate a plot with your siblings to lock dad up in a mountain with his riches until he dies
>Mom gets mad
>Your siblings get locked up for their crimes
>You get cursed to have a serpent tail every Saturday
>You can still get married, but the man has to promise not to see you on Saturdays or you'll stay a serpent forever

>Be Count Raymondin of Politiers
>Accidentally murder your uncle
>Melusine comforts you (she also murdered a family member)
>Marry Melusine on condition of not seeing her on Saturdays
>Have 10 deformed sons over the course of 10 years. You still love them, but they kinda ugly
>Eventually break your promise
>Keep it a secret until one of your sons murders his brother
>Call your wife a serpent in open court
>She turns into a dragon and flies away
>Comes back only to nurse infant sons

Would you marry/seggs a melusine?
that's called "sunken cost" fallacy bwo
calm down nahida
nahida is mad...
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hello, members of the kokonation
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Im cumming 2 play in your mom lmao
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why do they like to ruin their skin with tattoos?
LMAO retard
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natlan character leaks inside
i love how bonkers old yuroop folklore can be, what the hell were they trying to convey?
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our month is almost over xis..
Why do some companies keep doing this shit?
Are they so out of touch that they think fags and feminist opinions matter and can ruin ruin their business?
Are the counselors to the rat investors and stakeholders who sit on the board keep exaggerating the influence of those mentally ill twitter retards?
me too, just drop it. the longer you stay, the more miserable you are. I have made my peace and realized that this homo game will not get better no matter how much copium that I've been snorting.
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hi kokosisters!!!!
And then it flopped.
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why is he white
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Alright let's make an ass tier list, Sigewinne is obviously the best right?

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The hydro buddypoke...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
>>>The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
The lack of 4.x hangout events...
>>>The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
>>>The lack of Rukka and Egeria demon names...
with 60+ tiktok hours...
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Me and my wives
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>the new terasumc comic is absolute dogshit and 4 pages long
I should just kms what’s the point anymore
Navia... Neuvillette is a man...
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>Noelle and Sucrose
>Not S
Open up the game and glide around for a bit then justify your placement
swarthoids already seething kek
fuck off shounenfag
do puffy shorts even count as ass? her hip are pretty deformed if yes
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ZZZ promo clip has some male slapping his own ass. Just go WuWa
I think both of these people will be sorely disappointed once those two characters most likely will have a cordial friendship (assuming the master/apprentice thing was real) instead of being antagonistic towards each other
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...which means that Tiktok hours are never a good metric of how profitable a character is.
Seriously, you guys use the weirdest metrics. Just like Americans.
Nah, S is reserved for truly sublime asses. Neither of those skanks can compare to even say Lynette or Jean
Anon after they release the 200th little boy in shorts
>man this game just keeps getting gayer... next time I'll drop it for sure!
I would rather for them to have no relationship.
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me on the right
what's the moral of this story?
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Keep your promises or your half-fey wife will ONLY give you 10 kids.
He's entirely black.
Should a lawyer really be making that gesture?
atleast the one with facemask was something different, not that it was better, but it was different. hard to defend this game sometimes
why did no one tell me that the shounenspic was the kokomi-is-trans schizo?
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Sorry bro only Honkai girls are allowed to show skin
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i'm the ony one that likes the pyro archon from the leaks we've seen so far?
NA here so I can't
don't break your promise or your wife becomes seething lizard
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All his subordinates who stayed with him more than a week were perverts who acted like his dogs. Normal people couldn't stand his behavior.
Don't make promises you can't keep.
there's also the bisexual nahitroon, assuming you aren't xim
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Hydro buddypoke
Stay with me don't let me go
Hydro buddypoke
Riding waves the currents flow
lmfao of course the nahitroon would like that
Don't racemix.
What ass
Just do Sucrose's skill, she is by far the most attractive in motion
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Yes, HSR and ZZZ completely mog most of our women. Xianyun is the only saving grace of fontaine.

Why the fuck did hoyoverse stop making designs like raiden, eula, and yelan? 2.x was so fucking peak
>he doesn't know
Cute manlet.
Why do you care when you fap to off model shit anyways
sex with topaz
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not him, i just think she looks neat, but i'm waiting until they either leak or officially show her model
Just say that you don’t play the game anon, topaz had HUGE tits in that 4 star lightcone and they nerfed the fuck out of her
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>What ass
THIS ass!
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That's a terrible moral to take out of it. He could have kept on hitting that until his dick stopped working if he only kept his promise.
have hand-drawn fanart leaks ever been accurate in the past?
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When I say off model I mean it's not the sprite from the game. All hentai is off model by default because you aren't getting off to the in-game sprites
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I really, REALLY like little girls
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there was this
Pretty sure Candace was pretty accurate
in game though, she isn't even wearing a skirt she wears shorts
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so long, gayshit
Somebody drew a Wriothesley from a text description that was pretty close to what we got (but without the cloak)
Kaveh was close too
>only posted once
>zero replies
man /gig/ sucks at identifying real leaks
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she won
Sure but Sige isn't the result of racemixing, so what's the point of fucking them if my children will all come of as abominations instead of cute hybrids?
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what's the purpose of neuvillette now?
She flopped
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prove it
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Its a leotard with long frills giving the illusion of a skirt.
Usually frills are used to give the illusions of boobs but Mihoyo is so faggy they created a miracle.
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post something angry
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Genshin girl with the pinkest nipples?
post a picture of your genitals
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This fucking gremlin keeps stealing from my fridge at night. What do I do?!
is xhe ok?
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You must correct her.
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fontaine leaks and early fanart got DMCA from mihoyo, if the natlan leaks were real then we would already know about it
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I said weeks ago that siggy needed an on field HP scaling hydro not named neuv, seems dawei did it earlier than I expected
Mouse trap near the cake
>no scales
It's an imposter Yanfei trying to get (you) to fuck it instead, RUN AWAY
I'm fine, I'm not having a melty anymore.
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i look like this irl

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>neuv didnt even last a year before his powercreep released
holy kek
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i'd like to thank dawei
>siggy needed an on field HP scaling hydro not named neuv
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now show us the aoe
iirc Cyno actually shortcrept Xiao
Monday is my favourite weekly Genshin day because it's where I can kill bosses and not get the materials I wanted
Yeah because was not a controlled leak by hoyo and anyone could just download the zip
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Love this movie
wtf is this real
Siggy + Furina is a very strong pairing, but no character can make real use of it since other elements dont care about hydro resonance, and the field time siggy allows is best used by a main dps, kokomi doesn't fit since she already heals, neuv doesn't fit because of his passive, ayato and cheld dont fit because they're ATK scaling, only yelan remained and mono hydro is Siggy's best use case even if its fringe and yelan is used as an on fielder, so if this supposed new hydro is real, they will be the new face of mono hydro
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The point is to get someone you find cute pregnant. Whether the kids turn out cute isn't so relevant.
minitao could conquer the world
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My wife
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How's that clorinde going? That domain hates me
same as it has always been, stealing screentime from more interesting characters (all of them)
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Sorry anon
I will be taking your wife for this Imaginarium Theatre but dont worry, I'll treat her well, very well.
I'll bring her back to you once Im done ;)
layla would never say this
>mono hydro
I wouldve preferred an hp scaling character of any other element
dehya needs c1 and is impossible to run as solo pyro
hutao already has her best team
you get no ass shots because of the frills
>what's the purpose of neuvillette now?
the same shit was said before arle was released, yet she did not surpass him. neuv is overpowered not only because of his damage but because the damage is aoe, can be aimed where you want and bypasses shields.
hello paypigs add me as friend and be useful for once
me too, but realistically getting a hydro was the most likely since they're the ones that get HP scalings usually, getting any on field HP scaler would be great for that pairing
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Which characters will you donate to the /gig/ guild tomorrow?
For me, it's my fellow /gig/ ganyubwos
Cyno is as short as Xiao in-game, but unlike Xiao Cyno doesn't wear shoes.
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I'm gonna RAPE this elf into shock and then the Other Layla will activate and counter-rape me
do we know yet if you can borrow ANY character or just those that fit the restrictions
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This abyss is taking forever to reset. Imaginarium better be worth it. Dusted off Ganyu while waiting for something to do. Doubt abyss anon is still tracking but if so.
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i can share a c1 siggy
none of mine are good enough to donate and I will leech a random anon's hehehehehehe
My Whimsy luck is fucking SHIT so far, sitting at 71% / 196.5% crit stats but I have Absolution, so my rolls have been worse than yours
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Where are the nilou skin leaks?! I need more than a blank slate
Based on the wording in >>484157310 it sounds like it could be any of your friends' characters. Sounds like it would kind of defeat the purpose if you ask me, but maybe it's their goal to push people to socialize more or something like that
only those that fit the current restrictions, you can't borrow those in the special guest list like siggy
I'm pretty sure Nilou flopped
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Both me
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who here /watermaxxing/?
I have a pretty well built Arlechinno, but she's not soulfull enough for elitist gig so I guess no one.
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did she really? do you have the chart on hand?
no it's an ai image recorded on a shitty phone
The fact that the leaked "pyro archon" design still hasn't been dmca'ed is very telling
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wtf it's garbage
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ill let /gig/gers try out my top 1% aeolus
instant buy on day 1 from me
>t. homosexual faggot
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post enka?
is it better to go for c1/c2 or her sig?
>worse than the base skin
every time
you're trading feet for everything else it's not worth
stopped at 500 when i realised my water investments weren't going to take me anywhere
looks like shit
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>march this year
come one everyone knew arle was playable
we're talking about actual natlan characters
not just the archon and xbox live who we already know will be in the game
give us designs of native natlan characters we haven't seen or had reference to before
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>/gig/ fell for my "leak" again
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i leaked inside yoimiya
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i don't even know where to use sigewinne
everything just seems suboptimal
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Are any of the crafted bows/polearms any good? They look rather mediocre to me, but maybe I'm missing something
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rebuilding some characters as we speak
Calm down Aventurine
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I leaked all over the thread
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Nilou new skin (real)
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New Bweh
A pretty good one
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Good news /gig/, /gbfg/ won divegrass meaning that this is the second time we've only lost narrowly to the eventual tournament winner.
I'm not coping, I swear.
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>Natlan is coming out
>/gig/ has forgotten about the existence of Natlan
It's over. I can't recover from this.
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no wonder /gig/ hates the Fontaine AQ. Their mascot got clowned on.

no seriously, why the fuck was he charged in the first place
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Were we the toughest match for /gbfg/?
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i wonder what he is thinking right now
No motherfucker, it IS relevant.
What do you think the purpose of marrying and starting a family is?
Love and romance are a racket perpetuated by the Jews of Hollywood to sell their movies and books.
i like black
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Im trash at the tcg
He was a suspect in the case about the disappearing women and they sentenced him with literally zero proof
we know wrio the sley
They never explicitly said anything about it, though we do know that Focalors was inside the Oratrice the whole time. Maybe she intentionally fudged with the judgement, since Tortilla "Chode" has a connection to the Narwhal. It ended up helping draw it out, in any case.
Based GODkubro btfo'ing the leaktroons
My schizo theory is the voice actor in any language got sick. It is insane for the two patches/quests childe appeared in after he got arrested, he didn't get a single line of dialogue. He couldn't speak to skirk. He couldn't speak to the goons that helped him escape. Why even include him if you aren't going to give him a line to say
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sounds like a skill issue anon
According to the livestream, you can ONLY share characters of the 3 elements.
You can't share any siggies or alhaithams or baizhus or wrios. Only pyro, electro or anemo characters.
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depends on your other options
wgs is pretty damn good, especially if youre running her with furina
her c2 sucks though, so itd be c1 vs weapon
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Yea but what did he do that made the court suspect him in the first place?
Just play consecrated beasts bro
you're autistic
if something doesn't feel right then it feels bad
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Natlan's Archon...
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i'm removing every single character from my profile tomorrow
>everything just seems suboptimal
i hope you're not using raiden in any actual teams then by this logic
That deck is unironically hard to play
even the cumguzzlers of X dont like her design. Just fire Tiffany or Vivi or whoever the fuck is the character designer already. FFS

I wonder what the chink spiritual shareholders think of her design
just play kaveh bro
if you cant make it feel right then you should try not being bad at a children's mobile game
What is this and where do i get it?
I don't remember it even being stated, only that Cheld just went with it because it meant he got a chance to duel against Clorinde
I would tear out this whore's septum piercing
It was the case about murdered women, right? I always assumed it was because he had primordial water on him, and the dumb machine just decided it was guilt by association.
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just slot in an anemo?
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>That deck is unironically hard to play
lol Honestly you're not wrong
Kitain Cross Spear is good on Xiangling if youre too lazy to get the Catch, or on Burgeon Thoma.
Rightful Reward is good for Chevreuse if you dont have Fav
Hamayumi and the Fontaine bow are good for Lyney
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I my doing
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best team right now
What sort of mental illness is this?
New Natlan leaks
>short male in croptop
>shirtless short male with nipple piercings
>short male in dress
>girl in burqa with glasses
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picrel should have 4 star characters to support your point
Peak level trolling, you wouldn't get it
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what's your Chlorine's gear? I'd love to use mine but I feel she doesn't do as much damage as she should.
day time, springvale, hopkins the marvelous
>it explains all her kids being brown
bros wtf is going on at mihoyo
Frighteningly common and unironic Genshin fanbase deducing.
i love children
>but the glasses are transperent

Genshin for this feel?

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I'm literally just waiting for tomorrow to shitpost simultaneously on /gig/, /hsrg/, /ww/, and /zzzg/.
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>short male in croptop
Based, Fontaine failed us on that part.
u forgot r/gachagaming
You fiend...
>No leaks
Damn... It all makes sense.................
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Alright gig, I'll admit it no matter the consequences.
I like the leaked pyro archon outfit.
bless you anon. 3 years playing this game and this is the first time i hear if this.
>Yanfei thread
Okay how do I use non-shieldbot Yanfei, everyone?
Do I pump her up with Bennett Furina etc to try to get big damage out of her little multiplers or do I just try to use her to shit out reactions as much as possible?
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Sumeru next generations
>Kitain Cross Spear
EM and a energy generating ability, now that's something. I have C5 Thoma, might as well try to build him, cheers
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nothing too crazy
lions roar r5 is probably better, but im using bs cause i have it
you can get away with 4 glad or even 2pc2pc just fine
that's literally red clorinde
billion dollars company can't even invent a new design
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Charlotte was built for lovers of sweaty, dripping, HONKING sideboobs.
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Thinly veiled nahitroon post
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I love her so much.
imaginarium doko
I expected it to be out in the Asian servers by now
who would cyno have kids with then?
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what a seductress
cards or lisa
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need bina gf...
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still hasn't been sexcrept
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I'm so sick of breeder propaganda
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
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is this true?
Of course a sumerutroon would have a problem with this image
I would've rolled for her if she looked like this...
speaking of when is the next /gig/ tcg tourney
is 1.1 already out of content, shill-kun?
Alhaitham is for Dehya
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it also looks bad
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it's out of viewers as well
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demon slayer today's episde was kino
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I mean...
nta but I don't care, FINALLY we have bare feet after they teased us with Focalors.
Reminder that she couldn't outsell Clorinde despite being WuWa's first female banner
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Kunikuzushi is very sexy
I honestly dont know what I was expecting
Siggy benefits everyone in that team right? Doesn't her buff run out very quickly tho.
I don't think trying to dickpump her individual numbers up is worthwhile, they're just too low. Whenever I use her now, it's with Xingqiu/Fischl/Beidou, and EM sands instead of ATK, it does better for me than Bennettslop. You're Vaping and Overloading constantly, Xq + Beidou combination makes your Yanfei shield indestructible, Oz goes nuts when reactions happen and fuels Beidou burst, Yanfei with Beidou is good AoE cleaning, it's a good time.
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Theatre is meant to be floor 11 level difficulty, right? Assuming I can't just clear it with my current characters and the trial characters the game provides you, who should I invest in?
None save for the top row have any worthwhile artifacts (Gorou/Benny/XL have Exile/Noblesse/Emblem sets with average stats) so that's another aspect I might have to sink resin into which is why I find it hard to figure out what's best for me to spend my limited currency on
I figured I should level Kuki at some point. Would Kuki+Fischl be overkill for an overload team with Chevreuse? I don't have Fischl at C6 but I think she might be able to provide electro just by herself
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leave, shonenvermin
genshin is a moege
you should be watching a real man’s show like precure
daily reminder that your mihomo sales, all of them, went to fund furryslop, nuclear reactor & fujodevs self-insert fantasy.

enjoy your burqa pyro archon
Every single one of these has been inferior to the Silver Wolf one
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Wuthering Waves suffers from being flashy with no substance.
Even when talking about just the movement, Genshin actually feels much better.
WW has bells and whistles like a double jump, grapple, or the wall running.

However, the movement suffers from its features.
A lot of it is automatic, like vaulting and the other parkour moves, so it feels less responsive and you have less control over what your character is doing.
It also has the downside of giving less immersion for your exploration.
Mt. Firmament is nowhere close to Dragonspine in terms of giving you the feeling of an "explorer" or "adventurer".
Really, you just feel like a scavenger combing for scraps.

The same for attacks.
The big flashy moves aren't really a skill-reliant combo, especially when you're talking about 5 stars.
You just spam left click and your screen gets covered in VFX.

I'm playing both games right now and WW has its advantages, but a lot of what people praise about it is superficial.
You do realize Hoyo makes well over $60 million in a month just from Welkin sales right
they should do on in saree even if she is supposed to be a Persian dancer
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what keeps u going?
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>redd*tsu no yaiba
go back
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bro just borrow a c6 character theatre is baby tier
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Nothing, I'm going now.
Good night.
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This picture keeps me going.
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the cute doctor whose very good with her hands
>wife collecting
>world quests
>character building dopamine

that sums it up for me. Have artefact farming be a bit easier and infinite stamina when running out of combat and id be all set.
I want Hu Tao to rape me
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Smash that Like button and remember to go to the description for my socials!
>Yet another image not using the "Nah, I'd win" meme correctly
Why are there so many posers and fake ass weebs who don't even understand the context of the most braindead genre? Are shounenfags really this stupid?
so, what's the flavor of schizophrenia this week, /gig/? did the natlan cast got leaked yet or is big boss kill?
why not do a run and see where you're lacking before you start spending any resources
kuki you get as a trial chara so you can wait on her
thats just for imaginarium though, you should level kuki asap for everything else
by far the most important in the theatre will be anemo units, so try to get as many VV users as you can
That's cheating
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The friends I made on /gig/.
id smash her like button
you probably won’t have enough leveled characters to challenge it on its hardest difficulty this time around, since you’d need 12 lvl 70+ non-trial electro/anemo/pyro characters for that
kuki is a good investment in general, and as a teamwide healer and VV applier Jean is very good with Furina
Yun Jin could be helpful when they have a theater that includes geo, and Collei is a decent dendro applier
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I play both and if not for sunk cost and liking some characters I would quit Genshin altogether
>twitter is getting uppity about the conquistador archon
It literally makes sense in-game because of the tribes, wars, and overall story of genshin
how can people be so illiterate?
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What constellations does Sigwinnie need/want if at all? This is with her weapon.
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by now there should be a mod.
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newbab here. how do I go about building a team? I just raised the only 5*s I got and just slapped them together in a team with barbara being my only healer
Oh damn, I wasn't aware of the level/character requirement
I guess that gives me something to work towards at least
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we're entering the last hours of """"normal"""" /gig/ threads
make your final preparations and brace for war
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/gig/ is cringe
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Hu tao
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>Based raised Collei
>Ends up fucking her
Yeah no thanks
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sending you to the afterlife
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sounds good newcutie
dont worry about teamcomps until you reach abyss floor 12, just use who you like
It's 8 stages and you can use each character twice, so that means that you need 4 on fielders
You are given a trial Wanderer, a trial Clorinde and you already have Arle, so just borrow a Yoi or a Raiden and you'll be fine.
Outside of that, the only real notable things I'd keep in mind is that Jean since the sustain options this IT iteration are kinda crap.
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Good morning.
I'm sorry bros, I will be joining the DoomGOD side today. Getting Qiqi cons was my last straw.
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>they didn't prep for the Imaginarium Theater
show us your roster if you want but the main idea is to see who synergizes with who, for example you have hu tao and arlecchino that deal pyro, if you pair them with xingqiu and yelan you can create vaporize, and since both of those units' kit synergize quite well, you have a solid team with any of those two or three (you can use xingqiu + yelan or either depending on what you want) leaving you 2 or 1 slot free for any other unit, it can be a shielder or a buffer for example
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what's wrong? seems accurate to me
Fuck you. Die.
>he thinks he can escape sunk cost by playing a different gacha
The brains of seasonal tourists everyone
This must be some really strong propaganda if humans have been doing it since the beginning of time
yuka wwwwwwweeewwww
>shit artifacts
>since the sustain options this IT iteration are kinda crap.
Not him but do we already know about the buffs we'll be able to select? Were they posted anywhere or did they just get datamined?
I hope my friends don't realise I only buy outfits that show more feet
>have Zhong Li
>pop his shield
>stand there and unga bunga
>ignore most mechanics

How do people without Zhong Li play, do they actually have to dodge stuff?
humans are naturally attracted to 2D and 2D only
they have to be brainwashed into settling for meat dolls instead of living a happy life with Keqing
Me when I see Wrio
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Honestly I just gave mine my Hu Tao's old CW set (she uses MH now) and use her with Yelan, Bennett and Furina.
Obviously, she's carried by her supports, but that's the price to pay for wanting to use suboptimal DPS characters.
>god of war
>her nation is all about tribal shit
>her children are all browns that look like her
unless this one isn't murata, then it really doesn't make sense
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Cute boys
I just shit out so much damage I don't even need shielding or healing
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yeah and its infinitely more fun
t. neuvillette player
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I had to take a minute to remember how to navigate this fucking place.
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4 days until Natlan teaser, gweilos

Get hyped
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who uses Song of Days Past?
>4 days until Natlan teaser
is this true? i don't get it
>colesterinde not modded
i also use that succ mod tho, i love it
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Sorry that pic gave me a reaction again
Bird can use it, set isn't great though.
>Find a character that you have and want to invest in
>Think of which archetype would fit that character and your roster best
>Make sure that team has at least one off field DPS, at least one sustain and at most one on field DPS character.
>Make sure those combinations of characters play off of one another, while also filling in the requirements needed to make the team archetype fork
For example, let's say that you have alhaitham, and you want to run a quicken team
First, you need a way to apply Electro off the field. This can be from an off field DPS or a sustain, so that means Fischl, Yae, Lisa, Kuki or Dori. Each one of these has advantages and disadvantages, be sure to keep them in mind.
Second, you'd need a character that uses 4p Deepwood to increase Alhaitham's on field Dendro damage. Anyone can do this, but people typically use a second dendro to take advantage of the 2p effect and to trigger Dendro Resonance for extra damage. This means characters like Nahida, DMC, Yaoyao, Baizhu or Collei
If you have no sustain yet because you didn't choose Dori, Kuki, Yaoyao or Baizhu, this last spot has to be a sustain that doesn't fuck up the archetype. This means no pyro characters.

Does that sound too complicated? It does, but don't worry about it. You'll pick it up overtime, newcutie.
is this a trailer or just a preview of Natlan (which they already did)?
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>8 hours until june revenue
are we going to defeat naruto this time?
Kino... I'm gonna copy your team
Natlan teaser being on july 4th would be kino
everyone and no one theoretically
it has to compete with noblesse so characters in a team that doesnt need atk or a healer that doesnt want to burst
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What new info have we gotten from natlan in 4.7?
Siggy, Xianyun and mika if you're one of the 5 people that use him
>but doesn't xianyun use VV
Yes, but in certain teams VV is not needed so she uses song of days past, like navia ploong or xiao
man this sucks I don't have many Pyro, Cryo, or Anemo characters period

I have

c2r1 Raiden

c6 Kujou Sara

c6 Chevy

c6 Collei

Dendro Traveler c6

Keqing (I just got her from Standard)



c6 Lynette

Yanfei c2

Dehya c0

Xinyan c1

Somebody please help me
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who is their banner this time?
>I was thinking of playing ZZZ
Do you want more Mihomo slops? Genshin was a fluke and it is still decent at best but ruined with shipping faggotry. HSR and ZZZ are fucking garbage from the start

>set isn't great though.
Wait so this domain is only for Navia's set? This shit aint resin efficient then.
skill issue
you can put it on your extra healers for imaginarium theater
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>losing against fucking arknights

fontaine was a huge mistake
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No bad horndawgs respect Collei
yeah its pretty horrible, kinda like other shitty dps' BiS domains
Whatever Ranjit said about the different tribes and the saurians I guess
July 5th friday is 4.8 livestream

Last year we got teaser for Fontaine with Melusine/fontaine court/underwater swimming and combat.
arknights had their equivalent of a region launch
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Collei was released one year and ten months ago.
>swimming underwater
>imagine a yellow trail coming from the current girl swimming
>sometimes imagine a brown trail as well

I can't be the only one right?
pray and worship
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>kinda like other shitty dps' BiS domains
You mean the new one? I think it's great, at least for me since I use Miko with 2pc 2pc.
I can't believe this is an actual NPC
Why do people keep saying the new pyro archon leak is a conquistador when it's really obviously a musketeer?
>July 5th friday is 4.8 livestream
these last few patches are so bad that time is just flying by
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It isn't my fault that nobody is coming home whenever I roll
she’s colonizing
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I don't know why, but Collei's outfit and herself just seem so lewd to me bros.
I don't get it.
Does someone have a detailed analysis?
>c2r1 Raiden
feels good to see a vertical investmentfag get fucked
just use the trial wanderer, trial clorinde, your raiden and a whaled out kino from a friend and you're set
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Childe SOON
>farming BoL domain
>when both BiS charas can use glad
if youre using miko you should just farm GT/MH
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You guys ready? I am.
Non-trial characters don't count toward the total so you need at least 12, right?
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With this one simple item they always come home.
>Can see her ribs but has small C-cups
shouldn't she be a bit too meaty to have her ribs showing like that?
I have it on chevvy, I felt like the extra healing would be useful on her so her being the sole sustain in a team wouldn't feel too horrible while still getting some damage buffs out of it.
Terrible thread, not nearly as much feet as the last one
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>Collei hours
Dendro Xingqiu when?
Hydro Xiangling when?
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My MH sets can barely be upgraded, only Neuv and Hu Tao use them. I use Miko on-field so GT is pretty much garbage for her in my case.
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ive been waiting so long for something like this
horizontalGODs win
I love armpits
Wormvillette dooked.
>musketeer is french
>conquistador is spanish
if she's a musketeer, then it would be funny because the leak would be a scrapped fontaine character
dendro xingiu whose animations are thorn based would be really cool desu
fontaine areas are sure getting smaller and smaller
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For me, Its Fischl!
Those are my characters that fit IT requirements buddy

>feels good to see a vertical investmentfag get fucked
Actually this is somebody who rolls for who they like
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The thing is that a mostly nude male is not sexual, because nobody's actually aroused by a man with an open shirt. For a female that would be extremely sexual, because people are turned on by that.
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Hope it will get better.
Fear of death.
The aroma of female body odor makes my dick erect; which Genshin is for me?
NGA calls Xianyun the ugliest Genshin character.
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This image was made during the 2.X patch series
Okay I guess I have to
Sad. It ended up going in the complete opposite direction to the point where "puzzles" solve themselves or are put the square block in the square slot level.
MH is good for anybody with furina, and furina is good for everybody
hell your miko might even onfield better running MH and furina
boys in shorts hours in t minus 3 hours
i dont care about getting perfect crit ratio on 4 stars anymore...
I don't know why retards keep trying to do the exposed male argument when you have perfect examples of serialized males like lyney
His writing was so bad Cheldkeks are still coping to say that it's good.
Aren't these nutritious
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Charlotte is sweaty but pleasantly smelly.
Collei has an earthy, natural aroma.
Beidou is strong and an acquired taste.
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>nobody is actually aroused by a man with an open shirt
bro your 2pc2pc?
death to survey answerers
I think it's a very nice outfit, as a hebefiend whose favourite regional characters are Fischl, Hu Tao, Kuki, Collei and Chevreuse.
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>no furina
I sleep
stupid ancient elf baby
sure if youre a fish
you tank it with high healthpools.
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I don't care about artifacts or spending resin at all anymore.
Abyss can go fuck itself.
An extra 100 gems per month is not worth even a minute of daily artifact farming.
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Emilie doesn't shower and just puts on layer after layer of perfume.
roll on freena’s banner and bring home a Gaming
rent out one of your friend’s 5*s
Combat wise, maybe? I liked WuWa's quick switching and enabled cool combo attack things but that's about it. Running around and exploring the world felt really bad compared to Genshin.
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im aroused by men with an open shirt
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How many teams do I need for IT?
1 more than what you currently have.
You're a disgusting hairy ogre of a man no matter how much makeup you wear.
I want to marry a boy with a vagina
I already have Furina though, I was told never to build pity
you play this game to roll characters for your artifacts
your characters are not built unless theyre <1% on akasha
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Which Genshins would clean dick cheese with their mouth?
Which Genshins would ask you to shower first?
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building pity on some banners is ok
I like women that look like men who look like women.
surveying women in first world countries women admitted to only showering every other day
marry koko!
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You know this used to be an actual thing in 17th century Europe. Italian composer Lully who worked at Louis XIV's court stabbed his own foot with his conductor's staff, got gangrene because he never bathed, refused to amputate and died.

It's funny because Europeans were very clean in the Middle Ages and would at least bathe weekly and rub themselves with water on other days of the week, on top of having a rich sauna tradition. Then they became convinced water was bad for you and Finland is the only place left with an actual sauna culture.
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It's perfectly fine for a man to be shirtless and we need more of them
it’s a roguelite
the pool of characters is from your roster
there are six trial characters, and you can use your own version of them if you have them at level 70+
for the hardest difficulty, you have to pick twelve level 70+ characters from your roster who satisfy the elemental restrictions
there are also some characters who are allowed that don’t match the elemental restrictions, and you can only use one of them if you have them
you can borrow one character from a friend
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hiring workers
job: posting about genshin
pay: 1 primogem per hour
requirements: love furina
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siggy. more for health concerns than anything.
Klee is really cute.
this game is really fucking boring
imagine the smell
why do you think we spend time here shitposting instead of playing the game
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seaQUEENS like Sevy shower everyday
>you have to pick twelve level 70+ characters from your roster who satisfy the elemental restrictions
*twelve level 70+ characters who don’t overlap with the trial characters or your own versions of the trial characters
I would love to get a whiff of a cute girls swamp ass.
Dionya seggs
Is this real
Diona is a child
Stinktaine canon....
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it was me sorry
The fanbase is the main reason why this game is hating everywhere not because it is a soulless chink gacha
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>twelve level 70+ characters from your roster who satisfy the elemental restrictions

10 of them will be electro since the game seems to have a hard on for the worst fucking element.
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I would tolerate it too
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you should shower every day, you bunch of pigs
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Out of sexy.
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shower with goat
>Finland is the only place left with an actual sauna culture
Bro, your banya?
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thanks doc, I think I'm on the right track. I lucked into clorinde and furina so I've been running an electro-charge team together with kazuha and barbara, the latter of whom I'll replace with siggy if I get her
Women should shower once a week tops, in order to activate my neurons
About this Vigor thing, I can only use each character twice and there are 8 battles in total at hardest difficulty?
kot seggs
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i refuse to believe anyone on this game planet actually showers because there is no shower installations in any city. Go ahead and take a look around.
This means the cleanest city is unironically fontaine, everyone else is a stinky gargoyle.
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>this game is really fucking boring
Skip button would have helped a little but no you have to read all that slop. No wonder Aetherpags are losing their mind over Nikke's story they went there after experiencing Genshin
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>he doesn't know
>no hype for Genshin
>not even in the conversation anymore
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>french people
If only WW wasn't so aggressively Chinese it might've had a chance to grow
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Inazuma has an onsen in Tenshukaku, Natlan has hot springs.
I agree Fontainians probably do wash because of their obvious water affinity. The stinkiest people in Teyvat are likely to be found in Sumeru.
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nahider seggs
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dishia showers
>dehya's stench of sweat
stop i can only get so erect
That basic-ass shonen protagonist design is not gay at all. If Xb ends up that his banner sales will be in the actual negative.
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>"Please don't wash. I will arrive in three days."
- French emperor Napoleon, in a letter to his wife Josephine.
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napoleon is a smellfag, it doesn't surprise me
the in-game world is substantially smaller then it is in-story stinky bwo
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>The stinkiest people in Teyvat are likely to be found in Sumeru.
napoleon was based?
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Bros? I think I got something in my eyes...
Inazuma has hotsprings.
Liyue and Sumeru have perfumes and aromatic incenses plus the local specialties to make them.
Fontaine has abundant clean water.

This leaves Mondstadters who smell of alcohol and bacon.
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this is the kind of letter I would send to my wife Charlotte
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>The stinkiest people in Teyvat are likely to be found in Sumeru.
Fitting for Pajeetland to smell the worst.
What would a grown up Furina be like
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as someone who plays both the huge difference between Nikke and Genshin is the character interaction. They shit on each other and not in a friendly way sometimes, genuine hate, the friendly banter is also fun. It does have irredeemable villains
Genshin just plays it too safe for its playable characters. They don't feel real and just exist to be sold in banners. Not a memorable interaction in 4 years other than Mona and Fischil + Alhaitham and Kaveh
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Would Mona's alternate sprint work across a vat of cum?
yes, but some events can allow you to restore vigor to characters
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Furina is already a mature, developed woman
>curry is an actual dish in Sumeru
This alone makes me think they're the smelliest. Indians IRL don't realize it but they carry the stench of spices everywhere.
Source: I'm Canadian
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You don't want to know.
forgot to mention Itto and Paimon but yeah that's it in 4 years
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>not joining him to be stepped on and be trashtalked by him
Mondstadt is a city in a lake, and Springvale is build on freshwater springs. They have plenty of access to clean water for cleaning.
Sumeru City is surrounded by swamps and the desert cities have to ration water, no amount of sweet incense will cover that. Sumeru is also the only region that pays adventurers to bring them water for their plants.
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this is a good post
Holy shit he's based
This means only the Pajeet side of Sumeru (rainforest) would smell like shit.
The MENA side (desert) wouldnt.

Monds are still the worst. Diona is woeking on fixing it though.
burn irminsul already bwo
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bros I can't do IT without furina help
Furina and Arlekino are the most memorable interaction that I can think of
damn she looks sexy
I still have no idea how to build her.
Do I go full HP? 20%+20%? Healing circlet? TotM? 3* HP% bow or sac r5? There is no way I'll get to 65k HP so what is the stopping point for f2p?
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Aether will rape the females and leave his children in them before leaving Teyvat with his sisterwife.
Yeah I'm sure the
>literally no water
side smells great
use your sigewinne
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I mean, when you live in an arid desert, you have to take extra steps in terms of hygiene, so I do believe Candace and Dehya smell good (except perhaps immediately after a mission).
Anyone in SEA has a C6R5 Neuvillette? Add me pls
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>raping anyone
It'd be the other way around if anything.
i love cunny
clam/sodp/totm (with sac)
Candace has the ability to produce unlimited fluid
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just pull for C6 and don't worry about it
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Aether is pic related meme with Xiao. His seed won't reach any fallopian tubes, ong.
I doubt you would be smelling anything when your nostrils are being assaulted by sand grains 24/7
>What would a grown up Furina be like
you don't want to know...
When is the IT available for asiabros? I need to know if you can change weapons and artifacts between levels.
No primos, i'm clean
Eula and Amber took an ice bath together
don’t be stingy, gweilo
that one counts yeah but Arle is the most disappointing character in Genshin worse than the retcon that was Scaramouche
I have no faith in the rest of the harbingers. Im curious to see how they will disappoint with Capitano
imagine the sex
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I wonder how many of you will get filtered by the new mode
why can't cunny be real
This is the moment Genshin became cuckshit btw
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>the meat is from frogs
Would you eat it?
A good portion of /gig/. Plenty of people here saved for cons and weapons instead of the correct playstyle (get everyone at c0).
/gig/ - history channel
my neuvillette will full clear it
it’s just floor 11 tier anyway
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just pulled Furina C1
I'm so happy bros
I've had frog IRL, it's pretty good ngl
I ate frog legs before. It's literally chicken.
3 more patches until b finally dies
genshin for this feel?
Good for you anon. Enjoy
I'm so happy for you bwo, enjoy her!
3 more patchs for double b
not me, I'll be emptying the store of all those run animations and poses
Neuvillette and his army of Melusines
T0 in the cryo/hydro/anemo imaginarium theater
lol nice try horizontaltroon
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Lumine is the cleanest girl
every 5 minutes shes flopping around in a river or lake like a fish
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Do you anons play with mods?
Not just once. They do it all the time
I will and I don't care about
we need more
what if they unironically do a >b alter in Natlan ? would you pull for him ?
no shite. the only cope i have is not falling for other gacha garbage games and resolving to drop the genre completely when genshin ends.
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I did for a bit but they would break every patch and I would have to open the mods every time before Genshin and it just got annoying
>when genshin ends
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Sigewinne or Furina? I have ~30 rolls, but I haven't touched endless martial arts yet and the shop will give me another 5 in 8 hours and I'm at ~50 pity.
>muh vertical/horizontal
>he's not a diagonalGOD
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I agree.
yeah you dont?
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but did you roll her weapon?
i did on accident.
only if it's a cute girl
stop making me want to have sex with nahida
let me decide for myself
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She'll rape you in your sleep.
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>Like Fischl
>barely any spotlight in both Genshin and Nikke
Nah fuck Nikke for barely showing NotFischl in events and the main story. Her interactions are the funniest in outpost encounters. At least the slice-of-life Manga is fixing that and gave us more AnnexGullotine
Where are all of your Fontaine characters???
yes seeing nahida's bare butt makes me want to keep playing the game
First she'll have to know where I live
Big Harem? Zhongli or Kazuha. Neuv only have Navia and Furina
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cum is more dense than water so yes
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just don't put any more money in, my welkin finally end in 8 days I am not renewing or putting any more money in the game
speaking of manga, what happened to the Genshin one?
*farts on your thread*
I tanked it
i have c0r1 if u want
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why is lumine such a creep...
ended after 13 chapters
Oh yeah I forgot she was from Fontaine but I meant the 5 stars aka important ones
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How come Furina didn't become as successful as Hu Tao?
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Genshin is a lolisho game.
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do I have to do some quest to unlock Furina's boss mats?
the shogunbot doesn’t poop
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I don’t have nahida or alhaitham will I be bricked if I skip Emilie
Raidentroon falseflag melty
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interesting mod, anon.
Do you have Baizhu?
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S-shut up!!
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I haven't gotten any yet, I tried for Neuvillette but luck wasn't on my side. Now tell me, Furina or Sigewinne. I'm a turbocasual f2p shitter that's carried by nahida/nilou bloom for 90% of my content.
the dendro/pyro/geo imaginarium theater will filter you
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its my favorite it improves the gameplay
Just save for the hydro catalyst in 5.0. She will power creep Neuv.
Yes you need to roll emilie and the manlet
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just knowing that there are people as young 16 or people that seriously use twitter in this thread annoys the shit out of me.
no the comedy one with Loom
how could you skip foothida?
not thick enough thighs and no hips
The Sumeru desert is miHoYo's passion project.
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Why is Nahida so cute to the point I want to do nothing but snuggle her and kiss her head and tell her she's the best Archon
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No. She ascends with the mats from the Hydro Tulpa, you can level 90 her without any quests.
Why are Raidentroons like this?
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16 you say?
raidentroon melty
Desert I was pretty kino yeah
We will never have something like the mausoleum again, sadly...
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If you shower now you will lose all of the gacha luck you know
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That's enough/gig/ for today.
furina piss....
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So far they're are not breaking as often as possible


Of course I do


Oh god, me like it
>hrt diluc said that mhy's screenwriter liked a neuvifuri fan video
>turns out he also liked wriolette and aerina fan videos
How many constellations on average is R1 worth?
based af brown boy artist
it depends entirely on the character
remember that signatures are much more of a bitch to get than cons
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Raiden Shodung.
I mean on average in terms of pulls
how many mods do you have so far i think i have 53
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we like scarahida here
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Yeah, I do try to not do nudity and whatnot, but some good ones come with toggles which are safe to ignore
>imaginarium theater within one hour

Where is the hype?
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So it's like this Traveler: let’s say you're Furina and you drink too much fonta, and have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, but it’s cold outside your bed. You don’t want to get up, but the urge to urinate is just too strong! You make up your mind to go! You run to the bathroom, sit on the toilet, and let loose! You think that all your life has led to this moment! But then you realize. It isn’t the bathroom! You’re still in bed! That feeling of lukewarm wetness spreads like wildfire! But you can’t stop! You understand it now?
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But I'm NA server
globally or just in Asia?
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>The game is getting gayer and gayer
since release we saw pic related and lyney's design
you willingly got into a gay game and now to avoid blaming yourself you're pretending you were tricked
scatden shitgun
What time does it start on the Asia server? In 45 more mins?
ah I'm having a melty!!!!!
get back in the oven, Pigmon
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>amazing art style wasted on abhorrent fetish art
what a terrible day for rain.
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I'm not asking if I should save. If I wanted to save it would be for the Chronicled Wish with Dehya or the leaked natlan pyro.
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i've been waiting
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63 so far but i'm adding more when I have time. My favorite is office lady yelan

I've been switching the old ones to the one that have a lot of toggles like the ones from Lewd Lad
bwehden bwogun
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yeah you tell him anon
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how good is c4 mona??
I just realized mine is at c4 already
Twitter (formerly X) says it starts in 2.5 more hours.
To be honest, most mods using a nude model are using his bases, there are a lot of good outfit mods that have a toggle for this and that, though I tend to like original outfits more than just coom
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Would it have been funnier if I spelled it Show Dung instead, maybe Showdung?
i see most of the mods i use have toggles but i mostly like to use nahida with the mod you saw and i dont mind if anyone sees me
lumi having rlly bad ovulation that she genuinely starts tweaking out grabbing scara and gnawing at his thigh trying to rip his clothes off while he's holding her back like a wild animal on steroids
There's any other general that hate their game characters as much as /gig/?
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Xingqiu was also there since the beginning.
Reminder that you shouldn't post screenshots while using mods, because Mihoyo still has ways to identify you even without your UID.
c2 is the only one that really matters for anything desu
were not even close to /lolg/
Scara sex...
Probably PvP generals where they hate everycharacter other than the ones they main.
Glad some people realize nice Arle was the most boring direction they could have gone with her. Even HSR is willing to be a bit edgier with the female characters. Arle and Furina had promise but now they get nothing but the dullest blushing yuri fanart because Arle had to turn out to be boring as shit.
i love xingqiu
I just realized that Khajits are from Sumeru
If you've got the right units to make use of her damage boost, sure...

Also, I just realized I could do a decent mono hydro team with Yelan, Sigewinne, Furina, and Mona.
and i just realized im gay
>Even HSR is willing to be a bit edgier with the female characters.

they turned sparkle into a reddit joker memer and firefly wingman, no one in HSR is edgy lmao
Horse butt.
Horse cock.
Sperm cell smile face?

I don't get this. Is it some kind of code?
Sparkle was always a shitty joke character.
Yugioh if you consider their cards as main characters
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So how's the new Abyss(tm)?
Siggy brings nothing to that team
Sparkle is an asshole no one likes and Jade is actually shady. Still not as bad as Arle.

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