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Previous >>484095864

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>Previous Cup

>Upcoming Cup

>Upcoming Cup News

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>Current Invitationals
oops none booked this window



>Other videos

>PES Info

/bag/ exposed
/ddg/ finishing 4th
/gfg/ against /gbfg/ in the final ongoing
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But penalties with a player down from a critical position for almost half the second half and the whole of AET and came back from behind. I'd say that's a pretty deserved 7-0-0 with that much dog in them.
I'm glad this Mickey Mouse VGL is over desu
they still didn't actually win all seven matches. mickey mouse.
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*wins GOTY*
*wins VGL*
this unironically
worst ending
>Japanese Gacha > Chink Gacha > Gook Gacha > Real Game
Grimest VGL ever
but bag and gbpen lost
So what do we think, /gbfg/ beat 7 teams in a row:
>/nepgen/, /tf2g/, /@/, /gig/, /ss13g/, /bag/ and /gfg/
Surely no claims of them being fraudulent will be made after this run.
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So close...
Congrats /gbfg/
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>The previous spoon makes it all the way to the final
>Loses 2-3

What went so horribly wrong /vg/ League has been reduced to copying /vt/ League scripts?
in a good league /ddg/ woulda won desu
Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Fraudulent One
Group C will actually be the toughest group after all because /@/ was in it
that was a previous vgl script though
I'm just happy /bag/ didn't win.
>/nepgen/, /tf2g/, /@/, /gig/, /ss13g/, /bag/
/2hug/ got nothing on this fraud run
That is quite the fraudulent run, but this was a fraudulent VGL.
>be a #1 sneed in the final
>lose 3-2
Happened in VGL already
This was one of the worst VGL ever and yet, /gbfg/ is probably one of the most inoffensive champion ever.
breed managers
shame on you theworst! make real tactics for /vp/!
The good guys won, simple as.
It was a good end after /bag/ got BTFO regardless.
>any gachaslop
>good guys
But /kfg/ lost?
>several nice teams in knockouts
>when it's usually 1 or 2 max
This version is nice.
Holy shit the /gbfg/ manager sounds like a nerd.
He truly represents us
What kind of person do you think would manage a virtual divegrass team?
I'm mad that /ddg/ didn't beat /bag/ for 3rd place
not all of us are basement dwellers and we just do this shit in our free time
The league ran out of good winners real fast but I'll take a team only Ramen jerks off over a team almost all the council including Ramen jerks off over
/bag/ is good, no shame in losing to a good team.
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Everyone definitely had a story that would be told had they won. /gbfg/ definitely had the biggest miracles, especially after those semis. I'm no rep for /bag/, but I'm impressed with how well these last matches were played. Good work out there.
VGL medals are a curse cause they get blamed over the incompetence of BoB/Reso so nobody cares.
/vg/ winning this Summer mark my words
>muh council
>top 3 teams this VGL are all gachaslop
at least the two finalists have non-gacha entries
Relink was unironically better than all the "real games" AAA slop this year.
GFL has real games too
Hey at least it isn't /hgg2d/ again right?
Please buy Dragon's Dogma microtransactions and ignore the performance issues.
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Would people been cool with a /2hug/ repeat over /bag/?
Nah, I don't like repeat winners. Even a /ddg/ star would've been better.
No fuck you
i would've taken an /xgg/ win over a repeat winner
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is /gbfg/ actually gonna put effort into hosting? do they have the autists for it?
I would, but not because I especially love /2hug/
Since I posted it too late into the previous thread here it is again:
/gfg/ vs /utg/
/uma/ vs /ddg/
/gbpen/ vs /bag/
/ss13g/ vs /gbfg/
/gfg/ vs /ddg/
/bag/ vs /gbfg/
/bag/ vs /ddg/
/gfg/ vs /gbfg/

Toki is a big grubfag, he'll make sure of that
Toki surely wouldn't let them slack right.
/bag/ vs /gbfg/
>/bag/ vs /gbfg/
Only because the team getting PES'd somehow still managed to win.
/bag/ vs /gbfg/

dial down rigging
less gacha, my general goes on top
even more fun
/hdg/ (would be funny)
>Best match
The final
>Best team
The winner
>Thoughts on the league
Never do formation ban again
>thoughts on top 8
Fine aside from gbpen
>hopes for next VGL
Goal variety kino
abysmal dogshit
abysmal dogshit
no gacha
just put us out of our misery
Their management absolutely will not, so you're pretty much banking on Ramen doing the heavy lifting which is something he loves to do
/gfg/ has the best PC game of 2024 though??
and it's not like non-gacha generals have good games, shit like super mario and mega man is embarrassing
Yes and it's not even close :3
>all available medals will be gacha
>goalkeeper will be gacha
>/vg/ management is stripping a real games team of their rep, which will now be occupied by gacha
We /vmg/ now
Question: /mythread/ is only a small handful of autists, how can I get a good enough PoI?
PoI acceptance is proportional to thread size, so a few answers should be fine.
You have a general?? That's more than enough to get a PoI, as long as you can get a functioning team in you're fine.
Just make sure to keep them interested. If domg can have a team, so can you.
Reply to yourself a couple of times, works for all the 10 minus chat color teams.
Reply to yourself enough times
/gfg/ vs /utg/ was kino
/bag/ vs /gbfg/ was also funny
abysmal dogshit
mickey mouse, teams picked from a hat
dismantle it quickly
cant wait for more gacha no one's ever heard of
>fraud run
now say that without crying or /2hug/ out of nowhere
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Please be in my general.
Alac typed this post.
Forgot this part
Abysmal dogshit
Completely out of the ordinary.
Don't make more retarded bans, though IDK what is going to change since it is PES 17
Idgi, they are random so maybe just having the hat pull off some fun games.
It's probably going to be some gacha I don't care about
>somehow found a way to shoehorn /lcg/ in
>match of the day
/BAG/ vs /GBFG/ and it's not even close. Edge of your seat, banger, mickey (affectionate) ass game.
>thoughts on the league
Objectively worse than others, but subjectively I can't hate it, I was interested the whole time. The only thing I'll coomplain about is technical difficulties and manager cancer.
>thoughts on top 8
A saga of heroes and villains, cinema.
>hopes for next vgl
>hopes for groups next vgl
>hopes for potential new teams next vgl
Idk...Halo general maybe?
Why is Dante with a header so fat?
Sucked, 23 will be better
Sucks outside the champion.
Mickey Mouse groups.
There are barely any new generals anymore.
Forma de Fumo
This is beyond garbage. Just admission some team are blatantly favored over others.
If /revue/ can somehow get PoI for 9 leagues in a row then so can your thread.
Don't talk smack about a member of /vg/'s Summer Cup 2024 roster. Show some respect.
Remember when nobody even knew if /gbfg/ had a manager or caretaker?
now say it again without crying
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Are you seriously crying over not being represented in the final boss? Who cares, I don't see anyone from my team and I won't cry about it.
Tears streaming down your face as you posted this
Why is the dead meme cat (same joke as last league btw) and holy fucking reddit here? What about this is supposed to be hype or funny? Being disgustingly self-referential? Fuck off
cope chud
They have a bigger legacy than anything in your team.
I bet limbabs unironically paid money for a spot on this team. It's insane how much this clock nigger is forced, I don't even know who he is.
because everyone recognizes them. Now go get some tissues
this post struck a nerve it seems
>Jokes I don't like are reddit
>Surprised a final boss is comprised of the previous league
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>match of the day
OBJECTIVELY /bag/ vs /gbfg/
I don't care about either of teams but I wanted /gbfg/, /bag/ winning there would be unjust
It's 5 AM and I'm still alive
3/4 VGLs I fall asleep before the final match
It's ok I guess?
/kfg/ not sucking cock, less 720p streams, pes 17
NO /uma/ vs /wtg/ match
/poeg/ but that will never happen
>no Rabi
>no Doro
>nooo my hecking playerino hasn't been turned into a japanese funko pop!!
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VGL last boss referencing VGL!? Holy fucking shit!
What about gook clockman being showcased? What a legacy, huh?
/bag/ vs /gbfg/

I had fun.
Better hyp. That PES17 doesn't suck ass.
More stupid shit.
That there are new teams at all, I always like seeing new teams.
it's about their recognizability and since you immediately started crying I think you are very, very well of his existence
/lcg/ brought the league to a wider audience. It's a legacy.
>gook clockman
You know who he is?
Not memorable
>the obvious shitshow
>/gfg/ for entire run
>skipped most of it, but last day was fun
>fair enough
>more spaghetti moments
>want butterlords back
They needed to shoehorn /lcg/ somehow since someone revived /xgg/ just in time under council's orders.
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>tipping results

Wiki: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vg/_League_22_Tipping_Competition#Tips
>match of the day
>thoughts on the league
Solid it was nice to see some teams perform way better than normal
>thoughts on top 8
Great lots of solid narratives
>hopes for next vgl
A new star and >fun
>hopes for groups next vgl
More matchups we haven't seen before
>hopes for potential new teams next vgl
any new teams
/gbfg/, the most consistent in this chaotic shitfest of a league
A bad league saved somewhat by the final weekend, still 5/10.
Lot of good narratives but somewhat underwhelming so many of the 'good' teams just didn't perform or make it.
It'll be better (it will)
Kino, hopefully a massive clown group
More the better
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So what now
I'm thinking of killing myself.
Now we wait for the actual good tournament.
Which is?
6 days until Unity Cup
Summerslam in two weeks. Actual cup the week after.
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now I prepare for the next VGL. Next one is ours
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this one has livemanaging
>tune in to final boss
>lcg, vn, akg, ss13g, alg, pcrg and pg reps are part of the final boss
i thought final bosses are supposed to be all about the previous winners but ok, guess not
/ag/ League 8 Crazy Nights
/2hug/ picked the players complain to them
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if they did that's fine then
/cm/ would bootyblast all of these shit teams
>the biggest market in the VTL is /pcg/
>it's managed by TWAIN
>he no shows

looking grim desu
>previous winners
That's the all star teams, which this one isn't one of 'em
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>Actual cup the week after.
/twg/ should've won like last yr but our beloved manager went out for milk and never came back. RIP to the era of real games. /ddg/ tried its best to staunch the flow.
don't post my daughter in this thread slut
>fumos are nothing to do with /2hug/
The general idea of final bosses is do something vaguely themed with the winner as many people as possible can get what the meme players are about than a load of obscure shit all of 3 people understand.
What is the lcg player about?
>ESL slop post
This is /nepgen/'s manager.
Is /lcg/ an all star team now? They haven't been able to recapture their first league form, and only have a DEI rep on /vg/ because one general died and the other had 0 posts about divegrass.
struck a nerve?
right on the money
no thsi is nepgen manger
In my opinion, dbg should've beaten all you smug loli, summer sale skins costing the price of a small indie game, stinky, gacha gens.
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True but I think /uma/ and /gbfg/ are alright actually.
>and only have a DEI rep on /vg/
Did that decision already happen? Like, are we seriously including a team that didn't even make top 16?
Learn2read, retard.
The "all winners team" is the all star team, this one is a shitpost team, so all the hot shitposts get in there.
A bunch of teams get reps that weren't in the round of 16. Blame /twg/ for letting their thread rot and not telling them about a single game they played
>/gbfg/ manager randomly shitting on /bag/
extremely unprofessional
Tears running down your cheeks as you typed this
Aria melty incoming
this is a falseflag, actual /bag/ fans are infighting right now
pampers full
pants shitted
honestly based, I like /gbfg/ more now
kek, you really struck a gayboy fantasy nerve with this one
yeah tears of laughter because this cup is a fucking JOKE
I understand granblue having a general but what the fuck is /uma/?
Now cull half the /bag/ emotes
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>see (You)
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I don't get it. Is it a real racing game with waifus or is it a gacha platform designed solely for selling skins and horses? Or horse skins. Do you breed the horses or the waifus to minmax speed stats?
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Yakuza: Derby general
Your face is grim
False flagging /bag/got now your gloryhunting fans are all tearing themselves apart about not winning. /bag/ didn't even deserve to advance past /domg/, yet alone make third.
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>what the fuck is /uma/?
Oi teme, I don't like that tone.
hey it's the /alter/ guy
It's both a real racing game and gacha
/lcg/ doesn’t make the team and dies in groups
>7 billion dots
>its just 3 japs
Now, I may have flunked middle school, but...
Tears streaming down your fat Korean face
hmmm, bryo, your syource?
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You forgot part 1.
The only managers who have live managed before in the Unity cup are the managers of /hfz/ and /corpo/. /hfz/ live managed in dbc, and /corpo/'s manager is the co-manager for /vt/.
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That's crazy. I'm all in on /corpo/. No other team could match them.
TWAIN got replaced by the anon who managed /pcg/ in vtlel's Akko League.
SEAfags aren't mentally strong I'm afraid.
So what your saying is /pcg/ will spoon he unity cup
/hlgg/ is the other /vt/ manager
>Nooooo let me win
Oh shit, I actually forgot about them lol
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For anyone that missed it
What did I miss? What was said?
>dante last
Subtle. I wonder who made this.
that was gay as fuck
4cc endings are so much better
It was probably one of the /2hug/ people.
He is also the manager that just lead /gfg/ from qualifiers to 2nd place.
>/xgg/ caretaker
Another month of 4CC insecurity in the books. Excited for next VGL's cope fiesta from the thread.
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Right over here
It was toki
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hey guys this is the final verdict on the rep situations for anyone who isn't listening to ASS:

/twg/ still loses their rep as mentioned on Friday due to their failings in keeping their general updated on the league. That one was a bit of a no brainer since we've also seen their previous manager in chat but the thread wasn't informed a single time.

The /xgg/ situation was a bit more complicated as by some miracle the thread revived just a few hours after we made the official announcement regarding their rep being scrapped. We closely monitored the thread and even saw VGL talk and their caretaker keeping the thread informed, god bless his soul.
However because of how the thread turned out and them having been dead until the very last day of their showing we handed the decision over to their caretaker. We basically told him that due to the threads death and confusion of sudden revival we wanted him to choose if he agrees with getting the rep pulled or if he insisted on getting a proper rep for /vg/. The /xgg/ caretaker agreed that the threads revival was questionable at best and most likely initiated for controversial reasons and agreed to hand the rep over to /tf2g/. Shulk won't be completely gone but will join the /vg/ stadium staff as a little bit of compensation.

So in short /twg/ and /xgg/ lose their reps, /lcg/ and /tf2g/ move up to take their spots. Proper ruling regarding a generals death mid cup and failing to inform a general will be made for the next cup. I'll also have a look at the rules altogether if there is some scenario we missed. Feel free to make some suggestions if you think something is missing.

Thank you
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Do you feel like there's a difference between "General stops existing because people just don't care." and "General stops existing due to EOS"?
Can we also ban /bag/ as well?
Rape my anus for the love of god
And why is that?
delete most of /bag/ emotes, this is a petition
Because /bag/ doesn't deserve anything. The league overall would be improved if they were removed all together.
Unfortunate that /twg/ was assblasted so hard by CA that they became a ghost of themselves. This autistic soccer simulation game clearly favors strategy gamers.
I don't think so. Dead general is a dead general, regardless of circumstance
Ah so personal reasons. Denied.
Isn't the former a consequence of the latter? Once a game EOS's people stop caring about keeping a general alive even though there is no "rule" forbidding them to keep it alive forever, /ksg/ or /ddlc/ style.
For example, if two people vowed to keep a /kirara/ alive forever, they should still be eligible to participate in VGL assuming they pass PoI.
t. added them all.
is San Marino getting banned for doing nothing
Well, now it's an order, I don't want to see a match with /myteam/ vs /anotherteamthatsnotbag/ being spammed with those shits
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I still don't understand why people hate /bag/ and I refuse to find out what game general that is.
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Literally me.
>Denko quietly and slowly pulls up a timer as Streakie is talking
It's so weird seeing proper size Alice.
Hibiki was indeed the best Maitetsu girl.
She made me cum buckets.
Don't try to understand gachafags. They're all mentally ill as they all fight against each other.
>vglco patting themselves on the back for the formation ban
No I am biased and love /bag/ and don't care
Ask me this again in 6 months!
Then re-add them when they learn to not be a dick towards their manager for, the shocking crime of finishing 45 places above the rest of the league.
They are the /mlp/ of /vg/.
/bag/ and /lcg/ are cancer to the VGL; that’s all you need to know
>why people hate /bag/
Popular gacha game, that's enough to earn most of /4ccg/'s everlasting burning hatred
I guarantee you that most of the people shitting on the manager were tourists. Once things settled down and Aria made his post on the thread, they were almost all supportive. Doubly so when they found out the other manager was quitting.
>/bag/ is still being discussed even moreso than the winners of the actual cup
Is this what you people refer to as a “draw”?
>a bunch of /bag/gers in ASS chat
>/gbfg/ nowhere to be seen
I've said it before and I'll say it again /bag/ are one of the few generals that care about VGL proper and don't fuck off the picosecond their team finishes playing. /bag/ should have won and would have given us a far better VGL 23 than anything (read nothing) /gbfg/ will put out. If you're celebrating /bag/ not getting 1st you're blinded by a couple falseflaggers and honestly just fucking retarded and should be in retard school instead of on /4ccg/
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Now say it without cumming from your eyes.
It's what's referred to as "obsession"
That’s the fate of tourist attracting teams, they get talked about a LOT whether good or bad, like how /lcg/ still gets discussed often outside of VGL time
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Literally me.

I'm going to Alice, right now.
useless fact: of the 5 teams starting with g, 4 of them were in the top 11, while the last one is going to qualifiers
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>you must watch ASS if you care about the VGL
Nice bait
The only falseflagger here is you lol
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I'll just vote for the /xgg/ stadium to compensate
It's a cool stadium anyway
not a downright permaban but we are currently looking at a one league suspension. Which honestly wouldn't matter much anyways since both are retired.
That's a nice compromise, use /xgg/ stadium like >>484178251 said.
the pitch is a noisy mess
>/hlgg/ and /gfg/ have same manager
Who's his oshi?
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Apparently it's Gura
>Council praises nikg and says they are well behaved
New council pet
'fraid so
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looks fine to me
Based and same desu
not for long
>straight up calling /bag/ nuisances
this is beyond unprofessional jesus
imagine if commentators called barcelona fans nuisances live on air
When did they say this?
Compared to the other two gooks, they are, but that's not the high bar they think it is.
But I thought council LOVED bag and was their pet team...
why does /gbpen/ make vglco so angry?
well those are the facts
what did they say
Now what..?
Play Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising and Granblue Fantasy: Relink
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== Leaderboard ==
rabbitrabbit +970.80
Streak +486.00
Abby !!Y5/ezQnvB2c +398.50
Dog-chan !!5DOgkneuFTr +352.00
Anameiguess !!tVHEmRaa/aB +339.00
BHnk !!pHDUvj4ASJF +327.50
Juan !!zNc6KCqHgOI +256.00
!!0z4P8h3Sj2A +189.97
glaucusautist !Ht7UkltItk +123.98
TowaBaby !hEN.oBXK9w +115.40
!!0XucvUm+LWZ +115.00
Ban Mundo +80.00
Cipher !!V0y9uLMUuqu +66.46
Everyone else +0.00

Congrats to rabbitrabbit for winning VGL22's Rigshop!

This is my final Rigshop as well, I don't have the time nor the energy (I had to sleep only 2 or 3 hours sometimes to wake up for the shop) to do this anymore. Anyone who wants to, feel free to take over for Summer and onward.

Thanks for participating, see you all around!
Local Friendly Rigshop Owner#ayaneglasses
>No Bikky on either of those games
Hmmm nyo
a pretty major difference between /ksg/ and, like, /tnm/ is that you can download and play katawa shoujo, in full, right now. so there's at least a tangential connection to a game that people can play, even though /ksg/ itself stopped really talking about any game long, long ago. most EoS'd gachas, as far as I know, are not like this. they stop existing in any kind of genuinely playable state after EoS, so there's nothing to go back to or even pretend to discuss and therefore no reason for a thread to be on /vg/.
>This is my final Rigshop as well
no... was all the managers leaving not enough...
RIP, and thank you.
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Hello, snowgger here. Congratulation to our winner today. Looking forward for next league.
cute snogger
Did you ever consider that maybe the players are there because there's a week to put final boss together, and it's mainly of players that had people willing to smash Aesthetics together for it? If you want your team repped on the final boss, then step your ass up and make the models
If you get 5 100% positive responses from a thread that a has maybe 30 posters, you're good
You're right but I used Kirara as an example because they are keeping a thread on /vmg/ post-EOS (well I took 1 year to reach bump limit but that's another story)
WOOOW no timer assertion on a bag match???? ASS BIAS ASS BIAS I'M CLIPPING AND POSTING ON 4CCg
'fraid so
Shut the FUCK up, /llsifg/ manager
'fraid so
'fraid so
holy shit, what was the timer for?
for matches without /bag/
They are talking about semis third place and finals they are allowed to talk for longer than a minute 30
It was a typo, they have 1h30m to talk about /bag/.
woooow timer removed for /bag/ match, ASS just keeps sinking lower and lower. Anyway, I don't like seeing it, so let's dismantle it quickly
dissecting that match in full requires at least four years of comprehensive study and a PhD in PESology
woooow timer removed for /bag/ match, ASS just keeps sinking lower and lower. Anyway, I don't like seeing it, so let's dismantle it quickly
Frankly this is the worst website of all time. Okay folks lets just admit it. This imageboard sucks. The UI is awful, the anons are awful, the posts are awful, the jannies are awful, the Indians are awful. Anyway, I don't want to see this, so let's dismantle it quickly.
Hey kill yourself. I fucked your mom shitlips. Haha
Frankly this is the best website of all time. Okay folks lets just admit it. This imageboard is great. The UI is great, the anons are great, the posts are great, the jannies are great, the Indians are great. Anyway, I want to see this, so let's build it quickly.
breeding VGLco
can't wait for them to talk about the final match for 30 seconds so we can move on to the shitpost box
I want to hatefuck Streak like you wouldn't believe bros
Who cares about the VGL, it's over. It's time to pay attention to Summer cup, or whatever vtlel is doing. At least TMA knows how to his league not be a slurp fest.
>that one "/gfg/" "fan" spamming /bag/ emotes instead of his team's
you can like more than one team
Everything I predicted in advance in VGL22 was wrong. /pmmm/ will be eliminated at the bottom of the group /pmmm/ miraculously placed second in the group and advanced to the second round of the survival round. /llsifg/ was assigned to a good group, so it is possible to reach first place in the group They were push
fucker even named himself ako, why does he have the same flair as me?
im still figuring out pes16 pls wait warmly
/gfg/ barely has emotes, like 90% of the league.
how come /bag/ has like 100 emotes then
*how to make his league
forgot a word
/2hug/ and /@/ meet in the finals, /2hug/ is defeated by V2 /@/ is eliminated at the bottom of the group, and /2hug/ is also eliminated in the round of 16. /pls number/ is the superstar of the universe FUCK
why don't they send more emotes, there isn't a limit
In VGL21, /gfg/, who missed the group stage with all 3 losses and went down to the preliminaries, trained for half a year and was able to win all the matches from the preliminaries to the finals.
The /bag/ league added a ton (not counting the Ako ones just recently).
It's because the vtlel managers have been on a tear. /mlp/'s manager, who is a vtlel manager, won spring babby, and now /hlgg/'s manager got second place in VGL.
The overlap between GFL and BA players is huge
Most GFL players who dropped the game moved onto BA
>people voted this VGL as worse than the last one
what the fuck
explain this shit
The gameplay from the GS was fucking dogshit. Completely justified.
it was pretty messy to be fair
lower quality matches and a bunch of unusual technical fuckups
Nobody bothered to ask the general if they'd want more
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Last years final boss was better
Good idea, that should be done next time.
group stages don't matter what matters is top 16 and that was great
/kot/ will be hard to top, but I like the fumos.
>75% of the VGL doesn't matter
yeah buddy sure
Beebs: cunnysoup your drug is my spunk
A bit more actually since you forgot the ones who died on qualifiers
And you would be correct!
Magireco will be on EOS on the 31st of this month. I want to see this team in the next league as well.
cunnysoup: :scrongbongle: ...
Think it's about time since the new players well kinda late for some of them
"we didn't want it to be good" -VGLCO on the formation ban
why is streak so fucking gay
Don't they have another gacha game coming soon?
I been a nasty girl, nasty
I been a nasty girl, nasty
I been a nasty girl, nasty
I been a nasty, nasty, nasty
Is somebody gonna match my freak?
Is somebody gonna match my freak?
Is somebody gonna match my nasty?
I got stamina, they say I'm a athlete
Is somebody gonna match my freak?
Need somebody with a good technique
Is somebody gonna match my nasty?
Pillow talking got my throat raspy
If you keep up with me
I'll keep on coming back
If you do it too good
I'm gonna get attached
'Cause it feels like heaven when it hurts so bad
Baby, put it on me
I like it just like that
Just like that
I been a nasty girl, nasty
I been a nasty girl, nasty (just like that)
I been a nasty girl, nasty
I been a nasty, nasty, nasty (I like it just like that)
I been a nasty girl, nasty
I been a nasty girl, nasty (just like that)
I been a nasty girl, nasty
I been a nasty, nasty, nasty
Big time, pull up, make a scene
Party's lame, no vibe, we can leave
Shotgun, my thighs on the seat
I ain't got nothing underneath
Looks like, you 'bout to spend the night
Looks like, I'm 'bout to change your life
Wife type, he's staying for the week
So I might just let him pay the lease
If you keep up with me
I'll keep on coming back
If you do it too good
I'm gonna get attached
'Cause it feels like heaven when it hurts so bad
Baby, put it on me
I like it just like that
Just like that
I been a nasty girl, nasty
I been a nasty girl, nasty (just like that)
I been a nasty girl, nasty
I been a nasty, nasty, nasty (I like it just like that)
I been a nasty girl, nasty
I been a nasty girl, nasty (just like that)
I been a nasty girl, nasty
I been a nasty, nasty, nasty
If you keep up with me
I'll keep on coming back
If you do it too good
I'm gonna get attached
'Cause it feels like heaven when it hurts so bad
Baby, put it on me
I like it just like that
Just like that
Beebs' oshi is gura so this checks out.
Even if Magireco goes to EOS on July 31st, /pmmm/ must remain! This will be the best gift for /pmmm/ fans as the movie version of Madodra and Walpurgis's Rising is coming out at the end of this year!

Honestly, even if it's not the next league, I'd like to see /pmmm/ win at least once in the regular league or Ladis Night.
Thank you based Madodra
Hearing Toki say that it was bad on purpose and actually it's going to be one of the most memorable VGLs of all time when people look back is the most transparent cope I've ever heard of.
he's kinda right. people do remember summer 2014, after all
The second purely because /gbfg/ won (and they would say the same for /bag/), the rest is just cope.
Who do you think we would've had as a Top 8 if we had no formations ban?
Pick 8 random teams and think they would have ran 4-4-2
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Couples when they match.
Why is everyone on VGL an anime profile pic?
Anime website
>Losing to First Bait like this.
Truly the worst VGL ever.
FB wouldn't have these issues, just saying
best friends be like
who the hell knows. there would probably be at least one 4-5-1 still because 4-5-1 is actually good in 19 but none of the narrow 3-5-2s or 4-2-4s or /ss13g/ would be anywhere close, assuming of course that teams actually ran those things when they could have just used formations that were good. like 4-5-1.
not a single drop of testosterone
you're surprised people from an anime website use anime pictures?
they already confirmed a new game so the general will stay alive for that game
Sou is on ASS now
What a fitting end to this VGL
>sou bailing out ASS
B-But we need 60 fps for le funny /bag/ emote?!!!
(he says that while tears roll down on his cheeks)
4cc runs this shit!
>ah 4cc-sama help me
embarrassing denko, embarrassing
>KWABocchi has to be bailed out by 4ccGODS
The cracks have unironically become too much for vglel everything is falling part.
Rankings. They're here. Maybe you even care about them.
Best mover: /gfg/ (+51)
Worst mover: /indie/ (-34)
Congratulations to /gbfg/ on the championship and a perfect* run.
look who came crawling back
Don't leave out the takes next time retard
Why is the /bag/ manager such a bitch?
SEA troon.
/cm/ would bootyblast all these shit teams, in addition to the shit teams they already would bootyblast
Was Golden Glove announced?
>Streak beisball grand finals
>2 time winner drg are up against hsrg 3-2
>hsrg get a walk in making it 4-2
>drg IMMEDIATELY THEN get a grand slam doubling their score and lead to 8-2.
You say Divegrass has mickey mouses...
Correction:2 time finalist but NOW 2 star winner in beisball
>dead team gets to play baseball
Streaky mickey mouse baseball shitshow can't stop delivering
skill issue. stop letting people get on base.
streakie is /drg/'s biggest fan, he rigs it for them
also honest to god at least half this general would not survive a full major league baseball season. real baseball is quite possibly the dumbest sport ever invented. then again, the like four people here who actually watch baseball barely survive a baseball season so uhhh
god this season is so fun too
>Streak beisball
stopped there, the shitshow aspect of it is just getting old
What's it more than 100 games or something every season? Unserious sport.
>Crimson enters call
>ASS quality drops
162 games a season, near daily action from april to september. and boy if you thought the simulations were full of crazy shit, wait until you've watched a week or two of the real thing!
the FB invasion angle
This is an stream about shit and piss now.
PES16 is ez, you just run a 4-3-3 that isn’t total ass land you win
especially true with de facto extra medals, now you get to run just as many midfield medals as 4-5-1 but you also score six a match instead of three!
>land you win
this guy thinks PES16 managers are feudal warlords or some shit what a moron
Mix of caring too much and having 51 teams wanting your ass to be grass
Managing big market teams is a much shittier affair than people realize
He has Aria as a dedicated dick sucker though,
the previous /a/ managers got a lot of shit, most of it deserved, but you and I and the rest of this place all know that like 3/4 of the volume of that shit will come back the minute current /a/ string together two bad cup runs in a row
meanwhile /u/ shifted from the most consistently good team in the cup to total ass abysmal dogshit dogwater terrible horrible no good very bad for a year and like two people here cared, because at the end of the day /u/ is a much smaller market. /u/ fans turn the fuck up but the board still averages less than 800 posts a day. there just aren’t that many of them by default.
/cm/ were genuinely horrifically bad the last time they played and 99% of /4ccg/ could not care less. if /sp/ had a run like that this entire thread would still be dunking on them today
The previous managers didn't had a couple of bad cups, it was 5 years. I doubt people would be that angry if /a/ has a bad year or something because part of the problem with Blinky wasn't just the results but lack of communication. It's very different to VGL in many regards.
Punish me Beebs~
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I heard we're correcting managers?
i only said 3/4 of the shit for a reason! blinky /a/ was bad for way longer and he’s clearly not good at board relations. it’s not just /a/, he’s botched it with multiple VGL-participant generals. his longest-serving co-manager got banned from the VGL for his own mismanagement of board relations. all of that said, this thread will happily take any opportunity to dunk on a big team that sucks for any amount of time, and fans of sports fake or real were never known for being patient
That's one voice vs dozens
Also, imagine losing the way /bag/ did, in the semis no less, after having been an offensive powerhouse ever since their first match. Dude was probably believing hard and when it crashed down it also came with a flood of people telling you and your team to kill yourselves, not just in the thread but on the VGL server too.
You can argue it's bitch behavior, but emotions were running high, the /gbfg/ manager was no different.
Please stop harassing me and find another manager with great skills. I might have to change my nickname if this continues.
*rapes you*
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>/bag/ manager died so hard he withdrew from /ag/ league
Suffering from success
>get 3rd
>act like a bitch
Why are baggots like this?
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I was really looking forward to the Saki team. What a shame.
“Who the fook is that guy?” - Conor McGregor, talking about (You)
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He should've proud since he got the 3rd place.
Ban him from managing /bag/ related.
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I'm going to groom you
An incredibly fresh babby manager. I heard that a new thread cup 3 was a good place to learn, so I'm throwing my hat into the ring.
obligatory: WAT TEEM
dude who cares if the run was enron levels of fraudulent under the hood. it’s still third place on the second try
Admittedly, I'm not sure what teams would be on the new thread cup. However, my goal would be to fill in Hoshino's spot. Yes, I am aware that this is, arguably, one of the worst positions to fill in the entire league. Even so, I can't help but feel bad over the retirement. I like the leagues. I know that filling in those shoes is a heroic task. But I will try, and do my best.
/bag/ has POI, testers and free aesthetics.
>already using a trip
Kill yourself.
I will fill Hoshino's hole.
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I'm a /bag/got and you bring shame to our name. Kill yourself.
You sure? Sounds like you are lighting yourself on fire here.
>manager already trying to make it about himself
You're going to get so shitcanned my guy. Fucking grifters.
I was just doing what the new manager page says. Oops!
>your student
>your favorite /bag/ match
Don't sweat it. Just get settled in and get ready to take some punches being the manager of a large team.
Trip whenever possible
Were you the guy talking about stepping up in /bag/ earlier or are you a completely different guy?
Just speedrun and retire already.
The biggest /bag/ loss
Do i get a pass.
H-Sensei is still managing /bag/
On the /bag/ league? Final boss.
On this league? The semis. That was a good match, and more matches like that, really close matches, with high stakes, is incredible.
>favorite match is a loss
Drop the trip, dingus
You seem like a complete newfag, also answer me >>484205072
4-5-1 is... le good! /hanny/ is... le best team! because they had the most shots!
Nvm. Call me when we get a TrinityCHAD in the management team.
Alright, I'll drop the trip. But yes, I am that same sensei. Would you like some way for me to prove it?
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>On the /bag/ league? Final boss.
Post your /bag/ club
>had the most shots
There is no way this is true
This guy is 100% from offsite.
Take your fucking talk to /bag/
What part of southeast Asia are you?
By raw stats, hanny was the team with the most shots on the league by when Group Stage ended. On-target shots? That's another story.
>Would you like some way for me to prove it?
Look, stop posting here and contact the existing manager. Something tells me you're a huge newfag and completely oblivious to how this site works, meaning you shouldn't be allowed to manage, but this is for the managers to figure out.
You need to contact the /bag/ manager H-Sensei
it was true at the end of the group stage. they definitely don’t have the highest raw total now after a week of knockout matches they weren’t involved in, but they almost certainly finished the cup with the most shots per match. they had 33 in 3 matches and it’s *really fucking hard* to beat 11 a match
Post the stats
Really hard to score with 11 a match
it’s also really hard to *sustain* 11 shots a match, for that matter.
/hanny/, as a 4-5-1 in a knockout round that was almost all midfield heavy (if not also 4-5-1) teams, definitely wouldn’t have done so. but the shots didn’t go in and so we’ll never know how that story would have gone
around one in every four shots on average becomes a goal. the whole reason taking more shots is usually good is because you give yourself more opportunities to hit that 25% chance.
What a team
what were the final conversion rates for teams this cup
How many shots did /bag/ have?
shitpostbox doko...
tell beebs to wrap it up
It's probably insanely in the negatives because of the /ss13g/ and /gbfg/ matches, but even without those they probably have a negative differential in the double digits because of how their whole setup worked
Did they have fewer shots than a group stage team?
In total? Definitely not since they played 8 matches
I sometimes wonder if there's someone crazy enough to calculate xG for virtual divegrass out there
final shot stats. all 16 teams that played on saturday and sunday included in this one because i didn't post this after saturday's matches, teams that didn't make it to sunday get funny meme arrows.

/gbfg/ 63-39 +24
>/2hug/ 46-28 +18
/gfg/ 43-32 +11
>/xgg/ 37-29 +8
>/aceg/ 31-23 +8
>/smtg/ 30-24 +6
>/hgg2d/ 37-32 +5
>/gig/ 36-31 +5
>/dbg/ 24-19 +5
/gbpen/ 34-31 +3
/ss13g/ 35-33 +2
/utg/ 30-34 -4
/ddg/ 55-63 -8
/uma/ 29-40 -11
>/nikg/ 19-44 -25
/bag/ 53-84 -31

at the end of it all, exactly two teams ran up a better shot differential than /hanny/ and one of them won it all. /gfg/ were double digit positive and they were the other finalist.
/bag/ did not take fewer total shots than any group stage team, because why would a team that played eight matches do so (a very offensive one at that), but their average of 6.625 shots per match (before factoring in extra time!) would be comfortably in the bottom half among all teams. and also, even without the /ss13g/ and /gbfg/ matches, their differential is well in the negative. just not insanely so (only -7), and they wouldn't have been in the worst company in the world judging by results.
One of the gayest things about vgl that barely anyone talks about is the fact that Aoba self inserts himself into literally everything they do. I understand you help out a lot but dude, calm down with the attention whoring. Stop acting like a woman
>-24 shots from two matches
wew lad
PES is a funny game sometimes, I'm glad we're moving off of 19 though
excluding two of eight matches isn't particularly useful, you can easily do that kind of cherry picking for anyone (/nepgen/ were decent as long as you exclude at least two of their three matches), but outliers really do stand out in the single digit sample sizes we're working with for each team and are worth noting. over time everything more or less evens out, but a format in which teams play at most nine matches is obviously not one with much time.
It's actually kind of bizarre how /bag/ got the exact same outlier match twice in the same run
Not saying they would've won on a re-roll but both /ss13g/ and /gbfg/ went exactly the same way
ASS has finally gotten to the shitpostbox
the one thing that's obviously true about /bag/ is that their defense was terrible. even the 4-5-1, which they ran for all of the /gbpen/ match, conceded two goals on four shots. although that was also easily their most dominant match, shots were 8-4 in favor of them, and 4-5-1 is pretty hard to fuck up defensively. there's a reason why this tournament, the one in which half its participants ran some form of 4-5-1 as a main formation, had much fewer goals than the previous VGL in which this was very much not the case. (final numbers there are 347 goals in 96 matches for ~3.61 goals per match, compared to 407 and 4.24 per match in VGL21)
anyway. /bag/'s export was probably actually good, they just ran it in a very dumb way for all but one match and somehow it actually worked despite utterly atrocious numbers under the hood
/bag/ almost assuredly would have looked much better defensively if they had went full time 4-5-1. but they didn't, and PES kept not giving them a reason to, and so we'll never know how that story goes. but 60 minutes a match of 4-5-1 seemed to work pretty well for the actual champions.
It's worth noting that they only had two 185cm CBs, which probably made them feel extremely limited in regards to their defensive capabilities
Then again, what reso said on ASS is true - if your attack is so clinical and efficient you're scoring 4 a match on average even when getting fewer shots than average, you probably only need your defense to do the bare minimum, ala PES16.
jwu shitpost box link doko?
>It's worth noting that they only had two 185cm CBs
they were running stat abuse too!
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