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Happy Wyfe, Happy Lyfe edition

Anniversary livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDDjHmcb94I
Livestream summary: https://snowbreak.gg/anniversarystream

Version 2.0 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZA25KugkK0 (CN) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3wIGyKb1IQ (EN)
Confessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt0_2tNI45o

Anniversary teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN7Aq_76M6I

Version 1.8 "Realm of Illusion" is LIVE

>Snowbreak 1.8 Overview & News

>New Banner Type Details

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Main Story Special Chapter "Realm of Illusion" now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Jun. 17 - Jul. 1] Virtual Breach - Kill Streak & Challenge Stages
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] Dawn Restored - Battlefronts/Encampments mode
[Jun. 24 - Jul. 8] Hero Games - Co-Op Gameplay

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Shadows of Indigo] Katya - Blue Bolt
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Seastar in Solitude] 5* Crossbow: Neptune Nova

>New Outfits Available
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Private Secretary] Katya - Blue Bolt
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Feline Grace] Mauxir - Shadow Ka

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

>Recent FAQs
>Does the new [SP] aka '100% Guarantee' banner pity carry over to the future?
Yes, both the pity count and the 5* random box count will carry over to future SP-type banners.
ST-type (50/50) banner pity will continue to carry over to future ST-type banners, respectively.

Previous: >>484109869
Fenny lost, Lyfe won
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What third unit would round out this team of blobs?
5Siris or 4Katya
I dunno but I have a strong urge to kiss those blobs…
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>next patch
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For me? It's my wife.
I'm obviously picking Acacia for the Selector Banner She's my favorite but who else should I pick afterwards if they let me? I was thinking Mauxir and that's about it.
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Can we talk briefly about how bullshit it is that the main tasks jump from requiring Tactic Evaluation level 2 to level 6 in one step? That's the equivalent of 40 levels in an unfun bullshit mode that you have no other reason to play and which gives very little in way of rewards.
If Alter Lyfe does not greet me upon login with Wooh...yay..., I'll be sticking with 4Lyfe.
Man, imagine if they added an aquarium in our base to show off our catch? I’d spend an UNFATHOMABLE amount of time fishing.
You can skip several levels of TE next patch.
I hope they do her justice for her limited 5Alter. She has a tonne of potential, with her being a masochist and insanely for (You). That's a deadly combo. Imagine a BDSM interaction furniture where you can tie her up a dozen ways.
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I'm getting 5chen for my selector. Jii san needs his Daoist wife.
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Is there gonna be an anniversary Fenny banner if you want dupes?
Maybe post your roster? You might have varied needs.
>Lyfe’s lines are all about not understanding fun or why celebrate or anything but battle
Why does she get waifu’d?
Yeah just like when Ena released. you can still roll on the banner even if you get her for free.
Of course. Just like Enya's banner. They want that extra dosh.
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Love my clumsy maidwife.
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I look like this
Because at the start of the game that was all she knew, but over time she grows and realizes that there is more to lyfe.
(You) defrosted her.
>Why does she get waifu’d?
CHADjutant Talk no jutsu warmed her up.
>he lacks critical information
I don't even know how he coulda missed it
my whore virgin wife..
See: >>484171737
All the standard characters will have their own limited Alter.
Trust the plan.
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I'm going to promote 4Lyfe to lobby duty regardless
sexo astronaut skin looks amazing
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I'm still angry.
I'm shocked people don't pretend she's an anal-slut.
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>finally bust her maiden cherry after marriage
>she can't stop lusting after my cock so much that she gets pregnant with triplets.
no one because all of them are hilariously outdated and massively powercrept. And thats without even knowing how absolutely fucking retarded lyfe will be, if the trend continues.

the only valuable unit in there is eatchel, because of the OP healing
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picrel solos all 3
Is there really a limited character selector, or is it just a joint banner you can pull for?
the guy is a retard who doesnt understand words have meaning.
No, its not a selector, its a banner with old limiteds on it.

The only one i dont have it chingchong, but why the fuck would i spend on her at this point?
Support characters are always in demand and never powercrept
So far we haven't seen any more than 6 supports so far.
>The only one i dont have it chingchong, but why the fuck would i spend on her at this point?
If you like to kill Pela or Gorilla really fast
I have not ONCE uses acacia or mauxir.
They are not fun, and literally do not fucking matter
>b-b-bb-ut muh 1% neurosim autism for a 7 day lasting frame
lol. lmao even.

mauxir and acacia might aswell not exist.
Atleast eatchel actually improves your gameplay by letting you tank shit like a boss, which is fun.
You know what isnt fun
>enemy takes slightly more damage now
and to add onto that, i daresay enya is a better support if you just want more damage, and is also more fun. Especially since she works with katya

i guarantee you siris will kill both of them twice as fast
It's a selector banner. You choose a character then roll until you get *5 (guaranteed to be the selected character) or hit the pity.
So it's a "Paid" selector banner? And not a free one?
Well, checking the lore, other than those orb looking creatures, the other titans are all feminine in nature.
Becoming a manifestation is all about having a personality that's compatible with a Deiwos and being able to draw power from titans. It seems like being female is a prerequisite.
In case of male contact with titans, The Adjutant is a special case. Then we have rarities like Gavin and Kegaard who seem like he might be able to use powers and Ye (He came from some kind of facility and might be an experiment, forgot the lore on him) It seems like some males are compatible with titagen to the point of not becoming a "changed" or being able to manifest like the girls, but they have powers as a result of contact with titagen.
Kanye is in the game??
Yeah but you don't need to use Paid gems (bitgold). The only free selector are weapon selector box.
Yeah, it's basically only using pulls, free or not.
That's not what selector means.
I really need both space cowboy and Orca for Marian and I can only get one soon via gacha. Please tell me I won't get bricked.... bwos?
I just want to hold Marian and whisper to her that everything is going to be okay after I subject her to hours of stress position and denial play to the point of physical collapse.
which operatives have canonically kissed the adjutant in game?
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Not free. Unless you consider free gems (digicash) and tickets are "Free".

Calling it a selector might be wrong but that's how it works anyway.
Soon, everyone and their mother.
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sorry bwo...
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My man.
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AND their mother? Can't wait to smooch some hags, starting with Chen's mom
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Forgot the picture.
Yes but he's asian and in command of coyotes, and hanging with a Vulture named Esther.
my word is the final word, so lemme just solve this right now
>Rerun Banner Ranking
-Mauxir (absolutely non-negotiable number 1)
-Tess or Kaguya (depends on which characters you have invested in and to what degree, and how much you care about Neural Sim)
-Katya (value notably goes up if you don't have Cherno or Siris)
-Haru, Eatchel (niche characters; only desirable for narrow purposes: Haru for Fiends / stun, Eatchel for comfort / stun)
-Chen (strongly advised against: has a lot of power locked behind late manifestation levels, old and powercrept)
So which weapon has the biggest gap with the respective copegun?
Alloy Truth?
>Yes but he's asian and in command of coyotes, and hanging with a Vulture named Esther.
Ye 2pac faked his death in Bosnia, and now works for the Mafia.
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Guess I done with this one, at this point I may start making them IRL with SD Gunplas.
Holy mother-fuarking, SOUL...!
>Chen's mom
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Don't care, rolling for Tess so I can unbrick the base
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>I went for Katya's T2 spending a fuckload of pulls
It's over. I am bricked. It's... really done.
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I don't find brown girls hot, I'm skipping the cat for that reason alone.
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Wrong, it was Caroline.
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Will he ever catch the Serb horses?
>15 gb update
Excuse me?
You forgot to add the following at the very top:
-Skip (newer units will be both better and hotter than older characters)
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Also don't care. Rolling for Chen, horny demands it.
you're never actually going to use this
you're never actually going to use this
you're never going to actually use this, unless you're doing star master and want to group up mobs
still a top tier damage dealer and the only character in this SHOOTER that is actually about SHOOTING
the undisputed mobbing queen. Makes paradox a joke. can hit things through walls and other obstacles
the singular best character in the game. Gives you a damage boost, heals you so hard you can just stand in everything and not die. 100% comfy

fixed your trash list
Holy moly... cute...
>shows a blob with straight hair
Well, thanks for another blob, blobbro.
Verify file integrity first.
That blob outline was misleading.
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>That blob outline was misleading.
Of course it was.
It was Essex Blob!
We'll be smooching Marian's mom first.
Marian will try to sacrifice herself at the end of the Lyfe&Fenny event story to save (You) during a fight and video footage of it gets around.
Seeing Marian almost die pisses off the Andreotti family. Marian's smoking hot mom shows up to give you the business but the widow quickly falls for the seasoning, she turns out to be even more of a shameless masochist sub than her daughter.
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My overworked coworker!
my brain agrees with you, but my dick is demanding me at gunpoint to roll for Haru
If they ever release Tau I'm maxing her out.
You forgot the only thing that matters in the endgame.
The don't-brick-your-dorm tier: Eatchel, Tess, and Katya.
If you're missing any of those, get them so you don't brick your dorm.
Is oyakodon allowed here?? Having both mom and daughter tied up and spanked?
Tess and Katya are hot, but Eatchel?
Only if the mom is single/widowed. Adjutant is a just man and won't try to steal someone else's woman, just as he won't accept any other man doing something with his women.
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The cutest studentdaughterwife
God damn, what a curveball that is. Wasn't thinking outside the box for that.
If the banner lets me I'm just getting all 5 girls I'm missing.
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Would Adjutant make a single mom and daughter kiss?
He seems based enough.
it's Eatchel, but don't let that fact mislead you—it's true by virtue of the fact that her copegun is unbelievably bad
Alloy Truth is more valuable and can be used on many characters to make them solid supports
Looks like Adjutant taught her some new tricks.
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Already have my mind made up on getting Kaguya or Mauxir (don't have them or fritia right now). Leaning towards Kaguya since I heard she's more versatile (and she's cute). Can someone tell me if acacia's sig is worth it? I heard prismatic is pretty good for a cope and I see it in the shop sometimes, but I never got it since I don't have her. If it's good enough, I'll just use the selector for Eatchel's sig.
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It's okay Chenbro. Our wife is great for morale support, and that's what matters most in a world of broken minds.
>Can someone tell me if acacia's sig is worth it?
She doesn't have an event cope gun, and you need Aye Aye Captain to R5 for a decent cope gun. So go for it if you really like her.
Prismatic suffices for her. Her sig is very much a luxury to have but it's unnecessary. She's good right out of the box. Eatchel's sig would have a more significant impact because her cope gun sucks.
Kagua's sig is only worth it if you pair her with a frost dmg dealer, and while that includes Katya, I don't know how worth is to roll for a weapon to support a single character
Thanks bwos. I'll use the selector for Eatchel and Build one of the copes then.
Eatchel Sig or Mauxir Sig? I know the latter is better in a vacuum but Eeatchel's cope gun sucks massive dick
So should I roll for Katya now? I'm almost definitely going to try and roll for the new Lyfe unit which would cut into the amount I could roll in the 5 star pick, but rolling for Katya feels like I might not have enough for Lyfe, much less the 5 star rerun banner on top. I don't know if it'll change much, but in terms of units I have 5Cherno, 5Fenny, 5Marian, 5Enya, and 5Yao
strongly advise Mauxir over Kaguya
>Leaning towards Kaguya since I heard she's more versatile
she's a universally-applicable damage support, true, but she's basically just a modest step up from 4Frito support in most cases
Mauxir has utility you can't get anywhere else
>Can someone tell me if acacia's sig is worth it? I heard prismatic is pretty good for a cope
Acacia sig is only of significant value if supporting a frost damage character (right now, basically just Katya). If supporting a non-frost character, the difference between T1 sig and Prismatic Igniter is typically less than 10%
Don't listen to the guy who says Aye Aye Captain; despite the fact that it's a Frost gun and activates her Manifestation passive, it's still worse than Prismatic
Only three in the stories. Meursault, Enya (technically a CPR), and Siris. If you count in game mails there may be more.
Gradient of Souls event story right before she disappeared
>Meursault gets to kiss the adjutant during brief time she's separated from Cherno.
Damn, poor Cherno.
let's put it this way
Eatchel isn't even worth using without her sig weapon, so if you desperately want to use her, just get it
she's a low-performance character regardless, so don't say you weren't warned
Hey Seaslug
Put in your game a molestation mode where you can poke the girls' bodyparts and they have tons of reaction animations
I don't mean as some one-off dorm thing, I mean whenever they're on screen I should be able to molest them with my finger
Not him but what if I'm looking for a support that works well with Cherno or Siris? Is Maux still good for that?
Mauxir enables a number of Cherno strategies not possible without her, so yes, strongly recommended
make sure to get a set of Twilight logis for the resistance shred
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>5Cherno, 5Fenny, 5Marian, 5Enya, 5Yao
You have the exact same units I do. Assuming Cherno is your main dmg dealer, 5Fenny or Yao (If you have Space cowboy) should allow you to get all the rewards from Jotun tunnels and Neural sim. Now answer this question:
Do you want Katya and like her (playstyle, looks, etc) ? If yes, then roll. If not, then don't and save for Lyfe. You'll get another DPS either way.
Is it at least recognized in-game that most of them are female? Cause no one had visible surprise at male superhumans as far as I see.
I really like when a game bothers explaining why only women develop a (specific) power.
>In Nier Automata they only make female battle androids because while the male ones ARE stronger because of their frame, they were also more independent so officially they had worse teamwork and unofficially they ended up digging secrets in their own organization.
>in Last Origin the increased testosterone of the male body made male bioroids uncontrollable. They were fully capable of breaking law and would go as far as kill anyone that wronged their masters for as much as a sneeze. Female ones however could be easily hardwired into control.
>in BIONICLE, there were solely female Toa/Matoran with psionic powers. While it IS normal for some powers be gender exclusive (fire is to man what water is to woman), psionics stand apart because there is a single Toa of psionics around. And he reveals his blunder in causing an entire species to become (more) violent monsters is what made the Great Beings decide psionic should be female-exclusive afterwards under the belief they are calmer and kinder.
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Lyfe alt's idle animation on main screen looks like Irelia
Collab when?
With 5Cherno and Lyfe Alter, you're basically set for both sides of Neural Sim.

With that type of roster, Katya would only fill the niche of "Shield Buster", thanks to her ridiculously fast fire rate and shield break efficiency. Great for Cube boss, Spider mechas, and maybe Hela. So she's 5Chen tier, fantastic in certain niches that would clear faster than your mains.

If you really like her for her assets and personality, then freely roll with your dick.
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>still a top tier damage dealer and the only character in this SHOOTER that is actually about SHOOTING
Very underrated point to make.

>Gives you a damage boost, heals you so hard you can just stand in everything and not die. 100% comfy
Also a very underrated point to make.
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Can't wait to see that animation with this in the background
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so I finally got 3 pieces of Katya's event logistics set. Should I keep farming for more or should I aim for a different logistics set? Are the stats from each pieces randomized?
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Alright guess these are the two reactions I was searching for
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Lyfe butt
>Are the stats from each pieces randomized?
Yes! :) Welcome to Chinese gacha bullshit!
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Katya's a versatile and consistent performer, but Mauxir allows lots of characters to deal with the Njall menace, and Cherno and Siris have more raw power than her
As for Eatchel, the point is simply that she's not strong, which isn't arguable
if you want comfort/heals, go ahead, but I'd rather just not get hit
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Something that I didn't understand about the weapon selector, it'll have all the limited weapons like Katya's and Chen's or just the standard ones?
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feet optimization soon!!
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Yah. End of story. Katya actually shoots her gun, and Eatchel's healing (and ass) is so dummy thick that you don't even need to think about dodging anything anymore if you don't want to. Those are incredibly underrated points that one anon made and that the other anon completely failed to mention.

One of the posts was focused on the riveting """meta""" of 1% Neural Sim, which provides no rewards and yet has somehow become the metric by which units are judged. The other anon's post was focused on """soul""" and """feel""" and made very important points that the meta post did not.
Limited weapon up until Eatchel
white pantsu
>bunch of subjective garbage not having to do with performance
lol, don't care
>Should I keep farming for more or should I aim for a different logistics set?
Min-maxing for substats is more so a end-game activity. If you have extra currency to spare, you can try to aim for ATK%, Alignment Index, Crit DMG, Crit Rate substats in that order.
>Are the stats from each pieces randomized?
Yes. The first 2 need to be rerolled by getting a new gear piece, while the 3rd can be rerolled with an item.
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don't forget your monthly tickets
Jesus I'd lick them and I'm not even a footfag
In the end, the only thing that matters is (You)r subjective experience of reality.

and in the end, Neural Sim still provides no rewards, and all actual rewards are attainable by auto-completing it.
>reddit spacing
>radical subjectivist
lol, lmao
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should i build 5fenny? she's fucking M5
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>reddit spacing
Not you again. You still have no idea what reddit spacing is.
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>so jealous she is distorting
>replying to the powercreepschizo
lol, what do you even mean by this?
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Build her and pair with nufenny
No need to talk about yourself in 3rd person.
Is that actually a thing? We have a powercreep schizo now? Looking back at the posts, it makes sense.
setting aside your pathetic attempt to be clever, go on and describe what you meant
Yeah, he's going at it for 2-3 days straight now. I've, and probably most of the thread, have been ignoring him for a while now.
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Thanks, guess I'll now have to choose between Katya and Chen's weapons.
I dropped the game halfway through month.
Did they actually add wedding dresses what the fuck lmao. Anything else?
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You still owe us a Fritter blob, blobbro. I have the receipts right here.
The only powercreep in this game is Adjutant Power accelerating at an alarming rate. The girls won't even need to deploy anymore; just send me in, I'll parry a titan's Almighty attacks with a single finger and then nothin personell them.
Which girls are Katya's best supports? 5Mauxir and Kaguya?
Actually without them Katya is kinda shit
I still have no idea where my pink tickets came from, but I still had like 500.
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>Anything else?
Pic rel, basically.
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katya alt and wedding skin next anni
I notice that Mauxir's doll seems to last way longer with Katya than others, does crit hit deplete its bar faster?
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>Exp 12/23
You tryna swindle me, con-man?
Looks like you're in the right here, carry on.
I got nothing, thanks.
My Coronet - Starshine team is gonna be unstoppable
You get them from rolling, so don't save for too long.
Who'll be the second one? Or will she be winging it solo? She's quite the femme fatale.
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Pretty sure it's manifestation levels that let the doll last longer on the field, regardless of crits.
Don't forget your 4 star Fenny M5
Second one will be Nozomi
when is this being added
>check the vids
middle of work bro please understand
Avage when
>just finished ch11
>enter special stage
>everyone is lying dead in russia and MC hates T for some reason

what the fuck is this disjointed storytelling.
You have to read from the first Special chapter to 12-B to get the full picture of the Yehrus story
You're supposed to piece the story back together. It's retroactive storytelling.
We'll get Agave first before we get her evil clone Avage.
Man, I wish Cherno was in this selection.
I started playing only like 3-4 days before her banner ended and I didn't have enough Digicash accumulated to reliably roll. I'm trying to stay F2P at least in terms of obtaining characters
I don't think I even want anyone from this selection. Maybe I'll change my mind if Agave gets deconfirmed for 2.1 or something.
> Marian interactive scene

Are you sure about that? I didn't see any interaction points unlike the other two. It could just have been preview footage.
she looks so good here, i need her now...
cherno is a must have next time she gets a rerun she might not be as good
easy choice
>power and versatility
>you must really like Chen for some reason
amusing, but the post-Katya power creep really is an issue
That one is inaccurate. I think the anon that made that wrote it while looking at the reaction threads to the livestream. The actual summary is in the OP.
I basically shred everything with Katya + Tess + Kaguya.
My rotation is:
>Tess ult
>Build gauge with Katya
>Ult with Kaguya
>Build some more gauge with Katya
>Ult with Katya in the nick of time
>Everything is dead
>If there are a few stragglers, I just finish them off with Katya
A bit too quickswap-like for my tastes, but the fast clears are pretty satisfying.
How's she like with 5Mauxir? Should you play her doll really up close to the target, as to also get hit by Katya's splash damage? Or should I just dump ST rounds onto the doll instead?
She's kinda just sitting there on the bench. She could be useful whenever I use that Tess + Kaguya combo on 5Haru instead.
Heeeey okay what the fuck nice
With the freebies I don't even mind missing out on like 15 days of dailies.
I wonder if this game will ever let me just play and drop it at will without missing too much, because I'm done with daily logins in ANY game.
Kebechet can link up to multiple enemies.
>when is this being added
Next patch, which is in 10 or so days.
Some things, like Fenny being free, are saved for the 2nd phase of the patch, so 10 + 21 days later.
>I'm done with daily logins in ANY game.
You really shouldn't be playing gacha bro
>you must really like Chen for some reason
I like all the girls and 5*Chen skill carried my ass a lot in Paradox, tho with the watermelon gun. Meanwhile my Katya is doing wet noddle damage because no good logis dropping. I'll se if I can make her better before the Siris patch ends before choosing one of them.
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Man, I wish I knew who the fuck Edda was.
>because I'm done with daily logins in ANY game.
Yeah, but thankfully we have autosweeps and just menu-clicking for our dailies. I even managed to clutch a 3 min daily sweep before reset.
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So what do we think about Super Fenny?
On one hand they clearly gave her an unique mechanic of switching between multiple modes while on field
But they also gave her an unique way of activating her support skill so she doesn't affect your dps, plus what they seem to be multiple animations
I fear she's going to be release-Eatchel 2
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So the gacha Illuminati just had a major conference on 27th of June.
( i didn't expect it to be a real thing lmao)
Organised by hypergryph, participant including MICA / Mihoyo etc.

Doesnt include seaslug or Azurelane dev and such.
Sucks that she's a support
well, we do still need to see exactly how the new characters work, especially 6Lyfe, so that might shake things up a little bit

speaking of which, anyone else notice that 6Lyfe's ult skill cost was dramatically higher while she was using her lightning dash? I have a strong suspicion she'll be wanting Tess support
Tau's taking a more active role in the story after Chadjutant called her out for being an old hag that sits around and barks orders at people all day. She's also being kinder to him.
It probably wont be for a while, but an eventually. Like around the end of the year or early next year. I'd totally roll for her and her weapon.
Eatchel was only like that because they made a healer in a game where healer isn't needed
now post part2.jpg
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Mainly talked about protecting brand against leaks / underaged kids restrictions etc.

Here's the company list.
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>part 1
>that many women
yeah, no wonder why they're anti fan-service
I think she's going to be both. Good damage and a good support skill. Kind of like a more impactful version of coronets kit
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Yeah she sounds like Eatchel levels of bad to me also. Frit ult that enemies can just move out of, one magazine of good damage on a cooldown and high enough s-energy cost that she has to use her skill cooldown to recharge itself (reminds me of the anti-synergy of Eatchel 1.0 kit). I feel like in order to be good dps these days it's not about ballistic damage anymore, you have to have broken skill damage like our last two ops Cherno and Siris
*anti male fan-service
They'll gladly shrink Rosaria's bust while letting Lyney or Wriostheley into a chinese game.
Yeah, that would be really nice. Since we're getting Alters already, we might have to develop the main 21 character cast before adding any new characters in.
So she might be added in a year or so.
I find it amusing that Itchel alone gave anons PTSD. Other supports they released were good you know, even Tess still has her niche.
Use google lens or something haha
Commonly seen ones are :
Yostar ( they don't publish Azurelane in CN)
best of luck brother
>what do we think about Super Fenny?
lives or dies by her numbers
I like the multiple mode idea, I love the way she looks, I like the quality of life benefit from her not interrupting the onfield unit
if her numbers make her compelling I will be very happy
I'm 2/3rds through chapter 7
60 rolls and no Katya
I'm losing hope
Starting tot hink I won't manage to get her
How much freebies do they hand out in the anniversaries?
I guess I'll just whale on her rerun to get over it.
Which banner are you on, if it's the 100% one you shouldn't expect a 5* until 80.
>only character in this SHOOTER that is actually about SHOOTING
This is why I rolled her. I wish they would make more shooting characters. Hopefully fenny alter is shooting based since she has ammo types.
>evil magic robot girl
>tried to rape correct you
>you filled her with your essence
Take responsibility for your wife.
We were talking about her as a dps. Obviously Tess and Eatchel are great supports, but they suck ass as dps, just like new Fenny is appearing to be
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pretty surprising that even Fenny hasn't accepted the invitation
At this point "chinese game" is just a myth, the CCP doesn't give two shits about fan service. It's the feminists who push for censorship.
The 100%
Wait why? Is the probability lower there?
Fucking Mica is STILL trying to get the magical normalfag audience. Hypergryph makes sense, they were the troon kings before Mihoyo came with Genshin.
or Mauxir or Fritia
>well-known scientists and researchers as attendees
>Obviously Tess and Eatchel are great supports
I doubt Fenny wants anything to do with politicians.
Yeah, the rates are lower, soft pity started at 80 instead of 60.
This. I think she's going to be a good DPS, at the very least, usable. You probably won't be maining her for neuro sims ranking but that doesn't matter for 99% of you here.
Just off the fact that she's an AR operative, it already makes her way more appealing to use. Her ult is also a damage dealing ult, unlike the dedicated support operatives. It seems like she's very much a hybrid unit that you can bring in any team.
>Just off the fact that she's an AR operative
An AR operative with a shotgun/aoe mode
What, Arknights? It had the biggest troon audience pre-Genshin. Shipping and minimal fanservice so it's a "safe" game for them.
How's the state of modding these days? Did the devs going full coomer and increasing the player count attract more coomer modders?
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are these standalone or do you need to buy the original furniture first?
>good hybrid unit
now where have I seen this before...
It's already proven.
I'll repeat again, some die hard hoyo fans sent an inquiry to Shanghai Cultural and publishing repated department regarding character censorship in genshin. Inquiry whether there has been a official instructions and stuff.

Government replied the inquiry, that they has never issued any instruction or recommendations to mihoyo. Yet they praised mihoyo's self regulation and self-improvement actions.

So it's all self inflicted then deflect by hinting it's not them, it's the government.

Azurelane has proven again and again, the government tolerance is higher than most expect.

Company won't include fan-service / censor stuff cuz they want to sell to kids, so they don't change the rating of the game.
Being a chink company is convenient huh, you could blame anything on CCP thanks to their bad reputation.
Seaslug is learning. It'll be fine.
5Siris is an Ult bot, but doesn't require everything under the sun to Ult like 5Fritos.
Especially since it's the anniversary, they have even more of an incentive to make FennyAlter work as a hybrid unit.
I wish I was a seasoned wolf. Just need 41 more levels....
If Seaslug learned anything from the absolute abysmal performance of Eatchel's sales, they'd know not to repeat that debacle again.
They've shown to be adaptive to the audience's wants and Fenny is extremely popular in CN. CN would tear them a new asshole if Fenny alt is another Eatchel-like kit.
I think my cope this time is a little more grounded just based on her weapon and skills. She won't be a top DPS and that's ok.
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>Is it at least recognized in-game that most of them are female?
Not really by others outside the squad but Acacia quips about how you're surrounded by a bunch of girls daily and even jokes by calling you a skirt chaser. The gender ratio of manifestations hasn't really come up through in-game lore heavy conversations, but I assume they're all female because they must be in order to be compatible with their specific deiwos (For now, at least. Future events can always disprove this.) The most we know about manifestations other than their relations to titans and the deiwos is that most people fear them because of the powers that they have and so they tend to stay away from them.
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>hybrid unit
Don't ever say those cursed words ever again.
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>Is it at least recognized in-game that most of them are female?
Many people in the industry want praise more than anything else, acceptance from what they feel are "critics of high standing." I have even seen similar tales in an adjacent industry in the West. Creatives are insecure often enough. Ironically, it is only the business people who can protect them (contrary to what many imagine happens.)
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>only got 5fenny and katya as built dps
help me bros who should fight who
I forgot Kat also does this.
Pre-1.6 limited units I already have:
>Shadow Ka
The sigs I have for them:

So the limited unit I should go for is Tess and the sig I should use the selector on is Shadow Ka's?
I'm not that interested in minmaxing, but if 5Chen is as bad as you guys say then there's no point in getting her, and Alloy Truth is the best support gun in the game afaik.
I also think Alloy Truth might be the best looking gun in the game if that's worth anything.
Katya on Njall and just cry on Fiend
Man i'm only missing chenxing.
This is so nice i can get her weapon and pull her during rerun.
Seaslut good job.
She will be good, I berieve
>and even jokes by calling you a skirt chaser
Haha y-yeah jokes
Katya on Njall
Fiend Fenny, although you will suffer as above anon says. Fiend is generally painful so don't worry about it too much
Tess is a NS unit. You can use her elsewhere butt she's made for that mode.
Get Kot's sig from the selector and just pull on the anni units or whoever you like
Eatchel deserved so much better...
I was really hoping her ult made her transform into her titan mode, Such a missed opportunity.
Tess is a safe bet I'd say. Alloy truth is also a good option.
Tess is pretty much always relevant, and always will be, unless they put a new battery character in.
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thanks bros
auto until stage 4 then forget about it
well dailies here can be done in 42 secons
I love how this is not even a joke. Like other gachas brag about how fast their dailies take but can you beat FORTY-TWO fucking seconds?
if you're not very interested in minmaxing, you might consider skipping Tess altogether
anyway yes, Alloy Truth is the best choice
I wonder how many people set out to beat the dailies speedrun record after the stream
anyway it's reason #586,232 why Seaslug is unbelievably based: respects the players' time as sacred
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Wow she asked me out again
I think I can beat it desu.
I also love when games give you a lore explanation on why only males/females have some sort of power.
My favorite is Borderlands, even tho the third one suck ass I loved how a man use his sibling conection to his sister to be able to use siren powers too, that was a pretty neat concept.
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White Power!
SR is the second-fastest. Some chink made a video of doing SR dailies in the same time it takes WW to even load.
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So should I just spam auto-clear these before logging off each day, to get more merges or whatever?
Also I just finished the Event story and have absolutely no fucking clue what happened. What did Marian do?
You auto clear for your daily and also because you lose memory chips if you don't
>What did Marian do?
Nothing; which is exactly what she's done in the entirety of the story so far, lol
She's Adjutant's super sekrit ace in the hole though, so presumably she'll actually finally do something next chapter
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How do I get these? I'm only getting a different currency
most of those are no longer available, because you would have had to complete quests for parts of the event that have expired
check the event missions, you can get some from hero games and dawn restored
Oh nice
to be fair that skin does let you see down the ass crack
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You think this is erotic but then you forget...she smells like fish
Alright, I was just wondering if it's used for anything else.
So just read the story once for girls I wanna use, and then on future days with nothing I wanna read I should just spend my tokens on more merges.
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I like fishcake
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Pet the ich
also it probably goes without saying, but you should always use your memory chips on your limited 5*s, if you have any
>Log in to empty my stamina for the night
>Some guy ranting in Channel 1 about how the devs ruined the game
>"I'm leaving for First Descendant"
lemme see if I can enhance this for you, will post when done
ich the pest
>be me
>use bot accounts to review bomb Star Master on Steam, Metatritic and the App Store
>call it kusoge on social media
>Star Master 2 gets made
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Does she really think fishing will save her shitty game? Or does she want more hag correction?
>Sirisfag ranting
holy shit, that fag's still going? he was doing that when I logged in at reset
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Ich is not a pest
Thanks to your efforts we're finally able to release our first teaser for Star Master 2, after all all your review bombing gave us public views and more people brought our game.
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aunno, she's gonna let me capture Esther, if I heard right.
I will now play her game.
She's gonna add box pushing next
One guy asked him whats wrong and he just kept going
Use a Cronus Zen bro. Just ask the Fez players how to install. Btw what's a Radar hack
he small snippets we saw look like improvements. Just gotta hope the AI is better
>overwork Frit
>make half-baked game with reused assets
>no you don't understand bad graphics and bugs are SOUL
>get rewarded
How does Acacia keep winning?
She seems pretty fun to play and i love her victory pose. Even in the worst case scenario she should be stronger than Coronet. That's good enough for me
she slept with higher up (me)
I like star master
Me too. It just needs more polishing/be less grindy. They kinda fixed the latter along the way.
So I have Star Rail, Wuwa, MW3, Codename Bakery, Snowbreak and etc. Which games should I uninstall in Snowbreak Update is too big. BTW, will delete Star Rail after Firefly patch (failing to get her) will delete MW3 for Black Ops 6.
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>I legit gave her a lightsaber and she mentioned Star Wars
Someone in the dev team really loves Acacia man. It's weird she is so confident when all her interests are nerdy
more like she's the self-insert of the dev team
Anon is your computer 15 years old?
Yeah but I was too lazy to read a story today, so I just gave Wednesday some more Atk.
>>484193143 >>484193378
>go fishing
>reel in a box
>push it to a goal
>box unlocks
>Esther pops out
>capture and correct her
>manifested playable snogemon
Acacia is a blatant genderbent self-insert.
>fucking remakes REEEEEE NO SOUL play the original
She's in a future where people have no idea what she's talking about, so her nerdy trivia pass for "ancient knowledge". She can asperge as much as she wants and people won't judge
wtf I want to fuck the dev team?
I believe Acacia is very heavily localized and probably doesn't make any of the same references in Chinese.
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You forgot her real reward being correct by us.
A self-insert than occasionally contributes and is really just there to deliver meta-commentary of IRL and current otaku hobby situations and deliver spicy one-liners to other characters?
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She's basically the equivalent of walking around talking about how groovy the 70s was and how Woodstock was the greatest thing that has ever happened.
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>Odin just made Lyfe bath in front of me
Thank you, Allfather
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Acacia has Bombersnog and Underbreak running in her room.
>want an android operative, because if Caroline can exist, why not an operative that shares the same situation
>realize that without an organic brain, they can't develop Theotropic Nerves and manifest a Deiwos
Damn it.
wtf I love Acacia now?
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So I can't complete Dawn Restored as a new account, right?
I can only seem to get Danger Level 1 "done," and that still had some pain. I wanna re-arrange who I used, but I dunno how.
She could be 95% machine and have some organics, just a brain and some other bits in a mechanical body.
>tfw she wants children with adjutant but her mechanical body can't bear them
This is why I cannot support her. If she were a true otaku, that would be Kiseki.
You either have to beat your old score with a new team or wipe your run for that area to free the units.
This should help with runs though https://snowbreak.gg/dawn-restored/
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>Acacia is a crotchety Skyfag that also praises Ao but has never actually played it and whines about Rean-sama and Sen
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Yeah, I glanced at that guide earlier, but didn't notice the trashcan icon to bin my current runs and let me swap Siris over to the damage run. Now I just have to pull off the kill run without her somehow.
why is grandma like this?
>there is a small chance that Acacia unironically browsed /hgg2d/
The fuckhole gets deeper...
If Adjutant has a Deiwos, which god would fit the story best?
I'm thinking either Baldr or Zeus
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Is this infosource solver site broken for anyone else? How am I gonna get my dorm tickets now...
No. Just got it last year with current specs and 500gb ssdd
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Use your brain?
>he needs a tetris solver
bro, just do it yourself. It's not even complicated at all, and in less than a month you're gonna be so overflowing with pieces that you'll be converting them to 9s and then making incredibly liberal use of 9s
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bro... just use your brain...
I need to hit Level 40 to up my girls to level 50.
What's an efficient way of quickly raising rank? Using those timed inhibitor refills to do material missions?
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Isn't that over 200Gbs?
get some friends bro...
also you could just post it here and someone (me) will solve it for you
Uninstall Star Rail and WuWa. Uninstall MW3 because you should not support Activision, period, but you should definitely not support when they rerelease a 12 year old game and pretend it's a new one. I don't know anything about Codename Bakery.
This would be even more grim...I take it back
Add snoggers on the spreadsheet bwo. The seasoned wolves will send you the pieces you need. We have way too many to use ourselves.
This isn't Blue Archive
Isn't that Moses?
Adjutant is the kind of dude to turn the other cheek, give you one chance to fuck off but dares you to try some shit again, then goes into the temple to whip some bitches.
Is there a specific mission to pick for efficiency? Do I just find the one with the highest difficulty level?
I think less than that... I guess? Look, I had to delete MW2019 to install MW3. I'm waiting for Scar's sister
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nta but yes
highest difficulty is most efficient
I played the Acacia route and it sucks. It's literally just go home and play games over and over again then suddenly fall in love and have sex. The best route is unironically the Caroline secret route.
If 1.5 Anni's operator isn't a kettle I'm quitting.
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Ever since they made that messy launcher that requires several restarts to play specific CoDs. Most of the GBs are also due to Warzone
Uhhhhhhh are they just adding sex now?
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She's so pretty...
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>Use your brain
hmm nyo
thanks bwo
So this is what "We don't want to EoS" looks like...
Not bad.
Reminds me, geared up Adjutant has two unique pistols on the heavy outfit now. Both appear to be magazine-loaded pistols, a huge white-gripped handcannon and a more compact gold-gripped one.
Wish there was a clear shot of both of them.
looks like a toy gun, damnit.
Also wait, it's a completely new weapon type? I can't roll with my existing hoard of SMGs with nu5-Lyfe?
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I’m like 7 chapters in and it feels like I did so little plotwise. I guess I understand the whole “being in beta mode” thing it has been walking around Coyotes and Adventists for questioning about stolen tech while theh build their alliances on the background and my higher-ups hamper my work. I got to learn Shrines can attract/spawn titans, that proto-inhibitors gave people superpowers and that Adventusts use Titangel and… that’s it? Oh and I got my ganglia supposedly removed.
Doing Lyfe’s first story file alone gave me more info than an entire chapter. It feels like these chapters have been lacking something while they tried to balance out the gameplay missions but didn’t know how to do so. Take for example Sartre: the chapter just used a bunch of body doubles to justify all the combat nodes being fooled around until we fought and captured the actual one in the climax. It was a departure of the previous chapter that, although also slow on the plot progression, justified the combat nodes by having the first half involve Adjutant & Co stuck fighting a blockade of enemies running low on ammo while the second half had them send Acacia that had to fight her way to him and deliver help.
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It gets a lot better at chapter 11. I know the whole "bro it gets good later on" meme is lame, but it's the unfortunate truth.
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absolute bummer, and I'm sorry I couldn't read. I was away from /snowg/ for a few days
how much for this skin?
John Xina disagrees
>absolute bummer
>getting a new weapon type is a bummer
>DUAL SMGS is a bummer
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>dual SMGs
I've been realizing more and more recently that Snowbreak makes me want to play PSO. Why can't they just make a modern PSO that was actually like PSO and not like whatever the fuck PSO2/NGS is.
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it took way longer because I carelessly used my leftover encoding settings, so I had to redo it...
the result is nice though
The guy that wrote the original story up to Chapter 7 got fired. He was then hired to write Wuthering Waves after, and got fired again.
What is this sorcery? How do I learn this magic?
Just watched the confessions video, god damn they really went full COOM huh? Anyone have a webm of the Lyfe part?
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I wish Portable 2 got ported to PC.
>cunny MAGs added to Snowbreak
I believe.
>girls kissing you
>full COOM
You typing that from a monastery or something?
Topaz Video AI
can't help ya with tutorials, but those are the tools
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>Be newfag Harufag, using her 4* since I haven't been able to get her 5*
>new vid has her pretty much raping you
I'm now even more motivated to roll her. I didn't think she'd do that
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instead of introducing a new weapon type, why didn't seaslug just make it where Nu-Nu lyfe equips any kind of SMG but she can hold 2 of them?
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Fucking wish Three Houses had kissing.
She's just collecting what she's owed from (You). (You) did keep her waiting after all.
I said it's a bummer I can't dual wield the SMGs I already own, man. Dual 100BVs or something, come on. They makin' me get new weapons instead.
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People need a solver for that?
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What the fuck really?
It is strange but true kek
He is probably screwed at this point, not sure anyone will hire him again in the industry.
Coom isn’t the correct term for that because it wasn’t THAT, sexy. It would be for (You) pandering for waifufags for sure though.
I just rewatched the livestream and something I haven't seen mentioned here is that towards the very end of the stream, the devs mentioned possibly adding a bar, onsen, and/or pool to the dorm in the future. Seems like they have a lot of ideas in the works for the dorm.
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>So what do we think about Super Fenny?
Pretty upset about it honestly, I have been waiting for a Fenny alt for so long and the fact I can't on-field Her is a kick in the nuts. I will still whale for Her and get Her skin and scene because I love Her so much, but it's not going to be as fun as I was hoping.
avoiding any overlap frees them from unintended interactions and their consequences (like the recent Discordance business with Siris)
you were late
you're in trouble now, bro
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Anyone else think Edda is going to make us choose the correct dialogue option again?
Also Lyfe's entrance is so fucking cool, I keep replaying that part
It took Mica like almost 11 months to fire the crazy twitter woman writer as GF2 burned to the ground within a single month, there seems to be some odd nepotism involved. That being said, amusing similarities to how things changed.
>Seasun supposedly has an exodus of female staff mid 2023
>we get the Haru patch after
>GF2's writer gets fired
>we get Finlandsex in her GF1 summer skin after
If superfenny is stronger than coronet as an onfielder does that mean coronet is relegated to support duty and armor breaker
Ermmmmmm gfg told me nothing was wrong with GF2 though and it was just le incels
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Yes, what about it?
Reminds me of that guy, what was his name? Hideo Baba that keeps shitting up games and still gets hired.
There definitely is some nepotism around
I'll enhance this one for you too bro
Avatarfagging for no reason award and defending cuck writing award
>its shay
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>It's weird she's so confident when all her interests are nerdy
I'd be confident if I was a hardened child soldier that can kick the asses of almost everyone in the room. Everyone thinks she's cool, and she loves her hobbies. It's probably a bonus to her too being someone from 2013 in 2060.
I don't think so. look at the pictures in this Chinese comic. She's a super nerd in every language.
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can i get those in gold stars
Fenny has always been Lyfe's support, I'm pretty sure you can make a team of 3 Fenny and they will support each other
Probably social circle stuff desu, it always plays into office politics
I was just completing the MGS reference. Is it not one? Is this supposed to be part of some longer sequence of dialogue?
you did it right, don't worry
you're pretty good
Definitely, after Baba got the boot from Bamco, he went to Square Enix and they gave him his own studio and budget to make a PS4 game, development bombed and he left Square Enix and the studio they made for him fell apart.
>she should be stronger than Coronet
Heard she could be a really good reload support for Coronet don't fully know her support skill, just heard it is reload related
5Fritia Alter will have a new weapon type, a rocket launcher
>I can't on-field Her
I would have preferred no alt at all honestly, oh well the rest of the Anni looks good so I won't scream at seaslug for it.
(3)Fenny will be the new meta. Watch out Chernofags.
She wouldn't even be able to lift it.
How bad did GF2 crap the bed? I’m pretty sure GFL had an anime, that’s basically proof the game was way above the average right?
Doesn’t sound like the company could kill off a game like that unless it tried hard to piss off a playerbase like YGO Arc-V or Kemono Friends s2
But you can if you want to
Wait she's a support? Why the fuck would they do that?
Vidyabutt guy is the biggest hypocrite.
>GF2 gets shit on for being GF2
>hmmmmm isn't it suspicious how much hate there is? There is clearly a coordinated attack going on by Mihoyo and the Chinese govenment and Chinese players
>GF2 angers people with feminist imagery or shipping scenes
>oh no there's no meaning, it's all one big coincidence, none of it was on purpose, the dev team did nothing wrong, it's random stock assets and people misunderstood the plot, the singing and the flowers just happened to be there
Nothing is ever the game's fault, it's the "evil incel cabal" holding the game back.
how many people are here to talk about GF2 and not actually play (this) the game
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Sure, but not in anyway that is useful. I did a mean run with Tess (pic related) and it was the most painful experience of my snogging career. Supports suck on field for a reason.
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can you guys not
report and ignore
It was really bad, GF2 was making GF1 levels of profits. Idk how it's doing now, but I doubt it's changed much in the last month or so. The drama basically killed their launch
It was shipshit doe, that can't be argued. Also chink waifugawds won
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Well that's not what I thought this comic was going to say
It’s kind of ironic my introduction to gacha was FGO and I didn’t really mind males or pairings most of the way. Hell some of my favorite servants are guys.
Yet nowadays it’s a big turnoff to me when a gacha has any of that.
Gayshit is truly the worst thing that has ever happened to the gaming industry.
I'm so fucking glad that that piece of shit Baba left Tales series, i will never forgive him for ruining Tales of Zestiria to shill a character only because he was fucking that character VA
Glf posters in general are always obnoxious shills and hypocrites, they are the Tips fedora of gacha games
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hot off the presses
Canon Wyfe btw.
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but chinks called it "cuckshit" which it isn't. you have to abide by their standard
Snowbreak, at least I can show that I play the game unlike shay.
Normalfags and women have been a disaster for gacha
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For my fellow unseasoned wolves and newpups,
Once you have a fuck ton of pieces, Every refresh, you should Change the tiles to being 100/100 by Rebuilding. You're losing out on 20 tickets every week by not going for the big square.
40 if you add Chaos pieces. Never do your analysis early. always after you obtain all the puzzle pieces for the week
And even then, I think your analyisis carries over to the next week. One week I forgot to do 1 and it traveled over to the next week. I'm not sure what the limit for this is though.
>They're still mad
This applies to every facet of life: Trust is hard to build but easy to lose. Mica needed to do FFXIV 1.0 levels of apologising and grovelling along with with immediate firings of the people who made that shitshow happen in the first place. But because they tried to stick their head in the sand and pretend that nothing was wrong that lack of immediate action murdered any chances of the changes being viewed in good faith, at least for a long while.
>not cuckshit
Blud really going mask off
wtf...I never knew about this
Shipshit is cuckshit you retard. Do you also go
>it wasn’t sexual assault, it was rape
what shipshit counts as then
>Change the tiles to being 100/100 by Rebuilding
WHAT? I've been playing for months. I'd assumed it was always 100 tickets at base. Are you saying the board you're randomly given can give you less tickets?
Is there not a limit on rebuilding? I never bothered because the puzzles were so easy.
I see that Katya is on both the Standard-Limited and Special-Limited banners.
What's the difference? Which one is better?
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Shipshit is cuckshit, or are you really gonna try to say your waifu being shipped with another man is okay? This mfer VB really going mask off right now
Standard you're guaranteed to get a 5* in 80 rolls but you have a 50/50 chance of it being Katya.
Special you're guaranteed to get a 5* in 100 rolls but it's guaranteed to be Katya.
ALWAYS roll on Special. All of the old 5* characters are extremely outdated, except for maybe Yao5, so getting spooked by them is not helpful at all.
You gfl niggers need to take your arguments back to your general. No one cares about who fucked your sorry ass game
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>defending shipshit
KEKAROO, I knew it. But it's nice to have confirmation
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God, i fucking hate GFL shills so much, it's unreal. Can we go back in posting hot snowbreak waifus and ignore those cucks?
They've been raiding wuwa for days and pretending they aren't shilling their cuckshit when confronted.
Yeah, that was the conclusion I came to by comparing them back and forth. Good to know I'm not dumb.
I'll stick to Special then, thank you for explaining.
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Yep. The board you're randomly given can be either 90/90 or 100/100.
More than likely if the board has missing pieces , its 90/90. If it's a full board like in my picture above, its 100/100 (be careful, because some full boards are smaller and still 90/90). I never rebuilt when I restarted at the beginning of Cherno's banner either, but I started testing out the function like a few weeks ago and found out that rebuilding can give you more tickets
You have a limit of 2 Rebuilds for every new board.
So reset until you get a 100/100 board, claim the 100% reward, then repeat until you get the 100/100 board.
>full polygamy route
I kneel
Even Yao is not a great spook since M2 is a good stopping point.
Also, I will add that special gives you a guaranteed counter towards a random standard 5 star spook (that's what the gold counter up to 140 is there.)
Once you roll 140 times on the banner you will get a box that will give you a random 5 star "spook" (this does not break pity on the banner)
Similarly on the special weapon banner.
>any instance of a character having a friendly relationship with a character that isn't (you) can be counted as shipshit
Yes that is indeed the case. As someone who actually is involved in shipping in many non-gacha franchises I could tell you all about how this shit works. I’ll make it simple for you though, shipping is a spectrum. It can go from small tiny hints where the shipper needs to use their knowledge of the characters to headcanon potential possibilities of a relationship, then there’s full on your face shipping where the story is basically painting a big neon sign to ship certain characters together. The GFL2 incident leaned more on the latter end with the amount of bait it included.
Nigga, we've all read the translation at this point. Even if it's incomplete, it was at least clear shipbaiting and, since it was meant for the VERY FIRST EVENT, and using the CN designated for (you) wife, the initial meltdown was justified.
You unironically lost.
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Not shipshit though, don't be dishonest.
>first thing VB thinks of when he sees a brown guy is shipshit with his girls
WuWa is also a pretty big (You) pandering game right? I know it has homos but even they are for (You) from what I’ve heard. Funny how they only target the games that are doing everything that their cuck game isn’t doing.
This shit is unfortunately unavoidable because a big part of Snobble’s success was from the failure of their competitors.
Yeah, wuwa is pandering hard right now. And these gfl shills have been spamming their shitty webms for days now. I don't fucking know what started it
>It has homos but even they are for (you)
Not like I'm playing it anyway, but I hope for whoever does that that is optional on both sides. I wouldn't want my MC to be bisexual
>WuWa is also a pretty big (You) pandering game right
Latest trailer was basically a date, yup. And the male banner character had a somewhat romantic scene with (you) at the end of his character quest.
>shipbait = cuckshit
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Well yeah, because the Raymond stuff was pure shipshit. Imagine us having a event where Fenny notices a guy out of a whole crowd(Lyfe comments on this because of how unusual it is and teases about being jealous) and the whole event being her and him and even outside of the event Fenny keeps talking about him. That would be pure shipshit, but thank Snowbreak we don't have to worry about that here.
>GFfags, even VB in this thread go on about how they're above waifushit and they're all le SERIOUS story
>everything they try to shill it they just use webms of hot girls
Ironic weebs are something else
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instead, they have to worry about us
then any kind of friendship would be cuckshit according to you
yet that's still not cuckshit, and that's my point that you keep trying to move goalposts to it being.
>Funny how they only target the games that are doing everything that their cuck game isn’t doing.
Because there’s been a not so subtle push to remove pandering for straight males in gacha for quite a while now. And for a long time it seemed like waifufags were forced to take it up the ass and accept it, until the Daiyan shitshow. These fags are pretty much perpetually seething that waifufags actually managed to force a gacha to near death for pushing it way too far. So now they’re angry at Snowbreak and more recently WuWa for picking up the slack and giving the audience what they want.
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VB be like
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I want the fishing minigame now!
>you keep trying to move goalposts
>”She’s talked to him once. It was nothing!”
>how they're above waifushit and they're all le SERIOUS story
That also sounds like your average onions redditor
/sczg/ is my favourite/ source of gf2 news
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We don't need the 1000th discussion of this garbage again snowg.
this thread would be halved in size if every mention of gfl was removed
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Let's just go back to Snogging and maybe a few Call of Duty Black Ops shitposting for no reason.
I've been calling it /sczg/ since day 1 because it has always been /sczg/. We really have grown into our True Name.
It's funny because Snowbreak is what a lot of ex-gunfags wanted, a combination of waifu harem plus /pol/ shenanigans, worldbuilding and story. Only problem is we aren't /k/ enough.
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how do you say you're a snogger in the tetris piece gift screen? there's like 2 people that have it and I can't figure out how
Look, I'm not an extremist in this. Shipping CAN be "not cuckshit", if it's done with a brand new character, exists from minute one, and is telegraphied enough. Or a franchise that explicitly is about shipping.
Daiyan was a legacy for (you) established character in a waifu collector, for years. In that case, all shipping or shipbaiting is hard cuckshit, and there will be a lot of people getting a highly emotional reaction.
Honestly, at this point your winning strategy isn't to deny it happened, it's to claim that the people responsible were acting in bad faith and got fired.
>Only problem is we aren't /k/ enough.
insert thatsnothowshotgunslugswork.gif
Give us what Blops 6 is doing. All girls doing Omnimovement while their books and ass are shaking and bouncing and crawl mechanics.
Need an operative who uses a flamethrower
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not ship
>oh hey its that guy!
>oh hey its that guy! wow, how did you notice him so fast?
Am I getting this right?
He can't, despite GFfags always going on about hating chinks they SLURP up micas cock. That would mean he'll have to admit Miva was wrong and it wasn't just le evil incels
In my opinion, GFL2 would greatly benefit from collaborating with Dave the Diver. By handing over their dolls to other men, this collab will undoubtedly cater to the preferences of your target audience.
I wouldn’t mind seeing some of the other girls pole dance. Imagine Lyfe awkwardly trying to look sexy doing that
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Waiting for anni update be like.....
>Dave the diver
this has to be a discord raid
honestly, for now, we're fine
hopefully, perhaps wishfully, there will be a numbers leak some time before anni actually drops so we can get a head start on figuring shit out
She would study a bunch of videos to make it look good for you, but she would be stonefaced the entire time because she only every paid attention to the body movements and not the face.
Nikker Discorder I guess. Any new names of troopns to watch out?
it's fresh on the minds of nikke players because it was their announced collab
Snoggers want to fuck THIS?
>dave the diver
>Nikke collab
You cannot be serious
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I'm still upset they're trying to slander my nigga Dave like he's a NTR man just because he's fat.
This is the Raikage from Naruto all over again who had a wife he loved and these cucks paint him as a cheating nigga who wants to fuck random married women just because he's black skinned.

I'm tired of this slander by cucks.
Can't they make up their own OCs instead of spreading slander about established characters? They're full tumblr shipper tier about this crap nowadays.
Accurate but still hot. Just means she will have to do a lot more practice to get the act of poledancing right
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She's a criminal and should be executed not fucked. Course, they will say that to Esther but not this Syuen wannabe bitch.
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Honestly, I believe its a case of bad transition from 1 to 2. I've never played GFL, but I used to play AL for a few years, and it had close to the same collection/marriage system.
I don't know why the game developers thought that including 1 of 300 girls in shipbait would be a good choice when the core was a waifu collector styled game. What I'm understanding from this is that they wanted to depart from the part of the fanbase that they don't like and create a whole new type of game that wasn't a waifu collector, but a game that attracted the type of people that would say things like "the characters have their own lives, they're not just there for the main character."
It's fine if they wanted to make this kind of game. That stuff sells these days. But that kind of thing would probably piss off the people that played the game for the "waifu collecting" elements. What they should have done was create a new IP and use different characters if they wanted to push that kind of story. Then, they could just have a structure like normal JRPGs where characters are paired with each other.
I can't even comprehend this collab choice
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>notices him out of a whole crowd
>her sis teases her about being jealous(since it's a standard set up of showing attraction) and even pointing out how there's another regular there but she didn't notice him at all
If Raymond was replaced with skk in that scene it'd be considered (You) pandering.
It does not matter whether GF2 is shipbait or cuckshit. What does matter is that the GF brand is fucked and the success of Snowbreak. The devs will have to pick a clear stance in the current situation. And the people will know what games to play or avoid based on the devs' attitude.
It's fine if you like that game, but it has no place in a gacha waifu collector, nikke devs are fucking retarded to put that shit, but i guess it makes sense with their agenda of turning the game into a normalfag zone
>This is the Raikage from Naruto all over again
That was mostly done thanks butthurt Narusaku faggots that lost They are fucking retarded since sakura always loved sasuke and not naruto
this reminds me of when esther had some choice words about anderson and even that got changed even though nobody wants a playable esther
Reminder Lyfe literally sexually assaulted us by forcing us to grope her.
shitposter can't even get the right person
Why is it always this hour the thread becomes complete shit
its shay
GFL2 won’t be able to get a new audience either, that game outside of the shipshit scream coomer game, from the dorm feature to the designs.
I'm just feeling fatigued from the repetitive conversation about that other game, so I've decided to mix things up by introducing a new challenger. More scizos could potentially cancel out each other?
No, that's your cope.
The extreme amount of concern and hints of affection you can gleam from even just the translated sections is what makes it shipshit. I'm still hoping for a full translation.
Honestly, most of those rewrites happened due to a harsh scorced earth policy.
Like the chen-siris thing. They probably had actual yuri in the original plan and they simply axed everything related just to be sure
GFL's hail Mary now is JP and KR. Global is out of the question until they get their shit together. Honestly, GFL 2 needs to be nuked for lols and see where the refuges will go
Dave is a good honest man. The commander can rest easy.
I want to respond, But I think that's bait. Here's a comic of the girls instead.
Anderson from Nikke or Snobble? Or is it the old man Joe Biden?
these threads are going to turn me into joe biden
Nah, it's the lion from FGO
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OK here's some drip proposal for Adjutant gear. Introducing, Sicario Adjutant
>They probably had actual yuri in the original plan and they simply axed everything related just to be sure
While I fully understand their choice, I hate dealing with normalfags who hear about that stuff getting axed and pretend that Snobble’s harem isn’t still full of interactions with each other
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Is it really a good idea to make an entirely new weapon class for dual SMG
the biggest problem is that it is a male collab in a waifu gacha, the way things are going for nikke the next thing they will do is add a free male character or even a gacha male
This is what Nikke should have done to Syuen but she's "useful"
That's only because he never had a nikussy before.
>Sorry Commander, the underwater exploration is taking longer than expected. So it will be a little while before we return. But don't worry, Dave is with us and everything is fine.
>Oh sorry, I've missed your call yesterday, been a little busy. Sorry Commander, we were stuck in an underwater cave and all. So we won't be back for a day or two. But don't worry, everything is fine. Dave is very friendly and nice, so don't worry.
>Missed call
>Missed call
>Missed call
>Missed call
>Missed call
>You received a video message.
isn't dave the diver published by nexon? and blue archive is the nexon game?
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the chinese aren't going to like this, especially with helm being for (you).....
Nikke sold out to waifufags long ago. All the new girls aren't even for (You), they're pretty much just platonic. Only new girl with pandering was Leona, and any other girl that gets anything is just alts of girls that came out from back before the game sold out
Uhhh they don't have Nikke in China
*sold out to normalfags kek
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What do you think about Eatchel's new skin? I saw that people here don't like it when it was revealed during the livestream.
For me I like it more than her student skin and will buy it.
Did you really type this shit up
It'll probably get an audience outside of China.
Look at Nikke. Doesn't it scream coomer game? look at how the fanbase has now changed to the same people people that "came for the plot" unironically.
bro wtf
There is no chinese server for nikke so they probably don't care, since the majority can't play it
reason why i quit
I think both skins are very cute
gonna need to look up her skirt before I can give a proper answer
>>484209171 (me)
I didn't actually like her student skin that much but I hate the rags Eatchel came with
No, it's from nikg >>681277867
same thing with limbus and that's not stopping them
The thing is nikke NEEDED the waifufags to build a base and create good will to do that. Normalfaggots didn't start flooding in until anni, then it was over. But Nikke even succeeding in the first place was because of waifufags
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>Shay made NTR fanfiction again
shitty BP fodder reskin
So is CN trying to save us from the normiepandering?
Yes, and fanbases like GFfags try to shame them and stop them. Basically what chinks want is for games to just be upfront about who the game is for and stop doing omni pandering shit
Even that guy with the letter F is tame compared to this...
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Adjutant was a former security officer; if they were gonna do anything like that he'd just wear something like the sec officer gear
I suspect it will probably be the norm in the future for characters intended to be main dps, so you can't just use an old weapon on them
It would make design easier for Seaslug and incentivize rolling for the sig because you'll have few to no other options
I'm mildly negative about it, because I like neat unplanned/unintended interactions and getting extra mileage out of old stuff, but it's not very important to me at all
Wish the West had that energy. Now its just slop and copium from them. Synthetic Man guy from YouTube keeps it real
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Well played? Such sportsmanship!
It's cute but when compared to the school girl one it looks lame
Westerners have been successfully defanged for the most part. Can’t get angry at at these billion dollar corporations, that’s being toxic.
The west already lost
>nikke even succeeding was because of waifufags
Yes, and I regret spending even the measly 20 dollars that I paid for the battle pass for that game.
Thing about it is those same "normalfags" (AKA ironic weebs) will play GFL2 and also claim "Don't mind all of the fan service, I play it for the plot". If the game had a universal launch, it would've probably had been raking in millions of dollars.
I want some comfy clothes for adjutant. Bathrobe would be absolutely perfect.
reason why nikke revenue dropped like crazy, even for their half anniversary, normalfags are all talk but no buying and pulling. Let's see if today their revenue increases with the revenue chart, but i doubt it
I want them adding new weapon types since i want a rocket launcher for a main DPS character
Isn't Heimdall like a PMC or at least The Adjutant was formerly part of a Security firm hired by Heimdal. Looks PMC ish
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Is she wearing pads?
Isn't this month when the chart will reflect the bunny skins? I think they have enough mindbroken waifufags to still have an increase.
How strong are the operatives without their special power and gears. The dorm interaction got me feel like they’re just regular women normally.
>Isn't this month when the chart will reflect the bunny skins?
>I think they have enough mindbroken waifufags to still have an increase.
Maybe, but their revenue has being down for months now, even for the anni
My schizo theory is that part of the reason gfg didn’t care as much was because it was a doll they didn’t care about and even actively shat on at times. If it were someone like MP40, 416, or whatever dolls they like getting that treatment, I feel like more of them would rise up with the chinacels. Especially if it’s mp40. Imagine the first story event that centers on her across both games and its ship bait.
I remember seeing Bae and being like damn she's hot as fuck! But then Clae and Bae both have no pandering, basically just the normalfag way of pandering where them just being hot is enough
Her face kinda looks off here
From how they defend it I think they would defend it regardless because they take the le serious story shit seriously. So they will always act like they're above such things
Why did she ask for the no games box decades after it came out? They must be on the PS20 by the time Snobble takes place and I'm sure they can't have a (mainstream) console with less games than the PS5
Imagine if it was AR team that got the Dai Yan Treatment. I'm sure MICA would love to do that to spite their creators for being successful with Arknights.
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>bringing up blacked out of no where
Oh HELL nah blud went mask off
same case with BD2, reason why that game pretty much flopped
kek ps5 was sony last console
>My schizo theory is that part of the reason gfg didn’t care as much was because it was a doll they didn’t care about and even actively shat on at times
That's actually true. If it was WA! or famili :3 or 416 the game would be dead right now.
Most of them are ordinary in regards to strength and whatnot when they aren't focusing their power. When they're focused, most of them are low level superheros.
Them being completely normal in the dorm is intentional, they're not using their power at all. Since manifestations are derived from Titans, overuse of their powers can lead to titagen contamination and Flooding, hence the need for Adjutant to keep track of them and stick them with Baldr inhibitors if necessary.
The only thing that may be a constant enhancement is they recover faster than most.
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What's the gotcha here?
>and sticking with GFL for the story while treating the waifu stuff as a secondary side
What a fucking faggot holy shit
How do I level a weapon? I know there was the quick tutorial for it but I kinda forgot
>also doesn't consider shipshit cuckshit
Mfer really went mask off this thread
>"Don't mind all of the fan service, I play it for the plot"
That’s what normalfags already say about Nikke. Having good writing is a fucking curse for gacha
Acacia is Ex special forces (before she was frozen) so she should be pretty strong
Lyfe, Fenny and Haru used to compete in combat games.
Yao used to work for the military.
Tess is a special operativefor Heimdall
Katya is an ex mercenary.
Chenxing used to work for the board.
Nita used to be a scavenger, and even now still trains physically.
The others are probably more normal.
>If the game had a universal launch, it would've probably had been raking in millions of dollars
But a lot of this community are F2P. The "normalfag storyfag" spenders are in Arknights.
What worse, the ones who write these “good stories” usually hate self-insert stuffs too. So you’re basically waiting for a disaster to happen.
It's kinda boring, but still cute. I think I'll make it my reason to buy BP for the first time.
You can tell when Nikke shifted to that during the anni, male advising your girls, Red Hood no way fagging you(tons of just kidding fake outs around that time). And skk acting like a total bitch in the onsen event, even trying to find a way out of bathing with Blanc and Noir. I heard some people say that the loli in BA is what keeps normalfags out, like a filter and I really think it's true
Didn't her VA even come out and say that she was told to read her lines like she had a crush on the guy?
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smoking jacket / lounge jacket is the thing that jumped out to me
Unlock operation and farm weapon EXP and materials, after you do it once and can auto clear
Problem is not even having a nice story, but devs being retarded enough to think that's the main reason people will spend in this kind of gacha and starts appealing to normalfags
Hating their actual self insert is the classic move for those faggots and the most hypocritical part is that they usually love to self insert into some random NPC instead of the MC of the game
No, they're unironically, genuinely, buckbroken ironic weebs and will slurp and praise literally anything. They'll praise pandering, lack of pandering, horny designs, safe designs, a game mode, the lack of that game mode... And any criticism will get them to chimp out.
But anyway, snobble.
Vidyabutts can actually write English, bro.
>stuff as a secondary side treat the things that happened
Snobble's girl-girl interactions are funny and lighthearted. Only the most mindbroken would see anything wrong in them. I hope they make more like picrel, the Acacia-Frito one about height and the Siris-Fenny one about photos and Fenny's beauty filter (although you were there for the last one)
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Maybe when they add a hot spring into the dorm system
Wasn't acacia frozen at 17?
Bro stop leaking the next anniversary patch
>I'll chalk this one up to my own mindset then. After playing with limbus for the story and sticking with GFL for the story while treating the waifu stuff as a secondary side treat the things that happened don't register as hard cuckshit for me.
I don't consider it cuckshit, It's shipshit. both of those are bad for a pure "waifu-collecting game" no matter the scale.
Characters that are a part of the "collection" can be friends with other male characters or speak about them, but it is key that that male character is either off the market or it is shown that the "collectable character" has no romantic interest for said friend.
Think of it like this. If Katya was in a relationship with Will, Snobble probably would've died. All those CN players would've probably not wanted to roll for her at all.
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Based Adjutant sandwich. We need more of this.
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I hate this thread
Talking about ANY OTHER GACHA in the snobble thread always leads to this shit
Never got an actual source, could be made-up. Can't tell.
>handholding Enya
damn, good thing she's wearing gloves or Enya would have gotten prego with quadruplets
I just feel strongly about other gachas because I've had to drop them
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Please use the one where I at least attempted to line up the Adjutant correctly
She poked a hole in her gloves for that exact reason
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I agree
>loli in BA is what keeps normalfags out
Sure, but instead they attract schizos like f*ckfie who think that spamming how much they like cunny and hate big tits somehow makes them cool. Think: shitposters who moan about tits being too big whenever we get a new patch, but several orders of magnitude more obnoxious.
If Fenny had LY as a boyfriend, Snob would probably have died, doesn't she have the most skins? Or is that Yao or Lyfe?
They made it extra safe by giving Will a daughter he cares about.
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Any thoughts on picrel.
Tower of Hanoi guy too. Honestly I think it's hilarious having all these cool older men with wives and daughters.
That's every /v/ thread for any gacha game, always end up some gfl shill war, reason why i stopped going there for gacha games
Is that that mecha game? If so i don't really like mechas, but if the game is this hot and full of (you) pandering i will be trying out anyway
Isn't the dev just one guy? I wouldn't expect too much
Its not ugly but too similar to her default for me desu.
If LY had been kept in in any way, the game would be dead.
we need a notice or reminder to report off-topic shit in the OP at this point imo.
What, you don't like that Grandmacacia was a child soldier?
She was a part of some kind of secret project before she was frozen because of her Juvosis. That's in files, but it's also somewhere in one of the earlier chapters.
It would be cool if others were a part of this same project and they start appearing later on.
Cute foot
Tall Saber, Dark Elf and Jelly are sexy but I don't really care much for the aestetic and what seems to be the gameplay, seems like Honkai 3rd which I don't care for.
How could a stupid NEET be a super soldier
>the most hypocritical part is that they usually love to self insert into some random NPC instead of the MC of the game
I’ve noticed this trend alot with normalfags. They absolutely love self inserting but just not with the main character. That’s cringe to them but self inserting as side characters is somehow okay.
I want to post that pic of the post that said how anons here only play snowbreak because of them being disgruntled with PREVIOUS GACHA but I dont have it
Yeah, she was a patient/test subject, but spec ops implies both spec ops training and possibly deployments.
Is this the "The smell of progress" game?
They should put her back in the freezer to keep her fresh.
Sorry bro... I'll use this next time.
I feel like Nornium is never going to actually release, and if/when it does, it's going to be so full of bugs as to be borderline unplayable. However, the animations will look nice (when they aren't errantly clipping through environments)
>your job is to kill, Acacia, join us and come back to the program
>the adjutant only wants you for your strength, he's using you
>damn right I am, her job is to carry me in Shadow Souls and Older Ring co-op, go away
Normalfags are NPCs, of course they would self-insert as NPCs.
>but I will send you back if you make Star Master 3.0
They are just hypocrites at the end of the day
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I am now noticing
I think the dev promised it would only have a male protag so it probably will be filled with pandering.

Shit is it? I don't really know desu.

Yeah the dark elf is my fav I think. The combat does look kinda mid though, but if it could be a chill side game I would probably still play it.

Don't know what thats referring to.
I remember there was a twitter post from the official account of a game with an MC that looked like the guy in that pic surrounded by the bare feet of the female characters with the caption "The smell of progress". I don't remember what the game's name actually is, I only remember that picture
>Any thoughts
off-topic, kys
There gonna have an open beta on the 16th or 17th I think, but yeah some of the physics like the hair physics doesn't seem that great.
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>both spec ops training and possibly deployments
She probably did get deployed. She makes some comments in one of the early chapters about how one of the girls is an amateur. I think that was Yao.
How is it hilarious? The biggest motives a man can have to do something will always be his family.
>Why are you stealing?
To feed my family
>Why did you join an organization that doesn't give a fuck about you.
So my family can have a better life.
>Why do you want to genocide this group of people off this planet?
They killed my family.
It's just a really simple character motive to implement.
>open beta on the 16th or 17th I think
info? website? don't fucking tell me I have to join a dicksword
Oh,then yeah it is that game. Nornium.
Sorry, will do.
Snowbreak must be a really great game huh since all you do is talk about other GF games lol
Family men/homos/eunuchs is the safest way to introduce male npcs in a pandering gacha.
out of curiosity, why doesn't it line up / what's the original source for this?
>what's the original source for this
Posted to the official Twitter as 2 images
It was announced with this youtube video (and probably on discord but I don't use discord so I dunno)

I saw people talking about it and I think its one of those steam open registration beta's where all you need to do is click the button to register when the beta opens and you can play it immediately. Not 100% sure though, so don't quote me.
I like that one girl on the far right's butt.
I Also like the nearly visible areola on that girl sitting on the far left.
I don't like how all the girls with a large enough chest has a blocker between their cleavage.
Breasts are nice, but not being able to see the valley between the twin peaks takes the joy out of cleavage.
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not enough
Yeah, Priconne has 1 male character in the gacha and he's the faggiest, fruitiest, narcissistic homo that likes (you) and only (you).
>main villain is a troon
>troon is also an abusive child groomer
Fat fish
>CN only
Rip. Well I'll surely see some gameplay footage at some point from the test
We're not done until Siris needs to get a new outfit since her old one won't fit anymore
>tess gun for tess I rarely use
>or 30 weapon thingies for T2 Wyfe Lyfe Gen2
I honestly don't know
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People falseflag as vidya buttes now?
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You sound salty and not suitable for eating, but i'll have a bite anyway.
I don't think anyone really cares enough to shit on GFL's games here except Shay.
The funny this is that no-one liked how SKK in the onsen event kept "JUST KIDDING!!!" his way out of scenarios. Even reddit fucking hated it. If you go to the nikke reddit and search "just kidding" you're going to get a lot of post of people saying the onsen mini game was shit because of how much of a beta SKK seemed to be in it.
can someone make a noooticing face with lyfe? hugs and kisses if you do
a nooticing face needs to be made for the real noticers, Mauxir and Acacia.
>Having good writing is a fucking curse for gacha
Most of them don't even have good writing. People simply pretend that they do because the lack the pandering. It's why people unironically say that Arknights has Tolkien level world-building and storytelling, because no pandering and lots of words = good writing.
when shay isn't cuckposting nikke/azur lane/your game nor lusting over males like kou he's playing mixed toilets like honkai shart rail
this is the guy who says they make nikke platonic now
to be fair for the gflfags he's been doing this for almost a year
Nikke’s community might be infested with normalfags but doesn’t mean all the waifufags abandoned the game. Some still stick around hoping that things get better. It’s not like there’s many options for ML gacha these days.
The funniest thing is, it's always Nikkefags that bash Snowbreak for its master love direction and even say that Nikke did it "better" because the girls have lives outside of SKK and aren't tied down to him.
Like Esther, all the future female villains whose crimes are hard to whitewash will be added to Star Master roster.
Nikke did sell out to normalfags though, that's a fact
said the fucking hoyodrone
formerly a grub
>Star Master 3 will have Pi as a snowkemon
yes, it's all coming together
I've never seen that happen. Although whenever I see someone post that they're from another general and that their game is better I just assume their actually just a hoyo fag trying to start shit between generals
Lives outside of the MC is just a buzzword for leaving them available to be shipped.
well, I was an artist once upon a time, I bet I can fill that in
>everyone calling out Shitup for reducing pandering is <boogeyman>
Last 3 units released had zero for you pandering.
Nikkefags at launch wouldn’t be saying that. But unfortunately it’s current community feels very high and mighty about the lessening pandering.
What gets me about this is that SKK had sex with Helm and Yulha but is apparently too shy to go into a bath together with Ludmilla. I've talked about this before, but Shift Up somehow managed to character-assassinate a self-insert.
personal stories are not canon iirc.
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I have read the word "pandering" so much since coming here that it stopped sounding like a real word.
>some stick around hoping things get better.
And i don't think it has. I would've been one of those fools that sticked around hoping things got better if I didn't think about the fact that the back of most of the girls aren't sexy. I got tired of butt capes from "other games", Long hair as butt capes is almost just as bad.
The game would've been better if they had an uncensored version with more exposing designs vs a censored version for the weaker willed.
It doesn't happen here, but it does happen everywhere else. I even remember a YouTube comment saying how Nikke did the ML thing better while also allowing the girls to interact with men and have lives outside of SKK.
>Some still stick around hoping that things get better.
I left Nikke around the Elegg patch. And thank god. The game went full retard with collabs to the point where it became annoying. I mean, who asked for a Re:Zero collab? No taste Japs? Cuck obsessed Gooks?
Yeah, I've seen it happen myself but I don't think it's most Nikke players, just a loud minority of schizos.
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I am getting ulcers....
The best part of this image is that there are a few who will miss the hidden mechanics...
Did kot get her sex anni webm yet?
They are canon which makes the inconsistencies in the writing even more egregious
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canon deez nuts
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Fennycucks keep on losing.
This may be a wild thought, but I wonder if the success of Snowbreak will encourage other devs to make more gacha games like it. PGR seems to be taking inspiration with the dorm/base system and construct interactions, not to mention going full on (you) pandering. I know it's just wishful thinking, but I do hope that this means that gachas will go back to their roots. Maybe in a few years time, when the hype for Mihomo dies down, devs will realize that trying to be like them isn't nearly as profitable as it seems.
I guess we’ll always end up talking about off topic stuff during the tail end of every patch
Hoyo hype is still going strong, even WuWa which faced much criticism for copying Genshin is still making more money than us. Smaller devs might look at Snobble and emulate us but big budget developers will be wanting a piece of that Genshin pie for a long time yet
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As a Fennycuck myself I'm just dropping the game when she comes out and is confirmed a mediocre dps. We've lost too much and me being so sad over something so trivial in a gacha game no less has me rethinking my life choices
Who the fuck is doing this?
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>rethinking my Lyfe choices
Fenny is a cuck. Lyfe stole the Adjutant from her. It made Fenny incredibly aroused.
Therefore, Fenny won!
Hoyo has already returned to more sexo desu, this post will not change anyone's mind however
Bonds are dubiously canon, they don't affect the main story and the bonds of girls that appear in the story are often impossible since the commander isn't close enough/is physically unable to reach them.
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Bro, your other Wyfe?
WuWa nearly tanked due to launching in a broken state and opening up with a homo banner. It's why Kuro had to rush the Yinlin banner to save the game from going EoS.
erm Wednesday is bugged in this week's hero games and doesn't give a bonus check this out
Fenny literally can't win because she wants Adjutant exclusively for herself.
Lyfe is just autistic and aggressively shows her love like she promised in the valentine letter
It's fine, big companies won't be pleased which just a moderately successful title, they will always aim at the normalfag market. As long as Snobble success encourages more devs to go this route it's enough.
nufenny will support fenny5
why did things screech to a halt
Cuz we stopped talking about other games... We should go back to that.
Didn't Lyfe freeze Fenny's butt when she tried to sit beside the adjutant?
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>Fenny literally can't win because she wants Adjutant exclusively for herself
Fenny slander. Fenny directed Adjutant onto the harem route so that all girls could win, including her.
I'm going to touch you rabid lyfe fags
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>left handed ps controller, backwards start button, square and circle buttons switched
>unaligned sega genesis label, arrow pad is a mess
>Fenny directed Adjutant onto the harem route
>gets mad when other girls are around Adjutant
so.. her being a cuckquean is not a meme?
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new fenny doesnt deleted old fenny
are you going to abandon your wife? wth dude
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When it was a meme it was amusing but now it just makes me sad that the devs have decided that my wife literally loses canonically when all the other girls don't. What a wild ride this has been lmao.
look at them fat tits on this slut
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It's not. Which is why its also fun to make fun of her.
Her getting angry at the adjutant leaving from another girl's room is cute. She really just wants ALL of the adjutant's attention and wants to be special to him.
>One of the two first wives
Bro if there's anyone losing it's everyone other than Lyfe and Fenny.
The spoiler was a misclick lol.

Does she really though? She is one the first girls to get a wedding outfit.
Lyfe being the main feature of the patch doesn't Mean Fenny lost.
Enya surely didn't, and Katya continues to win every patch.
Fennyfags aren't losing. You know who's REALLY losing? Carolinefags. Where the fuck is HER confession?
bro CN devs said nufenny is a support that can dps wdym
Fenny is a support now. It's over, she lost.
Man I can't tell if the devs love or hate fenny. Pretty funny all the same though.
devs love Fenny so much they play along with her degenerative fetish.
they sure make it clear that Lyfe is #1
Edda more like Eddeez nuts lol
> You know who's REALLY losing? Carolinefags. Where the fuck is HER confession?
Someone gets it.
>No letter from caroline
>No interview from Caroline
>No confession from Caroline
She's an observer without a voice. even had to observe the adjutant interacting with all the girls and make notes.
Caroline is the true loser. for now.
She's your electric kettle, not your date.
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not funny, didn't laugh
didnt ask
I kinda don't want my smart onahole to suddenly start talking or sending me mails tell me how much it loves me
Edda should die
Well, PGR pretty much is prioritising buffing the female characters they shafted most of the male characters. Lee got skipped for Leap way hard and was given to Alpha and most Leefags and Global homos are pissed
Agreed. Let Adjutant be the one to spank her to death
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If you'd watched the full confession video (and understand Chinese) you'd know there's a folder named "Water Heating Logs" next to the folders for all the operatives on the Yggdrasil cloud storage.
But as is tradition our unseasoned Western brethren fight among themselves over nothing because they couldn't parse the Easter Eggs due to the language barrier.
The real regrets of the confession video were:
- Lack of Meursault.
- Seasun not being able to secure Tess's CV (same CV as Lumine) so they had to make do with old voicelines. That's why her confession was so jarring.
There's also an App named "Find My Pants" on the
home screen
Fenny has always been hyper competitive and enjoys having to outdo the other girls, especially Lyfe. That's the reason for guiding adjutant to the harem route. She simply must be the best and that's not possible without opposition.
Never know which room my pants end up in.
>Seasun not being able to secure Tess's CV
You mean the JP or CN CV?
Why did they give Lyfe such wide hips?
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matching line quality will never not be a pain in the ass
also I did this with a mouse because I don't have a tablet anymore
hope y'alls like it
for childbirth
she's a married woman now
I would guess CN since JP loom is pretty high profile actually. Bro is also talking about chinese version.
Based. Thanks bro.
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Is she Caroline because she's a tea kettle, or is she a tea kettle because she's Caroline?
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>Why did they give Lyfe such wide hips
I told you all the girls would be ready in their best form for summer. Why did you doubt me?
Thank you for showing the luminous path to us Gwailos...
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She's my kettle bride.
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Do you think patch 2.1 will be summer event?
God I hope so. I don’t think anyone will really complain either, and when other gachas are doing their summer events it will look weird for the big ML gacha to not have it happen until the end of the year.
>Two straight patches with 2 new characters.
I doubt it. I think we'll get Nita's patch for 2.1 then the summer patch for 2.2.
2.3 will be summer patch
t. intern-kun
>"You are the one who taught me hate is not everything in life. And you taught me... how to love."
>Cherno/Merusalt started to love Adjuntant
>got bigger boobs
>Siris finally accepts that she loves Adjuntant and starts making an effort
>boobs got much larger
>This quote from Lyfe
>and thus, the boobs...

>yeah but what about Mauxir?
she brown, so she doesn't count.
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She won
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I expect a filler/epilogue event between Anniversary and the Summer event to wrap up the New Hentai arc, like
>Lyfe & Fenny
>Agave and __Nita__
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I need Eatchel 4* alt
Eatchel is an honorary 4*
It's not necessarily love. It's the pregnancy that increased their boob size.
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what a sudden lore drop
>not buying wedding skins
EXTREMELY unseasoned
Based. Looks like Seaslug managed to get me to pay for the first time.
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This is BIG for me.
>implying CHADjutant would impregnate a woman he doesn't love
poorbros... how are we gonna recover from this...
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This is no longer big. This is HUGE for Snowbreak!
looks like one of the outfits she changes into when she interacts with the mirror in the room
It's the entire great wall of China
Full sized pic
I hope owning is enough, e.g. it won't need to be turned on. To me, base outfits are way hotter.
Are the wedding skins on a new price tier?
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This might make buy Fenny's wedding dress....
As a Lyfebwo, I can't have her rival lose this badly...
>game is becoming p2w

It's LITERALLY snover. EoS soon.
Based on the rumors either 188 or 198 bitgold. The devs have said on Apr. 19 live stream that skins (bundles) will never exceed 200 bitgold.
I'm gonna have to skip, I must wait for my #1 operative to get her wedding skin first. Everyone else gets a ring afterwards.
Even at risk of bricking my account, I will not brick my heart.
nyoo i don't like fenny's wedding skin...
That's very respectful, anon.
I'm glad my main wyfe is Lyfe, and she will be the first official wife. Fenny wife is a must as well.
Let me guess. Is it Frito?
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Literally, unfriend me immediately if you are planning to brick your dorm!
I have to save them all!
The Era of Skins....
pay 2 wife, just like in real life
This is the first gatcha game I have ever played, but I am rather reluctant to spend money since I do not know what the average lifespan of such a game is. Maybe anons can help me with it. Do these games run for at least 3–4 years?
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ah, now I understood why we were getting shitposts two to three hours ago
do we have to wait till Anni2 for the second batch of wedding skins?
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>Wed operatives will have their rings on in base and have special actions related to them.
I kneel seaslug, I kneel. Chong Chong and Mumu, you guys just printed money.
I'll bet it will happen in the next 2 character patch like the summer one. Swimsuit themed wedding dresses.
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Perfect, I needed a new weapon.
Most of them last less than 2
2/3y for most jp gacha, 5-7y for chinese, most don't even stay alive for 1 year so there is that
Uff that is rather bad.
>both Shay and VB were lurking, waiting for someone to mention the game that must not be named
It's amazing how much free time some people have.
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Wallet-kun... I'm sorry...
fear not, this game will assuredly be around for quite a while
we're in a good place and still on the upswing
ok. OK. OK! Tell me how much it is right now!! I can't miss this!!!
I feel like poor intern-kun doesn't get acknowledged around here
so thanks, bro. we see you
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I am accepting donations.....
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200 blue cubes each
i wonder how other girls are gonna react if they see this in dorm kek
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Fenny finally beats Katya at something..... woo... yay...
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Thank you
Frit wedding skin when. I don't care about those 2 dumbos
>wanting to marry a goblin
holy SOVL
Seaslug-dono...I kneel
>insults other girls
Why is it always a Fritfag?
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when she proves herself worthy by not missing saves in such despicable fashion
wouldn't even have gone in if she hadn't touched it
miserable really
I will marry Lyfe because of FOMO, but if they add Frit it would be an instant purchase for me - a true no-brainer
Katya lost...
Lost bigly.
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Do not skip tactical evaluation
>Tau, I'm trying to do this stealth mission but the jingling of my rings keeps alerting the enemy
>what do you mean take them off I can't do that
>Seems like they have a lot of ideas in the works for the dorm.
Yeah, the "Interactive Furniture" have limitless potential.
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Bonk Frit
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yes im thinking eos
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anyone have this sticker pack? Not finding it in the resource pastebin
The good part of the steam integration is that I can easily buy from PC.
The bad part is that we underperform like hell in the charts.
No I don't think they given us any of the sticker packs so we end up having to get bootlegs and the guy who did that for us stopped
seriously, who gives a shit about the charts
I haven't paid for a gacha game on phone for a year+, pc client all the way.
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Usually we just post them here. Nobody has updated the pastebin I think?
I just like to get a couple of free (You)s every month
3 mil for a filler patch is good. Also, I think Siris banner was split into June as well.
Seasoned Wolves are simply waiting to unload into Lyfe and Fenny (also slow banners so nothing to swipe for desu, aside from T2 but that's not much.)
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Owari da...
>Siris was a sacrifical lamb for anni
Just carry a list with you.
Marian and Eatchel are also getting sacrificed
who's going to spend anything on them with 6Lyfe and 6Fenny around?
>seriously, who gives a shit about the charts
SEAmonkeys, unfortunately.
Still don't understand why the website doesn't rangeban that entire area. Literally can't even think of a single positive post or interaction from those apes.
Any local time traveler willing to tell me how much Marian's costume will cost?
it's basically used for shitposting and gacha tribalism
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I do.
It's not fair. Where are the other girls rings
Time to unzip my wallet

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