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Previous: >>484134830
Happy birthday to Savage!

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka
[7/2-7/16][Log-in]Ansel skin
[7/2-7/16][Vista Celebration]First obtained 6* is an unowned one (Excluding ops released after Reed The Flame Shadow)

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Big horns love!
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One day doc will remember.
ganbare savage!
My soulmate...
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S2 is the skill you'll use the most, S3 is fun for boss sniping but you'll roll for Ray next and she's just a better boss killer than Typhon
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What Arknights character is this? When is her banner?
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Skadi the best
Skadi the cutest
Skadi the strongest
Lapp Love
If you mtl her lines from jp then croissant calls you husband.
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become the place she belongs doc
>MTL cant understand kansai-ben
Good job bro
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I wish she would threaten me with her hammer to really complete the yandere act
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Devils? I smooch
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Say something nice about Rosmontis for her to write down in her journal so she wont forget
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Older perro women...
i like ifrit
she is nice
she has a tight pussy
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Danna means husband in jp too. It's just synonyms .
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And if i start to call croissant wife?
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How do I stop being such a stupid fucking idiot that can't learn anything ever and should blow his brains out because at least then that brain matter could be put to use as maggot food as opposed to now where it's just wasting energy for no purpose?
Doesn't Danna means owner?
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im gonna fucking do it
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Croissant is the best PL girl
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speaking of which, where the fuck is my kfc skin order? I ordered that things weeks ago
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I believe it is more exactly "husband or employer" as used by extra humble workers, geisha, or mistresses. It's almost exclusively used as some form of less formal reference to a boss or husband now.
All true
All me
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Give it time, doubt they even shipped them yet.
she looks loose
You look loose
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She sells her body to her husband(boss) the doctor.
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you now remember Pallas
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flat cow
Could the Doctor defeat an Earthling?
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cowe cowe
touch da flat cowe
skanky behaviour
I could break the Doctor in two.
With my bare hands!
Is Pallas' milk skim by default?
Iana stands no chance
I would if /akg/ didn't post her all the time
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Doc is the one paying for it
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strong urge to touch this cow
and she's instigating it!
I appreciate the Croissantposting
Doctors fault
i think im gonna level up croissant now
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>he fell for it
you cannot resist cow
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these two
I appreciate Croissant wearing provocative clothing barely covering anything.
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At the same time
'Paid whore' core operators, not counting gr*vel?
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their song is cute
does it really count if doc is the only one buying their services?
thats closer to having a sugardaddy than anything...
There's something special about launch units that I can't put into words... Is it merely nostalgia? One day I'll raise them all.
can you push mobs into your blue box
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More ops like this?
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>he hasn't UTAE'd himself.
i believe so?
No, if the push force is strong enough, enemies will zoom past the blue box. When shift duration ends, they will continue marching towards your blue box as usual.
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Not only push but pull too
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i dont think we quite have an operator like croissant
she is one of a kind boss
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Swire for hire
her socks probably fucking reek
Chen tried but no one would commit
Swire hires you
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>for hire
she is buying YOU doc
i only use kemonomimi operators
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...I'd commit
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non tiddy monster cows are the way to go
I love this cool orca so much
>A 'visitor' from Victoria who witnessed the rise and fall of Victoria, and who will shape Kjerag's future with his own hands. Does he stand here for the Duke, the Empire, or himself?
This doesn't sound like Harold at all. He's just an old chap that wants to have an easy life and enjoy himself, since when did he care about molding the future of Kjerag?
>since when did he care about molding the future of Kjerag?
He cares about that future still being a thing and could've made things much worse than he did.
Give me a loving wife.
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Swire keeps sending me her nudes
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I suppose that how's it's supposed to be read but his boss description paints it in a more Machiavellian connotation
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Best thing is: the letter just contains one word "Virgin"
*forehead SMOOCH*
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what now doc?
The stage descriptions are unnecessarily dramatic but when it says he's molding Kjerag's future it's talking about blowing up the statue of their goddess then possibly annexing Kjerag for Victoria. He doesn't want to do it but he has to.
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I can fix that
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Why does /akg/ use virgin in a derogatory way for female operators? Is THAT really /akg/‘s preference…?
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Degenbrecher seems like the kind of woman who would grab your ass while kissing.

And the kind to let out a cute yelp if you grab her tail in retaliation.
It's derogatory (affectionate) like when a cherry hunting gyaru in a hentai says it.
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No we call the desperate virgin a virgin because she is a virgin.
Simple as.
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Do I look like I know where Ulpianus is? I don't even know where I am.
Ch'en being desperate is an /akg/ fabrication. She can get anyone she wants.
Yes, everyone in /akg/ prefers a woman who knows how to FUCK.
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Hui-Chieh is so far out of your league it's unreal. I can't believe for a second any of you think you can talk about her at any length. Her private relations are her own affair and her status is borne out of her own volition. I can't believe you people would talk about my niece like that.
>Hollow Arknight and Fishsong coming soon near you
Post your squad
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Get back to work
Show full roster and tell us where you are choking
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/vg/ League 22 ended with /gbfg/ winning over /gfg/ while /bag/ reached a third place beating /ddg/. /akg/ still has a star over our rivals which I'm thankful for.
Anyways Donkey had a cute little credits scene I wanted to share. Here's the full thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5YMdJkhnNw
see you guys next time
So cool...
My heroes
>Kemono Friends
Had the stolen data got publicized yet?
I'll admit I do feel like I need a second medic but don't know who I could drop to squeeze in that second medic, either that or I'm just stupid
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Unironically, skill issue and possibly reading comprehension issue at play here. Well who am I kidding I haven't touched RS-8 since the first day.
I do but Harold decides to be a dickhead and kills her
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Are you using a Support unit? Just slap in someone with good perma uptime heals or close to it like Silence1, Lumen, Eyjalt. I'd say Exu is droppable, this team has so much danage already.
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Destroying Delpipi's ring against her will, as she struggles and cries, then stealing one of her shoes.
I want to throw Blemi's ring into an active volcano.
This but just Blemish herself
Post the pic of her saying 'over 13 inches' or something
dont have it
I want to strap Ray into a medical bed and pleasure her in every way imaginable and invent a few new ones while I am at it.
Why is lady fumizuki so much cooler than her husband
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The Elden Ring
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Guys. I got the big cat and German goat. How many months do I have to save before Walter?
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HER ring
Who is the Zanzibart of Arknights? It used to be Priestess or Theresa.
The Doctor of Loss and Therezibart even sounds good.
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are you gonna roll for her?
operators with the narrowest rings? the widest rings?
You have until late October/early November so around 4 months
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Im sending ShiraYuki back to Fumizuki pregnant
Y'know. Never had lewd thoughts of this rat ninja. Now I wanna go balls deep into that ass.
>Who is the Zanzibart of Arknights?
"The Observer"
"The Whispering Stone"
"Rhodes Island"
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Does the big cat have a sybian attachment for her chainsaw for when she's all alone in her dorm and horny?
I would recommend using Quercus S1, her Shelter will help against the snow nukes and keep your tank blocking Harold alive, and dropping Texalt or Exusiai. If you're still struggling after a while I can record a clear for you.
Four months, more or less.
Siegebros she will be in the half anniversary i can feel it.
>The Doctor of Loss
“Blemishine… forgive me…”
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its a nice ass
>Cheese eating press
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Golden... pegasus...
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Bedroom ninjutsu
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I have this
The rang of power.
Making a sex tape wirh Swire
>Imagine her putting an onahole on your dick, then making it spin like her weapon
Theresa, forgive me.....
notable things of these threads where the shitpost originated
>maleschizo baiting/falseflagging
>futa spam
>sudden mumuseething/mumuposting
it is Sanjay
The Reunion arc had an anni and half anni as its last two chapters, respectively. It's not out of the question for the Victoria arc to do the same.
Here is a clear of an anon. Maybe you can take a look and get an idea >>484124076
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Kinda want a casual clothes skin for her
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Best I can do is a dominatrix outfit
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Three or four kids with ShiraYuki.
Visiting Lady Fumizuki on the holidays.
Specter makes my heart go doki doki
Who is the Black Blade of Arknights
we know retard
Damn we hitting EoS that soon? 5 years was a decent run at least.
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yuki doesnt seem the type
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I assume out of fear
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HG has a 10 year plan
5 more years on this train
Lapipi the Zanziwalker...
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Wrong game
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Unless they meant 10 years from that interview
And when those 5 years pass?
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thats when the 10 year plan starts of course
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Higashi filler starts
Mlynar shares the same va with Morgott. I can imagine him using the same intonation when telling Blemistinky to lay her foolish ambitions to rest.
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cute girl
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Same but with Harmonie!
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Are you sure you're not just insane? Why did a 4 word ritualpost mindbreak you so hard
Surely you mean Margaret. Maria chose her own path in life and Mlynar seems fine with that.
You have four months. Best advice, I can give is:
1. Do your fuckin dailies every single day and your Anni every single week
2. Get your OPs from undone stages and challenge modes. DON'T BLOW THEM ON COSTUMES AND STAMINA.
3. Save your gold cert to 256 and get all the head hunt tickets you can from the month and keep hoarding. DON'T BLOW THOSE ON STUPID SHIT LIKE MODULE BLOCKS EITHER!
4. Don't get baited by the other limiteds. They are Overpowered but they are Overpowered because they are sidegrades. The originals (Saria and Dorothy) still do there job just fine but not as strong. Remember that Wuh2 breaks the game
>B-b-but Ela may never come back
So? Ash may never also return, but when was the last time you used her? Cope with whatever you get from the free rolls. Collab limiteds are designed to trick you into thinking they are good but then fall off later. Remember that
Follow these rule and you should survive.
Aah... you were at my side all along... My true baguette... my guiding breadstick...
silence streetshitter, humans are talking
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My bodyguard is cute
Hope she tags along in a future event
The where is X poster has been around for ages, the only reason the fucking Y bit is continuing is because you fucking retards showed blood and made somebody latch onto it.
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Did you skip MN?
Delicious lemon tea...
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Yeah thas what I'm talking about
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cute bunny
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Funny how the piece of storytelling the writer of Borderlands tried to pass as "bad" is seen as better and more exciting than anything in borderlands.
Jack was GOATed.
Borderlands writers caught lightning in a bottle and were utterly unable to replicate it
Fucking sad innit
>the Foul Blemished meme is real
the FUCKING GLADIIA is part of the ritualpost
Anyone got the Emperor's Blade beer snork pic
>Ceobe alt Guard (boss version) against one of the AH
Pure kinography.
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*barks incoherently*
Beast Saw spam time
>Eng VA also did Morgott
Wow i did not know cause i've never really heard Mlynar in-game :(
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>the writer of Borderlands tried to pass as "bad"
To me the funnier thing was all the shitflinging from retards seething at borderlands or Fromsoft too hard to look the guy up and see he expressed his love for those hour long lore videos in his next tweet.
Also Reed is Melina
Every race has their own country more or less
With birds being the biggest race where is the bird royalty?
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*pick up voice log** [claptrap voice]
>Every race has their own country more or less
Not at all
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That is called "damage control" Blemmie.
Gaul ded
Ursus overthrown
Iberia inquisition'd
Not a good century to be a monarchist Liberi
They suffered from current year syndrome worse than average since they were supposed to be edgy. The second they stopped calling the midgets midgets it was obvious they were done.
Who has more advanced techs?Dwarf land or sea people
Always felt like claiming it's damage control is damage control. Because "how dare someone who made something I don't like like something I like" and all that.
Sea people have precursor tech which is the best around, durins have insanely high INT for making stuff but its usually memes like a typewriter/crossbow though they are genuinely really good at making things
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I think.
Degen makes my cock tremble
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A horrible idea really
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I just woke up in a shed, missing my pants, my ass is sore as all fuck, and Blemishine's giggling in the corner with Zofia...
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Hoya's second nyodule gooder or badder than her firstest one? 20% arts fragile under 50% hp is like 10% spread out across the enemy's lifespan, that's goode right? I want to unbench the fat fuck before she breaks it.
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I'd win
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A creature born of pure evil
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Are you the strongest because you're Blemi?
Or are you Blemi because you're the strongest?
Better with s1 worse with s3
hmm nyes
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>His wife isn’t the strongest entity on Terra
>tail wrap
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Gentlemen I have acquired it
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What the fuck is that?
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What about her s2
It's what I've been using as a shitty Amiya s2 (I'm still 90% sure Amiya has higher dps lmao)
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How come asian artists use black skin for their faceless men so often? Skin color contrast?
There's pretty much zero reason to ever use her S2 over her other two skills.
PV cancelled
News doko?
Same reason stagehand black became the color of ninjas, you're not supposed to pay too much attention to it.
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Tomorrow for sure
new iffy just dropped
Biotech relic. It is called "Ark" so I couldn't resist
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y-yeah i knew that
it's not like it's her only skill that i've mastered and used haha
nope not at all haha
its just filler color that you shouldnt pay too much attention to.
iirc the artist uses it for their doc since they dont want to draw the suit.
Because they think the contrast looks good and they aren’t obsessed with race. Also, they have like no black people.
how did people clear JT8-3 back in the day
i dont think i could ever clear this without my op operators
im pretty sure ive seen this before anon
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kally wally!
NG and stalling
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it updated today
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oh ok
must be misremembering then
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Just wait until you get to H8-4.
That's a bird
jelly donuts...
Onigiri is the arch-plumefag.
You said you would never hit me again.
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why doesnt lappland have a module
Strats for ex-8?

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Just let her in the blue box doctor
Make it easier for the both of you...
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Who should I go for?

I already have SA, Blaze, Nightingale, C, Rosa, Bagpipe and Suzu from the Top Operator tag
Because it's not November yet.
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Here are the news
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Just 4 more months anon
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Get fucking SMOOCHED!!!
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I have weedy, suzu, and saria already. Who do I go for?

Weedy is alright sometime. Her S2 lets you have a second, shittier Blaze.
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Modulating with Lappland...
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catbird sex
Keep the furnaces lit. If you have to just wall Harold until you kill everything else, he only drops the nukes every 25% hp lost. Anything with status resist can get dropped outside of furnace range and not freeze if that can help you for whatever reason.
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raping vigil
Either grab Weedy or roulette support.
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Doctor come to my room I'm modulating
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Arknights is a /ss/ game
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Either take Ch'en for the safe new op (not a great one though) or take the 66% chance on healing or send it on random.
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Is then's SP recharge talent that shit these days?
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Whoops, wrong one.
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Asky wife is so cute...
It isn't terrible, but Ch'en isn't the best stand alone and that's an awfully niche talent to go for when you don't have that many ops.
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I'm just waiting for Ascalon to release and it turns out all the for (you) stuff is pure delusion.
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And cool...
I do have a bunch of other guards not listed above. Also, how is Shining doing these days? I hear that she gets BTFO'd by Eyjalt?
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Which 4* will get a coral coast next CN event?
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uh oh STINKY!

peepee poopoo gaga googoo mommy pwease kween my doodoo
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Eyja is more useful in general, Shining can still blank big dick physical damage better.
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Not Matoimaru
>still haven't done IS4 monthlies
I like each IS less than the last, I just want to sleep
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What for (you) stuff?
She's funniest in tandem with Skadi alt.
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what compels arknights players to make posts like these?
the stuff the clownfags keep talking about
...her big red fake nose that honks when you squeeze it?
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The nose exclusively for me....
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Camping with Gravel.
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>No recruitment permits
Uhh the daily reset isn't going to bone me out of this right? I still need Thorns and Saria!
It won't reset until the recruitment pool is updated or there's a maintenance
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DurNars extremely dangerous itty bitty teeny tiny bikini...
Too soon... Ricky...
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Thank you anon I was pretty nervous about whether if it refreshed or not since I've never paid attention to this.
Don't scare me like this!
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Im thinking 3 maybe 4 kids with her
It's always useless to try and prove something before the event is officially translated.
Very intense token, lots of fondness for Rim Billy Doc, heavy concern for Doc's mental purity, and very cute trust tap and new years lines.
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Durnar but her costume is a power armor bikini kinda like this.
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If HG doesnt do town sheriff/cowboy jessicalt im gonna be pissed
You get Jessikot in a suit with a riot shield
You will get RI uniform jessicat like the paid exia one
Cat sex
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Sex is banned. Too much sex. No more images that may elicit sexual urges.
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But she has been in the field for quite awhile...
Give her a moment to prepare.
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I finally wrote something again.

Also is the write bin dead?
That's a dog
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>But she has been in the field for quite awhile...
All the more reason not to wait
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I am banning jessica from shaving
write bin
writ ebin
Penance, that skirt is too tight for you...
take it from her then doc
if you can
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It still fits!
I don't quite get what you're saying.
I might be missing something but I don't see it in the rentry.
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pink cat. if she real
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found her
HATE p*nk
HATE pink dog
Hate hate hate hate
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>wuwu in zzz
How long will the drought be. Blemiday is right around the corner. They'll be back by then, right?
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I love her.
Love her so so much
Post pink hair supremacy operators.
I'm pretty sure it died. No one used it anymore.
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Rip. Guess I'll be the change I want to see.
What the dog doin?
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already been doing it
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>sleeping with her bra on
yeah nah
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Uhm why does she have Myrtle's apple
Squirmy lapipi...
...is her hair pink?
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We did this earlier
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Is this not pink?
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See that box she's leaning against?
Why are people calling the pink thing a cat or a dog when it's obviously a pig?
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My wife and kid
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Why is it socially acceptable for a woman to be a pedophile?
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Not pink
Pinks never betray. Always remember that.
Letting young Amiya play with knives! Not properly supervising her! Ignoring the pained wails because I'm doing something else!
>pinkshit thread
Next thread will be better
That doesn't sound right...
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Susie is so cute
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my wife
Operators with innie pussy?
im a fan of amiya
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Cute glasses.
im a fan of amiyi
>Kal'tsits recipe is a literal pot of boiling gruel
Operators whose liver would taste good pan fried?
Susie is literally the Sill of Arknights.
Sarkaz Devourers OUT
Pink hair always betrays.
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she would never
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Amiya is a fan of you
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Hello, did they upload the trailer for the new omnibus event yet?
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I like this birb
Think about this very carefully, the more people you feed to Paprika, the more likely she is to grow up to look like the IS4 honeypot.
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I'd devour a sarkaz if you know what I mean...
No, probably be tomorrow or Wednesday.
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Yeah ceylon is nice
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She has no right being as pretty as she is
I'm not really excited for yet another S*rkaz event
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I know you are
Surtr alter trust the plan
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Brutal sarkaz devilry at work
Can't believe I fell for a clown...
new vulpo when
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Post shortstacks
Paprika is super cute just the way she is tho
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She's a good woman...
Are Sarkaz canonically hot or are they viewed as Earth ginger/red head?
Doctor is a good woman
Come here (You)
Let me pat you on the head
Yoshi yoshi
And just think how cute she'll be chowing down on the pink pig's liver.
Canonically people just find them wrong.
>Stole her cat
>Stole her husband
WHORE!!! Never trust the pinks
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>What collab you'd like to see
>What op you'd like to be featured
The IS sarkaz doing finger guns wouldn't be as cute
Methinks Pap is the same kind of imp Vigna is.
>Target down. You may resume, doctor.
I have the mental image in my head now and it's pretty fucking cute, bro.
Stay strong. Suzuran's mom will destroy the cock of every vulpo enjoyer here.
I hate NTR fags.
/akg/ told me it doesn't count if I do the ntr'ing.
Source? It's not on gelbooru and I can't find it on pixiv
>Keep the furnaces lit.
How do I do that when mr harmless medic extinguishes them every half a second
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The fuck did I do?
I meant she'll be so hot that it'll blow all our collective minds, you mindbroken loser.
By positioning so he puts out 2 that you can light again immediately.
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It's AI sloppa.
Can I have a wife?
Yes, but it's actually just Aak.
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You are the wife now.
Give me your wife
Your wife is mine now (I am black gentleman btw)
Attention whore
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Look at my wife!
Kinda small ain't she?
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Yeah, she checks out. That's a nice wife right there.
She passes inspection, see you next month. Just make sure she gets enough smooches.
I remade the write bin google docs.
I will add fics to upon request.
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She'll grow
This is a virgin trad wife?
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We can only have one "bnuy butt" around these parts, partner.
Feeding Paprika and Vigna lots of cheeseburgers until they become big sarkaz like god intended
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I staunchly disagree, never enough bunny butts.
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Savagekrks still exist? Do they still hope she gets an alt?
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I take writing requests as well. If your kink is poorly written, I might eventually write something.
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I need a haircut
I need News.

Hopefully we get something today. The PV on the other hand, can only be on Wednesday.
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That tummy window is going to impoverish me. I feel a need to E2 this burr that I'll never use
could Susie give me waves?
Perving on vaguely young bears, huh?
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She's built different

I licked Amiya's butt
>Redeem codes

can we finally remove this from the OP it was only used ONCE like 2 years ago
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I licked a lucky rabbits foot
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>certain degrees of physical problems
Nyo, paypiggies still need it.
While I agree, besides it haven't been that long(right?), I prefer we keep it up as a reminder for them making that system of redemption and then never using it.
>besides it haven't been that long(right?)
Chong iirc
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Never realized until now that the thing behind her was a ponytail.
This game desperately needs more sex appeal.
I didn't know anons around here made fanfic.
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>FIRST 6 Operator obtained is guaranteed to be new ONCE ONLY!
Wow I can get... Eben, Ex2, Gnosis, Mountain, Pallas or Stainless!
Alcoholism from an early age is the best way to cope with trauma
>Leto has long hair
>artists draw her with short
I'd hope they include the URL with the code in the merch
Valid point but we could make room for actually useful links like https://dataknights.pages.dev/ or https://oldwell.info/
Leto was a Thornslike the whole time
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Too be honest, I don't think many people do anymore. Its been forever since I did anything.
I made an AO3 to write and have two empty Google Docs open
I would roll for it if i didn't miss Pallas and Fart. Getting them will kill my soul and joy.
>physical problems
what? there's nothing wrong with any of them, none of them is infected, they don't have any long term incapacitating injury either, it's all in their heads, what's the source of this shit?
I don't know how I posted this I listed the tags though
Gummy's problem is arguably partly physical, with the forced movement response.
How... long have you had them open.
It's a 50/50 thing. I want Pallas just so I can say I have every woman in the game. Mountain would be useful so I no longer have to borrow him for new Anni clears, Ex2 is cool but I'd kill myself if I got Stainless or Gnosis. Eben would be fun but I raised my Delpipi as a budget Eben. All in all feels like a trap banner
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Lappalter soon
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I bought some absinthe to see if that would inspire me but instead it just got me drunk
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I like to write my own lightnovel. Though I try to avoid direct references, I do take inspiration from Arknights. Mostly in worldbuilding. One of my characters, at least visually speaking, is just Talulah without the horns.
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The Pipi Lord
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Leave Lappshit to me Doctor.
Which ending would your wife/husband pick?
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I read too much DFW and that killed the way I approach writing. The other thing I'm writing is a non-linear PoMo piece of pretentious art student trash so I'm trying to lower my inhibitions by writing horny fanfics about anime mobile game characters for the dopamine I felt when I last successfully wrote and published anything 12 years ago on some dead fanfic site
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Gold mask ending
I smooched this horse btw
You also had sex with her. You just don't remember.
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The shed did awful things to our mind
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Lappland can clean up her own shit, Texas.
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Either she completes the normal ending or drops the game when she gets too frustrated at ever quest line ending in npc death.
Theyre a HopeGod so Ranni I guess?
None of the soulsbornekiro games really end on a high note
Best you get is "the system in place was destroyed/reset so maybe things will get better"
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Hold on. Was the point of the game that the character has been manipulated like a puppet on string?
>Theyre a HopeGod
>so Ranni
No, The fingers are trying to connect to god after a civil war but can't and don't know shit
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The dismembered arm of a puppeteer is still a dismembered arm of a puppeteer. It all makes sense now.
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I don't get the reference.
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Good afternoon, elf love
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It's time.
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Elden Ring.
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Doctors not that weak a elf could overpower him come on.
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Those two are the 2nd and 3rd realest homies in the game
didn't expect my other game filter to activate on myself.
Neat I guess
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I think Muelsyse SUCKS.
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Post ooc
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Every post where Doctor is a sex addict manwhore is OOC. (You) are weak, atrophied, and probably impotent.
Who is your wife's best friend?
Hard mode: not (you)
>no news since 2 days ago
Ugh, the IS#5 news better be good.

Also, no website yet for the new IS? Both IS#3 and IS#4 had that minigame online.
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Probably Ines?
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Operators for this feel?
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Theresa (may she rest in peace)
Closure and Warfarin to an extent
Jellyfish love
Our respective wives
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You can't have 6 best friends, Amiya
Why is Ch'en there
>Ch'en and Blaze
Amiya's senpai in high school
The kuudere best friend
Her mom
Her cool alcoholic aunt
Her father and/or potential lover
RE 41
RE 45

So there are 3 elite ops hired between Blaze and Rosmontis?
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Let those jellies become the hope of the next generation.
yes, that's a lot of dead elites
Logos is RE03 which makes no fucking sense since Mantra and Ace were both on board before him and Scout is obviously 01
It was me Doktor, I waas the aarknights all aloong...
I want Savage to sit on my face while giving me a ruined hand job and some light CBT, after beating the crap out of me and fully stripping me.
This is after Babel fell
Not many elites trusted Amiya at first to decide to dedicate themselves to RI
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That would be savage
Cute sisters.
My topic wasn't really related to the elites after Logos, just wonder where the space to rep our realist ones went.
Maybe Scout was 00 like Ascalon?
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That's where you're wrong, jewish creditor. I believe in (You). (You) are strong, healthy, and virile, and if (You) aren't yet then you soon will be. I believe (You) are all going to make it.
I think he's saying the numbers got sorted based on the earliest elites that agreed to fight for RI. Like you could have been a babel elite for longer but if you signed up later because RI's start was a bloody violent affair, you get a higher number without taking previous work experience into account. Just my guess.

Logos being 03 probably implies he was one of the earliest ones who instantly jumped on when Kaltsit brought up the idea of RI. Boom, no questions asked. Others probably reevaluated their decisions for a while or something.
I guess that's fair, since Mantra is haggy as fuck she probably thought about retiring.
>logos is 03
>scout is either 01 or 02 by being a based retard who didn't even think and just instantly said Yes

Scout won the race that mattered
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Scout was the "Ghost of Babel" for a reason
Doctor was the "Dark Spirit of Babel," bwo.
You guys feeling good today?
I feel evil
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Pretty good and waiting for NYEWS
Feeling kinda Blaze
Is Shining still worth raising these days if I have an Eyjalt
Yes, Nightingale and Shining will always be relevant
Become the Ptilopillow
How does Harold decide which heater to turn off?
I just suddenly realize that year 5 of arknights have like 2 more limited banners for no reason (other than money).
>for no reason

Unless you wanted those to be our annis or something?
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Reed, nigga, reed.
I'd say collaborations are a reason.
We are on the exact same Limited schedule since Year 2
Ash is whatever because a lot of people have already rolled for her but the new anime collab is one more limited banner (taking the place of real ones).
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I have no idea what you are talking about.
DM will just be taking the usual spot next year, where MH/R6S happened.
There is absolutely no way they've announced the collab so early.
Uhm newsis... they do that every single year.
Destiny, MH, R6S were all announced during the anni, banner 9 months later. (Destiny banner replaced with R6S)
How much pride do I lose by guidefagging ex-8
It's alright to do that. Harold is the Last Hard Boss in AK, none of the future CN content is as hard.
I'm experiencing burnout but still force myself to farm the red rocks for the upcoming collab banners
Enter maintenance mode:
One autoskip a day, one base clear a day, run 5-6 random maps on auto while you use your PC, collect the next day's skip ticket, closure and green certs and done.

4 minutes of AK + 6 mins of afk auto. No need to change base rotations, login twice etc.
Without Emperor Blade blowing up upon death. Who would win in this picture?
it goes without swaying
The Thumbnail really looked like Wuh
They're both sluts, but Caper owns it better
Wait a second, did they change the IS releases because of shitstar's faggotry? Back then there were two different events before the anniversary and the summer "limited". But for the second year we are getting one event and IS release.
caper isn't a slut she's like 16
When she gave you that number, it wasn't her age
looks like they're foreshadowing new operators
Yes. Source: Lowlight came on me in a dream.
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Hello, Priestess love.
>on me
>not in me
Unreliable info
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Your wife...
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>shop reset soon
this will be my last chance bros
She's not that old, there's still time...
I'm trying to move away from using Ling every run, Ling and her dragons taking 3 to 5 deployment slots every stage means I don't really get to use my other operators.
Which operators are as naturally tanky as a Ling big dragon, and ideally able to attack all enemies or able to heal by medics normally?
Maa Assistant
Taking one (1) sketch request
I draw slowly with pencil on paper and might not deliver at all
Texas pregnant
Delpipi with stars in her eyes asking Ulpipi if he's a motherfucking JoJo reference
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Amiya's feet tea....
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Amiya with a mustache
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>put Degen in a trading post with Jessica and SA
>it's mediocre, barely breaching 50% efficiency
>try it with Myrtle and Rope for maximum capacity
>it doesn't do shit because her -6 cancels out their bonuses so her second base talent doesn't kick in at all
What am doing wrong here, is her second base skill just unusable at the moment?
Put Gnosis in CC, dumdum
you need gnosis e2 for karlan trade
read: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zYc2JU46X0XWmV7s1503bN4feRdOMa1eehrTQ2jGaiE/edit#gid=1263834449
>look through base combos
>i'm somehow missing the exact 6*s for the best base combos even though i have like 90% of them
>Want Ray, Ela/Iana and Assclown
>Only 110 pulls
Seconding this
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People actually pay attention to who they assign to work together?
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Oh yeah, that's a thing
Believe it or not there is a noticable difference when your base makes around 55k LMD a day and 10k a day. Especially when you stretch it out to few months
Same, I don't even have Proviso. BUT I am slowly stocking up on gold blocks for when the time comes.
I'm gonna level up my gooma
MAA will follow schedules that you write down for base rotations and it automatically swaps which one is used at what time.
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I just stick Proviso with Firewhistle to make her work unpaid overtime
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We ride
My wife is so hard to use...
I need you guys to stop portraying my wife as evil.
Magallan is really hard, yes. You need skill to use her.
she is an evil scum and the final arc3 boss.
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Nice. I'm not looking forward to CM harold
It's not me who is shit, it's my wife who is fucking useless.
Priestess and Doctor will reunite and have rough makeup sex.
I do.
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Shu is in two weeks!!!!!
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wakey wakey
Maybe in your shitty OC nukige
Is doctor in your headcanon mtf or ftm?
You sucking my cock
It's true, Lowlight told me.
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You know what Shu isn't? A gigantic slab wall of pure DEF that statchecks enemies
male (flaccid) to male (erect)
Someone help Alice
Why doesn't the yellow blob run away bros
You are right. We Shuld all have both!
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>Ascended Thunderer has 6-7k HP, and 800 DEF/20 RES
No real way to be as tanky as one solo while also hitting for good AOE.
Closest you'll get is infinites like Blaze S2, other stuff like Specter1 with full AH team, Mudrock S2 against Sarkaz, Hoshi S3, so on. Skadiva S2 can probably bump most AOE ops close to them though
Those 4 boom canisters are gonna fuck me really bad (Niche squad so they are a real threat)
some of the base combos increase output without increasing costs
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Abyssal rape train saves the day(again)
If you've not been using the Tequila combo since release you are literally bricking your account
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You're all going to feel stupid when she saves (You).
Silence, toaster.
From what? Getting drained dry by my wife? Bitch I crave that shit and you are not "saving" me from it
I'm going to install antivirus, PRTS
It was to be expected, ice is just cold water anyways so fish are used to it
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She will forgive me, right?
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Reset Pram
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Reset Ceobe!
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The captcha disappeared in under a minute as I was about to reset
Smooch PRTS
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New doc song just dropped
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Imagine having beef with me. I'm just a little jokester. A silly little wife. You're gonna have beef with your silly little wife? For shame.
Degen killed global holy moly
>aether dogshit and snowtroon are both bleeding

Degen was a mistake
Still funny
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Silly little wife.
Unwashed slob, go back to running RS-8 for me.
/hsr/ will still blame no top up reset for it too.
>WuWa moves up release date of hot girl
>makes more money than launching with generic Chinese general #590349509345
It's like the inverse of Chong.
How is the number going up a month after anniversary a flop? Look how much we dropped after anniversary to compare, down 75%.
Yeah what happened?

I thought she was supposed to be the greatest banner ever given how much they spent marketing.
Holy shit, this is the first time that AK EN has fallen under a million... Grim.
Same reason Mumu isn't the most popular op of all time despite them pushing her with Doc so hard.
Wonder if the gacha market in 2024 is due for another downturn like 2023. No big winners except for Wuthering.
it's over... I'm gonna put the skin somewhere I can't see it
She was marketed like Wuh2 basically, "super epik must roll" and in addition "for you" too.
But she's only the 5th best banner for them or something, average performer.
So who is Harold's wife? And who is his daughter?
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Sales posting day
Leto and Leto
There's no downturn. It's just the shit abandonware kusoges bleeding players for obvious reasons. There's no trend of pattern here.
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That's the next 5 threads gone
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The Grand Death Of Arknights Global.............
>Combined regions copechart
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Is she as good as her mom?
this is fucking embarassing
>Nikke is beating us
>Blue Archive not far behind
And people still gonna say that this game is gonna be alive for 10 years
2 years max
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Some hours ago I threw around a few hooligans that wree throwing rocks at baby seagulls. After that the parent seagulls are kind of.... going at them? Do you think I am legally liable for the damage since the kids kind of saw me before the seagull protecting their young?
nice song
Still can't believe hoyo games get away with cheating the chart by adding random numbers to their revenue.
Every time I see the sales chart I remind myself of the times when shitposters would come here and say that Arknights is done because BA is getting a chinese server and that they would steal all money from us and make us EoS. Can't help but chuckle
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It's time to make the call.
It is. Just not for Global. Pretty sure Arknights has already reached "cultural phenomenon" status back home in Chinkland.
>wuthering waves is currently the 3rd biggest gacha in the world
I was 100% expecting it to put Kurogames under so this is a pleasant surprise. Endfield seems to have a higher level of marketing behind it since it showed up at the game awards, so I do wonder if it will do as for HG too.
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We should accelerate main story, I want to kill Priestess before EoS
coping much?
Ursus are always great at handling alcohol
It can be alive if the devs actually cared about the game.
At first I thought HG was just bad at making games but then I realised that they simply don't care about games and are only interested in building their brand (be it Arknights, or Hypergryph/Gryphline in general).
Could also legit be a money laundering scheme though.
Global Genshinfags lapped up Wuwa.
It is rapidly losing steam in JP (it did worse than AK's typical good banners), and to a lesser extent in CN too (dropping ranks quickly)

So it ultimately depends on Global.
Anything that has the rainbow background has random numbers in their revenue.
Fucking news when
It's funny to see those two flounder already.

Seeing Yinlin, I can see why. The models in WW are better than HSR and Genshin by a mile.
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That's not global.

THIS is global.

>under 1 mil
Fucking westoid parasite.
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And now he's going to samefag his posts for 2 hours
Next week
What's the next thing after this event?
The thing about sales and EOSfags is that they are wrong 95% of the time because gacha is a genre that prints money. It takes a lot for one to actually EOS.
This, I'm not concerned that AK itself will die, I'm more concerned that we're gonna get princess connected here in Global because the servers aren't worth keeping. It would have to keep dropping a lot mind you, $900k /month is a lot more than what they spend in server costs, and the maybe few hundreds that they spend on VA costs considering it's only like 30 minutes of lines.
I saw that all the global FGO whales got bored of FGO and started whaling on WuWa.
Don't panic bros, arknights is the CCP poster boy gacha and Xi will keep us alive to spread his influence.
Endfield release mean EoS
Yeah but they add significantly more to hoyo games. Like a 1.75x modifier.
Does Sanrio collab saved Ulpipi? I remember him having start comparable to Executor alter
>The models in WW are better than HSR and Genshin by a mile.
It's all the same slop. Genshin, HSR, WW. Same ui, same font, exact same shaders, exact same presentation. It's legit depressing to see so much lazy chinese cloneslop.
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Arknights won't die.
Arknights Global Server might tho.

CN and Japan is the only server worth maintaining. What do global even do other than bitch that six month gap is not wide enough???
Nah the models are better by a country mile. Genshin/HSR look like the knockoffs now.
No you don't get it, this time it's different, trust me bro
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arknight is too hard. my negative iq can’t handle it, even for a gacha
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>and Japan
JP is simply about 3 months behind Global in terms of popularity loss. In a couple of months they'll be sub-mil too.
EoSposting is just funposting, no one is actually thinking AK (top 15 gacha even in the current weak month) will die.

However if global server slips below 500k/month, it might EOS
Nice, time for me to save up my rolls
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When they kill global servers will they let us move our ops to CN
Regardless of the result, lowlight being a westaboo probably puts more effort/money into the VA costs than you might first think. Remember how they showed off the lonetrail cinematic in English-only initially even for the Nips? Even with Endfield we've had a Chinese and English test phase, but not Japanese. It would be funny (sad) if Global went under (i.e. the server that natively speaks English)
>muh JP cope is dead too
holy shit
EoSfags and by extension salesfags are retards pretending they understand the world through the monthly sensor tower report. They're just braindead.
No refunds gweilo
>no one is actually thinking AK (top 15 gacha even in the current weak month) will die.
You are vastly overestimating our resident schizo who spends 8 hours a day in a general for a game he hates
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Eos soon
When is Ray coming...
If they manage to make endfield successful we can simply leach from its money otherwise it's over
>Ends our field time
Sasuga Lowlight
You are the retard if you think revenue charts are about revenue.
Those charts measure popularity between games. It's interesting to see how people migrate between games month to month.
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>become a fire worshipping lunatic under da sea
>still get shanked by the british
Inexcusable fate
How do we get ending 4, bros? My body is ready.
Sir that's a gaul and a siracusan
The expansion is next month dumb dumb
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Nyo we get RA2 at the end of this month
Everyone with a knife in a dark alley gets honorary temporary Victorian citizenship
And you think that a few minutes is going to cost anywhere near that much though? A couple grand is being generous.
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Will she save our game?
You missed the Columbian made IED by the roadside
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My... Magnum Opus..
>omnibus right before CNY limited
The sales images will need to scroll 20 positions down to capture the revenue if she's the only banner this month
Wuwa is actually doing surprisingly good, I expexted worse.

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