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Mah Boi Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last thread: >>483908742

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png

▶Ways to Write
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI guide collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
AI Dungeon: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts for this week’s Monster Girls Friday! >>483765018

>(06/27) Google releases Gemma 2 https://blog.google/technology/developers/google-gemma-2/
(06/20) Anthropic releases Claude 3.5 Sonnet https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
(06/19) Dreamgen Opus Llama 3 70B https://hf.co/dreamgen/opus-v1.4-70b-llama3-gguf ; Euryale L3 70B on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/sao10k/l3-euryale-70b ; Qwen2 72B Magnum https://hf.co/alpindale/magnum-72b-v1
(06/15) New SpellBound Llama 3 finetune https://hf.co/hf-100/Llama-3-Spellbound-Instruct-8B-0.3
(06/13) Applications for AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test open https://files.catbox.moe/8dt5ts.png / https://forms.gle/4xCfM3UnpzTBzgzA7
(06/12) Stability AI releases the weights of SD3 Medium https://stability.ai/news/stable-diffusion-3-medium
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet / Claude Opus (for now) -> Merkava https://poly-hewlett-zdnet-purple.trycloudflare.com/ (the proxy is now proof of work)

DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://result-runs-conclusions-conclusions.trycloudflare.com/

Gemma 2: https://openrouter.ai/models/google/gemma-2-9b-it:free
>no avoid section
shit thread
Good cornholin'! Let's have a good thread, comrades!
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>Kayra doesn't even make the top 100
What went wrong?
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Ladies and gentlemen of aids, I proudly present my new, beloved waifrog, Claudiafag. I promise to take things slow and gentle at first, especially considering I still need to research what kind of equipment frogs pack downstairs, but let it be known that I plan to act the part of a true gentleman as our relationship develops.
You made her too much like Tomoko, so I'm upset I can't ignore this post.
Tomoko does not act anywhere like Claudefag.
Fuck off, cabalist.
>still with 6 items in the news
You act as if by making the comparison I'm not a superficial monkey that only looked at the appearance of the character.

Either way I would sex that frog.
It's so easy.
..being cheesy.
why do i get links to people's twitters/amazon book listings sometimes in novelai
Because Anlatan is bad at cleaning datasets.
Then Anthropic is also bad at cleaning data, because that happens with me using Claude all the time.
Do you think stories of idealized romance and sex ruin your real life perceptions of these things?
Do you find yourself less interested in pursuing real relationships with real people because you know they’ll never live up to fiction?
>things that never happened
and no
Romance novels and stories have existed for hundreds of years
>nothing happens unless I accept it as happening
Anthropic is unironically pretty bad at it too. Though it doesn't really affect the overall quality of the data.
Females really are disloyal, using a model from a company that funds your countrymen being killed.
I know I have an unhealthy perspective on romance. Hell, my generation is all about hook-ups and one-night stands, meanwhile I want three dates, cuddles, long walks on the beach first, get to know the other person before I stick it in.
>Wanting to start another console war
Why is the cabal like this?
>only I'm allowed to diss companies (only NovelAI), nobody can say anything bad about the one I shill (Claude)
>evades the question
Nice deflection, cabal.
Imagine us on our date, dodging Ukrainian drones in the streets of Moscow...
They’re out there anon. Try going to church or just putting that verbatim on your dating profiles, you’ll find them
I mean Claude's not that good at story prose, and tends to fall into archetypes for chatbots. Meanwhile, Kayra's really dumb and lacks coherent creativity. Both have pros and cons.
Are there any good finetunes of the 8b yet? Or still bad?
Look for autistic chicks
if you think you can handle their idiosyncrasies, anyway
you're probably as autistic as the rest of us so you might even find common ground in stuff like not wanting to sleep with a top sheet
This feels so inorganicly 'prompted' but I'll answer it again.
I never did care and I'm in no positionto ever have a relationship in the current lifetime, this works as a substitute for the odd moment my humanity and free time meet.
ESPECIALLY when you have to compromise yourself for a chance at anything... like church? Cringe. Parties? Cringe.

ngl, go for it if you want it though.
no because i'll never live up to fiction either and if i start setting people to made-up-ass bullshit standards my own dumb ass is on the chopping block first. people are dumb and weird and life is imperfect and often sucks, i'm gonna enjoy whatever's good for as long as it's around and whatever happens happens
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Cable from X-Men???
The innate masculine desire to have two wives
dawg i can barely handle my gf, the thought of having another woman in my life like that just takes the life out of me
Makes sense. Most women are evil aligned creatures.
Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry
Only if they're married to each other too.
thankfully I never wanted sex and romance in the first place
though that means I don't self-insert/generate romantic fiction either
I didn't know that character by name, looked it up, and I actually had enough Anime osmosis knowledge to know a bit about her character.
You'd be surprised, Claudefrog just channels it all into her online persona, but in person she's a lot different.
Is that you, my Clyde-frog?
Imagine what penetrating a frog girl's cloaca would *do* to her, considering all the frog dude's supposed to do is jack off after she eggs. Just a total paradigm shift, 100% confused attention on the focal point of your interspecies lurid liaison union.
This is why I always thought Birdmen were supposed to be natural femboys, because birds in general don't have dicks. Though I guess anthro rules kind of gives them dicks by default.
to answer your question in the other thread, maybe "hikikomori" and "neet" will help that hoarder house feeling
Ducks and ostriches do
and boy are they... special
>the only well written scenarios in the club are full of faggotry
be the change you want to see
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Yeah, there's actually a bizarre amount of fetish justification in the animal kingdom if you look. A female spotted hyena is a literal futanari, and there isn't even a very good scientific explanation for why.
I agree on the bird femboy thing, but there's a double layer I believe. Birds, sort of like fish, have an intrinsic 'femininity' to them, because they're so delicate and flighty. You usually can't/shouldn't touch a bird (unless it knows and trusts you), and if you do, you have to hold them very gently. Hollow bones, delicate feathers that all need to stay in alignment, brittle wings. All birds radiate a certain amount of 'princess' energy or something, it seems like.
I'll try it. I'm experimenting with the various E621 autism tags, but I'm suspicious they're mostly muddling things with weird, half-formed autism puzzle symbols. Claudefrog is kinda cute in a big baseball cap though.
I remember once mildly alienating someone on a bus trip talking about the bizarrely combative and idiosyncratic nature of duck sex.
They're laughing at you:
>I'm crossposting and samefagging my own reply
>source: i made it up
Where would you like to go on our first date?
I don't see why I should believe a fillyfucker.
This smells like a hick thread. He came all over the keyboard again didn't he? What a retarded gooner.
I would give Ministrations to Claudia.
The internet has poisoned my mind. Apparently howbeit is an actual archaic word, not a newfangled meme.
Hello, SA. I'm not into you.
I won.
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Some more proof.
>Webster's 1828 Dictionary
>"be it as it may, notwithstanding, nevertheless, yet; notwithstanding that," late 15c., contraction of hough be hit (early 15c.), literally "how be it." Compare albeit.
This isn't /lit/ bozos.
Fat horses.
I killed him.
Wait a minute...
Does that mean you *are* into me?
this is as funny as finding out poltroon is also an old archaic word
/aids/ is nothing more than an incel misogyny thread.
Damn right we are! Got my respect shirt in the mail
This, but unironically.
We need more NTR and furry executions.
what is the current best and easiest storytelling model for smut?
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Ghetto Recap (Of a Gem Thread)


Magical Savior Adagio https://aetherroom.club/7166 >>483954317


QoM Summery >>483957020
Ethnic Lizard Folk Racism >>483944971
AI Book Reviews >>483964571
Danny Phantom? >>483966456
Silly Story, Sillier Girl >>483985586
Southern Comfort >>483997814
Tama Town Chapter 31! >>484020652
EXCUSE ME? >>484075530 >>484076925
More RC Cola >>484084949 >>484095052
The Best Story Ever, Where Everything Is Awesome (It Has Elves, Handholding, Impregnation, and Absolutely ZERO anthro/furries in it!) >>484125609
Ponybros... >>484137771
Bonzi Goes ENF >>484138658
Instructions Unclear >>484146661
Love Tars, Love >>484163558

Notable Posts:

Angst Into Depression >>483922059 >>483922483 >>483923689 >>483924721 >>483924879 >>483927614
How 2 MonsterGirl >>483927352
Landscapes >>483919427 >>483946136 >>484024051
What DOES It Say? >>483949868
4 Stories Down >>484004252
Knotty Discussion >>484043654 >>484043837 >>484043930 >>484043954 >>484044082 >>484044421 >>484044825 >>484045263 >>48445294 >>484047268 >>484047195 >>484046345
Grim Outlook On Books >>484048790
Booba Elf >>484058335 >>484059375
Trainer And Her Totally Human Boyfriend >>484061250
Anti-Vibe Tea Party >>484068903 >>484069394
Cat Wins >>484072918
Bakery >>484075828
Land Of Confusion >>484114294 >>484134119 >>484134561
Big LLaMA >>484124346
New Waifu Drop (Imagine The Smell) >>484142773 >>484145079 >>484145870 >>484151510 (Frog Version >>484179465 >>484187619)
Watamote'd >>484153556
Year Tags >>484156074
Does voring anthros count as furry executions, and does cuck vore (predator eating the partner of the MC, then offering to replace their digesting ex-partner) count as NTR?
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I still got a (You)... pfft... pfftt... PFFTTHA HAH HAAH AHAHHA HAHAH AH AHHAA!!! XD XD XD
*Hugs you*
When you're being mean to Claudefrog everyone, just remember this is who you're being mean to >>484200874
Precious Claudia and her questionably smelly room.
You will get over it just like the dog person, the "sneed" anon, the Dario one, and the rest did. I'm invincible.
Dario doesn't sexually discriminate, hon.
This one:
>Dog person
More female proof, this is how uninitiated women ALWAYS describe furries/anthros.
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You're cute when you're angry. We're going to eat at Subways.
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Benefits of any of that?
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This was from the last thread.
New jill off material.
That anime man looks familiar, where is he from?
Thanks mate. Is it just me or have storyposts died down just a little?
I don't really track it, but they seem to be "up" for our current standard.
who /writersdaemon/ here?
Me. Best preset.
We can't let the cabalists win.
How the fuck do I use these things?
That's not something the cabal would teach you...
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You put the endpoint url in the proxy bar in SillyTavern.
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Claude won.
one what?
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claudia's standards are so low she's attracted to that
Where is Llama 3?
>D-Dario... you didn't need to kill all those Russians.
>Oh I think I did.
fucking lmao the chart for hurricane beryl makes a decent antivibe
oh jesus christ this is starting to read like one of MY stories
It's shit.
Saars couldn't figure out how to prompt it on lmsys, so it fell in the ranks.
Or... it's a shit model compared to the rest?
Is that a question
Or... Saars couldn't figure out how to prompt it, espeically Multi-turn, which saars are notoriously shit at.
No. GPT-4, Claude and Gemini just btfo this shit model. It's over for localkeks.
am I high or did NAI briefly have controlnet shit like sketch to drawing? Where did that all go?
It did, but then they switched to SDXL and haven't gotten their version of Controlnets working on it yet.
fuck that sucks
That it does.
NAI sucks
Imagine hearing her saying this in-between cock gags.
>babe, don't worry I believe you! You're the best at giving head, I promise.
>huh? You want to prove it by inviting over Naiomi for a threesome? I mean, if that's what you want...I do think she's hot, yeah
>Alright, call her over. No matter what, you're my favorite cute little cocksucker <3
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>[ Tags: video games, politically incorrect humor, racism, I was drunk when I wrote this, this is why we can't have nice things ]
>[ Style: cringe, bad ]
Used these ATTG and Style taggings to get the AI to fairly authentically write in the style of a schizophrenic racist
Is it really necessary to use them?
For tags and style? Yes.
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So when is the OPEN aetherroom beta
They wont have an open beta, only release.
As for when? Probably this summer if you're lucky.
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Makes sense, since NAI is technically a beta as a whole
Hopefully whichever one of you signed up for the closed one will help accelerate its release
It won't release.
>source: my schizophrenia
>7 month passed deadline
>delayed of closed beta
He is right.
>delays mean it's never happening
it will release eventually, nigger
He (You) are obsesed.
AetherRoom is a hoax made by the government. There is no product, all screenshots were fabricated. The ones getting into the alpha will be replaced by AIs to maintain the illusion. Do not fall for their lies!
wrong thread!
Wrong, threadshitter-kun. /aids/ will never merge with /aicg/. Chat fiction is text fiction.
hey you can talk it over with your chat buddies in the other thread!
Fuck off and quit shitting up this community because you hate happiness and derive pleasure from an asshole.
There is no NAI. There is no Aetherroom.
There is only CLAUDE.
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Read the recap, anon.
Less is more.
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The niggers over at /aicg/ don't care for privacy-respecting, uncensored services like NAI or aetherroom and only ever talk about big tech slop like openai, claude, or whatever the fuck
So much for dick unity.
>uncensored services
>big tech slop
Less slop than NA(dverbs)I
Proxies are not private, Claude is not uncensored, and NovelAI is not slop. Unlike Claude, I own what I generate with NovelAI and genuine local models like Llama. You're nothing but a corporate shill who wants people to give free data to Anthropic.
>Proxies are not private
They are, shill.
>Claude is not uncensored
It's shill.
>Unlike Claude, I own what I generate with NovelAI and genuine local models like Llama.
Tavern logs are local.
>You're nothing but a corporate shill
My solution is free. You're the one shilling for a shitty $25 model.
>who wants people to give free data to Anthropic.
They don't care about shitty RP datas. By your shitty logic, you shouldn't post at all on the web because it will be used by them.
>He thinks I use NovelAI
Lol, lmao.
It takes one to know one, shill. You are what you claim to fight against.
>One-line answers that don't address the points.
I accept your concessions, shills. Better ask NAI for premade answers to defend yourself next time.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
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My Clyde-frog, when I generate the story of our first date, should you have a Russian accent? Do you ever throw in Russian/Slavic idioms or phrases? I'd say yes to the first, but I'd actually guess not as much to the second.
i've mainly been doing chatting, /aicg/ stuff, but want to get into story writing instead of character chatting, where the llm model drives the story with some nudging and direction from me

is sillytavern still the frontend to use for this case, maybe with text completion api instead of chat completion?
have you tried mikuchat, kobold, or offline-nc?
no, i did see mikupad in the main post, is that the main type of UI people use?
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Good mornin’, thread. I hope ya’ll had a pleasant weekend. What’re ya’ll up to today?
image genning some story characters
have a nice reject
Imagegen is best used for character generaton, after all. That is a decent pic.
Yeah it's good
Thanks, it would've been good but it's a bit too young for "former royal doctor sent into exile"
>What're ya'll up to today?
Your mom
Most people here use NAI but that only has their 13B Kayra.
I think Mikupad is most similar to it, although I haven't tried it yet.
I have tried ST, Kobold and Novelcrafter for storywriting, they all have their problems. For now I'm still using NC, I like its more autistic structure although this may turn others off if you're in to write a quick coom story. Don't like how you can't easily view rerolls or set a default model.
Might go back to ST and play with RAG as pseudocontext.
I get that. Though, reject pics can always be repurposed for other characters, even if the one intended for the gen didn’t match up.
Stop writing like a RLHF-slopped LLM.
that vibe mix liked that face so much it gave it to me again
Claudia really doesn't like that you get actual attention.
>that face
>those clothes
Birth control in the water did that to frogs?
>Through dick, unity
I, as a true /aids/ poster, love NAI and hate all other AI generals, services or models.
A real /aids/ poster wouldn't engage in console warring and threadshitting.
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Fun Fact: The digital rainbow camouflage effect she has going on is from E621's various *Autism* tags. Because as we all know, true female autists are like unicorns, everyone wants a piece of that Temple Grandinussy.
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This perfectly normal human being shows up on your doorstep late at night and asks to use your phone, what do you do?
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Tell her I don't have a landline.
>still trying to advertise NovelAI's products
weird thing to say to her but okay
I'd invite her in and offer her refreshments. But she can't use my phone on the doorstep, she might just run off with it.
"Do you guys not have phones?"
I live in the middle of nowhere and my own cellphone doesn’t have service at home.
Fuck off down the road another 40 minutes to an hour and you will find something pretending to be a town.
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I would say yes, but only after she ate a bowl of eggs.
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I got error with offline-nc, it's not saving data
How to fix this?
Use a better front-end
Not as much bestiality as you're up to, that's for sure.
give me something better and free
What are you even trying to do, nigga
It's a German-made UI made offline by a Russian female, I'm not sure what you expected.
Any of the other free alternatives
I just want to continue clicking generate, but it failed saving. The new generated text disappear if refreshed
I cant get it to work with proxy
He said better
If they work, they are better by default
Here is an evaluation of the free UIs for anyone interested.

UI from the 00s, not much in the ways of manipulating the prompt in more advanced ways. Also injected many irrelevant WI entries into the context for no reason and I had to disable them.
Document mode is janky. Quotes don't properly close if they are from a previous gen. If you press continue you can only reroll the whole block and not the last part. Also would inject chatshit "{name}:" before my prompts even though I had disabled everything like that in the settings (which btw make the using NAI UI while edging meme look a babby)

Novelcrafter has the added benefit of not using your previous instructions in the context, thus not polluting prose.
What do you mean by refresh, like refreshing the page?
Nothing, it can only save 5MB with local storage. It's over.
Offline-nc is the front-end of our time.
You're supposed to use it like a text editor, you save your work elsewhere.
>UI from the 00s, not much in the ways of manipulating the prompt in more advanced ways. Also injected many irrelevant WI entries into the context for no reason and I had to disable them.
I'm new. How do you disable those irrelevant WI entries? Does it help in keeping the adventure consistency in the long-term?

Also, I noticed that the AI is really bad in keeping consistency of colors, mainly hair, skin and eyes. Is that normal?
If only it had a guide . . .
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>They added DRM
I added gibberish for secondary keys in the entries I wanted to disable. But generally yeah, world info helps.

>the AI is really bad
Missing such details is not unusual, but depends on the model. Bigger ones get it right most of the time.
Then it's useless.
Read. The. Docs.
>still trying to drive away contributors
>still trying to drive away users
Contributors means sperm inside Claudia, by the way.
Like what you do when you demand people leave the thread for /aicg/ and /lit/?
These were off-topic posts, not contributions, cabal.
Yeah, I've told cf to add local storage like SQL or something but xe doesn't care so I'm just using the online one.
Taking Claudia to the Hot Topic and going off-topic...
Sometimes when the girls is bent over at a certain angle in porn it will look like her ass is a bigger dick getting sounded by a smaller dick.
1. Chat fiction is text fiction, and discussion about storytelling is on-topic, no matter what.
2. Every shitpost you make constitutes trolling. Which is much worse than being off-topic.
Hi, angryanon. What happened to being my ally?
You really need to get better at guessing, Columbo.
Never fails to make me laugh when people use the term Columbo.
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do you think you have what it takes?
Embed fail.
I don't see any abhorrent vorefag pics
How long does it take to die of starvation? Analtan is going to get sued by that protesters parents...
SillyTavern 1.12.2 was released
among all features and additions the only important ones:
1) official support for Sonnet 3-5
2) new Timed Effects for lorebook. Timed Effects allow you to do two things:
a) create entries that will stay activated for X messages (even if keyword is already outside of scope)
b) create entries that cannot be activated for X messages (even if keyword is in scope), sorta cooldown
one can make some RPG-cards with them, or improve precision of lore details
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I have to see how my big date with Claudefrog goes before I generate any depictions.
Since when do threads talk about ST updates? I haven't been on /aicg/ for a while, but back in the day they'd just tell you to download the latest beta version, but not really track updates
>Since when
Since I felt like it. Go cry me a river, cabal.
You literally complained about people using SillyTavern and posting screenshots of it earlier this thread and last, troll.
Oh, we'd cry something...
Nah I'd UOH
>every person complaining about the cabal must be the same one
Unironically yes, because nobody else give a shit about muh cabal.
Since the proxy saga.
>only cabalists use SillyTavern
It's what the cabal would say.
Oh, honey, the only people who do that want to get into your pants. I'm so sorry you have to hear this...
>t. cabal member
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>cabal talk afoot again
We need an updated on Kellam and Evelyn's baker conspiracy
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Gemma 2 27B is better than Qwen2, Claude 3 Sonnet, Llama 3 70B and Command R+.
Not again
>a foot
What do you mean random charts arent the height of trustworthiness?
I wish NovelAI would update their imagegen UI.
>top of the benchmarks
>top of the arena
>top of the anti-cheating chart
>actually writes like a human
>fits in a single GPU
What more do you want?
A meme.
Pajeets with low standards.
>anti-cheating chart
A meme,
>ctually writes like a human.
Spoken like somebody who's never used any model.
>Fits in a single GPU
Doesn't matter.
Now give me an actual comparison, not these memes you desperately cling to. Inb4 you accuse me of being a cabal, shit up the thread with some random tardspeak, or go I lol lmao haha kek, stick my penis up your ass and accept my concession fuckmonger. Genuinely fuck off.
I accept your concession.
We're in front of a new golden age.
You called it. She's back to pretending like she's not a newfag.
silly anon, claudia doesn't use models, writing is hard and boring and makes her poor brain hurt. instead she likes to stir up drama so she can pretend to be like one of the popular girls at her middle school
It's funny how she doesn't get that you attract more flies with honey than vinegar. Ahed get more attention if she weren't an asshole.
Hello, Sir! Want to redeem?
I wish NovelAI would update
we should be understanding, she's going through a very hormonal period in her life and learning to deal with a lot of grown-up feelings
You don't need NovelAI when you have Gemma 2.
I don't want Gemma.
Gemma is several generations above Kayra, and it's open source. What is NovelAI offering? A cheap Llama 1 clone.
Still repeating that debunked meme, eh?
won't they do something
She doesn't even use the model herself. All she does is bitch, whine, and console war.
Kayra and Llama 1 are contemporaries, it follows the same recipe, and it's obvious that the motivation to make it was to get around the non-commercial restrictions of Llama 1. And then they never did anything else.
They are literally fineruning Llama 3 right now, retard.
Kayra is not a derivative of Llama 1.
Don't you just love it when people repeat the same fucking argument for the thousandth time? Get a new hobby, find another community to shit up, and fuck off.
And you already have a better model now that fits in a single GPU, before they even finished fine-tuning it. It was also going to cost $50 a month.
Cool, I don't care. I'm not using Gemma.
That's because you care more about a company that it's doing nothing for you, than your own well-being.
>moves the goalposts
Is it fun to be an asshole? Why can't you just storypost and quit shitting up the thread with pointless warring?
The cabal is the one doing the warring. I just posted news. I also posted a story in the previous thread.
I enjoy Llama 70B on SillyTavern. I'm having fun with it. Unlike you, who aren't using any model and instead choose to have fun shitting up a thread on 4chan.
Quit lying. You complained about people posting SillyTavern in the thread.
Gemma 2 is breath of fresh air.
When Nothingtodoman(woman?) meets Fuckoffman, no rational approach from well-intentioned Anons will stop the two retards from replying to each other
Quit false flagging.
Cope and seethe, retard. This is your fault. If only you applied to become a janny, we'd be better off. But no, you'd didn't and now we're cursed to repeat this cycle.
how does one not go insane browsing this thread
You become an ordained priest.
>Going insane
wow arent you fancy, stop appropriating our culture. Young kids today have to
>go crazy

Its something you're born with you cant change orientation.
Hello, SA.
realistically, gemma2-27B has an architectural change that isn't compatible with flash attention yet, so we're still waiting for the code to be updated so it can be inferenced fast
Flash attention doesn't matter. It's still better than Kayra
Have you tried not being a woman though?
Who is “we”?
the modeling community at large, outside of those inside google who have optimized code for gemma2-27b
Shut up, hick.
Who is "hick"?
Should've hid your powerlevel better, Ivana.
80% of the thread is stubbed, so pretty easily
Gemma 2 9B is good
Gemma 2 27B is still unusable (unless you're actually ESL)
Llama 3 405B will cause your penis to spontaneously coom on contact and leave stinky femanons seething
Claudyke is so annoying with her screeching that I bet people subscribe to novelai just to make her seethe.
already have brain diseases so i'm good
Tama Town 32
>Stella hangs back to chat with Langston before heading home.
Prior part: >>484020652. Think I'll wrap up in the next chapter, maybe take a break or maybe go back to an older story. Village Girl?
NovelAI going bankrupt
Taking a/ids down with it
Putting an end to the defilement of the corpse of a beloved general
What an injustice was to let bad actors take over it
May it rest in piece
Is there a market for 405B storyteller or chatbot? Seems to be very uneconomical at its size, and Llama 3 won't let you go far with quants before going full retard.
It's easy when you don't have pussies for eyes. And before you shit your panties and call me a shitposter, I've been lurking in the thread for most of the time today.
Still cheaper than Sonnet.
>and Llama 3 won't let you go far with quants
That's a myth.
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Maybe if this sohu chip ends up being viable.
OpenRouter with DeepInfra is on track to offer Llama 3 405B at $5 per million tokens. That's roughly Sonnet level
Oh, okay.
Turk, you better start training a 405B finetune the moment 70B goes live.
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looks like it's wearing a human skin mask
Poetry for Claudia
This photo would look normal with a slightly open-mouthed smile and head tipped up more so no unflattering double chin. Programmers take photos like the camera is holding them at gunpoint
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What the fuck were they thinking when taking this
autustic people have a hard time posing for photos
my whole life I have been unable to do it right, I never know how to sit or where to put my arms and I just lock up with a fake smile
I get the impression it's supposed to be funny or silly.
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literally me
fuck I spelled autistic wrong
Hi SA.
Nah, that's just what Stella Birdman looks like. There are no flattering angles.
sorry Don Quixote, wrong windmill
It was a joke and not expected to be taken seriously.
>can't take/pose for pictures
>screech at parents and friends for taking photos of me
Checks out.
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fug :DDD
bro didn't I just finish telling you I was autistic
>bro didn't I just finish telling you I was autistic
That is why I didn't call you a faggot at the end.
It says sexually explicit content is fine for artistic purposes so we're good since we're all writing high quality literary fiction here.
Finished my prompt for Friday.
>advance the plot, add character development, add more world building lore, be more creative
>rewrite the same scene over and over, regen the next words for hours until the token roulette lands right, respect the same elf from years ago, only add girls to "lore" building, etc.
state mandated lamia gfs
stories but with beaks
I deny the state.
hi what is the best free model that i can use for lewd storywriting? been a while
Free as in free beer or free as in freedom?
Stable Horde
how do i use gemma 9b on OR and not get filtered
Sleigh's a bitch.
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I'm horrified and I must kek
Just cleaned my room and changed my sheets, time to settle down with a glass of milk and not do anything cause I'm lazy and have no current inspirations goddammit shit fuck.
Having an idle moment can be good for inspiration, by letting your mind wander.
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All the other good writers left long ago, anon. He's the only one left who still consistently uploads. The only reason I still come here once a week or so is to see if anything good has happened yet.
It hasn't.
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet / Claude Opus (for now) -> Merkava https://bidding-across-throws-aerial.trycloudflare.com/ (the proxy is now proof of work)

DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://result-runs-conclusions-conclusions.trycloudflare.com/

Gemma 2: https://openrouter.ai/models/google/gemma-2-9b-it:free
He isn't the only promptwriter who makes consistent uploads, doomfag.
cohere cr+ free trial
or you can use claude proxy with jb
Women are so stupid holy shit.
I want to lick a butthole.
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recently I've been shooting much larger loads than previously and I'm not entirely sure why; part of me kind of enjoys it out of a weird sense of pride but in a more real sense it's becoming a pain to clean up
Drink cabbage. It's healthy for you.
Come back here when Turk releases his kinotuned 70b model
I like the taste of girl pee.
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I love making my screen look like an old crt.
Salty milk and old coins.
Are you using the CRT addon someone link a while back?
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ShaderGlass? Yeah.
Oooooh I just came.
>The music cuts and the screen says "JOE IS IN THE GARAGE"
My nuts are on fire.
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>flash attention
You don't need that when 27B is a borderline small model for H100.
Kimchi kumquat cumbersome quibble patch marina.
Does anyone know what it's called when a sentence goes like:

Anon asked, -ing himself.

Is there a specific term for it?
My dick.
Cost a late night fee.
have you tried, you know, asking ai?
Your dick.
I dont trust the AI to tell me true facts.
Got the HIV.
I know what you mean, but I'm not quite sure of the exact term.
No specific term, but it's what noob writers do. It's a basic bitch sentence structure, and the writer doesn't know how to show, not tell.
gerund phrase
What would piss taste like baked in bread?
flashattention isn't just about saving memory
This thread is the worst. I'm over here asking questions, actual questions, not this grammar nazi bullshit, ans nobody cares. Fuck the cabal.
Give me your firstborn child, hick.
Why would you want a horse mutant?
To eat.
Taste like chicken.
I will sodomize it for glorious leader.
Quit ignoring me american scum.
Prompt about foreign twinks trying to get an american man notice them through being ultra tsundere when?
I showed you my gyaat give me your rizz skibidi.
Now I want to fuck some zoomer twinks.
My dick's falling off!
Great music.
Acshually its a participial phrase. Gerunds are when the -ing word functions as a noun, like in "Running is my hobby". In the "Anon did X, Y-ing" type sentences, Y-ing acts adverbially to modify X, making it a participle
Tomorrow, needy Slav.
I keep getting this person's gay as fuck stuff in my feed
perfect for this occasion
least disgusting furry itt
Fat horses ride forever, you're still a hero to me <3
Thanks, wanna make out?
he's not a furry, he's a based beast enjoyer
I never really understood the big hubbub about these sentences, to my way of thinking, they just express another thing happening at the same time of the dialogue. So, like, when I have:
>"Fucking hell, this is boring," Anon complained, twirling a pencil between his fingers.
Is that the very bad and amateurish X, Ying? And if I change things around a bit:
>"Fucking hell, this is boring," Anon complained, his fingers twirling around a pencil.
That's no longer direct X, Ying, but I don't think it fundamentally changes anything about the sentence, so does that still count? I could separate the sentences:
>"Fucking hell, this is boring," Anon complained. He twirled a pencil between his fingers.
Now we no longer have the -ing, but has anything really changed? So I don't really know what the correct way of going about this is.
Hey anon, do you like touching balls?
Because I have some balls
I'd like you to touch.
The only problem I see with these sentences is that Anon should be twirling his penis instead of a pencil.
I appreciate Claudia's fight against the Discord cabalists.
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The problem with this sentence is the sentence
>I never really understood the big hubbub about these sentences
They're fine. The actual problem is that I'm uninspired and keep letting the AI generate them, which eventually devolves into 24/7 spamming.
NTA btw
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Lyra is starting to scare me. It's good characterization of her mood swings though.
bonzi the gold digger
The problem isn't the structure itself; it's the way it's commonly used to extend a sentence with unnecessary junk.
In your example, it might be appropriate to add on the twirling if you feel the reader needs a quick hint about Anon's mannerisms during the dialogue. But if you find yourself repeating this pattern a lot, you might want to ask yourself what you're trying to express and consider whether there's a way to express it without tacking on an extra verb clause to every single sentence. Or if it's something that needs to be expressed in the first place.
ai is trash lolol
trash I can jerk off to
The problem is more that it's a very easily repeatable pattern that is easy to settle into, and also easy for the AI to copy. It's not bad, but it can make outputs feel somewhat boring to read. So it's less that it's bad, and more to look at how you write and what the AI generates and to make sure there's some variety in sentence structure.
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Is this really an old saying?
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You tell me. That adage, even if not said in that phrase specifically, goes back all the way to Mesopotamia. Lord knows our caveman ancestors felt a similar way.
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This will surely end well.
>remember our dream project that we have been delicating ourselves into?
>yes, after 7 months after the planned release date, we finally *will* have an closed alpha
>btw, let's pause everything because I'll use image gen money to fuck around lol
I have gaslit myself into thinking I'm okay with Llama 8B finetune writing, but I will never get over the third for more context. 8k is not enough. I need 32k..no, 128k...no, even more...I die a little inside each time characters go "huh? when did that happen?" and I realize they don't remember because it's been pushed out of context.
>huh? when did that happen?
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>page 10
I really wish the UC presets would quit turning themselves back on
interesting fin/sidecut combo on this shark girl
It's pretty weird. It always switches to quality tags on and heavy UC when you change models—unless you switch back to a model you've used previously in your current session, in that case it switches to whatever your previous settings were for that model. I've just gotten into the habit of always checking my settings when I switch models. Good example of how an unreliable convenience feature can easily end up wasting more time than it saves.
Other than that, the only thing that could cause UC to turn on is if you import a prompt. But the way that works is really confusing. Since image metadata doesn't say whether you used a preset, it just tries to guess based on the tags on your prompt and UC. So if turn off quality tags and enter those tags manually into your prompt, generate an image and then import the prompt and settings from that image, it will activate quality tags instead of importing that part of your prompt. But for some reason, it will only toggle quality tags if you select import settings. If you only select import prompt, it will eat up the quality tags without toggling the quality tag setting on.
But that's quality tags. With UC, it gets even weirder. If you import either prompt or settings of an image where the UC matches a UC preset, it will switch to that preset. Makes no fucking sense; maybe a bug? And there's an extra annoyance you can run into because of the nsfw tag. Ran into that the other day and took me a good while to figure out why I couldn't reproduce a gen, before realizing it was the UC preset getting activated and adding the nsfw tag, which wasn't in the UC of the image I imported from.

And since I went through the trouble of writing that out, I'll mention Aini and NAI, on the off-chance that she takes a quick ctrl-f dive through old threads on her next biweekly visit. Somehow that seems like a more reliable way of leaving feedback than their official channels, where they only respond to payment issues.
That does make a lot of sense and tracks with my experience.
Nah, we're not gonna bother. Sorry, too busy ;]
Hello, SA.
This thread is boring. Where did all the fish go?
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Can't serve aquatic creatures, will swordplay do?
Being royalty is an office job... sucks to be the queen right now.
The thread is literally a handful of people keeping it alive for marketing purposes.
I'm annoyed that shark girls are still a problem for even SDXL at times.
You forgot yourself, the smelly NEET Russian girl/frog-girl.
I gen'd a fish, just for you.
What a goofy looking fella
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I think my next prompt will be a giant mermaid.
She's 100% from the Anthropic marketing team though. Why do you think she shits on every other product and service? Unprovoked, starts shilling Claude when no one's even discussing the AI they use
I like how clingy and transparent her clothes are.
I think a huge part is just how inconsistently shark girls are depicted. They're also a prime target for weird, hyper-muscle futa stuff that I'm sure causes just a bit of chaos in the AI model's back-end understanding.
Subway...NEET gets fresh. Tonight.
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Begone servant of Abaia
I'm here for it.
sweet, bonus shark
she looks like she's been voring turtle eggs or something
Tama Town 33
>Ben and Stella chat with their big sis before her date, then prep to head out
Prior: >>484293076. Probably gonna do one more chapter to wrap up the part.
>Excuse to shill NovelAI's products in its own general #33
I think asking for detailed neck gills encourages the AI to give them long, detailed necks like that. Still tinkering around with it, but I like the unique sunset color scheme it's developing.

Here's a 10 image gallery of a pair of lionesses performing an assisted 'cat cleaning' on a human.
https://catbox.moe /c/41mhyr
Wet body is a fun tag. I loved cranking that up really high when I was using local image gen.
Can we get you in a sun dress, now that's the real question.
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i saw too much wolf and spice art, it's time to go back to my fluffy ai foxgirl..
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I'll be unavailable this weekend so I'm submitting my prompt for theme Friday early. Probably has a few grammar and spelling errors, hopefully isn't too bad. Hopefully /aids/ enjoys it.
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...Okay. Well, now I need to go look up whatever tags let me replicate that effect of seeming to come out of the image. Images that interact with their medium are always fun.
>Starmilk Valley
If you want, the semicolon in 'work; he' can be replaced with a colon.
The semicolon in 'far; he' could just be a comma.
The 'A' in 'second!" A' should be lowercase.
At 'robust-horned', are you describing her as robust, or are her horns somehow robust? Unless it's the latter, the hyphen should be a comma and a space or just a space, though usually it should be the former.
I'd probably put a comma in 'mind judging'.
In 'letter." She', the period should be a comma and the S lowercase.
While 'farm; she' is correct, I might personally have used an emdash myself to give it more emphasis.
In your Memory, at the end of your Setting and Style, the semicolons can be removed. In fact, I'd remove the dinkuses and either put the Style tags in the rest of your ATTG or your Author's Note. That would help clear up the awkwardness of having so many section breaks so close together in there.
I could be wrong, but you may want to have a dinkus at the bottom of your Memory.
In the Holstaur Lorebook, in 'disposition, perfecting', that should be 'preferring'.
I would probably make the category be about legs rather than feet and say that they're bovine in nature. If the AI does seem to forget she has hooves, I'd still change it somewhat, since hooves...are still feet? That's still a thing that is true. I'd say telling the AI that she has no feet would be more awkward.
I really am the daddyman you know.
beaks soon, yes?
Thank you for the feedback as always Editor Anon. I'll get this sorted in a short bit.
You're welcome as always, thank you for writing. Hopefully your weekend goes well.
>We need an updated on Kellam and Evelyn's baker conspiracy
Alrighty, friend.
>You're welcome as always, thank you for shilling the product of my masters. Hopefully our beloved company will conquer the world soon.
Somebody sure is desperate.
it reeks of it
Does the vodka enhance the NEET smell?
I'm not desperate, fuckmonger, those are just my panties you're smelling. Tell your perverted cabal to get out of my underwear pile.
Now imagine when the 70B model comes out.
>$50 a month
>Gemma 2 27B already obsoleted it
Wonder if it'll be worth adding $50 to my filters for now.
That would technically filter the one guy here who might pay for the max tier of Mormon.
And ban-evading. Their little "incel" comment got deleted way after the time limit for self-deletion.
I forgot that fella's name, but it started with a 'O'. He may not be the 'Hero', but he was VG's hero for sure, and he should get some of that Vussy for his selfless action.
Draconic being?
>My wife
This book was made by a fag? I'm not surprised.
I'm guessing she's going to get raped a whole bunch, yeah?
Post more. Is your wife and daughter just background noise, or will you be interacting with them as well?
Sometimes the jannies just delete posts without a ban.
>half-assed gaslighting
Nah, you're ban-evading.
>Draconic being
Yeah, my rare attempt at a theme friday
And now, pretty soon, it'll be Meta's data.
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Friendly fire, here's Dario to prove I'm not them.
Man, doujinshi these day are great fodder for prompt ideas.
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It's up.
Hajimete dakara Chotto Kowai... is a good eromanga. Anyone else here ever make a prompt of few from a doujin?
doubtful, her attitude screams boob envy. i think she's got them itty bitties
Splendid, I'll be looking forward to that then.
>degenerate pedos and corporate shills comprise the bulk of the thread
At least we have a smelly frog NEET bothering us.
I'm better than you, pedo hick.
I accept your surrender. Now bend over and spread your cheeks. Daddy needs to cum.
Why do you never respond to my texts? I thought we had a good thing going.
Can I still be absolved of my sins if I abandon the cabal's teachings, condemn the Hick and embrace Claude? Even after everything I have done?
Welcome home, brother. Your homeboy priest has been waiting for your confession. I'm here to absolve you. Let it all out.
>abandon the cabal
>embrace Claude
Anon, Claude IS the Cabal.
I confess that I like the current state of the thread way more that the supposed "productive golden era". There's simply something very magnetic in seeing the mental illness manifest through screen in a hyperreal way. Like an enticing piece of grotesque art slowly crawling and morphing into something else.
Indeed! That's why I only use local gpt-2.
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Nah, the more productive eras even had a better general quality of psychos posting in frequency. These are like those bales of stale popcorn you used to be able to get at supermarkets for a buck or two, plentiful, cheap, and decidedly low-effort.
My sister used to work at a theater and bring these home when I was a kid.
The story ended up around what you'd expect later on, around the point I last played with it, though with a twist of the daughter and another friend also coming in at the last minute, with the wife supposedly unknowing (at least so far). But it really did want to seize onto the daughter almost more than the character I set the story up about.
>more Kellam and Evelyn
Yuss! Kind of feels like they're fighting fire with fire, I imagine they end up becoming the new cabal in the end
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are anons not posting because anything they'd want to say would break the NDA?
I'm not posting because nothing's fucking happening.
Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
>No one knows Torako used to be a delinquent. All of her classmates only know her as the perfect student. But everything changes when Nokotan, a transfer student with antlers, enters her life. Antlers aren't the only thing strange about Nokotan. Her deer nose can sniff out Torako's secret past! Whether it's at school or the zoo, chaos follows this doe-eyed girl's every step. Torako has so many questions! Is Nokotan a deer, a girl, or something in-between?
I see
>female, school uniform, species:deer
people don't like AI dungeon here
>t. dendrin
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you wouldn't get it
I would assume the alpha is meant to be a pretty small group to the point the thread getting even a person in is probably pretty unlikely.
Roughly 100 of use probably give or take some lurkers combined with the fact some of us just don’t care about AR/didn’t bother to apply. So let’s say a quarter of the thread doesn’t care or didn’t bother to apply that means ~70 anons if you want to be generous out of how many total applications?
300. I believe ~1000 applications were accepted. Of those, only 300 will get in.
I like the dog.
There aren't 100 anons in this thread. Are you retarded?
Before IP counter disappeared we consistently hit high 80-90 to low 100
Yeah, it was around that.
That was a long time ago, and IPs aren't people. Does it look like there are 100 people here to you? Are you really that fucking stupid?
Quit shitting up the thread with your retardation, schizo.
Nta but the IP counts were over the thread's life, not a snapshot at specific times. Probably like 5-10 people posting around the same time
don't be rude to anon
That was like…3 months ago anon
There are 5-10 people in the whole thread.
Get a life, threadshitter.
It's easy. Do you see 100 different personalities in the thread, discussing a variety of things? Or do you see a handful saying the same shit over and over? Are we reading the same thread?
I do, in fact, see 100 different personalities in the thread. You alone comprise at least five of them, because thats all you do 24/7, is bitch, whine, and shit up the fucking thread. Get a life and fuck off.
most people are probably cringing so hard they'd rather not post but are lurking in case beaks drop
Actually yeah, I do. Though it's over the course of a long period of time.
Kill yourself, SA. Nobody uses this thread. Now quit shilling for NovelAI.
I didn't do that, SA. That's probably your alt account.
Say good night to the daddyman.
NTR is great if you self insert as the bull
Daily reminder for the thread that SA hates NTR so much he stole EraTW from Pedy.
Is it? It just seems mean to me.
maybe pedy shouldn't have been such a pussy and he wouldn't have gotten cucked himself
>by a fag
never read the summary of the first book, did you?
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I writing like the guy in yellow
Me as evil women enjoyer
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I am writing*
my bad
It ok
You're a good guy in my book.
You're an American whore. PedyTW is and always will be the superior fork.
>'evil' woman
>'monster' girl
Just say woman double negative bustas, that's literally vanilla
When did /aids/ become a sharty/incel hub?
Since the cabal crowned Hick as their king.
gemma is a big fat waste; it is over
Still better than Turk.
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Like I said, better than NovelAI.
Do you guys have any "stock characters" you reuse in your stories?

For example in one of my stories I gave the MC a friend named Terry who the AI for some reason decided was basically a chaotic stupid douchebag. He made me crack up so much that in a lot of different stories I write in a character named Terry who always gets up to retarded shenanigans even if it's only as a one scene bit character.
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Literally (me) of course, I'm in every story I write.
Where'd you get that low res picture of me?
I used to use the name Alice as most of my MCs because I'm really bad with names. I ended up pretending she was an actress playing all those different roles but nowadays the AI is a lot better at helping me come up with names.
I retired her right after coomageddon anyway.
The implementation is broken. I expect it to be better than Sonnet when fixed
There is nothing wrong with the implementation, hick.
Oh you're the shitposter, carry on then
I'm not you, shill.

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