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Previous: >>484155056

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Firefly love
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Rappa or Zaika might be galaxy rangers if the leaks are true so there is some hope
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Firefly's slow ass banner killed this general and this game
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Mhm, I think it's time for another discussion about who gets to fuck Kakaurine
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Herta is a dumb ugly whore.
But enough about your mother.
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Luciérnaga love.
Firefly love!
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Everyone knows its QQ
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>comes to penacony
>doesn't interact with sigga
missed opportunity
firefly's slow ass banner killed honkai: star rail
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is there such a thing as a "fast banner"?
everyone blows their load on the first day of every banner
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V3 update in 24 hours?
Glowworm-chan love
It's not confusing, it's just irrelevant. That's the point that they made about it, but the issue is that writers only want to use him for that plot line when in reality it's the plot that they need to move on from. The best way to fix the issue is to continue to allow Dan to interact with others outside of the Xianzhou characters and just have the characters realize on their own that they were being retarded so they move on.
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Gluhwormchen love.
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Showing Herta my big dia-mondo!
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What were they thinking?
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Star rail is on maintenance mode until 3.0. I love star rail, but it has no content unless story is out. MoC/PF/AS are 1 day ventures whenever they come out and if you can't do them you're just on a relic/trace grind until you finally have enough stats to do it. Also 2.3 story was atrocious and lack luster for how hard it was shilled, firefly is still barely a character. 2.4 onwards we're going back to chinkslop so the maximum we can expect from it is mediocre quality
what is the best strat. for high level swarm disasters with firefly,ruan mei,hmc and gallahar?
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Sending feedback for the Mirror of Transcendence bullshit.
Screwllum just dropped by my airship to check on my weekly DU run. I want to roll for him so bad
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What's wrong with it?
Yeah, ~24 hours.
Predator and Nick on Time are also <.01% chance things and they never fixed it, don't get your hopes up.
Based, not sure who Zaika is but Rappa sounds hot from the description of the leaks
The cowboy harem grows
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>What's wrong with it?
it's an ugly name
the same as people naming a girl "roberta"
what the fuck is wrong with them?
Bro it doesn't cost energy to do the runs just keep playing it
>taking SU seriously
just fucking lol
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>pride month is now over
what the fuck is pride month?
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Time to post straight
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>spent the past few days playing RE1
While fun that shit spooked too hard. With how I stumbled through that I am not surviving anything irl
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U saving? I'm praying that she is a hunt version of Xueyi but with more consistent FuAs and ult
I'd try destruction path with some nihility blessings for break
July is the official Firefly x TB month btw
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Blame my parents not me.
also "Piedad" was on the table too, thank god they didn't go with that.
Pure luciérnaga love.
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Friendly reminder
>pag humor
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>mentally ill account name
>acts mentally ill
Thanks for the reminder...?
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good luck!
Piedad is cooler
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but does hoyo have the balls to kill her off for real?
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grats bwo
All the Stellaron Hunters will probably be dead by the end of the game except for Trailblazer
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should i use my guarantee on Firefly? i already have her team, just need more eidolons for TB

in the near future i am 100% going for black swan, and possibly yunli. just wondering if the break meme team will end up being better than the more universally applicable yunli/black swan
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when will we ever see silvercunny in the flesh bros? shes so fucking hot im so glad i rolled for her
>hit refresh
>no new reply
This place is a goner once ZZZ comes out
If nobody in the near future entices you, yes.
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directly us? low chance, unless for some reason we end up working with her, though you kind of met the real her during her release event
Do you think zzz would run fine on my iphone SE 2020
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Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
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>"we make more than you"
>all that money and they can't still fund it back to make the model in their game more attractive
When we team up with the Stellaron Hunters at the end of the story
I think Firefly is better than Yunli but that's just me, I don't really like Yunli's counterattack style kit when I could do superbreak damage with Firefly instead
They haven't revealed that missing piece for Yunli that makes her a must pull imo and whether that's coming by the end of 2.7 remains to be seen
You still have time to decide anyway just keep an ear out
You were NOT supposed to point that out
New characters? The art style looks kinda weird.
Mihoyo fans take pride that less than a fraction of the money their game makes actually goes back into them.
As opposed to any other company where that statement is also true? Retard.
Just you wait, the nuclear reactor will save gaming
Are Genshin fans cucks? All their money is going to HSR, ZZZ, and the company's other projects instead. Are they smiling and cheering when Hoyo's other games are made better and better with their spending?
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I wonder if it's possible to put HSR models into Genshin in future updates? But the problem is Loom will have maiden model while Aether will get the shota model
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Hmmm, interesting...
Total Luciérnaga love
God. Genshin's character models are trash.
I just can't take WuWa seriously, everything about it feels like a Genshin ripoff
I don't play Genshin but, is Genshin ingame model always this ugly?
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>it's posting m*les now
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>Checking Homdgcat's info on upcoming characters
>Gets to Feixiao
>"early testing had her with Topaz and RM"
Its so over....not even new FuA characters want Robin now
It didn't age well
>I don't play Genshin but, is Genshin ingame model always this ugly?
yes and they were seething about HSR's models being better
i heard that elio was a fraud...
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Wonder how Chewyy (robin shill #1) feels about this.
>Checks channel
Ruan Mei won.
>The break character goes with ruan mei
I mean, it's as much of a shameless ripoff as Genshin was a BotW ripoff. Both sides were never pretending otherwise, it's a good formula for a game.
That's...because it is...which is extra sad since genshin is a botw ripoff. It's like the last guy in a human centipede of vidya.
>you will experience 3 deaths
>a fake out firework will do
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>it's as much of a shameless ripoff as Genshin was a BotW ripoff.
She is FuA break, like Xueyi, so she should like crit dmg
Bwo this game has like 20 fua characters and we are getting 2 more back to back. Robin is fine.
You say this but a decent chunk of people won't even accept that Genshin is a BoTW clone because its gacha and BoTW isn't.
Nobody runs xueyi with robin
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listen i like robin but ruam mei was a mistake her kit is insane.
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Schizobros, we’re so back
>play wuwa
>play star rail
>hyped for azure promilia
>interested to see how zzz turns out
>gacha turning to more for (you) pandering
>sexy girls releasing left and right
bros we're in the golden age of gacha. feels fucking good
I have seen people run her with fucking Sparkle dude
There might be enough content and quality to distinguish itself at this point but I'll never respect it for how shameless it looked on release after botw, just like I'll never respect wuwa for the same reasons
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I replace it Robin with RM in THE fua team this patch
It's just make more sense in the lore yknow
The problem is while Genshin is a BoTW ripoff it doesn't copy most of the elements (mainly UI) like WuWa does to Genshin.
WuWa feels like a cheap chink ripoff of a chink ripoff which is a damn shame, they could've gone with at least different designs.
>the Break DoT DPS that only FuAs once a cycle wants Ruan Mei
If you have E1 Firefly, Hunt is pretty broken since you can spam her skill.
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How would Topaz react to me killing Numby and feeding it to her?
what is Feixiao's kit atm? or is it still too early?
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At this rate I'm gonna be back to playing 5 or more of these games, kill me.
>more sense in the lore yknow
How? RM has nothing to do with the IPC
>Break DoT DPS
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Kissing my girlfriend Robin...multiple times!
You don't even know Topaz, Sunday
I have a question, what deals more damage, BE damage and the resulting superbreak damage, or raw superbreak damage?
Why does for (you) pandering matter so much anyway? Shouldn't cute girls matter enough?
And if you have E2 Firefly you don't even need those blessings since that's what E2 does lol
Way too early so there’s a lot of fat to be trimmed but right now she’s a Wind Hunt Super break/DoT Hypercarry DPS that FuAs
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If he is, then it's just part of the script
Nyo but Ratio stalks her office and has a team line for her unlike Robin who has zero with anyone.
every archetype in the game, apparently
>RM has nothing to do with the IPC
more (you) pandering means more girls that aren't on risk being cuckshit
Why do you have to be such a victim all the time
not really, e2 has a cooldown. the break blessing also advances the entire party
Not really, E2gives you one more move per turn which is nice but not as broken as being able to go again after every kill/break and then two more times by using the hunt resonance.
their elements, world and UI are different from Genshin when it was in early Beta, but in the end they tried to sell wuwa as Genshin 2.0
>2 hour thread
>100 posts
>Firefly banner still up
ZZZ killed star rail it seems. That is going to be mihoyo's next favorite child
Yeah, genshitters are pretty fucking dumb, coping with those ugly ass models for literal years that some of them paid 100s for. Thank fuck they made Star rail's models better.
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when are we gonna get a lolibaba
>gacha turning to more for (you)
Are you underage?
Gachas have always been for pandering.
March is Elio daughter
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with the recent 'male = no play' drama in chinkland or whichever asian country it is, gachas have been turning to it more than before, yes.
She doesnt, what are you talking about?
>Ratio stalks her office and has a team line for her
Sure but thats not her having a connection to the IPC or being more lore accurate to that team, since she doesnt interact with him at all
>Robin who has zero with anyone.
Yeah but she is working with the IPC now so thats something, and Jade will probably have lines for her
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yunli does more dpav than firefly
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dpav THIS
>Super break/DoT
Why are you pulling shit straight out of your ass?
>Jade will probably have lines for her
She doesnt, she has for fucking Sparkle though lol
>and Jade will probably have lines for her
She does not albeit
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BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY and post results
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delete this
>she has for fucking Sparkle though
This cant be serious
Most of them know gacha game from Genshin, even Hi3 has a lot of For (you) pandering
hmmm nyo
I think it's more that they are realizing """"omnipandering"""" is a stupid ass meme so your game has to pick a side and stick with it. There is still room for gacha aimed at women.
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I want to make Topaz a mother so bad
I really like Argenti and Boothill together but not in a fujo way, it sucks because I'd love to see more art of them hanging out instead of just fujohomoshit (I'm a Boothill yume btw)
we have already bailu
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good morning bros I love Xueyi and I hate having to function on 2.5h of sleep
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Susho love!
They woulr make for a great duo
i wish hanya was good
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What did Stellaron Hunter SAM mean by this
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Sleep more
In a sea of limited 5* harmony bitches she's just too mid, she's just good but nothing too good, the moment you get any of the 5* harmonies she's getting the kick
Can't yet
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>post results
still saving my tickets
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Who are some characters you want to see interact?
For me, it's Sampo and Sigga
xueyi functions on 0 hours of sleep
you are a disappointment
i wish she was good i love her character and character design also a shame we dont get much of her.
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yes gweilo it is important that robin becomes a child
>saving for Star Rail 2
Kafka, Jade, and Black Swan
mine hasn't resetted yet
I've completely given up on Stellar Warp, the only good thing I've gotten is Bronya's cone, the rest is Gepard eidolons and a Yanqing cone
Pepeshi are not children retard
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Firefly and Clara. I think they’d nerd about robots together
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is it true that she only wears these thin spats and no panties?
are you hoarding them now?
No but I just stopped expecting anything from that shitty banner
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For me, it's Screwtio
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have to catch the 6:30 train
having more sleep would mean sleeping early which is impossible because I have stuff I want to do
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das rite
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why would anyone wear panties
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I'm good for now, thanks
Just going to hoard them
Post full please?
>Not a single eidolon
i would sniff, but she's a doll...
I really dont understand Hoyo's way of handling Robin...
Want both Fofo and Yunli. Only have enough Jade for one.

Which one should I pick?
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For me, it's two robots
I'm a newfag and I've only gotten Bronya's cone and Himeko's cone from the perma banner
Wait until Jiaoqiu comes out and you'll see 3 of him ;)
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Reminder Ratio fucked him to steal his kit, what a fucking whore
They sacrificed every penecony character to shill firefly and aventurine and it backfired massively.
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>backfired massively
It really didn't albeit
how exactly it backfired though
Backfired by... making more money than ever before?
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WuWa seems to be more popular than HSR now
ENG Jade fucking sucks. She's supposed to be a hag
Firefly is the best selling HSR banner of all time in China and Aventurine is the best selling sustain so they're a huge success actually
>They sacrificed every penecony character to
Acheron got a shitload of focus, Sparkle ended up as the mastermind, Boothil got his own subplot with Aventurine and BS joined the express for now. Robin is the only one that didnt get shit, she gets overshadowed hard by Sunday
>b-both games can't coexist!
why are faggots like this, i play both and enjoy both
Why is Caelus such a whore?
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>only going after what's popular
...why is HSR going up?
Going to miss my save file with the Gallagher that infinitely loops his burst
>Acheron could’ve ended the fight in 1 second but he decided to use Firekek
I believe we should be greeted by ANOTHER Sunday when we wake up tomorrow.
>Sparkle ended up as the mastermind

Lol indeed
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>biggest source of revenue
>Ayaka clone got 0 tiktok hours in china
What country should it be then? Malaysia?
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How many tiktok hours did Wuwa get? or are those irrelevant now too? Are we just going off "feels" now? Make up your mind bro
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Oh no no no nips bro don’t look
Thats literaly what happened
South Korea generates more revenue for wuwa than Japan does.
>going on a 3-week holiday to Japan this year
>it will be almost 30% cheaper just from exchange rate
blessed JP bros.
>Source? My the shit coming out of my asshole is the source
She will be the Ruan Mei of DPSes
I see, you are only here to shitpost. I should have known better.
I will impregnate Clara
Japan is irrelevant as a gaming market now.
lmao even
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Banners doko?
As long as Hoyo games continue to mog the competition in quality omnipandering is the optimal strategy to maximize profit, though they must be careful not to alienate their core audience (i.e. the year of homos in Genshin)
>another genshin killer bites the dust
Probably gonna drop HSR after Tuesday
pagfly flopped
>No time for anything due to overworking
>Not enough disposable income
>The economy is shitting itself
This is why Hololive is shifting their strategy toward the Western market and China. JP bros lost bigly
I enjoy SU so much I picked up another mobile game that is just SU.
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Yunli & Jiaoqiu & March china 4 star
Feixiao & Lingsha & Moze 4 star
New SU expansion
Screwllum & Stephen lloyd trust the plan
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>updated june 18
third wordies on suicide watch
stfu robincuck, your whore can only talk about le caged burd in almost every single scene she has. giving her more screentime would only give us more bullshit about shitty bird metaphors
>Screwllum & Stephen lloyd
*Rappa and Opal
Trust me bro
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>shilling Japan sales
Firefly couldn't even beat Robin and Boothill lmao
>“South Korea generates more revenue for wuwa than Japan does.”
>Korea only generated 18% while Japan generated 24%
Are you retarded

You too
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Love Robin...LOVE ROBIN
Do people no longer care about Poorina or is sigewinne just that garbage?
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actually a fun little event
That’s because everyone was saving for Firefly. Kafka also didn’t have that much sale while being the famous Star Rail character. Everyone and their mom was saving for Firefly since 2.0
>Rappa and Opal
literally who
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You know you can see the individual banner sale data right?
This Kafka cope again.
Reminder this is mobile only sales
Just extrapolate that to the PC version since wuwa is a PC game, and it's easily 3x those sales (counting that mobile pays 30% cut to google/apple).
South korea also plays much more on PC than other countries. See starcraft, overwatch, mobas.
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FUAslop cringekino
I hope you're just pretending to be retarded otherwise I pity your seanig parents for shitting out such a colossal failure like you
>everyone was just s-saving
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How did he know? How do we cope, patternfag?
Also, did this guy ever ppsted his discord? Is there an hsrg guild like in gig
Lucoha carrying the Acheron banner.
This is getting embarrassing. Show data and stats instead of your head canon.
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She already beat Robin, Boothill flopped bigly though and brings down the month.
Honestly that looks underwhelming. Kafka first banner didn't even have a monthly pass reset and she didn't have anyone to rerun with
Still can't afford a PC to play it poorpag?
can someone post the glowworm closeup
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>russians get on train
>give their baby an iPad and put loud russian cartoons on it
>baby gets bored starts crying
just great honkai star rail I sure love foreigners in my country
Leaked punk lordian and the other is a stoneheart that supposedly got his model leaked
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>Straight up just delusions now
Yeah and Genshin is magically just 90% mobile 10% pc right, same for hsr, thats why nobody ever brings up pc revenue (your last bastion of cope)
>Actually they're not really deaths, and the last one cant even be viewed as symbolic...but they still count lol

Why is this game's writing so bad?
yes anon, thats the good part.
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Japanese Star Rail revenue will cease to matter once their currency hits 0 and has the same value as monopoly money, hoyo will close down the JP topup store to stop you buying infinite rolls via VPN.
there are no data and stats for PC retard but it's obvious to anyone with a brain the revenue is higher there
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Luocha > Ruan Mei
simple as
>calling orbital strikes
>mech blasts
>throwing chalk
>throwing pigs
>throwing coins
>a fucking snake
>giant ass sword
What will they think of next?
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you're confusing the sisters anon.. the other one is the doll
She's gonna beat Sparkle and Kafka, banner still has two weeks left and she's already getting close.
only one got his model leaked?
So...should we start tripling Genshin/HSR data was well? or do they not count just BECASUE!
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I accept your concession
Let's be honest HSR and genshin are much easier to run on shitty phones and PC's than wuwa is. Look at how hard people cried when they tried playing it on HDD's instead of SSD's.
Foxian hag that shoots you apparently
>not even top 3
So this is the power of the most popular character in Japan...
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>the new terasu mc art was shit
>thiccwithaq hasn’t posted in a week
I’m going insane!!!!
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>36 rolls left for S1
>already got all thr available free jades
I'm nyot gonna make it...
see >>484193051 poorpag retard
>707 people
>likely less than 0.001% of the game population
Unironically go back to high school and retake statistics class
Neither did Seele. Genshin had the same launch hype inflated sales on its first few characters.
Her banner still has like two weeks left anon, the rest are total sales
I repeat, it really looks underwhelming when Kafka didn't even have a monthly pass reset and she didn't have anyone to rerun with
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Go back to making my nike shoes, bitch.
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Passion project bwos, you have about 5 hrs to roll or built pity on the new genshin banners.
Don't let gig be no3 in the monthly revenues.
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Ruan Mei S1 right?
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nice little event
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I already whaled for clorinde like a good gachacuck, gogomi
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People theorize its him because his design has elements that resemble Topaz, so he might be IPC. Its still up in the air but since he was mentioned in the main quest in Penacony then he might appear sooner rather than later
who's the skank on the right? she's hot
I think we lost against wuwaGODS
he has triangle pupils and a triangle lapel
He is 100% IPC
>Go back to making my nike shoes
pagspic bros...
>this is what the thread looks like when it's "alive"
Told ya nerds
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we won
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Should I get Welt if also my 300th wish was his lightcone? I have every other standard 5 star already.
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Yinlin is going to buckbreak every woowaa banner in sales
What the fuck are we supposed to talk about? Yunli? Pink faggot pela?
>What the fuck are we supposed to talk about?
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>Yinlin is going to buckbreak every woowaa banner in sales
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Beta updates on Tuesday should revive threads somewhat
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Let's discusss MOGGINGS
Lingsha snake coloration
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Well then… wanna frot?

They don’t even try anymore anon, look at jade’s changes throughout the beta versions. No effort. And firefly changes just made her go faster and removed crit builds
You're never gonna use Welt
>the russian schizo is back
man, the thread was so comfy 1hr ago..
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this bitch looks like a severe sunburn victim lmao
you call the last hour comfy?
>Sparkle the mastermind
It was actually Silver Wolf.
I know you are but what am I?
sorry all road maintenance funds were used for luxury yachts
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>he's here
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her small pink meat sheath is literally made for my meat sword
Just blew another fat load to Sparkle feet
Fuck I was building pity and got Ruan Mei early....I can't even use her as I don't have firefly

Now I wasted my guarantee for Jade
>complaining about getting the best unit in the game
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What about the other parts of Sparkle?
Bro, RM is the best character in the game. You can use her everywhere
>I can't even use her as I don't have firefly
bwo your gawdhill?
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so what were you building pity for then
u hoh melty
you can use ruan mei with anyone bro
sorry about your jade guarantee though, but that'll learn ya for "building pity"
I only care about her dick
The who should I c1 instead?
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>Feixiao is leaked to be hunt
>Leaks say she uses the new valorous set on testing
>Said set boosts atk% and crit rate (meaning Feixiao is built like a regular crit dps), and boosts ultimate dmg after every FuA(meaning she will use her ult a lot)
Ratio might leave my FuA team, but at least his cone will be staying
tits too big
Jade sucks tho
I will stay strong. I, the anti ChinaCHAD, who refuses to roll for a Chinese character, no matter how much Da Wei shills Break effect in AS.
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How the fuck did Topaz become one of the Stonehearts when her peers, her subordinates, and random departments in the IPC barely respects her. No one would fucking question Jade if she handled belobog the same way because she actually commands respect.
This anon has Ruan Mei
Wanted Embers to buy monthly fates mainly.

Anyways is watchmaker her best set even outside break teams? I'll use her with Jingliu at least or do I go 2pc spd 2pc break? Weapon is 4* memories of the past
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You can almost hear the milk sloshing inside her milkers
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Anon, most of the IPC is racist to Aventurine and he is climbing his way up.
They just do their job
Acheron's tits are not that big
Requesting that webm of Yunli eating dango
>least his cone will be staying
Have we had an instance of a character liking another character's signature cone more than their own? Standard banner characters and cones not counting.
>like superbreak team
>hate firefly
next superbreak dps can't come soon enough
that's because she is, lorewise
Wait a second...that's just Jin if he were a girl
Its based on pure meritocracy?
why are they the bad guys again?
>Have we had an instance of a character liking another character's signature cone more than their own?
Blade will like Yunli's cone more than his own
Clara and Bronya e1 are both nice choices. Though I think getting Welt just to have him is fine. Maybe someday he'll have a great team.
Israel Peace Corporation
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why wont genshin and star rail just go on full coomer pandering? they can do that with houkai3rd, but why not on their newer games.
skipping clra
roll for bs
roll for acheron cuck boy
skipping zzz
reinstalling wuwa
Who knows, at least their departament seems to be.
And Diamond is working his ass off (and Oswaldo too, despite being literally Hitler) to get promoted.
How often have they been pumping out new relic sets? Feels quite often. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a new tailor made set for Feixiao in 2 or 3 patches' time.
Dr Ratio is already strong. I want to know what one that isn't limited by debuffs and high energy requirements but still dish out more damage will be like.
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bros help me out please what does a purple heart emoji mean? this trans girl I text with sometimes sent me an "I love you" to which I asked "as a friend?" and she replied with a purple heart emoji and a ":3"
members of the Stonehearts are basically whoever Diamond likes to fuck. Yes, including men.
Can you find the Penacony characters in the overworld like how the Belobog and Luofu characters are?
bait but i'll bite anyways
means he's friendzoning you
New player here
Is there a point in doing Simulated Universe after you unlock Divergent Universe? Apart from the first time clear rewards?
Mihoyo's priority is worlwide casual gamers and normies now. Coomer designs would just get in the way.
>Want Yunli e0s1
>Want Lingsha e0
>Want Feixiao e0s1
it's so fucking over for me I have like 100 rolls right now
I don't think there's a popular meaning for that particular color of heart. So I would take it as just a normal heart.
they can't get featured on Apple keynotes and get other mainstream shout outs if they appeal to coomers. I'm being unironically serious, hoyo want these titles to be mainstream and be okay with parents.
ERR or break effect necklace for Ruan Mei?
that's great then, thanks
it's just a random person who I chat with on discord sometimes
The module expansions (Swarm Disaster / Gears & Golds) still provide a shitload of jades, and the same goes for the Index for Curios/Blessings.
Once you're done with those you can just stop using SU though, DU is essentially the sequel to SU.
You get Jades every time you find a new occurrence, curio, or x amount of blessings. You can also grind out relic dust and credits in there if you really want to, up to 100 times off of elite enemies. Oh and there are also achievements if you're into that.
Otherwise no, DU is the FUTURE.
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ERR, you want to 3 turn or 4 turn ult on her (depending on LC and planar set)
Wasnt Hanya also dead? or she was just a corpose, i haven't seen her for so long that i really forgot
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wasn't DU also made by Herta though?
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why do you still give me herta bonds for doing du if you don't want me to? and you call yourself a genius?
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Hanya's alive and well. I think she took a potion or something to dull her emotions and lobotomize herself or something so she could keep working alongside her sister.
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Madam Herta, you're gonna have to start offering better incentives for me to come back to the Sim*lated Universe...
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No, it's Screwy's project
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Won what? It's still firmly in the Safe Horny category like HSR and Genshin
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Screwllum and Ratio's project
Did you try the gacha? It's a feature that lets you get new characters for your teams. You should give it a shot sometime.
Ratio only gave the idea, he is a trophy wife at best
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I.... flopped....
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>copies your project and upgrades it
>basically makes your project irrelevant
this doll got mogged
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i see, thanks for the correction anon, here's another one
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Pom Pom is the only one for me
me on the left
Just wait for Stephen Lloyd's universe, he's the one that actually plays games unlike Herta so his SU is going to be infinitely more kino than SU and DU (Alpha and Beta projects)
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you're one of the non-flops tho, Achy...
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You're loyal to Herta right?
my nigga Pom-Pom!
I really like these monthly calendar artworks they always do. Too bad I have no idea how to use them.
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Something that's not absolute dogshit for once
We all meme about the game being dead, but what could actually, 100%, kill the game for good?
Do I go Penacony planar set with S1 memories of the past?
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Watching as the conductor shits themself because everyone ignored Dan Heng's warnings...
She won in every single aspect
Vonwacq so Ruan Mei can ultimate before your dps do
she will never flop in my heart
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Oh sure. I mean, we can still be friends and all! But I just got this new thing going on with my boy Screwllum... You know how it is!
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Why does everyone love that STUPID fluff all HUH what's so great about them everyone should love MARCH 7TH and make me the mascot she deserves so much more than this shit and is so pretty and should also be conductor
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Raiden B. Mei flopping her fat ass on my face
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That's... mid in acceptable way I guess?
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rate my cocksleeve
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It's... usable. Congrats, anonie.
Why am I getting Deja Vu from this post? Are posts about cheating on Herta that common?
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Sex with Welt, Caelus, Danheng, Sampo, Geppie, Boothill, Dr Ratio, Aventurine, Sunday, Gallagher, and Kevin
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Acheron LOST
Acheron won my heart and that is all that matters
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I want her pregnant with my children
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Will we EVER get a character with big tits?
She doesn't have big tetas; udders. Also her dress paradoxically de-emphasizes the little breastage she has. Dresses are cringe in general.
I want a character besides Kafka and Asta with tits that fill out a shirt/blouse.
Firefly NTR event
I bet her butt stinks
black... swan...?
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You don't get to forget about me this easily, I live on your train now
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*blocks your path*
himeko and swan
Imagine your kid being born with you know what eyes
That's one of our children though?
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>open HSR
>battle start 1/6
>Subete ga... moe tsukiru made!!!
>schwing schwing BOOM!!
>moyashi tsukusu!!!
>schwing schwing BOOM!!
>ikiru tame ni!!!
>schwing schwing BOOM!!
>moyashi tsukusu!!!
>schwing schwing BOOM!!
>ikiru tame ni!!!
>schwing schwing BOOM!!
>moyashi tsukusu!!!
>schwing schwing BOOM!!
>battle end 6/6
>repeat 4x
>claim rewards
>close HSR
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That's fine. He deserves some attention in some way
isn't she amazing?
black swan, acheron?
jade maybe
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>Do this
>Enjoy story when it comes out
Based, it's about the only game that can fit into my busy schedule and pretty much always lets me take my time with the content.
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How do we get her off the train?
Huohuo is way better Jade is just sex appeal
slap her face with your dick
Cumming in each Sparkle doll
more kino and better than AC Shadows.
shut up and go back to your room Dan
Is Dr Ratio for Me? for Screwllum? or for Aventurine?
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based and true.
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why do fireflies need feet?
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Topaz would never cheat on me, or anyone she truly loves
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Toot please
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to sexually pleasure me
there's like ten of them..
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*One thousand
You're gonna have to eat good to generate enough cum, get munchin'.
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Retarded ass pig
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in what should I focus when building Ruan Mei for my firefly team?
All in
I can already see this game dying after Firefly banner. She is a beloved character, more beloved than other characters. Firefly is literally our Elysia.

>The writer of Elysia in HI3 is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Elysia
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HI3 dies

>The writer of Firefly in HSR is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Firefly
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HSR dies

Just go to the official hsr account on x and see how many likes her drip marketing has compared to others (it's the highest so far). Just look at how many fireflyfags post in those threads, and there's an image circulating showing that she's the second most popular among chinese and korean players, only behind Elysia.

Elysia had literally killed HI3, although I already suspected that Firefly was capable of doing the same (because there aren't any characters as interesting as her after her) before noticing this pattern.
You want everything maxed, she's just that good
Major Traces > Ult > Talent = skill > basic
crit dmg
you literally cant she and the rest of the memokeepers don't even have real bodies. its actually very creepy
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Honestly could've been worse but I was hoping for a single SPD roll
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trottin' ain't easy
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Can I still fuck her
I can't say kys because ERES fucking sucks but nice for the BE
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What did i fuck then?
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do memes really need to have erotic armpits?
It would be like fucking ethereal entity.
Only look but no physical contact
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does anybody have a better quality version of this?
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I know this is a copypasta shitpost but man Firefly really ended up a disappointment
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too fat
Maybe when she becomes the mother of my children, she'll grow out her hair
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>Tfw all 4chan images will have been run through the moblie fuckifier at least once and ridiculous amounts of cool shit will be destroyed
It's not fair...
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Not fat enough
Reminder that Stonehearts are probably not allowed to have families so don't dare waifu or husbando those disposable cocksleeves
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cheers anons
Anyone have guidance on when a V6 run is looking like a reset? I'm particularly struggling at Boss 2
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Sorry but Jade wants grandchildren so they should get to it NOW
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My stomach is making weird sounds bwos...
Boss 2 has probably taken more lives than Boss 3 has due to people's builds not being online or ready yet. The Laurel (lose = win) is a great pick if you can get it for boss 2.
If you think you've lost just auto it and see how it goes. If it looks doable then play but if not just accept your loss I think. Also there's no penatly for rerolling in this gamemode like in G&G so it comes down to how autistic you want your start to be.
If you don't have your 3* equation done by the second boss, your fucked.
Jade clearly wanted children of her own but probably wasn't allowed to, so she goes to the orphanage for that motherly fix. That implies Topaz's womb WILL stay empty as long as she's alive
Depends what team you're using, if you're running Firefly then just reset the 1st plane until you can get:
1) The hunt blessing that gives extra actions on break
2) Night Beyond Pyre
3) Hell is Other People

Those three are the "core", ideally you also get
1) Wastelander (Ecuation)
2) Walker of the Scorched (Ecuation)
3) Tide of Devastation (2* Blessing)

Curios also work.
If you're using FUA/DOT the same principle applies, look at the gallery and read the blessings that have the best sygergy with your team, if by the end of the 1st plane you don't have at least half of that and a 3* ecuation unlocked just go reset the run.
Yeah this seems fair. The problem is that the list of viable 3* equations is really short
Eat some ice cream and have a yogurt drink.
you probably need to use the loo
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Hotaru has gigantic milkers
>Silent Hunter
>The destruction one
>Useless Scholar
>FuA spore one
I think those are the good ones. City builder is good, but as a secondary equation.
Herta NTR lmfao!!!!
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You wouldn't do this to Madam Herta.
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Funny enough, apparently Firefly's VA actually did voice some of the origami birds, at least in EN
I'll go back to SU if Herta blow me.
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It's good but I already got S5...
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Is it me or is Divergent Universe stupidly easy? I barely pay attention to the blessings I get and still beat it with barely any effort. You even get so many cosmic fragments you don't really have to decide on anything. The characters I use aren't even built either but that doesn't matter because the game mode does it for me anyway.
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Doll mouth
you can't really tell at that point, I lost badly to the second boss but continued thanks to the laurel crown curio and by the final boss I already had all my equations expanded and it was a walk on the park
Jade will do it for free
try upping the difficulty
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Anyone got a guide on how to downsize/resize pictures? I have so many 20mb pictures
>Wanted Embers to buy monthly fates mainly.
You wanted Jade, her banner is this month. Are you that impatient that you can't even wait a few days? Those monthly tickets aren't going to go away or anything, you just ruined your guarantee for nothing
But I play it at max difficulty already
uh why doesn't honaki star rail want to associate with /hsrg/?
Any advice for high level conundrum G&G? I don't have aventurine unfortunately
throw it in a tarball pussy
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holy macaroni
Holy fucking shit why is this game's dialogue so fucking extra?
Not even the trails games are this bad with all their titles. Is it extra padding for gameplay time or something? The writers being paid by the lines?
I have one exactly like this, didn't go into speed once
That's not even good
weird ass looking Jingliu
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HSR lost
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Sunday did nothing wrong.
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>Mom: Himeko (Single mother with lots of money)
>Grandpa: Welt (Crazy grandpa lore when the time is right)
>Sister: March (Annoying cheerleader who’s on Instagram 24/7)
>Brother: Danheng (Shut in weeb NEET who fap 24/7)
>Girlfriend: Firefly (Autistic mecha enthusiast)
Life is good bwos
Finally a good leak...
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Firefly love
be honest bros, is zzz gonna kill us? even deader
Yes. Hoyo fans jump from one Hoyo cock to another. Most of us migrated here from Genshin.
I doubt it'll do better than HSR outside of its first couple months. Always funny to hear about HSR dying as someone who plays smaller gacha games lol
AU spinoff when?
Yes, but we had our time to shine with Pisscolony. It's time for us to die down again. The crowd that came in due tot his arc was not a good one
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she has a flat ass but I still love her
First ZZZ, and then the china arc as last blow
>People started drawing AckCaelus after she is confirmed for (you)
I won
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been on this DU fight for like half an hour
Every genshin and HSR characters will 100% better if mihomo remove their cape/long dress.
Or just make everyone naked.
>The crowd that came in due tot his arc was not a good one
Atleast they didn’t blacked post, bug post or cuck post. It’s still better than 1.0~1.6
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SH version is better
>Kafka (Loving mom)
>Blade (Emo uncle)
>Silverwolf (nerd sister who smell like unwashed virgin neet)
>Firefly (Ideal traditional wife)
>Elio (home cat)
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Well...at least you're alive!
I died, kafka got like 7 berserk boosts
>Caellus Chads got Robin, Acheron, March, and Firefly
Yume sisters…
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her bra is too small for her tits
total Ruan Banjomori Mei love
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This doesn't include the first 2 days of firefly's banner btw
What time sensor tower out? Cant wait to see Wuwa Jinshi most popular character beat Fireflop.
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>Grandpa: Welt
Welt is a homeless man who was picked up by Himeko
I don't speak pag
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Yumes WILL be cucked by Topaz and homos and they WILL like it
please spare us /gig/ from the upcoming inevitable raid that is today /hsrG/ODS, we'll continue funding your game so please stop raiding our cute butthole later when the sensor tower revenue chart gets release
Not everyone speaks your language, Firepag
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Topaz won't be doing the cucking, because she belongs to me
Now the other stonehearts? Sigga WILL be shipped with them in the future, trust
get a life
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What's with the anime expo arts, is it commissioned
pagpagni lantern
I am Topaz albeit
Duh, Hoyo commissions artists all the time. Even from shipfag artists
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It pays to be a yume who self inserts as female characters that get shipped with your husband, and vice versa can work for male self inserts and male characters that get paired with the anime women they like
Anyone who claims it's cucking is retarded (the average SEA brain cannot comprehend this)
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HSR when?
That's the most gigabrained way to be. Self insert as everything that fucks your wife/husbando and you can never be cucked
gayest post itt
my Bootyhill feels like shit, can I get some example builds pls
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Canon threesome let's gooooo
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>zzz about to release
>while starrail is getting thrown into more chinawank
you tell me
Topaz and Ratio deserve better unironically
Eagle/quantum/any be set with talia planar
Cr chest, speed boots, phys orb, break rope
As much be as possible, speed is secondary, other stats don't matter much.
sex with QQ.
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>jew and racist
They don't, really
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>March got tentacle'd
That tentacle?
All me.
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This is only in fiction btw. Not applicable to real life.
Sort of in the same vein, your girlfriend cosplays your anime wife she isn't being fucked by the anime wife. It ain't real, I mean unless you actively WANT to be fucked or are into ntr then I guess there's kind of a way to spin it.
tentaclebros... we jobbed, March's holes are thoroughly sealed by Garden of Recollection cockblocking. Fu Xuan lost to this too.
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might have had a chance if the game was good
Topaz doesn't care about money or power, she just likes to do a good day's work so yeah she deserves a better husband.

Ratio on the other hand... actually he might actually deserve getting a STD from Sigga because he's insufferable like that
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Headcanon, she is still a debt collector. The worst of the worst, the scummiest of the scummiest.
Good Boothill stat ranges:
HP: 2900-3200
BE: 260%-340%
SPD: 145(talia breakpoint)/160/200
Firefly killed the game with her ass.
my name is "the game" btw
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I agree, Boothill. But her husband should still better than a chronic suicidal gambler who'd probably cheat on her
Why is Jade trying to hide how scummy she operates from Topaz? She should stop trying to ease her into it gently and just ram it in, that's how the IPC operates.
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You've got a doctored version of this picture that's missing Fofo! You can delete it and use this one going forward
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Jade is very gentle with girls, as you can see with her interactions with Robin, Firefly, Topaz, the lolis at the orphanage. She was very rough "polishing" Sigga, however.
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getting filtered by SAM at stage V MoC
God I wish I could use my FF team in both sides
Caelus's fat ass
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what is happening here?
No one cares about your Blandfly
No need to post her
But you can? Just wait until SAM opens her toughness bar, granted you will have to use a couple of cycles that way, but if you have a well invested gallagher it should go just fine
Yes, I'm ready to get throated by furry wolf daddy dick
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sweet trotter love
Do I give the banjo cone to banjo or HMC?
Everytime I zone into Feldspar with Topaz, the little slut numby immediate starts fliting with random trotters.
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How is E1S1 Jiaoqiu currently looking compared to E1S1 Ruan Mei for non-Acheron, non-break teams?

Which of these two will be able to support an E2S1 DHIL more effectively?

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