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Thread for the discussion of Honkai Impact 3rd


>Shattered Swords VN

>Latest CN supply, event, abyss, and MA cycles:

>v7.5 Crusade of Chasing Shadows Trailer
>"Lantern" Tsavorae Lone Destruction: Shadowchaser Battlesuit Preview
>Everlasting Luminance "Lantern" Tsavorae Lone Destruction: Shadowchaser Trailer
>Lone Destruction: Shadowchaser Tutorial Video
>"Venerable Seven Shus, unite as the one Law" Cutscene

Previous: >>483814786
teri teri terrible overtime
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/hig/ EOS averted by one more thread
Why is everyone purple?
Stinky Teri!
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Teri is not stinky
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This is the last day of the Seele month, did you get them all?
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You're welcomeele.
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cute bags
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Sure I did, but can't screenshot because it's July already
We will never hit End of Senti
The overseer looks so tired and done with it all, she just like me fr
fr fr fr no cap
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can we just, not go back to Simulated Mars again? Game's starting to get interesting the moment we left Mars
dead tired teri is way hotter than regular teri
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is everything besides Kiana ai-generated? why does it look so weird
Mei-senpai RUN!
>put a kaslana in a kitchen
>expect normal food to come out

come on now
Isn't she comatose? What is she doing here?
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Events aren't canon of course
Nah I get that the joke is that Kaslanas can't cook, but I meant it looking so blurry and the circled parts
When can I fucking roll?
It's AI-upscaling into a higher resolution, so a lot of detail gets lost.
Seele, easy on the zoomcakes...
Nigga fucking waifu2x is years old and can upscale better.
>have a formula for a game that your niche audience enjoys
>slowly change it to appeal to a "wider audience"
>it's shit and your core fanbase now hates you
Who is this meant to appeal to?
Imagine the deadpan plapping
I want her to look at me with those eyes as I'm fucking her armpit
"Are you done yet"
Is that cross supposed to be a zipper? What if someone pulls on it?
she wears a bodystocking under her leotard
It would be extremely painful.
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the worst part of the story was how wishy washy we were about whether we were cool with shoujaku getting sacrificed. we didn't finish making up our mind by the point in the story where he would have killed her if he was going to. imagine if he just did, and we're stuck there forever and she's dead
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Remember when honkai had edge?
Elysia ruined everything
She looks like she stopped shaving down there. Can't be bothered.
Very cute, I like it.
who asked?
I really hope this is voiced in JP
Me me me me !
absolute kinography
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Kianers is looking for Mei-senpai
for you
Teri is so much hotter like this, holy shit
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people posting about ggz is making me want to play it but i remember the reason i ended up here is because i saw people posting about this game in hsrg and gig and then i don't want to anymore
I'm glad we officially know which is the true passion project now
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Passion Project right here
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GGZ is just another png gacha. Surely you can pick another translated png gacha if all you want are coom designs or whatever without the hassle of using chatgtp or google translate.
Bear's dumb eyebrows.
Susannah now only exists as stress relief for teri
It's a live service visual novel with a side scrolling game attached to it. If you're into that, you might like it. Though, setting it up is a pain in the ass. I think there's a guy here who translates GGZ as a hobby. You should check that out if you're interested in reading it in a VN-only format. It's Operation Gekkou on itch.io iirc
tamest chloe and Illya art I've ever seen lmao
Operation Gekkou is by a separate team
I translate parts for the English patch, they translate parts for their VN thing, but the translations are shared
Why is Teri depressed now
Few hours to go until June gacha revenue, I'm so pumped /hig/
lack of Otto sex
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Ahh I see.
Otto died a virgin
what are we gonna do if songque flopped?
Wait for July revenue, because Songque released only like 4 days ago.
post gore in the snowbreak general
Kek based
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Post Seelecats
>catching up on the spoilers
>the kiana gets fucked over again so apho makes sense theory was actually true
Why can't she catch a break?
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Can't afford her VA anymore.
I mean writing her out for a while is genuinely something they had to do because of the corner they wrote themselves into. It's either that or retconning apho.
The coma should've happened at the end of part 1 but the filleele part delayed it.
Marriage system with captain(me) would instantly save the revenue
Only if I could marry characters between themselves too
since when did gachafags started caring about revenues is it a new trend or something
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Why would you want to marry this guy?
Why are you a cuck?
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of course my harem should get along
>tfw male DS was so irrelevant they're not even bothering with it anymore
Imagine making some funny crackships you could create. Assuming they'd have any new dialogues/interactions because of that.
Other than that it just seems much more fun. (You) "marrying" characters is such a cliche and generic mechanic, it started to get boring when it looks the same everywhere.
Did the new chapter say when exactly Kianners went into a coma? I think that Moon Interlude chapter where she speaks with Sena just ends in the dream. The ending is now pretty creepy if Kiana actually ended up in a coma right then and there at that moment. I just assumed that she woke up after that and told everyone about her dream back then.
you can't get cucked by a girl lol
Gonna pair Bronya and Sin Mal together
But it happened to Otto?
If you go as far as marrying 2 characters to each others instead of to (you), then you're a cuck, no question about it
(I) will be the one to wake up Kiana from her coma with a kiss, btw.
So you're a cuck for playing this game?
stop projecting
No, because there's no character that isn't for (me).
Ok cuck
sounds like low test to me if you see yuri as a threat. ever seen girls kissing to get a man's attention
fall chibis sucks
Calm down Siegfried.
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>New Teri is from an AU bubble world event
owari da......
>Otto died from overworking in there
Had to be AU stuff, that Teri looks way too different from the part 2 Teri design
So will she be farmable?
I wish the events were voiced(jp) I'd love to hear bratty yukarin
Considering the pattern of herrscher release then AL valk she should be farmable but we're in the part 2 era so who knows.
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Told you she's depressed due to lack of Otto dicking.
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So wait, what about this Theresa? I'm confused
That's the part 2 main story one
This >>484218468 is the AU one (like Luna, Teriri, Kongming, etc.)
The Teriverse will filter the part 2 newfags
Good, I need to save up crystals.
The Teriverse will filter part 1 oldfags because there's no self insert.
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she's not flat anymore
she gives me the impression she gets fucked every night(doesn't slerp)and has a loose vagina. hot
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oh boy here comes the shitposting.
EoS announcement incoming
I was unironically thinking of dropping this game until I saw the part 1 girls pics. Ain't no way I'm missing them over The Shoes, who'll probably be as easily forgotten as the characters from a previous Genshin or HSR region
>This is not happening in the real Shicksal Church but in the ideal world created by Theresa.
>Susannah is here because she is trying to learn about work life.
>Teri scrolling on ways to escape work. In one of the posts you have Bunny saying that bunnies shouldn't have learned to stand up straight -> If Bunny was a real bunny they wouldn't need to work.
>In one of the posts you have Bunny saying that bunnies shouldn't have learned to stand up straight -> If Bunny was a real bunny they wouldn't need to work.
Sounds like project Bunny.
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Also, for context
So I guess this Teri is closer to OG Teri than the Captainverse ones.
it's getting obvious by now that Part 2 is unpopular across all servers. People don't want to be bombarded with new characters where they only exist for the plot to move forward, not the other way around. The existence of Simulated Vitaverse just proves that they want to pump as many characters as possible, in that they have no intentions to write a coherent character-driven story for the next 7 years. It's so frustrating how simple it is to fix the story but they're too stubborn to let go of the model they want to implement.
There's no more captainverse stuff so it's all AU of the og cast now.
This game is now to obscure for shitposters.
I hope they at least reduce the number of martian characters for the next Mars segment too. There were just way too many people in this short Langqiu arc. The writing disparity between Songque and the rest was too much.
DS' dialogue in act 3 reminds me of a VN self insert than a vidya one
The captainverse was AU of the og cast, now there will just be no through line connecting the events.
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so is she the actual einstein of the world or a clone or decedent or something?
Actual Einstein is her grandfather, in the AE VN Welts dad tests Joyce on it
She isn't genderbend Eistein, she's actually named after his mysterious daughter
Ottoless behaviour
uh oh
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it's just so weird. People are literally asking them not to release more characters because no one likes to roll for underdeveloped and disposable girls in a fucking galgame. Did anyone from the new team play this game at all? It's so insane how they misunderstood almost everything that this game used to be. I wish they'd stop being stubborn and end this whole bubble world charade. Or hell, make the story revolve around Entropy. I want to see her in desperation. Give her something to be motivated for. I'm so sick of this fucking methodical writing at the cost of everyone being boring. I'm playing a gacha game for fuck's sake.
Wow the chinese are not happy about a white girl appropriating their culture
But I thought people liked songque, or so I am told.
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Can't be helped.
Are the Theresafags ready to SSS her new suit?
It's a new one, right?
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For less than a week, her revenue should be higher than Lantern and Thelema's at the end. Not sure how comparable it'd be to 7.3 though.
Wasn't there an anon that got all her suits SSS?
Really easy to get except the hag vampire forma.
I myself have everyone at SSS except CH which is at SS and that vampire hag (unironically can't remember her name)
We had non-captainverse AU stuff before so this is just more of the same.
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Susannah is watching
So that's what happens when she don't have a Captain to slave around and do all her work.
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Why did this have to happen now? Now everyone has an excuse why their favorite gacha failed and why their hated gacha won.
>fanbase wars cucks
Aren't Android sales are just iOS sales multiplied by the Android/iOS ratio in any given country?
Yes, but it's always been rough calcuations anyway. The revenues are in no way accurate, but seeing as they use the same method each time, we can still estimate general trends. Only time it gets really fucked is when PC clients are released.
I just wish they'd update that mode with newer, better valks or just phase it out entirely. My armada can't even hit 10M these days.
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Thigh sex with Teri.
You know you can just use your own shit, right?
I've personally given up on the mode, what does it even provide?
Is she playing a game about herself?
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You're still limited to a bunch of old Valks, even if it's your copies. I think the newest usable one is HoT.
I see this said all the time and I own all these old valks but the trial ones are the only ones available to me. What am I missing?
I did SIM battles as a newfag starving for Armada mats. That mode is a fucking huge waste of time nowadays.
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>Hersscher tier patch doing less money than a wedding skin.
And just like that, part 2 shills vanished again.
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Songque's patch was literally out for the last few days of June (nevermind the bug for the usual site for counting gacha revenue that happened during June). You're comparing an entire month of banner run to that of a few days.
Isn't like 70% of a banners revenue done in like the first two-three days?
Sure, if you're only counting just that particular banner and not any skins, reruns, spending events and whatnot, which is why this comparison is dumb. We should be comparijg the amount for an entire patch instead of by month.
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CN is having a feast again with flopque.
How so ? i had whole days long discussion on apho and why Kiana was useless, main response that she cant arrive on earth to help so putting her in a coma when she already cant arrive on earth is pointless
Aktough not gonna like i like her being in a coma better then her ignoring Mei near dying
So which apho design are we still missing now?
they already established she can snipe someone from a few million miles away
Full dudu outfit
Susannah surely looks different too right?
Did you miss the previous arc where she one shot a god from across the solar system?
Only with Prommy and Su helping though. She can't do it on her own.
But it can be done, and that was on the other side of space. It wouldn't be any harder for Earth, a place that she knows and is right next to her.
She can't be accurate on her own, but she can probably nuke places that are close
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Who needs accuracy when you can just saturation bomb shit? If you throw enough kianyas at shit something is bound to hit eventually.
I need to do something
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Bricked game
Three Huas.
Gee anon, how come your mom lets you have 2 ritas?
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Please, save Honkai Impact 3rd Elysia/HoV!
I couldn't be arsed to do it this time
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How does Otto do it? Theresa is already a huge wreck from being overworked and lack of sleep from several years of being Overseer. Meanwhile Otto managed to be Overseer and finding ways of saving Kallen for hundreds of years, while still being in top physical and mental shape.
motivation and autism
No one knows how he managed all that workload to be honest? It is not like the man could clone himself.
Otto unironically had a PE cheatcode in VA.
Elysia and Mobius
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By effective delegation. Amber probably did most of the lifting.
APHO is actually not canon because it takes place in the same AU bubble world as the Teri event. That teri being tired as shit is why she thought VA was actually Otto, despite having been dead for years.
Otto delegated the mind and body draining shit to someone else while the important shit that he also had an actual interest in he did himself
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Duduschizo POV
My hands by the way
Make sure to wash you hands after you are done playing with shit
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What the fuck is this?
Looks like a schizo map.
Glad they upgraded her in APHO.
I'll be reinstalling the game next patch for Elysia's returnee banner.
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I'm not even into cunny or hebes but HOLY SHIT does the nu Teriri make me feel things
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I've always looked those dead tired eyes, so Cat Teri seems much hotter to me too. They were also my favorite feature in Aponia.
No Fall "Seele" again...
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Place your bets on which Teri will become playable
Right is safer so most likely for cuckned nu-homo
Left is the loliCHAD choice
Hopefully neither becasue all teri suits play like shit.
Left as the suit and right as an outfit.
Neither one, they will both be anal operators.
to not risk honkai energy on eath as many schizos pointed out to me when i argued about apho.
With help and god still would survive if not for clone otto and Vita wanting power herself
Kianers still at the time couldnt do anything to ayyy lmaos when they invaded in apho
Sa is still alive, she's just weakened and lost a lot of her authority to Vita. I'd even assume she's still stronger than Vita, she's just licking her wounds and hiding out in the sea because Cocoon is scary.
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>me when I play part 2
A-rank left, S-rank right.
>/hig/ get's a Bejeweled event
>/hsrg/ gets a bejeweled event
</hig/ gets a Fallguys event
Bros am i going to get two patches in separate games worth of fallguys?
Why did chinkque flop?
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No Luna skin to carry her banner.
A huge bunch of the banners days were skipped on the charts.
How did Otto do all the paperwork?
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They didn't like swimsuits and they're why we don't get swimsuits anymore. And bunny girls.
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Isn't Hare getting something sluttier than this?
The fate of all Meis.
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What the fuck have they done to Teri? She looks some kind of Bronie reject, except more retarded.
perfect for rapebait
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You don't need a dogshit design for that.
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but you're wrong
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Our Heroines.
>Queens looking down on the plebs
Why is there a censor bar on Dudu's hair?
...and Mei
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Sirin buttcheek....
Either is just some debris or the artist really fucked up.
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...'s domestic abuser, HoV.
No, Seele will never end
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It should be impossible to pack this much smug into a chibi
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Can you /dig/ it? Durandal Impact General!
Thank you, dudufren.
What a slut.
I have seen more people talk about the game in the last 2-3 days than I did in the last 5 months. Part 2 sure was a mistake and the devs finally realized that.
it's almost as if someone had a melty if someone tried to
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Why does tired teri have Elysia's eyes
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Nobody cares about Elysia except the remmnants of a long defunct mihoyo psy-op
Moshi moshi?!
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Look at that, new Elysia fanart and it wasn't some Mihoyo commission.
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Sorry Seele, i was busy talking to Seele
Mihoyo is the company that made the hit games Genshin impact, Honkai star rail and ZZZ.
And funny.
>Anything i don't like is a commision
Do Elysiakeks really?
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this cutscene was really cool, i wish i understood wtf was happening in it
I-Its not a commission, all those artists who don't play the game definitely want to draw some obscure characters that 3 people care about.
Only yuritroons care about Elysia who is a lesbian jesus to them
This is unironically the best smol Teri yet, by far.
The event lobby is a treasure trove of chibi goofiness
>looking at garbage
Is the new AU Teri a raccoon?
Based Lantern, she's the best.
They also chose the worst possible way to introduce the Part 2 characters. Kinda hard to give a fuck about them when the devs actually opted to not dive into the main quartet because of the quantum PC shit. It's hard to even think that DS would get attached to all these people she met in a single fucking day.
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New Teri good
Old Teri bad
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New Teri Good
Old Teri Also Good
Does Honkai impact play well in old potato laptops? I'm planning to switch to PC, my phone's full
Post cute Seelecats.
For the most part, yeah, but be sure to turn off the Part 2 bridge. No toaster is gonna survive how much CPU that thing consumes.
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>Elysia's eyes
They're Roza's eyes you fucking
Probably because they're mantises
>Shaoji not only ripped off Roza's hair colour, but also her eyes
Is Elysia the most uninspired HI3 character?
saaaar do not redeem Shaoji banchood
I think Shaoji is massively overrated, the elysian chapters are very verbose while not saying anything, and penacony likewise is bloated with 2deep4u writing that somehow did the escapism bad worse then part 1s finale
do /hsrg/ newfaggots really?
Shaoji was always a hack. Dude can't even follow the established lore and has to squeeze in his bullshit even if it retcons some stuff.
Good thing that more people are aware of this fact now.
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saaaaaar do not redeem roastchicken
is this some new kind of schizoposting?
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hobo seele would not dress like that
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Such a waste of design for a simulated character.
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new teri >>> serapeum
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Is this a new skin or is it just being cycled in for the event?
Old, it's from the original fall girls event in 6.1 iirc
It's been a skin since the very first Fall Gals event
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>hsr bigger than hi3
>million teripedo lesbians
We're so fucking back!
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>cute seele love
>another dreamseeker retarded
>coralie looks short
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why can't i stay at the raiden building bros... it's not fair
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Do I get either of these?
Choose the smelliest one
One is best MECH fire dps, the other one is best Ice support.
Sus for sure
I'm going for Shushang, I want to fuck her more. But I appriciate Sirens stinky toes.
>I want to fuck her more
>posts off-model cuckshit
I'm on the left.
god i want to impregnate helia
god i want to eat seelecake
>not in event schedule failed to create a room
>not in event schedule failed to create a room
>not in event schedule failed to create a room
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Sushang is fucking Otto so you won't get a chance,
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>wake up
>see Seele
what do?
Sushang is for bears and bears only
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>Otto's autistic ass
>Fucking anyone
Lol. Lmao even.
is there an hi3 player that has played this since release and skipped genshit and star fail
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>shit on your loyal niche fanbase with years of soulless ai hagga sloppa
>many leave but you don't care because you think going mainstream like genshin is the way
>release part 2, universally hated
>press emergency generic ai chinkified blonde woman titcow button
>go into panic, try to bring loop back story to part 2 setting
>everyone laughs at you
could these titcow retards developing for a fujo game be any more retarded? all they had to do was copy the model of an older but far more successful game and release a choco summer loli. boom! shoot to the top of the charts instantly
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>they covered up her cleavage
It's on brand for otto to get ntr'd by me.
Now post the infographic from the study with 80 sample size how all men are natural pedos.
Seele, easy on the spins
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>slopu world tour championship
Help out a newfriend! I'm liking Sentience a lot and I don't have a physical DPS (managed to grab Sena, Thelema and Lantern).
Is the brick worth rolling for on the Schicksal Arsenal?
bricked without seele
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Roll for who you like, bro.
And yeah, brick is still very powerful but needs Herrscher of Rebirth and Prometheus for support.
>HoRb dps mode best support is Senti
>Senti dps mode best support is HoRb
She's on the new player banner but I've been advised against rolling there since you could get the newest Kiana instead.
Yeah, don't roll the beginner banner because it's 50/50. Wait for the proper EXPA supply.
>even Room 1 is dead as fuck now
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>Proxy, it's time to help the Agents explore the Caverns of New Eridu in the world of Zenless Zone Zero!

>Our faction Ethereal Punks is ready to provide you with the best Internet connection channel, provide you with the latest Banbu, and we also have a lot of goodies:

>Analysis of the lore and plot of the game

>Game and character guides

>Game news

>We have already written about:

>Sons of Calydon and why they have a Boar on their emblem
>Game plot

>Agent Specialties and Attributes

> Who are the cute bunnie mascots Bangboo? (spoiler - almost ELFs from HI3rd)

>While Honky 3rd's plot left us with a virtual Mars, and Kiana is still sleeping, it’s time to get new emotions in New Eridu.

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>1st 10 pull
Uhhhh this was unexpected, what can you do with extra copies? Should I keep going for Senti's stigmatas?
Coomers are poorfags. Across all gacha it's well known most whales are loli-coded.
might as well. You're probably going to have a bad time trying to collect all of them though. Good luck lol
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Finding a girl who is fully sexual mature independent of chronological age to be infinitely more desirable than a busted hag is... le bad? Because it just is, you pedo nonce. Now if you'll excuse me I have to seethe on an image board known for lolis since its entire history and bitch about a gacha not pandering enough to my abhorrent tastes for saggy veiny tumor tits.
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They don't have guarantees so it's up to you if you really want to gamble. It looks like you don't have a lot of crystals left to gamble with though. You can also just get lucky again.
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Ended up getting Bottom, a stigmata for Susanah and Sirin's weapon, what would you recommend using on T and M meanwhile?
I don't know what you might have that can be better than Marco Polo. https://www.hoyolab.com/article/22655173
>Now post the infographic not from the study but placed there to falsely imply it is.
>zzz Mei
I hope so
Why don't we have a choco loli?
hagfags rekt lol
chink hate niggers
loli don't sell
If you can turn one character into a loli and have her be playable, who would you pick?
weird that Carole is the only SP valk without a b-chips or spending event outfit
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I know that we are past this loop, but I just wanted to say that I fucking hate Shaoji for killing my wife but then getting cold feet of doing the same with the cast of Penacony and that upon acquiring new knowledge, I have the utmost respect for Fachuan for creating the brat with the smelliest anus. That's all, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Shaoji is a very inconsistent writer overall.
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That's because she's a NI
>fgo banner with summer loli smashed records in a 10 year old game
>nahida STILL is the top banner
lmao even
>nahida STILL is the top banner
...in my deranged headcanon! in the actual reality, nahida lost to a hu tao + yelan banner but i will never admit this, since it would be against my narrative.
Seele sells Seeleshells by the Seeleshore.
>fgo banner with summer version of the most meta breaking version of one of the most popular characters in the franchise.
Also I thought Raiden still beat Nahida?
>takes one must have character and another who's a fan favorite and also the best fire dps prior to arlecchino to challenge nahida
she's still the top earner if you adjust. deal with it hagfags
>takes one must have character
What a retarded take, Raiden isn't nearly as must have as Nahida, who basically is what makes Dendro work. She's basically element defining, I can't think of a character more important in their element than Nahida.
i was talking about yelan, who is a must have character
She's 5* short boy. Like yeah she's super good and powerful, but she isn't as Must Have as Nahida. There are multiple Hydro applies who see use such as Shorts and Kokomi (who doubles as a healer) where as none of the other Dendro applies come close to what Nahida applies.
Wasn't the best banner Yelan/Hu Tao?
>Hu Tao + Yelan
>Raiden + Ayato
>Ayaka + Shenhe
>Nahida + Yoimiya.
There are four banners higher than Nahida to my knowledge.
if you wanna go there, hutao is loli-coded. raiden banners are the only hag banners that threaten loli domination (disgusting). and ayaka's banner was an anomaly because it lasted like 6 months.
>in short loli wins
Yelan and Shenhe are also hags, so literally the top four banners are hags.
>if you wanna go there, [cope cope cope, cope cope, mental gymnastics, cope cope cope cope]
you're so fucking mentally ill it's unbelievable
new Teri will dominate just you wait
>all this gigfag talk
had to double check what thread this was again
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Based lolichad dabbing on the local schizo.
Considering how slow this general is you really don't.
This is basically a mihoyo general at this point
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If Hags are bad then why did Da Wei marry Himeko? Checkmate Lolischizos.
I'm just not aroused by a childs body
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>Be Dawei
>Be on record saying older men prefer lolis
What did Dawei possibly mean by this? Hagpedo yuritroon xisters, our response?
Words used to mean something
>Literally say loli
>Nahida is 500 years old
>Is still a loli
Age is only one of many factors that constitutes what is a loli.
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>Lolischizo this
>Hagfag that
Really Chads enjoy based Oyakodon with both.
So now it's clear Dawei believes lolis are more appealing, why did he stop releasing loli characters in this kusoge?
>loli is whatever fits my narrative
Actually fuck some of these all guys stages, horrible on PC
Don't forget that that month included THE Castoria premiere banner and many others too since it was FGO's 8th anniversary combined with summer events.
people say it's genshin's influence but genshin regularly releases loli characters. my guess is the swimsuit fiasco and the bunnysuit fiasco made these retards double down on safe horny, which appeals to coomers because they get off to anything with laughably large tits. see the entirety of the fillerchasers
>genshin regularly releases loli characters
Outside of Nahida (who as previously discussed is meta defining) and Klee (who was the first post launch banner) hasn't every Genshin Loli done pretty mid at best?
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Holy fuck these physics are ass
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This event was good for about the first 2 hours when no one knew what they are doing, now it's all minmax rotation autism
He's taking advantage of his motherfucking soulium clones, lads. Also don't underestimate someone being a KEK for centuries straight
I just take my 200 shop tokens and leave. It's just tiring the third time around.
I feel that, you make one mistake and that's it, enjoy last place and no fucking points
skill issue
I hate hrt meta trannies like you with a passion, the bane of any silly fun event
so when did this place become /gig/
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It's been almost four years...
I can't remember a time when people would bitch about the event like this
last time a fall girls event happened, people complained it was being done too often
The only players still around are overwhelmingly brainrotted from needing to minmax for abyss which leaks over into everything else in the game
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Uh oh, the medicine cabinets empty
Uh oh, Seele!
Worms event whem
A schizo other then Seele and Dudu schizo has finaly latched on, we're so back /hig/ bros, EOS averted
I do not remember this
Scrub mentality. If you care about winning git gud. If like me you don't care about it just grind your daily coins or whatever.
loli x loli is good too.
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back to /alg/
If Penacony is bloated for you, then I don't know what to say. Have you checked your IQ at all? I fear it might be in the 80s if you consider Penacony story bloated
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I don't think they would be allowed to make an event taking place in Mei's manko.
It IS bloated with dialogue that overstays its welcome and says nothing, especialy in the aventurine sections and the whole of 2.2 which is just dialogue and switching PoVs every 10 minutes, in Hi3 i can quickly read and progress dialogue if i perceive it to be pretentious Philosophy babble, in hsr they carry over the abomination of gigger dialogue where you have to wait for animations to finish before you can progress and they abuse it to a horrid extent on the most pointless shit
How will the lolischizo change his narrative when Sig is revealed to be a flop?
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>the only good things about part2 sloppa
The chink sirin skin
The free bronya/durandal skin
The OL sirin skin
The Luna wedding skin (outsold chink flopque btw)
APHO Theresa
Hagseo samurai skin
Dyke cut durandal
emo Theresa
>The most hyped part 2 moment
Mars sloppa getting deleted.
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>release delicious new loli
>her kit sucks
>released right before beginning of new continent
>mediocre sales
dawei: it's the lolicons' fault!
Wrong general faggot. Go complain there.
Lolichads stay winning when they tell everyone why their game sucks and how it'll eos and then move onto another gacha before it gets bloated and dragged down by hags
Still the sexiest team in the game.
Smallseo, a SP patch btw, did better than all the part 2 slop patches even the CNY and "herrscher" ones.
kiana would look more beautiful with my child growing inside her i think
People were rolling for HoT's broken af new PRI weapon.
So are we getting actual new Herrschers again, or upgrades to the pre-existing ones?
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Sure, that's why Aponia's patch did as well as Hofi/HoO banner.
Nah, that's the selling power of the big tittie hags.
Kiana would look more beautiful with a purple eye.
The people want loli. If you give the people loli, your game does well. Not hard to understand.
Just see the Theresa pic in Tieba, so I just want to announce to /hig/ that despite not being a Terifag (im Kallenfag), im ready to reinstall the game again next patch after quitting the game since December. Although the UI hasn't been changed back yet but I accepted this as the sign of oyohim "sincerity".
However, if shitty oyohim still attempts to genshin-ify Honkai 3rd, and do a pump and dump then I will say bye bye again. That's all. Thank everyone in /hig/ for listening.
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Reminder to not interact with retards
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Reminder to Seele!
Yeah, and I am a Susannahfag lmao
I'm an Alvitrfag
It's funny how they're backtracking from part 2 now, when this game's major problems (Fanchuan + technobabble + generic suits + others) have been festering for years. People just reached their breaking point and got sick of being abused by an ungrateful developer. The otakus who saved the world ended up being the bad guy in the end
It seems /hig/ nowadays is full of newfags that didn't remember me. Alas, time has really gone, if it was old/hig/ they would've call me Otto already
Counterpoint. Snowbreak.
I'm very sorry for my incompetence, Otto-sama.
Please forgive my rudeness!
Otto isn't worth the effort.
Not into role playing, sorry xis.
If you put any amount of trust or faith in ANY gacha dev then that's your fault.
it's true. all the newfags here are just obsessed with bland sameface titty monsters. back in the day we had terifags, kallenfags, himekopers, even fufags. really the shitty fillerchasers killed off what was left of old /hig/.
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Hua love!
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Don't forget I am here forever.
>Alas, time has really gone
No shit Kallen's last suit was in 2018, what year do you think it is?
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So, the teripedo was chased out of /hig/, and now he comes back? Did the other 10 generals he obsessed over get sick of his shit, too?
I need to do something
still blaming genshin
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Do a crime.
Thus Spoke Apocalypse gives her a good ending, that's enough. I'm afraid if it's modern mihoyo they cannot even write a simple holy maiden such as Kallen, but only commercial idols such that pink fat fairy.
For me Kallen is beautiful not because of she has a new suit, but because she is the Kallen. Let the memory of the past stay forever in the past, that is the best way.
And if Sparkle is really that one then it will be even bigger.
>gives her a good ending
Lol. Lmao even. She 100% dies like a week later.
If I were you, I'd save my currency in case 7.7 Theresa is from War Treasury. But if you picked Sushang already, nevermind.
That world's Otto is still alive. After nearly losing her and saved by a miracle, you bet your ass that Otto is going milk the saint aspect of her and turn her into a full-on living goddess that's worshipped by everyone before the week is up.
Cope. Otto couldn't even save her the first time round without killing her. No way he manages to do something competent. The general population also hated her for "losing" the war to a fucking bird.
He absolutely would, especially since our Otto's sacrifice is also the first confirmed kill of a Honkai beast. Coupled with eye-witnesses about Kallen saving everyone and the Honkai beast that was about to kill her got killed by a falling star, you don't even need Otto to turn her into a living goddess.
Risa reveals that Otto released the honkai beasts then Kallen and Otto are both executed.
>the first confirmed kill of a Honkai beast
What is China.
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In Europe. It's a plot point in the manga where they had to seal/store the honkai (because they couldn't kill them) in the basement (which Otto released as a distraction to save Kallen)
Wasn't Otto running around in ancient greece killing Honkai and asking birds why they fly?
>the only good things about part2 sloppa
I actually agree with that list, but personally I'd add Lantern as well.
best thing about Lantern is being able to mindlessly blow through ER in record time. They honestly need to just give you an autoplay/skip button for it.
Kevin? He and Su stopped interfering after the whole King Arthur incident.
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Say it with me, brother.
>Ancient Greece
Also England is also in Europe.
>mindlessly blow through ER in record time
No, she's actually pretty slow in ER. It's just absolutely easy as fuck and doesn't need to do anything beyond moving toward the enemy, unlike constantly spamming a button like NA FoV.
Her dodge build is braindead but slightly slow. Her AR build is pretty quick.
Then you don't even understand the depth of Kallen and Otto. Do they really care about their lives? As heroic characters, what they live for are ideals and concepts. Why did Kallen accept the her fate despite being the strongest Valkyrie. That's because after Sakura tragedy she lost all her hope against Honkai. She can never accept the Schicksal way of using evil to fight evil (and that also resonated with pre-retconned PE story, where the ruthless way of MOTH treatment to Rin), that's why her fate is only death. And Otto obsession with her is also his guilty of being too weak to actually challenge the method of Schicksal. He wanted to save Kallen, but he didnt dare to save her spirit.
That's why Kallen is dead in this timeline is correct, if Otto can trivially revive Kallen , then all the tragedy lost all its meaning.
And in someway, the spirit of Kallen actually lives on with St Freya trio, as they can actually overcame the Honkai without succumb to the evil way of their predecessors. Fight for everything beautiful in this world, simple but on point.

I also hate pink fat fairy for that reason. Just only because of her, then the Herrschers could achieve humanity!? Then all the tragedies, from the 1st CE Herrscher, for what? Damn Roasted Chicken for his retcon shits. I always respect Fanchuan, although he's really not a good writer. But Shaoji is a fucking hack for me, no matter what his fans praise him!
And? To most people in the rest of Europe, everything about King Arthur was written off as a myth (until Otto learned more later on). Who the hell would believe a giant locomotive train would bring people to Avalon?
Kallen reincarnated as Teri in the main timeline. In the Otto alt timeline Kallen dies a week later because she's legitimately retarded.
>Kallen reincarnated as Teri in the main timeline
Retconned. It's her Kaslana stigma telling her to be a good little Kaslana instead of Kallen's soul.
I retcon the retcon. Mainly because it makes Otto coping even funnier.
XQ is better than Yelan lol
this is the best gacha design i've ever seen. since when did fate have such water wateringly good lolis?
I'm pretty sure he's not. He has some defensive benefits like damage mitigation and slight healing. but they both have similar Hydro application but Yelan buffs the damage of the carry and also does more personal damage.
He has better application by a significant margin and interrupt resistance, Yelan has better personal damage and a mediocre buff. You are supposed to use both though.
>>484398916 (me)
I posted this as a joke but damn
XQ has obscene hydro. Yelan doesn't even work with Hutao
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World's #1 Cutest!
4 weeks until new content.
I respect the effort you put into writing this, bro.
Sorry fresh out, seele ate the last one.
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>S-rank BIO
So who's getting powercrept this time?
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>be me
>lying on bed
>see my shadow casting on the curtain
>immediately thinks of Songque astral ring animation
yup it's time to sleep
Sleep tight, anon.
Teri is undoubtedly going to be this year's unit you can buy in the shop, right?
Senti, probably
Need to know if she's AstralOp compliant or not. If she's part 1 type, then she's a hybrid so maybe Freeze debuff/Fire element. If part 2, probably lightning.
physical slut for Sonq?
Timewise, it matches the pattern for the last few years.
That assumes they haven't stopped doing that entirely like with SP suits.
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If I had to guess, Neo-Teri is probably a bio physical support since she's right after Songque, who needs to cope with Thelema or Senadina as the second party member as of now
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When do we get APHO3?
We are in apho3
Lightning of course
Sure, but we've also had 4 S ranks in a row so far and WT is dead as of now and only a way to get valks for the dorm
We would be so fucking back...
By design, you vill roll the s ranks.
Man, I hate that they cut her drills. Her hair was the best in the game, but I guess it's a fair price if it means we get another Dudu suit or at least playable Dudu in APHO3.
Yeah if they don't make her farmable MA serves no point.
that would pretty epic desu
I'm surprised they are releasing another Theresa so soon after Luna.
How long did it take for Theresa to get a new suit before Luna came out?
Trust the plan. She will grow back her long hair when she enters burst mode like Lantern.
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Should I fish for the worse HoR weapon in the exchange shop or does the better one appear as off-rate on banners?
Theresa's last suit before Luna(7.0) was in 4.0, gotta give her a slack. And Luna doesn't even look similar to default Teri since she's a hag.
But where is the next Senti suit?
I have good and bad news for you bro. The good news is that you can get it in 7.6's spending event, the bad news is that you need to spend 36.4k crystals + 20 dorm cards or 40k crystals to get enough tokens. All in all, might as well grab it in December's Firepower supply for 2.8k crystals or pray that global gets a firepower supply earlier because of the anniversary change. I really don't remember the last time her DK got a rate up in Schicksal Arsenal, it was several patches ago
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The Boobnya
Farmable HoTr when?
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Sorry but more than two herrscher suits are reserved for Kiana only.
But Senti hasn't had her second yet?
Why do we hate Fall Girls again? It should be a permanent mode to do dailies in place of the grindy sloppa they've not bothered to remove for years.
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And she never will, she isn't part of the trio.
People don't like it? It takes like 2 minutes and you get to watch the chibis get tossed around
>Bronya gets her second suit to become equal in power to HoT and HoFS
>Just before they both getting further powers ups becoming HoO and HoFi
Bronya jobs at being a Herrscher as well huh?
There is no "Senti" she is just another Fu Hua suit like Kongming is another Teri suit.
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Truth is metaphysical. Bronya should've been the strongest hershey next to Finality.
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HoTr is cooler than HoO so she is.
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Enter: the cutest magical girl, Sirin!
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More like stinkiest, tesla is cuter anyway
The fight between Akari and Perception was pretty cool.
her name is "lantern"
You mean Tsavorae
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lmao even
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Did Thelema do anything other then bait the coomers?
What else was she supposed to do
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She stole my heart
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She also served as yuribait. In general pretty disappointing with how irrelevant she ended up being.
are we in the /vg/ league matches?
Contribute to the group effort that wasn't just consoling Serapeum while she was in distress?
Sera taking a backseat i can understand since she's basicaly a child and her expertise lies elsewhere from combat
But Thelema? it honestly feels like they had one idea for her initialy, but then hastily rewrote her afterwards to be a background jobber
No, though if we had a manager that was any good I would like to see us play against the other hoyo games
Even if we want to, we don't have enough memes to make a full roster anyway. Playing everything straight and just giving the roster normal names would be boring.
Fill it with part 2 stuff I guess
She gave Songque a sexy outfit
Just fill it with Seeles
Just about ever character has a pet meme name from the anons who like them.
>we don't have enough memes
We do though?
Name 11 of them then
I second this.
Seele = shit
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I can't believe Dounigga is dead
>Seele! (Seele)
>60NCIDW (Da Wei)
>Roza's stinky butthole (Roza)
>Horsefucker (Durandal)
>Domestic Abuser (Mei)
>Fat Tuna (Kiana)
>The Bologna (Bronya)
>Subject Retard (Kiana and Bronya dialogue)
>Bunny Girls (the Bunny girl incident)
>Eternal 50K virgin (Fu Hua/Senti)
>Fat Pink Elf (Elysia)
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>pink jesus
>toilet mei
Can't think of anything else that gets repeated consistently rn
I haven't even heard of half of those memes until now.
>>Eternal 50K virgin (Fu Hua/Senti)
Senti should be the brick
Senti should be the scammer and wearing those tiny chinese glasses.
I need to schizo post about Unreal dreamer gacha content dreator for a moment.
Fag says he cares about the games he plays and only posts what gets him hype yet its vlear he only posts for clout and money wich is fair but he refuses to admit so , He says he loves honkai and hoyo verse in general but he plays like 2h of honka impact content every 1 or two months.the only while milking his fans with a "marathon" for months now i hate how hyper he got as of late focusing on everything othen then honkai impact or playing games in general.
Its just a shame because he used to post enjoyable chill content when he wasnt part of hoyo creator mafia
The only one that gets memed as a virgin is Kevin to begin with, not Hua. Pink Jesus has been used way more often than the fat jokes.
>subject retard
I haven't ever seen this one. What /hig/ has used in the past was idiotka. The bunny girl scandal wouldn't even fit as a player meme.
Spicy Tuna
Bologna onee-chan!
The Antique/Old timer
Shiki-chan Banzai!
Skin Walker
Pink Donkey Erotic
Blonde woman/Dudu/horse fucker
Pink Goblin
Generic Tiddie monster

And that is just off the top if my head and no males because KalpASS and KeBin would 100% get in if we allowed them.
You'd need at least 23
Throw Haha I'm Dying (Himeko) in there too
your 60 nigger rozas inside Da Wei? Your Terry eyes? your brick? your Yatta!?
Our manager would not be a /gig/ plant for one so we'd stand more of a chance if we join
That or Amazing Grace since they overused that song a lot.
>Generic Tiddie monster
But enough about Himeko
That's Aponia thoughtbeit
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He's Duocracka now
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My wife does not fuck horses.
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>He forget the Grisexo
Disappointed on you anon
Knaito-san get him
>50k Virgin
Not if our resident rapist (kiana) has anything to say about that!
Looks like he just came from taking a bath.
>Looks like he just came
That would explain the white.
>zzz is 110Gb to download on PC
What in the fuck, how is an arena action game that fucking big, fuck even checking it out with those sizes
It's actually only 110 while it unpacks shit. The game itself is like 50gb, with like 16gb of movies.
hsr grows like 10gb every other patch they cant compress for shit
SR is still only 44 gigs. 3rd is 43 gigs. Hell, genshit is 77 gigs even with significantly more shit than ZZZ has. It's stupid as hell that it's already that fat.
See >>484437975
Yes, and? 66 gigs before even launching is fucking retarded.
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It's like a quarter bigger than 3rd despite being 8 years newer.
Being newer is shit justification for poor optimization. 3rd has 8 years worth of content, ZZZ doesn't even have a single patch's worth. And again, it's larger than SR and nearly as large as open world slop like genshit already.
And I have 10 year old games that are 5gb with 100s of hours of content. Newer games require way more resources. Name one Gacha with the polish of ZZZ that isn't 50gb?
I wouldn't call overanimated adhd zoomerslop polished.
I don't realy know much about it but apparently a western studio is in charge of zzzs development so we might be looking at a western game file size moment
Okay Otto, back to the retirement home also know as the grave.
>can't even swap between controller and mouse without going into the menu and changing the control scheme
If I recall right, it's mihoyo's canadian studio, so probably yeah. Fucking leafs, explains the gay furrys and interknot too.
that's approaching the filesize of fucking elden ring fucking cockslurper
Weirdly enough the chinese consider cleavage to be degenerate but gay furries are somehow okay I'm guessing CCP lawmakers underestimate western degeneracy
Mihoyo self censors, nothing they are doing is CCP mandated. Blame their company becoming 60% female.
It's called being cautious because they fully know Tencent has people in the government in their pocket and will not hesitate to find any excuse to censor or disrupt their game for any reason.
That's just cope. Mihoyo themselves are part of the CCP as of several years ago.
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ZZZ Kiana, is that (You)?
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That's miyoushe's token mascot. She usually looks like a loli though, not that similar to Kiana.
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apparently, Terifags in Chinkland didn't like the new AU Teri. While I kinda agree about the awful design choices such as the rampant abuse of accessories, zippers, belts, and pattern motifs, I think this version of Teri is fixable it they just remove all of those like what this artist did >>484221858

I can't explain why people see it as abbrasive. It's not ugly but it does rile up negative emotions whenever I see these new designs. Maybe "disruptive" is the correct term to call Honkai 3rd current design philosophy? or maybe their new lead character designer is just terribad at their job.
I like the design itself but it doesn't look anything like Teri beyond the white hair, not even like an aged up Teri.
*it's just that they should remove

I do not like how their clothes and accessories are too overbearing to look, even distracting at times. It's just to much and it's a real shame because a little fixing can actually make them significantly better.
>her smile and washing board, gone
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Here are ouer hoyo content creators everyone and you wont why genshin is so fujo filled
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I mean, it's just another AU Teri, so whatever. I just think the devs should've released an actual OG Teri suit before pumping out two fucking AU versions. I'm not even a terifag, but this is honestly a really fucking confusing decision. Especially when they had already teased a new suit at the end of Part 1 and showed this outfit before Pardo-Teri.
Teri needs a boyfriend (me)
Why did Otto sew chains into her outfit?
Herrscher of Binding.
Judah PRI.
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As much as I deride their designs, tired AU Teri is so hot. It's just really unfortunate that the game's current design team is just, not great to say the least.
save for bita
mating press sera
Seele fucking up her evasion against the Fucking Fish!
mmmmmmm nyo
sirin smells
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Cute tummy
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Bear... forgotten...
Bleeurgh! Maybe if her suit didn't look like a shitty kindergartener cosplay.
Seele's big ahoge.
>3 little griseo in lobby
>1 starts spamming crying homu
>all start spamming crying homu
Susannah will bear my children.
This post? Mine.
Susannah will bear.
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I am almost in
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The game might die tomorrow, but at least the Seeleposter will still keep the thread alive, even if everybody's gone now and the new devs are still going to be arrogant with their new "vision".
Everyone that wanted to drop hi3 probably already did, no need to wait for zzzs release
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you're going to be surprised
Honkai Impact 3rd is invincible today!
Thelema-sama has some new pets
Can't wait until furrfags like you will finally fuck off.
A slow general is way better than the cesspit that /gig/, /hsrg/ and /zzz/ are.
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What happens tomorrow?
>A slow general is way better than the cesspit that /gig/, /hsrg/ and /zzz/ are
yeah...i'm not so sure about that
I don't like the furry either, but you're absolutely delusional if the newdevs aren't actively shooting themselves with what they are currently doing with this game.
a slow general != a general free of schizos
Land of the Freele!
The ZZZ premiere.
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*if you think

I've started setting up filters for /vg/ thanks to the mentally unwell from the 原神 thread who are casually residing here from time to time
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... and "ZZZeele"'s premiere!
I just started the game and it is Pure KINO
Very confusing upgrading system however, I am simply going to brick myself and then swipe to recover at some point. No, I won't read.
no you didn't, stop pretending
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Enjoy the game, bro!
Seele avatarfagging is part of the reason why this general died
seeleschzios will deny this
Thank you, I will ask a long-shot question about rumble on PC: Do you guys use controllers with rumble? When does it work? I am using a Dual shock 4 with DS4windows and not getting rumble
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uh oh seeleshizo-shizo melty
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100% smile!
Good question, I don't use controller myself.
I'm using xbone controller and never saw it rumble.
Unless it's an optional feature that is turned off by default.
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>Astaweave Haven
is this supposed to be Mihoyo's Animal Crossing?
ded game
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Oy vey
It looks like I will miss the Kafka of this game, only 2 days left. But I will wait until I have a bigger bank and the situation progressed to a new floor (if powercreep is as ongoing as I have heard.)

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