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Previous: >>484170471

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Danjin is so cute i wish i pulled her
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I want to befriend the stupid bitch guy
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Anko? Manko...?
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Im not gay but is Aalto the coolest male character? Seems like a chill guy to hang out with
what's stopping your goofy ass?
Anyone notice how fucking insane every character's hair is, even for anime standards? What's up with that?
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I echo farmed so hard and I have no echo exp...
pulling for specific 4 stars is a trap, i gotta wait until she chooses me
>Danjin OP
>russian danjinfag isn't here with us
you didn't die comrade, right? dying is gay tho
But it's not yugioh levels of weird yet
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*steals your heart against your will*
if i whale now will it count towards june or july
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I hereby claim her as my NPCwife
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>There isn't just the one you killed too much please take a shower limit
>There's actualy multiple separate mob kill limits
And it still nets you fucking nothing unless you carry out industrial scale genocide over a prolonged period
who is that
Nah, you're not getting filtered. You're probably at the correct location. The problem is you have to rotate yourself until it's solved, but the game didn't make that clear. The squares have a yellow X's running through them, and so does your face. Match up your face with the X's as well.
It's around that time. What will the revenue be?
Elden Ring if it was kino
Unnamed NPC who showed up on the last day of the painter's daily quests
Yes it did. It literally says in the tutorial that you have to face the right direction.
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Is this shit usable on F2P Jinhsi? Or am I better off with the ER craftable
20-30mil tops.
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Fuck hags
Whale on PC so it doesn't show up on either to confuse the sales SEAdogs more
Not him but reading is for autists. If you can't figure it out by trial and error or from intuition, it's bad design.
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Can someone tell me a tried and true method of echo tuning?

Things like how far you upgrade/tune before you keep it or trash it. If +5 is a trash stat is it just over and find a new echo base to try again? Or do you go to +10 or 15 before making the call?
And how much do you cope like if +5 gave flat atk at least its not def or HP do you keep going? And then +10 gives resonance damage and X character can technically use that so blah blah.
Or if its not immediately crit is it just a fresh start?
>The type of idiot that doesn't read the instructional manual then complains when something doesn't work
Will Jiyan be getting a graphical update? I feel scammed.
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call yourself a stupid bitch
Bro your standard banner broadblade?
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If I've already got a good piece then I scrap it at +5 (or +10 if it's a 3 cost) if it doesn't roll crit, if I desperately need a usable piece then I'll take it to +15 to see how it does.
First you get a full usable lv25 set, echo tune all of them
Then when you get a new replacement, compare it to your old piece. Just tune as little as possible. If it's better than the old piece, keep tuning. If it's worse, stop.
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post em bwos
how much asterite per dollar is the 50 dollar pack vs 100
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>4 cost relics
crit rate/crit damage arent in first 2 rolls? brick it and feed it to next piece
>3 cost relics
hope and pray crit rate/crit damage show up, if they do level it to max and cope its rng bad, if they dont show up in first 10 ignore it until you get another 3* echo with the main stat you need
>1* cost
first 2 rolls arent crit rate/crit damage? brick it and feed it to next piece
Craftable is good for her
based grug bro
Bwo, your Fluorite routes?
What'd I do this time
Someone post the chart that shows South Korea generates the most revenue for wuthering waves
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Maybe Taoqi isn't so bad
On clunkcharro, I'm trying to get enough rolls to spend on her sig weapon before it goes away but no luck so far, all my pities have been hard ones and I even lost 5050 to the fucking furry on Yinlin's banner so I don't have roll margin for weapons desu
There are too many of this kind of website pooping up. When will people decide on which one to use? Like, GI has paimon.moe and everyone use it.
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I love her but man my lucks been pretty shit in WW
erm is this safe?
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Its based on how many echos you have.
If you have a ton you can be a lot pickier, and start ignoring echos that give you a bad roll at +5.
If you're short on echos then you're having to go to +10.
The real bottleneck are the echos.
Tuners and exp wont drain you as fast as just not having any available echos to upgrade.

And once you get desperate for echos its when you start +20ing all sorts of echos just in the hopes of getting a hail mary.
>1 costs
If i get two bricked subs in a row feed it into the next one
If i get a crit roll i'll tolerate two bricked rolls max before feeding into another one
Same policy with three and four costs, a shit relic is filthy and isn't going on my resonators
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>three star weapon looks better than the five star signature
Oh, man.
>koreans humiliated by the japs once again
Oh nononoonononononon
What happened to the other 2 codes in the op?
definitely not beating Genshin/HSR but around 4th or 5th place, the thing is the revenue come from mobile and Wuwa has shit mobile optimization CN, KR and JP main issues.
>Having to stay in a circle and pray the boss doesn't move out of it
Fuck. He really is Bennett.
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>not upgrading him to lvl 70 where he gets a fuckhuge circle
pardon my retarded ass but does it count pc sales? I'm really getting confused on the revenue sites being posted here if they include the pc sales since I can't believe CN is that low
It's gonna lose to DnF, Naruto, and love and deepspace too though.
>Jiyan drops the sword for an instrument as a symbol that the war is over
Poetic I think
i got my data like in Genshin and its ok so far
no, all charts and revenue estimates you can find about gacha games do not include pc sales
no it doesn't
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you usually manage to fill jinhsi's bar to 50-100% doing the dps rotation when you switch to her unless bird boss teleports super far away to not have to worry about fedora man's AoE circle
>tfw I accidentally got him from the event page. My beautiful account...
this is a bit hardcore and autistic, but since you can farm echoes whenever, they are your exhaustible resources hence should be regarded as BRICKED if the first one doesnt roll either of the crit stat. If it does, continue. Whether you stop at 10 or 15, depends a lot on your willingness to farm more echoes or dump a bit more to reach +15.
No, the way all these sites work is by extrapolating the numbers from relative positions on the top selling charts on mobile app stores (because the top selling position tend to be fairly consistent in terms of revenue, so you can guesstimate the rest from those). PC revenue goes direct to Kuro, so obviously isn't counted. I whale on PC explicitly so it doesn't count in any charts and makes them less reliable, because that makes salesfags seethe when they can't figure out why a game hasn't EoS'd
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Tomorrows threads are going to be something awful
so how many things did kuro end up breaking with 1.1
>both resonance nexus spawns are too far to heal upon spawning
>camera completely fucking broken
that's all i got for now
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changli paypig here
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>only a 2 star
Bro....What are you doing???
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How much of a cut do PC payment processors take? Is it 0-2%? In Steam, iOS and Android it's all 30%.
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This take is so retarded but funny that i respect it
Seriously though how could anyone under the age of 10 not solve these puzzles?
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>Aalto the coolest male character
he is, he's also the reason why is started playing
i'm still sad that they removed his finger gun
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if you saw this kind of chart tomorrow take it with grain of salt, the website where this come from has retarded multiplier for CN number where (you) can set the numbers, this is why flop game like GFL who only make 100k a month according to this chart somehow still alive
Wheres the sensortower at
I didn't read the puzzle tooltips and still figured out the sneed bang formely clang puzzles, you have brain damage
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kissing phrolova on the lips
>Wuwagger already precoping
GFL is still alive because it's a passion project. The ceo of the company pays out of the pocket to keep it running.
But she's evil...
I think ToF is the best example, that shit makes about $10 a month yet they keep releasing massive new maps and characters with even more detailed kits.
It's still shit, I don't want anyone to think I'm shilling for them, but the point is that the game still exists and they're even more ambitious now than they were back when they made more money.
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based retard
Some anon is trying to organize a raid on the thread
Xsolla, which is what Wuthering Waves uses, charges 5% + "cost of channel", which is basically the cost of the transaction to the merchant (usually around 0.5%).
No wonder MICA can't make a successful game to save their lives, they're retarded.
my jinhsi and rover are level 70 bro, please understand
Phrolova? more like... Pavlova heh.
>$100,000 is now $10
You're an idiot.
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>he believed the "zero investment" shills and think he doesn't do damage or think his circle is too small because they didn't upgrade his top middle skill
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>It's time for another revenue PvP
oh boyyy
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Wow, you're telling me that the game doens't actually make $10 a month? Holy shit anon, you must be a genius. Everyone, look at this guy, he's very smart.
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Will you wussies finally stop raiding other threads after the revenue chart drops tomorrow? Or are we gonna have to keep bullying you niggers?
Because majority comes from PC. Sensor tower is becoming more and more irrelevant but it's funny to shitpost who ever loses.
The moment one of these shitty websites adds character sheets like the ones at Enka, that's the website I'll use and encourage
So I just finished pulling on the Character Permanent Convene, and got Jianxin. I hear re-rolling in this game is cancer, and beside from what I read Jianxin is more than serviceable. I figured I would use my selector on Verina, so my question is who should be the last 5 star I go for with the 50 pull pity.
>cunnylane alive and well
i guess familybros are all frauds, they were shitting alg thread way back, karma hits them hard
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im gonna keep doing it
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I literally did figure it out through trial and error plus intuition though
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I'm a yugioh player, reading is worthless if you can't remember and have intuition
Get a life
encore is good for now
What set and 3 costs are you running on him?
I've got moonlit with electro but I'm not sure if swapping in more def would be better
You first kuroshill
Lmao the tranny smell in here
That's why being a limbusfag is the best, there's no reason to whale and it always somehow gets 1m profit per month nonetheless.
As long as it doesn't tank hard, as it has happened before, everything is chill
wtf I didn't know she had ass outline
Why does UL go up so slowly?
>Get a life used unironically
The absolute state of 4chan these days. Nigger, do you know where you're at? Wussies really are just tourists.
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>Devs Listened
UL 60 Drops
You like?
they should let us use any weapon as skin
>cant even doompost properly
So much telltale signs from this guy, it's sad at this point.
what the FUCK are you watching you tranny
Did that line really trigger you that much? Holy fuck that's sad
ahahahha, dont misclick your own selfie next time pajeet
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You need to realize what level of illness we're dealing with here bwo
Better then star rails trace drops for a similar ammount of stamina, and trace farming there is pretty quick
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1 more month and we too can be UL60 and get these drops
You already got exposed as a tourist, your best course of action is to fuck off.
moonlit with electro 3 cost and crit rate turtle.
>stay hydrated
This is the reason why I never tried playing dolls frontline. The rabid shill shitposters backfired badly.
im ul60 in like 1 week thoughever
>People complain
>Rates are buffed
>Universal compensation
This is an easy settup to a PR win
Not your hugbox
>retarded slurpers itt unironically defending the UL60 drops
Yeah this fucking game is fucked. Now I'm rooting for the revenue chart to completely demolish it.
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>2k shell credits left
It's rover......... how can i prefarm for chang lee on top of upgrading my current characters?
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>Love and Deepspace, a yume game full of husbandos, makes consistently 30 mil
Can we beat it? We couldn't do it on release...
is the gameplay fun bwo
Which echoes set for changli? i skipped jinhsi4this
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How are people running out of money so fast?
I speed lvled Jinhsi to lvl 80 alongside her weapon and echos and it cost roughly 200k total.
Yeah also the music is kino
Are purples guaranteed?
your doompost kinda flopped bwo
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im trying
I accept your concession indog
>Verina cucking me out of Jinhsi R1
Fine, I’ll take the guaranteed Changli.
R1 Verina seems excessive though. That’s a lot of healing.
do seaniggers really post on 4chan?
Exact same as Encore.
you only will hit a wall if you're a whale who focuses on tacit field farming, but given you're saying it'll take you 1 month to get to ul60 you're a smelly casual with shit echoes lemeow
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>love and deepspace
That's only the beginning, the real one is yumegod open world action game. Infinity Nikki
It looks to be 1-2 guaranteed, and gold is still a super low droprate
I hit 50 and just leveling Jinhsi and Encore to 80 burned 2 mil
Still have 6 left but it goes fast if you have enough mats
meant for >>484194678
I've ran the numbers off UL50 drops. It takes roughly two weeks of farming to fully max a character. 1 week if 7s are good enough. This is the same amount of time it takes in Star Rail.
Doom sissies our narrative...
Soul... Wuwa should hurry up and ditch Chink culture for this.
Isn't that the game where a guy goes full tranny just to find out his crush is gay?
why its okay for YumeStacy to have this kind of quality of game and yet still making billion on revenue. meanwhile shovelware waifu game made from asset flipping like snowbreak only making million
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Incels like 99% of posters in these threads are actually neets or wagies who make no money. Yumes and fujos have careers. I know because I talk to a fujo at work at my company and she plays HSR and Genshin for the fujoshit in them and is about to drop wuwa because of all the incel pandering.
gimana hidup lu bang? kerja kan? utang lunas?
wuwa should make the double reward weeklies thing just say its celebration event or something.
Because Snowbreak : Incel Containment Zone is unironically competing with porn. Men would rather porn.
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I just bought blake's aid
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>preemptive coping
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Why are seapags talking about a dress-up game now?
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>Incel Containment Zone
>lower tacet fields from 60 to 40
>give a few more gold/purple echo exp
>double drop 10-15 times a week
there i fixed your game
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Which routes do you guys regularly run?
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Still better than hsr at least.
Reminder only mihomo keks use pag
The do dailies and log out route, no reason to do so much grinding when I can't be assed to do ToA
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I feel super tired...
I don't think I can hardcore echo farm anymore.

I think my account will be bricked now.
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Should I go for S2?
the wait for an event to give me what I want instead of spending 2 weeks doing this shit for one drop route
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Probably the cheapest C6 I got out of hsr/genshin and this, but I don't really think I'll be doing this long term after seeing how shit drop progression is at UL60. I'll stick to throwing my money at the trace mat bundles
What's the point of farming echoes when I have no exp anyway?
Heh, and they said my doomposting wasn't working.
Who the fuck does this shit?
>Track the mobs that have the set I need
>Kill until it says target not found or whatever
And that's only if I'm feeling like farming for echoes in the first place, I'm mostly in login waves mode now.
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Thank you for your service
Using the tracker is less efficient than having a planned out route
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Can Lingyang even complete this?
Only if your a whale, or if Jinhsi is your waifu.
good night wuwers <3
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Nope. Lingyang's tiny chink penis could never.
Any sloppa of Jinhsi in maid outfit? Also bets on if we will ever get a womb tattoo tacet mark?
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It's over for Mihoyo
Man ZZZ design look doshit
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This looks way too fucking bland.
Even Wuwa 4* units look pretty fucking good and unique in some way.
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Thank you for defending Lingyang, may your next 5* roll be blessed with his presence.
Kek. Wuwaggers fell right into that one.
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Sensortower? How many more hours?
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I still don't have a single lingyang.
How is this possible.

And I wont be rolling for a LONG while.
I'm in full on saving mode.
Targeted pity for 2 mob and then kill everything else until I am bored.
Lingyang is not that bad
Some people still don't have certain 5*s after playing Genshin for four years so avoiding Lingyang until EoS is definitely possible.
I wouldn't mind a Lingyang, still haven't lost a 50/50.
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Counterintuitively, you DON'T want to be using the echo drop rate boost if you have a lot of time to spare. You want to kill 3x trash elite in a row with no echo drop to buffer a guaranteed echo, then switch to your target mob. If you use the echo drop rate boost item, you'll get accidental early spooks more often.
Go on without me gros crownless is raping my ass with no lube
Me too, I'll just wait until UL50.
I'm not fat.
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My uncle who works at Kuro said wuwa made more than genshin in June
He's even worse
Aaaand another one for my collage
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This dood has been in the gym since launch.
How many times does he has sex with Solon?
imagine if the excuse as to why the fractsidious are playable is because theyre being possesed by their echoes (Scar's goat for example) which is what makes them evil, rover purifies them and they become dindus.
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Loser fuck.
Too many times to count. He's now an expert in Solon's colon.
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F2P (with passes) btw
Jinhsi (my wife) won BIGLY

I would laugh my ass off
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am i missing something or is the aero tacet field in huanglong desorock highlands one of the worst tacet fields to farm?
you have to literally dodge AoE lightning every second which pops you for 2k dmg if you miss a dodge
no other tacet field has negative bullshit like this
Jinhsi makes a better girlfriend than Firefly.
>not 30/30
Now look at the likes and comments. It's clear wuwa bots the shit out of all their views and hoyo stopped caring (they probably did when the game first started)
the trailer alone mogs all of firefly's unskippable quests and dialogue
the latest ZZZ stream was like 50% bots
>Jinhsi (my wife)
Looks like mortefis wife to me
>yinlin so weak she can't even clear floor 4 on electro tower while jinhsi effortlessly clears lvl 100 floor
it's over Yinlinsisters...
It's okay he has autism.
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Holy shit seamless co-op is fun in ER
Why doesn't Wuthering Waves have it?
Are special skins for echoes still bugged? Just got a phantom lightcrusher
Yeah, it's not surprising for newer games to have their companies buy botted views. Nothing wrong with it since it's so common in the industry, just saying what the OP was posting was irrelevant.
Mortefi is me thoughzeit
Compare the stats to the normal skins then
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rumao at this nolife
Tell Mihoyo to implement that thing so Kuro can copy them
>check out ZZZ
>one of the characters is a bara furry with a muzzler
I know that I shouldn't expect more given that the main artist draws blacked cuck porn with lolis, but I thought that mihoyo was going for a more general audience. Who is this appealing to?
Hmmm, seems fine. Guess I'll use it then.
westerners and apparently, SEAfags if gachagaming is anything to go by
based collageanon, wuwaggots are fucking trembling KEKYPOW!
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So people with no money? That seems short sighted.
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What the fuck is wrong with these people...
Don't worry, the one two button gameplay will carry it, as braindead as that is mobile gaming prefers something as simple as that.
UL40 here. upgrade lv70 max skill 3 characters but i still have 2.5m shell?

do i spend stamina on tacet discord till ul50?
Hoyoverse has too much money if anything, look at the money they're spending at randomshit (funding plant development, nuclear research,charity,hospital), they only care about getting their name out there at this point. They want to be the Apple/Microsoft/Google/Nvidia of the gacha/gaming world.
>blacked cuck furries
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Wuwa won, now call yourself a stupid fat bitch.
Virtual Idols Faction

>Chinatsu Remiel
>Yutane Johiel
>Rokudu Sariel

Thematic: Idols, Vtubers, Angels
wow wuwa sure fell off huh?
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I regret rolling Brickelf
SEA loves copying westerners on everything (except faggotry, at the moment anyway)
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>20 days of no content
You need a shit load of weapon mats I would focus on that for your main damage dealers
>except faggotry
You're talking about the region known for lady boys here
This is some next level mental illness. What the fuck is wrong with these retards?
erm your illusive realm in 3 days?
Like every other gacha.
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2.5m shell isn't much at all, ascending and upgrading Lvl80 units & weapons will drain you. I'd say go pre-farm boss mats & talent/weapon mats for your main DPS units that you plan on bringing to 80, then spend some resin on the shell credit domain. ~5m is pretty comfy but even that will disappear fast if you upgrade multiple units. After you have your mats & a comfy wallet then you could do Tacet Discord, but honestly with all the chests in Mt. Firmament you can just skip the echo mats unless you absolutely need it.
SEA are the biggest fagggots in the world. They make Ameritroons look normal.
t. EUchad
at the moment, good luck doing faggot shit on Indo or Malay, everyone will shit on you, publicly.
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>except faggotry
The average SEA male has to prostitute themselves to fat Americans to afford gacha rolls
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my yinlin works just fine bwo...
We need to start thinking about who we're going to collab with.
Collabs are a sign of desperation.
No wonder they love mihoyo over there, mihoyo literally pay them
Dave the Diver, of course.
No one, hopefully. Collabs are shit content designed for marvelbrain consumers.
Granblue Fantasy, give me Zeta pls.
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I told you not to roll for a sub dps, EVER.
You dumb bitch.
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Say no more.
Didn't they ask in CBT and china gave a list of some collabs they wanted? I know DMC was on there
Don't you see the one talking to himself on the thread?
I am from Malaysia
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Less than 24hours until the real war begins are you ready
Wuwa? More like wupag
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fucking YIKES
Which country is da best among SEAnigs? thailand?
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You're getting compared to Ack's banner, are you ready
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I wanted S6 Sanhua and/or Danjin but got picrel instead. This is actually better for a metafag like me right? Is he really the Xiangling of Wuwa?
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Bros... it all makes sense now...
Kobo is starting to stream on Bilibili so we could possibly see a Hololive collab at some point. Chinese are slowly calming down after the T-word incident.
I can tell you who we 100% shouldn't collab and thats persona 5
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No updated gift codes at OP anymore .
We are so over.
Dead general.
If they did this, they should just do DMC weapon. can easily make rebellion, ebony+ivory, yamato, cerberus, and pandora(cant think of a good rectifier) into resonator weaps. Full on characters would cheapen the game imo
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What if Wuwa collabed with Genshin?
Vietnam i think, they have cute girls
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The moment wuwa does a collab is the moment I drop it.
singapore if your not a poorpag, pretty much identical or slightly better living conditions than americans

China's economy is about to crash. I think kuri should just stick to what they're doing currently and not trying to make any additional collabs.
red homo God
Give me Ganyu with a glock.
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please take my wife keqing out of her dogshit game
Not like they can do much when so many characters from wuwa already copy dmc moves.
If they just straight up added a character from there it wouldn't feel as good since it would just be a gimped version of dmc but the same shit we've already seen here.
this nigga writing essays to defend mihoyo for free
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This one would be cool. Too bad hardly any of the zoomers know about brs.
Aren't Filipino women in high demand? Mexican mixed with Asian sounds highly sought after
whats ER
I like bangkok, so yeah probably, stuff is cheap too
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I wonder if genshin units would look good in wuwa artstyle
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isnt singapore east asian
Miku is still plenty popular, they'll recognize her as black/goth Miku which isnt exactly lying
Energy Regen
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>for free
that's preposterous! Surely someone willing to work around the clock receives some kind of dividend from Hoyoverse?

How many shares does a typical gachagaming user hold?
fuck no, it's part of SEA
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I’m scared bwos, i like this game, i don’t want it to die :(

Normally I would say this is just blatant copying but Gawr Gura has such a great design, I can see why they went with it.

Maybe we could actually get Hololive characters in ZZZ one day. Gura has done voice acting in the past. And Mori has cringe kino nailed down
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>pretending to be retarded
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Yeah the game is dead, it will only make 20 billion the first month, john wuwa won't be able to pay the rent next month...
I don't even pay attention to what he's replying to frogposter, just autopilot answering.
Lmao wrong thread tranny, BUSTED
Yeah Gura invented sharks, how can they live with themselves
Oh yeah, pretty good point actually. Guess there's still hope, especially since pgr is doing a brs collab.
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What the fucking hell man. You can't even blame inflation for this.
use the JP VPN trick you love so much then.
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Alright gonna go use my McD's rewards points for a free quarter pounder with cheese and watch the new SteveMRE videos while I eat, cya in a bit Wuwa!
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do you guys really think this chinese anime phone game is gonna die if it doesnt make over 50M on phones in 1 month?
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what are the implications of handjobs with tthis hand?
post your less known hidden chest locations lets help each other out fwens
If it doesn't make enough money though a bunch of trannies and furfags are going to make fun of my game
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I wonder if we’ll be able to customize Belle and Wise

There’s a salon in Lumina Square
I think they would
It has to be on par with either HSR or Genshin to keep up the appearance of a "serious rival", otherwise players and content creators will just move on to the next potential Genshin Killer.
They would do that if this game made 900 trillion dollars in a week, they're just bored and enjoy shitposting.
does the dificulty change the echo rarity?
it's taking me a ridiculous amount of time to kill jue on regular difficulty
Nope, unless if warns you about getting no echoes if you go too low, just go with the lowest available level you can.
wasn't this the pedo tranny redditor from yesterday? Or is this another redditard chimping on reddit?
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>anime phone game
If it was an anime game why do people here get upset over me posting anime.
They should implement a system that allows you to reroll a single stat of your echo in exchange for 10 premium tuners as well as discarding a duplicate of the echo you're rerolling each time you wish to reroll. I'm tired of farming for hours with terrible results.
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Since we didn't get a demo here's a image of all the Hoyoverse protagonist

Who's your favorite?
Only the db level I think
idk, but I like that you're making people seethe at tranime, keep it up.
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I think they specially should made the last line re-rollable. The amount of investment you need to put on the last line is too big to be wasted in a flat 390 HP line.
Kuro heard "I wish I could play Genshin all day" and took it literally
>subbing to disney
Unfortunately, not as strong as xiangling since wuwa isn't reliant on elemental reaction damage.
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is there anyone itt that would like a fresh account with a s1r1 jinshi? i had leftover reroll accounts so i decided to go for it but realistically i am not dropping my main account. i played up until unlocking events/battle pass.
Because you keep picking fights
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I like the fact you can't reroll.
Whales can just purchase a super powere unit.
But that is all irrelevant if their echos are all extremely shit.

If you want to have a genuine good unit you need to sweat for it and go to the echo farms like the rest of us.
Yes because they took a huge amount of debt in order to make it. They unironically got in legal issues a couple days after release for failing to pay back some of that debt on time.
just sell it somewhere else dude, I doubt anyone here would want to scrap their progress either
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you're so fucking retarded if you're talking about the 20k USD that someone forgot to pay, Solon's boytoy is worth more than that
For me, it's Rosa
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We hate wuwa now. From the ridiculous powercreep to the fact they still haven't fixed the tacet fields, we HATE wuwa. We are not spending anymore money on this game.
The only male mc I prefer is caelus
this but unironically
Solon IS the boytoy in this situation. How'd you think he got that 20k USD loan?

Facts. Bro is speaking for all of us.
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>rolled for stringless just for encore to be powercrept by a sexy hag
>rolled for yinlin who's garbage and a brick
I TOLD you not to roll for sub dps sluts, you stupid bitch.
i wonder how many shekels i could even get. seems like a hassle but likely ideal for a jinshi fag.
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what powercreep
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/wuwa/ really is insufferable during peak SEApag and pajeet hours. all the mihomo tranny shilling and doomposting just keeps coming.
you use anime pictures to hide the fact you like black men
revenue shitposting
The what?
Uh awfully specific..something you wanna tell us bwo?
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>we, us, our
>abhorrent post
if ToF is still alive after all this time then Wuwa will live.
Unironically just rope yourself. You lost the 50/50 at life bwo.
ToF unironically makes more money than GF2. Can some of you fags please go shit up /gfg/ instead?
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but anon.... tofg is dead.
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>Fight hologram Crownless
>Set everything up with my supports, he's easy
>Swap to Jinhsi
>Can't see anything
>Fuck fuck fuck finish rotation fast spam random dodges
>Swap back to Verina
>Calm down again
Peak gameplay from my magistrate wife
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What is it with gacha games and giving us an amnesiac MC who's super special and Godlike, and then never following up on it and completely ignoring it over trivial things.
Uh but we literally followed up on it 1.1 and it told us a decent lore drop about who we are.

Yuanshen could never even after 4 years
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So this Jinhsi/Fedora/Verina team.

Do I really need to give Verina Moonlight and Fedora Rejuvenate set with the heal weapon or can I do the classic Heal on Verina, Moonlight on Fedora?

I assume you do the first one because you dont invest in fedora, right? Which one is actually better?
I've been shitting it up all day thanks to the GF2 shill shitting up this place for the past week.
Man, Jinhsi's Jue laser feels fucking intense.
If we nuke SEA the world would be a better place
Heal set goes on Fedoraman because that way you don't have to build up an outro skill, you can just skill and swap him out.
Since Verina always uses her outro, moonlit is better on her in this case.
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Today, I had a dream that Jinhsi was sucking my cock and it felt so good I started blasting long ropes of cum into her mouth but then it kinda occurred to me that "long" is also kinda like "Loong" and my ropes of cum transformed into Jué that then came out of Jinhsi's other end
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>followed up on it

>proceed to get ass kicked by an undercover cop
If you got killed tonight, no one would ever care.
You could say it hits like a truck!
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Fuck who knew being a master chef could be this costly. Why the fuck are ingredients this expensive? That's easily a million shells down the drain. This motherfucker is grifting all of jinzhou with these prices.
jinhsi didn't get a companion quest?
apparently another quest with her is coming
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The voices in your head don't count, tranny.
The whole 1.1 story is about her. You even learn her backstory. Does she really need one?
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What patch to introduce farming where we can use the echos we captured to do farm work and grow up crops so we wont have to waste money on ingredients.
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>Keqing with wuwa gameplay
They won't do that, that's the only reason I log in to the hoyo game, I would uninstall that garbage if this ever happened
i dont give a shit about 4chan threads.
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yeah, because we spent the early game with Changli more than her
but the celebratory sex after the main quest...
This, 4chan is the most irrelevant place to discuss games.
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>introduce Jinhsi
>oh look she's cu-

Why are people sexualizing her again?
doesnt mean we know how to use the power properly.
wow wuwa sure fell off huh
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Brainlet here, how do i trigger this quest?

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My dead reptile wife...
Her horns are ugly.
That's probably the Changli quest
By waiting until Changlis companion quests gets released in 2 weeks.
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War isnt over only a major battle. Lament is still ongoing and progressing. It's only matter of time before another city or town gets wiped out from face of the Solaris-III.
I give more of a shit about /trash/ porn posting threads than I do /vg/ threads
Good night /wuwa/
You don't need to reply twice schizoid, we heard you loud and clear the first time. Fucking loser.
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My penis does not lie...
yeah... good night sweet prince... you sure flopped and slopped...
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nice, also finally used the 5 star choice ticket on Calcharo
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man you automatically just know what to do with her horn handles...
>Tranny seething so hard it screeches samefag
Lmao even
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fuck my daughter
Why do girls in this game make me harder than any girl in Nikke ever did? I just don't get it. I would just be walking around with Jinhsi, do a quick camera sweep of her legs and then be instantly overcome with a furious urge to masturbate. I would pause for a bit with Taoqi, see her yawn and show off her pits and my hand is already in my boxers. Needless to say, I jacked it during the umbrella scene with Changli.
>female: Scalie, Furry, Human Rover on Furry, Zombie Girl
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Jinhsi porn gives her tits too big, where's the flatty love?
get a life
>Tranny out of nowhere
Something you wanna tell us?
She's not flat.
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She's no Plankjin, she has elegant and perky B cups.
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>no one draw wuwa fanart
>full of AI slop
>this guy draw changli coom
>still only below 1k buck tweet

wuwa lost to BA,genshin,nikke
tell that to wuwa... yikes...
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why does everyone keep pretending jinhsi is flat? she has perfectly average sized, perky breasts with jiggle physics
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Jinhsi is medium premium
Nikke is mostly AI slop too.
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This post is fucking hilarious. When you know it's Korean rank on apstore being spammed instead of the Japan or Chinese ones to say this game is doing well it fucking doomed.
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>why does everyone keep pretending jinhsi is flat?
It's hotter that way
This is what pornrot does to a motherfucker
The winner is me having art like this for my pleasure.
Holy mother of pag. Work on your English, ESL.
SEA jungle monkey detected, holy fucking pagpag!
you dont want Vidya Butts to make this place worse right?
i'd only dislike her porn if they gave her changli sized tits since she obviously isnt that big, but she dos have a decent size, slightly smaller than rovers
no one cares about that forced meme
Tonight wuwa off themselves after revenue drops.
No, flathags are disgusting.
A genetic dead end.
jinhsi is 17
Try me, stupid bitch.
And /hsrg/ celebrates taking the top.
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You now remember Yangyang. You will forget about her half a year later, but please at least try to remember that she exists!
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Are Camellya and Phrolova the smallest non-cunnies?
if wuwa beats genshin I will buy a big pack and screencap it to celebrate it
>game has hot females
>best Jinhsi support is now a fedora redditman

Imma need an explanation on how this isnt gay
We won't and that's fine as long we get enough to keep the game running and getting updated
it is, but slurpers will deny
I dunno about height, but Danjin has almost no tits.
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bro your danjin?

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>all the girls with no tits are the most violent and wacko
>redditman forces himself into main story
>redditman forces himself into meta
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>all psycho bitches
>no tits
Tectone might unironically drop it if it bombs. Since his whole personality is genshin bad.
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Everyone was making fun of fedora man popping out of nowhere at the end of the story of 1.0.

Proceeds to pop out of nowhere AGAIN and become Meta.
The Bennett of Wuwa cannot be stopped.
I'd take vb over /trash/fags
Don't make me want it to bomb now
why the fuck has /gfg/ been raiding this place for the past week again?
If you can't appreciate the comedy of having a supreme gentleman on your team then you're soulless.
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They don't have enough people to raid with though
To be fair a lot of dollar store otomes and old adobe flash dressup games died before they could ever reach that kind of quality, Infold is just hitting big now because of rich chinese female fans
there's at least two of them constantly spamming webms and derailing shit
It's literally just one seanig
This month has a bit of green homo, all of yinlin banner and first week of jingshi. No way it omega bombs. Pushing yinlin up a week made this month revenue a spike. It's next month and next patch that will look like everyone left.
That's like 30% of their entire playerbase though, which is pretty high
nah, I've seen them spam before seanig hours too, might be homoverse falseflaggers too, and there's at least two of them
proof? the one who hate mixed toilet gacha game is /snowg/ the cuck poster come from there
Unless you're 21/30 I don't care what you have to say.
im 20/30, dos that still count?
Imagine samefagging just to create a thread war
I never care what you have to say.
unironically aether/lumine since they don't look as blatently self insert as most. Kiana is fine too
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f2ps are at 24/30 newfag
what are you even babbling about. What the fuck?
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Might happen. They've done it before
Selena's newer frame used a flute sword and attacked with dashes that left after images, which all attacked simultaneously in a coordinated dance-like ultimate attack, exactly like Keqing's
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So i can alternate between her and Changli for a semi cold experience?
Don't care, still using Cowqi with Jinhsi
we LOVE yuanwu here btw
Would you be ok even if she became a manly cool dude?
>page 4
EoS is upon us
wtf Taoqi just gave me surprise paizuri
The revenue chart will be the final nail...
Changli + Encore + Verina - DPR: 714,406 | DPS: 21,012 | Rotation Time: 34s | Damage Contribution: Changli 54% / Encore 46%

Changli + Taoqi + Verina - DPR: 565,442 | DPS: 20,942 | Rotation Time: 27s | Damage Contribution: Changli 83% / Taoqi 17%

Changli + Jinshi + Verina - DPR: 683,176 | DPS: 22,038 | Rotation Time: 31s | Damage Contribution: Changli 57% / Jinshi 43%

Changli + Yinlin + Verina - DPR: 567,077 | DPS: 20,253 | Rotation Time: 28s | Damage Contribution: Changli 74% / Yinlin 26%

Changli + Jianxin + Verina - DPR: 506,783 | DPS: 16,384 | Rotation Time: 31s | Damage Contribution: Changli 83% / Jianxin 17%

Changli + Morfefi + Verina - DPR: 547,427 | DPS: 18,877 | Rotation Time: 29s | Damage Contribution: Changli 76% / Mortefi 24%

Changli + Chixia + Verina - DPR: 716,353 | DPS: 19,899 | Rotation Time: 36s | Damage Contribution: Changli 54% / Chixia 46%
Watch as the 1.2 characters powercreep fedoraman.
wow wuwa sure fell off huh?
>Insert tranime image
Call your self a smart gentleman
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>Will this be enough for your needs? Tell me if there's anything else you want.

Your honest response?
It's about time they release a second healer for this game
would you roll if the first limited healer (and verina powercreep) is a male?
we get two homos in 1.2 instead.
Bend over and spread your cheeks wide darling
your baizhi?
>Tectone might unironically drop it if it bombs
Please bomb the revenue, please bomb the revenue, please bomb the revenue
Only if he's a burly muscular dude with a villain mustache.
teasing her about her 'slut scales' that betray her intentions, watching as more and more start to appear with the rising embarrassment
Got any for Jinhsi teams
When they release a better limited Verina, they will be an absolute must pull so teams no longer have to fight over who gets Verina.
Norio Wakamoto voice?
I think Changli looks uglier as she gets more stacks. Arms and shoulder too skinny and blindfold looks suck.
Those rotation times are so long. They're double the length of Jinhsi's.
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>blindfold looks suck
We can agree on that one
sounds like a job for the architect
I swear the game will die if they decide to make them a M*le character
Just give us another cute or sexy Verina like support and this game lives for a lot longer
shes needs to hit the gym or do some Pilates or something.
>looks suck
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So what is kuro's mistake here?
Lizard girl=bad?
Lingyang included in the pity?
Changli booba is scary?
game's just boring, what can I say?
Japanese still can't into computers.
I picked Jinhsi because of metafagging purposes but she's starting to grow on me, I love hebes.
I think I forgot to buy rolls with blue corals in 1.0 I'm never going to recover from this
Did anyone roll for Jinhsi S2? How comfy is it for overworld? Is it overkill?
none, we are striving for a Blue Archive tier placement, Kuro will be too afraid to bite the hand that barely feeds them, we will have coom designs like BA.
nothing good came from genshit becoming a success and thus i dont want wuwa to be a success, i want wuwa to be "succesful enough"
fuck its reset every patch and not monthly?
the absolute state of encope
>the phrase "running amok" actually came from seamonkeys chimping out
huh, you learn something new every day
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Wu... lost?
I don't think overworld gameplay needs any tweaking, it's unnecessary
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This game is bullshit, bwos. Can I win next time
>sensor tower today
>ZZZ in 3 days
It's so over
>he didnt reroll after getting the furry

yiff yourself nigger
Imagine a base that produces echo exp passively haha wouldn't that be crazy haha
your fault for not rerolling after getting LIONed seed for your account
can't wait to see how hard ZZZ will flop
genshin was most popular in 1.x and 2.x with teenagers like fischl and mona running around in lingerie thoughever.

Mihomo is the way they are simply because they choose to be. And even if it makes 9000000 gorillion dollars they'll spend 90% of it on advertising and pissing it away on whatever whims they had like nuclear tech
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pls help, how do i remove the wall?
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Yes, but thats Endfield

Look for the chrono machine thing in the back.
So is jinshi good?
How much is her weapon required?
I think there's a leak posted here about a future home system
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anko bwo...
whilst I enjoy factorio, I feel like this will be solved really quick and won't be as fun as I think it might be.
She works better than Anko in most situations. Enough for me. If you like her and want to play her a lot, it just works.
I will never understand why chink devs waste time on german/french/russian/spanish translations
>Crit rate weapon
I'll take it if I were you
>Mihomo is the way they are simply because they choose to be.
wrong, you can see in HSR they can have big tits and cleavage, genshit got too big for its own good and is on the sight of the CCP.
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>early 50/50 loss for guarantee
>even earlier 50/50 loss for guarantee
You'll live
Next he's going to ask about not being able to climb the ice pillar
I can feel it coming
Blowing shit to smithereens in the overworld with Jinhsi already feels like overkill.
It feels like people are kicking up a fuss about the lolis in ZZZ.
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How do you climb it anyway? I ended up just using Jue to airlift myself till I could grapple up.
Thats the sad part, all the development going into basebuilding just for the whole base aspect be summarized into a single youtube video about the optimal base setup and you never touch it ever again
I'd rather lose 50/50 at <20 twice than once at guaranteed pity
Nanachi ToT
You reverse chrono and climb up the wall next to it, rotate the lens, then chrono to remove the wall blocking the ray
the west's reaction to anything doesnt matter to mihoyo, its only when the CCP gets ionvolved that they change things.
of all their shitshows the only one that got addressed was Zhong Li, why? they threatened to report them to the CCP for being unpatriotic.
Nice graphics but the combat looks retarded
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kinda crazy they went from this being their first game to funding nuclear fusion reactors in like 12 years. So this is the power of clandestine CCP money, sasuga winnie the pooh
oh... I just unga bunga'd until I could get to a point I could jump off and then try to grapple and dash back on.
Never underestimate lonely virgins that throw all their money to some anime shit
>So is jinshi good?
>How much is her weapon required?
Other 5*s are fine but 4* weapons are quite a bit worse (over 30%)
Spanish and Russian both make sense, since Spics and Slavs both love gacha. Normally I'd assume around 50% of the EU server will be Russians, and about 50% of NA will be spics.
So this means the leader of not china in wuwa will powercreep the shit out of jinhsi and changli because they too don't want to be unpatriotic. Oh nyo...
>having money to spend on gacha
Half of the code monkeys in my design office in Bangkok are Russians who play multiple gachas.
Should I pull for jinshi over changli since she deals way more damage?
Even then the game had an unexpectedly intricate world building and story
What set them apart was the overall game experience that elevated the just above average gameplay
They've been relying on that one gimmick for over a decade
Shit is fucking wild. We live in the craziest timeline where nothing really surprises us anymore. If aliens made contact tomorrow we would have people trying to make money off videos
Lmao half of villa owners in canggu bali are russians now. It won't surprise me if they do play a lot of gachas too
We are already in not-china and Jinhsi is currently pretty good so there wont be any drama.
Zhong Li isnt the strongest in genshit, the issue was that when Zhong Li came out he was the very worst unit in the game and wasnt usable in any team.
seems about the same damage to me
Either fusion or electro Rover will be the final Rover variant and the strongest character in the game. You're bricked if you didn't roll for Yinlin or Changli.
>random camera zoom in is still not fixed
It's as if they want this game to flop.
People are already doing that when they haven't made contact, so not sure why anything would change. That shit still gets put on major news outlets because the world is a circus, not even anything new though.
Not even close.
We are but jinhsi isn't the one running things in the whole not-china aka huanglong. She's like a governor level of one province of jinzhou. The real leader is still unknown
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I did the thing. I got Bocchi the Wuwa.
According to my (rough) calculation. I should be able to get Changli and her weapon even if I lose the next coinflip.
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I'd assume that's some tax cut strategy anyway (you invest in some dumb thing that provides good marketing like people posting this here and you can cut from your taxes because it's "charity" or "research"). "Practical fusion reaction is always 20 years away" because it's possible to create it but not in a way that you don't use most of the energy ever produced just to start the process, and it's unlikely that any of the dozens of startups will do the leap that the large labs with direct government funding and academia support can't do right now (if it's even possible with current tech).
>started at 31k astrites, 24 radiants, 20 forging tides
>now at 3000 astrite only after trying to get just 1 jinhsi and her weapon

man and here i was planning on getting changli too
never thought i'd have to go all the way to 80 pulls just to lose the 50/50, and then have to go to 70 pulls after
fuck this game
It's like 40% more DPS on Jinhsi unless they last minute buff Changli.
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>Coolest spear basic & charged attack animations
>Summons a meteor for an ult
>Unique petrification CC
But using those things are always a DPS loss vs. just shieldbotting. The fanbase settled for shitty HP scaling on his attacks, and some people are still coping to this day with Phys DPS Zhongli. Classic hoyo.
Or you could be smart and get Camellya later instead
You mean that Central Secretariat that Changli mentioned in a Jhinhsi trailer?

Honestly I hope that Kuro will erase lrest of Huanglong using Lament. As reminder that is setting in middle of Apocalypse. Would ve cool way of rusing stsjes too. And easy justification why tlRiver have to go to other nations for help instead wandering around Not-Chiba for next couple of years.
First genshin? Jokes aside, the ssr rates in this game are so dogshit before soft pity that you need to luckshit really hard to get anything early. Losing your 50/50 sucks, but outside of that, that's normal.
Please.. kuro do a balance patch
I will have enough for Camellya seg by the time she comes out.
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You realize they don't have to finish not china first and they can just go to one area of not russia first and incrementally add more locations later right? It makes the world more vast
Losing the 50/50 means you give her the 5* standard cope weapon.

Winning it means you can go for the limited weapon

Simple system to not get screwed
the only gacha game I've EVER seen the devs release regular balance patches for is gundam battle operation 2.
Korean devs do it, Counterside, Epic Seven and Guardian tales etc just to name a few.
>granny panties
I bet they make a busted shield character like Zhongli to cater to those that suck at the game. The downside is that they will deal no damage and including them will be a big dps loss; Will have no value to people that want fast clears.
a-anon did you having a stroke typing this
Why would you go for the signature weapon of sub dps? Do you like bricking your account anon?
>cameltoed up pussy conforming tight fit
>not anything but the best win.
nigga you gay.
Because those games have PvP
We already have Jianxin
>having to run around to pick up baizhis orb
name a worse hell
Taoqi would be a better comparison but Taoqi is stuck being weak as a 4 star. Imagine a 5 star with beefy shields and fast concerto.
Noise... you're in the wrong thread...
its just 10% buff who cares
S6 cowqi with r5 discord can do quite well
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I want to roll on her...
It's Taoqi, but everyone is retarded and puts Discord on her lmao
She does 100K+ per rotation
Takes way too long to get a good shield. Not all that helpful. It needs to be immediate. Not sit there and hold a button for several seconds.
>sit in parry stance
>mobs do nothing
>"rotation" ruined
just get 6 more copies of Jianxin
>sit in parry stance
oh no no no no don't tell him Taoqibros
you arent supposed to use dauntless evernight on her?
fun strat but if you use a outro skill she immediately enters counter phase with full concerto bar letting you get counter attacks+shields up
Nah I actually still play genshin, so I'm aware that stuff like this isn't unheard of, nor is it the first time it's happened to me. I'm more just ranting because I'd really prefer to not have to swipe for changli.

But also damn, having to go almost to hard pity, losing the 50/50, and then having to almost go to hard pity again is just garbage luck. At least in genshin the games been out long enough to where I have enough saved up so it's not a big deal.

Valid, but her weapon having crit rate just makes her so much easier to build. Though I did hesitate before pulling on the weapon banner, wondering if I should just skip it for changli...
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I still have no idea what any character does in this game
forgot to mention her rotation is 2 minutes long because her concerto gen is really slow
>easy skip banner so you can save for good characters
What's the problem?
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Wuwa bro, we were supposed to be the genshit killer?
Just as you were unlucky there is always the chance you might get lucky for changli desu. I wouldn't count on it but never say never. Good luck for both of us.
he was never meant to be dps even before the change.
>you arent supposed to use dauntless evernight on her?
Dauntless Evernight is her best weapon.
Discord is useless, you'll never fix her concerto and you don't need to. If you play her correctly you don't ever need to worry about concerto.

Maybe yours, mine is less than 5 seconds.
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your tutorials?
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Keep seeing pajeets and SEAniggs as the boogeymen of this thread but aren't they still in the middle of their call center shift that pays for pennies and pocket lint? Their prime time ain't here till about 2 to 4 hours from now.
Wuwa is going to get obliterated tomorrow when the revenue chart is out
It's today
That sword is so ugly
What’s wrong with discord? I don’t have any others rn. But you can just pick it up in open world. Ofc everyone uses it, we have no gacha luck
Jiyan uses his liberation and manhandles everything around him for a few seconds, that's about it.
seapags thrive on drama its the only thing going for their miserable lives. they cant even afford 5$ for a monthly in a game
You should've just gotten 5 copies of jiyan's weapon to use on her. Now she'll never be playable for you, unfortunately.
Whose Wuwussy is this?
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It's the ones that don't work, your average call wagie is too dead inside and outside by the time their 12 hour shift with two 5 minute breaks is over to shitpost.
I was there once
It's 8 concerto every 20s at R1. 16 at R5. It's an insignificant amount that does not unbrick her well enough.

The energy regen main stat is also wasted on her once you have her S5.
what makes you think the adults would waste their time here? The underage turds are doing this, they're the ones who can't afford good PC to run the game.
bro highschoolers are on vacation right now
Kids have summer break already.
get a life
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Wuwa is going to crush genshit with Changli banner for sure.

Genshit cope
I work so fast that I spend 6h per day waiting for new tasks
I'm not shitting up the thread though
t. viet
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>shits the thread

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is concerto the thing that fills up your middle energy bar or the thing that makes your teammate's circle get a super glow and enable your intro-outro skills?
Why is the revenue taking so long? Did hoyo get creamed so hard that they have to fix the numbers?
I appreciate the encouragement, but I've already lost hope.

Good luck anon. May your pulls be far better than mine.
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You know what to do.
notTeapot when? I need to create a base with my hoes and bros
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come back home asian man
Is it gay if I want a nice little house with a garden so I can do some harvest moon type farming.
I thought it's tomorrow?
Oh.. yeah, I got discord mixed up with dauntless, the free defense broad blade you can grab above the flame rider boss
I mean I've dealt with the worst fucking sparks in granblue time and time again. Sometimes your luck is just shit then sometimes it's actually not or great. The longer you play a game the more likely things even out one way or another. I've had to go to 70+ on losing a 50/50 for yinlin with another 70 to get her and that's not the only 70+ 50/50 I lost either.

I'm still vibing and believe I'll get Changli with plenty left over for Cameylla
It's been the 1st in asia for 15 hours, bro.
rosa and adam
Forte is the middle bar, concerto is the intro/outro skill.
Wait 3-4 hours, it's usually posted that time
It's usually a few hours from now. Personally, I'm not optimistic.
Jinshi powercreeped everybody.
Is there anywhere in game I can test Changli at the moment or was it only that one story section?
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Does ER also improve their rate or just the Ult?
>pagpag tower
The key is to spend. I only had BP + pass and immediately lost my coinflip the worst way possible. (150 pulls in total or so)
But then you buy something else and see: 3 coinflips won in a row. Even with nothing early that's still solid.

Don't do that btw. I truly believe gacha with a coinflip system like this should start everyone on a guarantee which can be refreshed twice, once by buying anything and once more by spending a certain sum like 200 bucks. But it doesn't work this way.
People quit games a LOT less likely once the account has an identity for them. And a free coinflip win + a refresh for a few bucks spent is already doing that for a lot.
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I play the game that'll top the charts too, I fear nothing
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Good thing i usually sleep through the SeaPagNig hours
Good night Wros. Remember to ignore obvious bait
>game is so boring and trash you can only post about revenue reports
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Just below hoyo games is a good spot desu, like NIKKE
I don’t wanna the game get too popular, the mentally illed twitter troons will infested this game. Just look at hoyotards malding about NIKKE last month
You gonna bench FF when you see she didnt top acheron ?
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just the ult
only ult
I went until hard pity to get it yeah
fuck me man
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Jinhsi's very strong and I am satisfied with her but can't the devs tone down her skill effects? The effect cluster fuck coupled with Jue is a disability and kills the visual clarity. It should be one of the priority in an action game where you react accordingly to the enemy moveset. Lowering the settings doesn't help.
Star Rail lost to Nikke once, that's why reddit start counting CN revenue and add an Android multiplier in the month after
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That's for two patches from now when Feixiao powercreeps E2 Firefly while being E0 herself
Thread will become unusable, no matter the outcome
she's relegated to tower clearer only for me. vfx are a clusterfuck when trying to fight holograms that one shot you
The only thing she'll be topping is my dick
Yeah, but the roguelike mode is coming in a few days I believe
Did wuwon?
Phone nigger numbers are just phone nigger numbers. Wuwa is a PC chads game so who cares.

I legit don't understand people who play even Genshin on a phone considering they talk about how it heats up their phones and they can only play it for like 5 minutes lmao. The game felt terrible when I played it on a phone for the short duration I tried it vs pc
Why is Taoqi good with Jinshi? I don't have Taoqi so I don't even remember what she does.
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why did they make this thing so tough?
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So what are your predictions for our revenue? I think 40m is a given. Think it will go higher?
uh you can't just call out the "kings of gacha", HSR out like this
This one was way easier than the tiger
Garbage design
pc cucks don't spend money thoughever
taoqi's outro buffs resonate skill damage which is the main thing that jinhsi gets big dick damage off
That thing does no damage bro, and it has plenty of openings.
This, the numbers are phony as hell, wuwa is a western weeb game too. Not intended for poorfags on phones.
It doesn't matter.
Revenuefagging is a national pastime in SEA.
Same as watching football in the rest of the world.
Genpags will gaslight themselves how more mobile players is a good thing
I can play 2+ hours of HSR at a stretch just fine, though this game makes it shit its pants
yeah i cannot understand people who spend money on phones where characters look like shit
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femcel chud design
volcel GOD design
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Why did they allow Jinshi to get mogged twice in her own patch. Do they wanna kill their own game
60m, beating firepag. Now fuck off back to gig.
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I actually 1-shot that fight, all its moves are super telegraphed & easy to counter/dodge. Compared to 120 tiger, 100 icecube and double 100 tiger its a pushover in comparison
My prediction is I don't give a fuck. Fuck China.
Outro is skill dmg boost. Taoqi also has a swap counter effect that can exploit Jinshi’s double concerto effect
I would sure fucking hope a turn based game that isn't an open world game works. I can say pgr works on my phone just fine too but it would be worse playing wuwa or genshin.
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i broke my arm fapping to much to Jinshi. Now i can't play Wuthering Waves. Its Rover....
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CN charts are claiming ~$23M (China server only)
China: won
Gweilos: lost
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I haven't used Jianxin since Yinlin's banner, I kinda miss her.
Only gimmick that can get you kill is the tornado thing and ONLY if you going unga bunga no shielding your characters and shit
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I don't think this picture is very advertisement friendly...
yinlin.. this is not a disguise anymore..
Emilie's hair style is so fucking ugly it killed and buried her whole character.
Wait what that’s GOOD?!
how come that boy love gacha game isnt beating genshin if its getting $214 million from monthly sales?
It's 1 week vs 1 month, it's really not that good.
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WUWALLION of dollars!!!
>hoyodrone shaking
>shooping out the wrinkles
HSR is more demanding than Genshin while being a corridor simulator. I don't play Genshin anymore but the same phone did run it fine when I did, though admittedly I only really did dailies and some story quests with no exploration.
>wuwa won
Oh wow, big surprise, not like everyone called it.
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Couldn't be farther from that, but think what you like.
Is there a name for this kind of porn?
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This, genshin is unplayable on phone, because of how combat works. Had to do wuwa dailes for few days on a trip and it was way better experience.
More demanding. Nigga how.
I mean it's a shitton of money on just mobile. I don't give a shit where it charts. I just hope the game continues to be enjoyable and develops in a way that makes it better.3
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But i was told CN hated wuwa how could this happen
do zoomers really
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what went so fucking wrong?
cope and sneed hoyopag
would've been better with a queen of spade tattoo
Did you retards know that in one week Yinlin made double what greenhomo had made since launch? And greenhomo month was 20m. The result is obvious. We have 2 female banners this month.
Women don't fucking pay. Stop pandeing to them.
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Are these stats acceptable?
>only below mihoyo games
Nigger that fucking great
That’s amazing what are you on about
That low attack and ER is going to hurt you but it's good otherwise.
>euros at work
>americans asleep
>only pags are awake rn
It's been like this for a month now
No, attack is too low. You settled for poverty gear that rolled def.
>read one of the most retarded things I've ever read yesterday
>2007 in the name
It's so weird that literal children are on the internet
>made a mistake of creating an account on a phone during 1.0 because it takes less space
>had to login on the phone everytime to buy a welkin because muh security reasons
They fixed it eventually but I will never forget how shit that was for me
>0 er
oh no no no
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>women don't pay,
>they only complain...
>mihomo run by DEI women
>women tried to take over wuwa too
>got btfo

empirical evidence that wuwa is better
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>Only below Mihoyo games
Anon, it's 7th. It's below more than just Mihomo shit. It's actually worse than last month since last month it was in 6th.
If you wanna start working on different characters, that will get you by, but you were very unlucky with substat rolls so you'll have to come back and fix it eventually
Do you have the full charts of both months?
Not just 1 week vs 1 month. It's 2 new characters in one month plus some extra from the green fag. It's 55% up is way too little. This will mean the total rev will be embarrassingly low. Appetizer for this shit sales lmao.
Use pyro attacks to melt the snow
It's the Changlussy
that explains why you are here, subhuman wuwapagjeet
But I have atk% on 3 echoes and flat atk on 2 of them. Even if I get attack on the rest of them it's not going to raise by much, isn't it?
>CN only literal who games
Wow couldn’t give less of a shit
That revenue is great, make hella money without attracting Winne the poo
It's easier than the tiger, took me less tries.
honestly, i dont want wuwa revenue to go to powerplants as well. Get better translators and VAs, Kuro Games. Invest there instead.
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The tower is such an immense fucking bore bros... Jesus I fucking hate it so much... Worst *Endgame* Mode, It's even worse than Genshins Abyss desu
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Get an attack% 3cost instead of a second spectro dmg%
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Jesus this game is EoS-ing
I remember everyone was excited when it was announced and hoping Mica will do good
It’s nyoooover
If it's not making a bunch of money the project isn't worth it for the return on investment. Many gachas on the market even gachas that have less revenue than this game will be more profitable if they spend less to make the game while making good money. This could mean maintenance mode for this game. You think kuro will be happy just making a few million dollars when they spend a fuck ton of money on this game and it literally killed PGR when they released this.
Illusive Realm > Holograms >>>>>>> Tower
The chinkdevs should fear the chinkcels
I thought there's barely any difference between spectro and atk% 3 costs combinations for her except for her signature. I'm using lvl 70 Jiyan's weapon to be clear.
>it literally killed PGR when they released this
erm but they literally started hiring for like 150 new positions a week ago and some of those going to the PGR team. Doesn't look like maintenance mode to me
>Waaa if it doesn’t make 100 billion dollars in the first month it’s eos
Lmao fucking retard, do you know what a live service game is?
Looks like shilling the game on /v/ using webm of that duck scene is working.
You're looking for a pat on the back. You did good billy. Your Jinhsi sucks but you're fine with it and I don't care.
not only that, Kuro is making improvements to PGR gacha, making it easier to get things you actually want
sis... this is a wild self-own if i ever seen one
because people play games like genshin on their way to work viva bus, train, break and so on. The demographic for genshin are mobile gamers who aren't home all that often. A game like wuwa needs the same demographic or it won't do that well.

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